Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,<a href="" target="_blank" title="Link to discord server of the game."><img alt="Discord" class="discord" src="files/Misc/Discord.jpg"></a>
<<if $tag.i.includes($cp) == false>>\
<<if $chea == true>>\
<<link "<<= $date[1][$date[0].getDay()]>>" "Sleep">>
<<skip 0>>
<</link>> \
<<link "<<= $date[0].getDate()>>" "Sleep">>
<<skip 1>>
<</link>> \
<<link "<<= $date[2][$date[0].getMonth()]>>" "Sleep">>
<<skip 2>>
<</link>> \
<<link "<<= $date[0].getFullYear()>>" "Sleep">>
<<skip 3>>
<</link>> \
<<= String.format("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
<<if $date[3] == 0>>\
<<color lightcoral 'Weekday'>>\
<<elseif $date[3] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen 'Weekend'>>\
<<elseif $date[3] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen 'Holiday'>>\
<</if>> \
<<= $time[1][$time[0]]>>
<<tool white 'Occupation' 'Action related to main occupation will be automatically performed at Morning every Weekday. \nMain occupation can be changed only in summer. \nOn 1 Sep it will change to School and previous job will change to part-time position. \nPart-time job cannot be changed.'>>: <<= $mc.occu[2][$mc.occu[0]]>>
<div id="mcStats"><<include "MCStats">></div>\
<<if $date[0] <= new Date(2001, 4, 25)>>
<table border="2" style="margin-top:-2px;background-color:#444">
<<if $date[0] <= new Date(2000, 9, 27)>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 9, 20)>>
<<color red 'Exams: 27 Oct'>>
<<elseif $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 9, 13)>>
<<color lightcoral 'Exams: 27 Oct'>>
Exams: 27 Oct
<<elseif $date[0] <= new Date(2000, 11, 22)>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 11, 15)>>
<<color red 'Exams: 22 Dec'>>
<<elseif $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 11, 8)>>
<<color lightcoral 'Exams: 22 Dec'>>
Exams: 22 Dec
<<elseif $date[0] <= new Date(2001, 2, 9)>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2001, 2, 2)>>
<<color red 'Exams: 9 Mar'>>
<<elseif $date[0] >= new Date(2001, 1, 23)>>
<<color lightcoral 'Exams: 9 Mar'>>
Exams: 9 Mar
<<elseif $date[0] <= new Date(2001, 4, 25)>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2001, 4, 18)>>
<<color red 'Exams: 25 May'>>
<<elseif $date[0] >= new Date(2001, 4, 11)>>
<<color lightcoral 'Exams: 25 May'>>
Exams: 25 May
<<if $date[0] <= new Date(2001, 2, 2)>>
<<if $date[0] <= new Date(2000, 9, 20)>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 9, 13)>>
<<color red 'Tournament: 20 Oct'>>
<<elseif $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 9, 6)>>
<<color lightcoral 'Tournament: 20 Oct'>>
Tournament: 20 Oct
<<elseif $date[0] <= new Date(2000, 11, 15)>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 11, 8)>>
<<color red 'Tournament: 15 Dec'>>
<<elseif $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 11, 1)>>
<<color lightcoral 'Tournament: 15 Dec'>>
Tournament: 15 Dec
<<elseif $date[0] <= new Date(2001, 2, 2)>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2001, 1, 23)>>
<<color red 'Tournament: 2 Mar'>>
<<elseif $date[0] >= new Date(2001, 1, 16)>>
<<color lightcoral 'Tournament: 2 Mar'>>
Tournament: 2 Mar
<table border="2" style="margin-top:-2px">
<tr style="margin-bottom:-2px; background-color:#444"><td colspan="2">\
<<if $mc.exer[0] > 6>>\
<<set _co1 = "red">>\
<<elseif $mc.exer[0] > 4>>\
<<set _co1 = "lightcoral">>\
<<elseif $mc.exer[0] > 2>>\
<<set _co1 = "lightblue">>\
<<set _co1 = "white">>\
<<if $mc.exer[1] > 4>>\
<<set _co2 = "red">>\
<<elseif $mc.exer[1] > 3>>\
<<set _co2 = "lightcoral">>\
<<elseif $mc.exer[1] > 2>>\
<<set _co2 = "lightblue">>\
<<set _co2 = "white">>\
<<tool _co1 'Exercised $mc.exer[0]d' 'Number of days since the last exercise. \nUpon reaching 8 it will go to 0.'>>\
<<tool _co2 'Swam $mc.exer[1]d' 'Number of days since the last swimming practice. \nUpon reaching 6 it will go to 0.'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "$" $cp>>
<<set $mc.hand[0] = 0>>
<td><<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>\
done for this week
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 1>>\
<<color lightcoral 'expects you this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>\
<<color red 'last week to do it'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>\
<<color grey 'replaced'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "$" $cp>>
<<set $mc.hand[1] = 0>>
<td><<if $mc.hand[1] == 0>>\
done for this week
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightcoral 'expects you this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 2>>\
<<color red 'last week to do it'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 3>>\
<<color grey 'replaced'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "3rd client" $cp>>
<<set $mc.hand[2] = 0>>
<td>3rd client</td>
<td><<if $mc.hand[2] == 0>>\
done for this week
<<elseif $mc.hand[2] == 1>>\
<<color lightcoral 'expects you this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[2] == 2>>\
<<color red 'last week to do it'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[2] == 3>>\
<<color grey 'replaced'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "4th client" $cp>>
<<set $mc.hand[3] = 0>>
<td>4th client</td>
<td><<if $mc.hand[3] == 0>>\
done for this week
<<elseif $mc.hand[3] == 1>>\
<<color lightcoral 'expects you this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[3] == 2>>\
<<color red 'last week to do it'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[3] == 3>>\
<<color grey 'replaced'>>
<tr style="background-color:#444"><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "Part-time" $cp>>
<<set $mc.part = 0>>
<td><<if $mc.occu[1] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'possible after 1 Sep'>>
<<elseif $mc.part > 7>>\
<<color grey 'fired'>>
<<elseif $mc.part == 0>>\
nothing to do today
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<set _pa1 = 8 - $mc.part>>\
<<if $mc.part < 4>>\
<<set _pa2 = "white">>\
<<elseif $mc.part < 6>>\
<<set _pa2 = "lightcoral">>\
<<set _pa2 = "red">>\
<<color _pa2 'days to show up: _pa1'>>
<</if>>\<ul style="width:18em; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; cursor:help;">
<li title="Energy" style="border: 1px solid yellow;">\
<div @style="'background-color:yellow; height:0.5em;; width:'+($mc.ener[0]/$mc.ener[1])*100+'%'"></div>\
<li title="Lust" style="position:relative; height:55px; border: 1px solid pink;">\
<div style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; background-color:white; z-index: 0; height: 100%; width:100%"></div>\
<div @style="'position:absolute; top:0; left:0; background-color:pink; z-index: 1; height: 100%; width:'+$mc.lust+'%'"></div>\
<img src="files/Icons/fi.svg" style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index: 2" width="100%" height="100%">
<li title="Stamina" style="border: 1px solid lightblue;">\
<div @style="'background-color:lightblue; height:0.5em; width:'+($mc.stam[0]/$mc.stam[1])*100+'%'"></div>\
<div style="width:18em; margin: 0 0 1em 0; color: lightgrey;">\
<small style="float: left">by <a style="color:lightgrey; font-weight: 800" href="" target="_blank">ef_it</a></small>\
<small style="float: right;">$vers</small>\
/*<svg style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index: 2" width="100%" height="100%">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#000" x="0" y="0" fill-opacity="1" mask="url(#knockout-text)" />
<mask id="knockout-text">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff" x="0" y="0" />
<text x="49.6%" y="95.5%" font-family="Impact" font-size="62.8px" fill="#000" text-anchor="middle">FIGHTING IT</text>
</svg>*/<<set $bann = ["files/Bann/Mete0.png", "files/Bann/Bann0.png", "files/Bann/Mete0.png"]>>
<<set $bars = true>>
<<set $date = [
new Date(2000, 4, 31),
["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
<<set $drea = []>>
<<set $chea = false>>
<<set $clip = 0>>
<<set $g = {
A : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [50, []],
fact : [0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [1, 1, 1]],
iden : "A",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseA",
name : "<b>Mom</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 100]
B : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [50, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [1, 3, 1]],
iden : "B",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseB",
name : "<b>Bella</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 100]
C : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [0, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, -1, 0, 0], [-1], [2, 1, 2]],
iden : "C",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseC",
name : "<b>Claire</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 50]
D : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [50, []],
fact : [0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [3, 3, 2]],
iden : "D",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseA",
name : "<b>Aunt</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 100]
E : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [50, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, -1, 0, 0], [-1], [2, 2, 1]],
iden : "E",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseF",
name : "<b>Erin</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 100]
F : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [100, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [1, 3, 1]],
iden : "F",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseF",
name : "<b>Faye</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 150]
G : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [100, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [1, 1, 2]],
iden : "G",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseG",
name : "<b>Gwen</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 150]
H : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [0, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, -1, 0, 0], [-1], [0, 0, 0]],
iden : "H",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseI",
name : "<b>Hana</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 50]
I : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [50, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [1, 2, 1]],
iden : "I",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseI",
name : "<b>Ivy</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 100]
<<set $imag = "">>
<<set $list = [
<<set $mc = {
acad : [0, 50, 100, 50, 50],
char : 0,
conf : [0, []],
coug : 0,
endu : [25, 0],
ener : [100, 100],
exer : [0, 0],
fati : 0,
goal : [0, 0, 0],
gym : 0,
hand : [0, 0, 0, 0],
item : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
it : [0, 0],
lust : 0,
mone : 100,
more : 0,
musc : [25, 0],
occu : [1, 0, ["School", "Lib Assistant", "Lib Tech", "IT"]],
part : 0,
popu : 0,
skil : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
skip : 0,
stam : [100, 100],
stre : [25, 0],
swim : 0
<<set $menu = [0, 0]>>
<<set $ntr = true>>
<<set $sex = ["", "", "", 0]>>
<<set $sw = {
cont : [ [0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0]],
plac : []
<<set $tag = {
e : Story.lookup("tags", "event").map(function (event){return event.title}),
i : Story.lookup("tags", "intro").map(function (intro){return intro.title}),
u : Story.lookup("tags", "use").map(function (use){return use.title})
<<set $temp = 0>>
<<set $text = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""]>>
<<set $time = [2, ["Morning", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night"]]>>
<<set $vers = "Ivy-v1">>
<<set $visu = true>>
<<set $w1 = 0>>
<<set $wp = "HouseA">><span title="Fullscreen"><<button "<img src='files/Icons/full.svg'>">>
<span title="Go backward within the game history"><<button "<img src='files/Icons/back.svg'>">>
<span title="Go forward within the game history"><<button "<img src='files/Icons/forward.svg'>">>
<span title="Saves"><<button "<img src='files/Icons/floppy.svg'>">>
<span title="Restart"><<button "<img src='files/Icons/off.svg'>">>
<<if $bars === false>>
<<set _ba1 = "2">>
<<set _ba2 = "2 Sidebars">>
<<set _ba1 = "1">>
<<set _ba2 = "1 Sidebar">>
<<if $tag.i.includes($cp) === false>>
<span title="Hints"><<button "<img src='files/Icons/hint.svg'>">>
<<if $tag.i.includes($cp) or $tag.u.includes($cp)>>
<span @title="_ba2"><<button _ba1 $cp>>
<<if $bars === true>>
<<set $visu = false>>
<<elseif $menu[0] === 4>>
<<set $menu[0] = 0>>
<<toggleclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>
<<toggleclass "#right-ui-bar" "hidden">>
<<set $bars = !$bars>>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp)>>
<span title="Options"><<button "<img src='files/Icons/settings.svg'>" "Options">>
<<if $vers.includes("-t")>>
<span title="Test passage"><<button "T" "EndTest">>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2001,4,25)>>
<<nobr>><<if $chea == true>>
<<set _ch = "Turn Cheats off">>
<<set _ch = "Turn Cheats on">>
<<link _ch $cp>>
<<set $chea = !$chea>>
<<if $vers.charAt($vers.length - 1) != "c">>
<<set $vers += "c">>
<<nobr>><<if $ntr == true>>
<<set _nt = "Turn NTR off">>
<<set _nt = "Turn NTR on">>
<<link _nt $cp>>
<<if $ntr == true>>
<<set _a = $list[0]>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva = [0, 0, 0]>>
<<set $ntr = !$ntr>>
<<if $ntr == true>>
<<color red 'By choosing this option you will reset progress for all rivals.'>>
<<if $bars !== false>>\
<<if $visu != false>>\
<<link "Move images/video to center" $cp>>
<<set $visu = false>>
<<link "Move images/video to the right side bar" $cp>>
<<set $visu = true>>
Change way of addressing \
<<cycle "$" autoselect>>
<<option "<b>Mom</b>">>
<<option "<b>Abby</b>">>
Change way of addressing \
<<cycle "$" autoselect>>
<<option "<b>Aunt</b>">>
<<option "<b>Aunt Dawn</b>">>
<<option "<b>Dawn</b>">>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<</link>><<widget "action">>
<<set $time[0] = Math.clamp($time[0] + 1, 0, 3)>>
<<include "GLogis">>
<<if $mc.skip == 1>>
<<set $mc.skip = 0>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = Math.clamp($mc.stam[0] + 25, 0, $mc.stam[1])>>
<<widget "clip">>
<<set _lu = Math.trunc($mc.lust / 2)>>
<<if random(100) <= 50 + _lu and $clip == 0>>
<<set $clip = 1>>
<<widget "change">>
<<set _ch2 = $args[0] - _ch1>>
<<if _ch2 > 0>>
<<set $text[5] += "+"+_ch2+" "+$args[1]+"<br>">>
<<elseif _ch2 < 0>>
<<set $text[6] += _ch2+" "+$args[1]+"<br>">>
<<widget "color">>
<span @style="'color:'+$args[0]">$args[1]</span>\
<<widget "dialUpd">>
<<if $bars === false>>
<<widget "media">>
<<if _vide == undefined>>
<img style="max-width:100%" class="imgWid" @src="$imag" @alt="'The game cannot find a file with path:\n'+$imag">
<video style="max-width:100%" @src="_vide" muted="true" width="400" height="250" loop autoplay></video>
<<widget "right">>
<<if $bars === false>>
<<set $menu[1] = $args[0]>>
Dialog.setup(State.getVar('$g[$menu[1]].name')+"'s stats");"G4Stats").text);;
<<if $menu[1] != $args[0]>>
<<set $menu[1] = $args[0]>>
<<set $menu[1] = 0>>
<<replace "#gStats">>
<<include "G1Stats">>
<<widget "skip">>
<<set _da = clone($date[0])>>
<<if $args[0] == 0>>
<<set _da.setDate(_da.getDate() + 7)>>
<<elseif $args[0] == 1>>
<<set _da.setDate(_da.getDate() + 1)>>
<<elseif $args[0] == 2>>
<<set _da.setMonth(_da.getMonth() + 1)>>
<<elseif $args[0] == 3>>
<<set _da.setFullYear(_da.getFullYear() + 1)>>
<<if $mc.goal[2] == 0 and _da >= new Date(2000, 9, 20)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2000, 9, 19)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Cannot skip past tournament">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0 and _da >= new Date(2000, 9, 27)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2000, 9, 26)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Cannot skip past exams">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 1 and _da >= new Date(2000, 11, 15)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2000, 11, 14)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Cannot skip past tournament">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 1 and _da >= new Date(2000, 11, 22)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2000, 11, 21)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Cannot skip past exams">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 2 and _da >= new Date(2001, 2, 2)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2001, 2, 1)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Cannot skip past tournament">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 2 and _da >= new Date(2001, 2, 9)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2001, 2, 8)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Cannot skip past exams">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 3 and _da >= new Date(2001, 4, 25)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2001, 4, 24)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Cannot skip past exams">>
<<elseif _da >= new Date(2001, 4, 31)>>
<<set $date[0] = new Date(2001, 4, 30)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Ending will be on the next day">>
<<if $args[0] == 1>>
<<sleep "HouseA">>
<<set $date[0] = _da>>
<<set $time[0] = 0>>
<<set $wp = "HouseA">>
<<widget "sleep">>
<<set $wp = $args[0]>>
<<set $date[0].setDate($date[0].getDate() + 1)>>
<<set $date[0].setHours(0)>>
<<include "GSleep">>
<<include "MCSleep">>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = Math.clamp($mc.stam[0] + 25, 0, $mc.stam[1])>>
<<set $time[0] = 0>>
<<include "GLogis">>
<<widget "tool">>
<abbr @style="'cursor:help; color:'+$args[0]" @title="$args[2]">$args[1]<sup>?</sup></abbr>
<</widget>><<if $tag.i.includes($cp) == false>>\
<<if $menu[1] == 0>>\
<<include "G0Stats">>\
<<set _a = $list[0]>>\
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>\
<<capture _b>>\
<<if $g[_a[_b]].iden != $menu[1]>>\
<<link "<<= $g[_a[_b]].iden>>">>
<<right $g[_a[_b]].iden>>
<<link "Return">>
<<right $g[_gi].iden>>
<<include "G4Stats">>\
<</if>>\<<if $visu != false>>\
<div id="gStats"><<include "G1Stats">></div>\<<link "Stats">>
<<set $menu[0] = 0>>\
<<replace "#mcStats">>\
<<include "MCStats">>\
<</link>> \
<<link "Skills">>
<<set $menu[0] = 1>>\
<<replace "#mcStats">>\
<<include "MCStats">>\
<</link>> \
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true>>\
<<link "Items">>
<<set $menu[0] = 2>>\
<<replace "#mcStats">>\
<<include "MCStats">>\
<</link>> \
<abbr title="Cannot use items at this passage."><<link "<span style='color: lightgrey'>Items<sup>?</sup></span>">>
<<set $menu[0] = 2>>\
<<replace "#mcStats">>\
<<include "MCStats">>\
<</link>></abbr> \
<<link "Goals">>
<<set $menu[0] = 3>>\
<<replace "#mcStats">>\
<<include "MCStats">>\
<</link>> \
<<if $bars === false>>\
<<link "Girls">>
<<set $menu[0] = 4>>\
<<replace "#mcStats">>\
<<include "MCStats">>\
<table border="2" style="margin-bottom:-2px; background-color:#444">
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.mone += 100000>>
<td colspan = 2>$mc.mone<<color limegreen "<b>$</b>">></td></tr>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.ener[0] = $mc.ener[1]>>
<td><<tool white 'Energy' 'Most actions consume energy. \nGoing under 0 will lead to temporary negative effects.'>> </td>
<td>$mc.ener[0]/$mc.ener[1]<<color yellow "<b>⚡</b>">></td>
<<if $mc.fati == 3>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Fatigue3' '+5 to Energy cost. \n-30 to maximum Energy. \nThis effect will end in 3 days.'>></td>
<<elseif $mc.fati == 2>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Fatigue2' '+5 to Energy cost. \n-20 to maximum Energy. \nThis effect will end in 2 days.'>></td>
<<elseif $mc.fati == 1>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Fatigue1' '+5 to Energy cost. \n-10 to maximum Energy. \nThis effect will end tomorrow.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.lust = 100>>
<<link "↓" $cp>>
<<set $mc.lust = 0>>
<td><<tool white 'Lust' 'At maximum value will have negative and positive effects. \nConsumed as Stamina (2 to 1 rate).'>> </td>
<td>$mc.lust/100<<color pink "<b>♥</b>">></td>
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>\
<td><<tool pink 'Horny' 'Faster Desire rise. \nImmunity to Taboo on MC side. \nLess productive during studying and working.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = $mc.stam[1]>>
<td><<tool white 'Stamina' 'All sex actions consume stamina. \nReaching 0 ends the sex scene.'>> </td>
<td>$mc.stam[0]/$mc.stam[1]<<color lightblue "<b>⚥</b>">></td>
<<if $mc.coug == 5>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Cough5' '-25 to maximum Stamina. \nThis effect will end in 5 days.'>></td>
<<elseif $mc.coug == 4>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Cough4' '-20 to maximum Stamina. \nThis effect will end in 4 days.'>></td>
<<elseif $mc.coug == 3>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Cough3' '-15 to maximum Stamina. \nThis effect will end in 3 days.'>></td>
<<elseif $mc.coug == 2>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Cough2' '-10 to maximum Stamina. \nThis effect will end in 2 days.'>></td>
<<elseif $mc.coug == 1>>\
<td><<tool lightcoral 'Cough1' '-5 to maximum Stamina. \nThis effect will end tomorrow.'>></td>
<<if $menu[0] == 0>>\
<table border="2">
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.char = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Charisma' 'Affects girls attraction. \nRises by discovering Attitude factors. \nCan have 5 states (None/Low/Medium/High/Max).'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.char == 100>>\
<<color limegreen 'Max'>>
<<elseif $mc.char > 74>>\
<<color lightgreen 'High'>>
<<elseif $mc.char > 49>>\
<<color yellowgreen 'Medium'>>
<<elseif $mc.char > 24>>\
<<color darkseagreen 'Low'>>
<<color white 'None'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Confidence' 'Affects girls attraction. \nRises by starting Sex minigame. \nCan have 5 states (None/Low/Medium/High/Max). \nGoes down by 10 if unable to satisfy girl during sex(does not apply to the 1st time with her).'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.conf[0] == 100>>\
<<color limegreen 'Max'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 74>>\
<<color lightgreen 'High'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 49>>\
<<color yellowgreen 'Medium'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 24>>\
<<color darkseagreen 'Low'>>
<<color white 'None'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.endu[0] = 100>>
<<set $mc.endu[1] = 2>>
<td><<tool white 'Endurance' 'Affects maximum ammount of Energy. \nCan have 4 states (Soft/Normal/Steady/Firm). \nAfter 7 days without exercise goes down.'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.endu[1] == -1>>\
<<tool lightcoral 'Soft' '-25 to maximum Energy.'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 0>>\
<<tool white 'Normal' 'No effect.'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 1>>\
<<tool lightgreen 'Steady' '+25 to maximum Energy.'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 2>>\
<<tool limegreen 'Firm' '+50 to maximum Energy.'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.musc[0] = 100>>
<<set $mc.musc[1] = 2>>
<td><<tool white 'Muscles' 'Affects girls attraction. \nCan have 4 states (Thin/Normal/Toned/Muscular). \nAfter 7 days without exercise goes down.'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.musc[1] == -1>>\
<<color lightcoral 'Thin'>>
<<elseif $mc.musc[1] == 0>>\
<<color white 'Normal'>>
<<elseif $mc.musc[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen 'Toned'>>
<<elseif $mc.musc[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen 'Muscular'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.stre[0] = 100>>
<<set $mc.stre[1] = 2>>
<td><<tool white 'Strength' 'Affects Energy cost for actions. \nCan have 4 states (Weak/Normal/Strong/Tough). \nAfter 7 days without exercise goes down.'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.stre[1] == -1>>\
<<tool lightcoral 'Weak' '+5 to actions Energy cost.'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 0>>\
<<tool white 'Normal' 'No effect.'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 1>>\
<<tool lightgreen 'Strong' '-5 to actions Energy cost.'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 2>>\
<<tool limegreen 'Tough' '-10 to actions Energy cost.'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<for _a = 1; _a <= 4; _a++>>
<<set $mc.acad[_a] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Academic' 'Summary for all school skills excepts for sport. \nCan have 5 states (Expel/Low/Medium/High/Excellent). \nState "Expel" will lead to game over at exams.'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.acad[0] >= 95>>\
<<color limegreen 'Excellent'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 74>>\
<<color lightgreen 'High'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 49>>\
<<color white 'Medium'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightcoral 'Low'>>
<<color red 'Expel'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.popu = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Popularity' 'Affects attitude of some girls. \nRises by becoming "Lovers" with girls from the School and by winning tournaments. \nCan have 4 states (Nobody/Accepted/Cool/Popular).'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.popu == 100>>\
<<color limegreen 'Popular'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<color lightgreen 'Cool'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>\
<<color white 'Accepted'>>
<<color lightcoral 'Nobody'>>
<<elseif $menu[0] == 1>>\
<table border="2">
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $[0] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'IT Basic' 'Affects career posibilities. \nRises by studying.'>></td>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $[1] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'IT Adv' 'Affects career posibilities. \nRises by studying or working as library tech.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.acad[1] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Language' 'Familiarity with subject. \nGoes down by 5 (9 if Horny) during lessons. \nRises by studying. \nStudying with girls will raise subject with the lowest value.'>></td>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.skil[0] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Anal' 'Affects efficiency and stamina consumption of sex action. \nRises by performing the action.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.acad[2] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Math' 'Familiarity with subject. \nGoes down by 5 (9 if Horny) during lessons. \nRises by studying. \nStudying with girls will raise subject with the lowest value.'>></td>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.skil[1] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Bj' 'Affects efficiency and stamina consumption of sex action. \nRises by performing the action.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.acad[3] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Science' 'Familiarity with subject. \nGoes down by 5 (9 if Horny) during lessons. \nRises by studying. \nStudying with girls will raise subject with the lowest value.'>></td>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.skil[2] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Fuck' 'Affects efficiency and stamina consumption of sex action. \nRises by performing the action.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.acad[4] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Social' 'Familiarity with subject. \nGoes down by 5 (9 if Horny) during lessons. \nRises by studying. \nStudying with girls will raise subject with the lowest value.'>></td>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.skil[3] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Ride' 'Affects efficiency and stamina consumption of sex action. \nRises by performing the action.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.swim = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Swim' 'Lowers the cost of swimming actions during the race. \nGoes down after 5 days without training. \nRises by practicing swimming.'>></td>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $mc.skil[4] = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Soft' 'Affects efficiency and stamina consumption of sex action. \nRises by performing the action.'>></td>
<<elseif $menu[0] == 2>>\
<table border="2">
<<if $mc.item[0] > 0>>\
<tr><td><<tool white 'Cheap Aphrodisiac' '+ 100 to Lust. \nTemporary negative effect on Stamina.'>></td>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true>>\
<td><<link "Use" $cp>>
<<set $mc.coug = 5>>
<<set $mc.lust = 100>>
<<set $mc.item[0]-->>
<<if $mc.item[1] > 0>>\
<tr><td><<tool white 'Cheap Energy drink' 'Restores all Energy. \n-5 to Endurance.'>></td>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true>>\
<td><<link "Use" $cp>>
<<set $mc.ener[0] = $mc.ener[1]>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.endu[0]>>
<<set $mc.endu[0] = Math.clamp($mc.endu[0] - 5, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.endu[0] Endurance>>
<<set $mc.item[1]-->>
<<if $mc.item[2] > 0>>\
<tr><td><<tool white 'Cheap Stamina drink' 'Restores all Stamina. \n-5 to random sex skill.'>></td>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true>>\
<td><<link "Use" $cp>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = $mc.stam[1]>>
<<set _ra = random(4)>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[_ra]>>
<<set _ar = ["Anal","Bj","Fuck","Ride","Soft"]>>
<<set $mc.skil[_ra] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[_ra] - 5, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[_ra] _ar[_ra]>>
<<set $mc.item[2]-->>
<<if $mc.item[3] > 0>>\
<tr><td><<tool white 'Aphrodisiac' '+ 100 to Lust.'>></td>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true>>\
<td><<link "Use" $cp>>
<<set $mc.lust = 100>>
<<set $mc.item[3]-->>
<<if $mc.item[4] > 0>>\
<tr><td><<tool white 'Energy drink' 'Restores all Energy.'>></td>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true>>\
<td><<link "Use" $cp>>
<<set $mc.ener[0] = $mc.ener[1]>>
<<set $mc.item[4]-->>
<<if $mc.item[5] > 0>>\
<tr><td><<tool white 'Stamina drink' 'Restores all Stamina.'>></td>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true>>\
<td><<link "Use" $cp>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = $mc.stam[1]>>
<<set $mc.item[5]-->>
<tr><td><<tool white 'Porn collection' 'Value above 0 allows to watch porn at home. \nEffects of watching: \n-100 to Lust if Horny; \n+50 to Lust if not. \nQuantity affects number of random clips in rotation.'>></td>
<td> $mc.item[6]</td></tr>
<<elseif $menu[0] == 3>>\
<table border="2">
<tr><td><<tool white 'Academic' 'Can be achieved by having "Excellent" Academic state at all 4 exams.'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color red 'Failed'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>\
<<color white 'In progress'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] < 4>>\
<<color white 'Passed $mc.goal[0] out of 4'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 4>>\
<<color limegreen 'Achieved'>>
<tr><td><<tool white 'Money' 'Can be achieved by having 30000$ at May 31.'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.goal[1] == -1>>\
<<color red 'Failed'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[1] == 0>>\
<<color white 'In progress'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen 'Achieved'>>
<tr><td><<tool white 'Sport' 'Can be achieved by winning all 3 tournaments.'>></td>
<td><<if $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color red 'Failed'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
<<color white 'In progress'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] < 3>>\
<<color white 'Won $mc.goal[2] out of 3'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
<<color limegreen 'Achieved'>>
<<elseif $menu[0] == 4>>\
<<include "G0Stats">>\
<</if>>\<<set $mc.coug = Math.clamp($mc.coug - 1, 0, 5)>>
<<set $mc.fati = Math.clamp($mc.fati - 1, 0, 3)>>
<<include MCPR>>
<<set $mc.ener[0] = $mc.ener[1]>>
<<if $chea == true and $vers.charAt($vers.length - 1) != "c">>
<<set $vers += "c">>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 8, 1) and $mc.occu[0] > 0>>
<<set $mc.occu[1] = $mc.occu[0]>>
<<set $mc.occu[0] = 0>>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 6 or $date[0].getDay() == 0>>
<<set $date[3] = 1>>
<<elseif ($date[0] >= new Date(2000,9,28)
and $date[0] <= new Date(2000,10,5))
or ($date[0] >= new Date(2000,11,23)
and $date[0] <= new Date(2001,0,1))
or ($date[0] >= new Date(2001,2,10)
and $date[0] <= new Date(2001,2,18))
or $date[0] >= new Date(2001,4,26)>>
<<set $date[3] = 2>>
<<set $date[3] = 0>>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 1>>
<<for _a = 0; _a <= 3; _a++>>
<<set $mc.hand[_a] = Math.clamp($mc.hand[_a] + 1, 0, 3)>>
<<if $date[0].getDay() > 0 and $date[0].getDay() < 6
and $mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8>>
<<set $mc.part = Math.clamp($mc.part + 1, 0, 8)>>
<<if $mc.part > 7 and $mc.occu[1] > 0>>
<<set $text[0] += "You have been fired from your part-time job.<br>">>
<<if $mc.endu[0] > 0 or $mc.musc[0] > 0 or $mc.stre[0] > 0>>
<<set $mc.exer[0] += 1>>
<<if $mc.swim > 0>>
<<set $mc.exer[1] += 1>>
<<if $mc.exer[0] > 7>>
<<exer1 -1 -1 -1>>
<<set $text[0] += "More than a week had passed since your last exercise. Endurance, Muscles and Strength goes down.<br>">>
<<if $mc.exer[1] > 5>>
<<set $mc.exer[1] = 0>>
<<if $mc.swim > 0>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.swim>>
<<set $mc.swim = Math.clamp($mc.swim - 1, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.swim Swim>>
<<set $text[0] += "More than 5 days had passed since your last swimming practice. Swimming skill goes down.<br>">>
<<if $mc.gym == 1>>
<<set $mc.gym = 0>>
<<if $drea.length > 0 and $mc.lust > 49>>
<<set $mc.lust = Math.clamp($mc.lust + 20, 0, 100)>>
<<set $mc.lust = Math.clamp($mc.lust + 10, 0, 100)>>
<</if>><<set $cp = passage()>>
<<set $pp = previous()>>
<<include "MCPR">>
<<include "GPR">>
<<if $bars === false>>
<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>
<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "hidden">>
<</if>><<set $mc.acad[0] = Math.trunc(($mc.acad[1] + $mc.acad[2] + $mc.acad[3] + $mc.acad[4]) / 4)>>
<<set _a = ["endu", "musc", "stre"]>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>
<<if $mc[_a[_b]][0] > 24 and $mc[_a[_b]][1] == -1>>
<<set $mc[_a[_b]][1] = 0>>
<<elseif $mc[_a[_b]][0] < 11 and $mc[_a[_b]][1] == 0>>
<<set $mc[_a[_b]][1] = -1>>
<<elseif $mc[_a[_b]][0] > 59 and $mc[_a[_b]][1] == 0>>
<<set $mc[_a[_b]][1] = 1>>
<<elseif $mc[_a[_b]][0] < 46 and $mc[_a[_b]][1] == 1>>
<<set $mc[_a[_b]][1] = 0>>
<<elseif $mc[_a[_b]][0] > 89 and $mc[_a[_b]][1] == 1>>
<<set $mc[_a[_b]][1] = 2>>
<<elseif $mc[_a[_b]][0] < 76 and $mc[_a[_b]][1] == 2>>
<<set $mc[_a[_b]][1] = 1>>
<<set _a = $mc.endu[1] * 25>>
<<set _a -= $mc.fati * 10>>
<<set $mc.ener[1] = 100 + _a>>
<<set $mc.ener[0] = Math.clamp($mc.ener[0], 0, $mc.ener[1])>>
<<set _a = $mc.coug * 5>>
<<set $mc.stam[1] = 100 - _a>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = Math.clamp($mc.stam[0], 0, $mc.stam[1])>>
/*----*/<<set _fa = 0>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] > 0 or ($mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $g.A.fact[1][2] < 4>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 7>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 10>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 13>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<set $g.A.fact[1][2]++>>
/*Handiwork friend*/
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
/*Academic(schooltime only)*/
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>
<<if $mc.acad[0] > 74>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 49>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 24>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<night $g.A>><<set _a = $list[0]>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].expe[0] >= 100>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].sati[1] = 150>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].expe[0] >= 50>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].sati[1] = 100>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].sati[1] = 50>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].atti[0] > 39 and $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] == 0>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] = 1>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].atti[0] < 21 and $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] == 1>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] = 0>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].atti[0] > 79 and $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] == 1>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] = 2>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].atti[0] < 61 and $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] == 2>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] = 1>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] = Math.clamp($g[_a[_b]].attr[0], 0, $g[_a[_b]].atti[0])>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] > 39 and $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] == 0>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] = 1>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] < 21 and $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] == 1>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] = 0>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] > 59 and $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] == 1>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] = 2>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] < 41 and $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] == 2>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] = 1>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] > 79 and $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] == 2>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] = 3>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] < 61 and $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] == 3>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[1] = 2>>
<</for>><<if $g.A.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] > 0 or ($mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 You have a job'>>
<<color red '-2 You do not have a job'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.A.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.A.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Helped around the house recently'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Helped around the house not long ago'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Helped around the house sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 There are few things around the house that she needs your help with'>>
<<color red '-2 There are a lot of things around the house that she needs your help with'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.A.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Helped her friend with handiwork this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Helped her friend with handiwork on the last week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Her friend needs help with handiwork'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>\
<<color red '-2 Has been replaced as a handyman by her friend'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.A.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>\
<<if $mc.acad[0] > 74>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 High Academic level'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Medium Academic level'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Low Academic level'>>
<<color red '-2 Bad Academic level'>>
<<color grey 'Comes into effect after 1 Sep'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<widget "char">>
<<set $args[0].fact[0]++>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.char>>
<<set $mc.char = Math.clamp($mc.char + 5, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.char Charisma>>
<<widget "ener0">>
<<set _en = $args[0] + ($mc.stre[1] * 5)>>
<<if $mc.fati > 0>>
<<set _en -= 5>>
<<capture _en>>
<<if _en > 0>>
+_en <span style="color: yellow"><b>⚡</b></span>
<<elseif ($mc.ener[0] + _en) < 0>>
<span style="color:red">_en</span> <span style="color: yellow"><b>⚡</b></span>
_en <span style="color: yellow"><b>⚡</b></span>
<<widget "ener1">>
<<set _en = $args[0] + ($mc.stre[1] * 5)>>
<<if $mc.fati > 0>>
<<set _en -= 5>>
<<set $mc.ener[0] += _en>>
<<if $mc.ener[0] < 0>>
<<set $mc.fati = 3>>
<<set $text[6] += "You feel exausted.<br>">>
<<set $mc.ener[0] = Math.clamp($mc.ener[0], 0, $mc.ener[1])>>
<<widget "exer1">>
<<set $mc.exer[0] = 0>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.endu[0]>>
<<set $mc.endu[0] = Math.clamp($mc.endu[0] + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.endu[0] Endurance>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.musc[0]>>
<<set $mc.musc[0] = Math.clamp($mc.musc[0] + $args[1], 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.musc[0] Muscles>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.stre[0]>>
<<set $mc.stre[0] = Math.clamp($mc.stre[0] + $args[2], 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.stre[0] Strength>>
<<widget "exer2">>
<<set $mc.exer = [0, 0]>>
<<exer1 2 1 1>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.swim>>
<<set $mc.swim = Math.clamp($mc.swim + 5, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.swim Swim>>
<<widget "mone0">>
<<if $args[0] > 0>>
+$args[0] <span style="color: limegreen"><b>$</b></span>
$args[0] <span style="color: limegreen"><b>$</b></span>
<<widget "stam0">>
<<set _st1 = Math.trunc(-20 - (20 - ($args[0] / 5)))>>
<<set _st2 = _st1 * 2>>
<<set _lu1 = $mc.lust + _st2>>
<<set _lu2 = Math.trunc(_lu1 / 2)>>
<<if _lu1 < 0 and ($mc.stam[0] + _lu2) < 1>>
<<if $mc.lust > 0>>
<span style="color:red">-$mc.lust</span> <span style="color: pink"><b>♥</b></span>
<span style="color:red">_lu2</span> <span style="color: lightblue"><b>⚥</b></span>
<span style="color:red">_st1</span> <span style="color: lightblue"><b>⚥</b></span>
<<elseif $mc.lust == 0>>
_st1 <span style="color: lightblue"><b>⚥</b></span>
<<elseif _lu1 < 0>>
-$mc.lust <span style="color: pink"><b>♥</b></span>
<<if _lu2 < 0>>
_lu2 <span style="color: lightblue"><b>⚥</b></span>
<<elseif _lu1 >= 0>>
_st2 <span style="color: pink"><b>♥</b></span>
<<widget "stam1">>
<<set _st1 = Math.trunc(-20 - (20 - ($args[0] / 5)))>>
<<set _lu1 = $mc.lust + (_st1 * 2)>>
<<set $mc.lust = Math.clamp($mc.lust + (_st1 * 2), 0, 100)>>
<<if _lu1 < 0>>
<<set _st2 = Math.trunc(_lu1 / 2)>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = Math.clamp($mc.stam[0] + _st2, 0, $mc.stam[1])>>
<<if $w1.pref == "Anal">>
<<set _ar = ["Bj", "Fuck"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Bj">>
<<set _ar = ["Fuck", "Soft"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Fuck">>
<<set _ar = ["Anal", "Ride"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Ride">>
<<set _ar = ["Anal", "Soft"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Soft">>
<<set _ar = ["Bj", "Ride"]>>
<<set _ef1 = Math.trunc($args[0] / 10)>>
<<if $w1.pref == $args[1]>>
<<set _ef2 = 40 + random(_ef1, 10)>>
<<elseif _ar.includes($args[1]) == true>>
<<set _ef2 = 30 + random(_ef1, 10)>>
<<set _ef2 = 20 + random(_ef1, 10)>>
<<set _ex = Math.trunc(_ef2 / 10)>>
<<if $list[1].includes($w1.iden) == true>>
<<set _ex *= 2>>
<<set $w1.sati[0] = Math.clamp($w1.sati[0] + _ef2, 0, $w1.sati[1])>>
<<if $args[1] == "Anal">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[0]>>
<<set $mc.skil[0] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[0] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[0] Anal>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "Bj">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[1]>>
<<set $mc.skil[1] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[1] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[1] Bj>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "Fuck">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[2]>>
<<set $mc.skil[2] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[2] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[2] Fuck>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "Ride">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[3]>>
<<set $mc.skil[3] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[3] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[3] Ride>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "Soft">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[4]>>
<<set $mc.skil[4] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[4] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[4] Soft>>
<<set $w1.expe[0] = Math.clamp($w1.expe[0] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<if $w1.sati[0] == $w1.sati[1]>>
<<set $w1.fact[2] = 0>>
<<set $text[0] += "You satisfied $<br>">>
<<if $w1.expe[1].includes($w1.pref) == false>>
<<set $w1.expe[1].push($w1.pref)>>
<<set $text[0] += "Now you understand when $ prefers sex action $w1.pref.<br>">>
<<set $sex[0] = $args[1]>>
<<widget "stud1">>
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>
<<set _ex = 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "You haven't been able to concentrate on studying.<br>">>
<<elseif $cp == "Library">>
<<set _ex = 7>>
<<set $text[1] += "You studied more efficiently in the library.<br>">>
<<set _ex = 5>>
<<if $cp != "Sleep">>
<<set $text[1] += "You spent some time studying.<br>">>
<<set _ch1 = $args[1]>>
<<set State.setVar($args[0], Math.clamp($args[1] + _ex, 0, 100))>>
<<if $args[0] == "$[0]">>
<<change $[0] "IT Basic">>
<<elseif $args[0] == "$[1]">>
<<change $[1] "IT Adv">>
<<elseif $args[0] == "$mc.acad[1]" or _da == 1>>
<<change $mc.acad[1] Language>>
<<elseif $args[0] == "$mc.acad[2]" or _da == 2>>
<<change $mc.acad[2] Math>>
<<elseif $args[0] == "$mc.acad[3]" or _da == 3>>
<<change $mc.acad[3] Science>>
<<elseif $args[0] == "$mc.acad[4]" or _da == 4>>
<<change $mc.acad[4] Social>>
<<widget "stud2">>
<<set _mi1 = 100>>
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>
<<set _ex = 1>>
<<elseif $cp == "Library">>
<<set _ex = 7>>
<<set _ex = 5>>
<<for _a = 1; _a <= 4; _a++>>
<<if $mc.acad[_a] <= _mi1>>
<<set _mi1 = $mc.acad[_a]>>
<<set _mi2 = _a>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.acad[_mi2]>>
<<set _ar = ["","Language","Math","Science","Social"]>>
<<set $mc.acad[_mi2] = Math.clamp($mc.acad[_mi2] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.acad[_mi2] _ar[_mi2]>>
<</widget>><<widget "sex0">>
<<if $w1.pref == "Anal">>
<<set _ar = ["Bj", "Fuck"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Bj">>
<<set _ar = ["Fuck", "Soft"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Fuck">>
<<set _ar = ["Anal", "Ride"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Ride">>
<<set _ar = ["Anal", "Soft"]>>
<<elseif $w1.pref == "Soft">>
<<set _ar = ["Bj", "Ride"]>>
<<if $w1.expe[1].includes($w1.pref) == true>>
<<if $w1.pref.includes($args[0]) == true>>
<<color limegreen '++'>>
<<elseif _ar.includes($args[0]) == true>>
<<color limegreen '+'>>
<<widget "sex1">>
<<set $w1 = $args[0]>>
<<if $mc.conf[1].includes($w1.iden) == true>>
<<set _ex = 5>>
<<if $list[1].includes($w1.iden) == true>>
<<set $text[0] += "$ wants to teach you. Sex skills rise at double rate everytime.<br>">>
<<if $list[2].includes($w1.iden) == true>>
<<set $mc.popu = Math.clamp($mc.popu + 10, 0, 100)>>
<<set _ex = Math.clamp(20 - ($mc.conf[1].length * 5), 5, 20)>>
<<set $mc.conf[1].push($w1.iden)>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] + _ex, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $sex = ["Start", "", $args[1], random($args[2])]>>
<<widget "sex2">>
<<if $w1.expe[1].includes($args[0]) == true>>
<<color limegreen '♦'>>
<<color grey '♦'>>
<</widget>><<set _gi = $menu[1]>>\
<table border="2">
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $g[_gi].desi = 100>>
<td><<tool white 'Desire toward $g[_gi].name' 'Rises by spending time with girls when their Attraction status is "Low" or higher. \nReaching max value opens posibility to make a move on girl. \nIf "Horny": \n- Desire rise is doubled. \n- minimum Desire rise is 5.'>></td>
<<if $g[_gi].rela[1] == 0>>\
<td><<if $g[_gi].desi == 100>>\
<<tool pink 'Want her' 'It is posible to make a move on girl when spend time with her.'>>
<<tool white 'Neutral' 'Not posible to make a move on girl.'>>
<<if $g[_gi].rela[1] == 0 and $list[1].includes(_gi) == true>>\
<td><<if $mc.lust >= 100>>\
<<tool pink 'Horny' 'No penalty to Desire rise.'>>
<<tool red 'Taboo' '-5 to Desire rise.'>>
<td colspan="3"><<color grey 'Nonfactor'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $g[_gi].atti[0] = 100>>
<<set $g[_gi].atti[1] = 2>>
<td><<tool white 'Attitude' 'Changes at night depending on Attitude factors. \nCan have 3 states (Bad/Ok/Like). \nStates affect the rate at which Attraction rise.'>></td>
<td><<= $g[_gi].atti[0]>>/100</td>
<td><<if $g[_gi].atti[1] == 2>>\
<<tool limegreen 'Like' 'Attraction rises at normal rate.'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].atti[1] == 1>>\
<<tool white 'Ok' 'Attraction rises at halved rate.'>>
<<tool lightcoral 'Bad' 'Attraction will not rise.'>>
<<if $ntr == false and $g[_gi].rela[1] == 2>>\
<td><<tool red 'WM-5' 'Permanent minus to Attitude. \nResult of Relationship state "Wants more"'>></td>
<<elseif $g[_gi].riva[1] > 0>>\
<<set _ri = -$g[_gi].riva[1]>>\
<td><<tool red 'Rival_ri' 'Permanent minus to Attitude. \nCan reach maximum of -10.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $g[_gi].attr[0] = $g[_gi].atti[0]>>
<<set $g[_gi].attr[1] = 3>>
<td><<tool white 'Attraction' 'Affects Desire and Lust rise. \nRises by: \n- performing some actions in same location as girls (low value, check for Confidence and Muscles); \n- spending time with girl (normal value, check for all 3 factors). \nCannot go higher than a value of Attitude. \nCan have 4 states (None/Low/Medium/High).'>></td>
<td><<= $g[_gi].attr[0]>>/<<= $g[_gi].atti[0]>></td>
<td><<if $g[_gi].attr[1] == 3>>\
<<tool limegreen 'High' 'She will actively try to seduce you. \nHigh Desire and Lust rise.'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].attr[1] == 2>>\
<<tool lightgreen 'Medium' 'She will flirt with you. \nMedium Desire and Lust rise.'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].attr[1] == 1>>\
<<tool white 'Low' 'She will inadvertently display her attraction. \nLow Desire and Lust rise.'>>
<<tool lightcoral 'None' 'Neutral behavior.'>>
<<if $g[_gi].rela[1] == 0 and $list[1].includes(_gi) == true>>\
<td><<tool red 'Taboo' '-5 to Attraction rise.'>></td>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<<if $list[3].includes($g[_gi].iden) == true>>\
<<set _ma = 1>>\
<<set _ma = 2>>\
<td><<link "↑" $cp>>
<<set $g[_gi].rela[1] = Math.clamp($g[_gi].rela[1] + 1, -1, _ma)>>
<<link "↓" $cp>>
<<set $g[_gi].rela[1] = Math.clamp($g[_gi].rela[1] - 1, -1, _ma)>>
<td><<tool white 'Relationship' 'Status of relationship. \nCan have 4 states (Broke up/Neutral/Lovers/Wants more). \nAt state "Lovers" numerical value will be unlocked and it will track progression towards "Wants more". \nSome girls cannot reach state "Wants more". \nNumerical value goes +1 at Night if Attitude is equal 100. \nAt state "Broke up" rival become active if NTR is on. \nAt state "Wants more" rival become active if girls Attitude is "Ok" or "Bad" if NTR is on. \nAt states "Lovers" and "Wants more" unsatisfied girl(bottom Attitude factor) activate rival if NTR is on. \nSome rivals would need additional conditions on top to become active. \nAt state "Wants more" -5 to Attitude if NTR is off.'>></td>
<td><<if $list[3].includes($g[_gi].iden) == true>>\
<<color grey 'Excluded'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].rela[1] == 1>>\
<<if $chea == true>>\
<<link "<<= $g[_gi].rela[0]>>↓" $cp>>
<<set $g[_gi].rela[0] = 0>>
/<<link "100↑" $cp>>
<<set $g[_gi].rela[0] = 100>>
<<= $g[_gi].rela[0]>>/100\
<<color grey 'Locked'>>
<td><<if $g[_gi].rela[1] == 2>>\
<<color pink 'Wants more'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].rela[1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen 'Lovers'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].rela[1] == 0>>\
<<color white 'Neutral'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].rela[1] == -1>>\
<<color red 'Broke up'>>
<tr><<if $chea == true>>\
<td colspan="2"><<if $g[_gi].loca == "Gym">>\
<<elseif $g[_gi].loca == "HouseA">>\
<<elseif $g[_gi].loca.includes("House") == true>>\
<<set _lo = $g[_gi].loca.charAt(5)>>\
$g[_lo].name's place
<<elseif $g[_gi].loca == "Library">>\
<<elseif $g[_gi].loca == "Office">>\
<<elseif $g[_gi].loca == "School">>\
<<if $g[_gi].rela[1] > -1 and $g[_gi].fact[0] > -1>>\
<<tool white 'Attitude factors' 'Discovered by spending time with a girl when her Attitude state is not "Bad". \nAffects Attitude in "Unknown" state.'>>
<<if $g[_gi].fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g[_gi].fact[1][0] == -1>>\
<<color grey 'Did not spent time with her yet'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Spent time with her recently'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Spent time with her not long ago'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Spent time with her sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 She misses spending time with you a little'>>
<<color red '-2 She misses spending time with you'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 2>>\
<<if $imag.includes(".mp4") == true>>\
<<set _vide = $imag>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<elseif $clip == 1>>\
<<set _vide = "files/Pron/Pro"+random(1,5*$mc.item[6])+".mp4">>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseA.jpg">>\
Three bedroom house that $ received as inheritence from your grandparents. She grew up in it with her little sister.
