<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
Without warning, the your instincts kick in, and in a split second decision, you lunge forward with a hard punch aimed at the traveler's jaw.
<br />
The blow lands with a sickening thud, the force behind it amplified by the desperation of survival.
The traveler staggers back, stunned by the unexpected attack. Blood trickles from his split lip as he tries to regain his footing.
But before he can fully recover, you strikes again, this time with a precise strike to the temple. The impact is devastating, sending the traveler crashing to the ground, unmoving.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You check his pulse and he's not moving.
<br /><br />
Feeling a mix of remorse and necessity, you start to search through the traveler's belongings.
Among the items strapped to his person, you find a few weathered books, their pages worn but still readable.
<br /><br />
Aside from the books, your hand brushes against a substantial knife, well-maintained and clearly a tool for both defense and utility.
<br /><br />
<strong>You picked up a <strong class="iitem">knife</strong><br />
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem">3 books</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'knife' 1>>
<<pickup $backpack 'book' 3>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<set $player.quests.teacher_killed = true>>
<</link>><<if tags().includes('sex') || tags().includes('girlview')>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<<if tags().includes('sex')>>
<<if !tags().includes('no-redirect') && $player.energy < 5>>
<<set $tiredNoTime = false>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - tired'>>
<<elseif !timeBetween('08:00', '04:00') && $tmpGirlBack>>
<<set $tiredNoTime = false>>
<<if passage().includes('Mc fuck')>>
<<set $tiredNoTime = true>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - tired'>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
/* restore companion after hero being alone with Blair or Isabel */
<<if typeof $player.companionsHome !== 'undefined' && passage().search(/^(Blair|Fight|Isabel)/) == -1>>
<<set $player.companions = $player.companionsHome>>
<<run delete $player.companionsHome>>
<<if tags().includes('nightclub') && !timeBetween('20:00', '04:00')>>
<<goto 'Nightclub'>>
<<if typeof $storage === 'undefined'>>
<<newinv $storage>>
<<include 'background'>>
<<include 'NPC schedule'>>
<<if $game.introFinished>>
<div id="mobile_clock">
<</if>><<set $suppCode = 'Patreon0.54'>>
<<if $player.energy > $player.maxEnergy>>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
<<if $player.hunger > $player.maxHunger>>
<<set $player.hunger = $player.maxHunger>>
<<updatemeter '$energyBar' `$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy`>>
<<updatemeter '$hungerBar' `$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger`>>
<<updatemeter '$hornyBar' `$player.horny / 100`>>
<<set $charactersInLocation = {
kitchen: [],
bedroom: [],
church: [],
farm: [],
lab: [],
guesthouse: [],
underground_office: []
$game.avatars = {},
$game.avatars.blair = 'people/blair/avatar.png',
$game.avatars.rodger = 'people/rodger/avatar.png',
$game.avatars.laura = 'people/laura/avatar.jpg',
$game.avatars.isabel = 'people/isabel.png',
$game.avatars.octavia = 'people/octavia/avatar.png',
$game.avatars.dom = 'people/dom/avatar.png'
<<if isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.cabinType > 0>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00', '09:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['kitchen'].push('blair')>>
<<if timeBetween('22:00', '08:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['bedroom'].push('blair')>>
<<if timeBetween('12:00', '14:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['farm'].push('blair')>>
<<if isMetChar('rodger')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['church'].push('rodger')>>
<<if isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.living>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00', '11:00') || timeBetween('14:00', '20:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['lab'].push('laura')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['guesthouse'].push('laura')>>
<<if isMetChar('dom') && isMetChar('isabel') && $characters.isabel.quests.saved && !$characters.isabel.quests.dom_return>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['guesthouse'].push('isabel')>>
<<if isMetChar('octavia') && $characters.octavia.quests.next_move>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['guesthouse'].push('octavia')>>
<<if isMetChar('dom') && $characters.dom?.quests?.return_city_done>>
<<if !$characters.dom?.quests?.dead>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['underground_office'].push('dom')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['underground_office'].push('isabel')>>
<<if isMetChar('blair') && !$game.debugBlair>>
<<set $game.debugBlair = $characters.blair.quests.metOnDay>>
<<if $game.debugBlair && (typeof $characters.blair.quests === 'undefined' || typeof $characters.blair.quests.metOnDay === 'undefined' || $game.debugBlair !== $characters.blair.quests.metOnDay)>>
Dialog.setup("Blair bug warning", "Blair bug warning");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Blair bug warning").processText());
Object.keys(variables().packs ?? {}).forEach(key => {
if (!variables().packs[key] || typeof setup.actions === 'undefined' || typeof setup.packs === 'undefined') {
if (typeof setup.actions[key] == 'undefined' && typeof setup.packs[key] !== 'undefined') {
importScripts(setup.Path + "packs/" + setup.packs[key].name + "/actions.js")
.then(function() {
if (setup.packs[key].extended ?? false) {
setup.mergeObjects(setup.actions, setup.actions[setup.packs[key].name], setup.packs[key].name + '/actions');
setup.actions[key] = true;
memorize('actions', setup.actions);
}).catch(function(error) { // eslint-disable-line
alert("Error: Could not load pack 'packs/" + setup.packs[key].name + "/actions.js'.");
<</script>><img src="https://twinery.org/homepage/img/logo.svg" width="64" height="64"><div id="blink-screen"></div>
<link href='https://css.gg/css' rel='stylesheet'>
<div id="sidebar-wrapper" @class="'' + settings.sidebarBackground + ''">
<<if $game.introFinished>>
<center><div style="position: relative;" id="sidebar-content">
<<if $game.showFlag>><<flag>><</if>>
<<if ($player.horse ?? false)>>
<div id="horse-avatar"></div>
<br />
<<set _uiBarGameDate = $gameDate.getDate() + ' ' + $gameDate.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long' }) + ', ' + $gameDate.getFullYear()>>
<div id="t1" class="grid-s-def">
<span class="grid-i-cs4 caut-bar"></span>
<span class="grid-i-rs3"><<timeCycle>>[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/' + variables().timeCycle + '.png']]<<timeCycle>></span>
<span class="grid-i-rs3 grid-i-pos-hc"><hr class="vdark"></span>
<span class="glyph"></span><span><<timeDay>></span>
<span class="glyph"></span><span><<time24hr>></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" @aria-label="'' + _uiBarGameDate + ''" data-balloon-pos="left"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" @aria-label="'' + _uiBarGameDate + ''" data-balloon-pos="left"> Day <<=$game.day>></span>
<span class="grid-i-cs4 caut-bar"></span>
<div id="companions-list">
<br />
<div id="t2">
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Energy" data-balloon-pos="right"></span><<showmeter '$energyBar' '$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy'>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Satiety" data-balloon-pos="right"></span><<showmeter '$hungerBar' '$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger'>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Horny" data-balloon-pos="right"></span><<showmeter '$hornyBar' '$player.horny / $player.maxHorny'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="t3" class="grid-s-def">
<span class="grid-i-cs5 caut-bar"></span>
<span class="money">$player.money</span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Bottle caps" data-balloon-pos="up-left"></span>
<span class="grid-i-pos-hc"><hr class="vdark"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Food amount" data-balloon-pos="up-right"></span>
<span class="food"><<=($backpack.count('food') + $storage.count('food'))>></span>
<span class="grid-i-cs5 grid-i-pos-vc"><hr class="dark"></span>
<div id="t3s" class="grid-s-def">
<!--//##Later can be hidden in tooltip##//-->
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Determines your luck in capturing girls and your attack power in fights." data-balloon-pos="right"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Determines how much defense you have in fights." data-balloon-pos="up-left"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="For high-end crafting you'll need more intelligence." data-balloon-pos="up-right"></span>
<span><<=($player.endurance ?? 0)>></span>
<div id="t3m" class="grid-s-def">
<span class="grid-i-cs5 grid-i-pos-vc"><hr class="dark"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="small" aria-label="Journal" data-balloon-pos="up-left">
<<link "">><<script>>Dialog.setup("Journal", "Journal"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Journal").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>><</link>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="small" aria-label="Inventory" data-balloon-pos="up-right">
<<link "">><<script>>Dialog.setup("Inventory", "Inventory"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Inventory").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>><</link>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="small" aria-label="Cheats" data-balloon-pos="up-right">
<<link "">><<script>>Dialog.setup("Cheat menu", "Cheat menu"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Cheat menu").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>><</link>>
<span class="grid-i-cs5 caut-bar"></span>
<<if tags().includes('Place') && settings.fastTravelEnabled && !$weather?.sandStorm>>
<div id="fast-travel">
<br /><br />
<<link '<div data-balloon-length="small" data-balloon-pos="up-right" aria-label="Fast travel to bedroom" class="fast-travel-item">[img[setup.ImagePath+"places/cabin/bedroom_icon.jpg"]]</div>'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<link '<div data-balloon-length="small" data-balloon-pos="up-right" aria-label="Fast travel to cabin" class="fast-travel-item">[img[setup.ImagePath+"places/cabin/cabin_icon.jpg"]]</div>'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<link '<div data-balloon-length="small" data-balloon-pos="up-right" aria-label="Fast travel to outside" class="fast-travel-item">[img[setup.ImagePath+"places/cabin/outside_icon.jpg"]]</div>'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="support">
<<link "SUPPORT [img[setup.ImagePath+'game/misc/support.png']]">>
Dialog.setup("Support", "Support");
<<link "CHANGELOG">>
Dialog.setup("Changelog", "Changelog");
<<link "PACKS">>
<<goto 'Packs'>>
if (document.location.href.toLowerCase().includes("/maris/appdata/local")) {
setup.Path = "C:/Users/maris/Desktop/Game - Twine/";
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)) {
setup.Path = 'file:///' + setup.Path;
} else {
setup.Path = "";
setup.ImagePath = setup.Path + "images/";
setup.videoPath = setup.Path + "videos/";
setup.audioPath = setup.Path + "audio/";
setup.lockID = LoadScreen.lock(); // Lock loading screen
let _timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
importScripts(setup.Path + "js/actions.js?v=" + _timestamp)
.then(function() {
memorize('actions', setup.actions);
// Reload current passage since imported scripts can function now.
Engine.play(passage(), true);
LoadScreen.unlock(setup.lockID); // Unlock loading screen
}).catch(function(error) { // eslint-disable-line
alert("Error: Could not find file 'actions.js'.");
importScripts(setup.Path + "packs/packs.js?v=" + _timestamp)
.then(function() {
memorize('packs', setup.packs);
}).catch(function(error) { // eslint-disable-line
alert("Error: Could not find file 'packs/packs.js'.");
.then(function() {
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
window.gtag = function (){ dataLayer.push(arguments); };
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-XVQJZNSBZ6');
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error: Could not load 'gtag.js'.");
<<set $game to {}, $game.cycle to {}>>
<<set $game.location to {
forest: false,
farm: false,
basement: false,
underground: false,
workbench: false,
greenhouse: false,
streets: false,
slave_market: false,
bar: false,
guesthouse: false,
settlement: false,
bathhouse: false
$player to {},
$player.name to "",
$player.money to 0,
$player.strength to 0,
$player.int to 0,
$player.cannibal to 0,
$player.reputation = 0,
$player.reputation_bounty_hunter = 0,
$player.goodwill = 0,
$player.sexp = 0,
$player.showered to false,
$player.mast to false,
$player.drunk = 0,
$player.gambler = 0,
$player.endurance = 0,
$player.companions = {},
$player.quests = {},
$player.stats = {}
<<set $game.day = 0>>
<<set $slaves to []>>
<<set $tmpGirl to {}>>
<<set $morningMessages to []>>
<<set $charactersInLocation to {}>>
<<set $basementLimit = 3>>
<<set $guesthouseLimit = 3>>
<<set $workersLimitGarden = 8>>
<<set $workersLimitHunter = 8>>
<<set $workersLimitHospital = 3>>
<<set $companionsLimit = 6>>
<<set $guests = []>>
$characters to {
vincent: {
quests: {},
relationship: 0
blair: {},
rose: {},
eve: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
rodger: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
dom: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
isabel: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
octavia: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
<<set $locationEvents = {}>>
<<character 'grandfather' setup.ImagePath+'/people/grandfather/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'you' "$player.name" setup.ImagePath+'/people/you/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'vincent' setup.ImagePath+'/people/vincent/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'boris' setup.ImagePath+'/people/boris/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'blair' setup.ImagePath+'/people/blair/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'dom' setup.ImagePath+'/people/dom/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'eve' setup.ImagePath+'/people/eve/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'rodger' setup.ImagePath+'/people/rodger/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'octavia' setup.ImagePath+'/people/octavia/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'anonguy' 'Guy' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anonguy.png'>>
<<character 'anongirl' 'Girl' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
<<character 'ashley' 'Girl' setup.ImagePath+'/people/ashley.png'>>
<<character 'harper' setup.ImagePath+'/people/harper/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'isabel' setup.ImagePath+'/people/isabel.png'>>
<<character 'laura' setup.ImagePath+'/people/laura/avatar.jpg'>>
<<character 'negan' setup.ImagePath+'/people/negan/avatar.png'>>
<<set $player.energy to 100, $player.maxEnergy to 100>>
<<newmeter '$energyBar' '$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy'>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$player.energy'>>
<<set $player.hunger to 100, $player.maxHunger to 100>>
<<newmeter '$hungerBar' 1>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$player.hunger'>>
<<colors 'yellow' 'red' 'black'>>
<<set $player.horny to 100>>
<<newmeter '$hornyBar' 1>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$player.horny'>>
<<colors '#ff00ee' '#ff00ee' 'black'>>
<<newmeter '$npcHornyBar' 1>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$tmpGirl.horny / 100 arousal'>>
<<colors '#ff00ee' '#ff00ee' 'black'>>
<<newinv $backpack>>
<<newinv $storage>>
<<include "Inventory items">>
<<cacheaudio "bg-rain" "audio/bg/rain.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bg-storm" "audio/bg/storm.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bg-sun" "audio/bg/sun.mp3">>
<<createaudiogroup ":bg">>
<<track "bg-rain">>
<<track "bg-storm">>
<<track "bg-sun">>
<</createaudiogroup>><div id="version">v0.54</div><<set _traits = {}>>
<<set _traitsLocked = {}>>
<<set _skills = {}>>
<<set _likes = {}>>
<<set $editTraits = $editTraitsLocked = $editSkills>>
<<set $tmpGirl.strength = $tmpGirl.strength ?? 0>>
<<set $tmpGirl.anal = $tmpGirl.anal ?? 0>>
<table id="edit_npc">
<<textbox "_name" $tmpGirl.name>>
<<numberbox "_age" setup.getAge($tmpGirl)>>
<<numberbox "_beauty" $tmpGirl.beauty>>
<<numberbox "_strength" $tmpGirl.strength>>
<<numberbox "_sub" $tmpGirl.sub>>
<<numberbox "_relationship" $tmpGirl.relationship>>
<<numberbox "_anal" $tmpGirl.anal>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _breasts = $tmpGirl.breasts>>
<label><<radiobutton "_breasts" "small" autocheck>> Small</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_breasts" "medium" autocheck>> Medium</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_breasts" "big" autocheck>> Big</label>
<<set _race = $tmpGirl.race>>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "white" autocheck>> White</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "black" autocheck>> Black</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "asian" autocheck>> Asian</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "latina" autocheck>> Latina</label>
Eye color:
<<set _eyes = $tmpGirl.eyes>>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "blue" autocheck>> Blue</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "brown" autocheck>> Brown</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "gray" autocheck>> Gray</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "green" autocheck>> Green</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "hazel" autocheck>> Hazel</label>
<<set _hair = $tmpGirl.hair>>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "bald" autocheck>> Bald</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "gray" autocheck>> Gray</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "brown" autocheck>> Brown</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "black" autocheck>> Black</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "blonde" autocheck>> Blonde</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "ginger" autocheck>> Ginger</label>
<<for _traitKey, _trait range setup.traits>>
<<capture _traits, _traitKey>>
<<set _checked = $tmpGirl.traits.includes(_traitKey) ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_traits[_traitKey]" false true _checked>> <<=setup.traits[_traitKey].title>>
Unavailable traits:
<<for _traitKey, _trait range setup.traits>>
<<capture _traitsLocked, _traitKey>>
<<set _checked = ($tmpGirl.traitsLocked ?? []).includes(_traitKey) ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_traitsLocked[_traitKey]" false true _checked>> <<=setup.traits[_traitKey].title>>
<<for _skillKey, _skill range setup.skills>>
<<capture _skills, _skillKey>>
<<set _checked = $tmpGirl.skills.includes(_skillKey) ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_skills[_skillKey]" false true _checked>> <<=setup.skills[_skillKey].title>>
<<for _sexuallityKey, _sexuallity range ['likesGirls', 'likesGuys', 'likesTGirls', 'likesTGuys']>>
<<capture _sexuallity, _sexuallityKey>>
<<set _checked = $tmpGirl[_sexuallity] ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_likes[_sexuallity]" false true _checked>> <<=_sexuallity>>
table#edit_npc {
width: 100%;
table#edit_npc tr {
border-top: 1px solid white;
<<link 'Save'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.name = _name>>
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty = _beauty>>
<<set $tmpGirl.anal = _anal>>
<<set $tmpGirl.strength = _strength>>
<<set $tmpGirl.eyes = _eyes>>
<<set $tmpGirl.hair = _hair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = _sub>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = _relationship>>
<<set $tmpGirl.traits = []>>
<<for _traitKey, _enabled range _traits>>
<<if _enabled>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push(_traitKey)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.traitsLocked = []>>
<<for _traitKey, _enabled range _traitsLocked>>
<<if _enabled>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traitsLocked.push(_traitKey)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.skills = []>>
<<for _skillKey, _enabled range _skills>>
<<if _enabled>>
<<run $tmpGirl.skills.push(_skillKey)>>
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) !== _age>>
<<set $tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(_age)>>
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) < 18>>
<<run $tmpGirl.birthDate.setFullYear($tmpGirl.birthDate.getFullYear() - 1)>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.breasts = _breasts>>
<<set $tmpGirl.race = _race>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesGirls = _likes.likesGirls>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesGuys = _likes.likesGuys>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesTGirls = _likes.likesTGirls>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesTGuys = _likes.likesTGuys>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.dom_return = true>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.dom_return_day = $game.day>>
The tension in the air was suffocating.
You could feel it in the murmurs of panic echoing through the settlement as you stepped outside, greeted by the sight of the approaching group.
They moved with purpose, a small army of scavengers, each one armed to the teeth.
No vehicles, no grand show of force, just hardened survivors marching through the dust, their eyes scanning the area like predators on the hunt.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return1.jpg'>>
<br />
And at the front of them all was Dom.
<br /><br />
He stood tall and menacing, his eyes sharp and calculating as they locked onto you.
The scavengers behind him fanned out in a loose formation, their weapons held casually but ready.
The people of your settlement kept their distance, wary of the armed group but knowing better than to intervene. The tension was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return2.jpg'>>
<br />
As you made your way to the front, a knot tightened in your stomach.
You knew what this was. You had expected Dom to return, but not like this—so soon, and with such an air of certainty about him.
As you stepped forward to meet him, you saw that old, familiar smirk tug at the corner of his lips, but there was no warmth behind it. Just business.
<br /><br />
Dom wasted no time, cutting straight to the point.
<br /><br />
I'm almost ready to strike my enemies. They'll never see it coming. But I'm expecting you to stand with me when the time comes.
<br />
His words lingered, but you barely had a chance to respond before he continued, his eyes narrowing slightly as he shifted the conversation.
<br /><br />
I know Isabel is with you. I'm grateful you saved her. Really, I owe you for that.
<br />
He took a step closer, his smile fading as he fixed you with a cold, calculating stare.
<br /><br />
But now it's time for her to come back. I'm here to collect what's mine. Bring her to me.
<br />
For a brief moment, your mind raced, searching for a way out.
You could see the options narrowing, none of them good. If you refused, it would mean war—now, not later. Dom would turn his scavengers loose on your settlement, and people would die. But if you complied, if you handed Isabel over to him, you knew it would be the end of any hope she had for freedom. And there was no telling what Dom would do once he discovered the truth about the child.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace "Tell him no">>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace "Bring Isabel">>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
<div id="continue" style="display:none">
Just as you were about to speak, you heard footsteps behind you. Isabel.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return4.jpg'>>
<br />
She stepped into view, her expression calm, but her eyes—her eyes told you everything.
The fear, the reluctance, the silent plea that passed between you in that brief moment of eye contact. She didn't want to go. Not really.
But she knew, just as you did, that there was no other way right now. Not with Dom standing here, surrounded by his men.
<br /><br />
Isabel forced a smile as she approached, her hand resting gently on her stomach, as if to remind herself of what she was protecting.
Dom reached out, grabbing her hand as she got close enough. He pulled her to him in a way that made it clear to everyone watching that she belonged to him.
She was his prize, his possession, and he wasn't going to let anyone forget it.
<br /><br />
Dom looked at you one last time, giving you that same cold, calculating smirk.
<br /><br />
Thank you again for everything. I knew I could count on you.
<br />
And with that, he turned, leading Isabel away.
The scavengers followed, their weapons still at the ready, their eyes scanning the settlement as they began to move.
Isabel glanced back at you once, just for a second, and in that brief look, you saw everything she couldn't say out loud.
She didn't want to go, but there was no other choice. Not today.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return3.jpg'>>
<br />
Dom may have taken Isabel today, but the real fight was still ahead. And when the time came, you would have to decide how far you were willing to go to protect her, the child, and your settlement from the storm that was about to break.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 45>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<<set $characters.eve.quests.shower_day = $game.day>>
<br />
As you step outside your makeshift dwelling, you notice Eve making her way into your settlement. She appears dirty and slightly distressed.
<br /><br />
<br />
She approached you, her expression a mix of weariness and anxiety.
<br /><br />
Hey, I had a fight with Rodger. Can I... Can I take a shower at your place? I just need to cool down a bit.
<br />
<div id="option_alone">
<<linkreplace 'Sure. You know where it is'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<run $('#option_join').hide()>>
<<set _askedAlone = true>>
Thank you so much! It won't take long. I will be gone before you even notice me.
<br />
<div id="option_join">
<<linkreplace 'Sure. Follow me'>>
<<set _join = true>>
<<run $('#option_alone').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
Together, we made our way inside, leaving behind the harsh realities of the outside world, if only for a moment. As Eve stepped into the warmth of my shelter, I couldn't help but wonder what trials awaited us beyond the safety of these walls.
But for now, in this fleeting moment of respite, all that mattered was extending a helping hand to a friend in need.
<br /><br />
As Eve undressed while you were still in the room, you tried to avert your gaze out of respect,
but curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't resist stealing a quick glance.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull out dick and jerk'>>
<<video 'eve/shower1'>>
<br /><br />
<<= $player.name>>!!
<br />
<<video 'eve/shower2'>>
<br /><br />
Well, knowing how you've helped us, it seems like we should give something in return as well.
<br />
She leans against the wall and, pouring the hot water over herself, looks at you casually biting her lower lip as she looks at your dick.
<br /><br />
After a moment, she turns off the water, sets the showerhead down on the floor, and stepping out of the shower,
she walks towards you. Without saying a word, she slowly strokes your stomach, places her palm on your chest, and guides you onto the bed
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/shower3'>>
<br /><br />
With a smile, she grabs your dick and tightly embraces it before slowly placing it in her mouth as she gently starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_balls">
<<linkreplace 'Push her down towards your balls'>>
<<set _balls = true>>
<<video 'eve/shower4'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her hair and with small force push her lower. She understands the task and lets your dick go as she goes lower and sucks your balls in her mouth instead.
<br /><br />
Like this? Oh, I haven't seen balls so close for a long time.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<if !_balls>>
<<run $('#option_balls').hide()>>
<<video 'eve/shower5'>>
<br /><br />
As she lays down on her back to embrace your dick, you slowly slide it inside her while looking in her eyes. As your hard dick slides into her moist pussy she lets out moan without taking eyes off you.
<br /><br />
Oh my... Slowly, please...
<br />
<div id="option_thrust">
<<linkreplace 'Thrust your dick hard'>>
<<set _thrust = true>>
<<video 'eve/shower6'>>
<br /><br />
Unexpectedly, you suddenly drive your nail into her with all your strength.
She gasps, bites her lip, and with pleading eyes, looks at you as you continue to fuck her with big thrusts while her head bangs against the wall.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if !_thrust>>
<<run $('#option_thrust').hide()>>
<br />
Without pulling out you cum in her pussy. She is not surprised and with help of her hands opens it and lets your cum drip out.
<br /><br />
I should probably go...
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _join>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
<br />
As you navigate the dense forest on a rainy day, the sound of raindrops pattering against the leaves fills the air, creating a serene ambiance.
Your journey is interrupted by the sight of a lone merchant or traveler struggling with his horse and carriage, stuck deep in the mud.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Help him'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
Despite the harsh conditions, you offer your assistance without hesitation. Together, you work to free the horse and carriage from the thick, unforgiving mud.
<br />
<br />
Once the merchant's carriage is liberated, he expresses his gratitude with a genuine smile. In a gesture of appreciation, he insists on sharing some of his meager possessions with you.
<br /><br />
<<for _i = 0; _i < 2; _i++>>
<<set _item = either('glass', 'plastic', 'rope', 'cloth')>>
<<set _count = randomInteger(1, 5)>>
<<pickup $backpack _item _count>>
<strong>You received <strong class="iitem"><<=_count>> <<=Item.get(_item).name>></strong></strong>
<br />
<br />
However, as you step closer to lend a hand, a chilling realization dawns upon you. This isn't a mere mishap; it's a carefully orchestrated ambush.
<br /><br />
Before you can react, shadowy figures emerge from the surrounding foliage, their faces obscured by hoods as they brandish weapons with malicious intent. You find yourself surrounded, trapped between the mud-caked carriage and the menacing figures closing in on you.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<generateEnemies 4>>
<<fight $enemies $travelPassage $travelPassage>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto $travelPassage>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
As you journey through the serene depths of the forest, the rustling leaves above you create a soothing symphony.
Amidst this tranquil melody, however, a series of peculiar noises catch your attention. Intrigued, you halt your steps and focus on the source of the sound.
<br /><br />
<br />
With cautious steps, you approach the origin of the disturbance, your senses heightened with anticipation.
As you draw closer, the flickering glow of a fire pit illuminates the surroundings, casting dancing shadows upon the trees.
Your curiosity piqued, you cautiously part the foliage to reveal a group of tribal people gathered around the crackling flames.
<br /><br />
Their presence in this secluded part of the forest surprises you, and you watch in awe as they engage in animated conversation.
Their voices resonate through the forest, blending with the natural symphony of chirping crickets and rustling leaves.
The rhythmic cadence of their speech, punctuated by occasional laughter, fills the air with an enchanting aura.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Ambush them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1,
tribe_medallion: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies $travelPassage $travelPassage>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto $travelPassage>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
You walk through your wood cabin, the creaking of the wooden floor beneath your feet breaking the otherwise silent evening.
A faint murmur draws your attention toward the living room. There, you notice Blair sitting on the couch with another woman.
As you approach them, the soft glow of the lantern reveals that the other woman is Ashley, the girl you had saved some time ago.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/ashley_threesome1.jpg'>>
<br />
Seeing you, Ashley's eyes light up with recognition.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.blair.virgin = false>>
<<set _firstTime = !$player?.quests?.ashley_threesome>>
<<if _firstTime>>
Thank you again for what you did! I wouldn't be here if not you.
<br />
Her voice filled with gratitude.
Hey you again! Have some time? Come sit down with us.
<br />
She smiles and moves a bit to make space for you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Sit down next to them'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<image 'people/blair/ashley_threesome2.jpg'>>
<br />
Blair, with her characteristic mischievous smile, suddenly slides her finger across your leg while still talking to Ashley.
The touch sends a shiver up your spine, and you see Ashley notice the gesture. She smiles knowingly at Blair.
<br /><br />
<<if _firstTime>>
You've changed for the better, Blair. I don't know. You look more relaxed.
<br />
One thing leads to another, the air thick with a mix of unspoken words and palpable tension.
Blair stands, her movements deliberate and enticing, and grabs both of your hands.
With a confident, almost playful look in her eyes, she leads you toward the bedroom.
<br /><br />
I know what you want...
<br />
Blair unbuttons your pants and takes out your cock. With one hand she strokes you. You feel that your dick is getting harder as she slowly pulls down your panties fully with other hand.
<br /><br />
<<if _firstTime>>
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
Where did you go?
<br />
Without breaking eye contact, Ashley seductively approaches you both. The air grows thick with anticipation as she slowly begins to undress. She slips out of her skirt, revealing the smooth legs, then removed her panties, letting them fall to the floor.
Her movements are deliberate and tantalizing, each piece of clothing discarded heightening the sense of intimacy in the room.
<br /><br />
Come here. Lay on the bed.
<br />
Blair's grabbed your dick with firm yet gentle touch as she started to position your dick.
Ashley's eyes locked onto yours, her breathing quickening with each passing moment.
<br />
Blair’s hand guided you until you pressed against Ashley's pussy, the warmth and softness of her skin sending a shiver through you.
<br />
Then Blair pushed you from behind inside Ashley...
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
Slowly, you enter Ashley, feeling her body envelop you. A soft moan escapes her lips. Blair moves beside you and started kissing Ashley.
With each thrust you increased your speed.
<br /><br />
Blair, her eyes smoldering with desire, leans over you.
<br /><br />
Now, it's my turn
<br />
With a graceful and confident movement, she straddles your hips, her hands resting on your chest, and you feel the heat of her body radiating against you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
Blair positions herself, her gaze never leaving yours, and you feel the tip of your still-hard cock press against her pussy.
With a slow, deliberate motion, she lowers herself onto you, her warmth and tightness enveloping you completely.
A gasp escapes her lips as she takes you in, her head tilting back in pleasure.
<br />
She giggles and laughs as she starts to lick Ashley's nipples.
<br />
You slowly speed up.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
As you're going full thrust on Blair, your dick accidentally slips out of Blair's wet pussy and she lets out a satisfied sigh, nestling into the crook of your neck.
<br />
Before you can fully catch your breath, Ashley's hand wraps around your cock.
<br />
Her touch is firm and sure, and you feel a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you. She looks up at you with a mischievous smile as she puts your cock inside her mouth and she starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
I want it back inside me.
<br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
With smirk on Blair's face she gets off you and Ashley gets onto you instead. She positions herself in reverse cowgirl position as she slowly slides into your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome6'>>
<br /><br />
She leans back and lets you grab her waist as she takes the lead and moves up and down, with each movement increasing the loudness of her moans.
Meanwhile Blair just looks at you two while playing with her asshole.
<br /><br />
Now me, me...
<br />
Wait, holly god..
<br />
Ashley's eyeballs roll backwards as she keeps jumping onto your dick. Her moans gets really load as she increases thrust more and more.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome7'>>
<br /><br />
Ashley's pussy gets really wet as Blair starts to massage your balls. She squeezes them a bit before moving her hand towards Ashley's clit and rubbing it too.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on their faces'>>
<<if timeBetween('21:30', '22:01')>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome8'>>
<br /><br />
They both jump of the bed and gets on their knees right next to it. As you get up while stroking your dick you aim at them.
<br />
Seconds later you cum all over their faces...
<br /><br />
<<if _firstTime>>
<<set $player.quests.ashley_threesome = true>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.blair.quests.pregnancy_talk = true>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<=$player.name>>! We need to talk. I've missed my period. I believe... I believe I may be pregnant.
<br />
As the words left her lips, tears welled up in her eyes.
She collapsed into a nearby chair, her body shaking with sobs. It was a torrent of conflicting emotions, a tidal wave of fear, hope, and uncertainty.
<br /><br />
In this harsh, post-apocalyptic world, bringing a child into existence seems like an almost impossible task.. I don't know what to do.
<br />
Yet, as she wept, it was clear that another part of her longed for this child. It was a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light amidst the darkness.
The thought of cradling a tiny life in her arms, of nurturing and loving a new soul in this unforgiving world, filled her with a warmth that contrasted sharply with the cold reality around them.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_keep">
<<linkreplace 'You should keep it'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<set $characters.blair.happy += 30>>
<<set $player.goodwill += 5>>
As you tell her that you believe she should keep the child, a mix of emotions washes over her face. Surprise, relief, and a flicker of hope light up her eyes.
She searches your gaze, seeking confirmation and finding it in your determined expression.
<br /><br />
Okay. We'll do this. We'll find a way to make it work, for us and for the kid.
<br />
From that moment forward, you both embark on a journey filled with challenges, but also with moments of profound joy and connection.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'The world is too harsh for a kid'>>
<<run $('#option_keep').hide()>>
<<run delete $characters.blair.pregnancy>>
<<set $characters.blair.happy -= 30>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 10>>
When you express your concerns about bringing a child into this harsh post-apocalyptic world, the atmosphere in the room grows heavy with the weight of reality.
She looks at you, her eyes still brimming with tears, and her face reflects a mixture of understanding and sorrow.
<br /><br />
You're right. It's not fair to bring a child into this world. We'll find a way... I... I can't bear to imagine what their life would be like here.
<br />
Together, you share a somber moment of understanding.
It's a decision borne out of love and a desire to protect the potential life that lingers in the balance.
The weight of the world outside remains, but you face it together, knowing that this decision, however painful, is made with the best intentions for the child that might have been.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<set _mistress = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<set _mistress = $guests[_mistress[0]]>>
<<set _slaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if _slaves[0].length>>
<<set _randomSlave = $slaves[setup.getRandomElement(_slaves[0])]>>
<<set _npc = _randomSlave>>
<<set _url = _npc.gender == 1 ? 'male' : 'female'>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/basement/mistress_' + _url + '.jpg']]
<br />
As you descended into the dank basement, the <<=setup.displayName(_mistress)>>'s chilling presence hung heavy in the air, casting long shadows across the stone walls.
<<=setup.pronounceWho(_mistress, true)>> piercing gaze met yours as you approached.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mistress>>
I have an idea. A way to tighten our grip on these wretched souls.
<br />
You braced yourself for what was to come, knowing all too well the depths of her depravity.
<br /><br />
Go on
<br />
<<sayNpc _mistress>>
We shall host a feast. A celebration of their submission, a testament to our absolute control.
<br />
Your stomach churned at the thought, but you dared not show weakness in the presence of such malevolence.
<br /><br />
And what purpose will this serve?
<br />
<<=setup.pronounceWho(_mistress, true)>> laughter echoed off the walls, a discordant symphony of madness and malice.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mistress>>
To break them or to make them more happy?... Your choice.
<br />
You swallowed hard, the bitter taste of fear coating your tongue like poison.
<br /><br />
<<if _npc>>
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Please sir! We would do anything for a decent meal and something outside these cages.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
As you turned to leave, the Mistress's laughter followed you like a ghostly specter, a haunting reminder of the darkness that dwelled within us all.
And in the depths of that desolate basement, where shadows danced with the echoes of suffering, you knew that the true horrors had only just begun.
<<set $player.quests.slave_party = true>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<br /><br />
<strong>Now you can throw parties for slaves.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId]>>
With a grateful nod, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> enters the prison cell, his gaze locked on the <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> inside.
<br />
As the heavy door closes behind him, you can't help but feel a pang of unease.
The fragile balance of trust and survival weighs heavily on your mind.
You stand outside the cell, looking at them in the stale air of the basement.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl = _slave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'undress' 'no-text'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> looks shocked and takes a look at you for a brief moment. Meanwhile <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> in excitement is forcefully taking off her clothes as she tries to resist.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Stop! Why? Don't touch me. Why are you letting him touch miihhh..
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
She couldn't finish her sentence as <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> shoved his dick inside her mouth. She knew she can't resist or there might be consequences.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
With disappointment in her eyes she looked right at you while sucking <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s dick.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> threw <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> on her bed and spread her legs. Then he slide his dick into her pussy and let out big moan. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> kept quiet all the time.
<br />
Looked that she just wanted this to be over.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
You're dirty little tease, aren't you?
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> kept quiet as he kept fucking her pussy. She clearly was in discomfort. With each stroke counting, you noticed that <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> is ready to cum...
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'cum_on_back' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
He struggled to keep his breath as he pulled out and started to cum all over her back. His spray of semen landed on her back, bed and also some on the cold basement ground.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Thank you, I needed that.
<br />
With a final nod of gratitude, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> retreated to upstairs, leaving you to ponder the complexities of compassion and survival in a post-apocalyptic world.
The encounter serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, moments of connection and humanity are precious commodities, worth safeguarding amidst the chaos that surrounds you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<horny 20>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].happy -= randomInteger(20, 30)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].relationship -= randomInteger(20, 30)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].happy += randomInteger(20, 30)>>
<<unset $tmpEvent, $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId]>>
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s gratitude is evident as he nods, understanding the unspoken agreement.
You step into the cell, the confined space feeling both intimate and suffocating. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> watches you cautiously, unsure of your intentions.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
What do you want?
<br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
May I? I want to taste her really bad.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> slowly removes all remaining <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>>'s clothes and bends her over the chair in the middle of the room. He gets down on his knees and
playfully slides his hand between her leg following with kisses on the outside her leg. When he reaches her pussy, he starts to lick her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> lets out soft moan as <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s tongue plays with her pussy. Meanwhile you undress and start to stroke your dick. <br />
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> ignores <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> and her eyes are fully on you and your dick. <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> notices that all her attention is on you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs his dick, rubs it against her pussy and slides it in. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> bites her upper lip and lets out small moan but still focusing only on you.
She looks at your dick again and again before you decide to stand up and walk toward her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
As you reach her, without hesitation you stick your dick into her mouth. She doesn't resist and almost look like she was waiting for it.
As your dick slipes out of her mouth, she grabs it and puts it back in. She continues to suck it for a good time before taking it out and whispering to you something.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Fuck me.
<br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
You pull <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> off <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s dick and throw her onto yours. On first entry she lets out very loud moan.
<br />
As you started pushing your hips slowly back and forth as you started fucking her, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> got behind her and put his dick into her asshole. She jumped by surprise but continued to ride you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome6'>>
<br /><br />
You decide to turn her around. <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> sits down on the chair and you lift her on him. In the same moment you both slide dicks into her holes and start to thrust with good speed.
<br />
She starts to moan from joy as you both move your dicks back and forth into her wet pussy and stretched asshole.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Oh fuck, oh fuck....oh my god, oh my god.
<br />
Her legs start to shake and she tries to find the right place for her hands. She grabs her ass, your hand, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s hand and in the end grips hard into <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s hands.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
As you start to cum inside her pussy she leans towards you and <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s dick slips out. He sprays all her back with his cum.
<br /><br />
When you eventually leave the cell, the atmosphere in the basement feels lighter, as if a weight has been lifted.
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> nods his thanks, a newfound understanding shining in his eyes. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> watches you go, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].anal = Math.min(($slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].anal + 1), 100)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].anal = Math.min(($slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].bj + 1), 100)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].happy += randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].relationship += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].happy += randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId]>>
A soft shuffle catches your attention, and you turn to see <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>, one of your guests, peering cautiously around the corner.
His eyes fixated on <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>>. There's hunger and longing in his gaze, tinged with desperation that mirrors the bleakness of your existence.
<br /><br />
<br />
When he finally notices you, his body jolts in surprise, and his request hangs heavy in the air.
You study his face, the lines of exhaustion etched deep into his skin, the fear and uncertainty in his eyes.
The post-apocalyptic world has stripped you of many things, but it seems some desires remain untouched by the ravages of time.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Sorry, <<=$player.name>>...
<<sayNpc _guest>>
It's just... it's been so long since...
<br />
His words trail off, lost in the abyss of unspoken yearning.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Maybe I can have sex with her? Just once.
<br />
<div id="option_allow">
<<link 'Allow him'>>
<<goto 'Basement - guest asks to fuck slave - allow'>>
<div id="option_threesome">
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link "Let's do it together">>
<<goto 'Basement - guest asks to fuck slave - threesome'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Let's do it together
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option_allow, #option_threesome').hide()>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> nods silently, retreating into the shadows of the basement, you can't help but wonder how much of your humanity you have already sacrificed in the name of survival.
The line between right and wrong blurs in the harsh light of a world that has crumbled, leaving you to pick up the shattered pieces of your existence.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><<set _slavesAvailable = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<set _orgyFemales = setup.getRandomPersons(_slavesAvailable[0], 4)>>
<<set _orgyMales = setup.getRandomPersons(_slavesAvailable[1], 4)>>
<<set _orgyMale1 = $slaves[_orgyMales[0]]>>
<<set _orgyMale2 = $slaves[_orgyMales[1]]>>
<<set _orgyMale3 = $slaves[_orgyMales[2]]>>
<<set _orgyMale4 = $slaves[_orgyMales[3]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale1 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[0]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale2 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[1]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale3 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[2]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale4 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[3]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale1.virgin = false>>
<<set _orgyFemale2.virgin = false>>
<<set _orgyFemale3.virgin = false>>
<<set _orgyFemale4.virgin = false>>
In the corner, near a half-collapsed wall, you notice a small group forming. <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale2)>>
leaning in close to a <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> perched on the edge of a battered couch as <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>> walks behind her and rips open her top.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro1.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>>’s lips curled into a slow, knowing smile. She tilted her head, looking up at them through half-lidded eyes, taking another sip of her drink.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_stop">
<<linkreplace 'Stop them'>>
They look at you for a brief moment with submission in their eyes, nods and gets dressed and slowly spread across the room.
<<run $('#option_watch').hide()>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_watch">
<<linkreplace 'Keep watching'>>
<<run $('#option_stop').hide()>>
The men exchanged glances, their confidence faltering for a heartbeat before one of them, emboldened by the alcohol, laughed.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _orgyMale1>>
We’ll take good care of you.
<br />
Then he pulled out his dick and started to stroke it as <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>> watched him with a smirk on her face before sitting closer to him.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro2.webp'>>
<br />
The atmosphere in that corner shifted, turning darker, more heated. The men were no longer talking, their hands growing bolder, their breaths coming faster.
<br />
Soon enough <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>>'s dick was already in <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>'s hand as she stroked it.
<br /><br />
Around them, the party continued, people too lost in their own pleasures to notice the tableau unfolding in the shadows as <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> was helped to undress further.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro3.webp'>>
<br />
Meanwhile you looked back at <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>. She leaned towards <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>> and kissed him passionately.
In the same moment <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale4)>> already joined them. Why they were busy kissing, she got down and sucked <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>>
dick while he was busy with <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro4.webp'>>
<br />
As you turned away for a moment, the music swelled, drowning out the sounds from the corner. Then you looked back at <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>>.
She was already stripped of her clothes fully, lifted on the table and used by <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale2)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale3)>>.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro5.webp'>>
<br />
The lines between strangers blurred as hands found skin, as mouths met in heated kisses.
It was a raw, primal display, a reminder that even in the ruins of civilization, there were still some things that couldn’t be destroyed.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro6.webp'>>
<br />
They were fucking as there was no tomorrow. They forgot that they are slaves and enjoyed each moment of this. Soon enough They let her go and separated in couples and continued the action.
Some girls were sucking dicks, while others were already pressed against walls and tables and fucked raw.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro7.webp'>>
<br />
<<sayNpc _orgyFemale1>>
Fuck, fuck, fuck...
<br />
<<sayNpc _orgyFemale2>>
Oh yes! Don't stop!
<br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro8.webp'>>
<br />
<div id="option_join">
<<linkreplace 'Join them'>>
<<run $('#option_continue').hide()>>
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> on the table looked up as you approached, her gaze locking onto yours. Her eyes were half-lidded, her smile both inviting and knowing, as if she’d sensed your interest from across the room.
She told guy to fuck off and spread her legs for you...
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/join1.webp'>>
<br />
She locked eyes with yours as you got in front of her and with slow thrust, pushed your dick deep into her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _orgyFemale1>>
Oh, yes. Fuck me right now. Show them how it's done.
<br />
Her laughter rang out, mingling with the low groans and gasps that filled the room.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/join2.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You felt hands sliding over your back, your shoulders, a shared rhythm taking over as you lost yourself in the moment.
Then you saw <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>> dropping on her knees as guys stood around her and started to cum all over her face.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum4.webp'>>
<br />
<div id="option_cum_inside">
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
<<run $('#option_ending').show()>>
<<run $('#option_cum_faces').hide()>>
And then, everything tightened, your body tensing as the wave of release crashed over you. A rush of heat and pleasure surged through you, powerful and overwhelming, your world shattering into a million pieces as filled her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<image 'game/misc/cum_in_pussy2.webp'>>
<br />
She lay there, completely at ease, her body still flushed and glowing with the aftermath of pleasure. One of the guys leaned down to kiss her shoulder, his touch gentle, reverent. She turned her head, meeting his lips with a slow, lingering kiss, her hand reaching out to caress his cheek.
The other man ran his fingers through her hair, his expression a mix of admiration and exhaustion.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum_faces">
<<linkreplace 'Cum on girls faces'>>
<<run $('#option_cum_inside').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_ending').show()>>
You pulled out and gathered all girls around yourself. You demanded that they drop on their knees - and they did.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum2.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>> in the front with their mouths wide open, catched all of your cum. Girls in the back giggled and hold other girl hairs.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_continue">
<<linkreplace 'Continue to watch'>>
<<run $('#option_join').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_ending').show()>>
The room seemed to pulse with their shared climax, a storm of bodies reaching that fevered peak.
The girl on the table shuddered again, her voice hoarse from crying out, her body limp with satisfaction as the men around her reached their own release.
One after another, moans turned to groans, movements slowed, and the frantic energy of the room began to ebb.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum1.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale2)>> cums into <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>>'s pussy.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum3.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>> cums on <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>>'s face but not all of it as he turns towards <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum4.webp'>>
<br />
Then rest of the guys stand around <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>> as she is on her knees and cums all over her face.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_ending" style="display:none">
You turned away, leaving the others to their afterglow, the memory of what you’d seen lingering in your thoughts.
Outside, the world was still broken, still brutal—but for those few minutes, you’d witnessed something rare:
a spark of life, a reminder that even in the darkest places, people could still find a reason to feel alive.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<addhours 6>>
As the slaves gathered, their weary faces lit up with anticipation. Some wore patched-up clothing, bearing the stains of labor and hardship, while others sported makeshift adornments or half naked, a feeble attempt to inject color into their bleak existence.
They all awaited the Overseer's signal, a nod from the shadowy figure who ruled their lives.
<br /><br />
With a gesture, the Overseer signaled the commencement of the festivities. Slaves sit down at the table.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The air filled with the aroma of roasted meat and grilled vegetables, a rare treat in a world where sustenance was often meager and flavorless.
The slaves hesitated at first, unsure whether to embrace this moment of reprieve or remain cautious, conditioned by years of adversity.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
With each sip, the tension of survival ebbed away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and fleeting joy.
Slaves who had once been strangers found themselves sharing stories and laughter, momentarily forgetting the harsh realities that awaited them after the party.
<br /><br />
<<set _slavesAvailable = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].happy += 20>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].relationship += 10>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].quests ??= {}>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.count('champagne')>>
<div id="option_champagne">
<<linkreplace 'Bring another champagne'>>
<<set _champagne = true>>
<br /><br />
As the night progressed and the champagne continued to flow, the atmosphere grew increasingly charged with excitement and desire.
Slaves, emboldened by the heady concoction, cast aside their reservations and embraced one another with newfound fervor.
<br /><br />
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].happy += 10>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].relationship += 5>>
<<if ((_slavesAvailable[0] ?? []).length) >= 4 && ((_slavesAvailable[1] ?? []).length) >= 3>>
<<include 'Basement - slave party orgy'>>
<<linkreplace 'Nod at your overseer'>>
<<if !_champagne>>
<<run $('#option_champagne').hide()>>
<<video 'basement/slave_party1'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _girlSlaves = setup.getRandomPersonIdsGirls($slaves, 2)>>
<<set _npc1 = $slaves[_girlSlaves[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $slaves[_girlSlaves[1]]>>
<<set _mistress = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<set _mistress = $guests[_mistress[0]]>>
With a commanding gesture, <<=setup.displayName(_mistress)>> presented the <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> before you, a silent offering in the midst of revelry.
The air grew heavy with anticipation as the settlers around you fell silent, their whispers hushed in anticipation of what would unfold.
<br /><br />
As you unzipped your pants and pulled out your dick another girl from back of the room shouted.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
I want to help her!
<br />
<<video 'basement/slave_party2'>>
<br /><br />
As they both were on their knees, they took turn on sucking your dick. In their eyes you noticed that they are drunk and probably almost for anything.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_party3'>>
<br /><br />
So you spread <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> legs and slide your dick inside her ass. Meanwhile <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> leans closer and waits her turn when she will be able to suck your dick agian...
<br />
And that happens some thrusts later as you move your dick from ass to mouth and let her do her job.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_party4'>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> keeps sucking your hard dick, another slave decides to join for a taste. She instantly pushes both girls aside and takes the lead as other girls try to focus on other your body parts.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br />
As you cum on <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> face, <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> wants some of you and decides to lick your cum off her face.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Bring slave to your bedroom'>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<if setup.getAge(_slave) < 18>>
<<capture _slaveI, _slave>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_slave)>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _slave.name>>
<<set $slaveId = _slaveI>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _slave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption += 20>>
<<set $tmpGirl.submission += 20>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += 20>>
<<set $tmpGirl.drunk = randomInteger(50, 100)>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
Beauty: <<print _slave.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_slave)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<<set _npc = $slaves[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<br />
The heavy clank of the metal door echoes through the stale air as you approach the row of cells.
As you reach the one at the end, you notice the door is slightly ajar, the lock is broken. Panic seizes you as you fling the door open, revealing an empty cell.
<br /><br />
Heart pounding, you rush back upstairs, your mind racing with possibilities.
Fear grips you as you consider the consequences of a prisoner escaping into the lawless wasteland outside. The realization dawns upon you that your carefully constructed facade of control is crumbling.
<br /><br />
Without hesitation, you burst out into the daylight, squinting against the blinding sun.
Your focus sharpens as you spot a figure scrambling over the wood fence at the perimeter of your settlement. Adrenaline surges through your veins as you sprint toward the escapee.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/escape2_1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Please! Let me go! I won't come back, I promise!
<br />
She begs, her voice choked with fear and desperation. Her eyes search yours for a hint of mercy, but you remain stoic, your own survival instincts kicking in.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/escape2_2'>>
<br /><br />
As you secure the makeshift bindings around her wrists, her struggles intensify, the frayed rope biting into her skin. The pleas for mercy grow louder,
echoing in the desolation that surrounds you.
<<if $slaves.length > 1>>
The wind carries her desperate cries, blending with the distant wails of other survivors, creating a haunting symphony of despair.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fuck">
<<linkreplace 'Force blowjob'>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
Drop to your knees.
<br />
<<video 'basement/escape2_3'>>
<br /><br />
Her eyes, once filled with defiance, now reflect a mix of fear and submission. You pull out your dick and forcefully push it inside her mouth and force her to suck you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Yes, sir! I am sorry! That won't happen again!
<br />
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].sub += 10>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> submission increased by 10</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'basement/escape2_4'>>
<br /><br />
You push <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> against the ladder, her breasts colliding with the cool metal. The air thickens with tension as you lift her leg, accentuating the vulnerability of her position.
<br />
She begs one last time before you shove your dick inside her pussy and forcefully and aggressively fuck her pussy. She lets out moans mixed with cry.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].horny = 0>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $tmpEvent.id 'happy' 5>>
<br /><br />
You fill up her pussy with your warm cum and let it drip out of her as you pull out.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Put her back in cell'>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
You guide her back to basement, a dimly lit space with cold concrete walls that reverberate with the echoes of misery.
The once vibrant world outside feels like a distant memory as you grapple with the consequences of your actions. In this unforgiving landscape, every choice carries the weight of survival.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.id]>>
After you manage to disarm the lone survivor a tense silence fills the basement. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> steps back, her eyes wide with shock and fear but with joy on her lips as
she sees what you have done with him.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor5'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
I don't know what got into him. He seemed so normal when you brought him in.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<run delete $game.lone_survivor>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set _slaveId = setup.getRandomElement(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0])>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {id: _slaveId}>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[_slaveId]>>
As you make your way inside the cabin, the sound of a struggle reaches your ears from the basement.
It's a mixture of grunts, shouts, and the unmistakable sound of metal clashing against metal. You quicken your pace, knowing that something serious is happening down there.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Check it out'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
Upon reaching the basement you notice that the lone survivor you accepted into your settlement today is abusing <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>>.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor1'>>
<br /><br />
She has been tied down and he slwoly rips her top open while telling her to keep her mouth shot or he will kill her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue watching'>>
She throws her on her bed, spreads her legs and shows dick with hard thrust inside her as she makes scream once before he slaps her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I said keep your mouth shut!
<br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor2'>>
<br /><br />
She doesn't resist as she clearly is scared for her life. He thrusts deep into her as her breasts bounce up and down.
She opens her mouth, cleary indicating that she's in distress and in pain but she manages not to let out single sound until...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Please don't. Stop!
<br />
You can see in survivor's eyes that he gets engry. He pulls out, forcefully throws her legs together and without hesitation sticks his dick into her ass.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor3'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Stop... I beg you, please...
<br />
With his first thrust deep into her ass she lets out very loud scream. You can see joy in his eyes as he puts pressure on her neck and increase speed and force with each thrust.
After some moment he speeds down, each time staying in her ass a bit longer then the cums inside her asshole.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
You bastard... You're dead... Fucking bastard...
<br />
<<link 'Attack him'>>
<<set $enemies = [$tmpGuy]>>
<<fight $enemies 'Event - A lone survivor fuck won' 'Dead'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].happy -= 100>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].sub -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].relationship -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].happy -= 100>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].sub -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].relationship -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<image 'places/basement/group_workout.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<<addmins 60>>
<br />
In the dim, oppressive basement, the leader and a stern guard commanded a group of captured slaves. Makeshift exercise equipment lay scattered around.
<br /><br />
Group warmed up with jumping jacks, push-ups, and stretches.
The main workout involved lifting scrap metal, dragging tires, and high-intensity training, each station pushing them to their limits.
<br /><br />
<<for _workoutSlaveI, _workoutSlave range $slaves>>
<<if setup.getAge(_workoutSlave) < 5 || setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_workoutSlave)>>
<<if $slaves[_workoutSlaveI].strength < 60>>
<<set $slaves[_workoutSlaveI].strength++>>
<<=setup.displayName(_workoutSlave)>> strength increased by 1
<br />
<br />
As the session ended, you reflected on the day's impact, aware that today's choices could sow seeds of loyalty or defiance.
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGirls = setup.getRandomPersons(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0])>>
<<set _npc1 = $slaves[_randomGirls[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $slaves[_randomGirls[1]]>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> are the only ones left as others leave.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Call them over and ask for a blowjob'>>
The women's expressions were a mix of fear and resignation as they approached, the flickering basement lights casting long shadows over their faces.
The leader's demand hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the harsh and brutal reality of their world.
<br /><br />
You unzipped your pants, they looked at each other and dropped on their knees.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/workout_end2.webp'>>
<br />
They both grab your dick, each with one hand and starts to stroke you. You see a bit of fear in their eyes but with each stroke they increase the speed.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/workout_end1.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As none of them takes initiative by puting your dick in their mouth, you stand up and as you hold their heads, you slide your hard dick between their lips.
They just kneel there in silence as they look in each other eyes.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/workout_end3.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As you cum, they don't stop but keeps what you started. Each of them with their sweet lips keep stroking your dick as you continue to cum all over them.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><<set _availableGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableGirlSlaves[0] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGirlSlaves[0]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave girl to slave guy: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your whores.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGirls>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
He nods affirmatively and <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> approaches closer to his cell door.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave1'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately unbuttons his pants and with a smile on his face looks at <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>. Unhappy, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>, however, kneels down, taking <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> dick in her mouth. In an instant, he starts to shove his dick as deep as he can but you've trained <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> as she isn't bothered by that at all.
<br />
After few good thrusts he asks her to turn around. She obeys.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave2'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs her by the hips and pulls her as close as possible to his cell bars. She hesitates, but after a moment, it seems that she slowly starts to enjoy this whole process. It doesn't last long, and after a few more thrusts, he's almost done.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].virgin = false>>
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesGuys>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Can I cum inside her?
<br />
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<<image 'places/cabin/workout_cum_outside.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> pushes away from <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> and lets him cum on the ground right outside his cell.
<br /><br />
<<if !($slaves[$slaveOfferId].traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<sayNpc $slaves[$slaveOfferId]>>
Please no!
<br />
<<image 'game/misc/creampie.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> wraps his hands around <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> and holds her strongly as he cums inside her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($slaves[$slaveOfferId])) && !($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('infertile')>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].pregnancy_father = $tmpGirl.id>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].pregnancy = 0>>
<<if !($slaves[$slaveOfferId].traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<div id="option_end" style="display:none">
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
</div><<set _availableGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableGuySlaves[1] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGuySlaves[1]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<if $tmpGirl.id !== $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].id>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave guy to slave guy: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your Faggots
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested in men.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
He nods affirmatively and <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> approaches closer to his cell door.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave3'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately unbuttons his pants and with a smile on his face looks at <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>. Unhappy, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>, however, kneels down, taking <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> dick in his mouth. In an instant, he starts to shove his dick as deep as he can but you've trained <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> as he isn't bothered by that at all.
<br />
After few good thrusts he asks him to turn around. He obeys.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave4'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs him by the hips and pulls him as close as possible to his cell bars. He hesitates, but after a moment, it seems that he slowly starts to enjoy this whole process. It doesn't last long, and after a few more thrusts, he's done.
<br /><br />
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesGuys>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<br /><br />
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<set _availableGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableGuySlaves[1] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGuySlaves[1]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<if $tmpGirl.id !== $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].id>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave guy to slave trans girl: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your Faggots.
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested in men.
You grab <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> his cell and tie him to <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s bed. looking at him <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> whips her dick out and sits on his chest and orders <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> to suck her dick willingly or she will fuck his face by force, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> opens his mouth and starts sucking.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave9'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately regrets it as <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> climbs over and shoves her dick down his throwat. After few good thrusts <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> face starts to change color and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> pulls her dick and <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> gasps for air.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave10'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> unbuttoins <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> pants and whips his dick out and start to masterbate both dicks with her hand.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave11'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> starts to enjoy it and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> decides to reward him by deapthroating his dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave12'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> getting hard and horny grabs <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>'s legs push them up and shoves her dick up his tight ass while <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> screams.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave13'>>
<br /><br />
After few minutes of good fucking <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> starts to enjoy it and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> unties him entie him and grabs him by the hair and push him to the cell wall and start to fuck his ass from behind.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave14'>>
<br /><br />
Asfter a good fucking <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> beggs her to cum on his face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave15'>>
<br /><br />
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesTGirls>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<br /><br />
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<set _availableTransGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableTransGirlSlaves[2] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGirlSlaves[2]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave trans girls to slave guy: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your whores.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesTGirls>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested.
He nods affirmatively you grab <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> and put her into his cell. She starts screaming and pleading to get out.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave5'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately unbuttons his pants and grabs <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>'s head and fucks her mouth . Unhappy, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>, tries to stop him but <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> shoves his dick deeper down her throat.
