Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,<<if false>>\
<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="death-protocol-ad" src="img/ad1.jpg" alt="" /></a>\
Hello player! Welcome to the story of a young adult who just wants to find a place in this cruel world. Also, his parents are very rich.
<<linkreplace "disclaimer">>
Who am I? I'm just an ordinary storyteller who goes by the name of mr. EDGE. I am here to bring a kinder future by creating the ultimate porn gaming experience for everyone...
Here is my Patreon:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="subscribestar_button" src="img/Patreon.png" alt="" /></a>
Proceed to have fun!/* <<include "Acess Code">> [[Intro]] */
<<include "Acess Code">>
<<linkreplace "Changelog">>
- Added new location sketchy neighborhood
- Added new location will spawn based on wealth inequality or if all single-family housing is bought in the city
- Added 1 new scene seduction (sketchy neighborhood)
- Added 4 new random events scenes (sketchy neighborhood)
- Added 5 new glory hole scenes (sketchy neighborhood)
- Added 5 new misc text descriptions (sketchy neighborhood)
- Changed cheat codes UI
- Changed city UI
- Fixed small bugs
- Added random change to make more money (office)
- Added 3 new scenes 'solving problems' at work (office)
- Added 1 new scene parent controll (office)
- Added 10 new scenes working (office)
- Added 6 new misc text descriptions (office)
- Added 1 new intro scene for vice (office)
- Added 1 new late night work scene (office)
- Fixed small bugs
- Fixed UI
- Added ability to manipulate housing market prices for profit
- Added quest tracker (single family housing)
- Added 10 new scenes making acquisitions (single family housing)
- Added 14 new misc text descriptions (single family housing)
- Changed city image style
- Changed bank image style
- Changed restaurant image style
- Changed restaurant image
- Changed parents mansion image style
- Changed parents mansion image
- Added 9 new scenes watching content (streams)
- Added 3 new scenes interacting with streamers (streams)
- Added 4 new scenes donating to streamers (streams)
- Added 5 new scenes watching regular gameplay (streams)
- Added ability to watch streams on laptop
- Added ability to watch streams in Your House
- Added new strength training feature (Island DLC)
- Added 10 new events working out (Island DLC)
- Fixed energy restores when sleeping (Island DLC)
- Fixed small UI bugs
- Added new location club VIP area
- Added 2 stages club VIP quest
- Added 2 new intercourse scenes (club VIP area)
- Added 5 new teasing scenes (club VIP area)
- Added 2 new get seducted scenes (club VIP area)
- Added new night town image
- Changed strip-club UI
- Changed town background image style
- Changed town background image
- Fixed small bugs
- Added 3 new scenes waitress service (restaraunt)
- Added 2 new scenes bad review (restaraunt)
- Added 1 new scene good review (restaraunt)
- Added 2 new scenes waitress reward (restaraunt)
- Added 1 new scene waitress punishment (restaraunt)
- Added 10 new misc text description (restaraunt)
- Changed side panel stat style
- Removed health stat
- Removed more stats button
- Fixed small UI bugs
- Added 5 new random encounter scenes (town)
- Added 4 new random excibionist scenes (town)
- Added 6 new events excibinist response (town)
- Added 3 new misc text description for random events (town)
- Changed background image style (DLC Promo)
- Changed background image style (DLC Entry)
- Changed background image style (DLC Island)
- Changed background image style (DLC Hotel)
- Added neumorphism background image style CSS
- Fixed small bugs
- Added 1 new event after completing biotech quest (sister room)
- Added 2 new event after completing biotech quest (home office)
- Added 2 new event after completing biotech quest (parents room)
- Added 5 new event after completing biotech quest (parents house)
- Changed golf background image
- Changed helicopter image (DLC)
- Fixed random events double trigger (town)
- Fixed CSS style bug
- Fixed small UI bugs
- Added new biotech quest (start at parents house home office)
- Added new location in city (biotech office)
- Added 1 new scene medtek morning (medtek quest)
- Added 7 new scenes medtek experiments (medtek quest)
- Added 2 new scenes medtek caught (medtek quest)
- Added 12 new misc text descriptions (medtek quest)
- Added after one of the medtek quest endings father's NPC stats will be shown in his office
- Fixed bank UI
- Fixed car dealership image
- Fixed small bugs
- Added 3 new random scenes (parents mansion)
- Added 2 new maid scenes (parents mansion)
- Added 2 new scenes walking with the boner (parents mansion)
- Added 1 new random scene entering step-sis room (step-sis room)
- Added 3 new scenes talking with step-sis (step-sis room)
- Added 3 new misc text descriptions
- Changed step-sis random events will trigger 50% more frequently (parents mansion)
- Changed step-sis small talk option
- Fixed one of the stages of the step-sister's quest
- Fixed small bugs
- Added new character Sydney
- Added new 4 stage quest with Sydney (your office)
- Added new location Sydney home
- Added 3 new sex scenes with Sydney at her place
- Added 1 new random working out scene with Sydney at her place
- Added 6 new scenes for Sydney quest
- Added 8 new misc text descriptions (Sydney Quest)
- Added new CSS dialogue style for Sydney
- Added more stats menu in the side panel
- Fixed small UI bugs
- Small bugfixes
- Added new private data mining minigame
- Added 1 new event startup vulnerability exploit (private data)
- Added 1 new scene competitor shady practices (private data)
- Added 3 new events data interception (private data)
- Added 7 new scenes private data leaked outcome (private data)
- Added 1 new scene caught selling data (private data)
- Added 1 new scene secret deal negotiation (private data)
- Added 8 new misc text descriptions (private data)
- Added new feature data exploit hardware (office)
- Added new passive income mechanic (private data)
- Fixed small bugs
- Added Sex App (parents house)
- Added 1 new scene with materialistic bitch (sex app)
- Added 2 new scenes with hookup girl (sex app)
- Added 2 new scenes with corruption checks (sex app)
- Added 1 new scene with horny milf (sex app)
- Added 2 new scenes based on player stats (sex app)
- Added 2 new scenes with horny girl (sex app)
- Added 1 new scene with kinky girl (sex app)
- Added 12 new misc text descritptions (sex app)
- Added ability to invite step-mom with you (Realms of Lust DLC)
- Added ability to invite step-sis with you (Realms of Lust DLC)
- Added 2 new scenes step-mom (Realms of Lust DLC)
- Added 2 new scenes step-sis (Realms of Lust DLC)
- Fixed maid event (masturbation)
- Added new feature office work
- Added 2 new scenes with vice (work office)
- Added 4 new scenes based on player lust (work office)
- Added 1 new misc scenes work (work office)
- Added 5 new misc events (work office)
- Added 3 new scenes vice boner help (office)
- Changed pay working in your office
- Changed UI player office
- Fixed vice quest progression
- Small UI changes
- Added new character Eva
- Added 4 new scenes fitting room (Eva)
- Added 2 new scenes parents house (Eva)
- Added 4 new scenes Eva's appartment (City)
- Added 7 new misc text descritptions
- Added new underwear store (High End Mall)
- Added Eva's appartment (City)
- Added Eva's speech style
- Fixed mall swimsuit
- Fixed mall yoga pants girl confrontation
- Added new feature buying clothes
- Added new feature buying jewelry
- Added new feature buying expensive watches
- Added 9 new random scenes (mall)
- Added 2 new scenes buying clothes (mall)
- Added 2 new mall prosperity states
- Added 15 new misc text descritptions
- Added new income source (mall)
- Updated 30-day income API
- Fixed step-mother quest bug
- Small UI changes
- Added 3 new scenes parents bedroom
- Added 1 new scenes sister's room
- Added 1 new scene intercourse with mother (gym)
- Added 1 new scene spying on mother (gym)
- Added 2 new scenes jerking off on mother (gym)
- Added 2 new scene helping mother stretch (gym)
- Added 3 new misc text descriptions (gym)
- Added new event-image css
- Fixed UI mother gym scenes
- Small UI changes
- Added 2 new scenes maid gossip about corrupted player (parents house)
- Added 2 new scenes maid loans help (parents house)
- Added 1 new scene maid's meal quality (parents house)
- Added 2 new scenes maid having fun with staff (parents house)
- Added 2 new scenes maid cleaning nude (parents house)
- Added 14 new misc text descriptions maids (parents house)
- Changed maid loan now is a repeatable quest (one month to reset)
- Changed 'generic' maid appearance is no longer defined by random events (parent's mansion)
- Upscaled town background image
- Fixed image (player's mansion land plot)
- Fixed small UI bugs
- Added help for the deal quest (quests menu)
<<include "Initializator">>
/* <<include "DLC0">> */
/////////other ideas//////
those are onest workiers working honestly theyre smart and completely not corrupted or bribed or use conections \ family ties wahtsovere
<div id ="locationImage">
<img src="img/mansion/parentsMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
<div id ="locationName">MANSION</div> - THIS IS OUTDATED!
<img src="img/mansion/parentsMansion.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 6 && $boolphouseevents>>
<<goto "House Random Events">>
<<set $boolphouseevents = true>>
You enter your parent's mansion. It's a large 2-story building in classical style, surrounded by acres of polished lawns and well-groomed parks. Its interiors are richly decorated with wood, marble and gold plating, and it's not always well-designed. There are about a dozen bedrooms, but the house is too big for your family and some parts of it are unused. <br>
<b>First floor</b> <br>
[[Kitchen]] <br>
[[Library]] <br>
[[Gym]] <br>
/* [[Bar x]] */
<b>Second floor</b> <br>
[[Your Room]] <br>
[[Sister's Room]] <br>
[[Parents' Room]] <br>
[[Home Office]] <br>
<b>Outdoors</b> <br>
[[Pool]] <br>
[[Garage]] <br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br><br>
/* <<include "Random House Events">> outdated house events */
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
<<include "Maid">><br>
<<include "Pass time">>
<<relationText "familyRelationship" "real" "step" "ordinaty">>
<<relationText "real" "step" "ordinaty">>
<<set $motherWorkoutTrigger = true>>
<<set $boolsroomevents = true>>if has boner waitres in restaraunt would notice (her lust++)
add the skip explanation to the dlc page info
add the sell business explanation toe the dlc page inof
girlfriend content skip
poor fuck her on the first date if corupted
model auditions in player house
resoleve the invitation from dlc (change the dlc to 0.1a maybe?)
iclude secured codes
add tier thingy to the lvl.100 tier (dlc)
avatars? confusing the character are the same? check the styles!
add tag once sharing \ swinignign
errors sister pool?
more taboo for relationships?
add gaming image
ad clases images with sister
add sister relationship if gave her suit
sister helps with the boner only if there is a boner
add images for lavish party
dad sleeps at night?
maid who asked to help her with student laon will have a failing busnies the player could help and after couple of mer ivesting playyer coudl fuck her!
going to the beach with rich bitch +++stat char hange
styding with sister +++stat int change
work out with mother ++++stat str change
talking is like a help to progress?
sister is invited to a party, wants you to join
wow sister is stuck and really need your help/////////////random event
sister hey bro check out my cloths (underawer)////////////random event
inveting in stocks?
cheatcodes creation
include avatars for charater on location
overlay pngs to show progress??
diferent avatars for locations (siste in her room, sister in bikini)
girl on girl
highilith quest
show where are people
fucking your cousing to get $$$
/////////////////character descripitons///////////////
father char
gives money to you if you'r broke
lightskin girl
she is politician
ebony sex
include him
If you have credits and want to include me that would be nice but it's not necessary. If you have any friends who are interested in a writer I'd be very grateful if you'd recommend me aha
My link if you want to include me
fix the secretary br
add background image change script based on time of the day
iff night apply nigth filter etc.<img src="img/mansion/officeMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are siting with your dad at the home office. He tells you countless stories about his past... <br>
@@.speech-dad;... and this is why we had to pay $21m just for one night. Hey! Are you even listening to me?!@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah.. that's a very cool story and all, dad. So would you give me the $4m or what?@@
@@.speech-dad;Ok, the time has come for you to create your own enterprise. But. You will have a rather humble start. My father's father gave my father (your grandpa) a small loan of $1m. My father gave me a small loan of $2m and I will give you the same amount (recounted based on inflation, of course). Four million dollars, transferring now.@@
[[Pleasure doing business with you!->Character Creation]] <br><<if $boolsroomevents && random(0,10) >= 5 && $mother.lust < 50 && $sister.hadSex>>
You hear mother and sister arguing in the room...
@@.speech-mother;You like getting railed by your own brother, you slut!@@
@@.speech-sis;*moans* I'm so sorry mommy, I was just so horny...@@
You hide behind the door and watch the punishment unfold. Sister is slightly bent over her bed while mother lands slap over slap on her soft butt. You can tell that your mom clearly enjoys being in a dominant role; she probably just needed a pretext to teach your bratty sis a lesson. Being on the receiving side, she lets out more and more provocative moans; but it's your mom who is getting the most out of it.
/*^^ emphathise mother enjoying slaping sis and use your relationship just as an excuse */
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
[[Return later...->Sister's Room]]<br>
<<elseif $boolsroomevents && $sister.corruption >= 100 && $sister.lust >= 50 && $father.lust >= 50 && $father.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-sis;Oh, yeah, daddy *moans* that's the...@@
@@.speech-father;Could you just shut up and enjoy it?@@
Loud moans are coming from your sister's room to the hallway and beyond. Inside, your dad fucks the living shit of your sister, who just can't shut her mouth and wants to tell the world just how good she feels. Overall, it looks like it wasn't your father who took advantage of his daughter's young and sexy body; instead, it's your lustful sis who used her horny dad to satisfy her needs. You hope that your old man can handle that bitch...
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "father">> <br>
<<elseif $boolsroomevents && (($period == 1 && random(0,10) >= 6) || (random(0,10) >= 9))>>
@@.speech-sis;Have you heard about knocking?! I could be fucking someone here!@@
You are about to say that you were expecting to catch her in the act, but then you see that your sister is not wearing anything except for very fancy designer underwear. Words stuck in your throat, and all you can do for a while is just stare at your sister's slender figure.
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent0.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
<img src="img/mansion/sistersRoom.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the sister's room. This room looks like there is a princess living. An expressively rich decor with a touch of a young feminine vibe, it's cosy but bit unreal. You can see a door to a personal bathroom and a wardrobe room, filled with shoes and designer clothes. <br>
<<if $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
<<if $sister.lust >= 100 && random(0,10) >= 5>>
The door is closed, but you hear some strange noises behind it... <br>
<<linkreplace "Investigate">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You see your sister touching herself right on the carpet... <br>
She doesn't look comfortable, but who are you to judge? You stare at her juicy ass while she is fingering her wet pussy until she cums... <br>
<img src="img/sis/sTease5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
The room is empty, but your sister's bathroom is not... <br>
You peek inside and are stunned to see your sister fucking her asshole with a big dildo. It looks more like a stretching session than masturbation, but it's really hot... You get a boner instantly. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sTease6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<linkreplace "Fulfill her desires">>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 6 || $sister.lust >= 200>>
@@.speech-sis;You're the best brother imaginable...@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;*moans* what are you doing here?! *moans* stop it! *moans* fuck...@@ <br>
You're gonna help her masturbate, whether she wants it or not. You forcefully shive your cock inside her warmed up pussy, and it's just too much for her. Her legs are shaking and she can't hold herself while you pound her from behind. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $sister.lust = 0>>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
<<linkreplace "Knock on the door">>
<<set $sister.lust = 50>>
<<goto "Sister's Room">>
<<include "Sister">> <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 1 >>
[[Help sister with classes->Sister Help with Classes]] <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 2 >>
[[Play Games->Sister Play Games]] <br>
/* party invitation
[[Sister Party x]] */
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 3 >>
[[Watch Movies->Sister Watch Movies]] <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 4 >>
[[Sleepover->Sister Sleep Together]] <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 5 >>
[[Ask help with the boner->Sister Sex Help]] <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 6 >>
[[Ask to have sex->Sister Sex]] <br>
[LOCKED] Advance her quest more...
[LOCKED] Advance her quest more...
[LOCKED] Advance her quest more...
[LOCKED] Advance her quest more...
[LOCKED] Advance her quest more...
[LOCKED] Advance her quest more...
She is sleeping <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
<<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 6 || $sister.lust >= 200>>
@@.speech-sis;*moans* yeah, fuck me bro!@@ <br>
She pretends to be sleeping... <br>
You carefully pull her panties aside and look at her holes. You decide to go for her ass, imagining her surprize butthurt in the morning... But she is so relaxed that you have no trouble fucking her cute gaping butt. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $sister.lust = 0>>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
[[Leave...->House]] <br>
1. help her with homewrk
2. play games with her
3. watch movies (or videos or porn) togethe
4.she scared cant sleep if you have a boner she wil jer you of and youll go to the nex stage
5 ask her to help you with your boner
6.if you are > 200 horny and she is >100 horny she will offer anal
7. if she is corupted she will trick into fucking her wrong hole (v)
////////////scenes to include////////////////
cristmas new yer
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial0.gif" width="50%"> <br>
chiling naked
<img src="img/sis/sTease3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
teasing ass
<img src="img/sis/sTease4.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $boolsroomevents = false>><<if random(0,10) >= 7 && $player.lust > 1 && $mother.corruption >= 15 && $period == 1>>
You walk on your mom lying on the bed without panties...
@@.speech-u; She is hot.@@
Looking at her bare pussy, all you can think of is burying your face deep between her legs, smell her sweet pussy, kiss her plump ass... Weird things to think about your mother.
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 3 && $father.corruption >= 50 && $father.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Thank you! *moans* ...that means so much to me!@@
On your parent's bed, you see your dad deep inside some random girl. He nods to you and continues fucking this young whore... is she a whore, though? She looks like a genuine college your dad picked up on the street and now makes her brain melt with his newfound power of insatiable stamina. You wonder what your mom thinks about her husband's interest in younger girls...
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "father">> <br>
<<elseif $father.corruption >= 50 && $father.lust >= 100 && $mother.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-mother;Oh, finally *moans* Has something changed? Or does it take you that much time to realize you could have sex with your own wife?@@
Your parents are having wild, passionate sex right before your eyes, but they don't notice your presence: your mother's eyes are filled with lust, and your dad is just too focused on maintaining a steady pounding pace. He resembles the fuckmachine, a jackhammer with the only purpose of going deeper and faster in your mother's fuckhole - thankfully, she is designed by nature (and plastic surgery) to be a perfect sex object and thus is accustomed to such intensities. You, meanwhile, are mesmerized by the sheer depravity of the act; on the one hand, you are glad your parents have a healthy sex life, but on the other, it's weird seeing your mother being used so rough...
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "father">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 3 && $momMainQuest >= 3 && $player.lust >= 50 && $period == 1>>
You walk in parent's bedroom, looks like your mom is getting ready for some training...
@@.speech-mother;Do you want to give mommy some protein before the training?@@
Seeing how horny you are, your mom can't let you go. She makes you grab your cock and show her how you masturbate. When she kneels to take a better look, you explode and use her beautiful face as a cumrag, giving her every last drop of cum stored in your swollen balls.
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
<br>[[Put your pants back on...->Parents' Room]]<br>
<<elseif $momMainQuest >= 4 && $mother.lust >= 100 && $period == 5>>
@@.speech-mother;Having trouble getting asleep honey? Or do you just want to fuck mommy before bed..?@@
@@.speech-mother;You could fuck mommy if you want...@@
You can't resist a proposal from a horny milf, submissively standing on all fours, waiting to be fucker from behind. Your mother was made for sex, she trains and enhances her body for the sole reason of being the ultimate sex goddess - and you use all that work and effort for a quick relief before bedtime.
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<br>[[Get back in your room...->Your Room]]<br>
<img src="img/mansion/parentsRoom.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
<<if $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
You are in your parent's bedroom. The room is dominated by a ridiculously large bed with a custom-designed mattress. Dark decor and heavy drapes make this room looks dim. <br>
<b>Mother</b> ♥$mother.lust ♡$mother.relationship c.$mother.corruption <br>
<<linkreplace "Small Talk">>
You had a small talk with your mother <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 1 "mother">> <br>
<<if $dlc0Code == 19116801 && $rommate != "mother">>
| <<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Invite her to the island">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<goto "DLC0 mInvite">>
I'm not sure I should...
<<if $momMainQuest >= 3 && $player.lust >= 50 >>
<<linkreplace "Ask help with the boner">>
<<include "Mother Boner Help">>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "mother">> <br>
<<if $mother.corruption >= 50 && $momMainQuest < 4>>
She wants to speak with you after it...
@@.speech-mom;You know honey... sometimes mommy is feeling horny, just like you... it's only fair if you'd 'return the favor' next time...@@ <br>
<<set $momMainQuest = 4 >>
<<if $momMainQuest >= 4 && $mother.lust >= 100 >>
@@.speech-mom;It's time to help your mommy, honey!@@ <br>
<<include "Mother Sex">> <br>
<<bonerHandle "mother">>
The door is locked. Your parents are sleeping...
[[Leave...->House]] <br>
<<endif>><<if random(0,10) > 8 && previous() != "Town Random Events">>
<<goto "Town Random Events">>
<<if $period == 5 >>
<img src="img/town/ntown.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
<img src="img/town/town.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
Welcome to the main boulevard of this resort town. Warm climate and low taxes attract a lot of rich folks: some are looking for early retirement, and some are living their life to the fullest. They drive luxurious sports cars or sail yachts parked on the marina, while accompanied by supermodels, gold diggers or just whores. It's loud, sunny, depraved, unequal, beautiful. This town never sleeps. <br>
<b>Residentual</b> <br>
[[Parents' Manison->House]] <br>
[[Uncle's Mansion]] <br>
<<if $houseQuest >= 2>>
[[Your House]] <br>
[[Empty Residential Plot->Your House]] <br>
<b>Downtown</b> <br>
<<if $businessCoffee == 0 >>
[[Empty Commercial Plot->Coffee Shop]] <br>
[[Coffee Shop]] <br>
<<if $multifamilyStage >= 4>>
[[Multifamily Apartment]] <br>
[[Barren Residential Plot->Multifamily Apartment]] <br>
[[Strip Club]] <br>
[[Golf]] <br>
[[Tennis]] <br>
[[Beach]] <br>
<<if $emilyMainQuest >= 3 >>
[[Emily Home]] <br>
[[The City...->City]] <br>
<<include "Pass time">>
<<endif>><img src="img/city/city.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
Welcome to the City. One of the world's global financial centres, a city of contrasts, money and power. It's connected to the world with a busy airport, a web of highways, and a network of high-speed cables, which are pumping people, money and data to this always-working heart of the global economy. But before reaching its downtown with century-old skyscrapers, one first passes poor neighbourhoods, filled with poverty and crime - from the safety of an elevated highway, at least. <br>
<b>5TH AVE</b> <br>
[[Your office]] <br>
[[Wall Street]] <br>
[[Bank]] <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest >= 2 >>
[[Rae Home]] <br>
<b>14TH AVE</b> <br>
/* [[Goverment x]] */
<<if $bioQuest >= 1>>
[[Biotech Office->Medtech]]<br>
<<if $rayMainQuest >= 1 >>
[[Charity]] <br>
<<if $siliconMainQuest >= 5>>
[[Naomi's House]] <br>
<<if $redQuest >= 3>>
[[Eva's House]]<br>
[[Park]] <br>
[[School]] <br>
<br><b>23TH AVE</b> <br>
<<if $viceMainQuest >= 5 >>
[[Vice House]] <br>
<<if $sydneyQuest >= 1>>
[[Sydney's Appartment->Sydney Home]]<br>
[[Restaraunt][$restarauntQuest = 0]] <br>
[[Night Club]] <br>
<br><b>Suburbs</b> <br>
<<if $siliconMainQuest >= 1>>
[[Silicon Startup]] <br>
[[Mall]] <br>
[[Car Dealership]]<br>
[[Single Family Housing]] <br>
[[Helipad->DLC0 Helipad]] <br>
<<if $ >= 100 || ($ >= 50 && $player.corruption >= 100) || ($singleHousingHouse1Owned && $singleHousingHouse2Owned && $singleHousingHouse3Owned && $singleHousingHouse4Owned && $singleHousingHouse5Owned)>>
[[Sketchy neighborhood->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>
[[Return back to town...->Town]] <br>
<<include "Pass time">><img src="img/town/uncleMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You arrived at the mansion of your uncle. It must be the fact that he studied finances abroad why his tastes are so classic. In the town, filled with light and modern houses, this one seems unexpectedly grounded and straight from the English countryside. But thanks to its thick brick walls it's great at keeping a cool and dry environment inside. <br>
[[Cousin's Room->Cousin Room]] <br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br><img src="img/city/park.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You find yourself in the city park, the last piece of nature among the steel and concrete. It's a popular place for walks, meetings, sports, and everything else that would benefit from having fresh air, green lawns and large trees. Also, the pond in the middle with a fountain inside offers much-needed refreshment during the hot days. <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
<<include "Park Random Encounter">><br><br>
here a yong ppolitician chils her campaing
*/<<if random(0,10) >= 6 && $bioQuest == 0 && $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
<<goto "BioTech">>
<<if ($bioQuest == -1 || $bioQuest == -4) && $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
<<goto "BioTech">>
<<if false>>
<<elseif $father.lust >= 100 && $sister.corruption >= 100 && $sister.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-sis;I love you daddy!@@
In your dad's office, you see him taking a break by ravaging your sister on the couch. The doggy-style position allows him to thrust his massive dick balls deep inside your slutty sis, stretching her cunt to the limit. She seems to enjoy that though, moaning and even asking your dad to pull her hair harder....
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "father">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
<<elseif $father.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-maid;You know I'm always ready... to fulfill your needs...@@
You visit dad's office just in time to watch him burying his dick inside a maid's ass. It seems having sex is now his favorite way to relax from work, and maids don't mind that - even when they are being sodomized in the most inconvenient places.
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "father">> <br>
<<set $maidReputation += 3>>
<img src="img/mansion/officeMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You enter your father's office - a room on the top floor, where he resides almost all the time. It's functional, but still has a lot of luxury details to impress occasional business visitors, like expensive furniture, gold telephone and pens, as well as some paintings on the walls that have nothing but monetary value. <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 6 && $dealStage == 0 && $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
You see your dad is working here..<br>
<<if $bioQuest == -5 >>
<b>Father</b> ♥$father.lust ♡$father.relationship c.$father.corruption
<br><<linkreplace "Hey dad I think it's time for me to join your business">>
@@.speech-u;Hey dad I think it's time for me to join your business@@
<<if $houseQuest >= 2>>
@@.speech-father;..yeah.. sure.. I'll send a car to your mansion for you to join me in this deal next morning...@@
@@.speech-father;...will see how you handle it...@@
@@.speech-father;..yeah, no.. How about you move out first?@@
Nobody is here at the moment...
/* father
gives money to you if you'r broke
<<linkreplace "Ask for money">>
<<set $player.intellect += 1>>
intellect +
<<if $viceMainQuest == 0>>
visit theyour vice president in the city office
<<set $viceMainQuest = 1>>
[[Leave...->House]] <br>
<<endif>><img src="img/city/office.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
<<if $viceMainQuest >= 2>>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5 && $siliconMainQuest == 0 && $viceMainQuest >= 2>>
@@.speech-vice;Hey boss, I'm negotiating a buyout deal with a perspective financial startup, might want to check it out!@@
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 1>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $siliconMainQuest == 2>>
@@.speech-vice;Hey boss, Naomi asked for a second meeting with you.@@
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 3>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $sydneyQuest == 0>>
@@.speech-vice;Hey boss, I got this journalist, who is writing a piece on you and your family history. I know that's not super important right now, but she really wants a meeting with you...@@
[[I'm ready to meet her...->Sydney Quest]]<br><br>
@@.speech-vice;How you doing boss?@@
<b>Vice $</b> ♥$vice.lust c.$vice.corruption <br>
<<linkreplace "Talk">>
<<linkreplace "Ask help with the boner">>
<<if $vice.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-vice;Please undress, while I'll lock the door.@@
When your vice decides to help you with sexual relief personally, you can't hold your cum for long. Seeing this highly skilled professional, wearing classy office clothes, elegant heels, and luxurious glasses, kneeling before your cock to fulfill her perverted duty, makes your dick throb in anticipation of her kiss.
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-vice;Your father mentioned some of the 'special' duties with this job, so I found just the right person for the job...@@
Your imperturbable assistant is making arrangements while you go to your office and undress. Just as you are done, a woman in skimpy office clothes comes inside.
@@.speech-female;Hi, my name is Candy, I'll be assisting you today...@@
Oh, you've heard about Candy from the Archives, also known as "The office whore". It's good that her insatiable debauchery in the workplace can now be put to good use.
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;You like it big boy~@@
You are in the mood for some action, so you order Candy to get on your table and spread the legs. As an obedient whore, she not only does that but also begs you to mercilessly fuck her tight cunt - which you don't hesitate to start pounding. Candy is already - always? - wet, so you slide balls deep inside her pussy up to a cervix, giving this slut a dicking to remember.
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
@@.speech-female;~mmm so tasty!@@
Candy promptly gets on her knees and starts sucking your cock with the enthusiasm of a natural-born whore. She gives you a view of her titties and tells you that you can cum whenever you want - so you decide to give her a protein snack, and smear the rest over her pretty face.
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
You are in your office. It's too big for your scope of business, but your father must have been thinking ahead when purchasing it for you. It has a decent view of the City, areas for meetings, and a lightspeed web connection.
<<linkreplace "[ENERGY 25] Work">>
<<if $ >= 25>>
<<goto "Office Work">>
I'm too tired to work.
<<if $exploitQuest == 1>>
<<linkreplace "[$300,000] Hardware for data mining">>
<<if $ >= 0.3>>
<<statChange "money" -0.3 "player">> <br>
<<set $exploitQuest = 2>>
<<goto "Your office">>
Not enough money!
<<elseif $exploitQuest >= 2>>
[[Private Data Mining->Privacy Data Exploit]]
<<if $viceMainQuest == 0 || $viceMainQuest == 1>>
<<goto "ViceQuest">>
<<elseif $viceMainQuest == 3>>
<<goto "ViceQuest">>
<<elseif $businessCoffee >= 3 && $viceMainQuest == 4>>
<<goto "ViceQuest">>
<<bonerHandle "vice">> <br>
<<if _bonerEvent>>
<<if $viceMainQuest >= 6 >>
@@.speech-vice;Do you need some help reducing your 'stress' level?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "I do.">>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-vice;Did you ever try masturbation?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Why, if I can fuck my secretary's ass anytime?@@ <br>
You don't bother stripping her, you just pull down her panties and insert your cock in her tight anal. <br>
@@.speech-vice;Anal sex is great and all, but I have to prepare for this presentation if you don't mind...@@ <br>
<img src="img/vice/vOfficeS1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-vice;My ass is *moans* optimal for this task.@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Let me inspect your assets then...@@ <br>
You stretch her asshole with your hard boner. Her ass is indeed up for the task, perfectly fitting your big cock, as if asking to be filled to the brim with your hot white sperm. <br>
<img src="img/vice/vOfficeS2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
Your sister is visiting you at work... <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 7 >>
@@.speech-sis;Damn bro, you're so hot when you're working) Can we have a private meeting?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Of course.">>
@@.speech-u;Show me our agenda for today.@@ <br>
She lifts her skirt, revealing that she wears no underwear. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Our main topic for today is a uniform violation on behalf of your slutty sis... @@ <br>
You bend her over the table and slap her naked ass. <br>
@@.speech-u;This behaviour should not be tolerated, as it violates our corporate policies! Just as I am about to violate your pussy!@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;Lol, hat was too stretched, bro@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Just as your pussy!@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;Not again... Just fuck me already!@@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<br>[[Leave...->City]] <br><img src="img/city/goverment.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the hall of the local federal building. It's decorated in white marble stone and designed to impress or even suppress visitors. You can feel the power of the State resides here, and feel just a little bit uncomfortable.
lightskin girl
she is politician
ebony sex
promote her career to get less tax
[[City]] <img src="img/city/bank.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
You enter the main office of one of the largest's banks in the county. It's located in the historic building downtown and retains the same interiors this branch had at the dawn of the last century. Although its main business is now affiliated with corporate customers and the financial sector, the regular operations are still maintained as a tribute to tradition, and the lobby is filled with quiet chatter of occasional clients, cashiers and clerks. <br>
<<if $uncleMainQuest == 0>>
@@.speech-uncle;Hello there young man! You grew up quicker than 0DTE options on good earnings! Please feel free to come to my office@@
<<set $uncleMainQuest = 1>>
[[Uncle's Office]] <br>
[[Uncle's Office]] <br>
Want to take a loan? (you will have to pay back more!) <br>
<<if $loan1 == false>>
<<linkreplace "[+$1m] TAKE A $1m LOAN ($2m)">>
<<statChange "money" 1 "player">> <br>
<<set $loan1 = true>>
<<if $ >= 2>>
<<linkreplace "[-$2m] REPAY A $1m LOAN ($2m)">>
<<statChange "money" -2 "player">> <br>
<<set $loan1 = false>>
[NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO REPAY A LOAN] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.$ >2m)@@ <br>
<<if $loan2 == false>>
<<linkreplace "TAKE A $10m LOAN ($20m)">>
<<set $ += 10>>
<<set $loan1 = true>>
<<if $ >= 20>>
<<linkreplace "REPAY A $10m LOAN ($20m)">>
<<set $ -= 20>>
<<set $loan1 = false>>
[NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO REPAY A LOAN] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.$ >20m)@@ <br>
<<if $loan3 == false>>
<<linkreplace "TAKE A $100m LOAN ($200m)">>
<<set $ += 100>>
<<set $loan1 = true>>
<<if $ >= 200>>
<<linkreplace "REPAY A $100m LOAN ($200m)">>
<<set $ -= 200>>
<<set $loan1 = false>>
[NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO REPAY A LOAN] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.$ >200m)@@ <br>
<br> */
<br> <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <br><<if $exploitQuest == 3>>
<<set $exploitQuest = 4>>
<<goto "Privacy Data Caught">>
<img src="img/city/startup.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
<b>Startup Progress: $startupProgress </b> <br>
You enter the office of the startup. They rent a floor at the local coworking inside of a former garment factory. You heavily suspect that there are no employees older than 25 among this geeky-looking crowd.<br>
<<if $siliconMainQuest >= 4>>
<<if $ >= 20>>
[[Micromanage->Startup Work]]
Too tired!
[[Have a meeting with the CEO->Startup Meeting]] <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <img src="img/city/tradingFloor.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the heart of the stock market. On this large floor, millions of deals are made every second, and an insane amount of wealth is transferred between accounts. It's filled with noise from broker's chat, phone calls and regular announcements; it's chaos, but you are in the heart of the modern world. <br>
your portfolio
AMC 19.2 ▲ (+0.6%) 16m +0.8m owned: $amcStock.playerOwned (<<print $amcStock.playerOwned * $amcStock.price/1000000>>m)
META 51.3 ▼
<<set _stockChanged = 0>>
<<linkreplace "buy">>
<<if $ >= 1>>
<<linkreplace "$1m">>
<<set $ -= 1>>
<<set _stockChanged = 1000000 / $amcStock.price>>
Bought _stockChanged AMC shares
<<set $amcStock.playerOwned += _stockChanged>>
<<if $ >= 10>>
<<linkreplace "$10m">>
<<set $ -= 10>>
<<set _stockChanged = 10000000 / $amcStock.price>>
Bought _stockChanged AMC shares
<<set $amcStock.playerOwned += _stockChanged>>
<<if $ >= 100>>
<<linkreplace "$100m">>
<<set $ -= 100>>
<<set _stockChanged = 100000000 / $amcStock.price>>
Bought _stockChanged AMC shares
<<set $amcStock.playerOwned += _stockChanged>>
<<linkreplace "sell">>
[[Leave...->City]] <br><img src="img/town/beach.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
The main beach is just a 5-minute walk from the town centre. It's actually listed among the top beaches of the world, but it's not the sand or water it's famous for locally: the beach is packed with hot women, displaying their stunning tanned bodies - hunting for sugar daddies in this seaside paradise. <br>
Your <b>CHARISMA</b> is $player.charisma <br>
<<if $ > 10>>
<<linkreplace "Socialize">>
You spend the next couple of hours speaking to different people on the beach... <br>
<<statChange "charisma" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -30 "player">> <br>
<<if random(0, 3) > 1>>
You meet someone... she is quite interested in you... <br>
<<linkreplace "Ask for a blowjob">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;Ok!) but just because you're handsome!@@ <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
She starts playing with your cock right in the open. Her gentle lips go up and down on your shaft, combined with passionate kisses. You didn't expect such passion from somebody blowing a stranger, but it seems this girl is exactly in this kind of thing. <br>
<img src="img/beach/bj0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You go to the sunbeds, where you can have just a bit more privacy under the shades of parasols. There she gets to work, passionately sucking your dick, not afraid to get a bit messy. You can feel your balls getting wet from all the saliva she's giving to your cock... <br>
<img src="img/beach/bj1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $player.charisma >= 25>>
@@.speech-female;Well... maybe.. maybe I will, not today tho@@ <br>
At least she can give you a hand! You lie on the sand near the water, and she starts working on your cock. Your cock is hidden behind her, but still, you are doing this right in the open. This public indecency soon drives you over the edge, and you release your thick white cum. <br>
<img src="img/beach/hand.gif" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;yeah, whatever...@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Ask for sex">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Well, normally I would say no, but I might make an exception for you)@@ <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
She guides you to a secluded part of the beach behind the low bushes. <br>
@@.speech-female;Just lie down, I'll be on a lookout!@@ <br>
She gets on top of you and starts moving her ass up and down. You enjoy the view and occasional slapping, while she indeed looks out and smiles at unsuspecting passersby. <br>
<img src="img/beach/sex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You take her right where you were talking, on the open beach near the water line. You don't care if you are looked at - if anything, you feel more dominant fucking this bitch from behind in a public. Some guys are giving you thumbs-ups. <br>
<img src="img/beach/sex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You try to not attract extra attention, so try to look casually when she inserts your hard cock in her vagina. You start moving slowly, as she is just sitting on top of you... But it's impossible to hold out for long, and soon you forget anything and just fuck each other senseless. <br>
<img src="img/beach/sex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You went into the water, trying to look as if you just having fun in the sea. You laugh and giggle, but underwater your dick is already inside this beach slut. When you are tired of hiding, you just walk a bit to the shore and start fucking her doggy-style for all to see. <br>
<img src="img/beach/sex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;Well... you're not the most charismatic guy, but still...@@ <br>
<img src="img/beach/grind.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;WTF?! Get away from me, you weirdo!@@ <br>
[TOO TIRED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Energy >10)@@ <br>
<<if random(0, 3) > 1>>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You look at the beautiful brunette girl coming out of the water. She looks back at you, smiles and suddenly flashes you her perky tits! She laughs and shakes them for you, while you applaud her show. <br>
<img src="img/beach/event0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
A girl is walking in front of you that put a lot of work in her ass. You follow her for a while, admiring her buttocks, before realising that she is not wearing a thong as you thought - in fact, she is not wearing anything for the bottoms! <br>
<img src="img/beach/event1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
A girl on a beach stands up and you see that her backside is covered in sand. You have this urge of slapping that ass to shake off the sand cover - just lend a helping hand... <br>
<img src="img/beach/event2.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
You approach an ebony girl doing some kind of yoga. As you get closer, you realize she is naked and is doing something weird - and that's when you see a phone behind her. You arrive just in time to see how she is shamelessly filming her pussy and asshole in public. <br>
<img src="img/beach/event3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 35 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Hit on her">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 200>>
@@.speech-female;Oh, hi there!)@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;You're right on time - I wanted something spicy for my followers. These perverts love when I suck stranger's dicks!@@ <br>
You don't mind helping the rising ebony star and get your cock out. She is good at sucking but focuses more on the audience, not you... <br>
<img src="img/beach/event3Bj.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Fuck off.@@ <br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br><img src="img/city/charity.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You enter the headquarters of the charity organisation. It's a mid-century mansion located a bit away from the City, with a large plot of land included. This place holds a lot of charitable events like balls and galas, auctions and press conferences - so naturally, it has a lot of rooms for every occasion, and a large staff to keep the mansion and its surroundings up to the standards. <br>
[[Charity Party]] <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <br><<silently>>
<<set $settings to {
familyRelationship: 0,
<<set $player to {
name: "Kevin",
age: 22,
money: 4.5,
lust: 0,
corruption: 0,
virgin: true,
strenght: 0,
charisma: 0,
intellect: 0,
health: 100,
energy: 100,
hygiene: 100,
<<set $amcStock to {
price: 51,
playerOwned: 5,
//// just to fuck with cheeaters
<<set $money = 100 >>
<<set $clothed = true >>
<<set $underware = true >>
<<set $wanted = 0 >>
<<set $boolphouseevents = false>>
<<set $sisMainQuest = 0 >>
<<set $sisSwimingQuest = 0 >>
<<set $momMainQuest = 0 >>
<<set $cousinMainQuest = 0 >>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 0 >>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 0>>
<<set $viceMainQuest = 0>>
<<set $uncleMainQuest = 0>>
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 0>>
<<set $redQuest = 0>>
<<set $sydneyQuest = 0>>
<<set $outskirtsQuest = 0>>
<<set $bioQuest = 0>>
<<set $bioGuards = 0>>
<<set $exploitQuest = 0>>
<<set $exploitData = 0>>
<<set $exploitBuyerQuest = 0>>
<<set $exploitMining to {
passive: 0,
rig1: 0,
rig2: 0,
rig3: 0,
<<set $dealStage = 0>>
<<set $multifamilyIncome = 0>>
<<set $multifamilyStage = 1>>
<<set $houseQuest = 0 >>
<<set $playerHouseMaidsQuest = 0 >>
<<set $maidLoan = 0 >>
<<set $schoolQuest = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffee = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeFranchise = "" >>
<<set $businessCoffeeExp = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeSecurity = false>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit = 0>>
<<set $stripclubVIP = 0>>
<<set $singleHousingQuest = 0>>
<<set $tennisExp = 0>>
<<set $golfExp = 0>>
<<set $startupProgress = 0>>
<<set $stripclubLust = 0>>
<<set $minutes = 0>>
<<set $sister to {
name: "Ray",
age: 24,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
location: "sRoom",
<<set $rich to {
name: "Rae",
age: 24,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
location: "sRoom",
<<set $poor to {
name: "Emily",
age: 24,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
location: "sRoom",
<<set $uncle to {
name: "John",
age: 63,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 5,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: false,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
<<set $brother to {
name: "Quandale",
age: 21,
corruption: 10,
relationship: 100,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
<<set $father to {
name: "Joe",
age: 51,
corruption: 5,
relationship: 100,
money: 69420,
lust: 0,
virgin: false,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
<<set $mother to {
name: "Dorothy",
age: 39,
corruption: 10,
relationship: 100,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: false,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
<<set $cousin to {
name: "Bella",
age: 24,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
location: "sRoom",
<<set $vice to {
name: "V",
age: 26,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
location: "sRoom",
<<set $naomi to {
name: "Naomi",
age: 24,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 685,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
location: "sRoom",
<<set $sydney to {
name: "Sydney",
age: 24,
corruption: 100,
relationship: 0,
money: 685,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
showered: false,
location: "sRoom",
<<set $waitress to {
corruption: 10,
lust: 0,
<<set $stableLust = false >>
<<set $dickSize = "average">>
<<set $startType = "default">>
<<set $startTypeF = "default">>
<<set $familyRelationship = "step">>
<<set $secretCode = "" >>
<<set $maidReputation = 0 >>
<<set $loan1 = false>>
<<set $loan2 = false>>
<<set $loan3 = false>>
<<set $loan4 = false>>
<<set $mallProsperity = 0>>
<<set $mallOwn = 0>>
<<set $delayedPaymentDay = 0>>
<<set $delayedPaymentAmount = 0>>
<<set $passiveIncome = 0>>
<<set $jailQuest = 0>>
<<set $playerCar1 to {
name: "",
speed: 0,
price: 0,
img: "",
<<set $playerCar2 to {
name: "",
speed: 0,
price: 0,
img: "",
<<set $lamba to {
name: "Lamborghini Aventador",
speed: 350,
price: 0.6,
img: "lamba.png",
<<set $merc to {
name: "Mercedes-Benz C-Class",
speed: 132,
price: 0.1,
img: "mercedes.png",
<<set $royce to {
name: "Rolls-Royce Phantom",
speed: 155,
price: 0.5,
img: "royce.png",
<<set $bugatti to {
name: "Bugatti Veyron",
speed: 267,
price: 12,
img: "bugatti.png",
<<set $tesla to {
name: "Tesla Model S",
speed: 200,
price: 0.1,
img: "tesla.png",
<<set $dacia to {
name: "The Dacia Logan",
speed: 1090,
price: 69,
img: "dacia.png",
<</silently>><<include "Global Variables">><i>version 1.19</i> <br><br>
<b>$ <<= $>>m</b> <br>
<table class="side-stats">
@@#now;<<now>>@@ <br>
Arousal: <<showmeter 'lust' `$player.lust / 100`>>
<<if $hygene <= 25>>
<span style="color:red">Shower needed!</span> <br>
<<if $health <= 50>>
<span style="color:red">In pain!</span> <br>
<<if $clothed == false>>
<span style="color:red">Naked!</span> <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
<span style="color:red">Boner</span> <br>
* <<now>>
* Displays the current Day of Week, Period of Day and Day Number.
<<widget "now">>
\It is <<print setup.DAYS[$day % 7]>>, <<print setup.PERIODS[$period]>>, Day $day.
* <<AdvancePeriod [number of periods]>>
* Advance current Time Period by a set number of periods, if no number
* if pass to widget then current Time Period is advanced by 1 unit.
* <<AdvancePeriod>> Advances time period by 1 unit.
* <<AdvancePeriod 1>> Advances time period by 1 unit.
* <<AdvancePeriod 2>> Advances time period by 2 units.
* If the current day's time boundary is exceeded then the Day Number
* will also be updated.
<<widget "AdvancePeriod">>
/* \<<silently>> */
<<set _offset to 1>>
<<set _periodsInDay to setup.PERIODS.length>>
<<if $args.length > 0>>
<<set _offset to $args[0]>>
<<set $period += _offset>>
<<include "Character Position Update">>
<<set $minutes = 0>>
<div class="tip-timepass"> Couple of hours passed...</div>
/% Update the Day Number as necessary. %/
<<if $period >= _periodsInDay>>
<<set $day += Math.trunc($period / _periodsInDay)>>
<<set $period to ($period % _periodsInDay)>>
<<include "DayUpdate">>
/* <</silently>>\ */
* <<NextMorning>>
* Advances the current Time Period to the Morning of the next day.
<<widget "NextMorning">>
/* \<<silently>> */
/% Increament the Day Number by 1 unit. %/
<<set $day += 1>>
<<include "DayUpdate">>
Set the current Time Period to the index of the
"Morning" element of setup.PERIODS array.
<<set $period to 1>>
/* <</silently>>\ */
[[Become Patreon]]♥ - lust
♡ - relationship
c. - corruption
Check the quest tab for stats and help with quests
/*[[Leave...->Town]] <br>*/<h1>Stats</h1>
Your <b>STRENGTH</b> is $player.strenght <br>
Your <b>INTELLECT</b> is $player.intellect <br>
Your <b>CHARISMA</b> is $player.charisma <br>
Your <b>CORRUPTION</b> is $player.corruption <br>
There are currently 9 main quests + 1 repeatable quest in the game, complete them all!<br>
<<if $momMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Mom's quest</b> ( STAGE $momMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $momMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
Maybe I should help her stretch at the home gym?
<<case 2>>
I guess she is really into me... I could jerk off to that!
<<case 3>>
Wow she is really supportive, but maybe she is not corrupted yet to ask me anything...
<<case 4>>
Quest Error.
<<if $sisMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Sister's quest</b> ( STAGE $sisMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $sisMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
We'll be closer if I could improve her grades...
<<case 2>>
Playing games with her is a lot of fun!
<<case 3>>
Should watch a horror movie with her, I won't be scared for sure.
<<case 4>>
That movie was too scary! Now she asks me to sleep with her. What if I'll have a boner?
<<case 5>>
She does a great job of helping me, but what if that wouldn't be enough, how far she could go?
<<case 6>>
Her pussy is so enticing.. What if it's slips in, would she be mad?
<<case 7>>
<<case 7>>
Closer sibling start!
Quest Error.
<<if $sisSwimingQuest > 0>>
<b>Sister's swimsuit quest</b> ( STAGE $sisSwimingQuest )<br>
<<switch $sisSwimingQuest>>
<<case 1>>
Buy the swimsuit at the mall.
<<case 2>>
Give the swimsuit to her.
<<case 3>>
COMPLETED! Now she could have fun at the pool with you!
Quest Error.
<<if $emilyMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Emily's quest</b> ( STAGE $emilyMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $emilyMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
Maybe I should ask her out on a date?
<<case 2>>
I should go on a date with her.
<<case 3>>
I really should work on my charisma more and she'll fall for me!
<<case 4>>
She mentioned some kinky stuff, maybe she will surprise me during our sex? Should earn her trust tho...
<<case 5>>
Well, that wasn't as kinky as expected... Maybe I should raise her trust even more?
<<case 6>>
Quest Error.
<<if $rayMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Rae's quest</b> ( STAGE $rayMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $rayMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
I should visit that charity event she told me about.
<<case 2>>
She mentioned something we could talk about in private...
<<case 3>>
I still can't understand how does she makes money? Maybe if I was intelligent enough, I could ask her during our 'private' sessions...
<<case 4>>
I should talk with her more during those VIP charity events.
<<case 5>>
<<case 10>>
Rich girlfriend start!
Quest Error.
<<if $viceMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Vice's quest</b> ( STAGE $viceMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $viceMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
I should visit my vice president at the office...
<<case 2>>
I should open a coffee business in my hometown.
<<case 3>>
Probably should tell her about my business achievement...
<<case 4>>
I should lvl up my business to the third lvl and tell her everything about it.
<<case 5>>
Should visit her house...
<<case 6>>
Quest Error.
<<if $uncleMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Uncle's quest</b> ( STAGE $uncleMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $uncleMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
Maybe he we'll have better loan terms for me if either I was a successful business man or closer to him?
<<case 2>>
Quest Error.
<<if $cousinMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Cousin's quest</b> ( STAGE $cousinMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $cousinMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
She seems to have a crush on me? I wonder how thirsty she could get...
<<case 2>>
She made new friends among my maids, maybe if maids will respect me and she'll be more corrupted I could confront her with my boner.
<<case 3>>
It's all good, but what if a blowjob won't be enough for me to remove all of my lust... she probably have to be corrupted tho...
<<case 4>>
Could she get even more corrupted?
<<case 5>>
Quest Error.
<<if $siliconMainQuest > 0>>
<b>Naomi's quest</b> ( STAGE $siliconMainQuest )<br>
<<switch $siliconMainQuest>>
<<case 1>>
I should have a meeting with her... (Silicon Startup)
<<case 2>>
Vice will give me updates on her progress, I should visit my own office more often...
<<case 3>>
Second meeting, huh?
<<case 4>>
I shall use my own intelligence to bring her vision to life and put out first public release.
<<case 5>>
That's an interesting way to train... should I join her?
<<case 6>>
We should spend a night together...
<<case 7>>
Quest Error.
<b>Corpo Deal</b> ( STAGE $dealStage )<br>
<<if $houseQuest >= 2>>
Dad probably already sent a car to pick me up at my mansion...
<<switch $dealStage>>
<<case 1>>
I should have a meeting with her... (Silicon Startup)
<<case 2>>
Vice will give me updates on her progress, I should visit my own office more often...
<<case 3>>
Second meeting, huh?
<<case 4>>
I shall use my own intelligence to bring her vision to life and put out first public release.
<<case 5>>
That's an interesting way to train... should I join her?
<<case 6>>
We should spend a night together...
<<case 7>>
Quest Error.
I need to own a house, for my dad to take me seriously and invite me to manage one of his acquisition deals...
/* [[Leave...->Town]] <br> */Who am i? I'm just an ordinary storyteller that goes by the name of mr. EDGE. I am here to bringer a kinder future by creating an ultimate porn gaming experience for everyone... Wanna get cheats, early updates and other cool thingys? Here is my Patreon:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="subscribestar_button" src="img/Patreon.png" alt="" /></a><<set $patron = "" >>\
type here patreon acess code and press enter <<textbox "$patron" "type it here" "Acess Code Confirmation">> <<if hashStr($patron) == -755977800>>
<<goto "Intro">> \
<<endif>>You open an app called $chet . Some strange magic happened! <br>
<<if $chet == "pula">>
+$420m <br>
<<set $ += 420>>
<<elseif $chet == "sigma">>
<<statChange "strenght" 100 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "charisma" 100 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "intellect" 100 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $chet == "thelaw">>
<<statChange "corruption" 100 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $chet == "familyfirst">>
Mom's quest: done! <br>
Sister's quest: done! <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 100 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 100 "sister">> <br>
<<set $sisMainQuest = 420>>
<<set $momMainQuest = 420>>
<<elseif $chet == "getsomebitches">>
<<statChange "relationship" 100 "poor">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 100 "rich">> <br>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 420>>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 420>>
<<elseif $chet == "tuco">>
<<set $businessCoffee = 69 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeExp = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit = 0.69 >>
WRONG <br>
[[Turn off...->Old iPad]] /*A relic from the kinder past...
What app do you want to open?*/
<h2>Cheat Menu</h2>
Becoming a member will give you access to many perks. Those include ISLAND DLC, advanced start, cheat codes and more! All income from Patreon goes directly to financing the development of the game.
<<set $chet = "" >>
▶<<textbox "$chet" "type cheat here" "CheatConfirmation">>
<br><div style="
font-style: italic;
font-size: 15px;
color: gray;
Enter the cheat code and press enter on your keyboard to submit. Get access to the latest cheat codes using this <a href="" target="_blank">post</a>.
<br>Thank you for your support!<br>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="neobutton" alt=""><b>Patreon</b></a>
<br><br>[[Leave...->Your Room]] <img src="img/mansion/yourRoom.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in your room. It's different from the others in this mansion as you wanted to get rid of the suffocating classical style and redecorated it with a more contemporary one. It's comfortable and functional, and you like it. There is a place where you can work and a comfy bed with silk linen. <br>
[[Sleep]] <br>
[[Shower]] <br>
[[Laptop]] <br>
[[Old iPad]] <br>
[[Sex App]] <br>
<<if $period == 4>>
<<include "Maid">>
[[Leave...->House]] <br><img src="img/mansion/bathroom.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in your personal bathroom. It's so big you can run circles there. Mostly you use a large shower cabin, which is more of a small room behind a glass wall able to fit several persons. <br>
<<linkreplace "Take a shower">>
<<set $player.hygiene = 100>>
Hygiene restored. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1 && $momMainQuest >= 3 >>
Mother joins you... <br>
@@.speech-mom;I have a little present for you...@@ <br>
For the moment you think that she hid the present somewhere under the bath and bends over for it really, really low. But then she starts pulling down her leggings, revealing her perfect, tanned ass and smooth, ideal pussy. You register that she is not wearing panties but almost forgot to breathe looking at your mom's gorgeous rear. Your father has made a splendid investment!
<img src="img/mom/mShower0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<if $momMainQuest >= 4 >>
She leaves with your clothes! <br>
<<linkreplace "Chase her">>
You chase her naked to the laundry room... <br>
She looks at your body, stopping her eyes on your penis. <br>
@@.speech-mom;I'll give your clothes back, but I want a little favour in return@@ <br>
She stands against the wall with her pants down. <br>
@@.speech-mom;Show mama some love, dear. I know you want to...@@ <br>
You might have argued about that, but your penis is already rock hard - you just can't hold yourself before her perfect round ass. Your mother spreads her ass cheeks, inviting you to her butthole: <br>
@@.speech-mom;Fuck my ass, darling... My pussy still belongs to your father, though I wish he used his property once in a while.@@ <br>
You enter her with ease. Her trained asshole is perfectly tight around your cock, making you wonder about her previous experience... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mShowerS0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2 && $sisMainQuest >= 7 >>
Sister enters your bathroom... <br>
<<linkreplace "Confront her">>
@@.speech-u;What are you doing here?@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;You're not the only one who could get horny, bro@@ <br>
She doesn't fuck around and just grabs your dick and sits on it. She simply uses you like a human dildo, bouncing up and down on your pulsating rod. You are glad to be of help, looking at her small bubble butt. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sShowerJoin0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
An attractive young maid enters the bathroom while you are naked.<br>
@@.speech-maid;Oh gosh, I'm so sorry about that... I didn't notice someone is here...@@
She talks with you, but her eyes are tied to your crotch.<br>
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION > 25] Harass her">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 25>>
@@.speech-u;Hey, my eyes are up here.@@
She looks up and blushes. <br>
@@.speech-maid;I... I'm sorry, it won't happen again.@@
@@.speech-u;Well, you saw me naked, I think it's reasonable for me to see you naked. So I won't tell my dad how perverted you are.@@
@@.speech-maid;Yeah, I'll do anything, please don't tell your dad@@
She strips out of her maid uniform, revealing her beautiful slender figure. Your penis grows harder.<br>
@@.speech-u;Now look what you've done. It's your fault too! Bend over, and present me your fuckhole so I can fix this.@@
@@.speech-maid;Yes, sir... Here's my pussy for you...@@
You fuck this obedient bitch all over the bathroom. It's good to be in charge!<br>
<img src="img/maid/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" -1 >> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
@@.speech-u;Hey! It's busy in here, you know?!@@
@@.speech-maid;I... know, I'm sorry, won't happen again.@@
She leaves...<br>
[[Leave...->Your Room]] <br><img src="img/mansion/kitchen.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the kitchen - a large room size of a small-budget apartment. It's filled with state-of-the-art equipment and utilities. Meals are prepared by hired cooks, and you rarely see your family enter this room except for some snacks or drinks. <br>
<<linkreplace "Eat">>
<<statChange "energy" 30 "player">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<if $period == 1 && random(0,10) >= 3 && $momMainQuest >= 4>>
You see your mom is here...<br>
@@.speech-mom;Good morning honey!@@
@@.speech-u;Wow! I don't think I saw you in the kitchen before...@@
For some reason, the idea that your gold-digger mom could be just a normal mom making breakfast for the family makes you hard.<br>
<<linkreplace "Have 'fun' while maids aren't here">>
@@.speech-u;That's so hot... How much time do you think we have before the maids will show up?@@
@@.speech-mom;Enough if you'll be fast...@@
@@.speech-u;Fast? I hope your ass is ready then, mother!@@
@@.speech-mom; My son is such a pervert! But you're right, mommy's tight butt will drain you in seconds@@
She climbs on the counter and spreads her legs. While you get your cock ready, she does the same with her ass, stretching it a bit with her fingers. Eventually, you slide inside your mother's ass, and damn she's tight! You speed up, and it's so good you can't even think of pulling out. You fuck it, fuck it viciously and don't stop until you pump your mother's colon full of your cum.<br>
<img src="img/mom/mSpecial2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<<include "Maid">> <br>
[[Leave...->House]] <br>In a SOCIETY, You start as a young, rich man who is set to start building his own corporate empire by himself. He should work hard to get what he wants... What does he want? Well, that's up to you!<br>
The SOCIETY is ruthless, but let’s learn a bit more about you: <br>
(IN DEVELOPMENT) Character features: <br>
<label><<radiobutton "$startType" "rich">> <b>"""Rich as the personality"""</b></label> <br>
Starting money+++ Strenght- Intelegence- Charisma-<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$startType" "fuck" >> <b>"""Fuck boy"""</b></label> <br>
Charisma+ Intelegence- Strenght-<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$startType" "smart">> <b>"""Genius"""</b></label> <br>
Intelegence+ Charisma- Strenght-<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$startType" "strong">> <b>"""Tough guy"""</b></label> <br>
Strenght+ Intelegence- Charisma- <br>
Your age:
<<listbox "$player.age" autoselect>>
<<option 18>>
<<option 19>>
<<option 20>>
<<option 21>>
<<option 22>>
<<option 23>>
<<option 24>>
<<option 25>>
<<option 26>>
<<option 27>>
<<option 28>>
<<option 29>>
<<option 30>>
(IN DEVELOPMENT) family relationship: <br>
<label><<radiobutton "$familyRelationship" "real">><b> Real*</b></label> <br>
You were born into this family. The head of this family is your dad.<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$familyRelationship" "step" >> <b>Step family</b></label> <br>
You're adopted. The head of this family is your step-father<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$familyRelationship" "friend">> <b>Mentor</b></label> <br>
The head of this family is your business mentor.<br>
<<if hashStr($secretCode) == -1034365637>>
Alternative Start: <br>
<label><<radiobutton "$startType" "default">> <b>"""DEFAULT"""</b></label> <br>
Your character starts default.<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$aStartType" "sister" >> <b>"""Advanced sibling\housemate relationships"""</b></label> <br>
You start with completed sister\housemate main quest.<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$aStartType" "rich">> <b>"""Rich girlfriend"""</b></label> <br>
You start with completed Rae's main quest<br>
(FOR PATREONS) Advanced Start Options <br>
<<textbox "$secretCode" "enter code here" "Character Creation">>
- Start with a rich girlfriend <br>
- Start with more 'advanced' relationship with sister (housemate) <br>
That was all. I hope you are ready to become a member of the SOCIETY! <br>
He leaves you a message on your phone... <br>
@@.speech-dad; I also transferred one of my offices to you. Go ahead and meet your new vice there! Get it..? Like a vice... anyways, good luck!@@
if patreon alt start
[[AltStart Corrupted Sister]]
[[AltStart Rich Girlfriend]]
<<linkreplace "I'll meet her at my office...">>
<<if $familyRelationship == "step">>
<<set $settings.familyRelationship = 1>>
<<if $familyRelationship == "friend">>
<<set $settings.familyRelationship = 2>>
<<if $startType == "rich">>
<<set $ = 10>>
<<elseif $startType == "fuck">>
<<set $player.charisma = 5>>
<<elseif $startType == "smart">>
<<set $player.intellect = 5>>
<<elseif $startType == "strong">>
<<set $player.strenght = 5>>
<<if $aStartType == "sister">>
<<goto "AltStart Corrupted Sister">>
<<elseif $aStartType == "rich">>
<<goto "AltStart Rich Girlfriend">>
<<goto "House">>
<</linkreplace>><img src="img/mansion/library.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Library of the mansion. A large room in classical style, decorated with dark wood, heavy drapes and antique furniture. Large shelves are filled with books. You know that there is a rather good collection of books, but also you are aware that some tomes in good-looking covers were bought in bulk just to fill in the empty spots. <br>
Your <b>INTELLECT</b> is $player.intellect <br>
<<if $ > 20>>
<<linkreplace "Read">>
<<if $player.lust > 50>>
You are too horny, you can't focus on anything... <br>
You spend the next couple of hours reading different books <br>
<<statChange "intellect" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -20 "player">> <br>
[TOO TIRED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Energy >10)@@
<<include "Maid">> <br>
[[Leave...->House]] <br>
/*sister reading?*/<img src="img/mansion/gym.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the private gym. It was gathered by your parents and is filled with overpriced and rarely used equipment - you doubt that some complex stations were ever used by them. Marble floors look cool, but some simple rubber covering would protect many of them from cracking. <br>
Your <b>STRENGTH</b> is $player.strenght <br>
<<if $ > 25>>
<<linkreplace "Train">>
You spend the next couple of hours working out <br>
<<statChange "strenght" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -25 "player">> <br>
<<AdvancePeriod>> <br>
[TOO TIRED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Energy >10)@@ <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 3 && $period >= 1 && $period < 5 && $motherWorkoutTrigger && $workoutConcentrated == false>>
<<goto "Mother Gym">> <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 3 >>
You see your sister working out at the gym... <br>
She explicitly gives you the idea of how horny she is - stretching right in front of you, bouncing on the yoga ball... You look at her designer leggings and wonder if you can tear them to get to her delicious bubble butt... <br>
<img src="img/sis/sTease0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 7 >>
<<linkreplace "Let's train your endurance">>
You both are too horny for any foreplay. You simply fuck her from behind, enjoying the view in a mirror before you. This is actually good cardio - maybe you should finish every training with a run on your slut sister? <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
[[Leave...->House]] <br>you are in your home bar
useless now
<<include "Maid">>
alchol to skip tiem
grugs to skip time fastre<img src="img/city/restaurant.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the restaurant downtown. It has a reputation as one of the finest places on this coast and is regularly included in global listings. This comes at a price, however, as getting a reservation here is practically impossible. <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest >= 3 >>
You meet Rae here! <br>
@@.speech-rae;Time flies quicker, then you're doing something you enjoy...@@
She goes under the table and starts sucking your cock. The room is full, but you make sure no one sees her. <br>
@@.speech-rae;You'd better come before the waitress does...@@
<img src="img/rich/rPublic0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <br><img src="img/city/nightClub.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You enter one of the signature clubs of the City. The flow of money and visitors from all over the world makes the local crowd interesting, to put it mildly, but the selection of DJs is also worth noting. Enforcing strict face control and security also helps this place maintain its classy vibe. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You spot a girl in a short black dress. Actually, it's so short that you have no problem seeing her naked pussy... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/party0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You approach her... <br>
@@.speech-female;I just needed someone to pay for my sister's drinks... where is she..?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Check the restrooms">>
You found her... <br>
<<if random(0, 10) > 5>>
@@.speech-female;don't forget about our deal!@@ <br>
You see a girl on her knees sucking some random dude, who is filming her on camera. <br>
@@.speech-u;Hate to interrupt, but your sister is looking for you...@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;Chill out dude, I'm paying her bills tonight... You can call her sister here if she is as good at sucking as this slut!@@ <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rBj0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;Hey, do you have any money on you?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Yeah and I could even pay for someone's drink... for a price...@@ <br>
You enter the empty stall, and she gets to work. Without any prep, she just takes you all the way in! It's like she doesn't know about gag reflex at all. You fuck her throat, knowing that it was a perfect investment. <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rBj1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
Your can't look away from a girl in shorts, barely covering her big round butt. She makes sure everyone appreciates her rack, and must be proud of it! <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/party1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;How about a quick fuck? Follow me... @@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Follow her...">>
@@.speech-female;Could you believe my ex broke up with me by a text message?@@ <br>
You sit on the toilet and fuck her while she's on top. Turns out her tits are also top notch! <br>
@@.speech-u;No way! That's why you started fucking with strangers in public?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Hey, that's how we meet! And yeah, that's why we break up I guess... I just want to be loved, you know? And fucking with strangers makes me feel appreciated, and an easy way of boosting my self-esteem! But anyway all my bfs were jerks, and...@@ <br>
Damn, you should have stayed away from girls after a recent breakup... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
Nothing screams SLUT as much as this short white dress on a hottie on a dancefloor. She has a perfect body and evidently enjoys showing it off. <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/party2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She clearly is very drunk... <br>
@@.speech-female;Nice muscles.. where did you get them?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Wanna take a closer look?">>
You get in an empty restroom, and she gets on top of you. She must have been working out, maybe she is a fitness instructor? But she also is so drunk that you try to cum before she throws up on you... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rSex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
In the circle of attention on the dancefloor is a young shore in a short silver dress. She is twerking without her panties, giving everyone a good view of her pussy... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/party3.gif" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;I'm selling my virginity to pay my loans, so who wants?@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;I could give you a thousand!@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;Don't listen to that broke ass! I'll pay you 5 gran!@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Give her a better offer ($0.1m)">>
@@.speech-female;.. is that for real?! SOLD!@@ <br>
You go to the toilets and close the door behind you. It's dark. <br>
@@.speech-female;Can you be... gentle? I did only butt stuff before...@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;For the money I give you, I'll have it any way I want!@@ <br>
You feel her up - she is dripping wet from all that twerking naked. So you enter her virgin pussy without any foreplay, stretching it all the way. <br>
@@.speech-u;How does it feel, to be deflowered by a complete stranger? Do you know that selling your pussy makes you a dirty whore?@@ <br>
She almost cries from discomfort and humiliation.. but also moans from the pleasure that your thick cock gives her. When you finish with her, she will be in a total mental breakdown... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rSex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
Suddenly, a girl flashes you her jiggly tits! And hides them right after. <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/party4.gif" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;Oopsie, sorry I thought you were...@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Well, I am!">>
@@.speech-female;Oopsie, I guess I had too many drinks) So we still stick to my plan?@@ <br>
She takes you to the woman's bathroom, and you take her right on the counter. There are other girls fixing makeup or doing cocaine, but you don't care anymore and just fuck this bitch. <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
[[Restrooms->Night Club Restroom]] <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 6 && $mallRandomEvents && $mallOwn >= 1>>
<<goto "Mall Random Events">>
Mall Prosperity: $mallProsperity <br>
<<if $mallProsperity >= 100>>
<img src="img/city/mall.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the middle of a large upscale mall with luxurious boutique stores, showcasing the latest trends in fashion and lifestyle. It's not crowded, just a few higher-class visitors and occasional onlookers. Glass elevators whisk patrons between levels adorned with tasteful art installations, and exclusive events in the central atrium add an air of sophistication. The average price tag in these shops would feed a family from a poor neighborhood for a month.