<<if $cp != $g.A.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.A.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.A.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'You thought that $ should be home, but she is not'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.A.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night with $ at this state of Relationship'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.A.atti[1] < 1 and $g.A.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Attitude not high enough to spend the Night with $'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoAGA">>
<<if $g.A.loca == $g.D.loca>>
<<cont $g.A 5>>
<<cont $g.A 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to exercise with $'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot exercise with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $g.A.loca == $g.D.loca>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot exercise with $ while $ is visiting'>>
<<link "Exercise with $" "HoAGA">>
<<cont $g.A 2>>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 1 1 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "You have done some simple workout.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<if $cp == $g.D.loca>>\
<<if $g.D.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.A.riva[0] > 1 and $g.A.riva[1] < 3 and $cp == $g.A.loca>>\
<<color grey 'You thought that $ should be here, but she is not'>>
<<elseif $time[0] < 3>>\
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoAGD">>
<<cont $g.D 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to help'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot help at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color grey 'Nothing to help with around the house'>>
<<link "Help around the house" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Hel">>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<set $g.A.fact[1][2] = 0>>
<<set $text[1] += "You did a few things that were your responsibility.<br>">>
<<ener0 -30>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseA">>
<<link "Relax" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Rel">>
<<ener1 20>>
<<set $text[1] += "You spent time relaxing and recovered some Energy.<br>">>
<<ener0 20>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to workout'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot workout at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Simple workout" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Exe">>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 1 1 2>>
<<set $text[1] += "You have done some simple workout.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<include "Study">>\
<<if $time[0] > 2 and $mc.item[6] > 0>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to watch porn'>>
<<elseif $mc.item[6] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Your porn collection is empty'>>
<<link "Watch porn" $cp>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<set $clip = 1>>
<<if $mc.lust < 100>>
<<set $mc.lust = Math.clamp($mc.lust + 50, 0, 100)>>
<<set $text[1] += "You watched porn and gained some Lust in the process.<br>">>
<<noti $cp "Po1">>
<<set $text[1] += "You watched porn and got rid of Lust in the process.<br>">>
<<noti $cp "Po2">>
<<set $mc.lust = 0>>
<<ener0 -10>>\
<<if $mc.lust < 100>>\
+50 <span style="color: pink"><b>♥</b></span>
-100 <span style="color: pink"><b>♥</b></span>
<<include "Move">>\<<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<elseif $clip == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Gym/Gym" + random(61) + ".jpg">>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the regulars of the gym.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Gym.jpg">>\
Local small gym. There is not enough privacy for anything other than exercising.
Working out here will be more effective.
It closes at Night.
<<if $mc.gym == 1>>\
You have membership that is active today.
<<elseif $mc.gym == 2>>\
You have membership that is active for an year.
<<set _a = $list[0]>>\
<<set _c = false>>\
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>\
<<if $cp == $g[_a[_b]].loca and _c == false>>\
<<set _c = true>>\
<<if _c == true>>\
<<if $mc.gym == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Need to buy membership to exercise together'>>
<<if $cp == $g.B.loca>>\
<<if $g.B.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Exercise with $" "GymG">>
<<cont $g.B 2>>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 2 2 2>>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<if $cp == $g.C.loca>>\
<<if $g.C.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Exercise with $" "GymG">>
<<cont $g.C 2>>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 2 2 2>>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<if $cp == $g.G.loca>>\
<<if $g.G.fact[0] < 0>>\
<<color grey '$ ignores strangers that try to talk with her'>>
<<elseif $g.G.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Exercise with $" "GymG">>
<<cont $g.G 2>>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 2 2 2>>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<if $time[0] < 3 and $mc.gym == 0>>\
<<if $mc.mone < 50>>\
<<color grey 'Membership for a day will cost 100'>><<color limegreen "<b>$</b>">>
<<link "Buy membership for a day" $cp>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 50>>
<<set $mc.gym = 1>>
<<mone0 -50>>
<<if $mc.mone < 1000>>\
<<color grey 'Membership for an year will cost 1000'>><<color limegreen "<b>$</b>">>
<<link "Buy membership for an year" $cp>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 1000>>
<<set $mc.gym = 2>>
<<mone0 -1000>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Gym is closed'>>
<<elseif $mc.gym == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Need to buy membership first'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot workout at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Build endurance" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Exe">>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 5 2 2>>
<<set $text[1] += "You worked on your endurance.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<link "Build muscles" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Exe">>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 2 5 2>>
<<set $text[1] += "You worked on your muscles.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<link "Build strength" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Exe">>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<exer1 2 2 5>>
<<set $text[1] += "You worked on your strength.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<include "Move">>\<<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<elseif $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 49 or $mc.musc[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Lib/Lib" + random(30) + 1 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the regulars of the library. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Lib/Lib" + random(30) + 0 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the regulars of the library.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Library.jpg">>\
Local library. Studying here a little bit more effective.
Open at Morning and Afternoon.
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1>>\
The library has an open position for the Technician. You need to learn basic IT to apply.
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 7, 28)
and $date[0] <= new Date(2000, 7, 31)
and ($mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2)>>\
<<color limegreen 'After starting of the school year you can work part-time here.'>>
<<if $cp == $g.B.loca or $cp == $g.C.loca>>\
<<if $cp == $g.B.loca>>\
<<if $g.B.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.B.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'You did not see $ around the library and her office is locked'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "LibGB">>
<<cont $g.B 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $cp == $g.C.loca>>\
<<if $g.C.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "LibGC">>
<<cont $g.C 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $time[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'Library is closed'>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1 and $[0] == 100>>\
<<link "Apply for a promotion" $cp>>
<<set $mc.occu[0] = 2>>
<<set $text[1] += "You were promoted to a better position.<br>">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Not enough knowledge in Basic IT to apply for promotion'>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<if $date[3] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot finish your job at Weekends'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot finish your job at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'All work is done'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
<<link "Finish your job" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.fact[1][1] = 1>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1>>
<<set $g.C.fact[1][1] = 1>>
<<noti $cp "Wor">>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2>>
<<ener1 -15>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1>>\
<<ener0 -20>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<ener0 -15>>
<<elseif ($mc.occu[1] == 1 or $mc.occu[1] == 2) and $mc.part < 8>>\
<<if $mc.part == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Nothing to work on today'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot work at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Work part-time" $cp>>
<<if $mc.occu[1] == 1>>
<<ener1 -40>>
<<set $mc.mone += 50>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 2>>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<set $mc.mone += 100>>
<<if $mc.part < 6>>
<<set $mc.skip = 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "There wasn't much of a work to be done and you have enough time to do something else at this location.<br>">>
<<noti $cp "Wor">>
<<set $text[1] += "There was a lot of work for you.<br>">>
<<set $mc.part = 0>>
<<if $mc.occu[1] == 1>>\
<<ener0 -40>>\
<<mone0 50>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 2>>\
<<ener0 -30>>\
<<mone0 100>>
<<color grey 'You are not working here'>>
<<include "Study">>\
<<if $mc.skip == 1>>\
<<link "Get ready to leave" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Wor">>
<<include "Move">>\
<<if $drea.length > 0 and $mc.lust > 49>>\
<<set _vide = $drea.random()>>\
<<set _na = _vide.charAt(6)>>\
<<color pink 'You had a nice dream about $g[_na].name.'>>
<<if $wp == "HouseA">>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseA.jpg">>\
You woke up at home.
<<elseif $wp.includes("House")>>\
<<set _wp = $wp.charAt(5)>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/House" + _wp + ".jpg">>\
You woke up at $g[_wp].name's place.
<<if $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2001, 4, 31).getTime()>>\
Time to recap this year.
<<set _wa = 100>>\
<<elseif $date[3] > 0>>\
You don't have to go anywhere this morning.
<<set _wa = 0>>\
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 0>>\
<<if $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2000, 8, 1).getTime()>>\
Today is the first day of the school year. Now you can work part-time at your last workplace.
Time to get ready for school.
<<if $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2000, 9, 27).getTime()
or $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2000, 11, 22).getTime()
or $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2001, 2, 9).getTime()
or $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2001, 4, 25).getTime()>>\
There will be exams today.
<<set _wa = 10>>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > -1 and
($date[0].getTime() == new Date(2000, 9, 20).getTime()
or $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2000, 11, 15).getTime()
or $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2001, 2, 2).getTime())>>\
There will be swimming tournament today.
<<set _wa = 11>>\
<<elseif $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
<<set _wa = 12>>\
<<set _wa = 13>>\
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] > 0>>\
Time to get ready for work.
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1>>\
<<set _wa = 1>>\
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<set _wa = 2>>\
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 3>>\
<<set _wa = 3>>\
<<if _wa == 0>>\
<<link "Get up" $wp>>
<<elseif _wa == 1>>\
<<link "Go to work" "LibAssist">>
<<ener1 -40>>
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>
<<set $g.B.fact[1][1] = -1>>
<<set $g.B.fact[1][1] = 1>>
<<set $g.C.fact[1][1] = $g.B.fact[1][1]>>
<<ener0 -40>>
<<elseif _wa == 2>>\
<<link "Go to work" "LibTech">>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<stud1 "$[1]" $[1]>>
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>
<<set $g.B.fact[1][1] = -1>>
<<set $g.B.fact[1][1] = 1>>
<<ener0 -30>>
<<elseif _wa == 3>>\
<<link "Go to work" "OffWork">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>
<<set $g.F.fact[1][4] = -1>>
<<set $g.F.fact[1][4] = 1>>
<<set $g.G.fact[1][1] = $g.F.fact[1][4]>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<elseif _wa == 10>>\
<<link "Go to school" "SchExam">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<elseif _wa == 11>>\
<<link "Go to school" "SwimTour">>
<<set $temp = 0>>
<<elseif _wa == 12>>\
<<link "Go to school" "SchSport">>
<<ener1 -40>>
<<exer1 1 0 1>>
<<ener0 -40>>
<<elseif _wa == 13>>\
<<link "Go to school" "SchClass">>
<<set _da = $date[0].getDay()>>
<<set $mc.acad[_da] = Math.clamp($mc.acad[_da] - 10, 0, 100)>>
<<set _ar = ["","Language","Math","Science","Social"]>>
<<set $text[6] += "-10 New "+_ar[_da]+" material<br>">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<stud1 "$mc.acad[_da]" $mc.acad[_da]>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<elseif _wa == 100>>\
<<link "The End" "TheEnd">>
<<if $mc.mone >= 30000>>
<<set $mc.goal[1] = 1>>
<<set $mc.goal[1] = -1>>
<<set $temp = [0]>>
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 49 or $mc.musc[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Lib/Lib" + random(20) + 1 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the regulars of the library. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Lib/Lib" + random(20) + 0 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the regulars of the library.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Library.jpg">>\
<<if $g.B.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
You haven't been able to concentrate on your work this Morning.
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
You have done a good job this Morning.
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
You will receive your salary today.
<<link "Finish your shift" "Library">>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>
<<set $mc.mone += 250>>
<<noti "Library" "Wor">>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
<<mone0 250>>
<</if>>\<<if $g.B.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<if $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Too early to decide'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Done a good job today'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Not worked today'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Done a bad job today'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 1 or $mc.occu[1] == 2>>\
<<if $mc.part < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Worked part-time at the library recently'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Worked part-time at the library not long ago'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Worked part-time at the library sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 A lot of work accumulated at the library'>>
<<color red '-2 You got fired from part-time at the library'>>
<<color grey 'Not working at the library'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.B.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.stre[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Tough'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Strong'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Normal Strength'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Weak'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.B.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Great progress towards to your Academic goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Good progress towards to your Academic goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'On the way to your Academic goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Failed your Academic goal'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.B.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3 or ($mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Great job for a student'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2 or ($mc.occu[1] == 2 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Good job for a student'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1 or ($mc.occu[1] == 1 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Normal job for a student'>>
<<color red '-2 Do not have a job'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<if $g.C.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] < 1 or $mc.occu[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Not working full time at the library'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<color grey 'Not at the same position'>>
<<elseif $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Too early to decide'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 She does not have to finish your job'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Not worked today'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 She have to finish your job'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.C.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.C.fact[1][2] == -1>>\
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<color red '-2 She expects to be taken on dates by you'>>
<<color grey 'She has not been on a date with you yet'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Had a date with her recently'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Had a date with her not long ago'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Had a date with her sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 She wants to go out with you'>>
<<color red '-2 She has not been on a date with you "in like forever"'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.C.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Considered Cool or Popular by peers'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Accepted by peers'>>
<<color lightgrey 'Low Popularity does not bother her'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.C.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>\
<<if $mc.acad[0] >= 95>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Excellent Academic level'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 74>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 High Academic level'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Medium Academic level'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 Low Academic level'>>
<<color red '-2 Bad Academic level'>>
<<color grey 'Comes into effect after 1 Sep'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<if $g.D.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $g.A.atti[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 You are treating her sister good'>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgrey 'You could treat her sister better'>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] == 0>>\
<<color red '-2 You are treating her sister bad'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.D.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.D.fact[1][2] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Great career ahead of you'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[1][2] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Good career ahead of you'>>
<<color lightgrey 'Not moving toward good career'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.D.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Great progress towards your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Good progress towards your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'On the way to your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Failed your Sport goal'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.D.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.swim > 59>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 High Swimming skill'>>
<<elseif $mc.swim > 19>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Avarage Swimming skill'>>
<<color lightgrey 'Low Swimming skill'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<widget "cont">>
<<set $temp = [$args[0].atti[1], $args[0].attr[1], $args[1]]>>
<<set _at = 0>>
<<set _de = 0>>
<<set _lu = 0>>
<<set _pa = "G" + $args[0].iden + "Talk">>
<<if $args[0].fact[0] > -1>>
<<set $args[0].fact[1][0] = 0>>
<<if $args[0].fact[3][0] * 25 <= $mc.char>>
<<set _at += 5>>
<<if $args[0].fact[3][1] * 25 <= $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set _at += 5>>
<<if $args[0].fact[3][2] <= $mc.musc[1]>>
<<set _at += 5>>
<<if $args[0].attr[1] == 3>>
<<set _de += 10>>
<<set _lu += 25>>
<<elseif $args[0].attr[1] == 2>>
<<set _de += 5>>
<<set _lu += 15>>
<<elseif $args[0].attr[1] == 1>>
<<set _de += random(1,5)>>
<<set _lu += random(5,10)>>
<<if $list[1].includes($args[0].iden) == true
and $args[0].rela[1] == 0>>
<<set _at = Math.clamp(_at - 5, 0, 100)>>
<<if $mc.lust < 100>>
<<set _de = Math.clamp(_de - 5, 0, 100)>>
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>
<<if _de < 3>>
<<set _de = 5>>
<<set _de *= 2>>
<<if _lu > 0>>
<<set $temp[3] = true>>
<<set $temp[3] = false>>
<<set $temp[4] = $args[0].iden>>
<<set _ch1 = $args[0].desi>>
<<set $args[0].desi = Math.clamp($args[0].desi + _de, 0, 100)>>
<<change $args[0].desi Desire>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.lust>>
<<set $mc.lust = Math.clamp($mc.lust + _lu, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.lust Lust>>
<<if $args[0].atti[1] > 0>>
<<set _at = Math.trunc(_at / (3 - $args[0].atti[1]))>>
<<set _ch1 = $args[0].attr[0]>>
<<set $args[0].attr[0] = Math.clamp($args[0].attr[0] + _at, 0, $args[0].atti[0])>>
<<change $args[0].attr[0] Attraction>>
<<include _pa>>
<<if $args[0].desi == 100 and $args[0].rela[1] == 0>>
<<set $text[0] += "You want her.<br>">>
<<widget "ggps">>
<<set _a = $list[0]>>
<sup style="color:pink; letter-spacing:-1.5px">
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].loca === $args[0]>>
<<= $g[_a[_b]].iden>>\
<<widget "more">>
<<set _li = "G" + $args[0].iden + "End">>
<<link "Answer Yes($args[0].name's ending)" _li>>
<<link "Answer No" "HouseA">>
<<set $args[0].rela[1] = 2>>
<<set $mc.more = 0>>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<<link "Reset Relationship (Cheat)" $cp>>
<<set $args[0].rela[0] = 0>>
<<set $mc.more = 0>>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<color grey 'Cannot reset Relationship when Cheats turned off'>>
<<widget "night">>
<<if $args[0].expe[0] > 99>>
<<set _pr = ["Anal", "Bj", "Fuck", "Ride", "Soft"]>>
<<elseif $args[0].expe[0] > 49>>
<<set _pr = ["Bj", "Ride", "Soft"]>>
<<set _pr = ["Soft"]>>
<<set $args[0].pref = _pr.random()>>
<<if $args[0].fact[1][0] == -1>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[1][0] < 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[1][0] < 4>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[1][0] < 6>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[1][0] < 8>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $args[0].fact[1][0] > -1>>
<<set $args[0].fact[1][0]++>>
<<if $args[0].rela[1] > 0>>
<<if $args[0].fact[2] == -1>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[2] < 3>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[2] < 6>>
<<elseif $args[0].fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $args[0].fact[2] > -1>>
<<set $args[0].fact[2]++>>
<<if $ntr == true>>
<<set _fa -= $args[0].riva[1]>>
<<elseif $args[0].rela[1] == 2>>
<<set _fa -= 5>>
<<if $args[0].rela[1] == -1>>
<<set _ma = 0>>
<<set $args[0].rela[0] = 0>>
<<set _ma = 100>>
<<if $args[0].fact[0] < 0>>
<<set _fa = 0>>
<<set $args[0].atti[0] = Math.clamp($args[0].atti[0] + _fa, 0, _ma)>>
<<if $args[0].rela[1] == 1 and $args[0].atti[0] == 100
and $list[3].includes($args[0].iden) == false>>
<<set $args[0].rela[0] = Math.clamp($args[0].rela[0] + 1, 0, 100)>>
<<widget "noti">>
<<set _a = $list[0]>>
<<set _at1 = 0>>
<<set _at2 = 0>>
<<set _br = []>>
<<set _in = []>>
<<set _no = []>>
<<set _ra1 = 0>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>
<<if $args[0] == $g[_a[_b]].loca
and ($args[0] != "School"
or ($args[0] == "School" and random(2) == 2))>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].fact[3][1] * 25 <= $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set _at1 += 2>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].fact[3][2] <= $mc.musc[1]>>
<<set _at1 += 2>>
<<if $list[1].includes($g[_a[_b]].iden) == true
and $g[_a[_b]].rela[1] == 0>>
<<set _at1 = Math.clamp(_at1 - 2, 0, 100)>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] > 0>>
<<set _at1 = Math.trunc(_at1 / (3 - $g[_a[_b]].atti[1]))>>
<<set _ch1 = $g[_a[_b]].attr[0]>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] = Math.clamp($g[_a[_b]].attr[0] + _at1, 0, $g[_a[_b]].atti[0])>>
<<set _na = $g[_a[_b]].name + "'s Attraction">>
<<change $g[_a[_b]].attr[0] _na>>
<<if _at1 > 0 and $g[_a[_b]].atti[1] > 0>>
<<set _no.push($g[_a[_b]].name)>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].inte >= random(1,10)
and $g[_a[_b]].fact[0] > -1>>
<<set _in.push($g[_a[_b]].iden)>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].rela[1] < 0 and $g[_a[_b]].riva[0] == 0>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].inte >= random(1,10)>>
<<set _br.push($g[_a[_b]].iden)>>
<<if _in.length > 0>>
<<set _ra1 = _in.random()>>
<<set _pa = "G" + _ra1 + "Inter">>
<<if _no.length > 0>>
<<set $text[2] += _no + " has noticed you.<br>">>
<<if _ra1 == 0>>
<<elseif $g[_ra1].attr[1] > 1 and $g[_ra1].rela[1] == 1
and $g[_ra1].riva[0] == 0>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.lust>>
<<set $mc.lust = Math.clamp($mc.lust + 25, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.lust Lust>>
<<set $temp = [2, 0]>>
<<include _pa>>
<<elseif $g[_ra1].attr[1] > 1 and $g[_ra1].rela[1] == 0>>
<<set _de = 10>>
<<if $mc.lust > 99>>
<<set _de *= 2>>
<<elseif $list[1].includes($g[_ra1].iden) == true>>
<<set _de = Math.clamp(_de - 5, 0, 100)>>
<<set _ch1 = $g[_ra1].desi>>
<<set $g[_ra1].desi = Math.clamp($g[_ra1].desi + _de, 0, 100)>>
<<change $g[_ra1].desi Desire>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.lust>>
<<set $mc.lust = Math.clamp($mc.lust + 15, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.lust Lust>>
<<set $temp = [1, 0]>>
<<include _pa>>
<<elseif $g[_ra1].atti[1] > 1 and $g[_ra1].rela[1] == 0>>
<<if $g[_ra1].fact[3][0] * 25 <= $mc.char>>
<<set _at2 += 5>>
<<if $g[_ra1].fact[3][1] * 25 <= $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set _at2 += 5>>
<<if $g[_ra1].fact[3][2] <= $mc.musc[1]>>
<<set _at2 += 5>>
<<if $list[1].includes($g[_ra1].iden) == true>>
<<set _at2 = Math.clamp(_at2 - 5, 0, 100)>>
<<set _ch1 = $g[_ra1].attr[0]>>
<<set $g[_ra1].attr[0] = Math.clamp($g[_ra1].attr[0] + _at2, 0, $g[_ra1].atti[0])>>
<<change $g[_ra1].attr[0] Attraction>>
<<set $temp = [0, 0]>>
<<include _pa>>
<<set _ra1 = 0>>
<<if _ra1 == 0 and _br.length > 0>>
<<set _ra2 = _br.random()>>
<<set _pa = "G" + _ra2 + "Inter">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 1, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $temp = [3, 0]>>
<<include _pa>>
<</widget>><<if $mc.acad[0] == 100 and $[0] == 100 and $[1] == 100>>\
<<color grey 'You caught up with your classes'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to study'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot study at 0 Energy'>>
<<if $[0] < 100 and $mc.occu[1] == 0>>\
<<link "Study IT(Basics)" $cp>>
<<stud1 "$[0]" $[0]>>
<<noti $cp "Stu">>
<<if $cp == "Library">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<elseif $[0] == 100 and $[1] < 100
and $mc.occu[1] == 0>>\
<<link "Study IT(Advanced)" $cp>>
<<stud1 "$[1]" $[1]>>
<<noti $cp "Stu">>
<<if $cp == "Library">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<if $mc.acad[1] < 100>>\
<<link "Study Language" $cp>>
<<stud1 "$mc.acad[1]" $mc.acad[1]>>
<<noti $cp "Stu">>
<<if $cp == "Library">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<if $mc.acad[2] < 100>>\
<<link "Study Math" $cp>>
<<stud1 "$mc.acad[2]" $mc.acad[2]>>
<<noti $cp "Stu">>
<<if $cp == "Library">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<if $mc.acad[3] < 100>>\
<<link "Study Science" $cp>>
<<stud1 "$mc.acad[3]" $mc.acad[3]>>
<<noti $cp "Stu">>
<<if $cp == "Library">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<if $mc.acad[4] < 100>>\
<<link "Study Social" $cp>>
<<stud1 "$mc.acad[4]" $mc.acad[4]>>
<<noti $cp "Stu">>
<<if $cp == "Library">>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<</if>>\<<widget "swim0">>
<<set $mc.exer = [0, 0]>>
<<set $sw.cont[0] = [0, 0]>>
<<for _a = 1; _a <= 7; _a++>>
<<set $sw.cont[_a] = [0, 0, random(3 - $mc.goal[2], 5 - $mc.goal[2]), 1, random(1 + $mc.goal[2], 2 + $mc.goal[2]), random(1)]>>
<<set $sw.plac = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]>>
<<widget "swim1">>
<<for _b = 1; _b <= 10; _b++>>
<<if $sw.cont[0][1] == 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[0][0] += 10>>
<<for _a = 1; _a <= 7; _a++>>
<<if $sw.cont[_a][1] == 0>>
<<if $args[0] == 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[_a][0] += (random(10,11) - $sw.cont[_a][2] - $sw.cont[_a][3])>>
<<elseif $args[0] == 1>>
<<set $sw.cont[_a][0] += (random(12,13) - $sw.cont[_a][2] - $sw.cont[_a][3])>>
<<elseif $args[0] == 2>>
<<set $sw.cont[_a][0] += (random(16,17) - $sw.cont[_a][2] - $sw.cont[_a][3])>>
<<elseif $args[0] == 3>>
<<set $sw.cont[_a][0] += (random(18,19) - $sw.cont[_a][2] - $sw.cont[_a][3])>>
<<for _c = 0; _c <= 7; _c++>>
<<if $sw.cont[_c][0] >= 1000 and $sw.cont[_c][1] == 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[_c][1] = $sw.plac.shift()>>
<<set $sw.cont[_c][0] = 1000>>
<<set _li = 0>>
<<for _d = 1; _d <= 7; _d++>>
<<if $sw.cont[_d][0] > _li>>
<<set _li = $sw.cont[_d][0]>>
<<if $sw.cont[_d][0] < 1000 and $sw.cont[_d][0] < _li
and $sw.cont[_d][5] == 1 and $sw.cont[_d][4] > 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[_d][3] = 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[_d][4] -= 1>>
<<elseif $sw.cont[_d][0] + ($sw.cont[_d][4] * 100) >= 1000
and $sw.cont[_d][4] > 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[_d][3] = 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[_d][4] -= 1>>
<<elseif $sw.cont[_d][4] > 0 and random(1) == 1>>
<<set $sw.cont[_d][3] = 0>>
<<set $sw.cont[_d][4] -= 1>>
<<set $sw.cont[_d][3] = 1>>
<</widget>><<if $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 49 or $mc.musc[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Lib/Lib" + random(20) + 1 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the regulars of the library. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Lib/Lib" + random(20) + 0 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the regulars of the library.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Library.jpg">>\
<<if $g.B.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
You haven't been able to concentrate on your work this Morning.
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
You have done a good job this Morning.
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
You will receive your salary today.
<<link "Finish your shift" "Library">>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
<<set $mc.mone += 500>>
<<noti "Library" "Wor">>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
<<mone0 500>>
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<elseif $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Sch/Sch" + random(30) + 3 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the schoolgirls. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Sch/Sch" + random(30) + 2 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the schoolgirls.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/School.jpg">>\
School with competent teachers and facilities with good quality that includes swimming pool.
<<if $cp == $g.C.loca or $cp == $g.E.loca>>\
<<if $cp == $g.C.loca>>\
<<if $g.C.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "SchGC">>
<<cont $g.C 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $g.C.fact[0] > -1>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot study with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Study with $" "SchGC">>
<<cont $g.C 3>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<if $cp == $g.E.loca>>\
<<if $g.E.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "SchGE">>
<<cont $g.E 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $g.E.fact[0] > -1>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot study with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Study with $" "SchGE">>
<<cont $g.E 3>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<if $time[0] > 1 or $date[3] > 0>>\
<<color grey 'School is closed'>>
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot practice at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Practice swimming" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Swi">>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<set $text[1] += "You practiced in swimming which was also a light workout.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<include "Move">>\<<if $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Sch/Sch" + random(30) + 1 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the schoolgirls. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Sch/Sch" + random(30) + 0 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the schoolgirls.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/School.jpg">>\
<<set _da = $date[0].getDay()>>\
<<set _ar = ["", "Language", "Math", "Science", "Social"]>>\
<<if $mc.lust == 100>>\
You haven't been able to concentrate on studying during _ar[_da] lesson.
You paid attention during _ar[_da] lesson.
<<link "Class is over" "School">>
<<noti "School" "Cla">>
<</link>>\<<set $imag = "files/Misc/School.jpg">>\
This morning you went through \
<<if $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2001, 4, 25).getTime()>>\
final exams.
intermediate exams.
<<if $mc.acad[0] >= 95>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 3>>\
They went very well and by this you have achieved your Academic goal.
<<set _ex = 3>>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1>>\
They went very well and it keeps you on track to your Academic goal.
<<set _ex = 3>>\
They went very well.
<<set _ex = 2>>\
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] < 25>>\
They went very badly and it will lead to \
<<if $date[0].getTime() == new Date(2001, 4, 25).getTime()>>\
you not getting a school diploma.
<<set _ex = 1>>\
your expelling.
<<set _ex = 0>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] > -1>>\
They went ok, but your Academic goal in acquiring scholarship is failed.
They went ok.