<br />
After a few good thrusts she starts to enjoy it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave6'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs her and pushes her on the bed. She hesitates, but after a moment, he spreads her ass and spit on his hard dick and shoves it in her ass.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave7'>>
<br /><br />
after two minutes of fucking, he grabs her, pushes her to the ground and cums on her face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave8'>>
<br /><br />
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesGuys>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<br /><br />
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/first_visit1'>>
<br /><br />
You go to visit your new captive <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>. She sits restlessly in her cell knowing that there are
only a few reasons why you would go to the trouble of keeping her warm, fed, and imprisoned.
<br /><br />
Please let me go!
<br /><br />
<<addmins 10>>
You spend a moment telling her why she's here and what her options are. She's your slave and she will need to do whatever you ask her to do.
<br />
She spends a moment weighing her options, but it is clear <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> knows she would stand nochance of winning a fight.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.sub < 10>>
Oh screw you! I am gonna kill you! You're dead!
Yes... Just please don't hurt me
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Whip her'>>
<<video 'basement/first_visit2'>>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.sub++>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> submission increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _image = 'release'>>
<<if [1,3].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _image = _image + '_male'>>
<<set _img = 'places/basement/' + _image + '.webp'>>
<<image _img>>
You look at <strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>></strong> and open <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> cell door.
<br /><br />
<<=ucfirst(setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl))>> gets on <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> knees like <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> usually does when you come to visit <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>, but you catch <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> by surprise when you tell <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> that you are going to release <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship >= 30 && ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
"<strong>Are you sure?</strong>" <<=ucfirst(setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl))>> asks. <br />
"<strong>I really like it here with you. Is there any way I can stay?</strong>"
<br /><br />
<<set _linkMove = 'Move ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl) + ' to the guest house'>>
<<set _linkLeave = 'Leave ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl) + ' in cell'>>
<<set _linkRelease = 'Release ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship >= 30 && ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && (($guesthouseLimit ?? 3) - ($guests ?? []).length) > 0>>
<<link `_linkMove`>>
<<moveSlaveToGuest $tmpGirl $slaveId>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<link `_linkLeave`>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<link `_linkRelease`>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'none'>>
<<slaveRemove $slaveId>>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_released'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<<set _npc = $slaves[$slaveId]>>
<br />
In the fading twilight, you made your way towards the decrepit basement, place where you held your slaves prisoners with this unforgiving wasteland above.
<br />
Just before reaching the iron door, a strange, haunting sound echoed through the damp corridors. Your heart raced, but you pressed on.
<br /><br />
As you descended, the feeble light of your lantern revealed the rows of cells, each one holding a weary figure, bound by chains and shadows.
The air was thick with despair. And then, in one corner, a silent figure swung limply from a frayed rope.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/hangman.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br />
Time seemed to stop as you rushed forward, hands trembling as you fumbled to release <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> from <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_npc)>> grim embrace.
But the life had already fled, leaving behind only the weight of futile regret.
<br /><br />
Gently, you lowered <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> to the cold ground, their vacant eyes fixed on a world that could offer them no solace.
<br />
In this unforgiving realm, even the will to survive could prove to be the most elusive of all.
<br /><br />
<<run $slaves.splice($slaveId, 1)>>
<<if $slaves>>
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].happy -= 5>>
<strong>Happiness for all slaves dropped by 5 points</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave_beg.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You walk downstairs to the basement to check the girls and as you walk by
<<=$slaves[$hornySlaveId].name>> she starts to beg you that she wants you.<br />
She's horny and want you to take her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Put dick inside her cell'>>
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave_2.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She drops on her knees and grabs your dick with one hand, strokes it while looking at in and after a brief moment puts it all inside her mouth and sucks it.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].relationship++>>
<strong><<=$slaves[$hornySlaveId].name>> relationship increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to turn around'>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave_1.webp'>>
<br /><br />
Without hesitation she drops her pants and turns her ass and presses her asscheeks against cell bars.
<br />
You grab bars and hold them as you shove your dick inside her moist pussy<br />
She moans and begs you not to stop as she trembles while enjoying your dick.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].horny = 0>>
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave3.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She drops on her knees and tries to catch all your cum in her mouth but fails and a lot of it gets on her face.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].relationship++>>
<strong><<=$slaves[$hornySlaveId].name>> relationship increased by 1</strong>
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].happy += 10>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].horny -=20>>
<<unset $hornySlaveId>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/try_escape.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Your hear some noise and decide to check it out. You catch <strong><<=$slaves[$eventSlaveId].name>></strong> by surprise as she's trying to escape.
<br />
She notices you and stares at you with fear in her eyes.
<br /><br />
<div id="basement-event-button">
<<link 'Punish her'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<run $('#basement-event-button').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#basement-event-action').slideToggle()>>
<div id="basement-event-action" style="display:none;">
<<image 'places/basement/try_escape_punish.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You tie her against the wall and thrash her back as hard as you can with your whip.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$eventSlaveId].sub++>>
<strong><<=$slaves[$eventSlaveId].name>> submission increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><<addhours 4>>
<<set $game.location.basement to true>>
You wake up more energized than ever and decide to explore around your cabin more. Just as you're ready to finish your walk you notice some strange bushes next to a wall. You decide to pull them aside and find a window behind it.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You continue your search from inside, and soon enough you find a door leading to a basement behind an old behind an old shelving unit. Within the room is dark; hardly any light gets inside from the dirty windows. Taking a step further in, what you see shocks you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
There are prison cells right under your cabin. You examine each cell, finding that while a few have broken locks, others are fine. Interesting, maybe you can find some use for these.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
[[Go upstairs|Wood cabin]]<<set _workingInGarden = 0>>
<<set _workingOnStreets = 0>>
<<set _showSlavesCount = 0>>
<h1 class="ptitle">
<<backButton 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set _basementLimitShow = ($basementLimit - $slaves.length)>>
<<if _basementLimitShow < 0>>
<<set _basementLimitShow = 0>>
Free rooms left: <strong><<=_basementLimitShow>></strong>
<<set _isSlaveInBasement = false>>
<<set _suicidalSlaves = []>>
<<set _lowSubmissionSlaves = []>>
<<set _slavesInBasement = []>>
<<set _isHeatWave = $weather?.heatWave ?? false>>
<<set _isSandStorm = $weather?.sandStorm ?? false>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $slaves[_i].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<set _isHeatWave = $weather?.heatWave ?? false>>
<<set _isSandStorm = $weather?.sandStorm ?? false>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'garden' and timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') && !_isSick && !_isHeatWave>>
<<set _workingInGarden++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'streets' and timeBetween('14:00', '06:00') && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<set _workingOnStreets++>>
<<set _showSlavesCount++>>
<<set _isSlaveInBasement = true>>
<<set _hornySlaveId = null>>
<<if $slaves.length < 1>>
<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
You have no slaves...
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<if _girlGuest.length > 0 && timeBetween('12:00', '22:00') && typeof _girlGuest.sick === 'undefined' && _isSlaveInBasement>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_girlGuest[0]]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'mistress'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl basement>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is whipping one of your slaves<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuestLink = 'Approach ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<link `_girlGuestLink`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId, $childId>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set _mistressId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<if _mistressId && $player.quests.slave_party>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.count('food') >= 20 && setup.cabinInventory.count('champagne') > 0 && timeBetween('15:00', '22:00') && (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0] ?? []).length >= 4>>
<<link 'Throw a party'>>
<<goto 'Basement - slave party'>>
-20 food, -1 champagne
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Throw a party
20 food, 1 champagne and time between 15:00 - 22:00 and at least 4 women as slaves.
<<if (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0] ?? []).length >= 3>>
<<if timeBetween('18:00','20:30') && $player.energy >= 40>>
<<link 'Group workout with slaves'>>
<<energy -40>>
<<addmins 90>>
<<goto 'Group workout - slaves'>>
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Group workout with slaves
Time between 19:00 - 20:30. Energy 40
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $slaves[_i].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_i])>>
<<set _customColorStyle = ''>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].color !== 'undefined' >>
<<set _customColorStyle = ' npc-color color-' + $slaves[_i].color >>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'garden' and timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') && !_isSick && !_isHeatWave>>
<<set _workingInGarden++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'streets' and timeBetween('14:00', '06:00') && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<set _workingOnStreets++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'milk_barn' and timeBetween('12:00', '18:00') && !_dayOff>>
<<if $slaves[_i].horny > 70 && !_hornySlaveId>>
<<set _hornySlaveId = _i>>
<<set $showSlavesCount++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].happy < -70>>
<<run _suicidalSlaves.push(_i)>>
<<if $slaves[_i].sub < 50>>
<<run _lowSubmissionSlaves.push(_i)>>
<<run _slavesInBasement.push(_i)>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<<if setup.getAge($slaves[_i]) < 18>>
<span @class="_genderClass" @style="_customColorStyle">
<<link $slaves[_i].name>>
<<set $slaveId = _i>>
<<unset $guestId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $slaves[_i]>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Child view'>>
<<goto 'Child view'>>
<span @class="_genderClass + _customColorStyle">
<<link $slaves[_i].name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $slaves[_i]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<set $slaveId = _i>>
<<if !$slaves[_i].gender && !($slaves[_i].quests ?? {}).firstBasementVisit>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].quests === 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].quests = {}>>
<<set $slaves[_i].quests.firstBasementVisit = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - first girl visit'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<=setup.npcListInfo($slaves[_i], _isSick, _isRest)>>
<<npcListView $slaves[_i] _i 'slave'>>
<<link 'Kill'>>
/* rescue npc inventory first */
<<dialog 'Kill'>>
Are you sure you want to kill <<=setup.pronounceWho($slaves[_i])>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Basement'>>
<<assignedTo $slaves[_i] 'none'>>
<<slaveRemove _i>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_killed'>>
<<statsAdd 'people_killed'>>
<<if !_showSlavesCount && _workingInGarden>>
All your slaves are at assigned jobs...
<br /><br />
<<if _showSlavesCount && !$locationEvents.basement>>
<<set $randomNumber = randomInteger(1, 10)>>
<<if $randomNumber === 0 && _lowSubmissionSlaves.length>>
<<set $eventSlaveId = setup.getRandomElement(_lowSubmissionSlaves)>>
<<if setup.getAge($slaves[$eventSlaveId]) >= 18 && !$slaves[$eventSlaveId].gender>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: $eventSlaveId
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<goto 'Basement event - try escape'>>
<<goto 'Basement event - try escape 2'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber === 1 && _hornySlaveId && setup.getAge($slaves[_hornySlaveId]) > 17 && !$slaves[_hornySlaveId].gender && !$slaves[_hornySlaveId].virgin>>
<<set $hornySlaveId = _hornySlaveId>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Basement event - horny slave'>>
<<elseif _suicidalSlaves.length && setup.percentageChance(setup.suicideChance($slaves[_suicidalSlaves[0]]))>>
<<set $slaveId = _suicidalSlaves[0]>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - slave hangman'>>
<<elseif typeof _mistressId !== 'undefined' && $guests[_mistressId].relationship >= 90 && !$player.quests.slave_party && $slaves.length >= 6 && $guests.length >= 6>>
<<set $guestId = _mistressId>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - slave party introduction'>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set _guestsLikesGirls = setup.commonValues([setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[1] ?? [], setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'likesGirls')])>>
<<set _slavesForFuck = setup.commonValues([setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0] ?? [], _slavesInBasement])>>
<<if _slavesForFuck.length && _guestsLikesGirls.length>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
guestId: setup.getRandomElement(_guestsLikesGirls),
slaveId: setup.getRandomElement(_slavesForFuck)
<<goto 'Basement - guest asks to fuck slave'>>
[[Back|Wood cabin]]<h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc1 = $guests[$tmpEvent.ids[0].split(':')[1]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $guests[$tmpEvent.ids[1].split(':')[1]]>>
You opened the door to the bathhouse.
<br />
<br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/hottub_talk.jpg'>>
<br />
Just as the door creaked open, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> smiling emerged, deep in conversation.
Their laughter and animated gestures filled the air as they noticed you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Hello there!
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Have you been checking out the bathhouse too?
<br />
As the conversation flowed, they suggested something.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
You know, it's not just about the washing. Imagine enjoying the evening here with a hot tub right next to the bathhouse. How amazing would that be?
<br />
The idea caught your attention, and you started discussing the possibilities of combining the pleasure of outdoor bathing with the relaxation of a hot tub.
The conversation had turned into friendly banter about the potential for a cozy outdoor space.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'I will think about that'>>
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Who knows. Maybe one day we might meet there.
<br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/towel_flash.webp'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> releases her towel passionately jumps a little on the spot in the result flashing her breasts.
<br /><br />
With smiles on your faces, you parted ways, leaving you with the exciting notion of transforming the area around the bathhouse into a tranquil retreat, complete with a hot tub to enjoy the serene ambiance
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
As you step into the sauna, the warmth immediately embraces you, and the scent of wood and sweat fills the air.
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> is lying on her stomach, her body glistening with perspiration. She has a towel placed under her breasts, accentuating her relaxed posture.
<br /><br />
<br />
When she hears you enter, she glances back, her eyes softening as she recognizes you. With a smile, she gracefully wraps the towel around herself and sits up, her body still glowing from the heat.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hey! Didn't hear you come in. What's up?
<br />
She greets you warmly, patting the spot next to her. You sit down beside her, feeling the warmth from her body radiate towards you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_talk">
<<link 'Interact with her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $guestId = $tmpEvent.id>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Careless her leg'>>
<<run $('#option_talk').hide()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hmm, what you have in mind? What he's doing?
<br />
Then, without hesitation, she reaches out, her hand wrapping around you soft dick with a gentle but firm grip.
<br />
The sensation is both surprising and intimate as she begins to stroke you, her movements slow and deliberate. When you get hard enough, she steps one level down between your legs.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel2'>>
<br /><br />
She leans lower and gently puts your dick inside her soft mouth. Her lips wraps around your dick as she slowly slides your dick deeper in deeper inside her mouth with each thrust. Eyes are fully locked in yours.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel3'>>
<br /><br />
Then with a gentle hand movement she touches her towel and let if fall on the ground, revealing her breasts. You touch her nipples before reaching for her shoulder ready to position her.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_bend">
<<linkreplace 'Bend her over'>>
<<run $('#option_back').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel4'>>
<br /><br />
Then, you position yourself behind her, your hands steadying her hips. Slowly, you begin to enter her, feeling the warmth and tightness as you push deeper. <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> lets out a soft moan, a sound that’s a mix of pleasure and longing, her body instinctively pressing back against you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh... That's the spot...
<br />
<div id="option_back">
<<linkreplace 'Push her on her back'>>
<<run $('#option_bend').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel5'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Let me.
<br />
With her hands firmly planted on the bench for support, she positions herself over you, guiding you back inside her with a slow, deliberate motion.
You feel her body pressing down against you, and she begins to move, controlling the pace and depth with each movement of her hips.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> rides you with a mixture of power and grace, her movements purposeful as she takes what she wants, her body dictating the rhythm.
Each time she pushes down, you feel her muscles tense and relax around you, the sensation overwhelming as she fully takes the lead.
Her moans become more frequent, louder, as she moves faster, her body arching and grinding against you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_continue" style="display:none">
With the intensity still high between you, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> shifts again, taking full control of the situation.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sit down.
<br />
You obey, moving to sit on the edge of the bench, your body still tingling from the previous moments.
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> stands in front of you, her gaze filled with a mix of desire and determination.
Without breaking eye contact, she positions herself in front of you as she lowers herself and rubs her pussy against your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel6'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just relax and let me do the job for once.
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel7'>>
<br /><br />
As she slides onto you the sensation of her enveloping you again is almost overwhelming, made even more intense by the way she takes charge.
Standing over you, she begins to move, slowly at first, then faster, using the strength in her legs to lift and lower herself onto you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_lead">
<<linkreplace 'Take the lead'>>
<<set _lead = true>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh my god! Ah.....
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel8'>>
<br /><br />
With each forceful movement, you can feel her body reacting, her breath becoming more ragged, her moans growing louder.
She remains standing over you, her legs trembling slightly as you continue to thrust upward, the intensity increasing with every motion.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum in mouth'>>
<<if !_lead>>
<<run $('#option_lead').hide()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel9'>>
<br /><br />
She slips your dick out and rushes towards it with her mouth. She barely make it. As she wraps her lips around your cock as tight as she can, you cum deep into her throat.
Your cum shoots so deep that her gag reflex kicks in for a second. After that she manages to swallow your cum.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Didn't expect that pressure. Almost killed me, haha.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Careless her leg
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<br />
<<set $game.location.hottub = true>>
Hours pass as you labor tirelessly, welding and reinforcing the structure, fashioning it into a crude but functional vessel for warmth and relaxation.
Finally, as the last bolt is tightened and the final sealant applied, the hot tub stands ready, a testament to your ingenuity amidst the chaos.
<br /><br />
<<set _guests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if _guests[0].length>>
<<set _randomGuest = $guests[setup.getRandomElement(_guests[0])]>>
<<if _randomGuest.horny > 50>>
<<set _npc = _randomGuest>>
<<if _npc>>
As you step back to admire your handiwork, one of your female guests approaches with a smile that lights up her face.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Congratulations on your masterpiece. Care if I am first one to test it out?
<br />
Before you even manage to reply to her, with a mischievous smile, she meets your gaze and begins to untie the fabric, revealing more of her sun-kissed skin with each tantalizing movement.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'hottub'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'undress'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> gets into hot tub and as her shirt slips from her shoulders, she meets my gaze with a coy grin.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Care to join me?
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Join her'>>
You take of your clothes and slowly climb into hot tub. Before you even manage to sit down, she's already right between your legs with your dick in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj'>>
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I just wanted to than you for your hard work.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'cum_in_mouth'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<br />
As she gracefully slides into the hot tub next to you, the warmth of the water enveloping her naked form, the sunlight catches her skin, casting a radiant glow across her features.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax1'>>
<br /><br />
Her eyes meet yours, a mixture of longing and uncertainty reflected in their depths. In this post-apocalyptic world, where survival often takes precedence over the simple pleasures of life, moments of intimacy like this are rare and precious.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What we got there, hehe.
<br />
In that moment, as her hand slips beneath the water and her fingers find your dick, a surge of sensation courses through you.
The touch is both unexpected and electrifying, sending a jolt of heat racing through your veins.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax2'>>
<br /><br />
She leans in closer and her lips touches your dickhead. She gives light kiss to it before fully taking your half hard dick in her mouth.
The sensation is electric, a heady mixture of desire and anticipation that leaves you breathless.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Lets make him hard. I want to do it right here in the hot tub.
<br />
As she whispers her request, her voice husky with desire, you feel a surge of anticipation coursing through you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax3'>>
<br /><br />
With a nod, you comply, sitting up on the edge of the hot tub as she positions herself between your legs. As your eyes meet, she grabs your hard dick and puts it in her mouth and slowly and sensually starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about you stick it into my pussy?
<br />
She turns around sits in doggy as invite for you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just put it in, please!
<br />
<div id="option_fuck">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<run $('#option_suck').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_cum').show()>>
You start slowly and slide your hard dick into her wet and tight pussy. She grabs the edges of hot tub as she quietly starts to moan.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax5'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh yes! Keep it going.. You can go even harder.
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax6'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her ass and pick up the speed. She lets out louder moan before grabbing her own ass and spreading her asscheeks
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh don't stop! Keep going! Just warn me when you're ready so I can taste you.
<br />
<div id="option_suck">
<<linkreplace 'Just suck me'>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_cum').show()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax8'>>
<br /><br />
With a nod, she comply. For a brief moment she just puts tip of your dick into her mouth and jerks you off before starting to suck you of and even deepthroating you few times.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum" style="display:none">
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set _npc.happy += 10>>
<<if _fucked>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
She adjusts her position while on her knees, grabs your dick with one hand and jerks you off as fast as she can while simonteniously opened her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax7'>>
<br /><br />
As you started to cum all over her face, she managed to grab some of it with her mouth too. In the end she decided to also clean your dick with her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Heh, great! I have a feeling I will need a shower after this hot tub.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $player.quests.hottub = true>>
<<image 'places/bathhouse/hottub_relax.jpg'>>
<br />
As you sink into the warm embrace of the hot tub outside the bathhouse, the cares of the day melt away like snow under a spring sun.
The bubbling water envelops you, massaging away tension and leaving you weightless as if you're floating on a cloud.
The scent of cedar from nearby trees fills the air, mingling with the steam rising from the tub.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.perkHas('beaten') && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
And then, as you soak, something remarkable happens. It's as if the hot tub has a healing touch, targeting the sore spots and easing your discomfort.
You feel a sense of relief wash over you as the aches and pains in your body begin to dissipate, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
<br /><br />
<strong>Your body doesn't hurt anymore!</strong>
<<run delete $player.perks.beaten>>
<br /><br />
<<elseif $player.maxEnergy < 140 && setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy += 10>>
And then, unexpectedly, a surge of energy courses through you. It's as if the warmth of the water has awakened something dormant within you, filling you with renewed vigor and vitality.
Your senses sharpen, and you feel more alive than ever before.
<br /><br />
<strong>Max energy increased to <<=$player.maxEnergy>>!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<set _guests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if _guests[0].length>>
<<set _randomGuestId = setup.getRandomElement(_guests[0])>>
<<set _randomGuest = $guests[_randomGuestId]>>
<<if _randomGuest.horny > 50 && _randomGuest.relationship >= 60>>
<<set _npc = _randomGuest>>
<<if _npc>>
As you relax in the hot tub outside, the dim glow of flickering torches casting eerie shadows around you, you find a moment of respite from the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world.
<br />
Suddenly, one of your female guests, her eyes reflecting a mixture of desire and desperation, approaches you hesitantly.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Mind if I join you
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'hottub'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'undress'>>
<br />
Before you can respond, she begins to unfasten the tattered remnants of her clothing, her movements a mixture of determination and vulnerability.
The cold wind whips through the remnants of civilization, carrying with it a haunting reminder of the world that once was.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sure'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _randomGuestId
<<goto 'Hottub relax - join'>>
<<energy 10>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
<<if !$player.quests.hottub>>
<<link 'Relax in hot tub'>>
<<goto 'Hottub relax'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'massage'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Wow, really? I would love that
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> lies down on the massage table, her back facing you. She’s using a towel to cover her lower half,
preserving a sense of modesty despite the intimacy of the situation. You pour a small amount of warm oil into your hands, rubbing them together to warm it up.
The room is quiet except for the gentle sound of water dripping and the soft rustling of the towel as she adjusts herself.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'massage_back'>>
<br />
You start with slow, gentle strokes along her shoulders and back, feeling the tension and stress in her muscles.
As you work, you can feel her begin to relax under your touch.
You focus on her shoulders and upper back, kneading out knots and tightness, using firm but careful pressure.
The warmth of the oil and the rhythm of your movements create a calming effect.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
This feels so good.
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min(100, $tmpGirl.relationship + 10)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<linkreplace 'Pull down her towel'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'remove_towel'>>
<br />
You slowly pull down her towel revealing her ass.
<br />
She breathes deeply, sinking further into the relaxation that the massage is providing.
You take your time, ensuring that she feels safe and comfortable throughout the entire process.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh my.. This feels like a heaven. Thank you.
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'massage_ass'>>
<br />
As you massage her ass, you remain attentive to her responses, ensuring that she feels comfortable and relaxed throughout.
<br /><br />
<<if !setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I think it will be enough. Thanks.
<br /><br />
<<elseif $tmpGirl.gender === 0>>
<<linkreplace 'Massage her pussy'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'massage_pussy'>>
<br />
Then you slide your hand between her legs and start to massage her pussy. She moans for a moment before relaxing fully on the table.
<br />
She lets you work on her pussy for some time. After that she pulls you closer to her head and slides down your pants.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Let her suck you'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $sexAction = 'bj'>>
<<elseif $tmpGirl.gender === 2>>
<<linkreplace 'Give her a handjob'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'handjob_reverse'>>
<br />
Then you put your hand around her cock and start stoking it.
<br />
She lets you work on her nob for some time. After that she pulls you closer to her head and slides down your pants.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Let her suck you'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $sexAction = 'bj'>>
<<linkreplace 'Finish'>>
After completing the massage on her lower back, you cover her again with the towel, ensuring she feels secure.
The massage has created a peaceful respite from the harshness of the post-apocalyptic world outside, a moment of care and comfort that is rare and precious.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you so much! This really was something.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _firstGuestId = $tmpEvent.bathhouseThreesome[0].split(':')[1]>>
<<set _secondGuestId = $tmpEvent.bathhouseThreesome[1].split(':')[1]>>
<<set _firstGirl = $guests[_firstGuestId]>>
<<set _secondGirl = $guests[_secondGuestId]>>
<<image 'places/bathhouse/threesome.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
To your surprise, you weren't alone. <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> were already in there.
Their silhouettes barely discernible in the semi-darkness, sat on the edge of the large communal tub, their eyes momentarily diverted from the world outside.
<br /><br />
Mind if I join you?
<br />
They turned, their eyes meeting yours. <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> with fiery hair and a glint of defiance in her eyes, smiled warmly.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _firstGirl>>
Plenty of room for three of us
<br />
As the conversation flowed, <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> shared stories of their time in your settlement,
the challenges they faced, and the small victories that kept them going. You found their tales both harrowing and inspiring, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
<br />
As time passed, the atmosphere shifted. Laughter replaced stories, and playful splashes replaced cautious words. The water became a shared embrace, comforting and intimate.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>>'s hand brushed against yours, her eyes dancing with a playful glimmer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _firstGirl>>
You know, in times like these, we have to grab onto moments of joy.
<br />
<<sayNpc _secondGirl>>
And sometimes, those moments come unexpectedly.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Spread your legs'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> grabbed your dick and started to playfully touch it as <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> started to massage your back and put her breasts right into your face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> was holding your dick in her hands, <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> pushed her tits onto your face and let you suck her already hard nipples.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
Both girls swap and <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> leans down towards your dick and sucks it into her mouth. Meanwhile <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> gets up and pushes her breasts into your face and lets you suck her nipples,
same as you did to <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> a moment back.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _firstGirl>>
Fuck me! Right now!
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> lies on her side and you lie behind her. You grab your dck and rub it against her moist pussy, after that you slide it in and with hard thrusts fuck her.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> looks for a second before joining. She leans down and starts to lick your balls while you keep punding <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>>.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _secondGirl>>
Don't forget about me!
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> climbs on top of you and, holding onto <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>>, slides down on your dick.
<br />
She slowly increases the pace, and her moans resonate throughout the entire bathhouse. <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> meanwhile plays with her bouncing breasts.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
They both dropped on their knees and opened their mouths as they waited for you to cum right into their faces. Instead all your load landed right on their beautiful breasts.
They giggled and a moment later exhausted laid down back on the benches.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<if $game.location.hottub ?? false>>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<grid bathhouse hottub 'Hottub' 'Hottub'>>
<<set _peopleInBathhouse = {}>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _bathGuestI, _bathGuest range $guests>>
<<capture _bathGuestI, _bathGuest>>
<<if _bathGuest.location !== 'bathhouse'>>
<<if typeof _peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender] === 'undefined'>>
<<set _peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender] = {}>>
<<run _peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender]['guest:' + _bathGuestI] = true>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_bathGuest)>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _bathGuest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $guests[_bathGuestI]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $guestId = _bathGuestI>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<if !_bathGuest.gender && Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender] ?? {}).length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
bathhouseThreesome: [
<<goto 'Bathhouse - threesome'>>
<<elseif !_bathGuest.gender && setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _bathGuestI
<<goto 'Bathhouse - towel'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<if [0,2].includes(_bathGuest.gender) && setup.getAge(_bathGuest) >= 17>>
Beauty score: <<=_bathGuest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_bathGuest)>>
<<if _bathGuest.assignedTo>>
<<for _bathSlaveI, _bathSlave range $slaves>>
<<capture _bathSlaveI, _bathSlave>>
<<if _bathSlave.location !== 'bathhouse'>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_bathSlave)>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _bathSlave.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $slaves[_bathSlaveI]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $slaveId = _bathSlaveI>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<if [0,2].includes(_bathSlave.gender) && setup.getAge(_bathSlave) >= 17>>
Beauty score: <<=_bathSlave.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_bathSlave)>>
<<if _bathSlave.assignedTo>>
<br /><br />
<<if !($locationEvents.bathhouse ?? false) && !($game.location.hottub ?? false) && Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[0] ?? {}).length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(100)>>
<<set $locationEvents.bathhouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
ids: [Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[0])[0], Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[0])[1]]
<<goto 'Bathhouse - hot tub talk'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_hot_tub' 1>>
<<if !$player.showered>>
<<link 'Take a shower'>>
<<set $isBathhouse = true>>
<<goto 'Shower-action'>>
<<if hasTime(1)>>
<<link 'Wait 30 minutes'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>>/* a little automation if settings allow it */
<<set $automatization ??= {}>>
<<set _ruleDup = $automatization.dup ?? false>>
<<set _ruleJob = $automatization.job ?? false>>
<<set _ruleHunter = $automatization.hunter ?? false>>
<<set _ruleStreetworker = $automatization.streetworker ?? 0>>
<<set _ruleButtplug = ($automatization.buttplug ?? false) || ($automatization.buttplugGender ?? []).includes(true)>>
<<set _ruleCondom = $automatization.condom ?? false>>
<<set _ruleDumbbell = $automatization.dumbbell ?? false>>
<<set _ruleBPgender = $automatization.buttplugGender ?? [_ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug]>>
<<set _bellstrength = {
dumbbell: {min: 0, max: 30},
kettlebell: {min: 30, max: 50},
dumbestbell: {min: 50, max: 60},
<<if _ruleDup || _ruleJob || _ruleHunter || _ruleStreetworker || _ruleButtplug || _ruleCondom || _ruleDumbbell>>
<<set _outputAutoList ??= []>>
<<set _isStorageAvailable = ($game.location.shop ?? false)>>
<<set _npcs = $slaves.concat($guests)>>
<<set _want = {}>>
<<set _companions = new Map(), _companionSlaves = new Map()>>
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<set _guestType = _companionKey.split(':')[0]>>>
<<set _npcIndex = _companionKey.split(':')[1]>>
<<if _guestType !== 'guest'>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[_npcIndex]>>
<<set _npcId = _slave.id>>
<<set _companionSlaves.set(_npcId, true)>>
<<set _guest = $guests[_npcIndex]>>
<<set _npcId = _guest.id>>
<<set _companions.set(_npcId, true)>>
<<set _outDupNpcs = []>>
<<set _outMinusNpcs = []>>
<<set _bp_plus = [], _bp_minus = []>>
<<set _badWeatther = /* $weather?.heatWave || */ $weather?.sandStorm>>
<<for _npcI, _npc range _npcs>>
<<set _job = _companions.has(_npc.id) ? 'companion' :
_companionSlaves.has(_npc.id) ? 'companion_slave': (_npc.assignedTo ?? 'none')>>
<<set _outDupItems = []>>
<<set _outMinusItems = []>>
/* (setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc) === 'very_sad' */
<<if _ruleStreetworker && ['streets', 'nightclub', 'milk_barn', 'quarry'].includes(_job) && (setup.automatization.sexworkerDayOffCheck(_npc) || _npc.sick) && (typeof _npc.rest === 'undefined')>>
<<set _npc.rest = {
days: setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc) === 'very_sad' ? 3 : 2,
desc: 'Day off resting',
id: 'resting'
<<if _ruleButtplug>> /* add to specific gender only; remove from all when done */
<<set _gender = typeof _npc.gender !== 'undefined' ? _npc.gender : 4 >>
<<set _genderOK = _ruleBPgender[_gender]>>
<<if _npc.sub >= 20 && _npc.anal < 20 && !(_npc.buttplug ?? false) && _genderOK>>
<<set _bp_plus.push(_npc)>>
<<elseif _npc.anal >= 20 && (_npc.buttplug ?? false)>>
<<set _npc.buttplug = false>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.pickup('buttplug', 1)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push('Buttplug: 1')>>
/* chastity_belt, can only remove, TODO later */
<<for _itemI, _item range setup.inventoryNpc>>
<<set _itemcount = setup.npcInventoryCount(_npc, _item)>>
/* duplicates go to backpack or storage */
<<if _ruleDup || (_ruleCondom && _item === 'condom') || (_ruleDumbbell && ['dumbbell', 'kettlebell', 'dumbestbell'].includes(_item)) ||
(_ruleHunter && ['bow', 'axe'].includes(_item)) ||
(_ruleJob && !['condom', 'kettlebell', 'kettlebell', 'dumbestbell'].includes(_item)) >>
<<if _itemcount > 1>>
<<run _itemcount-->>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outDupItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
<<set _itemcount = 1>>
<<if _item === 'condom'>>
<<if !_ruleCondom>>
/* special for condom, no need if already pregnant, age >=60, wrong gender, see setup.pregnancyChance(_npc) */
/* < <if (typeof _npc.pregnancy !== 'undefined' || _npc.gender || _npc.age >= 60)> > */
<<if !setup.pregnancyChance(_npc)>>
<<if _itemcount > 0>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
<<elseif _job === 'streets' && _itemcount == 0>>
<<set _want[_item] ??= []>>
<<set _want[_item].push(_npc)>>
/* special for dumbbell, baseed on strength not toolbox */
<<elseif ['dumbbell', 'kettlebell', 'dumbestbell'].includes(_item)>>
<<if !_ruleDumbbell>>
<<if _bellstrength[_item].min <= _npc.strength && _npc.strength < _bellstrength[_item].max && _itemcount == 0>>
<<set _want[_item] ??= []>>
<<set _want[_item].push(_npc)>>
<<elseif (_npc.strength < _bellstrength[_item].min || _npc.strength >= _bellstrength[_item].max) && _itemcount > 0>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
/* toolbox for job */
<<elseif _ruleJob || (_ruleHunter && ['bow', 'axe'].includes(_item))>>
<<if (setup.automatization.job_tools[_job] ?? []).includes(_item) && _itemcount == 0>>
<<set _want[_item] ??= []>>
<<set _want[_item].push(_npc)>>
<<elseif !(setup.automatization.job_tools[_job] ?? []).includes(_item) && _itemcount > 0>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
<<if _outDupItems.length > 0>>
<<set _outDupNpcs.push(_npc.name + ' (' + _outDupItems.sort().join(', ') + ')')>>
<<if _outMinusItems.length > 0>>
<<set _outMinusNpcs.push(_npc.name + ' (' + _outMinusItems.sort().join(', ') + ')')>>
<<if _outDupNpcs.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Duplicates removed: ' + _outDupNpcs.sort().join('; ') + ';')>>
<<if _outMinusNpcs.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Removed things: ' + _outMinusNpcs.sort().join('; ')+ ';')>>
<<unset _outDupItems, _outDupNpcs, _outMinusItems, _outMinusNpcs, _npcI, _npc, _npcs, _itemI, _item, _itemcount>>
/* using pop so guests gets first ;-) */
/* add */
<<for _item, _npcs range _want>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<set _itemcount = setup.automatization.job_tools.mc.includes(_item) ? 2 : 1>> /* save one for the MC */
<<for _npcs.length > 0 && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _npc = _npcs.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name)>>
<<if _outItem.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Added ' + _item + ' to: ' + _outItem.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _want[_item].length > 0>>
<<set _outNo = []>>
<<for _npc range _want[_item]>>
<<set _outNo.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Add failed - no ' + _item + ' in storage for: ' + _outNo.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
/* buttplug */
<<set _outItemAdd = [], _outItemRemove = []>>
<<for _bp_plus.length > 0 && (setup.cabinInventory.has('buttplug') || _bp_minus.length > 0) >>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('buttplug')>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.drop('buttplug', 1)>>
<<set _npc = _bp_minus.pop()>>
<<set _npc.buttplug = false>>
<<set _outItemRemove.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _npc = _bp_plus.pop()>>
<<set _npc.buttplug = true>>
<<set _outItemAdd.push(_npc.name)>>
<<if _outItemRemove.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Removed buttplug from: ' + _outItemRemove.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _outItemAdd.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Added buttplug to: ' + _outItemAdd.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _bp_plus.length > 0>>
<<set _outNo = []>>
<<for _npc range _bp_plus>>
<<set _outNo.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Add failed - no buttplug in storage for: ' + _outNo.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
/* dumb-, dumber-, dumbest-bells, npc gets the next higher type */
<<if _ruleDumbbell>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<set _want.dumbbell ??= []>>
<<set _want.kettlebell ??= []>>
<<set _want.dumbestbell ??= []>>
<<for _item range ['kettlebell', 'dumbestbell']>>
<<for (_want.dumbbell.length > 0 || _want.kettlebell.length > 0) && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, 1)>>
<<if _want.kettlebell.length > 0>>
<<set _npc = _want.kettlebell.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name + ' got ' + _item + ' instead of kettlebell')>>
<<elseif _want.dumbbell.length > 0>>
<<set _npc = _want.dumbbell.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name + ' got ' + _item + ' instead of dumbbell')>>
<<if _outItem.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push(_item + ': ' + _outItem.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<if _ruleHunter>>
<<set _item = 'axe'>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<set _want.bow ??= []>>
<<for _want.bow.length > 0 && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, 2)>>
<<set _npc = _want.bow.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name)>>
<<if _outItem.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Hunter ' + _item + ' npc ← cabin: ' + _outItem.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _want.bow.length > 0>>
<<set _outNo = []>>
<<for _npc range _want.bow>>
<<set _outNo.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Hunter failed - no ' + _item + ': ' + _outNo.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<unset _npc, _want, _outNo>>
/* MC */
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<for _item range setup.automatization.job_tools.mc.sort()>>
<<if !$backpack.has(_item) && $storage.has(_item)>>
<<transfer $storage $backpack _item 1>>
<<set _outItem.push('Got +' + _item)>>
<<elseif $backpack.has(_item)>>
/* keep */
<<set _outItem.push('No -' + _item)>>
<<if (_outItem ?? []).length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('You: ' + _outItem.join(' | '))>>
<<unset _outItem, _item>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
The early morning air is cool against your skin as you slowly begin to wake.
The first thing you notice is the gentle breeze brushing over your exposed legs.
Confusion flickers through your sleepy mind as you realize the sheets have been pulled back, leaving you uncovered from the waist down.
<br /><br />
Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the dim light filtering through the room. You glance down and your breath catches.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is nestled between your legs.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I thought you deserved a better wake-up call
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over1'>>
<br /><br />
She pulls back, a soft, contented smile playing on her lips as she leans up to kiss your dick gently.
<br />
You can only nod, still reeling, as she wraps her hand around your dick, pulling the sheets more off you two, exposing your legs fully.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over2'>>
<br /><br />
She goes down till your balls and licks them, slowly moving upwards without taking her tongue off your dick. When she reaches top of your dick, she embraces it and fully takes it into her mouth.
<br />
She doesn't waste any time and her movements instantly are dedicated and focused.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Fill up my mouth!
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over3'>>
<br /><br />
Almost with a force, she squeezed your dick before unleasing her fully power. She simuntaniously sucked and jerked you off.
She was doing that so fast, that it almost felt like she wants you to cum as fast as you can.
She didn't even try to fully get your dick into her mouth, only the tip of your dick was in her mouth as her full focus was on her hand movements.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over4'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s hand are almost a blur now, her voice cracking, barely keeping up. Her eyes flicker with desperation as she fights to maintain her speed.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> arm shake visibly, but she pushes on as she clearly wants your cum in her mouth. She looks so exhausted...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over5'>>
<br /><br />
As you release your cum deep into her mouth, she slowly slows down, exhausted but with smile on her face as she did it.
She doesn't swallow it yet but is very careful so nothing drips out of her mouth.
As her mouth is fully loaded, she looks at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Finally... Mm It toukh ageessss.
<br />
Then with a smirk on her face she opened her mouth and slowly let your cum drip out.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You want some? hehe
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over6'>>
<br /><br />
As she was done, she picked up her clothes and with a wink left the room.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get up'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom-sleep'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
You approach <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, the air heavy with the weight of the crumbling world around you.
The village is quiet, save for the distant sound of crackling fires.
<br /><br />
It’s going to be a cold night. Would you like to share my bed tonight?
<br />
She looks at you, her expression a mixture of exhaustion and something else.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship > 50 && $tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Really? I'd like that.
<br />
In the bedroom you light a small lantern, its dim glow casting long shadows on the walls.
<br />
<<if isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.cabinType > 0>>
Blair has already gone somewhere else to sleep.
<br />
She smiles, a small, tired thing, and slips off her jacket, laying it over a chair.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bedroom/sleepover2.webp'>>
<br />
You both settle into the bed, the silence thick but companionable. You feel the warmth of her body next to yours, a strange comfort in a world that’s anything but comfortable.
<br /><br />
You hesitate, then reach out to gently take her hand. She doesn’t pull away, and for the first time in what feels like foreve.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bedroom/sleepover.webp'>>
<br />
<<set $sleepOver = {
type: 'guest',
id: $guestId
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $guestId 'happy' 6>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $guestId 'relationship' 5>>
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you, but I am okay. I’ve gotten used to sleeping on my own.
<br />
You nod again, watching as she walks away, a shadow among many in the dim light.
The rejection stings a little, but you tell yourself it’s just another part of surviving in this broken world.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
In the dim, flickering candlelight of your bedroom, you lay down in your bed, exhausted from another day of survival in this harsh, post-apocalyptic world. The silence of the night is interrupted by a gentle knock on your door.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I'm feeling scared tonight. Can I stay here with you?
<br />
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
<<set _guest.relationship = Math.min(100, _guest.relationship + 10)>>
<<set _guest.happy += 10>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<if $characters?.blair?.quests?.cabinType>>
You try to tell Blair that she should move a bit but she's already sleeping and you can't wake her. Look like she won't wake up anytime soon.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover1'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> enters the room, her face pale and her eyes wide with anxiety. She quickly slips under the covers beside you, seeking the warmth and reassurance of another human presence.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
<br />
A moment of silence passes between you, and then, tentatively, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> leans closer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Can I... can I be close to you tonight?
<br />
Of course. We can find comfort in each other.
<br />
<div id="option_sleep">
<<link 'Try to sleep'>>
<div id="option_lift">
<<linkreplace 'Lift her night skirt'>>
<<run $('#option_sleep').hide()>>
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover2'>>
<br /><br />
Feeling a deep connection, you tentatively lift her night skirt a bit, your movements slow and careful revealing her firm ass and panties.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
What are you doing?
<br />
You pause, your heart pounding. She looks at your bulge as she smiles with her eyes. Then she leans closer to you once more.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I want to feel close too. But not with you dressed. I want you to take it out.
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover3'>>
<br /><br />
As you pull out your hard cock, she has already pressed her ass against your leg and lifted her nightshirt up even more reaviling her ass fully. You decide to turn towards her and put your dick between her ass cheeks.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover4'>>
<br /><br />
You move closer, your bodies pressing together as the warmth and connection between you grow stronger. She breathes, her voice filled with anticipation and mutual desire.
<br /><br />
She pulls her panties aside and looks into your eyes, her gaze steady.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I want you in my ass. Just do it slowly.
<br />
You proceed carefully, making sure she is comfortable and ready every step of the way as you put your dick against her asshole.
You begin to slowly slide your dick into her asshole, moving gently and attentively.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover5'>>
<br /><br />
At first, you encounter resistance as she's not fully relaxed. You pause, feeling her tension.
<br />
As she starts to relax, you try again, moving very slowly.
The tip of your dick enters her, and you both take a moment to adjust to the sensation. You can feel her body gradually relaxing more with each passing moment.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover6'>>
<br /><br />
Eventually, you are fully inside her, and you both take a moment to savor the connection. You begin to move with more speed, establishing a steady rhythm that feels good for both of you.
Throughout, you remain attentive to <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s reactions. She starts to give out small moans.
<br />
As she relaxes more, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> starts to help you by making small movements with her lower back, pushing back against you to meet your thrusts.
Her participation encourages you, and you continue with the same rhythm.
<br /><br />
After a while, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> pauses and turns her head to you, a glint of determination in her eyes
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I want to be on top of you.
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover7'>>
<br /><br />
You guide her as she slides your dick back into her asshole, both of you taking your time to ensure comfort.
Once she's comfortably seated, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> begins to move, slowly increasing her speed as she forward.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Oh this is it. I really like it.
<br />
<<if (_guest.traitsLocked ?? []).includes('analslut')>>
<<run _guest.traitsLocked.splice(_guest.traitsLocked.indexOf('analslut'), 1)>>
<strong> <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> analslut locked trait has been removed!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s movements become even more intense, her body moving with a desperate urgency. The tightness around you, combined with the speed and intensity of her movements, sends you over the edge.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum in her asshole'>>
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover8'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _guest.horny = 0>>
<<set _guest.anal = Math.min(100, _guest.anal + 10)>>
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> continues to move through your orgasm, her own pleasure evident in her expression and the soft moans escaping her lips.
Finally, she slows down, her body relaxing as the waves of pleasure subside as your dick slips out.
<br /><br />
Both of you lie there for a moment, catching your breath and savoring the afterglow of the intense experience.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Oh, alight.. I was hoping.. Nevermind...
<br />
She slowly closes your doors and goes away.
<br /><br />
<<set _guest.relationship-= 4>>
<<set _guest.happy -= 10>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
You stirred from your nap, slowly becoming aware of your surroundings. As you woke up, a subtle breeze caught your attention, and you felt the refreshing air around your crouch.
Confused, you opened your eyes to find <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> holding your blanket as she passionatly sucks your dick.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't want you to oversleep and you were hard so I decided that might was well wake you up.
<br />
As you stretched and kicked off your blanket, she took a step back and checked you out with a smile on her face.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to undress'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh I hoped you would suggest something like that.
<br />
<br />
As she looked at you with warm smile, she slowly slides down her top straps and later removes her top and let's it fall on the ground.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $guestId = $tmpEvent.id>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _fuckActionMapping = {
1: '%name% and Blair exchange glances with each other and playfully smile at each other before Blair places her hand on your chest and forcefully pushes you down. %name% spits on your dick before Blair puts it in her mouth and starts to suck you off while %name% focuses on your balls',
2: 'As you lie on the bed on your back, Blair gets on you in reverse cowgirl position and slides onto your dick. %name% meanwhile massages her ass and in a moment starts to help her with the movements',
3: "They both lie on their backs as you fuck Blair's pussy while other girl rubs her clit as she watches you both. %name% asks to fuck her too.",
4: "You switch to %name%'s pussy. The difference is noticeable immediately. If Blair was quiet, then %name% immediately starts moaning loudly throughout the room without any hesitation.",
5: '%name% drops on her knees and is ready to swallow your dick but instead of that you cum all over her face without a chance to warn her. She opens her mouth and puts her tongue out to catch each drop of you cum',
<<set $characters.blair.virgin = false>>
<<set _videoName = '/bedroom/guest_visit_threesome' + ($fuckAction ?? 1)>>
<<video `_videoName`>>
<<if $fuckAction !== 5>>
<<horny 20>>
<br /><br />
<<= _fuckActionMapping[($fuckAction ?? 1)].replaceAll('%name%', $guests[$guestId].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $fuckAction !== 5>>
<<link 'Double blowjob'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Fuck Blair reverse cowgirl'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 2>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Fuck Blair'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 3>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + $guests[$guestId].name>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 4>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<link 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $fuckAction = 5>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $fuckAction === 5>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _guest = $guests[$guestId]>>
You sit down on your bed when suddenly your doors open and <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> stands in the doors with only her nightshirt.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bedroom/guest_visit.webp' 'sfw'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _guest>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Hey! What you're doing? Maybe want to have some fun?
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<if $charactersInLocation['bedroom'].includes('blair') && timeBetween('22:00','23:59') && $characters.blair.relationship >= 90>>
Don't leave me out. Can I join?
<<set _blairJoin = true>>
<br /><br />
<<link _linkName>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<if _blairJoin>>
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Fuck them both'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom: horny guest - threesome Blair'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Fuck them both
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<<if $game.day > 5 && !($game.location.basement ?? false)>>
<<goto 'Basement find'>>
<<if $player.horny >= 40>>
<<image 'places/cabin/wake_up.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.energy < 80>>
You wake up still tired, but ready to explore the world some more.
You wake up fully rested and ready to conquer the world.
<<set _messagesCount = setup.sleepMessages.count()>>
<<if _messagesCount >= 8>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Wake up'>>
<<if _messagesCount>>
<h3>Some things have happened</h3>
<br />
<<for _morningMessageType, _morningMessages range ($morningMessages ?? {})>>
<<for _morningMessageSubType, _morningMessagesSub range _morningMessages ?? {}>>
<<if _morningMessagesSub.length>>
<div @class="'morning-messages ' + _morningMessagesType + ''">
<legend><<=_morningMessageType>> <<=(_morningMessageSubType ? '(' + _morningMessageSubType + ')' : '')>> (<<=_morningMessagesSub.length>>)</legend>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _morningMessagesSub.length; _i++>>
<div class="morning-message">
<<print _morningMessagesSub[_i]>>
<<unset $morningMessages>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Wake up'>>
<<widget wakeUp>>
<<set _weather = either('rain','storm','sun')>>
<<if $weather?.daysLeft>>
<<set $weather.daysLeft-->>
<<if !$weather || !$weather?.daysLeft>>
<<set $weather = {
weather: _weather
<<if settings.bgVolumeEnabled>>
<<set _bgWeather = "bg-" + $weather.weather>>
<<set _bgVolume = (settings.bgVolume / 20)>>
<<audio _bgWeather loop play volume _bgVolume>>
<<if $game.day > 150 && setup.percentageChance(1) && $weather?.weather === 'sun' && !$weather.heatWave && $guests.length > 0>>
<<set $weather.heatWave = true>>
<<set $weather.daysLeft = randomInteger(4,6)>>
<<goto 'Weather - Heat wave'>>
<<set _morningEvent = true>>
<<if $game.day > 130 && setup.percentageChance(1) && $weather.weather === 'storm' && !$weather?.sandStorm && $guests.length > 0>>
<<set $weather.sandStorm = true>>
<<set $weather.daysLeft = 1>>
<<goto 'Weather - Sand storm'>>
<<set _morningEvent = true>>
<<if !_morningEvent>>
<<set _randomSleepEventInteger = randomInteger(0,2)>>
<<if ($characters.blair.quests ?? false) && $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished_thanked && !$characters.blair.quests.bj && _randomSleepEventInteger === 0 && !setup.player.hasFlaccidDick()>>
<<goto 'Blair quest - morning bj'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.bj = true>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening>>
<<goto 'Childbirth'>>
<<elseif $pregnancyStreetsHappening>>
<<goto 'Pregnancy street client'>>
<<elseif $scavengingDidntReturn !== null>>
<<goto 'Scavenging - didnt came home'>>
<<elseif setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid').length && ($characters.blair.quests ?? false) && $characters.blair.relationship > 70 && setup.percentageChance(5) && !setup.player.hasFlaccidDick()>>
<<goto 'Blair - morning surprise'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.pregnancy && !$characters.blair.quests.pregnancy_talk>>
<<goto 'Blair - pregnant'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.first_vials && ($game.location.lab ?? false) && ($characters.laura.quests.productionLastDay ?? 0 + 10) < $game.day && ($characters.laura.quests.morningSampleDay ?? 0 + 20) < $game.day && setup.percentageChance(30) && !setup.player.hasFlaccidDick()>>
<<goto 'Laura - morning sample'>>
<<elseif $game.day > 100 && !$player.quests.first_settlers && setup.baseManagement.population.livingHousesCount() > 0 && ((!$player.quests.first_settlers_day || $player.quests.first_settlers_day + 30) < $game.day)>>
<<goto 'First settlers'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</widget>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid')>>
<<set _isMaidInRoom = _girlGuest.length > 0 && timeBetween('09:00', '15:00')>>
<<if _isMaidInRoom>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_girlGuest[0]]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'maid'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl cleaning>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is in your room cleaning. She doesn't notice you as she bends down to pick up something from the floor.
<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuestLink = 'Approach ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<link `_girlGuestLink`>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $charactersInLocation['bedroom'].includes('blair') && timeBetween('22:00','23:59')>>
<<link 'Talk with Blair'>>
<<goto 'Blair - bedroom talk'>>
<<link "Sleep">><<sleep>><</link>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00','23:00') && !$player.nap>>
<<link 'Take a nap'>>
<<set $player.nap = true>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<energy 20>>
<<if setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid').length>>
<<energy 20>>
<<if _isMaidInRoom && setup.percentageChance(100) && $tmpGirl.likesGuys && !($locationEvents.bedroom ?? false)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: $guests[_girlGuest[0]]
<<set $locationEvents.bedroom = true>>
<<goto 'Bedroom event - maid surprise'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00','23:00')>>
<<link 'Wait an hour'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<link 'Stats'>>
Dialog.setup("Stats", "Stats");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("MC stats").processText());
<<if ($game.cabinName ?? false)>>
<<link 'Settlement management'>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
[[Back|Wood cabin]]
<<if !($locationEvents.bedroom ?? false)>>
<<if timeBetween('20:00', '23:00') && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _hornyGuests = setup.getHornyPersons($guests)>>
<<if (_hornyGuests[0] ?? []).length>>
<<set $guestId = _hornyGuests[0][Math.floor(Math.random()*_hornyGuests[0].length)]>>
<<set $locationEvents.bedroom = true>>
<<goto 'Bedroom: horny guest'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('21:00', '23:00') && setup.percentageChance(5) && recall($suppCode)>>
<<set _girls = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if (_girls[0] ?? []).length>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _girls[0][Math.floor(Math.random()*_girls[0].length)]
<<set $locationEvents.bedroom = true>>
<<goto 'Bedroom - sleepover'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<<if $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished_thanked>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished_thanked = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - quest missing friend thanks'>>
<<elseif ($game.location.settlement ?? false) && !$characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.sex = true>>
<<goto 'Blair quest - first sex'>>
<<elseif ($game.cabinName ?? false) && !$characters.blair.quests.basement && $characters.blair.relationship >= 80>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Blair event - basement'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video '/bedroom/blair_talk'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _talkedAbout = either('her cold room in farm', 'your warm bed', 'comfortable sheets')>>
You talked about <<=_talkedAbout>>.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.relationship < 20>>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=2>>
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 2</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Blair with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<if $characters.blair.quests.basement>>
<<link 'Take her to the basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
You turn around and Blair has already taken off her top and removed her bra half way.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger1'>>
<br /><br />
Maybe we could have some fun here?
<br /><br />
She licks her hand and slides it into your tight jeans, grabs your dick and slowly starts to jerk off.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger2'>>
<br /><br />
She unbuttons your pants and your dick falls out of your pants. With a strong grip she continues to jerk you off while you kiss her and touch her firm breasts.
<br /><br />
I want it it my mouth. Lay down and I'll show you something...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Lay down'>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger3'>>
<br /><br />
You lay down on some strange-looking mattress while Blair fully removes your pants. She looks at you, smiles, and slowly licks your dick as she draws circles with her tongue.
<br />
Suddenly she fully takes it in, she struggles but she's very motivated to do it few more times.
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to get on you'>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger4'>>
<br /><br />
You slide your hard dick inside her wet pussy.
<br />
As usual, Blair is very loud and doesn't even try to be quiet. You're slightly worried that this way you might attract unnecessary attention, but decide to continue and pick up the pace.
<br /><br />
Oh my fucking god! Please, please don't stop! I beg you! Oh..
<br /><br />
She simply falls onto you, powerless, and enjoys the fucking as much as possible. Her arms and legs just flail in all directions from how relaxed she is.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her missionary'>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger5'>>
<br /><br />
You grasp her with both hands and lift her into the air. After a moment, you've already spun around and gently place her where you had just been.
<br />
You slide your dick back inside her pussy and slowly speed up. She grabs your hand and holds it as you pick up the pace.
As you pick up speed she gets louder and louder till she again she screams from pleasure as you fuck her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="ending" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You decide not to pull out and cum right inside her pussy. As you take out your dick, your sperm drops out of her.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($characters.blair)>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy = 0>>
We should repeat it some other day.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Tell that you should probably leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 1>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
We're lucky that he managed to get away. This can't happen again.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
In the harsh and desolate post-apocalyptic world, Blair and you decided to embark on a perilous scavenging mission.
The sun hung low in the ashy sky, casting eerie shadows across the barren landscape as you made your way toward an old, decrepit house with hope to find something useful there.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The house was a crumbling relic of a bygone era, its walls sagging and windows long shattered.
The creaking of the warped floorboards beneath your feet echoed through the stillness of the wasteland. As you cautiously searched the rooms, your eyes scanned for anything of value—food, medicine, or even a glimpse of the past.
<br /><br />
You ever wonder who lived here before all of this, before the world fell apart? I imagine that maybe a young couple was living here.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Look around'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(40)>>
Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of a twig snapping behind you. You turned, hearts pounding, to find a shadowy figure emerging from the shadows. Desperation and hunger had driven them to ambush you, their eyes wild with desperation. Without hesitation, Blair and you fought back, defending yourselves against the threat. It was a brutal struggle, but you managed to overpower the attacker and secure your safety.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<fight $enemies 'Blair - date [scavenging] fuck' 'Blair - date [scavenging] lost' true>>
<<set _randomItem = either('cosmetics', 'piercing', 'buttplug')>>
<<set _randomCount = randomInteger(2, 5)>>
<<pickup $backpack _randomItem _randomCount>>
<strong>You found <strong class="iitem"><<=_randomCount>> <<=Item.get(_randomItem).name>>'s</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [scavenging] fuck'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
You descend one floor down, and Blair leans against the spot where there used to be a window, briefly enjoying the view with a smile. After a moment, she turns around, sensually sways her hips, and playfully winks.
<br /><br />
Maybe we could have some fun here?
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper1'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach her'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper2'>>
<br /><br />
You lean in, attempting to take her nipples into your mouth, but she resists and lowers herself onto her knees. She pulls down your panties and with giggle grabs your dick in her hand.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her against the window'>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper4'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her hand and spin her around. Pressing her palms against the wall, before you even enter her, she moans because she knows something wonderful will follow. You shove your hard dick inside her wet pussy and as you thrust it inside her, she slowly gets closer to the window.
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her gently'>>
<<run $('#option4').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper6'>>
<br /><br />
You switch places and you lean against the wall. She sensually climbs on top of you. Holding onto the metal pipe above you, she slowly settles onto you. She leans in and slowly starts to take control.
<br /><br />
Oh yes! Who's your mistress?
<div id="option4">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her hard'>>
<<run $('#option3').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper5'>>
<br /><br />
Excited, you push her down to the ground and step onto her face with your foot. She doesn't resist and is accustomed to you treating her like that, and she enjoys it.
<br /><br />
Oh fuck yes!
<div id="ending" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/date_skyscraper_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You decide not to pull out and cum right inside her pussy. As you take out your dick, your sperm drops out of her.
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($characters.blair)>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy = 0>>
<br /><br />
Now we can go back.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 4>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Tell that you should probably leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 4>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
The air was thick with uncertainty, but your determination to create a meaningful memory propelled them forward. Armed with a few scavenged supplies and a sense of adventure, you navigated through the shattered streets, dodging shadows and weaving through the remnants of the past.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/skyscraper1.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Your path led you through hauntingly empty boulevards, where shattered storefronts stood as testament to the lives that were once lived. They shared stories along the way, each tale a tiny candle of warmth against the encroaching darkness. Laughter echoed through the desolate landscape, a reminder that even in the harshest of times, humanity's spirit could not be extinguished.