<<elseif $mallProsperity >= 50>>
<img src="img/mall/mall1.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You are in your mall, which become not only a successful enterprise but also a prominent community center. Anchored by major department stores, its corridors host a variety of shops, from chic boutiques to essential retailers. The food court offers diverse cuisines and the arcade is filled with teenagers. It's a place where families and friends gather to meet and spend their hard-earned money - it's an embodiment of American retail culture.
<<if $sisSwimingQuest == 1 >><br>
Hmm... That's the swimsuit my sister wanted... <br>
<<linkreplace "[$0.2m] Buy swimsuit.">>
<<if $ >= 0.2>>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You bought the swimsuit. <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.2 "player">> <br>
<<set $sisSwimingQuest = 2 >>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
Not enough money!
<img src="img/mall/mall0.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Your mall is a place you don't want to stay for long - and that feeling is shared between your tenants, with many businesses opting to leave your premises. You resort to saving up on utilities, and now most of the toilets are dirty if not closed, and dim corridors don't attract many customers - at least, paying ones.
<<if $mallProsperity >= 100>>
[[Underwear Store->Mall Underwear]]<br>
<<linkreplace "[$0.3m] Buy some jewelry">>
<<if $ >= 0.3>>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<goto "Mall Jewelry">>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
Not enough money!
<<if $mallProsperity >= 50>>
<<linkreplace "[$0.2m] Buy a watch">>
<<if $ >= 0.2>>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<goto "Mall Watch">>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
Not enough money!
<<linkreplace "[$0.1m] Buy clothing">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<goto "Mall Clothes">>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
Not enough money!
<<if $mallOwn == 0>>
<<linkreplace "[$35m] Buy mall.">>
<<if $ >= 35>>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<statChange "money" -35 "player">> <br>
<<set $mallOwn = 1>>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
You are not that liquid.
[[Leave...->City]] <br>
<<set $mallRandomEvents = true>><<if $houseQuest >= 2>>
<img src="img/home/home.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You are in your house. A large mansion near the ocean, with a perfect view from every side. You made sure every room from a dozen or so was designed to tailor to your needs. This is where you will be happy. This is what you will now call home.
<br> <br>
[[Sleep->House Sleep]] <br>
[[Watch Some Streams->Watch Stream]]<br>
<<linkreplace "[LUST 50] Masturbate">>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
<<goto "House Masturbation">>
<<if $playerHouseMaidsQuest >= 1 && $period >= 2 && $period < 5>>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>><<goto "Your House Events">>
<<else>> <br><<include "Maid">> <br><br><<endif>>
<<linkreplace "Hire maids ($1 mil)">>
<<if $ >= 1>>
<<set $ -= 1>><<set $playerHouseMaidsQuest = 1 >><<goto "Your House">>
Not enough money!
<<if $period >= 1 && $period < 4>>
[[Father sent a car to pick you up->Deal Car Pickup]]<br>
<img src="img/home/plot.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are looking at the empty plot of land, a literal blank place. The only communication available here is a dirt road, and nothing more. But the sea is right here, and the shoreline in this area is downright picturesque. It would be a perfect place for your dream house.
<<if $houseQuest == 1>>
You own this land. <br>
<<linkreplace "[$92m] Build the mansion">>
<<if $ >= 92>>
<<set $ -= 92>>
<<set $houseQuest = 2 >>
<<goto "Your House">>
Not enough money!
<<linkreplace "[$255m] Buy land">>
<<if $ >= 255>>
<<set $ -= 255>>
<<set $houseQuest = 1 >>
<<goto "Your House">>
Not enough money!
[[Leave...->Town]] <br>
buy empty plotland
getting permision in the city hall
hire construction team
start building
build house
buy furniture and hire staff
/% The names of the Days of the Week. %/
<<set setup.DAYS to ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]>>
/% The names of the Time Periods of a Day. %/
<<set setup.PERIODS to ["Asleep", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night"]>>
/% The current Game Day: Monday. %/
<<set $day to 1>>
/% The current Time Period: Morning. %/
<<set $period to 1>>
<<newmeter 'lust' 1>>
<<colors 'red' 'white'>>
<<sizing '220px'>>
<<newmeter 'businessCoffeeExp' 1>>
<<colors 'yellow'>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label 'LVL.$businessCoffee ( $businessCoffeeExp )'>>
<</newmeter>><<set $minutes += 10>>
<<if $minutes >= 60>>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
<<set $minutes = 0>>
Time has passed...<br>
<<set $player.hygiene -= 5>>// The day has passed! // <br>
<<set $workoutConcentrated = false>>
<<if $multifamilyStage >= 5>>
<<set $multifamilyOccupancy += $multifamilyDemand - (($multifamilyRent/100)-15)>>
<<if $multifamilyOccupancy < 0>>
<<set $multifamilyOccupancy = 0>>
<<if $multifamilyOccupancy > 100>>
<<set $multifamilyOccupancy = 100>>
<<set $multifamilyIncome = ((170 * $multifamilyOccupancy) * $multifamilyRent)/1000000>>
<<set $multifamilyIncome = 0>>
<<if ($day % 30) == 1>>
<<set $multifamilyDemand = random(-10,10)>>
// It's a pay day! //<br>
<<set _income = 0>>
<<set _income += $businessCoffeeProfit >>
<<set _income += $multifamilyIncome>>
<<if $mallOwn >= 1>>
<<set _mallIncome = $mallProsperity>>
<<set _income += _mallIncome>>
<<set $maidLoan = 0 >>
<<if _income >= 0.1>>
<<set _taxRate = 30>>
<<set _taxOwned = (_income /100) * _taxRate>>
<<set _taxOwned = _taxOwned.toFixed(1)>>
Coffee Business +$ $businessCoffeeProfit m <br>
Housing +$ $multifamilyIncome m <br>
Shopping Mall +$ _mallIncome m <br>
<<statChange "money" _income "player">> <br>
Taxes -$ _taxOwned mil (Your efficient tax rate is _taxRate %) <br>
<<set _taxOwned *= -1>>
<<statChange "money" _taxOwned "player">> <br>
you didnt make any profit! :( <br>
<<if ($day % 7) == 6>>
// The week has passed! // <br>
<<set _passiveIncomeThisMonth = $passiveIncome / 10>>
Passive income +$ _passiveIncomeThisMonth m <br>
<<set $ += _passiveIncomeThisMonth>>
<<set $delayedPaymentDay -= 1>>
<<if $delayedPaymentDay == 0>>
You received your delayed money ( <br>
+$ $delayedPaymentAmount m <br>
<<set $ += $delayedPaymentAmount>>
<<set $delayedPaymentAmount = 0>>
<<set $exploitData += $exploitMining.passive>><<if $businessCoffee == 0 >>
<img src="img/town/b0Land.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
An empty patch of land near the speedway exit. It doesn't look like much for now, but it's definitely the best option to start a coffee shop business in town. <br>
<<linkreplace "Start the coffee business">>
<label><<radiobutton "$businessCoffeeLand" true >> <b>"""Buy land ($4m)"""</b></label> <br>
save on rent!<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$businessCoffeeLand" false >> <b>"""Rent land ($100k monthly)"""</b></label> <br>
save on land!<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$businessCoffeeFranchise" "Circlebucks">> <b>"""Circlebucks ($4m)"""</b></label> <br>
Worldwide known brand \ corporation. The best option for starters (+$345k monthly profit)<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$businessCoffeeFranchise" "CoffeBinder" >> <b>"""CoffeBinder ($2m)"""</b></label> <br>
Regionally successful corporation. As average as possible (+$228k monthly profit)<br>
<label><<radiobutton "$businessCoffeeFranchise" "JerryBean" >> <b>"""JerryBean ($299k)"""</b></label> <br>
Small unknown family owned brand. It could be great if you know what you're doing (+$79k monthly profit)<br>
<<set $businessCoffeeFranchise = "" >>
<<linkreplace "BUY">>
<<set _cost = 0>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit = 0 >>
<<if $businessCoffeeLand>>
<<set _cost += 4>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit -= 0.1 >>
<<if $businessCoffeeFranchise == "Circlebucks">>
<<set _cost += 4>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit += 0.3 >>
<<elseif $businessCoffeeFranchise == "CoffeBinder">>
<<set _cost += 2>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit += 0.2 >>
<<elseif $businessCoffeeFranchise == "JerryBean">>
<<set _cost += 0.3>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit += 0.1 >>
<<if $ >= _cost>>
Payment completed! You successfully opened your business, congratulation! <br>
-$ _cost m <br>
<<set $businessCoffee = 1 >>
<<set $ -= _cost>>
<<set $viceMainQuest = 3>>
[TOO POOR] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.$ > _cost m)@@ <br>
<img src="img/town/b0Shop.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
<b> COFFEE SHOP LVL.$businessCoffee +$<<= $businessCoffeeProfit.toFixed(2)>>m monthly </b>
You are in your $businessCoffeeFranchise coffee shop, of which you are the proud owner. Sure, your family would disgust even the idea of drinking the local coffee, but it's cosy and lightsome, and you really liked it. The clients adore your pies, which you order in an artisan bakery nearby, but your speciality is the coffee, which is freshly roasted in the small warehouse upstate only from the premium beans. <br>
<<if $ >= 30>>
[[Work->Coffe Shop Work]] <br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br><img src="img/mansion/pool.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are at the pool behind the mansion. It's large and filled with crystal-clear water, and surrounded by comfy sunbeds. It's also completely secluded from the outside, and additional canopies can be unfolded not only for shade but for additional privacy as well. <br>
<<if $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5 && $sisSwimingQuest >= 3>>
You see your sister at the pool in her new swimsuit... <br>
<img src="img/sis/sPool.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Do you want a massage?">>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 6 >>
@@.speech-sis;Of course I do.@@ <br>
You spill some massage oil on her back, but you both know where it goes. You add some to her butt and start to play with her ass. <br>
@@.speech-sis;I'm really tight down there... Can you help me get loose a bit, bro?@@ <br>
You make sure to prepare her asshole with your fingers, and when she is ready, you thrust your cock inside. She still lies on the sunbed, and in this prone position, you can fuck her balls deep... <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "sister">> <br>
@@.speech-sis;Nah, I'm good@@ <br>
@@.tip-skillcheck;(Advance her quest more...)@@ <br>
<<include "Mother Pool">> <br>
[[Leave...->House]] <br>You are falling asleep... <br>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
<<if $sisMainQuest == 3 >>
Sister enters the room looking scared of something... another nightmare you think. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Bro, I'm so scared! Could I sleep with you?@@
<<set $sisMainQuest = 4 >>
<<include "Sleeping API Update">>
<<if random(0,10) >= 3 && $momMainQuest >= 4>>
It seems that your mother noticed you're awake, so she sneaks into your room and closes the door behind her. You think that you're still dreaming when you realize that she is completely naked. The view of her gorgeous body makes your morning wood even harder, and you are unable to hide it under the blanket.<br>
@@.speech-mom;Look who's up! Let mommy start your day with something special...@@
She uncovers your boner and smiles like a predator who saw its prey. Wasting no time on foreplay, she mounts your cock and rides you to the pleasure land. As your mother fucks you, you look at her juicy butt and try to imagine, how much money was spent on it to make sure it's that round, smooth and firm?..<br>
<img src="img/mom/mSpecial1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<<elseif $sydneyQuest == 2 || $sydneyQuest == 3>>
@@.speech-sydney;How about another interview?@@
A message drops from Syndey, coupled with an enticing video where she films herself in the mirror. She wears a fishnet body that emphasizes her hourglass figure and sexy shapes. Her hard nipples are almost piercing through her lewd dress as if anticipating another reward for your interview.
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $sydneyQuest = 3>>
[[Get up...->Your Room]] <br>You cum. <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You feel smarter now. <br>
<<statChange "intellect" +1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You're strong! <br>
<<statChange "strenght" +1 "player">> <br>
You're real sigma male. <br>
<<statChange "charisma" +1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -10 "player">> <br><img src="img/misc/laptop.png" width="100%">
[[Watch Porn]]
[[Watch Streams->Watch Stream]]
[[Turn off...->Your Room]] <img src="img/misc/porn.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You watch your favorite porn... <br>
<<statChange "lust" 30 "player">> <br>
[[Watch another one->Watch Porn]] <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
[[Mastrubate]] <br>
[[Turn it off...->Laptop]] <br>
You start mastrubating... <br>
<<set $player.lust -= 50>>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
One of the maids enters the room... <br>
@@.speech-maid;Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you're here...@@ <br>
<<if $maidReputation > 50>>
@@.speech-maid;Do you need my help cleaning something?)@@ <br>
You tear her pantyhose, revealing her pantiless backside. You slap her fat butt, spit on the asshole and shove your dick in it. <br>
@@.speech-maid;Yesss, use my ass to clean your huge cock, sir!..@@ <br>
<img src="img/maid/mSpecial0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
She leaves, blushed... <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You notice someone is spying on you...
is that your mother?! <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "mother">> <br>
<<if $momMainQuest == 2 >>
She enters the room... <br>
@@.speech-u;What are you doing here mom?!@@
@@.speech-mom;I have the same question. Don't you know that's not good for your health?@@
@@.speech-mom;Let me do it, I promise you will like it!@@
@@.speech-u;... thanks mom@@ <br>
To your surprise, she is not going for a regular handjob - instead, she rubs your cock against her naked pussy. It's almost as if you're fucking your mom, and you even manage to insert your glans in her vagina - and instantly cum on her pussy. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mSpecial0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<set $momMainQuest = 3 >>
<<elseif $momMainQuest >= 3 >>
She enters the room... <br>
@@.speech-mom;Again? We've talked about that... just ask me next time.@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Sorry I just wanted to try something different...@@ <br>
@@.speech-mom;You know what? Maybe you're right, I'll let you cum inside this time.@@ <br>
Now it's a proper fuck! You enter her and cum in the first seconds. You finally creampied your own whore mother! She looks disappointed, but it's only the beginning. You regain your boner instantly and start fucking mom's cum-filled vagina proper. She is leaking on you and going crazy from the feeling of her son's cum inside her... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mCreampie.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3 && $sisMainQuest >= 7 >>
Your sister enters the room... <br>
@@.speech-sis;Having fun without me?!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Want some? I can feed your pussy with some tasty protein...@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;Fill me up, bro!@@ <br>
Her pussy IS hungry! You fuck her and don't think about pulling out anymore. When the time comes, you pump your sister full of your semen. She pulls out and shows you how it's leaking out of her teen pussy... <br>
<img src="img/sis/sCreampie0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
You cum. <br>
[[Leave...->Your Room]] <br><img src="img/mansion/sistersRoom.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are trying to teach your sister about some basic things like <<print either("latest algorythms for the DNA editing","applying advanced pythogoriean thorem","taxes")>>. <br>
@@.speech-sis;<<print either("Wow.. I never noticed?!","Well, now I understand","You could become a really good teacher!")>>@@ <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest == 1>>
<<if $player.intellect >= 15>>
She grabs a paper and hands it to you. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Thank you so much for your help. This was one of the easiest tests I had!@@
@@.speech-u;You're welcome, how about celebrating it?@@
@@.speech-sis;Don't want to start a whole party, but how about a game night together?@@
<<set $sisMainQuest = 2 >>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Intellect >15)@@ <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 1 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "intellect" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -20 "player">> <br>
<<if $sister.relationship >= 10 && $sister.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-sis;Check out my new sexy school uniform, by the way!@@
@@.speech-u;I don't think dad will let you wear that in school...@@
You think a uniform like that could only be found in a sex shop. The short skirt barely covers any juicy parts, and overall your sister looks like a cheap slut on a teen stripper.<br>
<img src="img/sis/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 7>>
<<linkreplace "I would fuck you in that">>
@@.speech-u;I would fuck you in that, sis.@@
@@.speech-sis;What?! You are so hopelessly perverse and degraded, it's making me horny... Let's go in my room and I'll show you how I deal with someone like you!@@
She pushes you to her room and orders you to strip out of your clothes. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Now, now, what a hard boner you have here... Aren't you ashamed being aroused by your sexy classmate?@@
Classmate? Is your sis into some kind of roleplay? <br>
@@.speech-sis;Getting hard looking at girls in their school uniform... Maybe you need a better look, huh?@@
She climbs on her bed and gets on all fours, showing you tiny white panties under her skirt. She slowly pulls them down:
@@.speech-sis;How about my innocent pussy? Your naughty gazes made me dripping wet, and it's all your fault... Come here, and make some use of your dirty thing...@@
Finally! You fuck her from behind. Your sis is too aroused by being a slutty schoolgirl, and her moans fill the room. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]] <br>You play some games with your <<relationText "sister" "step-sister" "roommate">>. <br>
@@.speech-sis;<<print either("How did you do that?!","Ok, now it's on!","This game is so easy!")>>.@@ <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest == 2>>
<<if $sister.relationship >= 30>>
She absolutely destroys you in the game! <br>
@@.speech-sis;Well.... as one wise morbius said... it's morbin time!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;What...?@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;You didn't watch the morbius movie?! I guess next time we're watching movies. I'll educate you, no worries.@@ <br>
<<set $sisMainQuest = 3 >>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.<<relationText "Sister" "Step-sister" "$">>Relationship >30)@@ <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 3 "sister">> <br>
<<if $player.lust > 50>>
She tries to focus on playing a game, but still manages to steal some glances at your errect cock... <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 5 >>
<<linkreplace "Ask for help with the boner">>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-sis;Ugh, fine. But I'm playing the next level without you! C'mon, drop your pants, I'll suck you off.@@ <br>
You are encouraged by her straightforward approach, and get your cock to her face. She kisses your hard manhood, licking its length and licking the tip - all while closely looking at the screen and continuing the game. Eventually, she takes your meat in her mouth, slowly blowing you off. <br>
@@.speech-u;You're good at multitasking!@@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sGaming0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
@@.speech-sis;Ugh, okay, I can suck your cock, but... Wait! Stop!.@@ <br>
Your thick boner stuffs her mouth as she mumbles incomprehensively. You don't want to hear what conditions she wants to place on you - you just want to take everything her mouth has to offer. You fuck her mouth and release your seed down her throat. You take your cock out, and she gasps for air, spitting saliva mixed with cum. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Fuck... OK, ready for a re-match?@@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sGaming3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 7 >>
<<linkreplace "Fuck her while she is playing">>
@@.speech-u;Hey, don't mind me and continue playing... I just need to get something in your pants@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;OK, just don't interrupt me. You can use my pussy...@@ <br>
She bends over, still looking at the TV with her controller in her hands. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You place some pillows for her comfort and then pull down her shorts. You spit on your fingers and play with her pussy a bit to make sure she's ready. Then, you carefully insert your penis. Your sis continues playing as if nothing is happening behind her back. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sGaming1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You slap her ass and shove your full length in one powerful thrust. She moans but continues playing. You try to sync your moves with the game soundtrack, but unexpected action sequence speeds up the rhythm and you end up viciously fucking your sister at 120 bpm, who can barely hold the controller. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sGaming2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You gently take off her pants and see that her pussy is dripping wet - it seems she was waiting for this as much as you do. You slowly put your dick in but decide to tease her by moving as slow as you can. As you expected, she gives up on the game and starts moving, nailing herself on your thick dick. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sGaming4.gif" width="50%"> <br>
You take position behind her and start casually fucking her. With the TV right in front of you, you realize you are more interested in the game. <br>
@@.speech-u;Hey, check on your left!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Quick! Use your ability!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Oh, you missed AGAIN?@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;That's ENOUGH! Shut up and fuck me, you idiot!@@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sGaming5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]] <br>you haveing a blast at the party together
[[Sister's Room]] You watch a hit movie <<print either("Morbius","Maybe Call Jerry","Sex in the third world country 3","Revengers: Age of the Mouse","Slow and Average 5","Two cops One criminal","The Bean: Chiling","Joe in town 2","Invisible man: the last man sitting")>> with your sister. <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 5 "sister">> <br>
<<if random(0, 10) > 5>>
<<relationText "Your sister" "Your stepsister" "$">> fell asleep on the couch with you... <br>
<<linkreplace "Use the chance...">>
As she lies on your lap, you take out your boner and start to carefully stroke it, right in front of her face. You can feel her soft breathing with your dick and imagine, how with just one move you can rub your cock against her plump lips... Your free hand meanwhile explore her breast, and you play with her nipple until it is as hard, as your manhood. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 5 >>
She pretends to be sleeping... <br>
She wakes up!
@@.speech-sis;Hey, that's disgusting!@@ <br>
<<statChange "relationship" -1 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 30 "sister">> <br>
@@.speech-sis;OMG! This movie is so scary I'm gonna sleep with lights!@@ <br>
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]] <br>You're laying down with <<relationText "your sister" "your stepsister" "$">>... <br>
<<if $player.lust > 50>>
<<if $sisMainQuest == 4 >>
@@.speech-sis;I can't sleep while your boner is pocking me! Could you get rid of it?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Well.... I can't just get rid of it... I need wifi or something...@@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;... ught. Fine, let me help.@@ <br>
<<set $sisMainQuest = 5 >>
She sits on you, wearing only panties. It seems she is not sure what to do, but you guide her on how to use her hands. She holds on to your balls with one hand, while stroking you with another. As you get close, you ask her to speed up, but she instead just squeezes you harder. You cum, feeling in <<relationText "your sister" "your stepsister" "$">>'s total control. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
@@.speech-sis;... You know I can't sleep like this!@@ <br>
<<include "Sister Sex Help">> <br>
[[Sleep...->Sleep Sister]] <br><<relationText "Your sister" "Your stepsister" "$">> helps you with your boner. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
As she kneels naked, you take control by pulling her hair and pushing on her forehead. This way, your meaty cock can slide deeper down her throat. You thrust yourself a bit, but mostly move her head like a big masturbator. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sBj0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You sit with your dick out, and <<relationText "your sister" "your stepsister" "$">> gets closer to you. She is very gentle and kisses you, while her hand is getting your penis ready. Then, she gets her face to your crotch and before sucking, sniffs to get your smells. Finally, she puts it into her mouth while looking at you with her innocent eyes. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sBj1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You hold her hair in a ponytail while she works on your cock. She sucks it like a giant tasty lollypop, which barely fits her mouth - but she tries anyway. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sBj2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
You both don't bother to undress. She just unzips your jeans and takes your cock from your pants straight to her warm, moist mouth. It seems <<relationText "your sister" "your stepsister" "$">> knows the importance of maintaining eye contact. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sBj3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She stands on all fours when you force your dick in her mouth. You are in a rough mood today, and treat her mouth just like you would treat any other hole of hers. You mercilessly fuck her face, and you see how your thrusts echo through her body. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sBj4.gif" width="50%"> <br>
You cum. <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest == 5 >>
<<if $player.lust >= 200>>
Since you're so horny your boner comes back to you... <br>
<<if $sister.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-sis;Well, we could try anal.... so you'll get off and it's not incest.. technically.@@ <br>
You can't miss this opportunity! <br>
@@.speech-u; Yeeeaah... Not incest, for sure. Get your ass ready!@@ <br>
She turns back to you and sits on the side of a bed, sticking out her juicy ass. You can see her inviting anal hole, and feel like you're about to pass out. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Get the lube in the top drawer, and promise to be gentle, OK? I've never done this with a boy... just fingers... cucumbers... shampoo bottles... @@ <br>
@@.speech-u; Never thought that my <<relationText "sis" "stepsis" "roomie">> is such unexperienced.. anal slut!@@ <br>
You lube your dick and then her tight hole, probing it and relaxing with gentle finger movements. Her anus is tight, but loose enough for your cock to feel comfortable. You put the tip of your dick against your <<relationText "sister" "stepsister" "$">>'s anal entrance. <br>
@@.speech-u; Get ready<<relationText " sis" " step-sis" "">>, here goes your A-card!@@ <br>
You gradually press your penis, trying to enter her backdoor, and eventually, your cock's tip is inside. <<relationText "Your sister" "Your stepsister" "$">> squeals, but it's only when you push half of your length, she asks you to stop. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Can't take it much more! You're too big for my poor little asshole<relationText ", bro" ", stepbro" "">>! @@ <br>
You don't really need to go any deeper. <<relationText "your sister" "your stepsister" "$">>'s anus is so tight on your cock that you can cum any second. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sAnalFirst.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You enjoy this sensation for a while before unleashing a torrent of sperm inside and outside of her ass. You both fall onto the bed, trying to catch a breath. <br>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to visit your backdoor.. often. @@ <br>
@@.speech-sis;Can't wait till the next time! I hope one day I'll take the entire length <<relationText "of my bro" "of my stepbro" "" in my butt!>> @@ <br>
<<set $sisMainQuest = 6 >> <br>
@@.speech-sis;Well... I did my best.@@ <br>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Sister Lust >100)@@ <br>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Player Lust >200)@@ <br>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]] <br>
<<set $sister.hadSex = true>>You have sex with <<relationText "sister" "stepsister" "$">>... <br>
<div id="choice">
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if $sisMainQuest == 6 && random(0,10) >= 5>>
You accidentally enter her vagina! <br>
@@.speech-sis;Oh, fuck *moans* this time it's even better....@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Eeeehm... bad news, <<relationText "sis" "stepsis" "roomie">>...@@ <br>
Before you could do anything, she already nailed on your dick, taking all your length inside her pussy. You are taken by surprise by how good that feels compared to her ass - it's like silky, moist walls of heaven that falls on your pulsating dick.
<img src="img/sis/sVFirst.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-sis;wait... *moans* that's the wrong hole!@@ <br>
She says it but instinctively her hips begin to move up and down along your pole... <br>
@@.speech-sis;*moans* ok.. nevermind@@ <br>
You claim <<relationText "your sister" "your stepsister" "$">>'s pussy yours. <br>
<<set $sisMainQuest = 7 >> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You fuck her well-oiled butt with quick but heavy thrusts. You maintain a steady rhythm, pumping her ass like a merciless fuck machine. She takes it like it's nothing, a true anal whore!
<img src="img/sis/sSexA0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
She spreads her asscheeks, inviting you to her slightly gaping anal hole.
@@.speech-sis;Please, <<relationText "bro" "stepbro" "$">>, stick your dick in my nasty butt!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Sure, let me loose that ass of yours, <<relationText "sis" "stepsis" "roomie">>@@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSexA1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You fuck her ass doggy-style, reaching her much, much deeper than usual. When you are balls deep in <<relationText "your sister" "your stepsister" "$">>'s ass, you feel like you are one organism, merged by passion and lust.
<img src="img/sis/sSexA2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She loves to take it in the ass when she stands. You speed up like crazy, her legs are shaking and she almost passes out from intense feelings, but nevertheless, she still stands and asks you for more!
<img src="img/sis/sSexA3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 7 >>
<<link "Vaginal">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You fuck her doggy-style. <br>
@@.speech-sis;La-la-la... Hey<<relationText " bro" " stepbro" "", are in yet?>> @@ <br>
She obviously teases you... right? You push harder! <br>
@@.speech-sis;Mmmmm... Can't feel ya, loser! @@ <br>
What a bitch! You grab her by the hair and jackhammer the shit out of her fuckhole. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Yeah, yeah, yeah! That's how you slut <<relationText "sis" "stepsis" "roomie">> likes it! @@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSexV0.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You fuck her from behind and notice how well you trained her butthole. You pry on your thumb inside, feeling the thin barrier between your finger and dick.
@@.speech-sis;Oh fuck *moans* What are you doing, you're gonna drive me crazy with these bum tricks! @@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSexV1.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-sis;It's too cold... I'm staying in my pyjama... @@ <br>
You don't fucking care, as long as her pussy is warm and wet for you. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSexV2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
She's atop of you, riding your dick. You can't get her deep enough, but instead your dick pushes against her g-spot area. Her legs are shaking, but she tries her best to keep fucking you...
<img src="img/sis/sSexV3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 5>>
She was lying on her bed reading something on her phone, so you decided not to interrupt her and fuck her in that position. Holding her ass like a soft pillow, you fuck her pussy like it's a toy.
<img src="img/sis/sSexV4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
She is in full control this time, riding your dick in sitting reverse cowgirl. She enjoys being in the lead, teases you with her hips movements, and you respond by slapping her bratty ass a few times.
<img src="img/sis/sSexV5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 7>>
You pull her legs together, making her tight fuckhole even tighter, and thrust your thick cock inside her. She responds with intense moaning and tries to spread her legs, but you hold her still and continue to ravage her.
<img src="img/sis/sSexV6.gif" width="50%"> <br>
You fuck her doggy-style. <br>
@@.speech-sis;La-la-la... Hey<<relationText " bro" " stepbro" "", are in yet?>> @@ <br>
Not this fucking teasing again! You wish you had a second cock to stuff her mouth from talking shit, but you just put your fingers in. To your surprise, she starts sucking them, just like she was waiting for this moment all this time. You play with both her holes, delivering her spitroast fantasies.
<img src="img/sis/sSexV7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 10 "player">> <br>
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]] <br>
<<set $sister.hadSex = true>>
/*--------------------------UNUSED\STILL WIP-------------------------
<<set _randomNPC = either("Mother","Father","Guard","Maid")>>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
_randomNPC tries to enter the room, but the door is locked
<<elseif _event == 2>>
you hear _randomNPC is wokring nexdoor
you hear _randomNPC is talking on the phone loudly nexdor
Sister is <<print either("Watching something on her phone","Drawing something on the table","Naping on teh couch","Working on her laptop")>>
<<if random(0, 10) > 5>>
You admire her body
You <<print either("Take your jeans down revealing your cock","Start stroking your dick","Slip your dick out","Tell her you wanna fuck")>>
after that you <<print either("Aproach her from behind","Slap her ass","Displace her panties","Starting stroking her pussy")>>
you fuck sister
<div id="choice">
<<if $sisMainQuest == 7 >>
<<link "Vaginal">>
<<replace "#choice">>
fuck in vagina
<<if $sisMainQuest == 8 >>
<<link "cum in">>
<<replace "#choice">>
you cum inside
<<link "cum out">>
<<replace "#choice">>
you cum out
pull out!
oh fuck ... sorry i cant
the fuck you just nut in your own sister you moron! I m not on birth controll, fuck
cum in her unlcocked (she will be annoyed each time tho)
<<set $sisMainQuest = 8 >>
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#choice">>
fuck int hte anal
<<print either("You hide your dick","She kisses you","You both lay down for a while","She starts to get dressed")>>
*/<img src="img/town/stripclub.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You enter the strip club in the town center. Immediately you are enveloped in the loud music, dim neon lights, and some sweet smells... This establishment is home to many beautiful women, who chose the more direct approach of getting money from rich men and spent it mostly on plastic surgeries. <br>
<<if $stripclubVIP == 0>>
<<linkreplace "[$200k] Purchase VIP membership">>
<<set $stripclubVIP = 1>>
<<statChange "money" -0.2 "player">>
[[Go to the VIP area->Strip Club VIP Area]] <br>
[[Buy a private dance->Private Dance]] <br>
[[Spend some time here->Strip Club Random Events]] <br>
[[Leave...->Town][$stripclubLust to 0]] <br>
<<include "Pass time">><<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You see a maid struggling to carry the heavy cleaning bottles... <br>
<<linkreplace "Help her out">>
<<if $player.strenght > 30 >>
You carried her bottles without any struggle. Well, that was easy! <br>
@@.speech-maid;Wow, such a muscular man helping the lady! You are such a gentleman!@@
<<statChange "maidReputation" 3 >> <br>
<<elseif $player.strenght > 10>>
You are visibly struggling but still manage to get the job done. <br>
@@.speech-maid;Thank you kind sir!@@
<<statChange "maidReputation" 1 >> <br>
Those bottles are too heavy! You spill it on the floor making a mess! <br>
@@.speech-maid;OMG, I shouldn't trust you with those bottles....@@
<<statChange "maidReputation" -15 >> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -10 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
<<include "Maid">>
<<endif>>/* assing location for each character */<<set _maidLust = random(0,50) + $maidReputation>>
<<set _maidAddedLust = 0>>
You see a maid is working here... <br>
//Your reputation with the maids is $maidReputation //<br>
<div id="maidOut">
Maid ♥ _maidLust (+_maidAddedLust)
<<linkreplace "Small talk">>
You talk a bit with the maid. <br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" 1 >> <br>
<<linkreplace "Watch her">>
You are watching a master at work. <br>
<<if passage() == "Your Room">>
She does your bend, while her ultra-short shirt rises revealing her big, round booty. She is perfectly aware of that and takes her time so you can appreciate her remarkable rear in full. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidClean0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif passage() == "Kitchen">>
She is moping floors but stops to catch her breath. Sitting on the ground, she tries to fix her dress, and you slowly realise later that it was a private show for you. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidClean3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You interrupt her with some questions but have trouble hearing her answers, captivated by her see-through attire. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidClean1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She is performing her duties responsibly, and not missing a spot. But you enjoy this not only as a show of professionalism but also as a display of the maid's beautiful femininity. And one hell of a sexy outfit! <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidClean2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 30 "player">> <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
She noticed you trying to hide your boner while watching her... <br>
<<set _maidAddedLust += 20>>
// Maid added lust +20 // <br>
<<replace "#maidOut">>Maid ♥ _maidLust (+_maidAddedLust)<</replace>>
<<linkreplace "Ask her to clean naked">>
<<if (_maidLust + _maidAddedLust) >= 50>>
<<if passage() == "Your Room">>
You check on your maid's work in your private bathroom. Her tits are on display for you while she continues her work, and this doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidCleanN0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif passage() == "Kitchen">>
You are almost angry the maid is not performing her duties as you agreed, but then you realise that there's nothing under that apron. And as she rubs the kitchen floors, you can check out her naked ass and pussy... <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidCleanN3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
The maid is dusting the shelves naked as you asked, ecept for a small apron. When she notices you, she smiles back at you and slaps her juicy butt: <br>
@@.speech-female;I like my new outfit, master! I'm proud of my butt and happy that now you can admire it as well!@@ <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidCleanN1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
The maid is rubbing the floor, making sure to stick out her naked ass for you. You check her backside, satisfied. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidCleanN2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 60 "player">> <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
She noticed you stroking your dick while watching her cleaning nude... <br>
<<set _maidAddedLust += 30>>
// Maid added lust +30 // <br>
<<replace "#maidOut">>Maid ♥ _maidLust (+_maidAddedLust)<</replace>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100 && (_maidLust + _maidAddedLust) >= 100>>
*Maid gets on her knees in front of you* <br>
@@.speech-maid;I know what you're doing here.. you could show me@@ <br>
You can't deny such a beautiful servant. You pull your dick out and continue stroking it in the open. Climaxing, you send ropes of cum on her lovely face. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidHand0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Maids Lust >50)@@
<<linkreplace "Ask for sex">>
<<if (_maidLust + _maidAddedLust) >= 100>>
<<if passage() == "Your Room">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1 && _maidLust >= 100>>
You throw her on your bed and get your cock ready. <br>
@@.speech-female;I want you to use my body as you please, master.@@ <br>
You see that she is ready for anything you can offer her. You look her in the eyes and start pushing your dick in her ass. She just stares back at you and doesn't blink until you stick your whole length. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidSexA0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You fuck her from behind her on the bed, your dick barely fits in her small pussy, but her round ass is alone enough to get you off. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
The maid is so eager to please her master that she starts working on you herself. She moves on your dick, trying to fit all your sizeable length inside her pussy. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif passage() == "Kitchen">>
You press the maid against the kitchen counter and insert your throbbing penis inside her already wet pussy. You wiggle it around to make sure you hit every spot inside her. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidSex4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>>
<<if _event == 1 && _maidLust >= 100>>
You go on her as she was rubbing the floor on her four, and immediately insert your impatient cock in the first hole you saw - which conveniently is her tight anal. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidSexA1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You feel the power of authority when you can just command one of your staff to sit on your cock - and they obey you. You wonder if you can cum inside this obedient bitch... <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidSex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
She gets on top of you and starts riding your dick. You like that with her current uniform she doesn't need to undress to receive her master's cock in her pussy. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidSex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
She gets on her knees and tries to suck you off. Unfortunately, you're too big for her, and you're afraid to choke her if going too deep. However, she does know how to clean your glans... <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidO0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She milks your cock as it's one of her duties. She even manages to collect every drop in her mouth and swallow everything, leaving no trace. What a pro. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidO1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<if _maidLust >= 50>>
She is not horny enough to fuck you, but she respects you too much to say no. <br>
Her skilful hands are alone enough for you, but she additionally encourages you by flashing her hot body. You end up cumming on her sweet tits. <br>
<img src="img/maid/maidHand1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Maid Lust >100)@@
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
She noticed your boner <br>
<<set _maidAddedLust += 10>>
// Maid added lust +10 // <br>
/* <<done>>
<<replace "#maidOut">>// Maid ♥ _maidLust (+_maidAddedLust) //<</replace>>
<</done>> */
<<endif>>Mother agrees to help you with your boner... <br>
@@.speech-mom;Do you need mommy to suck your dick?@@ <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
She gets on her knees and places her hands on your crotch, massaging your hard cock through clothes. When you are almost ready to jizz your pants, mom takes them off and starts sucking your dick. She helps herself with rthytmic hand strokes, all the while maintaining eye contact. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mHelp0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
She leans closer to your pulsating manhood and starts by kissing it. Her lips envelop around the tip, and her tongue is playing with your glans. Mother's gentle moves drive you closer to orgasm... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mHelp1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She starts sucking you off but soon comes up with a better idea. Your mom pulls out her heavy, round tits and places your hard cock between them. Her face is still messed up from blowing you, but she starts moving and literally fucks you with her breasts. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mHelp2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 75 "mother">> <br><<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You apply a bit of massage oil and play with her shiny, slick ass. You then place your mother on her fours and after hotdogging her butt you insert your hard cock in her lubed-up pussy. You have almost no tension, and can speed up to some mindblowing rhythms, all while looking at the shaking of your mom's shiny ass. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
She is wearing only stockings when she rides you in reverse cowgirl. She is doing all the work, while you enjoy the view of your mom's perfect bubble butt. You slap it a bit and then grasp them to control her movements on your cock. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You want to dominate your whore-mother, so you take her out to the balcony, where anyone can see you. <br>
@@.speech-u;I'm going to fuck your slut ass in public, so anyone would know, what a whore you are to fuck your own's sun!@@ <br>
@@.speech-mom;Oh... please, punish me... I am a bad mother to raise such a monster.. cock!@@ <br>
You grasp her hair and shove your pulsating dick in her anal fuck hole. Fortunately, no one sees you yet... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mSex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-mom;You can choose any of my holes, sweetheart....@@ <br>
You hesitate a minute and then go for her ass. Judging by her sweet moan, you made the right decision! You make sure to reach balls-deep in her butt, knowing that your mom's trained body can take it easy... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mSex4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She's on top of you, trying to fit your dick inside her wet pussy, and surprisingly fails to do so. Your mom manages to insert only half of your cock in this position, but it seems to reach her very sensitive parts, so she stays on top... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mSex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>Mother is sunbathing at the pool... <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You are almost relieved to see that she is wearing a one-piece swimsuit, but then you realize that it's completely see-through. Moreover, its fabric is too soft to hold her massive, juicy breasts, which are shaking with her every move. They try to set themselves free, but your mother always puts them back, making sure you see how she squeezes them. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mPool2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
The bottoms of her swimsuit are made only from a thin black string. Not only her trained buttocks are on full display, but you can almost see your mother's pussy as well. She glances back at you, satisfied with the looks her son gives to her. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mPool1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She is wearing an ultra-skimpy swimsuit, which looks gorgeous on her perfect body. You admire her round ass, suspecting that she is showing it off to you on purpose. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mPool0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 15 "player">> <br>
<<if $momMainQuest == 0 >>
@@.speech-mom;Hey, could you apply some sunscreen on my back?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Apply sunscreen">>
You applied sunscreen on her back... <br>
@@.speech-mom;Thanks, honey!@@ <br>
<<set $momMainQuest = 1 >>
<<if $momMainQuest >= 4 && $mother.lust >= 100 >>
@@.speech-mom;How about helping mother fulfil her desires?@@ <br>
She bends over and pulls down her panties. You look at her gorgeous tanned rear, bleached asshole, epilated pussy, and can't help but think how much money your dad put into her. The next moment you realize that you are rock-hard... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mPoolH.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<<if random(0, 10) > 5>>
You don't bother to go somewhere private and start fucking right where she was teasing you, on the poolside. You don't bother if servants see a son fucking his mother; if your father hears loud moans of his slut wife; if someone from outside perv on you... All that matters is getting deeper into the wet, hungry pussy of your mother. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mPoolSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You hid behind the pavilion between the pool and a garden, and try to avoid noise. You start fucking her from behind, but you can't restrain yourself for long - and soon thrust your mother with full speed and loud slapping of your balls against her ass. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mPoolSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Do you need my help with the sunscreen?">>
You applied sunscreen on her back... <br>
<<if $momMainQuest >= 3 && $player.lust >= 50>>
<<linkreplace "Could you *reward* me?">>
@@.speech-mom;Only because you're such a sweetheart...@@ <br>
You pull out your dick, and your mother takes it into her mouth without hesitation. She seems quite skilful, and you take her head and try to push her deeper on your cock. Indeed, she was trained in deep-throating, and you continue by literally fucking your mom's face. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mPoolFavor0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 75 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 1 "mother">> <br>
<<endif>><img src="img/town/emilyHome.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You are near Emily's home. Your family would be embarrassed to have a such house even for the lowest of their servants - in fact, you had a bigger tree house when you were a boy. Despite the obvious poverty, it's neat and clean and even has a small market garden in the back. <br>
<<if $period >= 3 && $period < 5>>
<b>Emily</b> ♥$poor.lust ♡$poor.relationship c.$poor.corruption <br>
<<linkreplace "Small Talk">>
You have a small talk with Emily... <br>
<<statChange "relationship" +1 "poor">> <br>
<<bonerHandle "poor">> <br>
<<if _bonerEvent>>
<<if $emilyMainQuest >= 5 >>
<<include "Emily Blowjob">> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
She is taking a shower... <br>
<<if $poor.relationship >= 60>>
She left the door open just for you... <br>
<<linkreplace "Join her">>
You enter the bathroom and realize that it's so incapacious two persons can barely fit - good thing that you can fit your dick inside her pussy! You start fucking her, trying not to hit anything, but still, you end up wreaking havoc across the bathroom... <br>
<img src="img/poor/pSpecial0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
She is playing her favourite game... <br>
<<if $poor.relationship >= 60>>
@@.speech-emi;Hey babe, wanna join?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Join her">>
You undress and start stroking your boner. <br>
@@.speech-emi;I meant, joining the game... But let's try both, shall we?@@ <br>
She drops her clothes and sits on top of you. She rides your cock and plays the game at the same time, while you enjoy the view of her perky tits. <br>
<img src="img/poor/pSpecial1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
[[Have sex->Emily Sex]] <br>
<<if $emilyMainQuest == 5 >>
[[Ask for a blowjob->Emily Blowjob]] <br>
<<if $emilyMainQuest == 6 >>
[[Ask for anal->Emily Anal]] <br>
[[Go on a date->Emily Date]] <br>
<<elseif $period == 2>>
She is in school... <br>
<<elseif $period == 1>>
She is too busy preparing for school... <br>
<<if $emilyMainQuest == 5 >>
<<linkreplace "Ask for a blowjob">>
@@.speech-emi;Well, I guess I'll be late today@@ <br>
You are turned on by her school uniform. Before she starts blowing you off, you take off her panties. <br>
@@.speech-emi;I want you to go commando today. Be a naughty schoolgirl for your daddy!@@ <br>
You slap her ass and then start fucking her face. She become very good at that! <br>
<img src="img/poor/pBj0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 30 "poor">> <br>
She is sleeping... <br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br>
someone poor broke but sexy honest type char
girl on girl
you need to be charisma for this one
story stges
1. you are radneomly encounter her as a your worer at starbuk
2. you are such a charismatic boss she falls for you
3. you invite her on a date and fuck (first date) now you know where she lives (could go there)
4. she waatns to learn how to mkaed blowjobs (teach her)
5 she never ahd anal sex (teach her)
*/<img src="img/town/cousinRoom.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You enter your cousin's room. The main eyecatcher is the enormous game station, flickering its many monitors and neon lights. It's about the only source of light in the room, except for some colourful LEDs on the wall. This room doesn't belong to this classical estate, but it perfectly reflects who your bratty gamer cousin is. <br>
<<if $cousinMainQuest == 0>>
<<if $player.strenght >= 100>>
@@.speech-cousin;Oh, hi there!) I didn't know my cousin is so handsome...@@
Your cousin is leaning back in the chair, her legs splayed and her bare pussy hardly covered by her pink sweater. She rubs the material against her skin and hums in pleasure. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Fuck, my pussy feels so hot already.@@
She finally lifts the fabric of her sweater and uncovers her petite, pink slit glistening with her arousal. Her fingers gently brush against her swollen nub and she leans her head back and gasps. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cTease0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-cousin;So sensitive..@@
...she hisses, lowering her hand to gently probe the entrance of her wet pussy. <br>
Apparently tired of teasing, she pushes in two fingers with ease. You can almost see her muscles tighten against her fingers as the pleasure pulses through her. <br>
It doesn’t take her long to climax. She stiffens entirely, her mouth wide open as a long whine of satisfaction tumbles from her lips. <br><br>
<<statChange "lust" 40 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "cousin">> <br>
<<set $cousinMainQuest = 1 >>
She turns back from her PC for a split second checking you out... <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I thought the door was locked.@@
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.STRENGTH >100)@@ <br>
<<if $cousin.lust >= 50>>
<<linkreplace "Peek">>
<<if $cousin.corruption >= 50 && $cousinMainQuest == 2 && $player.lust >= 50 && $maidReputation >= 25>>
You open the door and see cousin is dressed as a maid... <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Heard you liked your maids a bit too much? If I suck your dick, could I become your favorite maid?@@
@@.speech-u;don't know what are you...@@
@@.speech-cousin;Do you like when I’m a slutty maid for you, Master?@@
$ parts her plush lips, allowing just the tip of her tongue to press against the head of your throbbing cock. You shudder at the moist contact. She pulls her mouth away slightly and you follow the wet trail of saliva connecting you both. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I love serving my Master. I love sucking my Master’s dick until he cums all over me.@@
You’re surprised that your cousin has such a filthy mouth, but it still sends a jolt of desire through your body. Your tongue darts across your dry lips as you press your hand against her hair. <br>
@@.speech-u;Then hurry up and serve me@@
... you say, applying a slight pressure to the back of her head. $ smiles, before parting her lips again and swallowing the head of your cock into the wet warmth of her mouth. <br>
You let your hand drop as she continues by herself. With apparent ease, she swallows more of your dick, her tongue reaching to lick the underside of your sensitive skin. <br>
This pleasurable assault continues for some time. She maintains a steady pace and a strong suction, and you soon feel the familiar tingle of climax beginning in your balls. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay4.gif" width="50%"> <br>
$ must be able to feel the tension of your upcoming orgasm because she soon pulls her mouth away. You’re struck with a sense of disappointment before her hand wraps around your cock and furiously strokes you to completion. <br>
Your cum decorates your cousin’s face and you’re filled with the warm hum of satisfaction. <br><br>
<<statChange "corruption" 10 "cousin">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "cousin">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<set $cousinMainQuest = 3>>
You open the door and see cousin is pleasuring herself... <br>
<<if $cousinMainQuest == 1>>
@@.speech-cousin;Didn't know you like to watch, cousin) That's so sexy *moans*@@
@@.speech-u;.. I was just passing by...@@
<<set $cousinMainQuest = 2>>
@@.speech-cousin;Oh, hi cousin!@@
You watch $ in amazement. She’s crouching on the table in front of you, her legs splayed, pussy wet from arousal and completely in view. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;You like that, huh? I can tell by how hard you are in your pants.@@
She giggles, positioning a dildo beneath her and suctioning it to the desk. <br>
You expect her to slip the dildo into her pussy, but you’re surprised when she pushes the head of it against her asshole. With surprising ease the sex toy slides into her; no doubt she’s done this many times before. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Fuck, that feels so good. Can you believe I’m fucking my t-tight asshole in front of you?@@
She attempts to laugh again but it’s cut off by a long, whimpering groan as she moves her hips. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;It’s so good. It feels so good having you watch me be this dirty.@@
Your cock aches in your pants as you watch her ride the faux dick and you imagine that it’s yours. She watches you watching her, her eyes alternating between meeting your heated gaze and eye-fucking your bulge. <br>
...she pants, a string of saliva drooling from her parted lips. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Fuck, I’m going to cum like this! F-fuck! I’m going to cum while fucking myself in the ass.@@
Her groans rise in volume until they’re almost shouts of pleasure and you’re sure that everybody in a six-mile radius can hear her. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Yes, right there. Yes, fuck!@@
With an almost scream of pleasure, her body jerks with what you can assume is an insane orgasm. Her legs give out on her and she falls backwards on the desk, pussy dripping and quivering and the sex toy still inside her. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cTease1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 10 "cousin">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "cousin">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<b>Cousin</b> ♥$cousin.lust ♡$cousin.relationship c.$cousin.corruption <br>
<<linkreplace "Small Talk">>
You have a small talk with your cousin <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 1 "cousin">> <br>
<<if $cousinMainQuest >= 3>>
[[Cousin Cosplay]] <br>
<<if $cousinMainQuest >= 5 && $player.lust >= 50>>
[[Cousin Sex]] <br>
<<bonerHandle "cousin">> <br>
[[Leave...->Uncle's Mansion]] <br>
if go to her room naked and you both horny there wil be sex
while fucking the ucle could watch increasing his coruption
she learned that you fuck your maids
she goves you bj dressed as a maid
now you could fuck herr as cospley (she pretends to not be your cousin each time)
oncer her coruption increases she will fuck you openly
if uncle is watching he will get horny and could give better loans at the bank
*/<img src="img/city/raeHouse.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in Rae's apartments in a prestigious highrise in the centre. You can tell by the looks of it that she doesn't hesitate to award herself with some of the charity funds she raises. While everything here screams luxury, you know that it's not just a show - she does enjoy playing the handcrafted piano in the lounge, collecting rare books for her exceptional library, or seducing her donors at the fully-stacked bar. This is the home of a woman who knows what she wants, and how to achieve that. <br>
<b>Rae</b> ♥$rich.lust ♡$rich.relationship c.$rich.corruption <br>
<<linkreplace "Small Talk">>
You had a small talk with Rae <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 1 "rich">> <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest == 2 >>
<<if $rich.relationship >= 5 >>
She asks you to buy her a bughati! <br>
<<if $ >= 3.3>>
<<linkreplace "No problem. ($3.3 mil)">>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 3 >>
<<set $ -= 3.3>>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Money > $3.3 mil)@@ <br>
She doesn't trust you enough
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Rae Relationship >5)@@ <br>
<<bonerHandle "rich">> <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest >= 3 >>
[[Ask for a blowjob->Rae Bj]] <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest >= 5 >>
[[Have sex->Rae Sex]] <br>
<<if $exploitBuyerQuest == 0>>
[[Privacy Data Shadow Buyer->Privacy Data Rae]]<br>
[[Leave...->City]] <br>
mirror changing tease
<img src="img/rich/rTease0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
*/Your mother is working out... <br>
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<if $momMainQuest >= 4 && $mother.lust >= 100 >>
@@.speech-mom;Mommy wants your hard cock so much, honey!@@ <br>
It seems she doesn't bother wearing any leggings anymore. Looking at how she is doing naked yoga makes your dick hard. Even without tight pants to provide support, her big round booty is magnificent.. and her bare pussy is dripping wet. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mGymFavor0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 45 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Deliver">>
She takes back on her yoga pants... <br>
@@.speech-u;Oh, I thought you wanna...@@ <br>
@@.speech-mom;Of course I do, but I also want you to rip my yoga pants. Don't worry, your dad can afford to buy a new pair.@@ <br>
@@.speech-mom;Show me how much you want to fuck your mommy!@@ <br>
<<if random(0, 10) > 5>>
You pull her down and tear the yoga pants - damn, this was satisfying! Right away, you stick your hard cock in your mother's wet pussy. She is doing most of the work, nailing herself on you, while you enjoy the view on her butt and, from the mirrors in the gym, on her lewd face. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mGymSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You go to the changing room for some privacy, and there you tear down a hole in her pants, revealing your mom's wet cunt. You finger her a bit before inserting your hardened manhood. You fuck her, trying to get as deep as you can in mom's pussy, while her moans are echoing across the room. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mGymSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Leave...">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
She is looking in the mirror, admiring her firm ass. Her butt is gorgeous on its own, but in the sporty leggings, it's simply mindblowing. She notices you peek at her and shakes her ass a bit! <br>
<img src="img/mom/mGym0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
She is doing some exercises, a mix of yoga and callisthenics. Whatever this is, it makes her hot body even more sexier, amplifying her magnificent ass and legs. <br>
<img src="img/mom/mGym1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
She is doing cardio on an exercise bike. When you walk in, she stands up a bit, and you are mesmerized by the moves of her strong hips and bubble butt. You wish that she was riding something more appropriate for a slut she is... <br>
<img src="img/mom/mGym2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 45 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[STRENGT 5] Help her stretch">>
<<if $player.strenght >= 5>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $mother.relationship >= 10 && $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-mom;I see you're pretty excited to stretch your mommy, huh?@@
You help her stretch by applying your weight to her body, but there is no way you can hide your boner you had this all the time. Your mother definitely notices that something hark is poking at her...
<<if $mother.corruption <= 50>>
@@.speech-mom;Ok, you need to get that out of your system. Just jerk off, I'm sure you know how..@@
@@.speech-u;Like... right here?@@
@@.speech-mom;Yeah, it's just me and you here.. Here, let me motivate you more...@@
@@.speech-mom;Mmmm, I want you to cover your mommy in cum! Please?@@
While standing on her fours, your mother pulls down her yoga pants, revealing her perfect, round ass and juicy pussy. You pull up your cock and start jerking off furiously, looking at your slutty mother. Her holes are so inviting, but you restrain yourself from sliding your penis inside - you won't last much anyway, being as horny as you are. In seconds, you start cumming all over your mother's ass, pumping more and more semen, covering her backside in a thick white semen layer...
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "mother">> <br>
<<elseif $mother.relationship >= 5 >>
@@.speech-mom;Thanks, honey! Your hands are so muscular... and hard. I like it~@@
Your mother's body is well-trained, and she can easily stand in the most difficult asanas. However, that means she needs help pushing herself even further, and that's where your strong hands are suited. You help your mom, and in the process, you explore all the juiciest parts of her body
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<if $momMainQuest == 1 >>
<<set $momMainQuest = 2 >>
<<statChange "corruption" 15 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 5 "mother">> <br>
@@.speech-mom;No, believe me, honey, I know how to work out. I don't need you mansplaining yoga to me.@@ <br>
@@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Mother.relationship >5)@@ <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
You're not that experienced with sports.
<<linkreplace "Watch her workout">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You take a position and stare at your mother doing exercises. As you gaze upon her fit and lean body, you wonder if she only pretends she didn't notice you peeping at her and making a little show for her son...
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
/*<div id="choiceGeneric">*/
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 100] Fuck her">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 100>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-mom;Oh, what are you *moans* Mmm, stop it! *moans*@@
You don't fool around and go at her right in the gym. First, you tear down her yoga pants - just as she asked you before. Then, you bury your face between her asscheeks and eat out her ass. Now it's time for the main course - incestual anal intercourse, right in the open. Your mother tries to protest, but she gives up to pleasure as you go jackhammer on her big butt. You just give her a little extra stretching activity, that's all...
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "mother">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
I'm not sure I want to do that!
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Jerk off">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $mother.corruption >= 50 || $mother.relationship >= 50>>
@@.speech-mom;..Let mommy help you out!@@
You try to secretly rub one out via the pocket in your pants, but your mom quickly notices that. She looks disappointed - but not because you were jerking off to your own mom, but because you try to hide it. She gets on her knees and pulls up your pants. Your mom admires your massive boner for a moment and then wraps her lips around your shaft, allowing you to use her warm mouth as a quick relief tool.
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
<<elseif $mother.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-mom;You're so kinky, I like that... Let's do it together!@@
You start touching yourself, and mom immediately notices that. She seems very horny herself, so her clothes go down, revealing her impressive breast. Apparently from nowhere a vibrating toy appears - is your mom keeping it here as a massager in case of cramps, or she likes to have some quality time alone here? Whatever the case, now you both are looking at each other while frantically masturbating...
<br><img src="img/mExtra/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "mother">> <br>
<<if $mother.corruption >= 25 || $mother.relationship >= 25>>
@@.speech-mom;Do you like looking at mommy doing yoga?@@
@@.speech-mom; much degrading fake incest porn did you consume today? Not enough?@@
You start stroking your boner under your pants while looking at your mom striking pose after pose, one sexier than the other. There's no way hiding that, and your mom notices that her son is touching himself right next to her... but she looks like she enjoys this attention, and maybe even flattered her young son is showing his interest.
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
No way I'm doing that!
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 25] Slap her ass">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 25>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $mother.corruption >= 25 || $mother.relationship >= 15>>
@@.speech-mom;*moans* Oh, I like that...@@
@@.speech-mom;*moans* Stop it!@@
As she bends over during her exercises, you land a slap on her round, firm ass. A loud sound echoes through the gym, and you savour the feel of her ass on your palm. Your mom, meanwhile, almost enjoys this attention from her son - interesting...
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
No way I'm slaping her!
<<linkreplace "Continue...">><<goto "Gym">><</linkreplace>><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Leave...">>
<<linkreplace "Concentrate on your own workout...">>
<<set $workoutConcentrated = true>>
<<goto "Gym">>
<<set $motherWorkoutTrigger = false>><<elseif $sisMainQuest == 1 >>
bro help me sutry
help resorleving the problme
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 2 >>
hey bro wanna play games?
mayber tehre is some coll chareacter
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 3 >>
wath netflix nad chiil with her
she might be scared to sleep wihtout ligths
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 4 >>
aks to sleep with eher again
tip boner?
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 5 >>
aks help with the boner while exremly horny 200 and she is aswell
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 6 >>
im so scared to sleep alone could you sleep with me
<<set $sisMainQuest += 1 >>
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 7 >>
yeah I noticed your boner wana do something about it?
mutual mastrubation \ light intercourse
<<set $sisMainQuest += 1 >>
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 9 >>
fine but only in ass/////////////intercourse unlcoks options in the regular help me with boner
<<set $sisMainQuest += 1 >>
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 10 >>
normal fuck all sex options unlocked
<<set $sisMainQuest += 1 >>
nothing to do advance sister quest<img src="img/city/school.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the private school. It's impossible to get here without a recommendation letter from the school board, and that implies either connections or a large donation to the fund. This pays out, however, as graduates are welcomed in the finest universities and friendships made here can change your life forever. <br>
<<if $schoolQuest >= 1 >>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-emi;Oh, didn't expect to see you here!)@@ <br>
<<if $emilyMainQuest == 6 >>
@@.speech-emi;Would you help me lock the classroom?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Sure!">>
@@.speech-u;So you have a period, right?@@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;Yeah, I gave some time between classes...@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Ok, so since you're on a period, let's do anal!@@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;But I'm not... oh... yeah, got me. Sure, stick it in my ass :)@@ <br>
<img src="img/poor/pSpecial2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You meet your sister!
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 7 >>
@@.speech-sis;Maybe we could have some fun right here? What do you think?)@@ <br>
You drop her panties and go for her sweet, juicy pussy. Schoolgirl uniform turns you both on... And the fact that you are doing it in the school, where her peers or teachers can spot you at any moment, makes you only harder. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sSpecial3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-sis;Hey, what are you doing here?@@ <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest == 0 >>
A guard approaches you...
@@.speech-male;If you're not a parent or guardian you're not allowed in.@@
<<linkreplace "I just wanted to donate $1m...">>
@@.speech-male;Oh sure, come on in! Let me show you the counsellor's office!@@ <br>
Once you got there, you see a woman already waiting in the office.<br>
She is young or worked hard to look that way. Her brunette hair, light makeup, and even the smell of delicate fragrance - everything smells rich and luxurious. When she looks at you, you see an interest - and you feel being appraised. It seems she found you worthy enough, so she smiles at you... seductively. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rMeet.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-rae;Another charity in town, huh?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;No, I don't represent any charity. I'm here by myself@@ <br>
@@.speech-rae;Intresting... nice to see another helping soul! Would you come to my office, so we could cooperate on our life-changing efforts?@@ <br>
@@.speech-rae;Name is Rae by the way...@@ <br>
She extends her arm, but not for a handshake. You hesitate for a moment but then go for an old-fashioned kiss of her hand. Your lips feel her warm, soft skin, and you wonder if she does that to every man she found useful... <br>
<<set $ -= 1>>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 1 >>
[[Leave...->City]] <br><img src="img/town/b0Shop.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in your coffee shop, of which you are the proud owner. Sure, your family would disgust even by the idea of drinking the local coffee, but it's cosy and lightsome, and you really liked it. The clients adore your pies, which you order in an artisan bakery nearby, but your speciality is the coffee, which is freshly roasted in the small warehouse upstate only from premium beans. <br> <br>
<div id="choice">
<<showmeter 'businessCoffeeExp' `$businessCoffeeExp / 100`>>
You are working in your coffee shop... <br>
<<if $businessCoffeeSecurity>>
<<linkreplace "Security">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Security guys are known for having an 'extra' fun in their workplace... <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-female;You caught me, all right? I'll pay it off I promise..@@ <br>
<<if $player.intellect >= 5>>
@@.speech-male;Smart woman. Now come along with me. I'll take any stolen goods, and you'll be free to go. After you pay the 'fine', of course.@@ <br>
They go into the backroom - curious, you follow them. The guard is already fucking kleptomaniac slut from behind. <br>
@@.speech-female;Hey! *moans* it's one thing to punish me, but does this creep has to watch?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;I'm just inspecting the work of the security department - I guess it needs expansion so your dirty mouth would be stuffed as well@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex10.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-male;... yeah... I guess...@@ <br>
[SKILL ISSUE] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.intellect >5)@@ <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-female;Sorry, but what did I do?@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;You pressed the cashback button. Now I have to do this... It's just a standard procedure, don't be worried.@@ <br>
<<if $player.charisma >= 7>>
One of the CCTV cameras on the security post is filming the pretty cashier taking a mouthful from a middle-aged security guard. Interesting, how big is the local sex tape collection? <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;No, I dont believe you, leave me alone!@@ <br>
[SKILL ISSUE] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.charisma >7)@@ <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-female;.. but I really need this job dad!@@ <br>
<<if $player.intellect >= 9>>
@@.speech-male;Well... maybe I could try talking with the manager if you'd prove that you could satisfy the customers...@@ <br>
What an opportunity to observe the employment process! You peek into the manager's office to see him getting a blowjob from a young redhead. <br>
@@.speech-male;If you want to make your dad proud... cleaning my cock this would be your daily responsibility.@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-male;I can't just say that to my boss....@@ <br>
[SKILL ISSUE] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.intellect >9)@@ <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-male;Sorry mam, your card got declined. Do you have any other payment method to complete the transaction?@@ <br>
<<if $player.charisma >= 9>>
@@.speech-female;Yes, perhaps, there is one...@@ <br>
She undresses behind the counter and before an employee can say anything, his dick is already in her pussy. She looks like a daughter of some millionaire, looking for trouble - and a good dicking. You wonder if you can cash out her ass... <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;I better get going than...@@ <br>
[SKILL ISSUE] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.charisma >9)@@ <br>
Just an ordinary day at work... nothing happens. <br>
<<statChange "businessCoffeeExp" 2 >> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -20 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Pretend to be working">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You hear strange noises coming from the kitchen... <br>
<<if $player.intellect >= 15>>
@@.speech-male;Are you sure your boss not gonna fire you?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Yeah, he's just a spoiled rich kid. He wouldn't care@@ <br>
Spoiled enough to allow buttfuck in a workplace, that's for sure. Why would you fire an anal slut? She takes a sizeable dick of her boyfriend without any issues. He cums inside. <br>
@@.speech-female;Damn, I have no time to clean it out... I hope I won't spill your semen all around the place..@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex9.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-u;Must've been the wind...@@ <br>
[SKILL ISSUE] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.intellect >15)@@ <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
An unexpected FDA inspection team visit your establishment! The classy female officer is furious: <br>
@@.speech-female;We possess reports of homeless people accessing your back door. How could you follow the safety guidelines if you don't monitor access to your kitchen? Identify yourself!@@ <br>
You give your last name. She looks shocked. <br>
@@.speech-female;Are you...@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;His son. Heir, if you will.@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Oh, sir, I'm really sorry, sir...@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Well, show me how sorry you are.@@ <br>
You reveal your boner, and the classy bitch starts to suck it without hesitation. <br>
@@.speech-u;... and homeless people need to eat, too! Maybe I should order you to suck someone from them instead, huh?@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<if $businessCoffeeSecurity == false>>
<<linkreplace "Hire security ($0.5 mil)">>
<<set $businessCoffeeSecurity = true>>
<<set $ -= 0.5>>
Just an ordinary day at work... nothing happens. <br>
<<statChange "businessCoffeeExp" 1 >> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -33 "player">> <br>
<<if $businessCoffee >= 5 >>
<<linkreplace "Work">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
Your franchise corporation sends you an inspector to check your business indicators... <br>
@@.speech-female;I'm sorry to say that, but your profit margin is way behind our standards, Mr... What was your name again?@@ <br>
<<if $player.charisma >= 12>>
You tell her your name, and she instantly realizes the situation she got herself in... <br>
@@.speech-female;... are your his son? I'm so sorry, that's my first day at work... you know how it is... right..?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Let me teach you a lesson then. Take off your panties.@@ <br>
She obeys, though hesitant. <br>
@@.speech-u;Now bend. Show me that ass of yours.@@ <br>
Her ass is so juicy you can't help but slap it. And again. And again... <br>
@@.speech-u;I own you, bitch!@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Yeah...@@ <br>
[SKILL ISSUE] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.charisma >12)@@ <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-male;That tip should cover it, right?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;... you want it right here? .... fine@@ <br>
You see your waitress is taking the customer's dick right in the cafe. There is no one else here, but at any moment new customers could arrive. <br>
@@.speech-female;Hurry up, all right? I have work to do!@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;Want it quick? OK, cumming inside then!@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex12.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
A client is upset with the quality of his drink <br>
@@.speech-male;My cum tastes better than your coffee!@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Not, sure if it is true, sir...@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;Let's check. Suck my dick, if it is tastier, I'll pay triple for that coffee.@@ <br>
<<if $player.intellect >= 23>>
@@.speech-female;..know what, fuck it. I'm curious already.@@ <br>
She gets to suck him, not trying anything fancy, just milking the guy to get him to explode as soon as possible. Indeed he cums in seconds, filling up the barista's mouth. She makes big gulps. <br>
@@.speech-female;Wait... it tastes like shit! Hey, why are you leaving? motherfucker! @@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex14.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;.. exuse me...?@@ <br>
[SKILL ISSUE] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.intellect >23)@@ <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
One of your managers is speaking with the barista... <br>
@@.speech-female;Please, don't fire me! I have giant student loans...@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;As giant as your jugs? I believe in second chances, but this one will come with a price!@@ <br>
The busty employee gets on her knees, unbuttoning her blouse. Revealed are pair of enormous tits, making you question why she needed education when nature has blessed her with that gift. It seems the manager thinks the same when he franticly fucks her tits and abundantly cums all over them. <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
Just an ordinary day at work... nothing happens. <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.2 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "businessCoffeeExp" 3 >> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -33 "player">> <br>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Business lvl >5)@@ <br>
<<if $businessCoffee >= 10 >>
<<linkreplace "Work hard">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You teach the new girl basics of the customer service. <br>
@@.speech-u;So... did you learn how to please a client?!@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Yes, sir, we've been practising 'it' for an hour now.@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Let's go over it one more time. What would you do if the client wants their money back?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;We have a strict policy of no refunds, sir, but instead, can I offer you a free blowjob as compensation?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Hmm, are you sure it's not violating my customer rights? *Hey your mouth should be on my dick at this moment*@@ <br>
The girl unzips your pants and starts to blow you off, but you feel she is not trying hard enough. <br>
@@.speech-u;That's one pathetic blowjob. I'd like a refund, still.@@ <br>
The candidate speeds up, making it worthwhile. Maybe you can train this slut after all. <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You are on a call with the suppliers. One of the security guards enters the room with one of the baristas <br>
@@.speech-male;Excuse me boss, but my daughter really wants me to speak with you about my promotion@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;I'm a bit busy right now, could you come in later?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;What if you'll *come* now?@@ <br>
Before you know it girs is blowing you off - and doing it really good. <br>
@@.speech-u;Wow! How come your daughter is so good at sucking dicks, huh?@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;I guess she got that from her mom, boss. Treasure, isn't she?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Oh yeah, she is! Let's keep it in the family then, and consider your promotion ready. Now, will you leave us for a moment, or do you want to look, pops?@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
A client is upset with the quality of his drink, again. <br>
@@.speech-male;You didn't learn a thing since the last time, do you?!@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Fuck you! Wait... about that! How did you know the taste of your own cum...?@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;Playing smart do you?!@@ <br>
He pulls the barista to his sofa and tears off her dress. She tries to scream but he slaps her face and thrusts his dick in her pussy. He is basically raping her... but you realize she enjoys is more than you or the client anticipated. <br>
@@.speech-male;You dumb bitch, now wonder your coffee is shit - you are natural born whore!@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;*moans* you got me... I'm a whore... I want your nasty cum inside me...@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
While you are having your lunch break, one of your workers slides under the table... <br>
@@.speech-u;What it is all about?!@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;It is about my promotion, boss.@@ <br>
She unzips your pants and starts sucking you off. You continue reading the newspaper, enjoying the sensation. The employee blows you until you cum, after that she diligently swallows every drop. <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex11.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;So, what about my promotion?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;I have a staff full of sluts, ready to do all kinds of nasty stuff for tips. What makes you think that a single blowjob would elevate you among other bitches?@@ <br>
<<elseif _event == 5>>
The security guard approaches you with someone... <br>
@@.speech-male;Boss, I caught her. She never paid for her orders. What should we do with her?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Don't worry I will pers-anally make her pay!@@ <br>
It's a milf blonde, and she must be expecting this for a long time. You get her in the backroom and enter her ass - raw. The milf says nothing, taking her punishment silently, only squirming from a large discomfort in her bum. You cum inside her ravaged asshole, and she leaves humiliated. <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex13.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
An unsatisfied client approaches you... <br>
@@.speech-female;Are you the manager here? I just want to let you know how unsatisfied I am with the service here!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;I think I could fix that! Please follow me into my office!@@ <br>
As she enters your cabinet. you close the door behind you and undress. <br>
@@.speech-female;Wait! I mean... shit. You're well hung, I guess, so maybe you can satisfy me indeed?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;A rough sex is on the house, mam!@@ <br>
You tear her clothes and drop her on your sofa. You thrust inside her and start hammering her pussy, maintaining a steady rhythm and force. She is overwhelmed with your assault, and cum on your dick.. twice. In an hour, she leaves your establishment with messed makeup, and crumpled clothes... but completely satisfied with your service! <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex15.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 7>>
The employee of the month requested a more personal reward... <br>
@@.speech-female;I want... something other than money... to feel that I'm special, you know?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;I want to fuck, but I also don't want to lose my virginity just yet...@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;As a good boss, I am more than happy to help you!@@ <br>
She gets on the counter, pointing out her ass. You grab some oil from the kitchen and lube her up. Still, she is so tight that it would probably hurt... You enter her ass slowly so she could get accustomed to your size... <br>
@@.speech-female;Oh sir... Please *moan* tell me how good of an employee I am!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Ehm.. Congrats... on your outstanding work? Your ass is.. a tremendous asset to our team! @@ <br>
She almost cums from your praise. <br>
@@.speech-female;It is a great honour *moans* for me to speak from this counter, being fucked in the ass! I would like to thank my boss, who believed in me and gave me many chances to show my best during this month!@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex16.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
This corporate talk is too much for you both. You pump her ass full of cum, while she squirts on the counter. Damn, what a recognition slut! <br>
<<elseif _event == 8>>
Someone doesn't want to leave... <br>
@@.speech-female;Do whatever you want, I'm not leaving!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Is that so? Are you sure? @@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Yeah!@@ <br>
You pull her shorts aside, revealing her ass. <br>
@@.speech-u;Still not leaving? @@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Yeah...@@ <br>
You get your dick and enter her butthole, not bothering to prepare her. <br>
@@.speech-u;Still not leaving? @@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Agh! Yes! Hey, can I have another coffee while I'm here?..@@ <br>
<img src="img/businessCoffee/b0Sex17.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
Just an ordinary day at work... nothing happens. <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.3 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "businessCoffeeExp" 5 >> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -33 "player">> <br>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Business lvl >10)@@ <br>
<<if $businessCoffeeExp >= 10 >>
<<set $businessCoffee += 1 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeExp = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit += 0.1 >>
<<if random(0, 3) > 1>>
<<if $emilyMainQuest == 0 >>
You decide to have a cup of coffee yourself and go down to the counter. You stand in line with other cusitmers, busy in your thoughts... <br>
@@.speech-emi; What can I do for you, sir?@@ <br>
<img src="img/poor/meetEmily.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You raise your eyes and are struck by the beauty of the girl behind the counter. It's a young girl, maybe a teen, with very bright eyes. She is short and slender; she is dressed quite provocatively, but somehow you get the feeling she is much less experienced than she tries to look.<br>
@@.speech-emi; Em.... sir?@@ <br>
Shit, how long were you staring at her? You look away and see her badge: Emily.