<<set _ex = 2>>\
<<if _ex < 2>>\
<<link "Game Over" "GameOver">>
<<if _ex == 0>>\
<<set $temp = 1>>
<<elseif _ex == 1>>\
<<set $temp = 2>>
<<if $chea == true>>\
<<link "Avoid Game Over(Cheat)" "School">>
<<set $mc.goal[0] = -1>>
<<color grey 'Cannot avoid Game Over when Cheats turned off'>>
<<elseif _ex > 1>>\
<<link "Exams are over" "School">>
<<if _ex == 2>>\
<<set $mc.goal[0] = -1>>
<<elseif _ex == 3>>\
<<set $mc.goal[0]++>>
<<noti "School" "Exa">>
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Sch/Sch" + random(30) + 3 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the schoolgirls. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Sch/Sch" + random(30) + 2 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the schoolgirls.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/School.jpg">>\
During sport class you received a light workout.
<<link "Class is over" "School">>
<<noti "School" "Cla">>
<</link>><<set $imag = "files/Misc/Shop.jpg">>\
In the back of Moe's shop there is a section known for trading questionable stuff. In it's corner sits a guy that is wearing a bright blue hoody and a baseball cap with the word "Sebal" on it. On the desk next to him is closed book "Tribefather" by Lou Cornholder. He is selling porn and concoctions that "help" with performance.
It closes at Night.
<<if $mc.mone >= 50>>\
<<link "Buy cheap Aphrodisiac" $cp>>
<<set $mc.item[0]++>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 50>>
<<mone0 -50>>
<<link "Buy cheap Energy drink" $cp>>
<<set $mc.item[1]++>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 50>>
<<mone0 -50>>
<<link "Buy cheap Stamina drink" $cp>>
<<set $mc.item[2]++>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 50>>
<<mone0 -50>>
<<color grey 'Cannot afford cheap brews for 50'>><<color limegreen "<b>$</b>">>
<<if $mc.mone >= 100>>\
<<link "Buy Aphrodisiac" $cp>>
<<set $mc.item[3]++>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 100>>
<<mone0 -100>>
<<link "Buy Energy drink" $cp>>
<<set $mc.item[4]++>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 100>>
<<mone0 -100>>
<<link "Buy Stamina drink" $cp>>
<<set $mc.item[5]++>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 100>>
<<mone0 -100>>
<<color grey 'Cannot afford brews for 100'>><<color limegreen "<b>$</b>">>
<<if $mc.item[6] > 9>>\
<<color grey 'There is nothing interesting in porn section'>>
<<elseif $mc.mone >= 50>>\
<<link "Buy Porn" $cp>>
<<set $mc.item[6]++>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 50>>
<<mone0 -50>>
<<color grey 'Cannot afford porn for 50'>><<color limegreen "<b>$</b>">>
<<include "Move">>\<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Gamover.jpg">>\
<<if $temp == 1>>\
Placeholder for Expel gamover.
<<elseif $temp == 2>>\
Placeholder for No diploma gamover.
<<link "Restart">>
<<link "Quit">>
<</link>><<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseF.jpg">>\
Pretty big house where $ lives together with $ It has a pool in its backyard.
<<if $cp == $g.A.loca>>\
<<if $g.A.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey '$ will spend the Night here'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoFGA">>
<<cont $g.A 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $cp != $g.E.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.E.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'You thought that $ should be here, but she is not'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.E.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night with $ at this state of Relationship'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.E.atti[1] < 1 and $g.E.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Attitude not high enough to spend the Night with $'>>
<<if $g.E.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to go on a date with $'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Already went on a date with $ today'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot go on a date with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $mc.mone < 100>>\
<<color grey 'Not enough money to go on a date with $'>>
<<link "Go on a date with $" "HoFGE">>
<<cont $g.E 1>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<set $g.E.fact[1][2] = 0>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 100>>
<<ener0 -20>>\
<<mone0 -100>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoFGE">>
<<cont $g.E 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $g.E.fact[0] > -1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>\
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to study with $'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot study with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Study with $" "HoFGE">>
<<cont $g.E 3>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to swim with $'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot swim with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Swim with $" "HoFGE">>
<<cont $g.E 2>>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<set $text[1] += "You practiced in swimming which was also a light workout.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<if $cp != $g.F.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.F.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.F.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<if $time[0] == 2>>\
<<color grey 'You cannot find $ in the house and her bedroom is locked'>>
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] < 6>>\
<<color grey 'You thought that $ should be in the house, but you cannot find her'>>
<<color grey 'You thought that $ should be in the house, but she is not'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.F.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night with $ at this state of Relationship'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.F.atti[1] < 1 and $g.F.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Attitude not high enough to spend the Night with $'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.F.loca == $g.A.loca>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night with $ today because she is afraid of $ finding out about your relationship'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoFGF">>
<<if $g.F.loca == $g.A.loca>>
<<cont $g.F 5>>
<<cont $g.F 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Handiwork is done for this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>\
<<color grey 'You had been replaced as a handyman'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to do handiwork'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot do handiwork at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] < 3>>\
<<link "Do handiwork" $cp>>
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 1>>\
<<set $mc.skip = 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "There wasn't much of a work to be done and you have enough time to do something else at this location.<br>">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>\
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<set $text[1] += "There was a lot of work for you.<br>">>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<set $mc.hand[0] = 0>>
<<ener0 -30>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to practice'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot practice at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Practice swimming" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Swi">>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<set $text[1] += "You practiced in swimming which was also a light workout.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<if $mc.skip == 1>>\
<<link "Get ready to leave" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<include "Move">>\
<</if>>\<<if $clip === 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseI.jpg">>\
A nice house where your neighbors $ and $ lives together.
<<if $cp != $g.H.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.H.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'You thought that $ should be here, but she is not'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.H.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night with $ at this state of Relationship'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.H.atti[1] < 1 and $g.H.rela[1] === 1>>\
<<color grey 'Attitude not high enough to spend the Night with $'>>
<<if $g.H.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to go on a date with $'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Already went on a date with $ today'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot go on a date with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $mc.mone < 100>>\
<<color grey 'Not enough money to go on a date with $'>>
<<link "Go on a date with $" "HoIGH">>
<<cont $g.H 1>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<set $g.H.fact[1][2] = 0>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 100>>
<<ener0 -20>>\
<<mone0 -100>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoIGH">>
<<cont $g.H 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $cp !== $g.I.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.I.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.I.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night with $ at this state of Relationship'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.I.atti[1] < 1 and $g.I.rela[1] === 1>>\
<<color grey 'Attitude not high enough to spend the Night with $'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoIGI">>
<<cont $g.I 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $mc.hand[1] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Handiwork is done for this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] === 3>>\
<<color grey 'You had been replaced as a handyman'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to do handiwork'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot do handiwork at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] < 3>>\
<<link "Do handiwork" $cp>>
<<if $mc.hand[1] === 1>>\
<<set $mc.skip = 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "There wasn't much of a work to be done and you have enough time to do something else at this location.<br>">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] === 2>>\
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<set $text[1] += "There was a lot of work for you.<br>">>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<set $mc.hand[1] = 0>>
<<set $mc.mone += 50>>
<<ener0 -30>>\
<<mone0 50>>
<<if $mc.skip === 1>>\
<<link "Get ready to leave" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<include "Move">>\
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Place.jpg">>\
Placeholder for the 3rd client. Work is available.
<<if $mc.hand[2] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Handiwork is done for this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[2] == 3>>\
<<color grey 'You had been replaced as a handyman'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to do handiwork'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot do handiwork at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[2] < 3>>\
<<link "Do handiwork" $cp>>
<<if $mc.hand[2] == 1>>\
<<set $mc.skip = 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "There wasn't much of a work to be done and you have enough time to do something else at this location.<br>">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[2] == 2>>\
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<set $text[1] += "There was a lot of work for you.<br>">>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<set $mc.hand[2] = 0>>
<<set $mc.mone += 50>>
<<ener0 -30>>\
<<mone0 50>>
<<if $mc.skip == 1>>\
<<link "Get ready to leave" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<include "Move">>\
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Place.jpg">>\
Placeholder for the 4th client. Work is available.
<<if $mc.hand[3] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Handiwork is done for this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[3] == 3>>\
<<color grey 'You had been replaced as a handyman'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to do handiwork'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot do handiwork at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[3] < 3>>\
<<link "Do handiwork" $cp>>
<<if $mc.hand[3] == 1>>\
<<set $mc.skip = 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "There wasn't much of a work to be done and you have enough time to do something else at this location.<br>">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[3] == 2>>\
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<set $text[1] += "There was a lot of work for you.<br>">>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<set $mc.hand[3] = 0>>
<<set $mc.mone += 50>>
<<ener0 -30>>\
<<mone0 50>>
<<if $mc.skip == 1>>\
<<link "Get ready to leave" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Han">>
<<include "Move">>\
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<elseif $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 49 or $mc.musc[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Off/Off" + random(30) + 1 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the office workers. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Off/Off" + random(30) + 0 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the office workers.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Office.jpg">>\
Office of $'s company.
Open at Morning and Afternoon of Weekdays.
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
There is opening for IT position that requires Advanced IT knowledge.
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 7, 28)
and $date[0] <= new Date(2000, 7, 31) and $mc.occu[0] == 3>>\
<<color limegreen 'After starting of the school year you can work part-time here.'>>
<<if $cp == $g.F.loca or $cp == $g.G.loca>>\
<<if $cp == $g.F.loca>>\
<<if $g.F.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "OffGF">>
<<cont $g.F 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $cp == $g.G.loca>>\
<<if $g.G.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] != 3 and $mc.occu[1] != 3 and $g.G.fact[0] < 0>>\
<<color grey "Outsiders cannot access $'s personal office">>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "OffGG">>
<<cont $g.G 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $time[0] > 1 or $date[0] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Office is closed'>>
<<if $[1] == 100 and ($mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2)>>\
<<link "Apply for IT position" $cp>>
<<set $mc.occu[0] = 3>>
<<set $text[1] += "You were accepted for the IT position and introduced to your manager. An old guy that looks kind of creepy to you.<br>">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<color grey 'Not enough knowledge in Advanced IT to apply for a job'>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot finish your job at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'All work is done'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == -1>>\
<<link "Finish your job" $cp>>
<<set $g.F.fact[1][4] = 1>>
<<noti $cp "Wor">>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part < 8>>\
<<if $mc.part == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Nothing to work on today'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot work at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Work part-time" $cp>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<set $mc.mone += 200>>
<<if $mc.part < 6>>\
<<set $mc.skip = 1>>
<<set $text[1] += "There wasn't much of a work to be done and you have enough time to do something else at this location.<br>">>
<<noti $cp "Wor">>
<<set $text[1] += "There was a lot of work for you.<br>">>
<<set $mc.part = 0>>
<<ener0 -20>>\
<<mone0 200>>
<<color grey 'You are not working here'>>
<<if $mc.skip == 1>>\
<<link "Get ready to leave" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Wor">>
<<include "Move">>\
<</if>>\<<if $clip == 1>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 49 or $mc.musc[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Off/Off" + random(20) + 1 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the office workers. It looks like she liked your attention.'>>
<<set $imag = "files/Off/Off" + random(20) + 0 + ".jpg">>\
<<color pink 'You have noticed one of the office workers.'>>
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Office.jpg">>\
<<if $g.F.fact[1][4] == -1>>\
You haven't been able to concentrate on your work this Morning.
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == 1>>\
You have done a good job this Morning.
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
You will receive your salary today.
<<link "Finish your shift" "Office">>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
<<set $mc.mone += 1000>>
<<noti "Office" "Wor">>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 5>>\
<<mone0 1000>>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] === 4 and $mc.goal[2] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Gra0.jpg">>\
You have managed to accomplish your Academic and Sport goals which allowed you to choose a scholarship for a very good college that is close to home town.
<<set $temp = [0,0]>>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] === 4 or $mc.goal[2] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Gra0.jpg">>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] === 4>>\
<<set _go = "Academic">>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] === 3>>\
<<set _go = "Sport">>\
You have managed to accomplish your _go goal which allowed you to get a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country.
<<set $temp = [0,1]>>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Gra0.jpg">>\
You saved enough money to go to a good college on the other side of the country. You'll have to work hard while studying so you can continue your education next year.
<<set $temp = [0,2]>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Gra1.jpg">>\
Unfortunately, you didn't manage to go to college this year.
<<set $temp = [0,3]>>\
<<if $mc.occu[1] === 3 and $mc.part < 8>>\
But you still have a great job in the office and can try to save up money for the next year.
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
But you still have a job at the library and can try to save up money for the next year, but it will be hard.
And you don't have a job currently. You sure you can find one, but the future is not looking good for you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $temp = [1,$temp[1],0]>>\
<<if $g.A.rela[1] === 1>>\
You and $ had a great relationship by the end of May.
<<if $g.A.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End0.jpg">>\
At least you thought so. Someday in June she hit you with the news about the man that she started to date. $ told you that she still loves you, but sex between you two has to stop. At first you took it hard, but she tried to patch up the relationship as best as she could. By the end of the summer you were talking, but barely.
<<if $mc.goal[1] === 1 and $temp[1] < 2>>\
You had the money so you rented a place to live before going to college.
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
You had a job so you rented a place to live before going to college.
Without a job and savings you had to stay at home and endure the situation.
<<set $temp[2] = 3>>\
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End1.jpg">>\
<<if $mc.goal[1] === 1 and $temp[1] < 2>>\
You decided to leave your savings for her to ensure her financial stability.
She was proud of your accomplishments and made sure that this summer was full of love and sex. It looked like $ was extra horny, always ready for any sexual request and tried to spoil you any way she can, which made this 3 months very memorable. Before going to college you promised her to visit whenever you could.
<<set $temp[2] = 1>>\
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End4.jpg">>\
She was very supportive and never brought up your failure in conversation. You started to work full time and tried hard on the job. Saving money was a priority and as the result you began to spend less time with $
By the end of July sex with her was rare and you noticed her going out a lot. After some light investigation you found enough evidence to confront her. $ didn't try to deny having sexual relationship with another man, told that she wants it to become serious and she was about to bring it up by herself anyway.
In August you moved out from home. $ tried to talk you out of it without any success. The future was looking even grimmer now.
<<set $temp[2] = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End0.jpg">>\
She was supportive for a few days, but with each conversation it was harder for her. You managed to find a job as a waiter and spent a lot of time working and looking for better job without success.
Sex between you two stopped and in late June you found out about $ having a relationship with another man. You couldn't do anything about it and had to live knowing that almost every night she was spending in the bed with this man.
<<set $temp[2] = 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End1.jpg">>\
<<if $mc.goal[1] === 1 and $temp[1] < 2>>\
You decided to leave your savings for her to ensure her financial stability.
She was proud of your accomplishments and made sure that this summer was full of love and sex. It looked like $ was extra horny, always ready for any sexual request and tried to spoil you any way she can, which made this 3 months very memorable. Before going to college you promised her to visit whenever you could.
<<set $temp[2] = 1>>\
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End2.jpg">>\
She was very supportive and never brought up your failure in conversation. You started to work full time and tried hard on the job. Saving money was a priority and as the result you began to spend less time with $
She never complained and it became only easier with time. Sex was less frequent, but you kept her satisfied without any problems. Even though the last year hasn't gone the way you want it to, things were looking up.
<<set $imag = "files/A/End3.jpg">>\
Although you were without a job and things were looking bad, she was supportive. Eventually you found a job as a waiter and spent a lot of time working and looking for better job without success.
Life was hard, your relationship with $ dipped noticeably, but by August you two adjusted to a new rhythm. Sex became rare and by the end of summer you were worrying that things between you two may get worse.
<<set $temp[2] = 1>>\
<<elseif $g.A.rela[1] === 0>>\
You and $ had a good relationship by the end off the May.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End5.jpg">>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0 or $temp[1] < 2>>\
You decided to leave your savings for her to ensure her financial stability.
She was proud of your accomplishments and made sure you and everyone in her circle knows it to the point that it became a little annoying. All summer $ was extra loving and provided you with more hugs than you ever remembered receiving from her.
Things were good at home and it allowed you go to college without stressing how $ will be without you.
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End6.jpg">>\
She was very supportive and never brought up your failure in conversation. You started to work full time and tried hard on the job. Saving money was a priority.
Even though the last year hasn't gone the way you want it to, things were looking up.
<<set $imag = "files/A/End6.jpg">>\
Although you were without a job and things were looking bad, she was supportive. Eventually you found a job as a waiter and spent a lot of time working and looking for better job without success.
Life was hard, but by August you two adjusted to a new rhythm. Thing weren't looking good, but you didn't let it dawn on you too hard.
<<set $temp[2] = 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/End7.jpg">>\
You and $ were mostly ignoring each other by the end of the May and it was clear she wanted you out of the house after the end of the school year.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before going to college \
Soon after the end of the school \
<<if $mc.goal[1] === 1 and $temp[1] < 2>>\
you rented a little apartment. Money wasn't a problem and you used some of your savings to have a mini vacation. You were regretting that relationship with $ went bad, but it couldn't be changed right away. So you decided to concentrate on your future.
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
you rented a little apartment. You still had your job and started to work full time. Saving money was a priority. They way things ended with $ was bothering you, but not all was lost. You decided to work harder to get your life back on track.
you opened your piggy bank and used most of your savings for a rainy day to rent a cheap apartment in a seedy area of town before you found a waiter job. Things were looking bad in your future.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $temp = [2,$temp[1],$temp[2],0]>>\
<<if $g.D.rela[1] === 1>>\
You and $ had a great relationship by the end of May.
<<if $g.D.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End0.jpg">>\
But it started going worse with each visit and someday in July she broke it off with you. $ told that it was fun, but she doesn't want to do it anymore. Later you found out that the main reason for it was an another man.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<if $temp[2] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End1.jpg">>\
For a few weeks you were busy and didn't see her. But on your first visit $ demanded that you move in with her.
She was happy about your success with scholarship and was more affectionate and horny than usual through all of the summer. When you were packing for college, $ told you to visit her often and hinted that she might visit you by herself.
<<set $temp[3] = 1>>\
<<elseif $temp[2] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End2.jpg">>\
It continued that way through all of the summer. A lot of sex and naughty fun by the pool. Someday in July it got better.
$ and $ knew that you were having a sexual relationship with both of them and started to have threesomes with you to make the rest of summer more memorable.
<<set $imag = "files/D/End1.jpg">>\
It continued that way through all of the summer. A lot of sex and naughty fun by the pool.
$ was happy about your success with scholarship and was more affectionate and horny than usual. Before you went to college, she made you promise to visit her often and hinted that she might visit you by herself.
<<if $temp[2] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End4.jpg">>\
For a few weeks you were busy and didn't see her. But on your first visit $ demanded that you move in with her.
At first, things were going well with her, but in August she started to spend more and more time on her job. By the end of the month sex between you stopped. When you asked her about it, she \
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
made some excuses. It gave the idea that $ was just waiting for you to leave for college to avoid drama.
confessed that she is in love with another man. She said that you can stay in her place until she'll find you an apartment. $ also promised to pay for a few month of rent.
<<set $temp[3] = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End0.jpg">>\
But it started going worse with each visit and someday in July she broke it off with you. $ said that it was fun, but she doesn't want to do it anymore. Later you found out that the main reason for it was an another man.
<<elseif $temp[2] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End3.jpg">>\
It continued that way through all of the summer. A lot of sex and naughty fun by the pool.
<<if $temp[1] < 3 or $mc.part < 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End2.jpg">>\
Someday in July it got better.
$ and $ knew that you were having a sexual relationship with both of them and started to have threesomes with you to make the rest of summer more memorable.
<<elseif $temp[2] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End3.jpg">>\
For a few weeks you were busy and didn't see her. But on your first visit $ demanded that you move in with her.
Your relationship with her continued to be great through all of the summer. A lot of sex and naughty fun by the pool.
<<set $temp[3] = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End3.jpg">>\
It continued that way through all of the summer. A lot of sex and naughty fun by the pool.
<<elseif $g.D.rela[1] === 0>>\
You and $ had a good relationship by the end of the May.
<<if $temp[2] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End5.jpg">>\
For a few weeks you were busy and didn't see her. But on your first visit $ demanded that you move in with her.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Through all summer, before going to college, you tried to be helpful to thank her for the roof over your head.
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
You tried to be helpful to thank her for the roof over your head. It would be very handy in saving money for the next year.
You tried to be helpful to thank her for the roof over your head.
<<set $temp[3] = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/End6.jpg">>\
Through all summer you were visiting her from time to time to chat or swim together.
<<set $imag = "files/D/End7.jpg">>\
After your break up with $ the only thing you heard about her that she is in a relationship with another man.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 3>>\
<<if $g.B.rela[1] === 2>>\
By the end of May your relationship with $ was good, but the Talk kind of spoiled it. She will be staying in town for a couple of years and work on her PhD.
<<if $g.B.riva[1] > 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End0.jpg">>\
Starting from July $ started to have less time for you. Her excuse was that needs to spend more time on studying, which you accepted as truth. You continued to have a good time together all summer.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to have a good time together all summer.
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] === 1>>\
By the end of May your relationship with $ was good.
<<if $g.B.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End0.jpg">>\
Starting from July she started to have less time for you. Her excuse was that needs to spend more time on studying, which you accepted as truth. You continued to have a good time together all summer.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] > 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to have a good time together all summer. $ let you know that you should visit her whenever you'll be in town.
<<elseif $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End0.jpg">>\
Starting from August she started to have less time for you. Her excuse was that she needs to spend more time on studying, which you accepted as truth. You continued to have a good time together for the rest of summer.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End0.jpg">>\
Starting from July she started to have less time for you. Her excuse was that she needs to spend more time on studying, which you accepted as truth. You continued to have a good time together for the rest of summer.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to have a good time together all summer.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
$ let you know that you should visit her whenever you'll be in town.
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End2.jpg">>\
<<if $g.B.fact[1][0] < 0>>\
You heard that $ got into a relationship with some guy.
Someday in June you happen upon $ and learned that she got into a relationship with some guy.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End2.jpg">>\
After the break up with $ you didn't hear much from her other that she is in a relationship with some guy.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 4>>\
<<if $g.C.rela[1] === 2>>\
By the end of May your relationship with $ was good, but the Talk kind of spoiled it. She didn't manage to go to college this year and will be staying in town.
<<if $g.C.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End0.jpg">>\
The sex was great, but begun to become less frequent in July. In August she finally broke up with you without any explanation. You heard that $ wasn't seeing anyone and you were convinced that she just decided to move on.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End1.jpg">>\
You had some fun together, but in July she broke up with you without any explanation. You heard that $ wasn't seeing anyone and you were convinced that she just decided to move on.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End2.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun through all summer.
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] === 1>>\
By the end of May your relationship with $ was great. She didn't manage to go to college this year and will be staying in town.
<<if $g.C.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End0.jpg">>\
Since the beginning of the summer there has been plenty of sex, but it's begun to become less frequent in July. In August she finally broke up with you without any explanation. You heard that $ wasn't seeing anyone and you were convinced that she just decided to move on.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End1.jpg">>\
You had some fun together, but in July she broke up with you without any explanation. You heard that $ wasn't seeing anyone and you were convinced that she just decided to move on.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End2.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun through all summer.
Before you went to college, she asked you to visit her if you'll be in town.
<<elseif $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End0.jpg">>\
Since the beginning of the summer there has been plenty of sex, but it's begun to become less frequent in July. In August she finally broke up with you without any explanation. You heard that $ wasn't seeing anyone and you were convinced that she just decided to move on.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End1.jpg">>\
You had some fun together, but in July she broke up with you without any explanation. You heard that $ wasn't seeing anyone and you were convinced that she just decided to move on.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End2.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun through all summer.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before you went to college, she asked you to visit her if you'll be in town.
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End3.jpg">>\
<<if $g.C.fact[1][0] < 0>>\
You heard that $ got into nice college this year.
Someday in June you happen upon $ and learned that she got into nice college this year.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End3.jpg">>\
After the break up with $ you didn't hear much from her. Later you learned that she didn't get into college and will be staying in town.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 5>>\
<<set $temp = [5,$temp[1],$temp[2],$temp[3], 0]>>\
<<if $g.E.rela[1] === 2>>\
By the end of May your relationship with $ was good, but the Talk kind of spoiled it. She had money to study in any college, but didn't choose one yet.
<<if $g.E.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End0.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun, but at the end of June she suddenly broke up with you and informed you that she gonna get back together with her Ex.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End0.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun, but in the middle of June she suddenly broke up with you and informed you that she gonna get back together with her Ex.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun through all summer. At the end of August she informed you that she'll be studying at prestigious college in another country this fall.
<<set $temp[4] = 1>>\
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] === 1>>\
By the end of May your relationship with $ was great. She had money to study in any college, but didn't choose one yet.
<<if $g.E.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End0.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun, but at the end of June she suddenly broke up with you and informed you that she gonna get back together with her Ex.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End0.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun, but in the middle of June she suddenly broke up with you and informed you that she gonna get back together with her Ex.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End2.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun through all summer. Since the middle of June she has become less available because she wanted to spend more time with her friends. At the end of August $ surprised you with news that she'll be studying at the same college as you.
<<set $temp[4] = 2>>\
<<elseif $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun through all summer. Since the middle of June she has become less available because she wanted to spend more time with her friends. At the end of August $ informed you that she'll be studying at prestigious college in another country this fall.
<<set $temp[4] = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End0.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun, but at the end of June she suddenly broke up with you and informed you that she gonna get back together with her Ex.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and have fun through all summer.
<<set $temp[4] = 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End2.jpg">>\
At the end of August $ surprised you with news that she'll be studying at the same college as you.
<<set $temp[4] = 2>>\
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End3.jpg">>\
<<if $g.E.fact[1][0] < 0>>\
You heard that $ will be studying at prestigious college in another country this fall.
Someday in July you happen upon $ and learned that she will be studying at prestigious college in another country this fall.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End3.jpg">>\
After the break up with $ you didn't hear much from her. Later you learned that that she'll be studying at prestigious college in another country this fall.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 6>>\
<<if $g.F.rela[1] === 1>>\
Thing were going great with $ by the end of May.
<<if $g.F.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<if $temp[4] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/End0.jpg">>\
She was very supportive of your relationship with $ while staying available to satisfy your sexual needs whenever you wanted all summer.
<<set $imag = "files/F/End1.jpg">>\
But at the beginning of June she broke up with you and reasoned it by $ becoming suspicious about your relationship.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before you went away to college you heard that she was blackmailed, that some video were used to do it and that the police locked somebody.
At the end of August you heard that she was blackmailed, that some video were used to do it and that the police locked somebody.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<if $temp[4] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/End2.jpg">>\
She was very happy that you are in relationship with $, but she was always on lookout for any chance to get fucked by you whenever she could.
Before you went away for college $ made you promise to treat her daughter well and then cheerfully told that she'll make sure that you won't regret keeping $ happy.
<<elseif $temp[4] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/End0.jpg">>\
She was very supportive of your relationship with $ while staying available to satisfy your sexual needs whenever you wanted all summer.
<<set $imag = "files/F/End1.jpg">>\
But at the beginning of June she broke up with you and reasoned it by $ becoming suspicious about your relationship.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before you went away to college you heard that she was blackmailed, that some video were used to do it and that the police locked somebody.
At the end of August you heard that she was blackmailed, that some video were used to do it and that the police locked somebody.
<<if $temp[4] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/End2.jpg">>\
She was very happy that you are in relationship with $, but she was always on lookout for any chance to get fucked by you whenever she could.
<<if $temp[2] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/End3.jpg">>\
In July $ and $ out of a blue approached you and told that they knew for a while that you've been having sex with both of them. They had a hard expression on their faces while telling you this. They let you be scared for few second before starting to laugh and reassuring you that they don't mind. Then they hit you with news that they have been in a sexual relationship for a long time with each other and they think it is time for you to join.
Before you went away for college $ made you promise to treat her daughter well and then cheerfully told that she'll make sure that you won't regret keeping $ happy.
<<elseif $temp[4] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/End2.jpg">>\
She was very happy that you are in relationship with $, but she was always on lookout for any chance to get fucked by you whenever she could.
Although in August it looked like you'll part ways with her daughter for good, $ was still hopeful that it will change in the future. She also told that you always welcome to visit her.
<<set $imag = "files/F/End2.jpg">>\
And it stayed that way all summer. She was bummed a little that you weren't in relationship with her daughter, but she was already making plans for the future on how to bring you two together.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before you went to college $ told you to visit her whenever you'll be in town.
Later $ let you know that you are always welcome to visit her.
<<elseif $g.F.rela[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/End4.jpg">>\
<<if $temp[4] > 0>>\
$ was very supportive of your relationship with $
<<if $temp[4] === 2>>\
Before you went away for college $ made you promise to treat her daughter well and then cheerfully told that she'll make sure that you won't regret keeping $ happy.
Although in August it looked like you'll part ways with her daughter for good, $ was still hopeful that it will change in the future. She also told that you always welcome to visit her.
<<if $mc.hand[0] < 3>>\
You kept helping $ with handiwork all summer and occasionally spending some time with her.
<<set $imag = "files/F/End5.jpg">>\
After you stopped helping $ with handiwork you didn't see much of her during the summer.
<<set $imag = "files/F/End1.jpg">>\
Since your break up with $ you didn't see much of her.
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before you went away to college you heard that she was blackmailed, that some video were used to do it and that the police locked somebody.
At the end of August you heard that she was blackmailed, that some video were used to do it and that the police locked somebody.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 7>>\
<<if $g.G.rela[1] === 1>>\
The relationship with $ was going good by the end of Spring.
<<if $g.G.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/End0.jpg">>\
But when school has ended and you had time to visit her more often she suddenly broke up with you. The reasoning was that her Husband suspects of her cheating on him and she didn't want to risk of divorce.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other through all of the summer, but she became less and less available with time. Before you went away to college, she thanked you for being a great lover, but she also made it clear that your relationship is over.
<<set $imag = "files/G/End2.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other through all of the summer, but she became less and less available with time. By August you saw her only when she would call you occasionally to hook up.
<<set $imag = "files/G/End3.jpg">>\
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
You continued to see each other through all of the summer, mainly to have a great sex. Before you went away to college, she spent almost a whole day in bed with you as a goodbye and made you promise to give her a call if you'll be in town.
You continued to see each other pretty often, mainly to have a great sex. There were no signs of her wanting to leave her Husband and you were ok with it.
<<elseif $g.G.rela[1] === 0>>\
<<if $g.G.fact[1][0] < 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/End4.jpg">>\
In summer you once saw $, the woman from the Office, in the company of the young man, which made you wonder about her relationship status a little bit.
<<set $imag = "files/G/End5.jpg">>\
In summer you accidentally bumped into $ a couple of times and you talked a little about her marriage and office gossip.
<<set $imag = "files/G/End4.jpg">>\
Since the break up with $ you didn't see her, but heard rumors that is cheating on her Husband.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 8>>\
<<set $temp = [8,$temp[1],$temp[2],$temp[3],$temp[4],0]>>\
<<set _a = clone($list[0])>>\
<<set _a.delete("H")>>\
<<set _ch = 0>>\
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>\
<<if $g[_a[_b]].rela[1] > 0>>\
<<set _ch++>>\
<<if $g.H.rela[1] === 2>>\
At the start of the summer you felt good about your relationship with $ even after the Talk.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End0.jpg">>\
You thought that you will see each other more often after the end of school, but it wasn't the case. With time she even became less happy in your presence. Someday in July $ broke up with you after confessing that she was cheating on you for some time and she is sorry about it.
<<if _ch > 0>>\
It made you feel less guilty about being a cheater yourself, but your ego still took a hard hit.
Fortunately, you didn't do or said anything that you would regret in the future.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End0.jpg">>\
But when you came to spend time with her for the first time in June she broke up with you after confessing that she was cheating on you for some time and she is sorry about it.
<<if _ch > 0>>\
It made you feel less guilty about being a cheater yourself, but your ego still took a hard hit.
Fortunately, you didn't do or said anything that you would regret in the future.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other and had a great time. She seemed enthusiastic about your future together and even began to make some plans, but in August it quickly came to naught and $ broke up with you.
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] === 1>>\
At the start of the summer you felt great about your relationship with $
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End0.jpg">>\
You thought that you will see each other more often after the end of school, but it wasn't the case. With time she even became less happy in your presence. Someday in July $ broke up with you after confessing that she was cheating on you for some time and she is sorry about it.
<<if _ch > 0>>\
It made you feel less guilty about being a cheater yourself, but your ego still took a hard hit.
Fortunately, you didn't do or said anything that you would regret in the future.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End0.jpg">>\
But when you came to spend time with her for the first time in June she broke up with you after confessing that she was cheating on you for some time and she is sorry about it.
<<if _ch > 0>>\
It made you feel less guilty about being a cheater yourself, but your ego still took a hard hit.
Fortunately, you didn't do or said anything that you would regret in the future.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End0.jpg">>\
You saw each other more often after the end of school, but with time she started to cancel some of your dates and became less available overall. Someday in August $ broke up with you after confessing that she was cheating on you for some time and she is sorry about it.
<<if _ch > 0>>\
It made you feel less guilty about being a cheater yourself, but your ego still took a hard hit.
Fortunately, you didn't do or said anything that you would regret in the future.
<<elseif $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End0.jpg">>\
You thought that you will see each other more often after the end of school, but it wasn't the case. With time she even became less happy in your presence. Someday in July $ broke up with you after confessing that she was cheating on you for some time and she is sorry about it.
<<if _ch > 0>>\
It made you feel less guilty about being a cheater yourself, but your ego still took a hard hit.
Fortunately, you didn't do or said anything that you would regret in the future.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End0.jpg">>\
But when you came to spend time with her for the first time in June she broke up with you after confessing that she was cheating on you for some time and she is sorry about it.
<<if _ch > 0>>\
It made you feel less guilty about being a cheater yourself, but your ego still took a hard hit.
Fortunately, you didn't do or said anything that you would regret in the future.
<<set $temp[5] = 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End2.jpg">>\
You continued to spend time together through all of the summer. She seemed enthusiastic about the future, because you'll be studying in the same college next fall.
<<elseif $temp[1] < 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End2.jpg">>\
You continued to spend time together through all of the summer. She seemed enthusiastic about the future and was making arrangements to be transferred to your college next fall.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End3.jpg">>\
You continued to spend time together through all of the summer. She was very supportive and firmly believed in your ability to get into college next year.
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] === 0>>\
<<set $temp[5] = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End4.jpg">>\
<<if $g.H.fact[1][0] < 0>>\
You saw $ a couple of times during summer and she was friendly to you as always.
You hung out with $ a couple of times during the summer. She was still single and very friendly towards you.
<<set $temp[5] = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End5.jpg">>\
You rarely saw $ after the break up. But the fact that some dude was visiting their house pretty often, made you think that she has a new boyfriend.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 9>>\
<<if $g.I.rela[1] === 1>>\
Your relationship with $ was going good by the end of May.
<<if $temp[5] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/End0.jpg">>\
At least you felt that way until the first week of summer when she wanted to talk. $ expressed that it was fun and all, but she didn't feel right about it since your break up with $ and that she wants to end your relationship.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/End0.jpg">>\
But at first week of summer she decided to end your relationship. $ said that it was fun until she learned how serious $'s feelings towards you and that you should concentrate more on keeping her daughter happy.
<<if $g.I.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/End1.jpg">>\
You continued to see each other to have sex through all summer, but less frequently because she became more busy at work. On a positive note $ allowed you have anal sex with her whenever you wanted.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/End2.jpg">>\
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before you went away to college you continued to meet at her place mainly to have sex.
After the end of school you continued to meet at her place mainly to have sex.
<<set $imag = "files/I/End3.jpg">>\
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>\
Before you went away to college you continued to meet at her place to have sex or just spend time with her. $ wasn't upset that you'll be going away, but said that she'll be missing you.
You continued to meet pretty often at her place to have sex or just spend time with her after the end of school.
<<elseif $g.I.rela[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/End4.jpg">>\
<<if $g.I.fact[1][0] < 0>>\
You rarely saw $ during the summer. She seemed always busy whenever it happened.
Through all summer you saw $ a few times and had friendly conversations.
<<set $imag = "files/I/End5.jpg">>\
After your break up with $ you rarely saw her. She pretty much stopped talking with $, so you didn't know what was happening in her life.
<<if $temp[0] > 8>>\
<<link "Restart">>
<<link "Quit">>
<<link "Next" $cp>>
<<set $temp[0]++>>
<<if $temp == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Tour" + $mc.goal[2] + ".jpg">>\
<<if $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
You, coach and few students from swimming team \
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 1>>\
You, coach and girl from swimming team \
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 2>>\
You and coach \
spend all Morning in preparation, packing and traveling to a tournament. The rest of time before your race you were warming up.
<<if $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
This tournament has local significance. The audience is sparse and consist mostly of students that rather support their team than study.
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 1>>\
This tournament has regional significance. Seats are half full and the audience is a mix of students and parents of participants.
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 2>>\
This tournament has national significance and victory in it will provide you with scholarship options. Seats are full of audience and you try to not pay attention to it. You are already tense.
<<set _to = 0>>\
<<elseif $temp == 1>>\
Coach gave you a few advices such as:
- To finish the race you have to reach a mark of 100 meters;
- Each action will advance you by 10 meters, so try to spread your Energy for 10 actions;
- At 0 Energy race will be over for you, but you can go under 0 after reaching the 90 meter mark, so try to spend as much as possible before it;
- Each next tournament will be harder, but you can win all of them with maxed Swimming skill and maxed states for Endurance and Strength.
<<set _to = 1>>\
<<elseif $temp == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Tour" + $mc.goal[2] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _to = 2>>\
<table border="2">
<td style="width:20em">Meters</td>
<<if $sw.plac.includes(1) == false>>\
/*<<if $debu === true>>\
<td style="position:relative;">
<div @style="'position: absolute; top:0; left:0;background-color: darkcyan; height:100%; width:'+Math.trunc($sw.cont[0][0] / 10)+'%'"></div>\
<div style="position:absolute; top:3px; width:100%;"><<= Math.trunc($sw.cont[0][0] / 10)>></div></td>
<<if $sw.plac.includes(1) == false>>\
<td><<if $sw.cont[0][1] > 0>>\
<<= $sw.cont[0][1]>>
<<for _a = 1; _a <= 7; _a++>>
<tr><td>Contestant _a</td>
<td style="position:relative;">
<div @style="'position: absolute; top:0; left:0;background-color: darkcyan; height:100%; width:'+Math.trunc($sw.cont[_a][0] / 10)+'%'"></div>\
<div style="position:absolute; top:3px; width:100%;"><<= Math.trunc($sw.cont[_a][0] / 10)>></div></td>
<<if $sw.plac.includes(1) == false>>\
<td><<if $sw.cont[_a][1] > 0>>\
<<= $sw.cont[_a][1]>>
/*<<if $debu === true>>\
<td><<= $sw.cont[_a][2]>></td>
<td><<= $sw.cont[_a][3]>></td>
<td><<= $sw.cont[_a][4]>></td>
<td><<= $sw.cont[_a][5]>></td>
<<elseif $temp == 10>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Tour3.jpg">>\
By winning at tournament of\
<<if $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
national level you had achieved your Sport goal and it gave you a large boost to your Popularity at school.
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 2>>\
regional level you continue to progress towards your Sport goal and it gave you a boost to your Popularity at school.
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 1>>\
local level you continue to progress towards your Sport goal and it gave you a little boost to your Popularity at school.