<br /><br />
Do you remember? How looked this place before?
<br /><br />
<div id="dialog1">
<<link 'Yes.. It was something...'>>
<<run $('#dialog1').hide()>>
<<run $('#dialog1-continue').show()>>
<<link "No. Haven't been on this part of the town">>
<<run $('#dialog1').hide()>>
<<run $('#dialog1-continue').show()>>
<div id="dialog1-continue" style="display:none;">
<<addhours 4>>
<<image 'people/blair/skyscraper2.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Finally, after a heart-pounding journey through uncertainty and danger, you stood before the towering skyscraper that still managed to scrape the sky. Its upper floors were missing, a testament to the ravages of time and disaster, yet its skeletal frame remained resolute. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, you began your ascent, using the remains of staircases and makeshift ladders to climb toward your destination.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Climb'>>
As you ascended, the world beneath you transformed. The city, once a barren wasteland, revealed its forgotten beauty from this new vantage point. The moonlight bathed the ruins in a soft glow, creating an otherworldly ambiance that defied the surrounding devastation. You and Blair found yourself pausing to take in the view, the weight of the world momentarily lifted as they marveled at the stark contrast between destruction and the indomitable human spirit.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/skyscraper3.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
After what seemed like an eternity, you reached the highest intact floor of the skyscraper. A breathtaking panorama unfolded before you — a tapestry of broken buildings, silent streets, and a sky awash with stars. Amidst the solitude, you found solace in each other's company. You shared a simple meal you had brought along, savoring the flavors and the moment as if it were a feast fit for kings.
<br /><br />
Can you believe we're actually doing this? Scaling a half-ruined skyscraper for a date?
<br />
I never thought a date would involve so much climbing, but it's kind of exhilarating, don't you think? Plus, the view better be worth it.
<br />
Well, I must admit, I'm glad we're doing this together. It's like we're exploring a lost world.
<br />
It's strange how these circumstances can bring people closer. We're living through a story that's uniquely ours.
<br />
You know, it's funny. In a world where everything has fallen apart, I feel like I've found something truly valuable.
<br />
<br />
We should probably go back
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [skyscraper] fuck'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
So what should we do?
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Go to skyscraper'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [skyscraper]'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Go to skyscraper
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Go scavenging together'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [scavenging]'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Go scavenging together
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<br />
I'm so proud of you! Who would have thought that you, who relatively recently emerged from your bunker, would be able to create your own place that people and you yourself could call home.<br />
I.. I love you...
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_hug.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to sleep'>>
<<set $game.showFlag = true>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<div id="flag_choose" style="display: flex; justify-content: center">
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'red'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'blue'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'green'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div id="icon_choose" style="display: flex; justify-content: center">
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 1>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 2>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 3>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<<if $game.flagIcon && $game.flagBg>>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; text-align: center;">
<br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done finish'>>
.flag_choose_item {
margin: 0px 30px;
.flag_icon_choose_item {
width: 102px;
margin: 0 53px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">CABIN</h1>
<br />
<<addhours 10>>
<br /><br />
Wow! You really did it! It's so beautiful and now girls can finally call this place a real home.
<br />
Have you already thought of a name for this place?
<br /><br />
You'll call this place: <<textbox "_gateName" 'Cabin'>>
<br /><br />
You also need to create a flag for your village so that other villages and travelers can recognize you
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue with flag'>>
<<set $game.cabinName = _gateName>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
Listen, <<=$player.name>>. I was thinking about this place.
<br />
Your little cabin has already progressed quite a bit. You have worked very well. Have you thought about turning this place into a small village? Of course, you should understand that in this way you will not only attract traveling merchants or people looking for a place to spend the night, but also certainly unfavorable individuals and bandits. It would definitely be necessary to start with the construction of a secure gate.
<br /><br />
She places a large, crumpled paper roll on the table and slowly unrolls it, placing two empty glasses on either side, and then leans over the table and places two more empty cylinders.
<br/><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_cleavage.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
My father wanted to build such gates a long time ago, but eventually realized that he was too old and wouldn't be able to handle it all. I took the drawings from his house, maybe they will be useful to you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_blueprint.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
When the gates are ready, you could even come up with a name for this place and put up a big sign so people know what this place is called.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Tell her that you\'ll think about it'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
I heard that you found a couple of bottles of champagne. Could I taste it? I have never drunk it before and have no idea how it tastes.
<br />
Please, pretty please.
<br />
By the way, the girls are complaining that they are tired and fed up with just working and not doing anything else. Maybe we could have a sit-down by the campfire one evening with some champagne?
<br /><br />
<strong>You will need <span class="iitem">20 food</span> and <span class="ittem">1</span> champagne.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
[[Leave|Kitchen-room]]<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'kissing'>>
<br /><br />
Gently you push her against the kitchen counter tenderly pressing your lips against hers. You wrap your hands around her waist and spin her around, leaning her back a bit while still making out...
<br />
Rubbing your hands over her body you then start sliding a hand between her legs...
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<blair>>We shouldn't...<</blair>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.relationship < 30>>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=1>>
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Blair any more with this action anymore.</strong>
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'kitchen'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
[[Let her go|Kitchen-room]]<<if $characters.blair.relationship >= 20 && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - quest missing friend'>>
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - quest missing friend found'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('rodger') && $characters.rodger.quests.champagne && !$characters.blair.quests.house_party>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.house_party = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - house party'>>
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished && !$characters.blair.quests.gate>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.gate = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && !$characters.blair.quests.nursery>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.nursery = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - nursery'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video '/kitchen/blair_talk'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _talkedAbout = either('her dad', 'her wanting to go into adventures', 'her accident in underground city')>>
You talked about <<=_talkedAbout>>.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.relationship < 20>>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=1>>
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Blair with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if ($characters.blair.relationship > 15)>>
<<if $characters.blair.relationship > 40>>
<<linkreplace 'Date'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(60)>>
<<goto 'Blair - date'>>
Sorry, I can't today. I need to help my dad.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Kiss her'>>
<<goto 'Blair - kitchen kiss'>>
<<link 'Approach her'>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'kitchen'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - character'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - character'>>
<<if $game.canMarry && !$characters.blair.quests.married && $backpack.has('wedding_ring')>>
<<link 'Marry her'>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #1'>>
<<if $characters.blair.pregnancy >= 8 && $backpack.has('pregnancy_speed_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy += 100>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $pregnancyPotionBackLink = 'Blair - kitchen talk'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Leave|Kitchen-room]]<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/kitchen/blair_propose.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You get down on your knee while she's preparing breakfast, and when she turns around, she immediately understands what's happening and throws herself around your neck.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/kitchen/blair_propose_yes.gif' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Yes, yes, yes!!!!
<br /><br />
She immediately puts on the ring and admires it. A moment later, she starts getting anxious and suggests that we should have the ceremony tonight. The sooner, the better, and she rushes out the door to start preparing.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Wait evening'>>
<<addhours 11>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GREENHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/wedding.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
The air was heavy with an eerie silence as I approached the dilapidated greenhouse. Its fragile structure had weathered the harsh conditions of the post-apocalyptic world, barely holding onto its former glory. Inside, a soft glow emanated from flickering candles scattered across the room, casting dancing shadows on the cracked glass walls.
<br /><br />
As you stepped through the creaking door, you found yourself amidst a small gathering of survivors. The ambiance was both somber and hopeful, as if they were preserving a sliver of normalcy amidst the chaos that enveloped their lives. The group huddled together, their eyes reflecting a mix of resilience and vulnerability.
<br /><br />
At the heart of the room stood Blair, adorned in a once-beautiful, now tattered wedding dress. Its white fabric was stained with dirt and grime, but she wore it with an undeniable grace. Beside her, her father stood tall, a symbol of strength and protection, supporting her through this solemn occasion.
<br /><br />
The father's eyes met yours as you entered, and he nodded with a mix of pride and apprehension. You approached him, offering a reassuring smile, understanding the weight of the situation. The world had changed, and yet, love persevered. In this moment, amidst the ruins and uncertainty, a ray of hope emerged.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/wedding_ring.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
As you sealed your vows with a gentle kiss and ring, the gathered witnesses erupted into a soft applause, your emotions released in a moment of shared joy. It was a fleeting respite from the hardships of your reality, but it was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, love and unity have the power to prevail.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Start small after ceremony'>>
<<set $characters.blair.family = {
father: 'vincent',
husband: 'mc'
<<set $player.family ??= {}>>
<<set $player.family.wives ??= []>>
<<set $player.family.wives.push($characters.blair.id)>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.married = true>>
<<drop $backpack 'wedding_ring' 1>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #3'>>
<</link>><<set _randomGuest = setup.getRandomPersonIdsGirls($guests, 1)>>
<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
After the heartfelt ceremony in the greenhouse, the small group of survivors moved to the kitchen, which had been transformed into an intimate gathering space. The dim lighting created a cozy atmosphere, and the flickering candlelight added a touch of warmth to the cold surroundings.
<br /><br />
The bride's father bid his daughter a tearful farewell, his eyes filled with a mix of joy and longing. With a heavy heart, he departed, leaving the bride in the care of her newfound friends. The girls formed a protective circle around her, their presence a reminder that they were all in this together, navigating the desolate world with strength and resilience.
<br /><br />
Laughter and whispers filled the air as the girls embraced the bride, enveloping her in a sisterhood forged through shared experiences. They had all faced loss and hardship, but this night was a chance to revel in the love and joy that had been found amidst the ruins.
<br /><br />
How about our wedding night? I will go freshen up, but after 10 minutes, I'll be waiting for you in the room
<br /><br />
Blair left, and the girls bid her good night with giggles on their faces, knowing what would unfold in that room.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<if _randomGuest.length>>
<<linkreplace 'Keep a company to the girls'>>
Just as Blair left the kitchen, some of the girls turned their gazes towards you. After a moment, <strong class="gender-girl"><<=$guests[_randomGuest[0]].name>></strong> approached you.
<br /><br />
How about we warm you up? You're gonna have a long night...
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Decline and say that tonight you belong to Blair'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<linkreplace 'Agree'>>
<<horny 10>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<strong class="gender-girl"><<=$guests[_randomGuest[0]].name>></strong> drops on her knees and crawls under table, unzipping your pants and quickly taking a look around if Blair isn't coming back.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Deepthroat her'>>
You grab her head and push your dick as far as you can inside her mouth as she gags but still tries to take it all.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to the bedroom'>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #4'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<horny 100>>
<br /><br />
Entering the bedroom, Blair is already waiting for you, lying on the bed. Upon seeing you, a wide smile appears on her face, and without saying anything, she simply starts kissing you and, after a moment, she lifts her dress and turns her back towards you.
<br /><br />
Fuck me! Like there is no tomorrow!
<br /><br />
Without hesitation, you insert your hard dick inside her pussy and without taking her dress off fuck her tight pussy.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She presses against the counter and quietly starts to moan while looking over her shoulder in your eyes.
<br/><br />
<br /><br />
She moves away from the nightstand and, leaning down, touches the ground with her hands.
<br /><br />
Take off my dress and fuck me as hard as you can!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take off her dress'>>
<<video '/bedroom/wedding3'>>
<br /><br />
You rip off her wedding dress on throw her on the bed in the same doggy position. She lets out a load moan as you keep pounding her tight pussy. You grab her neck and pull her head upwards as she continues to stare in your eyes.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bedroom/wedding1'>>
<br /><br />
You turn her around and slide your dick back inside her pussy.
<br />
She completely loses any sense of shyness and she screams as loudly as she can, not caring at all whether someone hears her or not. She begs you not to stop.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bedroom/wedding2'>>
<br /><br />
She lifts her leg and redirects your hand towards her clit as she keeps screaming her lungs out.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
You pull out but keep rubbing your dick against her pussy as you start to cum and cover her new ring in your warm cum.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise1'>>
<br /><br />
You barely open your eyes and in front of you, you see Blair, who has already woken up your dick and its is in her tight mouth. At that very moment, the sound of a door is heard, indicating that someone is coming to your room.
<br />
Blair manages to hide underneath blanket as she's a bit shy when others are around.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise2'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid')>>
After a few seconds <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuest[0]])>> enters the room and tells you that she wanted to clean up a bit.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Let Blair continue'>>
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise3'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuest[0]])>> makes some small talk and takes some things off the ground, while Blair somewhat awkwardly sucks your dick...
<br />
After some talking, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuest[0]])>> leaves.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck Blair'>>
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise4'>>
<br /><br />
She gets on all fours and lets you fuck her as you like. When noone is in the room she gets wild and lets out screams as loud as she can. Probably didn't realize that the walls are thin.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise5'>>
<br /><br />
As you pull out, you put your dick on her ass and continue to jerk off. She continues to moan as she watches at your pumping dick over her shoulder... After a few seconds you cum all over her ass...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
By the way, good job with the gate, <<=$player.name>>!
<br />
Given the current situation, you should consider whether or not it would be necessary to have a separate house specifically for children. They would have their own little corner where they could play and wouldn't have to witness what's happening around them as often.
<br /><br />
<strong>Nursery unlocked in workbench</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $game.location.bar = true>>
<<addmins 30>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
Listen, about Ashley. I found her<br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_dead>>
She's alive. I managed to get her to your dad's farm behind the barn.
I am sorry... She's dead. She was involved with some bad people.
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_dead>>
Really?! Oh my god, thank you so much. I won't forget this! I need to go see her and check if she's ok! But before that I have a gift for you!
What? NO! How? Oh god NO!
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_dead>>
<br /><br />
<strong>You received an revolver</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'revolver' 1>>
<br /><br />
She starts crying and runs to you for comfort. You hold her and let her cry it out. You didn't know they were so close.
<br /><br />
You have done so much for me, I don't even know how to thank you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/friend_found_finished'>>
<br /><br />
She pushes you against kitchen counter and starts to kiss you. You feel this is it, as you pull up her shirt and look at her firm breasts. You kiss her passionately and you're ready to take off your pants to fuck her hard..
<br /><br />
Sorry, I can't do that. You've done so much for me, but I can't... I need to go.
<br /><br />
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 5</strong>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=5>>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
You enter your room and notice that Blair is already waiting for you.
<br /><br />
Finally! I was hoping you would be home soon. I've thought about you all day and a way to thank you! You have no idea!
<br /><br />
You reassure her that no thanks are needed, but she still insists.
<br /><br />
Please, just don't think anything bad about me. I haven't done anything like this before.
<br /><br />
She pushes you down on your back and unbuttons your pants with a shy smile. She turns away as she slides her hand inside your pants and grabs your hard dick gently stroking it. She almost seems afraid she might break it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_thank_you_1'>>
<br /><br />
She mumbles something under her breath like she's trying to follow her own instructions. You deeply exhale as you see her mouth slowly moving closer to your cock.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_thank_you_2'>>
<br /><br />
I am so sorry! I thought I could do it but I can't. Lets just go to bed.
<br /><br />
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 5<br />
Blair corruption increased by 5<br /></strong>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship += 5>>
<<set $characters.blair.corruption += 5>>
<br /><br />
<<link "Sleep">><<sleep>><</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<=$player.name>>!! I need your help!<br />
My friend is missing and I haven't seen her for several days.
<br />
Could you please try and find her?
<br /><br />
I can try.<br />
What's her name? What does she look like? Where did you last see her and what are some places where she likes to hang out?
<br /><br />
Her name is Ashley. She has long red hair and is in her 40s. Don't tell anyone but she really likes to sneak out to the local bar in the underground city. Maybe you should ask around there.
<br /><br />
<<set $game.location.bar = true>>
<<addmins 30>><div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div style="padding: 20px; background-color: #f1c40f; color:#2c3e50; font-weight:bold">
<br />
Game has detected a game breaking bug for Blair!!
<br />
Please save the game to the file and report it as bug without making any other movements.
<br />
<div class="caut-bar"></div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>>! I wanted talk to you.
<br />
This might sound strange, but I've heard what you do with girls in the basement... And... I want you to do the same with me too.
<br /><br />
She takes you by the hand and leads you to the basement.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow her'>>
You walk down and as she looks at you with flirtatious eyes, you tie her to one of the radiators.
<br /><br />
<<video '/basement/blair_basement1'>>
<br /><br />
She seems relaxed and is enjoying the moment.
<br />
She backs away and looks around, as she has never been here before.
<br /><br />
<<video '/basement/blair_basement2'>>
<br /><br />
In a slow pace, you approach her and unexpectedly rip her blouse open. A momentary shock appears on her face, but it is quickly replaced by playful giggling.
<br />
You slap her face few times as she thank you for that.
<br /><br />
My breasts! Slap them too! Please!
<br /><br />
<<video '/basement/blair_basement4'>>
<br /><br />
You continue to slap her medium size breasts as she moans before grabbing your dick and shoving it in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
You both get into bed and start to discuss today's events.
<br /><br />
<<blair>>You know I saw that, right?<</blair>>
<<you>>What do you mean?<</you>>
<<blair>>How you looked at those girls in the settlement..<</blair>>
<br /><br />
You don't know how to respond so just press yourself against her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin1'>>
<br /><br />
You should know that I'm still a virgin. Till today I thought I'd stay that way till I got married. After seeing you and those other girls something happened in me. I can't explain it...<br />
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin2'>>
<br /><br />
She takes you by surprise and jumps on you wrapping her legs around you so you can't move.
<br /><br />
I think I'm ready. Just don't move, please.
<br /><br />
She slowly leans towards you and gently kisses your lips as you feel your dick hardening against her ass while she slowly continues kissing you.
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
She takes off her shirt and you help her take off her bra as she continues to passionately kiss you.<br />
She rubs her breasts against your chest while gasping deeply.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Put your dick in'>>
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin3'>>
You give her a few more kisses then without warning, grab your dick and gently slide it inside her tight pussy.
<br />
She twitches in pain for a second as she starts to bleed a little bit.
<br /><br />
<<blair>>Ouch! Uh! I, I LOVE YOU!<</blair>>
<br /><br />
Her confidence grows so you decide to increase the pace as you shove your dick deeper and faster inside her.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You pull out and push her on her back while grabbing her legs and putting them up. While holding her firmly you shove your dick back inside her with a big thrust and she starts to shiver.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin4'>>
<br /><br />
Please don't stop! Oh my god!
<br /><br />
You fuck her tight pussy for a while. Next you flip her over, grab her ass and squeeze it hard before pulling her onto her knees for doggy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin5'>>
<br /><br />
Please, please - cum in me! Oh lord!
<br /><br />
As you start to cum inside her you change your mind and pull out a few seconds too late and cover her ass and pussy in your warm cum."
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<<run delete $characters.blair.virgin>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj1'>>
<br /><br />
You open your eyes wide as you feel someone grab your cock and stroke it. You pull off the sheet and see Blair's blushing face.
<br /><br />
Sorry I woke you up. I couldn't sleep all night. I was thinking about it and couldn't take it anymore. Please don't be mad.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj2'>>
<br /><br />
She catches you by surprise as the first thing she takes in her mouth isn't the tip of your dick but your balls, all of them! She sucked them in like a vacuum cleaner.
<br />
You utter a quiet moan before laying back and just enjoying it.
<br /><br />
After a few minutes she looks up with disappointment in her eyes because she couldn't make you cum.
<br /><br />
I am so sorry. I know I'm not the best but I promise I can get better....
<br /><br />
She pulls your dick out of her mouth and grabs it so hard that it almost hurts. While looking straight at it she picks up the pace.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj3'>>
<br /><br />
Please! Cum for me! Let me get that feeling for the first time.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on her face'>>
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj4'>>
<br /><br />
You get up to cum on her face. As you do that, she manages to open her mouth and catch some of it with her tongue.
<br />
She giggles while cleaning her lip with her finger.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get out of the bed'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.bj_day = $game.day>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<<if $pregnancyHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set _mother = $slaves[$pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening.type === 'character'>>
<<set _mother = $characters[$pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<set _mother = $guests[$pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _mother>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'childbirth'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'scream'>>
<br />
You hear screams and you rush toward the source. As you get to your destination you realize it's <<=setup.displayName(_mother)>>.
Her contractions grew stronger, <<=setup.displayName(_mother)>> knew that she didn't have much time left. She asks you to create a makeshift birthing area.
<<set _chanceSuccess = 60>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies = 5>>
<<if setup.hasDoctor()>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies = 1>>
<br /><br />
<<set _isStorageAvailable = ($game.location.shop ?? false)>>
<<set _reqKey = 'towel'>>
<<set _towelCount = $backpack.count(_reqKey) + (_isStorageAvailable ? $storage.count(_reqKey) : 0)>>
<<if _towelCount >= 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Grab towels and make a birthing area'>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<transfer $storage $backpack _reqKey 5>>
<<drop $backpack 'towel' 5>>
<br /><br />
You lay down towels on the ground and hope that will do.
<br /><br />
<<set _chanceSuccess += 5>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies -= 1>>
You look around but see nothing that could work (<strong>missing <<=5-_towelCount>> of the 5 towels</strong>)
<br /><br />
<<if setup.hasDoctor()>>
<<set _chanceSuccess += 20>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies -= 2>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set _chanceSuccess += 10>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies -= 1>>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'push'>>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 7>>
<<energy -70>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chanceSuccess)>>
The labor was long and painful, but <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> was determined to bring her child into the world. Finally, after hours of pushing, she heard the sound of a baby's cry.<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> held her newborn child close, tears streaming down her face. She knew that they were still in a dangerous situation, but for the moment, all that mattered was the new life in her arms.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'kid'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _childGender = randomInteger(0,1)>>
Congratulation, it's a <<if !_childGender>><span style="color:pink">girl</span><<else>> <span style="color:blue">boy</span><</if>>
<br /><br />
<<set _mother = $tmpGirl>>
<<newchild _childGender _mother>>
<<set _randomName = $newChild.name>>
What will be <<if !_childGender>>her<<else>>his<</if>> name: <<textbox "_childName" _randomName>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<set _mother.noPregnancyDays = randomInteger(180, 250)>>
<<if $pregnancyHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set $slaves[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening.type === 'character'>>
<<set $characters[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<set $guests[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<set _child.name = _childName>>
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<<run $nursery.push(_child)>>
<<elseif ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<<run $guests.push(_child)>>
<<run $slaves.push(_child)>>
<<run delete $pregnancyHappening>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'died'>>
<br /><br />
Despite the best efforts of the community, tragedy strikes. The child is born, but due to the harsh conditions and lack of medical resources, it becomes clear that survival is impossible.
The child passes away in <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s arms.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<for _childGuestI, _childGuest range $guests>>
<<set $guests[_childGuestI].happy -= 10>>
<<for _childSlaveI, _childSlave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_childSlaveI].happy -= 10>>
<<set _mother = $tmpGirl>>
<<run delete _mother.pregnancy>>
<<if $pregnancyHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set $slaves[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening.type === 'character'>>
<<set $characters[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<set $guests[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<unset $pregnancyHappening>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You and your fellow survivors fought bravely, but the attackers were too many, too well-armed, and too ruthless.
As the last defenses crumbled, the leader of the gang steps forward, his sneer replaced with a look of triumph.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I warned you. You had chance.
<br />
The attackers begin to ransack the settlement, taking anything of value.
The leader gestures to his men, and they start rounding up the survivors corralling them into the central area of the settlement.
<br /><br />
<<set _tookFood = Math.min(100, setup.cabinInventory.count('food'))>>
<<set _tookKnives = Math.min(5, setup.cabinInventory.count('knife'))>>
<<set _tookMoney = Math.min(300, $player.money)>>
<<if _tookFood>>
<strong>They stole <<=_tookFood>> food</strong>
<br />
<<if _tookKnives>>
<strong>They stole <<=_tookKnives>> knives</strong>
<br />
<<if _tookMoney>>
<strong>They stole <<=_tookMoney>> caps</strong>
<br />
<br />
<<set _guestsCount = Math.min(1, $guests.length)>>
<<set _slavesCount = Math.min(2, $guests.length)>>
<<set _randomGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersonIds($guests, _guestsCount)>>
<<set _randomSlaveIds = setup.getRandomPersonIds($slaves, _slavesCount)>>
<<set _npcsTaken = []>>
<<for _npcIndex, _npc range _randomGuestIds>>
<<set _npcsTaken.push(setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuestIds[_npcIndex]]))>>
<<guestRemove _randomGuestIds[_npcIndex]>>
<<for _npcIndex, _npc range _randomSlaveIds>>
<<set _npcsTaken.push(setup.displayName($slaves[_randomSlaveIds[_npcIndex]]))>>
<<slaveRemove _randomSlaveIds[_npcIndex]>>
The survivors are taken captive. The attackers impose harsh conditions, treating the inhabitants as forced labor.
The leader makes it clear that any resistance will be met with brutal punishment.
<br /><br />
You can't do anything but just look as they take with them <<=_npcsTaken.join(', ')>>.
<br /><br />
As you look outside your gates, in the distance you see as they car disappears behind the trees with some of your people.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get up'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<set _allyCount = _guards.length + Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
<<set _enemyGuyCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 3), 4)>>
<<set _enemyGirlCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 2)-1, 1)>>
<br /><br />
As you step outside, the cool evening breeze brushes against your face, carrying with it a faint, unfamiliar scent.
The tranquility is abruptly shattered by the sound of metal clanging against metal.
The source of the noise becomes apparent as you approach the gate: a rusty, battered car parked just outside, and a group of grim-looking men standing in front of it,
banging on the door with their fists and the butts of their knives.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, look what we have here. Nice place you got. Shame if something happened to it.
<br />
He gestures to his companions, each one armed with an assortment of knives and makeshift weapons, their faces hidden behind makeshift masks. The tension is palpable as they spread out, ensuring you understand the seriousness of the situation.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Here's the deal. You either pay us 500 caps as a toll for... protection, or we take whatever we like. And trust me, you don't want that.
<br />
In front of you are standing <strong>10 guys, all holding knives</strong> in their hands.
<br /><br />
<<generateEnemies 8 0 8>>
<<for _enemyI = 0; _enemyI < $enemies.length; _enemyI++ >>
<<set $enemies[_enemyI].strength += randomInteger(50, 130)>>
<<set $enemies[_enemyI].endurace += randomInteger(50, 130)>>
<<set $enemies[2].inventory.car_part = 1>>
<div id="option_fight">
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wood cabin' 'Event - Base attack with car - lost' false _guards>>
<<set $fight.skipEndingLost = true>>
<<if $player.money >= 500>>
<div id="option_pay">
<<linkreplace 'Pay 500 caps'>>
<<run $('#option_fight').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<set $player.money -= 200>>
<<set $player.quests.baseAttackCarDay = $game.day>>
You hand over the demanded supplies, losing valuable resources but avoiding immediate conflict.
<br /><br />
This sets a precedent for future extortion attempts, and you'll need to decide how to handle those.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
Today, your steps lead you toward the mountain.
The climb is steep and unforgiving, but you know the view from the top is worth it.
From up there, you can see the extent of your domain, the broken remains of the old world stretching far beyond the treeline.
<br /><br />
You’re nearing the summit when you hear it—a faint rustle off the trail.
Your instincts kick in immediately, sharp as a knife. You stop, listening, your senses on high alert.
Quietly, you veer toward the sound, each step deliberate and silent.
<br /><br />
That’s when you see her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing1'>>
<br /><br />
She’s crouched among the ferns, her back to you, pants around her ankles.
A girl—young, wiry, her hair a tangle of grime and sweat. She’s completely unaware of your presence. The audacity of it sparks a flash of anger in you.
<br /><br />
$tmpGirl.hair = 'ginger',
$tmpGirl.race = 'white'
She jolts, spinning around, her face a mask of shock and embarrassment. Scrambling to pull up her pants, she stumbles back, her hands shaking.
But you’re quicker. In a few swift strides, you grab her arm and haul her upright.
<br /><br />
What the hell do you think you’re doing on my property?
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please sorry! I didn't know! Let me go!
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I don't have any caps or food. Please let me go!
<br />
So, what are you going to pay with?
<br />
<div id="option_bj">
<<linkreplace 'Get on your knees'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<set _bj = true>>
Her eyes widen slightly, realizing what you mean. The fight in her seems to waver for a moment before she looks away, staring at the ground.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Fine! Just don't hurt me.
<br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing2'>>
<br /><br />
Her breath catches.
There’s hesitation in her movements, a flicker of resistance in her eyes, but she knows she doesn’t have a choice.
Slowly, she sinks to her knees, the dry earth crunching beneath her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing3'>>
<br /><br />
She holds your dick in her hand. You grab her hair and pull her mouth onto your dick. She clearly struggles with the size of yours.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please don't. It's way to big. Let me just do it my way.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Force her deeper'>>
You put your hand on her hair, sliding fingers through them as you pushed her head on your dick, simultenously making movements with your hips towards her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing5'>>
<br /><br />
Her lips wrapped around your cock, her skilled tongue tracing the veins as she sucked harder.
Your fingers tangled in her hair, gripping tightly as you moaned uncontrollably while she choked on your dick.
<br /><br />
Tears stung her eyes as she gagged on your length, her throat stretched to its limit. She tried to pull back, but your hands held her in place, your grip unrelenting.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Stop! I can't breath.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull out her tits'>>
You let her breath for a moment. Meanwhile you leaned towards her top and slowly pulled out ouf on her breast.
Then you focused on second one and stopped only when both of them were naked outside of her top.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Hey! This wasn't the deal!
<br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing6'>>
<br /><br />
Then once again you put your hand on her head and she instantly knew what you will do.
She clearly knew she is not able to put it all in so she firmly wrapped her hand around your dick and while sucking your dick, she stroked it with one hand.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing7'>>
<br />
With each movement you tried to push her deeper and deeper.
At one point she just gave up and pressed both hands against your legs, that way at least trying to limit how deep you could push her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Jus.t.. cu.mm.. alread.. hhh
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum in her throat'>>
Your cock twitched, and with a guttural roar, you exploded deep into her throat filling her with his hot, creamy load.
She just stood there in shock as she didn't expect that at all.
<br /><br />
<<image 'game/misc/cum_throat.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Let her go'>>
<<if !_bj>>
<<run $('#option_bj').hide()>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you! And I am so sorry. This won't happen again.
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
She quickly scrambles on her feet. she mutters something, clutching her bag tightly as she backs away.
<br />
You don’t respond, just watch as she turns and rushes down the mountain trail, her footsteps echoing against the stillness of the forest.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<br/><br />
With a shared understanding, you all gradually moved towards the private quarters of your dwelling.
The scent of the champagne lingered in the air, adding an intoxicating layer to the already charged atmosphere.
<br /><br />
Entering the bedroom, the ambiance shifted again. The soft glow of a few candles placed strategically around the room created a warm and intimate setting. The air was thick with the heady mix of anticipation and the fragrant notes of aged champagne.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[0]>>
I like it here! Looks so comfortable!
<br />
<br />
As the night wore on, the playful tension between you and the three women escalated into a magnetic attraction. The air was thick with desire, and the flickering candles cast shadows that seemed to dance in rhythm with the beating hearts in the room.
<br /><br />
<<for _key, _girlId range $tmpEvent.girlIds>>
<<set $guests[_girlId].relationship += 10>>
<<set $guests[_girlId].happy += 20>>
<<set $guests[_girlId].drunk = 100>>
<strong>Relationship with <<=setup.displayName($guests[_girlId])>> increased by 10</strong>
<br />
<br />
With a tender touch, <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> began to slowly unbutton <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>>'s top, revealing the delicate contours of her breasts.
The room, once filled with laughter and shared stories, now witnessed a more intimate narrative—a tale of exploration and connection that defied the constraints of the outside world.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
<<=$tmpEvent.girls[2].name>>!!! What are you doing? Ha-ha...
<br />
As the fabric fell away, unveiling the beauty that lay beneath, the ambiance in the room shifted into a more profound intimacy. The scent of passion and the faint notes of champagne lingered, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that mirrored the forbidden romance unfolding before them.
<br /><br />
As you and <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> where watching, she slowly put hand on your crouch and started to unbutton your pants. As <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> top fell off in revenge, your dick was already outside your pants.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[2]>>
Oh my!
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
This might be best after party ever, heh.
<br />
They slowly started to crawl on the bed toward you till they reached your dick, <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> firmly was holding in her hand.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event1'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> was the first who decided to get a taste of your dick. As other girls were already naked she grabbed your dick and started to suck it with passion as
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> took her hair and hold them while <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> sucked your balls.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event2'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
Leave something for others, girl.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> took her turn. That felt different, not hard as <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>>. Almost felt like she's trying to making love. Gently and with love.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event3'>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> was ready for your dick, <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> instead of sharing, just pulled down her panties and crawled onto you. She spread her legs and slowly slides on your dick.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> put two fingers on her clit and started to massage it as she bounced up and down with load moans.
<br /><br />
She fucked you for some time before <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> looked frustrated and she undressed fully and winked at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[2]>>
Come her.
<br />
Other girls looked at her and with giggles took the same position by her side.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event4'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> bites her lip as you slowly slide into her pussy and start to fuck her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[2]>>
Oh shit... That's so good...
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
Fuck us all!
<br />
They both lean down with her pussies in the same line with reach for your hands.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event5'>>
<br /><br />
As you keep fucking <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> you also put your fingers inside other two girls and fuck them with your fingers. They all moan as each of them holds each others hands.
<br />
Moans get loader and loader as one of the girls starts to shake her legs as you keep pounding <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> tight pussy.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event6'>>
<br /><br />
As you start to cum <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> and <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> turns around and watches as your cum gets all over <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> ass.
<br />
They giggle and leans toward your dick while trying to catch some of it before it lands on ass.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> decides you clean your dick with her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fire place'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set _npcList = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0]>>
<<set _randomNpc = setup.getRandomElement(_npcList)>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_randomNpc]>>
The silhouette of a woman sways sensually to a rhythm only she can hear, her movements reflecting a mixture of grace and desperation.
The worn-out wooden floorboards creak beneath her bare feet as she loses herself in the dance.
<br />
The flickering shadows cast by the dancing flames seem to dance along with her, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you stand there, a silent observer in the doorway, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> doesn't seem to notice your presence at first.
Her movements become more provocative, a strange juxtaposition to the harsh reality outside. It's almost as if she's trying to escape the desolation through the rhythm of her dance.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> catches a glimpse of you in the corner of her eye. Her body freezes for a moment, and her eyes widen in surprise.
A hint of vulnerability flashes across her face, but it quickly transforms into a mischievous smile.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
<<= $player.name>>! I thought I am alone. How long have you been standing there?
<br />
She takes a step toward you, her eyes locked with yours. The firelight accentuates the contours of her face, revealing a mix of defiance and playfulness.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Did you come here just to watch, or are you looking for a bit of company?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Maybe I could offer you something... a little more personal.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take a seat'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
You take a seat on a worn-out wooden chair, and she approaches you with a seductive sway in her hips. The pulsating rhythm of her dance matches the erratic beat of your heart.
<br />
The flickering candlelight casts a warm glow on the scene, accentuating the contours of her body as she moves.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance1'>>
<br /><br />
She turns around and places one hand on your shoulder, lightly trailing her fingers down your arm. The scent of smoke and the faint aroma of something sweet linger in the air. Her eyes hold a playful invitation as she leans in, letting you grab and play with her breast.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance2'>>
<br /><br />
With a sultry gaze, she extends her hand, reaching your pants. She starts to unzip them...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just relax and let me do the rest.
<br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance3'>>
<br /><br />
She finishes and helps you take out your dick. She grabs it firmly and makes few sensual strokes with her hand while sliding down her panties with other.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance4'>>
<br /><br />
With leg she kicks away her panties she just took off and leans closer while slowly bending a bit. She grabs your hard dick in her hand and aims it towards her pussy...
<br />
She slowly slides your dick inside her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just relax. I will take care of you.
<br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance5'>>
<br /><br />
As your dick gets moist enough, she gradually picks up the pace and increasingly performs her movements faster and faster.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
This feels so good! Just don't dare to move. It's all me tonight.
<br />
With her hands, she pushes against your legs and increases the pace even more.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $guests[_randomNpc].happy += 10>>
<<set $guests[_randomNpc].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[_randomNpc].virgin = false>>
<br />
You cum inside her pussy. She feels that and makes a loud moan as her legs start shaking and she jumps off you while your cum drips all over your dick.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, that was something. Have a good night!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'Decline offer'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Let me take a look... I am ready to pay 100 caps for one.
<br />
<<set _hasVirgins = false>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _slaveI, _slave range ($slaves ?? [])>>
<<capture _slaveI, _slave>>
<<if !_slave.virgin || _slave.gender>>
<<set _hasVirgins = true>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=setup.displayName(_slave)>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_slave)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_slave.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event - virgin merchant sell'>>
<<run $slaves.splice(_slaveI, 1)>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<set $player.money += 100>>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_sold'>>
<<if !_hasVirgins>>
<strong>You have nothing to sell...</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Finish trading'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<<set $game.virgin_merchant_day = $game.day>>
<br /><br />
As you step out of the wood cabin, the chill of air stings your cheeks.
The world beyond the settlement gates is a mix of desolation and stubborn life, struggling to survive amidst ruins and overgrown vegetation.
The sound that catches your attention isn't the usual rustle of leaves or distant animal calls; it's a voice, human and unexpected.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Walking towards the gates, you saw him—a weathered old man with a tattered cloak and a cart laden with goods. His eyes, though tired,
gleamed with a sharp intelligence that belied his age. He introduced himself as a merchant, his voice carrying a hint of gravel from years spent on the road.
<br /><br />
Then came his chilling request, delivered with a casualness that made your blood run cold.
<br /><br />
I'm in need of a rare commodity.
<br />
What kind of commodity?
<br />
I need a virgin voman. I am willing to pay you 100 caps.
<br /><br />
<<link 'I accept, choose one'>>
<<goto 'Event - virgin merchant sell'>>
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_lone_survivor.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
The lone survivor that you let stay overnight and feed at your camp yesterday has gathered his belongings and is waiting for you at the gate.
<br /><br />
Thank you very much! I will never forget your hospitality. I have a gift of gratitude for you.
<<pickup $backpack 'antibiotics' 1>>
<strong>You received <strong class="iitem">1 antibiotics</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The lone survivor that you let stay overnight and feed at your camp yesterday is nowhere to be found. The gate is left half-open and it appears that food has been taken from the storage.
<br /><br />
<<set _food = Math.min(20, setup.cabinInventory.count('food'))>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('food', _food)>>
<strong>You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_food>> food</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_lone_survivor.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
A lone survivor approaches the gate, claiming to be a doctor who can provide valuable medical assistance to your settlement. However, you also know that they have a history of stealing from other settlements.
<br /><br />
Please, sir. Can I stay here for one night? I'm hungry and I don't have the strength to continue my journey. I beg you. I could offer you something in return for it..
<br /><br />
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('food', 2)>>
<<link 'Let him in'>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.drop('food', 2)>>
<<set $game.lone_survivor = true>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
-2 food.
<<link 'Tell him to go away'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<set $player.reputation-->>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Let me take a look... I am ready to pay 20 caps for one.
<<set _hasBabies = false>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _nurseryI, _nursery range ($nursery ?? [])>>
<<set _hasBabies = true>>
<<capture _nurseryI, _nursery>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=setup.displayName(_nursery)>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_nursery)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_nursery.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<run $nursery.splice(_nurseryI, 1)>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 2>>
<<set $player.money += 20>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<if setup.getAge(_slave) > 17>>
<<set _hasBabies = true>>
<<capture _slaveI, _slave>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=_slave.name>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_slave)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_slave.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<run $slaves.splice(_slaveI, 1)>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 2>>
<<set $player.money += 20>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) > 17>>
<<set _hasBabies = true>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=_guest.name>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_guest)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_guest.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<assignedTo _guest 'none'>>
<<guestRemove _guestI>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 2>>
<<set $player.money += 20>>
<<if !_hasBabies>>
<strong>You have nothing to sell...</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Finish trading'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
What kind of place is this? It doesn't really matter. I have a generous offer for you. Do you have small children or newborns? I'm ready to buy them from you.
<br /><br />
<div id="options">
<<linkreplace 'What he will do with them'>>
Why do you care? Have you ever eaten them? Get ready for a delicious soup. Mmm...
<br /><br />
<<link 'I accept, choose one'>>
<<goto 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<linkreplace 'Kill him'>>
<<run $('#options').hide()>>
<br /><br />
Looking into his eyes, you find an old, rusted pipe within arm's reach, and you strike him in the head with it. He wasn't prepared for it and falls dead to the ground. Within seconds, the ground around him turns red.
<br />
<br />
<strong>People like him will leave you alone for a while.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set $game.baby_merchant_day = $game.day>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls = 1>>
<<if Object.keys($prevFight).length && setup.percentageChance(50) && $slaves.length > 1>>
<<set _eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls++>>
As you look outside your gates in the distance you see group of attackers walking away with <strong class="iitem"><<=_eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls>></strong> of your slaves.
<br /><br />
<<set _eventBaseAttackSlaveListIds = setup.getRandomPersonIds($slaves, _eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls).sort().reverse()>>
They took:
<br />
<<set _beforeSlaves = clone($slaves)>>
<<for _eventBaseAttackSlaveListId, _eventBaseAttackSlaveList range _eventBaseAttackSlaveListIds>>
<<capture _eventBaseAttackSlaveListId>>
<strong class="iitem"><<=$slaves[_eventBaseAttackSlaveList].name>></strong><br />
<<set $slaves.splice(_eventBaseAttackSlaveList, 1)>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get up'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<set _allyCount = _guards.length + Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
<<set _enemyGuyCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 3), 4)>>
<<set _enemyGirlCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 2)-1, 1)>>
<br /><br />
As you stroll through your village, enjoying the warm sunshine on your face, a sudden commotion catches your attention. One of your girls, sprints towards you, her face contorted with fear and her eyes wide with panic. She screams at the top of her lungs, "Help! Help! They're attacking our base!"
<br /><br />
Between gasps for breath, the girl manages to respond, her voice trembling, "A group of bandits! They stormed our gates and managed to break through! They're wreaking havoc inside!"
<br /><br />
As you arrive at the gate, the sight that greets you is one of chaos.
Gates lie broken and splintered, remnants of a violent struggle and in front of you are standing <<=_enemyGuyCount>> guys and <<=_enemyGirlCount>> <<=(_enemyGirlCount > 1 ? 'women' : 'woman')>>.
<br /><br />
<<set $prevFight = {}>>
<div id="option1">
<<include 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
<<linkreplace 'Try to negotiate'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<if $player.int < 30>>
<br /><br />
They all start laughing in your face. One of them spits on your face.
<br /><br />
<strong class="iitem">Your intelligence failed</strong>
<br /><br />
<<include 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
They mockingly look at each other and nods their heads.
<br /><br />
"<strong>You have a deal! But we'll take on of your slaves with us</strong>"
<br /><br />
<<link 'Accept the offer'>>
<<goto 'Event: Base attack - lost'>>
Will take one of your slaves.
<<include 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
Stepping outside, you hear voices. You decide to go and see what's happening. A couple of girls are looking at the garden and discussing something among themselves.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/bathhouse_talk.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGuests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
As they sat around the fire, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> cleared her throat and caught the attention of the others.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Ladies, I've been thinking. We've been through so much, and it's high time we consider our own well-being
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][1]])>>, a woman with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, raised an eyebrow.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][1]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
What do you have in mind, <<=$guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name>>? More scavenging runs for supplies?
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
No, <<=$guests[_randomGuests[0][1]].name>>, not quite. I've been hearing murmurs of exhaustion among us. Washing ourselves under rainwater and whatever springs we find has become tiresome. We deserve a chance to relax and take care of ourselves.
<br />
How about we ask <<=$player.name>> to build us something like bathhouse? maybe also with sauna?
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][3]])>> leaned forward, her eyes alight with a newfound idea. The women exchanged glances, intrigued by the concept.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][2]])>>'s lips curled into a determined smile.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][3]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
A sauna? Now that's an idea. We'll create a place where we can wash away the dirt and relax our tired bodies. A sanctuary amidst the chaos.
<br />
With a renewed sense of purpose, the women began to sketch out their ideas, discussing how they could repurpose salvaged materials, create a heating system, and design a space that would bring a semblance of normalcy to their lives.
<br /><br />
They continued their conversation for a while as you stood behind and listened to everything. After a moment, one of them turned around and noticed you were behind. The other girls also turned and asked if you liked the idea and if you were ready to do it.
<br /><br />
<<link "Anything for you, girls">>
<<notify 6s>>Bathhouse available in workbench!<</notify>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<link "I'll think about it">>
<<notify 6s>>Bathhouse available in workbench!<</notify>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _persons = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0]>>
<<set _randomPersons = setup.getRandomPersons(_persons, 2)>>
_randomPerson1Id = _randomPersons[0],
_randomPerson2Id = _randomPersons[1]
<<unset $tmpGirlCapture>>
<<set _money = randomInteger(50, 75)>>
<<set _splitMoneyPerPerson = Math.round(_money / 3, 0)>>
<<set _splitMoney = _money - _splitMoneyPerPerson * 2>>
<strong><<=$guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>></strong> and <strong><<=$guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>></strong> are arguing and fighting over a rusty metal box which lays on the ground between them.<br />
They both claim ownership over the coins inside; one for finding the box, and the other for getting the lock open.
There are <strong class="iitem"><<=_money>></strong> caps inside, enough to considerably help the entire colony if needed.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<set _linkName = 'Interview ' + $guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<set $guestId = _randomPerson1Id>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_randomPerson1Id]>>
<<capture $tmpGirl>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<div id="option2">
<<set _linkName = 'Interview ' + $guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<set $guestId = _randomPerson2Id>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_randomPerson2Id]>>
<<capture $tmpGirl>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<<linkreplace 'Render judgment'>>
<br />
You've decided.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Give box to ' + $guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship = Math.min($guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship + 10, 100)>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+10 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>; -20 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>
<<set _linkName = 'Give box to ' + $guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship = Math.min($guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship + 10, 100)>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+10 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>; -20 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>
<<link 'Split between them'>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 5>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 5>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
-5 relationship
<<link 'Split between you three'>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 10>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 10>>
<<set $player.money += _splitMoney>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+<<=_splitMoney>> caps; -10 relationship
<<link 'Keep them to yourself'>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<set $player.money += _money>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+<<=_money>> caps; -20 relationship
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You hear noise coming from a place where you've stored some food, and decide to cautiously investigate its source. The door to the room is ajar and the sounds keep getting louder and louder as you approach - something's definitely here. To your surprise, as you carefully take a peak in between the door's gap, you see a small child in front of you. He immediately spots you peering through the doorway, a fearful look in his eyes.
Abandoning stealth and swinging open the door, you see that they're holding a few pieces of food in their gaunt hands.
<br /><br />
<<set _foodOptions = [$storage.count('food'), $backpack.count('food'), 5]>>
<<set _foodGive = Math.min.apply(null, _foodOptions.filter(Boolean))>>
<<if _foodGive && ($storage.count('food') || $backpack.count('food'))>>
<div id="option_food">
<<linkreplace 'Tell him to take as much as he likes.'>>
<<run $('#option1_desc, #option2, #option_invite').hide()>>
<<if $storage.count('food') >= _foodGive>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<strong>You've lost <<=_foodGive>> food.</strong>
<br /><br />
A wide smile bursts onto the child's face as he exclaims, <strong>"Thank you so much mister!"</strong> He takes some more food, before quickly darting out of the building and disappearing into the nearby forest.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option1_desc">
-<<=_foodGive>> food
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<div id="option_invite">
<<linkreplace 'Invite to live in your settlement'>>
<<run $('#option2, #option_food').hide()>>
<<set $tmpGuy.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(7, 13))>>
<<set $tmpGuy.relationship = randomInteger(40, 70)>>
<<run $nursery.push($tmpGuy)>>
A wide smile bursts onto the child's face as he exclaims, <strong>"Thank you so much mister! I would like that!"</strong>. He puts down the food he was trying to steal, and you show him a place where he can sleep.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill += 2>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Throw him out.'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _portrait = '/people/anongirl.png'>>
<<set _portrait = '/people/anonguy.png'>>
<br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<if $tmpGirl.washedBathhouse>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Sorry, I will have to decline. I already was in bathhouse today. Maybe some other time
<<set _isOk = true>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh, I like where this is going. Lead the way.
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Sorry, I wouldn't be comfortable there together with you.
<br /><br />
<<if _isOk>>
<<link 'Go to the shower'>>
<<set $oldTmpGirlLocation = $tmpGirl.location>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'shower'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you approach the village gate, you encounter a stranger standing next to a colorful caravan filled with beautiful horses. He introduces himself as Barnaby, the Horse Traveling Merchant. Barnaby explains that he's passing through the area and offers a selection of horses for sale. He also mentions that he's a skilled horse trainer and takes great care of his animals...<br /><br />
Would you want to buy a horse?
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
With excitement, Barnaby shows the traveler various horses and tells that one horse costs <strong class="iitem">400 caps</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 400>>
<<linkreplace 'Buy horse'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#option1_desc').hide()>>
<<set $player.money -= 400>>
What you will call your horse? <<textbox "_tmpHorseName" 'Bullet'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.horse = _tmpHorseName>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option1_desc">
<<linkdesc>>-400 caps<</linkdesc>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
With a gracious smile, Barnaby nodded understandingly, accepting the traveler's decision.
<br /><br />
No worries at all. If you ever change your mind I'll probably come and check on you again
<br /><br />
With that, the traveler continued on his way, leaving you and your beautiful horses behind.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/stuck1'>>
<br /><br />
Entering the kitchen, you see <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>. She's pulling something by the sink. You decide to ask if everything is okay, to which she replies that her hand is stuck while cleaning the drain.
<br /><br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Could you help me please?
<br /><br />
<div id="option_help">
<<link 'Help her'>>
<<run $('#option_fun, #option_help').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<div id="option_fun">
<<linkreplace 'Have some fun'>>
<<set _hadFun = true>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $guests[$guestId].horny = 0>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
<<video 'kitchen/stuck2'>>
<br /><br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Really? You think this is the right time? Ohh... god...
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/stuck3'>>
<br /><br />
As you grab her top and pull it, one of her breasts falls out swings as you fuck her tight pussy. She's clearly enjoying it as she doesn't resist in any way.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'kitchen/stuck4'>>
<br /><br />
You pull out and cum all over her back as she finally manages to get her hand out of the drain. Cum drops from her back on the ground.
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<div id="option_end" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> manages to pull out the trapped arm, and she sighs in relief.
<br /><br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Thank you so much!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _persons = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'garden')>>
<<if _persons.length>>
<<set _randomPerson = _persons[Math.floor(Math.random()*_persons.length)]>>
<<set _person = $guests[_randomPerson]>>
<<set _persons = setup.getPersonsForLocation($slaves, 'garden')>>
<<set _randomPerson = _persons[Math.floor(Math.random()*_persons.length)]>>
<<set _person = $slaves[_randomPerson]>>
<br /><br />
A weary <strong><<=setup.displayName(_person)>></strong> reports grave news. Some of the food rations appear to have gone bad. Somebody had forgotten to shield them properly, allowing bugs to get into the containers.
<br /><br />
<<set _rottenPercentage = 20>>
<<set _countFood = $backpack.count('food')>>
<<set _foodOutBackpack = Math.round( (1.0 * _rottenPercentage / 100) * _countFood, 0)>>
<<set _countFood = $storage.count('food')>>
<<set _foodOutStorage = Math.round( (1.0 * _rottenPercentage / 100) * _countFood, 0)>>
<<set _foodOut = _foodOutBackpack + _foodOutStorage>>
Bickering about whose fault the situation quickly evolves into a different discussion, as the hungry guests begin to argue if they can afford to throw away precious food, even if a little past its prime.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Throw the food out'>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodOutBackpack>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodOutStorage>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
Throw <<=_foodOut>> food out
<<link 'Keep the food'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set $game.foodRotten = true>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
Chance that your guests or slaves will get ill from food poisoning
<<set $game.rotten_rations_day = $game.day>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _horseRideMapping = {
1: 'The girl turned around on the back of the horse, facing you, and sensually began to kiss you and pull off her blouse.',
2: 'Girl kisses our chest and in a matter of seconds your dick is already in her mouth',
3: 'You slowly pull her on you and push her wet pussy onto your hard dick',
4: 'She spreads her legs and takes the lead',
5: 'She turns around and you cum on her firm ass as she keeps rubbing it against your dick',
<<set _videoName = '/settlement/horse_ride' + ($horseRideAction ?? 1)>>
<<video `_videoName`>>
<<if $horseRideAction !== 5>>
<<horny 15>>
<br /><br />
<<= _horseRideMapping[($horseRideAction ?? 1)]>>
<br /><br />
<<if $horseRideAction !== 5>>
<<link 'Blowjob'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 2>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 3>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Let her ride you'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 4>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<link 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 5>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $horseRideAction === 5>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $horseRideAction>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
On the first floor, you hear some murmuring and knocking noises. There are also voices audible, one a woman's, the other a man's.
<<if $guests.length > 0>>
And you're almost certain that they don't belong to a guest you're hosting.
You're supposed to be alone. There's almost certainly an intruder in your cabin.
<br /><br />
You decide to check the first floor.
<br /><br />
As you reach the lower level, the faint sound of clinking catches your attention. Your heart races as you creep towards the source of the noise, your worn-out boots barely making a sound on the debris-strewn floor. Through a cracked doorway, you glimpse a flicker of movement.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple1'>>
<br /><br />
Peering around the corner, your eyes widen at the sight: a couple, their tattered clothing and gaunt faces reflecting the harshness of their lives. They were rifling through the stash of canned food you had managed to scavenge over time. Your fists clenched instinctively, anger and desperation surging within you.
<br /><br />
The sound was enough to alert the couple.
<br /><br />
<strong>They try to explain that they hadn't eaten for several days and they had no choice but to try to find some food here. They are so desperately hungry that they can't think properly or stand on their feet anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _foodOptions = [$storage.count('food'), $backpack.count('food'), 20]>>
<<set _foodGive = Math.min.apply(null, _foodOptions.filter(Boolean))>>
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Offer them food if you can fuck the girl'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<run $('#option1_desc, #option2, #option3').hide()>>
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= _foodGive>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
Fuck you! Who do you think you are?!
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple2'>>
<br /><br />
Okay... I'll do it. But don't expect me to be happy about it...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to undress'>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple3'>>
<br /><br />
She starts undressing while her man is knelt down and gathering all the food cans, not even attempting to look at her.
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to suck you'>>
<<set _sucked = true>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple4'>>
<br /><br />
You sit down in the chair, and the girl kneels down. She looks at her man one last time, who with a broad smile on his face, can't stop watching the cans of food he's gathered. The girl's gaze becomes mocking, and she seems intent on making him feel uncomfortable, starting to enthusiastically suck on your dick while looking at you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<if !_sucked>>
<<run $('#option3').hide()>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple5'>>
<br /><br />
She reclines on her side on the carpet, facing her man who still hasn't even looked in your direction. You slowly slide your dick into her, and she unexpectedly tenses up and then relaxes. She's no longer concerned about what her man is doing; she's completely surrendered to you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple6'>>
<br /><br />
You cum right inside her, and she enjoys every drop of you. She continues to moan while your sperm leaks out of her wet pussy.
<br /><br />
Hey, what the hell?! Babe! How could you allow that? We should leave.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Escort them outside'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<linkdesc 'option1_desc'>>
-<<=_foodGive>> food
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Give them food and tell them to get lost'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<run $('#option2_desc, #option1, #option3').hide()>>
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= _foodGive>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<br /><br />
Really? Thank you so much!!
<br /><br />
Both the man and the woman wear a grateful smile on their faces. They quickly pack the food into their bags as if fearing you might change your mind.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Escort them outside'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<linkdesc 'option2_desc'>>
-<<=_foodGive>> food
<div id="option3">
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 1 1>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wood cabin' 'Wood cabin' true>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">SHOWER</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
With a slow turn of the doorknob, you push the door ajar, revealing the silhouette of <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> standing under the feeble stream of water.
Droplets cascade down her body, and her expression shifts from surprise to a sheepish smile as she notices your presence.
<br /><br />
<<video 'shower/taken1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sorry for not asking permission. I owe you one.
<br />
Her voice carrying a hint of warmth and sincerity. Her eyes meet yours, reflecting a mix of exhaustion and gratitude
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'How about now?'>>
She giggles as she pulls curtains aside and fully shows her naked body.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
So fast? Aren't you impatient one.
<br /><br />
<<video 'shower/taken2'>>
<br /><br />
She drops on her knees and unzips your pants, takes out your dick and strokes it before sucking it in her mouth.
<br />
She looks straight in your eyes with a smile on her face before she goes down to your balls and licks them too.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Ah, whatever... Fuck me!
<br />
She turns around and lifts her leg as you prepare to slide your dick into her wet pussy.
<br /><br />
<<if _npc.virgin>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].virgin = false>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> lost her virginity!
<br /><br />
<<video 'shower/taken3'>>
<br /><br />
She grabs the shower curtains and firmly clings to them, pulling them as she lets out a loud moan.
<br />
She looks at you as you fuck her pussy while holding curtains with one hand and you with another.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Don't spare me.
<br />
<<video 'shower/taken5'>>
<br /><br />
She releases your hand and grabs the faucet when you pick up the pace, starting to fuck her faster and stronger. Her moans are getting louder.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just don't cum inside. I want you all on my ass or back.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video 'shower/taken4'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her by waist and pull her as close as you can to yourself before cumming inside her. At first she doesn't understand that and looks at you with a smile on her face but as soon as she notices
that you didn't pull out she gets annoyed and stomps out of the shower half naked.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Really? Even after I asked you not to?
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><<link 'Attack them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<set _allyCount = _guards.length + Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
<<set _enemyGuyCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 3), 4)>>
<<set _enemyGirlCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 2)-1, 1)>>
<<for _baseAttackI = 0; _baseAttackI < _enemyGuyCount; _baseAttackI++>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = randomInteger(40, 70)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(20)>>
$tmpGuy.inventory = {
'knife': 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _enemyGirlCount; _i++>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wood cabin' 'Event: Base attack - lost' false _guards>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGuests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
As you come out of your room in the morning, one of your guests comes running towards you, loudly saying that one of your guards managed to catch a woman in the morning light who was trying to enter the resource room. He was able to apprehend her, and she is currently tied up behind the house. You decide to go and see what is really happening there.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught1'>>
<br /><br />
Just as you have circled around the house and come into her line of sight, she starts screaming hysterically. Fear is visible in her eyes, but you can't understand what she's saying because there's something dirty shoved into her mouth. Her screams are so loud that you're starting to get annoyed.
<br /><br />
<div id="option-slap">
<<linkreplace 'Slap her'>>
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught2'>>
<br /><br />
You havedown and slapped her across the face. Instantly, she falls silent and just quietly watches you, waiting to see what you will do next.
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set _intruderFucked = true>>
<<run $('#option-slave, #option-release').hide()>>
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught4'>>
<br /><br />
You lean in to look into her eyes and remove the dirty cloth from her mouth. Meanwhile, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> notices you and decides to approach. Upon arrival, she starts laughing and flirtatiously says to you that she also wants to join in or at least watch and that you should start with her delicious mouth.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her mouth'>>
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught3'>>
<br /><br />
While you untie your pants, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> rips open girl's blouse and giggles as she stand behind her, holding her hair so she can't move her head.