@@.speech-u;Hi.. Emily. Sorry, I was not aware that I have such beautiful employees.@@ <br>
Good heavens, you made the girl blush.
@@.speech-emi; Thank you, boss ♥ So... how about a coffee?@@ <br>
You nod, and she turns back to get the beans. You can't help but look at her perky butt, asking for a good squeeze... <br>
@@.speech-emi; Here's your coffee, sir!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u; Thanks! See you around, Emily!@@ <br>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 1 >> <br>
You see Emily is working today. <br>
<<linkreplace "Ask her out (date)">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25>>
@@.speech-emi;Sure thing!@@ <br>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 2 >>
[[Go on a date with Emily...->Emily Date]]
@@.speech-emi;I don't know about that.... don't get me wrong, but you're my boss...@@ <br>
@@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Charisma >25)@@ <br>
<<if $ >= 45>>
[[Take another shift->Coffe Shop Work]] <br>
[[Leave...->Coffee Shop]] <br><<widget 'relationText'>>
/* relationship text widget by JAKE v0.3*/
<<if $args.length == 3>>
<<if $args[$settings.familyRelationship] == "-">>
<<print $args[0]>>
<<print $args[$settings.familyRelationship]>>
<<print $args[State.variables["settings"][$args[0]]+1]>>
<<widget 'statChange'>>
/* stat change widget by JAKE v0.6.1 MODIFIED*/
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "corruption">>
<<set _style = "color:#8B0000">>
<<case "lust">>
<<set _style = "color:#FF69B4">>
<<case "energy">>
<<set _style = "color:#FFD700">>
<<case "money">>
<<set _style = "color:#2E8B57">>
<<set _style = "color:#4682B4">>
<span @style="_style">
/* if value is 0 nullify the variable instead of adding it*/
<<if $args[1] >= 0>>
<<set _sign = "+">>
<<set _sign = "">>
<<if $args[1] == 0>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<print $args[2]>> <<print $args[0]>> is now 0
<<set State.variables[$args[2]][$args[0]] = 0>>
<<if $args[0] == "money">>
+$<<print $args[1]>>
<<print $args[0]>> is now 0
<<set State.variables[$args[0]] = 0>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<set State.variables[$args[2]][$args[0]] += $args[1]>>
<<if $args[2] == "rich" || $args[2] == "poor">>
<<print State.variables[$args[2]].name>> <<print $args[0]>> <<print _sign>><<print $args[1]>>
<<print $args[2]>> <<print $args[0]>> <<print _sign>><<print $args[1]>>
<<if $args[0] == "money">>
<<print _sign>>$<<print $args[1]>>
<<elseif $args[0] == "strenght">>
strength <<print _sign>><<print $args[1]>>
<<print $args[0]>> <<print _sign>><<print $args[1]>>
<<set State.variables[$args[0]] += $args[1]>>
<<widget 'bonerHandle'>>
/* bonerHandle widget by JAKE v0.1*/
<<if $player.lust > 50>>
She noticed your boner! <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 $args[0]>> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 30 $args[0]>> <br>
<<set _bonerEvent = true>>
<</widget>><<if $emilyMainQuest == 2 >>
This is your first date with Emily! <br>
You go to one of the best restaurants in the city. <br>
She feels awkward at such a fancy place at first, but you make sure she is comfortable. You have a great time talking about your childhood, sharing laughs and discovering more about yourselves. When a live band plays slow music, you ask her for a dance. When you hold each other on a small dancefloor, you feel... connection?.. <br>
You lean for a kiss, but she denies it for some reason...
@@.speech-emi;Don't you think we should wait a bit... I mean it's just our first date...@@ <br>
You don't want to push her, though you are sure you could steal a kiss from her plump lips - and part of her desires that. But you want to respect her choices, so you dance away... <br>
<img src="img/poor/firstDate.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You drive her home. She thanks you for the great night. <br>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 3 >>
[[Town]] <br>
You have another date with Emily! <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You go to the cinema. The movie is not great, but you have fun, laughing and holding hands in the dark. <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You go to the place of her choice - a small Italian family restaurant. It's modest, but it has a soul, and you have the tastiest carbonara in your life. <br>
It's good weather today so you just go to the part. After a long walk, you fall on the grass and admire the sunset. She is lying on your laps, looking like a little angel. <br>
<img src="img/poor/aDate.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You drive her home. <br>
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-emi;Hey, you've been so nice to me... I really think you are the first one who cares about me that much... Just wanted to say thanks...@@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;Also could you come upstairs with me, I have a small present for you!@@ <br>
You follow her upstairs... <br>
@@.speech-emi;I'm gonna need you to wait for a second here...@@ <br>
You are agitated. Could it be the time for something lewd? Or she just wants to thank you in a normal way, you pervert? Damn, do you have condoms? Or, how to respond if she gives you a present? <br>
You grab the phone to see if you can organize a fast delivery of a teddy bear or something when you hear Emily enter the room. You look up and see her naked, her stunning petite body on full display - just for you. <br>
<img src="img/poor/lastDate.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Emily Sex">> <br>
<<if $emilyMainQuest == 3 >>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 4 >>
[[Next morning->Emily Home]] <br>
She thanks you for the great night out. <br>
[[Town]] <br>
<<endif>><<if $emilyMainQuest == 4 >>
<<if $poor.relationship >= 50>>
@@.speech-emi;Hey, do you want to.., spice it up? I want to try this new thing, but I understand if you don't want to!@@ <br>
Wow, what could that be? Pegging? Flogging? Dogging? <br>
@@.speech-u;I'm intrigued!@@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;Have you heard about... blowjob? I'm actually never done that before... Want to be my first one?@@ <br>
[[Emily Blowjob]] <br>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 5 >>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Emily Relationship >50)@@ <br>
<<elseif $emilyMainQuest == 5 >>
<<if $poor.relationship >= 100>>
@@.speech-emi;I've been thinking about one very, very nasty thing I want to try with you... But I'm ashamed even to suggest it...@@ <br>
Oh no... She is a pervert after all... Does she want you to drink piss? Dress as a furry? Or, god forbid, try foot fetish? <br>
@@.speech-u;Darling, we can discuss this together... @@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;There is another hole you know... it's not for sex, but... I heard it could be pleasing... Want to be my first?@@ <br>
[[Emily Anal]] <br>
<<set $emilyMainQuest = 6 >>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Emily Relationship >100)@@ <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You fuck her in missionary, and when you are about to cum... <br>
@@.speech-emi;No! Stop! Not inside!@@ <br>
Oh no, you already cumming! You pull out, spilling your cum all over Emily, but in the cum frenzy can't think of a better idea that to stuff your cock in her mouth. You do that and pump the rest of your semen into her throat... <br>
<img src="img/poor/pSex1.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;Want to ride me, baby?@@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;Always do! Come on, give it to me!@@ <br>
She jumps at your cock and starts moving her hips.
<img src="img/poor/pSex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You fuck her from behind... <br>
@@.speech-emi;I'm.. so close! Can I please... touch myself... there?..@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Do that, baby! Cum for me!@@ <br>
She starts to rub her clit all the while you fuck her vagina. You sync your moves and cum at the same time! <br>
<img src="img/poor/pSex0.gif" width="50%"> <br>
You can't stop admiring how petite and flexible Emily is. You fuck her from behind, but bend her so that you can look her in the eyes, play with her mouth and control her movements... <br>
<img src="img/poor/pSex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "poor">> <br>
[[Emily Home]] <<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-emi;I think I would be more comfortable under the blanket...@@ <br>
She goes down on you, and while it feels good, you really miss the visual part of a blowjob. So you peek under the blanket and are instantly invigorated by what you see. <br>
@@.speech-u;I guess eye contact is really important for me, baby...@@ <br>
<img src="img/poor/pBj1.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;Let's try to train you a bit... Relax and open your mouth.@@ <br>
You put your sizeable cock in her open mouth. She tries to start sucking it, but you stop her and just start pushing it. You hold her head to apply some pressure and go deeper, but restrain yourself from going too deep. Only when she is accustomed to your giant dick in her mouth, you start fucking her throat. She is relaxed, and her saliva is freely flowing down her face. <br>
<img src="img/poor/pBj3.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-emi;Okay, I can suck it and all... but what to do with your, ehm... sperm?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;The old saying is "good girls swallow". But basically anything - as long as you are not grossed out by it, any man would be happy to see it on your face, or lips, watch you play with it, lick or, yes, swallow. I think I should train you to like its taste... Let's start now!@@ <br>
She blows you off, but before cum you start jerking off to her face and deliver her a cum shower. She follows your advice and seems to like it! <br>
<img src="img/poor/pBj4.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-u;Let's try different poses - sometimes changing the position could make things easier for me or more pleasurable for me... @@ <br>
<img src="img/poor/pBj5.gif" width="50%"> <br>
You start fucking her mouth, but hold her head to the side. It's way more intense for you, but she can't keep it up for long... <br>
@@.speech-u;Ok baby, show me what you can do... @@ <br>
Emily goes down on you and places the tip of your long dong in her mouth. She plays with it a bit but then asks you something. <br>
@@.speech-emi;I want to go down deeper on you, but I need your help... Will you push me a little? @@ <br>
Can't say no to that. You put your dick back in her mouth and pull her head to you a bit. To your surprise, Emily slides all the way down your cock right to your balls! <br>
<img src="img/poor/pBj2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "poor">> <br>
[[Leave...->Emily Home]] <br><<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-u;Let's play with your bum, shall we? Get on your fours... @@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;Will it hurt? @@ <br>
@@.speech-u;I'll go easy on you... this time @@ <br>
You lube her up properly and push it in her asshole. Eventually, you are able to fit about half of your cock in Emily before she gets really uncomfortable. That will do! <br>
@@.speech-emi;It's so.. weird... but also good! Please, fuck my ass! @@ <br>
<img src="img/poor/pAnal1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;Let's try to put you on top this time. This way you are in control and can take it as deep as you are comfortable with, and I don't have to worry about hurting you accidentally. @@ <br>
@@.speech-emi;Oh, good idea! I want to ride you with my ass! @@ <br>
She gets on top of you, and slowly inserts your hard cock in her anal. The tip is in, and she starts slowly sliding down, deeper and deeper... <br>
@@.speech-emi;Ouch! I think that's as much as I can take your big cock, darling... I'm sorry... @@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Baby, you just took all my length in your ass! Now, just start moving... @@ <br>
<img src="img/poor/pAnal2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-emi;I'm in the mood for something rough... You don't have to be nice to my butt today! @@ <br>
You aim to please. You fuck her ass, thrusting your cock in her poor butt in all possible poses, making sure she gets it as deep as she can... <br>
<img src="img/poor/pAnal0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
<<set $poor.lust = 0 >>
[[Leave...->Emily Home]] <br><b>Sister</b> ♥$sister.lust ♡$sister.relationship c.$sister.corruption <br>
[[Small Talk->Sister Talk]]
<<if $dlc0Code == 19116801 && $rommate != "sister">>
| <<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Invite her to the island">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<goto "DLC0 sInvite">>
I'm not sure I should...
<<if $sisSwimingQuest == 2 >>
<<linkreplace "Give her the swimsuit">>
@@.speech-sis;Wow, there is no way you just did that! Thank you so much!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;I was wondering if I get the correct size. Can you show how it fits you?@@ <br>
She goes to her room to change and soon returns in her new swimsuit. <br>
@@.speech-sis;It's perfect, I love it so much! You are the best brother in the world!@@
@@.speech-sis;Though, I can't fit my butt in there... lol@@ <br>
<img src="img/sis/sTease2.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $sisSwimingQuest = 3 >>
<<bonerHandle "sister">> <br>You are falling asleep with your sister... <br>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
<<set $ = 100>>
You have morning wood <br>
<<if $player.lust <= 51>>
<<set $player.lust = 51>>
<<linkreplace "Ask sister to help with the morning wood">>
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 6 && random(0, 10) > 4>>
She was dressing up for the morning exercises, but you remind her of the importance of stretching. Indeed your massive cock does a great job of working out her tight little pussy, especially when your sister goes all the way down on it. <br>
<img src="img/sis/sMorning0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
You convince her to start the day with the fresh protein cocktail from her beloved brother. She goes down on you and does a really good job with her lips. It seems she is really hungry and wants you to feed her... <br>
<img src="img/sis/sMorning1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<if $wanted > 0>>
<<set $wanted -= 1>>
[[Get up...->Sister's Room]] <br>You attend a truly lavish party. <br>
The premise is full of sharply-dressed people following the black-tie dress code. While the men are more or less wearing same-style stockings, women are competing with dresses, makeup and of course jewellery. <br>
The string quartet is playing popular tunes, and a team of waitresses are darting around, serving champagne and snacks to the guests. Everyone is having a great time, sharing stories and laughing. <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest == 1 >>
You see Rae, the founder of the charity. She is a petite brunette, looking much younger than you anticipated. You approach her... <br>
@@.speech-rae;Hello there, handsome. Would you come upstairs to my penthouse for a drink?@@ <br>
You arrive at her penthouse. <br>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25 && $player.strenght >= 25>>
You feel her glances on your body, you remember how she leaned toward you in the elevator... But still, it was a surprise for you when you finished fixing some drinks in the mini-bar only to see Rae undressing... <br>
<img src="img/rich/rTease1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-rae;You didn't think I invite you to have a small talk, did you?@@ <br>
Her body is more of a teenager, though thick in some places. The impression is strengthened by her ponytails... Is that how she attracts money from the old millionaires, playing an innocent little girl? <br>
She is reaching to your crotch, feeling your boner through the trousers. It seems she wants to take it slow, but you have other ideas. You grab her little body and throw her on the couch her butt up, and spank her thic butt. This rich bitch thought she can seduce you.. Let's fuck her hard, so she knows her place! <br>
<img src="img/rich/rSex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 2 >>
[[You woke up at her place...->Rae Home]] <br>
You grab a couple of drinks... <br>
@@.speech-rae;I was closely following your charitable activity, and I must say that I'm genuinely impressed! You are truly one of the most generous men I ever encountered.@@ <br>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.charisma >25 + strenght >25)@@ <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest >= 4 >>
You go to the VIP area of the party. <br>
Only 'extra' rich are allowed here, or those with connections, or owners of some extra impressive 'assets'. You see the dress-code is not so strict here, in fact - some naked people are enjoying public sex right in the middle of the room. It's a weird mix of a swing party and a business conference... <br>
You see some special investing opportunities here. You decided to approach... <br>
<<linkreplace "Male and a female">>
@@.speech-female;Hi I'm the CFO of the ... The name doesn't matter as much, really... I need help with restructuring the ownership of the corporation.@@ <br>
You see a man almost refused her offer, but he turns to you with an offer of his own
@@.speech-male;Hey I heard you're making some moves, how about buying some discounted equity from this bitch? I say split the cost and then split the profits!@@ <br>
COST $21 mil | PROFIT +786% ($165 mil) | TIME 30 days <br>
<<if $ >= 21>>
<<linkreplace "Pay (-$21 million)">>
@@.speech-male;Outstanding! Now CFO, did you remember the additional agreement you made with me?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Hey, I promised to suck you off, but I expected a one buyer...@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;Say thanks we're not a hedge fund! Now go, clean cocks of your investors!@@ <br>
The top manager kneels and has a moment of hesitation, looking at two hard cocks in front of her face. But she makes up her mind and starts sucking you two off. You have a feeling it's not her first double blowjob... <br>
<img src="img/rich/rGang1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $ -= 21>>
<<set $passiveIncome += 165>>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Money > $21 mil)@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Four men and a female">>
@@.speech-female;Hello, I am the CEO of the Closer Media - a regional, family-owned media conglomerate. We ask for funding to expand our influence even more!@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;My sister was making some big moves acquiring all of our local competitors... she has one of the best loopholes of antimonopoly laws if you know what I mean)@@ <br>
COST $234 mil | PROFIT +2763% ($6,465 mil) | TIME 60 days <br>
<<if $ >= 234>>
<<linkreplace "Pay (-$234 million)">>
@@.speech-male;Hey sis, let's make him part of the family!@@ <br>
Woman undresses and bends over for you. Men got their cocks out...
@@.speech-male;You are honoured to be tonight's first. Go for her ass. We've all been there, consider this... an initiation.@@ <br>
This is getting a bit weird and uncomfortable, with all these dudes jerking off at you fucking their sister... but whatever! The girl seems to be excited anyway. You enter her ass with ease and start fucking her... only to realize that this slut is too loose now for you from all the ass-fucking with competitors. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rGang0.gif" width="50%"> <br>
You continue for a while to keep up appearances, and then make room for her escort. Maybe they will dap her? <br>
<<set $ -= 234>>
<<set $passiveIncome += 6465>>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Money > $21 mil)@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Wife and a husband">>
@@.speech-female;Greetings, me and my husband are cofounders of WhiteMetal investing company. You' can be our first 'outside' investor!@@ <br>
@@.speech-male;With our algorithms, we'll be able to control entire markets! Think about enforcing your personal policies on a whole continent, how exciting! That's only possible if you're with us!@@ <br>
COST $10,000 m | PROFIT +6942% ($694,200 m) | TIME 90 days <br>
<<if $ >= 10000>>
<<linkreplace "Pay (-$10 billion)">>
@@.speech-female;How about little bonding?@@ <br>
She gets naked and starts pleasuring you both. You settle up on a couch nearby, and you start fucking her from behind while she sucks her husband's cock. Her pussy is quite tight - you really must be their first 'outside' investor, and they lack experience in 'swing trading. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rGang2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You make sure to cum inside this hot wife, just because you find it entertaining... <br>
<<set $ -= 10000>>
<<set $passiveIncome += 694200>>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Money > $21 mil)@@ <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest == 4 >>
After speaking with some men, Rae is approaching you with the request... <br>
@@.speech-rae;Hi babe! Nice to see you here... tell me, was I a good girl?@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Well, it depends...@@ <br>
@@.speech-rae;And could a good girl like me have a gift? Please!@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;What do you want?@@ <br>
@@.speech-rae;Premium mining drills in the state of Alaska.. please uWu@@ <br>
<<if $ >= 126>>
<<linkreplace "No problem. ($126 mil)">>
<<set $ -= 126>>
@@.speech-rae;Thank you so much! How about a little reward at my place...@@ <br>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 5 >>
[[Leave...->Charity]] <br>
/* old or unused
<<if $rayMainQuest == 2 >>
hey i recived a cool elter for the hopital will need your cum tho
right here?!
no! lets go to my place
[[Rae Home]]
<<set $rayMainQuest = 3 >>
*/Rae gives you an outstanding blowjob. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
For a while, Rae stands looking down at you on the sofa, her mouth working in an irritated line; she knows she's worth more than this but is willing to do anything to get what she wants. <br>
She lowers herself to a kneeling position in front of you, tapping her manicured nails on the button of your pants, which you quickly unbutton for her. Her lips press against your uncovered member, tonguing your glans and making you hiss in pleasure and for the next ten minutes, she lazily plays with your cock, her tongue running circles across the sensitive head. <br>
Upon occasion, she lowers her head to take in more of your shaft, providing a deep suction but stops to swallow when the drool begins to pool in her mouth-even during a blowjob she loathes to get messy. <br>
Even with such small administrations, you finish soon enough, because just watching her drives you crazy and it drives you even crazier seeing her gulp down your load. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rBj0.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
Rae lowers herself in front of you, but still carries herself like an heiress. She parts her lips and lifts her gaze to make eye contact with you. <br>
@@.speech-rae;See what happens when you give me what I want?@@ <br>
Her tone is taunting and the tip of her tongue presses against the sensitive head of your cock. <br>
@@.speech-rae;If I get exactly what I want, you get exactly what you want. And you want this, don't you? You want me.@@ <br>
She doesn't give you time to respond-she simply engulfs your member in her plump lips and you become intimately acquainted with the inside of her wet mouth. The pace is excruciating; Rae alternates between too fast and too slow and it accumulates in a persistent throbbing in your balls as you reach the edge all too soon. <br>
It's too late to warn her of your oncoming orgasm and your hot seed floods her mouth. She pulls away-her cheeks slightly bulged and full of your semen-and slowly swallows, extending her tongue to show you her empty mouth. <br>
@@.speech-rae;You're lucky that sperm is so nutritious@@ <br>
she mumbles, already dressing and righting her clothes so that she looks immaculate once again. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rBj1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
Rae's hand wraps around your already hard dick and she guides it to her mouth. Her tongue tastes the crown of your cock, lapping up the slick pre-come; it feels incredible. <br>
Not just the feeling is incredible, but seeing her on her knees in front of you-in such a contrast to her usual proper persona-is incredible too. Here she's looking up at you, practically worshipping your cock as if it were a fat stack of Benjamins. <br>
You feel the urge to reach forward and fondle her breasts, but refrain because that wasn't what you'd previously agreed to. <br>
@@.speech-u;Fuck@@ <br>
You groan as she takes more of your member into her mouth. Her tongue runs from the tip and wraps across your shaft, eliciting small moans from your lips. <br>
She plays your dick like an expert and you vaguely wonder how many of these deals she's made before. You're rapidly reaching the peak of your pleasure and you tap her hand to warn her. <br>
A loud slurping sound reverberates around the room as she pulls her mouth from you. For a second, you can almost taste the disappointment at the lack of the wet contact, but that thought is chased away when she grips your hard skin in her hand. <br>
The movement is almost frantic, and the burning sensation of your impending orgasm coils in your lower abdomen. Eventually, you burst and you watch your cum paint her face. <br>
@@.speech-u;Beautiful@@ <br>
You say as you desperately catch your breath. She says nothing and simply smirks before leaving to clean herself up. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rBj2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<if $rayMainQuest == 3 >>
<<if $player.intellect >= 100>>
@@.speech-u;How could you afford your lifestyle, whats the margin on your good deeds?@@ <br>
@@.speech-rae;A girl should have her secrets, don't you think? Let me introduce you to my friends at the charity party...@@ <br>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 4 >>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Intellect >100)@@ <br>
[[Leave...->Rae Home]] <br>You have outstanding sex with Rae. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
She makes that innocent teen look, which must have worked wonders on her donors. You fuck her and it's amazing, but it almost feels wrong, like you are fucking your daughter.. maybe that's why you cum like a fountain. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
Her ponytails are perfect for doggy style. Holding them gives you control of her body, angles, and movements; pulling them nails her tight pussy deeper on your cock than you imagined was possible. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
She rides you in one of her "naughty little girl" outfits. She looks like a total whore, but it works for you - you smack her fat ass in anger that you fall for her thicks, but she only likes it. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rSex4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
You rip her fishnet with your rock-hard cock. Makes you wonder, how much is her fishnet supply... But for now, you are busy trying to fir your sizeable penis in her tight little pussy. <br>
<img src="img/rich/rSex5.gif" width="50%"> <br>
You fuck her from behind, but this slut craves something to fill her mouth. In the mirror, you can see her desperately trying to trick herself into thinking her fingers can substitute for a real thing... <br>
<img src="img/rich/rSex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
[[Leave...->Rae Home]] <br>You are laying in bed with your sister... You are stroking your cock, while she is browsing on her phone... <br>
@@.speech-u;Yeah and dad was like, looking me dead in the eye, you gonna build your own empire son.@@
@@.speech-sis;Well you told me that story like five times already... I am here to fuck, if you need a listener I could give you the phone of this nice therapist lady.@@
@@.speech-u;Shut up then and get your ass here, sis!@@
She mounts you and starts jumping on your cock, still with her phone in her hands. You like the warmth of her insides and don't really care what she is doing as long as you can fuck her until you see that she begins to pose... <br>
<img src="img/altstart/altSister.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-sis;Don't mind if you take a quick pic while fucking a future billionaire?)@@
@@.speech-u;Hey, delete that!@@
<<set $sisMainQuest = 10>>
[[Leave...->House]] <br> You are layin with your girlfriend Rae and her sister... <br>
@@.speech-rae;Do you like my gift, honey?@@
@@.speech-u;Your sister blows amazing, why you never told me about her?@@
@@.speech-rae;You probably have a lot in your head already with all that wealth inheretance from your dad, right?@@
Her sister hears you two talking but doesn't stop blowing you, obviously enjoying being treated as an object by her sister and her new boyfriend. You squeeze Rae's thick ass and think if her sis lubed your cock enough to try anal tonight... <br>
<img src="img/altstart/altRae.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $rayMainQuest = 10>>
[[Get up...->Rae Home]] <br><img src="img/city/viceHome.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are at Vice's home. It's a small studio in renovated building not far from Downtown. The flat perfectly resembles her working approach - there is nothing useless or meaningless, all things must provide value or at least comfort. That's quite refreshing when your circle stuffs their homes with luxuries and art just for status's sake. <br>
<<if $viceMainQuest == 5>>
@@.speech-vice;The basis of the stock market is money, whoever controls the money, wins.@@ <br>
@@.speech-vice;The stock prices will increase and decrease based on microeconomics, but nobody knows for sure.@@ <br>
@@.speech-vice;So, take a gamble!@@ <br>
... ... ... .... ... .. . .... <br>
@@.speech-vice;Also it could get quite stressful sometimes, so for now on I'll help to decrease your stress levels through various alternative methods...@@ <br>
You expected more from this MBA graduate, but deep down she says the right things... <br>
<<set $viceMainQuest = 6>>
<<bonerHandle "vice">> <br>
<<if _bonerEvent>>
<<if $viceMainQuest >= 6 >>
@@.speech-vice;Bad day at the office?@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Yes.">>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-vice;Could you be a bit faster, I'm getting late.@@ <br>
You go full jackhammer mode on her asshole - if she wants you to go fast, she'll get it. You wonder, how is her ass is so well-trained? Is that what they teach girls in business schools? <br>
<img src="img/vice/vHouseS0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
Sure! You force your cock in her mouth and start skullfucking her as fast as you can. All she can do is gag, drooling all over herself. You bet she regrets asking you to hurry! <br>
<img src="img/vice/vHouseS2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <br>Hey, how about adding some more general events so the work is not only a fuckfest? Or just replacing the normal option with the random from the list
Just an ordinary day at work... nothing happens.
You help to unload a big delivery.
All your baristas called in sick today, but you managed to find a temporary replacement.
Some dumb idiot clogged the men's toilet. You have to call a plumber.
It's the birthday of one of your's staff! You cash in for the present.
You help the staff handle the large wave of clients. They teach you how to operate the cash register.
Only one cup was smashed today - that's the lowest so far.
You attend the meeting your managers organize. Boring.
<<if $player.strenght >= 5>>
<<if $player.charisma >= 5>>
<<if $player.intellect >= 5>>
[SKILL ISSUE]You go into the private room, where you sit on a comfortable chair. The stripper starts a lap dance, grinding her juicy bubble butt on your crotch. Feeling your boner, she allows you to take off your pants... <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/private.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<set _stripperLust = random(-10, 100)>>
<div id="Stripper">
Stripper ♥ _stripperLust
<<linkreplace "Small Talk">>
You small talk with her for a bit... <br>
<<set _stripperLust += random(-10, -25)>>
stripper lust- <br>
<<replace "#Stripper">>Stripper ♥ _stripperLust <</replace>>
<<linkreplace "Flirt">>
You flirt with her for a bit... <br>
<<set _stripperLust += random(+5, +25)>>
stripper lust+ <br>
<<replace "#Stripper">>Stripper ♥ _stripperLust <</replace>>
<<linkreplace "Tip ($0.1m)">>
You flirt with her for a bit, sprinkling some tips on top... <br>
<<set _stripperLust += random(+50, +75)>>
stripper lust+++ <br>
<<replace "#Stripper">>Stripper ♥ _stripperLust <</replace>>
<<linkreplace "Ask for sex">>
<<if _stripperLust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Hmm, okaay... But just because you are so adorable! But we have a policy that a manager should oversight us, hope you don't mind company?@@ <br>
Before you could respond, your cock is already inside her, and this lap dance is much deeper now than you planned. The manager arrives and informs you that the no-touching rule still applies. Whatever, as long as this juicy booty is riding your dick herself... <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/sSex.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<elseif _stripperLust >= 75>>
She doesn't mind blowing you off and quickly gets on her knees. However, your idea of a blowjob involves much more work of the throat, so you start pulling her head to you. She gags in surprise but still takes it deeper into her mouth. Now that's a professional approach! <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/sBj1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _stripperLust >= 50>>
You agree on a handjob, and she quickly gets her hands to work. However, your dick can impress even a whore... <br>
@@.speech-female;That's against our policy, but your cock just looks so juicy... Don't mind if I have a taste?@@ <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/sBj0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" -20 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _stripperLust >= 25>>
She gets on her knees and places your cock between her big fake tits. You start fucking them, enjoying the feeling of unnatural globes trying to envelop your shaft, and the lustful gaze of a stripper, maintaining eye contact during this... <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/bTj0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" -10 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;eww! No.@@ <br>
<br> <br>
[[Leave...->Strip Club]] <br>You are in the nightclub's restroom... <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
A teen girl is sitting on the floor and shows her naked pussy to everyone who enters... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;I wanna fuck so bad...@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Well... I am here.@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;eeew! I'm a lesbian.@@ <br>
Oh shit, that's a women's restroom! Thankfully, another girl appears to save the day: <br>
@@.speech-female;I'm bi! Let's have fun!@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Follow them...">>
They gave you a double blowjob, with a lesbian girl supporting bi. You cum on the latter and leave them to have their fun... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
In an empty stall, domina is fucking a naked man with a strapon. <br>
@@.speech-female;This bad boy is punished with public humiliation. You can insult him if you want.@@ <br>
@@.speech-u;Nah.. you are doing a good job with that strapon though!@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Thanks! Heard that, pig? I'm good at fucking your stupid ass!@@ <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You go to the cabin... but someone is already there! <br>
@@.speech-female;Naked in the male restroom, I'm so quirky!@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;You could sit here and watch, it makes me soo horny! Just be quiet@@ <br>
A girl is fingering her ass. It's quite sexy, but you just wanted to go to the restroom... <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;oh, fuck yeah.. you know what, meet me outside.@@ <br>
<<linkreplace "Meet her...">>
You finish your business in the toilets and go outside. People smoking here, trash cans, cabs arriving, and you fucking a bitch you never saw before. Wholesome. <br>
<img src="img/nightclub/rSex4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
Nobody is here... <br>
[[Leave...->Night Club]] <br><img src="img/town/cousinRoom.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You enter your cousin's room. The main eyecatcher is the enormous game station, flickering its many monitors and neon lights. It's about the only source of light in the room, except for some colourful LEDs on the wall. This room doesn't belong to this classical estate, but it perfectly reflects who your bratty gamer cousin is.
cousin char
she is a influencer (propaganda on itkiorot)
bet on geting naked
rought sex
/////////////cousing char/////////
you need to be stegnht for this one
<<if random(0, 10) > 4>>
she is in her room
<<if $player.strenght >= 25>>
oh hi there bulky man
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
siting on gaming chari revealing
<img src="img/cousin/cTease0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
on table
<img src="img/cousin/cTease1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
on table sideways
<img src="img/cousin/cTease2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
if youre on a good terms could fuck her
<<if $player.strenght >= 35 && $cousin.corruption >= 10 >>
<<linkreplace "fuck her">>
<<if _event == 1>>
anal going down
<img src="img/cousin/cSex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
anal bathroom
<img src="img/cousin/cSex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
fuck on the table
<img src="img/cousin/cSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
cousin courption +10
<<set $cousin.corruption += 10 >>
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Strenght >35 and Cousin.Corruption >10)@@ <br>
she ignores you
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Strenght >25)@@ <br>
she is chagnight for her cosplay
<<if $cousin.lust >= 100 && $cousin.corruption >= 35 >>
if horny she will ask you to join her and fuck
[LOCKED] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.Cousin Lust >100 and Cousin.Corruption >35)@@ <br>
if got there late night and could fuck her
<<if $period == 5>>
late night sex
<img src="img/cousin/cSpecial0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<if $player.lust > 50>>
she noticed your boner
cousin corruption +1
<<set $cousin.corruption += 1 >>
<<set $cousin.lust += 50 >>
//////////unused scenes////////////
us this scene during uncovering of the story
anal on bed
<img src="img/cousin/cSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
[[Uncle's Mansion]] Your cousin is streaming cosplaying...<br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
She decided to help you with your boner...
<<if $cousinMainQuest == 4 && $cousin.corruption >= 200>>
She gets in her regular clothes... <br>
@@.speech-u;Is there something wrong?@@
@@.speech-cousin;No, I'm just think it's time to stop pretending.... I want you to fuck me this time without a costume.@@
She pushes you on the bed, you start taking off your clothes... She jumps on top of you while you carefully holding her from the back... <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cSex1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "cousin">> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
Your uncle enters the room! <br>
@@.speech-uncle;Finished today early... Sorry, didn't know you were busy...@@
@@.speech-cousin;Daad! Could you leave, we are in the middle of something here!@@
@@.speech-uncle;Yeah, sure. Proud of your choice by the way, better than those outsiders....@@
<<set $cousinMainQuest = 5>>
<<if $cousinMainQuest >= 4 && random(0,10) >= 5>>
She wants you to fuck her. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
$ presses her hands against her thighs and lifts, opening her legs wide. Her glistening pussy is on full display and your cock twitches in the warm air surrounding you; you’re desperate to be buried in that sweet cunt. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Come on. This pussy belongs to you now, so you better fuck me until I scream.@@
That’s all the invitation you need. You press forward, allowing the tip of your dick to just slightly push against her opening. Lifting a hand, you run your fingertips underneath the hem of her thigh-high stockings. <br>
@@.speech-u;These look so sexy on you.@@
She whines beneath you and shifts in an attempt to slide you inside her. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Come on, please. I need it.@@
If it were possible, listening to her beg you to fuck her would have made your dick even harder. You’ve never heard your cousin beg for anything before. <br>
You shift your hips, finally burying your cock in the soaking slit. <br>
@@.speech-u;Shit...@@ groan, immediately shifting into a brutal and desperate rhythm. <br>
@@.speech-u;How is your pussy so tight? So good.@@
@@.speech-cousin;It’s…ah, it’s perfect for your dick. F-for you.@@
Her words are punctuated by high-pitched gasps and groans. She can’t remain quiet and you wonder if the rest of the house can hear her pleasured groans, hear you pounding her into the bed, hear the wet sounds of your cock pistoning in and out of her. You decide that it’s too good to care about whether you’re heard or not. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
Your cousin is dressed in a devilish cosplay and therefore wants to do something devilish. As you press the tip of your dick against her pussy lips she reaches behind and positions your cock upwards to her other hole. <br>
You notice that her asshole is wet, and smile at the knowledge that she’d already prepared herself. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Go on...@@
...she says, moving her hips to slide your cock head against her quivering hole. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Put your dick in my asshole. I know you want to.@@
The teasing tone of her voice drives you crazy and you have to give in to her. <br>
She gasps as your cock slides into her. Her ass is even tighter than her pussy, and the friction would be almost painful if it wasn’t so fucking good. The tightness around you forces you to keep a relaxed pace, and you both savour the slow connection of your bodies. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Just stay right there...@@
$ says to you.... <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I’m going to do all the work today. I’m gonna fuck myself on your cock.@@
Your dick twitches and you have to shift your kneeling position a little to remain comfortable. <br>
She slides herself in front of you, reaching behind to hold your erection and giving it a quick squeeze. When she’s comfortable enough she pushes herself backwards, impaling herself on your member. <br>
You shouldn’t be surprised when her greedy asshole swallows you with ease, but you still are. <br>
$ doesn’t even give herself time to adjust to your length before she begins to move. She quickly ramps up to a furious speed. You briefly wonder if it hurts but dismiss that thought as she continues and makes those familiar whines and gasps of delight. <br>
The constant moving of her body and the tightening of her inside muscles feels incredible. Almost too much even, you think as burning embers of pleasure curl in your abdomen. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Th-there! Right…fucking there.@@
.... $ seems to be close to crying as she spears herself on your cock. <br>
With a jerk of her entire body, she pushes your dick as deep inside of her as possible. A loud groan tumbles from her gasping lips. Her muscles quiver as she continues to orgasm around you and it’s enough to set you off too. <br>
With a low grunt, you flood her asshole with your seed. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "cousin">> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<if $cousinMainQuest == 3 && $cousin.corruption >= 100 && $player.lust >= 100>>
<<set $cousinMainQuest = 4>>
@@.speech-cousin;Maybe just a blowjob wouldn't be enough this time...@@
She lays on the couch granting access to her ass to you, you thrust into your cousin's tight asshole... <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "cousin">> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
She gives you a blowjob.
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
Your cousin’s hand tightens around the base of your thick cock, grip firm but not enough to hurt. Her tongue runs a messy line across the side of your dick, creating a path of her saliva. Her breath ghosts across the drool, causing you to shiver. <br>
As if she can feel your rising impatience, she finally opens her lips and suctions your cock into her mouth. She takes all of you not held in her hand inside her and hollows her cheeks. <br>
You pant as the assault of pleasure continues and you rapidly approach your orgasm. Your hips buck against her, lodging yourself more deeply in her throat as you cum. <br>
You hear her choke a little, shocked by the amount of thick semen now sliding down her throat. Then you hear her small swallows as she obediently consumes your sperm. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
With her hands firmly pressed against her lap, your cousin basically devours your erect dick. <br>
Apparently, this cosplay increases her confidence, because she plays with your dick as if it’s her personal sex toy. When you begin to get comfortable with a certain rhythm she changes it up, rapidly moving from slow deep suction to more furious movements. <br>
It would be frustrating if it wasn’t so good. And if the wink she throws you is anything to go by, she knows exactly how the changing of the pressure and pace are affecting you. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You know that $ is teasing you, but the way her tongue feels sliding against your thick member is incredible, and you can’t bring yourself to complain about it.
Her long fingers wrap around the base of your cock, alternating between squeezing your shaft and trailing light, toying lines across your balls. She’s a master at this and she’s playing you expertly. <br>
As her tongue presses against the head of your dick, you’re surprised by the sudden and intense desire to orgasm. Your cock quivers and releases two spurts of cum which fall and decorate her hands. <br>
Your cousin giggles playfully, no doubt proud of herself for making you orgasm from very little stimulation. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I guess you really find this costume sexy, huh?@@
...she asks, her tongue dipping into the trail of fluid you left on her skin. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
While you like her in light-haired wigs too, there’s something exceptionally appealing when your cousin wears darker-coloured wigs. It’s as if some switch gets flipped in her and she goes all out to please you. <br>
She’s sucking your dick like a pro; her head bobs at a steady pace taking your cock deep into her mouth. You can feel the vibrations in her throat as she takes you as far as she can. Occasionally, you feel the constriction of her throat as she swallows around your flesh in an attempt to comfortably handle your length. <br>
It’s a messy process, of course, and you watch transfixed as the saliva pools around her lips, leaving thick wet streaks of drool on your aching cock. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 10 "cousin">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<if $cousin.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-cousin;Mhm, do you guys like that? You like seeing my little asshole.@@
You watch as your cousin pushes her hips up, pushing the droid swimsuit to the side and giving the camera a full view of her asshole and pussy. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;How about I fuck my asshole for you guys? Having you guys watch me makes me feel so horny that I don’t think I can stop myself.@@
$ slides a thin coat of lubricant over the light-up dildo and then pressed the tip of it against her hole. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I love playing with this hole. I’m going to push it in nice and slow so you guys can see.@@
She moves the dildo almost impossibly slowly, and you and the viewers watch as her hole parts and swallows the toy. <br>
Your cousin gasps, closing her eyes momentarily and biting he bottom lip. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Sorry, I can’t keep going slow like this. I have to…@@
...She cuts off as she ramps up the speed of the dildo. <br>
Her pussy drips as she fucks herself with it furiously in front of all of her viewers. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" -10 "cousin">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 45 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Do you guys like my costume?@@
...Your cousin smirks, rubbing a hand across the sheer red thigh-highs. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I’m superwoman and my power is fucking like a champ.@@
A small giggle falls from her painted lips. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;You guys want to know a secret? Well,@@
...she shifts, lifting the red skirt more so that the camera has a view of her bare pussy.
@@.speech-cousin;I don’t wear underwear underneath this. Do you want to know why?@@
$ rubs her thighs together to create a small amount of friction.
@@.speech-cousin;I just get so horny when I fight crime. I need easy access so I can fuck myself whenever I want. Oh!@@
...She pretends to gasp, her eyes dancing with mischief. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Now if you guys run into me when I’m fighting crime you’ll know that my pussy is bare. I really hope none of you are villains and you have your way with me.@@
<img src="img/cousin/cCosplay9.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "cousin">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
[[Leave...->Cousin Room]] <br><<if $period == 0 && $period > 5>>
You’re too impatient to wait for your cousin to undress so you grip the ass area of her fishnets and tear a hole through them. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;How aggressive, cuz.@@
She giggles as you push her onto her front on the bed. <br>
@@.speech-u;I need to bury my dick in your little asshole@@ say while straddling her. She whines and wiggles on the bed slightly in anticipation. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Do it, then. Ram me so hard I won’t be able to sit down for a week.@@
You oblige and roughly push your cock into her still-tight hole. She immediately groans, burying her face into a pillow. You thrust into her as much as possible, letting your hips lift and lower in a brutal and deep rhythm. <br>
As you continue fucking her, your cousin is rendered beyond speech. All she’s able to conjure is sweet mewling whines and pants of exertion. You think you hear her repeating “fuck me” but it’s difficult to ascribe words to her delirious and pillow-muffled ramblings. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cSex3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $period == 1 >>
@@.speech-u;You wanna do it right here in the bathroom? People will hear.@@
She smirks and nods at you. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Yeah, right here. Let them hear how good you fuck me, cuz.@@
As always, you can’t say no to her, so instead, you sigh. <br>
@@.speech-u;Okay, let me lock the door.@@
As you’re about to turn she reaches out to grab your hand. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;No way. Let them walk in too. They’ll all know how much I love the way my cousin fucks me.@@
@@.speech-u;You’re crazy...@@
She laughs and turns, leaning against the bathroom counter, pushing her ass up. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I’ll go crazy if I don’t have your dick in me right now.@@
@@.speech-u;You want my dick in you that bad?@@
You grin, the door completely forgotten. Stepping forward, you press the crown of your cock against her throbbing asshole. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Want it in me all the time. Want to sleep with your dick in me. Want everybody to see how good you make me feel.@@
With a small grunt, you finally push into her. She’s quieter than usual, her teeth working against her bottom lip. <br>
@@.speech-u;Thought you wanted everybody to hear how good I’m fucking you?@@
@@.speech-cousin;Th-then fuck me better.@@
You laugh, your hands pressing against her hips and pulling her back harshly on your cock. She finally groans, gasping loud as you piston in and out of her cock sleeve of an asshole. The sound of her pleasure and the sound of skin-on-skin reverberates around the bathroom and you do not doubt that the entirety of the house can hear the sounds of you destroying her hole. <br>
@@.speech-u;I’m gonna cum in you and you’ll have to walk through the hall with my cum dripping out of you.@@
$ only whines in response. You feel her tightening her muscles around you to coax your orgasm from your balls. With one harsh thrust, you crush her hips against the bathroom counter and deposit your cum into her asshole. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cSex2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-u;Pussy or ass?@@
you ask, pulling your cousin’s panties down so that they’re around her knees. She shifts her position a little on the bedside table to a more stable one. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Pussy this time. But go slow, because I want to feel every bit of you, cuz.@@
You smile and nod, brushing the tip of your cock against the thickening nub above her opening. She hums in pleasure, before shifting again in impatience. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;Come on...@@
...she whines, wiggling her hips. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;I need you in me.@@
You stroke her clit with your dick a few more times before finally pressing into her hot, wet cunt. She sighs in contentment. <br>
@@.speech-cousin;That’s good. So good. Love feeling you inside me.@@
You try to go slow, but not so slow it’s agonizing. Just slow enough for her pussy muscles to squeeze and stroke against your cock, milking you for as much pleasure as possible. <br>
<img src="img/cousin/cSex0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 6>>
You hear uncle is pasing the corridor... <br>
@@.speech-uncle;Having fun there kids?@@
<<statChange "relationship" 5 "uncle">> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "cousin">> <br>
[[Leave...->Cousin Room]] <img src="img/city/unlce.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in the office of your uncle, which has "The CEO" written on it. It's located on the top floor of one of the first skyscrapers in the downtown. The interiors are modest and subtle to not distract visitors from the main course - a breathtaking view of the City.
@@.speech-uncle;How you doing young man?@@
<<if $uncleMainQuest >= 2>>
<<if $loan4 == false>>
<<linkreplace "TAKE A $500m LOAN ($1b)">>
<<set $ += 500>>
<<set $loan4 = true>>
<<if $ >= 1000>>
<<linkreplace "REPAY A $500m LOAN ($1b)">>
<<set $ -= 1000>>
<<set $loan4 = false>>
[NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO REPAY A LOAN] @@.tip-skillcheck;(Req.$ >1b)@@ <br>
<<if $uncleMainQuest == 1>>
<<linkreplace "I want a loan.">>
<<if $uncle.relationship >= 100 || $businessCoffee >= 10>>
@@.speech-uncle;Very good, let see what I'll need to make some calls, could you visit me tomorow?@@<br>
<<set $uncleMainQuest = 2>>
@@.speech-uncle;No, I don't think you could perform THAT good in this economy...@@
[[Leave...->Bank]] Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set _carImg1 = "img/garage/" + $playerCar1.img>>
<<set _carImg2 = "img/garage/" + $playerCar2.img>>
<div id ="locationImage">
<div class="imagecontainer2">
<img @src= "_carImg1">
<img @src= "_carImg2">
<img src="img/garage/garage.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You enter your garage - relatively small by your family standards, it has everything you will ever need. It's fully equipped with a variety of top-notch mechanic tools, but until now you haven't discovered a passion for getting your hands dirty and always used car service.
Select your car: <br>
<<linkreplace "First Car">>
<<if $ == "">>
There is no car there? /* are you drunk again? */
<<set $driving = $playerCar1>>
<<goto "Driving Around">>
<<linkreplace "Second Car">>
<<if $ == "">>
There is no car there? /* are you drunk again? */
<<set $driving = $playerCar2>>
<<goto "Driving Around">>
[[Leave...->House]] <br><img src="img/police/jail.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in prison. It's not a regular one and provides some additional comfort, and you suspect that someone with enough money can buy himself a pretty pleasing time here. <br>
You are detained for $wanted days. You probably could go away with one call, but you are curious about what you can experience here...<br>
<<set $wanted -= 1>>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You see your rival trying to start a riot..?<br>
@@.speech-female; Tomorrow at lunch you gonna start some shit! Got it?!@@
@@.speech-female; Yeaah, suure... work on that dick, bitch...@@
Your rival is standing in front of a line of male inmates, giving away free handjobs. Good thing there are bars between them, or she wouldn't get away with simple handjobs...<br>
<img src="img/police/jEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You see your rival tries to bribe the guards to let her out...<br>
@@.speech-female;Are you sure they are not just lying to get a free blowjob?@@
Your rival and her cellmate are giving away free blowjobs. There is a crowd around their cell formed out of formally-abstinent thugs. You bet the girls would have their stomachs full today at least.<br>
<img src="img/police/jEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
Nothing interesting happens...<br>
<<if $jailQuest >= 1>>
Since you made a deal with the cops there are some extra benefits for you!<br>
Fuck: <br>
<<linkreplace "Slut">>
You bribe some cops and they order you a prostitute.<br>
@@.speech-female;I didn't know you could order sex from jail.@@
@@.speech-u;I could have ordered one of the guards to serve me - but I want to have a professional today.@@
You make good use of her well-stretched ass, fucking her butt in all positions - to the envy of other inmates and guards.<br>
<img src="img/police/jEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Rival">>
You tell the cops you want to meet your friend and they guide you to her cell.<br>
@@.speech-female;Fuck *moans* I hate you! It's because of you we are stuck here!@@
Her weak resistance doesn't matter, as she is almost cumming on your hard dick. Her moans of pleasure are spreading trough the facility, but no one cares anymore. She is your slut, and you are free to do anything with her holes.<br>
<img src="img/police/jEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<if $jailQuest >= 2>>
[[Leave early...->City]] <br>
[[Make a deal->Jail Deal]] <br>
<<if $wanted <= 0>>
<<endif>> <img src="img/police/arrest.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Police car turns on the siren and fills the street with red&blue lights. It speeds up and cuts you in front, forcing you to stop - no way of escape.<br>
<<if $rival && random(0,4) > 2>>
Tough-looking cop with a short haircut and slick-looking aviators slowly steps out of his car.
@@.speech-male;You know how fast you guys were going?!@@
Your rival tries to seduce the cop...<br>
@@.speech-female;Oh, I'm so sorry I still learning tho... I know it's so stressful to be a cop, maybe I could help you out and you let us go?@@
The cop apprehends the offer and nods.<br>
@@.speech-male;In my car, offender! You can watch if you want. @@<br>
He fucks her mouth right in his police vehicle, while she shamelessly shows you her bubble butt in torn fishnets. Damn, would be nice to spitroast this slut...<br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 35 "player">> <br>
Tough-looking female officer steps out of the car. She is quite sexy...<br>
@@.speech-female;You know how fast you were going?!@@
<div id="carOption">
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Bribe her">>
<<replace "#carOption">>
@@.speech-u;Don't know officer... why wouldn't you detain the uncle Sam here, that's was his idea!@@
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
[[House]] <br>
<<linkreplace "[Charisma 50] Seduce her">>
<<replace "#carOption">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;Just wanted to impress you.@@
@@.speech-female;Well, you sure did handsome!@@
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-female;Sure, do you know how to perform a cavity search?@@
You drop the gorgeous blonde cop on the hood of her car and start the search. You find the criminally wet cunt in her panties and treat her with your special tool right on the spot. Fuck the police!<br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-female;Let me serve the community!@@
That girl must be a rookie. You think that she definitely serves better than protects - with her sucking skill she would be a nice whore.<br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-female;Is that a gun in your pants? or a dick?.... anyways let me disarm it.@@
She puts on a mask on you, obviously reliving her dirty fantasies of being fucked by a criminal. Well, it doesn't matter to you as long as you are balls-deep inside this bitch in uniform.<br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
@@.speech-female;Let me serve the community!@@
That girl must be a rookie. You think that she definitely serves better than protects - with her sucking skill she would be a nice whore.<br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
@@.speech-u;Hey how about the... you know, like... oh... Are you detaining me... because I like... am too hot...?@@
@@.speech-female;What? No, you were going 200 miles in a residential area!@@
<<set $wanted = 20>>
<<linkreplace "No idea?">>
<<replace "#carOption">>
@@.speech-female;Well, you were going 200 miles in a residential area!@@
<<set $wanted = 15>>
<<endif>><img src="img/police/race.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You get in your car and drive along the town. The road leads you to <<print either("the central boulevard along the coastline, where owners of fancy cars are showing off", "the straight avenues of the downtown, where you almost get stuck in traffic", "neon-filled central district, with so complex layout you almost get lost there")>>.
<<if random(0,3) >= 2>>
At the junction, a sports car stops by your side and its engine start roaring aggressively.<br>
<<if random(0,3) >= 2>>
The driver is a <b>young man</b>. He
<<set _driver = "male">>
<<if random(0,3) >= 2>>
is cruising with his <b>girlfriend</b> showing off his driving skills around the town. He
<<set _gf = true>>
The driver is a <b>young female</b>. She
<<set _driver = "female">>
<<if random(0,3) >= 2>>
is cruising with her <b>boyfriend</b> showing off his driving skills around the town. She
<<set _gf = true>>
challenges you to a race, the loser pays <b>$100,000</b>.
<<linkreplace "Race">>
/* car racing script? */
<<set _winer = true>>
<<if random(0,3) >= 2>>
<<set _winer = false>>
<<if random(0,3) >= 2>>
<<set $rival = true>>
<<goto "Police Arest">>
<<if _winer>>
You won the race!<br>
<<if _driver == "male">>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
<<if _gf >>
<<linkreplace "[INTELLECT 35] Demand more.">>
<<if $player.intellect >= 35>>
@@.speech-u;You know these races are illegal here, so I want a bit more in return. I'll have to fuck your girl.@@
@@.speech-male;Ayo what the fuck?! Did you hear what he said, babe?@@
@@.speech-female;Fuck, but he is right, babe. How could we date if you are in jail? I'll do anything to save you!@@
You jump in his car and while the boyfriend drives you to the town's outskirts, you have fun with his girl in the back seat.<br>
@@.speech-male;I hope you at least have condoms on!@@
@@.speech-female;Sure... Who do you think I am, to fuck with a stranger raw... behind your back...@@
She gets close to orgasm, and it's obvious not only to you but to the traffic, with cars beeping when passing you.<br>
<img src="img/police/eEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
@@.speech-u;The red is like... a signal, but more like a law, you know... and you kinda ignore that signal, but that's agains the law, you know what I'm saying?@@
@@.speech-male;.. I have no fucking clue, are you driving high or something?@@
She want's to offer you something 'different' as a reward...
@@.speech-female;Maybe there is another way for me to pay?@@
<<if _gf >>
@@.speech-male;Hey wtf babe?@@
@@.speech-female;Relax, it's ok I'm still in love with only you, babe!@@
<div id="carOption">
<<linkreplace "[MONEY] No, give me my money.">>
<<replace "#carOption">>
@@.speech-female;fine.... whatever.... I actually have a boyfriend.@@
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[Sex] Perhaps?">>
<<replace "#carOption">>
<<if _gf >>
@@.speech-female;hmof.. I love him so much!@@
You literally take his place in his car while he goes away. His girl eagerly starts working on your dick, doing a very sloppy and passionate blowjob. She may love him, but he loves to suck cock even more.<br>
<img src="img/police/eEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<if random(0,5) >= 2>>
@@.speech-female;I'm gonna ask my daddy to buy me a better car, will see who's gonna fuck who!@@
The way she is angry about what she has to do makes you even harder. This little brat must have done a lot of favours to men, judging by her skilful hands and lips...<br>
<img src="img/police/eEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
@@.speech-female;You just cheated *moans*, that's doesn't mean shit@@
You fuck her right in the driving seat, enjoying your power over this bitch. You hope that each time she will be driving this car she will be remembering your thick cock in her wet pussy.<br>
<img src="img/police/eEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
You lose the race!<br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
[[Drive more->Driving Around]]<br>
[[Come back...->Garage]]<br><img src="img/police/dealRoom.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You decide to talk with the cops, possibly getting an edge on them, or strike a deal of some sort. After all, maybe they just don't know who you are... <br>
You tell the guard you want to talk with a detective, and they follow you into an interrogation room - a small concrete closet with two chairs and a table. You get a cup of coffee and wait. <br>
After waiting for an hour a young female officer enters the room, she is in charge of this department. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-female; You'd better give me something good - my day is shit already because some of my officers were failing to detain suspects...@@
<<if $ >= 1>>
<<linkreplace "[$1m] Bribe her">>
@@.speech-u; I have some power and some funds I would gladly invest in raising the qualification of your staff in exchange for some favours@@
Officer thinks for a minute, silently.
@@.speech-female;I have a program in mind, it would cost the department around a million dollars. I suppose I could get you as a supervisor on one of the missions.@@
You shake hands, agreeing on the program of reeducating the officers of the department. After the funds are transferred, you are met with the best officer who is going to attend the program. You teach her how to use her seduction skills to her advantage, and she has no way of refusing your methods... <br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "money" -1 "player">> <br>
<<set $jailQuest += 1>>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-female; I hope you have something for me - I'm fucking pissed with my morons on guard duty who were cooperating with the inmates... Anyway, what would you like to tell us?@@
<<if $ >= 1>>
<<linkreplace "[$1m] Bribe her">>
@@.speech-u; I can turn this cooperation backwards. I'm sure you would like to see how this corruption backfires on them, don't you?@@
@@.speech-female;Maybe I do. You'd have to corrupt their superior - and with a significant amount...@@
You give her the money, and she calls into the interrogation room the head of the guards - a corrupt bitch you have no sympathy for. She leaves you two alone, but you know that this room has surveillance - and you make sure to dominate this bitch so it would make good blackmail material on her in the future. <br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "money" -1 "player">> <br>
<<set $jailQuest += 1>>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-female; Hey dickhead. Want to know why you had to wait? Because the department is heavily understaffed... Anyway, got something to tell?@@
<<if $ >= 1>>
<<linkreplace "[$1m] Bribe her">>
@@.speech-u; I'm a businessman and I know some ways to attract employees... but I'd like to personally train some of your staff. How about you let me start with that hot blonde outside?@@
@@.speech-female; She's an innocent intern! It's unacceptable! Though, for 1 million towards new officers... @@
@@.speech-u; 1 mil and fuck her intern ass.@@
@@.speech-female; Deal! @@
She calls her in and tells her that civil duty is more important than her asshole. She stays in the interrogation room to watch how you nail this police rookie in her tight asshole, and they both enjoy that. <br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "money" -1 "player">> <br>
<<set $jailQuest += 1>>
@@.speech-female;This place is shit, the department has no money and I have to complain about it to some stupid inmate. You'd better tell me something good or I'll focus my financial despair on you!@@
<<if $ >= 1>>
<<linkreplace "[$1m] Bribe her">>
@@.speech-u; Money is not a problem, I suppose I could donate some significant amount for you... but I expect certain services in return. Starting now. *you grab your groin*@@
@@.speech-female;Ew.. Fine, but let me take my gloves on first, don't want contamination here.@@
She is so quick to agree and so quick to give her head to you. You wonder, if she is a first-class slut, or if she just cares about her department that much, she is ready to do anything for her people?.. <br>
<img src="img/police/rEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "money" -1 "player">> <br>
<<set $jailQuest += 1>>
[[Go back...->Jail]] <br><img src="img/garage/dealer.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You enter the luxury car dealership. It's multi-brand, and you can choose from a variety of models that an average person could only see in magazines. The sales manager offers you a glass of champagne before you proceed...
<<if $dealershipScene == 1 || $dealershipScene == 2>>
<div id="carOption">
@@.speech-male;So, what car do you want to buy?@@
<<linkreplace "Mercedes-Benz C-Class $0.1m">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
<<replace "#carOption">>
Now you own the Mercedes-Benz C-Class!
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<if $dealershipScene == 1>>
<<set $playerCar1 = $merc >>
<<set $playerCar2 = $merc >>
<<set $dealershipScene = 0>>
<<linkreplace "Tesla Model S $0.1m">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
<<replace "#carOption">>
Now you own the Tesla Model S!
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<if $dealershipScene == 1>>
<<set $playerCar1 = $tesla >>
<<set $playerCar2 = $tesla >>
<<set $dealershipScene = 0>>
<<linkreplace "Rolls-Royce Phantom $0.5m">>
<<if $ >= 0.5>>
<<replace "#carOption">>
Now you own the Mercedes-Benz C-Class!
<<statChange "money" -0.5 "player">> <br>
<<if $dealershipScene == 1>>
<<set $playerCar1 = $royce >>
<<set $playerCar2 = $royce >>
<<set $dealershipScene = 0>>
<<linkreplace "Lamborghini Aventador $0.6m">>
<<if $ >= 0.6>>
<<replace "#carOption">>
Now you own the Lamborghini Aventador!
<<statChange "money" -0.6 "player">> <br>
<<if $dealershipScene == 1>>
<<set $playerCar1 = $lamba >>
<<set $playerCar2 = $lamba >>
<<set $dealershipScene = 0>>
<<linkreplace "Bugatti Veyron $12m">>
<<if $ >= 12>>
<<replace "#carOption">>
Now you own the Bugatti Veyron!
<<statChange "money" -12 "player">> <br>
<<if $dealershipScene == 1>>
<<set $playerCar1 = $bugatti >>
<<set $playerCar2 = $bugatti >>
<<set $dealershipScene = 0>>
<<linkreplace "None...">>
<<set $dealershipScene = 0>>
<<goto "Car Dealership">>
@@.speech-male;Hi, it is my pleasure to help you.@@
<div id="carOption">
<<set $dealershipScene = 0>>
<<linkreplace "Want to buy (Slot1)">>
<<replace "#carOption">>
<<if $ == "">>
@@.speech-male;Follow me sir.@@
<<set $dealershipScene = 1>>
[[Follow him->Car Dealership]]<br>
There is already a car there want to trade in $ $ $playerCar1.price m ?
<<linkreplace "Sell it">>
<<statChange "money" $playerCar1.price "player">> <br>
<<set $dealershipScene = 1>>
[[Now let's see your cars->Car Dealership]]
<<linkreplace "Want to buy (Slot2)">>
<<replace "#carOption">>
<<if $ == "">>
@@.speech-male;Follow me sir.@@
<<set $dealershipScene = 2>>
[[Follow him->Car Dealership]]
There is already a car there want to trade in $ $ $playerCar2.price m ?
<<linkreplace "Sell it">>
<<statChange "money" $playerCar2.price "player">> <br>
<<set $dealershipScene = 2>>
[[Now let's see your cars->Car Dealership]]
[[Leave...->City]] <br>race
You push the pedal to the metal and acceleration pushes you into the seat. You and your rivals fly like bullets across the streets, ignoring the signs and lights - speed is what matters now.
You see a police vehicle in your mirror turning lights, and hear a voice distorted by the speaker telling you to pull over. There is no way to get away from this enforced car, and you slow down...
You are in prison. It's not a regular one and provides some additional comfort, and you suspect that someone with enough money can buy himself a pretty pleasing time here.
You are in the interrogation room - quite fancy, that is. They must have used it to make deals with some higher-ups locked in here because it resembles a hotel conference room - with a limited number of chairs and no windows - except for a large see-through mirror on the wall.
sexy nurse questinable morals (expririments)meet at the park have conversation
join her at the resturant (save her)
park date
suport her campain (more money -> less taxes)
intercourse at the office if win the election
her corupted sister will corupt her
if i donate will you do anythign?
shes like no but her sister agrees (teaches how to get it done)...
<img src="img/startup/oEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
have a diner ready
sister ask for invesmtents politely
<img src="img/startup/mEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
bj after as a reward
<img src="img/startup/mEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
we won shell give you a present fo you (unlcok main sex)
<img src="img/startup/mEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
she was waitning for you (bedrom) sex?
<img src="img/startup/bEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
main fuck
<img src="img/startup/bEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/bEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/bEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
sisister main interocurse
<img src="img/startup/eEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/eEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/eEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
double events
<img src="img/startup/dEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/dEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
gym sister
<img src="img/startup/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
shower (sister
<img src="img/startup/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
sister will get naked on your request
<img src="img/startup/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/startup/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
govermental bj (tax return?)