You spend the rest of the day traveling home.
<<set _to = 3>>\
<<elseif $temp == 11>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/Tour4.jpg">>\
Only finishing in 1st place was the way to progress with the Sport goal. \
<<if $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
Fortunately, you have the other one and can now you can concentrate on it.
Fortunately, you have others to concentrate on.
This though comforts you a little while traveling back home.
<<set _to = 3>>\
<<if _to == 0>>\
<<link "Ask coach for advice" $cp>>
<<set $temp = 1>>
<<if _to < 2>>\
<<link "You are ready" $cp>>
<<set $temp = 2>>
<<if _to == 2>>\
<<if $sw.cont[0][0] == 1000>>\
<<link "You finished" $cp>>
<<if $sw.cont[0][1] == 1>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.popu>>
<<if $mc.goal[2] == 0>>
<<set $mc.popu = Math.clamp($mc.popu + 10,0,100)>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 1>>
<<set $mc.popu = Math.clamp($mc.popu + 30,0,100)>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 2>>
<<set $mc.popu = Math.clamp($mc.popu + 60,0,100)>>
<<change $mc.popu Popularity>>
<<set $mc.goal[2]++>>
<<set $temp = 10>>
<<noti $cp "To1">>
<<elseif $sw.cont[0][1] > 1>>
<<set $mc.goal[2] = -1>>
<<set $temp = 11>>
<<noti $cp "To2">>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] > 0>>\
<<set _fa = -35 + Math.trunc($mc.swim / 20)>>\
<<link "Fast" $cp>>
<<ener1 _fa>>
<<swim1 0>>
<<ener0 _fa>>
<<set _me = -25 + Math.trunc($mc.swim / 20)>>\
<<link "Medium" $cp>>
<<ener1 _me>>
<<swim1 1>>
<<ener0 _me>>
<<set _sl = -15 + Math.trunc($mc.swim / 20)>>\
<<link "Slow" $cp>>
<<ener1 _sl>>
<<swim1 2>>
<<ener0 _sl>>
<<set _ve = -10 + Math.trunc($mc.swim / 20)>>\
<<link "Very Slow" $cp>>
<<ener1 _ve>>
<<swim1 3>>
<<ener0 _ve>>
<<link "You can't continue the race" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[2] = -1>>
<<set $temp = 11>>
<<noti $cp "To2">>
<<if _to == 3>>\
<<link "Arrive home" "HouseA">>
<</if>>\<<if $visu == false>>
<div id="visual"></div>
<<if $text[5] != "" or $text[6] != "">>
<div style="clear: right; float: right; padding: 0.25em; border: 1px solid">
<<color red $text[6]>>
<<color lime $text[5]>>
<<set $text[5] = "">>
<<set $text[6] = "">>
<<color yellow $text[0]>>
<<set $text[0] = "">>
<<color orange $text[1]>>
<<set $text[1] = "">>
<<color pink $text[2]>>
<<set $text[2] = "">>
<<color turquoise $text[4]>>
<<set $text[4] = "">>
<<if $ntr == true>>
<<if $tag.u.includes($cp) == true or $tag.e.includes($cp) == true>>
<<set _a = $list[0]>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].riva[0] == 2>>
<<set _ri = "G" + [_a[_b]] + "Riva">>
<<link "<<color red Meanwhile>> <<= $g[_a[_b]].name>>..." _ri>>
<<set _vide = "files/" + $w1.iden + "/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/" + $sex[0] + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>
<<if _vide.includes("Start") == false and _vide.includes("End") == false>>
<<set $drea.pushUnique(_vide)>>
<<if $sex[0] == "Start">>\
<<if $w1.fact[2] == -1>>\
She waited for it for some time now and don't need any foreplay.
<<elseif $w1.sati[1] == 150>>\
After a very short foreplay she is ready for the main action.
<<elseif $w1.sati[1] == 100>>\
Short foreplay was enough for her to be ready for the main action.
You spend some time in foreplay before she was ready for the main action.
<<elseif $sex[0] == "Anal">>\
<<if $sex[1] == "Anal">>\
You continue to fuck $'s asshole.
You position your cock near $'s asshole and after some preparation you start fucking it.
She understands how to relax her back door and knows how to carefully squeeze your tool to have better experience for both of you.
<<if $w1.pref == "Anal">>\
<<set _ar1 = ["Yes!", "Fuck!", "Oh God!", "So good!"]>>\
<<color pink 'At the same time $ is playing with her pussy and repeats "<<= _ar1.random()>>" with each of your strokes.'>>
<<if $mc.skil[0] < 34>>\
This action is unfamiliar and exciting for you, but you manage to do it carefully enough.
<<elseif $mc.skil[0] < 67>>\
You do it carefully, making sure she is enjoying herself.
You are very precise with each move, knowing when and how to do them.
<<elseif $sex[0] == "Bj">>\
<<if $w1.pref == "Bj">>\
<<set _ar1 = ["<b>actively </b>", "<b>eagerly </b>",
"<b>energetically </b>", "<b>enthusiastically </b>"]>>\
<<set _ar2 = ["<b>eagerness </b>", "<b>enthusiasm </b>"]>>\
<<set _ar1 = [""]>>\
<<set _ar2 = [""]>>\
<<if $sex[1] == "Bj">>\
$ continues to suck your cock <<= _ar1.random()>>and play with her pussy at the same time.
You guide $'s head to your cock and she starts to suck it <<= _ar1.random()>>while her free hand is moving down to her crotch.
<<if $w1.sati[1] == 150>>\
She has a good technique and knows when to switch pace to let you enjoy it longer.
She don't really know what she is doing, but it is still a very enjoyable.
<<if $w1.pref == "Bj">>\
<<color pink 'Her <<= _ar2.random()>>adds up and makes this experience so much better.'>>
<<if $mc.skil[1] < 34>>\
You can't do nothing more than give in to the pleasure provided by her performance.
<<elseif $mc.skil[1] < 67>>\
You can resist the pleasure provided by her performance a little bit.
You know how to concentrate while receiving a blowjob to last longer.
<<elseif $sex[0] == "Fuck">>\
<<if $sex[1] == "Fuck">>\
You continue to fuck $ from behind.
You position yourself behind $, then penetrate her pussy and start fucking her.
She rams her ass back with your every stroke and squeeze her pussy at the same time.
<<if $w1.pref == "Fuck">>\
<<color pink 'Both wetness of her pussy and the way she voluptuously moans while you fuck her tell you that she is really enjoying it.'>>
<<if $mc.skil[2] < 34>>\
Lack of experience with this action makes you do it almost frantically.
<<elseif $mc.skil[2] < 67>>\
While doing it you change angle of penetration from time to time.
You know how hard to hit while changing angle of penetration constantly to keep her guessing.
<<elseif $sex[0] == "Ride">>\
<<if $sex[1] == "Ride">>\
$ is continuing to ride your cock.
You lay down, $ climbs on your cock and start fucking you with her pussy.
<<if $w1.sati[1] == 150>>\
She is doing it hard and squeeze her pussy at the same time.
She is bouncing on you without a good tempo, slows down a lot and concentrates on her own pleasure.
<<if $w1.pref == "Ride">>\
<<color pink '$ looks at you intensely as if it adds up to her satisfaction.'>>
<<if $mc.skil[3] < 34>>\
You try to move in rhythm with her, but all of the sensations distract you.
<<elseif $mc.skil[3] < 67>>\
From time to time you move your hips to change angle of penetration.
You move your hips upward at specific angles and times to make each penetration more impactful.
<<elseif $sex[0] == "Soft">>\
<<if $sex[1] == "Soft">>\
You continue to fuck $ softly.
You lay $ down and start fucking her pussy slowly.
<<if $w1.sati[1] == 150>>\
She moves her hips upwards with your every stroke and squeeze her pussy at the same time.
<<elseif $w1.sati[1] == 100>>\
She moves her hips upwards with your every stroke.
She is just lying down and enjoying your actions.
<<if $w1.pref == "Soft">>\
<<color pink '$ looks up at you adoringly as if she is very pleased by the way you move inside her.'>>
<<if $mc.skil[4] < 34>>\
Although the action is very pleasurable, it's not so hard to keep up a decent rhythm.
<<elseif $mc.skil[4] < 67>>\
You are keeping a good tempo while changing angle of penetration from time to time.
You are adding in few hard strokes from time to time and changing the angle of penetration constantly to keep her guessing.
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 and $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightcoral 'You are completely drained and cannot continue.'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightcoral 'You are too exhausted to continue having sex.'>>
<<elseif $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightcoral 'You cannot hold off your orgasm anymore.'>>
<<set $sex[1] = $sex[0]>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] > 0 and $mc.stam[0] > 0>>\
<table border="2" style="border: 1px solid darkgrey">\
<tr><td colspan="4" style="border-bottom: 1px solid darkgrey; position:relative; height:2em; width:13em">\
<div @style="'position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index: 1; background-color:#a92d6b; height:100%; width:'+($w1.sati[0]/$w1.sati[1])*100+'%'"></div>\
<div style="position:absolute; top:5px; width:100%; z-index:2">Her satisfaction: $w1.sati[0]/$w1.sati[1]</div></td></tr>
<<if $w1.sati[1] >= 150>>\
<td><<link "Anal" $cp>>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<stam1 $mc.skil[0] "Anal">>
<td><<sex2 "Anal">></td>
<td><<ener0 -30>> <<stam0 $mc.skil[0]>></td>
<td><<sex0 "Anal">></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="4"><<tool grey 'Locked' 'Will be unlocked after girl will reaches the specific amount of exp. \nExp are gained during each sex action.'>></td></tr>
<<if $w1.sati[1] >= 100>>\
<tr><td><<link "Bj" $cp>>
<<ener1 -15>>
<<stam1 $mc.skil[1] "Bj">>
<td><<sex2 "Bj">></td>
<td><<ener0 -15>> <<stam0 $mc.skil[1]>></td>
<td><<sex0 "Bj">></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="4"><<tool grey 'Locked' 'Will be unlocked after girl will reaches the specific amount of exp. \nExp are gained during each sex action.'>></td></tr>
<<if $w1.sati[1] >= 150>>\
<tr><td><<link "Fuck" $cp>>
<<ener1 -30>>
<<stam1 $mc.skil[2] "Fuck">>
<td><<sex2 "Fuck">></td>
<td><<ener0 -30>> <<stam0 $mc.skil[2]>></td>
<td><<sex0 "Fuck">></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="4"><<tool grey 'Locked' 'Will be unlocked after girl will reaches the specific amount of exp. \nExp are gained during each sex action.'>></td></tr>
<<if $w1.sati[1] >= 100>>\
<tr><td><<link "Ride" $cp>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<stam1 $mc.skil[3] "Ride">>
<td><<sex2 "Ride">></td>
<td><<ener0 -20>> <<stam0 $mc.skil[3]>></td>
<td><<sex0 "Ride">></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="4"><<tool grey 'Locked' 'Will be unlocked after girl will reaches the specific amount of exp. \nExp are gained during each sex action.'>></td></tr>
<tr><td><<link "Soft" $cp>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<stam1 $mc.skil[4] "Soft">>
<td><<sex2 "Soft">></td>
<td><<ener0 -20>> <<stam0 $mc.skil[4]>></td>
<td><<sex0 "Soft">></td></tr>
<<if $sex[0] != "Start">>\
<tr><td><<link "Cum" $pp>>
<<set $mc.lust = 0>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = 0>>
<<if $w1.fact[2] == -1>>
<<set $w1.fact[2] = 0>>
<<set $text[0] += "You didn't manage to satisfy $, but she'll let it slide this time.<br>">>
<<elseif $w1.sati[0] < $w1.sati[1]>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 10, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $text[0] += "You didn't manage to satisfy $ and your Confidence goes down.<br>">>
<<set $w1.sati[0] = 0>>
<<set $g[$w1.iden] = $w1>>
<<set $temp[5] = 100>>
<td colspan="3">-100<<color pink "<b>♥</b>">> -100<<color lightblue "<b>⚥</b>">></td></tr>
<table border="2" style="border: 1px solid darkgrey">\
<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-bottom: 1px solid darkgrey; position:relative; height:2em; width:13em">\
<div @style="'position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index: 1; background-color:#a92d6b; height:100%; width:'+($w1.sati[0]/$w1.sati[1])*100+'%'"></div>\
<div style="position:absolute; top:5px; width:100%; z-index:2">Her satisfaction: $w1.sati[0]/$w1.sati[1]</div></td></tr>
<tr><td><<link "Cum" $pp>>
<<set $mc.lust = 0>>
<<set $mc.stam[0] = 0>>
<<if $w1.fact[2] == -1>>
<<set $w1.fact[2] = 0>>
<<set $text[0] += "You didn't manage to satisfy $, but she'll let it slide for the first time.<br>">>
<<elseif $w1.sati[0] < $w1.sati[1]>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 10, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $text[0] += "You didn't manage to satisfy $ and your Confidence goes down.<br>">>
<<set $w1.sati[0] = 0>>
<<set $g[$w1.iden] = $w1>>
<<set $temp[5] = 100>>
<td>-100<<color pink "<b>♥</b>">> -100<<color lightblue "<b>⚥</b>">></td></tr>
<</if>>\<<set _fa = 0>>
/*Job or Part-time at lib*/
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2>>
<<if $g.B.fact[1][1] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<set $g.B.fact[1][1] = 0>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 0>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<set $g.B.fact[1][1] = 0>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 1 or $mc.occu[1] == 2>>
<<if $mc.part < 3>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 4>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 6>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.stre[1] == 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
/*Working student*/
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3 or ($mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2 or ($mc.occu[1] == 2 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1 or ($mc.occu[1] == 1 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<night $g.B>><<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseB.jpg">>\
$'s little apartment. In contrast to her office at the library and desk in here, the rest of the apartment is untidy.
<<if $cp != $g.B.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.B.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'Nothing happened when you rang the bell'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.B.atti[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Attitude not high enough to spend the Night with $'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoBGB">>
<<cont $g.B 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<include "Move">>\<<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseC.jpg">>\
Small two bedroom house where $ lives with her single father. It has a nice secluded backyard.
<<if $cp != $g.C.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey "Cannot spend the Night at $'s place">>
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.C.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'Nothing happened when you rang the bell'>>
<<if $g.C.fact[1][2] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Already went on a date with $ today'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot go on a date with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<elseif $mc.mone < 50>>\
<<color grey 'Not enough money to go on a date with $'>>
<<link "Go on a date with $" "HoCGC">>
<<cont $g.C 1>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<set $g.C.fact[1][2] = 0>>
<<set $mc.mone -= 50>>
<<ener0 -20>>\
<<mone0 -50>>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoCGC">>
<<cont $g.C 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot study with $ at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Study with $" "HoCGC">>
<<cont $g.C 3>>
<<ener1 -20>>
<<ener0 -20>>
<<include "Move">>\<<set _fa = 0>>
<<if $g.C.fact[1][1] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<set $g.C.fact[1][1] = 0>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == 0>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<set $g.C.fact[1][1] = 0>>
<<if $g.C.fact[1][2] == -1>>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 4>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 7>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 10>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 13>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $g.C.fact[1][2] > -1>>
<<set $g.C.fact[1][2]++>>
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
/*Academic(schooltime only)*/
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>
<<if $mc.acad[0] >= 95>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 74>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 49>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 24>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<night $g.C>><<set $imag = "files/Misc/18+.jpg">>\
!<div style="text-align: center;"><<color "red" "WARNING">></div>
This is a free game with content of <<color "red" "pornographic">> nature and should not be played by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and models in it are over the age of 18. Anything described in this game is fictional and has nothing to do with real places, people or events and not meant to be taken seriously. If you understand this and you are 18 years old or older, press Continue.
<<link "Continue" "Credits">>
<<link "Quit">>
<</link>><<if $clip == 2>>\
<<set $clip = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseD.jpg">>\
A very nice house that belongs to $ It has a pool in its backyard.
<<if $cp == $g.A.loca>>\
<<if $g.A.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoDGA">>
<<cont $g.A 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $cp != $g.D.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.D.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.D.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'Nothing happened when you rang the bell'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.D.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night at her place at this state of Relationship'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.D.atti[1] < 1 and $g.D.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Attitude not high enough to spend the Night with $'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoDGD">>
<<cont $g.D 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to practice'>>
<<elseif $mc.ener[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot practice at 0 Energy'>>
<<link "Practice swimming" $cp>>
<<noti $cp "Swi">>
<<ener1 -50>>
<<set $text[1] += "You practiced in swimming which was also a light workout.<br>">>
<<ener0 -50>>
<<include "Move">>\<<set _fa = 0>>
/*Sister's attitude*/
<<if $g.A.atti[1] == 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] == 1>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] == 0>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>
<<set $g.D.fact[1][2] = 2>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2>>
<<set $g.D.fact[1][2] = 1>>
<<if $g.D.fact[1][2] == 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[1][2] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<night $g.D>><<set $a = [1,2,3,4]>>
<<set $a.pluckMany($a.length-1)>>
<<link "add" $cp>>
<<set $ = 0>>
<<link "set 1" $cp>>
<<set $a = {
A : {name : "AAA"}
<<link "set 2" $cp>>
<<set $c = {
B : {name : "BBB"},
C : {name : "CCC"}
<<set $d = {
B : $c.B,
C : $c.C
<<set $e = {
E : {name : "EEE"},
F : {name : "FFF"}
<<set $f = {
E : $e.E,
F : $e.F
<<set jQuery.extend($a, $d, $f)>>
<<link "add 1" $cp>>
<<set $a.pushUnique(1)>>
<<link "add 2" $cp>>
<<set $a.pushUnique(2)>>
<<link "del" $cp>>
<<set $a.deleteAt(0)>>
<<link "true" $cp>>
<<set $a = true>>
<<link "false" $cp>>
<<set $a = false>>
<<for _a = 0; _a <= 5 and $a == true; _a++>>
<<for _a = 0; _a <= 5; _a++>>
<<if random(4) == 3>>\
<<= $vers.charAt($vers.length - 1)>>
<<link "sleep" $cp>>
<<set _a = (new Date(2001,4,31) - $date[0]) / 86400000>>\
<<set _b = Math.trunc(_a / 7)>>\
<<if 30000 > _b * 1000 + $mc.mone>>\
<</if>>\<<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.A.rela[1] == 1 and $g.A.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ thinks that it was a big mistake to start this type of relationship with you and you need to stop it right now.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.A.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] > 0 and $g.A.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.A.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking about you being a product of her short romance with a married man. She decided to keep you which angered her parents and made her leave to another town to try to rise you alone. Child support was provided in exchange of never contacting this man again.">>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[0] == 1>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how you always remembered her been tired for the first 10 years of your life, before her parents forgave her and started to help financially. To this day it motivates you to make her proud by doing good at school and helping with money whenever you can find a job.">>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how you always remembered her being pursued by men trying to get in her pants, but she didn't let them do it. One of the openings for them was situations when something was needed to be fixed around the house so you learned to do it by yourself.">>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how after death of grandparents you moved in the house where she grew up. To help her with money you started to do any handiwork that neighbors needed. You did it for free for her close friend who has hired $ to clean her house after learning about our situation with money.">>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how showing her your good grades always made her happy.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] > 0 and $g.A.rela[1] == 1 and $g.A.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that last time $ had sex with a man was 18 years back and she didn't remember it being this good.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.B.rela[1] == 1 and $g.B.rela[0] == 100>>
<<set _te = "$ confessed that she wants to have more serious relationship with you and ask if you feel the same way about her.">>
<<set $mc.more = "B">>
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] > 0 and $g.B.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ broke up with you after quickly and efficiently explaining that she is not happy in your relationship.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.B.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[0] == -1>>
<<set _te = "You introduced yourself to $ and learned that she moved in this town recently to take an open position of librarian and work on her PhD at the same time.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.B.atti[1] > 0 and $g.B.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.B.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ was in a long relationship with a nice guy, but it was going nowhere. So she broke up with him before moving here.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[0] == 1>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ is serious about her responsibilities and would expect the same from her subordinates.">>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2>>
<<set _te += " You also learned that after the start of the school year you can work part-time at the library.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s ex was kind of a wimp and it was one of the main reasons she broke up with him.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ was a valedictorian of her school. After hearing about your Academic goal, she expressed her approval.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ started earning money for herself since the last two years in the school and she looks down on students that does not work.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.B.atti[1] > 0 and $g.B.rela[1] == 1 and $g.B.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s sex life was nonexistent for some time and she doesn't want to miss out anymore.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<nobr>>
0 - working
1 - studying
2 - help
3 - lunch
4 - bored
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<set _ar = [0, 1, 2]>>
<<if $time[0] == 1>>
<<set _ar.push(3)>>
<<if $g.B.rela[1] > 0 and $g.B.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(4)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
You found $ in her office working.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Wor0.jpg">>\
She recruited you to help her with the job which took some time to finish.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Wor1.jpg">>\
She politely asked you for help with her job and it took some time to finish.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Wor2.jpg">>\
She apologetically told you that she is very busy and could use a little help from you, so you joined her. She was doing most of the job and still managed to be a pleasant company.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Wor3.jpg">>\
$ was positioning herself close to you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Wor4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Wor5.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her shirt the whole time revealing more skin in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
You found $ studying in her office.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Stu0.jpg">>\
She sent you to bring a couple of books and then find specific information in them.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Stu1.jpg">>\
You were informed that she could use a break and you spent some time with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Stu2.jpg">>\
She smiled and told you that want to take a break and would like if you make her company.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Stu3.jpg">>\
$ was checking you out.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Stu4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Stu5.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her skirt and revealing more skin in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
You found $ putting some books on bookshelves.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Hel0.jpg">>\
She recruited you to help her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Hel1.jpg">>\
She asked you for help and together you finished the task in a reasonable time.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Hel2.jpg">>\
She looked gloomy doing it, but her expression quickly brightened when she saw you. She gently asked for your help and together you did this task in a reasonable time.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Hel3.jpg">>\
$ was touching your hands and shoulders from time to time while passing you books.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Hel4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Hel5.jpg">>\
$ frequently was taking a very suggestive poses when she was reaching for a book or handing you a book.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
You found $ in the break room eating lunch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Lun0.jpg">>\
You asked if you could join her. She said yes, but she was more interested in consuming food than talking with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Lun1.jpg">>\
You asked if you could join her and she agreed to it. You spent some time with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Lun2.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and even told that she made enough food for both of you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Lun3.jpg">>\
$ was very friendly with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Lun4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Lun5.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her shirt and revealing more skin in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Lib/Bor" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her office looking bored.
Her eyes lighted up and she asked you to keep her company. You spent some time together.
At some point $ started to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.B.attr[1] == 3 and $g.B.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $mc.more == "B">>\
<<more $g.B>>
<<if $g.B.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.B "Off" 3>>
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.B.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.B "Off" 3>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "Library">>
0 - studying
1 - reading
2 - resting
3 - kitchen
4 - cleaning
5 - shopping
6 - kitchen sexy(4,5)
7 - bored (4,5)
8 - bath (4,5)
9 - in bed at night(1,2)
10 - bed sexy(4,5)
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4]>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(5)>>
<<if $g.B.rela[1] > 0 and $g.B.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(6,7)>>
<<if $time[0] == 2>>
<<set _ar.push(8)>>
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _ar = [9]>>
<<if $g.B.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(10)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ busy studying.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Stu0.jpg">>\
She gave you a book to search for references on the subject that she was interested in.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Stu1.jpg">>\
She decided to take a break and spent time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Stu2.jpg">>\
She cheerfully put her books aside to spend time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Stu3.jpg">>\
$ was positioning herself close to you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Stu4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Stu5.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her skirt and revealing more skin in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ reading a book on the couch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Rea0.jpg">>\
She was not interested in stoping doing it and suggested that you grab a book too and join her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Rea1.jpg">>\
She put her book aside and spent time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Rea2.jpg">>\
She happily put her book aside and spent time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Rea3.jpg">>\
$ was leaning on you and accidentally showing off her cleavage.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Rea4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Rea5.jpg">>\
$ was positioning herself in a way that showed off her ass.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ resting on the couch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She wasn't in the mood for company, but allowed you to hang out anyway.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She readily invited you to sit next to her and spend time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She looked sad, but quickly perked up when you joined her to spend time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
$ was plaing with her hair the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
$ sat on your lap at some point and was grinding her ass on you crouch.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ in the kitchen.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Kit0.jpg">>\
She recruited you to help her with cooking. Together you made a nice meal and then ate it.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Kit1.jpg">>\
She politely asked you for help. Together you made a nice meal and then ate it.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Kit2.jpg">>\
She told you to sit down and keep her company while she was cooking and then you ate together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Kit3.jpg">>\
$ was keeping eye contact with you most of the time while eating.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Kit4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you while cooking.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Kit5.jpg">>\
From time to time $ was lifting the skirt of her dress and showing off her ass.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ cleaning her apartment.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Cle0.jpg">>\
She recruited you to help her with it.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Cle1.jpg">>\
She politely asked you for help and it took some time finishing it.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Cle2.jpg">>\
She cutely asked you for help and it took some time finishing it.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Cle3.jpg">>\
$ was playing with the straps of her dress from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Cle4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Cle5.jpg">>\
$ shamelessly gave you a peek of her tits few times.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 5>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ getting ready to go shopping.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Sho0.jpg">>\
She recruited you to go with her and help her with the bags. You spent some doing it and eventually returned to the apartment.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Sho1.jpg">>\
She politely asked you to go with her and help her with the bags. You spent some time doing it and eventually returned to the apartment.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Sho2.jpg">>\
She politely asked you to go with her and promised to be done with as quick as possible. It seems that she was trying to keep her word, but it still took some time. Eventually you returned to the apartment.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Sho3.jpg">>\
$ was very responsive to even corniest attempts at humor from you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Sho4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Sho5.jpg">>\
From time to time $ was lifting the skirt of her dress and showing off her panties to keep it interesting for you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 6>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Kit0" + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in the kitchen dressed provocatively.
Before having a meal together, she teased you mercilessly while cooking.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 7>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bor" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ looking bored.
She told you to stay and went to her bedroom. After a minute she returned wearing lingerie set and spent some time teasing you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 8>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
You were spending time together with $ and at some point she invited you to shower together.
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bat" + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
<<elseif $temp[5] == 9>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
You found $ in her bedroom getting ready to sleep.
<<if $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bed1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and you spent some time with her before getting into bed.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bed2.jpg">>\
She insisted that you will sleep in her bed today and you spent some time with her before getting into bed.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bed3.jpg">>\
$ was helping you to undress and she was caressing your upper body while doing it.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bed4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bed5.jpg">>\
$ was coyly demonstrating that she was wearing nothing under her robe.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 10>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her bedroom wearing sexy lingerie.
She spent some time teasing you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $mc.more == "B">>\
<<more $g.B>>
<<if $g.B.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<if _ra1 == "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<set _ra2 = 8>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 2>>
<<set _ra1 = "Sho">>
<<set _ra2 = 0>>
<<sex1 $g.B _ra1 _ra2>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseB">>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseB">>
0 - clean
1 - kitchen
2 - rest
3 - shop
4 - tv
5 - bath
6 - shower
7 - clean sexy
8 - exercise-massage
9 - exercise naked
10 - kit sexy
11 - lingerie
12 - bed norm
13 - bed sexy
14 - exercise together
15 - visit
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $temp[2] == 0>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [1,2,2,4,4]>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(0,3)>>
<<if $g.A.rela[1] > 0 and $g.A.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(10,11)>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(7,8,9)>>
<<elseif $time[0] == 2>>
<<set _ar.push(5,6)>>
<<elseif $g.A.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _ar = [12]>>
<<if $g.A.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(13)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 2>>
<<set _ar = [14]>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 5>>
<<set _ar = [15]>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ cleaning around the house.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Cle0.jpg">>\
You volunteered to help her. After thanking you she designated few rooms for you to clean.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Cle1.jpg">>\
She accepted your wish to help her with a smile.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Cle2.jpg">>\
She accepted your wish to help her with a smile. After you were done, she gave you a nice hug.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Cle3.jpg">>\
You noticed a couple of times that $ was watching you cleaning.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Cle4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you while you were cleaning together.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Cle5.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to straighten her dress and reveal more of her breasts in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ cooking in the kitchen.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Kit0.jpg">>\
You start to help her without asking and she gave you a few tasks to do. You made a nice meal which you then ate together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Kit1.jpg">>\
She accepted your wish to help with a smile. You made a nice meal which you then ate together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Kit2.jpg">>\
She accepted your wish to help with a hug. You made a nice meal which you then ate together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Kit3.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her hair from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Kit4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Kit5.jpg">>\
From time to time $ would tug the top of her dress to give a better view of her cleavage.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ relaxing on the couch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but she wasn't really interested in talking.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She welcomed you to join her and keep her company.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She welcomed you to join her with a big smile.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
$ positioned herself really close to you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
Whenever you would look at her, $ would spread her legs and show off her panties.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ getting ready to go shopping.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sho0.jpg">>\
She thanked you for volunteering to go with her. You spent some in the store and eventually returned home.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sho1.jpg">>\
She gave a big smile when you volunteered to go with her. You spent some in the store and eventually returned home.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sho2.jpg">>\
She gave a nice hug when you volunteered to go with her. You spent some in the store and eventually returned home.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sho3.jpg">>\
When you were unloading bags you caught her watching you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sho4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you while you were unloading bags.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sho5.jpg">>\
$ was pulling her skirt up and revealing more of her legs while you were unloading bags.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ watching TV.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but quickly let you know that she is more interested in watching than talking.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to join her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She freed up space next to her so you can sit closer when you decided to join her.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
$ leaned on you while you were watching TV together.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you while you were watching TV together.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
$ was distracting you from watching TV by playing with the buttons of her shorts.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 5>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bat" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
While you were spending time with $, she told you about wanting to take a bath and invited you to join her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 6>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bat" + random(3,5) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
While you were spending time with $, she told you about wanting to take a shower and invited you to join her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 7>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Cle" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ cleaning around the house dressed in robe and underwear. She has begun to take more interesting poses while doing it, when you started to help her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 8>>\
<<set _se = 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Mas" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ finishing her exercise.
She asked you for massage and you agreed to do it.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 9>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Exe" + random(1) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ exercising naked.
She told you that you can keep her company and watch.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 10>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Kit" + random(3) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in the kitchen cooking while wearing almost nothing.
She told you to sit and keep her company while she finishing up the meal. Then you ate together.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 11>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Lin" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in front of the mirror trying out some underwear.
A sinister smile appeared on her face and she spent some time teasing you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 12>>\
<<set _se = 4>>\
You found $ getting ready to sleep.
<<if $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bed1.jpg">>\
You were invited to join her in bed and spend some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bed2.jpg">>\
She gave you a kiss and invited to spend some time with her before going to sleep together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bed3.jpg">>\
$ was caressing your torso while you were lying close to each other.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bed4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you while you were lying close to each other.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bed5.jpg">>\
$ was playing with the straps of her nightgown and revealing more of her breasts in process while you were lying close to each other.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 13>>\
<<set _se = 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ getting ready to sleep.
She invited you in her bed and spent some time teasing you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 14>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ agreed on your suggestion to exercise together.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Exe0.jpg">>\
She was focused on doing yoga and barely paid you any attention.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Exe1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you asked her, because she hates to do it alone.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Exe2.jpg">>\
She gave you a hug and thanked you for asking her, because she hates to do it alone.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Exe3.jpg">>\
Whenever you looked at her, $ would smile at you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Exe4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Exe5.jpg">>\
$ would often take interesting poses while doing yoga.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 15>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ talking her with $
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sis0.jpg">>\
When you joined them, they barely paid you any attention.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sis1.jpg">>\
When you asked if you can join them $ looked at the clock, said that it is pretty late and she should go. After seeing $ out you spent some time with $
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sis2.jpg">>\
When you asked if you can join them $ told that she was about to leave. $ saw her out and after returning spent some time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sis3.jpg">>\
$ became more cheerful when there was only two of you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sis4.jpg">>\
$ started to flirt with you when there was only two of you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Hou/Sis5.jpg">>\
$ was playing with the top of her dress and revealing her bra in the process when there was only two of you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/A/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.A.attr[1] == 3 and $g.A.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.A.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bat">>
<<set _ra2 = 1>>
<<elseif _se == 2>>
<<set _ra1 = "Sho">>
<<set _ra2 = 1>>
<<elseif _se == 3>>
<<set _ra1 = "Mas">>
<<set _ra2 = 5>>
<<elseif _se == 4>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<sex1 $g.A _ra1 _ra2>>
<<elseif $g.A.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.A.rela[1] = 1>>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<sex1 $g.A _ra1 9>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseA">>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseA">>
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<set $temp[5] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
You found $ talking with $ Even though sisters love each other, $ appreciate when you divert $'s attention from her.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis" + $temp[5] + "0.jpg">>\
This time you didn't manage to do it and spent time listening to them and rarely participated in the conversation.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis" + $temp[5] + "1.jpg">>\
$ excused herself and left you to spend time with $
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis" + $temp[5] + "2.jpg">>\
$ excused herself and left you to spend time with $ which was happy about it.