<br />
You shove your dick inside the helpless girl and make her gag on your cock.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
I got an idea. Tie me too. I want to feel like her. Helpless. I want to watch as close as I can.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Tie them both and bring them inside'>>
At <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>>'s request, you tie her up as well, and you lead them into your room. <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> lies down next to the girl with a wide smile, as she watchines other girl being thrown into the bed in the doggy position.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught5'>>
<br /><br />
You gently slide your dick inside intruders pussy but instead of taking it slow, you just start to pound her already wet pussy as fast and deep as you can. <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> just watches and moans together with the girl as she fantasies being in her place.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught6'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#option-slave, #option-release').show()>>
<br /><br />
Her legs start trembling, and after a moment, you pull out and cum your warm cum all over her back as her hands are tied behind her back and she tries to push you away from her.
<br /><br />
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Fuck her
<<if ($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit>>
<div id="option-slave">
<<link 'Enslave her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.capture = false>>
<<set $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<div id="option-release">
<<linkreplace 'Release her'>>
<<if !_intruderFucked>>
<<run $('#option-slap').hide()>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<run $('#option-slave').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You untie the girl and with tears in her eyes, she quietly mouths a thank you. She hesitates, saying that you will never see her again and she's very sorry.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIRE PLACE</h1>
<br />
<<set _npcKey = setup.getRandomElement(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? [])>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_npcKey]>>
The night air was cool and crisp as you strolled through the settlement. The soft glow of scattered lanterns illuminated the narrow paths, casting a warm hue on the wooden structures. The sounds of laughter and distant conversations filled the air, creating a comforting ambiance.
As you rounded a corner, you noticed a solitary figure sitting by the flickering flames of the central fireplace.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach her'>>
Curiosity tugged at you, and you decided to approach to find <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>, one of the girls from your community, gazing into the dancing flames.
Her expression seemed distant, lost in thought. You decided to join her, settling down on the rough-hewn log beside her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Join her'>>
<<set _npc.relationship += 10>>
<<set _npc.happy += 10>>
<<=_npc.name>>, mind if I join you?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, it's you. Sure, have a seat.
<br />
The crackling of the fire filled the silence for a moment before you spoke again.
<br /><br />
What brings you out here all alone? The night is beautiful, but it's not often I see someone sitting here by themselves.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just needed some time alone, you know? It's been a long day, and I needed to clear my head.
<br />
You nodded, understanding the need for solitude in a bustling community. She hesitated for a moment before she continued.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
It's a bit of everything, really. The challenges we face, the uncertainties. Sometimes it feels overwhelming.
<br />
You sat in companionable silence for a while, both lost in your thoughts. The flames danced, casting shadows that seemed to mimic the complexities of your lives.
<br /><br />
As you continued to sit by the fireplace, your conversation turned to lighter topics, and the night seemed a little less daunting with the warmth of camaraderie.
The settlement around you continued to buzz with life, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unity as you faced the challenges of your shared journey together.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Invite her to spend night with you'>>
<<if setup.sexChance(_npc)>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sure, why not? It sounds like a nice way to end the night.
<br />
Together, you walked towards your dwelling, the night air crisp around you. Inside, the soft glow of a single lantern illuminated the room, casting a warm ambiance.
You settled into the cozy space, the flickering light creating dancing shadows on the walls.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<<set $guestId = _npcKey>>
<<fuck _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sorry but I'll have to decline.
<br />
With a small smile, she bid you goodnight and made her way towards her dwelling. Left alone by the fireplace, you watched as she disappeared into the darkness, realizing that everyone had their own ways of finding solace and comfort during challenging times.
As the night progressed, you decided to take a moment for reflection before eventually heading to bed yourself, grateful for the bonds that held your settlement together.
<br />
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIRE PLACE</h1>
<br />
<<set _randomGuests = setup.getRandomPersonIds($guests, 6)>>
<<set _npc1 = $guests[_randomGuests[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $guests[_randomGuests[1]]>>
<<set _npc3 = $guests[_randomGuests[2]]>>
As you walked past the flickering fire, a brilliant streak of light caught your eye. At first, you thought it was just another shooting star in the post-apocalyptic sky, a fleeting sparkle of cosmic wonder amidst the chaos of your world. But then, the light multiplied, fragmenting into smaller pieces that rained down in a mesmerizing display of celestial chaos.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You tilted your head back, squinting against the glare, trying to make sense of what you were seeing.
<br /><br />
Hey, look up!
<br />
You called out to the others gathered around the fire, their faces etched with weariness from another day of survival.
<br /><br />
As more fragments streaked across the sky, leaving glowing trails of debris in their wake, a sense of wonder and apprehension mingled in the air. The fire crackled softly, a counterpoint to the celestial spectacle unfolding above you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
It's beautiful.
<br />
As more fragments streaked across the sky, leaving glowing trails of debris in their wake, a sense of wonder and apprehension mingled in the air.
The fire crackled softly, a counterpoint to the celestial spectacle unfolding above you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Oh that's another satellite.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc3>>
We used to send those things up there, thinking we could conquer the heavens.
<br />
You stood there in silence for a while, watching as the remnants of human ambition burned bright in the night sky, a poignant reminder of a world that once was. And as the last glimmers faded into the darkness, you returned to the warmth of the fire, grateful for the simple comfort of companionship amid the ruins of your past.
<br /><br />
<<for _randomGuestI, _randomGuestId range _randomGuests>>
<<set _happyInc = randomInteger(7, 15)>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuestI])>> happiness increased by <<=_happyInc>></strong>
<<set $guests[_randomGuestI].happy += _happyInc>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
The faint yet rhythmic sound of banging resonates through the stillness, cutting through the eerie quiet and sending a shiver up your spine.
Gripping your weapon instinctively, you make your way to the gate.
There, beyond the sturdy wooden barricade and barbed wire, stands a young couple, their weary faces framed by the grime of the road, desperation,
and hope etched deeply into their expressions. In the woman’s arms, bundled in layers of cloth, is a kid, perhaps only a few years old, its face barely visible but serene,
oblivious to the harsh world it’s been born into.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/new_settlers1.jpg'>>
<br />
You carefully approach, your presence stiffening the couple. The man, his voice trembling with both exhaustion and resolve, speaks first
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
We heard about your settlement. We've been on the road for months, trying to survive with... with her.
<br />
He nods toward the baby.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
We don't ask for charity. We'll gather our own wood, hunt or scavenge for food. We only ask for protection—at least, a place where she can grow up safe from raiders and beasts.
<br />
The woman, her face shadowed with fatigue, joins in, her eyes pleading
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
We can pay. Whatever tax you set, we'll manage it. Just… please. We need a chance, somewhere we don't have to sleep with one eye open.
<br />
The wind carries the scent of dirt, sweat, and the faintest tang of fear. You assess them closely.
They appear able-bodied and resourceful, though weary. With the harsh times approaching, the risk of taking on new people is daunting, yet a kid among them adds a layer of gravity.
A reminder of a time long past, when family and community meant something, even in the darkest times.
<br /><br />
Looking back at them, you take a deep breath, weighing the cost of rejecting them against the possible strain they might bring. Finally, you speak.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_stay">
<<linkreplace 'Let them stay as settlers'>>
<<set $player.quests.first_settlers = true>>
<<set $player.baseManagement ??= {}>>
<<set $player.baseManagement.settlers = 3>>
<<run $('#option_away').hide()>>
All right. But here, every settler has responsibilities.
You'll gather your own supplies, as you've promised.
In return, you'll contribute to the settlement in both labor and resources, whatever tax we set.
<br />
Their faces soften with a mixture of relief and gratitude. The man nods quickly, reaching for your hand with a grip that speaks of survival, of a man ready to build a life from the ground up, no matter how hard it may be.
The woman’s tired smile as she holds her child a little closer is a spark of hope, fragile yet burning in the dark.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you so much!
<br />
<div style="font-size: 17pt; color: white; font-weight: bold">
You got your first settlers!
<br /><br />
You lead them down the worn path through the heart of the settlement, the dirt packed hard from footsteps.
The air feels a little warmer here, sheltered from the cold and open wilds beyond the walls, and the young couple relaxes just a fraction as they realize they've made it.
The kid stirs in its mother’s arms, letting out a soft coo that brings a faint, tired smile to her lips.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/new_settlers2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Finally, you arrive at one of the empty houses. The roof, though patched in places, holds strong, and the door swings open with a soft creak.
Dust hangs in the air, disturbed as they step inside, and though the place is bare, it's shelter—a gift of unimaginable value in these times.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_away">
<<linkreplace 'Tell them to go away'>>
<<run $('#option_stay').hide()>>
I'm sorry. I can't take on any more settlers. This world… it's not kind to the weak, and I can't risk the safety of everyone here by adding another family.
<br />
The woman's grip on the baby tightens, her face a mixture of exhaustion and silent resignation.
She nods once, biting back whatever words were forming on her lips.
Slowly, they turn to leave, their figures already shrouded in the mist as they trudge away, the faint sound of their footsteps swallowed by the quiet landscape.
You watch them disappear, knowing you may never see them again.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go back'>>
<<set $player.quests.first_settlers_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
<<set _peopleWorking = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'forest')>>
<<set _randomPeople = setup.shuffling(_peopleWorking)>>
<<set _victim = $guests[_randomPeople[0]]>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_randomPeople[1]]>>
<<set _helpers = []>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < _randomPeople.length; _i++>>
<<run _helpers.push($guests[_randomPeople[_i]])>>
<<set _pronWhat = setup.pronounceWhat(_victim, true)>>
<<set _pronWho = setup.pronounceWho(_victim)>>
The dim light of dawn filters through the makeshift windows of your camp as you go over the daily plans with your small team.
The air carries a slight chill, a reminder of the ever-present uncertainty of this new world. Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps echoes through the camp.
You look up to see one of the forest workers, sweat dripping from his brow and eyes wide with panic, rushing toward you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You gotta come quick! It's <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>! <<=_pronWhat>>'s been crushed by a tree! _pronWhat's stuck and we can't get <<=_pronWho>> out!
<br />
The <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> leads you through the thick underbrush, past the remnants of a once-thriving forest now scarred by the apocalypse.
Your mind races with possible scenarios and solutions. You need to assess the situation quickly and act even faster.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You reach the site, and there lies <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>, trapped beneath a massive fallen tree. <<=_pronWhat>>'s conscious but in visible pain, <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> chest pinned awkwardly under the heavy trunk.
The other workers are gathered around, their faces etched with concern and helplessness.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
If we have enough axes we can try to get <<=_pronWho>> out!
<br />
<<if setup.cabinNpcInv.count('axe', _helpers) >= 5>>
/* < <if setup.cabinInventory.count('axe') > 5> > */
<<set _linkName = 'Help ' + _pronWho>>
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<set _tryHelp = true>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('axe', 5)>>
<<run $('#option_look').hide()>>
Your team members scramble to grab their tools.
The air is thick with urgency as you race back to the site where <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>> lies pinned beneath the massive tree.
<<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim, true)>> face is pale, sweat beading on <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> forehead, but <<=setup.pronounceWhat(_victim)>>'s still conscious.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
Finally, with a mighty crack, the tree splits.
<br /><br />
<strong class="iitem">You broke 5 axes</strong>
/* <<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('axe', 5)>> **/
<<run setup.cabinNpcInv.drop('axe', 5, _helpers)>>
<br /><br />
Everyone, lift!
<br />
Together, you and the team heave, using every bit of strength to shift the massive trunk just enough to free <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>.
<br />
You rush <<=_pronWho>> back to the camp with broken bones.
<<set _victim.sick = {
days: 30,
desc: 'Broken bones',
id: 'broken_bones'
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Look at ' + _pronWho + ' helplessly'>>
<div id="option_look">
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
<<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>'s breathing becomes more labored, and you notice <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> grip on your hand weakening. Panic starts to seep into your determination.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>, no! Hold on!
<br />
You shout, but it's too late. <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim, true)>> eyes close, <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> chest rises and falls one last time, and then <<=_pronWhat>>'s gone.
<<guestRemove _randomPeople[0]>>
<br /><br />
A heavy silence falls over the group. The sound of axes stops as everyone realizes the horrifying truth. <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>> is dead.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GREENHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/event_big_pumpkin.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<<set _eventNpc = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<br /><br />
As you enter the garden the familiar scent of earth and thriving plants washes over you.
You find <<=setup.displayName(_eventNpc)>> you've come to know as an expert gardener, her hands gently tending to the vibrant foliage.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Good day! I have a little surprise for you. Look, it's huge!
<br />
There, you see it – the extraordinary pumpkin, the result of her careful tending in your own garden. It sits proudly, dwarfing its companions in both size and vibrancy, a testament to her skill.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 10>>
Collected additional <strong class="iitem">10 food</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'How about you carve that pumpkin'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Heh, might work good as decoration and increase people mood maybe. I like your idea!
<br />
She immediately gets to work and after 15 minutes the pumpkin is carved and she puts it on her head as a joke.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/event_big_pumpkin2.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Ha ha! Are you scared yet?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take off your pants and use her mouth'>>
<<video 'greenhouse/pumpkin1'>>
<br /><br />
You notice a smirk on her face as she drops on her knees and lets you slide your cock through carved pumpkin mouth right into hers.
After few deep thrusts you leave it inside and she takes the lead by licking it playfully.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Can you please lie down?
<br />
You lie down on the ground and <<=setup.displayName(_eventNpc)>> step over you with one leg. You look at her pussy from below.
<br />
She slowly starts to squat until she bumps into your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'greenhouse/pumpkin2'>>
<br /><br />
You grab your dick and adjust it a bit right before pushing it deep inside her moist pussy and instantly speeding up catching her by surprise.
<br />
She grabs the table right behind you to get a balance.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Oh, fuck this. I want to see you!
<br />
She takes off pumpkin and drops it on the ground right before she gets on the table and spreads her legs for you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'greenhouse/pumpkin3'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her by legs and pull her towards the table edge and then you slowly enter her pussy. She instantly moans while looking at you.
<br />
Her leg starts to shake a little bit so she tries to gently bite her knee to calm it down.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'places/settlement/rodger_bottles_eve_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You push her legs together and turn her to side before cumming inside her pussy. With last pulse your dick slips out and you manage to get your cum on her pussy from outside too.
<br /><br />
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
How about you carve that pumpkin
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<run delete $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<addhours 1>>
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
As you walk inside the guest house, you notice <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> standing on the porch.
Her hair catches the sunlight, creating a halo around her head, and she seems lost in the beauty of the morning. You approach quietly, not wanting to startle her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh good morning
<br />
She turns to look at you, a hint of surprise in her eyes before she smiles warmly
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come out and enjoy the sunrise. It's been a while since I've seen a morning this peaceful.
<br />
You sit down next to her, the old wood of the porch creaking under your weight.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_glad">
<<linkreplace "I'm really glad you're here">>
<<set _glad = true>>
<<set _npc.relationship += randomInteger(1, 3)>>
<<set _npc.horny += randomInteger(1, 5)>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, thank you!
<br />
Then she shifts her position and leans over the railing to get a better view, her back to you. The movement is natural, and she seems unaware of the unintended implication.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I will probably take a quick shower before I start my day.
<br />
<br />
Before you can respond, she reaches down and removes her shorts right in front of you, revealing her red panties. Her actions are nonchalant, as if she’s completely comfortable in your presence.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Give her a slap'>>
<<run $('#option_go').hide()>>
<<video 'cabin/morning_view2'>>
<br /><br />
<<if _npc.relationship < 40>>
<<set _npc.relationship -= 10>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What the hell are you doing?
<br />
She grabs her shorts from the ground and stomps out.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_go').hide()>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> gasps and then turns to look at you, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, so that's how it is?
<br />
She steps closer, her eyes locked on yours. She whispers, her voice dripping with a mix of challenge and desire.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Well, if you're going to start something, you better be ready to finish it
<br />
She slides her hand into your pants and takes out your cock.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view3'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about we start day the right way? Huh.
<br />
She teases, her voice husky as she continues to stroke you, her hand moving with a steady rhythm.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view4'>>
<br /><br />
She locks the look with you and leans forward towards your dick. Then she slowly puts it in her mouth and starts to suck it. Her tongue moves around your dickhead.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view5'>>
<br /><br />
Then, with a mischievous smile, she kneels in front of you and presses your cock between her breasts. The sensation is almost too much to bear as she squeezes them together, creating a tight, warm channel.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about this?
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> increases the pace slightly, her movements becoming more fluid and confident.
The pleasure builds with each stroke, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
<br />
After a while, she pulls away, her eyes locking onto yours with a knowing smile.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view6'>>
<br /><br />
Without a word, she leans forward and takes your dick back into her mouth, her tongue expertly swirling around the tip as she begins to suck.
She wraps her hand around your cock and strokes you while continuing to suck you off. He puts a lot of effort in it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Give it to me...
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'cabin/morning_view7'>>
<br /><br />
Feeling the culmination approaching, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>'s movements become even more deliberate, her focus unwavering.
You struggle to maintain control, but the sensations overwhelm you. With a shuddering breath, you cum inside her mouth.
<br /><br />
She wraps her lips around the tip of your cock so all of your semen goes right into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view8'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Can't let you go without cleaning you up
<br />
She starts to lick rest of your cum off your dick and swollows it all. Her eyes locks with yours as she cleans your dick.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_go">
<<linkreplace 'I should go'>>
<<if !_glad>>
<<run $('#option_glad').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
If you need any help, just let me know.
<br />
With one last look at the peaceful morning, you turn and head back, feeling a renewed sense of hope and determination.
You know that with friends like <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> by your side, you can face whatever challenges come your way.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<<actionImage $tmpEvent 'bedroom' 'masturbate'>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<horny 20>>
As you approach <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> bed, you notice the rhythmic motion beneath the threadbare blanket, her breath coming in short, uneven gasps.
You freeze, realization sinking in as you glimpse her hand moving beneath the fabric, lost in a private moment of pleasure she thought no one would disturb.
<br /><br />
<<set _action = 'masturbate'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && setup.npcInventoryHas($tmpGirl, 'sextoy') && setup.percentageChance(90)>>
<<set _action = 'masturbate_dildo'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl _action>>
<br /><br />
The air between you grows thick with the sudden, unspoken tension, the fragile intimacy of the moment at odds with the chaos outside.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Interrupt ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
What are you doing?
<br />
<<if $tmpGirl.corruption < 60>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $guestId 'corruption' 5>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> corruption increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'masturbate_hide'>>
<br />
She stammers, unable to meet your gaze, her breath shaky.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I didn’t... I didn’t think anyone would-
<br />
She bites her lip, looking away, her shoulders hunching as if trying to disappear beneath the blanket.
Shame radiates from her, but there’s something else in her eyes—a vulnerability she struggles to hide.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Approach her'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'sleeping'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'sleep' 'no-text'>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> lies asleep, her face serene and undisturbed by the harsh realities that lie beyond the fragile walls of the guesthouse.
Her hair spills over the pillow like a cascade of dark silk, and her breathing is slow and steady, as if she's found peace in the midst of chaos.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull sheets up'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_1'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<br /><br />
You gently pull the sheet up just a bit more, exposing her panties and ass to the cold air. You lean closer and notice her cute panties and that you almost can see through them.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Uncover her breasts'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_2'>>
<br /><br />
Her skin gleams in the dim light, and as the sheet falls away, it reveals more of her body and the soft curve of her naked breasts.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull down her panties'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_3'>>
<br /><br />
As you slowly begin to pull down her panties, the tension in the room grows palpable. <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, still sleeping, shifts slightly. She turns onto her back, her body now fully exposed to the dim light filtering through the guesthouse.
Her breathing remains steady, her face relaxed. You pause for a moment, your heart racing.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_4'>>
<br /><br />
Her skin is soft and smooth, a gentle curve that leads down her hips. The delicate fabric of the panties slides down her thighs, revealing her shaved pussy.
There's a sense of vulnerability in the moment, as the last piece of clothing is removed, exposing her completely.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Rub your dick against her pussy'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_5'>>
<br /><br />
You wrap her panties around your dick and slowly move it toward her pussy. Then, gently you start to rub your dickhead between her labia. Her breathing is getting deeper.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Insert'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_6'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly slide your dick into her somewhat dry pussy. She slightly shifts as you move your dick in and out of her.
With each thrust you feel her pussy getting more wet.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Faster'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_7'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly start to increase the speed. Her pussy gets more and more relaxed while she's deep into the sleep.
If you will try to go deeper that might be too much for her and she might wake up.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Deeper'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_8'>>
<br /><br />
You decide to risk it and slide your dick almost fully inside her.
<br />
You also picked up the pace, fucking <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> harder and faster, making her shifting in her sleep with mix of some very quiet moan.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_9'>>
<br /><br />
You could feel her walls tightening around you. You fucked her harder and deeper, your hips moving with a mind of their own as you chased your own release.
And then, with a final thrusts, you felt yourself tumble over the edge as you were almost ready to cum all over her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_10'>>
<br /><br />
With a final deep thrust you reach your climax and pull out too much, so your dick slips out. You grab it in your hand and with few additional jerks, cum all over her ass and pussy.
<br />
She shifts a bit but still stays on her back sleeping.
<br /><br />
Gently, you reached for the sheets and pulled them up, covering her exposed body. Then you slowly moved away from her bed so she doesn't wake up.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
The creaking door swings open, and there stands <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>, framed by the fading daylight that struggles to filter through the grimy windows.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Mind if we talk somewhere more private?
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Sure. My room'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
You gesture for her to enter, and she steps into the dimly lit room.
The air is heavy with the scent of dust and decay, but within these walls, there's a semblance of safety and quietude.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> paces the room, her eyes scanning it. After a brief moment she turns to face you, a subtle blush coloring her cheeks.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I've been thinking... Life is so uncertain, and we've seen our fair share of it. I don't want to carry regrets, especially when there's so much we can't control.
<br />
As she speaks, you can sense the vulnerability in her words, a reflection of the uncertainties that have shaped your lives in this new world.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> takes a deep breath, her gaze meeting yours.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I'm still a virgin, and I've been thinking that maybe... maybe we could change that together.
<br />
The words hang in the air, and the room seems to hold its breath along with you. In the midst of survival and camaraderie, the rawness of human connection becomes more profound, and the desire for intimacy becomes a delicate dance in a world on the brink of collapse.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Alright'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].virgin = false>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].likesGuys = true>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].relationship += 50>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].sub += 30>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].happy += 80>>
A mixture of relief and gratitude flashes across her face as she takes a step closer.
The world outside seems to fade away as she slowly removes her shorts but leaves panties on and lays down in your bed on her chest.
<br />
You join her, sitting on the edge of the bed, your senses heightened by the awareness of the fragility of this moment.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity1'>>
<br /><br />
You carefully grab her ass and squeeze it before sensually sliding your hand across her ass and grabing her panties, pulling them down.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just please... Be gentle...
<br />
With a silent agreement, you climb onto her finding a position that reflects the unspoken connection between you and <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>.
<br />
You spread her ass, grab your dick and slowly slide your hard cock inside her untouched pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity2'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Wait, wait, can we go slower for a moment? It hurts.
<br />
Acknowledging her request, you ease back, allowing the pace to slow down. The dim light in the room flickers, casting a gentle glow that accentuates the intimacy of the shared space.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, it's slowly getting better. Mmmm. A bit faster.
<br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity3'>>
<br /><br />
She doesn't finish her sentence as you thrust your dick inside her red pussy and she instantly puts out load scream and moan mixed together.
She makes strange movements with her ass as she would try to get more comfortable and you just decide to put her in doggyy position.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity4'>>
<br /><br />
As you and <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> continue to explore the intimate moment, you guide her into a new position—the two of you adapting and responding to the unspoken rhythm that has developed between you.
She even tries to take a lead as she starts to increase phase and push your pussy onto your dick.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh it's getting better! Pain is almost gone.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity5'>>
<br /><br />
Few more thrusts and you pull out and cum on her ass. She lets out load moan as pushes her head into pillows to silence the noise as your cum drips all over her ass.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh my.. It's finally done. Can I just lay down for few minutes? Just to relax..
<br />
The room holds a different kind of energy—a mixture of vulnerability, intimacy, and shared moments.
As <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> requests to lay in the bed for a few minutes to gather her thoughts and calm down, you understand the need
for a brief moment of reflection and respite.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].quests ??= {}>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].quests.take_virginity = true>>
She nods, a mixture of disappointment and understanding in her expression.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I get it. It's just that with all the uncertainty, I thought sharing something like this could bring us closer.
<br />
As the conversation fades into the hushed background noise of the settlement, you both understand the unspoken bond that has grown stronger through shared trials.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Maybe later'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
_hornyGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'horny', 20, '>='),
_nymphoGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'traits', 'nymphomaniac', 'includes'),
_interestedGuests = setup.distinctValues([_hornyGuests, _nymphoGuests]),
_prospects = 0,
_k = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'id', $tmpGirl.id)
<<run _interestedGuests.delete(_k)>>
<<if !setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<if $tmpGirl.married && $tmpGirl.family.husband !== 'mc'>>
You know that I am married to someone else. I don't want to do it.
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
Sorry, you are not my type, I hope you understand.
I'm not in the mood right now, maybe some other time.
<<elseif _interestedGuests.length == 0>>
Didn't find anyone interested, maybe some other time.
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _interestedGuests.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i, _j>>
_guest = $guests[_interestedGuests[_i]],
_genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest),
_j = _interestedGuests[_i],
_guestYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty))),
_mainYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty))),
_mcYes = setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest)) || _guest.gender === 1
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18 || ![0, 1].includes(_guest.gender)>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<if (_guestYes && _mainYes && _mcYes)>>
<<set _prospects++>>
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $guestId2 = _j>>
<<set $tmpGirl2 = $guests[_j]>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<threesome $tmpGirl $tmpGirl2>>
<<if _prospects == 0>>
I didn't match with anyone, maybe some othertime.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
_hornyGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'horny', 20, '>='),
_nymphoGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'traits', 'nymphomaniac', 'includes'),
_interestedGuests = setup.distinctValues([_hornyGuests, _nymphoGuests]),
_prospects = 0,
_k = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'id', $tmpGirl.id),
_girlsLikingGirls = [],
_girlsLikingBoth = [],
_guysLikingGirls = [];
<<run _interestedGuests.delete(_k)>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.horny < 20 && !($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac'))>>
I'm not in the mood, maybe some other time.
<<elseif _interestedGuests.length == 0>>
Didn't find anyone interested, maybe some other time.
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _interestedGuests.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i, _j>>
_guest = $guests[_interestedGuests[_i]],
_genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest),
_j = _interestedGuests[_i],
_guestYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty))),
_mainYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty)))
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<if _guestYes && _mainYes && !_guest.gender && _guest.likesGirls>>
<<set _girlsLikingGirls.push(_j)>>
<<if _guestYes && _mainYes && !_guest.gender && _guest.likesGirls && _guest.likesGuys>>
<<set _girlsLikingBoth.push(_j)>>
<<if _guestYes && _mainYes && _guest.gender == 1 && _guest.likesGirls>>
<<set _guysLikingGirls.push(_j)>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<if (_guestYes && _mainYes)>>
<<set _prospects++>>
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<if ($guests[_j].gender == 0 && $guests[_k].gender == 0)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_j, _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - female on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 0 && $guests[_k].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_j], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_k].gender == 0 && $guests[_j].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_j]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 1 && $guests[_k].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_j, _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on male'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 2 && $guests[_k].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_j], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on transfemale'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_k].gender == 2 && $guests[_j].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_j]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on transfemale'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 0 && $guests[_k].gender == 2)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_j], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_k].gender == 0 && $guests[_j].gender == 2)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_j]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 2 && $guests[_k].gender == 2)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_j, _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on transfemale'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && _girlsLikingGirls.length > 1>>
_girl0 = $guests[_girlsLikingGirls[0]],
_girl1 = $guests[_girlsLikingGirls[1]],
_linkName = _girl0.name + ' & ' + _girl1.name
<span @class="'gender-girl'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_girlsLikingGirls[0], _girlsLikingGirls[1], _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - female on female'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && _guysLikingGirls.length > 1>>
_guy0 = $guests[_guysLikingGirls[0]],
_guy1 = $guests[_guysLikingGirls[1]],
_linkName = _guy0.name + ' & ' + _guy1.name
<span @class="'gender-guy'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_guysLikingGirls[0], _guysLikingGirls[1]]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - males on female'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && _girlsLikingBoth.length > 0 && _guysLikingGirls > 0 >>
_girl0 = $guests[_girlsLikingBoth[0]],
_guy0 = $guests[_guysLikingGirls[0]],
_linkName = _girl0.name,
_linkName2 = _guy0.name
<span @class="'gender-girl'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k,_girlsLikingBoth[0]], [_guysLikingGirls[0]]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on females'>>
<span @class="'gender-guy'">
<<link _linkName2>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k,_girlsLikingBoth[0]], [_guysLikingGirls[0]]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on females'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.gender == 1 && _girlsLikingBoth.length > 1>>
_girl0 = $guests[_girlsLikingBoth[0]],
_girl1 = $guests[_girlsLikingBoth[1]],
_linkName = _girl0.name + ' & ' + _girl1.name
<span @class="'gender-girl'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_girlsLikingBoth[0], _girlsLikingBoth[1]], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on females'>>
<<if _prospects == 0>>
I didn't match with anyone, maybe some othertime.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent, Math.min($tmpEvent.length, 3)),
_minCorruption = 100,
_nbVirgins = 0,
_nbAnalVirgins = 0,
_nbSquirters = 0,
_index = 0,
_girlNames ='',
_separator =''
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _girlNames += _separator + $guests[_guestIds[_i]].name>>
<<set _minCorruption = Math.min(_minCorruption, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].corruption)>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[_i]].virgin>>
<<set _nbVirgins += 1>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[_i]].anal < 20>>
<<set _nbAnalVirgins += 1>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[_i]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _nbSquirters += 1>>
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','feet','spanking','feet','spanking'][random(0, _r)],
['sn_tits','masturbating','rimjob','masturbating','rimjob'][random(0, _r)],
<<set _maxVirgins = _guestIds.length>>
<<if _r == 3>>
<<set _maxVirgins = _guestIds.length - 1>>
<<if Math.min(_nbVirgins, _nbAnalVirgins) >= _maxVirgins>>
<<set _sexActions[2] = 'facesitting'>>
<<if _nbVirgins >= _maxVirgins>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'scissoring'>>
<<if _nbAnalVirgins >= _maxVirgins>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'sn_pussy'>>
<<elseif _guestIds.length == 3 && _r == 2 && !$guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin && $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal >= 20>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'strapon_double'>>
<<if _nbSquirters == 0>>
<<set _sexActions[5] = 'orgasm'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see
<<if _guestIds.length == 3>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> pleasuring each other.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_girlNames = $randEvent[1],
_sexActions = $randEvent[2],
_index = $randEvent[3]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<set _url = 'actions/female_on_female-'+_guestIds.length+'/default/'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-'+_guestIds.length]['default'][_sexActions[_index]])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['female_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%names%', _girlNames).replace('%name%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%name2%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[3] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female_on_female-2/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-2']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
<<print _actionText['female_on_female']['caught'][0].replace('%names%', _girlNames).replace('%name%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%name2%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask to join them'>>
<<set _yesGuestIds = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[_i]]))>>
<<set _yesGuestIds.push(_guestIds[_i])>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 0>>
They refuse and leave the room at once!
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 1>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> agrees to sex with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[1]], true)>> agree to have a threesome with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]],
$guestId2 = _yesGuestIds[1],
$tmpGirl2 = $guests[_yesGuestIds[1]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<threesome $tmpGirl $tmpGirl2>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">
<br />
<<set _guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1)]>>
<<set _girl = $guests[_guestIds[0]]>>
<<set _guy = $guests[_guestIds[1]]>>
<<set _girl.location = 'tied'>>
<<set _girl.happy -= 50>>
The air is thick, heavy with an unease that prickles the back of your neck. The usual murmur of settlers unwinding after a long day is absent.
Instead, there’s only silence… except for something else. Faint, muffled sounds coming from the far corner of the room.
<br /><br />
Your instincts flare. You move through the space quickly, past the old furniture and sleeping cots, heart pounding harder with every step.
Rounding the corner, the scene unfolds before you.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_girl)>>. Tied down. Naked. Gagged. Struggling.
<<=setup.displayName(_guy)>>, one of your own, is on top of her, his hands forcing her down, his breath ragged with sick intent as he holds his dick in her hand, ready to push it inside her pussy.
The sheets from the cot bind her wrists, torn and knotted tight.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage _girl 'prepare'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_girl)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> hasn’t noticed you yet.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Pull ' + _guy.name + ' off her'>>
<div id="option_watch">
<<linkreplace 'Continue to watch'>>
<<set _watched = true>>
<<set _girl.virgin = false>>
<<actionImage _girl 'pussy_back'>>
<br />
With you standing unnoticed and watching <<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> finally slides his <<=_guy.dick>> dick inside <<=setup.displayName(_girl)>>.
She instantly tries to kick him off but is not strong enough as he slowly increases the speed and depth.
<br /><br />
As her screams for help and moans get louder he leans closer to her and grabs her by the neck.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage _girl 'pussy_back2'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> somewhat gently chokes her while his chest starts to touch her belly as he pounds <<=setup.displayName(_girl)>>'s pussy from closer distance.
<br />
He feels powerfull and is trying to take full amount of the pleasure he can get from her. Slowly releasing her neck and feeling her <<=_girl.breasts>> breast.
<br /><br />
Then with a powerfull move he forcefully turns her around.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage _girl 'pussy_chest'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_girl)>> tries to get out of his touch again with but without success and soon enough he's already fucking her pussy. She looks weakened and look like is slowly giving up.
<br />
Then with last of her strength she almost manages to throw him off her but fails. She instantly puts both hands on her bnack and holds her down, while as punishment starts to furiusly fuck her even harder.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage _girl 'pussy_chest2'>>
<br />
You can clearly see she hides her face in the sheets and just gives up fully while <<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> uses her, hoping that it will end soon.
With each thrust <<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> movements get stronger and stronger and soon enough he pulls his dick out of her pussy and turns her back on her back, pull down her gag.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum">
<<linkreplace 'Keep watching'>>
<<run _cum = true>>
<<run $('#option_pull, #option_join').hide()>>
<<actionImage _girl 'cum_face'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_girl)>> doesn't even try to scream anymore. She just accepts her fate in this harsh world, as <<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> cums all over her face.
Then he gets off her and as fast as he can, grabs his clothes and runs away but not before warning her to to mention this to anyone.
<<set _guy.horny = 0>>
<<set _guy.sub -= 20>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_pull">
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<if !_watched>>
<<run $('#option_watch').hide()>>
You surge forward, grabbing <<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> by the back of his neck and yanking him off <<=setup.displayName(_girl)>> with all your strength.
He barely has time to grunt before you slam him into the floorboards, the impact shaking the room.
<br /><br />
What the hell is going on her?
<br />
You untie <<=setup.displayName(_girl)>>. Without looking back she just runs out of the guest house crying.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guy>>
Please! It won't happen again.
<br />
<<link 'Throw him in the basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _guy>>
<<set $guestId = _guestIds[1]>>
<<goto 'Guest move to basement'>>
<<link 'Forgive him'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_join">
<<linkreplace 'Join him'>>
<<run $('#option_pull').hide()>>
<<if !_watched>>
<<run $('#option_watch').hide()>>
<<if !_cum>>
<<run $('#option_cum').hide()>>
<<=setup.displayName(_guy)>> pulls his dick out and takes a step back in horror watching at your reaction.
<br /><br />
Calm down you too. I just want to join.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guy)>>'s face shows relief as you take of your clothes and join them together in the bed, untying <<=setup.displayName(_girl)>>.
Seeing your approval she calms down a bit and goes with it.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _girl>>
<<set $tmpGirl2 = _guy>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Guest house'>>
<<threesome $tmpGirl $tmpGirl2>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1)],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isVirgin = $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin,
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_isSquirter = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter'),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_isFemaleSadist = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
_isMaleMasochist = ($guests[_guestIds[1]].traits ?? []).includes('masochist'),
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','titjob','titjob','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['nipple_lick','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','anal_fingering','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy','pussy','pussy','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_back','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'dp'>>
<<if _sexActions[2] == 'pussy_lick' && _isSquirter>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt_lick'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'pussy_fingering' && _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy' && _isVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'anal',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_in_ass'
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_throat'
<<if _r > 2 && _isFemaleSadist && _isMaleMasochist>>
_sexActions[4] = 'anal_reverse',
_sexActions[5] = 'anal_reverse_cum'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] _sexActions[_index] 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask for a creampie in pussy'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> seems a bit in pain at first as she looses her virginity.
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin = false>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'cum_in_pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['cum_in_pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy_father = $guests[_guestIds[1]].id>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy = 0>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> says no and leaves the room half naked.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_femaleGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 2),
_maleGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1),
_guestIds = _femaleGuestIds.concat(_maleGuestIds),
_guestNames ='',
_girlNames ='',
_guyNames ='',
_separator ='',
_index = 0,
_minCorruption = 100,
_nbFemaleSadists = 0,
_nbMaleMasochists = 0
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _guestNames += _separator + $guests[_guestIds[_i]].name>>
<<set _minCorruption = Math.min(_minCorruption, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].corruption)>>
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _femaleGuestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _femaleGuestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _girlNames += _separator + $guests[_femaleGuestIds[_i]].name>>
<<if ($guests[_femaleGuestIds[_i]].traits ?? []).includes('sadistic')>>
<<set _nbFemaleSadists += 1>>
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _maleGuestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _maleGuestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _guyNames += _separator + $guests[_maleGuestIds[_i]].name>>
<<if ($guests[_maleGuestIds[_i]].traits ?? []).includes('masochist')>>
<<set _nbMaleMasochists += 1>>
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<if _nbFemaleSadists > 0 && _nbMaleMasochists > 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','nipple_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','pussy_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_reverse','anal_reverse','bj_reverse_anal_reverse','nipple_lick_anal_reverse','pussy_lick_anal_reverse'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_reverse','bj_reverse_anal_reverse','nipple_lick_anal_reverse','pussy_lick_anal_reverse','handjob_anal_reverse'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob_anal_reverse','bj_anal_reverse','sn_anal_reverse','pussy_anal_reverse','pussy_anal_reverse'][random(0, _r)],
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'pussy_fingering' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy_anal_reverse' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'sn_anal_reverse'
<<elseif $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin && $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','nipple_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick','anal_fingering','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob','handjob','handjob','titjob','titjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','sn','sn','sn'][random(0, _r)],
['dp','dp','dp','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[2] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[2] = 'bj'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[2] = 'squirt'>>
<<elseif $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','nipple_lick','handjob','titjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_lick','bj','bj','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['dp','sn','sn','anal_fingering','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_b_anal','bj_b_anal','anal','anal','anal_b_bj'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_bj','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_fisting','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<elseif $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','nipple_lick','handjob','titjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','bj','dp','sn','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','bj_b_pussy','bj_b_pussy','pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy','pussy_a_sn','pussy_a_sn','pussy_a_pussy_lick','pussy_a_pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_a_pussy','pussy_a_pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy_a_pussy' && $guests[_guestIds[1]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'pussy_a_sn'>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','nipple_lick','handjob','titjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','bj','dp','sn','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','bj_b_pussy','pussy','pussy_a_sn','pussy_a_pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_b_anal','anal','anal_b_bj','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_a_pussy','pussy_b_anal','anal_b_pussy','anal_b_pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy_a_pussy' && $guests[_guestIds[1]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'pussy_a_pussy_lick'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<=_separator + setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[_i]])>>
pleasuring each other.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_femaleGuestIds = $randEvent[1],
_maleGuestIds = $randEvent[2],
_guestNames = $randEvent[3],
_girlNames = $randEvent[4],
_guyNames = $randEvent[5],
_sexActions = $randEvent[6],
_index = $randEvent[7]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_f_'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_f_' + _sexActions[_index]])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_females'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female0%', $guests[_femaleGuestIds[0]].name).replace('%female1%', $guests[_femaleGuestIds[1]].name).replace('%females%', _girlNames).replace('%male%', $guests[_maleGuestIds[0]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[7] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<=_separator + setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[_i]])>>
having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<set _linkName = 'Ask to replace ' + _guyNames>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<set _yesGuestIds = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _femaleGuestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_femaleGuestIds[_i]]))>>
<<set _yesGuestIds.push(_femaleGuestIds[_i])>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 0>>
They refuse and leave the room at once!
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 1>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> agrees to sex with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[1]], true)>> agree to have a threesome with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]],
$guestId2 = _yesGuestIds[1],
$tmpGirl2 = $guests[_yesGuestIds[1]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<threesome $tmpGirl $tmpGirl2>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent, 2),
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['handjob','handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['footjob','footjob','footjob','bj','bj'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj','dp','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_fingering','anal_fingering','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['dp','dp','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_in_ass','cum_in_ass','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_in_mouth'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] _sexActions[_index] 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_male'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%male0%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/male/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['male']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1)],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','titjob','titjob','titjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','dp','dp','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_fingering','anal_fingering','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['anal','anal','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_in_ass','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'dp'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_in_mouth'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] _sexActions[_index] 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_transfemale'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_maleGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 2),
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), _maleGuestIds[0], _maleGuestIds[1]],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[2]].corruption),
_isVirgin = $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin,
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<if _isVirgin && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','kissing','handjob','handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob','titjob','titjob','titjob','nipple_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['nipple_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj','bj','bj_b_pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_b_pussy_lick','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<elseif _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','handjob','titjob','handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['titjob','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj_b_pussy_lick','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','pussy','pussy','pussy_b_handjob','pussy_b_bj'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_b_bj','pussy_b_handjob','pussy_b_bj','pussy_b_pussy','pussy_b_pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<elseif _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','handjob','titjob','titjob'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj_b_pussy_lick','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','anal','anal','anal_b_handjob','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_handjob','anal_b_bj','anal_b_bj','anal_b_anal','anal_b_anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','handjob','titjob','nipple_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering','pussy','pussy_b_handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_b_handjob','pussy_b_bj','pussy_b_bj','anal','anal_b_handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_handjob','anal_b_bj','anal_b_bj','pussy_b_anal','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_pussy','pussy_b_pussy','pussy_b_pussy','anal_b_anal','anal_b_anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'bj'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> having sex with <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[2]])>>.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_' + _sexActions[_index]])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['males_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name).replace('%male2%', $guests[_guestIds[2]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> having sex with <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[2]])>>, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask for a creampie in pussy'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> seems a bit in pain at first as she looses her virginity.
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin = false>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20 >>
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_pussy/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_pussy'])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_pussy_b_anal/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_pussy_b_anal'])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['males_on_female']['pussy_b_anal'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name).replace('%male2%', $guests[_guestIds[2]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20 >>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'cum_in_pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['cum_in_pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_double_cum/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_double_cum'])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['males_on_female']['double_cum'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name).replace('%male2%', $guests[_guestIds[2]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy_father = $guests[_guestIds[1]].id>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy = 0>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> says no and leaves the room half naked.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[$tmpEvent]>>
Reaching the guest house, you pushed open the creaking door, the hinges groaning in protest. Inside, guests were already sleeping but one of the girls catched your attention.
<br /><br />
<br />
A soft rustling emanated from <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, and as you approached, you noticed that she sleeps naked and her half ass is not under a tattered blanket.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Check her'>>
Your heart raced as you approached <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>.
<br />
You stood there, silent and vigilant, observing the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Then you decided to move blanket aside.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping1'>>
<br /><br />
As you do that you uncover fully her sweet ass. You gently grab it and squeeze her ass cheek few times.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent].virgin = false>>
<<horny 50>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2'>>
<br /><br />
You quietly walk around the bed and stand in front of her face. She looks so innocent as you put your hard dick in her mouth. In the start her lips are stiff but after few slides her lips relaxes.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping3'>>
<br /><br />
Moving forward on your knees, you slowly climb into bed behind her and tug the blanket further up. She's still sleeping soundly in a little spoon.
<br />
You spread her ass cheeks open and slowly slide your dick in her tight pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping4'>>
<br /><br />
It seems she's very deeply asleep, because without her waking up, you lift her leg and turn her on her back without taking your dick out. You speed up and begin applying stronger thrusts.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum">
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#option_supp').hide()>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping_cum1'>>
<br /><br />
With her legs wide open you pull out in the last moment and cum one her pussy. Your cum drips straight on her sheets as you slowly get out of the bed and put a banket over her.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_supp">
<<if !recall($suppCode)>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Wake her up
<<linkreplace 'Wake her up'>>
<<run $('#option_cum').hide()>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell? I already thought it was some strange dream.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Well, finish what you started. Don't dare to leave without me cumming too.
<br />
She looks around if other guests are asleep and turns around, getting in doggy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping6'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her by waist and pull her closer to the edge of the bed, then you proceed by slowly sliding your dick inside her already moist pussy.
<br />
You start slow but she feels already ready as she leans down and grabs her pillow and pushes her head in it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh... Be quiet...
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Come here.
<br />
She moves forward letting your dick fall out and turns around her back. Then she taps the pillow.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping7'>>
<br /><br />
You get out of the bed and go around the bed where you started. She instantly grabs your dick and sucks it in her mouth.
Periodically, they look up to see if you are enjoying it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please fuck me again. I am not ready to go back to sleep.
<br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping8'>>
<br /><br />
She spreads her legs and waits for you. You get back into the bed and slides your dick in. She moans but tries to keep it low as her head bangs against the wall.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping_cum2'>>
<br /><br />
With her legs wide open you pull out, get on her and cum over her boobs. First stream manages to fly into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1)],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isVirgin = $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin,
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_isSquirter = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter'),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob','bj'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','titjob','titjob','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_lick','rimjob','rimjob','sn'][random(0, _r)],
['sn','sn','pussy','pussy','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy','pussy','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob_cum','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth','bj_cum'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'dp'>>
<<if _sexActions[2] == 'pussy_lick' && _isSquirter>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'pussy' && _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'sn'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy' && _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'sn' >>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'bj_cum'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_female/default/'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_female']['default'][_sexActions[_index]])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female_on_female-2/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-2']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask for a creampie in pussy'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> seems a bit in pain at first as she looses her virginity.
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin = false>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_female/default/pussy/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_female']['default']['pussy'])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_female']['pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_female/default/cum_in_pussy/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_female']['default']['cum_in_pussy'])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_female']['cum_in_pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy_father = $guests[_guestIds[1]].id>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy = 0>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> says no and leaves the room half naked.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent, 2),
_minCorruption = 100,
_nbAnalVirgins = 0,
_index = 0
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set _minCorruption = Math.min(_minCorruption, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].corruption)>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[_i]].anal < 20>>
<<set _nbAnalVirgins += 1>>
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['masturbate','handjob','dhj','frottage','frottage'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','dp','dp','sn'][random(0, _r)],
['titjob','titjob','footjob','footjob','rimjob'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_dildo','anal_dildo','dd','dd','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['anal','anal','anal','fisting','fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth','cum_in_mouth','cum_in_ass'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _nbAnalVirgins == 2>>
_sexActions[3] = ['bj','dp','dp','sn','sn'][random(0, _r)],
_sexActions[4] = ['handjob','dhj','dhj','frottage','frottage'][random(0, _r)],
_sexActions[5] = ['handjob_cum','handjob_cum','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<elseif _nbAnalVirgins == 1 && _sexActions[3] == 'dd'>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_transfemale/default/'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_transfemale']['default'][_sexActions[_index]])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_transfemale'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace(/\%transfemale0\%/g, $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace(/\%transfemale\%/g, $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female_on_female-2/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-2']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[$guestId].virgin = false>>
You take <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> to the room and leaving the door half-closed, you slowly undress her. She seems eager and doesn't resist you at all. After removing her clothes, you lay her down on her stomach and immediately penetrate her without any foreplay.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
<<=$guests[$guestId].name>> is surprised, but presses her head into the pillow and enjoys your hard penis, making sure that no one hears them. Occasionally, she turns and looks at you with a lustful gaze, whispering "Harder"
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
Unexpectedly, Blair enters your room and with a smile, lies down next to you, already having taken off her shirt.
<br /><br />
Can I join?
<br /><br />
<<=$guests[$guestId].name>> opens up with a wide smile on her face, watching as Blair unexpectedly undresses fully without waiting for a response and lies down next to you.
<br />
Blair grabs your hand and directs it between her legs, inviting you to start massaging her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck Blair'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#other_options').show()>>
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
You pull our your hard dick, grab Blair by legs and pull her toward you. Instantly you shove your dick inside her wet pussy and fuck her hard while <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> looks for a brief moment before getting onto Blair and letting her lick her pussy.
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + $guests[$guestId].name + ' in doggy'>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<run $('#other_options').show()>>
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
You adjust <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> ass as Blair lie down in front of <<=$guests[$guestId].name>>. As you shove your hard dick inside <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> she leans down and licks Blair's pussy passionately.
<br /><br />
<div id="other_options" style="display: none;">
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome6'>>
<br /><br />
Blair climbs on top of you and is ready to ride on you, but <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> decides to grab your dick and suck it for a moment. As she's way too drunk and way too into sucking it, Blair decides to join her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome7'>>
<br /><br />
They both doesn't take heir eyes off your dick and a moment later you cum.
<br />
Both of them do not take their eyes off your still hard dick and you can see that they are proud of what they have accomplished together.
<br />
They carefully examine your warm cum with a big smile on their faces.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to sleep'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The house party starts slowly. The table is set and guests begin to arrive slowly. There is food on the table that is not usually eaten on a daily basis, so everyone sits down at the table with an elevated mood. You open a champagne bottle and pour a glass for each guest.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Champagne is such a rare thing in this world that only a few have ever tasted it. For most people, this is the first time and their bodies are not accustomed to it, so they get drunk very quickly.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The bottle is almost empty and the girls are so drunk that they decide to pour the last bit left in the bottle into one of the girl's mouth from a distance. The girl falls to her knees and while the champagne is pouring into her mouth, another girl pulls down her shirt and sucks on her nipple.
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'relationship' +10>>
<<=$guests[_guestI].name>> relationship increased by 10<br />
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].quests === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].quests = {}>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<br /><br />
<<set $player = setup.drink($player, 4)>>
<<if $player.drunk > 75>>
<<perkAdd 'drunk'>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('champagne', 1)>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('food', 20)>>
<div id="girls_top_table">
<h4>Guests attending the party</h4>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<<if _guest.pregnancy >= 7>>
(pregnant <<=_guest.pregnancy>> days)
Beauty score: <<print _guest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_guest)>>
<<set _guest = setup.drink(_guest, 1)>>
<<link 'Invite to the bedroom'>>
<<if !_guest.gender && (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest)) || !$characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished)>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished = true>>
<<goto 'House party - threesome'>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Scold them'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'sub' +5>>
<<=$guests[_guestI].name>> submission increased by 5<br />
<br /><br />
+5 submission
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('champagne')>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Offer another bottle of champagne'>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('champagne', 1)>>
<<run $('#option1, #girls_top_table, #option2_desc').hide()>>
<<run $('#girls_bottom_table').show()>>
You bring another bottle and pour a glass for each of the guests, they thank you with a smile and flirtatiously look at you until one sits down in front of you and spreads her legs with the text "Thank you!"
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Meanwhile, another girl is playfully teasing with the first bottle and starts to put it in her mouth to show how deep she can take it inside.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The girls applaud and cheer as the girl with the empty champagne bottle approaches, until one of the girls pushes you towards her and without hesitation, she pulls down your pants and takes your hard penis into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if ![0,2].includes(_guest.gender) || setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'relationship' +10>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'happy' 10>>
<<=$guests[_guestI].name>> relationship increased by 10<br />
<br /><br />
<<set _randomPersons = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if recall($suppCode) && setup.percentageChance(50) && (_randomPersons[0] ?? []).length >= 3>>
<<set _randomGirls = setup.getRandomPersons(_randomPersons[0], 3)>>
<<set _npc1 = $guests[_randomGirls[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $guests[_randomGirls[1]]>>
<<set _npc3 = $guests[_randomGirls[2]]>>
Laughter echoed through the air, momentarily drowning out the distant sounds of the desolate world outside.
In this moment of shared joy and camaraderie, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>, <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc3)>> clearly in high spirits from the bubbly, approached you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
This party is a blast! Having fun?
<br />
With mischievous smiles and playful glances, they suggested another bottle of champagne, hinting at the possibility of an adventure beyond the walls of the gathering.
The suggestion hung in the air like a tantalizing secret, a promise of fleeting joy in a world where joy was a rare commodity.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
You got one more bottle just for us? How about we move party so somewhere else.
<br />
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('champagne')>>
<<link 'Bring another bottle'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
girls: [
girlIds: [
<<addmins 30>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('champagne', 1)>>
<<goto 'Event - House party foursome'>>
<div id="option2_desc">
-1 champagne; +10 relationship
<div id="girls_bottom_table" style="display:none">
<h4>Guests attending the party</h4>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if ![0,2].includes(_guest.gender) || setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<<if _guest.pregnancy >= 7>>
(pregnant <<=_guest.pregnancy>> days)
Beauty score: <<print _guest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_guest)>>
<<set _guest = setup.drink(_guest, 1)>>
<<link 'Invite to the bedroom'>>
<<if !_guest.gender && (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest)) || !$characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished)>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished = true>>
<<goto 'House party - threesome'>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'End party'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<<set _npcDisplay = setup.displayName(_npc)>>
As you enter the dimly lit kitchen, you notice <<=_npcDisplay>> already there.
The soft glow of the morning sun filters through a cracked window, casting a warm light on her.
She's wearing a long red morning robe, the color standing out against the otherwise bleak surroundings.
She’s busy making breakfast, her movements calm and deliberate despite the chaos of the world outside.
<br /><br />
<br />
Veronica turns as you approach, a warm smile spreading across her face. In her hand, she holds a tray of freshly baked cupcakes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Good morning!
<br />
She's offering you one of the cupcakes. The aroma of the baked goods fills the room, a rare comfort in these harsh times.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Freshly made, still in the oven. You want one?
<br />
<div id="option_approach">
<<linkreplace 'Approach her'>>
<<run $('#option_decline').hide()>>
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast1'>>
<br /><br />
As you step closer, <<=_npcDisplay>> bends down slightly to check on the cupcakes still in the oven. You can see her firm ass as she opens oeven doors.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just be careful. They are very hot!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull her panties'>>
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast2'>>
<br /><br />
Your hand firmly grasps her panties and pulls them aside, revealing her softness pussy behind them.
<<=_npcDisplay>> shifts slightly, adjusting her grip on the oven door, but doesn't pull away. Instead, she seems to enjoy the moment, her body responding to your touch.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh that's the way you want to start this morning?
<br />
Encouraged by her reaction, you begin to slide your fingers through her labia, slowly but firmly.
<<=_npcDisplay>> lets out a contented sigh, leaning into your touch.
She looks back at you over her shoulder, her eyes half-closed with a smile playing on her lip as she notices your growing bulge.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Someone is trying to get out, haha?
<br />
She pulls away from you and turns around getting on her knees.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast3'>>
<br /><br />
With deliberate care, <<=_npcDisplay>> begins to pull down your underwear, her fingers brushing lightly against your skin. As she does, your erected dick springs free, her eyes briefly widening with a mix of surprise and delight.
A soft smile tugs at the corners of her lips as she instantly goes to licking your dick.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh this will go just right together with cupcakes
<br />
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast4'>>
<br /><br />
You gently put hand on her head and increase the depth of her movements. She struggles a bit but gets relaxed rather easy and takes almost fully your dick in her mouth. Her mouth feels warm and her chin hits against your balls.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum_mouth">
<<linkreplace 'Cum in her mouth'>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'happy' 5>>
<<run $('#option_turn').hide()>>
<<image 'game/misc/cum_mouth.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As you pull out and grab your dick, she opens her mouth wide open and puts her tongue out, letting you cum right on it, without wasting anything.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hm, might use this as ingredient for capcakes, hehe.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<div id="option_turn">
<<linkreplace 'Pull down panties'>>
<<run $('#option_cum_mouth').hide()>>
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast5'>>
<br /><br />
With fast movements you grab her by hand and pull her up, turn her around and gently throw on kitchen table. As you hold her down with one hand, you pull down her panties.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Mmm, yes. Fuck my pussy.
<br />
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast6'>>
<br /><br />
You positioned yourself at her pussy, teasing her with the tip of your cock before plunging deep inside.
<br />
<<=_npcDisplay>> cried out in pleasure as you filled her, your hips grinding together in a primal rhythm.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Yes, harder, don't stop!
<br />
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast6'>>
<br /><br />
You could feel her pussy clenching around you, her muscles tensing as she got closer and closer to the edge.
You reached down and pinched her clit, sending her over the edge.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh my god! Cum in my mouth!
<br />
As you she begged you to cum in her mouth, she took the lead and got of the table and turned around, ready to get on her knees.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast7'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum_mouth2">
<<linkreplace 'Cum in mouth'>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'happy' 5>>
<<run $('#option_anal').hide()>>
<<image 'game/misc/cum_mouth.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As you pull out and grab your dick, she opens her mouth wide open and puts her tongue out, letting you cum right on it, without wasting anything.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hm, might use this as ingredient for capcakes, hehe.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<div id="option_anal">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her ass'>>
Before she managed to get down on her knees your grabbed her and lifted her back on the table on her back, spreading her legs wide open.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_cum_mouth2').hide()>>
<<if _npc.anal < 30>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'happy' -10>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'relationship' -15>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What the fuck you are trying to do? No!
<br />
She gets off the table, grabs her robe from the ground and rushes out of the kitchen.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<video 'kitchen/breakfast8'>>
<br /><br />
You started to fuck her slowly, savoring the feeling of her tight ass around your cock. She moaned, her hips bucking as you picked up the pace.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Yes, yes, yes
<br />
She chanted, her nails digging into your skin.
<br />
You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your balls tightening. You reached and rubbed her clit, sending her over the edge. She screamed, her orgasm ripping through her body.
<br />
<<image 'game/misc/cum_in_ass2.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'happy' 5>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'anal' 5>>
You continued to fuck her, chasing your own release. And with one final thrust, you came deep inside her ass, filling her completely.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<div id="option_decline">
<<linkreplace 'Decline offer'>>
<<run $('#option_approach').hide()>>
<<=_npcDisplay>>'s smile falters slightly, and a hint of sadness flickers in her eyes. She lowers the cupcake slowly, her shoulders drooping just a little.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh... I thought you might like it.
<br />
The room feels heavier for a moment, the weight of the world pressing in. Veronica's disappointment lingers in the air, but she quickly recovers, her resilient spirit shining through.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Maybe next time. We’ll find something else to enjoy together.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'happy' -10>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $tmpEvent.id 'relationship' -6>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
As you step into the kitchen, the scene unfolds with an almost surreal clarity. The rain outside continues its relentless assault, each drop a tiny hammer against the glass panes. The dim light casts long shadows, creating an intimate cocoon of warmth and darkness.
<br /><br />
<br />
There <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> is, standing by the counter.
Her shirt is soaked through, clinging to her skin and highlighting the curves beneath.
Her hair, damp and slightly disheveled, adds to her allure, giving her an almost ethereal quality.