<img src="img/startup/sEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br><div id="shop">
<img src="img/red/background.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You pay a visit to the new high-end underwear store. It attracts customers with pictures of beautiful models with unrealistic bodies wearing various underwear pieces. By the looks of it, the various bras and panties aren't made to be comfortable, but to seduce and tempt.
<<if $redQuest == 0>>
As you browse through the wares, the store clerk approaches you and offers her assistance.
@@.speech-red;Do you need help with anything?@@
At first, you can't even get your thoughts together and give a reply. The girl is simply gorgeous! She looks like she came straight from the promo shots with underwear models hanging all around in this store. Her shining red hair looks even brighter against her pale-white skin, and even her casual clothes can't hide her hourglass figure. You realize that you are staring at her silently for some time, and the stunning redhead smiles, acknowledging the power of her charms.
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] *LIE* Underwear for girlfriend">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
It's time to say something, so you tell her the first idea that comes to your mind:
@@.speech-u;I just wanted to pick up some, some, ahh, underwear! Yes, underwear... For my girlfriend!@@
The store clerk tilts her head a bit as if doubting your legend.
@@.speech-red;Is that so? I could help you with that. What's her size?@@
You are about to give her a random letter from the English alphabet when a better idea comes to mind.
@@.speech-u;I'm not sure, but I noticed you look pretty similar to her... If it fits you, it would fit her.@@
@@.speech-red;Sure, how about that piece?.. Follow me to the changing room.@@
The store clerk grabs several bras from the stand, and you wait for her in the spacious zone before changing rooms on the couch. In the next several minutes, the redhead gives you a sexy show, appearing before you in one of the bras, playfully posing for you, then going behind the curtain and returning in a new piece. Needless to say, every bra looks perfect on her, although you suspect her round breasts don't need additional support. In the end, you can't make a choice, and just buy every single one of the bras that the gorgeous redhead showed you, making her blush.
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<set $redQuest = 1>>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br><br>
I'm not liquid rn...
<<elseif $redQuest == 1>>
You are glad to see your redhead crush is having her shift today, and she is happy to see you as well. She approaches you with a cute smile that makes her only more charming.
@@.speech-red;That girlfriend of yours runs through her underwear really fast, eh?@@
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] *LIE* She must be eating them">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
She giggles and tells you that they don't have new arrivals since your last shopping spree.
@@.speech-red; However, there is one more special piece for you to see. Follow me...@@
Intrigued, you wait for her outside the changing rooms. She soon reveals herself in what seems to be a normal bra, which still looks fantastic on a busty girl like her.
@@.speech-red;...also, with this one you could take it off pretty easily... for 'better access'.@@
She shows you several hidden clasps on the sides, and then in a swift movement demonstrates to you how the cups can be folded as well - flashing you her heavy, round tits. Oh, you knew since the last time that these gravity-defying orbs don't need any support and are meant to be free and marveled at. The flirty redhead gives them a little squeeze before pitting the bra back on as if nothing happened.
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br><br>
<<set $redQuest = 2>>
Needless to say, you buy this bra as well. At the checkout, the clerk seems a bit shy as if reconsidering her actions in the changing rooms, but before you go, she looks up and smiles:
@@.speech-red;My name is <b>Eva</b>, by the way.@@
You give her your name and decide not to tell her that you have been eyeing her name badge all this time as an excuse to stare again at her sizeable breast. Instead, you feel that this is the right moment to lean for a kiss - and Eva's lips give you a warm, soft welcome.
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
I'm not liquid rn...
<<linkreplace "No... not really, tho...">>
<<goto "Mall">>
Eva approaches you with her disarming smile. She's cute and stunning, as always. At this point, you both feel this sexual tension between you two from your previous encounters.
@@.speech-red;How's your girlfriend doing?@@
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Go to the fitting room with her.">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
You grab a random piece of clothing from a rack as an excuse to go to the fitting room with Eva.
<<if $redQuest >= 3 && $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-red;She's about to have sex on her workplace.@@
@@.speech-red;Mmm, I like the sound of that...@@
You go inside the cabin and make out; there is no time to waste, and your hands explore her wet pussy while she strokes your cock inside your pants. When you are both ready, you pull down her jeans and press your cock against her entrance - and Eva then pushes herself back on you, doing all the work. You look at her gorgeous ass and think how lucky you are.
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
@@.speech-u;Thankfully, she's not of a jealous type!@@
Eva giggles and looks back to check that there's no customer in the store.
@@.speech-red;This time, let's look at your underwear!@@
This time, she invites you to a changing room together with her. You make out and admit that she's a kisser all right! But it seems she's eager to show her other skills when she kneels before you, unbuckles your belt, and pulls down your pants, revealing your erect cock. Her mischievous smile says that she is satisfied with your package, and she immediately gives it a kiss. As her plump lips explore your throbbing dick, you realize that you're lucky enough to find a true, passionate redhead. As you don't have much time, you speed up a bit, and wonder how she can maintain eye contact when you hit her so deep down her throat...
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<if $redQuest == 2>>
@@.speech-red;Maybe you should pay me a visit later?@@
Before you leave the changing room, she grabs your hand and writes down her address. You are surprised that it's the Downtown area before Eva seals it with a kiss and goes back to her work before customers notice you fooling around.
<<set $redQuest = 3>>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Invite her home.">>
<<replace "#shop">>
@@.speech-u;Let's go to my place...@@
Eva closes the store without hesitation and jumps in your car.
<<if $houseQuest >= 2>>
You brag a bit about your mansion, but Eva is not much impressed. Instead, she's much more interested in visiting one of your bedrooms, and you gladly show her one. You undress, and once again you think how lucky you are to find such a natural buxom redhead girl, with wide hips and ample breasts, and slut personality. It seems she loves being in control when you fuck her in doggy - maybe she's aware of how sexy her round ass looks when going back and forth on your cock...
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<br>[[Continue...->House Sleep]]<br>
When you arrive at the mansion you live in, Eva looks surprised - but not as much as you could have expected. You drop a few words to describe your situation.
@@.speech-red;So you still living with your parents?.. Wow, can't believe I'm fucking such a loser!@@
She laughs as you slap her ass for delivering such lame jokes. Together you sneak into your bedroom, where you have already prepared everything for an improvised sex marathon: water and fruits to sustain you, lube and napkins just in case, and a bottle of wine to get in the mood.
You spend the entire night fucking Eva on your bed. After your first round, you understand that you can treat her harder, as such a redhead slut like Eva can take a lot without breaking - although a row of several orgasms back to back drove her pretty close to that.
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
</div>cult (will kidnap you)
goth girl
monsastery girl (priestis?)
cult leader dominant\sexy
fukc virgin to initiate them
say to the banker
hae nuces
get money no interests.gangster meet her at the prisomtikitok celebrety
dm herYou enter the lounge about half an hour later than the meeting start time. There are not many people here, and you easily spot Naomi. <br>
<img src="img/startup/meet.webp" width="100%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<if $siliconMainQuest == 1>>
You saw her photos online and imagined a classy well-educated Asian girl in her twenties. Despite the facial resemblance, however, in person she delivers a completely different vibe of a sexy supermodel looking for a sugar daddy. Her skimpy revealing outfit doesn't leave much to the imagination, emphasizing her long perfect legs and outlining her plump breast. Her eyes are the one thing that makes you believe she is not a high-end escort but a fintech startup CEO - you can see the intelligence and will in them. <br>
She rises to shake your hand - and probably to make sure you appraise her looks. <br>
@@.speech-naomi; Hello, I'm Naomi! It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person! I'm happy you agreed to talk about my crypto blockchain startup.@@
@@.speech-naomi;I apologize for my appearance. I had to take care of a personal emergency before the meeting and didn't have time to change.@@
Oh really? Or she is leveraging her position with her looks - just as you were leveraging it by making her wait for 30 minutes? <br>
@@.speech-u;You're fine, I'm only here to profit, not to judge.@@
@@.speech-naomi;I am excited to present to you today an opportunity to participate in the growth and success of a truly disruptive crypto blockchain startup: Cashly.@@
@@.speech-naomi;Our company has developed a proprietary algorithm that utilizes a decentralized, distributed ledger technology to revolutionize the way the finance industry does business. This innovative solution has already gained traction with early adopters, and we are confident in our ability to capture a significant share of the market.@@
@@.speech-naomi;In terms of valuation, we are seeking an initial round of funding in the amount of $10m to $15m, in exchange for a 4.2% and a 6.9% equity stake in the company. This valuation represents a discounted cash flow analysis, taking into account the present value of future cash flows, as well as a thorough analysis of comparable companies in the space.@@
@@.speech-naomi;In addition to the strong potential for financial return on investment, we believe that our solution has the potential to generate significant positive externalities for the industry and society as a whole.@@
@@.speech-naomi;I invite you to join us on this exciting journey and to be a part of the next big thing in the world of crypto and blockchain. Thank you for considering this opportunity.@@
<<if $player.intellect >= 20>>
If you would need to sum up her buzz-word-filled speech, you would probably use the word scam. However, as long as her startup is scamming users, not investors, you are probably fine... <br>
This stuff sounds really good, crypto is the future! <br>
<div id="option">
<<linkreplace "[-$10m] Cool! I'm in.">>
<<if $ >= 10>>
<<replace "#option">>
@@.speech-u;Cool, I'm in! Send your banking details to my secretary and let's make it work!@@
@@.speech-naomi; A pleasure doing business with you! Here are some business papers for you to sign...@@
You spend the next hour going through the business papers. You make several calls to your lawyer to check some minor details, but overall all is good. The signing is brightened up by Naomi's warm body right next to you. She laughs a lot and makes sure to touch you when passing documents on pens. <br>
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 2>> <br>
<<statChange "money" -10 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[-$15m] [INTELLECT >25] I want a larger stake. Could you describe to me those cutting-edge algorithms?">>
<<if $ >= 15>>
<<if $player.intellect >= 25>>
<<replace "#option">>
@@.speech-u; I want a majority stake in your startup, but could you please describe to me those cutting-edge algos you keep mentioning?@@
@@.speech-naomi;*awkward laughter* .... sure, would you follow me in my office, since it's such a complicated thing to explain...@@
You gladly follow her through the office, enjoying the view of her bouncy bubble butt as she walks in front of you. She is definitely doing this on purpose... <br>
@@.speech-naomi; Excuse me, do you mind if I change my outfit? Don't want to look unprofessional...@@
You nod and turn to look at her office. There isn't much personal stuff here. You tried to examine a wall with diplomas to see her grade but found only certificates from personal growth courses. Weird... <br>
@@.speech-naomi; I'm ready!@@
You turn around and realize that the only thing she did with her outfit is remove the top and set her delicious, soft tits free. You are shocked and almost hypnotised by their perfection. You can feel your mouth gets wet, you make a gulp and mumble: <br>
@@.speech-u;Those are some great.... protocols you have here@@
@@.speech-naomi; I'm also proud of this creation! So, you wanted to examine it? I can let you have a first-hand experience...@@
You place your hand on her boobs and feel their soft warmth. It's like touching the goddess... <br>
<img src="img/startup/oEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
So, it is a scam for investors after all... But at least you didn't walk out empty-handed! <br>
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 2>> <br>
<<statChange "money" -15 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u; So, it's like a pyramid scheme for the rich? Cause it sure does sound like it.@@
@@.speech-naomi; No, it's nothing like that... It does not even have the shape of one.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, that's relieving... cause I have studied the Egyptians in college and I kinda get pyramids PTSD once in a while, haha!@@
<<elseif $siliconMainQuest == 3>>
You meet again with Naomi. She is still dressed like an expensive escort, but you almost get used to that already. <br>
@@.speech-naomi; I'm sorry, but I had to rush out of the house this morning and I accidentally grabbed the wrong outfit...@@
@@.speech-naomi; Due to unforeseen unfortunate events, I'll need you to do another cash injection... But I'll promise this will be the last time!@@
<div id="option">
<<linkreplace "[-$20m] That's fine, I got you.">>
<<if $ >= 20>>
<<replace "#option">>
@@.speech-u; That's fine, this is why you have a reliable investor backing you up! Contact my secretary.@@
@@.speech-naomi; I knew I could count on your help! Also here is the board invitation... I think you'll be a valuable addition!@@
It's only reasonable to join the management at this point; moreover, this should have been negotiated at the first meeting! Damn, she did distract you that time. <br>
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 4>> <br>
<<statChange "money" -20 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[-$30m] [CHARISMA >25] Okay, but I still don't even know how that crypto thing gonna make any money. Care to enlighten me?">>
<<if $ >= 30>>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25>>
<<replace "#option">>
@@.speech-naomi;Sure... please follow me...@@
You follow her through the office again, admiring the view of her perfect ass as she flaunts it before you. You wonder what she might reveal this time... <br>
Again, she asks you to wait while she changes. Patiently waiting, you examine her bookshelf and find a tome named "Investors milking 101". What the fuck? <br>
She comes back, dressed surprisingly normally. <br>
@@.speech-naomi; Before we start, I'd like to check if you have any wires on you. You see, our competitors might have planted bugs on you to reveal confidential information. Pease, take off your clothes.@@
That's a really lousy explanation, but anything can happen in this industry! As you unbuttoning your shirt, she kneels and touches your crotch. <br>
@@.speech-naomi; I can feel something here.. something hard...@@
She grabs your cock, and starts sucking it. She is really good at that, much better than at explaining the inner workings of her startup. You grab her hair and push it deeper: <br>
@@.speech-u;If you want to milk me for money, you have to milk my cock for semen first, slut!@@
<img src="img/startup/oEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 4>> <br>
<<statChange "money" -30 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;But that's like a crypto thing and I'm like... y'know... not feel strongly about it, like...@@
@@.speech-naomi;It's hard to trust anyone after the FTX collapse, I know...@@
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-naomi;I apologize for my appearance. I had a last-minute wardrobe malfunction and had to improvise with what I had on hand.@@
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-naomi;I apologize for not dressing more appropriately. I had a sudden change of plans and didn't have time to change before coming here.@@
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-naomi;I'm sorry, but I was running late and didn't have time to stop at home to change before the meeting."@@
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-naomi;I apologize for my casual attire. I had a long day at work and didn't have time to go home and change before the meeting.@@
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-naomi;I'm sorry, but I had a last-minute meeting added to my schedule and didn't have time to change into more formal attire.@@
<<elseif _event == 6>>
@@.speech-naomi;I apologize for not being more dressed up. I had a hectic morning and didn't have time to prepare for the meeting.@@
<<elseif _event == 7>>
@@.speech-naomi;I'm sorry, but I had a spill on my shirt and had to change into something else at the last minute.@@
@@.speech-naomi;I'm sorry, but I was in a rush to get here and I forgot to iron my clothes. I hope it's not too much of a distraction.@@
You discuss business as usual of her startup. You manage to steal a few glances at her juicy body. <br>
[[Leave...->Silicon Startup]]<<if $exploitQuest == 0 && $startupProgress >= 25 && random(0,10) >= 6>>
<<goto "Privacy Data Vulnerability">>
<img src="img/startup/work.gif" width="100%"> <br>
You work in the office with the developers hired by Naomi. The only thing keeping this team together is lust; lust for money or for their founder's seductive body, you're not entirely sure... You apply your managing skills <b>(INTELLECT)</b> to direct this craving into a creative force, establishing business processes and introducing development methodologies. <br>
<<set _progress = random(-10,20)>>
<<set _progress += $player.intellect>>
<<statChange "startupProgress" _progress >> <br>
<<if $startupProgress >= 100>>
<<if $siliconMainQuest == 4>>
Your ragtag team of horny devs managed to produce a public release. As usual, you enter Naomi's office and report on the release notes, now emphasising your predictions for the future of this project. <br>
Naomi is really happy with what you were to achieve together...
@@.speech-naomi; I think overall it's a great success. With my outstanding ability to attract investors *wink* and your amazing managing skills we made something great! I think we got close together during that project and... I want you to participate in my more personal project, as a souvenir to remind us about these times.@@
She hands you over an A4 page, titled "Maid service support". You go through it and realize it's not a startup idea, but a script for cheap porn, starring you two. <br>
@@.speech-u;I have no idea you are into filmmaking... Yeah, it's gonna be our love letter to the future!@@
Later this day, you arrive at her place. You ring the door, and Naomi opens it. She is wearing a skimpy maid outfit, barely covering her pussy, and high-heel stripper boots. Beside her, a slightly older Asian woman is filming you on camera. <br>
@@.speech-naomi; Good evening sir! I've finished cleaning, do you want to check?@@
You go through your lines, and eventually, the protagonist finds out the maid was stealing and punishes her with some good dicking. The camera follows you around the house as you fuck Naomi in every room and pose. You finish with a massive facial on her face! <br>
<img src="img/startup/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "naomi">> <br>
The operator stops the camera: <br>
@@.speech-female;Cut! Good work you two!@@
@@.speech-naomi;That's my mom, by the way, say hi!@@
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 5>> <br>
[[Naomi's House]]
<<set _progress = 0>>
You go to Naomi's office for a regular report on the development. As usual, the backlog is getting bigger, and you constantly overestimate your capacity... Nevertheless, you inform her about the features of the new beta version. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes new features that will make the product more useful or easier to use for customers.@@
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes performance improvements that will make the product faster or more reliable.@@
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes bug fixes that will improve the stability and reliability of the product.@@
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes security improvements that will protect the product and its users from cyber threats.@@
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes enhancements to the user interface that will make the product more intuitive and easier to use.@@
<<elseif _event == 6>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes support for new platforms or devices, which will expand the potential user base for the product.@@
<<elseif _event == 7>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes support for new languages or regions, which will make the product more accessible to a wider audience.@@
<<elseif _event == 8>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes marketing or promotional materials that will help to increase awareness and adoption of the product.@@
<<elseif _event == 9>>
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes integrations with other popular products or services, which will make the product more useful in the context of a wider ecosystem.@@
@@.speech-u;...this update also includes new pricing or licensing options that will make the product more attractive to potential customers.@@
@@.speech-naomi;You're my favourite member of the board!@@
She rewards you with a blowjob. It's one thing she's undeniably good at. You love how she looks with your massive cock in her mouth, it really suits her. <br>
<img src="img/startup/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "naomi">> <br>
<<set _income = random(1,9)>>
<<statChange "money" _income "player">> <br>
<<set $startupProgress = 0>>
<<statChange "energy" -20 "player">> <br>
[[Leave...->Silicon Startup]]<img src="img/startup/home.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You are at Naomi's place. She lives in a spacious house in a modern style. She must have hired an especially talented interior designer, as everything from the furniture to the toilet paper looks good and thoughtful. Moreover, it utilizes a smart home system, gathering info from various devices and executing scenarios based on it - from switching the lights when you enter the room to lowering the drapes at sunset. Investor's money well spent. <br>
<<if $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
<<if $period == 1>>
<<if $siliconMainQuest == 5>>
You hear weird noises coming out of the living room and decide to take a peek. You expect to see Naomi doing fitness in some tight leggings, but her morning routine is much, much more interesting: she rides a yoga ball with a big rubber dildo in her pussy. <br>
<img src="img/startup/mEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 20 "naomi">> <br>
She looks back at you, not embarrassed for a second: <br>
@@.speech-naomi;Oh, hi! Did my morning routine wake you up?@@
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 6>>
You hear she's in the living room and guess that she's about to start her morning routine. She's not wearing any pants, and at the moment applying lube to the yoga ball. <br>
@@.speech-naomi;Early this time, huh... Wanna join me?@@
<<linkreplace "Join her">>
<<if $player.lust >= 50 >>
@@.speech-u;Naomi, let me improve your perfect exercise formula. Come here...@@
<<if $player.lust >= 100 || $siliconMainQuest == 6>>
@@.speech-naomi;Sure, go ahead!@@
You come and lean for a kiss. You make out, while her hands are looking for your big, hard cock. You lie down on a yoga mat and gently push it into her well-lubed hole. Her pussy is amazing, you can feel it milking you already. You go for another kiss and start your exercise with your hips... <br>
<img src="img/startup/mEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "naomi">> <br>
<<if $siliconMainQuest == 6>>
@@.speech-naomi;Wow, that was great! Maybe you should help me with my night meditations...@@
<<set $siliconMainQuest = 7>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 6>>
@@.speech-naomi;Sorry, but the lead software engineer will have to join us...@@
You can handle two holes easily. You take turns fucking their holes, making sure each is exercised well. Girls enjoy that greatly, but being distracted by each other... <br>
<img src="img/startup/mEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "naomi">> <br>
It's time for the pussy workout! <br>
@@.speech-naomi;*moans* Why I didn't think of that before?!@@
As usual, you lie down and start work on her lubed hole. It's a miracle what her trained inner muscles can do to your penis, but you gather all your will not to cum early and give her a good pounding. <br>
<img src="img/startup/mEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "naomi">> <br>
You decide to have your daily exercise with her, but it's weird doing pushups when your mistress is filling her pussy with a rubber dildo right next to you... At least your abs are cool. <br>
<img src="img/startup/mEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "naomi">> <br>
[[Stay at her place->Naomi's House]]
You see her mom is here... <br>
<<linkreplace "Small Talk">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
You realize that you hadn't had a chance to meet her. Moreover, now that her face is not obstructed by a camera, you find her a pretty attractive woman - a MILF, one would say. <br>
@@.speech-u;I don't think we got a decent enough introduction, before...@@
@@.speech-female;I saw everything I needed, and your performance was only slightly above average.@@
@@.speech-u;I respectfully disagree, maybe we should perform a reevaluation of my skills...@@
@@.speech-female;Well, let me get a closer look.@@
You seal her lips with a kiss and feel how she melts in your hands. Her crotch is pushed against yours, and you realise that all this talk was a distraction, aimed at hiding the fact that Naomi's mom is a cock-craving slut. And you give her the treatment a slut deserves, fucking her big ass right in the living room... <br>
<img src="img/startup/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;You have a really good daughter you know...@@
*awkward silence* <br>
Naomi is sleeping... <br>
<<if $siliconMainQuest >= 7>>
<<linkreplace "Sleep with her">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-naomi;*moans* just remember to pull out!@@
You fuck her from behind, and it's really hard not to cum in her hungry pussy, craving for your delicious cum.. Shit, you have to pull out! <br>
<img src="img/startup/nEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-naomi;That's the best thing that happened today!@@
You pull out just in time to shower her with your semen. It's all over her body, and you feel like you've claimed Naomi yours this way. <br>
<img src="img/startup/nEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-u;Another boring day of young entrepreneur, huh?@@
@@.speech-naomi;Shut up!@@
You shut her mouth with your cock and enjoy the blowjob she provides. Her sucking skills never cease to disappoint you. She doesn't go for a deep throat fuck, but instead for very passionate and intense blowing. <br>
<img src="img/startup/nEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-naomi;*moans* I'm gonna be so much more effective tomorrow!@@
You rail her pussy from behind and enjoy the feeling of a young Asian slut getting crazy about your cock. You hope one day you'll do a large investment right in her wet portfolio... <br>
<img src="img/startup/nEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "naomi">> <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <img src="img/dlc0/island.jpg" class="neobackground-image"><br>
The air is thick with the sweet fragrance of exotic flowers, and you can hear the distant cries of exotic birds. Palm trees sway in the gentle breeze, offering pockets of shade from the brilliant sun. Everywhere you look, you see evidence of the island's opulence, from the private yachts anchored in the turquoise waters to the helicopter landing pads that dot the coastline. This island is a true paradise, reserved only for the most privileged and indulgent of travelers. <br>
[[Hotel->DLC0 Hotel]] <br>
[[Party->DLC0 Party]] <br>
[[Helipad...->DLC0 Helipad]] <br>
<<include "Pass time">>You are partying at this lavish party... <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;I told you guys, I'm not overleveraging those positions... you just need to take a healthy amount of risk sometimes...@@
@@.speech-male;We're just making sure you're a good fit to manage those pension funds... that's it.@@
A gorgeous woman is the object of attention of 3 men in suits. They have intense foreplay, each one focusing on one part of her stunning body, kissing and caressing her. How they are able to maintain a business talk while engaging in this foursome is beyond you. <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;I'm just a weather girl, didn't knew I'm that famous!@@
Oh, it's that girl from TV! You remember her pretty face from weather broadcasts, and now it's stuffed with a fat cock. There's a line of men waiting to fuck her face, to later brag to their friends when watching TV. <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-male;With a tongue like this.. you're gonna do well in the industry.@@
In the open area near the swimming pool, your ear catches a weird conversation. You turn around and see a black dude, who you recall is a music producer of some sort. On the knees before him is a girl who is trying to impress him with her oral skills. <br>
@@.speech-male;Girl, you can barely fit my cock in your mouth... Are you sure you're up to the task?@@
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;Can't believe I made that much money selling feet pics online... Now just 20 years later we're rich, what a journey! *moans*@@
@@.speech-male;Yeah! You're a real businesswoman, honey!@@
A couple has intense, passionate sex. Despite being in public, there's just something wholesome about them, and you can't help but peek at their intercourse for some time. You can tell when people are happy, and you envy them... and tits on that chick! <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are at the mansion of some rich dude you don't even know. Here, a crazy debaucherous party is going on 24/7/ with loads of booze, drugs, and girls. No decency here, and sometimes you have to step over people fucking on the floor. <br>
You start partying!<br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You make eye contact with some young girl standing in the pool. She's cute!
<<if $player.charisma >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;You seem to be the right guy for this... Could you help me with something?@@
@@.speech-u;Sure, what is it?@@
@@.speech-female;My boyfriend wanted to try a threesome and I had none of that! But we agreed if he wants to fuck me and another random lady, he should share me with some random guy first!@@
@@.speech-female;And he agreed! Now I'm looking for a decent cock... could you be the one?@@
@@.speech-female;Hey, stop staring! I have a boyfriend, and a rich one, by the way!@@
You check her out again, she's just too cute to look away. You hope that she's at least of legal age... <br>
@@.speech-female;Don't give me that look, I'm 20!@@
You're relieved to hear that. <br> */
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<if $player.charisma >= 100>>
<<linkreplace "Sure, I'll help.">>
She takes you to her boyfriend, and you shake hands.<br>
@@.speech-u;Must say, I respect your commitment. It's great that you respect each other wishes.@@
You go to a room to get some privacy and start undressing. You were afraid you'd be a third wheel, but you're kinda welcome. And as soon as his girlfriend saw those big cocks, waiting to fuck her, something clicked in her head... <br>
@@.speech-male;That's exactly why I don't date anyone above 22!@@
It's like her inner slut finally was released. She sucked you both and tried to fit two of you in her mouth at the same time. Failing at that, she jumped at her boyfriend and started riding him. You keep her mouth busy for a while, but after some time she suddenly stopped. <br>
@@.speech-female;I want to fuck you two at the same time, my ass is ready!@@
@@.speech-male;Hey babe, you're sure it's a good idea? It's your first time, and we're kinda big...@@
@@.speech-female;DOUBLE PENETRATION OR BUST!@@
@@.speech-male;OK, OK... Well, you've heard the lady...@@
You get behind her and carefully push your cock in her little pink asshole. It's really tight, and as you dive deeper, the tighter it gets. There's simply not enough space inside this teen girl for the two well-hung gentlemen... Or so you think. The girlfriend starts riding you two herself, and eventually, you're able to fuck her properly. A slut is born! <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
A girl in the pool looked you in the eye while losing her bikini top.<br>
@@.speech-female;Oopsie.. those bikini swimsuits are sooo unreliable...@@
She shamelessly revealed her perky tits, with her nipples so big and hard you wonder why didn't they catch her top. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 25] They are.">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25 && $player.intellect >= 25>>
@@.speech-u;I noticed you came here with your sister... I think I could show you both true reliability.@@
She gasps at your boldness and then takes you to the side. There, in a bath of some sort, lay a gorgeous woman you spot before with the pool girl. <br>
@@.speech-female;Sis, I want you to meet this man. He claims he is reliable...@@
@@.speech-u; Reliable, resilient, ready to ravage repeatedly with my rocky rod... @@
@@.speech-female;Haha, I love smart guys! Let's make love!@@
You fuck them in turns, making sure each pussy gets enough attention. They play with each other as well, and you see that this is not their first sharing of cock, they genuinely enjoy the experience. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif $player.charisma >= 25>>
@@.speech-u;They are, let me show you something very reliable tho.@@
She smiles and follows you to the room, where you get her out of the rest of her bikini - tiny little thongs. Then, without much foreplay, you start fucking. There's no talk, no intimacy - just pure passion of strangers, people who met 5 minutes ago and decided to have intercourse without even asking each other's name. She's a 10 though, and there's no time for reflections - you need to fuck the shit out of this slut... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Yeah... they kinda are... I guess...@@
She looks at you as a weirdo and puts her top back on. That was lame... <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You meet mansion owner's wife... <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;Enjoying the party, honey? Is that a boner? Let me be a good host and take care of it real quick!@@
Oh, that's a mansion girl you've heard about. You're surprised that there's still a party host after all debauchery you saw here; though, if the host is blowing strangers' dicks after saying hello, there's no wonder this place is an orgy. Anyway, the chick is really good at sucking, and you'd love to bang her hot body but decide not to overindulge in her hospitality and cum in her mouth. She has a party to host, anyway... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Enjoying the party, honey?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah.. it's great to be here!@@
You look at a party host. She looks like a model, or expensive escort, someone too gorgeous for the debauchery happening in her place. But in her eyes, you see a mix of lust, and also kindness. She passes by, smiling at some guests and kissing another... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
A girl near the pool is looking at you with anger. <br>
@@.speech-female;What are you looking at?!@@
In your defense, she is fully naked and is packed with a pair of amazing tits. Any man would fall for that, you're sure... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent10.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 50] Nothing.">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;Your boobs... also wanted to remember your face, so I could buy you drinks!@@
@@.speech-female;Such a gentleman... maybe I could do something in return for you?@@
You grab some drinks and come back to your nudist beauty. As you sit, she kneels before you and unpacks your cock. <br>
@@.speech-female;I like my drinks with a blowjob aftertaste...@@
And you like free blowjobs - it's like you were meant for each other. She works on your cock, making sure to put enough attention to your every spot. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent11.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
You blush. <br>
She walks away, waiving her naked ass... <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 5>>
You take some time at the poolside...<br>
@@.speech-female;Hi, do you have a moment? I am the representative of the sex freedom church. Could you find me another man, so I could teach the newcomer the art of pleasure?@@
You are looking at a cute girl, and have a hard time understanding what she's saying. Well, she's definitely not appearing religious, but in other, not free-sex sense. Nearby, a newcomer, a similarly cute woman, is also normal-looking, if a bit shyer. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent12.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 10] Will be glad to help">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 100 && $player.charisma >= 10>>
@@.speech-u;Are you sure you could please at least one guy, sister?@@
@@.speech-female; Alright, let me show you.@@
You get your cock out, and the sex church proceeds with the ceremony of a blowjob. The girls are heavily skilled: the neophyte is passionately sucking your balls, and the sister is licking your shaft and glans. They take turns in worshipping your penis and make sure that every inch of your cock is kissed, licked, and sucked. That was a heavenly experience! <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent14.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif $player.charisma >= 10>>
You approach a random guy. <br>
@@.speech-u;Hey man, you down to fuck that sexy chick?@@
@@.speech-male;For sure!@@
You wish girls were as easily approachable... <br>
You get back to the church representatives. The neophyte is ready, lying naked with her legs spread. However, it seems she is having second thoughts... <br>
@@.speech-female; Sister in sex, I'm not sure my pussy is ready... Can I perform the rite with my mouth?@@
@@.speech-female; You do that, while I check your vagina...@@
The sister gets on her knees and buries her face in the newcomer's pussy. She moans, and you take the opportuntiy and stick your cock in her open mouth. The second dude places her hand on his cock, and you take turns, playing with her mouth, waiting for her pussy to be prepared by the church... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent13.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
You approach a random guy: <br>
@@.speech-u;Hey, yo.. Do you like pussy and shit?@@
@@.speech-male;Sorry man, I really have to go now.@@
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
A guy approaches you... <br>
@@.speech-male;Hey man, could you play along with me? I'm down bad to fuck at least one of those twins, but they said they only fuck other twins! We look kinda the same, could help a brother out?@@
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 100] Sure">>
@@.speech-u;Sure, lead the way!@@
@@.speech-male;Hey girls, so this is my brother, just like I told you!@@
<<if $player.charisma >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Is that really you? He told me everything about how good your dick is! Let me try it!@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, because we're hung the same!@@
Twins are really eager to find out if this is true. To your relief, your cocks are about the same size - and in a moment, they are buried in their pussies anyway. These hot sisters probably rarely encounter other twins, as their sex drive is unmatchable. They ride your cocks when you're out of breath, and even when you finally cum inside them, they still ask for more... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Hell yeah I am... we both like... pussy... and weed!@@
@@.speech-female;Sorry, not convincing enough!@@
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $businessCoffeeProfit >= 1>>
A formally-looking couple approaches you: a middle-aged man in an expensive suit and a blonde woman in accordingly expensive formal attire. You get heavy corporate vibes from them, and judging by their body language, the woman is an assistant to the man.
@@.speech-female;Pardon me, we are looking for somebody... Are you by any chance the owner of that coffee place downtown?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, do you need something?@@
@@.speech-male;Got a minute? We would want to make a deal with you.@@
<div id="bchoice">
<<linkreplace "Sure, let's go somewhere quieter...">>
<<goto "DLC0 Coffee Business Deal">>
<<linkreplace "No, I'm not interested.">>
<<replace "#bchoice">>
@@.speech-u;No, I'm not interested.@@
@@.speech-male;.. well, that was a waste of time...@@
<<elseif $player.lust >= 100 && $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;I told you I have a better technique!@@
@@.speech-female;Your technique could outperform only if you compete behind Wendy's dumpster! Let's settle with those guys' opinions!@@
Before you could react to anything, you are in a middle of a cock-sucking competition. The blonde girl is sucking you with everything she got, and her eyes are begging you to cum in her mouth as soon as you can. Next to you, the same is happening to the black dude. A small crowd surrounds you, cheering and encouraging the competitors. Finally, you give up to the blonde's puppy eyes and shoot your jizz in her face. She stands up triumphantly, covered in your cum, victorious! <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 200>>
@@.speech-female;Do you want me to help you with that, big guy?@@
You got too horny to walk around with a boner like that. You're glad you've found this eager cock-sucker, as much as she is glad to work on a decent-sized cock. She can't fit it inside her, and licks your glans intensely, bringing you close to the edge.. where you finally release all this pent-up pressure, right on her tongue. She makes one big gulp and winks. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent9.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
You have some drinks and dance to loud music. It's good to be lost in a partying crowd from time to time! <br>
[[Party more!->DLC0 Party]] <br>
<<linkreplace "Next morning...">>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
<<if $player.lust >= 50 && $player.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-female; this you.. David?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, how much did you drink yesterday?@@
The girl is barely awake. She's naked, except for the panties, carefully pulled aside and revealing her pussy with cum leaking from it. You realize you have morning wood, and this looks like a good way of getting rid of it. You go for her sloppy seconds, not caring if she is awake or not... <br>
@@.speech-female;Again?.. that must be like the 5th time... calm down...@@
<img src="img/dlc0/party/aEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
A loud moan wakes you up. You rush to the window and see a sunrise barely starting. Below, in a crowd-less swimming pool two girls are having fun. One is a screamer, and the other one must be really good at fingering... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/aEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Join them">>
@@.speech-u;Too loud! You're gonna wake everybody up!@@
@@.speech-female;Well, I know one way to keep her mouth shut, get in here!@@
As the first rays of the sun gaze over the ruins of the mansion after heavy partying, you enjoy your morning blowjob. The girl is barely in control of her mouth, moaning constantly from the cunnilingus her friend is performing. But you enjoy it anyway, looking around and thinking, what this new day will bring. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/aEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
[[Leave...->DLC0 Island]] <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br><img src="img/dlc0/stream/background.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Welcome to the home cinema, a room with top-notch high-end video and audio systems. You sit on a perfect, comfy sofa before a huge plasma screen. On the TV you see a number of large stream previews, each size of a laptop screen, as all members on this platform must stream in 4k. <br>
[[Watch Random Stream->DLC0 Stream]] <br>
[[Leave...->DLC0 Room]] <br><img src="img/dlc0/hRoom.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in a luxurious suite with a view of the coast. It's spacious and filled with light from panoramic windows. You can recognize some pieces of art here and there, and you suspect they are originals. <br>
<<if random(0, 10) >= 5 && $dlc0WrongRoomChance>>
<<set $dlc0WrongRoomChance = false>>
Something feels odd... Is someone in your room? <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-male;Well, I guess you did secure that promotion after all...@@
In your bedroom, you see a man pushing his dick into the mouth of a woman, lying on the bed. Two business suits are carefully put on hangers nearby, so you judge they have a business meeting and must have mistaken your room for a conference hall... right? Anyway, you don't mind looking at a pretty girl choking on a fat dick - especially if that slut does it for boss favors... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/wEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2 && $player.lust >= 50>>
Two girls walk out of the bedroom, almost naked. Are they having sex in your bedroom? <br>
@@.speech-female;Who is this? Did you just enter random rooms with that boner you pervert?@@
@@.speech-female; We need to teach him a little lesson! I wanted to get a dildo, but he'll do fine.@@
They drag you into the bedroom and drop you on your king-size bed. <br>
@@.speech-u;Wait a moment, that my...@@
You are abrupted by a girl sitting on your face, while another starts riding your dick. Well.. why don't you help them? <br>
After a while, you switch poses a bit, and you start pushing your cock into a pussy you just licked, while girls are kissing passionately... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/wEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
The voices come from a bedroom. You peek, curiously. <br>
<<set _event2 = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event2 == 1>>
@@.speech-female;Again! You just love to creampie your sister, do you?! Why did I even agree to stay in the same room with you in the first place...@@
<<elseif _event2 == 2>>
@@.speech-female;So you know, that doesn't mean anything... we're still just friends. You're just lucky the rooms here cost so much!@@
<<elseif _event2 == 3>>
@@.speech-female;If I get pregnant this time, will you marry me?@@
@@.speech-female;Fuck, you'll need to work on your pull-out game, honey.@@
A stunning naked girl is lying on your bed, with gallons of cum flowing from her pussy. That was indeed a creampie of legends. The author of this masterpiece is now taking a shower judging by water sounds. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/wEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "How about a second round?">>
@@.speech-female;Who the fuck are you? We didn't order any room service!@@
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;Does it really matter?@@
@@.speech-female;Well, you're lucky he is in the shower.. let's have some fun then.@@
She spreads her legs, and you get on the bed. You enjoy these sloppy seconds, and quickly refill her pussy with your semen, mixing a cum cocktail right in her cunt. You leave her satisfied by a double creampie. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/wEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
@@.speech-u;I am the man of your dreams!@@
@@.speech-female;Get out! Or I'm gonna scream!@@
<</linkreplace>> <br>
[[Sorry, wrong room...->DLC0 Room]] <br>
<<if random(0, 10) >= 6>>
The room service is still here. A beautiful maid is cleaning your room, and you can't help but gaze under her ridiculously short skirt. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/mEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
<<linkreplace "Would you clean this *pull down pants*">>
@@.speech-female;Sure, we're actually trained to 'clean' those things... part of the hotel policy.@@
Sher stips out of her panties, and you stuck your throbbing cock in her warm, inviting pussy. She's about to grind against you herself, but you hold her waist and start pushing it deeper, taking control of the 'cleaning' activities... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/mEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
You read a small note left on the table: <br>
Your experience is very important to us. If you'd want a request any 'extra' services, do not hesitate and call this number. <br>
<<linkreplace "Call in for extra services">>
@@.speech-male;Your father played a significant role in this establishment's success, so it will be my pleasure to serve his son.@@
<<linkreplace "Buy sex">>
Butler makes a quick call, and before you know it, a girl enters the room. Her appearance screams whore, from her heavy makeup to her revealing skimpy dress. <br>
@@.speech-female;Hi, handsome. Just want you to know I'm a young entrepreneur and I do this for fun, not for money.@@
@@.speech-male;Suure.... now, show me the goods.@@
She gets out of her dress, leaving only stockings with a garter belt - a signature of her profession. <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>
You are too excited to restrain yourself, and as soon as the prostitute is ready, you fuck her doggy style. You are rough and merciless as if it's not a luxury escort but the cheapest whore that needs to be punished with your dick. The hooker is not used to such treatment and screams in surprise, so you shut her mouth so she knew her place. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/pEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
You are curious how she can surprise you, and lie down, inviting her to ride your cock. As she sits down on you and starts jumping on your dick, you realize that she is a pro. Her pussy is milking your cock, and her every move is aimed at your pleasure - from her peeks around her shoulder to her shaking ass - everything for your satisfaction! <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/pEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<if $player.intellect >= 100>>
<<linkreplace "[-$1m] Extra Extra Services">>
<<linkreplace "Blowjob from the General Manager">>
@@.speech-u;Since you are so grateful to my father, I want to be serviced by someone from the top.@@
Butler makes a call, and it takes a while as if he tries to reason with someone. After a while, a general manager comes to your suite. She could be described as a hot asian milf, with her business suit outlining her curvy body. <br>
@@.speech-female;Well.. they don't teach that in the business school...@@
She gets on her knees and awkwardly starts sucking your cock. She definitely lacks experience, barely fitting your cock in her small mouth, but you enjoy dominating this woman. After all, this is about sending a message... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/mEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
[[Watch Tv->DLC0 TV]] <br>
[[Take a shower->DLC0 Shower]] <br>
[[Sleep->DLC0 Sleep]] <br>
[[Skip 1 month->DLC0 Skip]] <br>
[[Leave...->DLC0 Hotel][$dlc0WrongRoomChance = true]] <br>
<<include "Pass time">>
<<endif>>added debug option remove any roommates
visit island alone<img src="img/tennis/background.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are at the prestigious tennis club, where both world stars and clumsy millionaires can be spotted training. Some privacy is provided by the possibility of renting the whole court, and the dense green thickets, surrounding the courts as a natural barrier from the outside world. <br>
Your tennis experience is $tennisExp.<br>
<<set $tennisPlayer = either("Experienced woman","Rich girl with a trainer","Young guy with a girlfriend","Professional athlete")>>
You see a $tennisPlayer
<<linkreplace "[$100k] Challenge!">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
<<goto "Tennis Play">>
Not enough money!
<</linkreplace>> <br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br><img src="img/golf/background.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
A luxurious golf course spanned across many acres outside the city. Several ecosystems were ruined and a dozen of low-class houses were demolished so people like you could enjoy the perfect slopes of low hills, covered in thick, perfectly-trimmed grass. Hazards - small lakes and sand bunkers - add challenge and diversity to the landscape.
[[Play Golf->Golf Play]]<br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br><<if $multifamilyStage == 1>>
<img src="img/apartment/eLand.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Nestled at the foot of rolling green hills, this site boasts a vast expanse of flat, stable ground, perfect for laying the foundation of a new building. With easy access to major highways and transportation routes, as well as abundant natural resources and ample room for expansion, this location is the ideal choice for your multifamily apartment complex.
<<linkreplace "[$5m] Buy the land">>
<<if $ >= 5>>
Congratulations! You bought the land, the first step is done!<br>
<<set $multifamilyStage += 1>>
<<statChange "money" -5 "player">> <br>
Not enough money.
<<elseif $multifamilyStage == 2>>
<img src="img/apartment/cLand.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Your site is cleared and flattened. It reminds you of a blank canvas, a perfect starting point for the construction project to come.
<<linkreplace "[$2m] Start contruction">>
<<if $ >= 2>>
You make some calls, hiring a construction team for the project. You feel that those are the right people for the job.<br>
<<set $multifamilyStage += 1>>
<<statChange "money" -2 "player">> <br>
Not enough money.
<<elseif $multifamilyStage == 3>>
As you arrive at the construction site, you are surprised to see the work stall. All heavy machinery is still, and no work has been done since your last visit. Examining the place, you hear loud noises coming from temporary trailers. As you approach it, a picture of utter debauchery unveils. Rolling in the empty bottles, your workers fuck some dirty, cheap-looking whores. You see your foreman railing lines of cocaine, and his subordinate trying to fit a bottle in one whore's ass, but worst of all - no one is wearing protection, for OSHA's sake!
@@.speech-u;Hey, What the fuck is going on here?!@@
@@.speech-male;Yo, everything is good! Those bitches offered us a discount as regular customers! ...wait? You're not from the construction team are you?!@@
<img src="img/apartment/cEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You examine the damage. No work was done, and most of your initial payment go on hookers and booze. This money is effectively gone, and the most efficient way forward is to cut your losses and re-hire the team. And you make sure the foreman will never get another contract.
<<linkreplace "[$2m] Hire another construction team">>
<<if $ >= 2>>
You call your dad to hire his construction team...<br>
<<set $multifamilyStage += 1>>
<<statChange "money" -2 "player">> <br>
Not enough money.
<<elseif $multifamilyStage == 4>>
<img src="img/apartment/bLand.webp" width="100%"> <br>
Your new apartment complex is nearly complete. Your father's construction team, who made wonders, are still putting the finishing touches on the building, but mostly the apartments are ready to accept their tenants.
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Hire management">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
After a series of uneventful interviews, you are tired to ask the same question over and over again...
@@.speech-u;So, why should I hire you as our new apartment management head?@@
@@.speech-female;Thank you for considering me for this position. I believe I have the necessary skills and experience to excel in this role.@@
@@.speech-female;First and foremost, I have extensive experience in property management. I have worked in this field for over 10 years, and during that time, I have managed a wide variety of properties, from single-family homes to large apartment complexes.@@
@@.speech-female;Trust me, pal. I am that girl.@@
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<set $multifamilyStage += 1>>
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] There is also some *other* requirements for the job">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;Sure, if count it as overtime...@@
@@.speech-u;How about a test drive? Because I don't see any 'related' experiences in your resume.@@
@@.speech-female;Well I was a part-time actress in one commercial if you know what I mean...@@
You just can't miss a piece of ass like that. You go for a quickie, bending her over right in the office and claiming your new hire's pussy as yours. Now you can be sure that's the right hire!<br>
<img src="img/apartment/oEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<set $multifamilyStage += 1>>
@@.speech-u;There is like... other.. requirements... like there could be... you know?@@
[[You're hired!->Multifamily Apartment]] <br>
<<set $multifamilyOccupancy = 10>>
<<set $multifamilyRent = 1500>>
<<set $multifamilyIncome = ((170 * $multifamilyOccupancy) * $multifamilyRent)/1000000>>
<<set $multifamilyDemand = random(-10,10)>>
Not enough money.
<<elseif $multifamilyStage >= 5>>
<img src="img/apartment/bLand.webp" width="100%"> <br>
Your apartment building raise proudly in the sky. It's a comfortable living space for residents, with all the necessary amenities for comfortable living. <br>
Occupancy: $multifamilyOccupancy % | Income: $ $multifamilyIncome m \ month | Rent: $ $multifamilyRent <br>
Office interactions: <br>
<<if $multifamilyStage >= 6>>
<<linkreplace "Sex">>
@@.speech-u;It's time for overtime, if you know what I mean...@@
You just love how your manager bends over and offers you her holes. You bet she could continue with her work duties while you fuck her from behind, but she is too afraid you'll find it displeasing.<br>
<img src="img/apartment/oEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Increase Rent">>
<<set $multifamilyRent += 100>>
<<goto "Multifamily Apartment">>
<<linkreplace "Decrease Rent">>
<<set $multifamilyRent -= 100>>
<<goto "Multifamily Apartment">>
[[Collect Rent]] <br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br>You offered $tennisPlayer to play against you, whoever losses pays $100,000. <br>
<<set _won = $tennisExp>>
<<if $tennisPlayer == "Experienced woman">>
@@.speech-female;Ok, let's see how good you are.@@
You already guessed how good this woman is just by her looks, and you were right. She is fit and skilled and probably was a professional in her youth. Despite that, she doesn't take the game too seriously, she is playful and joking, and she even... flashed you? <br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<set _won -= 50>>
<<if _won > 0>>
You won! <br>
<div id="tOption">
<<linkreplace "[+$100,000] Take money">>
<<replace "#tOption">>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[25 CHARISMA] Other payment method">>
<<replace "#tOption">>
@@.speech-u;You were a good sport, maybe I should just enjoy your company... What do you think?@@
@@.speech-female;I like your idea, maybe you should tell me about your serve?@@
She leans over the net and kisses you. Her hot, soft lips tell you that this woman is experienced not only in tennis... <br>
@@.speech-female;This court is ours, but my husband expects me for dinner soon... So let's make it quick, handsome.@@
She bends over the net and pulls her panties away, suggesting you fuck her right here and now. You wish all your matches end like that!<br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
You lost! <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $tennisPlayer == "Rich girl with a trainer">>
@@.speech-female;Yes! Trainer look how fast I'm gonna beat his ass!@@
This teen girl looks like a rich brat, who can barely play the game. Her coach, a middle-aged man out of his sporting career, frowns upon her style. When changing sides, you spotted that your adversary is not wearing any panties, and moreover is taking her time stepping over the net. Is this some new training technique from her pervert coach, or she is just a little slut? <br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set _won -= 5>>
<<if _won > 0>>
You won! <br>
<<linkreplace "[+$100,000] Take money">>
@@.speech-female;Fuck! Well at least I tried... Don't look at me like that, coach, I know what's gonna happen next...@@
Her coach carries her in the middle of the court, and without any foreplay slams his thick cock in the little brat's pussy! She screams, and a tear run down her cheek. <br>
@@.speech-male;You're a useless little slut! Your performance making me look bad! It will be as I said - first loss of the day, you're out of your panties, second - I fuck your pussy, third - your ass!@@
Damn, that is some motivation. You leave the court to the sobbing teen and her raging coach. <br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
You lost! <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Fuck yes! I won! Hey coach, I want my reward again!@@
She runs to him, pulling her skirt up. The coach seems tired, but his cock is ready. He easily lifts her and slams his cock in her wet pussy. The teen brat is enjoying this massively, moaning and jumping on his cock; the coach, on the other hand, seems a bit tired. How many times has his pupil won today? How many times has he fucked this insatiable slut already? <br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $tennisPlayer == "Young guy with a girlfriend">>
@@.speech-male;Well, sure... why not?@@
You play a match. The dude is good and giving you a real challenge! His girlfriend entertains you by loud cheering and counting and also making fun of you both. You can't help but laugh at her jokes. <br>
<img src="img/tennis/game.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<set _won -= 25>>
<<if _won > 0>>
You won! <br>
<div id="tOption">
<<linkreplace "[+$100,000] Take money">>
<<replace "#tOption">>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[50 CORRUPTION] Take his girl">>
<<replace "#tOption">>
@@.speech-u;You know what... I think I'm gonna take your girl instead.@@
@@.speech-male;The hell man? We agreed on the money! End of the conversation.@@
@@.speech-female;It's OK honey, we need that money... and if you'd just won, we wouldn't even have this conversation...@@
@@.speech-male;Oh you're such a whore! You are ready to suck his dick for 100k?@@
@@.speech-female;You sit and watch! Hey man, get your dick in the net... I'm taking charge so you don't make any weird moves, OK?@@
You put your erect cock and balls through the net. The girl gets on her knees and loses no time sucking it, making loud slurping and gagging noises. You are sure she's making it for her boyfriend, which is watching you with his face red, not believing this is really happening... <br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
You lost! <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $tennisPlayer == "Professional athlete">>
@@.speech-female;Sure, if you want to lose your money that bad.@@
She is a pro. You have little hope of winning this match, but on the other hand, this is a great learning experience. And besides, you get to peak at her perfect physique. She is in her peak form... <br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<set _won -= 100>>
<<if _won > 0>>
You won! <br>
<div id="tOption">
<<linkreplace "[+$100,000] Take money">>
<<replace "#tOption">>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[50 CHARISMA] Alternative payment method">>
<<replace "#tOption">>
@@.speech-u;How about you blow me and I'll never tell anyone that I won?@@
@@.speech-female;I... I have to agree... I can't afford you getting lucky to ruin my reputation...@@
You go to the side, where you lie down, and she gets on her knees. She is uncomfortable at first, timidly stroking your cock with her hand. Eventually, she get her mouth to work. She is average at blowjobs, after all, most of her life she was working on her tennis skills; but this exact fact of dominating the dedicated athlete makes you excited. <br>
<img src="img/tennis/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
You lost! <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
You practice your tennis skills, performing serves and mastering spins. Good time! <br>
<img src="img/tennis/game.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $tennisExp += 1>>
[[Leave...->Tennis]] <br>
<<include "Pass time">><br>You play golf at the course. Your golf experience is $golfExp. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
At the club, you were asked if you want to use a caddie service. To your surprise, the person assigned to you is a young girl in skimpy clothing... She is no good at golf advice or help and supposedly should encourage you with her looks only. <br>
You decide to make her earn her money, and after making a hit, you pass your club to her and jump in the cart while she looks the other way <br>
@@.speech-female;Sir... Sir! Wait, sir, you forgot me!@@
@@.speech-u;I'm not familiar with this cart... Where are the brakes?..@@
<img src="img/golf/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You shot your ball in the jungle, a dense bush on the side of the fairway. Swearing, you get inside in hopes of getting the ball out in one strike, when you hear someone... fucking? <br>
Behind the bush on a beautiful green lawn, a middle-aged man is roughly fucking his young caddie. Is she done something wrong, or she is doing that for an extra tip? Anyway, in your mind you congratulate the player for scoring a bonus hole, and get back to your game. <br>
<img src="img/golf/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
Near the first holes, there is a driving range, where players can practice hits and technique. You spot a particularly interesting pair: a handsome golf trainer and a seemingly rich woman. The trainer is laying hands on her, feeling up her hips and ass. It doesn't bother the woman, it seems, as she even grinds his crotch a bit... You wonder if this is some bored wife, whose husband is now somewhere on the course? <br>
<img src="img/golf/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
<img src="img/golf/game.gif" width="100%"> <br>
You are approached by a young girl with a slender figure. You can guess she is a regular here, with her fit body and strong arms. <br>
@@.speech-female;Playing alone, huh?@@
@@.speech-u;Well, you can say I'm too rich to have friends.@@
@@.speech-female;It's the same for me... Care for a game?@@
<<linkreplace "[GOLF EXP] Sure.">>
You play through the course together. She is really good at it, and you enjoy looking at her skillful hits. It's always nice to have a beautiful companion. <br>
<<set _won = random(10, 30)>>
<<set _won += $golfExp>>
<<if _won >= 0>>
You won! <br>
@@.speech-female;I'm just unlucky today, I guess... What do you want me to do?@@
@@.speech-u;How about you strip out of your clothes and play the next holes naked?@@
<<if $player.strenght < 50 || random(0, 10) >= 5>>
@@.speech-female;Hm, and that way I'm having an advantage...@@
She undresses right in the middle of the greens, not ashamed for a moment. You are stunned by her naked, fit body, with beautiful muscle lines here and there. Yes, it would be hard to concentrate on the game from now... <br>
<img src="img/golf/gEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;I think I have a better idea, follow me.@@
You go into a clubhouse, passing by the lounge where players relax between games. She leads you to some quiet corner, and you know what's next... <br>
@@.speech-female;We don't have much time, so why don't you bend me over and score another hole?@@
That is an offer you can't refuse. You do as she says, leaving her clothes on. Her wet pussy is ready, waiting for your hard, throbbing club... <br>
<img src="img/golf/gEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
She won. <br>
She's just good at golf, really good. Or you enjoyed looking at her gorgeous body too much? You would agree to lose again, just to spend some time with this beauty again. <br>
<img src="img/golf/gEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<img src="img/golf/game.gif" width="100%"> <br>
You play alone, focused on the game. After all, fresh air and beautiful scenery make you feel really good. <br>
You are not lonely though, as your caddie girl is driving you around in the cart and tries to entertain you. <br>
<<linkreplace"Ask cart girl to give you a golf lesson">>
@@.speech-u;So for the next hole, I guess I need a driver... Or maybe an iron, somewhere between 5 to 8... Can you advise on the best club here?@@
@@.speech-female;No, sorry, I don't really know how to play golf... I was hired just to be pretty... Here, take a look@@
She lifts up her dress, showing you her lack of panties. Her pussy is so smooth and beautiful... <br>
<img src="img/golf/tEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50 && $player.corruption >= 25>>
You unzip your pants and take out your erect cock... <br>
@@.speech-female;No, I'm not one of those girls.... unless...@@
You sit in a golf cart and you start fingering her, while she does a quite bad handjob. You want to check what is her strong sides, and you are not disappointed by her heavy pair of tits. <br>
<img src="img/golf/tEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 100 "player">> <br>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25>>
@@.speech-female;I'm not fucking players, but you are too cute... Let's head to the clubhouse, we have private rooms there...@@
She leads you to the personnel room and closes the door. It seems the staff can rest here and even get some sleep on a decent-size bed - the one where you start fucking your caddie girl. Her juicy pair of tits wave in the air as you thrust her pussy. She was made to be fucked, not to drive golf carts... <br>
<img src="img/golf/tEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<set $golfExp += 1>>
[[Leave...->Golf]] <br>
<<include "Pass time">><br><<if $dlc0Code == 19116801>>
<img src="img/dlc0/heli.jpg" class="neobackground-image"><br>
You arrive at the helipad of the luxurious air taxi service. The landing area is vast and open, with bright, clear lighting that illuminates the space even on the darkest of nights. The surface of the helipad is smooth and even, with no cracks or potholes in sight, providing a stable platform for the helicopter to take off and land. Surrounding the landing area is a secure fence, ensuring that the privacy and safety of the clients are protected at all times. <br>
@@.speech-male;Welcome, sir! The bird is ready for the flight, sir.@@
[[Take a trip to the island->DLC0 Island]]
<<if $rommate != "">><br>
[[Take a trip to the island (alone)->DLC0 Island][$rommate = ""]]
<img src="img/dlc0/dlc.jpg" class="neobackground-image"><br>
@@.big-name;Realms of Lust DLC@@ <br>
We are proud to be the one and only safe haven for the most exceptional people around the world. We don't care how kinky society labels you, the only thing we care about is money or status. <br>
<h2>Bring friends</h2>
We've been informed that some of you could have feelings for someone less exceptional. No need to worry, they're more than welcome here - for a price. <br>
For the more productive individuals, we offer parties! Not only good old fun, but also you could expand your network of connections to get even more influence and money, or fulfill any of your 'other' desires! <br>
Tired of partying all night? Don't enjoy other people's company? Want to just stay in your hotel room, but still want other people to know how rich you are? We've partnered with the leading streamer platform to give you some additional freedom to interact with people around the globe! <br>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="subscribestar_button" src="img/Patreon.png" alt="" /></a> <br>
*you'll need to become a lvl.100 boss to access this dlc. <br>
[[Leave...->City]] <br><img src="img/dlc0/hotel.jpg" class="neobackground-image"><br>
As you enter the hotel, you are immediately struck by the opulence that surrounds you. The floor is a gleaming marble, stretching out in every direction and shining brilliantly under the light of the chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. The walls are adorned with intricate gold leaf detailing, and elegant sculptures stand proud in alcoves and on pedestals. The air is filled with the soft sounds of classical music, played by a pianist stationed near the entrance. And in the center of the room stands a magnificent staircase, its sweeping curves leading up to the grand floor above. Every detail, from the plush velvet seating to the fresh flowers displayed on polished tables, is a testament to the unapologetic luxury of this hotel. <br>
[[Your room->DLC0 Room]] <br>
<<if $fitnessQuest == 0>>[[Hire personal trainer->DLC0 Training]]<<else>>[[Training session->DLC0 Training]]<<endif>><br>
[[Leave...->DLC0 Island]] <br><img src="img/dlc0/room/shower.webp" width="100%"> <br>
You take a shower. It's not as fancy as your home one, but it's good enough. <br>
<<if random(0, 10) >= 10>>
You hear some strange noises from the room... or it's just water flow? <br>
<div id="iOption">
<<linkreplace "Investigate">>
<<replace "#iOption">>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You peek out of your room and see a girl messing with your stuff! You could even call her sexy if she wasn't robbing you at this very moment. <br>
@@.speech-u;Hey! Don't touch my stuff!@@
@@.speech-female;Yeah? What are you gonna do big boy? I take less than $1k in value, none will even start a legal procedure.. Trust me, I have a law degree from Yale.@@
<div id="lOption">
<<linkreplace "I hate lawyers (fuck her)">>
<<replace "#lOption">>
@@.speech-u;I knew it! All lawyers are just thieves! Let me do a favor for the whole SOCIETY!@@
She looks down at your raising cock, and her eyes widen. She knows what's coming next. <br>
You push her onto the bed and ram your dick inside her. You ravage her hole, slapping her butt and enjoying the power over the girl. You feel like you've done something good today. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Civil arrest!">>
<<replace "#lOption">>
@@.speech-u;Yeah? Then, you probably heard about this thing called civil arrest!!!@@
You grab her and hold still while calling reception to send security to your suit. <br>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;You know what? Let's double check she'll learn the lesson...@@
The security guy smirks and gets his dick out. You undress the thief, and spitroast the shit out of her, making sure she remembers this day. <br>
@@.speech-u;You have a right to remain silent.. because of your cock-stuffed mouth!@@
<img src="img/dlc0/room/mEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Do nothing, she's a lawyer after all.">>
<<replace "#lOption">>
You look at her, powerless, as she's collecting your stuff and leaving. Shit. You get back to your shower, where no one can see your tears... <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You walk out of the shower naked and see a blonde girl in your room... Have you forgotten to lock the door? <br>
@@.speech-female;Where is it... Excuse me? Who are you and why are you naked in my room?! @@
@@.speech-u;Well, I was taking shower in MY room. So the question really is - Who are you?!@@
<<if $player.strenght >= 50>>
She seems confused, and she tried to look away - only now noticing your muscular body, a result of many hours of training and diet... <br>
@@.speech-female; Interesting accident, huh... Would you mind sharing your bathtub with me, kind stranger?@@
Well, since she bothered you in a middle of a shower, it's only natural to make up for it. She gets naked in the bath and starts working on your cock with her lips. You make sure she licks your shaft clean... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Sorry.. wrong door I guess.@@
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You see a maid cleaning your room.
@@.speech-female;Do you really need room cleaning or you're one of those naked perverts? I mean, I'm paid enough to not care really.@@
<<linkreplace "Wanna join me showering?">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 10>>
It's nice to have harassment already included in the bill. You go to the shower, and you undress her, feeling up every part of her gorgeous body. It's time to slam this bitch right in the shower... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
@@.speech-female;No, thanks.@@
It was nothing. <br>
<<linkreplace "Ignore">>
<<replace "#iOption">>
<<if random(0, 10) >= 5>>
Must be imagining things. You continue with your showering, when a maid walks in your room, wearing headphones and singing along. She mops the floor and then looks up at you, changing her face to shocked. <br>
@@.speech-female;Oopsie... I'm so sorry... those airpods... just block any background noises so well...@@
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
She looks down below your waist, and you do the same - it seems you have a boner from speaking with a beautiful maid... <br>
@@.speech-female;.. I think I know how to make this right.@@
She undresses and gets inside your cabin. She knows her craft and gets on her knees, ready to suck your burning rod. You, realizing that she is really good at sucking, push her deeper, and proceed with fucking her throat. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/mEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
Probably nothing... <br>
[[Leave...->DLC0 Room]] <br><<NextMorning>>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
Now you have morning wood... <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $ = 0>>
<<statChange "energy" 100 "player">> <br>
<<if $rommate == "mother">>
@@.speech-mom;Sorry, did mommy woke you up? *moans*@@
You open up your eyes and behold the perfect butt of your beautiful mother, who is riding your morning wood. That's a sight to enjoy, and you wish your every morning be like that.
<br><img src="img/dlc0/room/cEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif $rommate == "sister">>
You wake up to some noises... <br>
@@.speech-sis;Sorry if I woke you up... I'm gonna have a busy day today so I start early.@@
She glances below your waist. <br>
@@.speech-sis;Hey, is that your morning wood? Impressive... You know, let me take care of it since I woke you up and I'm that good of a sister...@@
She gets down to your cock, and starts sucking it. You are not fully awake yet, but her soft lips on your thick member do the job. You award your sister with a nutritious protein shake, right from your balls to her mouth.
<br><img src="img/dlc0/room/cEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif $rommate == "emily">>
@@.speech-emi;It's time to wake up honey... Don't forget how much I love you!@@
She kisses you, and then you return the kiss... You cuddle for a while before you realize you get too horny. Emily feels the same way and invites you inside her. You make love, gently and passionately, and stay in bed for hours. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/cEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif $rommate == "rae">>
@@.speech-rae;What a perfect morning to get creampied.. are you still sleeping?@@
Rae, still horny from her morning workout, wakes you up by jerking off your dick. When she is sure you are awake, she bends over for you to fuck her senselessly. You know she won't stop bothering you until you give her what she wants - your warm, sticky semen deep inside her vagina. Who doesn't like a creampie in the morning? <br>
/* I love the smell of creampie in the morning. You know, one time we had a whore fucked for 12 hours. When it was all over, I stood up. The smell, you know that semen smell, the whole girl. Smelled like pregnancy. <br> */
<img src="img/dlc0/room/cEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 6 >>
You are woken up by room service - you must have forgotten to put a sign on your door. A beautiful maid enters the bedroom, and her eyes are tied to your morning wood, easily visible under the blanket... <br>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;And I thought how am gonna lose that boner... get your pretty face here, will you?@@
She abides, like the well-trained servant she is. You jerk off, looking at her slutty face, and it doesn't take long for you to start sending ropes of cum all over her. You hope her makeup is waterproof, though maybe if you tip her extra, she will wear your cum on her face for the whole day... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/room/mEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
[[Morning...->DLC0 Room]] <br><<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
A weird stream title catches your eyes: "I'm tired from gaming, check out my body instead". You join in and enjoy watching a girl, wearing only fishnet stockings, and demonstrating to 1k+ viewers her pussy and asshole. You check her history and see that it's her first nude stream.. and the most viewed one as well. You're sure she'll embrace her inner slut from now on. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/fEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<if $dlc0StreamQuestNet == 0>>
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Donate her to do double penetration">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
You donated $100 to get her attention. <br>
@@.speech-u;Will donate a $100,000 to see you service two cocks at the same time.@@
@@.speech-female;Wow, I just moved here and don't have two dildos... but for one hundred thousand dollars...@@
@@.speech-female;..give me a second, I'll speak with my new roomate@@
She goes out of the room, and soon returns, dragging some average-looking dude.
@@.speech-female;Don't play untouchable, I know you're watching my streams... Undress, now!@@
While the dude takes his clothes off, the streamer mounts a dildo on a wall, applies some lube, and inserts it inside her pussy. Her roommate is hard just from looking at that. <br>
@@.speech-female;You are nothing but a second dildo in my mouth, OK? And I need you to understand...@@
Her roommate is getting too impatient to listen and stuffs his throbbing cock in her mouth. She hums in protest but starts moving back and forth, working on two cocks in a perfect rhythm. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/fEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Donate her to fuck her roommate again">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
You donated $100 to get her attention.
@@.speech-u;Will donate $100,000 if you fuck your roommate again.@@
@@.speech-female;... Well sure... CARL GET YOUR ASS HERE!@@
In a moment, her roommate enters the scene, his dick already hard - he knows what to expect. The streamer gets on top of him, and starts fucking her roommate, with the camera pointed right at her tight pussy, barely fitting his thick member... <br>
@@.speech-female;Damn... Next time I'm looking for a roommate, I'm checking if my poor pussy can fit their cock...@@
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/fEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-female;Shhhh, need to be quiet this time, don't want my stepdad to find me streaming naked with my bare ass, lol!@@
You join a fairly mild stream, where the girl is mostly talking with the audience and occasionally playing some games. It seems she's teasing her audience with her naked butt, which you can barely see anyway... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/dEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Donate her to fuck her step-dad">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
You donated $100 to get her attention. <br>
<<if $dlc0StreamQuestStep == 0>>
@@.speech-u;Will donate $100,000 if you seduce your step-dad on stream.@@
@@.speech-female;What? You pervert! ...but on second thought... fine... but I won't tell him that I'm streaming!@@
She turns off-camera.
@@.speech-female; Stepdaddy, could you come down to the living room? I really need your help with something!@@
You see an older guy appears. He looks surprised at her naked ass...