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis03.jpg">>\
She was playing with button of her blouse when you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis04.jpg">>\
She started to flirt with you the second you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis05.jpg">>\
At some point she shamelessly started to tease you by showing off her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis13.jpg">>\
She was playing with her hair when you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis14.jpg">>\
She started to flirt with you the second you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis15.jpg">>\
At some point she shamelessly started to tease you by showing off her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis23.jpg">>\
She became more positive then were left alone together.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis24.jpg">>\
She started to flirt with you the second you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis25.jpg">>\
At some point she shamelessly started to tease you by cupping her breasts.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis33.jpg">>\
She was playing with button of her blouse when you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis34.jpg">>\
She started to flirt with you the second you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis35.jpg">>\
At some point she shamelessly started to tease you by showing off her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis43.jpg">>\
A caught her checking your body out a few times when you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis44.jpg">>\
She started to flirt with you the second you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Sis/Vis45.jpg">>\
At some point she shamelessly started to tease you by showing off her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/D/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.D.attr[1] == 3 and $g.D.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.D.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.D.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<sex1 $g.D _ra1 9>>
<<elseif $g.D.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.D.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.D.rela[1] = 1>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<sex1 $g.D _ra1 9>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseA">>
0 - read
1 - study
2 - work
3 - lunch
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<set _ar = [0, 1, 2]>>
<<if $time[0] == 1>>
<<set _ar.push(3)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
You found $ at her workstation reading some book.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Rea0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind that you were keeping her company, but still gave more attention to her book.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Rea1.jpg">>\
She put her book aside and spent time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Rea2.jpg">>\
She was glad to spend time with you instead of reading her book.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Rea3.jpg">>\
$ was fidgeting with her blouse and accidentaly revealing her bra in process.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Rea4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Rea5.jpg">>\
At some point $ took a suggestive pose on the table in front of you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
You found $ studying at her workstation.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Stu0.jpg">>\
It looked like she had a problem with understanding something and agreed to your offer to help her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Stu1.jpg">>\
She agreed to take a break and spent time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Stu2.jpg">>\
She was happy to take a break and spent time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Stu3.jpg">>\
$ was checking you out from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Stu4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Stu5.jpg">>\
At some point $ readjusted her outfit in a way that showed off her underwear.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
You found $ busy working.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Wor0.jpg">>\
She thanked you for volunteering to help her after both of you finished her workload.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Wor1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you desiced to help her and you spent time working together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Wor2.jpg">>\
She gave you a kiss on the cheek after you spent time helping with her job.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Wor3.jpg">>\
$ became very playful when you were doing it.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Wor4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you while you were doing it.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Wor5.jpg">>\
At some point $ lifted up her skirt and showed off her ass when you were looking at her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
You found $ in the break room eating lunch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Lun0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but she wasn't very talkative with you either.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Lun1.jpg">>\
She was glad when you decided to spend time with her and eat together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Lun2.jpg">>\
She invited you to have eat together when you approached her.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Lun3.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her skirt nervously.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Lun4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Lib/Lun5.jpg">>\
At some point $'s shirt became undone and it gave you a good look at her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.C.attr[1] == 3 and $g.C.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $mc.more == "C">>\
<<more $g.C>>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.C "Off" 2>>
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.C "Off" 2>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "Library">>
<</if>>\<<if $g[_gi].rela[1] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Comes into effect at the next level of relationship'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[0] > 5 and $g[_gi].rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g[_gi].fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey 'Did not had sex with her yet'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Had satisfying sex with her recently'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Had satisfying sex with her not long ago'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Had satisfying sex with her sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 She wants you to satisfy her sexually'>>
<<color red '-2 She wants to be satisfied sexually'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<tool white 'Attraction factors' 'Requirements for Attraction to rise. \nEach one gives +5 while spending time or +2 if got noticed. \nDiscovered after 5 Attitude factors are known.'>>
<<if $g[_gi].fact[0] >= $g[_gi].fact[1].length>>\
<table border="2">
<td><<if $g[_gi].fact[3][0] == 0>>\
<<color white 'None'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][0] == 1>>\
<<color darkseagreen 'Low'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][0] == 2>>\
<<color yellowgreen 'Medium'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][0] == 3>>\
<<color lightgreen 'High'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][0] == 4>>\
<<color limegreen 'Max'>>
<td><<if $g[_gi].fact[3][1] == 0>>\
<<color white 'None'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][1] == 1>>\
<<color darkseagreen 'Low'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][1] == 2>>\
<<color yellowgreen 'Medium'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][1] == 3>>\
<<color lightgreen 'High'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][1] == 4>>\
<<color limegreen 'Max'>>
<td><<if $g[_gi].fact[3][2] == -1>>\
<<color lightcoral 'Thin'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][2] == 0>>\
<<color white 'Normal'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][2] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen 'Toned'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[3][2] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen 'Muscular'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<set _a = $list[0]>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length and $ntr == true; _b++>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].riva[0] > 1>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva[0] = 1>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].riva[1] > 8>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].expe[0] = Math.clamp($g[_a[_b]].expe[0] + 10, 0, 100)>>
<<if ($date[0].getDay() == 2 or $date[0].getDay() == 5)
and $time[0] > 0>>
<<set $g.A.loca = "HouseF">>
<<elseif $date[0].getDay() == 0 and $time[0] == 0>>
<<set $g.A.loca = "HouseD">>
<<elseif $time[0] == 0 and random(3) == 0>>
<<set $g.D.loca = "HouseD">>
<<set $g.A.loca = "HouseA">>
<<if $date[0].getDay() == 6 and $time[0] == 0>>
<<set $g.B.loca = "Gym">>
<<elseif $date[3] != 1 and $time[0] < 2>>
<<set $g.B.loca = "Library">>
<<set $g.B.loca = "HouseB">>
<<if $date[3] == 1 and $time[0] == 0>>
<<set $g.C.loca = "Gym">>
<<elseif $date[0] < new Date(2000, 8, 1)>>
<<if $date[3] == 0 and $time[0] == 1>>
<<set $g.C.loca = "Library">>
<<set $g.C.loca = "HouseC">>
<<if $date[3] == 0 and $time[0] < 2>>
<<set $g.C.loca = "School">>
<<set $g.C.loca = "HouseC">>
<<if ($date[3] != 1 and $time[0] == 1)
or ($date[0].getDay() == 5 and $time[0] == 2)>>
<<set $g.D.loca = "">>
<<elseif $date[0].getDay() == 6 and $time[0] == 2>>
<<set $g.D.loca = "HouseA">>
<<elseif $time[0] == 2 and random(3) == 0 and $g.A.loca == "HouseA">>
<<set $g.D.loca = "HouseA">>
<<set $g.D.loca = "HouseD">>
<<if $date[0] < new Date(2000, 8, 1)>>
<<set $g.E.loca = "HouseF">>
<<if $date[3] == 0 and $time[0] < 2>>
<<set $g.E.loca = "School">>
<<set $g.E.loca = "HouseF">>
<<if $time[0] == 2 and $g.E.loca == "HouseF" and random(3) == 0
and $date[3] == 1>>
<<set $g.E.loca = "">>
<<if $date[3] != 1 and $time[0] < 2>>
<<set $g.F.loca = "Office">>
<<set $g.F.loca = "HouseF">>
<<if $date[3] != 1 and $time[0] < 2>>
<<set $g.G.loca = "Office">>
<<elseif $date[3] == 1 and $time[0] == 1>>
<<set $g.G.loca = "Gym">>
<<set $g.G.loca = "HouseG">>
<<if $time[0] === 0 and $date[3] === 0 and $g.H.rela[1] > -1
and ($mc.occu[0] === 1 or $mc.occu[0] === 2)>>
<<set $g.H.loca = "Library">>
<<elseif $date[0] < new Date(2000, 8, 1)>>
<<set $g.H.loca = "HouseI">>
<<elseif $time[0] < 2 and $date[3] === 0>>
<<set $g.H.loca = "">>
<<set $g.H.loca = "HouseI">>
<<if $time[0] === 2 and $g.H.loca === "HouseI" and random(3) === 0
and $date[3] === 1>>
<<set $g.H.loca = "">>
<<if $date[3] !== 1 and $time[0] < 2>>
<<set $g.I.loca = "">>
<<set $g.I.loca = "HouseI">>
<<if $ntr == true and $g.A.riva[0] == 0 and $g.A.riva[2] == 0
and (($g.A.rela[1] == 1 and $g.A.fact[2] > 7)
or $g.A.rela[1] == -1 or $g.A.riva[1] > 8) and $time[0] == 2>>
<<if ($g.A.riva[1] < 3 and $g.A.loca == $g.D.loca)
or ($g.A.riva[1] > 2 and $g.A.loca == "HouseA")>>
<<set $g.A.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $g.A.riva[1] > 2 and $g.D.loca == "HouseA">>
<<set $g.D.loca = "HouseD">>
<<if $ntr == true and $g.B.riva[0] == 0 and $g.B.riva[2] == 0
and $mc.occu[0] != 1 and $mc.occu[0] != 2
and (($g.B.rela[1] == 1 and $g.B.fact[2] > 7)
or ($g.B.rela[1] == 2 and ($g.B.fact[2] > 7 or $g.B.atti[1] < 2))
or $g.B.rela[1] == -1 or $g.B.riva[1] > 8)>>
<<if ($g.B.riva[1] < 2 and $time[0] == 0
and $g.B.loca == "Library")
or ($g.B.riva[1] > 1 and $g.B.riva[1] < 8 and $time[0] == 1
and $g.B.loca == "Library")
or ($g.B.riva[1] == 8 and $time[0] == 2
and $g.B.loca == "HouseB")
or ($g.B.riva[1] > 8 and $time[0] == 1 and random(1) == 0
and $g.B.loca == "Library")
or ($g.B.riva[1] > 8 and $time[0] == 2
and $g.B.loca == "HouseB")>>
<<set $g.B.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $ntr == true and $g.C.riva[0] == 0 and $g.C.riva[2] == 0
and (($g.C.rela[1] == 1 and $g.C.fact[2] > 7)
or ($g.C.rela[1] == 2 and ($g.C.fact[2] > 7 or $g.C.atti[1] < 2))
or $g.C.rela[1] == -1 or $g.C.riva[1] > 8)>>
<<if ($g.C.riva[1] < 2 and $time[0] > 1
and $g.C.loca == "HouseC")
or ($g.C.riva[1] > 1 and $g.C.riva[1] < 4 and $time[0] < 2
and $g.C.loca == "HouseC" and $date[3] == 1)
or ($g.C.riva[1] > 3 and $time[0] > 1
and $g.C.loca == "HouseC")>>
<<set $g.C.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $ntr == true and $g.D.riva[0] == 0 and $g.D.riva[2] == 0
and (($g.D.rela[1] == 1 and $g.D.fact[2] > 7)
or $g.D.rela[1] == -1 or $g.D.riva[1] > 8)>>
<<if ($g.D.riva[1] < 3 and $time[0] == 1 and $g.D.loca == "")
or ($g.D.riva[1] > 2 and $g.D.riva[1] < 7 and $time[0] == 2
and $g.D.loca == "")
or ($g.D.riva[1] == 7 and $time[0] == 1
and $g.D.loca == "")
or ($g.D.riva[1] == 8 and $time[0] == 2
and $g.D.loca == "HouseD")
or ($g.D.riva[1] > 8 and $time[0] == 1 and random(1) == 0
and $g.D.loca == "")
or ($g.D.riva[1] > 8 and $time[0] == 2
and $g.D.loca == "HouseD")>>
<<set $g.D.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $ntr == true and $g.E.riva[0] == 0 and $g.E.riva[2] == 0
and (($g.E.rela[1] == 1 and $g.E.fact[2] > 7)
or ($g.E.rela[1] == 2 and ($g.E.fact[2] > 7 or $g.E.atti[1] < 2))
or $g.E.rela[1] == -1 or $g.E.riva[1] > 8)
and $time[0] == 2 and $g.E.loca == "HouseF">>
<<set $g.E.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $ntr == true and $g.F.riva[0] == 0 and $g.F.riva[2] == 0
and (($g.F.rela[1] == 1 and $g.F.fact[2] > 7)
or $g.F.rela[1] == -1 or $g.F.riva[1] > 8)
and $g.F.loca == "HouseF" and $mc.hand[0] > 2>>
<<if ($g.F.riva[1] < 6 and $date[3] == 1 and $time[0] < 2)
or (($g.F.riva[1] == 6 or $g.F.riva[1] == 7 or $g.F.riva[1] == 9)
and $time[0] == 2)
or ($g.F.riva[1] == 8 and $date[3] == 1 and $time[0] == 1)
or ($g.F.riva[1] > 9 and ($time[0] == 2
or ($date[3] == 1 and $time[0] == 1)))>>
<<set $g.F.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $ntr == true and $g.G.riva[0] == 0 and $g.G.riva[2] == 0
and (($g.G.rela[1] == 1 and $g.G.fact[2] > 7)
or $g.G.rela[1] == -1 or $g.G.riva[1] > 8)>>
<<if ($g.G.riva[1] < 4 and $time[0] == 3)
or ($g.G.riva[1] == 4 and $time[0] == 1)
or ($g.G.riva[1] > 4 and $g.G.riva[1] < 10 and $time[0] == 2)
or ($g.G.riva[1] > 9 and (($time[0] == 2 and random(3) < 3)
or ($time[0] == 3)))>>
<<set $g.G.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $ntr === true and $g.H.riva[0] === 0 and $g.H.riva[2] === 0
and (($g.H.rela[1] === 1 and $g.H.fact[2] > 7)
or ($g.H.rela[1] === 2 and ($g.H.fact[2] > 7 or $g.H.atti[1] < 2))
or $g.H.rela[1] === -1 or $g.H.riva[1] > 8)
and $g.H.loca === "HouseI" and $mc.hand[1] > 2>>
<<if ($g.H.riva[1] < 8 and $date[3] === 1 and $time[0] < 2)
or ($g.H.riva[1] > 7 and ($time[0] === 2
or ($date[3] === 1 and $time[0] < 2)))>>
<<set $g.H.riva[0] = 2>>
<<if $ntr === true and $g.I.riva[0] === 0 and $g.I.riva[2] === 0
and (($g.I.rela[1] === 1 and $g.I.fact[2] > 7)
or $g.I.rela[1] === -1 or $g.I.riva[1] > 8)
and $g.I.loca === "" and $time[0] === 1>>
<<set $g.I.riva[0] = 2>>
<<set _c = []>>
<<set _a = ["F","H"]>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].riva[0] > 1>>
<<set _c.pushUnique($g[_a[_b]].iden)>>
<<if _c.length > 1>>
<<set _c.pluck()>>
<<for _d = 0; _d < _c.length; _d++>>
<<set $g[_c[_d]].riva[0] = 0>>
<<if $g.A.riva[1] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Riv/Riv0.jpg">>\ complaining to $ about her sex life.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Riv/Riv1.jpg">>\ not sure about $'s suggestion to introduce her to a nice man that works with her.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Riv/Riv2.jpg">>\ agreeing on a date with $'s Colleague.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Riv/Riv3.jpg">>\ bonding with $'s Colleague while sharing stories about $ He was from the same school and year with her.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Riv/Riv4.jpg">>\ having fun at the second date with $'s Colleague.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Riv/Riv5.jpg">>\ being charmed by $'s Colleague on their third date.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Riv/Riv6.jpg">>\
...kissed $'s Colleague goodbye after their fourth date.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/A/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\ having sex with $'s Colleague after their fifth date.
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] > 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/A/Riv/Riv" + random(100,129) + ".mp4">>\ having sex with $'s Colleague.
<<if $g.A.riva[1] == 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "return" $pp>>
<<set $g.A.riva[0] = 3>>
<<if $g.B.riva[1] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Riv/Riv0.jpg">>\
...has been noticed by your replacement on Assistant position. He started to seek any opportunity to spend time with her.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Riv/Riv1.jpg">>\
...started to warm up to Assistant after spending time with him almost every Morning at work.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Riv/Riv2.jpg">>\
...lets her guard down around Assistant and let him get away with light contact.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Riv/Riv3.jpg">>\ having another conversation about her sex life with Assistant. At some point she let him kiss her for a few second before stopping it.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 4>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Riv/Riv4.mp4">>\
...lets Assistant to lick her pussy for the first time.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Riv/Riv5.mp4">>\ sucking Assistant's cock for the first time after having few orgasms with help of his tongue.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Riv/Riv6.mp4">>\ sucking Assistant's cock while he is playing with her pussy at the same time.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Riv/Riv" + random(100,102) + ".mp4">>\ being fucked for the first time by Assistant in her office.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Riv/Riv" + random(115,128) + ".mp4">>\ having sex with Assistant at her place.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<if $g.B.loca == "Library">>\
<<set _ri = random(100,114)>>\
<<elseif $g.B.loca == "HouseB">>\
<<set _ri = random(115,128)>>\
<<set _vide = "files/B/Riv/Riv" + _ri + ".mp4">>\ having sex with Assistant.
<<if $g.B.riva[1] == 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.B.riva[0] = 3>>
<<if $g.C.riva[1] == 0>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv0.mp4">>\ masturbating on her bed, but can't bring herself to orgasm.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 1>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv1.mp4">>\
...continues to masturbate on her bed after her Father came in her room without a knock and then quickly run out the room apologizing in the process. This time she has reached the orgasm.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 2>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv2.mp4">>\ getting help in putting on sunscreen from her Father.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 3>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv3.mp4">>\ getting help in putting on sunscreen from her Father and talks with him about the problems she has with achieving orgasms.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 4>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv4.mp4">>\
...asked her Father for help with the usage of toys that he bought for her.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv5.mp4">>\ having an oral sex with her Father. He could reject her only once before agreeing to it.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv6.mp4">>\ sucking her Fathers cock to further seduce him.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\ having sex with her Father for the first time.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv110.mp4">>\ having anal sex with her Father for the first time.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Riv/Riv" + random(100,119) + ".mp4">>\ having sex with her Father.
<<if $g.C.riva[1] == 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.C.riva[0] = 3>>
<<if $g.D.riva[1] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Riv/Riv0.jpg">>\ trying to persuade a Businessman donate to the charity for which she is working, but without much of success.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Riv/Riv1.jpg">>\ trying to persuade the same Businessman for the second time by using her charms a little and it picked his interest.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Riv/Riv2.jpg">>\ having lunch with the Businessman on which between questions about the charity he delicately inquires about her.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Riv/Riv3.jpg">>\ having a dinner with the Businessman on which he signs check for the charity right away and spends the rest of the evening trying to charm $
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Riv/Riv4.jpg">>\ having a second dinner with the Businessman. She is enjoying the attention from a man that began to remind her of her husband at the beginning of their relationship.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Riv/Riv5.jpg">>\ giving a goodbye kiss to the Businessman after another dinner with him.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/D/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\ having sex with the Businessman for the first time.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/D/Riv/Riv" + random(120,129) + ".mp4">>\ having sex with the Businessman in his office.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/D/Riv/Riv110.mp4">>\ having anal sex with the Businessman for the first time.
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<if $g.D.loca == "">>\
<<set _ri = random(120,129)>>\
<<elseif $g.D.loca == "HouseD">>\
<<set _ri = random(100,119)>>\
<<set _vide = "files/D/Riv/Riv" + _ri + ".mp4">>\ having sex with the Businessman.
<<if $g.D.riva[1] == 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.D.riva[0] = 3>>
Special thank you to <b>ChapelR</b>, <b>Greyelf</b>, <b>HiEv</b>, <b>TheMadExile</b> and <b>F95</b><span style="color:black; background-color:red"><b>ZONE</b></span> community.
<label><<checkbox "$chea" false true>> Cheats</label>
<label><<checkbox "$ntr" false true checked>> NTR</label>
<<if $bars !== false>>\
<label><<checkbox "$visu" false true checked>> Original position for media files</label>
Change way of addressing \
<<cycle "$" autoselect>>
<<option "<b>Mom</b>">>
<<option "<b>Abby</b>">>
Change way of addressing \
<<cycle "$" autoselect>>
<<option "<b>Aunt</b>">>
<<option "<b>Aunt Dawn</b>">>
<<option "<b>Dawn</b>">>
Available later in Options.
<<link "Intro" "Intro">>
<<set $g.A.loca = "">>
<<set $g.D.loca = "">>
<<if $chea == true>>
<<set $vers += "c">>
<<link "Skip Intro" "HouseA">>
<<set $time[0] = 3>>
<<if $chea == true>>
<<set $vers += "c">>
<<linkreplace "Actresses names">>\
<table border="2">
<tr><td>$</td><td>Ava Addams</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Valentina Nappi</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Ariana Marie</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Angela White</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Dillion Harper</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Lisa Ann</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Monique Alexander</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Elsa Jean</td></tr>
<tr><td>$</td><td>Cory Chase</td></tr>
<</linkreplace>><<set _a = $list[0]>>
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length and $ntr == true; _b++>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva[2] = Math.clamp($g[_a[_b]].riva[2] - 1, 0, 10)>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].riva[0] > 0>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva[0] = 0>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].riva[1] < 3>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva[2] = 5>>
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].riva[1] < 5>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva[2] = 4>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva[2] = 3>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].riva[1] = Math.clamp($g[_a[_b]].riva[1] + 1, 0, 10)>>
<<if $g[_a[_b]].fact[2] > 6 and $g[_a[_b]].rela[1] > 0>>
<<set $g[_a[_b]].fact[2] = 6>>
<<for _c = 0; _c < _a.length; _c++>>
<<set $g[_a[_c]].inte = Math.clamp($g[_a[_c]].inte + 1, 0, 10)>>
<<set _pa = "G" + $g[_a[_c]].iden + "Sleep">>
<<include _pa>>
<</for>><<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] == 1 and $g.C.rela[0] == 100>>
<<set _te = "$ confessed that she wants to have more serious relationship with you and ask if you feel the same way about her.">>
<<set $mc.more = "C">>
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] > 0 and $g.C.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ broke up with you while trying to be nice about it. She suggested to look at it as exprerience that will help you to be better for the next girl.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[0] == -1>>
<<set _te = "You introduced yourself to $ and learned that she remembers you from the school too. She is a good student and was always nice to everybody at school no matter the status or age.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.C.atti[1] > 0 and $g.C.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.C.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "You learned that to have a good grades $ needs to study really hard and that why she was too busy with school to find herself a boyfriend.">>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[0] == 1>>
<<if $date[0] >= new Date(2000, 8, 1)>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ was glad to have a job at the library. Working as a waitress was hard in comparison.">>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ is glad to have a job at the library. Working as a waitress last summer was hard in comparison.">>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ wouldn't mind if you ask her on a date.">>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ doesn't really care about popularity at school.">>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ cares about her grades mostly because she and her single father can't afford money for college.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.C.atti[1] > 0 and $g.C.rela[1] == 1 and $g.C.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s sex life consisted of few masturbation sessions and they weren't that good either.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.D.rela[1] == 1 and $g.D.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ thanked you for getting her out her shell. Now she feels like she can try to find the right man for herself and she is sorry that it wasn't you.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.D.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.D.atti[1] > 0 and $g.D.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.D.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how she fell in love with the older man right after finishing school, got married and had a happy life until his death in 98. Only recently $ started to be almost as fun and positive as you remembered her being a few years back.">>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[0] == 1>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how supportive she was to $ while their parent shunned her. The sisters love each other and it cemented further in the last year when $ was living with you while still grieving.">>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking about her late husband being a successful businessman, how proud of him she was and how she tried to encourage you to not become a loser both for yours and $'s sake.">>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how she was a member of the school's swimming team at your age and how excited she became when you told her about your Sport goal.">>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking that she loves swimming and appreciate people with same passion.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.D.atti[1] > 0 and $g.D.rela[1] == 1 and $g.D.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ was celibate for more than 2 years and didn't really missed the sex until recently.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<set _a = (new Date(2001,4,31) - $date[0]) / 86400000>>\
<<set _b = Math.trunc(_a / 7)>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4 and $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
You got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town, but $ would have to stay here for a couple of years and work on her PhD. At least you had a full summer to spend together.
<<if $g.B.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End10.jpg">>\
From the beginning of June she became less available due her studies and you had to accept that. Otherwise, you had a good time together whenever you could. Before you went to college, $ broke up with you without much of an explanation.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] > 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End11.jpg">>\
From the beginning of June she became less available due her studies and you had to accept that. Otherwise, you had a good time together whenever you could. Before you went to college, $ and you made plans about your future together. She'll try to move in the same town next year.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End12.jpg">>\
Before you went to college, $ and you were almost inseparable. A lot of time was spent in bed and other surfaces. In the middle of the August she had to leave town for a few days and returned with the news that she secured a job for herself in the same town and even found an apartment next to campus where you'll be living together.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 and $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and tried to spend most of your free time with $
<<if $g.B.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End10.jpg">>\
As the school year continued she became less and less available due her studies and you had to accept that. Otherwise, you had a good time together whenever you could. After last exams you got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town, but by that time you barely saw $ You finally confronted her about it and she just broke up with you without much of an explanation.
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] > 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End11.jpg">>\
As the school year continued she became less available due her studies and you had to accept that. Otherwise, you had a good time together whenever you could. After last exams you got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town. Before you went to college, $ and you made plans about your future together. She'll try to move in the same town next year.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End12.jpg">>\
After last exams you got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town, but she would have to stay here for a couple of years and work on her PhD. At least you had a full summer to spend together.
Before you went to college, $ and you were almost inseparable. A lot of time was spent in bed and other surfaces. In the middle of the August she had to leave town for a few days and returned with the news that she secured a job for herself in the same town and even found an apartment next to campus where you'll be living together.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 4 or $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4>>\
After the last exams \
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
After winning at swimming tournament of the national level \
you had a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country, but $ would have to stay here for a couple of years and work on her PhD. At least you had a full summer to spend together.
<<if $g.B.riva[1] > 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End10.jpg">>\
From the beginning of June she became less available due her studies and you had to accept that. Otherwise, you had a good time together whenever you could. Before you went to college, $ broke up with you without much of an explanation.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End13.jpg">>\
Before you went to college, $ and you were almost inseparable. A lot of time was spent in bed and other surfaces. In the middle of the August she initiated a serious talk about your future. The result of that was a bittersweet break up on your last day at home.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 or $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and tried to spend most of your free time with $
<<if $g.B.riva[1] > 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End10.jpg">>\
As the school year continued she became less and less available due her studies and you had to accept that. Otherwise, you had a good time together whenever you could. After last exams you got a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country, but by that time you barely saw $ You finally confronted her about it and she just broke up with you without much of an explanation.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End13.jpg">>\
After last exams you got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town, but she would have to stay here for a couple of years and work on her PhD. At least you had a full summer to spend together.
Before you went to college, $ and you were almost inseparable. A lot of time was spent in bed and other surfaces. In the middle of the August she initiated a serious talk about your future. The result of that was a bittersweet break up on your last day at home.
<<elseif 30000 <= _b * 1000 + $mc.mone>>\
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. It heavily reduced the time that you could spend with $
<<if $g.B.riva[1] > 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/End10.jpg">>\
You had a good time together whenever you could, but your rendezvous become less frequent with each week. On June 1st you had enough money to study at good college on the other side of the country, but by that time you barely saw $ You finally confronted her about it and she just broke up with you without much of an explanation.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End13.jpg">>\
On June 1st you had enough money to study at good college on the other side of the country, but she would have to stay here for a couple of years and work on her PhD. At least you had a full summer to spend together.
Before you went to college, $ and you were almost inseparable. A lot of time was spent in bed and other surfaces. In the middle of the August she initiated a serious talk about your future. The result of that was a bittersweet break up on your last day at home.
<<set $imag = "files/B/End10.jpg">>\
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. It heavily reduced the time that you could spend with $
You had a good time together whenever you could, but your rendezvous become less frequent with each week. Unfortunately, you didn't have enough time to collect a required sum and you barely saw $ when it was clear. You finally confronted her about it and she just broke up with you without much of an explanation.
<<link "Restart">>
<<link "Quit">>
<</link>><<set _a = (new Date(2001,4,31) - $date[0]) / 86400000>>\
<<set _b = Math.trunc(_a / 7)>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4 and $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
You got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town, but unfortunately $ can't go study there next autumn. You work very hard for it to drop this opportunity now and she completely understood you. At least you had a full summer to spend together.
<<if $g.C.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End10.jpg">>\
But through all June $'s attitude was getting progressively worse and in July she broke up with you. She didn't want to prolong her heartbreak.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End11.jpg">>\
$ was a great girlfriend through all summer. You spent a lot of time together having sex, going on dates and hanging out. Before you went away, she said to have fun at college, to remember the good times you both had and visit her sometimes.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End12.jpg">>\
$ was a great girlfriend through all summer. You spent a lot of time together having sex, going on dates and hanging out. Before you went away, she decided to move in this city with you.
<<if $mc.mone >= 5000>>\
You had enough money to rent an apartment next to campus while $ will be looking for a job.
$ will stay behind to work and save enough money to rent an apartment next to campus while she'll be looking for a job at the new place.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 and $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and spent most of your free time with $ There were a lot of sex and fun, but her grades started to slip off. After last exams you got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town. Unfortunately $ can't go study there next autumn.
<<if $g.C.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End10.jpg">>\
At the beginning of June she broke up with you. $ didn't want to prolong her heartbreak while waiting for you to leave her.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End11.jpg">>\
She was a great girlfriend through the rest of summer. Before you went away, $ said to have fun at college, to remember the good times you both had and visit her sometimes.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End12.jpg">>\
She was a great girlfriend through the rest of summer. Before you went away, $ decided to move in this city with you.
<<if 5000 > _b * 1000 + $mc.mone>>\
She will stay behind to work and save enough money to rent an apartment next to campus while she'll be looking for a job at the new place.
You had enough money to rent an apartment next to campus while she will be looking for a job.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 4 or $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4>>\
After the last exams \
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
After winning at swimming tournament of the national level \
you had a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country, but $'s grades wasn't good enough to go study there with you next autumn. You worked very hard for it to drop this opportunity now and she completely understood you. At least you had a full summer to spend together.
<<if $g.C.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End10.jpg">>\
But through all June $ attitude was getting progressively worse and in July she broke up with you. She didn't want to prolong her heartbreak.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End11.jpg">>\
$ was a great girlfriend through all summer. You spent a lot of time together having sex, going on dates and hanging out. Before you went away, she said to have fun at college, to remember the good times you both had and visit her sometimes.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End12.jpg">>\
$ was a great girlfriend through all summer. You spent a lot of time together having sex, going on dates and hanging out. Before you went away, she decided to move in this city with you.
<<if $mc.mone >= 5000>>\
You had enough money to rent an apartment next to campus while $ will be looking for a job.
$ will stay behind to work and save enough money to rent an apartment next to campus while she'll be looking for a job at new place.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 or $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and spent most of your free time with $ You had a lot of sex and fun together, while encouraging her to study harder.
<<if $g.C.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End10.jpg">>\
Unfortunately, she started to be less enthusiastic about your study sessions with time, canceled a lot of them and finally you had a big fight. The result of which was a break up and ghosting from $ It was very uncharacteristic for her, but you couldn't do anything about it.
After last exams you got a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country.
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End10.jpg">>\
At first she tried hard, but her enthusiasm dropped noticeably before the last exams. You got a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country, while she'll be staying in town. $ wasn't heartbroken about her failure and it made you question your relationship. You didn't have to wait long for her to break up with you without much of an explanation.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End12.jpg">>\
The day of the last exams was happy for both of you, because in autumn you will be going to the same college together.
<<elseif 30000 <= _b * 1000 + $mc.mone>>\
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. It heavily reduced the time that you could spend with $
<<if $g.C.riva[1] > 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/End10.jpg">>\
At first she was understanding towards your situation, but with time she became less interested in keeping your relationship together. On June 1st you had enough money to study at good college on the other side of the country, but it was the same day that $ decided to break up with you.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End12.jpg">>\
She was very supportive to you and spent most of her free time studying. The result of that was a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country. And by the June 1st you had enough money to study there together next autumn.
<<set $imag = "files/C/End10.jpg">>\
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. It heavily reduced the time that you could spend with $
She spent most of her free time studying and got a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country. Unfortunately, you didn't have enough time to collect a required sum and it was the trigger to the end of your relationship.
<<link "Restart">>
<<link "Quit">>
0 - kitchen
1 - read
2 - rest
3 - study alone
4 - tv
5 - mas her
6 - mas him
7 - tease bed
8 - tease yar
9 - date
10 - study together
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $temp[2] == 0>>
<<set _ar = [0,1,2,3,3,4]>>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0 and $g.C.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(5,6,7)>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(8)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 1>>
<<set _ar = [9]>>
<<set _da = random(3)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 3>>
<<set _ar = [10]>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ cooking in the kitchen.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Kit0.jpg">>\
She told you that she doesn't need help and you should wait. After the meal was done, you ate together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Kit1.jpg">>\
She told you that she doesn't need help, but she would like if you keep her company. After the meal was done, you ate together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Kit2.jpg">>\
She told you that she doesn't need help, but asked you to stay and keep her company. After the meal was done, you ate together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Kit3.jpg">>\
A few times $ would glance at you briefly and smile while eating.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Kit4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Kit5.jpg">>\
A couple of times $ would play with her clothes and reveal her underwear in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ reading some book.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Rea0.jpg">>\
When you asked to join her, she gave you a book that would be interesting for you and then continued to read.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Rea1.jpg">>\
She put her book aside and spent time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Rea2.jpg">>\
She was glad to spend time with you instead of reading her book.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Rea3.jpg">>\
$ was hanging on your every word while you were talking.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Rea4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Rea5.jpg">>\
At some point $ was pulling on her shorts and revealing her panties in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ resting on the couch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but was not very active participant in the conversation.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She cleared some space for you to join her when you approached her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She invited you to sit next to her and spend some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her hair while talking with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
At some point $ was demonstrating her panties as if by chance.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ busy studying.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu00.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you hanging out with her, but you didn't receive much of her attention.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu01.jpg">>\
She decided to take a break and spend time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu02.jpg">>\
She stopped doing it when she saw you approaching and spent some time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu03.jpg">>\
$ was nervously fidgeting with her shorts while talking with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu04.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu05.jpg">>\
At some point $ was demonstrating her panties as if by chance.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ watching TV.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but asked you to be quiet.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to join her and cleared some space for you next to her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She invited you to sit next to her when you aproached her.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
$ laid down and put her head on your knees.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
$ laid next you in a position that was giving you a good look at her chest.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 5>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Mas" + random(1) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ finishing some chores around the house.
She complained of being tired and asked for a massage when you approached her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 6>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Mas" + random(2,3) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ lying on her bed and daydreaming.
When you approached her she asked if you want a massage.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 7>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ lying on her bed and daydreaming.
A little smile appeared on her face when she told you to leave her room for a minute.
$ was wearing only an underwear and started to tease you when you returned.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 8>>\
<<set _se = 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Yar" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ sunbathing in her backyard.
She started to tease you when you approached her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 9>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ agreed to go on a date with you.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
She thanked you for the date after returning to her place, said goodbyes and then went inside.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
After returning to her place she kissed you on the cheek, thanked you for the date and then asked if you want to hang out a little.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
After returning to her place she kissed you, told you how fun the date was and then asked if you want to hang out a little.
<<if $temp[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Dat"+_da+($temp[1]+2)+".jpg">>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Dat"+_da+$temp[0]+".jpg">>\
<<if _da == 0>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
$ sat very close to you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
A few times $ would attract your attention to her chest and legs by straightening her dress.
<<elseif _da == 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
$ was nervously playing with the skirt of her dress.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
$ pulled down the top of her dress and asked to look at her bra for any damage.
<<elseif _da == 2>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
$ was nervously playing with her skirt.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
At some point $ started to straighten her panties in front of you.
<<elseif _da == 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
$ was keeping an eye contact while you talked.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
At some point $ asked if you think that her panties are cute and lifted up the skirt of her dress.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 10>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You asked $ if you can study together.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu10.jpg">>\
She agreed to it and was helpful with the subject, but mostly ignored your attempts to talk during this study session.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu11.jpg">>\
She readily agreed and you spent time helping each other while studying and talking during the breaks.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu12.jpg">>\
She happily agreed and you spent time helping each other while studying and talking during the breaks.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu13.jpg">>\
$ was sitting very close to you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu14.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Hou/Stu15.jpg">>\
At some point $ was pulling at her shorts and revealing her panties in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.C.attr[1] == 3 and $g.C.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $mc.more == "C">>\
<<more $g.C>>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Mas">>
<<set _ra2 = 2>>
<<elseif _se == 2>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 3>>
<<set _ra1 = "Yar">>
<<set _ra2 = 2>>
<<sex1 $g.C _ra1 _ra2>>
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = 1>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<sex1 $g.C _ra1 9>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseC">>
<<if $temp[4] === "B">>\
$ was exercising when you approached her.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Gym/Gym0.jpg">>\
She reluctantly agreed when you asked to join her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Gym/Gym1.jpg">>\
She agreed when you asked to join her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Gym/Gym2.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her before you managed to ask for it.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Gym/Gym3.jpg">>\
$ was looking at your body through a mirror while doing her sets.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Gym/Gym4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/B/Gym/Gym5.jpg">>\
$ was making sure that you are watching her when she did squats.
<<elseif $temp[4] === "C">>\
$ was exercising when you approached her.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Gym/Gym0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Gym/Gym1.jpg">>\
She agreed when you asked to join her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Gym/Gym2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to join her.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Gym/Gym3.jpg">>\
$ was more interested in watching you exercise than doing it herself.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Gym/Gym4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Gym/Gym5.jpg">>\
$ mostly chose routines that would show off her ass.
<<elseif $temp[4] === "G">>\
$ was exercising when you approached her.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Gym/Gym0.jpg">>\
She was ok with you joining her, but almost completely ignored you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Gym/Gym1.jpg">>\
She was ok with you joining her to exercise together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Gym/Gym2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to join her and exercise together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Gym/Gym3.jpg">>\
$ was looking at your body with a visible interest the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Gym/Gym4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Gym/Gym5.jpg">>\
At some point $ stopped exercising and started to expose her body a little while watching for your reaction.
<<if $temp[3] === true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<set _a = $temp[4]>>\
<<if $g[_a].attr[1] === 3 and $g[_a].rela[1] === 0
and $g[_a].desi === 100>>\
<<color grey 'Making a move on girls is not an option at this location.'>>
<<elseif $g[_a].rela[1] > 0>>\
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this location.'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "Gym">>
0 - study alone
1 - with friends
2 - lunch
3 - study together
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $temp[2] == 0>>
<<set _ar = [0,0,1]>>
<<if $time[0] == 1>>
<<set _ar.push(2)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 3>>
<<set _ar = [3]>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
You found $ studying alone in empty classroom.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu00.jpg">>\
She didn't mind your company if you would help her, so you spent time assisting her to the best of your abilities.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu01.jpg">>\
She decided to take a break and spent time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu02.jpg">>\
She readily decided to take a break and spent time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu03.jpg">>\
$ was keeping the eye contact with you while you were talking.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu04.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you while you were talking.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu05.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her clothes in a way that draw attention to her chest while you were talking..
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
You found $ in a hallway talking with her friends.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Fri0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining them, but paid you a little attention.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Fri1.jpg">>\
She excused herself to them and you went to empty classroom where you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Fri2.jpg">>\
She excused herself to them and happily went with you to empty classroom where you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Fri3.jpg">>\
$ was playing nervously with her hair when you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Fri4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you when you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Fri5.jpg">>\
$ was sexily playing with the straps of her skirt when you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
You found $ on her way to have lunch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Lun0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you tagging along, but wasn't talkative during it either.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Lun1.jpg">>\
She agreed to have lunch together. After which, you found a secluded place to hang out with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Lun2.jpg">>\
She was happy to have lunch together. After which, you found a secluded place to hang out with her.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Lun3.jpg">>\
$ was very responsive to any attempt at humor from you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Lun4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Lun5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would position herself in a way that would showed off her ass.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
You managed to persuade $ to study together.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu10.jpg">>\
She chose a public place to do it and wasn't talkative with you during the study session.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu11.jpg">>\
You found an empty classroom and spent time talking and helping each other on subjects.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu12.jpg">>\
She found an empty classroom where you spent time talking and helping each other on subjects.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu13.jpg">>\
$ was lightly teasing about you becoming dumber because you wanted to study with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu14.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/C/Sch/Stu15.jpg">>\
$ found a couple of excuses to lean forward in front of you and show off her ass in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/C/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.C.attr[1] == 3 and $g.C.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $mc.more == "C">>\
<<more $g.C>>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.C "Sch" 0>>
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.C "Sch" 0>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "School">>
0 - kitchen
1 - pool sun
2 - pool swim
3 - rest
4 - shop
5 - tv
6 - bath
7 - shower
8 - kit sexy
9 - lingerie
10 - massage
11 - pool naked
12 - bed norm
13 - bed sexy
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [0,3,3,5,5]>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(1,1,2,2,4)>>
<<if $g.D.rela[1] > 0 and $g.D.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(8,9)>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(10,11)>>
<<elseif $time[0] == 2>>
<<set _ar.push(6,7)>>
<<elseif $g.D.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _ar = [12]>>
<<if $g.D.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(13)>>
<<if $g.A.loca == "HouseD">>
<<set _ar.delete(1,2,11)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ cooking in the kitchen.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Kit0.jpg">>\
You volunteered to take over since she is not really good at it. You ate together after the meal was ready.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Kit1.jpg">>\
You volunteered to take over since she is not really good at it. She readily agreed and kept you company. You ate together after the meal was ready.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Kit2.jpg">>\
You volunteered to take over since she is not really good at it. She readily agreed, but still tried to help. You ate together after the meal was ready.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Kit3.jpg">>\
$ was trying to make you laugh with raunchy jokes and was successful most of the time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Kit4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Kit5.jpg">>\
At some point $ left the kitchen. She returned less dressed and started to tease you by playing with her breasts from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
You found $ near the pool sunbathing.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sun0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind your company, but was not in the mood to talk.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sun1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sun2.jpg">>\
She insisted that you should join her and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sun3.jpg">>\
A few times $ was stretching and showing off her body in the process.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sun4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sun5.jpg">>\
$ was teasing you by pretending to have problems with the top of her swimsuit.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
You found $ swimming in the pool.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Swi0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind your company, but she was more concentrated on swimming than you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Swi1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Swi2.jpg">>\
She insisted that you should join her and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Swi3.jpg">>\
A few times $ would take a break from swimming to start a splash fight with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Swi4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Swi5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would stick out her chest, which would reduce the coverage of her body by the swimsuit.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ resting on the couch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind your company, but was not in the mood to talk.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She insisted that you should join her and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
$ was teasing you about being in the company of an older woman instead of chasing after young girls.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would lean forward to give you a better view of her cleavage.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ ready to go shopping.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sho0.jpg">>\
She kissed you on cheek after you volunteered to accompany her. You spent some time in stores before finally returning to her place.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sho1.jpg">>\
She asked you to accompany her and you agreed. You spent some time in stores before finally returning to her place.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sho2.jpg">>\
She made a cute face, asked if you would accompany her "pretty please" and you agreed. You spent some time in stores before finally returning to her place.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sho3.jpg">>\
While you were shopping $ was constantly pointing at women and asking which of them you would do.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sho4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Sho5.jpg">>\
A few times that you two were having some kind of privacy, $ would lift her sweater and show you her underboob to you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 5>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ watching TV.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind your company, but she was concentrating on watching her show.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and switched the channel to something you two would enjoy.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her, switched the channel to something you two would enjoy and cuddled with you on the couch.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
$ would tickle your face or neck with her long hair from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
At some point $ complained about the heat, removed her sweater and told you to not dare to try to peek on her "big juicy tits".
<<elseif $temp[5] == 6>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bat" + random(3,5) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You were spending time with $ when she told you that you are stinking and now she has to wash your filthy body. After that she led you to the bathroom.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 7>>\
<<set _se = 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bat" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You were spending time with $ when told you that she in the mood to finger herself in the bathroom and that you should definitely supervise the process. After that she led you to the bathroom.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 8>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Kit" + random(1) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ cooking in the kitchen half naked.
She told you that she needs your help with watching her technique and proceeded to tease you by taking suggestive poses from time to time. When the meal was ready you ate together.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 9>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Lin" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ walking around her house wearing lingerie.
She told you that she was hoping that you would show up and started to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 10>>\
<<set _se = 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Mas" + random(1) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ entering house after swimming session.
She asked you to give her a massage and stripped naked while you were preparing space to do it.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 11>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Nak" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ swimming in the pool naked.
She told you to strip naked, but slowly and then jump in.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 12>>\
<<set _se = 5>>\
You found $ getting ready to sleep.
<<if $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bed1.jpg">>\
She asked you to be her cuddle buddy tonight. Before bed you spent some time talking.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bed2.jpg">>\
She told you that she needs her cuddle buddy tonight. Before bed you spent some time talking.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bed3.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to jokingly interrogate you on which woman had better tits than her while moving them closer to your face.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bed4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bed5.jpg">>\
$ was teasing you by almost revealing her breasts a few times.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 13>>\
<<set _se = 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/D/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her bedroom.
From the moment you entered her bedroom she started to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/D/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.D.attr[1] == 3 and $g.D.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.D.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.D.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Poo">>
<<set _ra2 = 1>>
<<elseif _se == 2>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bat">>
<<set _ra2 = 0>>
<<elseif _se == 3>>
<<set _ra1 = "Sho">>
<<set _ra2 = 0>>
<<elseif _se == 4>>
<<set _ra1 = "Mas">>
<<set _ra2 = 3>>
<<elseif _se == 5>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<sex1 $g.D _ra1 _ra2>>
<<elseif $g.D.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.D.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.D.rela[1] = 1>>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Poo">>
<<set _ra2 = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.D _ra1 _ra2>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseD">>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseD">>
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<set $temp[5] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
You found $ sunbathing by the pool.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun" + $temp[5] + "0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun" + $temp[5] + "1.jpg">>\
She was glad to spend some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun" + $temp[5] + "2.jpg">>\
She was smiling when she invited you to spend some time together.