She turns towards you, a playful smile dancing on her lips, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of mischief and desire.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Looks like I got caught in the downpour.
<br />
Her words hang in the air, charged with a provocative energy.
She steps closer, the scent of rain and something uniquely hers enveloping you. Her fingers, cool from the rain, lightly trail along your arm, sending a shiver through you.
<br /><br />
She lifts her hands to her chest, sliding them slowly across the wet fabric.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/wet1'>>
<br /><br />
Her fingertips trace the contours of her breasts before she grabs them, squeezing gently. The action pushes the wet shirt tighter against her skin, emphasizing every curve and swell.
Her eyes are locked onto yours, dark and smoldering with a blend of mischief and desire
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Look like I got your attention, haha. You like what you see?
<br />
<div id="option_approach">
<<linkreplace 'Approach her'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
With deliberate, slow movements, she reaches for the waistband of your pants.
Her fingers, cool from the rain, deftly unbutton and unzip them. The sound of the zipper seems to echo in the silent kitchen, a prelude to what’s to come.
Her touch is confident, yet tender, as she gently pulls your pants down, revealing your half hard dick.
<br /><br />
You watch as she opens her mouth, her eyes locked onto yours with an unspoken invitation.
<br />
Slowly, you guide yourself into her waiting mouth, feeling the warmth and wetness envelop you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/wet2'>>
<br /><br />
Her lips close around you, creating a delicious pressure that sends shivers down your spine. You begin to move, her mouth sliding up and down your dick with an expertise.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/wet3'>>
<br /><br />
You take your dick in your in hand, stroking a few times, feeling the slick warmth of her saliva still coating you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Put it back in!
<br />
Without breaking eye contact, you slide your dick back into her waiting mouth. She opens eagerly, her tongue flicking out to welcome you back.
As you slide in, the familiar warmth and pressure of her mouth envelop you once more, sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_doggy">
<<linkreplace 'Put her in doggy'>>
<<set _doggy = true>>
You push her forward, guiding her to bend over the counter, positioning her in a perfect doggy stance. Her hands grip the edge, knuckles white with tension and excitement.
She arches her back, presenting herself to you, her wet shirt clinging to her body and revealing the curves beneath.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/wet4'>>
<br /><br />
As you slide your hard dick in her, she lets out a loud, unabashed moan, the sound echoing in the kitchen, mingling with the rain outside.
<br />
Your hand moves to her ass, giving it a firm, resonant slap. She gasps and moans louder, the sharp sting mingling with the pleasure, heightening the intensity of the moment.
You alternate between firm thrusts and sharp slaps, each one eliciting a louder, more desperate moan from her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/wet5'>>
<br /><br />
Her body responds to your every move, pushing back against you, the connection between you deepening with every thrust, every slap, every shared gasp of pleasure.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Turn me around
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Lay her down on her back'>>
<<if !_doggy>>
<<run $('#option_doggy').hide()>>
You lift her, helping her up onto the counter. The smooth, cold surface contrasts sharply with the heat of the moment.
She lies back, her wet shirt clinging to her body, the fabric now almost translucent and outlining her curves.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/wet6'>>
<br /><br />
Her legs wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, deeper. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure through both of you, her hands gripping the edge of the counter for support.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh yes! That's the spot! Don't stop!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<video 'kitchen/wet7'>>
<br /><br />
With a few more urgent strokes, you feel the pressure peak, and you release a deep groan as you cum, the warm, thick fluid spilling over her pussy, glistening against her wet skin.
The sight of your cum covering her, mixing with her own arousal, sends a final shiver of pleasure through you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I guess I really do need to change my clothes now.
<br />
She slides off the counter, her legs slightly wobbly, and begins to straighten her damp shirt, which still clings to her in places.
She gives you one last lingering look, her expression a mix of satisfaction and unspoken promises.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'I need to go'>>
<<run $('#option_approach').hide()>>
<<set _npc.relationship -= randomInteger(5,10)>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Really? Oh well. I guess I will just go chance my clothes
<br />
She turns away, the wet fabric of her shirt clinging to her back as she moves, her posture slumping slightly.
You catch a glimpse of her expression, a fleeting moment of disappointment shadowing her features.
She runs a hand through her damp hair, pushing it back from her face, and you can see the effort it takes for her to mask her letdown with a casual shrug.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'kitchen')>>
<<if _girlGuest.length > 0 && timeBetween('08:00', '22:00')>>
<<set _isKitchenGirlAssigned = true>>
<<if $player.hunger <= 50 && $backpack.has('food')>>
<<set $player.hunger = 100>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<updatemeter '$hungerBar' `$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger`>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_girlGuest[0]]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'kitchen'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl cooking>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is cooking in the kitchen, <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> notices you and gives you a warm smile<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuestLink = 'Approach ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<link `_girlGuestLink`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<if $backpack.has('food') && (hasTime(0, 30) || $player.hunger != $player.maxHunger)>>
<<link "Eat">>
<<set $player.hunger to 100>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<updatemeter '$hungerBar' `$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger`>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<if $charactersInLocation['kitchen'].includes('blair')>>
<<link 'Talk with Blair'>>
<<unset $guestId, $slaveId, $childId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<goto 'Blair - kitchen talk'>>
[[Back|Wood cabin]]
<<set _guestsWomen = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []>>
<<if !($locationEvents.kitchen ?? false)>>
<<if _isKitchenGirlAssigned && !$tmpGirl.gender && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.kitchen = true>>
<<set $guestId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<goto 'Event: Kitchen stuck'>>
<<elseif _guestsWomen.length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(10) && timeBetween('10:00', '14:00') && $weather?.weather == 'rain' && recall($suppCode)>>
<<set $locationEvents.kitchen = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: setup.getRandomElement(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0])
<<goto 'Kitchen - wet shirt'>>
<<elseif _guestsWomen.length >= 1 && timeBetween('10:00', '12:00') && recall($suppCode) && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _id = setup.getRandomElement(_guestsWomen)>>
<<if $guests[_id].horny > 50 || true>>
<<set $locationEvents.kitchen = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _id
<<goto 'Kitchen - breakfast'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">LAB</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
Samples: <strong><<=$characters.laura.quests.productionSamples>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<if ($charactersInLocation['lab'] ?? []).includes('laura')>>
<<link 'Talk to Laura'>>
<<goto 'Laura - lab talk'>>
<<if !$characters.laura.quests.explore1 && $characters.laura.quests.breeder_trait && timeBetween('08:00', '12:00')>>
<<goto 'Laura - Explore #1'>>
Laura isn't here...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
As you go about your morning routine within the village, you spot a familiar figure standing at the gates. It's Dr. Laura Finch, her lab coat slightly dusty from her journey, and in her hand, she holds a collection of vials containing the samples you provided.
<br />
A rush of curiosity and anticipation washes over you as you approach her.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She smiles warmly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and determination.
<br /><br />
I've got the first vials ready! The samples have been processed, and we're now at a point where we can begin testing the initial formulations of the growth potion.
<br /><br />
Your heart leaps with excitement at the news. The moment you've been waiting for has arrived. The potential of the growth potion, with its implications for the future of your post-apocalyptic world, feels more real than ever.
Together, you and Dr. Finch proceed into the village, discussing the next steps in the testing. The conversation is filled with anticipation as you prepare to embark on a new phase of your journey, one that could bring about profound changes and a brighter future in a world filled with challenges.
<br /><br />
How do you propose we test it? And remember, we should start with just two vials per person. Giving more could lead to severe consequences, even death.
<br /><br />
As you consider the best approach to testing the growth potion, you decide not to share the full details with Dr. Laura Finch, particularly if it involves infants or young children. You believe that revealing such information might not align with her ethical stance or could potentially raise concerns about the safety and well-being of the participants.
<br /><br />
Anyway, here you go. In the future you'll need to help me with other ingredients as my last place was raided.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Dr. Laura Finch carefully hands you four vials containing the initial formulations of the growth potion. The vials gleam in the soft morning light, their contents holding the promise of profound change and potential for your post-apocalyptic world.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take vials'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'growth_potion' 4>>
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem">4 growth potions</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
As you accept the four vials containing the initial formulations of the growth potion from Dr. Laura Finch, you notice a slight blush coloring her cheeks.
<br /><br />
I know we have the initial vials, but to ensure the potency and reliability of the potion, I might need a few more samples for further testing. It's essential for the success of our research.
<br /><br />
You pause for a moment, considering the implications of her request. It's clear that Dr. Finch is committed to her work and believes that these samples are crucial for the project's success. At the same time, you're aware of the delicate nature of the request.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Invite her to your bedroom'>>
Dr. Finch agrees, and you both make your way to your bedroom. Once inside, she takes out a pair of gloves, a clear indication of the sensitive nature of the task at hand. The gloves serve as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a sterile and controlled environment for the sample collection.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her you will need some motivation'>>
I had a feeling that you would say that.
<br /><br />
She takes of leather jacket and reveals that she's wearing silk robe. She opens it sexually and her breasts flashes out. This time look like she wants to enjoy the moment a bit more and grabs your dick but starts with slow movements.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample2_1'>>
<br /><br />
How are you feeling? Is this enough of motivation?
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample2_2'>>
<br /><br />
She slowly slides her hand across her breasts and pinches her nipples as he jerks you off and talks with you in the same time.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample2_3'>>
<br /><br />
After approximately 10 minutes, she returns to the previous pace. It's possible she got bored or she simply wants to get back to sample testing.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
Before you cum she puts another sample cup in front of your dick and collects all cum you shoot out.
<br /><br />
I will return in a couple of days. Hopefully, by then, you will have found a way to test them.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.first_vials = true>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.lastTestDay = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
Finally, one day, as you go about your daily tasks within your village, you notice a figure standing at the gate. Your heart skips a beat when you recognize Dr. Finch, her lab coat still bearing traces of the chemicals she's been working with. She holds a small paper in her hand.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You bastard! You wasn't lying! Tests came back positive!
Can we talk? We need to talk!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Invite her in'>>
As you approach the gates, you reach out to a rusted lever, a makeshift mechanism for opening and closing the entrance. With a firm pull, the gates creak open, revealing the bustling life within the village. The moment the gates start to move, you notice Dr. Finch's eyes widening in amazement.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you both step inside, Dr. Finch takes in the sights and sounds of your village. She gazes at the resourceful architecture, the communal gardens, and the people going about their daily tasks. It's a place built on determination and cooperation, a sanctuary in the midst of chaos.
<br /><br />
Did you build all of this?
<br /><br />
<div id="option_continue_button1">
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<<run $('#option_continue_button2').hide()>>
Yes. I did all this by myself.
<div id="option_continue_button2">
<<linkreplace 'Not just me, but everyone here'>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<<run $('#option_continue_button1').hide()>>
Not just me, but everyone here. We came together after the world changed and decided to create a haven where people could support one another and find a sense of purpose.
<div id="option_continue" style="display:none">
<br /><br />
I'm truly impressed with what you've built here,
<br />
But there's something important we need to discuss regarding the sperm test results. It's a matter that requires discretion.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go to your bedroom'>>
Dr. Finch nods in agreement, understanding the importance of discretion in your conversation. Together, you make your way to your bedroom, a small but cozy space where you can speak freely without the risk of eavesdropping.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
While analyzing the test results I also discovered something fascinating related to the growth potion. It appears that your genetic makeup has a unique compatibility with the enzyme we need for the potion's development.
<br /><br />
The possibilities are truly unlimited. With your unique genetic compatibility, we could create a potion that not only accelerates the growth of crops, producing larger and more bountiful harvests to help feed our community, but it could also be used for human applications.
<br /><br />
Imagine a potion that allows humans to age faster, reaching physical maturity and peak condition in a matter of days rather than years.
<br />
But there's one more thing... I first need to make more tests and I am out of samples. I need them to continue my work. Can you help me with that?
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum1">
<<linkreplace 'How about you help me this time?'>>
<<run $('#option_cum2').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_test').show()>>
<<set $characters.laura.relationship++>>
Eh, as much as I wouldn't like that. I really want those samples as they could benefit the world so much.
<div id="option_cum2">
<<linkreplace "I will do that right now">>
<<run $('#option_cum1').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_test').show()>>
<<set $characters.laura.relationship +=2>>
I have better idea. Take your pants off. I'll do it myself so we don't waste any of your samples.
<div id="option_test" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
You pull down your pants and lay down on your bed. Before she starts she takes out gloves and puts them on with smile on her face. She gazes at your balls in amazement.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample_gloves'>>
<br /><br />
She firmly grabs your dick and slowly starts to jerk it off while still not taking eyes off your balls.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample_bj'>>
<br /><br />
If you don't hurry, this will take us the whole day.
<br /><br />
She significantly speeds up her hand movements and starts squeezing your balls with her other hand.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample_bj2'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
Before you cum she puts another sample cup in front of your dick and collects all cum you shoot out.
<br /><br />
Perfect! I can continue my research. I'll be back after few days with results.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.successful_test = true>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.lastTestDay = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
$tmpGirl.name = 'Laura',
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(40),
$tmpGirl.hair = 'brown',
$tmpGirl.race = 'white',
$tmpGirl.breasts = 'big',
$tmpGirl.quests = {
metOnDay: $game.day
<<set $characters.laura = $tmpGirl>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you ventured through the desolate streets of the ruined city, the acrid stench of decay hung in the air. The once towering skyscrapers now stood as skeletal remnants of the past, their shattered windows like empty eye sockets. Your footsteps echoed off the cracked pavement as you navigated the eerie silence.
<br /><br />
Then, a low rumble filled the atmosphere, and you looked up to see dark clouds gathering overhead. It had been years since anyone had witnessed rain in this apocalyptic wasteland. The first few drops fell, and you raised your face to the sky, feeling the cool sensation on your skin. It was almost refreshing, a stark contrast to the constant dust and dryness of this world.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
However, your joy was short-lived. As the rain continued to fall, an intense burning sensation started to gnaw at your exposed skin. Panic set in as you realized something was horribly wrong. You needed shelter, fast.
<br /><br />
Frantically, you sought refuge in an old, crumbling building, descending into its dimly lit basement. The rain's acidic touch had left painful welts on your skin. It was a dire situation, and you feared for your survival.
<br /><br />
As you explored the basement, your eyes landed on a set of heavily reinforced, locked doors. Desperation drove you to investigate further. You called out, pounding on the doors, hoping for any sign of life.
<br /><br />
To your astonishment, a voice responded from the other side. "<strong>Who's there?</strong>" it called out, filled with both surprise and trepidation.
<br /><br />
"It's me," you replied hastily. "I sought shelter from the rain. It's burning my skin."
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
After a series of clicks and mechanical noises, the doors creaked open, revealing a dimly lit laboratory. Inside, you found a woman, her lab coat spattered with various chemicals, and her hands gloved and covered with protective gear. She was slightly disheveled but had an air of determined intellect about her.
<br /><br />
Quickly, get inside!
<br /><br />
She urged, pulling you in and sealing the doors behind you.
<br /><br />
My name is Dr. Laura Finch, a scientist. I've been researching this rain, trying to understand its properties.
<br /><br />
You explained the burning sensation you had felt, and Dr. Finch nodded gravely.
<br /><br />
Yes, it's highly acidic. It's not just rain; it's a result of the environmental catastrophe that has befallen our world. The atmosphere is filled with toxic compounds, and this rain is one of its manifestations
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace "Ask on what else she's working">>
Dr. Laura Finch led you further into her makeshift laboratory, which was filled with an assortment of scientific equipment and notes scrawled across chalkboards. She spoke with a hint of excitement in her voice, her eyes shining with a determined glint.
<br /><br />
One of my projects involves a growth potion. This concoction could accelerate the aging process, allowing people to reach maturity and physical peak faster, hopefully making them more resilient to the dangers of this world.
<br /><br />
She carefully picked up a vial filled with a mysterious liquid and continued...
<br /><br />
I've made progress, but I'm missing a few critical ingredients to complete the formula. With those, I could potentially create a significant breakthrough in our struggle to survive.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask about missing ingredients'>>
I require samples of irradiated fungal glowing mushrooms and an enzyme. Mushrooms I might find somewhere on my own but enzyme would be tricky one.
<br />
The enzyme I need can only be extracted from the sperm of males who haven't been exposed to the initial nuclear radiation. It's a complex biological process, and these specific conditions are crucial for the enzyme's purity.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace "Tell her you wasn't exposed to the initial radiation">>
Dr. Laura Finch eyes you warily, her scientific skepticism evident in her expression. She's heard similar claims before, and as a scientist in this unforgiving world, she's learned to trust cautiously. Her doubts are understandable, given the desperation of others who have tried to deceive her.
<br /><br />
Nice try. I bet you want me to extract it from you?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace '...'>>
She takes a deep breath and a second later, she hand you a small cup where she expects you will cum. After that she goes away to other room.
<br /><br />
Call me when you're close.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take dick out and jerk off'>>
<br /><br />
You take out your dick and slowly start to jerk yourself off. As Laura goes out of the room she takes a quick peek what your packing as she's exiting the room. <br />
Your dick slowly grows bigger and harder as you put more pressure on it.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Call for her'>>
<br /><br />
She enters the room slowly and confidently, looks at your dick, grabs it, and places it under the previously prepared transparent cup. The moment she wraps her hand around your dick you cum...
<br /><br />
I hope this was worth it.. If tests will come back positive. I'll find you. You should leave now.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<<set _npc1 = $settlers[0]>>
<<set _npc2 = $settlers[1]>>
Their faces soften with a mixture of relief and gratitude. <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> nods quickly, reaching for your hand with a grip that speaks of survival,
of a person ready to build a life from the ground up, no matter how hard it may be.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you so much!
<br />
You lead them down the worn path through the heart of the settlement, the dirt packed hard from footsteps.
The air feels a little warmer here, sheltered from the cold and open wilds beyond the walls, and they relaxes just a fraction as they realize they've made it.
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> looks at <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> with a smile on <<=setup.pronounceWho(_npc1)>> face.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/new_settlers2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Finally, you arrive at one of the empty houses. The roof, though patched in places, holds strong, and the door swings open with a soft creak.
Dust hangs in the air, disturbed as they step inside, and though the place is bare, it's shelter—a gift of unimaginable value in these times.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.baseManagement ??= {}>>
<<set $player.baseManagement.settlers += $settlers.length>>
<<unset $settlers>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NURSERY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Well, not exactly what I had imagined, but having a roof over their head will definitely be suitable. Maybe in the future, you could consider making it more colorful and appealing to children's eyes.
<br /><br />
<<set _newGuests = []>>
<<set _newSlaves = []>>
<<set _tempCompanions = []>>
<<for _nursCompI, _nursComp range $player.companions ?? []>>
<<set _nursCompKey = _nursCompI.split(':')>>
<<run _tempCompanions.push($guests[_nursCompKey[1]].name + ':' + $guests[_nursCompKey[1]].birthDate.getTime())>>
<<set $nursery = []>>
<<for _nurGuestI to 0; _nurGuestI lt ($guests ?? []).length; _nurGuestI++>>
<<capture _nurGuestI>>
<<if setup.getAge($guests[_nurGuestI]) < 17>>
<<run $nursery.push($guests[_nurGuestI])>>
<<run _newGuests.push($guests[_nurGuestI])>>
<<for _nurSlaveI to 0; _nurSlaveI lt ($slaves ?? []).length; _nurSlaveI++>>
<<capture _nurSlaveI>>
<<if setup.getAge($slaves[_nurSlaveI]) < 17>>
<<run $nursery.push($slaves[_nurSlaveI])>>
<<run _newSlaves.push($slaves[_nurSlaveI])>>
<<set _tempCompanionsNew = {}>>
<<for _newGuestI, _newGuest range _newGuests>>
<<if _tempCompanions.includes(_newGuest.name + ':' + _newGuest.birthDate.getTime())>>
<<set _tempCompanionsNew['guest:' + _newGuestI] = true>>
<<set $guests = _newGuests>>
<<set $slaves = _newSlaves>>
<<set $player.companions = _tempCompanionsNew>>
<<set $game.location.nursery = true>>
<<set $game.location.youth_district = true>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">
<<backButton 'Youth district'>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 0>>
<<if timeBetween('20:00', '23:00')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 40>>
<<elseif timeBetween('23:00', '23:59')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 70>>
<<elseif timeBetween('23:59', '01:00')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 100>>
<<elseif timeBetween('01:00', '02:00')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 100>>
<<if ($nursery ?? []).length < 1>>
<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
Noone is living here...
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _nurseryI, _nursery range $nursery>>
<<capture _nurseryI, _nursery>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_nursery)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_sleepingChance)>>
<<set _nursery.sleeping = true>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _nursery.name>>
<<unset $guestId, $charId, $slaveId>>
<<set $childId = _nurseryI>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _nursery>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Nursery'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Child view'>>
<<goto 'Child view'>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_nursery)>>
<<link 'Throw out'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to throw <<=(_nursery.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>> out?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Nursery'>>
<<run $nursery.splice(_nurseryI, 1)>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 2>>
[[Back|Youth district]]<h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<if $pregnancyStreetsHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $slaves[$pregnancyStreetsHappening.id]>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[$pregnancyStreetsHappening.id]>>
The air in the makeshift shelter was thick with tension as I descended the creaky stairs, my eyes adjusting to the dim light of a single flickering lantern.
The low hum of distant wind echoed through the underground chambers, carrying with it the whispers of a world that had crumbled into chaos.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you reached the bottom step, you noticed a small figure hunched over at a table in the corner. <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
She looked up as you approached, her eyes red and swollen.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Hey! Are you okay?'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
Her gaze fell to the floor, and she hesitated before finally speaking.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I'm pregnant. From one of my clients from the streets. I don't know what to do.
<br />
Tears welled up in her eyes again as she pondered the question.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'What you want to do?'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I don't know if I can provide a life for a child in this world. It's so messed up, and I'm barely making it as it is.
<br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _wantsToKeep = true>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I... I want to keep it. Despite everything, this child could be a glimmer of hope in all this darkness. I can't let the world take away the one thing that could still bring some meaning to my life.
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I don't want to keep that bastard. This world is already messed up enough, and I can't bring a child into it, especially not from some guy who doesn't even care about anything but his own pleasure.
<br />
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Keep it'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<if _wantsToKeep>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Really?! Thank you so much!
<br />
She hugs you and with a smile on her face leaves the building.
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Why!? No! I fucking hate this place.
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship -= 10>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy -= 40>>
<strong>Relationship decreased by 10</strong>
<br />
<strong>Happiness decreased by 40</strong>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'Don\'t keep it'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<if !_wantsToKeep>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Really?! Thank you so much!
<br />
She hugs you and with a smile on her face leaves the building.
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Why!? No! I fucking hate this place.
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship -= 10>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy -= 40>>
<strong>Relationship decreased by 10</strong>
<br />
<strong>Happiness decreased by 40</strong>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.pregnancy>>
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if $pregnancyStreetsHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set $slaves[$pregnancyStreetsHappening.id] = $tmpGirl>>
<<set $guests[$pregnancyStreetsHappening.id] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $pregnancyStreetsHappening>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
You went to the guest house and noticed that
<strong><<=setup.displayName($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>></strong> didn't came home from the scavenging last night.
<<set _goLookLink = 'Go look for ' + setup.pronounceWho($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>>
<br /><br />
<<link _goLookLink>>
<<goto 'Scavenging - look for'>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<if randomInteger(0,1) === 1>>
<<guestRemove $scavengingDidntReturn>>
<<unset $scavengingDidntReturn>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].gender == 1>>
<<set _imgUrl = 'scavenging_alive_male.jpg'>>
<<set _imgUrl = 'scavenging_walk_girl.webp'>>
<<set _img = 'places/outside/' + _imgUrl>>
<<image _img 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _heshe = setup.pronounceWhat($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>>
<<set _hisher = setup.pronounceWhos($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>>
After few hours of walking you finally noticed <<=setup.pronounceWho($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>> in the distance
as <<=setup.pronounceWhat($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>> walked towards you.<br />
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn], true)>> noticed you and started to run towards you. When <<=_heshe>> finally reached you <<=_heshe>> jumped around your neck and hugged you strongly with tears all over <<=_hisher>> eyes.
<br />
<br />
<<if !$guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].gender>>
<<image 'places/outside/scavenging_hug.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br />
<br />
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn], true)>> told you that <<=setup.pronounceWhat($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>> met some scavengers and decided to hide till they went away.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkDisappointed = "Tell " + setup.pronounceWho($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn]) + " that you're disappointed">>
<<if !$guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].gender>>
<<linkreplace _linkDisappointed>>
She wiped her eyes and gets on her knees while looking at you and telling that she's really sorry and that won't happen again. <br />
She unzips your pants and puts your dick in her mouth and starts to suck it.
<<image 'places/outside/scavenging_bj.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].sub += 5>>
<strong><<=$guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].name>> submission increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her turn around'>>
She instantly gets up, pulls down her pants and turns around and presses herself against the fence.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/outside/scavenging_ass.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You grab your dick and shove it inside her ass and fuck her while she still sobs up and keeps telling you that she's really sorry.
<br />
<br />
<<set $guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].sub += 5>>
<strong><<=$guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].name>> submission increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _linkHome = 'Take ' + setup.pronounceWho($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn]) + ' home'>>
<<link _linkHome>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].gender == 1>>
<<set _imgUrl = 'male'>>
<<set _imgUrl = 'female'>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/outside/scavenging_dead_' + _imgUrl + '.jpg']]
<br /><br />
You kept walking for few hours and suddently you noticed someone in the distance on the ground. Your rushed toward the body and found that it's <<=setup.pronounceWho($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>>.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>> clothes were ripped apart and <<=setup.pronounceWhat($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>> was left laying on the ground with a knife wound.
<strong><<=setup.pronounceWhat($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn], true)>>'s dead.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Return home'>>
<<guestRemove $scavengingDidntReturn>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You kept walking but didn't saw a living soul anywhere. After few more hours your hope to find <<=setup.displayName($guests[$scavengingDidntReturn])>> was gone.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Return home'>>
<<if randomInteger(0,1) === 1>>
<<guestRemove $scavengingDidntReturn>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$scavengingDidntReturn]>>
As you trekked deeper into the ruins, the sound of a struggle reached your ears—muffled screams and frantic scuffling. Your pulse quickened, and you broke into a run, your breath coming in sharp, desperate gasps.
The noise grew louder, more distinct, guiding you through the maze of debris and crumbling walls.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/scavenging_fight.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You skidded to a halt as you rounded a corner, your heart leaping into your throat. There, in the middle of a narrow alleyway, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> was grappling with two men. Her face was twisted in a fierce snarl, and she fought like a cornered animal, but she was outmatched.
One of the men had her pinned, while the other was trying to wrestle her makeshift knife from her grasp. They managed to unarm her and started to tie her down against the tree.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Help her'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
help: true
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<fight $enemies 'Scavenging - look for girl fight won' 'Scavenging - look for girl fight lost'>>
<<link 'Continue to watch'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
watch: true
<<goto 'Scavenging - look for girl fight'>>
<</link>><<guestRemove $scavengingDidntReturn>>
<<goto 'Outside'>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As both guys were laying on the ground, you went to <<=$guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].name>> and untied her hands.
<br /><br />
She felt ashamed and couldn't even look at you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace "Tell her that you're disappointed">>
She wiped her eyes and gets on her knees while looking at you and telling that she's really sorry and that won't happen again. <br />
She unzips your pants and puts your dick in her mouth and starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].sub += 5>>
<strong><<=$guests[$scavengingDidntReturn].name>> submission increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her turn around'>>
She instantly gets up, pulls down her pants and turns around.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Take her home'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpEvent?.watch>>
As you watched, one of the men, his face a mask of cruelty, heard Mia's desperate screams and threw her against the closest tree with a sickening thud. She crumpled to the ground, momentarily stunned.
The man then knelt down and began to rip her clothes off, his intentions clear and terrifying.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/outside/scavenging_fuck.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpEvent?.watch>>
As soon as her panties where ripped of she hold her down as he shoved his dick inside her. She let out another scream for help as he started to fuck her.
You took the route through the forest and after some time you heard a scream in the distance. Someone screamed for help. You rushed toward the sound and noticed your girl, tied up to the tree as two guys fucked her and she couldn't do anything.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Keep watching'>>
<<image 'places/outside/scavenging_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She begged them to stop while she still tried to scream for help. After few rough minutes they untied her and punched her few times as one of them hold her by hair and second one started to cum all over her face
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<fight $enemies 'Scavenging - look for girl fight won' 'Scavenging - look for girl fight lost'>>
<<link 'Leave her'>>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<<guestRemove $scavengingDidntReturn>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 3>>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$scavengingDidntReturn]>>
You took your stuff and decided to walk in the direction you thought <<=setup.pronounceWho(_npc)>> would go. You walk for a few hours till you reached crossroads and you had to decide where to go next.
<br /><br />
<<set _crossroadOptions = [
'Scavenging - look for - dead',
'Scavenging - look for - alive',
'Scavenging - look for - not found'
<<if [0, 2].includes(_npc.gender)>>
<<run _crossroadOptions.push('Scavenging - look for girl fight')>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas(_npc, 'knife') && _npc.strength >= 50 && setup.npcInventoryHas(_npc, 'body_armor')>>
<<run _crossroadOptions.push('Scavenging - look for girl fight #2')>>
<<set _crossroadOption = either(_crossroadOptions)>>
<<addhours 3>>
<<link 'Go left'>>
<<goto `_crossroadOption`>>
<<link 'Go straight'>>
<<goto `_crossroadOption`>>
<<link 'Go right'>>
<<goto `_crossroadOption`>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
As you lead the shopkeeper into the small pantry room, her nervousness is palpable. She sits down on the chair you gesture to, fidgeting with her hands as she waits for you to speak.
The tension in the air is thick, but there's also a sense of relief that the conversation is now private.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What would it take for you to forget about it? I really like it here.
<br />
<<video 'shop/steal1'>>
<br /><br />
She suddenly pauses and nervously takes off her jacket. Her movements are hesitant, almost as if she's unsure whether this action will alleviate her anxiety or draw more attention to herself.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take dick out'>>
<<video 'shop/steal3'>>
<br /><br />
She deeply exhales as she understands what you want. She hesitantly drops on her knees in front of you and grabs your dick. She strokes it nervously before she tells that maybe there is some other way.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Not this... Please, something else... I can work double shift..
<br />
<div id="option_suck">
<<linkreplace 'Force her to suck you'>>
<<set _sucked = true>>
<<video 'shop/steal2'>>
<br /><br />
You wrap her hair around your hand and push her head onto your dick. She starts slowly and is by the look is disgusted. She doesn't put any effort in it.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Turn her around'>>
<<if !_sucked>>
<<run $('#option_suck').hide()>>
<<video 'shop/steal4'>>
<br /><br />
As you turn her around you grab her skirt and pull them down revealing her fit ass. Her initial surprise gives away as she remains cooperative throughout the process.
You give her ass a good slap before pulling her panties down.
<br /><br />
<<video 'shop/steal6'>>
<br /><br />
As you slide in your dick into her pussy she initially lets out small moan but as you continue to fuck her she keeps quiet. Feels like she just want this to be over.
You decide not to spare her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'shop/steal7'>>
<br /><br />
You wrap your hands around her neck and put pressure on it as you pick up your phase and with each thrust put it more strength. She bites her lower lip and closes her eyes as she tries not to show any emotions.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set _npc.submission += 10>>
<<set _npc.happy -= 7>>
<<video 'shop/steal5'>>
<br /><br />
You pull down her from the table and throw her on the floor, she instantly gets up on her knees as you start to cum all over her chest and breasts. She just looks at you with a hope that it's over.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to leave'>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Thank you! I promise this wont happen again.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Shop'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">
<br /><br />
<<set _shopKeeperId = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'shop')>>
<<set _shopKeeper = $guests[_shopKeeperId[0]]>>
As you walk into the settlement store, you notice <<=setup.displayName(_shopKeeper)>>, a woman you've known for some time, acting suspiciously.
She quickly tries to hide something under her dress as she notices you entering.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<div id="option_ignore">
<<linkreplace 'Ignore her'>>
<<run $('#option_confront').hide()>>
You choose to keep quiet for now. <<=setup.displayName(_shopKeeper)>> looks at you with worried eyes but do not push and acts like nothing has happened.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('food')>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('food')>>
<div id="option_confront">
<<linkreplace 'Confront Her'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
<<set _shopKeeper.relationship -= 10>>
<<=setup.displayName(_shopKeeper)>> eyes widen slightly, and she stammers for a moment before composing herself.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _shopKeeper>>
I never meant to cause trouble. Please forgive me.
<br />
Despite her confession, there's a sense of remorse and vulnerability in her demeanor. It's clear that she's torn between the need to survive and the guilt of her actions.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_forgive">
<<linkreplace 'Forgive her'>>
<<run $('#option_private').hide()>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('food')>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('food')>>
<<set _shopKeeper.relationship += 10>>
Your forgiveness carries a weight of understanding and empathy, recognizing the hardships that led the shopkeeper to her desperate actions.
As you hear her confession and see the remorse in her eyes, you soften your stance, realizing that survival in this post-apocalyptic world often means making difficult choices.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_private">
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Lead her to private room'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _shopKeeperId[0]
<<goto 'Shop - stealing shopkeeper fuck'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Lead her to private room
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Shop'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">
<br /><br />
<<if typeof $storage === 'undefined'>>
<<newinv $storage>>
<<if typeof $player.manageGoods === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.manageGoods = {}>>
<<for _shopInventoryItemId, _shopInventoryItem range setup.inventoryManageable>>
<<if typeof $player.manageGoods[_shopInventoryItemId] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.manageGoods[_shopInventoryItemId] = {
min: 0,
max: 0
<<set _shopKeeperIds = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'shop')>>
<<if _shopKeeperIds.length>>
<<set _shopKeeper = $guests[_shopKeeperIds[0]]>>
<table id="manage-goods">
<<for _shopInventoryItemId, _shopInventoryItem range setup.inventoryManageable>>
<<capture _shopInventoryItemId>>
<td class="icon">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _shopInventoryItemId + '.png']]
<td class="name">
<td class="qty">
<td class="qty-input">
<<numberbox `"$player.manageGoods[_shopInventoryItemId].min"` `setup.shopGetDefaultInput(_shopInventoryItemId, 'min')`>>
<<numberbox `"$player.manageGoods[_shopInventoryItemId].max"` `setup.shopGetDefaultInput(_shopInventoryItemId, 'max')`>>
<br /><br />
<div id="goods-managament-description">
<div class="icon">
The shopkeeper's task will be to try to bargain goods for which you have set a minimum or maximum value. This means that as soon as the goods go beyond the specified numbers, the seller will either try to buy or sell the particular product.
It should be noted that not every item is in demand, which means that some goods may be sold very slowly while others sell faster.
<br />
* min - minimal amount of item you want to have in your storage.
* max - maximum amount of item you want to have in your storage.
<<if !($locationEvents.shop ?? false)>>
<<if !_shopKeeper.gender && _shopKeeper.sub <= 50 && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.shop = true>>
<<goto 'Shop - stealing shopkeeper'>>
You need to assign someone with <strong>shopkeeper</strong> trait to this job.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Storage'>>
Dialog.setup("Storage", "Storage");
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SHOWER</h1>
<<set $player.mast to true>>
<br /><br />
You soap your own dick and firmly start to jerk off.
<br /><br />
<<set _guests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if (_guests[0] ?? []).length && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _guestId = _guests[0][Math.floor(Math.random()*_guests[0].length)];>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_guestId]>>
<<if _npc.likesGuys && _npc.relationship >= 30 && _npc.horny >= 50>>
You don't notice, but you hear the sound of a door closing. You turn around and see <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>. She stands at the door with smile on her face. After brief moment she bends and takes off her clothes.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about I join you?
<br />
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Sure'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<br />
She steps into the shower with you and, standing behind you, starts washing your back. After a moment, she reaches her arm around you and grabs your hard dick and starts to jerk you off.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Like this? Heh.
<br />
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> turns you around and puts your hard dick between her ass cheeks. She teases you by rubbing her ass against it as she presses her hands against the wall.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You like this? I bet this will be even better.
<br />
<br />
Without saying anything you grab her by her hips and hold her still as you shove your dick inside her. She lets out loud moan.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh shit... Yes.. Keep going...
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set $guests[_guestId].horny = 0>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestId 'happy' 5>>
<br />
You press on her back as you cum right into her wet pussy. Some cum leaks out and water washes it away instantly.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<set $guests[_guestId].relationship -= 10>>
<<set $guests[_guestId].happy -= 5>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
<<=either('Something wrong?', 'Eh, and I hoped for something.')>>
<br />
You see disappointment on her face as she picks up her clothes from the ground, gets dressed, and leaves.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'Shower-room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SHOWER</h1>
<<set $player.showered to true>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<if $game.hotShower is true || $isBathhouse>>
<br /><br />
<strong>Your energy increased by 20</strong>
<<energy 20>>
<br /><br />
You take a freezing cold shower!
<br /><br />
<strong>Your energy increased by 10</strong>
<<energy 10>>
<br /><br />
<<if $isBathhouse>>
<<for _bathGuestI, _bathGuest range $guests>>
<<capture _bathGuestI, _bathGuest>>
<<if _bathGuest.location !== 'bathhouse'>>
<<if setup.sexChance(_bathGuest) && !_bathGuest.gender || true>>
<<sayNpc _bathGuest>>
Oh, it's taken already. Mind if I join?
<br /><br />
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _bathGuest>>
<<set $guestId = _bathGuestI>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'shower'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bathhouse'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if $isBathhouse>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<<goto 'Shower-room'>>
<<unset $isBathhouse>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SHOWER</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.showered is false && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<link 'Take a shower'>>
<<goto 'Shower-action'>>
<<if $player.mast is false && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<link 'Masturbate'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Shower-action-mast'>>
<<if !($locationEvents.shower ?? false)>>
<<set _girls = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []>>
<<set _randomGirlId = setup.getRandomElement(_girls)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(10) && _randomGirlId && $guests[_randomGirlId].likesGuys>>
<<set $locationEvents.shower = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _randomGirlId
<<goto 'Event [Shower] - Taken'>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SHOWER</h1>
<<set $oldTmpGirlLocation = $tmpGirl.location>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'shower'>>
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl wash>>
<br /><br />
You bring <strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>></strong> upstairs and let the hot water run in the shower.<br />You stand guard as <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> starts to wash <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>self.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $tmpGirl.washed = true>>
<<if !($tmpGirl.washDays ?? false)>>
<<set _beautyInc = randomInteger(1, 2)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.washBeauty = _beautyInc>>
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>></strong> beauty temporary increased by <<=_beautyInc * 7>><br />
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>></strong> releationship increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty = Math.min($tmpGirl.beauty + (_beautyInc * 7), 100)>>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty -= $tmpGirl.washBeauty * $tmpGirl.washDays>>
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty = Math.min($tmpGirl.beauty + ($tmpGirl.washBeauty * 7), 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.washDays = 7>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += 10>>
<<linkreplace 'Help wash'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl help>>
<br /><br />
You walk behind <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> and slowly massage <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> body as <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> quietly gasps,
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> presses <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> body against yours and you think that <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>'s really enjoying the moment.
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> looks a bit unconfortable and says <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> is finished washing.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.energy >= 30>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Take <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> back to the cell'>>
<<if $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<run delete $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<if typeof $storage === 'undefined'>>
<<newinv $storage>>
_qtyTransferBackpack = {},
_qtyTransferStorage = {}
<<set _backpackItems = $backpack.table>>
<<set _storageItems = $storage.table>>
<div id="storage-transfer">
<div id="storage-transfer-left">
<<for _itemStorageBackpack, _amountStorageTransfer range _backpackItems>>
<<capture _itemStorageBackpack, _qtyTransferBackpack>>
<<if Item.get(_itemStorageBackpack).unique>>
<<set _icon = _itemStorageBackpack>>
<<if _icon.indexOf("dumb") !== -1>>
<<set _icon = 'dumbbell'>>
<td class="icon">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _icon + '.png']]
<td class="name"><<=Item.get(_itemStorageBackpack).name>></td>
<td class="qty">
<<numberbox `"_qtyTransferBackpack[_itemStorageBackpack]"` _amountStorageTransfer>>
<td class="transfer">
<<link '>>'>>
<<if parseInt(_qtyTransferBackpack[_itemStorageBackpack]) < 0 || $backpack.count(_itemStorageBackpack) < parseInt(_qtyTransferBackpack[_itemStorageBackpack])>>
<<notify 6s>>
Error. Not enough stock
<<transfer $backpack $storage _itemStorageBackpack `parseInt(_qtyTransferBackpack[_itemStorageBackpack])`>>
Dialog.setup("Storage", "Storage");
<<goto `passage()`>>
<div id="storage-transfer-right">
<<for _itemStorageBackpack, _amountStorageTransfer range _storageItems>>
<<capture _itemStorageBackpack, _qtyTransferStorage>>
<<if Item.get(_itemStorageBackpack).unique>>
<<set _icon = _itemStorageBackpack>>
<td class="transfer">
<<link '<<'>>
<<if parseInt(_qtyTransferStorage[_itemStorageBackpack]) < 0 || $storage.count(_itemStorageBackpack) < parseInt(_qtyTransferStorage[_itemStorageBackpack])>>
<<notify 6s>>
Error! Not enough stock
<<transfer $storage $backpack _itemStorageBackpack `parseInt(_qtyTransferStorage[_itemStorageBackpack])`>>
Dialog.setup("Storage", "Storage");
<<goto `passage()`>>
<td class="qty">
<<numberbox `"_qtyTransferStorage[_itemStorageBackpack]"` _amountStorageTransfer>>
<td class="icon">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _icon + '.png']]
<td class="name"><<=Item.get(_itemStorageBackpack).name>></td>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
Even in a post-apocalyptic world, there are moments of quiet contemplation. You close the gates of your settlement behind you, the metallic clang echoing in the stillness.
As you turn, you see Vincent standing there, his weathered face crinkling into a familiar smile. He's an old friend, a constant presence in this harsh new world.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
He gazes at the gates for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.
<br /><br />
You know, you should think more about developing your base.
<br />
You raise an eyebrow, curious. Vincent has always been a wealth of knowledge, and you can tell he's about to share something important.
<br /><br />
Solar panels. Set up a few panels on the rooftops, connect them to a battery bank. You'll have electricity production, enough to power lights, defenses, living houses and maybe even some small appliances
<br />
He pauses, letting the idea sink in before continuing.
<br /><br />
Electricity consumption needs to be managed, though. Keep in mind that if you wil have not enough electricity, all your grid will be shut down.
<br />
You nod, already visualizing the changes. But Vincent isn’t done.
<br /><br />
And defenses. Walls alone won't cut it. Think about towers at the corners, places where you can set up lookout points or mount some kind of defense mechanisms. It could be as simple as a slingshot or something more advanced if you find the right materials.
<br />
He steps closer, his eyes locking onto yours
<br /><br />
It's not just about keeping people out. It's about creating a place where others can live. Not just your usual slaves or guests, but settlers. People who can contribute, bring skills and knowledge. Random folks who need a place to stay, who can become part of your community.
<br />
Vincent's words hit home. In this desolate world, survival is about more than just walls and gates. It's about building something sustainable, something that can grow and thrive.
<br /><br />
I see what you're saying. It's time to start thinking bigger, to create a real community.
<br />
Vincent smiles again, a twinkle in his eye.
<br /><br />
Exactly. A place where we can rebuild, piece by piece.
<br />
With a nod, you turn back towards the gates, your thoughts now a whirl of blueprints and strategies. The post-apocalyptic world may be harsh, but with Vincent's advice, there's hope for a brighter, more sustainable future.
<br /><br />
<strong>You have unlocked base building in Settlement management view!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.quests.base_building = true>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
The air was thick with the smell of oil, sweat, and the faint scent of rust, but it was home—at least for now. You sat at a makeshift desk, going over the day's reports, when Vincent walked in.
His shoulders slumped with exhaustion, his usually sharp eyes dull with fatigue. He dropped into the chair opposite you, running a hand through his graying hair.
<br /><br />
<br />
Got something for you.
<br />
Vincent started, his voice rough, like gravel grinding in the back of his throat.
<br /><br />
You look like hell, Vince. When's the last time you slept?
<br />
No time for that. I’ve been thinking... and I think we need to take that milk delivery to the next level.
<br />
You straightened up, suddenly more alert. The last run to the underground city with breast milk had been a surprising success, bringing in more supplies than you’d anticipated.
But it was a one-off, a lucky break in a world where luck was hard to come by.
<br /><br />
What do you mean, next level?
<br />
Vincent leaned over the desk, unrolling the blueprints.
<br /><br />
A milk farm. Automated, efficient, and safe. The women who are pregnant. We set up a system with these machines I’ve been sketching out.
Theyd pump and store the milk in a sterile environment. I have one freezer, where you could keep them but it will require electricity.
We could keep up a steady supply to the underground city. Regular shipments, regular income. It could stabilize things around here.
<br />
You looked down at the blueprints, a mix of old-world technology and post-apocalyptic ingenuity. The machines were cobbled together from parts of old engines, medical equipment, and whatever else Vincent had been able to scavenge.
The design was rough, but you could see the potential.
<br /><br />
You studied the blueprints again, the flickering lantern light casting dancing shadows over the sketches.
The idea was bold, maybe even crazy, but in this world, crazy might just be what kept you alive.
<br /><br />
Anyway, it's up to you. Do what you think is the best.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<notify 5s>>
Now you can build milk barn
<<set $player.quests.milk_farm = true>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<grid cabin bedroom Bedroom 'Your room'>>
<<if hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin shower Shower-room Shower>>
<<if (hasTime(0, 30) || $player.hunger != $player.maxHunger)>>
<<grid cabin kitchen Kitchen-room Kitchen>>
<<if ($game.location.workbench ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin workbench Workbench Workbench false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.basement ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin basement Basement Basement false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.greenhouse ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin greenhouse Greenhouse Greenhouse false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin guesthouse 'Guest house' 'Guest house' false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.bathhouse ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin bathhouse 'Bathhouse' 'Bathhouse' false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.youth_district ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin youth_district 'Youth district' 'Youth district' false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.shop ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin shop 'Shop' 'Shop' false 1>>
<<grid cabin fireplace 'Fire place' 'Fire place'>>
<<set _isDisabled = ($weather?.sandStorm ? 30 : 0.5)>>
<<set _disabledDescription = 'Sand storm outside'>>
<<grid cabin outside Outside Outside 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.garage ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin garage 'Garage' 'Garage' false 1>>
<<set _percentageUninvitedCouple = 5>>
<<set _percentageFoodForager = 2>>
<<if setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<set _percentageUninvitedCouple = 1>>
<<set _percentageFoodForager = 1>>
<<if $tmpEventWedding && timeBetween('18:00', '22:00')>>
<<goto 'NPC between marry'>>
<<if !($locationEvents.cabin ?? false)>>
<<if $characters?.octavia?.quests?.kidnapped_found && !$characters.octavia.quests.betrayal &&
(!$characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found_day || ($characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found_day + 5) < $game.day) &&
timeBetween('08:00', '16:00')
<<goto 'Octavia - The Troubled Messenger'>>
<<elseif $characters?.octavia?.quests?.betrayal && !$characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2 &&
(($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal_day + 3) < $game.day) &&
timeBetween('08:00', '16:00')
<<goto 'Octavia - Blackthorn camp'>>
<<elseif $characters?.octavia?.quests?.betrayal2 && !$characters.octavia.quests.next_move &&
(($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2_day + 3) < $game.day) &&
timeBetween('08:00', '16:00')
<<goto 'Octavia - Annihilation'>>
<<elseif $characters?.isabel?.quests?.pregnant && ($characters.isabel.quests.pregnant_day + 5) <= $game.day && !$characters.isabel.quests.dom_return>>
<<goto 'Dom - return'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('21:30', '22:30') && $characters?.blair?.quests?.missing_friend_found && $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_basement && $gameDate.getDay() === 6>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - Ashley threesome'>>
<<elseif $game.lone_survivor>>
<<set $game.lone_survivor = false>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<goto 'Event: A lone survivor: steal'>>
<<goto 'Event: A lone survivor: gift'>>
<<elseif (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []).length >= 4 && setup.percentageChance(30) && !$player.quests.bathhouse_talk && $game.day > 80>>
<<set $player.quests.bathhouse_talk = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Bathhouse talk'>>
<<elseif setup.assignedToCount('garden') >= 4 && setup.percentageChance(5) && ($backpack.count('food') + $storage.count('food') ) > 0 && (!$game.rotten_rations_day || ($game.rotten_rations_day + 7) < $game.day)>>
<<set _kitchenAssigned = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'kitchen')>>
<<set _rottenFoodChance = 100>>
<<if _kitchenAssigned[0].length && ($guests[_kitchenAssigned[0][0]].skills ?? []).includes('cook')>>
<<set _rottenFoodChance = 50>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_rottenFoodChance)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Rotten Rations'>>
<<elseif (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []).length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(1)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Common capital'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: A lone survivor'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && setup.percentageChance(1) && (!$game.baby_merchant_day || ($game.baby_merchant_day + 60) < $game.day)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Baby merchant'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && setup.percentageChance(1) && (!$game.virgin_merchant_day || ($game.virgin_merchant_day + 60) < $game.day)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event - virgin merchant'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && setup.percentageChance(1)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Base attack'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && setup.percentageChance(1) && $game.day > 100>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event - Base attack with car'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && isMetChar('rodger') && ($characters.rodger.quests.horse ?? false) && !$player.horse && setup.percentageChance(1)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Horse merchant'>>
<<elseif ($backpack.count('food') || $storage.count('food')) && setup.percentageChance(_percentageFoodForager) && setup.baseIntruderChance()>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Food forager'>>
<<elseif ($backpack.count('food') || $storage.count('food')) && timeBetween('19:00', '23:00') && setup.percentageChance(_percentageUninvitedCouple) && $game.day > 30 && setup.baseIntruderChance()>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: The uninvited couple'>>
<<elseif setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard').length && setup.percentageChance(3) && timeBetween('08:00', '11:00') && setup.baseIntruderChance()>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: guard caught intruder'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('laura') && !$characters.laura.quests.successful_test && $characters.laura.quests.metOnDay < ($game.day - 3)>>
<<goto 'Laura - successful test'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.successful_test && !$characters.laura.quests.first_vials && $characters.laura.quests.lastTestDay < ($game.day - 5)>>
<<goto 'Laura - first vials'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.first_vials && !$characters.laura.quests.lab_workbench && $characters.laura.quests.lastTestDay < ($game.day - 7)>>
<<goto 'Laura story - The shattered lab'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('laura') && ($game.location.lab ?? false) && !$characters.laura.quests.living>>
<<goto 'Laura story - New home'>>
<<elseif !$locationEvents.cabin && (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []).length >= 1 && setup.percentageChance(20) && recall($suppCode) && timeBetween('22:00', '00:00')>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event: Late dance'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('vincent') && ($game.location.garage ?? false) && !$characters.vincent.quests.military_base && ($characters.vincent.car_get_day + 3) < $game.day>>
<<goto 'Vincent - Strange note'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('08:00', '12:00') && isMetChar('eve') && $characters.rodger.quests.faith && (($characters.eve.quests.shower_day ?? 0) + 10) < $game.day && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<goto 'Eve - shower visit'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('20:00', '24:00') && $game.lone_survivor && setup.percentageChance(50) && (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0] ?? []).length>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Event - A lone survivor fuck'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('16:00', '20:00') && setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'forest').length > 1 && $weather?.weather !== 'storm' && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<goto 'Forest - fallen tree'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">WORKBENCH</h1>
<<include 'Workbench items'>>
<br />
<<set _isStorageAvailable = ($game.location.shop ?? false)>>
<<set _items to Object.keys(_workbenchItems)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _items.length; _i++>>
<<set _item = _workbenchItems[_items[_i]]>>
<<capture _i, _item, _workEnergy, _required>>
<<if !_item.show>>
<<run _workEnergy = clone(_item.energy)>>
<<if $player.int > 30>>
<<run _workEnergy -= 20>>
<<elseif $player.int > 20>>
<<run _workEnergy -= 10>>
<<set _workEnergy = Math.abs(Math.min(10, _workEnergy))>>
<<set _required to Object.keys(_item.required)>>
<<set _itemHasResources to true>>
<div class="workbench-item">
<td style="width: 67%">
<br />
In storage: <<=setup.cabinInventory.count(_items[_i])>>
<div class="workbench-required">
Required:<br />
<<for _r to 0; _r lt _required.length; _r++>>
<<set _reqKey = _required[_r]>>
<<set _reqCount = _item.required[_reqKey]>>
<<set _hasCount = $backpack.count(_reqKey) + (_isStorageAvailable ? $storage.count(_reqKey) : 0)>>
<<set _needtxt = ''>>
<<if _hasCount < _reqCount>>
<<set _itemHasResources = false>>
<<set _needtxt = '(missing ' + (_reqCount - _hasCount) + ')'>>
<span><<=_reqCount>> <<=Item.get(_reqKey).name>> _needtxt</span><br />
<span><<=_workEnergy>> energy</span>
<<if $player.energy < _workEnergy>>
<<set _itemHasResources = false>>
<<if _itemHasResources>>
<<link 'Build'>>
<<energy `-_workEnergy`>>
<<set $player.debug = _workbenchItems[_items[_i]].energy>>
<<for _r to 0; _r lt _required.length; _r++>>
<<capture _r>>
<<set _reqKey = _required[_r]>>
<<set _reqCount = _item.required[_reqKey]>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<transfer $storage $backpack _reqKey _reqCount>>
<<drop $backpack _reqKey _reqCount>>
<<run _workbenchItems[_items[_i]].after()>>
<<goto _workbenchItems[_items[_i]].goto>>
<div class="workbench-not-enough">
Not enough resources
<br /><br />
[[Back|Wood cabin]]<h1 class="ptitle">HOSPITAL</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You've been through a lot.
<br />
<<video 'hospital/bleeding3'>>
<br /><br />
As she stands up, you expect her to turn away and resume her duties, but instead, she pauses. Slowly, deliberately, she reaches up and begins to unzip her coat.
The sound of the zipper cutting through the tense silence is almost deafening. She pulls it down slowly, her eyes never leaving yours, as she exposes her naked skin and breasts.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Maybe, just for a little while, we can forget about the world outside
<br />
Without waiting for a response, she leans down, her movements slow and deliberate. She brushes her fingers lightly against your thigh, her touch sending a shiver through your body.
<br /><br />
<<video 'hospital/bleeding4'>>
<br /><br />
She grabs your dick and gently puts it in her mouth.
<br />
Her movements are rhythmic, almost soothing, each touch and caress carefully measured. Time seems to stand still, the only sounds the soft rustle of the sheet and the quiet hum of the camp outside.
<br /><br />
After few more strokes and movements with her mouth, she open up her coat, flashing her pussy, and climbs on you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just relax. I will do all the work. You deserve it.
<br />
As she clibs onto you, she slides her hand between her legs and grabs your dick, she aims it at her pussy and slowly slides into it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'hospital/bleeding5'>>
<br /><br />
Her first movements are slow but as soon as her pussy is wet enough, she picks up the phase. She leans back, fully exposing her body to you as she rides you with her eyes clothes.
<br />
She cleary is enjoying the moment with each thrust increasing speed a bit more.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Can you stand up?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Stand up'>>
<<video 'hospital/bleeding6'>>
<br /><br />
With a focused intensity, she takes you into her mouth, her lips wrapping around you with a surprising tenderness. Her eyes close as she concentrates fully on the task at hand, her movements slow and deliberate.
You can feel her tongue skillfully working, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through your body.
<br /><br />
She adjusts her position slightly, her cheek hollowing as she sucks, creating a distinct and intense feeling. Her hands gently hold your thighs, steadying herself as she continues.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her you are close'>>
She pulls away immediately, her hands replacing her mouth with practiced ease.
She begins to stroke you, her movements fast and urgent. Her eyes remain locked on yours, her expression one of determination and desire.
<br /><br />
<<video 'hospital/bleeding7'>>
<br /><br />
You start to cum all over her face but for your surprise she doesn't stop to stroke you or even slow down.
<br />
Her hands work with a fervent intensity, the sensation almost overwhelming
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just like that, yes, yes.. Give it all to me...
<br />
When you are fully dry, she finally stops.
<br /><br />
<<video 'hospital/bleeding8'>>
<br /><br />
But instead of letting you go, she decides to put it back to clean you up. Her lips wraps around your dick as her eyes remain locked on yours.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I just can't let you out from hospital not cleaned properly, hehe.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Youth district'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">HOSPITAL</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<<set _pronWho = setup.pronounceWho(_npc)>>
<<set _pronWhos = setup.pronounceWhos(_npc)>>
<<set _pronWhat = setup.pronounceWhat(_npc)>>
As you push through the flap of the makeshift hospital tent, the stark contrast between the chaos outside and the relative calm within strikes you immediately.
The dim lighting from a few strategically placed lanterns casts long shadows on the walls.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>, in white coat stained and worn, notices you as soon as you step inside.
<<=_pronWhos>> eyes narrow in concern as <<=_pronWhat>> spots the blood seeping through your clothes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You're bleeding! We need to take care of that immediately. Please, lay down on this bed.
<br />
As <<=_pronWhat>> works, <<=_pronWhos>> hands are gentle yet efficient. <<=setup.pronounceWhat(_npc, true)>> cleans the wound with a practiced ease, applying a disinfectant that stings sharply.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You're lucky you came in when you did. Out here, infections can be just as deadly as the injuries themselves.
<br />
<strong class="iitem">You are not bleeding anymore!</strong>
<<run delete $player.perks.bleeding>>
<br /><br />
<<if [0, 1].includes(_npc.gender)>>
<<video 'hospital/bleeding1'>>
<br /><br />
As she cleans up the last of her supplies, you notice her eyes flicker to your crotch a few times, though she quickly averts her gaze each time.
Despite her obvious professionalism, there's a momentary flicker of curiosity or perhaps concern in her expression.
<br /><br />
<<if _npc.horny >= 50>>
<<video 'hospital/bleeding2'>>
<br /><br />
Without warning, she slides her hand under the sheet, her fingers brushing lightly against your dick as she grabs it and strats to stroke it.
Her touch is gentle, almost soothing, but there's an undeniable tension in the air.
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Let her continue'>>
<<goto 'Hospital - bleeding fuck'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Let her continue
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Youth district'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">HOSPITAL</h1>
<br />
<<set _randomDoctorJobs = [
'is cleaning up one of the bed.',
'is putting some medicine back in shelves',
'is cleaning floor'
<<set _doctors = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'hospital')>>
<table id="slaves">
<<if _doctors.length > 0 && timeBetween('08:00', '22:00')>>
<<for _doctorI, _doctor range _doctors>>
<<set _guest = $guests[_doctor]>>
<<capture _doctor, _guest>>
<<set _guest.location = 'hospital'>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest)>>
<<set _customColorStyle = ''>>
<<if typeof _guest.color !== 'undefined' >>
<<set _customColorStyle = ' npc-color color-' + _guest.color >>
<<if !_guest.gender && !_femaleDoctor>>
<<set _femaleDoctor = _doctor>>
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<<actionImage _guest working>>
<span @class="_genderClass + _customColorStyle">
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'hospital'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _doctor>>
<<unset $slaveId, $childId, $charId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Hospital'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
</span> <<=setup.getRandomElement(_randomDoctorJobs)>>
<<=setup.npcListInfo(_guest, _isSick, _isRest)>>
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof _guest.sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<if !_isSick>>
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Guest house'>>
<<goto 'Child view'>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<=setup.npcListInfo(_guest, _isSick, _isRest)>>
<<if [0,2].includes(_guest.gender) && setup.getAge(_guest) >= 17>>
Beauty: <<=_guest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_guest)>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo>>
<<elseif typeof $player.companions['guest:' + _guestI] !== 'undefined'>>
<br />
[[Back|Youth district]]
<<if setup.perkHas('bleeding') && _femaleDoctor>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _femaleDoctor
<<goto 'Hospital - bleeding'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">LIBRARY</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].virgin = false>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh I like what you're thinking...