@@.speech-male;Sure... why are you naked, exactly? Is this part of your streaming job you told me not to worry about?! Your mom gonna be so mad!@@
@@.speech-female;No, no, no! I was just... watching porn, masturbating... and I thought why would I do that if I could use your hard cock?@@
@@.speech-male;Fine.. just don't tell your mom about this bonding time...@@
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestStep = 1>>
@@.speech-u;Will donate a $100,000 if you fuck your step-dad again on stream.@@
@@.speech-female;Fine... STEP-DADDY WOULD YOU HELP ME AGAIN?!@@
@@.speech-male;Fuck, you have a better pussy, than your mom... Did I say that out loud?@@
The girl gets on all four facing the camera, so the audience can look at her face while her stepdad stands behind her and get his cock ready. As he finally slowly pushes it down his little girl, you can see a full specter of emotions on the streamer's face. She's playing it for the viewers, but when her stepdad starts fucking her for real, it's gone - she's no more in control and gives up to the pleasure... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/dEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-female;Did I tell you this story before, chat? My cousin keeps spying on me when I do those streams. Don't know what to do with that pervert!@@
It's a pretty chill stream, but the girl is fully naked. A bunch of simps in chat keeps asking her stupid question, and she makes sure to keep 'em hooked. Interesting, if her cousin is among them right now, perving at his cousin's body... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/cEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Donate her to fuck her cousin">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
You donated $100 to get her attention. <br>
<<if $dlc0StreamQuestCousin == 0>>
@@.speech-u;Will donate $100,000 if you let him creampie you on stream.@@
@@.speech-female; Well... I don't know, he is my... but for $100,000... Fine, I guess, you gonna make one horny pervert happy today...@@
She looks from the camera: <br>
Some boy awkwardly enters the room... <br>
@@.speech-male;I was just passing by... Do you need help with, ehm, anything?@@
@@.speech-female;I knew you heard everything, judging by that boner... take your pants off... but remember, that's only a one-time thing!@@
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestCousin = 1>>
@@.speech-u;Will donate a $100,000 if you let your cousin creampie you again on stream.@@
@@.speech-female;Cousin come on in... you lucky pervert.@@
They get in front of the camera, but you can't see shit! The streamer girl's face in the middle, and you can guess what's happening only by her face and words... <br>
@@.speech-female;Oh, you're in... Make it quick!@@
@@.speech-female;Shit, you're pushing on my weak spot...@@
@@.speech-female;OH MY he's doing it, he's doing it! I can feel his warm cum in my pussy! My cousin just creampied me! Shit, I'M CUMMING TOO!@@
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/cEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4 && $dlc0StreamQuestBlonde >= 0>>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5 || $dlc0StreamQuestBlonde == 0>>
You watch a stream of a really cute blonde girl. She keeps it SFW, only changing clothes and chatting with her viewers. You can easily see that under those clothes hides a gorgeous pair of tits. The audience here must be waiting for an accidental slip, an occasional glance at this marvelous creation... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/bEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Donate her to get her naked">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
You donated $100 to get her attention. <br>
@@.speech-u;Will donate $100,000 if you lose your clothes.@@
@@.speech-female;Do you seriously think I'm that cheap?@@
She goes on a rant on how perverted you are, all the while making sure her breast is clearly visible. In chat, you read what an incel you are, that she is a good Christian girl with a pure heart and you should be ashamed of yourself. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/bEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestBlonde += 1>>
<<statChange "corruption" -5 "player">> <br>
Finally some gameplay stream! The dude is playing video games and actually has some skills. You enjoy looking at someone good at their craft. <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/gameplay.gif" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-male;Do I enjoy being a part of that content house... well yeah, but I spent so much time grinding those skills.. and someone just makes content by being sexy...@@
@@.speech-male;Kinda unfair, you know? Like this month I just made $3k... not that bad, but I know one blonde who made $478,000 a day!@@
@@.speech-male;She's upstairs sleeping by the way, while I'm STILL working!@@
<<linkreplace "[$1m] Go to her room and fuck her.">>
<<if $ >= 1>>
You donated $3,000 to get his attention. <br>
@@.speech-u;Would you go and fuck her right now for one million?@@
@@.speech-male;Wow, thanks for my monthly salary... You know what? Fuck it! If you send me a million, I'm gonna get upstairs and fuck her on stream! Let me grab the camera for IRL streams...@@
You watch as he get upstairs and enters the room. He turns the light on, and you see a sexy girl sleeping... Is that a bratty blonde you saw recently?
@@.speech-female; mmmmhm... sorry you don't have enough followers to be here, lol... let me sleep...@@
He doesn't talk much, just pulls down her panties and stuck his cock inside her, while she's too sleepy to process. You watch it from his POW. He's a game streamer, but he knows how to fuck! Damn, you wish he turned her over so you could see her big tits... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/bEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;*moans* I don't think that's allowed by this content house rules!@@
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestBlonde = -1>>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 15 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Well this guy is just constantly lucky, huh?@@
You watch a speedrunner practicing. Damn, those drop rates are something else, no way he's not cheating... <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/stream/minecraft.gif" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
[[Watch another one->DLC0 Stream]] <br>
[[Leave...->DLC0 TV]] <br><<set $dlc0Code = 19116801>>
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestNet = 0>>
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestStep = 0>>
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestCousin = 0>>
<<set $dlc0StreamQuestBlonde = 0>>
<<set $dlc0WrongRoomChance = false>>
<<set $rommate = "">>
<<set $dlcSkipEvent0 = 0>>
<<set $dlcSkipEvent1 = 0>>
<<set $fitnessQuest = 0>><<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/yacht.jpg width="100%"> <br>
/* maybe you should buy your own boat? */
party boat
pool party enter
<img src="img/dlc0/party/yEvent0.webp width="50%"> <br>
pool party handjob
<img src="img/dlc0/party/yEvent1.webp width="50%"> <br>
pool paryyy split girl
<img src="img/dlc0/party/yEvent2.webp width="50%"> <br>
you wake up for blowjob
<img src="img/dlc0/party/aEvent1.webp width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/club.jpg width="100%"> <br>
party on rich place
party slap girl ass
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent0.webp width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/lEvent0.webp width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/lEvent1.webp width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mansion.jpg width="100%"> <br>
party mansion
bj on party
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent1.webp width="50%"> <br>
bj to a black guy
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent2.webp width="50%"> <br>
houe owner with her husband
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent3.webp width="50%"> <br>
some shady busuniessman
<img src="img/dlc0/party/pEvent4.webp width="50%"> <br>
girl with a famouse boyfrined wnaa try somehting new
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent0.webp width="50%"> <br>
join them ^
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent1.webp width="50%"> <br>
participate dick cuing competitnin
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent2.webp width="50%"> <br>
girl seducing you (she has a boyfrined!)
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent3.webp width="50%"> <br>
seduce her
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent4.webp width="50%"> <br>
she introduce you to her sister
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent5.webp width="50%"> <br>
playing along
hey bro do you mind if you could pretned being my brother
met those hot twins chikcs but they down to fuck twin guys
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent6.webp width="50%"> <br>
owner of the house walks on you
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent7.webp width="50%"> <br>
oopie well let me just blow you real quick cause im loyal to my husband
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent8.webp width="50%"> <br>
only if has big cock?
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent9.webp width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent10.webp width="50%"> <br>
says thanks ^
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent11.webp width="50%"> <br>
sex church representative with her subject ask to find another guuy to teach her to please
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent12.webp width="50%"> <br>
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent13.webp width="50%"> <br>
i think both of you coulndt please even one? try.
<img src="img/dlc0/party/mEvent14.webp width="50%"> <br>
after partyu fuck giril
<img src="img/dlc0/party/aEvent0.webp width="50%"> <br>
waking up girls having fun
<img src="img/dlc0/party/aEvent2.webp width="50%"> <br>
join them
<img src="img/dlc0/party/aEvent3.webp width="50%"> <br>
diferent party chaallendges
rich character having fun
<img src="img/dlc0/party/cEvent0.webp width="50%"> <br>Double-click this passage to edit it.add optiones to
invite someone with you
party passage divide events into the <div>idersYou go around apartments collecting rent...<br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4,5)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You ring a doorbell and wait for a whole minute before the door is opened. Inside the flat, there is a young girl in her underwear - she clearly didn't expect visitors and looks confused, if hot.
@@.speech-female;Who are you? And what are you doing in my condo?!@@
@@.speech-u;I'm your landlord, you had a 24-hour notice in your mail. I'm here to collect your rent.@@
@@.speech-female;Ooo, sorry I used to live with my parent, this is my first time renting... Please come in!@@
She turns around and you follow her inside the apartment, with your eye glued to her gorgeous thick butt, wrapped in her minimalistic underwear. Each of her steps is sending shockwaves to her buttocks, mesmerizing you even more.
<img src="img/apartment/aEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Soo, where is your rent payment?@@
@@.speech-female;About that thing... I'm not really good with money... but I'll pay I promise...Sorry!@@
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] There is a special clause for late payments *get your cock out*">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;There is a special clause for late payments.@@
@@.speech-female;.. sure... That's why mom was spending that much time at the renters' office, huh?@@
Like mother, like daughter...
@@.speech-u;Now be a good girl and pay your rent like a real adult.@@
You lie down and place your tenant's head between your legs. Your meaty cock looks massive compared to her small face and you have doubts she can fit in her tiny mouth, but the girl proves you wrong, pushing it deep inside her throat and sucking hard. This big-butt beauty sure is an experienced cock-sucker!
<img src="img/apartment/aEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
You cum on her pretty face and leave, satisfied with the transaction.
@@.speech-u;Like you know you should pay, right..? right?@@
<<elseif _event == 2>>
After some waiting, the door to the next apartment is opened by a beautiful woman in her 30s. She looks at you, confused, and you realized she must be drunk...
@@.speech-u;Hey.. It's time to pay your rent.@@
She smiles and nods, then turns around and walks, unsteady, inside the condo. It's then you realize she is completely bottomless and shamelessly flashes you her big juicy milf butt.
<img src="img/apartment/fEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Ooopsie, probably should've taken on some clothes... the rent, yeah... *hic* I just got divorced, so it's hard to keep everything in my head, here you go! *gives you the rent*@@
<<if $player.lust > 50>>
@@.speech-u;Sad to hear about that divorce...@@
You notice empty wine bottles behind her. Yes, she is going through tough times...
@@.speech-female;It's okay, honey... Now I'm enjoying being the free woman, doing anything I want... And I want you to help with that boner of yours, mister!@@
She grabs you by the cock and your hand instinctively grabs her bouncy ass.
@@.speech-female;Let me get rid of these stupid clothes, and you give me the cum shower....@@
She strips out of her top, revealing massive fat tits, and lies down with her bouncy ass up. She is a gorgeous milf any man would love to fuck, but you have doubts if, in her drunk state, she is capable of active consent. But spraying her hot milf body with your semen is quite harmless, right? You jerk off furiously, with encouragement from the tenant listening to your fapping sounds, and spray her back with your sticky cum. It's all over the place, her butt, back, even her hair.
<img src="img/apartment/fEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
You put your boner back, satisfied, and then realize the milf has fallen asleep already. You decide to leave quickly and try not to make any noises closing the door behind you...
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You knock on the door and realize it's ajar open. You slowly walk in, hoping not to find a dead body inside... But the very specific sounds lead you to the room, where you see two people fuck in front of the camera.
On the mattress, some dude is nailing a hot pink-haired big-titted girl. Suddenly you realize you know her face! And her tits... and even the dude looks familiar! She is a top pornstar on the tube you visit frequently...
<img src="img/apartment/pEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Are you the?.. I'm a big fan of your work, it's an honor to meet you!@@
The couple stops abruptly, looking surprised at you.
@@.speech-u;Sorry, I'm here to collect the rent... please, I don't want to interrupt the creative process...@@
The dude shrugs and gets back to fucking the girl, and she talks to you while you are having a hard time looking her in the eyes:
@@.speech-female;Sorry, we were filming "I Let Pizza Delivery Guy Have Fun With My Tight Pussy", and probably forgot to close the door after the first scene...@@
@@.speech-u;Oh, no problem... So, about the rent...@@
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
@@.speech-female; Honey, hand him his cash, and then get back to work - we should record the last scene again... I didn't like that angle...@@
The dude pulls out his cock out of her pussy, and passes you the money from the table. You try not to look at his thick, sizeable cock, covered in pussy juice, and fail at that miserably.
*her husband gives you the money*
The couple stops copulating, again.
@@.speech-female;Well... It was kind of a bad month... I dropped to 0.9% top performers, can you imagine the fall? But I suppose can pay 'differently' this time?.. That's a pretty good plot for a porn vid, don't you think?@@
You can't believe you are about to be in a vid with one of your favorite pornstars! Her husband is holding the camera while the pink-haired e-girl is sucking your dick, applying all her professional skills. In a signature move, just as you start cumming, she takes your cock all the way down her throat, making you ecstatic. You push her even deeper, making sure your every drop lands in her stomach. As you look up, her husband gives you a thumbs up, congratulating you on a scene well done.
<img src="img/apartment/pEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
You leave and wonder if her other videos are also based on real stories? Maybe she was even stuck in the washing machine? Oh, you can't wait to check her uploads and re-imagine all that!
<<elseif _event == 4>>
<<set _event1 = either(0,1,2)>>
You come to the apartments of a young troublemaker, a hot redhead girl that received many complaints during her stay here. You wonder what waits for you inside...
<<if _event1 == 1>>
@@.speech-female;Come on in, the door is open!@@
You step in and follow the voice to the kitchen. To your surprise, the redhead troublemaker is currently being fucked from behind by a young teenager, also redhead... wait a minute, is he...
@@.speech-male;This is so much better than just jerking off... thanks sis!@@
<img src="img/apartment/rEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
His older sis does not seem as much excited as he is, as she apparently tries to continue cooking, all the while her pussy is being free-used by her sibling.
@@.speech-female;Could you just take the rent and leave... you're killing the vibe.@@
<<elseif _event1 == 2>>
@@.speech-female;Come on in, the door is open!@@
You step in and follow the voice to the kitchen. To your surprise, the redhead troublemaker is currently being fucked from behind by some old-looking creep...
@@.speech-female;Yeah daddy, *moans* fill me with your cum!@@
<img src="img/apartment/rEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;What? The rent is on the counter... as usual.@@
The door is slightly open, and you enter to check if the tenant is alright. The condo is dark, and the only light source is near the couch, where you find the redhead troublemaker, hogtied with taped mouth. Oh no, was there a robbery? Not the police again...
<img src="img/apartment/rEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
*You approach her and take off the tape from her mouth*
@@.speech-female;The rent is on the table! I'm kinda in the middle of something here! Could you not interfere?!@@
Those fucking kinksters...<br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 50] Also I think I should persAnally punish you for all those noise complaints.">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;Also I think I should persAnally punish you for all those noise complaints.@@
While you are here, why not punish this little troublemaker for all the troubles? You wait for her to be free, and lift her up. You hope she is well-stretched when you push your cock in her ass - you don't want additional noise complaints...
<img src="img/apartment/rEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;you also noise... have noise... I mean I receive noise... complaints, right?@@
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-female;Come on in!@@
You walk through the open door and see a girl on her knees filming her butt... A nice welcome sight for any landlord.<br>
<img src="img/apartment/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Another day, another post...@@
@@.speech-u;Hey... don't want to distract you, but... it's the rent-paying time!@@
She looks at you surprised.
@@.speech-female;Ooh, sorry I thought you are my date... Give me a sec I'll take some clothes on and we'll talk..@@
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
She quickly dresses up in sweatpants, but you can still remember what her little starfish butthole looked like...
@@.speech-female;Here you go... here is everything I own for this month!@@
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] I would rather take your mouth *get your cock out*">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;I would rather take your mouth.@@
@@.speech-female;Well, why not...@@
She lies down and starts to blow your cock. For someone working in the adult industry, you expected her to perform better... She is clearly struggling with your size, and there is no pressure in this for both of you. Finally, she gives up and reaches for her wallet...
@@.speech-female;*cough* It's so hard to be self-employed in this economy...@@
<img src="img/apartment/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;I would rather... like... take something, you know?@@
She quickly dresses up in sweatpants, but you can still remember what her little starfish butthole looked like...
@@.speech-female;I don't think I have enough for this month... is there anything I could do... so you could give me a slight discount... just this one time, I promise!@@
@@.speech-u;Well, maybe... just this one time.@@
She knew what she was suggesting, you knew what she proposed. So you take your hard cock out and harass the shit of her mouth, fucking her face for all the money she owes you. She is struggling to take your full length inside, but you are relentless and just use her mouth for your pleasure. Tears are running down her cheeks when you cum and make one big sloppy mess from her face...
<img src="img/apartment/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
The rent was collected successfully!<br>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
[[Continue...->Multifamily Apartment]] <br><<if $cultQuest == 1>>
You open the back door of the van and see 4 females waiting for you there.
@@.speech-u;Wow, we're having an orgy now? The driver should have warned me!@@
They ignore your words and pull you inside. One of the females shuts the door, and the van rapidly starts moving with its tires screeching.
@@.speech-u;Hey, what the fuck is going on?!@@
Still ignoring your questions, they pin you down and put a bag on your head- now darkness surrounds you. Too late you think that you don't remember the driver's face - though probably you could have identified her by the ass, if that will ever help...
The bag on your head is raised, but only to put tape on your mouth. You struggle, but now you can only muffle incomprehensibly. As the van continues to drive, you can only hope that this is just an elaborate prank or a weird BDSM prelude...
[[Continue...->Cult Quest][$cultQuest = 2]]<br>
<<elseif $cultQuest == 2>>
After a long drive, van finally stops and shuts down the engine. They take you out and pull the bag away. Immediately, you are blinded by the daylight, but soon your eyes get accustomed to it.
<br><img src="img/cult/background.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You look around and see that they brought you to some sort of abandoned church. The once-grand structure now stands in ruins, its walls and roof showing signs of decay and neglect. Weeds and vines have taken over the floor, and broken glass windows add a haunting touch to the desolate scene.
People start gathering around you - all of them females, and despite your perilous state, you find them quite attractive and sexy. They all share a gothic look, which suits this abandoned church setting quite well.
@@.speech-female;You are the chosen one to supply our mother and her great cause!@@
<<linkreplace "What?! The fuck is going on here?!">>
<img src="img/cult/intro.webp" width="50%"> <br>
A woman steps in front of you. She emits an aura of power and lust, and by the behavior of others, you can see she's a leader of a group. Like others, she is dressed in skimpy goth clothes, only wearing more amulets and trinkets.
@@.speech-alyssa; Well, well, well, isn't it the heir of the most powerful man in the world, falling for the oldest trick in the book?..@@
@@.speech-u;*in low voice*I love big butts, I cannot lie...@@
@@.speech-alyssa; My name is Alyssa, and I am the leader of this sisterhood, devoted to our beloved sin - lust. You can hold your introductions, as we already know everything about you...@@
@@.speech-u;What do you want from me?!@@
@@.speech-alyssa; I just wanted to ask you personally for a small donation of $100m. For the right cause of course... And the alternative is you rot in some third-world country.@@
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "[PAY $100m]">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You laugh, and the women around you look disturbed. The leader, confident before, get that something is not going according to the plan.
@@.speech-u; Have you seriously planned this whole kidnap thing just to ask me for some breadcrumbs, lol... You aren't that desperate, are you?@@
<<if $ >= 100>>
@@.speech-alyssa;Well, well, well, the heir of the most powerful man in the world fall for the oldest trick in the book...@@
<<statChange "money" -100 "player">> <br>
[[They give you a ride back to town...->Town]]<br>
@@.speech-alyssa;What?.. We tried to cash out your credit cards and we barely got $10,000 on you...@@
@@.speech-u;...I mean.. you know there are security measures and *fake cough* stuff... I have a lot of money, you know...@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Pay up then.@@
<div id="choice2">
<<linkreplace "Try to join them">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
@@.speech-u;On second thought... Can I join you guys? You seem fun...@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Yeah, sure. Tie him up and get him a room, girls.@@
[[They put the bag back on your face...->Cult Room]]<br>
<<linkreplace "Call dad">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
@@.speech-u;Yeah.. Can I just call someone... like my dad... He'll give you whatever... whatever you guys needed.@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Good choice. Get him a phone!@@
After a short conversation with your dad he asks you to hand her the phone...
[[They put the bag back on your face...->House]]<br>
<<linkreplace "I want to join your cause.">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;I want to join your cause. Maybe I could even make your shitshow profitable, so you don't have to rely on 'donations'.@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Sorry, we don't accept applications at this time. Tie him up and get him a room, girls.@@
[[They put the bag back on your face...->Cult Room]]<br>
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 100] Fuck off.">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 100>>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;Fuck off. The best I could do is buy your girlfriends some starbucks if they blow me.@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Wow, I didn't expect you to have balls... Tie him up and get him a room, girls.@@
[[They put the bag back on your face...->Cult Room]]<br>
@@.speech-u;Aaaa! Please don't hurt me, please!@@
<<elseif $cultQuest == 3>>
<img src="img/cult/cellRoom.webp" width="100%"> <br>
Your cell is a pretty comfortable room, albeit modest and tiny by your high standards of living. However, as you prepare yourself for a long solitude, the door opens and Alyssa comes inside. The door shuts behind her.
@@.speech-alyssa;I was told you are an interesting character...@@
@@.speech-alyssa; Unfortunately our church is struggling financially at the moment. I think we need you.@@
<<linkreplace "Leave the church">>
@@.speech-u;You guys are lame. Sorry, it's time for me to bounce.@@
[[Get back in town...->Town]]<br>
<<linkreplace "Start the Initiation">>
@@.speech-u;I'm ready for my initiation, sister.@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Well, that could be interesting... Let us begin.@@
[[Start the initiation.->Cult Quest][$cultQuest = 4]]<br>
<<elseif $cultQuest == 4>>
Alyssa snaps her fingers, and the door to your cell opens by two female guards, who put a bag on your head - again! You are led across the church rooms and stairs until they bring you into what feels like a dungeon, judging by the chill air. They leave the bag on.
@@.speech-alyssa; Do you promise to sacrifice yourself for the greatest good?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, sure!@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Outstanding! Now... I want you to give us all of your money, to ensure you're really on our side.@@
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "[GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY] Here! Take everything I got.">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;Here! Take everything I got.@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Good, now we think you're ready.@@
<<statChange "money" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-alyssa;We want to give you something in return... Purify this young soul. Take her virginity!@@
Alyssa takes off the bag from your head, and you find yourself standing in a dungeon lit by candles. Before you, a sexy teen girl is tied on the floor.
@@.speech-female;Finally! I've been tied here for an eternity, it feels.@@
Alyssa point to a mattress on the side, and you drag the girl there, while your cock is getting harder. You bend over the sacrificial virgin and prepare to deflower the girl. Your rock-hard dick is placed against the entrance to her pussy, and in one push, you make a woman out of this girl. She lets out a cry but manages herself while you stretch out her no-longer virgin hole with your sizeable manhood. Alyssa, who was watching your intercourse with lust in her eyes, and a hand on her crotch, encourage you:
@@.speech-alyssa;A woman is born - new whore has descended in our world. Baptize her unholy cunt with your seed!@@
You can't disobey your new leader, and speed up your movements. Balls-deep in screaming teen, you release yourself, emptying your balls, looking in Alyssa's eyes...
<br><img src="img/cult/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
[[Now you're one of them.->Cult Church][$cultQuest = 5]]<br>
<<linkreplace "I'm not really sure how I feel about that...">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;I'm not really sure how I feel about that...@@
@@.speech-alyssa;Yeah, sure... Ladies, take him back to his boring lavish house. He does not have what it takes.@@
[[They put the bag back on your face...->House]]<br>
<<endif>><img src="img/cult/background.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You are in a some sort of abandoned church. The once-grand structure now stands in ruins, its walls and roof showing signs of decay and neglect. Weeds and vines have taken over the floor, and broken glass windows add a haunting touch to the desolate scene.
[[Room->Cult Room]]<br>
[[Leave...->Town]] <br>
<<include "Cult Random Events">><br><<set _event = either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if $ <= 0>>
@@.speech-female;Did you get enough sleep, honey?@@
While you are being fucked by the horny cult member, you feel spent. Your eyes close, and you fall asleep, mesmerized by waving tits and the lullaby of fuck sounds...
<br><img src="img/cult/iEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "energy" 100 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 1 && $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Just watch us while we're having fun with my sister~!@@
Two hot chicks are making out in the bed, giving you lusty looks. You are too horny to just look, as you are ready to cut diamonds with your boner. Desperate, you just jump over them and in several swift strokes erupt on their faces.
@@.speech-female;eew! What the fuck was that?!@@
@@.speech-female;I kinda liked that~@@
<br><img src="img/cult/iEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2 && $player.corruption >= 25>>
@@.speech-female;Fuck yeah, *moans* I needed that, it's so hard to be a naked waitress!@@
Despite your growing fuck skills and raised perversion, they still use you like a passive fuck toy. Even now, you were ready to fuck this hot waitress doggy-style, but still, it is she who fucks you. Her hips movements are from another world, though...
<br><img src="img/cult/iEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3 && $player.corruption >= 10>>
@@.speech-female;Your fucking is mid.@@
You are visited by a high-tier church member, close to Alyssa. Once again, despite this beautiful goth whore being bent over and on her knees, she is doing all the fucking to you. And still, she is not satisfied with your cock...
<br><img src="img/cult/iEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-female;You're pretty shy, are you? Don't worry I'll do everything myself.@@
You have a dirty feeling of being used, as the hips of a teen church member move rapidly, fucking you whether you want it or not. While she milks your cock with her tight, wet pussy, she manages to play with her plump tits - yeah, she doesn't need any help from your side.
<br><img src="img/cult/iEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;O, hi there! I just want you to watch... and keep those hands out of me. or your dick.@@
A hot chick in a sexy church robe brings a big, realistic dildo with her. All she needs is an audience...
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] *pull out your cock* No.">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-female;Fuck.. *moans* I didn't expect that from you!@@
Looking at your hard cock, she starts riding her rubber friend. You sync your moves, and now she nails herself in the same rhythm as you jerk off your cock - but she is the first one to cum.
<br><img src="img/cult/iEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" -25 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Nope.. like, I'll close my eyes with my hands!@@
<<linkreplace "Sure, I could do that.">>
<<replace "#choice">>
She is satisfied with your obedience but decides to test it further by showing you her blowjob skill on a rubber dildo. It's sloppy and messy, but also very, very deep... The girl knows her way around the cock.
<br><img src="img/cult/iEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 100 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 6 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -25 "player">> <br>
[[Your room...->Cult Room]]<br>
<<if $player.corruption >= 60>>
<<set $cultQuest = 3>>
<<goto "Cult Quest">>
<<endif>> <img src="img/cult/cellRoom.webp" width="100%"> <br>
Your cell is a pretty comfortable room, albeit modest and tiny by your high standards of living.
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
<<goto "Cult Intercourse">>
[[Take a nap->Cult Room]]
<<if $cultQuest >= 5>>
[[Leave...->Cult Church]]
<<include "Pass time">>sell your busines to someon ewhos interrested on a paerty<<set $randomCharacter to {
age: 24,
sex: "F",
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
<<set $randomCharacter.age = random(18,49)>>
<<set $randomCharacter.corruption = random(-10,100)>>
<<set _hookupChance = $randomCharacter.corruption + random(-100,0)>>
<<set _nonvirginChance = $randomCharacter.corruption + random(-50,0) + $randomCharacter.age>>
<<if _nonvirginChance >= 0>>
<<set $ = false>>
<<set $ = either("Olivia","Charlotte","Amelia","Ava","Sophia","Mia","Isabella","Emma")>>
<div id="gInteraction">
You <<print either("see", "notice", "come near", "approach")>>
<<if $randomCharacter.age < 22>>
a cute girl
<<elseif $randomCharacter.age < 32>>
a young woman
an attractive MILF
sitting <<print either("on the park bench", "near the pond", "on the green park lawn", "behind the table in a summer cafe")>> and <<print either("listening to music in her headphones", "reading a book in hardcover", "making notes in her journal", "watching something on her phone")>>.
<b>Female</b> (♥?) <br>
<<linkreplace "Talk">>
<<replace "#gInteraction">>
<<set _outcome = $player.intellect + random(-25,0)>>
<<if _outcome >= 0>>
You approach her and drop some basic lines to catch her attention, trying to be interesting, but not intrusive. You have pleasant small talk, and she invites you to sit with her and chat some more.
@@.speech-female;My name is $ , nice to meet you!@@
You try to start a conversation with her, but she ignores you and tries to look in the opposite way.
@@.speech-female;yeah... that's crazy...@@
<<set _hookupChance += _outcome>>
<<linkreplace "Flirt">>
<<replace "#gInteraction">>
You compliment her looks and sit a bit closer. You can feel the warmth of her body near you, and so does she. Now, there is some tension between you...
<<set _hookupChance += $player.charisma>>
<<if _hookupChance >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Are you busy this evening?@@
[[Spent an evening with her.->Hookup Night]]
@@.speech-female;...I have a boyfriend.@@
<<linkreplace "Bold Flirt">>
<<replace "#gInteraction">>
<<set _hookupChance += $player.charisma + random(-50,0)>>
You don't want to dance around and hit on her with bold compliments about her body and what would you like to do with it. It might be creepy, but sometimes it's what women want to hear...
<<if _hookupChance >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;Let's see if you are as good as you say...@@
[[Spent an evening with her.->Hookup Night]]
@@.speech-female;excuse me, what?@@
<br><img src="img/random/background.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You go inside a lobby of a boring hotel chain and pay an extra Franklin to the clerk who signs you in as Mr&Mrs Smith. Giggling, you kiss in the elevator and make out in the hallway, before opening your room with a keycard. It's a basic suit, pretty low by your standards, but all you need right now is a comfy bed to make some love.
<<if $ && $randomCharacter.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;I have to tell you something, but please, don't be mad... Remember how I brag about the sex stuff?@@
@@.speech-u;That part when you had an accidental gangbang in summer camp, or when you were creampied in public?@@
@@.speech-female;Yeah, well, I made that all up... I'm still a virgin and wanted to look cool...@@
@@.speech-female;You look cute... Will you be my first?@@
You seal her lips with a kiss and start undressing her. The girl is obviously worried, but you make sure to comfort her and make her relaxed. For her first time, she will be on top so she could control the depth and could stop as soon as she would be uncomfortable. With a tip of your hardened cock aimed at her pussy entrance, she slowly lowers herself, accepting you deeper and deeper in a place where no man was before you. To your surprise, she doesn't stop at first inches and goes and goes all the way down to the bottom, accepting your full length in her tiny pussy.
@@.speech-female;I'm sorry.. that's as deep as I can go...@@
@@.speech-u;That will do, girl. Now let me show you how it's done... @@
<img src="img/random/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $>>
@@.speech-female;It's about time to tell you that I'm a good Christian girl and I only do butt stuff.@@
@@.speech-u;Isn't that.. hypocritical? You're about to have anal with a stranger, but technically be pure and clean?@@
@@.speech-female;Well, my confessor says that it's the right way... in fact, he's the one who taught me that!@@
She undresses while talking, and tosses you the bottle of lube from her purse. You apply a generous amount on your rock-hard penis and get behind her in a spoon position. Your throbbing cock is pressed against her anal hole before it relaxes and you slide inside her backdoor. It's really tight but also trained to be pleasurable for both parties. As you start moving, the girl clearly enjoys the fuck, and massages your balls while you explore her butt...
<br><img src="img/random/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $randomCharacter.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;I want you to imagine you are going to impregnate me... Pretend that I'm a breeding slut, that was looking for a random stranger to put a baby inside me... Will you knock me up?@@
This kinky bitch must have played out many fantasies, but this one gets you going. As you fuck her pussy, you look at her wide hips, waving full tits, and think that she would be a great mother. Moreover, she could become a baby factory, dumping one baby after another just for the thrill of getting bred by strangers...
<br><img src="img/random/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $randomCharacter.age >= 40>>
@@.speech-female;I can't believe I'm here with a man twice younger than me... Is this normal?@@
@@.speech-u;You are a gorgeous woman, and age is nothing but a social construct. Let's not think about this nonsense, and get down to business!@@
The woman you fuck with is passionate and vigorous. Too late you realize that it's not you who got lucky to bang this voluptuous MILF - it's a mature woman who found a young stallion to play with. She teases, she squirts, she put her nails deep inside your skin, she asks to put a thumb in her ass - she knows what she wants, and she is definitely not leaving you after just one round...
<br><img src="img/random/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $randomCharacter.age <= 25>>
@@.speech-u;Hey, em... Mind showing me your ID? It's just you look so young...@@
@@.speech-female;Sure, I recently bought myself a new one... Joking! Here it is.@@
@@.speech-u;Oh, your name is $ Nice to meet you!@@
Putting formalities aside, you passionately kiss a hot teen girl. Your hands explore her lower parts, pulling down her pants and grey panties. Her pussy is so soft and moist, you bury your fingers in her vagina and make her squirm, before bending her over on a couch and proceeding to fuck her doggy-style.
<br><img src="img/random/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;Deeper! Fuck me deeper! Harder! *moans* @@
The female you've picked up is a noisy one, and you expect to receive noise complaints from the hotel. But you don't mind hearing women screaming while your cock is balls-deep inside her pussy, thrusting as deep as you can...
<br><img src="img/random/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
$ ($randomCharacter.age F) <br>
<<linkreplace "How did you lose virginity?">>
<<set _response = random(0,100) + $player.charisma + $randomCharacter.corruption>>
<<if $ && $randomCharacter.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;It was this handsome stranger, who took me to a hotel room and fucked me senseless... It was you, dummy!@@
<<elseif $>>
@@.speech-female;Well... I'm still is, right? Anal doesn't count.@@
<<elseif _response >= 100 && $randomCharacter.corruption >= 65>>
@@.speech-female;I lost it with my hot <<print either("brother","stepbrother","stepfather","father","cousin")>>... yeah... Please no jokes about Alabama, I beg you.@@
<<elseif _response >= 70 && $randomCharacter.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;I lost it with <<print either("father's friend","my boss","friend from work","random guy at a party")>>... it's whatever... I wish it was with someone special, but it is what it is.@@
<<elseif _response >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;I lost it with my boyfriend. He was cute, but so inexperienced... It was funny and awkward rather than sexy.@@
@@.speech-female;I don't really want to talk about it. @@
<<linkreplace "What's your deepest secret?">>
<<set _response = random(0,50) + $player.charisma + $randomCharacter.corruption>>
<<if _response >= 100 && $randomCharacter.corruption >= 70>>
@@.speech-female;I seduced my <<print either("brother","stepbrother","stepfather","father","cousin")>> at my birthday party. He was drunk, and I was curious about how far can it go. I felt so empowered after that... but also sad.@@
<<elseif _response >= 80 && $randomCharacter.corruption >= 20>>
@@.speech-female;I was trying to seduce my high school teacher... It was this handsome man in 30's, single, stylish, all girls had a crush on him. But only I made the first step... And he decided to make an example of me and scolded me in front of the whole class. I was called whore till the end of school.@@
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && _response >= 70>>
@@.speech-female;I'm selling my photos on onlyfans...@@
@@.speech-u;That's kinda normal nowadays@@
@@.speech-female;...of me crushing little dolls with my bare feet. Pays the bills, you know...@@
<<elseif _response >= 70>>
@@.speech-female;I enjoy stealing things... Some little stuff. Just for the thrill of it. I wonder when I get caught, will it look like those porn videos about shoplifters?@@
@@.speech-female;I'm not gonna tell you that... I mean... I don't have any.@@
<<linkreplace "Chat">>
You talk about regular stuff - weather, food, travel. It feels nice to have a conversation after hot, steamy sex...
/* secondary event? */
[[Leave...->City]] her step-son
<img src="img/random/hEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
step sibilings fuck
<img src="img/random/hEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
her friend come over (if you're still horny)
<img src="img/random/hEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
join with her frined
<img src="img/random/jEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
join her brother
<img src="img/random/jEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
join her siseter
<img src="img/random/jEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
join her daguther
<img src="img/random/jEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
joined her mother (if virgin)
<img src="img/random/jEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>You find a quiet place that happened to be an empty bedroom with some vibes of a sex hotel... Not the best place for a business meeting, but at least it's private.
<<set _price = $businessCoffeeProfit * 12>>
<<set _negotiationsResult = random(-100,0) + $player.charisma>>
@@.speech-female;Your rapid growth was not unnoticed, and we would like to propose a buy-out option for you.@@
@@.speech-female;We think that the price of <b> $ _price m </b> is the most reasonable for this type of business.@@
@@.speech-male;So, what do you think?@@
<div id="bchoice">
<<linkreplace "Sure, sounds great!">>
<<replace "#bchoice">>
They have all the papers ready. You sign the documents and shake hands. The couple smiles and looks really happy - it is almost like they got themself a better end of the deal...
@@.speech-male;Pleasure doing business with you!@@
<<statChange "money" _price "player">> <br>
<<set $businessCoffee = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeFranchise = "" >>
<<set $businessCoffeeExp = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeSecurity = false>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit = 0>>
[[Return to the party...->DLC0 Party]]<br>
<<linkreplace "Your number is too low.">>
<<if _negotiationsResult >= 0>>
<<replace "#bchoice">>
<<set _price += _negotiationsResult/10>>
@@.speech-male;Sure, how about <b> $ _price m </b> ? Would that work for you?@@
<div id="bchoice1">
<<linkreplace "You got yourself a deal.">>
<<replace "#bchoice1">>
You together go through the papers they prepared for the meeting with you, negotiating further on different points. In the end, you shake hands, and they look a bit weary and exhausted - but you got yourself a much better deal than you could expect.
@@.speech-male;Don't spend it all in one place...@@
<<statChange "money" _price "player">> <br>
<<set $businessCoffee = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeFranchise = "" >>
<<set $businessCoffeeExp = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeSecurity = false>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit = 0>>
[[Return to the party...->DLC0 Party]]<br>
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Let me fuck your assistant and you got yourself a deal.">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#bchoice1">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 100 && $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-male;Honey, you're the best assistant I ever had...@@
The assistant gets naked without hesitations, leaving only her stockings - a true professional. She gets you hard with her skillful hands and invites you to fuck her from behind. Her boss is present all this time, looking at you having fun with his assistant. He's even caressing her hair when you push your hard cock inside her wet pussy, as if helping her to endure the negotiation process.
However, as you get up to speed, she starts moaning loudly from your intense fucking, and the businessman is looking unsure. Are you better at fucking his secretary than him?
<br><img src="img/dlc0/negotiation/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;I think I deserve a promotion after this, right?@@
It's almost like a standard procedure for these two, to seal the deal by sharing the secretary between parties. As you fuck her tight, professionally-wet pussy, her hands are jerking off to her boss. Seeing a woman so dedicated to her duties and so loyal to her boss fills you with admiration and respect... and also lust, so you speed up and make sure to give that bitch what she deserves.
<br><img src="img/dlc0/negotiation/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;I didn't knew this job could be so fun! *moans*@@
Her boss left you two alone in this room, and then you realized that the woman is almost an intern, a young beautiful girl that was probably given the job because she got the best ass. Now, this ass is bounding up and down on your rock-solid cock, pleasing not only you but her boss as well...
<br><img src="img/dlc0/negotiation/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<statChange "money" _price "player">> <br>
<<set $businessCoffee = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeFranchise = "" >>
<<set $businessCoffeeExp = 0 >>
<<set $businessCoffeeSecurity = false>>
<<set $businessCoffeeProfit = 0>>
[[Return to the party...->DLC0 Party]]<br>
@@.speech-u;Can I just like... um... you know you're assistant... yeah...@@
@@.speech-male;Is that a yes..?@@
@@.speech-male; Unfortunately, this is the best option we could offer to you...@@
<<linkreplace "No, I'm not interested.">>
<<replace "#bchoice">>
@@.speech-female;We're sorry to hear that...@@
[[Return to the party...->DLC0 Party]]<br>
</div><<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-female;Hey! I'm supposed to get fucked next!@@
@@.speech-female;Oh yeah, where are my manners? ..the thing is... I DON'T FUCKING HAVE ANY!@@
You see two girls arguing over who is going to fuck next. It's getting heated, and one of the girls ends up slapping the other's butt!
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 60] Girls, let me teach you something.">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 60>>
@@.speech-u;... so this way you could fuck each other!@@
@@.speech-female;Great! How did you like that, bitch?!@@
There are so many sex toys lying around in the church, you had no problem finding a suitable dildo, and some rope. With several knots from your bondage experience, you created a DIY strapon and presented it to the girls. Now you can enjoy the view of two hot girls, fucking the shit out of each other. Despite the argument being over, ass-slapping continues...
<br><img src="img/cult/cEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 100 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;I really should not interfiere...@@
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You notice Alyssa presence. She rarely leaves her room and looks like she is inspecting the premises.
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 100] Blow me.">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-alyssa;Fuck off! ...but you have some balls to say that...@@
@@.speech-alyssa;GET NAKED. NOW.@@
You can't disobey your leader, so you do as she says. Despite you being on top of her, with your hard cock right above her face, Alyssa is still in charge of the situation. Her strong grip on your sex is so hard, you fear she can just snap your rod - but instead, she milks it until you release everything you have stored in your balls right on her face.
<br><img src="img/cult/cEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
@@.speech-u;I can't say that to her! She is a cult leader!@@
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-female;Don't you think about taking her virginity! She is here for a 'special' occasion.@@
You look at a young dark-haired beauty, with her arms and legs tied down. Her watcher left, and now there are only you two in the room...
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 90] Don't worry about it!">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 90>>
@@.speech-female; I still technically a virgin, right?@@
You claim the anal hole of this little virgin whore, and buttfuck her senseless. She is tight and keeps squeezing her little butt for you as if trying to milk your cock with her ass. She might still be a virgin, but her mind is of a slut now...
<br><img src="img/cult/cEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
@@.speech-u;...but that's not for me...@@
You watch as church members are walking around doing their business, and get aroused by their hor bodies. So many big-titted goth gfs around...
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 80] Fuck someone">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 80>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Yeah, sure... let's do it right here!@@
You go to the side of the room, and she bends over for you, proposing with her pussy for a quick fuck. You waste no time and stick it inside. You have other church members looking at you fucking this slut doggy-style, and you find yourself enjoying the audience.
<br><img src="img/cult/cEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 100 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
@@.speech-female;...sorry, I'm too busy... Won't leave you just like that, tho...@@
She kneels right in the room and quickly starts to blow you right in public. This random goth girl knows her way around cocks, and you feel like you could cum any moment - better not to accidentally spray someone else in this room...
<br><img src="img/cult/cEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;I can't just like walk to someone and like... ask to fuck them, right?@@
<<endif>>/* TODO: <<include "Maid">> somewhere at the bottom of the house */
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4,5)>>
<<if _event == 1 || _event == 4>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 4 && $sister.lust >= 100 && $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-sis;Wow it's so hard...@@
As you walk down the hallway, your sister 'accidentally' places her hand on your crotch, gently squeezing your cock under your pants. You see by her heavy breathing and reddened cheeks she is really horny right now...
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "sister">> <br>
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 15] Take your pants off">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 15>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $sister.corruption >= 100 || $sisMainQuest >= 7>>
@@.speech-sis;I just want to fuck you... NOW!@@
You make out right here, with your sister's hands feeling up your now naked sex. You push the nearest door, which by accident leads to an unused bedroom - one of many inside this mansion. Your horny sis immediately jumps on the bed and spreads her asscheecks - this nasty slut wants to have an anal quickie. You place your throbbing cock against her tight anal ring and watch amused at how your sister pushes herself on you, easily accepting your girthy meat inside her backdoor.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
You proudly reveal your hard cock, only to hear giggles from your sister.
@@.speech-sis;What are you doing... Did you seriously think I'll fuck you right here?@@
Well, you actually did. Nevertheless, you don't hide it away, giving your sister a second look - and you notice she actually can't look away from it.
@@.speech-sis;...nice cock tho...@@
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "sister">> <br>
I can't just show her my cock...
<<linkreplace "What are you doing?">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;What are you doing, sis..?@@
@@.speech-sis;You're weird! Shut up!@@
She pulls her hand away from your crotch as if woken up from a deep sleep. She hides her hand behind her back like crime evidence, and steps back, evidently wanting to disappear right here.
<<statChange "lust" -15 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" -5 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<elseif ($sister.corruption >= 100 || $sisMainQuest >= 7) && $player.lust >= 50>>
/*PARENTS HOUSE EVENT if player lust >50 */
@@.speech-sis;Do you need help with that, bro?@@
Your sis nods at the massive bulge in your pants and gets on her knees. As much as you would love to accept the help in removing your boner, you are very concerned about doing something like that in the middle of the house: with maids around, it's a real possibility your special relationships would be leaked.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Take your cock out">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-sis;*gag* ohm! *gag* *gag* *slurp*@@
You carefully pull out your cock, and your sis immediately starts to suck your swollen member. While you try to keep a low profile and keep as quiet as possible, your sister doing the exact opposite. Loud gagging noises coming out of her throat are combined with occasional spits and slurps of the messy, sloppy blowjob. It's fucking awesome, but must be heard everywhere around the house.
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "That's not a good time.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-sis;I know how much you need this, bro...@@
Your sister can't let you simply deny her the fun, so she turns around and teases you with her perky ass. This annoying brat makes your boner even harder - to almost painful levels... And she knows how you must feel, so she giggles and walks away, wiggling her naked butt to you.
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent1.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "sister">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $sister.lust >= 100 && $sister.corruption >= 75>>
@@.speech-sis;Just like... suck on my tits?..@@
@@.speech-sis;I'm not asking you THAT much, you know?@@
@@.speech-maid;...I doubt this is a good idea, miss...@@
You encounter your sister with one of the maids. It looks like this little brat tries to hit on her, although the better word for that would be harassment. As your sis pulls up her shirt and reveals her round tits, the maid looks at you asking for help with her eyes.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Take sister's side">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;With how much we're paying you... you should gladly complete any task, right, sis?@@
@@.speech-sis;Thank you, this is just what I was saying...@@
The maid sighs and gently touches your sister's breast with her lips. Slowly, she kisses the nipple, and then makes it hard with her silky tongue. The maid gets more and more enthusiastic and in no time she sucks the tit like a vacuum cleaner, making your sis moan and giggle. What a beautiful abuse of power...
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 1 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" -1 >> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Take maid's side">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Hey, stop that! What are you doing, sis?@@
@@.speech-sis;You just have to ruin all of the fun, do you?!@@
The maid uses your intervention as an opportunity to escape and quickly leaves, giving you a thankful nod. Meanwhile, your sister pulls her top back and covers her beautiful breasts, looking totally disappointed.
<br><<statChange "maidReputation" 3 >> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" -5 "sister">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $sister.corruption >= 50>>
You see your sister lying completely nude on the couch. You take your time to check her out, eyeing all her private and juicy parts, while chatting:
@@.speech-u;What are you doing here..?@@
@@.speech-sis;Dad doesn't want to buy me a yacht in Europe, so I'm having a strike! NUDE.@@
@@.speech-u;... But you've never ever been to Europe, right?@@
@@.speech-sis;That's not the point!@@
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[STRENGTH 20] Undress and join her">>
<<if $player.strenght >= 20>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-sis;Thanks... I guess I could give something back for your support...@@
Solidarity is an important tool in struggle against the international capital.. and also you like to show off your abs. Now you two are naked on the couch, and to make this strike a little bit more interesting, you decide to have a little fun. As your sister rewards you by licking your shaft and sucking your balls, you put your fingers inside her wet fuckhole, searching for her sensitive spots...
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent9.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
I'm not comfortable showing my body like that...
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50][STRENGTH 20] Undress and Fuck her">>
<<if $player.strenght >= 20>>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-sis;*moans* Thank you! You're so supportive!@@
You join the strike and organize a union - if by strike you mean showing off your six-pack, and by union - fucking your sister's twat with your big cock. Now this protest thing is much more fun!
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent10.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "sister">> <br>
No way!
I'm not comfortable showing my body like that...
<<linkreplace "Leave her alone.">>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $sister.corruption >= 25>>
You spot your sister driving home on a bike. When she arrives, you see that she is lacking panties, and on the bike seat, there is a rainbow dildo mounted...
<br><img src="img/sis/sTease1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "sister">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARSIMA 5] Well.. that's one way to cycle">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 5>>
@@.speech-u;Well, that's one way to cycle... I guess... Aren't you afraid someone would spot you 'riding' your bike like that?@@
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 6>>
@@.speech-sis;Oh yeah, and they'll have another long boring talk with me... whatever. I love flashing my pussy, they could fuck off!@@
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "sister">> <br>
@@.speech-sis;Hey, are you spying on me or something?! Give me a little privacy, you know!@@
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "sister">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Well, cycling, huh... that's crazy...@@
<<linkreplace "Ignore...">>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $sister.lust >= 50>>
You see your sister is picking up a package from the delivery guy... <br>
She seems a bit overly friendly with him, leaning too close and even placing a hand on his chest. The delivery guy doesn't really know how to react, but he obviously likes the attention your beautiful sister is giving him.
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Offer threesome">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50 >>
@@.speech-u;Hey, delivery man.. Level with me here. Do you want to fuck my sister?!@@
@@.speech-male;..Beg your pardon, sir, I'm just here to deliver your packages, that's it...@@
@@.speech-u;Oh, fuck! Look sis, not even this guy would fuck you!@@
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 6 >>
In a surprise move, your sister bends and pulls down her panties, revealing her little pink pussy to the shocked delivery guy. You can see how he's now packing a tent inside his pants and hastily tries to hide his erection.
@@.speech-sis;Today is your lucky day... Look at his hard cock bro, are you sure he didn't lie to you?@@
@@.speech-u;Maybe he just loves his job... Should we go to my room?@@
You get upstairs and close the door. The delivery guy resembles a piece of rock, both in how constrained and how hard he is. Your sister helps him to relax by giving him a long, passionate kiss, while gently stroking his hard cock. Meanwhile, you fondle her breasts and finger her naked and dripping-wet pussy - it seems your slutty sis is very excited by her upcoming threesome. As the shy delivery guy is finally able to breathe, sis gets down to suck his cock - at the same time as you push your hard dick inside her pussy. You nod to the astonished guy:
@@.speech-u;She's great at sucking cock, right? But wait until you feel that pussy bro, it's the next level!@@
<img src="img/sis/sMail.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "sister">> <br>
@@.speech-male;..This is not what I meant... I mean... I really should get going now...@@
@@.speech-u;Hey-hey delivery guy... are those like... heavy packages.. right...?@@
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 20] What's in the package, another dildo?">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 20>>
@@.speech-u;What's in the package, another dildo?@@
@@.speech-sis;Oh, shut up!@@
She storms off, and you wink to a delivery guy. He feels awkward, but can't hide his chuckle.
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;What's in the package? a.. something long... and like a... something you could fuck yourself with... like a... ...I'm sorry, gotta go.@@
Can you invent a time machine and not say that?<br>
<<statChange "charisma" -1 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Ignore...">>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $sister.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-sis;Enjoying the view, bro?@@
As you meet your sister in the endless corridors of your parent's house, she randomly decides to tease you and flashes her perky tits. That's what you get by locking eyes with this undeniably gorgeous slut...
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "sister">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
@@.speech-sis;Sometimes I wonder why am I father's favorite?~@@
@@.speech-sis;But then I remember you're the one adopted, lol!@@
It seems like your sister got bored and decided to attract your attention by being an annoying little brat - which is her natural state of mind anyway.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 100] Oh, so it's okay to fuck you then, huh?">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 100>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-sis;No, you ~pervert~! You can't fu.. *moans*@@
It feels so good to ram your dick inside the shithole of your annoying sister. Despite your obvious domination, you feel like she won in this interaction, simply by teasing you into this position. She can have this round, even though this probably wasn't the outcome she expected - but at least you can ravage her tight backdoor...
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Yeah, whatever you say.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-sis;I'm gonna get all of the inheritance, so you ~have to be nice to me...@@
It's the same bullshit she was feeding you since you were kids. You don't take the bait and just ignore your annoying sister, and eventually, she just leaves. Nice ass, tho.
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent3.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "sister">> <br>
@@.speech-sis;I saw you checking out my ass... wanted to see it? You just had to ask... ~hehehe@@
Your sister pulls down her sweatpants, showing you a piece of her perfect ass. It must take her a lot of squats and skin care to maintain such firm and smooth bubbles.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 25] Ask for help with the boner">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 25>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You confront her and pull down your pants, revealing your hard dick.
@@.speech-u;Would you help me with something, sis?@@
<<if $sisMainQuest >= 7 || $sister.corruption >= 100>>
<<if $sister.lust <= 50>>
@@.speech-sis;Sure bro, just let's not take too long, you know how busy I am.@@
She gets on her knees and proceeds to suck your cock right in the corridor. Busy, huh? You make sure her stupid mouth is busy with your cock!<br>
<br><img src="img/sis/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
She lifts up her skirt, showing you her lack of panties.<br>
@@.speech-sis;Only if you help me with something...@@
You drop her on the couch nearby and thrust your raging cock in her surprisingly wet pussy. She moans under you, begging to go deeper - and you nail her pussy deeper, faster and harder, fucking her like a jackhammer. You make a lot of noise, but you don't care anymore, consumed by incestual lust.<br>
<br><img src="img/sis/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "sister">> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
Your dad comes to check the noise, and quickly leaves, grunting.
@@.speech-dad;Kids these days... Get a room you perverts!@@
<<statChange "lust" 50 "father">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
Your mother passes nearby, she looks happy.
@@.speech-mom;Can't really judge you, pumpkin... Just don't let him cum inside, you're too young for that!@@
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
A maid is passing by, dusting the sculptures in the corridor.
@@.speech-maid;Well.. rich people stuff, huh?@@
@@.speech-sis;*moans* Will you at least try pulling out this time?@@
@@.speech-sis;eww! No?@@
...that would be... innapropriate?
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 10] Slap her ass">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 10>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
You can't resist but slap this beauty. You get a feel of this firm but soft ass of your sister, and you enjoy how her butt turns red.
@@.speech-sis;*moans* Hey don't do that!@@
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
I can't do that!
<<linkreplace "Ignore...">>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You see your mom...<br>
She is heading to her room. You can't help but admire her sexy shape as she walks by you...
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 20] Ask for help with the boner">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 20>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You get in front of her and pull down your pants, revealing your erect penis.
@@.speech-u;I really need your help, mom! Can't handle it myself!@@
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
<<if $momMainQuest >= 4 || $mother.corruption >= 50 >>
<<if $mother.lust < 100>>
@@.speech-mom;Sure honey, let's just be quick, so I won't have those boring long conversations with your father..@@
She gets on her knees and puts your dick between her gorgeous jugs. She leaves her bra on, so your cock is squeezed even harder. You look your mother in the eyes and fuck her tits, in your mind thanking her surgeon for creating such a masterpiece.<br>
<br><img src="img/mom/mSpecial4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 30 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
She looks down at your boner and bites her lip.<br>
@@.speech-mom;Your young hard cock makes me so horny, honey. I want you to fuck me right here!@@
You both jump out of your clothes and dive into wild, passionate intercourse right in the corridor, in the middle of the mansion. Loud slapping noises are mixed with the moans of your milf mother, so everyone present must hear how good of a son you are when it comes down to nailing your mom.<br>
<br><img src="img/mom/mSpecial3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You notice your dad came here...<br>
@@.speech-dad;You slut! What is wrong with you?!@@
@@.speech-mom;At least I have time to spend on our children, not working 24 hours a day!@@
@@.speech-dad;Fair enough... Your moaning is too distractive, bite your lips next time or something!@@
He storms off, and your mother shouts at his back:<br>
@@.speech-mom;I will stuff my mouth with his gorgeous young cock then if it suits you!@@
Damn, did you just cuck your dad? Anyway, your mother gets back to your cock...<br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "father">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You notice your sister passes by...<br>
@@.speech-sis;I'm not even surprised, knew you have to fuck someone, mom!@@
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You notice a maid passes by...<br>
@@.speech-maid;.. Don't mind me... Honestly, not even the strangest thing I saw working with that top 1%...@@
@@.speech-mom;*moans* Don't stop! Fill your mommy with your cum!@@
<<if $player.lust >= 150>>
Lust fills your mind, and you run to your mom, pulling out your throbbing cock. Before she could say a word, you stuff your girthy dick deep inside her mouth and start rapidly moving your hips, using your mom's face like a fucktoy. You are so horny you don't need much time to start cumming - but your mother's eyes roll out in terror as she now had to handle gallons of semen you stored inside your balls. Finally, you pull out, leaving a mess of your mother...
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-u;I'm sorry, mom... I was just so horny, I couldn't think straight...@@
Your mom breathes heavily, wiping out the mess you've made.
@@.speech-mom;... that's ok honey... it happens.@@
<<statChange "lust" 100 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "mother">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-mom;Oh, you know honey, I can't help you with that... I'm pretty sure other girls could help you out tho...@@
...I can't do that!
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 15] Slap her ass">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 15>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
You sneak behind your mom and give her a heavy, loud slap, that sends waves across her ass. She shrieks... in pleasure?
@@.speech-mom;Oh honey, what are you doing?@@
<<statChange "corruption" 2 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "mother">> <br>
...I don't think that's a good idea...
<<linkreplace "Ignore...">>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
A girl approaches you, she doesn't apper to be one of the maids or like she works for your dad... not like you care, you're not a security guard afterall.
@@.speech-female;Hey, I'm your sister's friend.. We met earlier at a party last week, remember me?@@
Hmm... maybe you do know her... or atleast you are familiar with her 'features'...
@@.speech-u;Oh yeah... you're the one with nice tits!@@
@@.speech-female;...I guess that's me... Anyway, remember we were talking about my cool business idea and...@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "How about you show me your tits again?">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;How about you show me your tits again? Just to refresh my memory, you know.@@
@@.speech-female;So as I was saying it is once in a lifetime opportunity to leverage new AI tech...@@
Now you do remember these juicy tits. The girl knows her strong side and is ready to use her assets to achieve her goals - so maybe she indeed has good business skills? As she presents you with her idea, she utilizes a hands-down approach, grabbing your crotch and feeling your cock through the thin fabric of your underwear...
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
You almost get to the deep-dive part of her presentation, when the door opens and you are confronted by your sister. She screams at you two, seemingly jealous!
@@.speech-sis;Hey! What are you doing with my brother, you slut?!@@
Perfect-tits-girl covers herself while your sis pulls you by the hand out of the room:
@@.speech-sis;Let's go! A new diamond ring is not gonna buy itself!@@
<<linkreplace "Get somewhere private">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Sure. Follow me to my bedroom, so we could talk more privately...@@
After literally a minute, you are already fucking this girl from behind. She don't want to miss any opportunity and before milking your wallet decided to milk your balls. And she is really good at that - so good that you don't hear your father walking on you! You abruptly stop, but the girl continues to move her ass, looking right into your dad's eyes. Is she now hitting for bigger fish?
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-dad;If only you could penetrate markets the same way you penetrate those hoes...@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, hi there! Are you a billionaire too?@@
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "father">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Yeah... Listen I really should go now.">>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif _event == 5 && $father.corruption >= 25>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $father.lust >= 50 && $father.corruption >= 75>>
@@.speech-father;I wonder how she learned to suck cock like that?@@
Suspicious gagging sounds lead you to the hallway where dad is enjoying a blowjob from no other than your sister. He waves you with one hand, while the other firmly grasps the back of his daughter's head. It forces your sister to deepthroat your father's massive manhood, and she accepts it effortlessly. Both of them are completely unbothered by your presence...
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "father">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $father.lust >= 100 && $father.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-father;Yeah, I think you fit for the role...@@
The living room is occupied by your dad, taking a sample of new hires. Has this maid been informed that one of her duties in the house will be pleasing your constantly horny father? You hope that her ebony ass can handle such a task, as at the moment your dad looks especially interested in her round butt.
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "father">> <br>
<<set $maidReputation += 3>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
@@.speech-u;Does dad know you walking around like this?@@
@@.speech-sis;My daddy told me I could wear whatever I want!@@
You notice your sister walking topless around the house, shamelessly waving her petite tits. As a total show-off and attention whore, she's happy being naked around the house. If your sister is telling you the truth, your dad definetely become more liberal with clothing.
<br><img src="img/father/sEvent5.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "sister">> <br>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
<img src="img/father/sEvent8.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-maid;Hey... you're his son, right?@@
<img src="img/father/sEvent9.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-maid;Need something?@@
It's hard to overlook that some maids now wear much more seductive uniforms - and they were already pretty revealing beforehand. Now their lean bodies are on the display at every moment of her duties. You wonder, who could have authorized such a change...
<br><<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<set $maidReputation += 1>>
<<include "Maids House Events">> /* change the -event random nubmer on top*/
<<set $boolphouseevents = false>><<if random(0,10) >= 5 && $ >= 50>>
@@.speech-maid;Mister, can you pay me with your hard cock this time?@@
<img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
One of your maids is wearing not a standard uniform, but a maid costume from an adult store. But it suits this slut really well, outlining her sexy body and barely covering her round fake tits. She almost begs you to fuck her, as she is walking out of your room.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "Agree">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;Yeah, that totally would work!@@
You push the horny maid onto the couch and bury your dick in her. As a good slut, she is already wet and starts moaning as soon as you start fucking her. You reward her with a creampie, and she walks away in her uniform, not bothering to pur panties back on.
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent9.webp" width="50%"> <br>
Later on, checking your room, you notice that your diamond cufflinks are missing. Could it be that whore dressed up as a maid?!
<br><<statChange "money" -0.3 "player">> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
<<linkreplace "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;I don't think that's a good idea. Please, continue your work.@@
The maid seems genuinely upset and walks away. Still, in her slutty uniform the act of walking is so seductive, you can't help but give her a good ass slap.
@@.speech-maid;Hey! WTF?!@@
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $ >= 25>>
You hear loud noises from your living room as if someone is rummaging through your cupboards. You run there and confront a female standing in the middle of the room, with a black mask on her face making her felonious intents clear.
@@.speech-maid;Oppsie... I didn't know you were home... sorry.?@@
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "[LUST 50] No crime should be unpunished.">>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;No crime should be unpunished... If you'd blow me I think I could let you go...@@
The thief shrugs her shoulders and gets on her knees. As her mask lacks a mouth hole, she pauses for a moment but then takes it off completely - just as you planned all along. Now, as she is busy sucking your dick, you make sure to remember every facial characteristic of her to later tell the cops and recover your stolen stuff. First of all, the thief has distinct puppy eyes...
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
@@.speech-u;[LOW LUST] No crime should be unpunished... but maybe not this one...@@
<<linkreplace "I'm calling cops!">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;Hey! Put it back! That's it, I'm calling the cops!@@
Despite your threats, the female quickly runs from the living room through the open window. You can hear her clinking from all the valuables she managed to steal before you interrupted her.
<br><<statChange "money" -0.2 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $ >= 10>>
Maid, unaware of you watching her work, opens up your drawers and puts your new watch in her bra. You cough and make her jump:
@@.speech-u;I actually pay you for cleaning... not stealing.@@<br>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "[LUST 50] It's time to work on your behavior.">>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u; Cleaning. Stealing. Cleaning... Stealing... DO THOSE WORDS SOUND THE SAME?!@@
@@.speech-maid;They kinda do..? lol@@
@@.speech-u;SHUT UP!@@
You tear down her dress, and your golden chains fell down on the floor. You strip her out of her bra, where your watches are. In her panties, you find fresh dollar bills... Now, with a thieving maid completely naked, it's time for the punishment. You fuck her whore pussy hard, combining it with face slaps making sure she will remember the lesson.
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
@@.speech-u;[LOW LUST] whatever... I could just make more money...@@
<<linkreplace "You're fired!">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;You're fired!@@
Maid runs away, hiding her tears. As she runs though, pieces of your stiff fall from under her dress - gold chains, watches, jewelry... How does she fit it all in there?
<br><<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $clothed == false>>
@@.speech-maid;Oh, do you need my help?@@
<img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
One of the maids, seeing you naked, instantly gets on her knees and opens her mouth wide. Before you could say anything, her trained tongue is already cleaning up your nutsack.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 10] Yes, Make me cum!">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 10>>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;Yes, Make me cum!@@
She nods and shifts her attention from your balls to the main course. Just as the vacuum cleaner maid used to operate, her mouth is a first-grade sucking tool, and you waste no time cumming inside this kneeling whore.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
@@.speech-u;[LOW CORRUPTION] .. it's really not the best idea...@@
<<linkreplace "Stop it!">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;Stop it! I just don't believe in clothes, why does it always has to be that difficult!@@
@@.speech-maid;...sorry I just thought... nevermind...@@
Maid gets up from her knees and awkwardly walks away. You still feel her warm lips on your balls, though...
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
<img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent10.webp" width="50%"> <br>
In the kitchen, you stumble at the masturbating maid. She fixed a dildo on the floor and rides it right before the stovetop. It's a sight to behold, as she manages to take her rubber friend quite deep inside her hungry pussy, all the while playing with her big, round tits.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "[LUST 50] Start masturbating">>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
<<replace "#choice">>
You can't help but join this masturbation fest. As your eyes connect, you accustom to each other's rhythm, before speeding up and cumming at the same time.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
@@.speech-u;[LOW LUST] .. what if she would run away..?@@
<<linkreplace "WTF?! Get back to work!">>
<<replace "#choice">>
@@.speech-u;WTF?! Get back to work!@@
@@.speech-maid;...*moans* Oh fuck, yeah... sure, just give me a second...@@
She uses her last moments to quickly cum under your gaze and then gets up and fixes her uniform. Lastly, with a loud pop, she takes a dildo from the floor, and tucks it under her belt.
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
<<endif>>You decided to masturbate in your lavish mansion...<br><br>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "Watch Porn">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
Just as you prepared everything and start stroking your cock, the door opens and a maid comes in, too late realizing that this is not a moment for cleaning...
@@.speech-maid;Oh, I'm soooo sorry, I didn't know you are here...@@
<<if $player.corruption >= 25>>
@@.speech-u;Well, now you'd have to help me out with this.@@
Feeling guilty for disturbing you, the maid agrees to help you and bends over on the chair, presenting you with her tight pussy as a way to relieve yourself. You stick it inside and start fucking the slut, and despite her drooling all over the place, you actually continue to watch porn, just using this stupid cunt instead of your hands.
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
@@.speech-u;[LOW CORRUPTION] Well, that's really embarrassing...@@
You jerk off to a generic porn clip, thinking that you could have easily bought a night with that slut on screen. It would be nice to fuck a pornstar, right?
<br><img src="img/misc/porn.webp" width="100%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Call one of your maids">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
<<replace "#choice">>
Realizing that you don't have napkins by your side, you call the maid and she quickly appears. Her eyes widen as she sees you naked watching porn, but she
@@.speech-u;Do you want to make some cash on the side..? Show me your tits.@@
Maid obliges, and you use her perky tits as a cumrag, spaying them with your semen. She smiles, thinking of the hefty bonus she just earned, and leaves your room proudly wearing her jizz necklace.
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
[[Leave...->Your House]]<br><div id="choice">
You are going to sleep in your house. <br>
<<linkreplace "[LUST 50] Call one of your maids before going to sleep">>
<<if $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-maid;.. Oh, I get why you called me... let's see what I could do...@@
<<if $player.lust >= 150>>
@@.speech-maid;Well... I guess only fucking you will work now..@@
Indeed, you're too horny for anything less than a good old fucking. The maid undresses herself and you start by establishing dominance with slaps on her butt, making sure the girl understands that she was downgraded from a classy maid to a dirty whore. You fuck her senseless making sure she remembers your cock. In the process, you also examine her little tight butthole, promising her to enter from a backdoor next time.
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-maid;My mouth will make you cum, for sure...@@
This made sure knows her way around some cock. She is passionate but gentle; she knows where to kiss and where to bite; and little slut even maintains eye contact all while taking your cock deep in her warm, wet mouth. What an amazing cock sucking talent is wasted with mundane cleaning duties...
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-maid;Just a quick favor... nothing more..@@
Shy maid is not willing to cross the lines too far, but all you need is a glimpse at her full breasts while you jerk yourself off. You can see a shade of disgust in her eyes, which makes you even hornier. If this big-titted slut thinks she is better than that, you will make sure to corrupt her... or fire her.