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun03.jpg">>\
More than a few times you caught $ looking at your body.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun04.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun05.jpg">>\
From time to time $ would press her breasts close together and watch your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun13.jpg">>\
$ played with the straps of her bikini top.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun14.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun15.jpg">>\
At some point $ removed her bikini top without any comment on it.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun23.jpg">>\
You noticed $ looking at you and absentmindedly playing with her bikini top.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun24.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun25.jpg">>\
$ was pulling on the straps of her bikini top and revealing more of her breasts in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun33.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her bikini top while looking at you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun34.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun35.jpg">>\
At some point $ was sitting in pose that showed off her miniature bikini bottom.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun43.jpg">>\
More than a few times you caught $ looking at you body.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun44.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Sis/Sun45.jpg">>\
At some point $ removed her bikini top without any comment on it.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/A/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.A.attr[1] == 3 and $g.A.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.A.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.A "Poo" 2>>
<<elseif $g.A.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.A.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.A "Poo" 2>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseD">>
<</link>><table border="2">\
<<if $bars !== false>>\
<caption><<tool white 'Stats tracker' 'Table of stats for all girls. \nClick on the name of the girl to see more.'>></caption>
<td colspan="6">Attitude factors</td>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.A.iden>>
<<if $g.A.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<td><<if $g.A.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.A.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.A.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] > 0
or ($mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.A.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.A.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.A.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.A.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>\
<<if $mc.acad[0] > 74>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.A.fact[0] > 5 and $g.A.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.A.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.B.iden>>
<<if $g.B.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[0] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Not active'>></td>
<td><<if $g.B.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.B.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.B.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 1 or $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<if $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 1 or $mc.occu[1] == 2>>\
<<if $mc.part < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.B.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.stre[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.B.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.B.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3 or
($mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2 or
($mc.occu[1] == 2 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1 or
($mc.occu[1] == 1 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.B.fact[0] > 5 and $g.B.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.B.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.C.iden>>
<<if $g.C.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[0] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Not active'>></td>
<td><<if $g.C.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.C.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.C.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] < 1 or $mc.occu[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.C.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.C.fact[1][2] == -1>>\
<<if $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.C.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.C.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 0>>\
<<if $mc.acad[0] >= 95>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 74>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.acad[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.C.fact[0] > 5 and $g.C.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.C.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.D.iden>>
<<if $g.D.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<td><<if $g.D.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.D.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.D.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $g.A.atti[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.atti[1] == 0>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.D.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.D.fact[1][2] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[1][2] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.D.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.D.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.swim > 59>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.swim > 19>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.D.fact[0] > 5 and $g.D.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.D.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.E.iden>>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[0] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Not active'>></td>
<td><<if $g.E.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.E.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.E.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 74>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.E.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.E.fact[1][2] == -1>>\
<<if $g.E.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.E.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.popu > 99>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.E.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.E.fact[0] > 5 and $g.E.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.E.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.F.iden>>
<<if $g.F.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[0] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Not active'>></td>
<td><<if $g.F.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.F.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.F.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $g.E.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 2>>\
<<if $g.E.riva[1] < 9>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.F.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.F.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 74>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.F.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>\
<<if $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 3>>\
<<if $mc.part < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.F.fact[0] > 5 and $g.F.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.F.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.G.iden>>
<<if $g.G.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[0] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Not active'>></td>
<td><<if $g.G.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.G.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.G.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>\
<<if $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.G.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.endu[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.G.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.stre[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.G.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $g.G.fact[1][4] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][4] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.G.fact[0] > 5 and $g.G.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.G.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.H.iden>>
<<if $g.H.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[0] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Not active'>></td>
<td><<if $g.H.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.H.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.H.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] > 0
or ($mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.H.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.H.fact[1][2] == -1>>\
<<if $g.H.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.H.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.H.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.H.fact[0] > 5 and $g.H.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.H.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<tr><td><<link "$">>
<<right $g.I.iden>>
<<if $g.I.rela[1] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Broke up'>></td>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[0] < 0>>\
<td colspan = 8><<color grey 'Not active'>></td>
<td><<if $g.I.fact[0] > 0>>\
<<if $g.I.fact[1][0] < 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[1][0] < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[1][0] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[1][0] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
<td><<if $g.I.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3 or ($mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen "+2">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2 or ($mc.occu[1] == 2 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1 or ($mc.occu[1] == 1 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgrey "0">>
<<color red "-2">>
<<color grey ??>>
<td><<if $g.I.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.hand[1] == 0>>\
<<color limegreen "+2">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 2>>\
<<color lightgrey "0">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 3>>\
<<color red "-2">>
<<color grey ??>>
<td><<if $g.I.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>\
<<color limegreen "+2">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey "0">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color red "-2">>
<<color grey ??>>
<td><<if $g.I.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $g.H.fact[2] < 0>>\
<<color lightgrey "0">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen "+2">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1">>
<<color lightgrey "0">>
<<color grey ??>>
<td><<if $g.I.fact[0] > 5 and $g.I.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $g.I.fact[2] == -1>>\
<<color grey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2'>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1'>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[2] < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey '0'>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[2] < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1'>>
<<color red '-2'>>
<<color grey '??'>>
0 - clean
1 - friend
2 - rest
<<if $temp[5] == undefined and $temp[6] == undefined>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar = [0,2]>>
<<set _ar = [1]>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<set $temp[6] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
You found $ cleaning the house.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "0.jpg">>\
She thanked you for volunteering to help her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to help her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "2.jpg">>\
She gave you a warm hug for volunteering to help her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
You found $ talking with $
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "0.jpg">>\
They agreed to your request to join them, but rarely involved you in conversation.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "1.jpg">>\
$ excused herself and left you alone with $ You spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "2.jpg">>\
$ excused herself and left you alone with $, who was pleased to spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
You found $ resting after she finished cleaning a short time ago.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but wanted more to relax than talk with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to spend some time with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri" + $temp[6] + "2.jpg">>\
She gave you a hug when you came to spend some time with her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/A/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[6] == 0>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri03.jpg">>\
A couple of times you caught $ checking out your body.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri04.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri05.jpg">>\
$ was pulling her top in a way that revealed more of her breasts.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri13.jpg">>\
$ was nervously playing with the straps of her top.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri14.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri15.jpg">>\
At some point $ bent over and her pants slid down a little.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 2>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri23.jpg">>\
A couple of times you caught $ checking out your body.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri24.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri25.jpg">>\
At some point $ pressed her breasts together and watched your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri33.jpg">>\
A couple of times you caught $ checking out your body.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri34.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri35.jpg">>\
A couple of times $ pulled up her shirt and revealed more of breasts in the process.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri43.jpg">>\
$ was in a really good mood.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri44.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/A/Fri/Fri45.jpg">>\
A couple of times $ pulled up her shirt and revealed more of breasts in the process.
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.A.attr[1] == 3 and $g.A.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.A.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.A "Roo" 9>>
<<elseif $g.A.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.A.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.A.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.A "Roo" 9>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseF">>
<</link>><<set $imag = "files/Misc/Restaurant.jpg">>\
You and $ are having a farewell dinner for $ at a nice restaurant. She has been living with us this past year since she moved back to her home town, while her new house was being renovated. $'s stuff has already been moved to her new place which is not far from home, and she'll move out tomorrow. $ talked about her new job at the local charity to keep her busy and you shared your plans for the next year. You want to go to a good college and to achieve this you have 3 options:
1) Academic - Get excellent grades to acquire a scholarship.
2) Money - Save enough money to pay for it. You'll be working at the library all summer, plus there are possibilities for a promotion and a better job. But you'll need to secure the job you are aiming for before the end of the summer. Also a few neighbors rely on you to do some handiwork for them.
3) Sport - By winning a national swimming competition between schools to acquire a sport scholarship.
Achieving one of them would be enough to ensure your bright future, but you need to stay focused.
<<link "Finish dinner" "HouseA">>
<<set $g.A.loca = "HouseA">>
<<set $g.D.loca = "HouseA">>
<<set $time[0] = 3>>
<</link>>* <<tool white 'Words with a question mark' 'Example.'>> will show a tooltip that contains some information about game's mechanics if hover cursor over them;
* To prevent some bugs and to somewhat balance gameplay not all passages have full functionality. These features maybe be On/Off depending on the current action:<br>1) Use of consumables; 2) Options; 3) Links to NTR events; 4) "1 Sidebar" / "2 Sidebars" toggle.
* To start a sexual relationship with a girl MC needs to reach 100 Desire towards her and her Attraction state must be "High";
* Desire rises when MC interacts with a girl that has Attraction state "Low" and higher or MC's Lust is equal 100 (state "Horny");
* Attraction rises by interacting with a girl or performing some actions in the same location with a girl and MC meets her "Attraction factors";
* Attitude state "Bad" will prevent Attraction from rising;
* To prevent NTR events for a girl at Relationship state "Lovers" her last Attitude factor must not reach <<color red '-2 state'>>, but after enough events they will be unstoppable;
* There is variable "Experience" for girls that is displayed indirectly in sex minigame. Depending on its value:<br> - there will be 1, 3 or 5 available sex actions;<br> - her satisfaction must reach 50, 100 or 150 to "win" minigame.<br> "Experience" rises by any sex action (with bigger value at the preferred one). Each night preferred action would be randomly picked from the list of available. After the "win" preferred action will be "remembered" (<<color grey '♦'>> <<color limegreen '♦'>> to keep track) and from now on it will show which actions would be more effective ( < <<color limegreen '+'>> < <<color limegreen '++'>>) when this action are the preferred one;
* Some schoolgirls have a 25% chance to not be at home every evening. For 2nd type it is true only on Weekends. 3rd type wouldn't go out at all.<<if $vers != "Ivy-v1" and $vers != "Ivy-v1u"
and $vers != "Ivy-v1uc">>
<<set _f = {
G : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [100, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [1, 1, 2]],
iden : "G",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseG",
name : "<b>Gwen</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 150]
<<set _g = {
H : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [0, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, -1, 0, 0], [-1], [0, 0, 0]],
iden : "H",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseI",
name : "<b>Hana</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 50]
I : {
atti : [50, 1],
attr : [0, 0],
desi : 0,
even : [],
expe : [50, []],
fact : [-1, [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1], [1, 2, 1]],
iden : "I",
inte : 0,
loca : "HouseI",
name : "<b>Ivy</b>",
pref : "Soft",
rela : [0, 0],
riva : [0, 0, 0],
sati : [0, 100]
<<set $tag = {
e : Story.lookup("tags", "event").map(function (event){return event.title}),
i : Story.lookup("tags", "intro").map(function (intro){return intro.title}),
u : Story.lookup("tags", "use").map(function (use){return use.title})
<<if $vers.first() === "F">>
<<set jQuery.extend($g, _f, _g)>>
<<set $bars = true>>
<<set $list[0].pushUnique("G","H","I")>>
<<set $list[3].pushUnique("G","I")>>
<<if $vers.charAt(6) === "1">>
<<set $text[4] = "">>
<<set $text[5] = "">>
<<set $text[6] = "">>
<<elseif $vers.first() === "G">>
<<set jQuery.extend($g, _g)>>
<<set $bars = true>>
<<set $list[0].pushUnique("H","I")>>
<<set $list[3].pushUnique("I")>>
<<elseif $vers.first() === "H">>
<<set $list[0].pushUnique("I")>>
<<set $list[3].pushUnique("I")>>
<<if $vers.charAt($vers.length - 1) === "c">>
<<set $vers = "Ivy-v1uc">>
<<set $vers = "Ivy-v1u">>
<<if $mc.occu[1] == 0>>\
<<set $mc.occu[1] = 1>>\
<<set $mc.goal[0] = 4>>\
<<set $mc.goal[1] = 1>>\
<<set $mc.goal[2] = 3>>\
<<link "goal0 - achi" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[0] = 4>>
<</link>> | \
<span class="linkPink"><<link "goal0 - prog" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[0] = 0>>
<</link>></span> | \
<<link "goal0 - fail" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[0] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
Academic - \
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4>>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color pink 'In progress'>>
<<link "goal1 - achi" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "goal1 - fail" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
Money - \
<<if $mc.goal[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[1] == -1>>\
<<link "goal2 - achi" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[2] = 3>>
<</link>> | \
<span class="linkPink"><<link "goal2 - prog" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[2] = 0>>
<</link>></span> | \
<<link "goal2 - fail" $cp>>
<<set $mc.goal[2] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
Sport - \
<<if $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color pink 'In progress'>>
<<link "Job OfficeIT" $cp>>
<<set $mc.occu[1] = 3>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "Job Lib Tech" $cp>>
<<set $mc.occu[1] = 2>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "Job Lib Assist" $cp>>
<<set $mc.occu[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "Unemployed" $cp>>
<<set $mc.occu[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
Job - \
<<if $mc.occu[1] == -1>>\
Without job
<<= $mc.occu[2][$mc.occu[1]]>>
<<link "A rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.A.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "A rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.A.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "A rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.A.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.A.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.A.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "A rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.A.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "A rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.A.riva[1] = 7>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "A rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.A.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.A.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.A.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<link "B rela Wants more" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.rela[1] = 2>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "B rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "B rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "B rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.B.rela[1] == 2>>\
Wants more
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.B.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "B rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "B rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.riva[1] = 4>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "B rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.B.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.B.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.B.riva[1] == 4>>\
<<link "C rela Wants more" $cp>>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = 2>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "C rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "C rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "C rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.C.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.C.rela[1] == 2>>\
Wants more
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.C.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "C rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.C.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "C rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.C.riva[1] = 5>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "C rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.C.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.C.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.C.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<link "D rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.D.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "D rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.D.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "D rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.D.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.D.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.D.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "D rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.D.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "D rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.D.riva[1] = 6>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "D rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.D.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.D.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.D.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<link "E rela Wants more" $cp>>
<<set $g.E.rela[1] = 2>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "E rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.E.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "E rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.E.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "E rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.E.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.E.rela[1] == 2>>\
Wants more
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "E rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.E.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "E rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.E.riva[1] = 6>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "E rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.E.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.E.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<link "F rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.F.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "F rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.F.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "F rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.F.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.F.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.F.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "F rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.F.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "F rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.F.riva[1] = 5>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "F rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.F.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.F.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<link "G rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.G.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "G rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.G.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "G rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.G.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.G.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.G.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "G rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.G.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "G rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.G.riva[1] = 5>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "G rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.G.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.G.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<link "H rela Wants more" $cp>>
<<set $g.H.rela[1] = 2>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "H rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.H.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "H rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.H.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "H rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.H.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.H.rela[1] == 2>>\
Wants more
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "H rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.H.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "H rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.H.riva[1] = 7>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "H rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.H.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.H.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<link "I rela Lovers" $cp>>
<<set $g.I.rela[1] = 1>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "I rela Neutral" $cp>>
<<set $g.I.rela[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "I rela Break up" $cp>>
<<set $g.I.rela[1] = -1>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.I.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<elseif $g.I.rela[1] == 0>>\
Break up
<<link "I rival High" $cp>>
<<set $g.I.riva[1] = 10>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "I rival Med" $cp>>
<<set $g.I.riva[1] = 6>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "I rival Low" $cp>>
<<set $g.I.riva[1] = 0>>
<</link>> | \
<<if $g.I.riva[1] == 10>>\
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] == 6>>\
<span class="linkPink"><<link "Money 30000" $cp>>
<<set $mc.mone = 30000>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "Money 5000" $cp>>
<<set $mc.mone = 5000>>
<</link>> | \
<<link "Money 0" $cp>>
<<set $mc.mone = 0>>
<</link>></span> | \
<<color pink 'Pink options not valid for general ending. Also Money options inconsistently valid for personal endings.'>>
"Rela" and goal1 options valid only for general ending.
List of girls for which goals are not valid: Faye,Gwen.
<<link "Test general ending" "TheEnd">>
<<set $temp = [0]>>
<<link "Test $'s ending" "GBEnd">>
<<link "Test $'s ending" "GCEnd">>
<<link "Test $'s ending" "GEEnd">>
<<link "Test $'s ending" "GHEnd">>
<</link>><<set _fa = 0>>
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 74>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 49>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 24>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $g.E.fact[1][2] == -1>>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 4>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 7>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 10>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 13>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $g.E.fact[1][2] > -1>>
<<set $g.E.fact[1][2]++>>
<<if $mc.popu > 99>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 59>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<night $g.E>><<nobr>>
0 - phone
1 - pool sun
2 - pool swim
3 - rest
4 - tv
5 - bath
6 - shower
7 - ling
8 - massage
9 - pool naked
10 - bed norm
11 - bed sexy
12 - date
13 - swim exercise
14 - study together
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $temp[2] == 0>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [0,3,4,4]>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(1,2,2)>>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] > 0 and $g.E.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(7)>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(8,9)>>
<<elseif $time[0] == 2>>
<<set _ar.push(5,6)>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _ar = [10]>>
<<if $g.E.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(11)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 1>>
<<set _ar = [12]>>
<<set _da = random(4)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 2>>
<<set _ar = [13]>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 3>>
<<set _ar = [14]>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ talking on the phone.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Pho0.jpg">>\
After reluctantly ending the phone call, she was a passive participant in the conversation with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Pho1.jpg">>\
She ended the phone call to spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Pho2.jpg">>\
She readily ended the phone call to spend some time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Pho3.jpg">>\
$ was absentmindedly playing with her shorts while looking at your body.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Pho4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Pho5.jpg">>\
At some point $ grabbed you hand, guided it to her chest and asked what do you think about their size.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
You found $ sunbathing by the pool.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Sun0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but she wasn't in talkative mood either.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Sun1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to join her and spend some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Sun2.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Sun3.jpg">>\
You caught $ looking at your body more than once.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Sun4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Sun5.jpg">>\
At some point $ flashed you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
You found $ swimming in the pool.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Swi0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but she was swimming by herself most of the time.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Swi1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and do it together like in old times.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Swi2.jpg">>\
When you approached the pool, she splashed you a few times to make you chase her like in old times.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Swi3.jpg">>\
After some time you noticed that $ looks happy.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Swi4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Swi5.jpg">>\
Atsome some point $'s top became undone, but she wasn't in a hurry to fix it.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ resting on her bed.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She looked bored and your presence didn't seem to change it.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to spend some time with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and spend some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
At some point $ sat very close to you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
At some point $ pulled up her top and showed off her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ watching TV.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She said that you can join her, but she was more interested in the show than talking with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and spend some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her with a big smile on her face.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
At some point $ sat very close and leaned on you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to play with her top in a way that almost exposed her nipples.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 5>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bat" + random(3,5) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You were hanging out with $ for some time when she invited you to take a bath together.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 6>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bat" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You were hanging out with $ for some time when she invited you to take a shower together.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 7>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Lin" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her room trying on some lingerie.
When you she was you approaching, she told you to join her and spent some time teasing you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 8>>\
<<set _se = 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Mas" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ entering the house after a swimming session.
She persuaded you to give her a massage.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 9>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Nak" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ swimming in the pool.
When you started to remove your clothes to join her, she began to remove her swimsuit and told you strip naked to skinny dip with her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 10>>\
<<set _se = 4>>\
You found $ getting ready for bed.
<<if $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bed1.jpg">>\
She invited you to spend some time together, before sleeping with her tonight.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bed2.jpg">>\
She told you that you gonna be sleeping in her bed tonight and you spent some time together before doing it.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bed3.jpg">>\
From time to time $ was cupping her breast absentmindedly.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bed4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bed5.jpg">>\
$ made sure that you would get a good look at her cleavage.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 11>>\
<<set _se = 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ getting ready for bed.
After telling you that you gonna be sleeping with her tonight, she began to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 12>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ agreed to go on a date with you.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
After returning to her place she thanked you for the date and went inside the house.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
After returning to her place she thanked you for the date, gave you a hug and asked to hang out with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
After returning to her place she thanked you for the date, gave you a kiss and asked to hang out with her.
<<if $temp[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Dat"+_da+($temp[1]+2)+".jpg">>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Dat"+_da+$temp[0]+".jpg">>\
<<if _da == 0>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
A few times you noticed $ nervously playing with the end of her hair.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
A few times after the date $ made it clear that she doesn't wear panties.
<<elseif _da == 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
A few times you noticed $ nervously playing with the end of her hair.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
A few times after the date $ took a provocative pose on her bed.
<<elseif _da == 2>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
A few times you noticed $ nervously playing with her skirt and accidentally revealing her panties in the process.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
A few times after the date $ playfully showed her underwear.
<<elseif _da == 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
A few times you noticed $ nervously playing with her shorts and accidentally revealing that she doesn't wear panties in the process.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
At some point after the date $ pulled her shorts down enough to show that she doesn't wear panties.
<<elseif _da == 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
$ was very responsive to every attempt at humor from you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
You notice that $'s dress would reveal more of her skin that it should a lot during and after the dress.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 13>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
$ readily agreed to go swim in the pool.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Exe0.jpg">>\
She spent most of the time swimming by herself while ignoring you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Exe1.jpg">>\
You spent some time having fun in the pool like in old times.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Exe2.jpg">>\
You spent some time playing catch up in the pool like in old times.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Exe3.jpg">>\
A few times you noticed $ checking out your body.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Exe4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Exe5.jpg">>\
A few times $ had to stop to straighten her top and it drew your attention to her breasts in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 14>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ reluctantly agreed to study together.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Stu0.jpg">>\
She looked bored while receiving help from you in her studies.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Stu1.jpg">>\
She was attentive when you helped her with her studies and talkative during the breaks.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Stu2.jpg">>\
She was attentive when you helped her with her studies and thankful during the breaks.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Stu3.jpg">>\
$ was sitting very close to you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Stu4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Hou/Stu5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would lift her top and show her underboob to you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/E/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.E.attr[1] == 3 and $g.E.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $mc.more == "E">>\
<<more $g.E>>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Poo">>
<<set _ra2 = 0>>
<<elseif _se == 2>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bat">>
<<set _ra2 = 1>>
<<elseif _se == 3>>
<<set _ra1 = "Mas">>
<<set _ra2 = 6>>
<<elseif _se == 4>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<sex1 $g.E _ra1 _ra2>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.E.rela[1] = 1>>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Poo">>
<<set _ra2 = 0>>
<<sex1 $g.E _ra1 _ra2>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseF">>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseF">>
0 - study alone
1 - with friends
2 - lunch
3 - study together
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $temp[2] == 0>>
<<set _ar = [0,1,1]>>
<<if $time[0] == 1>>
<<set _ar.push(2)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 3>>
<<set _ar = [3]>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
You found $ doing homework with a group of her friends in empty classroom. \
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
They started to talk among themselves in low voice and giggling while looking at you. Then after greeting you, her friends left you two alone.
They encouraged her to ask you for help. After your agreement her friends left you two alone.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu00.jpg">>\
It took some time to aid her with homework and after you were done, she thanked you and left to let her friends copy it.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu01.jpg">>\
You were quickly done with homework and spent the rest of time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu02.jpg">>\
She wasn't interested in continuing to do her homework and instead you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu03.jpg">>\
At some point $ noticed you looking at her butt and began to tease you about it.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu04.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you after you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu05.jpg">>\
A few times $ would reveal more of her chest for few seconds than would be appropriate in school.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
You found $ in a hallway talking with her friends. \
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
They started to talk among themselves in low voice and giggling while looking at you. Then after greeting you, her friends left you two alone.
When she saw you approaching, she said something to them. They started to laugh and left you two alone.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Fri0.jpg">>\
You spent some time listening her talking about the school's gossip and other uninteresting stuff.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Fri1.jpg">>\
You went with her in an empty classroom to spend some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Fri2.jpg">>\
She dragged you to an empty classroom and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Fri3.jpg">>\
$ was looking you straight in the eyes while talking.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Fri4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you after you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Fri5.jpg">>\
At some point $ adjusted her clothes in a way that would show off more of her skin.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
You found $ with her friends on their way to have lunch. \
<<if $mc.popu > 59>>\
They started to talk among themselves in low voice and giggling while looking at you. Then after greeting you, her friends left you two alone.
When she saw you approaching, she said something to them. They started to laugh and left you two alone.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Lun0.jpg">>\
While eating together, she talked about uninteresting topics for you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Lun1.jpg">>\
After having a quick lunch together, you two found a secluded spot to hang out.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Lun2.jpg">>\
She was glad to have lunch together and then hang out in a secluded spot.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Lun3.jpg">>\
You noticed $ being a little bit giddy in your company.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Lun4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you after you were alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Lun5.jpg">>\
At some point $ was pretending to fix her blouse and showed off her breasts in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
You managed to persuade $ to study together.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu10.jpg">>\
You spent some time studying. Few attempts from you to start a conversation was stopped by her asking a question about the subject.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu11.jpg">>\
You found an empty classroom and spent time talking and helping her with subjects.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu12.jpg">>\
She found an empty classroom where you spent time talking and helping her with subjects.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu13.jpg">>\
$ laughed even at the corniest of your jokes.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu14.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Sch/Stu15.jpg">>\
At some point $ unbuttoned her blouse and asked what do you think about her choice of bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/E/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.E.attr[1] == 3 and $g.E.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $mc.more == "E">>\
<<more $g.E>>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.E "Sch" 5>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.E.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.E.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.E "Sch" 5>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "School">>
<<if $g.E.riva[1] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Riv/Riv0.jpg">>\ complaining to her friend about you.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Riv/Riv1.jpg">>\ complaining again to her friend about you.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Riv/Riv2.jpg">>\ receiving a call from her Ex.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Riv/Riv3.jpg">>\ receiving a second call from her Ex.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Riv/Riv4.jpg">>\ going out with her Ex as friends.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/Riv/Riv5.jpg">>\ giving a kiss to her Ex after going out the second time.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/E/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\ getting her pussy licked by her Ex after going out again.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/E/Riv/Riv102.mp4">>\ having sex with her Ex for the first time in a long time.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] > 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/E/Riv/Riv" + random(100,124) + ".mp4">>\ having sex with her Ex.
<<if $g.E.riva[1] == 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.E.riva[0] = 3>>
<</link>><<if $g.E.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 74>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 High Confidence'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Medium Confidence'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Low Confidence'>>
<<color red '-2 Not Confident'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.E.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.E.fact[1][2] == -1>>\
<<if $g.E.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<color red '-2 She expects to be taken on dates by you'>>
<<color grey 'She has not been on a date with you yet'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Had a date with her recently'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Had a date with her not long ago'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Had a date with her sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 She wants to go out with you'>>
<<color red '-2 She has not been on a date with you "in like forever"'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.E.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.popu > 99>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Considered Popular by peers'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 59>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Considered Cool by peers'>>
<<elseif $mc.popu > 19>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Accepted by peers'>>
<<color red '-2 Considered Nobody by peers'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.E.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Great progress towards your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Good progress towards your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'On the way to your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Failed your Sport goal'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] == 1 and $g.E.rela[0] == 100>>
<<set _te = "$ confessed that she wants to have more serious relationship with you and ask if you feel the same way about her.">>
<<set $mc.more = "E">>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] > 0 and $g.E.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ broke up with you in a nasty way. She said that her Ex was right about you being a loser and she shouldn't have listened to her mother in the first place to give you a chance.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.E.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[0] == -1>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ for the first time in a long time you were thinking about how you first met her. You were already living in this neighborhood for a while, but didn't have any luck with friends. On one day you saw the new chubby girl being bullied by a group of popular kids. They never fucked with you and after you interceded the bullying stopped.<br>While talking you also learned that the reason behind her stopping to hanging out with you was her Ex and his hissy fits about her having a male friend.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.E.atti[1] > 0 and $g.E.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.E.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking about how couple years back you really liked her and even though you were hanging out a lot, you were too scared to act on your attraction. You thought that she liked you too, but one day she hit you with the news about having a boyfriend. Some guy from popular crowd. Shortly after that $ stopped hanging out with you.<br>While talking you also learned that by the beginning of last spring she got tired of him and they broke up.">>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[0] == 1>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s Ex was a nice guy, especially compared to some of his friends. But she didn't like that he was confident only on the surface.">>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ wouldn't mind if you ask her on a date.">>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking about how much she cared about popularity at school before. At least it's less obvious now.">>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking about how from the beginning of your friendship both of you spent a lot of time swimming in her pool. In just a few months she lost all her excessive weight in the process and became pretty hot.<br>After hearing about your Sport goal, $ said that it would be very cool if you reach it.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.E.atti[1] > 0 and $g.E.rela[1] == 1 and $g.E.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ missed having sex and was looking forward to have a steady boyfriend.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<set _a = (new Date(2001,4,31) - $date[0]) / 86400000>>\
<<set _b = Math.trunc(_a / 7)>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4 and $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
You got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town. $ had money to study in any college, but didn't choose one yet.
<<if $g.E.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End10.jpg">>\
You though that you'll be spending more time together in the summer, but she was going out with her friends a lot. Still, you had some fun with her in June.
By the beginning of July you saw her only twice in a week. During one of your visits $ broke up with you and said that she is getting back together with her Ex.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End11.jpg">>\
You spent most of the summer together hanging out by the pool, having sex and going on a few dates. A couple of days a week she would go out with her friends while you chilled out at home.
At the end of August $ told you that she'll be studying abroad in prestigious college and you should part as friends. It surprised you, but you couldn't do anything about it.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End12.jpg">>\
You spent most of the summer together hanging out by the pool, having sex and going on few dates. At the end of August $ surprised you with news that she'll go to study in the same college with you and you'll be sharing an apartment near campus.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 and $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and spent most of your free time with $ She was a good girlfriend through the rest of the school year. After last exams you got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town.
<<if $g.E.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End10.jpg">>\
Even though with time you started to see her less, you thought things were going good between you two. But in the middle of June out of nowhere $ broke up with you and said that she is going back together with her Ex.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End10.jpg">>\
Even though with time you started to see her less, you thought things were going good between you two. But at the beginning of July out of nowhere $ broke up with you and said that she is going back together with her Ex.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End12.jpg">>\
You spent most of the summer together hanging out by the pool, having sex and going on few dates. At the end of August $ surprised you with news that she'll go to study in the same college with you and you'll be sharing an apartment near campus.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 4 or $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4>>\
After the last exams \
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
After winning at swimming tournament of the national level \
you had a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country. $ had money to study in any college, but didn't choose one yet.
<<if $g.E.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End10.jpg">>\
You though that you'll be spending more time together in the summer, but she was going out with her friends a lot. By the middle of June you saw her only twice in a week. During one of your visits $ broke up with you and said that she is getting back together with her Ex.
<<elseif $g.E.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End10.jpg">>\
You though that you'll be spending more time together in the summer, but she was going out with her friends a lot. Still, you had some fun with her in June.
By the beginning of July you saw her only twice in a week. During one of your visits $ broke up with you and said that she is getting back together with her Ex.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End11.jpg">>\
You spent most of the summer together hanging out by the pool, having sex and going on a few dates. A couple of days a week she would go out with her friends while you chilled out at home.
At the end of August $ told you that she'll be studying abroad in prestigious college and you should part as friends. It surprised you, but you couldn't do anything about it.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 or $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and spent most of your free time with $ You had a lot of sex and fun together. After last exams you got a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country.
<<if $g.E.riva[1] > 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End10.jpg">>\
You thought that thing between you two were going good, but in the middle of June out of nowhere $ broke up with you and said that she is going back together with her Ex.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End11.jpg">>\
You spent most of the summer together hanging out by the pool, having sex and going on a few dates. A couple of days a week she would go out with her friends while you chilled out at home.
At the end of August $ told you that she'll be studying abroad in prestigious college and you should part as friends. It surprised you, but you couldn't do anything about it.
<<elseif 30000 <= _b * 1000 + $mc.mone>>\
<<set $imag = "files/E/End13.jpg">>\
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. It heavily reduced the time that you could spend with $ She was understanding towards your situation.
On June 1st you had enough money to study at good college on the other side of the country and tried to cut back on work to have more time with $
<<if $g.E.riva[1] > 5>>\
Unfortunately she was pretty busy in summer, so you continued working at the same pace to have extra money in college.
You spent most of the summer together hanging out by the pool, having sex and going on a few dates. A couple of days a week she would go out with her friends while you chilled out at home.
At the end of August $ told you that she'll be studying abroad in prestigious college and you should part as friends. It surprised you, but you couldn't do anything about it.
<<set $imag = "files/E/End13.jpg">>\
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. It heavily reduced the time that you could spend with $
Unfortunately, you didn't have enough time to collect a required sum and it disappointed her. She broke up with you a day before leaving to study abroad in prestigious college.
<<link "Restart">>
<<link "Quit">>
0 - exercise
1 - kitchen
2 - pool sun
3 - read
4 - rest
5 - shop
6 - tv
7 - work
8 - bath
9 - shower
10 - exercise-massage
11 - exercise-sexy
12 - kit-sexy
13 - lingerie
14 - pool topless
15 - pron
16 - bed-norm
17 - bed-sexy
18 - friend
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $temp[2] == 0>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [1,3,4,6,7,7]>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(0,2,5)>>
<<if $g.F.rela[1] > 0 and $g.F.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(12,13,15)>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(10,11,14)>>
<<elseif $time[0] == 2>>
<<set _ar.push(8,9)>>
<<elseif $g.F.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _ar = [16]>>
<<if $g.F.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(17)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] == 5>>
<<set _ar = [18]>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ exercising in the backyard.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Exe0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you hanging out with her while she continued to do it.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Exe1.jpg">>\
She told you that she was done with it, invited you inside and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Exe2.jpg">>\
She smiled when she saw you, asked to wait a minute for her to finish and invited you inside to spend some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Exe3.jpg">>\
$ was an attentive listener during your conversation.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Exe4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Exe5.jpg">>\
At some point $ asked you what you think about her shape and turned around to show off her ass.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ in the kitchen cooking.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Kit0.jpg">>\
Being proud of her cooking skills, she didn't mind you sticking around and eat together, although she wasn't very talkative with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Kit1.jpg">>\
You were always welcome at her dinner table. She invited you to keep her company while she is cooking and then eat together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Kit2.jpg">>\
You were always welcome at her dinner table. She readily invited you to keep her company while she is cooking and then eat together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Kit3.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her hair while having a conversation with you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Kit4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Kit5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would unnecessarily straighten the top of her dress and reveal more of her cleavage in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
You found $ sunbathing by the pool.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sun0.jpg">>\
She lazily agreed for you to keep her company, but didn't participate in the conversation much.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sun1.jpg">>\
She invited you to sunbath with her and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sun2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to spend time with her and sunbath together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sun3.jpg">>\
$ was smiling while grilling you with questions about girls at school that you like.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sun4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sun5.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to fix the bottom of her swimsuit attracting your attention to her ass in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ reading a newspaper.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Rea0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you keeping her company, but she wasn't very interested in having a conversation.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Rea1.jpg">>\
She put the paper aside and spent some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Rea2.jpg">>\
She readily invited you to join her, put the paper aside and spent some time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Rea3.jpg">>\
$ fiddled with her top while having a conversation.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Rea4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Rea5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would open wider her top and reveal her bra in the process while intently watching you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ relaxing on the couch.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her in a chair across from her, but she wasn't very talkative.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and spend some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She moved a little to give you more space on the couch next to her and invited you to spend some time with her while smiling.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
A few times you noticed $ checking you out.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
At some point $ opened her top, pulled up her skirt and asked if you think that her underwear is sexy.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 5>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found her getting ready to go shopping.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sho0.jpg">>\
She thanked you for volunteering to join her. You spent quiet some time carrying bags for her without much of a chance to talk before returning back to her place.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sho1.jpg">>\
She thanked you for volunteering to join her with a kiss on a cheek. After spending some time in a few stores, returning and helping her unpack, she made you a drink and invited to relax with her a little.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sho2.jpg">>\
She thanked you for volunteering to join her with a hug. After spending some time in a few stores, returning and helping her unpack, she made you a drink and invited to relax with her a little.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sho3.jpg">>\
A few times you noticed $ massaging her breast absentmindedly.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sho4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you when you were at her house.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Sho5.jpg">>\
At some point $ complained about the heat and opened her blouse revealing bra coated breasts in the process.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 6>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ watching TV.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She gave you permission to join her if you won't distract her from the show.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her and distracting her from the show.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She invited you to sit next to her and watch the show together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
At some point $ moved closer and leaned a little on you. It gave you good visibility on her cleavage.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
At some point $ dropped the remote controller and spent some time looking for it in a very interesting pose.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 7>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ working on some documents.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Wor0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you spending time with her, but she looked busy. You decided to not distract her and grabbed a book.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Wor1.jpg">>\
She decided to take a break to spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Wor2.jpg">>\
She was glad to take a break and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Wor3.jpg">>\
The way $ absentmindedly held a pencil near her mouth was distracting to you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Wor4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Wor5.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to straighten her stockings drawing your attention to her legs.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 8>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bat" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ on the way to take a bath.
She invited you to join her and wash her back.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 9>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bat" + random(3,5) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ on the way to take a shower.
She invited you to join her and wash her back.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 10>>\
<<set _se = 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Mas" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ finishing up her workout routine.
She asked you to give her a massage and you agreed.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 11>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Exe" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ exercising inside the house.
When she saw you approaching her began doing it sexually while watching for your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 12>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Kit" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ cooking in the kitchen while wearing a robe.
She invited you to join her and share the meal with her. When you agreed she removed the robe and continued to cook in her underwear. During the meal $ began to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 13>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Lin" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ reading a book dressed in a robe.
When she saw you approaching, she put the book aside and asked you to keep her company. During the conversation $ stripped the robe and began to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 14>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Top" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ sunbathing by the pool.
She invited you to join and removed the top of her swimsuit. You spent some time with her while ogling her body.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 15>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Pro" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ watching hardcore porn and masturbating.
She just smiled when you joined her. You were more interested in watching her than porn.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 16>>\
<<set _se = 4>>\
You found $ getting ready to sleep.
<<if $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bed1.jpg">>\
She invited you to spend some time with her before going to sleep together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bed2.jpg">>\
She told you that she would love if you spend some time with her before going to sleep together.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bed3.jpg">>\
At some point $ began to tease by showing her ass and wiggling it in front of you.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bed4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bed5.jpg">>\
At some point $ began slowly removing her clothes.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 17>>\
<<set _se = 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her bed getting ready to sleep.