<br />
A playful smile danced across her lips as she glanced around the secluded space you had crafted, her eyes alight with mischief and curiosity.
<br /><br />
<<video 'library/sex1'>>
<br /><br />
With a deliberate slowness that sent a thrill down your spine, she grabbed your dick, her fingers trailing sensually along it.
Holding your gaze with an intensity that left no room for doubt, she brought your dick to her lips, licking it with a tantalizingly slow and deliberate motion.
<br /><br />
The air between you crackled with an electric tension as she continued, each movement calculated to stoke the flames of desire that burned hot between you.
<br />
She slowly pulled of her shirt and threw it on the ground.
<br /><br />
<<video 'library/sex2'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about this?
<br />
She grabbed her breasts and wrapped them around your dick. With deliberate motion motions she started to rub your dick with them.
<br />
<br />
As the tension between you both reached its peak, she stood up from her seat with a graceful movement that seemed to defy the harshness of the post-apocalyptic world around you.
Turning around to face away from you, her silhouette outlined against the faint light filtering through the room.
<br /><br />
<<video 'library/sex3'>>
<br /><br />
With deliberate slowness, she began to peel away the fabric of her shorts, each movement imbued with a sensuality that left you breathless. The air crackled with anticipation as she revealed more of her sun-kissed skin, the dim light of the room casting soft shadows across her form.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about you fuck me right here?
<br />
She grabs your dick and puts it against her already half wet pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'library/sex4'>>
<br /><br />
You surrendered yourself completely to the pleasure of her touch, allowing yourself to be swept away by the currents of passion that surged between you.
In that moment, there were no words, no thoughts, only the raw intensity of the connection you shared, a symphony of desire and longing that echoed through the depths of your soul as she slides on your dick.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Uh, fuck me.. Harder! Harder!
<br />
<<video 'library/sex5'>>
<br /><br />
With a surge of determination, you take the lead, grabbing her waist and thrusting deep inside her.
<br />
And as you lose yourself in the heat of the moment you stop and she once again takes the lead. With fast movements she fucks you. As you feel you're close you forget to warn her...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'game/misc/creampie.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh my... That's a lot..
<br />
She starts to clean up and pick her clothes off the floor.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Library'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">LIBRARY</h1>
<br />
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('book', 1)>>
<<set $player.stats.books_read = ($player.stats.books_read ?? 0)+1>>
<<image 'places/library/read.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br />
Amidst the dimly lit confines of our post-apocalyptic sanctuary, you find solace in the pages of a weathered tome salvaged from the remnants of civilization.
With each word absorbed, you feel a spark of intellect flicker within you, a glimmer of hope amidst the desolation that surrounds you.
<br /><br />
<<set _giveInt = 1>>
<<if $player.int < 50>>
<<set _giveInt += 2>>
<<elseif $player.int < 100>>
<<set _giveInt++>>
<<set $player.int += _giveInt>>
Your intelligence increased by <<=_giveInt>>.
<<addmins 60>>
<<energy -20>>
<<set _guests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if (_guests[0] ?? []).length>>
<<set _randomGuestId = setup.getRandomElement(_guests[0])>>
<<set _randomGuest = $guests[_randomGuestId]>>
<<if _randomGuest.horny > 50>>
<<set _npc = _randomGuest>>
<br /><br />
<<if _npc && setup.percentageChance(100)>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Lost in another world, I see.
<br />
She moves closer, her presence enveloping you like a warm embrace.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Perhaps we could navigate it together.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Unzip your pants'>>
<<image 'places/library/bj.webp'>>
<br />
As you continue to immerse yourself in the book's world, you barely notice <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> graceful movement as she crawls under the table and grabs your dick while you keep reading it.
<br />
A soft chuckle escapes her lips as she continues.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/library/bj2.webp'>>
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I hope I'm not distracting you too much from your book.
<br />
<<image 'places/library/bj.webp'>>
<br />
She continues to suck your hard dick as you still hold book in your hands. Look like she wants more attention from you.
<br /><br />
<<horny 20>>
<div id="option_fuck">
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Have more fun'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _randomGuestId
<<goto 'Library - read book extended'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Have more fun
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'places/library/cum.webp'>>
<br />
As you are ready to cum she pushes herself back from you and opens her mouth, letting her tongue out. With naughty smile in her eyes she catches each drop of your cum.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Library'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">LIBRARY</h1>
<br />
Rusty nails, weathered planks of wood, and discarded furniture become the building blocks of our sanctuary of books.
With each nail hammered into place and each shelf painstakingly erected, the library begins to take shape, a beacon of hope amidst the desolation.
<br /><br />
<br />
Weathered shelves line the walls, their surfaces adorned with an eclectic array of volumes salvaged from abandoned buildings and scavenged from the remnants of civilization.
Tattered pages whisper tales of forgotten worlds, their words a testament to the resilience of human ingenuity in the face of adversity.
<br /><br />
<<if $guests.length > 0>>
<<sayNpc $guests[0]>>
Building this library was a stroke of brilliance, but do you know what's even more fascinating? The power the books hold.
<br />
<<sayNpc $guests[0]>>
They say that reading these books can increase your intelligence. Imagine what we could learn, what we could become.
<strong>Now you can read books you have found and increase your intelligence</strong>
<br /><br />
The air around you crackles with anticipation, and in that moment, amidst the shelves of salvaged wisdom, you realized that perhaps there is more to this post-apocalyptic world than mere survival.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $game.location.library = true>>
<<set $game.location.youth_district = true>>
<<goto 'Youth district'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">LIBRARY</h1>
<br />
Unread books in your shelves: <strong><<=setup.cabinInventory.count('book')>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.cabinInventory.count('book') && $player.energy >= 20>>
<<link 'Read book'>>
<<goto 'Library - read book'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Youth district'>>
<</link>><br />
<h1 class="ptitle">
<<backButton 'Youth district'>>
<br />
<<set _guestsWomen = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []>>
<<set _id = setup.getRandomElement(_guestsWomen)>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_id]>>
As you stepped into the dimly lit milk barn, the scent of damp hay and old wood mingled with the faint aroma of clean laundry.
You noticed <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> by the far wall, carefully draping freshly washed clothes over a rope stretched across the room, each item dripping slowly onto the dusty floor.
Outside, rain pattered steadily against the corrugated roof, creating a calming rhythm in the barn.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/milk_barn/dry.jpg'>>
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach her'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> glanced back, a hint of surprise in her eyes quickly fading into a small smile.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hey! Hope you don't mind. Had to find a place to dry out clothes.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Lift her dress'>>
Your hand lingered at her waist, and she leaned into your embrace, the warmth between you almost tangible in the chilly, rain-dampened barn.
Then you slowly lifted up her dress, revealing her bare ass. No panties...
<br /><br />
<<video 'milk_barn/dry1'>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.sexChance(_npc)>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh what you have in mind?
<<set _npc.happy -= 20>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What are you doing? Not here. Not now
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Push her on stack of hay'>>
<<video 'milk_barn/dry2'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Not now! Let me finish the clothes.
<<set _npc.happy -= 10>>
<br />
<<image 'places/milk_barn/dry2.jpg'>>
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Finger her ass'>>
<<video 'milk_barn/dry3'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> stands still as you spit on her ass and slowly slide finger inside it.
She strains her asshole but slowly relaxes as as you slide your finger deper and deeper inside her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'milk_barn/dry4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Uh I kind of like that.
<br />
<<if ['analslut'].includes(_npc.traitsLocked) && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _analSlutTraitLocked = setup.getKeyByValue(_npc.traitsLocked, 'analslut')>>
<<run _npc.traitsLocked.splice(_analSlutTraitLocked, 1)>>
<strong>Anal slut locked trait removed!</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As she moans inside the barn, she puts her hands behind her and spreads her ass cheeks wide open.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Not inside, please!
<br />
<<video 'milk_barn/dry6'>>
<br /><br />
You can feel her asshole getting more relaxed with each thrust. In few random moments although you feel that thrust has been too hard as she strains her asshole for a second, forcing you to slow down.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on her ass'>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<video 'milk_barn/dry7'>>
<br /><br />
With the last of your thrust, you pull your dick out of her ass as you cum all over it and her clean dress too.
She is leaning completely against the pile of hay with her stomach and waiting for you to finish..
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Are you finished? Can I finish putting out clothes now?
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Milk barn'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<link 'Ignore her'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Milk barn'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">
<br />
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $slaves[_i].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo != 'milk_barn' || !timeBetween('12:00', '18:00') || _dayOff>>
<<set $slaves[_i].milking = true>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_i])>>
<td colspan="3">
<<set $slaves[_i].location = 'milk_barn'>>
<<set _npc = clone($slaves[_i])>>
<<actionImage _npc 'milking' 'no-text'>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<=setup.npcListInfo($slaves[_i], _isSick, _isRest)>>
<<npcListView $slaves[_i] _i 'slave'>>
<br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'Youth district'>>
<<if !($locationEvents.milk_barn ?? false)>>
<<if recall($suppCode) && setup.percentageChance(10) && timeBetween('08:00', '12:00') && $weather?.weather == 'rain'>>
<<set $locationEvents.milk_barn = true>>
<<goto 'Milk barn - dry clothes'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<div class="menu-grid">
<<set _cabinName = $game.cabinName ?? 'Cabin'>>
<<set _cabinImg = $game.cabinName ? 'gate' : 'cabin'>>
<<grid outside `_cabinImg` 'Wood cabin' `_cabinName`>>
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin nursery 'Nursery' 'Nursery' false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.library ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin library 'Library' 'Library' false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.hospital ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin hospital 'Hospital' 'Hospital' false 1>>
<<if ($game.location.milk_barn ?? false) && hasTime(0, 30)>>
<<grid cabin milk_barn 'Milk barn' 'Milk barn' false 1>>
</div><<set _randomNumber to Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1>>
<<energy -30>>
<<if _randomNumber <= 20>>
<<goto 'Car explore event - girl gas station'>>
<<elseif _randomNumber <= 40>>
<<goto 'Car explore event - injured guy'>>
<<elseif _randomNumber <= 60>>
<<goto 'Car explore event - attack car'>>
<<elseif _randomNumber <= 62>>
<<goto 'Car explore event - robber justice'>>
<<elseif _randomNumber <= 64>>
<<goto 'Car explore event - fuel dilemma'>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(100) && !($game.location.car_stadium ?? false)>>
<<goto 'Car - race stadium introduction'>>
<<elseif _randomNumber > 70 && _randomNumber < 75 && recall($suppCode)>>
<<goto 'Car explore event - gypsy family'>>
<<include 'Car explore - nothing found'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<<set _hornyCompanions = setup.companions.getHorny(50)>>
<<set _randomNpc = setup.getRandomElement(_hornyCompanions[0])>>
<<set _guestId = _randomNpc.split(':')[1]>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_randomNpc)>>
<<set $locationEvents.explore_car = true>>
The cracked highway stretches endlessly ahead, the ruins of the old world standing like silent ghosts on either side.
The low hum of the engine is the only sound, save for our breathing.
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> fingers trail over my leg, deliberate and slow,
her touch sending a warmth through me that has nothing to do with the sun beating down on the dusty windshield.
<br /><br />
She glances at you, mischief dancing in her storm-colored eyes.
Without a word, she starts unbuttoning your pants and pulled out your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fun1'>>
<br /><br />
She started to slowly jerk you off as you tried to keep focus on the road. Slowly with a big smirk on her face she increased the speed and soon enough your dick was hard as rock.
<br />
A smirk plays on her lips as she leans closer, her breath hot against your dick. A moment later she is already sucking your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fun2'>>
<br /><br />
Her tongue swirled around your dick, tracing the veins and ridges as she worked to drive you wild.
You could feel her hot breath on your skin, and the gentle scrape of her teeth as she moved up and down.
The sensation was almost too much to bear, and you had to fight to keep your eyes on the road as she sucked you off with abandon.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
We should pull over
<br />
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace "That's enough">>
<<run $('#option_stop').hide()>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<set _npc.relationship -= 20>>
<<set _npc.sub -= 15>>
<<set _npc.happy -= 15>>
She froze, then slowly leaned back, studying his face. For a second, something unreadable flickered in her eyes—disappointment, amusement, maybe even a hint of hurt—but she said nothing.
Instead, she shifted back into her seat, crossing her arms as she gazed out the window.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue journey'>>
<<goto 'Car - Explore'>>
<div id="option_stop">
<<linkreplace 'Pull over'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
As soon as you stopped, she adjusted her position, getting into a better spot to continue sucking you off.
Her mouth was warm and wet, and she was relentless, taking you deeper and deeper.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fun3'>>
<br /><br />
After a while, she pulled back, and you could see the hunger in her eyes.
You knew what she wanted, and you were more than happy to give it to her.
You pushed her back against the seat, and she spread her legs, inviting you in.
You plunged your cock into her pussy, feeling her tight walls wrap around you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fun4'>>
<br /><br />
She got off you and positioned herself in a way that allowed her to continue pleasuring you.
She wrapped her hand around your cock, her fingers closing tightly around your shaft as she began to jerk you off.
At the same time, she leaned forward and took your cock in her mouth, her lips wrapping around you as she started to suck me off.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fun5'>>
<br /><br />
Her hand and mouth worked in tandem, moving in a synchronized rhythm that drove you wild.
Her hand pumped up and down, her fingers squeezing and releasing in a gentle yet firm motion.
Her mouth, meanwhile, was a whirlwind of sensation, her tongue swirling and dancing around your dick as she sucked you off.
The combination of her hand and mouth was almost too much to bear, and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fun6'>>
<br /><br />
As she continued to jerk and suck you off, you could feel your pleasure building to a crescendo.
Her hand was moving faster and faster, her fingers flying up and down your dick as she worked to bring you to the edge.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<<video 'explore_car/fun7'>>
<br /><br />
You started to cum, your cock erupting in a burst of pleasure as your cum shot out of you and into her hand.
She kept jerking you off, her hand moving up and down your hard dick as she milked you for every last drop.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue journey'>>
<<goto 'Car - Explore'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<br />
The next day, as the first light of dawn filters through the settlement, Vincent returns, his steps still weary but determined.
He finds you amidst the scattered tools and remnants of the broken car, ready to face the challenges ahead.
<br /><br />
<br />
With a nod of acknowledgment, Vincent rolls up his sleeves, and together, you set to work on crafting a new vehicle from the salvaged parts.
The rhythm of the work is both familiar and comforting, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
<br /><br />
Eh, it's useless without spare parts. We'll need some specific parts to get this running smoothly. And, of course, we'll need gas to get around.
<br />
With a shared understanding, you make a mental note of the needed components.
The settlement, though meager, holds the promise of scavenging opportunities, a potential source of the parts required to bring the new car to life.
<br /><br />
Vincent leaves, leaving you with a broken car.
<br /><br />
<<addhours 3>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Car - repair fuck'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a blood-red hue over the desolate landscape.
Your car rumbles beneath you, the engine's steady purr the only sound breaking the silence of the wasteland.
You've been driving for hours, the road ahead nothing but cracked asphalt and scattered debris, remnants of a world long gone.
Up ahead, something catches your eye—a glint of metal in the distance, moving against the backdrop of the ruined city.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you get closer, you spot a small convoy of vehicles—three, maybe four cars—moving in formation.
Instinctively, you ease off the accelerator, keeping your distance. Out here, encounters with others rarely end well.
But there's something different about these vehicles. They're heavily modified, bristling with makeshift armor and weapons.
These aren't just survivors—they've found something worth protecting.
<br /><br />
You decide to follow them.
<br /><br />
The convoy weaves through the ruins, and you trail behind, careful not to get too close.
After a while, they turn off the main road, heading toward a large, crumbling structure looming on the horizon.
As you draw nearer, you realize it's an old stadium, half-collapsed and overtaken by the encroaching desert.
The entrance is a jagged maw of concrete and twisted metal, but the convoy drives through it without hesitation.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You pull over behind the rusted remains of a billboard and step out of your car, approaching the stadium on foot.
The low rumble of engines echoes from within, a sound that sends a shiver down your spine.
When you reach the entrance, you peer inside, your breath catching at what you see.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Inside, the stadium has been transformed.
The once grand structure is now a massive racing track, with high fences encircling the perimeter.
The track is scarred and worn, with deep grooves in the asphalt carved by countless races.
But what really grabs your attention are the cars.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Dozens of them line the sides of the track, each one a menacing beast of metal and death.
Blades protrude from tire rims, guns are mounted on roofs, and spikes adorn bumpers.
These are not just racing machines; they are weapons, designed to kill as much as to win.
The people gathered around them are no different—hardened survivors, their faces marked by the harshness of the world they inhabit.
<br /><br />
You slip inside, keeping your head down as you move through the crowd. No one seems to notice you, their focus on the track. There's no race happening right now, but the air hums with anticipation. You make your way toward the far end of the stadium, where a small makeshift shop has been set up.
<br /><br />
Behind the counter sits an older man, his hair graying but his eyes sharp. He’s fiddling with a piece of metal, but he looks up as you approach.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
New face. You lost, or you looking to stir up some trouble?
<br />
You shake your head, glancing around at the various car parts, weapons, and supplies cluttering his table.
<br /><br />
Just curious. What is this place?
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
This? This is where the fun happens, friend. Races. Big ones. You got a car and the guts to back it up, you can race.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Hell, if you win, you can take the other guy's car. Sometimes people bet other things—supplies, weapons. Even slaves, if they’re desperate enough.
<br />
He shrugs as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
People get in over their heads. This place... it ain't for the weak.
<br />
You nod, trying to process what you’re hearing.
<br /><br />
And you? What do you do here?
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Me? I sell things. Car parts, upgrades—whatever you need to get an edge on the track.
I ain't got everything right now, but my stock’s coming in soon. You got something to trade, I got something you need.
<br />
You scan the items on his table—scrap metal, old batteries, a few rusty weapons.
Nothing that catches your eye, but the thought of racing, of testing your skills and your car against these monsters... there’s a thrill to it that you can’t ignore.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you walk away, you can feel the weight of the stadium pressing down on you, the eyes of the other racers following your every move. You’re an outsider here, a newcomer in a world that plays by its own brutal rules. But you’ve come this far, and there’s no turning back now.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $game.location.car_stadium = true>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 20>>
<<set _npcId = setup.getRandomElement(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0])>>
<<run _npc = $guests[_npcId]>>
<br /><br />
As you focus on the car, your hands deftly maneuvering through the engine, you become engrossed in the task at hand. The rhythmic clinking of tools and the hum of your concentration fill the air.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, a voice interrupts your thoughts.
You look up to find <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> approaching, a friendly smile on her face.
You strike up a conversation, about the car, sharing stories of their own experiences with vehicles in this unforgiving world.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You look tired. You could use some break.
<br />
She smiles and as you sit down on the chair next to the car, she crawls toward you, unzips your pants and with smirk on her face puts your dick in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'garage/car_repair1'>>
<br /><br />
<<if _npc.bj >= 60>>
Magically, your dick disappears into her mouth completely. It can be seen that she is quite experienced. And the sensations are indescribable.
She tries to fully deepthroat your dick but fails and instead just pokes her cheek from inside with it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Feeling better? I can do better, heh.
<br /><br />
She pulls off her skirt and turns around bending over the open car hood.
<br /><br />
<<video 'garage/car_repair2'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her leg and lift it. After that you shove your dick inside her tight, already wet pussy and instantly start to fuck her pussy. She moans and grabs by some engine tubes..
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Deeper! I want to feel you all!
<br />
<<video 'garage/car_repair3'>>
<br /><br />
She grabs your hand and pulls you off her as she lies down on the ground with some dirty rag under her and pulls you on her. Then she wraps her legs around your back and pulls herself onto your dick.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'garage/car_repair4'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her by the hair and pull strongly towards you. She immediately opens her mouth, and you cum all over her tits while aiming for her tongue.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<<set $locationEvents.garage = true>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
You found nothing while driving around.
<br /><br />
<<set _companionKeys = Object.keys($player.companions ?? {})>>
<<if _companionKeys.length > 0>>
<<set _splitCompanionKey = _companionKeys[0].split(':')>>
<<set $tmpGirl = setup.companionGet(_companionKeys[0])>>
<<if _splitCompanionKey[0] === 'guest'>>
<<set $guestId = _splitCompanionKey[1]>>
<<set $slaveId = _splitCompanionKey[1]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'car'>>
<<set _pronHerHim = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _pronHerHis = setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Garage'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
It's pointless. Let's just go back.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Suggest to have fun'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh, this could be fun.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> with smile unzips your pants and pulls out your dick.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'handjob'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'handjob'>>
<br />
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
No! I don't want to. Let's just go back.
<br />
<<set _linkName = 'Force ' + _pronHerHim>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $sexForced = true>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">DESERT</h1>
<br />
Dazed and disoriented, you slowly regain consciousness, your head throbbing with pain from the brutal beating you suffered at the hands of the scavengers. Blinking away the haze, you struggle to sit up, taking stock of your surroundings.
<br /><br />
Your car is still there, a reassuring presence amidst the desolate landscape, but something feels off. As you inspect the vehicle, you notice that a significant amount of fuel is missing from the tank, leaving you with a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
<br /><br />
It becomes clear that while you were unconscious, the scavengers took advantage of the situation to siphon off fuel from your car, leaving you stranded in the unforgiving desert wasteland. Anger and frustration bubble up within you as you realize the extent of their betrayal.
<br /><br />
Casting a wary glance around the deserted landscape, you can't help but wonder what other dangers may be lurking nearby.
With your fuel reserves depleted and your body battered from the encounter, you know that your survival in this harsh post-apocalyptic world just became even more precarious.
With determination fueling your resolve, you steel yourself for the challenges ahead as you contemplate your next move in this unforgiving desert wilderness.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.car.health -=5>>
<<set $player.car.fuel = Math.max(0, $player.car.fuel - 20)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">DESERT</h1>
<br />
As you catch your breath amidst the aftermath of the intense skirmish, you hear the distant rumble of an engine.
Turning to see the scavenger's driver, his face obscured by a tattered scarf, hastily retreating in his vehicle.
<br /><br />
<br />
With a final glance at his fallen comrades,
he abandon his defeated allies and drove away into the desert,
leaving you victorious but wary of the challenges that still lie ahead in this harsh post-apocalyptic world.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">DESERT</h1>
<br />
As the scorching sun beat down upon the endless expanse of desert wasteland, you navigated your rugged post-apocalyptic car across the unforgiving terrain. The distant horizon shimmered with heat waves, mirages teasing your weary eyes as you searched for valuable salvage among the sands.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, the tranquility of the desert was shattered by the roar of engines. Your heart raced as you spotted another scavenger car barreling towards you from a distant dune. Instinctively, you tightened your grip on the steering wheel, preparing for whatever confrontation lay ahead.
<br /><br />
<br />
With a deafening crunch, the opposing vehicle slammed into the side of your car, sending metal screeching and glass shattering.
The impact jolted you violently, threatening to throw you off course as the two vehicles careened dangerously across the sand.
<br /><br />
Cursing and shouting erupted from the other car as <strong>four</strong> figures emerged, their faces hidden behind makeshift masks and goggles.
They brandished makeshift weapons, their intentions clear as they yelled at you to stop.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.car.health -=20>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Stop the car now or die!
<br />
<div id="option_stop">
<<linkreplace 'Stop the car'>>
<<run $('#option_run').hide()>>
As you bring your car to a screeching halt in the gritty sand, the other vehicle pulls up just meters ahead, kicking up clouds of dust in its wake.
With a tense silence hanging in the air, the <strong>three</strong> scavengers leap out of their battered car, their boots thudding against the ground as they approach you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Oh you are so dead!
<br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<set _enemies = []>>
<<run _enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run _enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run _enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight _enemies 'Car explore event - attack car won' 'Car explore event - attack car lost'>>
<div id="option_run">
<<linkreplace 'Try to run away'>>
<<run $('#option_stop').hide()>>
<<set _chanceOfDamage = 100>>
<<if $player.int > 50>>
<<set _chanceOfDamage -= 20>>
<<if $player.int > 100>>
<<set _chanceOfDamage -= 30>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chanceOfDamage)>>
<<set $player.car.health -=20>>
As the other scavenger car bears down on you, you grit your teeth and press down hard on the accelerator, determined to escape the looming threat. With a roar of engines, your car lurches forward, kicking up a cloud of sand in its wake as you veer off course, desperately trying to evade the incoming collision.
<br /><br />
<br />
But the scavenger car is relentless, its drivers skilled in the art of pursuit amidst the harsh desert terrain. With a sickening jolt, the other vehicle slams into the side of your car once again, sending shocks of pain reverberating through your body as metal grinds against metal.
With quick thinking and a keen eye, you deftly maneuver your car, anticipating the scavenger's next move. As their vehicle barrels towards you for another collision, you swiftly veer to the side, narrowly avoiding the impact. The scavenger car zooms past, the roar of its engine fading into the distance as you breathe a sigh of relief.
<br /><br />
With a final burst of speed, you manage to break free from the scavenger car's clutches, leaving it behind in a cloud of dust and debris as you race away into the vast expanse of the desert. Adrenaline courses through your veins as you push your car to its limits, putting as much distance as possible between you and the dangerous foes hot on your tail.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
Her eyes widen slightly as she understands your implication.
She looks back at her camp, then turns to you with a resigned nod.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Alright. If that's what it takes to keep us going.
<br />
<br />
She climbs into the back seat of your car, the intimacy of the enclosed space heightening the tension.
As she begins to undress, the air fills with a mix of apprehension and vulnerability. She removes her pants and panties and spreads her legs, waiting for you.
<br />
You pull down your pants and get between her legs.
You reach out, attempting to create a moment that feels more human than transactional, but her expression doesn't change.
She lies back, her eyes fixed on a point beyond you, distant and vacant.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fuel_dilemma1'>>
<br /><br />
As soon as you slide your hard dick into her dry pussy, she lets out surprised moan and her face lights up a bit as she puts hands up and pushes them against the door of the car.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Ouch.. Mmmm.. Faster..
<br />
Instead of looking at fixed point behind you she starts to look at you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/fuel_dilemma2'>>
<br /><br />
She clearly starts to enjoy more and more this as she lets out louder and louder moans. As you start to make deeper and harder thrusts she slowly starts to unbutton her top...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh yes, continue.. Fuck me.
<br />
<<video 'explore_car/fuel_dilemma3'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Faster, faster!
<br />
As you pick up the speed she finishes to unbutton her top and flashes her tits, letting them out. As you fuck her faster and faster she plays with her nipples while her eyes are fully locked on you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Just not inside mmm... me... Holly shiiit...
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on her face'>>
<<video 'explore_car/fuel_dilemma4'>>
<br /><br />
You catch her by suprise as you pull out and move your dick towards her face. Instead of opening her mouth, she keeps it closed as you cum all over her face.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the... I didn't expect it there.
<br />
She started to clean her face with her top as she dressed and get out of your car.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the fuel, I guess...
<br />
As you drive away, the encounter weighs heavily on your conscience.
The road stretches out before you, each mile a reminder of the choices made in a world where survival often demands sacrifices that go beyond physical resources.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
As you traverse the rugged terrain in your well-maintained vehicle, you come across a traveling camp of settlers.
<br />
Their makeshift tents hint at a nomadic lifestyle, but something seems amiss as you drive closer.<br />
A small group is gathered around a fuel drum, their expressions tense and worried.
<br /><br />
<br />
A sudden movement catches your attention.
<br />
A young woman from the camp rushes onto the road, waving her hands frantically to get your attention.
Her face is a mix of desperation and urgency, and you can sense that something important is on her mind.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _npcGirl = clone($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _npcGirl.race = 'white'>>
<div id="option_stop">
<<linkreplace 'Stop'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
Intrigued and concerned, you ease off the accelerator and come to a halt a short distance away from her. The rest of the camp watches curiously as the young woman approaches your vehicle, her eyes locked on yours.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npcGirl>>
Thank you for stopping!
<br />
<<sayNpc _npcGirl>>
We're really struggling out here. Our generators are barely running on fumes, and without more fuel, we won't be able to keep warm or power essential equipment.
<br />
Taking a deep breath to compose herself, she begins to explain their dire situation with fuel.
<br />
Her words resonate with you, reminding you of the precariousness of survival in this unforgiving world
<br /><br />
<<if $player.car.fuel < 20 && $backpack.count('fuel') < 2>>
<strong>You don't have enough fuel to help</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('fuel') >= 2>>
<<set _gaveCans = true>>
<strong>You will give 2 fuel cans</strong>
<strong>You will give her 20% of your fuel tank</strong>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_give">
<<linkreplace 'Give her fuel'>>
<<if $backpack.count('fuel') >= 2>>
<<drop $backpack 'fuel' 2>>
<<set $player.car.fuel -= 20>>
<<set $player.goodwill += randomInteger(3, 5)>>
<<run $('#option_bj, #option_fuck').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _npcGirl>>
Really? Thank you so much
<br />
<<if _gaveCans>>
The woman watches anxiously as you carefully take two cans of fuel out of your car and give them to her.
The woman watches anxiously as you carefully draw fuel from your tank into the container. Once you've filled it with a reasonable amount, you hand it to her.
<br /><br />
This should give you a bit of breathing room. I need to ensure I have enough for my own journey, but I hope this helps.
<br />
<<set $player.reputation += 2>>
She nods gratefully, clutching the container tightly.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npcGirl>>
Thank you. This will make a world of difference for us. We won't forget your kindness.
<br />
<div id="option_capture">
<<linkreplace 'Try to capture her'>>
<<run $('#option_bj,#option_give, #option_fuck').hide()>>
As you grab her hand she starts to scream and resist. Other people from her group notices what you are doing.
Some just look away and tries to ignore but other starts to scream at you and when gathered together starts to run towards you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 3 2>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _npcGirl>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Garage' 'Garage'>>
<div id="option_bj">
<<linkreplace 'Ask for a blowjob'>>
<<run $('#option_give, #option_fuck').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Fuck you all! You're all the same... Give me the fuel and I will suck you off.
<br />
The woman watches anxiously as you carefully draw fuel from your tank into the container. Once you've filled it with a reasonable amount, you hand it to her.
<br /><br />
<br />
Then she opens door of your car and gets in and waits for you. As soon as you get in the car, without hesitation she unzips your pants, takes out your dick and carefully puts it in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She doesn't put much effort in and just keeps it slow but somehow her lips are so tight that you don't mind it. Then she increases her speed a bit and you feel it won't be long anymore.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you start to cum in her mouth, she instantly pulls your dick out and spits out all cum you managed to shot in her mouth. She slowly continues to jerk you off as you keep cumming.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Deal is a deal. Now leave. Thank you.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('fuel') >= 2>>
<<drop $backpack 'fuel' 2>>
<<set $player.car.fuel -= 20>>
<div id="option_fuck">
<<if !recall($suppCode)>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Ask for a fuck
<<link 'Ask for a fuck'>>
<<goto 'Car explore event - fuel dilemma fuck'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<linkreplace 'Ignore her'>>
<<run $('#option_stop').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<br />
Glancing back in the mirror, you catch a glimpse of the woman's frustrated expression.
She raises a defiant middle finger in your direction, yelling something indiscernible over the roar of your engine.
<br />
Her anger is palpable, a tangible reminder of the consequences of your choice to prioritize your own journey over helping others in need.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.goodwill -= 10>>
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">DESERT</h1>
<br />
After a tense standoff, you managed to outsmart and overcome the two bulky figures, leaving them sprawled in the unforgiving desert dust.
As the adrenaline began to subside, you turned your attention to the young woman who had been chained to the pole. The air hung heavy with the weight of the post-apocalyptic world.
<br /><br />
<br />
Approaching her cautiously, you extended a helping hand to lift her from the ground. However, to your surprise, she remained on her knees, unmoving.
<br /><br />
<<if ($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit>>
<div id="option_slave">
<<linkreplace 'Enslave her'>>
<<run $('#option_guest').hide()>>
<<set $tmpGirl.capture = false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy -= 40>>
<<set $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Do whatever you like. There is no point to struggle.
<br />
With a firm grip, you pulled her up, her frail frame resisting the movement at first. She yielded, allowing herself to be lifted from the unforgiving ground.
The silence lingered, broken only by the distant howls of the wind. The vast expanse of the deserted landscape stood witness to this unexpected moment.
<br /><br />
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit>>
<div id="option_guest">
<<linkreplace 'Invite her as guest'>>
<<run $('#option_slave').hide()>>
<<set $tmpGirl.capture = false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 40, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += 80>>
<<set $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You don't need to do that.
<br />
Her eyes, though still carrying the weight of the world, held a glimmer of gratitude
<br />
Without uttering another word, she nodded towards your vehicle, silently agreeing to venture into the unknown.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">DESERT</h1>
<br />
The sun beat down mercilessly on the barren landscape as you navigated your makeshift vehicle through the desolate desert, its tires kicking up swirls of dust that hung in the air like a ghostly veil.
The world had changed, ravaged by some catastrophic event that left only remnants of civilization behind.
<br /><br />
In the distance, you spotted the faded sign of an old gas station, its once vibrant colors now muted by years of neglect. Curiosity getting the better of you, you decided to pull over and investigate.
As you approached, the creaking hinges of the station door echoed through the emptiness, setting an eerie tone.
<br /><br />
<br />
Among the rusted pumps, you noticed a young woman.
She appeared fragile, chained to a weathered pole as if abandoned in this desolate place. Her sunken eyes met yours as you cautiously approached her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Leave me alone!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'You need some help?'>>
Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?
<br />
Her voice, filled with a mix of desperation and defiance, whispered through the dry air.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Just go away. You can't help me.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Break her chains'>>
The silence was shattered by the sudden appearance of two hulking figures emerging from the shadows, seemingly materializing from the vast emptiness of the desert.
<br /><br />
Their bulky frames and worn leather attire hinted at a rugged existence in this harsh world.
Their eyes met yours with a menacing glare, and the atmosphere grew tense. It became clear that the woman was not alone in this desolation, and your intrusion had not gone unnoticed.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Looks like we got ourselves a curious wanderer.
<br />
The other cracked his knuckles, a sinister grin stretching across his weathered face.
<br /><br />
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Car explore event - girl gas station won' 'Garage'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
The cracked road stretches ahead, winding through a forest that feels untouched for years.
Your car hums beneath you, tires crunching over debris as you navigate cautiously.
It’s been hours since you last saw anything but trees, so when an old house emerges from the wilderness, you instinctively slow down.
The structure is worn—its roof sagging, windows dark, and porch half-collapsed. Something about it prickles at the back of your neck.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore_car/gypsy_family.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
You step out, the air thick with the scent of damp wood and decay. As you move closer, footsteps echo from the side of the house. A family emerges—a tall, burly man with a thick beard, a woman with tired but sharp eyes, and a younger girl, perhaps in her late teens, standing cautiously behind them.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy1'>>
<br /><br />
The man steps forward first, his face twisting with suspicion and anger.
<br /><br />
<<set _father = $tmpGuy>>
<<set _mother = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _daughter = $tmpGirl>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Get lost!
<br />
He barks, voice carrying through the trees. His posture is tense, shoulders squared as if expecting trouble.
Before things can escalate, the woman places a hand on his arm, murmuring something that softens his scowl.
He huffs, shaking her off before stomping back behind the house, leaving you alone with her gaze lingering on you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Best you move along
<br />
She says, though her tone lacks the aggression of her husband’s.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore_car/gypsy_family2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 50>>
<<linkreplace 'Pull out 50 caps'>>
<<set $player.money -= 50>>
<<run $('#desc_caps, #option_leave').hide()>>
Instead of turning away, you reach into your pack, pulling out a handful of caps—currency in this shattered world.
The faint jingle catches her attention, and her expression shifts. She steps a little closer, arms crossing.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy2'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
That’s a lot! What do you want?
<br />
<strong>You point at her daughter.</strong>
<br /><br />
She instantly goes back to her daughter, grabs her by hand and pulls her towards you while whispering something in her ear.
As they both approaches, mother moves her hand towards your bulge and helps her get out your dick and grab it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy3'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
This? You want this?
<br />
Young woman gently jerks you as mother quietly tells her to put your dick in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Do it sweety. This man paid us good.
<br />
Her mother stands beside her, arms crossed, watching intently at your hard cock going inside her daughter's mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy4'>>
<br /><br />
The young woman lets out a muffled gag as she struggles with you pushing your dick all the way inside her mouth.
She knows what she’s doing—her lips move with practiced ease, and she even mutters small things under her breath.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy5'>>
<br /><br />
As you put your hand on daughter's head and force yourself deeper into her mouth, mother doesn't seem bothered.
She gets a better angle for a moment to check how she's doing before going back to her old spot.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Good job sweety. Do what this man paid for.
<br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy6'>>
<br /><br />
Then young woman goes down towards your balls and licks them while you grab your own dick and jerk it off meanwhile.
Mother slowly walks around her daughter and leans closer to your dick. But instead of what you imagined, she whispers something in her ear.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Make him happy. Look at his car. He has everything. We could use that.
<br />
Suddenly, from the corner of your eye, you see a movement. Father fuming—emerges from behind a crumbling wall. The mother stiffens, her face paling in an instant.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy7'>>
<br /><br />
Without thinking, she moves in front of you two, throwing open her robe in a desperate, instinctual act to block his line of sight.
Her breasts, inside her black bra, with golden chain around her neck looks so firm and good for her age.
She moves closer and panic whispers to both of you as she pushes you both back, out of the sight.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Father... Lets move a bit further. Otherwise he will kill as all.
<br /><br />
Three of you go a bit further away from the home, behind some trees, behind one of the shed.
As you move bit further, daughter presses herself against a tree, looking at you, while lifting her skirt, revealing her naked body under her clothes.
She steadies herself and prepares for you as mother notices.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore_car/gypsy_family_skirt.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Just be gentle to her.
<br /><br />
You position yourself against her pussy, by your surprise, already moist and slowly slide into her. Mother looks worried a bit and asks if she feels good.
Daughter nods with a gasp of moan.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy8'>>
<br /><br />
With each thrust you go faster and deeper. Same goes for daughter's moans. She grabs tree with both hands and presses against it, helping you with her motions.
<br /><br />
You notice for a brief moment that mother bites her lower lip, as she steps a bit away from you two and looks away.
In that moment daughter pushes herself off the tree and forces you to sit down on the cut down tree behind you as she keeps jumping on you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore_car/ghipsy9'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Oh deer. Are you good?
<br />
<<sayNpc _daughter>>
Yes mother.. I kinda... Like it..
<br />
Daughter's movements get more fluet and agressive as she clearly tries to make you cum as fast and hard as you can.
Mother sits down next to her and holds her hand while glancing at your dick once in a while.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'game/misc/creampie_reverse_cowgirl.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As you cum deep inside daughter she feels that and jumps off you, letting your cum leak out of her pussy. She clearly didn't like that you cum inside her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _daughter>>
<br />
Mother looks down but ignores that situation and what you have done.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
It's okay sweety. It's fine.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mother>>
Thank you good sir. Now leave before my husband sees us!
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<<linkdesc 'desc_caps'>>
-50 caps
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Pull out 50 caps
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Car explore - nothing found'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">DESERT</h1>
<br />
As you traverse the desolate landscape in your trusty vehicle, you come across a lone figure stumbling along the side of the road. Drawing closer, you realize it's a wounded traveler, desperately clutching a makeshift bandage to a deep gash on their leg.
<br /><br />
<br />
The injured individual, a weary and emaciated soul, pleads for your help. They explain that they were part of a larger group that fell victim to an ambush by ruthless marauders. The attackers stole crucial supplies, leaving the rest of the survivors injured and vulnerable.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Maybe you can help me somehow?
<br />
The injured traveler gazes at you with pleading eyes, awaiting your decision as the winds of the wasteland whisper tales of both compassion and self-preservation.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('bandage')>>
<div id="option_bandage">
<<linkreplace 'Give him bandage'>>
<<set _giveBandage = true>>
<<drop $backpack 'bandage' 1>>
<<set $tmpGuy.relationship += 40>>
The wounded traveler gratefully accepts the bandage, and with a nod of appreciation, they carefully stow it away in their bag.
Their eyes convey a mix of relief and gratitude as they express their thanks.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Thank you so much!
<br />
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit>>
<div id="option_guest">
<<linkreplace 'Invite him as guest'>>
<<run $('#option_slave').hide()>>
<<if !_giveBandage>>
<<run $('#option_bandage').hide()>>
<<set $tmpGuy.capture = false>>
<<set $tmpGuy.relationship += 40>>
<<set $tmpGuy.happy += 80>>
<<set $guests.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Really? I would really like that. Thank you so much!
<br />
His eyes, though still carrying the weight of the world, held a glimmer of gratitude
<br />
He goes towards car and gets in.
<br /><br />
<<if ($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit>>
<div id="option_slave">
<<linkreplace 'Try to capture him'>>
<<run $('#option_guest').hide()>>
<<if !_giveBandage>>
<<run $('#option_bandage').hide()>>
<<set $tmpGuy.capture = false>>
<<set $tmpGuy.relationship -= 40>>
<<set $tmpGuy.happy -= 20>>
As you unexpectedly lunge at the wounded traveler, he manages to step back just in time, displaying a surprising agility despite his injured state.
The air becomes charged with tension as the traveler readies himself for a potential confrontation.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Fuck you! You are not getting me!
<br />
<<set $enemies = [$tmpGuy]>>
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Garage' 'Garage'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
As you navigate the rugged terrain in your trusty post-apocalyptic vehicle, the engine's rumble harmonizes with the wind's mournful howl. Dust swirls in your wake as you scan the horizon for signs of life or danger.
Suddenly, your sharp eyes catch movement ahead—a group of armed figures surrounding someone on the roadside.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You ease off the accelerator, the car's tires crunching on gravel as you approach cautiously. The scene unfolds before you: a young man, hands bound, surrounded by a gang of rough-looking individuals wearing makeshift armor and brandishing weapons. Their leader, a burly figure with a scarred face, barks orders as they accuse the captive of theft.
<br /><br />
Your grip tightens on the steering wheel as you assess the situation. The captors seem poised to mete out their brand of justice, uncaring of due process or innocence
<br /><br />
<div id="option_int">
<<linkreplace 'Intervene'>>
<<set _int = true>>
As you pull up closer, the gang's leader, a grizzled man with a scarred face, approaches your vehicle. He eyes you warily, sizing you up before speaking in a gravelly voice.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You got guts, stopping like this. This punk owes us big time. You wanna play hero? Fine. Here's the deal.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You can buy his sorry hide and pay off his debt to us. Or you throw in something extra to sweeten the deal. Maybe some of them supplies you got in that fancy car of yours.
<br />
<<if $player.money > 100>>
<div id="option_pay">
<<linkreplace 'Pay his debt'>>
<<run $('#option_pay_desc, #option_ignore').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<set $player.money -= 100>>
<<set $player.goodwill += 5>>
As soon as he's free, however, he doesn't utter a word of thanks. Instead, he takes off running, disappearing into the dusty landscape without a backward glance. The gang members chuckle at his hasty escape, clearly amused by the turn of events.
<br /><br />
You watch him go, a mix of emotions swirling within you.
Disappointment at his lack of gratitude mingles with a sense of relief that you were able to prevent a senseless execution.
The gang leader grunts again, accepting the payment you've offered, and signals for his group to disperse.
<br /><br />
<<linkdesc 'option_pay_desc'>>
-100 caps
<div id="option_ignore">
<<linkreplace 'Ignore'>>
<<if !_int>>
<<run $('#option_int').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= randomInteger(10,20)>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
The weight of your decision settles heavily as you shift gears and accelerate away from the grim scene in your rearview mirror.
The echoes of the gang's cruel justice linger in your mind, a haunting reminder of the harsh realities of this post-apocalyptic world.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
In the mirror, you catch a glimpse of the gang's brutality as they shove the captive back and one of them, with a swift motion, cuts his throat.
The crimson spray mingles with the dust of the roadside, a stark testament to the unforgiving nature of survival in this ravaged world.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<br />
<<set _mechanicList = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'garage')>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_mechanicList[0]]>>
<<set _npc.location = 'car'>>
Back in the garage, your mechanic, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> with oil-streaked hands, walks up to your wreck of a car and whistles low.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What the hell happened to this thing? How did you manage to screw it up this bad?
<br />
<<=setup.pronounceWhat(_npc, true)>> asks, shaking <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_npc)>> head as <<=setup.pronounceWhat(_npc)>> inspects the battered frame.
<br /><br />
You shrug, leaning against a workbench.
<br /><br />
Just bad luck. And maybe a few bad decisions.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Maybe? Look at this mess. Suspension’s shot, frame’s bent, tires are shredded. The engine... Damn. I think you melted half your wiring.
<br />
<<actionImage _npc 'fix'>>
<br />
So… can you fix it?
<br />
<<=setup.pronounceWhat(_npc, true)>> wipes <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_npc)>> hands on a rag, sizing you up.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I can, but honestly? Maybe it’s time to stop running this thing stock.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You need some armor, reinforced plating at the very least. And weapons—smoke dispensers, spikes, anything to keep these lunatics from turning you into scrap metal.
<br />
And performance mods?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hell yes. Turbo, reinforced shocks, better steering. If you're gonna race in this wasteland, you need a fighting chance.
<br />
You both continue discussing potential upgrades, weighing options between practicality and necessity. She points out areas of the car that could be reinforced and suggests salvaging certain parts from nearby wrecks to save resources.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/garage/engine.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I'll need some time to gather a few things, get the garage set up for these modifications
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.quests.car_modified = true>>
<<set $player.quests.car_modified_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<<set $locationEvents.garage = true>>
You approached cautiously, boots crunching on gravel, and she turned, a relieved smile breaking through her focused demeanor.
<br /><br />
<<video 'garage/mechanic_help1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Finally! Just the person I needed. This stupid axle is giving me trouble. Can you get under there and hold it steady while I tighten the bolts?
<br />
The scent of oil and rust filled your nostrils as you slid beneath the car, lying on the cool, hard ground.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> crouched beside the vehicle, her toned arms glistening faintly with sweat as she reached for a wrench.
<br /><br />
Her fingers brushed yours briefly as you worked in tandem, her focus unwavering. Despite the grueling situation, the proximity and trust you shared carried a quiet intimacy that spoke volumes.
<br /><br />
After what felt like an eternity of holding and adjusting, she let out a satisfied sigh.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 20>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Got it. You can come out now.
<br />
You wriggled out from under the car, dusting off your shirt, though it did little to remove the grime.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> stood and stretched, her shirt riding up slightly to reveal a hint of her lean stomach.
She turned to you, an appreciative grin on her face.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thanks for the help. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
<br />
She stepped closer, brushing her hands on her jean shorts before realizing it was futile.
Her ass pressed lightly against your bulge as she leaned in, a casual gesture that sent a jolt of awareness through you.
Her body was warm, her hair carrying the faint scent of sweat and something uniquely her.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'fix_bulge'>>
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You wanted to talk about something?
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull her closer and pull down her top'>>
<<video 'garage/mechanic_help2'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<br /><br />
Your hands instinctively found her waist, hesitating for the briefest of moments before pulling her closer.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> turned her head slightly, her breath catching as she glanced up at you.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.horny < 40>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Hey! Not now
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Hey! I am all sweaty and dirty.
<br />
Your hands began to explore her body, and you started to play with her breast, feeling her nipple harden beneath your fingers.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh my.. Not here...
<br />
You continued to caress her, your hands moving down to her jeans shorts. With a swift motion, you pulled them down, exposing her underneath.
<br /><br />
You could see the excitement building within her.
Her ass was round and firm, and you couldn't help but grab it, squeezing it tightly as you positioned yourself behind her.
You ran your fingers over her pussy, feeling the wetness and heat emanating from her. She was soaking wet, and you knew she was ready for you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'garage/mechanic_help4'>>
<br /><br />
With a deep thrust, you entered her, feeling her tightness envelop you. <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> let out a moan of pleasure, her body arching to meet yours.
You began to pump into her, your strokes long and deep, filling her completely. Her wet pussy gripped you tightly, and you could feel her juices flowing around you.
<br /><br />
As you fucked her, the sound of your bodies slapping together filled the air, accompanied by the <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s cries of pleasure.
She was enjoying herself, her body responding to every thrust, every touch. You reached out and grabbed her hips, holding her in place as you pounded into her.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_anal">
<<linkreplace 'Put finger in her ass'>>
<<set _analFinger = true>>
<<video 'garage/mechanic_help5'>>
<br /><br />
You slow down as you slowly slide one finger inside her tight ass and then you continue to fuck her pussy leaving your finger inside her ass. She looks back straight at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.anal += 2>>
<<if $tmpGirl.anal > 30>>
<<set _allowAnal = true>>
Heh, I like where this is going...
No! I am not ready.
<br />
<<if _allowAnal>>
<div id="option_anal_fuck">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her ass'>>
<<set _analFuck = true>>
<<set $tmpGirl.anal += 5>>
<<video 'garage/mechanic_help6'>>
<br /><br />
You press on her back bending her down as much as you can. She puts her hands on the floor the get some kind of a balance as you slowly pick up the speed.
With each thrust you go deeper and deeper into her tight asshole.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum in ass'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<run $('#option_cum_pussy').hide()>>
<<image 'game/misc/cum_in_ass.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You hold her down by her hips as you cum deep into her ass.
<br />
As you stood there, catching your breath, you couldn't help but gaze down at the <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s asshole as she was trying to push out your cum.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum_pussy">
<<linkreplace 'Cum in pussy'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<if !_analFinger>>
<<run $('#option_anal').hide()>>
<<if !_analFuck>>
<<run $('#option_anal_fuck').hide()>>
<<image 'game/misc/creampie_prone.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You hold her down by her hips as you cum deep into her pussy. Soon enough when your dick gets more relaxed it slips out together with some of your cum.
<br />
As you stood there, catching your breath, you couldn't help but gaze down at the <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s juicy, wet pussy, still throbbing with pleasure.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($tmpGirl)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pregnancy = 0>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<link 'Yes'>>
<<goto 'NPC talk'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<<set $player.car??={
has: true,
health: 0,
fuel: 0
<<set _mechanicList = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'garage')>>
<<unset $tmpGirl>>
<<if _mechanicList.length && timeBetween('10:00', '18:00')>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_mechanicList[0]]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'car'>>
<br />
<td><<= 100 - $player.car.health>>%</td>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('car_part') && $player.car.health < 100>>
<<link 'Fix'>>
<<set $player.car.health = Math.min($player.car.health + 20, 100)>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('car_part', 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('fuel') && $player.car.fuel < 100>>
<<link 'Fill up'>>
<<set $player.car.fuel = Math.min($player.car.fuel + 20, 100)>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('fuel', 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br />
<<if !$player.car.explore && !$characters.vincent.quests.car_fixed && $player.car.fuel === 100 && $player.car.health === 100>>
<<goto 'Vincent quest - Car finished. First explore'>>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<set _props = {
fuel: 20,
disabled: $player.car.fuel < 20
<<if $player.car.explore>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '20:00') || $player.car.fuel < 20 || $player.car.health < 20 ? 60 : 4)>>
<<grid garage explore 'Car - Explore' Explore 30 _isDisabled null _props>>
<<if ($game.location.car_stadium ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') || $player.car.fuel < 20 || $player.car.health < 20 ? 60 : 4)>>
<<grid garage race_stadium 'Car - Race stadium' 'Race stadium' 30 _isDisabled null _props>>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl && !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'fix'>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is working on your car.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Approach ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Garage'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _mechanicList[0]>>
<<run delete $slaveId, $charId, $childId>>
<<if recall($suppCode) && !($locationEvents.garage ?? false)>>
<<goto 'Garage - help mechanic'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<if !$player.quests.garage_first>>
<<set $player.quests.garage_first = true>>
<<set $locationEvents.garage = true>>
<<goto 'Car - first event'>>
<<elseif $player?.quests?.race_first && !$player?.quests?.car_modified && $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Car - after first race'>>
<<set $locationEvents.garage = true>>
<<if !($locationEvents.garage ?? false)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(5) >>
<<set $locationEvents.garage = true>>
<<goto 'Car - repair fuck'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">RACE STADIUM</h1>
<br />
As you walk in, boots crunching on broken glass, a group of men approaches you. Greasy, scarred, and grinning like scavengers, they look you over before one speaks.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/race_stadium/first_race1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Got an open spot in the race.
<br />
He's tapping a wrench against his palm.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Winner takes a car. You in?
<br />
You glance at the track—a cracked, uneven loop surrounded by barbed wire and rusted wrecks.
Their vehicles are monstrous, welded steel plating, spiked wheels, nitrous tanks.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/race_stadium/first_race2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
Yours? A barely-modified sedan from a lost era, patched together with salvaged parts and hope.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Sure'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<set $player.quests.race_first = true>>
<br />
Because in this world, you don’t say no unless you want trouble.
<br /><br />
The race starts with an ear-shattering blast of a sawed-off shotgun.
Your car is no match. The others take off like hellhounds unleashed, tearing through the course with reckless abandon.
You are already falling behind when the first hit comes—one of the racers, a hulking truck with metal tusks, clips your back bumper, sending you skidding into a pile of rubble.
Your engine groans as you force the car back onto the track.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/race_stadium/first_race3.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
Then come the spikes. A hidden strip of metal teeth, likely placed by the organizers for extra entertainment, tears into your tires.
Your front left blows out instantly, forcing you to swerve wildly, barely avoiding a wrecked bus. The crowd howls in approval.
<br /><br />
Smoke billows from your hood as you push the car forward, metal grinding against metal.
Another racer, a dune buggy rigged with flamethrowers, torches the air near you. You swerve too hard,
sending your car into a half-spin before slamming into a rusted barricade. The windshield cracks, your steering barely responding.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/race_stadium/first_race4.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
By the final stretch, your car is nothing but a coughing, limping wreck, dragging itself forward as the others cross the finish line far ahead. You are dead last.
<br /><br />
You sit there, gripping the wheel, waiting for them to strip your car for parts. Instead, the same man from before leans against your window and smirks.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/race_stadium/first_race5.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Damn. We don't need your junk. Keep it.
<br />
They walk off laughing, leaving you in your half-dead vehicle, staring at the track ahead.
You might have lost today, but you are still breathing, and in this world, that counts for something.
<br /><br />
With car barely moving you somehow manage to get back to your camp.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 6>>
<<set $player.car.health = 0>>
<<set $player.car.fuel = 0>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<link 'No'>>
<<goto 'Car - Race stadium'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">SHOP</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _shopItems = clone(setup.items.shop.race_stadium)>>
<<shop 'race_stadium' _shopItems 'Race stadium shop'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Car - Race stadium'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">RACE STADIUM</h1>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '20:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid race_stadium shop 'Race stadium shop' 'Shop' 0 _isDisabled>>
<br /><br />
<<if !$player?.quests?.race_first && $game.day > 160 && setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<<goto 'Race stadium - first race'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
The day is overcast, the sky painted in muted greys that match the barren, desolate landscape.
You’ve been wandering the outskirts of your usual scouting range, your feet crunching over gravel and dried weeds as you explore new territory.
You crest a small hill, and a vast open expanse comes into view—a quarry.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/quarry.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
The pit is massive, its walls steep and lined with jagged layers of stone.
Rusted machinery lies scattered across the area: old conveyors and abandoned trucks. The air is still, thick with the faint tang of minerals and the hint of coal dust.
A few mine shafts are visible along the walls of the quarry, their dark entrances beckoning with the promise of resources—and danger.
<br /><br />
Inside the quarry, you find large chunks of limestone and ores, ideal for construction.
Near the edge of a rusted conveyor belt, you uncover a small pile of unrefined coal—evidence that this place was once an active mining operation.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/quarry2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
You find veins of coal embedded in the walls, ready to be extracted. There’s also evidence of iron ore—though deeper extraction may require more equipment.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $game.location.quarry = true>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
Breathing hard, you glanced at the woman, still on the ground, eyes wide with shock. You extended a hand to her.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/neck_bite_won.jpg'>>
<br />
Are you alright?
<br />
She nodded, hugging herself as if trying to hold together the pieces of her composure.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I don’t know what to say... I didn’t think anyone would come.
<br />
<<if (($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit)>>
<div id="option_invite">
<<linkreplace 'Offer your place to live in'>>
<<set _invited = true>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
Scared she looks at the men laying on the ground...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thanks, but I will pass.
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<run $('#option_slave').hide()>>
You're a life savior. I recently started to look for a new place<br /> I'll go live with you!
<br /><br />
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> moved in as guest</strong>
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
Sorry but no. You look like a nice guy but I've got my family and I won't leave them.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_slave">
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit)>>
<<set _pronounceWho = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _pronounceWhat = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _captureLink = 'Capture ' + _pronounceWho>>
<<linkreplace _captureLink>>
<<set _captured = true>>
<<if !_invited>>
<<run $('#option_invite').hide()>>
You grab <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> from the back. <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> tries to resist but she's very weak.
<br /><br />
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
Then, faint at first, you heard voices—an argument.
Instinctively, you crouched low, creeping toward the sound.
The voices grew clearer, one harsh and angry, the other pleading, desperate.
You pushed aside the foliage to peer through the trees and saw them: a man and a woman.
Her hands were bound, tied tightly behind her back.
The man had a knife, glinting in the dim light as he waved it at her, barking words you couldn’t make out.
She struggled to keep pace, her face streaked with dirt and fear.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/neck_bite1.webp'>>
<br />
Suddenly, the man shoved her to the ground, her cry piercing the stillness of the forest. He stood over her, his expression twisted with cruel intent.
They argued again, her voice shaking, his growing more violent until, with an ugly sneer, he dropped to his knees, yanking her toward him as he prepared to take what he wanted by force.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_watching">
<<linkreplace 'Keep watching'>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<horny 10>>
He pulled her pants down, revealing her pussy. In the same moment he pulled down his pants just enough that his dick gets out and without any warning thrusted it deep into her.
<br /><br >
<<image 'places/explore/pussy_close.webp'>>
<br />
He was so fucused that he stabs the knife into the ground as he tries to take off her dress fully.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/neck_bite2.webp'>>
<br />
Seconds later woman has already his knife in her hand and without hesitation she stab him in the neck. You can see horror in his eyes as only thing he can do is bleed out with his dick still inside her.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/neck_bite3.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She lay there for a moment, breathless and trembling beneath his limp body, blood seeping into the ground around them.
Then, with a fierce shove, she pushed him off, his body slumping lifeless beside her.
Her breathing was ragged, eyes wild, but there was no hesitation as she scrambled to her feet.
<br /><br />
Without a glance back, she bolted into the forest, disappearing into the trees as quickly as the brutal act had unfolded, leaving only the dead man and the silence behind.