<br><img src="img/playerHouse/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" -1 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Sleep">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You are falling asleep... <br>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
<<include "Sleeping API Update">><br>
[[Wake up...->Your House]]<br>
[[Leave...->Your House]]<br>
</div><<if $player.lust >= 100>>
You are so horny you cum in your bed while sleeping! <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You feel dumb right now. <br>
<<statChange "intellect" -1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You're weak! <br>
<<statChange "strenght" -1 "player">> <br>
Is that because you got no bitches? <br>
<<statChange "charisma" -1 "player">> <br>
<<set $ = 100>>
// Next morning... // <br>
You have morning wood. <br>
<<if $player.lust <= 51>>
<<set $player.lust = 51>>
<<if $wanted > 0>>
<<set $wanted -= 1>>
<<endif>><<if $dealStage == 0>>
<img src="img/deal/img1.png" width="50%"> <br>
You enter an executive-only elevator that takes you to the top of your father's skyscraper. Secretary greets you and shows you to the meeting room, where everyone is waiting for your arrival.
Your father is the focus of this room, a center of gravity around which his subordinates orbit. You can see all higher management, the father's personal advisers, and several board members. Some of them, mostly self-made men, see you as a golden kid, and look with barely covered despise; others recognize you as the heir to the throne and behave more ingratiatingly.
@@.speech-father;I think this is a good time to introduce you to the real business, son.@@
@@.speech-father;I want you to oversee a small deal of mine... Nothing complicated really, will see how you do.@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Sure dad">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<set $dealPrice = 1>>
You know that you have to appeal to the senior executives of your father's company, many of whom are titans of the industry. You want to show them that you possess some business skills while being moderately humble.
@@.speech-father;Good, now get some rest.. You'll have an important meeting tomorrow@@
<br>[[Get back home->Deal Ride][$dealRideStage = 0]]<br>
<<set $dealStage = 1>>
<<linkreplace "Don't worry about it, I'm closing them deals left and right.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<set $dealPrice = random(1,10)>>
You don't give a flying fuck about all these dudes in suits, looking at you and trying to judge your skills. What matter is that you will be their boss sooner or later, whether they like it or not. Anyway, how hard this deal could be?
@@.speech-father;Good, now get some rest.. You'll have an important meeting tomorrow@@
<br>[[Get back home->Deal Ride][$dealRideStage = 0]]<br>
<<set $dealStage = 1>>
<<elseif $dealStage == 1>>
<img src="img/deal/img2.jpg" width="50%"> <br>
You get into the company's S-class sedan and the driver gets you through the busy streets right to the headquarters of the business in question. On the way, your vice is sitting next to you and briefs you on the deal, while you examine her cleavage:
@@.speech-vice;The business in question is a pharmaceutics company, which sells generic medication. Their business is not profitable, but after the buyout, we plan an intervention in the health insurance market, skyrocketing demand for the specific product they manufacture.@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Interesting strategy">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<set $dealPrice += 3>>
Your vice is smiling, proud of her brief. Together, you go through the details and plan possible negotiation strategies.
<br><br>[[Arrive...->Corpo Deal]]<br>
<<set $dealStage = 2>>
<<linkreplace "Yeah, sure lots of long words you're using. I got it, I'm not stupid.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<set $dealPrice = random(-10,10)>>
Your vice rolls her eyes and put her papers away. For the rest of the journey, you sit in silence.
<br><br>[[Arrive...->Corpo Deal]]<br>
<<set $dealStage = 2>>
<<elseif $dealStage == 2>>
<<if $dealPrice <= 0>>
<<set $dealPrice = 1>>
<<set $dealPrice += random(1,10)>>
<<set $dealPrice += random(1,10)>>
/* default asking price */
<<set $dealAskingPrice = $dealPrice * random(1,10)>>
<<set $dealAskingPrice /= 100>>
<<set $dealAskingPrice += $dealPrice>>
<img src="img/deal/img3.jpg" width="50%"> <br>
You finally arrive at the pharma company and are followed to the meeting with their leadership. You shake hands with their executives - CEO, CFO, COO, and other meaningless letters. They remind you of your dad's court, only cheaper.
You go through the papers. Advisors from your side are talking with management on the other, requesting business metrics and performance numbers in an effort to evaluate and give a price label on this company.
<br><br><b> THEIR REAL PRICE IS $ $dealPrice billions. THEY'RE ASKING FOR $ $dealAskingPrice billions.</b><br><br>
@@.speech-male;This meeting was extremely fruitful, thank you.@@
<<set $dealReducePrice = false>>
/* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ random events \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
Your meeting is interrupted when a sexy girl in a skimpy maid outfit enters the room.
@@.speech-female;Oopsie, you guys are still in a meeting... sorry!@@
She quickly leaves the room, while local bosses are looking down at the table and pretending nothing happened.
<<linkreplace "[INTELLECT 25] Follow her">>
<<if $player.intellect >= 25>>
After waiting for a couple of minutes to not draw suspicion, you excuse yourself and leave the room. You then walk across the offices trying to look for that "maid", and finally hear something in the meeting room. You peek and see two dudes in suits, probably line managers, are about to spitroast that girl. The one with his dick in her mouth notices you:
@@.speech-male;Oh hey, you must be from sales? You can have fun with this whore after us, OK? Or, should I say, company-provided relief benefit...@@
You politely refuse and go down to the meeting room, knowing that you can cut their budget on prostitutes.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "intellect" 1 "player">> <br>
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
Probably just a... you know.. a regular business practice here...
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You sit next to the company's CFO, who is an attractive blonde wearing "secretary from porn" glasses. Not only that, her eyes are giving you "BANG ME" look... You wonder what could that possibly mean?
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 50] Rizz her">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;Call me your mutual fund, honey. Because with you, I’m showing interest.@@
She laughs at your dumb pickup line and you go on a date. After a couple of glasses of wine, she tells you a lot of things about their real financial state - some of it could be considered confidential, but you're basically a single company anyway. After dinner, you go to her place, where you examine her assets more closely, and even deposit some of your liquid assets inside.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
@@.speech-u;you know the inflation rate is not the only thing that goes up right now...@@
@@.speech-u; dick is also.. like goes up.. cause I think you hot?@@
<<statChange "intellect" -1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You've heard rumors about the CEO. Apparently, some people connect him to a profile on a fetish site focused on breeding. You wonder if that's true...
<<linkreplace "[RAE QUEST] I just know someone to ask.">>
<<if $rayMainQuest >= 5 >>
@@.speech-rae;Oh, yeah I know him. Son of a bitch still hasn't paid me for a favor... Do you want me to set up a date with his latest 'surrogate'? It would be funny if you just fucked her.@@
@@.speech-rae;Also, can you record it? For my personal collection.@@
You meet with this girl that was supposed to be bred by a CEO. You had zero expectations but didn't expect her to be a small, slender girl, almost a teen. Nevertheless, she is very determined to be impregnated by some rich and powerful man. When you arrive at your place, she is not bothered by a camera - her sole focus is getting your baby butter deep inside her cunt.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
You send the video to Rae, and in return, she leaks you some inside documents about the company evaluation.
@@.speech-rae;P.S. I've cum three times looking at you breeding that little girl. So hot <3@@
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
I don't really know anyone who could help me out with it...
<<elseif _event == 4>>
A bored Asian girl representing the IT department spends the meeting looking at her phone. Walking behind her, you peek and see that she is on Tinder, swiping right at big, muscular guys...
<<linkreplace "[STRENGTH 50] Slide in her dm's">>
<<if $player.strenght >= 50>>
You quickly create a profile with a pic of your six-pack, set the search radius to the minimum, and super-like her. You keep sexting the whole day and go on a ONS later.
@@.speech-female;I'm just so stressed lately, my dumb boss laid off 90% of my software team to appear more profitable for this stupid buyout...@@
You shut her tiny mouth with your dick to stop her whining, and she eagerly sucks you off. You get closer and closer to cumming just thinking that you've just uncovered the company's secret...
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent9.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
I'm not really that big...
<<elseif _event == 5>>
It comes to your attention that the main skillset of their vice president involves looking cute and being nice to CEO. Other than that, she is an incompetent airhead, and you wonder how she got the position.
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Spy on them">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
After the meeting, you hide in the toilet to stay in the building. When it's safe to leave, you quietly exit just in time to see the CEO slapping the ass of the VP when coming into his personal office. You carefully peek inside and see the woman on her knees face buried deep between her boss' legs.
@@.speech-male;After the buyout, all personnel would be re-evaluated... Do you want to keep a good position? Try harder.@@
The VP goes deeper and starts gagging, showing her interest in the company's future.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
You leave unnoticed, thinking that this code of conduct violation would cost a lot to the CEO.
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
I'm not gonna resort to SPYING on people!!
<<elseif _event == 6>>
You notice the CEO is constantly checking messages on his phone. He looks worried as if waiting for some bad news.
<<linkreplace "[NAOMI QUEST] Hack his phone">>
<<if $siliconMainQuest >= 7>>
You give Naomi access to the local wifi network, and she intercepts the data between CEO's phone and the internet. In a few minutes, she sends you all his message history.
@@.speech-naomi;Oh, I'm not a financial advisor, but I would short his marriage.@@
It seems that CEO was concerned about more personal matters - his wife was throwing a gangbang party just at a time when he is busy at work. You decide to pay a visit and leave the meeting early, rushing towards CEO's house. Some naked dude opens the door for you, while the hostess is busy satisfying three cocks at once. More men are stumbling around, taking a break, or waiting for their turn to fuck any free hole of this horny housewife. You decide to join a fun ride and fuck her ass, loosened from hours of non-stop fucking.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
After that, you walk around the house and find the door to the CEO's home office open. You manage to steal some sensitive documents that would help your negotiations.
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
I'm not a hacker tho...
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $ >= 1>>
A sexy-looking woman enters the meeting room, and you recognize a recently popular pornstar. Is this for real?
@@.speech-male;Oh, honey, I told you, you should call me before you enter the buidling@@
No way this CEO's wife is a porn star! Now you see that he invested a lot of money in her body, from breast implants to lip filler. Can you leverage that?
<<linkreplace "[$1m] Offer her to make a new movie">>
<<if $ >= 1>>
You contact the porn studio she has a contract with, and shower them with money to make a very special movie starring CEO's wife. On set, she is a bit concerned with her part, but you assure her that it's a special surprise for her hubby. She clears her throat and says to the camera her husband's and company's names:
@@.speech-female; Today I'm shooting this for my dearest husband, CEO of this company, who spends a lot of his money in order to make me a perfect fuck machine. Honey, relax and enjoy the view of your plastic bimbo slut fucked on camera!@@
You gladly take the part of a male lead, hoping that CEO would recognize your face. This video would crash their stock if published, so leveraging that would cut you some costs.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -1 "player">> <br>
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
I'm not really liquid right now...
Leaving the office, you notice interns gathering in the hall. You overhear that they are going to the bar.
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 35] Go out with them">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 35>>
You tuck your expensive suit and get rid of your necktie - now you look just like a young, inexperienced office worker and blend with interns perfectly. Together, you go on a pub crawl that ends up in someone's rented flat, where everyone starts making out. You pick up two girls and they compete with each other in who sucks cock better - they tie, as you shower their pretty faces with cum, making sure it spreads evenly between them.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
@@.speech-female;You should definitely join our worker union, you are so fun!@@
Unionizing workforce? That would impact their price.
<<set $dealReducePrice = true>>
<<set $dealPricedrop = $dealAskingPrice>>
<<linkreplace "Go home and think about it...">>
<<if $dealReducePrice>>
/* reduced asking price */
<<set $dealAskingPrice = $dealPrice * random(-5,-25)>>
<<set $dealAskingPrice /= 100>>
<<set $dealAskingPrice += $dealPrice>>
<<set $dealPricedrop -= $dealAskingPrice>>
<<set $dealRideStage = 0>>
<<goto "Deal Ride">>
<<set $dealStage = 3>>
<<elseif $dealStage == 3>>
<img src="img/deal/img4.jpg" width="50%"> <br>
Your team of advisors and the pharma company's executives gather for a final meeting, aimed to strike a deal. All their board is also present here, ready to represent stakeholders. The atmosphere is tense, as each side is ready to spill blood.
<<if $dealPricedrop == $dealAskingPrice>>
<b> THEIR REAL PRICE IS $ $dealPrice billions. THEY'RE ASKING FOR $ $dealAskingPrice billions.</b>
THEY DECIDED TO LOWER THEIR ASKING PRICE BY $ $dealPricedrop billions.<br>
<b> THEIR REAL PRICE IS $ $dealPrice billions. NOW THEY'RE ASKING FOR $ $dealAskingPrice billions.</b>
@@.speech-male;We are very excited to have a deal with you guys, but we still consider the price pretty low for our enterprise here.@@
@@.speech-male;So what do you guys think... Can we make this work?@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION CHECK] Force them to lower the price.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $player.corruption >= 175>>
You cut the crap.
@@.speech-u;My offer speaks for itself. You have 10 minutes to give me the final answer, or we're leaving.@@
The CEO looks threatened but still tries to reason with you.
@@.speech-male;Well, you know that's completely unreasonable, it's...@@
You unzip your pants and reveal your raging boner, intimidating everyone in the room and establishing yourself like an alpha male.
@@.speech-u;5 minutes. And your CFO will have to blow me.@@
CFO takes a long look at your rock-hard cock, and breaks:
@@.speech-female;I... I... agreed. Let's make it work.@@
The company's board is threatened by your aggressive behavior, but intimidated into submission. You oversee paperwork reflecting new prices while CFO is licking your balls, completely dominated by your manliness. She practically worships your cock, right in front of her colleagues.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<set $dealAskingPrice -= 5>>
<<elseif $player.corruption >= random(40,85)>>
@@.speech-u; Gentlemen, we both know you have to take this deal. If you gonna fail to comply with our terms, we'll find some other company in your sector. Would you be able to find another buyer?@@
@@.speech-male;I don't think you understand that we do still have a fiduciary duty...@@
@@.speech-u;Cool, but I also have a fiduciary duty of my own, this is my final offer.@@
<<set $dealAskingPrice -= 3>>
You see the slight panic in the board's rank as they feel the deal slipping out of their hands. They are forced to agree to your terms.
<br><<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;You want to fuck with me? Nobody fucks with me! Got it?@@
@@.speech-male;Sure, but for this deal to work, we all have to make concessions.@@
Your burst of anger made no impression on the company's leadership - in fact, it worsened your position and you have to make concessions to the board.
<<set $dealAskingPrice += 3>>
<br><br>[[Get back home->Deal Ride][$dealRideStage = 0]]<br>
<<set $dealStage = 4>>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA CHECK] Negotiate a better price.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<if $player.charisma >= 150>>
@@.speech-u;We could run more calculations, but at the end of the day, do you want this deal or not? If you do, I consider this meeting over.@@
@@.speech-male;Ok, fine we're gonna adjust to your price. Let's make it work.@@
Your eloquence impresses the board and drives the deal to a conclusion. As papers are signed, you go to the CEO's office, thinking about how you would renovate this place.
Your planning is interrupted by a voluptuous woman in a short bright dress - your new secretary. She smiles and closes the door behind her:
@@.speech-female;Oh, I guess you're my new boss, huh? You look tense... I might help you with that...@@
You unzip your pants, inviting your new secretary to her skill evaluation. She gets on a chair and starts with a handjob:
@@.speech-female;You're much bigger than my previous boss... Let me show you what he trained me for...@@
She bends and starts blowing you off, covering every inch of your cock in her saliva and eagerly pushing your girthy cock deeper into her mouth. While she is busy, you lift up her dress to check her other assets and notice that she is not wearing any underwear. Well, you are definitely keeping the dress code!
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent10.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<set $dealAskingPrice -= 5>>
<<elseif $player.charisma >= random(50,80)>>
@@.speech-u;Gentlemen, we both know you need this deal to not get butchered by some mergers and acquisitions group.@@
@@.speech-u;We both can play this game.@@
@@.speech-male;Well, OK, it is a deal then.@@
Your reasonable stance convinced them that the price is good. You shake your hands and everyone seems satisfied.
<<set $dealAskingPrice -= 3>>
@@.speech-u;C'mon guys... We would like to make some profits too... please?@@
They are not impressed with your pleas. In fact, your helpless stance only worsened your position, as not the board sees how weak and powerless you are - and is ready to milk your tits for some extra millions.
<<set $dealAskingPrice += 2>>
<br><br>[[Get back home->Deal Ride][$dealRideStage = 0]]<br>
<<set $dealStage = 4>>
<<linkreplace "[INTELEGENCE CHECK] Claim that the company is overvalued.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<if $player.intellect >= 125>>
@@.speech-u;Your product has no future in this market. All of the extrinsic value from the deal should be excluded.@@
You give them a speech filled with business buzzwords that only half of the room understands - it's like you know some secret finance spell. Everyone is flabbergasted and the board signs the lowest possible price.
<<set $dealAskingPrice -= 10>>
In the elevator to the parking, you meet a young woman. She introduces herself as the daughter of the company founder.
@@.speech-female;I've heard your speech - you really fucked them good. Can you reinstate me as a CEO? I promise I'll do anything!@@
At the parking, you get inside your car and leave the door open. Then, you reveal your big, erect cock, showing the young woman that getting her family back in business would cost her dignity - and she seems like she is ready to pay that price. She gets inside the card and gets on top of you, inserts your cock in her hot, tight fuckhole, and starts riding you. The chauffeur in the driver seat, who you completely forgot about, politely turns the rearview mirror, allowing you to enjoy this little slut in private.
<br><img src="img/deal/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<elseif $player.intellect >= random(35,75)>>
@@.speech-u;I noticed you used the highest industry PE ratio to determine the price... Don't you think that's a bit incorrect?@@
Everyone is astonished that this little, but important detail has flown under the radar of your financial team. As you held down to this knowledge almost to the last moment, there is little room for negotiations, and they have to agree to the lower price.
<<set $dealAskingPrice -= 5>>
<br><<statChange "charisma" 3 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;.. I think it's kinda overvalued honestly... Like some numbers are... you know small... like kinda small.. right?@@
@@.speech-male;You know it's not, but we would recalculate them if it's your major concern.@@
They demonstratively repeat the reevaluation process, and whether it's because of an initial mistake, or their understanding that you don't know shit, the new company's price is much more than what was established earlier.
<<set $dealAskingPrice += 10>>
<br><br>[[Get back home->Deal Ride][$dealRideStage = 0]]<br>
<<set $dealStage = 4>>
<<elseif $dealStage == 4>>
<img src="img/deal/img8.jpg" width="50%"> <br>
In an atmosphere charged with anticipation, the ink met the paper. After signing the documents, you exhale in relief, and exchange smiles and firm handshakes. You line up for a photo for the PR department, and as you pose, you feel pride in how you handled the negotiations and closed the deal.
@@.speech-male; Cheers to new beginnings, where our creativity meets your checkbook! @@
@@.speech-u;What's the return policy on this thing?@@
<br><br><b> YOU BOUGHT THE COMPANY FOR $ $dealAskingPrice billions.</b><br><br>
<<linkreplace "You drive to your dad, to negotiate your cut...">>
<<set $dealStage = 5>>
<<goto "Deal Ride">>
<img src="img/deal/img5.jpg" width="50%"> <br>
You meet with your father in a private lounge room. As you enter the richly decorated room, he is already there, waiting for you while sipping his whiskey.
<<set _cut = $dealPrice - $dealAskingPrice>>
@@.speech-father;Well, I heard all the news son, our profit is <b> $ _cut billions. </b>@@
<<if _cut < 0>>
@@.speech-father;And it is a negative number as you can see, you moron!@@
<<statChange "relationship" -3 "father">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->House][$dealStage = 0]]<br>
<<elseif _cut == 0>>
@@.speech-father;Which is zero, as you could see.@@
<<statChange "relationship" -1 "father">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->House][$dealStage = 0]]<br>
@@.speech-father;You did good kid, I'm proud of you. So let's see how much money will go to your pocket.@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[FATHER RELATIONSHIP CHECK] Don't you mind sharing a little bit of profit with your one and only son?">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Don't you mind sharing a little bit of profit with your one and only son?@@
<<if $father.relationship >= 100>>
@@.speech-father;Yeah, sure. Here is your hard-earned 10% son.@@
<<set _cut *= 10>>
<<statChange "money" _cut "player">> <br>
@@.speech-father;Yeah, sure. How about 1% son?@@
<<statChange "money" _cut "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->House][$dealStage = 0]]<br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA CHECK] I think I deserve a larger bit from the pie.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;I think I deserve a larger bit from the pie.@@
<<if $player.charisma >= 100>>
@@.speech-father;Okay, sure. I'm thinking %5 okay?@@
<<set _cut *= 2>>
<<statChange "money" _cut "player">> <br>
@@.speech-father;Okay, sure. Here is yours 1%.@@
<<statChange "money" _cut "player">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->House][$dealStage = 0]]<br>
<<linkreplace "Yeah, sure dad!">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Yeah, sure dad!@@
@@.speech-father;Well that's the attitude!@@
<<statChange "money" _cut "player">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 5 "father">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->House][$dealStage = 0]]<br>
deal outcome
help father busines
he wants to aquire business downsize it and sell it
making quick cash
business negotiation the other guy lughts
1. fuck his wifey
2. [use rich girl conections] fuck his daugher
3. try your best
close the deal
1. corruption check 2x
2. charisma check 1x
3. intelegence check 1.5x
go to father fo yur cut
3.father relationship check 2x
2.charisma check 1x
<<if random(0,10) >= 9>>
<div id ="locationImage">
<img src="img/mansion/parentsMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
/* <div id ="locationName">MANSION</div> */
@@.speech-female;That's probably the strangest job I ever had... but it pays great.@@
You hear a maid talking to herself in the kitchen and take a peek. Inside, you spot a woman performing her duties au naturel, cleaning the kitchen fully naked. She prefers to ignore you and continue her work as if you are not standing behind her, ogling her bare body.
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Oh, fuck! Yeah, clean those dirty cabinets!@@
You start beating your meat, looking at the bare butt of the heavy-working maid. She must hear sounds of fapping and your dirty talk, but she pays no attention - or, maybe, wiggles her round ass just a bit more than needed for her duties.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent7.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" -1 >> <br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 25] Fuck her">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Could you visit my room, please? It requires some cleaning.@@
Maid gets up and walks to your room. You follow her, checking out her bare ass, and decide that you want to have fun with her bubble butt. As soon as she bends over to make your bed, you stick your well-lubed finger right in her backdoor, causing her to squeal. As a true professional, she keeps calm while you stretch her anal with more and more fingers. When you decide her ass is ready for your tool, you pour more lube over her ass and pierce her butthole. Your rhythmic, strong moves finally break her cleaning routine, and you enjoy some passionate butt-fucking on your bed.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent8.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
@@.speech-u;...Hey, my room is kinda... not clean, you know? maybe you could be cleaning that?..@@
She smiles and assures you that she will clean your room as soon as she is done with the other 30 rooms on her list. What a tease!
<<linkreplace "Ignore">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
Like you've never seen naked women before, right?
<<statChange "maidReputation" 1 >> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 7>>
@@.speech-male;Are you sure nobody gonna see us?@@
@@.speech-female;*moans* yeah, there are like 15 bedrooms in this mansion!@@
You spot a maid getting fucked on a couch. It seems she seduced one of the security guys, a handsome middle-aged man - doesn't he have a wife? Anyway, at the moment he is balls-deep in a big-titted, easily accessible maid, who looks like she is about to cum from intense fucking.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent15.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 15] Join">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 15>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u; Look at you all busy... Do you mind if I join?@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, I'm sorry I was just... Sure, would you not tell your dad about it?@@
@@.speech-male;Go on, sir. I need to catch my breath.@@
The security guy pulls out of the maid's gaping pussy and sits down in the chair next to you. You decide that you're not in the mood for sloppy seconds, and as the maid lowers herself on top of you to start riding, you direct your massive sex in her tight anal hole. She shrieks but it's too late - you are already deep inside her colon, taking advantage of this slut's well-used asshole. The security man is astonished and you see him jerking off as he is looking at how you fuck this little ass with your massive cock.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent16.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" -1 >> <br>
..I wish I could join them...
<<linkreplace "You're fired!">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Hey you! I'm gonna tell my mom, she'll be so pissed you fucked on her Italian leather or whatever.@@
@@.speech-female;No, please. I don't want to get fired!@@
You ruin their intercourse, and they scatter, begging you to forget this incident. The maid even forgot her black laced panties, and you tuck them under the sofa.
<br><<statChange "maidReputation" -3 >> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 7 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Ignore">>
<<statChange "maidReputation" 1 >> <br>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
<div id ="locationImage">
<img src="img/mansion/parentsMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
/* <div id ="locationName">MANSION</div> */
A maid asks you to provide feedback on your latest meal. She seems to be involved with kitchen staff and food serving.
@@.speech-female;Hey sir, how was your <<print either("Truffle-infused Golden Caviar Delight","Diamond-Crusted Lobster Royale","Opulent Foie Gras Fantasy","24K Gold-Dusted Wagyu Elegance","Champagne-Poached Oysters à la Diamant","Exquisite Beluga Caviar Soufflé","Luxe Black Truffle Macaroni Magnificence","Majestic Saffron-infused Seafood Tower","Gilded Raspberry-Champagne Decadence","Crystal-Encrusted Chocolate Fondue Extravaganza")>>?@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "It was alright">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;It was alright I guess... nothing special.@@
@@.speech-female;Oh thank you!@@
The maid is happy you are satisfied with your modest meal, and goes to the kitchen to relay your appreciation.<br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" 1 >> <br>
<<linkreplace "Try better">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-u; Honestly, it was so horrible my mood was off for the entire day. I think you should recompensate me with some... good time, you know what I mean?@@
@@.speech-female;Why are you undressing...?@@
She looks shocked as you stand naked with a massive boner right next to her. You command her to get on the table and open her mouth wide - and she obeys like a diligent doll. You place your meat in her mouth, and as you don't expect any collaboration from this maid, you place hands on the back of her head and start fucking her face hole. Despite her looking like a fish out of the water, you soon cum just from the feeling of domination over this whore.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent11.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;Well, the texture on that one could use some work honestly...@@
@@.speech-female;We'll do better next time, I promise!@@
She makes notes on your feedback and heads to the kitchen. You can see that your critique made her sad.<br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 3 && $maidLoan == 0>>
/* make it repeatable each month */
<div id ="locationImage">
<img src="img/mansion/parentsMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
/* <div id ="locationName">MANSION</div> */
You see an upset maid sitting in the corner. She looks miserable and depressed, and as you catch her look, she just sighs:
@@.speech-maid;My fucking student loan just crushing me...@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 5][$200k] Offer a 'deal'">>
<<if $ >= 0.2>>
<<if $player.corruption >= 5>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u; I can help you out, but you will have to rub my back... or something else, if you know what I mean...@@
<<if random(0,10) >= 6>>
@@.speech-female;Yeah, OK... This is gonna be my first time... but I think it's worth it.@@
She bends over, and you pull down her panties, revealing her tight virgin pussy. You go down on her and eat her out, trying to relax her and lube her pussy as much as you can - and get the maid to enjoy her first time. Eventually, you feel she is ready, and you press your cock against her pussy entrance. With a little resistance, you slide in, making this girl a woman - for the price of a second-hand sports car. Meanwhile, the maid is nailing herself on your cock, clearly enjoying this pussy fucking - this slut would go far.
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent13.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Ok, thank you! You're so kind!@@
You pull out your semi-hard cock, implying that you can't eat gratitude - but at least she can put something in her mouth. Maid readily opens her lips and starts blowing you - she's not really experienced in blowjobs, but she tries very hard to thank you!
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent14.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<set $maidLoan = 1 >>
I'm not really sure about this...
..I'm not liquid right now.
<<linkreplace "[$200k] Let me help you out.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-maid;Thank you! Now I can finally afford to get a new law degree!@@
She looks so happy you can't help but feel good about yourself. Turns out, money can buy you happiness!
<<statChange "maidReputation" 15 >> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.2 "player">> <br>
<<set $maidLoan = 1 >>
<<linkreplace "Laugh">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;How much is it? Like $300k? I could spend that much in a day! Grow some balls and get into some real debt!@@
You laugh at her but she doesn't seem to catch up on your jokes. Instead, she bursts into tears and runs away, like the cheap she is. Broke people's problems lol.
<br><<statChange "maidReputation" -10 >> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 10 "player">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $player.corruption >= 75>>
You overhear two maids whispering something to each other while cleaning. Judged by the look on their faces, they must be gossiping:
@@.speech-female; ...yeah, but his son is like the biggest pervert I know!@@
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 100] Offer threesome">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 100>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;That's because no one could say no to a young, self-made billionaire, right ladies?@@
Maids are surprised by your sudden appearance, but you see a smile on their faces telling you they are down to fuck. You go to the nearest bedroom where they undress to their underwear. These young vixens are ready to please their rich master, and no hole is barred. You switch between them, giving each a taste of other - all while kissing and caressing. This is what is like to be a millionaire!
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent12.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
@@.speech-u;yeah... and like... you will probably fuck you two!@@
<<linkreplace "You know what I'm gonna do to that mouth?!">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;You know what I'm gonna do to that mouth?! Get on your knees bitch!@@
@@.speech-u;...and you, the other one, how about helping your friend?@@
You punish maids for spreading rumors about you being a pervert by doing perverse things. You reveal your cock and one of the maids get it harder with her hands, while the other licks the tip, sliding her lips lower and lower on your shaft. When your penis is hard enough, you still order to keep a firm grip on it, as your cock is now throbbing with cock, making every move of the dirty-talking maid's tongue more and more enjoyable. That would teach them not to gossip!
<br><img src="img/hEvents/sEvent0.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" -10 >> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 10 "player">> <br>
<div id ="locationImage">
<img src="img/mansion/parentsMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
/* <div id ="locationName">MANSION</div> */
You see a maid carrying some heavy-looking cardboard boxes up the stairs. She is obviously struggling with this weight but nevertheless tries to keep up with her duties.
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Help her out">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $player.strenght > 30 >>
You take the cardboard box in one hand and the maid in the other and get them upstairs without breaking a sweat. Maid is impressed and even kisses you on the cheek:
@@.speech-maid;Wow, such a muscular man helping the lady! You are such a gentleman!@@
<<statChange "maidReputation" 3 >> <br>
<<elseif $player.strenght > 10>>
You take the box from the maid's hands and get it upstairs. It's surprisingly heavy, and you barely make it.
@@.speech-maid;Thank you kind sir!@@
<<statChange "maidReputation" 1 >> <br>
You take the box and realize that it's much, much heavier than you anticipated. You pull every muscle in your body to make it work but fail spectacularly by dropping the box and making a mess of its fragile contents.
@@.speech-maid;OMG, I shouldn't trust you with those bottles....@@
<<statChange "maidReputation" -15 >> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -10 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Slap her ass">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
While her hands are busy, you lift up her dress and land a massive slap on her round ass. This caused her to tip over and fall, landing right on the box and smashing all its contents into a perfect mess.
@@.speech-u;Hahaha, I'm so devious, that's so funny!@@
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "maidReputation" -5 >> <br>
<<endif>>You take out your phone to make some calls, you're thinking about...
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[LOSE STATS] Losing yourself in constant partying on drugs">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
- - - CHOICE1 - - -
partying events
<<linkreplace "[$10m] High-end corporate retreat">>
<<if $ >= 10>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
A secluded retreat far in the mountains, with an entry price so high that only a select few could afford it. A great place to downshift and get your shit together, far away from civilization and any means of communication.<br>
You spend one month in this high-end retreat...
<br><<statChange "money" -10 "player">> <br><br>
<<set _event to either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
<<if $dlcSkipEvent0 == 0>>
While enjoying your time there, you befriended a young girl, probably a heiress of some unmeasurable wealth. She used the remoteness of the retreat to be the nudist that she is, walking naked in the wilderness outside. You accompanied her a lot during these walks, staring at her ass while she talked some nonsense to you.
@@.speech-female;Damn, you are probably the only one I could say whatever I want.. and you just understand without judgment, or whatever.@@
<img src="img/dlc0/skip/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Push her into the water">>
As she was walking near the lake, you had an irresistible desire to push the nudist into the cold waters. Before she could understand what happened, she was already soaking wet, now looking even more sexy.
@@.speech-female;Auch! What are you doing?! That's why I have trust issues...@@
@@.speech-u;I'm just like that guy from that hit movie American Psyho.@@
<<set $dlcSkipEvent0 = 1>>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
You met with that rich nudist girl you pushed in the lake last time here...
@@.speech-female;Are you that psycho who showed me into the lake?!@@
@@.speech-u;...Yeah, pretty much.@@
@@.speech-female;...You know... I think I could fix you.@@
You went for another walk in the wild, but this time she was leaning closer to you and even showed you off her body. When you found a secluded spot, the nudist went down on you. She blew you like a pro, while you wondered if her trust issues come from the fact she is ready to suck off even to those who harmed her? Was blowjob a solution to all her problems?
<br><img src="img/dlc0/skip/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br><br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
<<if $dlcSkipEvent0 == 1>>
Talking long walk across the mountains, you met with a local park ranger - a simple-minded young girl, bored from her duties. She was flattered that some rich and powerful man like you was interested in spending time with her, and as you teased each other, she suddenly flashed you her beautiful, round tits, giving you a good look before hiding them back behind her uniform.
<br><img src="img/dlc0/skip/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 25] That's a little unprofessional">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25>>
@@.speech-u;That's a little unprofessional for a park ranger.@@
@@.speech-female;Well, this park is not the only natural beauty I'm guarding...@@
<<set $dlcSkipEvent1 = 1>>
<<statChange "charisma" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;... that's a little bitty... inappropriately... yeah?@@
You spent more time together with that sexy park ranger slash tits flasher.
@@.speech-female;I know this place, where we can take a bath in a hot spring... No one knows about this spot.@@
She got you to the place, where hot water from underground springs was forming little baths, reminiscent of small jacuzzies.
@@.speech-female;You know, they don't issue underwear to the park rangers... So I have nothing under my uniform, hope you're fine with that?@@
You laughed and invited her to join you in the waters. The bath was too small, so the ranger had to get on top of you - and in no time she started riding you, while your lips were busy exploring each other.
<br><img src="img/dlc0/skip/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br><br>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 100>>
While this place was supposed to calm you down, it was hard for you to relax. Having constant thoughts of sex, you end up harassing one of the maids to help you with your constant boners. Thankfully, she was ready to help and serve you like the professional she is, passionately sucking your cock like a vacuum cleaner.
@@.speech-u;Service level here is truly exceptional...@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/skip/sEvent0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br><br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 6>>
While trying to relax and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the retreat, you were interrupted by some noises coming from the well-maintained garden of the facility. You go investigate and spot intruders on this private property - two teens who decide to fuck right here, thinking that rich people wouldn't notice. Security staff removes them before the guy could even finish.
@@.speech-u;God I hate poor people, they ruin everything!@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/skip/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br><br>
<br><img src="img/dlc0/skip/img.webp" width="100%"> <br>
It was a quite boring experience, and while you rested well, there was nothing memorable during that month.
<<include "Month Update">>
Not enough money!
<<linkreplace "[LOSE CORRUPTION] Run away into the 'real' world">>
[[Go back...->DLC0 Room]]<br>/* RIDING THE CAR EVENT */
<<if $dealRideStage == 0>>
<img src="img/deal/img7.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Exhausted, you drop on the leather back seats of the company's car, and the driver takes off. You mindlessly stare in the window, trying to clear your head from all the numbers, strategies, talking... It suddenly comes to your mind that the best way to enjoy this city - is through the windows of an expensive SUV, which drives you out of the soulless downtown.
@@.speech-male; Arriving in a minute, sir.@@
<<set $dealRideStage = 1>><br>
[[Arrive...->Your House]]<br>
<<elseif $dealStage == 1>>
<<goto "Corpo Deal">>
<<elseif $dealStage == 5>>
<img src="img/deal/img7.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
You get in the corporate car, which you get used to while making deals for your dad - maybe you should get yourself one of these ridiculously oversized wheeled tanks? Perhaps, from the millions that you've earned yourself on this deal - you could afford a squadron of these monstrosities.
You arrive in no time, and you go to meet your father, envisioning your new riches.
[[Arrive...->Corpo Deal]]<br>
<img src="img/deal/img7.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
The corporate car takes you downtown, driving to your father's building. You spent some time in traffic jams, but the driver makes up for that time by accelerating in the straights - under the hood, the powerful engine roaring is like music to your ears.
You drive to the underground parking and take an elevator to your father's office.
[[Arrive...->Corpo Deal]]<br>
<<include "Pass time">>
speakc with your vice about it
she gets you a car (deal ride = 1)
<img src="img/deal/img6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
Outside your house, a large black SUV is parked. Its engine is on, burning gallons of gas while idle, chrome wheel rims shine so bright it blinds, and the driver - or should you say a chauffeur? - is waiting outside, ready to pick you up.
@@.speech-male;Your father sent me for you. Whenever you're ready, sir.@@
[[Get in the car.->Deal Ride]]<br>
[[Not now...->Your House]]<br><<silently>>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
<</silently>>creampiing sterangers stat
during sex passages you could creampie them
mother+sister content
maids+sister content
father conten?
family diner event?
invite cousin uncle etc
make father stats availiable
xs8 he fucks sis in heer room
xs9 uncle cousin looks like he got sorta lower end version of the synthdrug
xs5 dad fucks sis right in the livingoom maids react
dad flirts with sis house ?
dad flirts with sis house she wants it too?
dad flirts with maid?event at the end o random month
IRS wants 35% of ur money
-refuse to pay if corrupts
-use loopholes if smarts
-pay their share
if cheated create a random event IRS arrest
-if has DLC negotiate w IRS
get a pic having sex w stepsis (goverment need it for their personal citizen collection)
do som undercover work
-go jail
-if smarts get a burecracy chain event to convience them that IRS actually owns u money
u didn't check my form fourfour-o?! form four-four-o ?!
if cheated
sir could you explain those money?
jail time
go to horny jail
(escape jail by providing some favors)
irs send you to do some stuf for them
s0 deal if u help me touch pp
sure we have ssome females who took a deal with us they could help
oh wow i knew isr had a funding issue but onlyy handjobss cmon?
s1 i ell u but only if he fucks u in ass!
if y own a lot money he will
/* creampie UI */
<div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Creampie">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]] <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Pull out">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]] <br>
/* CREAMPIE WIDGET (only vaginal) */
<<widget "creampie">>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _creampieChance = random(-10,10)>>
<<set _creampieNPCDesire = random(-10,10)>>
<<if _creampieChance > 0 && _creampieNPCDesire < 0>>
<<if _npc == "sister">>
@@.speech-sis;*moans* What the fuck? Did you just cum inside me? You're my brother!@@
<<elseif _npc == "mother">>
@@.speech-mom;Oh honey, *heavy breathing* why didn't you pull out?@@ <br>
<<elseif _npc == "emi">>
@@.speech-emi;Oh no... *moans* did you just? cum inside me? ...what if I get pregnant?@@
<<elseif _npc == "rae">>
@@.speech-rae;*moans* Hey how about pulling out next time?@@
<<elseif _npc == "naomi">>
@@.speech-naomi;Well that was reckles. *heavy breathing* I expect you to pull out next time.@@
@@.speech-female;*moan* Oh fuck, you just creampied me!@@
<<elseif _creampieChance > 0 && _creampieNPCDesire > 0>>
<<if _npc == "sister">>
@@.speech-sis;Fuck *moans* your cum is so warm bro.. it feels so good...@@
<<elseif _npc == "mother">>
@@.speech-mom;Yeah *moans* fill mommy with your cum!@@ <br>
<<elseif _npc == "emi">>
@@.speech-emi;Oh yes! *moans* it feels so good!@@
<<elseif _npc == "rae">>
@@.speech-rae;Fuck *moans* yeah use me like your cum dump baby!@@
<<elseif _npc == "naomi">>
@@.speech-naomi;*heavy breathing* I hope I'm not gonna get pregnant from that... the expirience was worth it, tho.@@
@@.speech-female;Fuck yeah *moan* fill me with your cum!@@
<<if _npc == "sister">>
@@.speech-sis;Oh, fuck! *moans* I don't think you even tried to pull out!@@
<<elseif _npc == "mother">>
@@.speech-mom;Oh honey *moans* you almost creampied your mommy!@@ <br>
<<elseif _npc == "emi">>
@@.speech-emi;*moans* Don't worry you didn't creampied me.@@
<<elseif _npc == "rae">>
@@.speech-rae;Omg *moans* did you seriosly thought you cum creampie me?@@
<<elseif _npc == "naomi">>
@@.speech-naomi;*heavy breathing* Fuck that was close...@@
@@.speech-female;...You're gonna thank me later...@@
<</widget>>you lsoe youru money and become ordinary guy with a morgage
wifey (rich bitch \ poor sweathearth)
cheating (hot colege cherlearder)
<<set $ = 0>>
<<set $daughter to {
name: "Ray",
age: 19,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
<<set $wife to {
name: "Ray",
age: 29,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
<<set $son to {
name: "Ray",
age: 25,
corruption: 0,
relationship: 0,
money: 10,
lust: 0,
virgin: true,
hadSex: false,
<<goto "DLC POOR>>crazy church/ daughter<<if $sydneyQuest == 0>>
You come to the smoothie shop downtown and spot the journalist at the summer terrace, already waiting for you. You easily recognize her from the pictures online, although in real life she is even more charming.
@@.speech-sydney;Hi, I'm Sydney! I am so glad you agreed to talk with me about your family.@@
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent0.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
In fact, it's her appearance that caused you to agree to meet with her at all. Usually, you hate journalists, who want nothing but snoof around and dig some dirt for no good reason, but when they look as hot as Sydney, you don't mind spending time together with them. She looks young and must be just starting her journalism career; although with her facial features and fit body, she would have immediate success as a model.
@@.speech-sydney;It's nice to finally meet you!@@
<<linkreplace "Pleasure to meet you...">>
Apart from a natural desire to spend some time with a hot, sexy female, you also think you can outplay seemingly inexperienced Sydney. She probably wants to publish a big story about your family and make a name for herself, but you are certain that you can take advantage of her and make her publish a favorable story about you.
@@.speech-sydney;I have a couple of questions ready for you... if you don't mind, of course.@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, no problem - shoot your shot.@@
@@.speech-sydney;Actually, would you mind driving me to my home office, so we could talk more privately?@@
<<linkreplace "I don't usually drive people around, but I could make an exception.">>
<img src="img/sydney/driving.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
You get up and leave the smoothie shop, which was as good a place as any for your interview - but you don't care. You get in the car, and Sydney gives you her address - it's not far from where you are.
While focused on driving through busy downtown streets, you notice Sydney taking out her pencil and notebook. Is she starting the interview right now?
@@.speech-sydney;What was your childhood like? Children of the wealthy are often neglected by their parents...@@
@@.speech-u;Well, I think it was fine... cause you know.@@
@@.speech-u;I wasn't poor.@@
Even focused on the driving, you can spill out generic shit like that. After all, it's not the first time you had to lie about your childhood - you do that all the time in therapy.
@@.speech-sydney;Were you bullied in school?@@
@@.speech-u;What? No.@@
@@.speech-u;On the contrary! Everyone wanted to be friends with me, cause I was rich.@@
Were you too quick to rebut her question? You hated your school, but not answering at all would be much worse. You push on the gas, wanting to end this part of the interview as soon as possible.
@@.speech-sydney;Do you consider yourself privileged?@@
@@.speech-u;Absolutely not! I had to work very hard for everything I have...@@
Okay, several generic questions like that and you almost made it to the destination! You can even strike back:
@@.speech-u;I thought you were going to interview me in your office?@@
@@.speech-sydney;Are you struggling to maintain focus under pressure?@@
<<linkreplace "You have arrived.">>
<br><img src="img/sydney/outside.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
You made it to some generic apartment complex near downtown and hit the brakes on the parking lot. That driving trick she played on you was good, and you wonder if your answers were adequate. Maybe she is not as inexperienced as you thought, and actually capable of outsmarting you?
<<linkreplace "Did you really think you could catch me off guard by all that driving?">>
@@.speech-sydney;It was a pleasure to interview you! Now when you know where to find me... Visit me sometime.@@
@@.speech-sydney;And look, if I wanted to distract you, I'd do this:@@
Syndey pulls up her top and flashed you her gorgeous tits. Your mind goes blank as you look at her juicy puppies, unable to resist the temptation to squeeze and kiss them right here. Fortunately, Syndey quickly leaves your car, wiggling her butt as she walks to her condo. Nice to meet you too...
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $sydneyQuest = 1>>
<<elseif $sydneyQuest == 1>>
You take the elevator to the Sydney's condo. You announced your visit a minute ago through her intercom, but she was ready for an interview nevertheless. At least you believed so before you walked inside her apartment and saw her in the living room, wearing only her underwear...
@@.speech-sydney;Hey there, ready for some questions? I hope you won't find the lack of clothes distracting...@@
@@.speech-sydney;I was working all night for a lead and forgot to load my laundry...@@
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent2.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
Last time, Syndey flashed you her tits; now, she gives you a good look at her taut ass. A playful heart-shaped tattoo right on her buttock makes her as cute as she is seductive. You eye her all up, feeling your dick getting hard. What a lousy excuse she made up to manipulate you again...
<<linkreplace "It's fine...">>
@@.speech-sydney;Would you describe your father as a controlling figure?@@
@@.speech-u;Well, you know... that's his job?.. to control, right? As a CEO, I mean?@@
All your blood has left your brain to maintain the diamond-hard erection in your pants. Not only do you not think straight, you have trouble forming sentences...
@@.speech-sydney;What's the purpose of this new office you opened in downtown?@@
@@.speech-u;Oh, it was a way for me to get some experience running things... to jumpstart my career, I guess.@@
What a strange question... What else does she know about your assets?
@@.speech-sydney;Have you heard about an island commonly referred as <a href="" target="_blank">Realms of Lust</a>?@@
<<if $dlc0Code == 19116801>>
You force yourself to look Syndey in the eyes for a change, and think carefully about your answer:
@@.speech-u;I'm sorry, I can't disclose that information with you.@@
@@.speech-u;...but not cause I can't afford it or something like that... I was just too busy running all those businesses of mine...@@
Your face gets red, and you cross your legs so the bulge on your pants is not that visible.
<<linkreplace "Questions hard.">>
@@.speech-u;I'm hard-, I mean, these questions getting harder, huh? Would I get a reward? Maybe, I can edit something out... that I don't agree with?@@
@@.speech-sydney;That's not how journalism works... But I can reward my source for cooperation.@@
You were thinking about a handjob, or even a blowjob if you're lucky, but Sydney once again surpasses your expectations. She pulls down her panties and bends over before you. You don't move when she rides you, giving up the control that you've actually lost long before this moment. Her tight pussy milks your cock just like she milked you for the information a minute before, and you aren't sure you can last long enough receiving rewards like that. Another pleasant surprise from Sydney, who has much more experience than you anticipated...
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<set $sydneyQuest = 2>>
<<elseif $sydneyQuest == 3>>
You arrive at the already familiar place of Sydney. She is welcoming you with a warm embrace, causing you to get hard on the spot. Then, in the living room, you are seated on a comfortable chair, while Sydney gets on her knees and takes off your pants. No foreplay needed this time...
@@.speech-sydney;Can you identify those documents?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah.. Why would you even care about what one of the dad's shell-holding companies doing anyway?@@
Your interview is organized in the following way - Sydney, on her knees, asks you a question, and while listening to your answer, she blows you. Or, rather, she worships your cock, melting it with her lips, kissing you in the most sensitive spots, giving you all she is capable of - at least until it's time for another question to ask or document to identify. It's simply rude not to answer someone so good with your dick, especially when questions are so innocent...
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<<set $sydneyQuest = 4>>
office hey boss some journalist want to meet w u about whant to get a piece about u and family history
hidden agenda?
public perception gameplay
sent money to get it
exploit it
wanna write biogrpahy of ur father?
<<AdvancePeriod>>rival company girl?political radical girl/* MALL RANDOM EVENTS */
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<set $mallRandomEvents = false>>
<<if random(0,10) >= 6 && ($period == 0 || $period >= 5)>>
@@.speech-female;*loud moans*@@
Over the deserted car park, with only a handful of cars left overnight, loud female moans can be heard really well. Under one of the lampposts, a perverted couple seems to be tired from fucking inside the car and decided to get some fresh air while copulating outdoors. Good that your customers can't witness that...
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" -5>> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $mallProsperity < 0>>
There is some disturbance at the food court, and you come just in time to witness the ending of a show: a girl stands on her knees in the middle of the hall while a dude gives her a facial, diligently painting her face white with his sticky semen, all happening in a broad daylight. The audience is lively discussing it and films the action, but no one seems to bother anymore, expecting nothing good from your establishment...
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" 0>> <br>
<br>[[Well, this place has gone to shit...->Mall]]
<<elseif _event == 1 && $mallProsperity >= 100>>
@@.speech-female; do I just vibe with it?@@
You see a little crowd on the ground floor of your mall. It consists of a small production crew filming a famous influencer, who is striking sexy poses and talks about something meaningless. You're glad to see some good publicity and can expect more rich clientele flowing in.
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" 1>> <br>
<br>[[That's a good sign...->Mall]]
<<elseif _event == 2 && $mallProsperity >= 25>>
@@.speech-female;You're that hot rich guy, right?@@
As you ride the elevator, some girl before you turns around and seems to recognize you. She winks and flashes you, playfully wiggling her juicy ass. Her bottom is probably seen by the half of the mall...
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Nice ass!">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-female;Oh, thank you! I'm so kinky lol!@@
The giggling flasher is aroused by her own brazenness and leaves quickly. You see people giving her weird looks and talking to each other about how inappropriate her exhibitionistic actions were.
<br><<statChange "mallProsperity" -3>> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "This is inappropriate. Security!">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-female;What did I do?!@@
Immediately, two tough overweight dudes grab her arms and escort her out of the premises, making sure she is not flashing on her way out. The visitors to your mall nod approvingly.
<<statChange "mallProsperity" 3>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3 && $mallProsperity < 50>>
A woman catches your eye. At first, you think she is wearing some really tiny shorts, but then you realize that this bottom-heavy chic is wearing no pants, only skimpy underwear! Her magnificent ass is a thing to worship, but isn't she showing too much skin?
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Call Security.">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-male;You'll have to go with us, mam.@@
Two balding bastards in uniform are coming from behind, and call out the pervert exhibitionist. The fat-bottomed girl is busted, justice served!
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" 3>> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Ignore...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<statChange "mallProsperity" -1>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4 && $mallProsperity >= 50>>
As the elevator you wait for opens its doors, you see a girl trying to record some nudes. She seems to be so involved in the process of getting the best angle of her ass that she didn't realize the elevator stopped. She pulls her pants up and storms off before you can take any action.
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" -1>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-female;We can't just do it right here..?@@
You get into the elevator and push the button. As doors close, you realize that a couple that was here before is not so innocent - the girl is barely wearing anything and the way she grinds the crotch of her man leaves no doubts of their intentions...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Call security.">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-female;Get away from me! I know my rights!@@
You slam the stop button and radio security. They pull the elevator doors open and grab the couple out of it, making sure to touch the perverted woman in all the right places. The couple scream and protest loudly, but soon order is restored.
<br><<statChange "mallProsperity" 3>> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Ignore...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-male;*groans* We should go out more often!@@
You take no action, and the couple gets more brave. The girl bends over, and without pulling her string-like panties, her man slams his cock right in her twat and starts fucking her right in the mall's elevator. These nasty perverts are probably turned on that you're here, watching their intercourse...
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent10.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" -5>> <br>
You notice a girl wearing yoga pants so thin you can see her underwear through them. And it's hardly a mistake or result of wardrobe malfunction, judging by playful wiggles of her butt and seductive looks she's giving to passersby...
<br><br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "This is not appropriate">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $player.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-u;Do you intentionally wear those pants, mam? You would have to go with me.@@
You grab her by the elbow and pull into the nearest restroom, where you tear down her inappropriate yoga pants in pieces! The girl likes your attitude, and naturally, as the next step, you start fucking this bitch right in this public toilet. Is it an abuse of power if a girl likes it? Either way, this quick restroom sex would make your mall a better place!
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" 3>> <br>
@@.speech-female;This is outrageous!@@
You politely tell the woman to leave the premises on the basis of her inappropriate behaviour. You even threaten her to call the police, so she quickly walks away, with her bouncy but...
<br><<statChange "mallProsperity" 1>> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Enjoy the view...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
You slow down and for some minutes just follow the girl, watching every bounce of her fat, juicy butt... For some reason, not everyone appreciates her choice of clothes and gives her outrageous looks, but these losers probably just prefer tits over butts...
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "mallProsperity" -1>> <br>
<<endif>>You enter one of the jewelry stores to buy some expensive items...
<br><img src="img/mall/jewelry.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
You go by weight, purchasing several golden rings (you can't be sure about the sizes anyway), diamond necklaces (are they still girls' best friends?), and funny-shaped pendants. They throw in some silver stuff for a change, but you still feel unimpressed. All this stuff looks too pretentious, but at least everyone knows it costs a lot of money.
<br><<statChange "mallProsperity" 10>> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.3 "player">> <br>
<<include "Pass time">>You enter one of the clothing stores to buy some clothes...
<<if $player.lust >= 100 && $mallProsperity >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Did anything catch your eye? We have a nice dressing room... I could give you some tips on style too.@@
You follow the store clerk in the dressing room, eyeing up her slender figure and getting a massive boner on the way. When you arrive, your roles are reversed, and the shop assistant tries to estimate your size and proportions, stopping on a big bulge in your pants. You pull your pants down, proudly revealing your erect manhood.
@@.speech-u;Do you have anything my size?@@
@@.speech-female;I think I can fit that in my mouth. Client satisfaction is detrimental to our brand.@@
It seems the store clerk underestimated your parameters, and her tiny mouth can barely fit your glans. Nevertheless, she is aimed at delivering the very best to the clients, and her lips and tongue quickly find sensitive spots, making you forget all your burdens. You can still hear customers in the shop and neighboring dressing rooms, but the professional store assistant makes sure to keep it low...
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 100 && $mallProsperity < 50>>
@@.speech-female;Do you need help with anything?@@
@@.speech-u;...I actually wanna buy some underwear for my girlfriend.@@
@@.speech-u;I'm not sure about her size tho... but I think you have a similar figure. Can you try it on before I buy it?@@
The store clerk, an attractive brunette, blushes on your request - which only makes her cuter. She agrees, and you hand her over skimpy panties, consisting of several tiny strings attached together. The shop assistant winks and disappears inside the dressing room. After a minute, she reveals herself, wearing sexy underwear, showing more of her body than the actual piece. She even bends over to give you a better look from behind - and that makes you rush inside her dressing room.
@@.speech-female;I think it would fit *moans* her perfectly!@@
You pull skimpy panties away and slam your cock inside the wet pussy of sexy store clerk. It seems she got excited from modeling for you, and in a moment it is she who rides your thick cock. The customers in the store probably hear her moans and loud slaps of her butt against your hips, but she passionately doesn't care about anything but your dick inside her. You end up silencing her with your hand and pick up the pace to cum deep inside this slut...
<br><img src="img/mall/sEvent3.gif" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<img src="img/mall/clothes.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You bulk-buy some of the clothes from the latest collection, picking them from mannequins so everybody can see what you select. You don't really care how they would look on you as long as they are unaffordable for the masses. Anyway, they are going to end up in your massive wardrobe, tucked away and never worn.
<br><<statChange "mallProsperity" 5>> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<include "Pass time">>You enter the high-end watch store to buy a watch...
<br><img src="img/mall/watch.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
You gaze upon ridiculously expensive watches but fail to comprehend why would you ever need one. At last, you decide to pick up one of the most expensive ones in case you ever need to make a gift for some pretentious moron. You even consider engraving that on the back...
<br><<statChange "mallProsperity" 7>> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.2 "player">> <br>
<<include "Pass time">>There is a second smaller one with the girl in the yoga pants at the mall: Error: <<include>>: passage "sex" does not exist
<<include "sex">>. Thats all I found.
Regards, Michel<img src="img/red/home.webp" width="75%"><br>
You get to Eva's place, which is located in the penthouse of a downtown highrise. Eva gives you a kiss and asks you to wait a bit. You look around. Not only does her place have probably one of the best views of the city you've seen, but it also is tastefully organized by a skilled interior designer.
@@.speech-u;She's doing pretty good for a store clerk... and to think there are still people going for increasing minimum wage...@@
<br><<include "Pass time">><br>
<<linkreplace "Eva is back...">>
@@.speech-red;Are you ready to have some fun?@@
<<set _event to either(0,1,2)>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-red;Hope not, because I need just a bit more time to take care of something in the kitchen...@@
You are so horny you can't wait and follow Eva to her kitchen. You bend her over the kitchen table and thrust your thick dick inside her. She has something cooking in the oven, so she can watch over it while you pound her from behind
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent5.gif" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
@@.speech-u; are so tight, Eva...@@
Her idea of fun is to give you a bottle of lube and spread her ass right on the couch in the main room. Carefully, you push your cock inside her anal hole, at all times making sure Eva is comfortable with your manhood inside her butt. The sensation of her tight ass squeezing your shaft is amazing, but you want Eve to have to cum first - so you finger her clit all while speeding up your thrusts.
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent4.gif" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;'re so hot!@@
You love to hang out with your redhead vixen, who always delivers the very best for you. This time, packing beautiful lingerie from her shop, she gets comfortable between your legs and treats you with a passionate blowjob. You make sure to last long enough to enjoy all her tricks and moves, savor the feeling of her hot mouth and plump lips all over your shaft, glans, and even balls... That's a time well spent.
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent6.gif" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-red;How about watching a movie together?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, have you heard about the Wolf from Wall Street? That's the best movie ever!@@
Eva loses interest in the movie pretty quickly and uses one of the more explicit scenes as an excuse for getting down on you. You don't mind as now you watch your favorite movie while your dick is in the comfort of Eva's warm mouth pocket. You caress her red hair while she just enjoys the feeling of your massive meat stuffing her mouth...
<br><img src="img/red/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<</linkreplace>><br>court date
court system to charge you for not following the LAW!
tony starky court fun type shit
jail scenes rework
changing laws?????
cheat on your taxes?<<set _event = random(0,23)>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 8 && $vice.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-u;Wow, she's a bad influence, huh?@@
In the hallway, your vice is kissing another female employee - or, rather, making out with her. Your assistant is so assertive you fear she will go down on the poor girl right in the public space - but thankfully she stops, wipes her mouth, and goes back to her business. You are happy to see the corruption spread...
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 35 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "vice" 25 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 75 && random(0,10) >= 7>>
@@.speech-u;Wait a second...@@
The head of the marketing department was supposed to share with you his quarterly reports, but accidentally gave you access to his whole cloud storage. While searching for the document in question, you stumble upon a video titled 'Surprise'. You recognise the wife of your employee, doing some nasty stuff for her husband...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Masturbate on video">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Oh, I would fuck you right on that table!@@
You lock the door to your office and pull up your dick. What a nice wife your subordinate has, she would look good with your cock deep inside her pussy, you think to yourself while jerking off in your workplace...
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Try to focus on your work...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<goto "Office Work">>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 100 && random(0,10) >= 5>>
@@.speech-u;Why is she wearing that to the office?@@
You catch a glimpse of your employee wearing tight pants, outlining her beautiful round ass. This sexy sight immediately breaks your concentration, ruining your previous battle with your own lust. Now, you wonder if your company dress code should be more strict, or should everyone wear something tight and revealing...
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<br>[[I cant focus on anything!->Your office]]<br>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-u;When did she start working here?@@
Walking across the hallway, you notice a new face in one of the meeting rooms - or rather, a new body with a thin waist and a pair of round boobs. You end up spending your valuable work time looking at the new intern and her graceful moves.
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif $player.lust < 25 && $vice.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-vice;I think this will motivate you... eyes on the prize!@@
@@.speech-u;Oh, I feel more focused already!@@
Noticing how you are missing that pervy light in your eyes, your helpful vice surprises you by showing you her pussy. The sight of your assistant in a mating position fills your blood flow with testosterone, which... can help you with your work tasks?
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif $player.lust < 25>>
@@.speech-u;My ADHD is so out of control... maybe I should do xanax?.. Or is it better to go straight to cocaine? I saw that in The Wolf of Wall Street movie, worked perfectly for them!@@
You sit at your desk, too boring to do anything meaningful but stare in your window. You feel like being a bit too horny would actually make you more active, but why bother now...
[[End your work day...->Your office]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 0>>
<img src="img/city/office.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-female;My KPI might look a little bit off... but trust me, I'm worth it!@@
You take another look at the performance report of one of the managers - it's a disgrace to your company and you see no reason why you are paying a salary to an employee who fails at her duties. That you look up to the employee in question - a hot brunette, so sexy you can't help but undress her with your eyes...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] I'll need some extra... motivation">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
The manager smiles, relieved that she won't be fired today. She sits on your desk and raises her legs. Slowly, she pulls down her skirt, giving you first a look at her stockings-clad legs, and then to her pantyless pussy - it seems she came prepared...
@@.speech-female;Sorry to be a mood breaker, but have you heard about our harassment policies? I think I'll be using today's experience as grounds for my promotion.@@
She winks at you and fixes her clothes. Well, now not only you can't fire her, but she also would get a promotion straight from your pocket...
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Unfortunately, your services are no longer required.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<goto "Office Work">>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
<img src="img/city/office.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-u;Who even uses corporate email for sexting?@@
In the email from one of your employees, attached among scans of work-related documents are her private photos. As you look over her nudes, you wonder if that was an accident, or if this is some elaborate way of flirting with you, her boss...
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -25 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $period == 5>>
@@.speech-u;I could have sworn I heard something, is there someone still in the office at this hour?@@
It's time to clock out, and while leaving the office, you hear muffled gasps. You peek into a senior - in all meanings - manager's office and see that he decides to work extra hours in the company of his young secretary, who is old enough to be his daughter. She rides her boss half-naked, and the night is still young for those two. Well, everyone is getting through a divorce in its own way.<br>
@@.speech-u;They really are enjoying work here at the company, huh?@@
<img src="img/office/sEvent15.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 35 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;Another absent-minded employee. Does she even know that leaving mobile devices unattended is a security violation?@@
You pick the phone up and find it unlocked. Oh well, now this employee is just asking for some serious talk about following security guidelines - holy shit, wait a moment! On the screen, you can see a girl with some ass to her, sliding up and down a well-lubed dildo. Up... and down... up... and down again... The action is so mesmerizing you stay frozen, looking at the lewd video for several minutes before locking the phone and putting it where you found it. Better stay safe from harassment allegations.<br>
<img src="img/office/sEvent11.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
@@.speech-u;Wait a minute, was this done on purpose?@@
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
<img src="img/city/office.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-u;Fucks sake, today was simply hell! All those meetings, I really need to unwind right now.@@
Tired after several bullshit meetings, you head to the company kitchen to get some water and maybe distract yourself from the pathetic office life you find yourself in. There, you find a high-heeled blonde messing with the coffee machine and realize you can unleash your pent-up frustration on someone a rank lower.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[INTELLECT 20] Talk about business regulation needs">>
<<if $player.intellect >= 30>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
In the most boring tone possible, you mess with your employee, sucking all the life from the poor girl like an emotional vampire:<br>
@@.speech-u;Hey miss, I am pretty sure you shouldn't have been using that coffee machine at this hour; the company is pretty strict with these sorts of things, so you are going to be in trouble.@@
By the time you're done, the poor girl is about to cry:<br>
@@.speech-female;Please! No, don't do that; there should be a way to solve this! My superior told me to think outside the box and use all the assets at my disposal to come to some agreement...@@
@@.speech-u;Really? Let's see if your superior has instructed you well...@@
<img src="img/office/sEvent12.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
You lead your employee to the fire stairs, where she shows you her assets. Her superior teched her well, starting with a problem-solving attitude and ending with a dress code that includes sexy stockings and elegant high-heeled shoes. All this comes in handy as you fuck her from behind, releasing the frustrations of your day inside this poor girl.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-u;I can let it go for today.@@
Code of conduct? Is this something about cryptography?
[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
There is a knock on the door - a cute brunette with a doll face you've seen on the lower floors wants to come in. You put your business away and get ready to listen:<br>
@@.speech-u;So, what can I help you with?@@
@@.speech-female;Recently, I have been struggling to get a promotion. I feel I'm being undervalued, and I want to suggest an alternative method of work that could increase my performance by a lot.@@
@@.speech-u;Bold move to jump over your managers' heads. I trust their judgment, but fine. Let's see what you are talking about.@@
Not wasting any more of your time, the doll-faced girl gets on her knees and starts sucking your dick. You are taken by surprize, but play along. She has a good technique, slow but passionate, and you find the blowjob much more pleasurable than you would anticipate. She definitely has a talent, even if for cock-sucking, and it was a mistake on the manager's side to overlook that gem of a mouth.<br>
@@.speech-u;Well, that is indeed a way to improve your performance evaluation; you don't need to worry about yours this quarter.@@
<img src="img/office/sEvent13.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
Late afternoon, you get under the desk to unplug your charging device before heading home. When you get back up, you suddenly see someone in front of you!<br>
@@.speech-u;Oh, what the fuck? How did you get inside?@@
It's just your secretary, but your heart races like you've seen the ghost.<br>
@@.speech-female;You forgot to lock your office. I thought I'd make you a surprise.@@
@@.speech-u;You almost gave me a heart attack. What sort of surprise is that? It better be worth it.@@
The secretary just smiles and spreads her legs, revealing her trimmed, soaking-wet pussy. She is ready to be taken straight here, so you do that immediately. The strong thrusts of your hips reach her massive bust, causing her perfect globes to shake in sync. Taken by surprise, you're not letting her slip unpunished!
@@.speech-u;Alright, I admit, I love surprises.@@
<img src="img/office/sEvent16.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 7>>
<img src="img/city/office.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-female;I have come to see if my son is doing well.@@
It's slightly awkward when your mom visits you at work - even when you own the company. Arguably, this makes it even more awkward than usual.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[MOM CORR 50] Let your mom make sure you are well">>
<<if $mother.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
@@.speech-u;God, I had such a stressful day at work today, mom.@@
@@.speech-female;I know, I know how much work you have been putting yourself through because of your father. I will do anything to ease the burden on you!@@
@@.speech-u;You know what to do then...@@
<img src="img/office/sEvent17.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
You use your mother as a stress relief, fucking her right in your office. She lowers herself deep on your throbbing shaft, biting her lip to suppress the moans of pleasure; you know she would love to scream in ecstasy, proclaiming her raw love to her son, announcing it to every one of your employees - but thankfully, she is reasonable enough... for now, at least.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
Well, there's no way she agrees to something like that. You need to develop your control over her...
[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 8>>
@@.speech-u;Oh, they really are going at it.@@
With nothing better to do, you perform a security review - that is, you lazily stare at CCTV cameras, hoping to find something interesting. And you actually stumble upon something relatively fast - two employees having some fun right at the workplace. The man looks very experienced with his tongue, as his female colleague's body is shaking in one orgasm after another just from his cunnilingus. Looking at this, you feel a slight sense of satisfaction, knowing that your company's culture has been rooted inside your workforce.
<img src="img/office/sEvent18.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 35 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 9>>
<img src="img/city/office.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-u;Aren't you Riley?@@
@@.speech-female;Yes, why... Oh my god, we used to date back in highschool!@@
@@.speech-u;I could barely recognize you. You changed so much!@@
What are the chances that one of your exes is hired by your company? It's good to know that A. Your corporation is big enough, so you have no idea who's working on you, and B. You have so many exes you keep stumbling upon them everywhere.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 30] You aged like a fine wine">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 30>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
@@.speech-u;God, you look so beautiful.@@
@@.speech-female;I feel kinda hot right now; mind if we take this conversation somewhere else?@@
Getting things going between you two does not take too long. You catch up, but at some point, you just can't ignore the sexual tension that always existed between you. You get rid of your clothes and pretend that these years of separation never existed. Although, one thing has changed - her new boobs are simply gorgeous in their fake plastic roundness, practically as firm as your cock in your ex's pussy. Wonder what changes your next meeting will bring!
<img src="img/office/sEvent14.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
This situation is too awkward for you to proceed. You should improve the way you say words...