She invited you to spend the night with her and began to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 18>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ talking with $
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Fri0.jpg">>\
They didn't mind you joining them, but barely did pay you any attention during the conversation.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Fri1.jpg">>\
$ invited you to join them. After few minutes $ excused herself and went to take a shower, leaving you to spend time with her friend.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Fri2.jpg">>\
$ was glad that you decided to join them while $ took it as an opportunity to go and a take shower, leaving you to keep company for her friend.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Fri3.jpg">>\
$ was nervously playing with the strap of her dress when you were left alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Fri4.jpg">>\
$ started to flirt with you when you were left alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Hou/Fri5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would pull the strap of her dress aside and reveal more of her chest in the process with you when you were left alone with her.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.F.attr[1] == 3 and $g.F.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.F.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Poo">>
<<set _ra2 = 0>>
<<elseif _se == 2>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bat">>
<<set _ra2 = 2>>
<<elseif _se == 3>>
<<set _ra1 = "Mas">>
<<set _ra2 = 3>>
<<elseif _se == 4>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<sex1 $g.F _ra1 _ra2>>
<<elseif $g.F.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.F.rela[1] = 1>>
<<if _se == 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<elseif _se == 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Poo">>
<<set _ra2 = 0>>
<<sex1 $g.F _ra1 _ra2>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseF">>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseF">>
0 - visit
1 - break
2 - lunch
3 - phone
4 - work
5 - masturbate
<<if $temp[5] == undefined>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] != 3 and
($mc.occu[1] != 3 or ($mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part > 7))>>
<<set _ar = [0]>>
<<set $temp[6] = random(4)>>
<<set _ar = [1,3,4]>>
<<if $time[0] == 1>>
<<set _ar.push(2)>>
<<if $g.F.rela[1] > 0 and $g.F.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(5)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] == 0>>\
You found $ in her personal cabinet.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis" + $temp[6] + "0.jpg">>\
She was a bit surprised that you decided to visit her. She was busy, but allowed you to stay until she'll get free. You had a short chat with her when that happened.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis" + $temp[6] + "1.jpg">>\
She was a bit surprised that you decided to visit her, but she decided to take a break and spend time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis" + $temp[6] + "2.jpg">>\
She was pleasantly surprised that you decided to visit her. She stopped what she was doing to spend time with you.
<<if $temp[6] == 0>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis03.jpg">>\
At some point you noticed $ nervously fidgeting with her skirt.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis04.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis05.jpg">>\
A few times you noticed $ straighten her skirt and revealing her panties in the process.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis13.jpg">>\
At some point you noticed $ nervously fidgeting with her skirt.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis14.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis15.jpg">>\
At some point $ asked what do you think about her outfit while she was cupping her breasts at the same time.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 2>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis23.jpg">>\
At some point $ accidentally dropped a pencil and leaned forward to pick it up. Then she noticed you looking at her ass and it made her blush.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis24.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis25.jpg">>\
A few times $ would complain about the heat and pull on the top of her dress revealing her bra in the process.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis33.jpg">>\
$ noticeably brightened up since you stepped into her office.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis34.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis35.jpg">>\
At some point you noticed that a couple of top buttons on $'s blouse became undone and it gave you a good view of her cleavage.
<<elseif $temp[6] == 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis43.jpg">>\
At some point $ complained about the heat and remove her jacket.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis44.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Vis45.jpg">>\
At some point $ complained about her buttocks being a bit numb after sitting on it all day and began massaging it in front of you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 1>>\
You found $ taking a break in her personal office.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Bre0.jpg">>\
She gave you a few documents to check some the numbers in them. When you were done with it, you talked a little, before she asked you out of her office.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Bre1.jpg">>\
She invited you in to spend some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Bre2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came to spend some time with her.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Bre3.jpg">>\
You noticed $ checking you out a few times.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Bre4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Bre5.jpg">>\
At some point $ began to slowly straighten her blouse and draw your attention to her chest.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 2>>\
You found $ preparing to eat lunch in her personal office.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Lun0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her and even had an extra sandwich for you, but otherwise she wasn't talkative.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Lun1.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her and even shared some food with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Lun2.jpg">>\
She was hoping that you would come by and eat with her because she prepared an extra portion for you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Lun3.jpg">>\
During the conversation after the meal $ was nervously playing with her belt.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Lun4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Lun5.jpg">>\
After the meal $ complained that she is full and her blouse is too tight, then she unbuttoned few top buttons on it.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 3>>\
You found $ in her personal office talking on the phone.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Pho0.jpg">>\
In two gestures she let you know that you should sit and wait for her to finish. After she was done, you talked a little, before she had to return to work.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Pho1.jpg">>\
She made a gesture for you to come in and after a minute she was done talking, after which you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Pho2.jpg">>\
When you came in she smiled and quickly ended the phone call. Then she asked you to sit and spend some time with her.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Pho3.jpg">>\
$ was keeping the eye contact with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Pho4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Pho5.jpg">>\
At some point $ noticed you looking at her chest. She quickly lifted her shirt while smiling at your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 4>>\
You found $ working in her personal office.
<<if $temp[0] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Wor0.jpg">>\
She had a few things for you to do to help her, before taking a short break to chat with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Wor1.jpg">>\
When you came in she decided to take a break and spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Wor2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came and decided to take a break and spend some time with you.
<<if $temp[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Wor3.jpg">>\
At some point you noticed $ nervously playing with her skirt.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Wor4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Wor5.jpg">>\
At some point $ unbuttoned her blouse and asked what do you think about her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Off/Mas" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ masturbating in her personal office.
When you came in she doubled her effort while looking at you.
<<elseif $temp[5] == 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] == true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.F.attr[1] == 3 and $g.F.rela[1] == 0
and $ == 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.F.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.F "Off" 5>>
<<elseif $g.F.rela[1] == 0 and $ == 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] == 0 or $mc.stam[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.F.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.F.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.F "Off" 5>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "Office">>
<<if $g.F.riva[1] == 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Riv/Riv0.jpg">>\ hanging around the new Handyman and being ogled by him.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Riv/Riv1.jpg">>\ having a casual conversation with new Handyman.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Riv/Riv2.jpg">>\ flirting with the new Handyman.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/F/Riv/Riv3.jpg">>\ watching hardcore porn and masturbating while the new Handyman is working close by.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 4>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Riv/Riv4.mp4">>\ too horny to even think about saying no when the new Handyman walked in on her masturbating and presented his cock for her to suck.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 5>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Riv/Riv5.mp4">>\ sucking the new Handyman's cock without any hesitation after he unceremoniously approached her and unzipped his pants.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\ being fucked by the new Handyman for the first time.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Riv/Riv7.mp4">>\ being fucked in the ass by the new Handyman for the first time after telling him that their is no chance for them to have a serious relationship.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Riv/Riv125.mp4">>\ at her first gangbang organized by the new Handyman at his place. He made her drunk enough for her to agree before it started. She doesn't know that there is hidden camera.
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] == 9>>\
<<set _vide = "files/F/Riv/Riv" + random(100,114) + ".mp4">>\ being fucked by the new Handyman after he convinced her to have another gangbang in the future.
<<color red 'Sex between them became a regular thing now.'>>
<<elseif $g.F.riva[1] > 9>>\
<<if $time[0] == 1>>\
<<set _ri = random(115,129)>>\ being gangbanged at the new Handyman's place. She doesn't know that they pay to participate in it.
<<elseif $time[0] == 2>>\
<<set _ri = random(100,114)>>\ being fucked by the new Handyman.
<<set _vide = "files/F/Riv/Riv" + _ri + ".mp4">>\
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.F.riva[0] = 3>>
<</link>><<set _fa = 0>>
/*Relationship with daughter*/
<<if $g.E.rela[1] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 2>>
<<if $g.E.riva[1] < 9>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 0>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 74>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 49>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 24>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
/*Office job*/
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>
<<if $g.F.fact[1][4] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<set $g.F.fact[1][4] = 0>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == 0>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<set $g.F.fact[1][4] = 0>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 3>>
<<if $mc.part < 3>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 4>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 6>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<night $g.F>><<if $g.F.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $g.E.rela[1] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 In relationship with her daughter'>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 2>>\
<<if $g.E.riva[1] < 9>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Daughter complains about your relationship'>>
<<color lightcoral '-1 Daughter plans to break up with you.'>>
<<elseif $g.E.rela[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Not in relationship with her daughter'>>
<<color red '-2 Broke up with her daughter'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.F.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.hand[0] == 0>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Helped with handiwork this week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Helped with handiwork on the last week'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 2>>\
<<color lightgrey 'She needs help with handiwork'>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[0] == 3>>\
<<color red '-2 Has been replaced as a handyman'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.F.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.conf[0] > 74>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 High Confidence'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 49>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Medium Confidence'>>
<<elseif $mc.conf[0] > 24>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Low Confidence'>>
<<color red '-2 Not Confident'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.F.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>\
<<if $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Too early to decide'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 She did not hear complaints from your boss'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Not worked today'>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 She heard complaints about you from your boss'>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] == 3>>\
<<if $mc.part < 3>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Worked part-time at the office recently'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 4>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Worked part-time at the office not long ago'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 6>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Worked part-time at the office sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $mc.part < 8>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 A lot of work accumulated at the office'>>
<<color red '-2 You got fired from part-time at the office'>>
<<color grey 'Not working at the office'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.F.rela[1] == 1 and $g.F.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ told you that she likes you, but she thinks that $ started to suspect that you two have a sexual relationship and she didn't want to risk their friendship. That is why $ is breaking up with you now.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.F.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[0] == -1>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ for the first time in a couple of months you were thinking about how you first met her. After you became friends with $, she invited you to her place to meet her mother. $ turned out to be a successful woman that took liking to you. She wanted to meet $ too and they quickly became a good friends.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.F.atti[1] > 0 and $g.F.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.F.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking about her being divorced to a guy that married her for the money and constantly cheated on her after the birth of $ She was in love with him and tolerated his behavior for too long. But then something happened, $ left him and moved into this town with her daughter.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[0] == 1>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how she always was kind to you and encouraging towards your friendship with $ After some time she began to give you hints that you will make a good couple with her daughter.<br>While talking you also learned that $ didn't like $'s first boyfriend and she is glad that her daughter dumped him.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking about her hiring $ and overpaying her work. After that, you volunteered to help her with any handiwork and refused any money that $ tried to give you for it.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s ex-husband was a handsome and confident man. And even though it didn't take too long for him to show that he is an arrogant asshole, for the long time she was making up reasons to why she couldn't divorce him.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[0] == 4>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that the manager of your position in the office a competent man. $ is sure that you'll get along with him by doing a good job. You also learned that after the start of the school year you can work part-time here.">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] > 0>>
<<set _te = "You learned that there is an open IT position in the office of $'s company and that it paid well.">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] < 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that there was an open IT position in the office of $'s company this summer, but now it is taken.">>
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>
<<set _te += " ">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.F.atti[1] > 0 and $g.F.rela[1] == 1 and $g.F.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ didn't realize how much she missed the real cock and she is surprised how horny she became recently.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<if $visu == false>>\
<<replace "#visual">>\
<div id="visual" style="float: right; padding: 0.25em">\
<</if>>\<<if $g.A.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.A.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.A.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/Bro0"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/Bro1"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/Bro2"+random(4)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ wistfully looking your way.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] > 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ watching you with a sad look on her face.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You accidentally bumped into $ and had an awkward conversation about nothing.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseA">>
<<if $args[1] === "Hel">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(3)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After talking a little, she gave you a warm hug.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After talking a little, she gave you a tight hug. The smell of her perfume and the view of her cleavage was distracting you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a warm hug and thanked you for helping around the house.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She thanked you for helping around the house while caressing your chest sensually.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She thanked you for helping around the house while caressing your groin.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She thanked you for helping around the house with a kiss on the lips.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She thanked you for helping around the house with a long kiss on the lips that gave you a boner.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She thanked you for helping around the house with a French kiss. Then she teased you a little by playing with her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " you've saw $ cleaning up near you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was giving you quick glances from time to time.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was taking a very suggestive poses while doing it.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAHel32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was wearing only underwear while doing it.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Rel">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoARel00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a quick once-over during the short conversation.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoARel01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After the short conversation she surprised you with a long kiss that gave you a boner.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoARel02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by revealing her tits and ass.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ sat close to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoARel10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She had a quick chat about the weather with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoARel11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She complained about feeling a little down and asked for a hug. When you complied, $ pressed tightly to you which made you think only about her big tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoARel12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by playing with her big tits.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Exe">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAExe00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about exercising. She was staring at your body the whole.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAExe01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about exercising while standing kind of close. It gave you a good look at her cleavage.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAExe02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about exercising before she told that is hard for her to look at your body without getting wet.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ standing in the doorway.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAExe10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After being spotted she smiled, said that she didn't want to distract you and left you alone.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAExe11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was touching herself around her breasts and near her groin absentmindedly while watching you. After being spotted she smiled, said that she didn't want to distract you and left you alone.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAExe12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was touching herself while watching you. After being spotted she smiled and continued to do it for a few seconds.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Stu">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAStu00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the school.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAStu01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the school. You were sitting while she stood close to you and it was kind of hard not to look at her big tits from below.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAStu02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by playing with her big tits in front of your face.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you and started to praise you for studying.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAStu10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a quick hug before leaving.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAStu11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave your shoulders a quick massage from behind while pressing her tits to your head in the process.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAStu12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave your shoulders a quick massage from behind while kissing your neck in the process. Before leaving $ playfully flashed her panties.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Po1" or $args[1] === "Po2">>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point during it">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAPor00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ standing in the doorway watching you. After being spotted she blushed and left you alone.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAPor01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ standing in the doorway watching you and touching herself in the process. After being spotted she winked at you, gave her tit the last good squeeze and left the room.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<if $args[1] === "Po1">>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAPor02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " a completely naked $ sat next to you and started to masturbate along side with you.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Po2">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[1]>>
<<set $mc.skil[1] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[1] + 5, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[1] Bj>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoAPor"+random(4)+".mp4">>
<<set $text[4] += " $ entered the room. Without any word she went down between your knees and started to suck your cock.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseD">>
<<if $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(3)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She talked with you a little about swimming while looking at your body.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She talked with you a little about swimming while fixing her swimsuit and it drew your attention to her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by removing her top.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you and started to praise you for exercising.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a few compliments while looking at your naked torso.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she asked if she needs to exercise more herself and started to pose sexually while waiting for your answer. After the negative answer she gave you a long kiss.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she asked if she needs to exercise more herself. You answered negatively and gave her a few compliments. $ smiled and flashed her tits at you before leaving.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ was sitting by the edge of the pool.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She smiled at you when you saw her.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " When you saw her, she was fixing the top of her swimsuit and it drew your attention to her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She smiled at you when you saw her being topless.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ sunbathing nearby and watching you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She smiled at you when you made an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was also caressing herself absentmindedly, but stopped and blushed when you made an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoDSwi32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was also openly playing with herself and just smiled when you made an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseF">>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFHan00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about handiwork while she was checking you out.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFHan01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about handiwork. She played with her shirt and it made you look at her cleavage.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFHan02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by playing with her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you and thanked you for helping her friend.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFHan10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a quick kiss on the lips before leaving.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFHan11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a long kiss while caressing your back.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFHan12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you the French kiss while pressing her body tightly to you.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFSwi00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She talked with you a little about swimming while looking at your body.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFSwi01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She talked with you a little about swimming while leaning a little forward and giving you a good look at her cleavage.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFSwi02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by almost showing her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you and started to praise you for exercising.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFSwi10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a few compliments while looking at your naked torso.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFSwi11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she asked if she needs to exercise more herself and started to pose sexually while waiting for your answer. After the negative answer she gave you a long kiss.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/A/Int/HoFSwi12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she asked if she needs to exercise more herself. You answered negatively and gave her a few compliments. $ smiled and flashed her tits at you before leaving.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">><<if $g.B.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.B.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<if $args[1] === "Exe">>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/Bro0"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/Bro1"+random(4)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking your way with contempt.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ came up to tell that she is getting laid more regularly after dumping you.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 4>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ approached you and made fun of your performance in bed when you were together.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Gym">>
<<if $args[1] === "Exe">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/GymExe00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She talked with you a little about your exercise routine.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/GymExe01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " While having a small talk with you she nonchalantly pulled down her pants to straighten her panties. She smiled when noticed you staring at her crotch.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/GymExe02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her ass.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came close to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/GymExe10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a few compliments while looking at your body.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/GymExe11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She complimented your body while caressing your biceps.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/GymExe12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She complimented your body while caressing your groin.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Library">>
<<if $args[1] === "Wor">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were almost done when">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibWor00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation about the workplace.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibWor01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She stood pretty close to you during a short conversation about the workplace, which was a bit distracting to you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibWor02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by rubbing her butt on your crotch for a few second.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibWor10.jpg">>
<<if $g.B.fact[1][1] === 1
or ($mc.part < 4 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She complimented you for doing a good job.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] === -1
or ($mc.part > 3 and $mc.part < 8 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She said that you should try harder at your job.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibWor11.jpg">>
<<if $g.B.fact[1][1] === 1
or ($mc.part < 4 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She caressed your chest while complimenting you for doing a good job.">>
<<elseif $g.B.fact[1][1] === -1
or ($mc.part > 3 and $mc.part < 8 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She playfully slapped your chest and lightheartedly scolded you for doing a bad job.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibWor12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by rubbing her butt on your crotch for a few second.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Stu">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibStu00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation about your school.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibStu01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She came close and flirted with you for a while.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibStu02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by rubbing her butt on your crotch for a few second.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came close to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibStu10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She expressed her approval of you studying at your free time.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibStu11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " While expressing her approval of you studying at your free time, she leaned forward and made sure that you stared at her chest for a while.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/B/Int/LibStu12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She sexily sat on the table in front of you while expressing her approval of you studying at your free time.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">><<if $g.C.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.C.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.C.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<if $args[0] === "Gym">>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/Bro0"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Library">>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/Bro1"+random(3)+".jpg">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "School">>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/Bro2"+random(3)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking your way. A hesitant smile appeared on her face when your eyes met.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] > 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ watching you. For a moment you thought that she was about to walk up to you, but she went the other way instead.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ came up to ask how are you feeling lately. She was genuinely interested in your answer and you had a nice conversation overall.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Gym">>
<<if $args[1] === "Exe">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/GymExe00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about your exercise routines.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/GymExe01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she shyly flirted with you which was very cute.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/GymExe02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by exposing her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ watching you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/GymExe10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After being spotted she blushed, nervously smiled at you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/GymExe11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was doing it while being bent over and it gave you a good view of her ass.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/GymExe12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After being spotted she teased you by lifting her shirt and almost showing her breasts in the process.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Library">>
<<if $args[1] === "Wor">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were about to finish">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibWor00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked with her a little about this and that.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibWor01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She shyly tried to flirt with you which was very cute.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibWor02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she told you things she wants you to do to her during sex next time.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibWor10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation about the job.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibWor11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She sat in front of you and put her beautiful legs on display while having a short conversation about the job.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibWor12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by opening her blouse.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Stu">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibStu00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the school.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibStu01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she shyly flirted with you which was very cute.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibStu02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by turning around wiggling her butt at you.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibStu10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked about the subject that you were studying.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibStu11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked about the subject that you were studying while she was caressing your back.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/LibStu12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked about the subject that you were studying while she was caressing your chest.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "School">>
<<if $args[1] === "Cla">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "On your way out">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchCla00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the school.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchCla01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she shyly flirted with you which was very cute.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchCla02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchCla10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the last lesson.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchCla11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the short conversation about the last lesson she shyly flirted with you which was very cute.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchCla12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by turning around and lifting her skirt.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Exa">>
<<set $text[4] = "On your way out">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchExa00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the exams.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchExa01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the short conversation about the exams she nervously played with her skirt lifting it too high sometimes.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchExa02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by turning around and pulling down her skirt.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "On your way out">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to you to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchSwi00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked with her a little about this and that.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchSwi01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she nervously played with her skirt lifting it too high sometimes.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchSwi02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by turning around and giving her butt a few spanks.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchSwi10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about swimming.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchSwi11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the short conversation about swimming she shyly flirted with you which was very cute.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/C/Int/SchSwi12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off more of her body.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">><<if $g.D.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.D.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.D.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/Bro0"+random(8)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking your way. She winked at you when your eyes met.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ approached you and tried to lift your mood by joking around.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 4>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ came up to you and asked how you have been lately.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseA">>
<<if $args[1] === "Hel">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(2)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a tight hug, glanced at your crotch and smiled.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She grabbed you head and pressed it to her cleavage for a few second before letting go.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by opening her dress and showing off her body for a few second.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ watching you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After making an eye contact she just smiled.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After making an eye contact she smiled widely and flashed her bra coated tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After making an eye contact she smiled widely and flashed her pussy.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you and complimented you for taking care of $">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she gave you a nice hug.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She grabbed you head and pressed it to her cleavage for a few second before letting go.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAHel22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her big tits for a few second.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Rel">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoARel00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She joked with you for a minute calling you lazy.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoARel01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she drew your attention to her tits by playing with her dress.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoARel02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her big tits for a few second.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ sat close next to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoARel10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She leaned into you while having a small talk.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoARel11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She leaned into you and caressed your leg while having a small talk. She did nothing for a few seconds when one of her tits popped out of her dress.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoARel12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She leaned into you and caressed your crotch while having a small talk. She did nothing when her tits popped out of her dress.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Exe">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAExe00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short talk with her about exercising.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAExe01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She asked if you think that she is fat. After reassuring her that you didn't think so, she grabbed you head and pressed it to her cleavage for a few second before thanking you and letting go.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAExe02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by talking about sex being her favorite type of exercise.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ standing in the doorway.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAExe10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was caressing herself while watching you. After being spotted she winked at you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAExe11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was playing with her tits while watching you and continued to do it for a few seconds after being spotted.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAExe12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was playing with her tits while watching you and continued to do it for a few seconds after being spotted.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Stu">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAStu00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation about the school with her.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAStu01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation about the school with her while she was standing very close. It made it impossible for you to not look at her big tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAStu02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by placing her foot on the chair that you were sitting on right between your legs.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you and expressed her approval of your studying.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAStu10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She affectionately patted your head for a few second and then she ruffled your hair.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAStu11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She grabbed you head and pressed it to her cleavage for a few second before letting go.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAStu12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by playing with her big tits right in front of your face.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Po1" or $args[1] === "Po2">>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point during it half-naked $ sat close to you">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAPor00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " and began to comment on what is happening on the screen.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAPor01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " and began to masturbate alongside.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<if $args[1] === "Po1">>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAPor02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " and began to masturbate alongside while looking mostly at you.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Po2">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[1]>>
<<set $mc.skil[1] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[1] + 5, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[1] Bj>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoAPor"+random(4)+".mp4">>
<<set $text[4] += " and watched the porn for a minute, before going down between your legs to give you a titfuck.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseD">>
<<if $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(3)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the weather.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she squeezed her tits a few times while watching for your reaction.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her ass.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ went for a quick dip.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She swam closer to have a small talk.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She swam closer to have a small talk. When she saw you staring at her tits, $ smiled and stuck out her chest.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she swam closer and flashed her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ sunbathing near the pool.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was looking your way and waved at you after your eyes met.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was lying topless and looking at you. When your eyes met, she took the sunscreen and began to apply it to her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was lying naked and looking at you. When your eyes met, she began to stretch.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ watching you from her back porch.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She smiled and waved at you when you made an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She smiled and flashed her tits when you made an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/D/Int/HoDSwi32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She smiled and flashed her ass when you made an eye contact.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">><<if $g.E.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.E.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.E.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/Bro0"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/Bro1"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/Bro2"+random(4)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 3>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking at you with a spiteful smirk on her face.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ came up to you to tell that she is much happier after dumping you.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 4>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ approached you to brag how great her sex life is now since she is getting laid by a real man.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseF">>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were about to finish">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFHan00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about this and that.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFHan01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she teased you by almost flashing her tits at you a few times.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFHan02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing her tits, but not letting you touch them.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFHan10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She teased you by suggesting that you do handiwork only in the hope to ogle her mom.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFHan11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She teased you by suggesting that you do handiwork only in the hope to ogle her and then she provided a better view of her cleavage.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFHan12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by stripping her shirt and playing with her tits in front of you.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came up to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFSwi00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation about swimming.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFSwi01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the short conversation about swimming she teased you by flashing her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFSwi02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you playing with herself for a short while.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " you saw $ sunbathing nearby while watching you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFSwi10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " When you made an eye contact she waved at you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFSwi11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was doing it topless and only smiled when she saw you looking at her chest.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/HoFSwi12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was doing it naked and only winked at you when did a double take at her.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "School">>
<<if $args[1] === "Cla">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were about to leave">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchCla00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little with her about this and that.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchCla01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk she teased you by lifting her shirt and asking what you think about her bra.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchCla02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased by rubbing your crotch with her ass for a short while.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchCla10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She complained how boring this class was.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchCla11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She playfully bumped you a few times with her butt while you were joking with her during the small talk.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchCla12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by opening her shirt, but not letting you play with her tits.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Exa">>
<<set $text[4] = "You were leaving">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchExa00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was relieved that she managed to pass the exams.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchExa01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After confirming that you passed exams too, she decided to reward you by flashing one of her tits at you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchExa02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little how the exams went. She was pleased that both of you passed and decided to flash her tits at you.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were leaving">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchSwi00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked for a little bit.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchSwi01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she teased you by pulling on her shirt and it revealed that she is bra-less.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchSwi02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by flashing her tits at you.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchSwi10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You two talked a little about swimming.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchSwi11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she teased you by flashing her panties.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/E/Int/SchSwi12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " She also teased you by almost showing her breasts.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">><<if $g.F.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.F.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/Bro0"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/Bro1"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/Bro2"+random(4)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] < 1>>
<<if $temp[1] < 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ watching you with a disappointed look on her face.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] > 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking your way. She made a disdainful huff when your eyes met.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ approached you to ask about $ while disdainfully looking at you.">>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ approached you to tell how pathetic she thinks you are.">>
<<if $temp[1] < 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ watching you with a worried look on her face.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] > 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking your way. She quickly turned away when your eyes met.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ approached you to ask if you are treating $ better than her.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseF">>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] === 1>>
<<set $temp[1] = random(2)>>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You hand a nice small talk during which she was eying your body.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she blatantly flirted with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her body.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She thanked you for being so helpful with a nice hug.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She thanked you for being so helpful with a long kiss that gave you a boner.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She gave you a long kiss and then hinted that she can thank you properly next time you spend together.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She grilled you a little on how your relationship with $ goes.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set _ra = random(4)>>
<<set _ar = ["Anal","Bj","Fuck","Ride","Soft"]>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[_ra]>>
<<set $mc.skil[_ra] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[_ra] + 1, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[_ra] _ar[_ra]>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After grilling you a little about the things you do during sex with $, she gave you a few pointers on how to better please her daughter in bed.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFHan22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After grilling you a little about the things you do in bed with $, she got a little jealous and began to ask if her daughter is better at sex than her. You've managed to please her with your answers.">>
<<elseif $args[1] === "Swi">>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] === 1>>
<<set $temp[1] = random(2)>>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were about to finish">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You hand a nice small talk during which she stared for a few seconds at your crotch.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she blatantly flirted with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when you saw $ sunbathing.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was watching you with a smile on her face.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was doing it topless and looked pleased when you spent a few seconds staring at her.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was putting sunscreen on her naked body, but it quickly transitioned into playing with herself.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She grilled you a little on how your relationship with $ goes.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set _ra = random(4)>>
<<set _ar = ["Anal","Bj","Fuck","Ride","Soft"]>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[_ra]>>
<<set $mc.skil[_ra] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[_ra] + 1, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[_ra] _ar[_ra]>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After grilling you a little about the things you do during sex with $, she gave you a few pointers on how to better please her daughter in bed.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/HoFSwi22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After grilling you a little about the things you do in bed with $, she got a little jealous and began to ask if her daughter is prettier than her. You've managed to please her with your answers.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Office">>
<<if $args[1] === "Wor">>
<<if $g.E.rela[1] === 1>>
<<set $temp[1] = random(3)>>
<<set $temp[1] = random(2)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You hand a nice small talk during which she looked directly in your eyes.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she blatantly flirted with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by almost showing her tits.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the workplace and how do you like it here.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She teased you by talking about women that work in here and by asking which of them you think are sexy.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She teased by asking if you think that she is sexier than women that work in here.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor20.jpg">>
<<if $g.F.fact[1][4] === 1
or ($mc.part < 4 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She complimented you for doing a good job.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] === -1
or ($mc.part > 3 and $mc.part < 8 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She said that you should try harder at your job.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor21.jpg">>
<<if $g.F.fact[1][4] === 1
or ($mc.part < 4 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She was playing with her tits while complimenting you for doing a good job.">>
<<elseif $g.F.fact[1][4] === -1
or ($mc.part > 3 and $mc.part < 8 and $mc.occu[1] > 0)>>
<<set $text[4] += " She was playing with her tits while lightheartedly scolding you for doing a bad job.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by rubbing her butt on your crotch for a few second.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She grilled you a little on how your relationship with $ goes.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set _ra = random(4)>>
<<set _ar = ["Anal","Bj","Fuck","Ride","Soft"]>>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.skil[_ra]>>
<<set $mc.skil[_ra] = Math.clamp($mc.skil[_ra] + 1, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.skil[_ra] _ar[_ra]>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After grilling you a little about the things you do during sex with $, she gave you a few pointers on how to better please her daughter in bed.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/F/Int/OffWor32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After grilling you a little about the things you do in bed with $, she got a little jealous and began to ask if her daughter is more sexier than her. You've managed to please her with your answers.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">><<if $g.G.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.G.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<if $args[1] === "Exe">>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/Bro0"+random(2)+".jpg">>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/Bro1"+random(4)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking your way while smirking contemptuously.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] > 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ watching you. She had an expression on her face like she is looking at something disgusting.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point $ came up to say hi while addressing you as a limp dick.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Gym">>
<<if $args[1] === "Exe">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(1)>>
<<set $text[4] = "As you were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/GymExe00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about your exercise routines while she stared at your body.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/GymExe01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk she flirted with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/GymExe02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by caressing herself in front of you for a few seconds.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ came close to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/GymExe10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She complimented your body while staring at it.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/GymExe11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She started to caress herself near groin while giving compliments to your body.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/GymExe12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After giving a few compliments to your body, she teased you by showing off her butt.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Office">>
<<if $args[1] === "Wor">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(3)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were almost done when">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about the workplace.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She flirted with you while you had a short conversation.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by leaning over in front of you and pressing her butt to your crotch.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She shared the latest office's gossip.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She shared the latest office's gossip while giving you a better view of her chest.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor12.jpg">>
<<if $g.G.fact[1][4] > 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " She wanted the confirmation from you that she is better at sex between office girls that you are banging and you provided her with it.">>
<<set $text[4] += " She shared the latest office's gossip while showing off her underwear.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She spent some time badmouthing your boss and then thanked you for letting her vent.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She told you how your boss was staring at her chest today. Then she said that she wouldn't mind the same kind of attention from you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She told you how creepy your boss was towards her today. Then she told that sex with you will make her feel better.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " $ sat on the edge of your table.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She spent some time asking what you've been doing today.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She spent some time flirting with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/G/Int/OffWor32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her body.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">>----
<<if $g.G.riva[1] === 0>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\
...lets her Husband eat her pussy. At the same time she tells how much better you are at sex compared to him. $'s words excite her Husband.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] === 1>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv101.mp4">>\
...lets her Husband to fuck her while talking about how much bigger your cock is compared to his. $'s words excite her Husband.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] === 2>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv2.mp4">>\ giving a blowjob to her Husband. Right after telling that she really wanted suck a cock today, but since you're not available she have to settle for his little dick.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] === 3>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv102.mp4">>\ having a gentle sex with her Husband while they are talking about getting a new Lover for her.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] === 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Riv/Riv4.jpg">>\ having lunch with a young guy. She tells him how her Husband constantly cheats on her and don't have sex with her anymore.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] === 5>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv110.mp4">>\ sucking her Lover's cock after having a dinner at her place.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] === 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv111.mp4">>\ having sex with her Lover for the first time.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] === 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv120.mp4">>\ having anal sex with her Lover for the first time.
<<elseif $g.G.riva[1] > 7>>\
<<if $time[0] == 3>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv"+random(100,108)+".mp4">>\ having sex with her Husband while talking in great detail about the thing she did with her Lover in bed the last few times.
<<set _vide = "files/G/Riv/Riv"+random(110,129)+".mp4">>\ having sex with her Lover.
<<if $g.G.riva[1] === 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.G.riva[0] = 3>>
<</link>><<set _fa = 0>>
/*Bad job*/
<<if $g.G.fact[1][1] === -1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<if $mc.endu[1] == 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.stre[1] == 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
/*Office stud*/
<<set $g.G.fact[1][4] = 0>>
<<set _of1 = ["F"]>>
<<for _of2 = 0; _of2 < _of1.length; _of2++>>
<<if $g[_of1[_of2]].rela[1] > 0>>
<<set $g.G.fact[1][4] += 1>>
<<if $g.G.fact[1][4] > 0>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<night $g.G>><<if $g.G.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3>>\
<<if $time[0] == 0>>\
<<color grey 'Too early to decide'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][1] == -1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 She loves when you annoy your boss'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Not worked today'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgrey 'She does not care if you did a good job'>>
<<color grey 'Not working full time at the office'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.G.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.endu[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Firm'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Steady'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Normal Endurance'>>
<<elseif $mc.endu[1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Soft'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.G.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.stre[1] == 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Tough'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Strong'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Normal Strength'>>
<<elseif $mc.stre[1] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Weak'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.G.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $g.G.fact[1][4] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'There are no interesting rumors about you in the office'>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[1][4] == 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Heard rumors that you fuck $'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.G.rela[1] == 1 and $g.G.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ broke up with you after saying that she is tired of you ignoring her just like her husband.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.G.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[0] == -1>>
<<set _te = "You introduced yourself to $ and learned that she moved into this town soon after her wedding 20 years ago. She loves it here, but life has been very boring lately.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.G.atti[1] > 0 and $g.G.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.G.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s husband is constantly cheating on her and doesn't have sex with her anymore. But she doesn't want talk about why she can't leave him.">>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[0] == 1>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ hates your boss, because he constantly hitting on her and other girls in the office. It would be cute if he wasn't that old, ugly and creepy.">>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ wants to have a lover with high Endurance so that he can fuck her for a long time.">>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s ideal lover also should be Strong so that he can fuck her hard and not get tired in the process.">>
<<elseif $g.G.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ loves to gossip and the office romances is her favorite topic.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.G.atti[1] > 0 and $g.G.rela[1] == 1 and $g.G.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s sex life with her husband was pitiful for years, so she is thrilled to have a lover at last. She also told you that her husband is rarely at home and it is safe to visit her place anytime other than at Night.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<set $imag = "files/Misc/HouseG.jpg">>\
$'s decent size apartment where she lives with her Husband.
<<if $cp != $g.G.loca>>\
<<color grey '$ is not here'>>
<<elseif $g.G.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot interact with $ after a Break up'>>
<<elseif $g.G.riva[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'Nothing happened when you rang the bell'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot spend the Night with $ because her Husband is at home'>>
<<link "Spend the <<= $time[1][$time[0]]>> with $" "HoGGG">>
<<cont $g.G 0>>
<<ener1 -10>>
<<ener0 -10>>
<<include "Move">>\<<nobr>>
0 - clean
1 - kitchen
2 - phone
3 - rest
4 - tv
5 - kit sexy
6 - lingerie
7 - massage
8 - strip
<<if $temp[5] === undefined>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [1,2,3,4]>>
<<if $time[0] === 0>>
<<set _ar.push(0)>>
<<if $g.G.rela[1] > 0 and $g.G.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(5,6,8)>>
<<if $time[0] === 2>>
<<set _ar.push(7)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] === 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ was cleaning her apartment when you came.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Cle0.jpg">>\
She refused your offer to help and you had to wait for her to finish before she was free to spend a little bit of time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Cle1.jpg">>\
She was almost done and asked you to wait a little before she was free to spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Cle2.jpg">>\
She thanked you for your offer to help, but refused it and asked you to wait for her to finish. After a couple of minutes she was free to spend some time with you.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Cle3.jpg">>\
A few times you caught $ staring at your crotch.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Cle4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Cle5.jpg">>\
At some point $ exposed her bra covered breasts to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 1>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ was busy cooking when you came.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Kit0.jpg">>\
She made you do the grunt work while she finished making the meal. You ate it together soon after.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Kit1.jpg">>\
She gladly accepted your offer to help and you spent some time preparing the meal and then eating together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Kit2.jpg">>\
She thanked you for your offer to help, but refused and asked you to just keep her company. When she was done, you ate together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Kit3.jpg">>\
$ was in a good mood and readily laughed at any attempt on humor from you.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Kit4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Kit5.jpg">>\
At some point $ pulled down her shorts and wiggled her ass to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 2>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ was talking on the phone with her friend when you came.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Pho0.jpg">>\
She covered the speaker with hand and asked you to wait a couple of minutes. It took more time than that before she hanged up and spend a little bit of time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Pho1.jpg">>\
She ended the phone call after few second and then you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Pho2.jpg">>\
She quickly ended the phone call by telling that hubby is home and then you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Pho3.jpg">>\
At some point $ sat closer to you which made you notice her fragrant perfume.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Pho4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Pho5.jpg">>\
At some point $ began to tease you by giving you a better view of her panties.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ was resting when you came.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you hanging out with her, but wasn't really interested in talking.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She lazily invited you to keep her company and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came to spend some time with her.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her hair from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
At some point $ complained about the heat and slowly stripped her dress.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ was watching TV when you came.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her, but she was paying more attention to her show than you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came and invited you to join her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came and changed the channel to something that both of you would enjoy.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
A couple of times you noticed $ absentmindedly caressing her chest.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
At some point $ stripped her top giving you a great view on her bra covered chest.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 5>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Kit" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
$ was busy cooking when you came.
She was lightly dressed and used it to tease you while you helped her make the meal and also when you ate together.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 6>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Lin" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
$ met you at the door with a big smile, asked you to wait a minute and went into her bedroom.
She returned wearing a set of lingerie and began to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 7>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Mas" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
<<if $date[1] === 1>>\
$ met you at the door with complains about being tired after working out and requested a massage from you.
$ met you at the door with complains about being tired after work and requested a massage from you.
You agreed and spent some time performing it.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 8>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Hou/Str" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
$ met you at the door with a big smile and invited you inside.
After spending some time together, she began to tease you by revealing her naughty bits.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] === true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.G.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] === 0 or $mc.stam[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se === 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed","Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 8>>
<<elseif _se === 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Mas">>
<<set _ra2 = 3>>
<<sex1 $g.G _ra1 _ra2>>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseG">>
0 - gossip
1 - help
2 - lunch
3 - phone
4 - work
5 - tease
<<if $temp[5] === undefined>>
<<set _ar = [0,1,3,4]>>
<<if $time[0] === 1>>
<<set _ar.push(2)>>
<<if $g.G.rela[1] > 0 and $g.G.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(5)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] === 0>>\
You found $ in her office looking a little bit bored.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Gos0.jpg">>\
She spent some time filling you out on all of the latest office's gossip before talking a little bit about other things.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Gos1.jpg">>\
You spent some time with her after she filled you in on all of the office's gossip.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Gos2.jpg">>\
She was happy to spend some time with you after filling you in on all of the office's gossip.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Gos3.jpg">>\
You noticed $ staring down at your crotch a few times.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Gos4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Gos5.jpg">>\
At some point $ opened her blouse slowly to make sure that you looker at her almost exposed breasts.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 1>>\
You found $ moving a large amount of paperwork from her office.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Hel0.jpg">>\
She accepted your offer to help with a smile. You managed to talk a little while doing it.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Hel1.jpg">>\
You spent some time helping her after she accepted your offer to help.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Hel2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you offered to help her and you spent some time together doing it.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Hel3.jpg">>\
You noticed $ staring at your body a few times.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Hel4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Hel5.jpg">>\
At some point $ pulled down her top while watching for your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 2>>\
You found $ on her way to have lunch.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Lun0.jpg">>\
She let you tag along with her, but wasn't too interested in talking.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Lun1.jpg">>\
She was ok with you tagging along and have a meal together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Lun2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to keep her company and have a meal together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Lun3.jpg">>\
$ was playing with her hair from time to time while looking at you.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Lun4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Lun5.jpg">>\
At some point $ undid a few top buttons of her blouse to give you a better view of her chest.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 3>>\
You found $ talking on the phone with her friend.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Pho0.jpg">>\
She continued the conversation for a minute, before reluctantly hanging up to talk with you a little.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Pho1.jpg">>\
She ended the conversation after a few seconds and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Pho2.jpg">>\
She quickly ended the conversation after she was you approaching and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Pho3.jpg">>\
At some point you noticed $ absentmindedly caressing her hips.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Pho4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Pho5.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to lift the bottom of her dress which gave you a better view of her groin.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 4>>\
You found $ working in her office.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Wor0.jpg">>\
She was ok with you hanging out, but only after you did a few errands for her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Wor1.jpg">>\
She decided to take a break to spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Wor2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you decided to spend some time with her and gave her an excuse to take a break.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Wor3.jpg">>\
$ was a very attentive listener during the conversation.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Wor4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Wor5.jpg">>\
At some point $ began to show off her panties while watching for your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/G/Off/Tea" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her office looking bored.