You stood there, watching her vanish into the wild, unsure whether to follow or let her go.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace 'Help her'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<run $('#option_watching').hide()>>
Without thinking, you stepped out from the cover of the trees, your hand reaching for your weapon. The sound of your movement snapped the man’s attention to you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Get lost! Or you will be next!
<br />
<<link 'Fight him'>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<set $enemies = [$tmpGuy]>>
<<fight $enemies 'Explore event: Bite in neck won' 'Outside'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<<set _randomCompanion = setup.getRandomElement(Object.keys($player.companions))>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_randomCompanion)>>
<br />
You and your companions tread carefully through the dense, overgrown forest.
The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and the sounds of distant, unseen creatures.
Sunlight filters through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.
Your group moves cautiously, every step measured to avoid making too much noise.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, the ground beneath <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> gives way with a sickening crunch.
<<=setup.pronounceWhat(_npc, true)>> cries out in surprise as <<=setup.pronounceWhat(_npc)>> disappears into the earth.
<br /><br />
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/explore/snake_pit_' + (_npc.gender === 1 ? 'male' : 'female') +'.jpg']]
<br />
You rush forward, heart pounding, and peer over the edge of a freshly dug pit.
It's deep enough that the fall alone must have hurt, but worse still, the pit is filled with snakes, their scales glinting ominously in the half-light.
<br /><br />
<strong>Snakes look poisonous</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _linkHelp = 'Help ' + setup.pronounceWho(_npc)>>
<<set _linkLeave = 'Leave ' + setup.pronounceWho(_npc)>>
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace _linkHelp>>
<<run $('#option_leave, #option_help_desc').hide();>>
You decide to help your companion, knowing the risks but unwilling to leave <<=setup.pronounceWho(_npc)>>.
Quickly, you grab a sturdy branch from the forest floor and lower it into the pit, instructing your companion to hold on tight.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<perkAdd 'bleeding'>>
<<perkAdd 'temp_impotence'>>
As you lean over the edge, focusing on your companion’s grip, you feel a sharp pain in your arm. One of the snakes has bitten you, its fangs sinking deep into your flesh.
You grit your teeth, fighting through the pain, and concentrate on pulling your companion out of the pit
<br /><br />
In the end you manage to pull your companion out and you decide to go back to your camp.
<<set _npc.sick = {
days: 10,
desc: 'Snake bite',
id: 'snake_bite'
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<linkdesc 'option_help_desc'>>
Chance to get bitten and get infection
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace _linkLeave>>
<<run $('#option_help, #option_help_desc').hide()>>
You stand at the edge of the pit, watching your companion struggle amidst the writhing snakes. The desperation in his eyes tugs at your heart, but the cold logic of survival prevails.
The wasteland is harsh and unforgiving, and you cannot risk your own life and the lives of your remaining companions for a single person, no matter how much it pains you.
<br /><br />
As you leave, the sound of your fallen comrade’s cries fades into the distance.
<br /><br />
<<set _companionType = _randomCompanion.split(':')>>
<<if _companionType[0] === 'slave'>>
<<slaveRemove _companionType[1]>>
<<guestRemove _companionType[1]>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
<<set _companionsWithoutMaskKeys = []>>
<<set _companionsWithoutMaskNames = []>>
As you venture deeper into the forest, the ancient trees loom overhead, their gnarled branches reaching for the sky.
The air is thick with the scent of moss and earth.
<br /><br />
<br />
Suddenly, you spot a cave entrance partially obscured by a strange mist that billows out, its ethereal tendrils dancing in the air.
Curiosity piqued, you approach cautiously. The mist seems to beckon, promising secrets and untold mysteries.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go in'>>
With a deep breath, you decide to step inside.
<br />
The cave is dark and damp, its walls glistening with moisture. The air is cooler here, sending shivers down your spine. The mist swirls around your feet, its touch both chilling and invigorating.
<br /><br />
<<if Object.keys($player.companions ?? {}).length>>
<<set _hadCompanions = true>>
Your companions... They follow hesitantly, their apprehension palpable. As they step into the cave, the mist takes on an eerie luminescence, casting strange shadows on the rocky walls.
<br /><br />
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_companionKey)>>
<<if !setup.npcInventoryHas(_npc, 'gas_mask')>>
<<run _companionsWithoutMaskKeys.push(_companionKey)>>
<<run _companionsWithoutMaskNames.push(setup.displayName(_npc))>>
<<if _companionsWithoutMaskNames.length>>
Suddenly <<=_companionsWithoutMaskNames.join(', ')>> begin to gasp and choke, their faces contorted in agony. They collapse to the ground, unable to withstand the strange effects of the mist. Panic surges through you as you watch helplessly.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('gas_mask')>>
<<set _randomUniqueItem = either('gas_mask', 'car_part')>>
The cave's interior is illuminated by the soft glow of luminescent moss, revealing a path that winds deeper into the heart of the earth.
The air feels damp, but your mask ensures each breath is clear and crisp.
<br /><br />
Deeper still, you discover a chamber that seems untouched by time. Crates and barrels lay scattered about, covered in layers of dust and cobwebs. Among the relics of a forgotten era, you find some stuff.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<for _caveItemI, _caveItem range ['rope', 'glass','plastic']>>
<<set _randomItemCount = randomInteger(1, 10)>>
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem"><<=_randomItemCount>> <<=Item.get(_caveItem).name>></strong></strong>
<<pickup $backpack _caveItem _randomItemCount>>
<br />
<br />
Then, in the corner, you spot it...
<br /><br />
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/explore/event_toxic_cave_' + _randomUniqueItem + '.jpg']]
<br />
<<pickup $backpack _randomUniqueItem 1>>
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem"><<=Item.get(_randomUniqueItem).name>></strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<br />
<<if (_companionsWithoutMaskNames ?? []).length>>
You also collapse on the ground and start to choke.
Suddenly you collapse on the ground and start to choke.
<br />
<br />
<<perkAdd 'beaten'>>
Summoning all your strength, you turn and sprint back towards the entrance.
<br />
The mist seems to thicken, pressing in on you from all sides. Your breath comes in ragged gasps, your heart pounding in your chest.
It feels like an eternity, but finally, you burst out into the open air.
<br /><br />
<<if _hadCompanions && !Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
None of companions who entered with you comes out. They are all dead...
<br /><br />
<<elseif _hadCompanions>>
<strong><<=_companionsWithoutMaskNames.join(', ')>> didn't came out...</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if _companionsWithoutMaskKeys.length>>
<<run _companionsWithoutMaskKeys.sort().reverse()>>
<<for _companionRemoveKey range _companionsWithoutMaskKeys>>
<<companionRemove _companionRemoveKey>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
The skirmish was brief but intense. You relied on your training, dodging and countering their attacks, making every movement count.
The forest bore witness to your struggle, leaves dancing in the shadows.
<br /><br />
In the aftermath, you surveyed the fallen rivals in a chance of finding medallions Octavia showed you.
<br />
You checked their pockets, hands steady despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem">1 medallion</strong></strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'tribe_medallion' 1>>
You found nothing else on them...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
Beneath the rustling canopy of leaves, you froze, ears attuned to the faintest of sounds. There it was again, distant voices, foreign and indistinct.
Crouching low, you blended seamlessly with the underbrush, your heart pounding a rhythm of caution.
<br /><br />
Peering through the foliage, you spotted them - members of a rival tribe, unmistakable by their worn emblems and rugged attire.
They moved with a fluidity that spoke of practiced coordination, their eyes scanning the forest like seasoned hunters.
<br /><br />
<br />
You held your breath, assessing the situation.
<br />
You needed to observe, to understand their intent. The forest was your sanctuary, every rustling leaf and hidden trail your allies.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<set _inventoryKnife = {
'knife': 1
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set $tmpGirl.inventory = _inventoryKnife>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = _inventoryKnife>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = _inventoryKnife>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Explore event: Tribe won' 'Outside'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
As you navigate through the post-apocalyptic world, the dense forest looms before you like a silent guardian of forgotten secrets.
Amongst the twisted trees and overgrown foliage, you stumble upon an old house, its walls choked with moss and its windows barely visible under the weight of neglect.
<br /><br />
<br />
Before you can contemplate your next move, you notice a young woman sitting outside naked in a wooden bucket, as an old man and an old woman washes her.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/family_food.jpg'>>
<br />
Old man notices you and rushes towards you.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.hair = 'blonde'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Hey you! You have food? Give us food!
<br />
<<if $backpack.count('food') > 15>>
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace 'Give them food'>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 15>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<run $('#option_leave, #help_desc').hide()>>
You decide to hand over some food, pulling out a small portion from your pack. The old man snatches it quickly, tearing into it with hungry desperation, while the old woman mumbles a quiet prayer of thanks. They seem less hostile now, but the weariness in their eyes remains.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
We need to get her inside. She can't stay out here. She's too weak to walk. Bring her in!
<br />
You glance at the dilapidated house. It doesn't look particularly safe, but leaving the girl outside in the elements seems worse.
The old man with food you just gave rushes inside without even looking at his daughter so you decide to help her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/family_food1'>>
<br /><br />
An old table stands in the center, and on it, the old man has already thrown what remains of the food you gave them.
He's wolfing it down like a starved dog, not even acknowledging you or his daughter. Meanwhile, the old woman has turned to the fireplace, stirring something in an ancient, cracked pot.
The smell of boiled roots fills the air as she mutters to herself, preparing what seems to be a meal.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/family_food3'>>
<br /><br />
You carry the young woman to the only bed in the room.
Without thinking, you crouch beside her, and before you can even react, she pulls herself closer, her body trembling as she crawls into your lap.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/ass_closeup.webp'>>
<br />
The old man and woman remain utterly indifferent to the scene, the old man still devouring the food, while the old woman now begins setting up a makeshift feast on the table.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_finger">
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Finger her pussy'>>
<<set _finger = true>>
<<video 'explore/family_food4'>>
<br /><br />
You lean over her and slowly slide fingers inside her dry pussy as she releases a faint, breathy sigh. Her eyes instantly rolls back as she presses herself onto your fingers.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/family_food5'>>
<br /><br />
With your fingers moving deeper and deeper inside her pussy, you fill that something is happening in front of your pants.
Without hesitation she's already unzipped your pants slowly pulls out your dick. As she lets out few moans, she grabs your dick and looks at it for a moment before starting to stroke it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/family_food6'>>
<br /><br />
She doesn't waste any moment and with a small push from you, she wraps her lips around your hard dick. Meanwhile her parents who are so focused on the food keeps ignoring you too.
For a brief moment you think old man looked at you but didn't said anything. She continued to suck your dick.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'explore/family_food7'>>
<br /><br />
Without a word, you grabbed her shoulder and a big of force turned her around on her back. She laid there while looking at your dick without making the slightest sound.
You spread her legs wide open and with a gentle thrust entered her. She instantly let out moan so loud that everyone should hear that. Nothing...
<br />
Parents probably decided to ignore what you're doing just to eat food you just gave them...
<br />
You slowly started to thrust deeper and deeper into her pussy. She was fully in your control as she didn't resist, didn't said a word. With each thrust she lets out a moan.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/family_food8'>>
<br /><br />
You grabbed her legs and put them up as you increased the speed. She moved her head closer to you to somehow try and silence her moans but without success as old room was filled with that.
Then she leaned closer to your ear and gently bite in that, in that way approving your movements.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/family_food9'>>
<br /><br />
You decided to pick up the pace. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around your neck. With each thrust you felt her legs start to shake more and more...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'game/misc/cum_in_pussy2.webp'>>
<br /><br />
Without warning you thrust your dick deep into Isabel's pussy and release your cum.
Her legs shakes for a moment as you slowly pull out and let some of your cum drip on the bed.
<br /><br />
You quietly step back, your eyes lingering for a moment on the young woman as she shifts slightly in the bed.
She looks so fragile, so broken, but the longer you remain, the more you feel a growing sense of wrongness about this place.
You take one last look at the old man and woman—they continue to ignore you completely, engrossed in their silent feast.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Finger her pussy
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
<<if !_finger>>
<<run $('#option_finger').hide()>>
You slowly rise, carefully slipping out from under the young woman as she releases a faint, breathy sigh.
She rolls over slightly, her body limp as she sinks deeper into the tattered bed. Her grip on your arm loosens as you move away, and for a brief moment, her eyes flicker open, but they are unfocused and distant, as though she's caught in some dream she cannot escape.
<br /><br />
The old couple continues their strange ritual, entirely engrossed in their feast.
The old man stuffs his face, crumbs falling into his long, wiry beard, while the old woman busies herself with rearranging what little remains on the table.
They don’t glance at you once. Their daughter, the very person they were so desperate to get inside, is all but forgotten.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<linkdesc 'help_desc'>>
-15 food
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
You shake your head, your instincts telling you that something is off.
<br /><br />
I'm sorry, but I can’t spare anything,
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You’ll regret this!
<br />
The old woman’s face contorts as she begins whispering dark words under her breath, her eyes narrowing as she stares at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You'll rot out there, just like the rest of them!
<br />
The dense forest seems to close in, their ominous words clinging to your thoughts as you vanish back into the wilderness, uncertain of the price you may pay for leaving them behind.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
As you navigate through the post-apocalyptic world, the dense forest looms before you like a silent guardian of forgotten secrets.
Amongst the twisted trees and overgrown foliage, you stumble upon an old house, its walls choked with moss and its windows barely visible under the weight of neglect.
<br /><br />
<br />
Before you can contemplate your next move, a gruff voice pierces the air, and an old, fat man emerges from the shadows, his eyes filled with desperation.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.hair = 'blonde'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Hey you! I need your help, and I need it now!
<br />
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace 'Help him'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
Moved by compassion or perhaps curiosity, you agree to aid the old man. With a grateful nod, he ushers you into the decrepit house, its interior shrouded in shadows and mystery.
<br /><br />
As you step across the threshold, a wave of unease washes over you. The air is thick with a palpable sense of dread, and the once welcoming facade of the old man begins to unravel, revealing a darker truth lurking beneath the surface.
<br /><br />
Inside the house, you discover the old man is not alone. He introduces you to his family – a twisted, macabre assembly of individuals whose intentions are as murky as the shadows that dance across the walls. Their requests for help grow increasingly sinister, drawing you deeper into a web of deception and malevolence.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Do you have any food? We need some.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Ask him for some wood too.
<br />
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= 10>>
<<linkreplace 'Give 10 food'>>
<<set _giveFood = true>>
<<if _giveFood && _giveWood>>
<<run $('#option_peek').show()>>
As you extend the plate of food towards the old woman, she reacts with an unexpected sense of urgency, almost snatching it from your hand with a forceful grip.
Without uttering a word of thanks, she abruptly turns and rushes towards the kitchen, her movements swift and determined.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('wood') >= 20>>
<<linkreplace 'Give 20 wood'>>
<<set _giveWood = true>>
<<if _giveFood && _giveWood>>
<<run $('#option_peek').show()>>
As the old man accepts the firewood from you with gratitude, he nods in appreciation and swiftly makes his way outside, leaving you alone in the dimly lit kitchen.
The door creaks shut behind him, leaving you enveloped in a silence that feels almost suffocating.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_peek" style="display:none">
As you stand alone in the dimly lit guest room, the silence is suddenly shattered by the sound of scrambling from somewhere nearby.
Your heart skips a beat as you strain to identify the source of the noise, your senses on high alert.
Then, amidst the chaos of the scrambling, you catch a fleeting glimpse of another voice, a younger woman's voice, echoing through the stillness of the house for just a second before it's abruptly silenced.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take a peek'>>
<<video 'explore/wicked_family1'>>
<br /><br />
The old woman stands at the stove, her back hunched as she stirs a bubbling pot with deliberate movements. The flickering light casts eerie shadows across the kitchen, adding to the sense of unease that hangs in the air.
<br /><br />
Then, your eyes catch something unexpected—a young woman crouched beneath the table, her form hidden in the shadows. She watches the old woman with wide eyes, a mixture of fear and uncertainty etched upon her face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/wicked_family2'>>
<br /><br />
The young woman lets out a muffled cry of surprise and fear as she's forcefully pulled out from her hiding place beneath the table. Her eyes widen in terror as she's dragged into the dim light of the kitchen, her struggles futile against the old woman's iron grip.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You need to earn this food. I don't stand in the kitchen all day for nothing.
<br />
Old woman pulls up her old, dirty dress and pulls young woman head between her legs. Young woman starts to lick old woman pussy with muffled cry.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Keep watching'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'explore/wicked_family3'>>
<br /><br />
Your heart pounds in your chest as the old woman's sudden movement catches you off guard.
Before you can react, her bony fingers latch onto your clothes, pulling you forcefully into the kitchen with surprising strength.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
This is the man who gave us food. You need to thank him also!
<br />
She hasn't finished her sentence as old woman slides her hand inside your pants and pulls out your dick. Young woman is still on her knees as old woman pushes your dick in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/wicked_family4'>>
<br /><br />
The old woman's grip on the young woman loosens, and she pulls her away from you with a sudden, jerking motion.
The young woman stumbles backward, casting a fearful glance at the old woman before her eyes flicker towards you, filled with uncertainty and apprehension.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
That's enough! You should leave!
<br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Ask to fuck her'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I guess you deserve it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/wicked_family5'>>
<br /><br />
With a sudden, decisive movement, the old woman pulls the young woman onto the kitchen table, her actions swift and forceful.
She spreads young woman legs and moves away her dirty dress from the way as you put your dick against young woman pussy and slide it in.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/wicked_family6'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Yes, yes.. Earn that food! Fuck her.
<br />
The young woman looks directly into your eyes without any emotions on her face as you fuck her tight pussy.
<br />
Occasionally, she glances at the old woman, and everything seems to satisfy her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br />
As young woman lets out moan as you cum deep inside her you pull out and old woman pulls her down from the table.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Now leave.
<br /><br />
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Ask to fuck her
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
You turn away from the old man and his dilapidated abode, wary of entangling yourself in the affairs of a stranger in such uncertain times.
You continue on your journey through the forest, leaving behind the echoes of his desperate cries.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br />
As you catch your breath, your gaze falls upon a curious sight amidst the debris—a tattered blueprint, its edges worn with age.
<br /><br />
<br />
Unfurling the weathered parchment, you study its contents with growing fascination. It depicts the layout of a library, its intricate design a testament to the pursuit of knowledge in a world consumed by chaos. Elation washes over you as you realize the significance of your discovery—a beacon of hope amidst the ruins of civilization.
<br /><br />
Clutching the blueprint tightly, you resolve to embark on a quest to bring this vision to life. For in the heart of the city, amidst the crumbling remnants of a lost world, lies the key to preserving the legacy of humanity. And with each step forward, you defy the shadows of the past, forging a path towards a brighter tomorrow.
<br /><br />
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem">library blueprint</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.quests.library_blueprint = true>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_library' 1>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br />
As you traverse the outskirts of the city, the skyline dominated by skeletal structures and crumbling buildings, a lone house nestled on the periphery catches your eye.
Its presence amidst the urban decay is a stark contrast, a beacon of intrigue amid the desolation.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach it'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
Approaching cautiously, you navigate through the debris-strewn streets, your senses attuned to the slightest hint of danger.
The house stands as a silent sentinel, its weathered façade bearing witness to the ravages of time.
With each step closer, the weight of history presses down upon you, a palpable reminder of the world that once thrived within these walls.
<br /><br />
Entering the abandoned dwelling, a sense of unease settles over you like a shroud. The interior is cloaked in darkness, broken only by shafts of light filtering through cracks in the decaying roof.
The air is thick with the scent of mildew and decay, a testament to years of neglect.
<br /><br />
<br />
Suddenly, a shuffling sound echoes from the shadows, and you tense, instinctively reaching for your weapon. From the darkness emerge two scavengers, their ragged appearance a testament to their struggle for survival. With a mixture of fear and desperation in their eyes, they brandish makeshift weapons, ready to defend their territory.
<br /><br />
Heart pounding, you brace yourself for the confrontation, adrenaline coursing through your veins. With practiced precision, you engage in a deadly dance, each movement calculated to evade the scavengers' vicious onslaught. The battle is fierce and unforgiving, the air thick with the clang of metal and the scent of blood.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<fight $enemies 'Explore event - library blueprint won' 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
Amidst the chaos of overturned furniture and shattered remnants of the building's former inhabitants, your eyes caught sight of a glint of metal tucked away in a corner.
Curiosity piqued, you cautiously approached and reached out to investigate.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 1>>
<strong>You found <strong class="iitem">1 fuel can</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Check other rooms'>>
Suddenly, a movement caught your attention—a fleeting shadow darting across the wall of one of the adjacent rooms. Instinctively, you froze, muscles tense as you prepared for a potential confrontation. With a cautious step forward, you peered into the room, heart pounding in your chest.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/mysterious_scream1'>>
<br /><br />
To your surprise, you discovered a woman huddled in the corner, her eyes wide with fear as she cowered away from your gaze. She was dressed in tattered clothing, her face smudged with dirt and exhaustion evident in every line of her weary frame.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please don't give me up! They will kill me!
<br />
<div id="option_slave">
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit)>>
<<link 'Capture her'>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<linkreplace 'Unzip her jacket'>>
<<run $('#option_slave').hide()>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What are you doing? Will this keep you quiet?
<br />
<<video 'explore/mysterious_scream2'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly grab her jacket's zipper and slide it down, opening her bare chest. As you continue your movements her tit falls out and you squeeze it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I can suck your dick, if you promise not to give away my position to those men.
<br />
<<video 'explore/mysterious_scream3'>>
<br /><br />
She quietly drops on her knees, and while holding your balls in one hand she slowly slides her mouth into your dick and starts to suck it. It continues for few minutes before she gets up.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
That should be enough. Now let me leave.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Force her to turn around'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-= 5>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What? No! That wasn't the deal.
<br />
You grab her hand firmly before turning her around. She wants to scream but she knows she might attract the attention so she decides to keep quiet.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/mysterious_scream4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
We had a deal... Oh...
<br />
As you slide your dick inside her dry pussy she slowly gets relaxed and you feel her pussy getting wet too. She doesn't resist anymore and look like have decided to enjoy the moment as she doesn't have other options anyway...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh too late to stop. A bit faster.
<br />
She quietly whispers to you as your hand grabs her firm ass while you thrust inside her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/mysterious_scream5'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Let me swallow it! I don't want a mess.
<br />
She quietly lets out few moans and you notice that in any moment she's ready to jump off your dick and put it in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull out'>>
<<video 'explore/mysterious_scream6'>>
<br /><br />
As you pull out while still on her knees she turns around, puts just the tip of your dick in her mouth and jerks you off till you cum inside her mouth.
Her movements are getting slower and in the end she lets out smile as small amount of your cum drips out of her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Wasn't that bad after all...
<br /><br />
<<addmins 20>>
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit)>>
<<link 'Capture her'>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Check other rooms
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
As you roamed the desolate city ruins, the echoes of your footsteps mingled with the eerie silence of a world long abandoned.
The buildings stood as decaying monuments to a civilization lost to time and catastrophe.
Amidst the rubble and overgrown vegetation, you heard piercing scream tearing through the stagnant air.
<br /><br />
Without a moment's hesitation, you bolted towards the source of the distress, your senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through your veins. The sound led you to a partially collapsed building, its five floors looming like ancient guardians over the desolation below.
<br /><br />
<br />
You noticed how three men rushed inside the house, their hurried footsteps echoing through the desolate streets. The scream that followed pierced the silence of the ruins, sending shivers down your spine. Without a second thought, you hastened towards the half-ruined building, drawn by a mix of curiosity and a sense of duty to help those in distress.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow them inside'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
The air was thick with the scent of decay and dust, and the only sound was the faint rustling of debris under your feet as you cautiously made your way forward. Every step felt like a weighted decision, each corner held the possibility of a lurking threat.
<br /><br />
As you ventured deeper into the building, your senses heightened, alert for any sign of movement or danger. But before you could react, you were suddenly ambushed by unseen assailants, their presence revealed only by the swift and brutal attack that followed.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Get him! That must be him who screamed like a girl!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<fight $enemies 'Explore event - mysterious scream won' 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture = true>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to true>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Exploring through the city you stumble upon a burnt out shopping center. While not filled with anything of day to day importance perhaps you will find something of use inside.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Explore'>>
You root around in the dim light cast from the broken atrium windows for some time before stumbling upon a an old drugstore.
<br />
While most of its contents are long looted amidst the back you find a small stash of makeup. While not useful to you, perhaps someone at your settlement could use it.
<br /><br />
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">1 cosmetics</strong></strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'cosmetics' 1>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.int >= 50>>
<<linkreplace 'Listen'>>
<br /><br />
You take a moment to observe before diving into the decrepit building. At the edge fo your hearing you only just barely make out a sniffling sound to your side in the old parking garage. Check out the noise tucked away in the corner hiding you spot a girl
<br /><br />
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Unknown girl' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Please leave me alone! I am just looking for food
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Offer her food'>>
<<set _gaveFood = true>>
<<run $('#option_food').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 5>>
<<say 'Unknown girl' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Thank you so much sir!
<br /><br />
<<linkdesc 'option_food'>>
-5 food
/* include standard rape-attempt here? */
<<if $game.location.basement && $tmpGirlCapture && $slaves.length < $basementLimit && $player.energy >= 30>>
<<link 'Try to capture her'>>
<<if _gaveFood>>
<<set $player.reputation-->>
<<if $player.strength > $tmpGirl.strength>>
<<set $tmpGirl.capture = false>>
<<set $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<energy -30>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<goto 'Girl escape'>>
<<include 'Girl invite - include'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirlCapture>>
<<run delete $tmpGirlInvite>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you move along the ruins of the buildings, in the distance you spot an elderly couple. They appear to be very weak and are barely moving forward, seemingly famished.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach them'>>
Upon seeing that you are approaching them, they come to a complete stop and huddle together. The old woman presses herself against the side of the old man.
<br /><br />
Please! Don't harm us
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Rob them'>>
<br /><br />
The old man puts his hand in his pocket and after a moment, pulls something out. With trembling hands, he reaches forward and opens his hand. In his hand, there's only a bottle cap...
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Take it'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -=5>>
<<set $player.money++>>
<br /><br />
After you have taken everything they had and walked a few steps away, the old woman starts crying, and both of them fall to their knees, holding each other's hands..
"<strong>That was everything we got...</strong>"
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Offer them food'>>
<<run $('#option1, #option2_desc').hide()>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 5>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<br /><br />
The woman dissolves into tears and can't stop thanking you. They both hold the food to their chests as tightly as possible, until they fall to their knees and touch foreheads, leaning on each other.
<br />
"<strong>Thank you! Thank you!</strong>"
<<linkdesc 'option2_desc'>>
-5 food
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE OF THE CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
While you were walking a few kilometers outside the city limits, you noticed a partially abandoned farmhouse where it seemed like you saw a head looking at you from one of the windows.
<br /><br />
You decided to cautiously enter and expected someone to attack you from a corner. As you walked into the next room, you started thinking that perhaps you were experiencing hallucinations, until you reached one of the end rooms...
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
In the corner of the room, near the window, there lies an old man... He appears to be barely breathing, and his skin looks like he has been exposed to a significant amount of radiation. He exhales quietly, beckoning you to come closer.
<br /><br />
You sat down next to him, and he spoke quietly but clearly, explaining that his grandson went out over a week ago to find something to eat. He understood what had likely happened after a few days. His grandson was most likely dead... And he saw no reason to live anymore, neither before nor now... But his grandson insisted and was too weak to end his life... That's why he's asking for your help.
<br /><br />
<div id="option4">
<<if Object.keys($player.companions ?? {}).length>>
<<linkreplace 'Ask your companions for advice'>>
<<set _doctors = setup.companions.getDoctors()>>
<<if _doctors.length>>
<<set _doctor = either(_doctors)>>
<<set _doctorName = _doctor.name>>
<<set _what = setup.pronounceWhat(_doctor, true)>> /* He/She */
<<if $backpack.has('food') && $backpack.has('glowing_mushroom')>>
<<=_doctorName>> suggests easing his pains for a easier transition by making a concoction of food and glowing mushrooms.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Make the concoction'>>
<<run $('#option1, #option2, #option3, #option4_cost').hide()>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1 'glowing_mushroom' 1>>
<<=_what>> locates what goes as the kitchen, boils water and mixes the components into a soup. Now the hard part! Will the old man accept the pain killer?
Using <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_doctor)>> best bed-side manner the old man accepts a little soup. It seems to work. He seems to breath more easily and free of pain.
A whispered thank you and the old man drifts off to sleep with a peaceful face. With a last breath the sleep becomes permanent. A death without pain is the best you can hope for in this world.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<div id="option4_cost">
<<linkdesc>>(-1 food, -1 glowing mushroom)<</linkdesc>>
"If we had food and glowing mushrooms we could make something to ease the pain. We have not!", says <<=_doctorName>>.
No suggestions are forthcoming!
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Kill him with pillow'>>
<<statsAdd 'people_killed'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -=5>>
<<run $('#option2, #option3, #option4').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You took the pillow that was standing on the chair next to the bed, raised your legs, and placed it on the old man's head. He didn't resist, but after a moment, reflexes kicked in, and he weakly struck your hands a few times. After a while, he had passed away.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<<if $backpack.has('revolver') && $backpack.has('bullet_revolver')>>
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Shoot him'>>
<<drop $backpack 'bullet_revolver' 1>>
<<statsAdd 'people_killed'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -=5>>
<<run $('#option1, #option2, #option4').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You take out your revolver from the pocket and with trembling hands aim at the old man. You fire... Silence... The entire pillow suddenly gets stained in red.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Say no and leave'>>
<<run $('#option1, #option3, #option4').hide()>>
He barely manages to sit up from the bed and starts shouting at you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_end" style="display:none;">
<<linkreplace 'Search the house'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<strong class="iitem">You found 4 .38 bullets</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'bullet_revolver' 4>>
You found nothing...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
As you navigate through the desolate wasteland, you spot a weary group of survivors trudging forward. Among them, you notice an elderly man struggling to keep up, leaning heavily on a makeshift cane. Their face reflects both exhaustion and determination.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Approaching the group, you inquire about the elderly refugee's condition and the reasons behind their struggle to keep pace. The group reluctantly admits that they are considering leaving the elderly man behind, as their slow pace threatens the group's chances of survival.
<br /><br />
<<if $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit && ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<<linkreplace 'Offer him to come live with you'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<set $tmpGuy.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(55)>>
<<run $guests.push($tmpGuy)>>
Overwhelmed with gratitude, the elderly refugee's eyes well up with tears. They offer a frail yet appreciative smile, reaching out to you for support.
<br /><br />
Thank you, kind soul. Your compassion gives me hope in these dark times. I will do my best to keep up and not burden you. Please, lead the way, and I will follow with all the strength I have left
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You decide to turn off the main road of the city and pay a visit to a place where there used to be a beautiful park with a forest in the middle. As you travel you run into something unexpected. Two self-made huts stand before you, with bonfires ajacent. But you also overhear some sounds coming from behind them.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Explore them'>>
<<video 'explore/event_enslaved_village1'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly walk along the edge of one of the huts until you notice a woman tied to a hook behind the planks.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue to explore'>>
<<video 'explore/event_enslaved_village2'>>
<br /><br />
Not too certain as to what's going on here or if someone's near who'd take issue with your presence, you decide to leave the woman hanging for the time being and approach the other hut. As soon as you walk around the corner, the sight is truly horrifying. You find another woman, is tied up with her legs spread apart. Only her lower body is visible, protruding through a hole in the wall.
It's too dehumanising, even for what you've seen so far.
<br /><br />
Hello? Is someone there? Please help us, please! They'll soon will be back!
<br /><br />
We? So the hanging girl is alive then. You honestly wasn't too certain, and was going to check later.
<<linkreplace 'Help them'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<video 'explore/event_enslaved_village4'>>
<br /><br />
Thank you so much mister! How can we repay to you?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to suck you off'>>
<<video 'explore/event_enslaved_village3'>>
<br /><br />
Without hesitation, she throws herself on her knees. It seems that whatever they've experienced in this place was so harrowing that demanding a blowjob from her doesn't even cross this woman's mind as being too far.
<br /><br />
<<if ($slaves.length + 2) <= $basementLimit && ($game.location.basement ?? false)>>
<<link 'Capture both of them as slaves'>>
$tmpGirl.relationship = 12,
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(21),
$tmpGirl.beauty = randomInteger(50,70)
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
$tmpGirl.relationship = 10,
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(21),
$tmpGirl.beauty = randomInteger(50,70)
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<if ($guests.length + 2) <= $guesthouseLimit && ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<<link 'Invite them both as guests'>>
$tmpGirl.relationship = 60,
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(21),
$tmpGirl.beauty = randomInteger(50,70)
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
$tmpGirl.relationship = 55,
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(21),
$tmpGirl.beauty = randomInteger(50,70)
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<br />
Upon seeing the child, the woman bursts into tears of relief and runs to embrace the child. The man follows, his eyes moist with gratitude.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.virgin = false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(20, 30))>>
<<set $tmpGuy.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(20, 30))>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you so much!
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
We thought we had lost our child forever. Please, take this as a token of our gratitude.
<br />
He hands you a small, intricately carved wedding ring.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_accept">
<<linkreplace 'Accept the ring'>>
<<run $('#option_demand, #option_house').hide()>>
As you put ring into your pocket the family departs, and you feel a sense of accomplishment.
<br /><br />
<strong>You got 1 <strong class="iitem">wedding ring</strong></strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'wedding_ring' 1>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_demand">
<<linkreplace 'Demand sexual favor'>>
<<run $('#option_accept, #option_house').hide()>>
I've done my part. Now, I expect something in return. From you.
<br />
You finish your sentence, looking directly at the mother.
<br />
The parents' expressions shift from gratitude to horror.
The mother looks at you with disgust and fear. The father steps in front of her protectively, his face hardening with resolve.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You can take our things, but you won't take our dignity.
<br />
Children steps back few steps and is ready to run away.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = [
<<fight $enemies 'Outside' 'Outside'>>
<<if ($guests.length + 2) < $guesthouseLimit>>
<div id="option_house">
<<linkreplace 'Invite them to live with you'>>
<<run $('#option_accept, #option_demand').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set _father = $tmpGuy>>
<<set _mother = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _children = $tmpGuy>>
<<set _children.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(8)>>
<<set _mother.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(24, 30))>>
<<set _father.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(24, 30))>>
<<set _children.virgin = true>>
<<set _children.family = {
mother: _mother.id,
father: _father.id
<<set _father.family = {
wives: [_mother.id],
kids: [
<<set _mother.family = {
husband: _father.id,
kids: [
<<run $guests.push(_mother)>>
<<run $guests.push(_father)>>
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<<run $nursery.push(_children)>>
<<run $guests.push(_children)>>
The mother, still holding her child close, looks at you with tearful eyes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you. We didn't know if we could trust anyone out here, but you've given us hope.
<br />
The father steps forward, extending his hand.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _father>>
You have no idea what this means to us. We'll do whatever we can to help. Thank you for giving us a chance.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
As you venture through the desolate forest, you suddenly hear a sound—a cry emanating from the nearby bushes. You cautiously scan your surroundings, but you see no one. However, this absence of visible presence does not necessarily guarantee that it is not an ambush.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Investigate'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
You slowly approach the bushes and gently push them aside to see what hides behind them.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You see frightened and disheveled child. He appear to be lost and hungry. His eyes widen with hope as they spot you.
<br />
<strong>Child: "Excuse me, sir/madam. Are you here to help me? I'm lost, and I can't find my parents. I'm really hungry too. Do you have any food?"</strong>
<br /><br />
You notice the child's ragged clothes and unkempt appearance, his vulnerability tugging at your heartstrings
<br /><br />
<div id="option_food">
<<if $backpack.has('food')>>
<<linkreplace 'Give him food'>>
<<set _giveFood = true>>
<<run $('#option2_desc').hide()>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<br /><br />
You take out a piece of food and hand it to him. You notice joy in his eyes, and he immediately lunges at the food as if he had never eaten before.
<br /><br />
<div id="option2_desc">
<<linkdesc>>-1 food<</linkdesc>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Help him find his parents'>>
<<if !_giveFood>>
<<run $('#option_food').hide()>>
<<addhours 4>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You spend a couple of hours walking together through the quiet forest, trying to coax any information from him about where his parents might be or at least the last place they were all together. After a while, you finally notice a couple in the distance, and he simply rushes towards them, calling out, <strong>"Mom, Dad..."</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Approach them'>>
<<goto 'Explore event: The Lost Child approach parents'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace "Do not help him find his family">>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
He starts crying but doesn't say a word to you. After a moment, he collapses back onto the ground, tears streaming down his face, and closes his eyes tightly.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Venturing through the desolation of the post-apocalyptic world, you found yourself lost amidst the twisted remains of what used to be a thriving town. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint sound of the wind rustling through the skeletal structures. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the wasteland, you stumbled upon an incongruous sight: a dimly lit bar standing isolated in the midst of nowhere.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/event_tits_bar1'>>
<br /><br />
Curiosity piqued, you cautiously approached the establishment. Its façade was weathered, the sign above the entrance barely readable, spelling out "The Tits Bar" in fading letters. Door was locked but you noticed a door bell. You pressed it...
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/event_tits_bar2'>>
<br /><br />
After a moment, the door opened. From it emerged an older-year woman, with bare breasts. Without saying anything, she unlocked the door and let you in.
<br />
The interior took you by surprise. A bar. A damn bar in the middle of nowhere. You carefully looked around to see if you were drawing any unnecessary attention, but it seemed that no one even noticed that you had entered.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Sit down'>>
<<video 'explore/event_tits_bar3'>>
<br /><br />
You sat down in the only available seat, directly facing the stage. After a moment, the song ended and the next one began. A woman emerged from the adjacent room. For a moment, you thought your eyes were playing tricks on you, but no - she had three breasts. She noticed you and after a while, she approached and without saying anything, began dancing in front of you.
<br /><br />
For 50 caps I might let you have fun with them in other room.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 50>>
<<linkreplace 'Pay her'>>
<<set $player.money -= 50>>
<<video 'explore/event_tits_bar4'>>
<br /><br />
She grabbed you by the hand and led you into the adjacent room. She didn't allow you to touch her, but she herself got down on her knees and took your belongings into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<video 'explore/event_tits_bar5'>>
<br /><br />
She didn't even consider taking off her own clothes. It seems you're just another one of her clients. It appears she's enjoying herself as well. Especially when you unexpectedly thrust your dick deeper into her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on her breasts'>>
<<video 'explore/event_tits_bar6'>>
<br /><br />
She knelt on the floor in front of you and with an intriguing gaze, observed as you glanced at her three breasts. It didn't seem like anything new to her.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><<set $player.stats.waterfall ??= {
visits: 0,
tricked: 0,
losts: 0,
wins: 0
<<set _weekday = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"][$gameDate.getDay()]>>
/* mc joke. The old swedish name for Saturday means something like washing day */
<<if !$player.stats.waterfall.visits ||
( _weekday === 'Saturday' && setup.percentageChance(100-$player.stats.waterfall.visits))>>
<<include 'Explore event: Waterfall'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you make your way through an area of the wilderness you hear the faint sounds of
flowing water. Moving closer you come upon a waterfall.<br/>
The kind of waterfall that isn't complete without a water nymph bathing. Is there one?
<br /><br />
With a sense of déjà vu you remember another waterfall with a girl as bait to draw you in and then the ambush...<br/>
<<if $player.stats.waterfall.wins>>
... And the win.
<<elseif $player.stats.waterfall.tricked || $player.stats.waterfall.losts>>
... And the bumps on the head and being plundered.
<br /><br />
You draw closer to the waterfall. Unfortunately nobody is home.
<br /><br />
At least there seems to be fish in the little creek that runs off the pond from under the waterfall. Perhaps not a wasted exploration.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go fishing'>>
You <<=setup.companions.count() ? 'and your companions ' : ''>> decide to fish with make-shift rods.
<br /><br />
Success - of sorts! The world ended but plastic remains forever? You hook <strong class="iitem">5 plastic</strong> but no fish.
<<pickup $backpack 'plastic' 5>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
/* drunk, add to fight */
monday stew pan, leftovers
tuesday fish -- raggmunk= potato pancake, fisk=onsdag
thursday pea soup with pork
friday meat
*/<h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<<set $player.stats.waterfall.losts++>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Next thing you know the world spins violently and the ground rushes up to meet your face.
Consciousness returns slowly. It brings with it a splitting headache and a litany of pain as your
naked body is covered in scrapes and bruises. The beautiful woman and her hidden compatriots
are long gone and have taken what they wanted from your pack. Thankfully they didn't bother
stealing your clothes
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('knife')>>
<<drop $backpack 'knife' 1>>
You lost <strong class="iitem">1 knife</strong><br />
<<set _lostFood = Math.min($backpack.count('food'), 100)>>
<<if _lostFood>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _lostFood>>
You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_lostFood>> food</strong><br />
<<set _lostPlastic = Math.min($backpack.count('plastic'), 100)>>
<<if _lostPlastic>>
<<drop $backpack 'plastic' _lostPlastic>>
You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_lostPlastic>> plastic</strong><br />
<<set _lostMoney = Math.min($player.money, 200)>>
<<if _lostMoney>>
You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_lostMoney>> caps</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<<set $player.stats.waterfall.wins++>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
In front of the girls' eyes, the guys have fallen to the ground, and shock appears. She jumps back into the water and tries to swim in the opposite direction, but you manage to jump after her and grab her by the hair.
<br /><br />
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(19),
$tmpGirl.beauty = 99,
$tmpGirl.traits = setup.getRandomTraits(3),
$tmpGirl.race = 'white'
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $charId>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<br />
Please let me go! It was their idea! Please!
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
Her eyes are filled with a pleading, puppy-like expression, as she hopes for your leniency to let her go; every now and then, she shyly averts her gaze but can't help stealing glances at your dick.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
You unzip your pants and press her down on her knees. She instantly understands what you want it and doesn't resist you because she knows she has no way out
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/waterfall1'>>
<br /><br />
Okay! I'll do what you want but after that I am gommmmmhmhhhmhmh
<br />
Instead of letting her suck your hard cock, you catch her by surprise and fuck her mouth instead
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/waterfall4'>>
<br /><br />
After a while, you turn her around and she ends up on her knees. Without emotions, you embed yourself in her as deeply as you can, and as you pick up the pace, you notice for a brief moment that she enjoys this moment so much that her eyes become uncontrollable.
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
Just please! Let me go after all of this is don-- HOLY SHIT
<br />
<<video 'explore/waterfall5'>>
<br /><br />
Her eyes become uncontrollable but she tries to hide it and pretends as if she finds it disgusting. She relaxes her legs and opens them even wider, almost performing a split.
<br /><br />
Not inside me! Let me swallow it!
<br />
<<video 'explore/waterfall6'>>
<br /><br />
She pushes herself away from you and drops to her knees in front of you. Without waiting a moment, she grabs your dick and takes the tip of it into her mouth, as she quickly continues to jerk you off.
<br />
After some seconds you cum right in her mouth and she... swollows it all... Unexpected..
<br /><br />
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit)>>
<<link 'Capture her'>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<link 'Let her go and leave'>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you make your way through a area of the wilderness you hear the faint sounds of
flowing water. Moving closer you come upon a waterfall.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Continue to walking closer you notice a beautiful woman bathing in the small waterfall. Her
remarkably smooth skin and toned body suggest that she is healthy and has been eating well,
unlike the starving wretches you have previously seen.
<br />
Either she's horny or the water is a bit cold, because her nipples are hard and her face is
flushed. With great difficulty you take your eyes off her and carefully survey the area. Nobody
else is visible. Female clothes are drying on a nearby rock. The woman appears to be bathing
<br />
Your swelling cock is making wearing pants increasingly uncomfortable.
<<horny 100>>
<br /><br />
<<set $player.stats.waterfall ??= {
visits: 0,
tricked: 0,
losts: 0,
wins: 0
<<set $player.stats.waterfall.visits++>>
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Strip and join her in the waterfall'>>
<<run $('#option2, #option3, #option1_desc').hide()>>
Who needs a better invitation than a naked soon-to-be slave? You walk towards the waterfall
while shedding your gear and clothes. The woman finally notices you when you step into the
water a few feet away from her.
Half expecting her to make a run for it, you flex and pose so she can see that neither fight nor
flight would be successful. Instead she smiles coyly, arches her back, and bites her lower lip
before speaking. She purrs gazing at your fully
erect cock.
<br /><br />
I'm cold and my clothes are all wet. Could you warm me up?
<br /><br />
<<set _dejavu = $player.int < 50 && setup.percentageChance($player.stats.waterfall.tricked)>>
<<if _dejavu>>
You walk forward ready to embrace this water goddess when you get a sense of déjà vu. You remember another waterfall, another water goddess, a bump on your head and being robbed blind.<br/>
That can happen when the brain between the legs are in control!
<<if $player.int < 50 && !_dejavu>>
<<set $player.stats.waterfall.tricked++>>
<br /><br />
You walk forward and embrace this water goddess, eager to fuck the daylights out of her.
Tracing your calloused hands over her full tits and perky ass produces sultry moans and playful
giggles. She absolutely feels as delicious as she looked. Her delicate fingers wrap around your
painfully hard erection and she uses your cock like a joystick to guide you over towards the flat
grassy bank. All your attention is focused on her as she slides onto all fours and wriggles her
ass at you in unmistakeable invitation to fuck her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<run setup.blinkScreen()>>
<br /><br />
<strong>Intelligence failed!</strong>
<br /><br />
Next thing you know the world spins violently and the ground rushes up to meet your face.
Consciousness returns slowly. It brings with it a splitting headache and a litany of pain as your
naked body is covered in scrapes and bruises. The beautiful woman and her hidden compatriots
are long gone and have taken what they wanted from your pack. Thankfully they didn't bother
stealing your clothes
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('knife')>>
<<drop $backpack 'knife' 1>>
You lost <strong class="iitem">1 knife</strong><br />
<<set _lostFood = Math.min($backpack.count('food'), 100)>>
<<if _lostFood>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _lostFood>>
You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_lostFood>> food</strong><br />
<<set _lostPlastic = Math.min($backpack.count('plastic'), 100)>>
<<if _lostPlastic>>
<<drop $backpack 'plastic' _lostPlastic>>
You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_lostPlastic>> plastic</strong><br />
<<set _lostMoney = Math.min($player.money, 200)>>
<<if _lostMoney>>
You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_lostMoney>> caps</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
You walk forward and embrace this water goddess, eager to fuck the daylights out of her.
<br />
Suddenly she screams <strong>"NOW"</strong>! When you turn around you see 2 big guys rushing at you.
<br /><br />
You leap away from the naked woman and snatch up your weapon. You may be naked, but at
least you had time to arm yourself. Seeing that the charade is over several men spring from
their concealment and attack you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set _count = Math.clamp($player.stats.waterfall.wins - $player.stats.waterfall.losts, 2, 6)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _count; _i++>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = randomInteger(50,100)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Explore event: Waterfall won' 'Explore event: Waterfall lost'>>
<div id="option1_desc">
Send your companions away
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
While walking through a place where a small village used to be, you come across a small group of people. Some of them have homemade face masks on, while others appear to have their skin peeling off their faces. You approach them, maintaining a safe distance, and they tell you that they have all been affected by some kind of illness over the past month. There is not a single healthy person among them...
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('antibiotics')>>
<<linkreplace 'Give them bottle of antibiotics'>>
<<drop $backpack 'antibiotics' 1>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<br /><br />
A woman, upon seeing you giving the bottle of antibiotics to them, suddenly rush towards you, hugging you and praising you, mentioning that you are the reason why her children will be able to live a few more days.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _companionNames = []>>
<<set _companionFirst = null>>
<<for _eventCompanionI, _eventCompanion range $player.companions>>
<<set _companion = setup.companionGet(_eventCompanionI)>>
<<run _companionNames.push(_companion.name)>>
<<if !_companionFirst>>
<<set _companionFirst = _companion>>
<<set _companionFirstKey = _eventCompanionI>>
<<set _pronounceWhat = setup.pronounceWhat(_companionFirst)>>
<<set _pronounceWhos = setup.pronounceWhos(_companionFirst)>>
<<set _pronounceWho = setup.pronounceWho(_companionFirst)>>
Together with <strong><<=_companionNames.join(', ')>></strong> you decide to walk past a chemical factory.
<br />
As you approach, you smell a strong and sharp odor, but it's unclear what it really is.
<br />
A moment later, you decide not to get any closer, but unexpectedly <strong><<=setup.displayName(_companionFirst)>></strong> slips and falls into a nearby ditch.
<br />
<strong><<=setup.displayName(_companionFirst)>></strong> is completely wet because <<=_pronounceWhat>> fell face-first into some yellow liquid. Strange-looking barrels are everywhere around.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Ask if ' + _pronounceWhat + ' is okay'>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<=_pronounceWhat.toUpperFirst()>> wiped <<=_pronounceWhos>> face off from
the unknown liquid and said that <<=_pronounceWhat>> was fine. However, after a while, <<=_pronounceWhat>> started to feel nauseous and began to vomit.
<br /><br />
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/explore/event_' + (_companionFirst.gender === 1 ? 'guy' : 'girl') + '_vomit.webp']]
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('antibiotics')>>
You start to look into your backpack and lucky you find <strong>antibiotics</strong>.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Give it to ' + _pronounceWho>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<drop $backpack 'antibiotics' 1>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<=_pronounceWhat.toUpperFirst()>> took antibiotics, but the vomiting persisted... After approximately 20 minutes, however, everything calmed down,
and <<=_pronounceWhat>> started to feel better. You decided to return home.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go back home'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option1">
<<set _linkName = 'Leave ' + _pronounceWho + ' to die'>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<companionRemove _companionFirstKey>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
You start to look into your backpack but you can't find anything that could help <<=_pronounceWhos>>...
<br />
<strong>The only choice is to leave <<=_pronounceWho>> to die here alone</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Leave ' + _pronounceWho + ' to die'>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<companionRemove _companionFirstKey>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
As you roamed through the desolate ruins of the city, its once vibrant streets now reduced to debris and decay, a chilling silence hung heavy in the air.
<br />
Every step echoed, reminding you of the world that was lost. Amidst the broken buildings and crumbling structures, you became acutely aware of your solitude.
<br /><br />
But then, a distant howl pierced through the stillness. It was haunting, yet strangely alluring. You turned your gaze towards the source of the sound and saw a pack of wolves emerge from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with a fierce hunger. They moved gracefully, their presence a stark reminder of the tenacity of life in this barren wasteland.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
For a moment, time stood still as you locked eyes, neither predator nor prey. There was a primal understanding between you, an unspoken acknowledgment of survival in a world stripped bare.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Attack them'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<set _wolvesKilled = 0>>
<<if $player.strength > 200 && setup.percentageChance(90)>>
<<set _wolvesKilled = 3>>
<<elseif $player.strength > 150 && setup.percentageChance(70)>>
<<set _wolvesKilled = 3>>
<<elseif $player.strength > 100 && setup.percentageChance(60)>>
<<set _wolvesKilled = 2>>
<<elseif $player.strength > 50 && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _wolvesKilled = 1>>
But your bravado was short-lived. The wolves, sensing my aggression, quickly circled and closed in on me with a ferocity that left me paralyzed with fear. Their fangs gleamed under the pale sunlight, and their eyes burned with an intensity that matched their predatory instincts.
<br /><br />
With a swift and coordinated attack, they lunged at me, tearing through my feeble defenses.
They left you bleeding in the middle of the streets...
<br /><br />
<<if _wolvesKilled>>
You managed to kill _wolvesKilled of them.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'pelt_wolf' _wolvesKilled>>
<<pickup $backpack 'food' _wolvesKilled>>
<strong class="iitem">You collected <<=_wolvesKilled>> wolf pelt<<=(_wolvesKilled > 1 ? 's' : '')>></strong>
<br />
<strong class="iitem">You picked up <<=_wolvesKilled>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<if _wolvesKilled < 3>>
<<perkAdd 'bleeding'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(40) && Object.keys($player.companions ?? {}).length > 0>>
<<set _eventCompanionKey = Object.keys($player.companions)[0]>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_eventCompanionKey)>>
As you bleed out you notice that few of the wolves have torn apart <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> body and are dragging <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_npc)>> away while leaving a trail of blood behind them.
<<companionRemove _eventCompanionKey>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Leave them'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
You take food from your bag and throw it inside the cage as you look around again in case there's any other living soul around.
<br /><br />
<<video '/explore/farm/found_farm2'>>
<br /><br />
[[Open cage|Explore farm first time 1.3]]
[[Leave her|Explore farm first time 2]]
<<video '/explore/farm/found_farm3'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly take a step into the cage. You're worried she might be alerted to your presence, but the girl ignores you; she's more focused on the food you just threw in. Carefully, you inspect her. The thing that instantly shocks you is the horrific smell coming from her, like she hasn't showered in ages.
<br /><br />
<<video '/explore/farm/found_farm4'>>
<br /><br />
You see her exposed pussy. Damn, you can't even remember the last time you saw one. It's been so many years. You decide to crouch down and inspect it a little closer.
<br /><br />
[[Put the rope around her neck|Explore farm first time 1.4]]
[[Leave her|Explore farm first time 2]]
</center><<set $characters.rose.intro_fucked to true>>
<<horny 20>>
<br /><br />
You turn around and notice a rope hanging on the hook. You wrap it around her neck, and as soon as you do she starts to resist, as if someone has already done that to her before. She tries to bite you, but you manage to grab her by the hair and hold her off.
<<video '/explore/farm/found_farm5'>>
<br /><br />
Somehow your pants manage to slip down as she tries to bite you. But instead of continuing to attack, her mood changes and she starts licking your dirty cock. After a few good licks she takes it fully into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video '/explore/farm/found_farm6'>>
<br /><br />
You gasp as she sucks you off. That feeling... Even if it's likely that her mouth hasn't been washed in a long time, it still feels pretty good. You still hold her hair just to be sure you can tame her if she decides to attack you again - or so you tell yourself. It isn't good for much if she wants to bites. What it is good for, is forcing your cock even deeper inside her mouth. You remember how her pussy looked. You could try it...
<br /><br />
<<video '/explore/farm/found_farm7'>>
<br /><br />
[[Turn her around|Explore farm first time 1.5]]
[[Leave her|Explore farm first time 2]]
</center>An old man comes out of the farmhouse with a shotgun in hand, and he's aimed it right at you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You look at him, then back at the girl's pussy you're ready to fuck.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $game.death_reason to 'a hole in your skull'>>
<<goto [[Dead]]>>
[[Leave|Wood cabin]]
</center>An old man walks out of his farmhouse and points a rifle at you.
<br /><br />
<<vincent>>What the fuck are you doing on my property?<</vincent>>
<br /><br />
<<you>>Don't shoot! I was just looking around! I'm no threat to you.<</you>>
<br /><br />
[[Go inside|Farm]]<<pickup $backpack 'food' 2>>
<<set $game.location.farm to true>>
You decide to take a shortcut from your cabin toward the east to save some time. As you walk through the bushes you start to hate yourself for taking this path, with only the minor upside of the berries you've stumbled across alleviating your sheer annoyance with the terrain.
But soon enough you notice a rusty cage next to some house that looks like a small farm. You hear some noise and decide to quietly get closer and investigate where it's coming from.
<br />
You slowly walk around the cage when suddenly...
<br /><br />
<<video '/explore/farm/found_farm1'>>
<br /><br />
<<you>><b>WHAT THE FUCK?!</b><</you>>
<br /><br />
You try to speak with her, but she doesn't respond to your words and just groans and screams at you.
<br />
You look around but don't see anyone.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= 2>>
<<link 'Give her some food (-2)'>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 2>>
<<goto 'Explore farm first time 1.2'>>
[[Leave here alone|Explore farm first time 2]]<h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $game.location.forest to true>>
<br /><br />
You notice a few good trails you'll need to check out later. As you walk around you manage to collect <strong class="iitem">2 pieces of wood</strong>. Maybe you'll get lucky and find some berries or more wood next time.
<<pickup $backpack 'wood' 2>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Quietly, you walk inside and take a look around. Everything has been stripped away and taken apart. By the looks of it someone came here to gather resources before you. There's almost nothing left... Except..
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>A workbench!</strong><br />
You could use this in your cabin to build something or craft some things.
<br /><br />
<<set $game.location.workbench = true>>
[[Bring the workbench back to your cabin|Wood cabin]]<center>
<br /><br />
While you walk around you notice a big warehouse in the distance. It could be empty or it could be an ambush...
<br /><br />
[[Investigate|Explore workbench - investigate]]
[[Continue exploring|Explore]]<<set $randomNumber to Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1>>
<<set _hasCompanions = Object.keys($player.companions ?? {}).length > 0>>
<<energy -30>>
<<if (!$game.location.forest)>>
<<goto "Explore forest first time">>
<<elseif (!$game.location.farm)>>
<<goto "Explore farm first time">>
<<elseif ($game.day > 5 && !$game.location.workbench && $randomNumber <= 50)>>
<<goto "Explore workbench">>
<<elseif ($game.day > 150 && !$game.location.quarry && $randomNumber <= 20)>>
<<goto "Explore quarry">>
<<elseif $game.day >= 200 && !isMetChar('laura')>>
<<goto 'Laura - toxic rain'>>
<<elseif ($game.day > 6 && $randomNumber <= 25)>>
<<goto "Random event - meet girl #3">>
<<elseif ($game.day > 4 && $randomNumber <= 35)>>
<<goto "Random event - ambush #2">>
<<elseif ($game.day > 10 && !$randomNumber <= 40 && !$backpack.has('blueprint_hot_shower'))>>
<<goto "Random event - find hot shower blueprint #7">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 38>>
<<goto 'Random event #15 ammo box'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 40>>
<<goto 'Explore event: The Lost Child'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 41>>
<<goto 'Explore event: The Elderly Refugee'>>
<<elseif ($randomNumber <= 42)>>
<<goto "Random event - quicksand #4">>
<<elseif ($randomNumber <= 45)>>
<<goto 'Random event - bikes #14'>>
<<elseif ($randomNumber < 52)>>
<<goto 'Explore event: wolves'>>
<<elseif ($randomNumber <= 55)>>
<<goto "Random event - dead guy #1">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 59 && _hasCompanions>>
<<goto 'Explore event - Snake pit'>>
<<elseif ($randomNumber <= 60 && !$player?.quests?.teacher_killed)>>
<<goto "Random event - teacher #6">>
<<elseif ($randomNumber <= 63)>>
<<goto "Explore event - mysterious scream">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 64 && !$player.quests.library_blueprint>>
<<goto 'Explore event - library blueprint'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 64 && $player.quests.library_blueprint>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Waterfall again'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 65>>
<<goto "Random event - dig grave #12">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 66>>
<<goto 'Explore event - Wicked family'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 67>>
<<goto 'Explore event - toxic cave'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 68>>
<<goto 'Explore event: The Dying Elderly Survivor'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 69 && _hasCompanions>>
<<goto 'Explore event: toxic waste'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 70>>
<<goto 'Explore event: The Enslaved Settlement'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 71>>
<<goto 'Explore event: mysterious illness settlement'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 72>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Waterfall'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 73>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Old couple'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 74>>
<<goto "Random event - food #8">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 75>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Tits bar'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 76>>
<<goto "Random event - solar panel #5">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 77>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Abandoned mall'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 78>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Bite in neck'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 79 && isMetChar('octavia') && $characters.octavia.quests && $characters.octavia.quests.tribe>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Tribe'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 89>>
<<goto "Random event - no face #10">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 93>>
<<goto "Random event - hospital #13">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 98>>
<<goto "Random event - beak humans #11">>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 99>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Wicked family daughter'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 100>>
<<goto "Random event - wood #9">>
<br /><br />
You found nothing wondering around
<br /><br />
</center><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
You decide to investigate what's happening in one of the corners of the destroyed city. After walking around desolated city for a couple of hours, you don't spot a single living soul. Eventually you find and decide to approach a burnt-out car that from a distance reminded you of a police car. And so it is.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
The car is partially destroyed. You try to open the trunk of the vehicle but are met with no initial success.