[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 10>>
<img src="img/city/office.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
Slight humming coming from behind the door of a company's toilet:
@@.speech-female;~Getting paid to shit, getting paid to wiiipe~~@@
@@.speech-female;~The best 45 minutes of my fuckiing liiife!~~@@
You wait until the singer comes out and reveals herself as a petite blonde intern. You confront her right away:
@@.speech-u;So, once again, skipping work in the bathroom, huh?@@
@@.speech-female;I have my rights, you know, I can use the bathroom at any time I want to. Last time I checked, I was not an Amazon delivery driver to piss in a bottle!@@
@@.speech-u;Oh come on.@@
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[INTELLECT 30] Threaten to fire her">>
<<if $player.intellect >= 30>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
@@.speech-u;For fuck sake, this office has camras! We can document how much time you spend just stalling. Do you really want to be fired? So be it.@@
@@.speech-female;You can't do that, I need a job!@@
@@.speech-u;You should've thought about that before fucking around and then challenging me.@@
@@.speech-female;I will do anything! Wait, I know what to do.@@
In fear of her position, the little brat takes you to a conference room and undresses. If only she would be as prompt at her duties as she is at jumping on your dick! She takes you for a remarkable ride, having a good sense of rhythm and stamina to keep going without stopping - qualities that postpone her immediate firing, at least for now.
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent20.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br><<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
Fuck it. It's easier to let this girl keep taking shit on a company's dime than to argue with her.
[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 11>>
@@.speech-u;Too much work already today, time to pass on the responsibility to someone else.@@
A good manager should always be ready to delegate responsibilities, you think to yourself when you pass some boring work to one of your subordinates. But when you walk near the meeting room at the end of the day, you see her going at her coworker in a perfectly symmetrical 69. You're not sure you've delegated that many responsibilities, but it's good she can make her own decisions!
@@.speech-u;Taking initiative is a sign of a leader.@@
<img src="img/office/sEvent22.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 12>>
With the amount of coffee you drink while you work in the office, your bathroom visits become more frequent.<br>
@@.speech-u;Oh, would you look at that.@@
During one of them, you spot two employees in one stall. Peeking in, you see them banging while standing; if they were concerned about privacy when they came here, now they don't care about anything in the world anymore - except for passionate, intense fucking. You have nothing else to do but hope this will raise general workplace satisfaction during the following quarterly review.
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent23.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 13>>
You perform regular one-on-one meetings with some of your employees, either your direct subordinates or part of the leadership team. This girl, however, is neither; what interested you is her notorious reputation as an office slut.
@@.speech-u;So, I hear you have been harnessing a bit of a... reputation in the office.@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, I would very much like to know what sort of things people have been talking about me.@@
Bright makeup, cheap jewelry, deep cleavage, voluptuous body. You could imagine this girl selling herself on the street...
@@.speech-u;Just that you are very good at doing some favors.@@
@@.speech-female;I see. I do like some gossip myself, but I much prefer actually acting on it.@@
@@.speech-u;Is that so? Let's put it to the test then.@@
Suddenly, you raise and grasp her neck with one hand and slap her face with another. Your employee is releasing a sweet gasp; her knees start trembling from excitement. Just as expected - you don't need to be careful with a whore like that! You throw her on the office chair and tear her pants, revealing two fuckholes to choose from. If the whole of the office already fucked this bitch, what will be tighter? You go for her well-stretched ass and give her the anal pounding to remember. Mentally, you note that the employee performs according to her reputation and even exceeds it. Interesting, though, is she friends with Candy from Archives? They must have a lot of dicks in common.
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent24.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 14>>
@@.speech-u;What the fuck? Why is this in my inbox? This isn't work-related.@@
Upon receiving a suspicious email, you almost flag it for deletion, but on closer inspection, you find it genuine. Attached is the short video depicting a woman being fucked somewhere in your office. You wonder, who is she - face doesn't ring a bell, and it might be that someone brought a hooker on the premises. Either way, you forward the mail to the security to investigate - and add the erotic video to their already extensive collection.
@@.speech-u;Some very naughty employee will get what is coming for her someday.@@
<br><img src="img/office/sEvent21.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Office Work]]<br>
<img src="img/city/office.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-u;Literally grinding that 9-5 lifestyle rn!@@
Your workday is filled with meetings, spreadsheets, coffee breaks, performance reviews, email chains, and all that boring stuff - but you go through everything with ease. Maybe you were destined for a boring office life? It's even sad that your dad is filthy rich and you'll never taste the true white-collar life... Anyway, you feel good about the work done, even if all that work is meaningless.
<br><<statChange "energy" -25 "player">> <br>
<<if false>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
<<statChange "money" 0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
<<statChange "money" 0.2 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" 0.3 "player">> <br>
<br><<linkreplace "[ENERGY 25] Work more">>
<<if $ >= 25>>
<<goto "Office Work">>
I'm too tired to work.
[[End your work day...->Your office]]<br>
<<endif>><<if $viceMainQuest == 0 || $viceMainQuest == 1>>
<img src="img/office/sEvent24.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
You are met by a stunning woman in her 20ties. Despite her young age and sexy looks, she sends strong professional vibes, amplified by her strict dress code. Behind her glasses, you can see the beautiful eyes of a smart woman, sparkling with curiosity... <br>
@@.speech-vice;Hello, I'm your secretary\vice president, nice to meet you! Your father instructed me to deliver you a head start into the business word.@@ <br>
@@.speech-vice;So let's start, shall we? I'm adept of a practical approach, providing hands-on experience. Let's start small and grow big! Perhaps opening a coffee shop will provide us with a great learning opportunity.@@ <br>
@@.speech-vice;First things first, let's find a good location. Then we could select a franchise.@@ <br>
<<set $viceMainQuest = 2>>
<br>[[Nice meeting you...->Your office]]
<<elseif $viceMainQuest == 3>>
<img src="img/office/sEvent24.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-vice;Outstanding achievements! Now I want you to get more 'hands-on' education, and improve your coffee shop operations!@@
<<set $viceMainQuest = 4>>
<<linkreplace "Can I have a little reward, tho?">>
@@.speech-vice;Your father mentioned the advanced method of education you require...@@ <br>
@@.speech-vice;At this step, I could only 'reward' you by showing more of my skin.@@ <br>
She lifts her skirt and reveals her fancy lingerie and stunning ass. Immediately you gain a boner... <br>
@@.speech-vice;I hope you like what you see, let us proceed to our business as usual... Wait, what are you doing?@@ <br>
You can't hold yourself and start to jerk off right in front of her, looking at her beautiful backside... <br>
@@.speech-vice;Oh.. well, that was expected as well... You can cum on me, but please, don't mess up my lingerie... it costs a lot...@@ <br>
<img src="img/vice/vOfficeS0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-vice;This motivation should suffice... for now.@@ <br>
<br>[[Working with you is a pleasure...->Your office]]
<<elseif $businessCoffee >= 3 && $viceMainQuest == 4>>
<img src="img/office/sEvent24.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-vice;Outstanding job with the coffee business! I assume that now you are familiarized with core business concepts. They don't teach that stuff in business schools! @@ <br>
@@.speech-vice;Meet me at my house, we'll discuss the stock market. I'll teach you what straddle is!@@ <br>
<<set $viceMainQuest = 5>>
<<linkreplace "Are you sure you're not forgetting something?">>
@@.speech-vice;Ok, well let me get on my knees then...@@ <br>
@@.speech-vice;You can cum on my face this time... Statistically, that's the most common intercourse finish in porn, so men should like that, don't they?@@ <br>
You jerk off in front of her face wishing she would start talking more smart business shit, but looking at her beautiful face is enough... <br>
@@.speech-vice;Yes.. Give it to me... Yes... No! My glasses! I have only this pair...@@ <br>
<img src="img/vice/vHouseS1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<br>[[Working with you is a pleasure...->Your office]]
<<endif>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<include "Pass time">>
Inside the app, you get a notification indicating that one of your recent likes resulted in a match! You open the profile...
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
It's a hot brunette milf that wears her business attire even in pics on the dating app. She looks bossy but in a sexy way! While you think about how you should start the conversation, the milf actually starts first:
@@.speech-female;You are hot.@@
@@.speech-female;I'm craving some young cock lately... And I have a free time slot on my calendar.@@
<br><<linkreplace "Book a meeting">>
You jump in the car and soon appear at the address the bossy milf gave you. The door opens, and you are relieved to see your match looks exactly as in profile pictures: slender body, long black hair, and devilish spark in the eyes. She lets you in, and you quickly notice that a man is living here - who is absent at the moment.
@@.speech-u;So... nice place you have here...@@
@@.speech-female;Shut up and fuck me.@@
The woman is not interested in small talk - she lifts her dress and shows you that she is not wearing any underwear. A good time management technique from her side, as you immediately proceed to the main topic of your meeting - pounding of the horny milf from behind.
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" -1 "player">> <br>
You'd love to show this feisty woman who's boss, but the answer is too obvious for both of you - she is. When you eventually cum, milf escorts you out of her house, leaving you to wonder if you'll ever meet again.
<<include "Pass time">>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
Your match is a cute teenage blonde, and you can say she's inexperienced just by looking at her photos. You easily struck the conversation, taking advantage of the fact that you can use any dating trick in the book, and it would appear genuine to the naive girl. Soon, she reveals a fact that makes your heart race:
@@.speech-female;I'm still a virgin...@@
@@.speech-female;Maybe we should go on some dates first?@@
<br><<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Don't worry I'll be gentle">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
You persuade her that you are the perfect man to pop her cherry. She's hesitant, but can't resist your experience and soon gives you her address. You go to her place and bring some wine, candles, and lube alongside to make sure she is relaxed and comfortable. After a small talk, it's finally time for the main event.
@@.speech-u;Are you ready for it?@@
You look at the tiny virgin pussy of a poor teenage girl under you, and then at your massive rock-hard penis - no amount of lube would make this easy. Still, there is no way you are leaving without taking her v-card, so you push the tip of your dick inside her tight cunt. It barely fits, but still, you apply more pressure - and then you slide inside, casing the ex-virgin under you to scream. You don't care much about her now when your cock is tightly wrapped by virgin walls of the tightest pussy you ever felt around your cock.
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
You leave a sobbing girl lying in her bed, with a gaping hole between her legs. Maybe you weren't her best choice for the first time, but you enjoyed that greatly.
You think for a moment - you were just looking for a quick fuck, but taking someone's virginity is too much of a responsibility...
@@.speech-u;Hey, I don't think I'm the right guy for you. Sorry.@@
@@.speech-female;Oh... That's sad. How about I'll message you after someone will fuck me so you won't be so scared anymore?@@
<<include "Pass time">>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
It's that sexy artist with a profile so interesting you actually remembered her and hoped you'd have a match. You engage in conversation and enjoy her bright personality, so different from the world of big money and large corporations you live in.
@@.speech-female;Can you send me a shirtless pic?@@
@@.speech-female;As an artist, I'm looking for a specific body type.@@
<br><<linkreplace "[STRENGTH 50] Take a pic">>
<<if $player.strenght >= 50>>
That's a lousy excuse for a nude, but you are glad to reveal the fruits of your labor in the gym. The artist is impressed with your six-pack and invites you to her studio downtown. There, you do some modeling by undressing while the sexy artist girl takes some photos for her reference.
@@.speech-female;That's exactly what I was looking for!@@
You take off the last piece of your clothing and give her a reference of a rock-hard dick. The artist takes a few close-up shots of your manhood before dropping the camera and undressing herself. What follows is a pound fest, where you fuck the insatiable girl all over her bohemian studio in every pose imaginable and don't stop until you unload your very generous donation on her round ass.
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
You leave the girl satisfied and think to yourself that this must be your favorite way of supporting young artists.
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
You take a photo of your torso, but there's nothing to impress young artists with.
@@.speech-female;Hmm... sorry, but I'm looking for something... different.@@
<<include "Pass time">>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
The girl is from your recent matches. She looks young, has a thin figure, and would be a perfect candidate for a one-night stand.
@@.speech-female;I'm visiting my family in town, but I got so horny...@@
@@.speech-female;The butt plug in my ass only makes my pussy feel empty... Care to help a poor girl?@@
@@.speech-female;My family is around so we need to be sneaky tho...@@
Daaamn, girls wearing butt plugs just for fun must be amazing in bed... But do you want to mess with her family visit? Sounds too complicated...
<br><<linkreplace "Meet with her">>
Your date meets you on her doorstep - she looks even sexier in the flesh! She whispers as she invites you inside:
@@.speech-female;We're lucky - my parents just went out to town! It's just me and my brother here...@@
You get inside her room and don't waste time talking - she needs dicking and you are here to provide her with it. As you pound her pussy, enjoying the tightness that her metal butt plug in another hole provides, you suddenly notice an acne-ridden teenager spying on you two. Is that the brother she talked about? Can't blame him for peeking at his sister, when she is so sexy and seductive...
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<br><<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 75] Make her 'help' her brother">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 75>>
@@.speech-u;Hey bud, wanna join? Don't just stand there!@@
@@.speech-female;Wait, I'm not sure if I would...@@
@@.speech-u;Oh, don't kill the vibe!@@
You pull out your cock and push her in the direction of her bro, who can't believe his luck. He pulls out his dick and begins stroking it while looking at his confused sis. Eventually, the girl awkwardly comes closer and starts humping his cock with her thighs. Ashamed at first, she soon gives up to the depravity of the situation.
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
She milks him until he cums, and you jerk off looking at this sick sibling intercourse. Now, this girl would visit her family more often...
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;That would be too weird...@@
You discard the idea and decide to ignore the peeping tom - it's more important to cum until the girl's parents are back...
<<include "Pass time">>
<<include "Pass time">>
<<elseif _event == 5>>
You can't tell much from the profile apart that it's a chick with some curves. However, as you start chatting, you realize that this girl is one submissive slut, looking for some hardcore action:
@@.speech-female;I'm looking for someone to fuck me raw, if you know what I mean...@@
Do you have what it takes to fuck this bitch into submission?
<br><<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Dominate her">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;Send me the address, bitch.@@
You arrive at her flat downtown, and she opens the door - a girl that you would describe as average at best. She is about to say something, but on the spur of the moment you slap her face - literally, the first thing you do when you see this bitch. She gasps - and then laughs, realizing that you are the one who could ravage her well tonight. What follows is a merciless fuckfest, where you test the limits of this submissive slut. You slap her, choke her, facefuck her, and, of course, slam her pussy - but all you can hear from her is:
@@.speech-female;Thank you, sir!.. Thank you, sir!..@@
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
You exit her flat, leaving the sub slut devastated on her bed. Her body is red with the excessive slapping you gave her, but tears of joy are pouring down her face.
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;Bitch why you hate condoms so much lol@@
@@.speech-female;Sorry, I don't think this would work out...@@
<<include "Pass time">>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
The girl you matched with translates a glamorous way of life. Her profile pics are filled with luxurious items and show her traveling all over the world - and you wonder how she affords these expenses.
@@.speech-female;My current phone sucks!@@
@@.speech-female;I wish someone could buy me another one...@@
It didn't take long to get the answer to your unasked question. It seems this young woman is open to generous donations from wealthy sponsors... You buy her new phone, you get her pussy - sounds easy, right?
<br><<linkreplace "[$0.1m] I'll buy you ten">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
You appear on her doorstep with gift boxes, and she already covering you in kisses, excited to unwrap everything. As she opens them, she discovers the latest smartphone and all the needless accessories for it, and a toss of cash just to be sure. The girl is excited and wants to play with her new toys, but you unwrap one last gift - your big, erect cock.
@@.speech-female;OMG this camera quality is so much better!@@
Confident that she can do two things at a time, the girl opens her mouth wide for your hard dick all while testing the frontal camera on her new device. You secretly hope that now your cock in her mouth would be required for a Face ID...
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
You end up fucking her from behind as she continues exploring her new phone. Your orgasm coincides with her first tweet, telling the world she just acquired a new sponsorship...
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;I'm not liquid, sorry... How about a walk in the park?@@
She unmatches with you this instant.
<<include "Pass time">>
<<elseif _event == 7>>
You match with a high-schooler - despite her young age, the blonde teen appears to have a lot of experience. You quickly find a common language and start planning your one-night stand.
@@.speech-female;I'm still living with my parents@@
@@.speech-female;So I don't know if we could fuck today@@
Damn, you don't really want to invite her to your place - seeing all your wealth throws people off sometimes. But also you would really like some teen pussy on your cock tonight... There must be some solution to your problem!
<br><<linkreplace "[INTELLECT 5] Let's wait until they're asleep.">>
<<if $player.intellect >= 5>>
In a genius and unexpected move, you wait until her parents are asleep. The schoolgirl lets you inside, and you quietly sneak into her room. There, it's only you two, hungry for each other's body. You have great fun trying to keep quiet, especially when you shut her mouth as she starts cumming on your cock.
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;If only there could be a time when they would not pay that much attention to the front door...@@
<<include "Pass time">>
<<elseif _event == 8 && $player.corruption >= 125>>
You instantly recognize your match - a hot blonde milf, proudly showing her massive knockers on her profile pictures. You strike up a conversation...
@@.speech-female;Hey stud@@
@@.speech-female;Like my massive tits? I can let you play with them@@
@@.speech-female;On one condition - you will pee all over me in the end@@
That's fucked up - but maybe her sweet milkers are worth a little perversion?
<br><<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 100] My bladder is ready">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 100>>
You drink a gallon of water and get to her place. When you see your match, you literally can't look her in the eyes, because her gorgeous round globes are ever bigger than in pictures. You end up having a great fuck with this woman, finishing with a skillful titjob. But there is something else now...
@@.speech-female;I'm so thirsty... Did you bring something to drink?@@
She gets on her knees and opens her mouth - and the sight is so sexy you just can't refuse this woman. You piss all over her face and tits, making sure she makes several big gulps of your lemonade. You can clearly see that this is the part of your date that she enjoys the most...
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent10.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;That's sick, who would ever do that?!@@
<<include "Pass time">>
Your match actually starts typing even before you can check her profile:
@@.speech-female;Can we not waste our time? Let's just fuck.@@
This feels too easy to be true. Could it be some sort of scam or just a bot?
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<br><<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 25] I just want to make sure you're not a bot first">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-female;Fuck it, I can drive to your place!@@
You don't really want to give your address to a suspicious person online, but you tell her about the parking lot nearby. To your surprise, soon a car matching the descriptions stops right on the spot where you were waiting for your date, and inside you see a gorgeous, half-naked blonde.
Happy that she is not here to kidnap you, you jump inside and find yourself under the horny nympho, riding your cock. She doesn't need any small talk or foreplay, she looks like an addict who can finally access the drug.
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<include "Pass time">>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
No response...
<<linkreplace "Meet with her">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-female;Fucking finally you're here!@@
You are happy this wasn't a scam. Instead, a seductive girl is waiting for you in some kind of sex costume, and she must be here for a long time, as she entertains herself by playing with her dildo. You are here to help the lady by revealing your rock-hard cock and give this nympho a taste of the real thing.
<br><img src="img/sexApp/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<include "Pass time">>
[[Leave...->Your Room]]<br>/* INVITE M */
As you lay out the travel plan to your mother, she smiles gently:
@@.speech-mom;But honey, aren't you too old to travel with your mommy?@@
@@.speech-u;I do... But I'm old enough to travel with a high-end escort. You used to be a classy whore, right, mom? Isn't that how you hooked up with dad?@@
Your mother pales and seems to be out of breath.
@@.speech-mom;Young man, do you have a nerve ...@@
You shut her up with a french kiss, sealing her lips and exploring her struggling mouth. As she stops resisting and your tongues intertwine, you step back and command:
@@.speech-mom;Now show me the goods, mom.@@
While she undresses, revealing her perfectly shaped buxom body, you get something from her play box: cross-shaped black leather restraints. You apply that on your naked, except for Laboutains, mother, and fix her legs and arms.
@@.speech-mom;If you are going to treat me like a whore, son, you gonna cum inside...@@
You smile and start fucking your mom domination-style, assured that you made the right choice of a travel companion.
<br><img src="img/dlc0/invite/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "mother">> <br>
<<set $rommate = "mother">>
<br>[[Leave...->Parents' Room]] /* INVITE S */
Your proposal was met with cold skepticism.
@@.speech-sis;The fuck I'm gonna do there?@@
@@.speech-u;Sis believe me... I always have something to entertain you.@@
As you say this, you pull down your pants and reveal a hard throbbing boner. The face of your sister changes from super-bored to horny in an instant.
@@.speech-sis;So... On this island, I can play with my brother's perfect cock any time I want?@@
You don't rush with an answer, and your sister bends over and licks your hard sex. Her skillful tongue and lips movements remind you that you're making the right choice of a travel companion.
@@.speech-u;Yes, sis... We would have our own hotel room, where you can indulge in your cock addiction, you little whore...@@
She likes to hear you talking dirty, and go deeper on you, pushing your cock down in her throat...
<br><img src="img/dlc0/invite/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<set $rommate = "sister">>
[[Leave...->Sister's Room]]<br>girls make u mony
manage them
Casually, you ask Rae if she knows someone interested in buying large sets of private data. Knowing that she has a lot of connections, you are not surprised that she has someone in mind:
@@.speech-rae;There is a college friend of mine who is involved in data brokering. It's funny you've asked, because she returns from overseas soon and asked me to hook her up with someone capable of satisfying her high libido...@@
@@.speech-u;I'll do her, no problem. Care to join?@@
You arrange a meeting with Rae and her friend in a hotel lobby. While you talk business, you can feel how this attractive brunette with a European vibe undresses you with her eyes. Eventually, you set a better price for your data than you could get from the dark web, and then go into the hotel room to seal the deal.
<br>You spend the whole night fucking the living shit out of this European nymphomaniac. If not for Rae, you would probably fail at your mission, but she was great in her support role: fingering the clit of her college friend to keep her busy while you were catching a breath, or licking your balls to keep you hard while pounding her insatiable pussy. You've lost count of how many times you've ejaculated, but the data broker orgasmed twice as much, so in the end, you got your deal.
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<<set $exploitBuyerQuest = 1>>
<br>[[Leave...->Rae Home]]<br>
going home to rae he talks about hte startup
and how u could exploit that
use ur phone\laptop to get exploit (or office?)
meet shadow client
*//* while workign on startup */
<img src="img/privacy/data.gif" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-u;Selling private data might be pretty lucrative...@@
One day your lead engineer informs you about a massive zero-day vulnerability of the public cloud provider your startup uses. This exploit allows you to access any files that are being moved or copied in your data center by accessing their temporary cached copies. You realize that this presents a huge opportunity.
<br>Initially, you consider informing the cloud provider about the vulnerability. However, you quickly discard this idea due to them being filthy monopolists charging you large sums of money each month and still allowing for such massive vulnerabilities to exist!
<br>Instead, you create a priority task for your devs to implement encryption of your data both at rest and in transfer, as you can't trust the cloud provider anymore to do that for you. You also acknowledge that you may not be the first to discover this vulnerability.
<br>Although you entertain the idea of selling the exploit to the dark market, you eventually decide against it. Zero-day vulnerabilities could be worth millions, and thus usually are bought by state entities. You do not want to give Russian hackers or any other malicious actors another method of interfering with your elections, or whatever...
<br>Your last option is to gather the data yourself. You are aware that your main competitor uses the same cloud provider as you, so intercepting their data would be invaluable. And terabytes of regular private data would still be worth good money while keeping a low profile and not alerting the cloud provider's security.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[INTELLECT 50] Maybe I could exploit that.">>
<<if $player.intellect >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
I should get a better PC in my office to run this operation.
<br>VULNARABILITY EXPLOIT UNLOCKED!<<set $exploitQuest = 1>>
<br><br>[[Continue your work...->Startup Work]]
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
Uh, it's too complicated tho...
<<linkreplace "Maybe next time...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<goto "Startup Work">>
</div>/* hacking */
<img src="img/privacy/ui.gif" class="event-image"><br>
<<set $exploitMining.passive = $exploitMining.rig1 * 0.1>>
<<set $exploitMining.passive += $exploitMining.rig2 * 1>>
<<set $exploitMining.passive += $exploitMining.rig3 * 10>>
<b>STORED DATA: $exploitData TB</b>
<br><b>PASSIVE MINING: $exploitMining.passive TB/d</b>
<br>You start the utility that uses the vulnerability you've found. Soon, you are inside the mainframe. In real time, you can see data being transferred inside the data center, and millions of cached copies are waiting for you to grab. At this rate, there is no way to look for something specific - you just have to intercept everything and hope you can find something valuable.
<<linkreplace "[ENERGY 25] Intercept Data">>
<<if $ >= 25>>
<<goto "Privacy Data Mining">>
..but I'm tired!
<<linkreplace "[1TB] Sell Data">>
<<if $exploitData >= 1>>
<<goto "Privacy Data Sell">>
I'm not sure I'll find a buyer with that amount of data...
<<set _rig1Price = 1 * Math.pow(1.06, $exploitMining.rig1)>>
<<set _rig1Price = Math.round(_rig1Price*10)>>
<<set _rig1Price /= 10>>
<<set _rig1Name = "[$" + _rig1Price + "m] Small Mining Rig">>
($exploitMining.rig1) <<linkreplace _rig1Name>>
<<if $ >= _rig1Price>>
<<set $exploitMining.rig1 += 1>>
<<set _rig1Price *= -1>>
<<statChange "money" _rig1Price "player">> <br>
<<goto "Privacy Data Exploit">>
Not enough money!
<<set _rig2Price = 5 * Math.pow(1.07, $exploitMining.rig2)>>
<<set _rig2Price = Math.round(_rig2Price*10)>>
<<set _rig2Price /= 10>>
<<set _rig2Name = "[$" + _rig2Price + "m] Medium Mining Rig">>
($exploitMining.rig2) <<linkreplace _rig2Name>>
<<if $ >= _rig2Price>>
<<set $exploitMining.rig2 += 1>>
<<set _rig2Price *= -1>>
<<statChange "money" _rig2Price "player">> <br>
<<goto "Privacy Data Exploit">>
Not enough money!
<<set _rig3Price = 10 * Math.pow(1.08, $exploitMining.rig3)>>
<<set _rig3Price = Math.round(_rig3Price*10)>>
<<set _rig3Price /= 10>>
<<set _rig3Name = "[$" + _rig3Price + "m] Large Mining Rig">>
($exploitMining.rig3) <<linkreplace _rig3Name>>
<<if $ >= _rig3Price>>
<<set $exploitMining.rig3 += 1>>
<<set _rig3Price *= -1>>
<<statChange "money" _rig3Price "player">> <br>
<<goto "Privacy Data Exploit">>
Not enough money!
<<linkreplace "Leave...">>
<<goto "Your office">>
<</linkreplace>><br>/* SELL THE DATA */
<<set _income = random(0.4,1.4)>>
<<if $exploitBuyerQuest >= 1>>
<<set _income += 1.5>>
<<set _income /= 10>>
You look for a buyer of the private data you've intercepted. To your convenience, in the dark web, there is a whole market dedicated just for that, and soon you send the data to some shadow buyer in exchange for crypto. The best part is - nothing is traceable to you!
<br><b>YOU AGREE ON A PRICE $ _income m per TB</b>
<<set _income *= $exploitData>>
<<set $exploitData = 0>>
<br><<linkreplace "Transfer his data.">>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
Either there was a leak during the transfer, or the data buyer decided to publish your records - anyway, now some of your recent data dump has become public knowledge.
You check the media to see what was leaked...<br>
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
@@.speech-u;Timber industry lobbyist knows her way with wood, huh...@@
The woman, desperately choking herself on an impressive penis, was quickly identified as a representative of a timber industry lobbying group. Revealing the identity of a well-hung man took longer until one investigative journalist linked the interiors and hand features in the video to a certain state legislator. Their dealings were made public and resulted in an immense scandal, and you are sure that the lobbyist in the video will have more cock-sucking practice from now on.
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;They sure loved her diversified skillset...@@
What first appeared to be a regular - albeit anatomically impressive - porn video, turned out to be a recording of a local venture capital firm in the process of gathering questionable metrics from the startup representative - one of which, apparently, is how many cocks she can take up her ass at the same time. The CEO of the startup, masterfully satisfying 5 men in the video, received the investment from the firm in the end, which lead to increased interest in anal stretching in the local startup scene.
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-male;You gonna be so popular baby~@@
Easily identifiable not by his distinctive rings, but by his infamous BBC, the famous music producer is recording himself planting another success story - this time, by tearing up the anal of a country singer he recently "discovered". It's not the first time his videos are leaked - usually, it happens on his personal pornhub page - but the damage to the young talent is immeasurable. Some suggest that she should consider moving to the porn industry, given her talent for handling black monsters...
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-female;Now you work for me *moans* Got it?!@@
Concerns regarding the crime situation arise with the recently leaked video, depicting the leader of a local gang publicly fucking street prostitute in exchange for 'protection' services. The public can't decide what is more worrisome: rampant gang activity, widespread prostitution, or the fact that common people in the video seem to cheer this public debauchery.
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-male;Sometimes I forget how persuasive you could be...@@
The leaked video unveils cheerleader hiring practices in the local academia, and it's not surprising to anyone that cheerleaders are being fucked by coaches, teams, and school board members. Sources who are closely familiar with the girl in the video add that she was a whore even before joining the cheering team.
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
@@.speech-female;Anyting for you~@@
The information about this recent leak seems to have been deleted from the major news providers, but you find a copy in the web archive. Turns out, one very famous multi-billionaire - you even saw the old man at some event - was prescribed by his doctor to have sex with his descendants in order to increase his lifespan. In the video, you are disgusted to see the fat old man climbing on his granddaughter on her 18th birthday, while her mom supports both of them in the act. If he lives long enough, bastard might get to taste his own grangranddaughters...
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-u;Who even cares about that..?@@
The leaked video is gaining views for a reason, and not because it depicts the wife of some celebrity in the process of cheating on him - but because she does it with two muscular men, who are depicted roughly fucking her mouth with their massive cocks. The public is quick to claim the unfaithful wife to be a blowbang slut, based on the skills she shows and the pleasure she gets from being throat-fucked.
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
The data transfer is a success. You monitor the media to check if something was leaked from your recent data dump, but it seems the buyer decided to use it for his personal gain.
<<statChange "money" _income "player">> <br>
<br><br>[[Log off...->Privacy Data Exploit]]<br>
<<if $exploitQuest == 2>>
<<set $exploitQuest = 3>>
<<endif>>/* Data interception */
<<set _mined = random(1,10)>>
<<set _mined /= 10>>
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,3)>>
<<if _event == 1 && random(0,10) >= 5>>
Your heart runs faster when you realize that you've managed to intercept a large chunk of your competitor's data. Sensitive documents containing the data of their customers, reports from finance with their market projections, and the most valuable - sequences of their passwords, bank account login credentials, and other access info transferred in raw, unencrypted form.
<br>You set up a chain transfer of money from their bank account, through several shadow firms in the Bahamas, to yourself. While waiting for the money to arrive, you soon find the reason why your competitor allowed that to happen. One of the files contained a recording of the security team gangbanging a member of the staff right in the office. Fucking busty MILFs is more important to them than implementing proper security protocols...
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" 1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2 && $player.intellect >= random(50,85)>>
@@.speech-u;Oh lucky me!@@
Going through the stream of data you've intercepted, you strike a gold mine - it looks like a large dump of personal cloud storage. That's a good catch!
<<set _mined *= 3>>
<br><<statChange "exploitData" _mined>> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3 && $player.intellect < random(40,75)>>
@@.speech-u;Why would you even store the screen size of your users?@@
You struggle to find anything valuable inside the file dump. No private or sensitive data, just documents filled with meaningless numbers...
@@.speech-u;This is what I'm talking about!@@
Inside data you've intercepted, you find private information - not much, but you can sell that.
<br><<statChange "exploitData" _mined>> <br>
<<statChange "energy" -25 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[ENERGY 25] Mine more">>
<<if $ >= 25>>
<<goto "Privacy Data Mining">>
I don't really feel like it...
[[Stop...->Privacy Data Exploit]]/* CAUGHT BY STARTUP FOUNDER */
Out of the blue, you receive a meeting invite from Naomi. The vague description gets you worried, and you enter the meeting room expecting the worst. The look on her pretty and disappointed face confirms your fears, and she confronts you with knowledge of your data brokering deals.
<br><br><<linkreplace "Attend the meeting...">>
@@.speech-naomi;You a placing the whole company at great risk for some shady personal gains! I thought I knew you better!@@
Naomi is furious - but more than that, she is disappointed.
@@.speech-u;Naomi, I'm sorry. I got carried away when I saw the opportunity and didn't think that through... How about we find a way for us to forget that little incident?@@
She looks at you with a straight face for a minute but then breaks with a little smile.
@@.speech-naomi;Fuck me... I can't be mad at you. Fine, fuck me so hard so I forget about this shit for good.@@
Right in the meeting room, you tear down her clothes and jump on her like a beast. Loaded with emotions, your makeup sex is intense and passionate, and Naomi cums hard when you fuck her deep from behind. That would make her quiet...
<br><img src="img/privacy/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<br>[[Leave...->Silicon Startup]]
<</linkreplace>><br>TIMED CHANGES EVERYONE!
play test
rebalacne the money \ income
<<set $exploitBuyerQuest = 1>>
shadow buyer double the earning
show earning to he player
make earning rando per terabayte<<if $sydneyQuest == 1>>
<<goto "Sydney Quest">>
<<elseif $sydneyQuest == 3>>
<<goto "Sydney Quest">>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $momMainQuest >= 3>>
Sydney is doing yoga in her living room, but don't mind you sticking around or even joining her. As you help her stretch, she casually drops a bomb of a question:
@@.speech-sydney;I heard the rumor that you are fucking your mom... is that true?@@
@@.speech-u;What? Noooooo, of course not...@@
You have not expected that and wonder what she else knows about your family relationships. As if realizing that her question was too direct, Sydney meanwhile lowers her bubble butt on your crotch and grinds your dick, as if trying to distract you. She's very, very good at distracting...
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sydney">> <br>
<br><img src="img/sydney/home.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<div id="smalltalk">
<<if false>>
@@.speech-sydney;Need something?@@
<b>Sydney</b> ♥$sydney.lust ♡$sydney.relationship c.$sydney.corruption <br>
<<linkreplace "Talk">>
<<replace "#smalltalk">>
<<if false>>
You talk for a bit with her. Your conversation doesn't really lead to anything, just an ordinary small talk. You both find yourself feeling more at ease and comfortable with each other.
<br><<statChange "relationship" 1 "sydney">> <br>
<<if $sydneyQuest >= 4>>
<<linkreplace "Have Sex">>
<<goto "Sydney Sex">>
You are in Sydney's apartment on the downtown outskirts. It looks pretty cramped for your taste, but maybe she's just going for that poorcore aesthetic, you don't really know. And, to be frank you don't really care that much.
/*boner help?*/<<if $sydney.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-sydney;yeah *moans* just fuck me!@@
For a change, you don't feel any power plays when you fuck Sydney. Sometimes, two humans just want to fuck the shit out of each other, and that's what you are doing today. Her pussy is dripping wet, so much that you feel her juices flow down on your balls, smacking against her hungry cunt. You had no idea Syndey can be so horny - again, a pleasant surprise from her side...
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
@@.speech-sydney;You always get what you wanted, huh?@@
You always do, especially if what you want is a tight pussy of an investigative journalist. Sydney moans loudly as you fuck her doggy-style right in her living room. At least now she's not in the position to ask any more questions, fully submitted to your will. Who's outplaying who now?
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Sydney, as always, maintains an eye contact while sucking your dick. But it's not the usual puppy eyes that you were given countless times by bitches choking on your cock, not at all. Something almost sinister lurks deep inside her, forcing her to maintain focus even while kissing your cock. For a moment, you wonder what is Sydney's true agenda, before succumbing back to the pleasures of her warm mouth...
<br><img src="img/sydney/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sydney">> <br>
<<include "Sex">> <br>
<br>[[Leave...->Sydney Home]]<br>/*TALKING WITH HER*/
<<if false>>
<<elseif $sister.lust >= 100 || $sister.relationship >= 100 || $sister.corruption >= 100>>
@@.speech-sis;...I think we should talk more, it's been pretty rewarding so far...@@
Your small chat with sis is way more flirtatious than before, and it's pretty exciting. And she trusts you so much she's being bottomless with you - or just more relaxed in general.
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent7.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 5 "sister">><br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 7>>
@@.speech-sis;Does this make me hot? Be honest!@@
You spend some time helping your sister to choose underwear from her massive wardrobe. Not surprisingly, all sets look perfect on her slender body.
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent2.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "sister">> <br>
<<statChange "relationship" 3 "sister">><br>
@@.speech-sis;I never thought I would actually enjoy talking to you bro...@@
You spend some time exchanging opinions and sharing impressions, and it's a surprisingly nice talk. She behaves way nicer than you used to.
<br><img src="img/sExtra/sEvent5.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "relationship" 2 "sister">><br>
<<if false>>
<<elseif $sisMainQuest == 0>><br>
@@.speech-sis; the way could you help me with my classes?@@
<<if $player.intellect >= 5>>
@@.speech-u;Sure thing, I'm always happy to help my sis!@@
<<set $sisMainQuest = 1 >>
@@.speech-u;Sorry sis, but I'm not very good with academia myself...@@
@@.tip-skillcheck;[Req.Intellect >5]@@ <br>
<<elseif $sisSwimingQuest == 0 >><br>
@@.speech-sis;Bro can I ask you something?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, go ahead...@@
@@.speech-sis;There is one cool swimsuit I wanted to buy, but daddy stopped giving me money since I was failing my classes...@@
@@.speech-u;I see what I can do about it...@@
<<set $sisSwimingQuest = 1 >>
<br>[[Leave...->Sister's Room]]<br><<if $bioQuest == 0>>
/*father office (start)*/
<img src="img/mansion/officeMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
Your dad hunched over piles of documents on his desk and barely noticed you entering his personal office. You glance over the papers before him and guess that he is preparing for another deal. However, in your previous experience helping father you've never seen him work that hard on a deal before. This must be something important.
Finally acknowledging your presence, dad leans back in his chair and rubs his tired eyes. After a short moment of silence, he eventually speaks to you:
@@.speech-father;Son. I might have a very delicate task for you.@@
<<linkreplace "Yeah, sure dad">>
@@.speech-father;I'm planning to enter the biotech market and for some time have been buying failing startups in the industry.@@
@@.speech-father;It's been smooth sailing until I spot this one...@@
@@.speech-father;They claim to have some bullshit classified tech, that makes their valuation waaaay overpriced, and they're not budging on it like the others.@@
@@.speech-father;I want you to investigate what this whole hoax is about.@@
<<linkreplace "Sure, what I can do to help?">>
@@.speech-father;I want you to go to their headquarters and investigate things. You know, regular everyday industrial espionage.@@
@@.speech-father;On our latest meeting with the company in question, my people copied the access card to the main office. It should open all doors, but security staff will have no problem seeing it as fake, so avoid them.@@
@@.speech-father;What I ask you of is risky, but in the end, it will be all yours anyway. So, do you have the guts for it?@@
<<linkreplace "Visit the Biotech office in city. Got it.">>
<<set $bioQuest = 1>><<goto "House">>
<<linkreplace "Sorry, I don't have the time for this...">>
<<goto "House">>
<<elseif $bioQuest >= 1>>
<<if $period >= 1 && $period != 5>>
/*bio breack in (morning)*/
@@.speech-male;Early bird gets all the dick, right?@@
@@.speech-female;~yeah, give it to me! *moans*@@
The silence of empty corridors is suddenly disturbed by muffled moans in one of the rooms. You peek inside to see two employees hooking up before their day shift. Instead of reading this as a sign that it's time for you to leave, you keep looking at the couple, enjoying their affair at the workplace. The blonde enjoys being fucked from behind so much you think you should find her when your dad will finally take over this company, and smack that bubble butt...
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Is it morning already? I have to leave...">>
<<goto "City">>
/*bio breack in*/
<<include "Pass time">>
<<set _event to either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
<img src="img/medtek/bio0.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
<img src="img/medtek/bio1.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="img/medtek/bio2.jpg" width="100%"><br>
No one notices you when you sneak through the temporarily unguarded entrance. Inside the building looks quiet and empty, with only your careful steps breaking the silence. You look for unlocked computers to steal data and learn more about the company's secrets...
<<if $bioGuards >= 100>>
<<set $bioQuest = -2>><<goto "BioTech">>
<<elseif $bioGuards >= 75>>
<span style="color:red">Guards are actively looking for the intruder; if you continue, you will get caught!</span>
<<elseif $bioGuards >= 50>>
You hear guards investigating the noises!
<<elseif $bioGuards >= 25>>
Guards are starting to question the noises...
Guards are unaware of your presence.
[[Steal data.->BioTech Data]]<br>
<<linkreplace "Wait.">>
<<set $bioGuards -= 25>><<goto "BioTech">>
<<linkreplace "Leave...">>
<<goto "City">>
<<elseif $bioQuest == -2>>
/*bio tech get caught*/
@@.speech-male;Freeze! Don't move!@@
You got busted! The guard pins you down and restrains your hands behind your back with plastic handcuffs. You offer no resistance, knowing you can't just brute force your way out, and guard appreciate it by not applying violence... He then puts a bag on your head and makes you wait for what feels like an hour before escorts you somewhere downstairs. You feel cold air, smelling of rubber and gasoline, and think of the parking lot. That guess is confirmed when you hear a car door open and you are pushed inside on a leather seat.
<<linkreplace "Bag is removed.">>
@@.speech-male;Well, well, well...@@
@@.speech-male;Such a big boy, but still running errands for his daddy...@@
You find yourself sitting in front of a man, enjoying a glass of whisky and a blowjob from a cute redhead. You glance around the custom-designed interior of his expensive car, his platinum watch, and his tailor-made suit and conclude that he must be one of the higher-ups of the biotech company.
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "What the hell do you want?">>
@@.speech-male;I knew this was just a matter of time until your dad sent someone to sniff around.@@
@@.speech-male;Don't you feel sad knowing a biology genius like me is completely failed by his management? Those idiots could lose money running a casino!@@
@@.speech-male;Look, we have a lot in common. First, we are both suppressed by our seniors, who just can't see our full potential... yet. And second, we are both fucking perverts.@@
@@.speech-male;Let's work together. A man of your skills could be beneficial to the enterprise, and you can have a chance to screw up your dad.@@
<<linkreplace "I would never betray my father!">>
@@.speech-male;Oh what? You don't want to backstab your own father right away? So predictable... and so boring.@@
@@.speech-male;...put his bag back on, he'll go for a little vacation.@@
@@.speech-male;Here is your phone.. this one is not as fancy as yours, but it still has everything you'd need.@@
@@.speech-male;That is - my number. Call me when you are ready.@@
The bag is back to your head, and you feel a needle inject something into your thigh.
<br><<timed 1s>>
You feel strange tigling...<br>
<<timed 5s>>
Everything turns white, you start to doze off...<br>
<<timed 5s>>
<<set $bioQuest = -3>><<goto "BioTech">>
<<linkreplace "What should I do for you?">>
@@.speech-male;As you may have noticed, my serum and the technology behind it are pretty much real. Unfortunately, I need more money to fund my operations.@@
@@.speech-male; I want you to deliver a gift to your father, a special serum crafted just for him.@@
@@.speech-male;But in return, he would have to acquire my company for full price, not the scraps he offered earlier.@@
@@.speech-u;Deliver the serum, acqire the company, got it.@@
The car drops you off in front of your parent's house. Cold vial of the serum feels heavy in your hand; you begin to have second thoughts and consider what effects it might have on your dad. But is it that bad? It will just make his life more fun, right?..
<br><<set $bioQuest = -4>>
<br><br>[[Walk in...->House]]
<<elseif $bioQuest == -3>>
/*bio caught, deal declined*/
You wake up in some trashed motel with a girl jumping on your dick. Judging by semen stains all over you, it's been going on for some time already. Before you can do anything, a wave of lust covers your mind, and all you think of ising fuck that bitch on your dick.
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">>
<br>Days go by, they are all the same. Guards outside bring you food and replace tired whores with new ones, and you fuck them all day and night long. You are exhausted and barely conscious, but still hard as a rock...
<br>On the bed table, a phone from the company's chemist offers you an easy way out. Next to it, a glass of water probably spiked with even more serum...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Pick up the phone. And start dialing.">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;I... I agree... on your terms...@@
@@.speech-male;Great to hear that! My people will take care of you.@@
You stand before your parent's mansion. You have no memory of how you got here from that hole you spent an unknown amount of time. There is something in your trembling hand - a vile of serum, tailored personally for your dad. Now you know from your experience what it can do to a man - but you have no choice...
<<set $bioQuest = -4>><br><br>[[Walk in...->House]]
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "I just need more!..">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<NextMorning>><<include "Sleeping API Update">><<goto "BioTech">>
<<elseif $bioQuest == -4>>
/*dad office (deal)*/
<img src="img/mansion/officeMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
@@.speech-u;That biotech firm, I finally got the serum, and it is real. So, I guess you'd have to pay the asking price on that...@@
@@.speech-father;I knew I could count on you! Paying full price is bad news, tho... Well, let me at least give it a shot.@@
You give your father the serum. He looks at it for a moment, as if wondering how this translucent liquid worth millions, and then fills the syringe with it. No emotion appears on your face as you look at how your father injects himself with this drug. He closes his eyes, waiting for the effect to kick in...
/*father having sex around the house events*/
<<linkreplace "Well, we'll see how everything goes...">>
<<set $bioQuest = -5>><<goto "House">>
<<elseif $bioQuest == -1>>
/*dad office (stole)*/
<img src="img/mansion/officeMansion.jpg" width="100%"> <br>
@@.speech-u;That biotech firm... I took their formula, here it is.@@
@@.speech-father;Finally! Now I'll make money selling it to their competitors and also will make money by outstriping the biotech firm with the leverage buyout!@@
You pass him the flash drive with all the information you've managed to find in the biotech office. On the one hand, you feel bad that this truly impressive technology would bring nothing to the company that discovered it. On the other, it's their fault for being bad at management, and it allowed you to get your generous share.
<br><<statChange "money" 10 "player">> <br>
<<set $bioQuest = -69>>
<<endif>><<if $period >= 1 && $period < 5>>
/*bio office (day)*/
<img src="img/medtek/office.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You get to the headquarters of the biotech company. It's a modern building inside the downtown business area, busy with people coming in and out. Small lines form before security checks, as guards carefully examine visitors to the office.
@@.speech-u; It looks too busy, the guards will instantly bust my fake access card.@@
@@.speech-u;Maybe I should try at night?..@@
[[Return at night...->City]]<br>
/*bio office (night)*/
<img src="img/medtek/noffice.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You approach the biotech company building at night. It's much quieter at this time of day, with occasional late-working employees leaving through evidently understaffed night shifts of security. You assume, that's happening because of tight measures during the day, they cut on night workers and leave only a couple of semi-asleep guards. You will have no problem getting inside in a lucky moment when security looks the other way.
<br>[[Get in there.->BioTech]]<br>
<<set $bioGuards = 0>>/*bio stealing*/
<<include "Pass time">><<set $bioGuards += 24>>
<<if $bioQuest == 1>>
You find the initial report on the drug effect discovery...
<br><br><b>Report #:</b> SXD0371<br>
"<...> After the usual day in the lab, I must have been accidentally exposed to the serum. I didn't notice any changes until on my way home I started experiencing symptoms, associated with increased sexual drive. That day me and my wife had one of the best sex in our lives. <...> I suggest the management examine the formula and research its possible implications."
@@.speech-male;Your pussy never felt this good, honey!~@@
Despite the word of the initial report attempting to stay professional and maintain some level of privacy, the employee was forced to provide the video recording from his home surveillance to his superiors which is now attached to the report. That must have been humiliating to share your private life with your company like this - if not for the extraordinary sexual performance of the man in the video. Anyone would be proud depicted as energetic as he is, driving your spouse from one orgasm to another, and pounding her like a well-oiled machine. You would never believe that he is not a professional porn actor but a humble lab worker...
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $bioQuest += 1>>
<br>[[You need to gather more data...->BioTech]]<br>
<<elseif $bioQuest == 2>>
You found more logs of the experiments...
<br><br><b>Report #:</b> SXD0361<br>
"<...> While I admit that I exceeded my authority when I introduced the serum to the camp's water supply, there is no doubt that this way we gathered vital information on how the substance works and, arguably even more importantly, its influence on social norms in a closed society. We observed that when exposed to the constant influence of serum, the social group gradually embraced its effect and accepted the changes in social interactions as the new norm."
You tried to find anything more about this weird facility, codenamed PR-18 in the document, but found no trace. Looks like some experimental testing site in a remote location...
@@.speech-male;Sharing is caring!@@
In the video attached to the report, you can see a teenage girl being gangbanged by a group of boys her age. Everyone in the video greatly enjoys themselves, especially the brunette vixen with dick-stuffed fuckholes; if you didn't know that they are victims of the weird experiments, you would think that they just live their best lives.
Sometimes, the camera catches a glance of a much older man, standing in the corner and observing the gangbang. He must be in charge there; his face is obscured by the glasses, but you can feel his authority even through the recording. Weird...
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $bioQuest += 1>>
<br>[[You need to gather more data...->BioTech]]<br>
<<elseif $bioQuest == 3>>
You found more logs of the experiments...
<br><br><b>Report #:</b> SXD0471<br>
" <...> The family agreed to participate in the experiment due to a hard financial situation. In violation of the procedure, they were not informed about side effects and were told that serum was nothing but a food supplement. In the meantime, our operative team installed hidden cameras in the trailer where the family resided. <...>
The experiment proves that increased lust and changing social norms, observed in previous experiments, could lead to incest. While breaking the deep-rooted taboo is a fascinating outcome for the psychological department, I suggest looking at the possible business value <...>"
The word "blackmail" is never used in the report, but heavily implied. It's hard to argue that incest porn would be a very juicy blackmail material...
@@.speech-male;Good girl...@@
In the video from the trailer family shamelessly indulges in a threesome. There is something repulsive in the perversion on screen... You, of course, are no stranger to incest, but looking at this low-class family "bonding" feels wrong. Messy room, obese dad, submissive daughter, and her stoned brother - they have no prospects in life now, other than fuck each other and produce even more degraded offspring. You have to admit that the company has a talent for scouting for its lab rats...
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $bioQuest += 1>>
<<set $bioGuards += 5>>
<br>[[You need to gather more data...->BioTech]]<br>
<<elseif $bioQuest == 4>>
You found some management emails of the experiments...
<br><br><b>Report #:</b> SXD0489<br>
"<...> with increased serum production volume we observe growth in the rate of leaks to the public. For reference, please see the attached file HNGBOPL.mp4. <...>
To conclude, all leaks to the public have been contained with significant cost. Going forward, we better invest in the security protocols to prevent them from happening in the first place; we even recommend going over budget, as we expect revenue from the eventual serum sales to arrive in Q4."
That was a bold financial strategy, and with your dad now buying the company, it didn't pay out.
@@.speech-male;Fuck yeah, punish that horny bitch!@@
The video is recorded on a phone camera by an unidentified bystander. He films the nurse with a clearly visible company logo taking a girthy black dick behind the car in the parking lot. She realizes she's being filmed, but makes no attempt to stop the recording, and even encourages the operator to join in. The comments from the man in the frame suggest that he didn't know the nurse prior to the intercourse.
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $bioQuest += 1>>
<<set $bioGuards += 10>>
<br>[[You need to gather more data...->BioTech]]<br>
<<elseif $bioQuest == 5>>
You found more logs of the experiments...
<br><br><b>Report #:</b> SXD0501<br>
"<...> The goal of the experiment was to establish the dosages required for different exposure stages, as well as calibrate the delivery method to ensure precise area targeting. <...> And the last stage, which sees the subject collapse in the state of endless intercourse, until the total exhaustion and loss of conscience."
@@.speech-female;Oh, I was just as kinky as you guys back in the day...@@
The recording from a hidden CCTV camera in the bus for the employees shows the effect of exposing the specific target area in the middle. The delivery mechanism was improved to the point where only the couple right in the middle of the affected zone started having sex, while people near them were not exposed that much and only showed general support to the public intercourse before their eyes.
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $bioQuest += 1>>
<<set $bioGuards += 15>>
<br>[[You need to gather more data...->BioTech]]<br>
<<elseif $bioQuest == 6>>
You found more logs of the experiments...
<br><br><b>Report #:</b> SXD0524<br>
"<...> Object #23: Male, age 68, chronic erectile dysfunction. <...>
It wasn't expected from the #23 to have any response to the serum given his age and medical history. Nevertheless, not only his erection was back, but his newfound stamina could be compared to the one of 18-year-olds."
@@.speech-female;Grandpa, fill me with your cum!@@
@@.speech-male;You don't have to ask me twice, honey!@@
A collection of videos, each depicting the old man fucking his granddaughter in all poses imaginable. It looks like some sort of vacation resort, where the two spend days fucking each other, consumed by incestuous lust. Interestingly, there is no record that the granddaughter was exposed to the serum - either she just enjoys being fucked by a constantly hard dick, or she is just a slut for older men...
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br><b>Important note to management:</b><br>
Please reassign operative D02 from any field work moving forward. Why do all of his tests have to involve some form of incest? This sometimes leads to an increase in his operations cover cost of almost 325%!
<<set $bioQuest += 1>>
<<set $bioGuards += 20>>
<br>[[You need to gather more data...->BioTech]]<br>
<<elseif $bioQuest == 7>>
You found more logs of the experiments: a mail chain between internal teams and management...
<br><br><b>Report #:</b> SXD0690<br>
"<...> Taking into account everything above, we consider postponing the introduction of the serum to the market. In order to generate profit, a dedicated team will be established, seeking more 'creative' ways of using the serum to our benefit."
"<...> Our first operation would involve using the serum to decrease the property value of a local mall and then acquiring it for ourselves. We expect the return on investment in the first year."
"Based on the social media reports we consider our first operation a success: the reputation of the mall gradually started falling, and we contacted the property owner and negotiated the selling price. We blame the financial department for not allocating the needed sum soon enough, thus stalling our efforts and allowing other buyers to close the deal."
Attached are various clips and photos depicting increasingly lewd behavior in a mall. Among public making out, a large portion of them depict hot women flashing to strangers, even on camera. Gradually, fewer and fewer customers appear in the frame, and in the last clip with a woman on the escalator, you can see closed businesses everywhere.
<br><img src="img/medtek/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<set $bioQuest += 1>>
<<set $bioGuards += 25>>
<br>[[You need to gather more data...->BioTech]]<br>
<img src="img/medtek/data.png" class="event-image"><br>
You find the email chain between the lab and the production teams, that goes into detail about producing the serum, its formula, and ingredients, and addresses the issues that might appear during the large-scale production. It's the best thing you could have found!
<br><<linkreplace "Finally, now let's get out of here!">>
<<set $bioQuest = -1>><<goto "City">>
<<endif>>to adress drama player goes to the therapist
more lore + character backstory
adressing player choices
seducing the therapist
confronting the scary things head one
(sleep with mother is scary, well u should just try it tho)Double-click this passage to edit it
evade taxes
i dont care who irs sends im not payuing taxescasino business
gamedev business
going to the govermend nd pssing ur own lawns/*PASSAGE:Random Town Events*/
/*random events while walking in the city */
<<set _event to either (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)>>
/*cult van event*/
<<if _event == 0>>
<img src="img/cult/bait.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
A whistle makes you turn your head toward a black van parked on the side of the road. Its driver, a voluptuous female, has opened the front door to show you her fat ass and inviting pussy.
@@.speech-female;Hey good-lookin'... I have some 'candy' just for you... if you want, just come in the back of my truck~@@
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "Get inside">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You'd love to cum in the back of her truck, but decided to hold your pun and get inside for some dirty action.
@@.speech-u;You're not gonna kidnap me or something... right?@@
<<set $cultQuest = 1>>
[[Riiight..?->Cult Quest]]
<<linkreplace "No, thanks.">>
<<goto "Town">>
/*recognizing an old college friend*/
<<elseif _event == 1>>
You are strolling through town in a rush, and unexpectedly stumble upon a girl from your college days. Time has been very kind to her, and she hasn't changed in a bit.
Looking closely at her face you can notice vague signs of time passed since you were teenagers, but her whole style and appearance can convince anyone that she is still barely legal. Besides her impressive look, you remember that there was once a time you had a crush on her, but you never got a chance to develop that into something...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[INTELLECT 30] Impress her with your wits">>
<<if $player.intellect >= 30>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You stop on the street for a quick chat, and it's going really well for people who haven't talked with each other in years. You don't have much time, but you do want to make a lasting impression...
@@.speech-u;Did you know that females usually aim for the men with the highest chances of providing safety for their offspring?@@
@@.speech-female;Wow, mister smartpants is back! I didn't know you could be so... forward about it. Hey, do you know that males find women with wider hips and glutes more attractive because of higher fertility chances?@@
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
As to demonstrate her competitiveness among other females, she turns around and wiggles her round bubble butt at you, as if forgetting you are still standing in a public place.
<br>She is definitely impressed by your words; if only you weren't in such a rush...
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;I can't figure out how to approach her.@@
[[Ignore her...->Town]]
/*Giving one of sister's friends a lift*/
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You are driving around town and spot one of your sister's friends. You had caught her checking you out before, and you realize this might be your chance.
She is that glamorous brat type of girl, so reminiscent of your own sister - probably this is exactly why you are interested in hitting on her.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 30] Convince letting you drive her home">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 30>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Hey, just spotted you walking around, do you need a lift?@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, you are my friend's brother! Of course! You're such a gentleman!@@
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-female;You are always so kind to me, let me give you a little show.@@
On the backseat she started losing her clothes, finally flashing you her perky tits. She thinks she is a seductress, but she's just repeating poses and faces she saw on TikTok, so she ends up looking cheap - but you kinda like it.
@@.speech-u;This girl is such a tease... one of these days I will teach her a lesson...@@
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;I can't figure out how to approach her.@@
[[Go on with your day...->Town]]
/*bribe a girl on a motorcycle to give you a show while driving around*/
<<elseif _event == 3>>
You are driving around and see a girl with a suspiciously short dress on the back of the motorcycle.
Her dress is low enough to be decent, but short enough to get attention - anyway, a summer dress is a questionable choice for a bike ride. Her hands are wrapped around the driver's waist; you wonder what her man thinks about her outfit for the ride...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Pretend you are going to give her something in return for a show">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You tell her right in front of her man:
@@.speech-u;Want some quick bucks? Show me that ass.@@
She smiles mischievously and whispers something to her man as he pulls his motorcycle in front of you.
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
The girl then lifts up her dress, showing you and other drivers in the lane her bare ass with tan lines. Amazing that she wears no underwear and still agreed to flash you - and her man approved!
<br>You quickly pull away and leave the couple flabbergasted at your deed. Evil!
<br><<statChange "corruption" 2 "player">><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;I should be spending my money on something else.@@
[[Go on with your day...->Town]]
/*high class girl is interested and propositions you for some quick fun*/
<<elseif _event == 4>>
You are walking around the outside of your parents' mansion when you notice one of your father's playmates walking towards you hurriedly.
@@.speech-female;You are his son, right? I need to speak with him very quickly, I have been trying to talk to him for a week... I just don't understand why he would ignore me! But I am sure you could get me to him, right?@@
Maybe you could do something else with her instead?
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Pretend you are going to help her">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You take her to your father's study while knowing he obviously isn't there and tell her she was just a toy to your father. The classy toy looks disappointed as if you break the news, and you suggest a way of releasing her emotions:
@@.speech-u;What if we could mess up his study a bit?@@
You know the maids will quickly get the mess you two make fixed, but don't tell her that.
@@.speech-female;Great idea! See how I'm gonna take a shit on his desk!..@@
@@.speech-u;Wait, I meant like... break some glass, or have sex on his favorite table...@@
For a moment former playmate considers her options, then shrugs and drops her clothes.
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You fuck your father's former mistress right on the table. They say revenge sex is the best, but you don't really care as long as you are balls-deep inside some well-groomed pussy.
@@.speech-u;That was good, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.@@
@@.speech-female;Anything to get back at that old jerk.@@
The poor girl has no idea she was played by both the father and the son. You are sure your father would be proud of you.
<br><<statChange "corruption" 2 "player">><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;Why would I ever mess her up even more?@@
[[Go on with your day...->Town]]
/*paid for some quick fun*/
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-female;Hey! We used to study together! You haven't changed one bit!@@
You turn around and see an acquaintance from your school. It took you a moment to remember her name, but then your memory opened up. You chat and share funny stories from your past and present. Eventually...
@@.speech-female;You still got that rich dad? I wish I had a sugar daddy myself...@@
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[$100,000] Suggest you fix her monetary issues with some pocket change">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
She takes you to her house's backyard and wastes no time. When you come to your senses, you have been fucking each other for a while. Your lips are sealed in one constant passionate kiss while you relentlessly fuck in a standing position.
@@.speech-u;If I had known you were like this I'd have asked you out during school.@@
@@.speech-female;I have been looking forward to this since middle school!@@
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-u;That was some of the best sex I've had in a while..@@
@@.speech-female;I hope you will come to visit me again.@@
As you leave after exchanging some more pleasantries, something in your mind says you will definitely come back.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-u;I'm not ready to be a sugar daddy...@@
[[Go on with your day...->Town]]
/*random town horny girl event*/
<<if false>><<elseif _event == 6>>
As you drive past one of the local cafes you spot an unmistakably horny girl...
You stare at her through your rear view for a few seconds before the red light finally turns green... you might need to find some "relief" soon.
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
/*exhibitionist town event 1*/
<<elseif _event == 7>>
While walking through town you notice a girl with a rather skimpy outfit, as she approaches you she flaunts her assets in a very suggestive manner.
Her nipples are piercing through the transparent fabric just in case someone misses that she is not wearing a bra - but actually not many passersby look in her direction, too busy looking in their phones. This way, the girl in a see-through outfit continues her exhibitionist stroll uninterrupted...
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
/*exhibitionist town event 2*/
<<elseif _event == 8>>
You are strolling through the town and suddenly a girl with a rather revealing set of clothing walks past you.
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
It's impressive how her massive rack is able to maintain a perfectly round shape without any bra support - oh, the wonders of modern plastic surgery. She walks past you but you can barely remember her face, unable to look away from her gorgeous tits.
@@.speech-u;Things are getting out of hand in this town, what is up with the women these days?@@
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">><br>
/*exhibitionist town event 3*/
While minding your own business, you spot a completely shameless girl walking through the town almost naked.
<br><img src="img/townRandom/tEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
At first, you can't believe your eyes when you see a woman strolling in the middle of the road wearing only high heels, stockings, and a garter belt. No one really pays attention to the exhibitionistic act, except you, which hasn't gone unnoticed by the woman. She rewards you with a smile and a light breasts squeeze, before sidestepping and grabbing her coat.
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">><br>
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 25] Cat-call her">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $player.corruption >= 25 && $player.charisma >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;You're such a slut!@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, thank you... you're not bad yourself...@@
Somehow the tone in which you said that transforms the cat-calling insult into an appreciative compliment. With your natural charisma, even the most degrading comments could sound hot and sexy, and manage to raise interest in the exhibitionistic slut. She gives you a seductive wink and blends with the crowd.
<br><<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $player.corruption >= 25>>
@@.speech-u;You're such a slut!@@
@@.speech-female;Get away from me creep!@@
Your rude comment attracted more attention to you than to the exhibitionist, who now speeds up away from you and tries to blend with the crowd, now properly covered by her coat. Passersby looks at you with disgrace, and you realize you don't even care what he might think.
<br><<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
Words are stuck in your throat as you try to come up with a cool and manly way of calling the exhibitionist a whore. Sadly, you're too shy to shout lewd stuff right on the streets, and just watch embarrassed as the woman blends in with the crowd.
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 25] Flirt with her">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 25>>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Babe, if you need vitamin D so bad, I have some D for you in my pants!@@
@@.speech-female;Haha, that's so lame!@@
You both laugh at your lame pickup line, but it enables you to engage in short, flirty conversation with a gorgeous exhibitionist.
<br><<statChange "charisma" 1 "player">> <br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
@@.speech-female;Do I know you?@@
It took you so long to come up with a suitable pickup line that it became weird. Your long creepy stare at her makes her speed up and run from you and your disaster of a pickup line:
@@.speech-u;Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see...@@
<<statChange "lust" -50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" -5 "player">> <br>
<<endif>><<if false>>
<<elseif $fitnessQuest == 0>>
@@.speech-female;Hiii~, nice to meet you! Ready to achieve your goals?@@
@@.speech-u;Yeah, let's get those numbers up!@@
Your new fitness trainer is here, warmed up and eager to start. You are almost surprised that she looks exactly as in her popular Instagram: lean, fit, and incredibly sexy. On the surface, she's a typical gym bunny. Still, you know that in reality she's a highly acclaimed trainer with several degrees, and it's because of her knowledge, skills, and experience her services are valued by celebrities and other high-profile people.
<br>You, however, are a step up in her career. With the money you provide she could be able to expand her business: maybe start a line of her own nutrition, or develop a personal-branded fitness app, whatever she wants - as long you are satisfied with her services...
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $fitnessQuest >= 10 && $player.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;Don't forget to breathe *moans*@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You spend so much time together with your personal trainer that it's inevitable that you eventually get bored... and horny. After all, you are just two young, increasingly fit, and conventionally sexy persons - so the tension between you only grows, until you finally let it out.
<br>Your workout transforms into a fun fuck session, where you explore how you can use gym equipment while having sex. It turns out that it makes up for really intense training, combining both cardio and strength elements. How come you don't do that every time you are in the gym?
<<set $fitnessQuest -= 5>>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $fitnessQuest >= 4 && $player.lust >= 100 && $player.corruption >= 75>>
@@.speech-u;Do you like my technique now?!@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You get tired of how your personal trainer commands you around the gym: more plates that, wrong push this. Who this bitch thinks she is?! The lust clouds your mind, and you decide that you need to reward yourself for all your hard work.
<br>You push the gym bunny to the mat and tear up her yoga pants, revealing her juicy pussy - slut doesn't even wear panties. She tries to break away but you pin her down and slam your dick inside - oh, how good it feels to be back in charge!
@@.speech-female;*moans* fu-u-u-uk... Squat deeper!@@
@@.speech-female;Mhm! Go deeper, and engage your glutes!..@@
You wish you had a second cock to shut her mouth...
<<set $fitnessQuest -= 3>>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<elseif $fitnessQuest >= 7 && $player.lust >= 50 && $player.strenght >= 100>>
@@.speech-u;Fuck I'm sexy!@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You are at your peak physical form and during your workout routine go for some pump on your well-developed muscles. You are approaching the limits set by your genetics; you can get bigger with gear, but it will bring some serious side effects you don't want to deal with. At this point of your fitness journey, the hardest thing is to discard body dysmorphia and admit that you are actually jacked, and enjoy your objectively impressive physique.
<br>Your personal trainer thinks the same and approaches you while you pose shirtless near the mirror.
@@.speech-female;I think you deserve a little reward for your hard work...@@
The gorgeous girl starts blowing your already hard dick while you flex in a gym mirror. That's the fitness motivation you've been looking for!
<br><<set $fitnessQuest -= 3>>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $fitnessQuest >= 4>>
@@.speech-female;'s just so you could see all my muscle groups working together...@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
During one particular exercise, you struggle to find the right technique, and your personal trainer uses it as an excuse to get naked. Now, you can actually see how her quads are engaged during the lift - and how horny she is during your workouts. You think you can even smell the faint sweet scent of her slightly moist pussy, which signals you about her true intentions...
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $fitnessQuest >= 2 && $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-female;Let's get your blood flowing!@@
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Your personal trainer is used to a male gaze, but when she notices a bulge in your sweatpants, she decides to advance your training routine to the next level. Having a boner during a workout might be counterproductive, but it adds up with the motivation you get when looking at her glutes.
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $fitnessQuest == 0 || $player.strenght < 15>>
@@.speech-female;Ready to do it?@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You're still a novice when it comes to regular strength workouts, and have very little understanding of what you are supposed to do. Thankfully, your personal trainer is here and eager to support you in your first steps on your fitness journey. You are amazed at what your body can do, and by the end of the workout feel proud of yourself. And tired like shit.
<br><<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif $energy < 25>>
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Obliged to show on your scheduled workout, you feel like it's a waste of time because of how tired you already are. It feels bad not to perform on the level you know you can, but at least you can have fun looking at your sexy trainer. One might say that her outfit and poses are too distracting from the workout, but since it's already unsalvageable, you might as well peek at her glutes...