The moment you closed the door behind you she stood up from her sit and started to tease you with a light version of striptease.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/G/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] === true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.G.attr[1] === 3 and $g.G.rela[1] === 0
and $ === 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $g.G.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] === 0 or $mc.stam[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<sex1 $g.G "Off" 6>>
<<elseif $g.G.rela[1] === 0 and $ === 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] === 0 or $mc.stam[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.G.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.G.rela[1] = 1>>
<<sex1 $g.G "Off" 6>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<link "Time has passed" "Office">>
<</link>><<set _a = (new Date(2001,4,31) - $date[0]) / 86400000>>\
<<set _b = Math.trunc(_a / 7)>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4 and $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
You got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town and it meant that you'll be studying in the same place as $ next autumn.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
For some reason she looked sad when you told her about it. After just a few questions $ confessed about cheating on you for some time. Then she hastily apologized and run away in tears. This was the last time you saw her.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
She was thrilled when you told her about it and even began to make plans to get an apartment near college to live together. But from the beginning of the summer $ started to be less happy in you presence. In July she would often cancel your dates. In August she finally confessed that she was cheating on you for some time and broke up with you.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End11.jpg">>\
She was thrilled when you told her about it and even began to make plans to get an apartment near college to live together.
<<if $mc.mone >= 5000>>\
You had enough money to rent it, so you spent the rest of the summer together with $
You had all summer to work and save up for it while spending all your free time with $
She was a great girlfriend, always kept you sexually satisfied and she understood when to give you enough space so you'll not get sick of each other.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 and $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and tried to spend most of your free time with $ After the last exams you got a scholarship to a very good college that is close to home town and it meant that you'll be studying in the same place with her next autumn.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
You though that your relationship was good during the school year, but for some reason the news about the scholarship made $ upset. After just a few questions she confessed about cheating on you for some time. Then she hastily apologized and run away in tears. This was the last time you saw her.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
$ were supportive and your relationship was good overall, but through the school year she became more moody and irritable. The news about scholarship changed things in a good way for some time. June was pretty good in terms of sex and her mood, but things went to worst again in July and she eventually broke up with you in August, after confessing about cheating on you for some time.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End11.jpg">>\
The news about it provoked a few attempts from her to wear you down with sex, but you bravely fought through them. She was excited about the future and even began to make plans to get an apartment near college to live together.
<<if $mc.mone >= 5000>>\
You had enough money already to rent it.
You had all summer to work and save up money for it.
$ was a great girlfriend during the school year, always kept you sexually satisfied and she understood when to give you enough space so you'll not get sick of each other. It continued that way in the summer too.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 4 or $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] == 4>>\
After the last exams \
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 3>>\
After winning at swimming tournament of the national level \
you had a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country, which meant that you'll have to separate with $ in autumn.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
It surprised you that she wasn't upset about it. After just a few questions $ confessed about cheating on you for some time. Then she hastily apologized and run away in tears. This was the last time you saw her.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
She wasn't all that upset about about it and told that you at least have all summer to spend together. The June with her was very good, but your relationship started to deteriorate in July and during one of the fights she confessed about cheating on you for some time.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End11.jpg">>\
She wasn't all that upset about it and began to make arrangements for transfer to your college. $ was a great girlfriend, always kept you sexually satisfied and she understood when to give you enough space so you'll not get sick of each other.
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > -1 or $mc.goal[2] > -1>>\
Through the rest of school year you worked hard on achieving your goals and spent most of your free time with $ You managed to get a scholarship to a good college on the other side of the country, which meant that you'll have to separate with her in the autumn.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
You though that your relationship was good during the school year, but for some reason the news about the scholarship didn't upset $ After just a few questions she confessed about cheating on you for some time. Then she hastily apologized and run away in tears. This was the last time you saw her.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
$ were supportive and your relationship was good overall, but through the school year she became more moody and irritable. The news about the scholarship made things even worse and she eventually broke up with you at the end of May, after confessing about cheating on you for some time.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End11.jpg">>\
She wasn't all that upset about it and began to make arrangements for transfer to your college. $ was a great girlfriend through the school year and summer, always kept you sexually satisfied and she understood when to give you enough space so you'll not get sick of each other.
<<elseif 30000 <= (_b * 1000) + $mc.mone>>\
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. It heavily reduced the time that you could spend with $ In the middle of May the needed sum was collected which meant that you'll be studying in a good college on the other side of the country.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
You though that your relationship was good during the school year, but for some reason the news about college didn't upset $ After just a few questions she confessed about cheating on you for some time. Then she hastily apologized and run away in tears. This was the last time you saw her.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
$ were supportive and your relationship was good overall, but through the school year she became more moody and irritable. The news about college made things even worse and she eventually broke up with you at the end of May, after confessing about cheating on you for some time.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End11.jpg">>\
She wasn't all that upset about it and began to make arrangements for transfer to your college. $ was a great girlfriend through the school year and summer, always kept you sexually satisfied and she understood when to give you enough space so you'll not get sick of each other.
After you failed in achieving your Academic and Sport goals, you concentrated on saving money to pay for college. Unfortunately, you didn't have enough time and you have to stay home working, at least for a year.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
You though that your relationship was good during the school year, but for some reason the news about college didn't upset $ After just a few questions she confessed about cheating on you for some time. Then she hastily apologized and run away in tears. This was the last time you saw her.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 6>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/End10.jpg">>\
$ were supportive and your relationship was good overall, but through the school year she became more moody and irritable. The news about college made things even worse and she eventually broke up with you at the end of May, after confessing about cheating on you for some time.
After getting over the initial shock you tried to talk with her, but $ was avoiding you. Her mother just refused to talk about it with you and even threatened to call the police if you don't leave them alone, so you had to stop.
<<set $imag = "files/H/End11.jpg">>\
She wasn't all that upset about it and made you feel better by pointing out that you gonna be together for at least a year. $ was a great girlfriend through the school year and summer, always kept you sexually satisfied and she understood when to give you enough space so you'll not get sick of each other.
<<link "Restart">>
<<link "Quit">>
<</link>><<if $g.H.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.H.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/Bro0"+random(8)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking at you with a sad expression on her face.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] > 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ watching you. She quickly turned around and left when your eyes met.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point you ended up in the same room with $ While you tried to think how to start conversation she quickly left the room.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseI">>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(3)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation during which she was timidly checking you out and blushing lightly.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During a short conversation she somewhat shyly flirted with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by flashing her panties.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She asked you a few questions about the handiwork while blushing lightly.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She asked you a few questions about the handiwork while flirting with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by bending over, showing her ass and giving it a light slap.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " when you noticed $ studying nearby.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was looking at your body and blushed when you made an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " Her pose allowed you to have a good look at her panties.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She took an enticing pose while doing it. When she saw you looking she wiggled her butt at you.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " when you noticed $ watching you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She blushed and smiled after being discovered.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was absentmindedly caressing her thigh and smiled after being discovered.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/HoIHan32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " After being discovered, she smiled and teased you by showing off her ass.">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "Library">>
<<if $args[1] === "Wor">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(3)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to ask how are you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a small talk during which she was blushing lightly.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the small talk, she sat on the table in front of you and caressed her leg lightly.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by lifting her skirt and showing her ass.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She asked for recommendations on books and blushed lightly while keeping an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the conversation about favorite books she flirted with you somewhat shyly.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by lifting her shirt and showing her bra.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation about your job.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the short conversation about your job she was slowly lifting her skirt and smiling at your reaction.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by lifting her shirt and showing her bra.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ approached you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You talked a little about your families and then she asked to say hi to $">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During the short conversation about your families she was slowly lifting her skirt and smiling at your reaction.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/H/Int/LibWor32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by showing off her underwear.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">>----
<<if $g.H.riva[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Riv/Riv0.jpg">>\ having a friendly chat with the new Handyman in her room. During it, he noticed her diary on the table.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Riv/Riv1.jpg">>\
...thanks the new Handyman for the compliments then asks him to stop flirting with her because she has a boyfriend.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Riv/Riv2.jpg">>\ taking a shower. It gave the opportunity for the new Handyman to rummage in her room, find her diary and take it.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Riv/Riv3.jpg">>\ confronted by the new Handyman. He asked her what you would do if you found out about what happened at that college party. Then he suggested for her to think about being friendlier to him in the future.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Riv/Riv4.jpg">>\ reluctantly lets the new Handyman kiss and caress her. After it, he began to badmouth you for not making love to her every day.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 5>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Riv/Riv5.jpg">>\ being fingered by the new Handyman after the demand to touch her. After making her cum 2 times, he began to badmouth you for not keeping her satisfied.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/H/Riv/Riv6.mp4">>\ reluctantly giving a blowjob to the new Handyman after he made her cum a few times with his fingers. During it, he suggests that you are busy cheating on her anyway, otherwise you would be all over her.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/H/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\ receiving a cunnilingus from the new Handyman. She was reluctant only before her first orgasm.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] === 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/H/Riv/Riv101.mp4">>\ having sex with the new Handyman for the first time. He didn't have to bring up the diary or you to get in her pants.
<<elseif $g.H.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/H/Riv/Riv"+random(100,119)+".mp4">>\ having sex with the new Handyman.
<<if $g.H.riva[1] === 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.H.riva[0] = 3>>
<</link>><<set _fa = 0>>
/*Have a job*/
<<if $mc.occu[0] > 0 or ($mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $g.H.fact[1][2] == -1>>
<<if $g.H.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 4>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 7>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 10>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 13>>
<<set _fa -= 1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $g.H.fact[1][2] > -1>>
<<set $g.H.fact[1][2]++>>
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<night $g.H>><<if $g.H.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] > 0 or ($mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 You have a job'>>
<<color red '-2 You do not have a job'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.H.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $g.H.fact[1][2] == -1>>\
<<if $g.H.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<color red '-2 She expects to be taken on dates by you'>>
<<color grey 'She has not been on a date with you yet'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 4>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Had a date with her recently'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 7>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Had a date with her not long ago'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 10>>\
<<color lightgrey 'Had a date with her sometime ago'>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[1][2] < 13>>\
<<color lightcoral '-1 She wants to go out with you'>>
<<color red '-2 She has not been on a date with you "in like forever"'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.H.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Great progress towards to your Academic goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Good progress towards to your Academic goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'On the way to your Academic goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Failed your Academic goal'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<<if $g.H.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $mc.goal[2] > 1>>\
<<color limegreen '+2 Great progress towards your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen '+1 Good progress towards your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey 'On the way to your Sport goal'>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[2] == -1>>\
<<color red '-2 Failed your Sport goal'>>
<<color grey 'Unknown'>>
<</if>>\<<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.H.rela[1] == 1 and $g.H.rela[0] == 100>>
<<set _te = "$ confessed that she wants to have more serious relationship with you and ask if you feel the same way about her.">>
<<set $mc.more = "H">>
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] > 0 and $g.H.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ broke up with you after telling that she had a crush on you for a long time and was thrilled when you started the relationship. Unfortunately, you didn't live up to her expectations.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.H.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[0] == -1>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ for the first time in a long time you were thinking about how she was always nice towards you whenever you met. You didn't try to become friends, mostly because it looked impossible for you at the time to befriend a girl that is older by a year.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.H.atti[1] > 0 and $g.H.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.H.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ is single and was recently transferred to a very good college that is not far from here. The easy commute will allow her to spend Evenings and Nights at home during the school year.">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[0] == 1>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ approves of you having a job and helping $ with money.">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ wouldn't mind if you ask her on a date.">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ is a good student and approves of your Academic goal.">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ thinks it is smart to have a backup plan to get into college in the form of your Sport goal.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.H.atti[1] > 0 and $g.H.rela[1] == 1 and $g.H.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $'s had some experience with sex at college, but it wasn't that good.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<nobr>>
0 - exercise
1 - phone
2 - read
3 - rest
4 - study
5 - tv
6 - massage
7 - outfit sexy
8 - tease
9 - bed norm
10 - bed sexy
11 - date
<<if $temp[5] === undefined>>
<<if $temp[2] === 0>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [1,2,2,3,4,5]>>
<<if $time[0] === 1>>
<<set _ar.push(0)>>
<<if $g.H.rela[1] > 0 and $g.H.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(7,8)>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(6)>>
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _ar = [9]>>
<<if $g.H.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(10)>>
<<elseif $temp[2] === 1>>
<<set _ar = [11]>>
<<set _da = random(4)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] === 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ doing her workout routine.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Exe0.jpg">>\
She asked you to wait for her to finish which took some time. After she was done, you hung out a little.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Exe1.jpg">>\
She apologized that you had to wait for her to finish, before you could hang out together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Exe2.jpg">>\
She was happy that you came and apologized that you had to wait for her to finish, before you could hang out together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Exe3.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to play nervously with her shorts.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Exe4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Exe5.jpg">>\
At some point $ pulled down her shorts and started to tease you by showing off her ass.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 1>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ speaking on the phone with her friend.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Pho0.jpg">>\
She apologetically smiled, made a gesture for you to sit and wait. You had to wait for quite some time before she hanged up and spent a little bit of time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Pho1.jpg">>\
She smiled at you when she saw you, excused herself to her friend and hanged up, after which you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Pho2.jpg">>\
She quickly said something into the phone before hanging up. Then she invited you to spend time with her while smiling at you.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Pho3.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to play nervously with her skirt.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Pho4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Pho5.jpg">>\
$ was teasing you by lifting her skirt and showing off her panties a few times.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 2>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ reading some book.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Rea0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you hanging out with her, but she continued reading it while giving you a little bit of attention.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Rea1.jpg">>\
She smiled at you when she saw you, put the book away and you spent some time together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Rea2.jpg">>\
She was happy to put the book away and spent time with you.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Rea3.jpg">>\
$ was staring at your body when she thought that you wouldn't notice.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Rea4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Rea5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would tease you by lifting her shirt and showing off her bra.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ resting on her bed.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She invited you to hung out with her, but you had to do all the talking while she lazily responded sometimes.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came to spend time with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She was happy that you came to spend time with her.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to restlessly moving one of her legs, which brought your attention to her crotch.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
$ was teasing you by caressing her thigh in a sexy way.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ studying.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Stu0.jpg">>\
She apologized and asked you to wait until she'll be done with the article. It took some time before you could spend a little bit of time with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Stu1.jpg">>\
She readily put her books away to spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Stu2.jpg">>\
She was happy to take a break and hung out with you.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Stu3.jpg">>\
At some point you noticed that $ was staring at your crotch. She blushed and turned away after realizing it.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Stu4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Stu5.jpg">>\
A few times $ would pull down her jeans a little to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 5>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ watching TV.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She invited you to join her, but you barely talked while doing it.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She readily invited you watch it together and you spent some time hanging out.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She happily invited you to sit next to her and hang out together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
$ was playfully swinging her legs in air while laying next to you.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
At some point $ pulled down her shorts to tease you with a great view of her ass.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 6>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Mas" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ finishing her workout routine.
After seeing you she asked cutely for a massage and you had no reason to turn her down.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 7>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Out" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her room in front of the mirror.
She smiled when she saw you and asked you to wait outside of her room for a minute. You don't have to wait long before she came out wearing sexy outfit and began to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 8>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Tea" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her room thinking about something.
The naughty smile appeared on her face when she saw you and asked you to wait outside of her room a little. After a couple of minutes she emerged dressed only in the lingerie and began to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 9>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
You found $ in her bedroom getting ready to sleep.
<<if $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Bed1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came to spend the night with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Bed2.jpg">>\
She was happy to see you and invited you to spend some time before going to bed together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Bed3.jpg">>\
$ was checking out your body the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Bed4.jpg">>\
$ was flirting with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Bed5.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to tease by almost showing her tits.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 10>>\
<<set _se = 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in her bedroom getting ready to sleep.
She firmly told you lie in bed. After you complied, she changed into sexy underwear and started to tease you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 11>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
$ agreed to go on a date with you.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
Even though she was in a bit of a bad mood during the date you managed to have a good time. She didn't invite you inside after the date, but gave you a kiss on the cheek at the end.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
You had a good time and she invited you inside after the date to hang out a little.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
You had a great time during and after the date, when she invited you to hang out a little.
<<if $temp[1] > 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Dat"+_da+($temp[1]+2)+".jpg">>\
<<set $imag = "files/H/Hou/Dat"+_da+$temp[0]+".jpg">>\
<<if _da === 0>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
At some point $ started to play with her skirt.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
At some point $ started to tease you with a great view of her ass.
<<elseif _da === 1>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
$ was nervously playing with a bottom of her dress a few times.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
At some point $ pulled down the top of her dress to show off her bra.
<<elseif _da === 2>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
$ was nervously playing with her hair from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
At some point $ lifted the bottom of her dress and playfully wiggled her butt.
<<elseif _da === 3>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
$ was very responsive to your attempts at humor and laughed even on cheesiest of jokes.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
At some point $ lifted the bottom of her dress and asked if you like her thongs.
<<elseif _da === 4>>\
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
$ was nervously playing with a bottom of her dress a few times.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
$ was flirting with you during and after the date.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
At some point $ started to tease you with the view of her bare ass.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/H/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] === true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.H.attr[1] === 3 and $g.H.rela[1] === 0
and $ === 100>>\
<<color pink 'She can tell that you want her and positions herself in a way that you can easily kiss her.'>>
<<if $mc.more === "H">>\
<<more $g.H>>
<<if $g.H.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] === 0 or $mc.stam[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.H.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se === 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 8>>
<<elseif _se === 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Mas">>
<<set _ra2 = 2>>>
<<elseif _se === 2>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 8>>
<<sex1 $g.H _ra1 _ra2>>
<<elseif $g.H.rela[1] === 0 and $ === 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] === 0 or $mc.stam[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.H.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.H.rela[1] = 1>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed", "Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<set _ra2 = 8>>
<<sex1 $g.H _ra1 _ra2>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseI">>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseI">>
<</if>>\<<include "G2Stats">>\
<<set _pa = "G" + $menu[1] + "Stats">>\
<<if $g[_gi].rela[1] == -1>>\
<<color grey 'No more an active part of her life'>>
<<elseif $g[_gi].fact[0] == -1>>\
<<color grey 'Not active part of her life yet'>>
<<include _pa>>\
<<include "G3Stats">>\
<</if>>\<div style="display:flex; background-color: black;">\
<<if $bars === false>>\
<div title="Girl stats" style="margin: 0.15em 0.2em 0 0">\
<<button "G">>
Dialog.setup("Stats tracker");"G0Stats").text);;
<ul style="width:10em; margin: 0 0.2em 0 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; cursor:help; color:cadetblue; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">
<li title="Energy" style="position: relative; width:100%; border: 1px solid yellow; height:0.63em;">\
<div @style="'position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; background-color:yellow; height:100%; width:'+($mc.ener[0]/$mc.ener[1])*100+'%'"></div>\
<div style="position: absolute; top:-2px; width:100%; font-size:14px">$mc.ener[0]</div>\
<li title="Lust" style="position: relative; width:100%; border: 1px solid pink; height:0.63em;">\
<div @style="'position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; height:100%; background-color:pink; width:'+$mc.lust+'%'"></div>\
<div style="position: absolute; top:-2px; width:100%; font-size:14px">$mc.lust</div>\
<li title="Stamina" style="position: relative; width:100%; border: 1px solid lightblue; height:0.63em;">\
<div @style="'position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; background-color:lightblue; height:100%; width:'+($mc.stam[0]/$mc.stam[1])*100+'%'"></div>\
<div style="position: absolute; top:-2px; width:100%; font-size:14px">$mc.stam[0]</div>\
<div style="font-weight: bold; font-size:14px">\
<<set _a = $list[0]>>\
<<set _c = 0>>\
<<for _b = 0; _b < _a.length; _b++>>\
<<if $g[_a[_b]].rela[1] > 0 and $g[_a[_b]].fact[2] > 5>>\
<<set _c++>>\
<<if _c === 1>>\
<<if $g[_a[_b]].fact[2] > 8>>\
<span style="color:red"><<= $g[_a[_b]].name>></span>\
<<elseif $g[_a[_b]].fact[2] > 5>>\
<span style="color:lightcoral"><<= $g[_a[_b]].name>></span>\
</div>\<ul id="nav-bar">\
<<if $cp != "HouseA">><li>\
<<button "Home<<ggps HouseA>>" "HouseA">>
<<if $cp != "Gym">><li>\
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Gym is closed'>>
<<button "Gym<<ggps Gym>>" "Gym">>
<<if $cp != "Library">><li>\
<<if $time[0] > 1>>\
<<color grey 'Library is closed'>>
<<button "Library<<ggps Library>>" "Library">>
<<if $cp != "Office">><li>\
<<if $time[0] > 1 or $date[3] == 1>>\
<<color grey 'Office is closed'>>
<<button "Office<<ggps Office>>" "Office">>
<<if $cp != "School">><li>\
<<if $date[0] < new Date(2000, 8, 1)>>\
<<color grey 'School opens at 1 Sep'>>
<<elseif $time[0] > 1 or $date[3] > 0>>\
<<color grey 'School is closed'>>
<<button "School<<ggps School>>" "School">>
<<if $cp != "Shop">><li>\
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Shop is closed'>>
<<button "Shop" "Shop">>
<<if $cp != "HouseB">><li>\
<<if $g.B.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey "Can't visit $'s place">>
<<button "$'s place<<ggps HouseB>>" "HouseB">>
<<if $cp != "HouseC">><li>\
<<if $g.C.rela[1] < 0 or $g.C.fact[0] < 3>>\
<<color grey "Can't visit $'s place">>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey "Too late to visit $'s place">>
<<button "$'s place<<ggps HouseC>>" "HouseC">>
<<if $cp != "HouseD">><li>\
<<if $g.D.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey "Can't visit $'s place">>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.D.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey "Too late to visit $'s place">>
<<button "$'s place<<ggps HouseD>>" "HouseD">>
<<if $cp != "HouseG">><li>\
<<if $g.G.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey "Can't visit $'s place">>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey "Too late to visit $'s place">>
<<button "$'s place<<ggps HouseG>>" "HouseG">>
<<if $cp != "HouseF">><li>\
<<if $g.E.rela[1] < 0 and $g.F.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey "Can't visit $'s place">>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.E.rela[1] < 1 and $g.F.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey "Too late to visit $'s place">>
<<button "$'s place<<ggps HouseF>>" "HouseF">>
<<if $cp != "HouseI">><li>\
<<if $g.H.rela[1] < 0 and $g.I.rela[1] < 0>>\
<<color grey "Can't visit $'s place">>
<<elseif $time[0] > 2 and $g.H.rela[1] < 1 and $g.I.rela[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey "Too late to visit $'s place">>
<<button "$'s place<<ggps HouseI>>" "HouseI">>
<<if $cp != "Handy3">><li>\
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to visit 3rd client'>>
<<button "3rd client<<ggps Handy3>>" "Handy3">>
<<if $cp != "Handy4">><li>\
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<color grey 'Too late to visit 4th client'>>
<<button "4th client<<ggps Handy4>>" "Handy4">>
</ul>\<<if $g.I.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned how great the sex was with you the last time.">>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[2] < 8>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that it is about time you two have sex again.">>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[2] > 7>>
<<set _se = " She mentioned that you better be planning to have sex with her soon.">>
<<set $g.I.inte = 0>>
<<set $clip = 2>>
<<if $temp[0] === 3>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/Bro0"+random(6)+".jpg">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<if $temp[1] < 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You saw $ looking at you disapprovingly.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] > 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "You noticed $ watching you. When your eyes met, her face didn't show any emotion.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] = "At some point you accidentally bumped into $ She made a comment about you not been fired only because she didn't want to upset $">>
<<elseif $args[0] === "HouseI">>
<<if $args[1] === "Han">>
<<set $temp[1] = random(4)>>
<<set $text[4] = "You were finishing">>
<<if $temp[1] === 0>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to say hi.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan00.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " You had a short conversation during which she was boldly checking you out.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan01.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " During a short conversation she flirted with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan02.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by opening her blouse a little and showing her bra.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 1>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan10.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She asked you a few questions about the handiwork while giving you a few once-overs.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan11.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She asked you a few questions about the handiwork while flirting with you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan12.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by giving you a better view of her cleavage.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>
<<set $text[4] += " when you noticed $ watching you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan20.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was looking at your body and smiled when you made an eye contact.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan21.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was caressing around her breasts and didn't stop when you looked at her.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan22.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was openly touching her breasts when you looked at her.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>
<<set $text[4] += " when $ came up to you.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan30.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She asked a few random questions and stared at your body while you were answering.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan31.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She began to flirt and you had a fun banter about her being attracted to you.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan32.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += _se>>
<<set $text[4] += " Then she teased you by pulling down her top and showing her bra.">>
<<elseif $temp[1] === 4>>
<<set $text[4] += " when you noticed $ nearby.">>
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan40.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was rearranging stuff while periodically giving you glances.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan41.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was rearranging stuff while dressed in a short dress. When she saw you looking at her, she gave you a nice show by bending over.">>
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>
<<set $imag = "files/I/Int/HoIHan42.jpg">>
<<set $text[4] += " She was rearranging stuff while dressed in a short dress. When she saw you looking at her, she gave you a short striptease.">>
<<set $text[4] += "<br>">>----
<<if $g.I.riva[1] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Riv/Riv0.jpg">>\ talking with her girlfriend about men during the break at her workplace.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Riv/Riv1.jpg">>\ attentively listening to her girlfriend's story about hooking up with their Coworker.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Riv/Riv2.jpg">>\ being encouraged by her girlfriend to try out their Coworker's cock after warning about his preferences.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Riv/Riv3.jpg">>\ flirting with her Coworker during the break.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 4>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Riv/Riv4.jpg">>\ having fun during a lunch with her Coworker.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 5>>\
<<set _vide = "files/I/Riv/Riv5.mp4">>\ giving blowjob to her Coworker in his personal office.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 6>>\
<<set _vide = "files/I/Riv/Riv100.mp4">>\ being fucked by her Coworker for the first time in his personal office and enjoys every second of it.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 7>>\
<<set _vide = "files/I/Riv/Riv101.mp4">>\ letting her Coworker to fuck her ass after careful preparations.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] === 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/I/Riv/Riv102.mp4">>\ totally into being fucked in the ass by her Coworker.
<<elseif $g.I.riva[1] > 8>>\
<<set _vide = "files/I/Riv/Riv"+random(100,119)+".mp4">>\ having sex with her Coworker.
<<if $g.I.riva[1] === 9>>\
<<color red 'It became a regular thing now.'>>
<<link "Return" $pp>>
<<set $g.I.riva[0] = 3>>
<</link>><<set _fa = 0>>
/*Have a job*/
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3 or ($mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2 or ($mc.occu[1] == 2 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1 or ($mc.occu[1] == 1 and $mc.part < 8)>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.hand[1] == 0>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 1>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 2>>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 3>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>
<<set _fa -= 2>>
/*Jealous of daughter*/
<<if $g.H.fact[2] < 0>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 3>>
<<set _fa += 2>>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 5>>
<<set _fa += 1>>
<<night $g.I>><<if $g.I.fact[0] > 1>>\
<<if $mc.occu[0] == 3 or ($mc.occu[1] == 3 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color limegreen "+2 Have a great job">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 2 or ($mc.occu[1] == 2 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1 Have a good job">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[0] == 1 or ($mc.occu[1] == 1 and $mc.part < 8)>>\
<<color lightgrey "Have a job">>
<<color red "-2 Got fired.">>
<<color grey Unknown>>
<<if $g.I.fact[0] > 2>>\
<<if $mc.hand[1] == 0>>\
<<color limegreen "+2 Helped with handiwork this week">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 1>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1 Helped with handiwork on the last week">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 2>>\
<<color lightgrey "She needs help with handiwork">>
<<elseif $mc.hand[1] == 3>>\
<<color red "-2 Has been replaced as a handyman">>
<<color grey Unknown>>
<<if $g.I.fact[0] > 3>>\
<<if $mc.goal[0] > 2>>\
<<color limegreen "+2 Great progress towards to your Academic goal">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] > 0>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1 Good progress towards to your Academic goal">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == 0>>\
<<color lightgrey "On the way to your Academic goal">>
<<elseif $mc.goal[0] == -1>>\
<<color red "-2 Failed your Academic goal">>
<<color grey Unknown>>
<<if $g.I.fact[0] > 4>>\
<<if $g.H.fact[2] < 0>>\
<<color lightgrey "Nothing unusual about her daughter">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 3>>\
<<color limegreen "+2 Her daughter looks sated">>
<<elseif $g.H.fact[2] < 5>>\
<<color lightgreen "+1 Her daughter looks satisfied">>
<<color lightgrey "Her daughter looks normal">>
<<color grey Unknown>>
<</if>>\<<set _te = "">>
<<set $text[3] = "">>
<<if $g.I.rela[1] == 1 and $g.I.atti[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "$ broke up with you after telling that you are just a boy. Not man enough to tell it to her face that you don't want her anymore.">>
<<set _ch1 = $mc.conf[0]>>
<<set $mc.conf[0] = Math.clamp($mc.conf[0] - 20, 0, 100)>>
<<change $mc.conf[0] Confidence>>
<<set $g.I.rela[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[0] == -1>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ for the first time in a couple of months you were thinking how she was a welcoming neighbor since you moved in next door. Her ex-husband bought the house a few years ago and her family lived here for a while. You would often see $ chatting with $, but they didn't manage to become friends.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.I.atti[1] > 0 and $g.I.fact[0] < 5>>
<<if $g.I.fact[0] == 0>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how she was married to a licentious man. He was always looking for the opportunity to hang around $, after you moved in. He wasn't successful in getting in her pants, but he kept on trying until you talked about him with $ They had a big fight during which his other promiscuities came out to light. A month later they were divorced and he was gone from the house.">>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[0] == 1>>
<<if $mc.occu[0] > 0>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ always thought that you are a responsible young man and she likes how you are helping $ by working at summer.">>
<<elseif $mc.occu[1] > 0 and $mc.part < 8>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ always thought that you are a responsible young man and she likes how you are helping $ by working part-time even during the school year.">>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ heard from $ that you were fired from your job and that it is much harder to manage your family budget now.">>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[0] == 2>>
<<set _te = "While talking with $ you were thinking how about a month after her divorce she learned from $ that you know how to do handiwork and soon she became your first regular client.">>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[0] == 3>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ was always proud of her daughter for being a good student and that she looks down on lazy ones.">>
<<elseif $g.I.fact[0] == 4>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ misses being young, going out with boys and having fun. She thinks it is a waste that her daughter prefers to spend her free time reading at home or at the library.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<elseif $g.I.atti[1] > 0 and $g.I.rela[1] == 1 and $g.I.fact[0] == 5>>
<<set _te = "You learned that $ had a few one night stands after her divorce, but they weren't good. Now she is hoping that you could deliver the goods.">>
<<char $args[0]>>
<<set $text[3] += _te>><<nobr>>
0 - clean
1 - exercise
2 - kitchen
3 - phone
4 - rest
5 - shop
6 - tv
7 - clean sexy
8 - kit sexy
9 - tease
10 - bed
11 - bed sexy
<<if $temp[5] === undefined>>
<<if $time[0] < 3>>
<<set _ar = [2,3,4,6]>>
<<if $time[0] < 2>>
<<set _ar.push(1,5)>>
<<if $time[0] === 0>>
<<set _ar.push(0)>>
<<if $g.I.rela[1] > 0 and $g.I.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(8,9)>>
<<if $time[0] === 0>>
<<set _ar.push(7)>>
<<elseif $g.I.rela[1] > 0>>
<<set _ar = [10]>>
<<if $g.I.attr[1] > 1>>
<<set _ar.push(11)>>
<<set $temp[5] = _ar.random()>>
<<if $temp[5] === 0>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ cleaning around the house.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Cle0.jpg">>\
She was surprised when you volunteered to help and used you mostly to move furniture so she can access hard-to-reach spots.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Cle1.jpg">>\
She accepted your offer to help and you spent some time doing it together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Cle2.jpg">>\
She was pleased that you decided to help her and you spent some time doing it together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Cle3.jpg">>\
You noticed that $ was glancing your way a lot.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Cle4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Cle5.jpg">>\
At some point $ cupped her breasts and massaged them for a short time.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 1>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ doing her exercise routine.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Exe0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you keeping her company as long as you wouldn't distract her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Exe1.jpg">>\
It took her only a couple of minutes to finish, before she could spend some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Exe2.jpg">>\
She readily stopped doing it, said that she was about to finish anyway and you spent some time together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Exe3.jpg">>\
$'s was checking out your body from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Exe4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Exe5.jpg">>\
At some point $ exposed her abs, told you to touch her belly and asked what you think about her form.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 2>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ cooking in the kitchen.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Kit0.jpg">>\
She was ok with cooking an extra portion for you as long as you help her cleaning, which you did after having a meal together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Kit1.jpg">>\
She was ok with cooking an extra portion for you and told you to sit and keep her company. After the meal was ready you ate together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Kit2.jpg">>\
She was glad to make an extra portion for you and asked you to keep her company. After the meal was ready you ate together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Kit3.jpg">>\
A few times you noticed $ blushing while looking your way.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Kit4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Kit5.jpg">>\
At some $ exposed her bra covered breasts while looking at your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 3>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ in her bedroom talking on the phone.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Pho0.jpg">>\
She made a gesture for you to be quiet and continued to talk on the phone for some time, before hanging up and talk with you a little.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Pho1.jpg">>\
She excused herself to the caller before hanging up and spent some time with you.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Pho2.jpg">>\
She readily ended the phone call to spend some time with you.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Pho3.jpg">>\
$ was attentively listening to you during your conversation.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Pho4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Pho5.jpg">>\
At some point $ gave you a good view at her panties by spreading her legs widely.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 4>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ relaxing on the couch.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Res0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind your company, but looked uninterested in conversation.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Res1.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you coming to spend time with her.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Res2.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came to spend time with her.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Res3.jpg">>\
$ was absentmindedly caressing herself near her chest from time to time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Res4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Res5.jpg">>\
At some point $ started groping her own chest while looking at your reaction.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 5>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ getting ready to go shopping.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Sho0.jpg">>\
She was surprised when you volunteered to go with her and used it as an opportunity to buy more than she normally would. It took some time before you returned to her place.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Sho1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you volunteered to go with her. You spent some time in the store before returning to her place.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Sho2.jpg">>\
She was happy that you volunteered to go with her. You spent some time in the store before returning to her place.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Sho3.jpg">>\
You noticed $ checking you our more that once.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Sho4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Sho5.jpg">>\
At some point $ opened the top buttons of her blouse which gave you a better view of her chest.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 6>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
You found $ watching TV.
<<if $temp[0] === 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Tv0.jpg">>\
She didn't mind you joining her and you spent some time talking about the show she was watching which was kind of boring.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Tv1.jpg">>\
She was glad to shut down the TV and spend some time with you instead.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Tv2.jpg">>\
She was happy to shut down the TV and spend some time with you instead.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Tv3.jpg">>\
$'s readily laughed even at the corniest of your jokes.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Tv4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Tv5.jpg">>\
At some point $ opened her legs and touched her crotch while looking at you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 7>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Cle" + random(2) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ cleaning around the house dressed in a short robe.
She asked you to keep her company and proceeded tease you while continuing a clean up.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 8>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Kit" + random(3) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ cooking in the kitchen.
She was glad to make an extra portion for you and to tease you during and after the meal was ready.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 9>>\
<<set _se = 0>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Tea" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ in one of the rooms of her house.
She brightened up after seeing you and began to tease while spending time with you.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 10>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
You found $ getting ready to sleep.
<<if $temp[0] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Bed1.jpg">>\
She was glad that you came and you spent some time talking before going to sleep together.
<<elseif $temp[0] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Bed2.jpg">>\
She was happy to have you in her bed tonight and you spent some time talking before going to sleep together.
<<if $temp[1] === 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Bed3.jpg">>\
At some point $ started to caress herself absentmindedly above chest.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 2>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Bed4.jpg">>\
$ flirted with you the whole time.
<<elseif $temp[1] === 3>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Bed5.jpg">>\
Soon after you came $ began undressing deliberately slowly.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 11>>\
<<set _se = 1>>\
<<set $imag = "files/I/Hou/Bed" + random(4) + ($temp[1] + 2) + ".jpg">>\
You found $ on her bed dressed in sexy underwear.
She hoped that you would come to sleep with her tonight and began to tease you before going to bed.
<<elseif $temp[5] === 100>>\
<<set _vide = "files/I/Sex/" + $sex[2] + "/End" + $sex[3] + ".mp4">>\
Both of you take some time to clean yourself.
<<if $temp[5] < 100>>\
<<if $temp[3] === true>>\
<<color pink 'Her beauty was affecting you.'>>
<<color powderblue $text[3]>>\
<<if $g.I.rela[1] > 0>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] === 0 or $mc.stam[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot start sex with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.I.attr[1] < 1>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to start sex'>>
<<link "Start sex" "W1Sex">>
<<if _se === 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed","Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<if _ra1 === "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<set _ra2 = 5>>
<<elseif _se === 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<sex1 $g.I _ra1 _ra2>>
<<elseif $g.I.rela[1] === 0 and $ === 100>>\
<<if $mc.ener[0] === 0 or $mc.stam[0] === 0>>\
<<color grey 'Cannot make a move with Energy or Stamina at 0'>>
<<elseif $g.I.attr[1] < 3>>\
<<color grey 'Her Attraction state is not high enough to make a move'>>
<<link "Make a move on $" "W1Sex">>
<<set $g.I.rela[1] = 1>>
<<if _se === 0>>
<<set _ra0 = ["Bed","Roo"]>>
<<set _ra1 = _ra0.random()>>
<<if _ra1 === "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<set _ra2 = 5>>
<<elseif _se === 1>>
<<set _ra1 = "Bed">>
<<set _ra2 = 9>>
<<sex1 $g.I _ra1 _ra2>>
<<color grey 'Sex is not an option at this state of Relationship'>>
<<if $time[0] > 2>>\
<<link "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<<sleep "HouseI">>
<<link "Time has passed" "HouseI">>