<br><<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5>>
@@.speech-u;The best workout in my life!@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
It's one of those workouts when everything lines up - mindset, energy, and even music in your playlist. You set up several PRs, enjoy an amazing mind-muscle connection, and by the end of the session you feel tired, but also revived at the same time. Your personal trainer is here every step of the way, correcting your technique and motivating you to go even harder.
<br><<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "strenght" 1 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Consistency is key.@@
<br><img src="img/dlc0/instruct/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Even with the best trainer in the world, you can't get results in one day. You lift heavy weights and maintain the technique, but you understand there is a long way forward and many more workouts like this. At least, you have nice, eye-pleasing company along your fitness journey.
<br><<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<set $fitnessQuest += 1>>
<<statChange "energy" -25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "strenght" 4 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[ENERGY 25] More training">>
<<if $ >= 25>>
<<goto "DLC0 Training">>
Too tired!
[[Leave...->DLC0 Island]]<br>
<<include "Pass time">>characters player could have sex with
Maid (26F) ♥19 >Seduce<
goto maid seduction house
(seduce her in parents house)
she is insecure about it
corruption (blackmail?)
Waitress (19F) ♥69 >Seduce<
fuck in the restroom?<<if false>>
<<elseif $restarauntQuest == 0>>
<img src="img/city/restaurant.jpg" class="neobackground-image"><br><<set $waitress.lust = $waitress.corruption + random(-25,25)>>
The restaurant welcomes you with a soft murmur of quiet conversations mixed with the gentle clinking of crystal glasses and silverware. Dim, golden lighting reflects off polished wood and marble heavily used in decorating rich interiors. Everything virtually reeks of luxury and exclusivity.
<br>The place has a reputation as one of the finest places on this coast if not the hemisphere and is regularly included in global ratings. This comes at a price, however, as getting a reservation here is practically impossible. <br>
<<linkreplace "Get lunch">>
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 2>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<elseif $restarauntQuest == 1>>
<img src="img/city/restaurant.jpg" class="neobackground-image"><br>
@@.speech-female;I'm sorry, but we don't have any tables available... unless you've made a reservation, of course.@@
The administrator welcomes you and asks for your reservation, which you obviously didn't make. Even if you bothered to plan your visit here in advance, you probably would have to wait about 6 months to get the closest opportunity. That's what makes it so exclusive...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 5] Do you know who you talking to?!">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 5>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if false>>
<<elseif $ >= 100>>
@@.speech-u;Do you know who are you talking to right now?!@@
@@.speech-u;I could buy this restaurant and turn it into my ping-pong room by this afternoon.@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, wow! Looks like one of the tables became available!@@
Huh, that was too easy. The administrator folded under no pressure; they should train the staff better, either to immediately recognize the big money entering, or stand the ground no matter what. If anyone can intimidate an administrator like that, what will be left of the famous exclusivity?
<br><<linkreplace "You follow her to your table...">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
@@.speech-u;Do you know who are you talking to right now?!@@
@@.speech-u;My dad literally owns the half of this country! So get me a fucking table or you get fired!@@
@@.speech-female;Oh... You're his son, huh?@@
@@.speech-female;Wow! Looks like one of the tables just became available!@@
You feel anger growing inside. How dare this stupid administrator gatekeep this place from you? Your rich dad's name opens every door in this city, and you feel personally insulted when people don't recognize you as his heir.
<br><<linkreplace "You follow her to your table...">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Oh, yeah... *leave*">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<if $ >= 1000>>
@@.speech-male;Do you even know who this guy IS?!@@
@@.speech-male;I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, sir, I should train my staff better than that.@@
Some manager-type man suddenly intervenes before you turn around and leave. He recognizes you, as you've already made a name - and fortune - for yourself.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "It happens. *enter*">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Thank you, but I'll have to leave...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-male;What have you done! You dumb bitch!@@
<<goto "City">>
<<goto "City">>
<<elseif $restarauntQuest == 2>>
<<set $restarauntWaitressQuest = random(0,4)>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif $restarauntWaitressQuest == 1>>
<img src="img/restaurant/sEvent2.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
Waitress ♥$waitress.lust 🆇$waitress.corruption <br>
@@.speech-female;May I present tonight’s menu, featuring our chef's special creations?@@
<<elseif $restarauntWaitressQuest == 2>>
<img src="img/restaurant/sEvent1.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
Waitress ♥$waitress.lust 🆇$waitress.corruption <br>
@@.speech-female;If you have any questions or dietary preferences, please don't hesitate to let me know.@@
<img src="img/restaurant/sEvent0.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
Waitress ♥$waitress.lust 🆇$waitress.corruption <br>
@@.speech-female;Hi! I'll be taking care of you this evening.@@
<<endif>><<set $player.lust += 20>>
Waitress hands you the leather-clad menu that just as well could be an ancient dark magic tome - you are unable to comprehend any words in it. Beyond any doubt, you are certain that no one understands the dish names either, but the clients are too pretentious to admit that. You struggle with the desire to order steak and fries but decide to play along.
<br><<if $player.lust >= 50>>She glances at your boner <<statChange "lust" 25 "waitress">><br><<endif>>
<<linkreplace "Imperial Truffle Risotto with Saffron Essence">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<linkreplace "Gilded Wagyu Fillet with Black Garlic Purée">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<linkreplace "Oyster Royale with Champagne-Foam and Caviar Pearls">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<linkreplace "Alaskan King Crab Tempura with Yuzu and Gold Leaf">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<linkreplace "Velvet Lobster Bisque Infused with Cognac and Vanilla Cream">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<linkreplace "Foie Gras Mille-Feuille with Truffle Honey Drizzle">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<linkreplace "Lavender-Infused Venison Medallions with Port Wine Glaze">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<linkreplace "Caviar-Crusted Lamb Loin with Saffron Béarnaise and Fennel Crisp">>
<<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<elseif $restarauntQuest == 3>>
<<set _event to either(0,1,2)>><<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<if _event == 1 || ($player.corruption >= 100 && random(0,10) >= 5)>>
@@.speech-u;That's depressing.@@
After an unreasonably long wait, your order finally arrives - and you are immediately disappointed by the size of the portions. With a sigh, you grab a slice and put it in your mouth... and spew it out immediately. You feel like you've tried to eat an overly salted semi-fried jellyfish, and would give anything to go back in time before you've made a mistake and tasted this disaster. What a whole delusion this place is, who would even eat this shit?
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
<br><<statChange "energy" -5 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Barelly touch your plate...->Restaraunt]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
A beautifully arranged plate arrives at your table, and you carefully take a bite. Unfortunately, magic does not happen, you are not taken back to your childhood or not even jizz your pants. It's at least edible, tasty even, but nothing more. Sure, you are paying for the experience in the first place, but when the food is so unremarkable, it's almost disappointing.
<br><<statChange "energy" 25 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Eat some of your meal...->Restaraunt]]<br>
@@.speech-u;This is perfect.@@
When your plate arrives, you take a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship of the serving. The abstract lines and complex geometry of the dish, while useless and impractical, evoke a sense of beauty in you. And when you take a first bite, your mind is blown away. For a moment, your whole conscience focuses on the food inside your mouth, savoring the perfect balance of flavor, texture, and taste. Everything is just perfect!
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "energy" 50 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Finish your food...->Restaraunt]]<br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $rayMainQuest >= 3 && $restarauntQuest == 4>>
You meet Rae here doing her business lunch! <br>
@@.speech-rae;Time flies quicker when you're doing something you enjoy...@@
She goes under the table and starts sucking your cock. The room is full, but you make sure no one sees her.
@@.speech-rae;You'd better come before the waitress does...@@
You look around and check that the waitress is busy somewhere else, and other guests are looking at their plates. Then, you grab your glass and meaningfully stare into it, trying to look like you are definitely not getting a blowjob in public. It's hard to keep silent and not attract much attention given the advanced cock-sucking skills of Rae...
<img src="img/rich/rPublic0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[She leaves...->Restaraunt]]<br>
<<elseif $restarauntQuest == 4>><<set $restarauntQuest += 1>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif $restarauntWaitressQuest == 1>>
<img src="img/restaurant/sEvent2.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
Waitress ♥$waitress.lust 🆇$waitress.corruption <br>
@@.speech-female;I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your meal today, sir.@@
<<elseif $restarauntWaitressQuest == 2>>
<img src="img/restaurant/sEvent1.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
Waitress ♥$waitress.lust 🆇$waitress.corruption <br>
@@.speech-female;May I clear your plates, or would you like a moment to relax?@@
<img src="img/restaurant/sEvent0.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
Waitress ♥$waitress.lust 🆇$waitress.corruption <br>
@@.speech-female;Is there anything else I can offer to enhance your experience tonight?@@
<<endif>><<set $player.lust += 20>>
You finish your meal, one way or another, and waitress appears immediately to collect the plates. She looks genuinely interested in providing you with the best experience possible.
<br><<if $player.lust >= 50>>She glances at your boner <<statChange "lust" 25 "waitress">><br><<endif>>
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 10] Insult the staff">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 10>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if false>>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $player.corruption >= 100>>
You gesture to the waitress to lean closer to you, and whisper:
@@.speech-u;In my opinion...@@
And then shout straight in her ear:
@@.speech-u;Even ANIMALS should not eat this rancid SHIT!@@
The waitress jumps back, she definitely didn't expect that:
@@.speech-female;I'm so sorry, sir! Next time will try to do better, sir!@@
@@.speech-u;That's enough. I want to talk to your manager!@@
The waitress nervously nods and leaves. After a short wait, she returns together with a manager - a middle-aged woman with big beautiful eyes that see right through you, understanding too well what you really want...
@@.speech-female;On behalf of our establishment allow us to offer our sincere apology. We're so sorry!@@
While her manager speaks, the waitress gets on her knees and starts unbuckling your belt. She pauses for a moment when your penis is revealed, and manager gives her a little push on the head - this is enough for the waitress to start sucking your dick.
@@.speech-female;It won't happen again! Now, allow me to personally ensure your satisfaction...@@
The manager joins waitress and takes her turn in blowing you off. Now, receiving a double blowjob from two gorgeous women, you do feel a little bit better...
<br><img src="img/restaurant/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 7 "waitress">><br>
<<elseif $player.corruption >= 50 && $player.lust >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;The food was awful. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.@@
@@.speech-u;You have to fix it!@@
The waitress is not stupid and knows what you want from her. You must be not the first guest whom she takes to the restroom and gives a blowjob as a last-ditch effort to provide excellent service.
@@.speech-u;Maybe if they prioritized hiring cooks instead of cocksuckers, the food quality increased...@@
You hate to admit it, but the girls is actually an outstanding cocksucker. She works with her hands, maintains eye contact, and does her best to satisfy you. In your imaginative review of this restaurant, this restroom blowjob earns an honorable mention.
<br><img src="img/restaurant/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "player">> <br>
@@.speech-female;Could even an animal eat this in your opinion?!@@
@@.speech-female;I'm so sorry sir! Next time will try to do better!@@
Your awkward anger is easily deflected by the professional attitude of the well-trained waitress. Her calm and polite manners irritate you even more!
<<endif>><<set $waitress.lust = -100>>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Tip">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<if false>>
<<elseif $player.corruption >= 25 && $restarauntWaitressQuest != 1 && $restarauntWaitressQuest != 2>>
@@.speech-u;You know what would greatly enhance my experience? TITS!@@
@@.speech-female;Hihi, thank you for your tip! Do you wanna feel them?@@
Generous tips allow you to grope breasts of busty waitress. They feel soft and squishy but more than that you enjoy the feeling of power, coming from harassing the staff in public.
<br><img src="img/restaurant/sEvent3.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "waitress">><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "waitress">><br>
You leave a generous tip for the waitress and get up from the table. It's time for you to leave...
<br><<statChange "corruption" -3 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "waitress">><br>
<<linkreplace "No tip.">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<statChange "corruption" 5 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" -1 "waitress">><br>
<<goto "Restaraunt">>
<<elseif $restarauntQuest == 5 && $player.lust >= 50 && $waitress.lust >= 100>>
@@.speech-female;You've been so nice to work with... Are you interested in some 'complimentary service'?@@
On your way from the dining hall your waitress approaches you and places her hand on your crotch. Gently squeezing your genitalia through your pants, she leans closer to you and proposes to get more comfortable in the restroom...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Sure why not.">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<if $restarauntWaitressQuest == 1>>
The cute waitress doesn't let her hands off your penis even when you are alone in the toilets. One hand is responsible for a firm but gentle grip around your shaft, while the other stimulates sensitive parts like ballsack and glans. That's a very professional first-grade handjob right here, a perfect ending for a classy lunch...
<br><img src="img/restaurant/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "waitress">><br>
@@.speech-u;Send my compliments to the chef..@@
You test the limits of service in this restaurant by roughly fucking the waitress from behind. Surprisingly, she does not mind the way you treat her, which makes you think about how often is she having sex in the restrooms...
<br><img src="img/restaurant/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<<statChange "corruption" 3 "waitress">><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Sorry, I really have to go...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<statChange "corruption" -1 "waitress">><br>
<<goto "City">>
<<elseif $restarauntWaitressQuest == 1 && $restarauntQuest == 5 && $waitress.lust <= -100>>
@@.speech-male;I'm gonna cancel your visa and you'll get deported back to France!@@
@@.speech-female;Please, no! I'll do anything!@@
On your way out you pass an open door to the kitchen and catch a glimpse of your waitress pressed against the counter. It looks like she is about to be punished for the atrocious service...
<br><img src="img/restaurant/sEvent4.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "waitress">><br>
<<goto "City">>
<<endif>>buy a yacht
buy captain
go to sea adventures around the worldbuy a jet to run around the world to difrent locationsparties for emplyees u attend
hiring certain people would chnage corp culture
average wage \ income \ scalabilty
merger aquisitions
runing around the state to seee how ur u impacting people<<if $stripclubVIP == 1>>
<img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent0.webp" width="50%">
@@.speech-female;Hey handsome, haven't seen you here before! Ready to have fun?@@
From your first steps in the newly-opened VIP area, you know that you'll enjoy your time here. The entry price is steep, but it is worth it: compared with the main area, girls are sexier, the staff is more discreet, and guests are from a completely different social class. All this is embodied in a busty party girl that playfully welcomes you inside...
<br> <<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<set $stripclubVIP = 2>>
[[Enjoy the benefits of being a VIP->Strip Club VIP Area]]<br>
<<elseif $stripclubVIP == 2>>
<img src="img/stripclubVIP/viparea.png" width="100%"> <br>
The spacious VIP area offers more luxurious and classy recreation for the extra wealthy. It's full of sexy girls, either working, gold-digging, or simply having a good time. Music is pleasant, and you feel comfortable and excited to be here.
<br><<linkreplace "Mingle">>
<<set $stripclubVIP = 3>>
<<goto "Strip Club VIP Area">>
<<elseif $stripclubVIP == 3>>
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)>>
<<if _event == 0>>
@@.speech-male;Holy crap, these people are wild!@@
A small crowd is gathered around a particularly voluptuous girl showing off on the pole. She shakes her incredibly fat ass while men shower her with cash. They let out derogatory comments, but she has their full attention... and money.
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
@@.speech-female;Hello big guy, haven’t seen you here before.@@
@@.speech-u;I don’t visit often. You must be one of the regulars?@@
@@.speech-female;For sure, I could show you what this place is all about!@@
You have a chat with a stunning blonde. It's hard to maintain eye contact faced with cleavage that deep.. and why would you do that in a stripclub? You stare at her boobs when she proposes to start the tour with a visit to a bathroom stall...
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Follow her">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
@@.speech-u;Take that, slut. I knew all of you were the same here!@@
You probably don't have to hide in the toilet to have sex in a place like this - but you enjoy the setting too much. There is little that can be compared with fucking a whore in a bathroom stall, degrading a girl to be a toilet whore, and seeing how happy it makes her. She likes to suck your dick, she loves to be railed from behind, and she will love getting your cum inside her twat...
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent11.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
I don't think I should.
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;Money well spent.@@
A cute beauty with dyed hair shamelessly flashes you her tit - but more than her boobs you enjoy her mannerisms. This whore looks like fun, or maybe she's just on her way to being hammered.
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent3.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-u;They really are itching for someone to bite their bait, aren’t they?@@
<img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent4.webp" width="50%"> <br>
Blonde bimbo flashed you her tits, giving you a good look at her surgically-enhanced puppies. What's cooler than the perfect globes of her bust is the big piercings in her puff nipples. Looking at them, you almost can taste the metal in your mouth...
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
While at the bar, you are suddenly approached by a girl:
@@.speech-female;Hey hot stuff, I've been eyeing you up for a while now! And you got me so thirsty...@@
@@.speech-u;Sure, you can have a drink on me.@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, I was thinking of... another type of drink, catch my drift?@@
She places her hand on your crotch and finds that you are already hard and ready to quench her thirst. The girl doesn't waste her time and pulls out your dick right in the bar and starts blowing you, not bothered by the people around you. You sip your drink and enjoy the fellatio from the glamorous chic.
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent5.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-female;Keep going! We aren’t stopping until the morning!@@
@@.speech-female;You thought I was done? No way!@@
On the dancefloor, a couple of girls having a lifetime of a party. They don't look like 'professionals' per se, more like sexy girls celebrating something - from a birthday to a divorce. Either way, they are incredibly fun to look at, and partons of the club keep sending them champagne from the bar to keep the party going.
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent6.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
@@.speech-male;That’s it slut, suck it!@@
Two girls give blowjobs in a central booth, surrounded by a small crowd of spectators. It looks like a competition between the two, with cheering and stakes, on who is the better cocksucker. Interesting, will they receive bonus points if they manage to finger-bang the opposition to climax?
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent7.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 7>>
@@.speech-female;Holy shit, I am so tired. I don't even know if I want to stay around anymore.@@
@@.speech-female;Come on, the night is just starting, haha.@@
They suddenly notice you and exchange a mean glance.
@@.speech-female;Oh hey, we didn't see you there. We need something to cool off, could you maybe help us?@@
A couple of girls invite you to chill together, and word by word you end up getting a blowjob from two hotties worshipping your dick. You simply can't say no to someone ready to get down and start sucking your cock, don't you?
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent8.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 8>>
@@.speech-female;Hey, hottie. I need someone to cool off with. Mind if I sit?@@
@@.speech-u;Not at all, I’d love some company.@@
@@.speech-female;You won’t be regretting this.@@
@@.speech-u;Well, this wasn’t what I had in mind, but I am not complaining..@@
As you were taking a break on the couch, a topless girl approached you to give you company. You were ready to have her by your side, but she sat on your lap. Now, you can feel the heat of her body, and she can feel the hardness of your manhood - and this is before she starts grinding, giving you a tense lap dance.
<br><img src="img/stripclubVIP/sEvent10.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
[[Party hard->Strip Club VIP Area]]<br>
[[Leave...->Strip Club][$stripclubVIP = 2]] <br><<if $stripclubLust < 100>>
<<set _event = either(0,1,2)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
It's a bit empty here at the moment, so the stripper is playing with the customer near the stage. Just after he pushed a crumpled bill in her panties, she starts to simulate a sloppy blowjob with her fingers... <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/strip0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
You are late for the start of the dance - the girl already slips off from the black harness. It's not that her smoking-hot body was hidden from the public before, but now when all that she has on her body is a pair of high heels, the crowd is ecstatic. <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/strip1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
The fat-ass stripper seems to be the center of attention, judging by the number of bills under her feet. She twerks for the audience and even pushes her ass in the faces of the most generous donors. <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/strip2.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "[$100k] Throw money">>
<<set $ -= 0.1>>
<<set $stripclubLust += 36>>
<<if $stripclubLust > 50>>
You see a thick lady dancing at the bar... <br>
Her big booty is shaking as she twerks to the music. It's impossible not to look at it, and you barely restrain yourself from slapping that phat ass. <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/stripBar.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<linkreplace "Buy her a drink.">>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
One of the strippers approaches you... <br>
@@.speech-female;Does someone is buying drinks for the naked ladies?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;I can do so much more for more that just drink with you. My ass feels so empty, want to check it out?@@ <br>
She takes your hand and sucks your middle finger, you could only wish that was your penis... Then, she guides your hand to her back and pushes your finger into her asshole. It's oily, elastic, a bit loose, and very warm... <br>
@@.speech-female;See? So empty... But I need more than a finger, mister...@@ <br>
You are already hard from the sensation, so you just turn her around and insert your throbbing cock in her inviting butt, right in the middle of a club. <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/sPublic0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
@@.speech-female;I think you could really get along with my sister ;)@@ <br>
You decide to get along right here, near the bar. While fucking, you have a dialogue. <br>
@@.speech-u;How come you don't have the fat ass as your sister?@@ <br>
@@.speech-female;Oh, we have different mothers. Our daddy liked butt butts as well as fat tits - he just can't choose! *moans* When he visits his girls at work, he can't choose still... Oh shit, you fuck me good!@@ <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/sPublic1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $stripclubLust += 36>>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
The people here are filled with carnal desire, nothing will stop them! Debauchery starts, and it's a free-for-all. <br>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
The orgy starts on the dancefloor, where several girls are being fucked by the visitors. You see a girl wearing more clothes than a regular stripper - it seems a staff member decided to join the fun. <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/orgy0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
The orgy on the sofas near the poles is a mess. Bodies are entangled and it's hard to distinguish who is fucking who. A girl is sucking cock straight from someone's asshole, unable to see who is ravaging her pussy at the same time... <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/orgy1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<linkreplace "Participate">>
<<set _event = either(0,1)>>
<<if _event == 1>>
You decide to join in the fun and notice a free girl on the stage. She wears submissive gear which you take as a sign to be dominant. Without saying a word, you bend her over and stick your cock on her pussy. It seems she likes that treatment, and as she screams in pleasure, you get the approving looks of other orgy participants. <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/pOrgy0.webp" width="50%"> <br>
You jump in the pile of bodies and end up fucking the whore with the round fake tits. Her loose pussy offers you barely any pleasure, but you adjust the position to be able to fuck her as deep as possible and have fun that way. <br>
<img src="img/stripclub/pOrgy1.webp" width="50%"> <br>
<<set $stripclubLust = 0>>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
[[Party more->Strip Club Random Events]]<br>
[[Leave...->Town][$stripclubLust to 0]]<br>
<<include "Pass time">>u trying to keep all of ur money intackt
it was a giant international empire
- commie revolt \ cofiscated
it was mid size
- rival merger by rivals
small corp
- become uncometitive in the bad market cycle \ didnt survive marker conditions taxes etc
try to hold as much money as posible
get a uppermiddle class lifestyle running
get gf which supports u
she could bebcome wifey \ run away
get daugtehr + son
s3 u cheat wie w daughter
s4 u cheat w maid
s5 u cheat w asian founder ceo (u thogut u get paid!)
s6 wife cehat w rando on yaeacht (whata golddiga!)
s7 wife cheats w tenis trainer u got
s8 wife cheats w son
s1 u visit dad formula still works
he calls u disapointement tho
s9 u found out daugeter + son fuck!
s10 dqughter w some old rich frenchie
morning daugter makes u breackfast
s0 fuck her
gameplay loop
retirement as ending
s11 retire in cheap country
s12 retire rich gf just fir ur money
s13 retire whores dont age
s14 retire strong family
-granddaguhter takes care of u
[[DLC1 Start]]dad office
son now i think ur ready to take this thing
get mariaed
-love of ur life
-trophy wife
-avoid it
first business decision
-keep it up
-reenvent itself
your successor
-have kids
business decision outcome
reenvented is a giant sucess
reenvented business completely fails (failed corpo)
expansion succesfull
expansion didnt expand
keep it up works alright
keep it up market share lost
u got children born
they gonna be rich\they dad failed them alread
startup founder asia want u to cheat w her
-s5 fine
midsize buisness troubles
gov regulations
giant corp troubles
small players keep inovating
small biz troubles
lack of economy of scale\financing
failed corporate state (failed corpo)
u declare bancrupty and loos everythign!
everything is lost now ur a poor
giant uppermidle class mansion is ur new house
regular life now
what shoudl u do now
-work more hours
-spent more time with kids
-enjoy ur wife company
son buling his classmates
-who craes?
-dont do that
maid house tease
-u ok
-go away
u get a job as consultant as a nepobaby u just do nothing whole day
daugther boyfriend over
-be nice
-scare him (u dont need him honey; ur hot and could get better guys)
maid disrespecting u cause ur a poor now
-s4 show her whos boss
ur life so boring
-get wife a trainer
[[DLC1 Main]]main gameplay loop here
[[DLC1 Ending]]
[[DLC1 House]]Double-click this passage to edit it.u lose the dads corp and ur money
u get to your mansion home
tell ur wife about it
health! as a main parametr
rought sex removes health
energy!u visit father at retire facility
s1 hes alive and kicking
disapointed at u[[DLC1 Sleep]]
u have to get groceryies in town or wife would overpay to et em delivered
[[DLC1 Main]]Double-click this passage to edit it.
[[DLC1 Morning]]u work consulting job
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Work Hard">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
<<set $ += 3>>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Sleak">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
<<set $ += 1>>
[[DLC1 Return Home]]
[[DLC1 Work]]she goes to vacation and cheats on uu com home and see
s8 wife+son
s9 son+daugther
[[DLC1 House]]
s6 u got vid wife cheats
s7 u saw wife cheating w a personal tenis trainer
s10 daughter w a frenchie<<set _event to either(0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,0,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>>
<<if _event == 0>>
@@.speech-u;I don't even know why I was expecting anything different...@@
While browsing through the list of active streamers, a particular preview image catches your attention. You open it to find yet another clever girl, who realized that she could safely monetize her sexy image on this platform. You donate her some pocket change to get her photo in rather suggestive clothing. Remember to set up a reminder to check on her in several years, when she will be doing sex-with-a-lucky-fan videos...
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
@@.speech-u;Why would anyone ever send something like this? Revenge, maybe?@@
There is a new message from an anonymous user in your inbox, containing a link to the picture of a female streamer in a sexy outfit. It definitely wasn't meant for an anonymous newsletter, but now the whole platform sees how far she can go...
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent1.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;No filters at all, that is so rare nowadays.@@
You find a streamer who is currently offline but has a rather hot profile picture. You don't have an option to enlarge it, but what you can see is enough to get you interested.
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent2.jpeg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-u;Well, all girls are like this nowadays, no matter how innocent they look.@@
Just Chatting - a cesspool of thirst traps and incels who look at them. You don't know why you bother to watch this stream, perhaps only to watch how another cute girl suddenly pulls out a slutty show in the middle of the live stream. Is humanity doomed?
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
The streamer you currently watch has been toeing with the platform rules for a while, walking on a thin line between allowed and forbidden, and getting a lot of viewer attention from that. Could you be the one who can push her to go all in?
<<linkreplace "[INTELLIGENCE 20] Convince her to break the rules">>
<<if $player.intelligence >= 20>>
@@.speech-female;Thank you for the donation! Would you like me to do something special?..@@
@@.speech-u;Of course - I want to see that beautiful body. We all know you want to show it to us...@@
@@.speech-female;Oh, if you were to give me... Let's say... $1000, maybe I would...@@
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
You bet she would. To the excitement of her audience, she slowly pulls her shirt up - and doesn't stop at the underboob as usual but goes full topless. Nice job!
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
It's not easy to convince someone to break the rules when this someone spent her whole career learning how to use it to her advantage. You can't think of a way to persuade her to do that.
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-female;Hey guys! I could really use some money at the moment, I am doing commissions!@@
A lucky discovery - an attractive 20-something girl in need of cash. You find her doing a lewd schoolgirl cosplay in a desperate attempt to gather some tips and stay afloat. With a generous enough donation from your side, you can convince her to do anything...
<<linkreplace "[$100k] Ask her to show off">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
@@.speech-u;Isn't your skirt too short? Give us a show...@@
@@.speech-female;Thank you for the donation! Actually, the skirt is long enough to walk around without panties, look...@@
@@.speech-u;Money well spent!@@
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Blonde vixen gets up and flashes you her bare ass. You don't know if she's bluffing about being pantiless - too hard to judge, but the thought alone makes you hard.
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
Damn, you're broke. Maybe you should do a schoolgirl cosplay too?
<<elseif _event == 6>>
@@.speech-female;Guys, I am getting like zero views today! What else do I need to do in order to get some attention?@@
Rather pretty cosplayer is complaining all the time as if she doesn't understand that her incel audience wants to see her degrade herself, to prove that she is just another whore.
<<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 20] Tell her to do some smut">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 20>>
@@.speech-female;That is a great idea!@@
@@.speech-u;They are so easy to convince...@@
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
It's not even exciting anymore to convince streamers to do something lewd - at least with the money you are willing to spend on it. Everyone has a price, and you are the one willing to buy them, to the excitement of other viewers.
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
It's not easy to convince her - after all, if she wanted to do lewd stuff, she would have chosen a different platform. Better luck next time...
<<elseif _event == 7>>
@@.speech-female;Hey everyone! Like my new clothes? I heard from a friend these are really popular on streams nowadays!@@
Hot tub streams are here to stay, and while this particular streamer doesn't even have a pool, her bikini is revealing enough - and that is what truly matters.
<<linkreplace "[$100k] Ask her to show her outfit">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
@@.speech-female;Thank you for the money! I knew this would be a success! Let me show you...@@
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
She shows you her bikini from every angle - including a very risky leg spread. It never ceases to amaze you how far these e-girls are willing to go for money and attention...
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 8>>
@@.speech-u;What a slut.@@
For absolutely no reason a streamer you watch makes an ahegao face. It's so weird and out of place and, honestly, outdated. You add her to your ignore list and go looking for something else.
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 9>>
@@.speech-female;Hey there! I think you are the first person to actually watch me for so long, care to talk to me?.@@
Small streams are a fun place to stick around, as it's much easier to be noticed when there is no crowd of simps in chat. You are actually able to strike up a conversation...
<<linkreplace "[INTELLIGENCE 30] Keep her company while making subtle remarks">>
<<if $player.intelligence >= 30>>
@@.speech-female;I really enjoy your company, streaming alone can be so lonely, you know? I think I am going to reward you.@@
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
It feels weirdly private that she flashed you her tits. It's what you've manipulated her into doing, but still, you had time to build up a connection, and her naked breasts feel... rewarding? <br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
You don't have time for this shit, and go for someone more popular.
<<elseif _event == 10>>
@@.speech-female;Just trying this streaming thing out, are you guys enjoying what you see?..@@
New streamers are always fun to watch. They are inexperienced and naive, but also passionate and dedicated, caring for every viewer - just because they don't have any at the start. You can use it to your advantage...
<<linkreplace "[$100k] I'd enjoy it much more if I saw some tits">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
@@.speech-male;They are all so easy, no matter how innocent they look....@@
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent10.webp" class="event-image"><br>
That's the donation she would never have imagined receiving. Months of hard work in a fast-food chain equal to one pull-up of her top... She doesn't even think twice about it, revealing her huge, obscenely large milk jugs. From your side, you get an instant erection - who would have thought this quiet girl packs so much heat?
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
You quickly get tired of her awkward attempts at being entertaining, and ignore her completely.
<<elseif _event == 11>>
@@.speech-u;Yeah, this girl is not sticking around for long, might as well enjoy it while I can.@@
It's a miracle this girl is not banned yet for nudity, and you have to enjoy it while it lasts. Her heavily tattooed body could have posed for a body art performance, but most likely, her days on this platform are over.
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent11.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 12>>
@@.speech-u;Seriously, why are they doing these sorts of dances nowadays? No imagination, still hot though....@@
An e-girl is learning a TikTok dance live on stream. You almost feel ashamed watching this degrading content, but your reptilian brain somehow enjoys looking at the swift moves of a pretty female...
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent12.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 13>>
@@.speech-female;Hey guys, hope you are enjoying the stream!.@@
You stumble upon a girl in a cheerleader outfit, chatting and teasing her fans. It can take one well-placed donation to push her into showing what her highschool days were like in the past...
<<linkreplace "[$100k] I'd love to see how you dance">>
<<if $ >= 0.1>>
@@.speech-u;So easy to make them dance....@@
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent13.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Your credit card is your magic wand, and with one swift stroke, you can make this cheerleader dance, wink, and blow kisses to the web camera and what else. With great power comes great irresponsibility...
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "corruption" 1 "player">> <br>
<<statChange "money" -0.1 "player">> <br>
Cheerleading is so boring, and you have no idea why would anyone watch it.
<<elseif _event == 14>>
@@.speech-u;What a slut....@@
Some part of you feel bad for slutshaming female streamers, but there is no excuse for this one, who puts her dumbest, sluttiest face on full display for her simp audience. You feel disgusted, but horny - an awful combination...
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent14.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 15>>
@@.speech-u;Wow, her setup is something else, I wonder how long she spent getting ready.@@
A hardworking streamer has put an effort into her cosplay, and streams in a custom, well-made, and undeniably hot costume. It's a nice change from lazy, ready-made, mail-ordered ripoffs that many so-called cosplayers put on to attract more views!
<br><img src="img\streams\sEvent15.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 25 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 16>>
@@.speech-u;Is no one gonna stop this guy?@@
@@.speech-u;Finally, I was starting to think everyone was a paid actor...@@
It's been a while since you had so much fun watching someone play GTA V - a game that has been around for more than a decade! It's impressive how streamers still manage to find ways to be entertaining, be it stupid challenges, roleplaying, or playing the game slightly faster than average.
<br><img src="img\streams\gtav.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 17>>
@@.speech-u;Yeah, he totally deserved that win..@@
Fortnite player impresses you with his skills. Who would have thought that playing one game for hours on end would make you better at it?
<br><img src="img\streams\fortnite.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 18>>
@@.speech-u;Damn, people are still playing this game to this day?.@@
It's a rare sight to meet someone who has never played Minecraft in their life. Building a Nether portal is the same basic skill you acquire in your life, like riding a bike or swimming - however, it's still fun to watch someone doing their first step in the game.
<<if random(0,10) >= 9>>
<br><img src="img\streams\minecraft2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<br><img src="img\streams\minecraft.jpeg" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 19>>
@@.speech-u;Seriously, why am I even watching this again? I stopped watching and playing League about 5 years ago....@@
@@.speech-u;This person isn't even good....@@
Old habits die hard, and when you accidentally open LoL stream, you sink a good hour in it, unable to look away - despite the suboptimal play of the streamer. Does it matter though?
<br><img src="img\streams\LoL-Fight.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 20>>
@@.speech-u;This person is downright impressive. I wish I could be half as good as him.@@
You watch in awe how an incredibly skilled person is playing new CoD. He's insanely good at it; not only his reflexes are top-notch, but he has an amazing situational awareness and strategic thinking, allowing him to be dominant during the whole match.
<br><img src="img\streams\cod-game.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
[[Watch another one->Watch Stream]]<br>
<<if previous() == "Laptop">>
[[Stop wasting your time...->Laptop]]
<<elseif previous() == "Your House">>
[[Stop wasting your time...->Your House]]
u buy some houeses to turn into rental unit
so people would own nothing and be happy
tere are some houses u have to buy to own the thing fully so it would make you money
Residential Properties
Residental Properties 2
[OWNED +$3k] Rental Residental Properties 3
[SEMIOWNED] Residental Properties 4
A good idea comes to your mind. The housing crisis is not going anywhere soon, and more and more people can't afford their own place to leave, unable to secure enough funds even for a downpayment. Of course, this does not apply to you - you can buy as many cheap houses as possible! What if you purchased a collection of single-family homes and converted them into rental units, eliminating the need for a downpayment in exchange for a rent slightly bigger than a mortgage payment? Literally, this would go along with the trend of owning nothing and being happy!
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/img0.jpg" class="event-image"><br>
This neighborhood is perfect for your rental plan, with its excellent location and below-average property values.
[$352k] Weird House
[OWNED] Acquired House
[$352k] Homey House
<<set _event to either(0,1,2)>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Before you stands a somewhat neglected single-family house. After knocking on the door, you receive no response, and the drapes are firmly closed, suggesting that the owners are not home.
You decide to explore the location for future reference and head to the backyard. There, the rundown swimming pool pales in comparison to what you find through the large glass garden door. Inside the living room, a man is engaging in a violent sex act against a woman who appears to be too old for the heavy makeup she wears. They are surrounded by a filming crew that quickly notices your presence. It seems you have just uncovered an undercover porn studio!
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Call cops">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You sneak out of the property and make an anonymous tip to the police. From your car parked across the street, you watch the raid unfold: cops arrest the crew (the male actor still packing an artificially enhanced boner), seize the equipment, and seal the doors.
As a result of the police raid at the undercover porn studio, the value of the house decreases, allowing you to purchase the property at a bargain price.
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Force to relocate">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;I always wanted to fuck you!@@
You decide to negotiate with the porn producer, knowing that what they’re doing is at least questionable, if not illegal, in this neighborhood. Since you are here after the place, you can quickly come to terms with the crew, and they agree to free the premises. To seal the deal, the producer allows you to have a fun time with one of the actresses...
You recognize the hot redhead! Several years ago, she was referred to with a 'teen' tag, while now she is already considered 'milf' - time flies fast in the industry. Nevertheless, it's still great to fuck your teenage dream - and fulfill your grown-up real estate goals at the same time.
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-female;You don't understand - this home is more than an asset to us... it is our... home.@@
You sit in a living room, sipping tea and conversing with a lovely couple. They are a middle-class WASP family with a golden retriever and two kids on their way to college. This place is their first and only home, a family nest they have grown to love. It will be challenging to convince them to move out.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Ensure that they like their new home">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-male;Moving out can be challenging, but thank you so much for helping out!@@
It must be that you took the image of the ideal family too close to your heart - probably a reflection of the complicated relationships you have with your relatives. You extend a completely unreasonable offer to the family that offsets the payback horizon years into the future - yet you believe it is the right thing to do.
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Hire a private investigator to dig some dirt">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
As you leave your family home, you can't shake the feeling that the image of the ideal family is a facade. This is the real world, and perfection does not exist. You decide to call a private investigator recommended by your dad, asking him to uncover any secrets: affairs, addictions, debts—anything at all.
The results come in quickly, and soon you arrange a meeting.
<<if random(0,10) >= 7>>
It's the same living room, same tea, only this time the conversation dies out quickly - as soon as parents receive a tablet with a recording of their kids having sex with each other, in fact, on the same couch you sit on right now. You are no stranger to incest, but it's because of the implied perfection of this family, that the recording hits especially hard.
@@.speech-female;OK, we get it, you really want this house! There is no need to launch a whole investigation into our private lives!@@
You hand them back the recording, and they sell the house to you in return. Not only they have lost their family nest, but the family itself is now broken... Well, at least the siblings had great fun.
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-female;..I just become too close to some of the hubby's coworkers...@@
Out of pity, you set up a meeting in your office and invite only the wife and mother of the perfect family. You offer her some tea as she offered you back in her home, and then turn on the projector.
Even now, sitting near her, you struggle to connect the woman sitting before you and the one on the screen. Modest mother, a respectable housewife whose hands start to shake - what does she have in common with a deranged slut, serving two cocks at the same time with such a natural ease? Alas, they look the same and speak the same - because it's the same woman.
If shown to her husband... well, it would break the family and force them to sell the house during the divorce process. You offer to keep her whorish secret in exchange for her convincing her husband to take your initial offer - and the very same evening you receive the confirmation that the deal is sealed.
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<linkreplace "Use their daughter">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-female;You are the first of my boyfriends to treat me this nice...@@
For some reason, you feel enraged about your recent conversation. It could be the image of the perfect family you never had, or it's simply that someone dared to say no to you. Regardless, a cute face from family pictures comes to mind—the beloved daughter, an innocent baby girl you could easily manipulate.
Tracking down the girl and slipping into her DMs isn’t tricky. With your experience and dedication, you effortlessly overwhelm her with dates, gifts, and perfectly crafted romantic experiences. Your love-bombing is so successful that you abandon your initial plans for straightforward revenge in favor of a more cunning approach that aligns with your ulterior motives.
A fortunate discovery of a peculiar legal loophole inspires this change of strategy. It allowed you to use the girl's signature in binding documents to sell the house without her parent's knowledge. Convincing her to go along with this in the name of your love is easy, and now you enjoy the last blowjob from the soon-to-be heartbroken girl, who will never see you again.
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
@@.speech-female;This is one of the few places left where we could be ourselves... in the open.@@
The couple living in this house declined your initial offer for a pretty good reason - not every place will welcome two lesbians living together as a family. Here, they have established connections and created a safe space to be who they are, and they know too well that it's hard to find another place like this.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Pay double for the house">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-female;Thank you so much!@@
There are only so many problems that money can't solve. You double the market price of the house and explain that with a sum like that, they can select any LGBT community in the country or move to a wealthy neighborhood where no one gives a shit. They happily agree, and soon, you own the house. The only thing that troubles you is that potential discrimination just costs you a nice sum; maybe you should invest in activism to save money in the future?
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Press them">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
You don't give up easily and try to persuade them to sell. Knowing that you have many more resources available than they will ever have in their lifetimes, they resort to the last tactic available:
@@.speech-female;OK mister, we know what every man secretly wants - two lesbian girls pleasing him! As if being homosexual is a trick to make men horny... How about we fulfill that fantasy of yours, and you leave us alone for good?@@
@@.speech-u;And what if, say, you won't be able to make me cum?@@
@@.speech-female;As if that ever happens! Sure, we will sell the house to you.@@
They begin by playing with each other, making sure you're all nice and hard when they finally go down on you. Two mouths on your cock feel great, and you are ready to explode - but you have a greater purpose.
@@.speech-female;Why are you still not coming?!@@
The double blowjob lasted for hours, and the desperation on the rentoids' faces was obvious. They fail to understand that the dream of local housing monopoly overcomes any desire of the flesh, and eventually, they give up. Blue-balled, but victorious, you sign the deed.
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
@@.speech-female;The house value was significantly lowered to get better tax deductions. I believe my clients deserve a better price.@@
You have a problem with this house, as the owners hired the realtor to help them negotiate a deal with you. It would be much easier to pressure them into selling without someone who knows the shit. Now, this bold blonde milf insists that the price of the house should be higher than market value, and you are forced to negotiate.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 15] Fuck them clients">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;I love a good businesswoman.@@
You know a hustler when you see one and feel safe proposing to the realtor to cut her clients. It is a simple scheme where everyone gets happier - well, maybe except the house owners. They receive the fair market price for your house, and you buy it without wasting too much time on it, and the realtor receives double her usual commissions. And when you say you can make it tax-free for some special request, she is ready to drop on her knees and fulfill your desire. Looking at a pretty blonde milf sucking your dick for some cash, you are once again reminded that everyone has a price tag.
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Sure, let's not waste anyone's time...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Sure, who cares.@@
You don't have time for this shit, and give the realtor what she wants. It must be overpriced, but the value of closing the deal quickly and avoiding a prolonged process is significant enough for you to feel satisfied.
<<elseif _event == 5>>
@@.speech-female;We all gathered here to serve you a veto on your aqcusiotion by the HOA council.@@
The Home Owners Association decided to stop your buy-out efforts and sent the representative - a bitchy looking housewife with nothing better to do with her life. Their complaint is pretty basic - ya-ya, the plan will destroy our vibrant community, blah-blah, not in our backyard. Well, of course, your plan would ruin the community! But you already took care of that...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Pass her around the council">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;How about you guys lose some of your regulations?@@
@@.speech-female;I will do anything to keep the HOA!@@
You have a city council in your pocket, and they are eager to show the HOA its place on the food chain. With a simple majority vote, they can disband the association altogether, and the housewife representative is ready to go far to prevent this. The council members take turns fucking this arrogant bitch, and this might be the first time the HOA actually served the local community...
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 25] We have the permits">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Now I need some 'serious convincing' to pay any HOA fees at all...@@
It's satisfying to see the cheeky smile leaving the HOA representative's pretty face when you tell her that you have city council on your side. You even obtained a unique clause allowing you not to pay HOA fees at all, and you propose that she convince you to pay them still and unbuckle your belt. How deep will she go to keep funds flowing to her organization? Turns out - balls-deep, gagging and choking on your cock, spitting saliva everywhere just to keep money flowing...
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<linkreplace "Well, I guess I won't be purchasing the house then">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
Shit! Why haven't you thought of that in advance? Now you feel bureaucratically cockblocked and politically blue-balled because of this blonde bitch and her fucking HOA. It would help if you were more experienced to think in advance next time.
<<elseif _event == 6>>
@@.speech-u;This is so bad... those are immigrants!@@
Something sketchy is happening in this house. You just witnessed a minivan pick up several women with heavy bags, and judging by the overfilled trash bins, more than a single family lives here. You ring the bell and discover that this house is indeed used as a headquarters for some shady maids-for-hire business. Cramped rooms are stuffed with bunk beds where employees live in inhuman conditions... You don't need to check their visas to tell this place is filled to the brim with illegal immigrants.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Report them to ICE">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u; It only costs $2 million per person to immigrate here legally...@@
@@.speech-u;Why can't they just follow the law?!@@
You make some calls, and soon, the property is vacated. You are even blessed to buy it with a 50% discount after all migrants were supposedly deported, or whatever - you don't really care for their fates, only thinking about your real estate.
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Make a deal with them">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;This is what you get trying to steal from our working class, entiende?!@@
@@.speech-female;Sir, I was born here, I don't even speak Spanish...@@
The homeowner cannot effectively negotiate with you when his property is being used as a headquarters for an unapproved business. He tries to tell you that there are no illegals on his premises, but it's beside the point - what matters is that the company is ready to move out if you keep it quiet. That suits you, except that you can't simply leave a pretty maid unfucked - a side effect from your upbringing, you suppose. Thinking that you enforce immigration policies makes your dick even harder - everyone should be grateful you are fucking the shit out of this big-titted Latina!
<br><img src="img/IMAGEFILELOCATION/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
The buy-out process is smooth and quick; you sign the papers without delay and move one step closer to your monopoly dream.
u buy some houeses to turn into rental unit
so people would own nothing and be happy
tere are some houses u have to buy to own the thing fully so it would make you money
Residential Properties
Residental Properties 2
[OWNED +$3k] Rental Residental Properties 3
[SEMIOWNED] Residental Properties 4
<<if $singleHousingQuest == 0>>
<img src="img/singlehouse/img0.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
A good idea comes to your mind. The housing crisis is not going anywhere soon, and more and more people can't afford their own place to leave, unable to secure enough funds even for a downpayment. Of course, this does not apply to you - you can buy as many cheap houses as possible! What if you purchased a collection of single-family homes and converted them into rental units, eliminating the need for a downpayment in exchange for a rent slightly bigger than a mortgage payment? Literally, this would go along with the trend of owning nothing and being happy!
<<set $singleHousingQuest = 1>>
<<set $singleHousingPortfolio = 0>>
[[Lets buy this whole neighborhood!->Single Family Housing]]
<img src="img/singlehouse/img0.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
This neighborhood is perfect for your acquisition plan, with its excellent location and below-average property values. People living here would never realize the true potential of their houses without your help.
<br><<if $singleHousingPortfolio > 0.1>>
Your overall portfolio worth is <b>$ $singleHousingPortfolio m </b>
<<set _text = "[+$">><<set _text += ($singleHousingPortfolio*2)>><<set _text += "M] Gauge prices and sell for profit">>
<br><<linkreplace _text>>
<<if $singleHousingHouse1Owned && $singleHousingHouse2Owned && $singleHousingHouse3Owned && $singleHousingHouse4Owned && $singleHousingHouse5Owned>>
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPortfolio*2 "player">> <br>
<<set $singleHousingPortfolio = 0>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse1Owned = false>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse2Owned = false>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse3Owned = false>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse4Owned = false>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse5Owned = false>>
You need to own every house in the neighborhood to price gouge!
<<if $singleHousingHouse1Owned>>
[OWNED] Acquired House
<<linkreplace "[$392k] Weird House">>
<<set $singleHousingPrice = 0.4>>
<<if $ >= $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingPortfolio += $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse1Owned = true>>
<<goto "Single Family Purchase">>
<<else>>Not enough money!
<<if $singleHousingHouse2Owned>>
[OWNED] Acquired House
<<linkreplace "[$401k] Old House">>
<<set $singleHousingPrice = 0.4>>
<<if $ >= $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingPortfolio += $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse2Owned = true>>
<<goto "Single Family Purchase">>
<<else>>Not enough money!
<<if $singleHousingHouse3Owned>>
[OWNED] Acquired House
<<linkreplace "[$899k] Renovated House">>
<<set $singleHousingPrice = 0.9>>
<<if $ >= $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingPortfolio += $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse3Owned = true>>
<<goto "Single Family Purchase">>
<<else>>Not enough money!
<<if $singleHousingHouse4Owned>>
[OWNED] Acquired House
<<linkreplace "[$292k] Burned Down House">>
<<set $singleHousingPrice = 0.2>>
<<if $ >= $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingPortfolio += $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse4Owned = true>>
<<goto "Single Family Purchase">>
<<else>>Not enough money!
<<if $singleHousingHouse5Owned>>
[OWNED] Acquired House
<<linkreplace "[$621k] Homey House">>
<<set $singleHousingPrice = 0.6>>
<<if $ >= $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingPortfolio += $singleHousingPrice>>
<<set $singleHousingHouse5Owned = true>>
<<goto "Single Family Purchase">>
<<else>>Not enough money!
<<set _event to either(0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8)>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent0.webp" class="event-image"><br>
Before you stands a somewhat neglected single-family house. After knocking on the door, you receive no response, and the drapes are firmly closed, suggesting that the owners are not home.
<br>You decide to explore the location for future reference and head to the backyard. There, the rundown swimming pool pales in comparison to what you find through the large glass garden door. Inside the living room, a man is engaging in a violent sex act against a woman who appears to be too old for the heavy makeup she wears. They are surrounded by a filming crew that quickly notices your presence. It seems you have just uncovered an undercover porn studio!
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Call cops">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
You sneak out of the property and make an anonymous tip to the police. From your car parked across the street, you watch the raid unfold: cops arrest the crew (the male actor still packing an artificially enhanced boner), seize the equipment, and seal the doors.
<br>As a result of the police raid at the undercover porn studio, the value of the house decreases, allowing you to purchase the property at a bargain price.
<br><<statChange "corruption" -5 "player">> <br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A DISCOUNT!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-0.5 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Force to relocate">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;I always wanted to fuck you!@@
You decide to negotiate with the porn producer, knowing that what they’re doing is at least questionable, if not illegal, in this neighborhood. Since you are here after the place, you can quickly come to terms with the crew, and they agree to free the premises. To seal the deal, the producer allows you to have a fun time with one of the actresses...
<br>You recognize the hot redhead! Several years ago, she was referred to with a 'teen' tag, while now she is already considered 'milf' - time flies fast in the industry. Nevertheless, it's still great to fuck your teenage dream - and fulfill your grown-up real estate goals at the same time.
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A DISCOUNT!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-0.7 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
<img src="img/singlehouse/img0.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-female;You don't understand - this home is more than an asset to us... it is our... home.@@
You sit in a living room, sipping tea and conversing with a lovely couple. They are a middle-class WASP family with a golden retriever and two kids on their way to college. This place is their first and only home, a family nest they have grown to love. It will be challenging to convince them to move out.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Ensure that they like their new home">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-male;Moving out can be challenging, but thank you so much for helping out!@@
It must be that you took the image of the ideal family too close to your heart - probably a reflection of the complicated relationships you have with your relatives. You extend a completely unreasonable offer to the family that offsets the payback horizon years into the future - yet you believe it is the right thing to do.
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A LOSS!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-3 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Hire a private investigator to dig some dirt">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
As you leave your family home, you can't shake the feeling that the image of the ideal family is a facade. This is the real world, and perfection does not exist. You decide to call a private investigator recommended by your dad, asking him to uncover any secrets: affairs, addictions, debts—anything at all.
The results come in quickly, and soon you arrange a meeting.
<<if random(0,10) >= 7>>
It's the same living room, same tea, only this time the conversation dies out quickly - as soon as parents receive a tablet with a recording of their kids having sex with each other, in fact, on the same couch you sit on right now. You are no stranger to incest, but it's because of the implied perfection of this family, that the recording hits especially hard.
@@.speech-female;OK, we get it, you really want this house! There is no need to launch a whole investigation into our private lives!@@
You hand them back the recording, and they sell the house to you in return. Not only they have lost their family nest, but the family itself is now broken... Well, at least the siblings had great fun.
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"><br>
@@.speech-female;..I just become too close to some of the hubby's coworkers...@@
Out of pity, you set up a meeting in your office and invite only the wife and mother of the perfect family. You offer her some tea as she offered you back in her home, and then turn on the projector.
<br>Even now, sitting near her, you struggle to connect the woman sitting before you and the one on the screen. Modest mother, a respectable housewife whose hands start to shake - what does she have in common with a deranged slut, serving two cocks at the same time with such a natural ease? Alas, they look the same and speak the same - because it's the same woman.
<br>If shown to her husband... well, it would break the family and force them to sell the house during the divorce process. You offer to keep her whorish secret in exchange for her convincing her husband to take your initial offer - and the very same evening you receive the confirmation that the deal is sealed.
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent4.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 50 "player">> <br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A DISCOUNT!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-0.4 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
<<linkreplace "Use their daughter">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-female;You are the first of my boyfriends to treat me this nice...@@
For some reason, you feel enraged about your recent conversation. It could be the image of the perfect family you never had, or it's simply that someone dared to say no to you. Regardless, a cute face from family pictures comes to mind—the beloved daughter, an innocent baby girl you could easily manipulate.
<br>Tracking down the girl and slipping into her DMs isn’t tricky. With your experience and dedication, you effortlessly overwhelm her with dates, gifts, and perfectly crafted romantic experiences. Your love-bombing is so successful that you abandon your initial plans for straightforward revenge in favor of a more cunning approach that aligns with your ulterior motives.
<br>A fortunate discovery of a peculiar legal loophole inspires this change of strategy. It allowed you to use the girl's signature in binding documents to sell the house without her parent's knowledge. Convincing her to go along with this in the name of your love is easy, and now you enjoy the last blowjob from the soon-to-be heartbroken girl, who will never see you again.
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent3.gif" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-1 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
<img src="img/singlehouse/img0.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-female;This is one of the few places left where we could be ourselves... in the open.@@
The couple living in this house declined your initial offer for a pretty good reason - not every place will welcome two lesbians living together as a family. Here, they have established connections and created a safe space to be who they are, and they know too well that it's hard to find another place like this.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Pay double for the house">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-female;Thank you so much!@@
There are only so many problems that money can't solve. You double the market price of the house and explain that with a sum like that, they can select any LGBT community in the country or move to a wealthy neighborhood where no one gives a shit. They happily agree, and soon, you own the house. The only thing that troubles you is that potential discrimination just costs you a nice sum; maybe you should invest in activism to save money in the future?
<br><b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A LOSS!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-2 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Press them">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
You don't give up easily and try to persuade them to sell. Knowing that you have many more resources available than they will ever have in their lifetimes, they resort to the last tactic available:
@@.speech-female;OK mister, we know what every man secretly wants - two lesbian girls pleasing him! As if being homosexual is a trick to make men horny... How about we fulfill that fantasy of yours, and you leave us alone for good?@@
@@.speech-u;And what if, say, you won't be able to make me cum?@@
@@.speech-female;As if that ever happens! Sure, we will sell the house to you.@@
They begin by playing with each other, making sure you're all nice and hard when they finally go down on you. Two mouths on your cock feel great, and you are ready to explode - but you have a greater purpose.
@@.speech-female;Why are you still not coming?!@@
The double blowjob lasted for hours, and the desperation on the rentoids' faces was obvious. They fail to understand that the dream of local housing monopoly overcomes any desire of the flesh, and eventually, they give up. Blue-balled, but victorious, you sign the deed.
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 200 "player">> <br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-1 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 4>>
<img src="img/singlehouse/img0.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-female;The house value was significantly lowered to get better tax deductions. I believe my clients deserve a better price.@@
You have a problem with this house, as the owners hired the realtor to help them negotiate a deal with you. It would be much easier to pressure them into selling without someone who knows the shit. Now, this bold blonde milf insists that the price of the house should be higher than market value, and you are forced to negotiate.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 15] Fuck them clients">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 15>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;I love a good businesswoman.@@
You know a hustler when you see one and feel safe proposing to the realtor to cut her clients. It is a simple scheme where everyone gets happier - well, maybe except the house owners. They receive the fair market price for your house, and you buy it without wasting too much time on it, and the realtor receives double her usual commissions. And when you say you can make it tax-free for some special request, she is ready to drop on her knees and fulfill your desire. Looking at a pretty blonde milf sucking your dick for some cash, you are once again reminded that everyone has a price tag.
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent6.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A LOSS!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-1.2 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Sure, let's not waste anyone's time...">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Sure, who cares.@@
You don't have time for this shit, and give the realtor what she wants. It must be overpriced, but the value of closing the deal quickly and avoiding a prolonged process is significant enough for you to feel satisfied.
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A LOSS!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-1.5 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 5>>
<img src="img/singlehouse/img0.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-female;We all gathered here to serve you a veto on your aqcusiotion by the HOA council.@@
The Home Owners Association decided to stop your buy-out efforts and sent the representative - a bitchy looking housewife with nothing better to do with her life. Their complaint is pretty basic - ya-ya, the plan will destroy our vibrant community, blah-blah, not in our backyard. Well, of course, your plan would ruin the community! But you already took care of that...
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 50] Pass her around the council">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 50>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u;How about you guys lose some of your regulations?@@
@@.speech-female;I will do anything to keep the HOA!@@
You have a city council in your pocket, and they are eager to show the HOA its place on the food chain. With a simple majority vote, they can disband the association altogether, and the housewife representative is ready to go far to prevent this. The council members take turns fucking this arrogant bitch, and this might be the first time the HOA actually served the local community...
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent7.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-1 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "[CORRUPTION 25] We have the permits">>
<<if $player.corruption >= 25>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;Now I need some 'serious convincing' to pay any HOA fees at all...@@
It's satisfying to see the cheeky smile leaving the HOA representative's pretty face when you tell her that you have city council on your side. You even obtained a unique clause allowing you not to pay HOA fees at all, and you propose that she convince you to pay them still and unbuckle your belt. How deep will she go to keep funds flowing to her organization? Turns out - balls-deep, gagging and choking on your cock, spitting saliva everywhere just to keep money flowing...
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent8.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A LOSS!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-2 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Well, I guess I won't be purchasing the house then">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
Shit! Why haven't you thought of that in advance? Now you feel bureaucratically cockblocked and politically blue-balled because of this blonde bitch and her fucking HOA. It would help if you were more experienced to think in advance next time.
<<set $ -= $singleHousingPrice>>
<br><br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 6>>
<img src="img/singlehouse/img0.jpg" class="neobackground-image"> <br>
@@.speech-u;This is so bad... those are immigrants!@@
Something sketchy is happening in this house. You just witnessed a minivan pick up several women with heavy bags, and judging by the overfilled trash bins, more than a single family lives here. You ring the bell and discover that this house is indeed used as a headquarters for some shady maids-for-hire business. Cramped rooms are stuffed with bunk beds where employees live in inhuman conditions... You don't need to check their visas to tell this place is filled to the brim with illegal immigrants.
<br><div id="choiceGeneric">
<<linkreplace "Report them to ICE">>
<<if true>>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE1 - - - */
@@.speech-u; It only costs $2 million per person to immigrate here legally...@@
@@.speech-u;Why can't they just follow the law?!@@
You make some calls, and soon, the property is vacated. You are even blessed to buy it with a 50% discount after all migrants were supposedly deported, or whatever - you don't really care for their fates, only thinking about your real estate.
<br><b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH A DISCOUNT!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-0.1 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
/* - - - STAT CHECK FAILED STATE - - - */
<<linkreplace "Make a deal with them">>
<<replace "#choiceGeneric">>
/* - - - CHOICE2 - - - */
@@.speech-u;This is what you get trying to steal from our working class, entiende?!@@
@@.speech-female;Sir, I was born here, I don't even speak Spanish...@@
The homeowner cannot effectively negotiate with you when his property is being used as a headquarters for an unapproved business. He tries to tell you that there are no illegals on his premises, but it's beside the point - what matters is that the company is ready to move out if you keep it quiet. That suits you, except that you can't simply leave a pretty maid unfucked - a side effect from your upbringing, you suppose. Thinking that you enforce immigration policies makes your dick even harder - everyone should be grateful you are fucking the shit out of this big-titted Latina!
<br><img src="img/singlehouse/sEvent9.webp" class="event-image"><br>
<<include "Sex">><br>
<br><b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-1 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
The buy-out process is smooth and quick; you sign the papers without delay and move one step closer to your monopoly dream.
<br><b>PROPERTY ACQUIRED!</b> - $ $singleHousingPrice m
<br><<statChange "money" $singleHousingPrice*-1 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Continue...->Single Family Housing]]<br>
<<include "Pass time">><br><<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
<<if false>>
<<elseif $outskirtsQuest == 0>>
<img src="img/outskirts/outskirts.jpg" class="neobackground-image"><br>
You wander in the town outskirts, and you can barely recognize the place. It was pretty deprived and disadvantaged before, but now it's in total decline. Some houses have collapsed entirely, leaving behind piles of bricks and twisted metal. Others stand half-broken, their windows shattered, doors hanging loose. The streets are cracked, with weeds pushing through, and trash litters every corner. Despite everything, all kinds of people are still trying to survive here.
<<if random(0,10) >= 5>>
[[You hear something->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 1]]<br>
<<if $outskirtsHoleQuest >= 1>>
[[Visit local gloryhole->Outskirts Gloryhole]]<br>
[[Go back to a safer area...->City]]<br>
<<elseif random(0,10) >= 5 && $outskirtsHoleQuest != 1>>
As you move deeper into the ruins of the neighborhood, you notice figures lurking near a narrow alley. A group of men stands huddled, their voices low, their eyes darting around. Some lean against the crumbling walls, others pace restlessly. A few exchange quick handshakes, slipping something between their fingers.
<br><<linkreplace "Investigate the commotion">>
<<set $outskirtsHoleQuest = 1>>
You come closer and find the company of men not as intimidating as it seemed. They have formed a queue to the wall, and you ask the last man standing.
@@.speech-u;Hey, why are there so many people here? Is someone advertising a job?@@
@@.speech-male;Not really, dude, I heard you can stick your johnson in a hole in the wall and get it sucked, but I am as lost as you are.@@
@@.speech-u;Well, let us find out together then.@@
[[Get out of here...->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 0>>
@@.speech-female;Hi, I saw you standing around, fancy some fun for a quick buck?@@
@@.speech-u;I was just starting to get bored.@@
<br><img src="img/outskirts/sEvent1.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
You are approached by a girl who looks like she could have lived a much better life if her neighborhood didn't turn into a hellscape. Now, she proposes you use her body right in the middle of the road for your pocket change. Not thinking too much about moral complications, you take full advantage of her position and pound the street whore from behind; rare cars passing by slow down to catch more of your steamy public action. You get so excited by the audience you accidentally unload right in the whore's pussy; you throw some extra buck for future alimony and leave her to clean up for the next client.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">><br>
<br>[[Get out of here...->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
@@.speech-female;Heey! Like what you see?@@
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent2.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
On the side of the road, you see a girl working as a street vendor, selling some shit she or her friends probably stole from the abandoned houses. When she notices that you're looking at her stand, she gets up and flashes you her pussy to get even more of your attention. You suddenly realize that she's doing exactly what her luckier female peers are doing online - teasing men to sell them some shit. Only this is a much more dangerous platform for a risky girl to work at...
<br><<statChange "lust" 25 "player">><br>
<br>[[Get out of here...->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
@@.speech-u;Hey there. Are you lost? This area is quite dangerous.@@
@@.speech-female;Haha, no. I live here with my parents. The neighborhood isn't what it used to be, tho.@@
@@.speech-u;True, I wonder what could have caused it...@@
You see a cheerful, upbeat girl who shouldn't belong here among the decay and ruin. She doesn't look like a prostitute either, despite her hotpants... What is going on?
<br><<linkreplace "[CHARISMA 30] Propose her a ride">>
<<if $player.charisma >= 30>>
@@.speech-female;Thanks for giving me a ride home! Let me thank you...@@
You chat for a bit and propose a safe ride home to the girl. It goes so well you are not surprised when she gets down on you and start sucking your dick. You're only worried about parking right next to her parent's house; you scan the front area and notice an old man standing before the window. His hand is busy stroking his penis as he looks at your car... Is that her dad? If so, you give the daddy's princess a good slap at her butt for her old man's enjoyment.
<br><img src="img/outskirts/sEvent3.webp" class="event-image">
<br><br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">><br>
@@.speech-u;Get inside my car now.@@
@@.speech-female;Eh, you're too weird... Byeee!@@
The girl runs away, wiggling her big butt. You need to work on your lines, man...
[[Get out of here...->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
Walking among the decline, you are happy to find a sign of normalcy - a mother and her son returning from the local shop with some groceries. Before you have time to admire the idyllic picture of normalcy among the decay, they suddenly turn into some rundown alley. Are they making a shortcut on the way home?
@@.speech-u;Holy shit, people out here are nasty...@@
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent4.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
Not really. You found the mother with her dress pulled up, revealing her lack of panties and her son on her knees, licking her clit and fingering her pussy. He's really good at it, as the milf is ecstatic with his skillful handiwork...
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">><br>
<br>[[Get out of here...->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent5.webp" class="event-image"> <br>
Beside the last active road through this part of town stands a woman in a skimpy dress, if you can even call it that. Her motives are so obvious it's baffling; a street whore advertising herself in the most apparent way possible. You stop to look closely at the straps, forming her clothing and showing more than hiding; probably, she fucks clients without taking this thing off...
@@.speech-u;They aren't even trying to hide it anymore in this place.@@
<br><<statChange "lust" 50 "player">><br>
<br>[[Get out of here...->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>
<<endif>><<set _event to either(0,1,2,3,4)>>
You wait for your turn and push your penis through the wall...
<<timed 1s>>
<<if _event == 0>>
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent6.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
A warm, wet mouth promptly engulfs your dick; all you can hear is loud slurping and gagging sounds coming from the other side as the girl is sucking your cock better than a vacuum cleaner. She's silent through it all, from the beginning to an abundant finish.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 1>>
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent7.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
How does this one manage to be so talkative and good at blowing simultaneously? You exchange playful banter, all while getting a decent blowjob. This girl would be great at home parties: a funny ice-breaker and a skillful cocksucker in one.
@@.speech-female;I was getting really bored.@@
@@.speech-u;Glad to know I am lifting someone's day.@@
@@.speech-female;Well, if you can keep that dick lifted, you sure will lift mine!@@
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 2>>
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent8.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
You almost feel scared for your dick when you realize the girl serving you behind the wall is not just playful but pure crazy. She accepts the task at hand as a personal challenge, dedicated to draining every last drop of cum from your balls.
@@.speech-female;Oh, this is a nice dick for a change, who are you?@@
@@.speech-u;I wouldn't be here if I wanted you to know that.@@
@@.speech-female;The mysterious kind, huh? Let's see if you can still keep the mask up after I am done with you.@@
<<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<<elseif _event == 3>>
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent9.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
As you push your dick through the hole in the wall, an awkward silence follows. When you begin to wonder if the girl on the other side went on a break, you finally hear something:
@@.speech-female;Your dick looks familiar. Do I know you?@@
@@.speech-u;I am not sure, I can't see clearly with my dick.@@
@@.speech-female;Such a pity, I think I do know you from somewhere.@@
As she finally gets to work, you realize her voice seemed familiar. Maybe she was one of your one-night stands? Your dick has been in so many places, no wonder it gets recognized...
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<img src="img/outskirts/sEvent10.gif" class="event-image"> <br>
Your dick immediately appears in what must be pussy - tight, lubed, burning hot.
@@.speech-u;Hey, straight to the point, I see.@@
@@.speech-female;Shut up, I am trying to cum here.@@
The girl on the other side starts fucking you through the wall with grunts and moans, coupled with rhythmic thuds. It seems she was really pent up from the long day at work, and you present her an opportunity to relieve herself.
<br><<statChange "lust" 0 "player">> <br>
<br>[[Get out of here...->Outskirts][$outskirtsQuest = 0]]<br>