<br />
You try a few more times, and actually manage to successfully open the back of the trunk, seeing a <strong>gas can</strong> within.
<br /><br />
<strong>You picked up a gas can.</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 1>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(30)>>
The car is partially destroyed. You try to open the trunk of the vehicle but are met with no initial success.
<br />
You try a few more times, and actually manage to successfully open the back of the trunk, seeing a <strong>gas mask</strong> within.
<br /><br />
<br />
<strong>You picked up a gas mask.</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'gas_mask' 1>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(30) && !$backpack.has('blueprint_crossbow')>>
The car is partially destroyed. You try to open the trunk of the vehicle but are met with no initial success.
<br />
You try a few more times, and actually manage to successfully open the back of the trunk, seeing a <strong>some blueprint</strong> within.
<br /><br />
<strong>You picked up a crossbow blueprint.</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_crossbow' 1>>
The car is completely destroyed, most likely from the shockwave of a bomb explosion.
<br />
However, your attention is drawn to a cardboard box with glinting pieces of metal tucked away in a nearby sewer hole.
<br /><br />
You reach out your hand and grab the cardboard box, pulling out the strange objects. But they're not so strange upon further examination.
They are 0.38 caliber bullets.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>You picked up 6 .38 bullets.</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'bullet_revolver' 6>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><<set _ambushWeapon = either('gun', 'knife')>>
<br /><br />
<<set _enemiesGuys = 2>>
<<set _enemiesGirls = 0>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _enemiesGirls++>>
<<set _enemiesGuys-->>
While walking close to the city border <strong>three</strong> attackers jump out of the corner while holding <strong><<print _ambushWeapon>></strong> in their hand.
They yell at you and asks where you're going before demanding do give something to them so they do not kill you.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('food')>>
<<link 'Give them food (1)'>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<if $player.money >= 2>>
<<link 'Give them bottle caps (2)'>>
<<set $player.money -= 2>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies _enemiesGuys _enemiesGirls>>
<<fight $enemies 'Outside' 'Outside'>>
<<link 'Try to run away'>>
<<if $player.strength < 30>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'bullets piercing your back.'>>
<<goto 'Dead'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
After a hard-fought struggle, the attackers are on the ground, leaving the factory once again cloaked in silence.
The women, their faces streaked with dirt and sweat, turn to you with eyes filled with gratitude.
<br /><br />
<<set _npc1 = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _npc2 = $tmpGirl>>
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Thank you! We thought... we thought it was over for us.
<br />
The other woman nods fervently, her voice steady.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
You've given us a chance, a second lease on life. Could you please untie us?
<br />
They look to you for guidance, their trust in you evident.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fuck">
<<if !recall($suppCode)>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Fuck them
<<linkreplace 'Fuck them'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> is more quieter and looks more obedient while <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> tries to resist and curses you. You decide that it would be safer with <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/beak_human_fuck1'>>
<br /><br />
You unzip your pants and slowly slide your hard dick inside <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>'s mouth. She looks at you with tears in her eyes but doesn't resist as you predicted.
Few more gentle slides before she accidentally touches your dick with her teeth and you decide to punish her with a slap.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/beak_human_fuck2'>>
<br /><br />
You grab whip you took away from one of the man and decide to punish them a bit. <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> stil curses at you while other girl takes your punishment in silence.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> gets louder and more aggressive.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Don't you dare to touch me!
<br />
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + _npc2.name + '\'s ass'>>
<div id="option_ass">
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<set _fuckAss = true>>
<<video 'explore/beak_human_fuck3'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Cum in ' + _npc1.name + '\'s mouth'>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<if !_fuckAss>>
<<run $('#option_ass').hide()>>
<<video 'explore/beak_human_fuck4'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> submissively gets on her knees, grabs your dick and puts it in her mouth. She's calm and knows what she needs to do. As soon as you start to cum she puts out her tonque
and lets you cum on it...
<br /><br />
<div id="option_release">
<<linkreplace 'Free them'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<run $('#option_enslave').hide()>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
<<if _fucked>>
Thank... you...
Thank you so much!
<br />
<<if _fucked>>
As you untie them, they start to run away from you without looking back. They are scared that you might enslave them. A moment later, they disappear into the woods.
As they step into the world outside, you watch them go, knowing that you've made a difference in their lives.
The post-apocalyptic world is harsh, but moments like these remind you that compassion and courage still hold sway.
<br />
With a renewed sense of purpose, you continue your journey, knowing that you have the power to make a positive impact, even in the bleakest of times
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && ($slaves.length + 2) <= $basementLimit)>>
<div id="option_enslave">
<<linkreplace 'Enslave them'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<run $('#option_release').hide()>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
You free them from the metal pipes they were tied to, but instead of untying their hands, you bind them both together with a longer rope and lead them outside.
They realize that you won't let them go and start shouting and cursing at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
What are you doing? Please don't !
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
You fucking bastard!
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set _npc1.relationship = -50>>
<<set _npc2.relationship = -50>>
<<run $slaves.push(_npc1)>>
<<run $slaves.push(_npc2)>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You hear a noise in the distance so you decide to crouch down waiting to see who's coming.
<br />
Two naked girls are coming so you decide to jump out. You freeze as soon as you notice strange looking guys wearing some weird ass costumes behind them.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.int >= 20>>
<<linkreplace 'Follow them'>>
A tense silence envelops you as you weigh your options. The forest seems to hold its breath, waiting for your decision. Your instincts urge you to follow, to uncover the purpose behind this macabre procession.
<br /><br />
As you trail them, the forest gradually gives way to the outskirts of a dilapidated, foreboding structure.
The air grows heavy with the stench of decay, and the ominous ruins of the factory loom ahead.
One of the guys gives his woman to other and disappears in the nearest forest.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/beak_human1'>>
<br /><br />
Within its crumbling walls, you bear witness to a chilling spectacle. The women are unceremoniously tied up, their captors showing no mercy. Their cries fill the air, echoing off the decrepit walls.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/beak_human2'>>
<br /><br />
The weight of the decision hangs heavily on your shoulders. You could choose to intervene, to fight for their freedom and face the wrath of their captors.
Or you could choose to retreat, leaving them to their grim fate.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Help them'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<set _help = true>>
Just as you emerge from the hiding place and want to pounce on the man, he notices you and shouts something incomprehensible.
After a moment, another man who had entered the forest with him rushes out, and both of them charge at you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = randomInteger(50, 100)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = randomInteger(50, 100)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Random event - beak humans #11 won' 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if !_help>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you finish off the guys surrounding the girl, you're prepared to also fight the other 4, but they instead drive off without looking back.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<strong>Your reputation increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Girl instantly jumps on you and hugs you with "Thank you! Thank you!"
<br />
She tells you that she's going to a place called <strong class="iitem">The Sanctuary</strong> before they jump us. She tells you that she really doesn't have a plan what to do...
<br /><br />
$tmpGirl.rape = false,
$tmpGirlCapture = false,
$tmpGirlInvite = false,
$slaveId = null,
$charId = null
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty = Math.min($tmpGirl.beauty + 30, 100)>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit)>>
<<link 'Capture her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship - 30, 100)>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<if (($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit)>>
<<link 'Tell her that she can live at your place'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 30, 100)>>
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<link 'Leave her'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
You decided to take a different path through the city to check if maybe there was a new place you had missed.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/bikes'>>
<br /><br />
While walking through the ruins of the city you notice an old guy and some girl pushing a trolley with some junk in it.
<br />
They look harmless enough, but you decide to wait a bit.
<br />
After some time you hear some noise in the distance...
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/bikes2'>>
<br /><br />
<strong>8</strong> people are driving on motorcycles. One of them tackles the old guy and a few seconds later they just shoot his head off.
<br /><br />
<<video 'explore/bikes3'>>
<br /><br />
The girl screams for help as they pull her off the road, and they prepare to rape and kill her afterwards.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Help her'>>
<<set _inventoryKnife = {
'knife': 1
<<set _isGirl = false>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _isGirl = true>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = 6>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 10) === 0>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = _inventoryKnife>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = 6>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 10) === 0>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = _inventoryKnife>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = 6>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 10) === 0>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = _inventoryKnife>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<if _isGirl>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = 6>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 10) === 0>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = _inventoryKnife>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Random event - bikes #14 won' 'Outside'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<image 'places/explore/chop_leg.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You don't have enough strength to chop off his leg with one try so you take a few additional swings. It's messy. Blood is everywhere covering your face and clothing. As you finish his leg you hear some noise and decide to leave.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'raw_human_meat' 1>>
<br /><br />
You search the dead guy's pockets with hope that attackers missed something.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _foundItem = either('rope', 'bullet_revolver', 'necklace_cheap', 'champagne', 'cloth')>>
<<pickup $backpack _foundItem 1>>
You found <strong><<print Item.get(_foundItem).name>></strong>.
<strong>You found nothing.</strong>
<br /><br />
As you finish the search you hear some noise and decide to leave.
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Outside]]While walking down the road you hear a loud scream and decide to investigate.
<br />
You approach the source of the sound carefully but when you reach it the only thing left is some <strong><<print either('middle', 'old')>></strong> age guy who was killed right before you got here.
<br />
You get the feeling that someone is close as you look down at him.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('axe')>>
[[Use axe to chop off leg|Random event - dead guy #1 chop leg]]
[[Search him|Random event - dead guy #1 search]]
[[Leave|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
As you walk down the path near the forest it gets dark and starts to rain.
<br />
Just off the trail you notice two guys. It looks like one is trying to comfort the other.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
One of them seems to be crying as he looks behind the tree.<br /><br />
<div id="random-event-dig-grave-button">
<<link 'Get closer'>>
<<run $('#random-event-dig-grave-button').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#random-event-dig-grave1').slideToggle()>>
<div id="random-event-dig-grave1" style="display:none">
<br /><br />
You slowly walk toward them. They notice you but look away almost immediately. You get closer and behind the tree you see a guy with a shovel in his hand screaming furiously, "<strong>WHY! WHY!</strong>"
<br /><br />
<div id="random-event-dig-grave-button1">
<<link 'Approach them'>>
<<run $('#random-event-dig-grave-button1').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#random-event-dig-grave2').slideToggle()>>
<div id="random-event-dig-grave2" style="display: none;">
<br /><br />
You notice another guy sitting by the grave who completely ignores you. He just stares into the shallow grave as it's getting deeper.
<br /><br />
<div id="random-event-dig-grave-button2">
<<linkreplace 'Offer to help'>>
<br /><br />
The guy digging the grave thanks you as he gives you a shovel so you can take turns.<br />
A few times you look at the guy sitting next to you, but he still doesn't talk.<br />
The other guy tells that it's his <<=either('father', 'brother', 'sister')>>.<br />
They all came from <strong>The Sanctuary</strong>.<br />
They were working different jobs but mainly building armor, knives, and other weapons.
<br /><br />
Your intelligence increased by 1
<<set $player.int++>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<br /><br />
You managed to get inside the looted plumbing supply shop. You look around and most everything is gone. As you're ready to get back on the streets, you step on something.
<br /><br />
<strong>You managed to find a blueprint for a hot shower!</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_hot_shower' 1>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You found <strong>4</strong> food
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 4>>
[[Leave|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You explore around the city borders and stumble upon a hospital.<br />
From outside it look like it has been robbed numerous times.<br />
All windows are broken and by the look nothing should be left inside to grab.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go inside hospital'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _foundNothing = true>>
<<if !$player?.quests?.found_hospital_blueprint>>
<<set _foundNothing = false>>
<<set $player.quests.found_hospital_blueprint = true>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_hospital' 1>>
You found <strong class="iitem">small hospital blueprint</strong>!
<br /><br />
<<elseif !$player?.quests?.found_massage_table_blueprint>>
<<set _foundNothing = false>>
<<set $player.quests.found_massage_table_blueprint = true>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_massage_table' 1>>
You found <strong class="iitem">massage table blueprint</strong>!
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(60)>>
<<pickup $backpack 'antibiotics' 2>>
You found <strong class="iitem">2</strong> bottles of <strong class="iitem">antibiotics</strong>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<<pickup $backpack 'towel' 2>>
You found <strong class="iitem">2</strong> <strong class="iitem">towels</strong>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<pickup $backpack 'gas_mask' 1>>
You found <strong class="iitem">1</strong> <strong class="iitem">gas mask</strong>
<<if _foundNothing>>
You found nothing and decided to leave
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npcGenderOptions = [0, 1]>>
<<if settings.transEnabled>>
<<set _npcGenderOptions.push(2)>>
<<set _npcGender = setup.getRandomElement(_npcGenderOptions)>>
<<if _npcGender === 0>>
<<elseif _npcGender === 1>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $tmpGuy>>
<<elseif _npcGender === 2>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'forest'>>
<<set _npcDataMapped = [
default: {
text: "You notice a girl walking through the forest and decide to check out what she's doing",
img: 'found_female',
masturbate: {
text: "As you peer through the foliage, you spot a figure—a woman sitting on a fallen tree in a small clearing. Her legs are spread wide as she pleasures herself.",
textTop: "As you move quietly, you suddenly hear a faint rustling noise not far ahead. Instinctively, you freeze, crouching low, your senses heightened. You inch closer, careful to avoid stepping on any dry twigs that might give away your position"
default: {
text: "You notice a guy walking through the forest and decide to check out what he's doing.",
img: "found_male",
default: {
text: "You notice a slightly masculine girl walking through the forest and decide to check out what she's doing.",
img: "found_transfemale",
<<set _type = (!_npcGender && setup.percentageChance(30) ? 'masturbate' : 'default')>>
<<if _type === 'masturbate'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 100>>
<<set _npcData = _npcDataMapped[$tmpGirl.gender][_type]>>
<<if _npcData.textTop>>
<br /><br />
<<if _type === 'masturbate'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'masturbate'>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/explore/' + _npcData.img + '.jpg']]
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go closer'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to true>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture = true>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite = true>>
<<unset $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Outside'>>
<<goto [[NPC view]]>>
[[Leave|Outside]]You walk through a rather bushy location and hear some noises that sound like munching. You decide to approach its source, and notice a firm ass bent over.
<br />
By the looks of it, the filthy girl is either eating something or searching for something. Maybe both...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Get closer'>>
<br /><br />
You get closer and she suddenly turns her head towards you...
<br />
<strong>WHAT THE FUCK?!</strong><br />
Then you see her face. She looks human, but only in her lower body. Her face has been deformed, lacking any eyes and with half of her nose missing. She reminds you of the feral woman on Vincent's farm, only in a far, far worse state.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take a closer look at her face'>>
<br /><br />
Against your better judgement you decide to take a closer look. As you do she pounces on you, like she can smell where your dick is. She successfully opens your pants and sucks your dick inside her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<br /><br />
You throw her down on her back holding her as you shove your dick inside her dirty pussy.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<br /><br />
You manage to pull him out as you both drop on the ground exhausted.
<br />
<<set $player.strength++>>
<<if random(0, 5) == 0>>
He quickly gets up, kicks you in the head with leg searches you while you're laying on the ground.
<<set _capsMissing = ($player.money - 3 > 0 ? 3 : $player.money)>>
<<if _capsMissing>>
<<set $player.money -= _capsMissing>>
<strong>He managed to find <<=_capsMissing>> caps on you</strong>
In gratitude he thanks you and offers his rope as a gift to you.
<<pickup $backpack 'rope' 1>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
In the distance you see a guy who's drowning in quicksand. He begs for help as he reaches out his hand.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Help him'>>
<<if $player.strength < 10>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'suffocating beneath quicksand.'>>
<<goto 'Dead'>>
<<goto 'Random event - quicksand #4 helped'>>
<<link 'Watch him drown and leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<br /><br />
You managed to find <strong>1</strong> solar panel in good condition.
<<pickup $backpack 'solar_panel' 1>>
<br /><br />
[[Back|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
You approach a man. He's a confident, well experienced, traveler who explored the country as soon as war happened. He tells you to be calm and offers a talk if you can share a meal with him in return (1 food).
<br /><br />
<<link 'Give him food'>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<goto 'Random event - teacher #6 talk'>>
[[Leave|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
You manage to put up a decent fight before the man hits you as hard as he can and you pass out for a few seconds. When you open your eyes he is already gone.
<br /><br />
[[Continue|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
As you approach him in an aggressive manner he instantly slices off your hand with one swing without even hesitating. He looks you straight in the eyes but says nothing as you drop to your knees and bleed out.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'bleeding out from a missing limb.'>>
<<goto 'Dead'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
You sit down at the fire as he prepares the food and talks about his experiences in this post-apocalyptic world. He manages to give you a few good tips before he gets up and leaves.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.int < 60>>
<<set $player.int++>>
<strong>Your intelligence increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase intelligence with this action anymore</strong>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
You notice some lone traveler walking in front of you. By his movements he hears you too. You see a machete strapped to his back as he slowly walks away from you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Attack him'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 50>>
<<if $player.strength >= 100>>
<<goto 'Random event - teacher #6 kill him'>>
<<elseif $player.strength > 75>>
<<goto 'Random event - teacher #6 escaped'>>
<<goto 'Random event - teacher #6 killed'>>
<<link 'Approach him'>>
<<goto 'Random event - teacher #6 approach'>>
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'wood' 10>>
You found <strong>10</strong> wood
<br /><br />
[[Back|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She slowly walks toward you with cute grin on her face. She stops right in front of you, slides her finger across your chest and takes of her top<br />
<strong>"I got an idea"</strong> as she pushes you down on the nearest bench.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Kiss her breasts'>>
<br /><br />
You passionately kiss her breasts as she gets on you, grabs your hard cock and guides it toward her pussy. A moment later she gently slides onto you and rides your hard dick.
<<addmins 10>>
You fuck for good 10 minutes as she through moans tells you "<strong>cum inside me</strong>"
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#option3').show()>>
<br /><br />
She wraps her hands around your neck as you cum inside her.
<br /><br />
<strong>Your relationship with <<=$guests[$randomPerson].name>> increased by 5</strong>
<<set $guests.relationship = Math.min($guests[$randomPerson].relationship +5, 100)>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Cum outside'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<run $('#option3').show()>>
<br /><br />
In the last moment you pull out and cum outside. She looks disappointed.
<br /><br />
<strong><<=$guests[$randomPerson].name>> submission increased by 5</strong>
<<set $guests.sub = Math.min($guests[$randomPerson].sub +5, 100)>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option3" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $randomPerson>>
<<goto 'Fire place'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
As the sun dipped below the decaying skyscrapers, casting an eerie orange glow across the desolate landscape, you cautiously made your way through the ruins of what was once a bustling city. The air was thick with the scent of rust and dampness, a stark reminder of the world that had crumbled into chaos. Broken glass and twisted metal crunched underfoot as you navigated the debris-filled streets, your steps echoing in the silence.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Suddenly, three figures emerged from the darkness of the alley, their silhouettes sharp against the fading light. Adorned in makeshift armor and wielding a mix of scavenged weapons, they exuded an air of predatory confidence. You swallowed hard, your heart pounding in your chest as you assessed the situation.
<br /><br />
Looks like we've got ourselves a wanderer.
<br /><br />
What's in your backpack? How about you give it to us.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<fight $enemies 'Underground city' 'Underground city'>>
<<linkreplace 'Run away'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<if $player.strength > 50 && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<br />
<strong>You failed!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<fight $enemies 'Underground city' 'Underground city'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
As the sun cast its feeble rays across the barren land, you trudged onward, your senses sharp and alert for any sign of danger. You had learned to be cautious, for in this new world, survival was a constant battle.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
With each step you took, the unease grew stronger. Suddenly, a rustle in the tree to your right jolted you to a halt. You heart raced as I instinctively dropped into a defensive crouch, your eyes scanning the surroundings. That's when You saw them – three men, clad in makeshift armor, emerging from behind the colossal tree.
<br /><br />
Their faces were etched with determination, and their eyes bore a hardness that spoke of survival at any cost. They carried crude weapons, each one a stark reminder of the brutality that defined this new world.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Settlement' 'Settlement'>>
<<linkreplace 'Run away'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<if $player.strength > 50 && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<br />
<strong>You failed!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<fight $enemies 'Settlement' 'Settlement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
<br />
You carefully open barn door so Vincent doesn't hear you and you walk inside and there she is..
<br /><br />
<<video '/farm/meet_blair1'>>
<br /><br />
She's cleaning the barn but stops as soon as you walk in.
<br /><br />
Hey <<=$player.name>>! You shouldn't be her. My dad could see us.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell that you are thinking about her'>>
Oh you do? I thought I wasn't important to you as you spend almost all the time with other girls.
<br /><br />
She smiles and turns her ass and lifts her dress up "<strong>You miss this?</strong>"
<br /><br />
<<video '/farm/blair_barn1'>>
<br /><br />
I really hoped you would turn your attention back to me as I've missed you inside me this whole time. Just please, be fast!
<br /><br />
<<video '/farm/blair_barn2'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Push her down on her knees'>>
<<run $('#option3').show()>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<video '/farm/blair_barn3'>>
<br /><br />
She goes for a kiss but instead you push her down on her knees and tell her to suck your hard dick.
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her pussy'>>
<<run $('#option3').show()>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<video '/farm/blair_barn4'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option3" style="display:none">
<<linkreplace 'Cum on her'>>
<<video '/farm/blair_barn5'>>
<br /><br />
She gets on her knees and opens her mouth wide open ready for your warm cum. Instead of cumming inside her mouth, you cum all over her breasts.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.relationship > 60>>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Blair with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=5>>
<strong>Relationship with Blair increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
I'm not going to hurt her, I swear! Trust me, Vincent!
<br /><br />
Forget you ever saw her. I am not joking!<br />
The last thing we need here is someone snooping around.
<br /><br />
You can see that Vincent is really nervous, but decide to ask further questions.
<br /><br />
Someone might be snooping about? You know I live near here Vincent, if there's something going on I think I should know. Who is she? Why are you hiding her in there?
<br /><br />
<<vincent>>My daughter, and that's all you need to know!<</vincent>>
<br /><br />
He closes the barn door with lock and goes back to his shop.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<</link>><<addmins 15>>
$tmpGirl.beauty = 90,
$tmpGirl.location = 'farm',
$tmpGirl.name = 'Blair',
$tmpGirl.breasts = 'medium',
$tmpGirl.virgin = true,
$tmpGirl.likesGuys = true,
$tmpGirl.likesGirls = true,
$tmpGirl.likesTGirls = false,
$tmpGirl.likesTGuys = false,
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(18),
$tmpGirl.anal = 0,
$tmpGirl.pussy = 0,
$tmpGirl.dp = 0,
$tmpGirl.food = 100,
$tmpGirl.bj = 0,
$tmpGirl.hair = 'blonde',
$tmpGirl.race = 'white',
$tmpGirl.quests = {
metOnDay: $game.day
$tmpGirl.traits = ['breeder', 'cumslut', 'deepthroat'],
$tmpGirl.id = 'blair',
$tmpGirl.family = {
father: 'vincent'
$characters.vincent.name = 'Vincent',
$characters.vincent.id = 'vincent',
$characters.vincent.family = {
kids: ['blair']
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) < 18>>
<<run $tmpGirl.birthDate.setFullYear($tmpGirl.birthDate.getFullYear() - 1)>>
<<set $characters.blair = $tmpGirl>>
<h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
As you walk near Vincent's farm, you quickly notice an old barn next to his house. You've build a cordial relationship with him at this point, he probably won't mind if you poke around a bit...
Deciding to check it out, you slowly open the barn door. You immediately notice an Amish girl quietly sweeping the floor.
<br /><br />
<<video '/farm/meet_blair1'>>
<br /><br />
The girl jumps as she notices you intruding, and begins to scream for help.
<br /><br />
Don't hurt me, please!<br />
Daaaad! HELP!!!!!!<br />
<br />
Barely any time passes before Vincent runs inside the barn. He has a gun in hand that's aimed right at you. Again.
<br /><br />
<<vincent>>Out! NOW!<</vincent>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get out of the barn'>>
<<goto 'Farm - meet Blair #2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.vincent.delivery_done = true>>
It's done; the package is delivered. Can I ask what in there so special that Boris needed it from all the way out here?
<br /><br />
Milk! I pump that girl in the cage out back every once in a while and deliver it directly to Boris. I guess he really likes it. Said something about it giving him extra strength.
<br /><br />
This place is really fucked up. Seriously, breast milk?!
<br /><br />
<<vincent>>You would be surprised! I could sell you my old pump but don't dare to sell your milk to Boris. He's my number one client!
<br /><br />
<<addmins 5>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
Hey! You busy? I have a favor to ask. I've got some goods I need to deliver somewhere, but I don't have time. Could you?
<br />
It won't be for free of course. I'll pay you in advance out of my client's prepayment. Just be careful, you'll need to go to the nearby underground city. That place doesn't have the best reputation - for good reason.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Yes'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.delivery = true>>
<<set $game.location.underground = true>>
<<set $player.money += 30>>
<<goto 'Underground city - first time'>>
<<addmins 5>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM - SHOP</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _shopItems = [
{name:'food',price:1, sell: false},
{name:'axe', price:20},
<<set _shopItems = clone(setup.items.shop.farm)>>
<<if $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy_talked>>
<<run _shopItems.push({
name: 'milk',
price: 10,
sell: false
<<shop 'farm' _shopItems 'Farm - shop' '<<if $characters.vincent.relationship < 20>><<set $characters.vincent.relationship += Math.min(5, _shopItems[_i].qty)>><</if>>'>>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Farm]]<h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
Look, I'm sorry about the whole 'holding you at gunpoint twice' thing. You're alright, son. I just want to keep my sweet Blair safe.<br />
Tell you what, as an apology - and to keep your mouth shut, or else - I'll give you some information. I see the way you look at my slave in the cage back there. Just renting a girl out probably wouldn't cut it for a guy like you, huh?<br/>
If you want one for yourself, there's a location where you can buy one. The <strong>Underground city - Slave market</strong>. Here, I'll note down how to get there for you...
<br /><br />
[[Continue|Farm]]<h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
What's up with the girl in the cage?
What about her?
Who is she? Why is she in the cage? And where did you even find her?
Son, are you alright? How come you don't know anything that happened around here?
<br /><br />
You explain that you spent years together with your grandfather in a bunker and just came outside a few days ago.
<br /><br />
<strong>Vincent</strong> looks shocked and sighs loudly before starting to tell his side of the story.
<br /><br/>
Well, <<=$player.name>>, things started to take a dark turn a moment after the bombs were dropped. A lot of people didn't even care that they'd die. They just started looting every shop they could find. Police were nowhere to be found but you can't blame them.
<br /><br />
Why should they protect something if the world is ending soon, right? Every large city had one big bomb dropped on it so an above ground city is pretty much unlivable. Underground is a different story. I wouldn't recommend you go underground by the way.
<br /><br />
If you ask me, you should avoid any living soul you see. You can't trust anyone. Everyone is playing an angle.
<br /><br />
Oh, and the girl... I just found her in the forest like that. She doesn't speak and is very aggressive if released from the cage.
<br /><br />
Although...You know what? For a few caps I could let you use her. The only rule is to not let her outside the cage.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Thanks, I guess.' 'Farm'>><</link>>
<<addmins 10>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
<<energy -30>>
<<set $player.money -=3>>
<br /><br />
You open the cage and, without hesitation, unbutton your pants and walk straight over to the girl.
<br />
For a brief moment you think that she's smiling while watching your cock. She leans closer and tries to take it in her mouth, but you just grab her by her dirty hair and turn her around.
<br />
<br />
<<video '/farm/use_girl'>>
<br /><br />
<br />
You pull her up pinning her against the cage wall as you shove your hard dick inside her dirty, wet pussy and start pounding her.
<br /><br />
<<video '/farm/use_girl2'>>
<br /><br /><br />
With all your strength you hold her face against the cage as you pick up the pace and fuck her like there's no tomorrow.
<br /><br /><br />
<<video '/farm/use_girl3'>>
<br /><br /><br />
Forcefully you turn her around as you spread her legs and ram your dick back inside her dirty cunt. A moment later you cum inside her...
<br /><br /><br />
<<video '/farm/use_girl4'>>
<<set $player.sexp++>>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
You notice a dozen guys going from building to building on the farm, kicking each door open and checking what's within. As the other armed men work, the apparent leader of them takes out his gun and points it at Vincent.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>WHERE IS SHE OLD MAN?!</strong>
<br />
<br />
Vincent drops on his knees and begs to them
<br /><br />
<<vincent>>I don't know, I don't! I keep telling you all, she ran away!<</vincent>>
<br />
The guys continue their search of the farm, but fail to find Blair. Soon enough they're all gone. <br />
Vincent turns toward you as Blair comes out of a hidden room.
<br /><br />
We can't take it anymore. This was way too close. You've proven yourself more than trustworthy coming to me with this...I have a favor to ask. Could she sleep at your place? Only sleep. She won't intrude on your life too much, she will be gone in the mornings as I need her help here.<br />
Please!<br />
Your place would be perfect. It's clearly well hidden - even though you certainly are local to here even I don't know whereabouts it's at.<br />
I beg you, <<=$player.name>>! Nights are the most unsecure time. I've not got the years left in me to be guarding at night, and it's so pitch black out here we'd never see them coming anyway.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Agree and take Blair with you'>>
<<goto 'Farm - wanted poster #3'>>
<br /><br />
You help Blair pack some of her clothes, which you take note to be...not Amish, to put it lightly. As soon as Vincent comes in, she tries to hide what she's packing and throws another slightly aged and plainer long dress over what's already packed.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Soon you hit the road and after few hours you're at your place.
<br />
You explain to Blair that your home is small, and there isn't additional room for her but she simply nods with an understanding expression on her face.
<br /><br />
You suggest that she can sleep in your bed whilst you'll sleep on the floor in the kitchen.
<br /><br />
Oh god, no. We can share the bed, I won't allow you to sleep on the cold, hard ground. Especially after you have taken me into your own home out of nothing but a desire to protect me from those inhuman criminals.
<br /><br />
You unpack her things, and in the meanwhile Blair cooks food for you both downstairs.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>You gained 2 food</strong>
<br /><br />
You both talk for a bit and decide to hit the hay, as it almost a night time already.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bedroom/blair_talk'>>
<br /><br />
You're shocked when you see Blair entering your bedroom. It's one thing to spot that she had some distinctly un-Amish clothes in her wardrobe, and another to actually see her casually in an outfit like that in front of you. You talk a bit more and decide to sleep.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(23) >>
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 2>>
<<if (typeof $characters.blair !== 'undefined' && typeof $characters.blair.quests !== 'undefined')>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.cabinType = 1>>
<<set $player.hunger to 100>>
<<updatemeter '$hungerBar' `$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger`>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
You check around to see if Blair isn't close and in low voice tell Vincent that you saw her on the wanted poster in the underground city.
<br/><br />
<br /><br />
Vincent looks disappointed and angry at the same time as he yells at you that you shouldn't talk about it.
<br /><br />
<<you>>That bounty is fucking huge. Why someone is looking for her, let alone that badly?<</you>>
<br /><br />
Vincent deeply exhales as he understands that you just won't back down so easily and starts to explain.
<br /><br />
<<vincent>>Mr. Soprano...<br />
He kinda runs the underground city, the self-proclaimed mayor of the local one. In actuality, he's a fucked up criminal who decides what - or who- he owns at the drop of a hat.
<br /><br />
A few years back I made a huge mistake and took Blair with me while visiting an underground city. We casually walked the streets when he noticed her. He wanted to take her away from me right then and there, but I somehow convinced him that he could take her when she'd be a fully grown adult.
<br /><br />
I am watching her. They come to check if she's here regularly, but as for now, that's the only thing they do.
<br />
As you listen to Vincent talk, you both hear gunshots coming from outside.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Run outside'>>
<<goto 'Farm - wanted poster #2'>>
<</link>><<if (typeof $characters.vincent.relationship === 'undefined')>>
<<set $characters.vincent.relationship = 15>>
<h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<<if $characters.vincent.relationship >= 15 && !isMetChar('blair')>>
<<goto 'Farm - meet Blair'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.bj && ($characters.blair.quests.bj_day + 3) < $game.day && !$characters.vincent.quests.new_settlement>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.new_settlement = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent quest - settlement start'>>
<<if (!$game.location.slave_market && isMetChar('blair'))>>
<<set $game.location.slave_market = true>>
<<goto 'Farm - slave market'>>
<<if !$characters.vincent.first_time>>
<<vincent>>So, let me make something perfectly clear, son. The name's Vincent, and I don't take kindly to someone else trying to touch what's mine. If I catch you trying to put your hands on my girl back there again, I'll shoot you. Now, with that nice and clear...if you want something honestly, I run a little shop from my farm. I'm open to buying, as well as selling. Keep yourself in my good graces, and this could be a mutually beneficial relationship. Now what will it be, son?<</vincent>>
<<set $characters.vincent.first_time to true>>
<<vincent>>Hey! How can I help you?<</vincent>>
<br /><br />
<<if $game.day > 5 && !$characters.vincent.talked_about_girl>>
<<set $characters.vincent.relationship++>>
<<link 'Talk about girl' 'Farm - talk about girl'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.talked_about_girl = true>>
<<set $characters.vincent.can_use_girl = true>>
<<if $player.money >= 30 && $characters.vincent.delivery_done && !$backpack.has('breast_pump')>>
<<link 'Buy breast pump'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.relationship+=5>>
<<set $player.money -=30>>
<<pickup $backpack 'breast_pump' 1>>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
30 caps
<<if $game.day >= 10 && !$characters.vincent.delivery>>
<<set $characters.vincent.relationship++>>
<<link 'Talk' 'Farm - quest delivery'>>
<<elseif $characters.vincent.delivery && !$characters.vincent.delivery_done>>
<<set $characters.vincent.relationship++>>
<<link 'Talk' 'Farm - quest delivery done'>>
<<elseif $characters.vincent.quests.new_settlement && !($game.location.settlement ?? false) && $characters.vincent.quests.new_settlement_day < $game.day && $backpack.count('wood') >= 100 && $backpack.count('solar_panel') >= 5>>
<<link 'Talk' 'Settlement - intro'>><</link>>
<<elseif ($game.location.streets ?? false) && !$characters.vincent.wanted_poster>>
<<link 'Talk about wanted poster' 'Farm - wanted poster'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.wanted_poster = true>>
<<elseif $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy && !$characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy_talked>>
<<link 'Talk about pregnant slave'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy_talked = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent quest - pregnancy'>>
<<elseif !$characters.vincent.quests.car_talk && $game.cabinName>>
<<link 'Talk'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.car_talk = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent - car talk'>>
<<elseif $game.day >= 150 && $characters.blair.relationship >= 90 && !$characters.vincent.quests.wedding_talk>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.wedding_talk = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent - wedding ring'>>
<<elseif $game.day >= 160 && $characters.vincent.quests.wedding_talk && !$characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_talk && ($characters.vincent.quests.wedding_talk_day + 10) <= $game.day>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_talk = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent - sanctuary talk'>>
<<elseif $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_talk && !$characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_done>>
<<link 'Tell Vincent you are ready'>>
<<goto 'Vincent - sanctuary check companions'>>
<<elseif !($game.location.shop ?? false) && $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_done && !$characters.vincent.quests.shop_talk>>
<<link 'Talk with Vincent'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.shop_talk = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent - shop talk'>>
<<elseif ($game.location.shop ?? false) && $characters.vincent.quests.shop_talk && !$characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_car_talk>>
<<link 'Talk with Vincent'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_car_talk = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent - sanctuary car'>>
<<elseif $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_car_talk && !$characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_infiltration && setup.companions.sanctuary_infiltration()>>
<<link 'Talk with Vincent'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_infiltration = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent - Infiltration of The Sanctuary'>>
[[Shop|Farm - shop]]
<<if $characters.vincent.can_use_girl && $player.energy > 30 && $player.money >=3>>
<<link 'Use girl' 'Farm - use girl'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.girl_fucked_times++>>
3 caps
<<if isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.cabinType === 1 && $characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<if timeBetween('12:00', '14:00')>>
<<link 'Go to barn'>>
<<goto 'Farm - blair barn'>>
[[Leave|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>>! Good, you're all here. We need to wait till sun goes down and then we will go in
<br />
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_companionKey)>>
<<if !_npc.gender>>
<<set _girlCompanion = _npc>>
<<linkreplace 'Wait until the sun sets'>>
As the crimson hues of the setting sun cast long shadows across the desolate cityscape, you and your crew gather on the outskirts of the street where The Sanctuary looms,
a massive ship marooned in the heart of the urban wasteland. Its towering presence speaks volumes of its potential riches, now guarded by some crew.
<br /><br />
Vincent, with a determined glint in his eye, briefs the team on the plan.
The night air is charged with anticipation as you await the cover of darkness. Your hearts beat in synchrony with the quiet rhythm of the post-apocalyptic world.
<br /><br />
<br />
Slowly! One by one!
<br />
Vincent motions for everyone to follow him, creeping through the debris-strewn streets like shadows.
The scent of decay mingles with the metallic tang of old battles. You reach the aft of The Sanctuary, the tube, like a beckoning portal to potential victory.
<br /><br />
With bated breath, you slide through the narrow tube, the echo of your heartbeat resonating in the metallic chamber.
Your team follows, one by one, their silent movements a testament to their expertise.
<br /><br />
<<if _girlCompanion>>
<<=setup.displayName(_girlCompanion)>> grabs you by hand and tells you that she will go first as she would be more discreet.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The sight that greets you on the other side of the tube is both shocking and disheartening. A makeshift factory has taken root within the bowels of The Sanctuary.
The air is thick with the acrid scent of metal and the rhythmic clang of hammers against steel reverberates through the chamber.
<br /><br />
<<video 'sanctuary/night1'>>
<br /><br />
In the harsh glow of the overhead lights, you see a grim tableau. Women, without any clothes and sweaty, toil tirelessly amidst the machinery.
Their hands, calloused and scarred, deftly manipulate the raw materials, crafting them into weapons, ammo, armor and other metal stuff.
<br /><br />
<<video 'sanctuary/night2'>>
<br /><br />
Some are welding, sparks flying like angry fireflies, while others operate heavy presses, shaping metal with a relentless determination.
Their eyes bear the weariness of endless labor, yet there is a glimmer of resilience, a fierce determination to survive.
<br /><br />
You exchange a somber glance with your crew, a silent acknowledgment of the harsh realities that this new world has wrought.
The Sanctuary, once a symbol of hope, has become a crucible of desperation and exploitation.
<br /><br />
We can't help them so don't even bother. Others stay here. <<=$player.name>> come with me!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow Vincent'>>
<<video 'sanctuary/night3'>>
<br /><br />
The air grows heavy with tension as Vincent motions for you to follow, leaving the others behind in the shadows.
Together, you move stealthily through the compartment, inching closer to the room adjacent to the looming exit doors. The car, a glimmer of hope in the dim light, awaits your inspection.
<br /><br />
<br />
With cautious precision, you check the car for fuel and examine its wiring, ensuring it's ready for escape. Every moment counts, each movement deliberate and focused.
The adrenaline courses through your veins, the weight of the mission pressing on your shoulders.
<br /><br />
Satisfied that the car is prepared, you turn to head back for the rest of the crew. But as you retrace your steps, dread settles in the pit of your stomach.
The sight that awaits you is a nightmare come to life.
<br /><br />
<br />
They're all there, your companions, kneeling in front of a menacing figure wielding a bat.
His presence exudes authority, a malevolent force in this bleak world. Their faces bear the marks of fear and defiance, a testament to the strength that courses through their veins.
<br /><br />
Who are you? How did you get in?
<br />
Vincent's eyes meet yours, a silent understanding passing between you. This is a moment that will define the outcome of your mission, the lives of your comrades hanging in the balance. The weight of the decision is palpable.
<br /><br />
<br />
Suddenly, in a surge of brutal violence, he raises his bat high and brings it down with a sickening thud. The impact echoes through the chamber, a grotesque punctuation mark to the silence.
<<set _companionKeys = Object.keys($player.companions)>>
<<set _firstCompanion = setup.companionGet(_companionKeys[0])>>
<br />
<strong><<=setup.displayName(_firstCompanion)>> crumples to the ground, a life extinguished in an instant.</strong>
<br /><br />
A wave of horror washes over you, the brutality of the act searing into your memory.
The loss is palpable, a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of this world. The remaining companions remain resolute, their faces a mix of grief, anger, and determination.
<br /><br />
Why are you here? Where do you live?
<br /><br />
The sickening thud reverberates through the chamber, another life extinguished in a brutal act of violence. Another companion falls, their fate sealed in a horrifying instant.
<br />
<<set _companionKeys = Object.keys($player.companions)>>
<<set _lastCompanion = setup.companionGet(_companionKeys[_companionKeys.length - 1])>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName(_lastCompanion)>> drops on the ground with <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_lastCompanion)>> skull crushed open.</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<div id="option_kill_help">
<<linkreplace 'Help them'>>
<<set _tryHelp = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
As you try to stand up Vincent grabs you by hand and holds you.
<br /><br />
Don't! It's suicide! They are gone. Nothing we can do about that. We should just go get that car
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave them and get car'>>
<<if !_tryHelp>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 10>>
<<run $('#option_kill_help').hide()>>
As you make the harrowing decision to leave your remaining companions behind, your heart heavy with grief and desperation, you push forward towards the car.
Every step feels like an eternity, the weight of your choice bearing down on you.
<br /><br />
The journey back is a blur, your mind racing, the road a mere ribbon of asphalt beneath your tires. The shadows of the forest loom around you, a silent witness to your escape.
Just as you near your settlement, a sinking feeling takes hold.
<br /><br />
<br />
The engine sputters and groans, and a cacophony of metallic noises fills the air. Panic surges through you as the car grinds to a halt, its final protest against the relentless strain.
The reality of the situation crashes down on you like a tidal wave.
<br /><br />
That doesn't sound right! Hopefully we make to your settlement.
<br />
You reach your settlement.
<br />
Exhaustion courses through your veins as you pull yourself out of the now immobile car.
<br />
Every step feels like a monumental effort, your muscles protesting with every movement.
<br />
Vincent, his face etched with weariness, turns to you with a grim determination.
<br /><br />
I'm going home. You should get some sleep too.
<br />
You nod, understanding the weight of his words. The events of the day have taken their toll on both of you, and the need for respite is undeniable.
With a grateful glance, Vincent turns and begins to trudge towards his own abode, leaving you standing amidst the eerie silence of the settlement.
<<set $game.location.garage = true>>
<<set $characters.vincent.car_get_day = $game.day>>
<<for Object.keys($player.companions).length > 0>>
<<set _companionKeys = Object.keys($player.companions)>>
<<set _lastCompanionKey = _companionKeys[_companionKeys.length -1]>>
<<companionRemove _lastCompanionKey>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to bed'>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</linkreplace>><br /><br />
<br />
In the early morning light, you wake to find Vincent, waiting for you at the settlement gate.
<br />
His eyes reflect urgency, and without a word, he gestures for you to get ready for an expedition. Curiosity piqued, you prepare for the journey ahead.
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>> get ready. We should go. I might know a place where we can find a vital part for the car.
<br />
You and Vincent set out on a journey through the desolate forest, armed with makeshift weapons and a determination to find car parts for the vehicle you're building.
The sky above is a canvas of muted colors, a stark contrast to the vibrant world that once existed.
<br /><br />
Vincent leads the way, his gaze fixed on a peculiar mountain in the distance.
<br /><br />
I've heard rumors about an old military base around here. Figured it's worth checking out. Might have the parts we need.
<br />
<br />
As you tread carefully through the dense foliage, the ground beneath your feet gives an ominous creak. Without warning, the earth gives way, and you find yourselves tumbling into darkness.
After what seems like an eternity, you land with a thud in an underground garage, the air thick with the scent of rust and decay.
<br /><br />
Vincent groans in pain as he is shaking off the dust.
<br /><br />
Well, that wasn't on the map
<br />
You glance around, your eyes adjusting to the dim light. The underground space reveals a trove of old military vehicles, forgotten relics of a bygone era.
<br /><br />
Looks like we stumbled upon something, alright
<br />
As you explore the underground garage, you discover a cache of car parts neatly organized in dusty crates. Vincent grins, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
<br /><br />
This is exactly what we needed. Let's load up and get out of here before anything else collapses.
<br />
<br />
Amidst the car parts, you notice a door leading to somewhere..
<br /><br />
<div id="option_door">
<<linkreplace 'Push them'>>
<<set _door = true>>
<br />
As you push the door open, an uneasy tension fills the air. The dim light reveals a frozen chamber, and your eyes widen as you notice a human figure suspended within.
A frozen body, encased in what appears to be a cryo freezer, catches your attention. The eerie sight sends a shiver down your spine, and a sense of foreboding lingers in the confined space.
<br />
<br />
<br />
In the end of the room you see a single desk with a worn-out chair and a dim light flickering overhead. On the desk lies a yellowed paper with the handwritten code and gas mask.
<br /><br />
Vincent raises an eyebrow and he asks, picking up the note.
<br /><br />
What's this?
<br />
Could be a code for something. Let's keep it, might come in handy.
<<pickup $backpack 'note3844' 1>>
<<pickup $backpack 'gas_mask' 1>>
<br />
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem">1 gas mask</strong> and <strong class="iitem">one note</strong> with text "3844" on it.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
<<if !_door>>
<<run $('#option_door').hide()>>
You and Vincent gather the car parts and make your way back to the surface.
<br />
The unstable ground beneath trembles, and before you can react, the collapsed tunnel begins to shift and close. Rocks and debris cascade down, sealing the entrance entirely.
The entrance you had just emerged from now stands as a cryptic monument to the unexpected discovery in the post-apocalyptic world.
<br /><br />
With no chance to re-enter the collapsed hole, you and Vincent exchange a solemn glance, realizing that the secrets buried within are now beyond reach.
<br /><br />
<<if _door>>
The mysterious code in your pocket becomes a lingering reminder of the unpredictability of the wasteland, leaving you to ponder the significance of the note and the lost possibilities hidden beneath the rubble.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.military_base_day = $game.day>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.military_base = true>>
<<addhours 6>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>>!! Good! I wanted to talk with you. Grab the things from the table and lets take a walk.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Looking at the table, you see two old fishing rods with a couple of floats and bait. You take everything and pack it in a bag, while Vincent is already waiting for you at the door.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow Vincent'>>
As you step outside, Vincent mentions that he wants to talk to you about something, but he doesn't want Blair to know anything about this conversation. You slowly distance yourselves from the farm and head towards the river.
<br /><br />
I heard that you have built gates for your camp and even created a flag. I don't know who suggested this idea to you, but it's the dumbest idea you could have had. You realize that now you've put your location on the map, and that doesn't mean people will only seek help from you, but also all sorts of murderers and kidnappers, right?
<br /><br />
While Vincent continues to reiterate a few times in different ways that building gates was the dumbest thing you could have done, you have already reached the river. Vincent takes out his fishing rod and casts his line into the water.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Alright. You definitely know better what to do. I'm just worried about both you and Blair. I've seen how she looks at you. I'm not a fool. Just don't hurt her feelings...
<br /><br />
Did she tell you how her mother died? No? We also tried something similar. We wanted our farm to help people in need, so we spread the news in the nearby town that our doors were open to anyone who needed assistance. Yes, there were people who genuinely needed it, but then some really bad individuals showed up. At that time, I had started my little project. My wife tried to stop them from taking our car. I prayed for her to stay calm, but she was very insistent on not letting anyone harm us...
<br /><br />
Vincent's tears began to flow. He paused for a moment and, while trying to control his tears, put a partially burned piece of paper into your hands.
<br /><br />
<div class="img-no-w">
<br /><br />
Those bastards were from <strong class="iitem">The Sanctuary</strong>... And everything because of that stupid car...
<br />
Sorry. I can't... You can keep it...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 6>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>>! The last attempt to retrieve the car was very unsuccessful, but it seems that I have come up with how we might succeed.
<br />
He sits down at the table and pulls out some kind of sketch from underneath.
Then he starts pointing with his finger at the back of the ship, where there is a large tube through which a person could calmly squeeze through. That's how you will be able to get inside.
<br /><br />
This time we really need to be more careful, and you'll need at least 4 companions.
They all need to be sufficiently athletic and strong, because if we get caught, that will be the only way for us to escape.
<br />
Come back when you're ready and don't forget companions. Remember! Only 4
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _questSuccess = false>>
<<if Object.keys($player.companions).length > 2>>
<<=$player.name>>, you can only take two companions with you.
<<elseif Object.keys($player.companions).length < 2>>
<<=$player.name>>, you need to take two companions with you.
<<set _isStrengthMet = true>>
<<for _companionQuestI, _companionQuest range ($player.companions ?? {})>>
<<if $guests[_companionQuestI].strength < 40>>
<<set _isStrengthMet = false>>
<<if _isStrengthMet>>
<<set _questSuccess = true>>
<<if _questSuccess>>
<<goto 'Vincent - sanctuary go'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
From around the corner, Vincent suddenly appears, running as fast as possible while shouting something from a distance. You realize that the situation is not good and start running as fast as your legs can carry you, as there are at least 10 people chasing after him.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Run'>>
<<if $game.vincentSanctuaryGirlFun>>
<<set _companionKeys = Object.keys($player.companions)>>
<<set _firstCompanion = setup.companionGet(_companionKeys[0])>>
<<=setup.displayName(_firstCompanion)>> is still on the ground, on her knees, and she believe that you are chasing after the girl so that she doesn't escape. However, suddenly, the girl who was peering at you through the hole in the wall comes running from the corner with a knife in her hand and stabs <<=setup.displayName(_firstCompanion)>> in the neck.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She instantly drops on the ground and there isn't anything you can do to help her.
<br /><br />
<<companionRemove _companionKeys[0]>>
At some point, you manage to break away and hide in one of the collapsed buildings nearby. You are tired and frightened, realizing that things probably won't go as planned.
<br /><br />
Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm sorry! I don't know what got into me... This is a suicide mission... It's impossible. There were so many more of them than I had thought, and the guards are practically on every corner. Unfortunately, I'll have to abandon this idea. It's better to go back home. I am sorry...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go home'>>
<<run delete $game.vincentSanctuaryGirlFun>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_done = true>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
You four started your journey to The Sanctuary. You had heard about this place x times before, but you didn't really know what it was because no one had ever really told you about it. The only thing you knew was that the most ruthless and dangerous criminals from this area were staying there.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Your journey took you through a city whose underground you already knew very well. It seemed to you that no one lived on the surface at all, but it turns out that wasn't true. When you asked Vincent where they all actually stayed, the only thing he replied was, "You'll see for yourself."
<br /><br />
They stay near the port, almost at the other end of the city, so we still have a bit more to walk. Remember, once we're there, don't show yourself to anyone and stay hidden. They must not see us, not even the locals who are not directly associated with them, as they could betray us.
<br /><br />
<<addhours 5>>
After a few hours of walking, you start to hear the sound of engines in the distance. Vincent signals for you to always stay hidden and avoid showing yourself to anyone.
<br /><br />
<<set _companionKeys = Object.keys($player.companions)>>
<<set _firstCompanion = setup.companionGet(_companionKeys[0])>>
<<set _secondCompanion = setup.companionGet(_companionKeys[1])>>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<br /><br />
You walk another hundred meters, and ahead you see something unprecedented. A massive tanker ship has been washed ashore and is blocking the street. It has a huge ramp, and at that very moment, a gang of bandits on motorcycles is riding up it.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Hide'>>
All four of you hide in a small alcove next to a partially collapsed building.
<br /><br />
Alright. You all wait here. I'll go explore the surroundings. This place is more familiar to me, so it will be safer for me to go alone.
<br /><br />
Vincent disappears around the corner of a nearby house, leaving the three of you behind.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Wait for Vincent'>>
<<addmins 30>>
More than 30 minutes pass, and still no sign of him. You start to feel bored, but Vincent made it clear that you shouldn't show yourselves to anyone.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<if !_firstCompanion.gender && !_secondCompanion.gender>>
<<linkreplace 'Have fun with your girls'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You drop <<=setup.displayName(_firstCompanion)>> on her knees and pull out your already hard dick. She smiles and instantly puts it all inside her mouth and sucks you off with joy on her face.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As she spits on your cock and gets louder <<=setup.displayName(_secondCompanion)>> just looks nervously around to see if Vincent is not coming.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, you hear a sound from around the corner. It seems that a tin can or something else has fallen over.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Look'>>
<br /><br />
You are taken aback in shock. You see a new woman who has been peering through a hole in the wall at you for some time. She notices that you have spotted her, but your penis is still in <<=setup.displayName(_firstCompanion)>> mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go after her'>>
<<set $game.vincentSanctuaryGirlFun = true>>
<<goto 'Vincent - sanctuary go #2'>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Wait for Vincent'>>
<<goto 'Vincent - sanctuary go #2'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>>, good. Recently, I've been thinking quite a lot about my wife, daughter, and my car that those scoundrels took away from me. I've realized that I want it back. We can't have too many people, so you can only bring two companions with you, and they need to be strong enough to defend themselves if necessary (40 strength).
<br /><br />
Vincent started packing a knife, rope, and other items that might be useful on the journey to <strong>The Sanctuary</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
When you're ready. Come back to the farm
<br /><br />
<<link 'Tell him you will be back soon'>>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
Listen. One evening, I was sitting and thinking. It seems to me that you could develop your small town more, right? I can't even imagine how you manage to handle all the product and necessary item shopping.
<br /><br />
He takes a rolled-up paper roll from under the table and rolls it out on his own table.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Have you ever thought about having your own store that could also serve as a warehouse? The idea is that people passing by your settlement would definitely want to buy or sell something. That store would serve precisely that purpose.
<br />
However, you would definitely need to delegate someone to keep everything in order. There are certainly many shopkeepers wandering around the world who would gladly live in your settlement.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Grab blueprint and leave'>>
<<notify 6s>>
Shop available in workbench
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>>, please sit down. I wanted to show you something
<br /><br />
While Vincent goes to the next room, you sit down in a chair by the entrance, not really understanding what he went after for.
<br /><br />
After a short while, he returns holding something in his hand. It can be seen that he is visibly worried, and the old man's hands are trembling a bit even.
<br />
He opens his hand... <strong>wedding ring...</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
I am very grateful to her because I know that because of me, she has sacrificed something in her own life... Blair... Just don't think that I'm forcing you. You can decide for yourself what you want, but know this - my story would be fulfilled if you both got married. She doesn't stop talking about you...
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Take the ring and say you would be honored'>>
<<run $('#option3, #option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#option-leave').show()>>
<<pickup $backpack 'wedding_ring' 1>>
Really?! Oh my God, I'm so happy. Being together, at least I know that she will be safe and I won't have to worry about her.
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Take the ring and tell you will think about it'>>
<<run $('#option1, #option3').hide()>>
<<run $('#option-leave').show()>>
<<pickup $backpack 'wedding_ring' 1>>
I understand... It's a difficult decision. But if you still decide to do it, know this - I will be very happy.
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Tell no'>>
<<run $('#option1, #option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#option-leave').show()>>
I understand... It's a difficult decision. But if you still decide to do it, know this - I will be very happy.
<div id="option-leave" style="display:none">
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<<set $game.canMarry = true>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.wedding_talk_day = $game.day>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br />
Listen, Vicent. I need help...<br />
How to put it right. Maybe you know or have heard about a method how to terminate pregnancy in these times? The safest way.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Vincent takes a deep breath and exhales as you see in his eyes you've let him down
<br /><br />
I guess. I've prepared one by myself but haven't tested it out so no idea if it will work. Only from words I've heard around.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Vincent gives you his own potion
<br /><br />
Just think what you're doing..<br />
If by any chance you need more of them, you can try to prepare them yourself. There are few ingredients you need to get first.
The first and main ingredient is <strong>glowing mushroom</strong>. You can search for it in the forest.<br />
The second item is <strong>milk</strong>. But not any, but woman milk. I could you sell you some but that won't be cheap.<br /><br />
<strong>And remember! There is always a chance a girl won't make it. It's small but it's always there!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 10>>
<<pickup $backpack 'pregnancy_potion' 1>>
[[Continue|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
<strong><<=$player.name>></strong>! Right when I wanted to talk to you. Listen up kid; I need your help with something. It must be discreet and you can tell noone about it.
<br />
You nod as approve and listen to him carefully.<br />
He starts to tell you what he needs you for while putting a lot of his building stuff in his wheelbarrow.
<br /><br />
I'll need you to get some items for me.<br />
You'll need to get <strong class="iitem">5 solar panels</strong> and <strong class="iitem">100 wood</strong>.
<br />
Don't ask why, just get it, please. I hope your building skills are good too.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('wood') >= 100 && $backpack.count('solar_panel') >=5>>
<<linkreplace 'Tell him you already got them'>>
You told him that you already got those items and you're ready go go even now.
<br /><br />
Really? Didn't expect that. Meet me here tomorrow in the morning. We need to get going as early as we can
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.vincent.relationship += 5>>
<strong class="stats-changed-inc">Relationship with Vincent increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto 'Farm'>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.new_settlement_day = $game.day>><<for _allyKey, _defeatedAlly range $fight.defeatedAllies>>
<<if _defeatedAlly.extra>>
<<set _attacksCount = {}>>
<<for _attackI, _attack range _defeatedAlly.attacks ?? []>>
<<set _attacksCount[_attack] ??= 0>>
<<set _attacksCount[_attack]++>>
<<if _attacksCount.knife>>
<<set _chanceToDie = _attacksCount.knife * 10>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chanceToDie)>>
<<set _someoneDied = true>>
<<=setup.displayName(_defeatedAlly)>> was stabbed <<=_attacksCount.knife>> times. <<=setup.pronounceWhat(_defeatedAlly, true)>> bled out on the ground and died.
<br />
/* save the npc inventory here, shall we save only if we win or all the time? */
<<set _defeatedAlly.died = true>>
<<companionRemove _defeatedAlly.key>>
<</for>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT</h1>
<br />
You wake up after some time.<br />
You feel dizzy and blood is all over your face and clothes. You were knocked out pretty hard.
<br /><br />
<<set _maxLost = 20>>
<<if $player.money > 500>>
<<set _maxLost = 100>>
<<set _capsMissing = ($player.money - _maxLost > 0 ? _maxLost : $player.money)>>
<<if _capsMissing>>
<<set $player.money -= _capsMissing>>
You check pockets and some caps are also missing.
<br />
<strong>You lost <<=_capsMissing>> caps</strong>
<br /><br />
<<include 'Fight - after companions'>>
<<set _raped = false>>
<<if $fight.defeatedAllies.length > 0>>
<<for _fightAllyI, _fightAlly range $fight.defeatedAllies>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(90) && !_fightAlly.gender && !_raped && !_fightAlly.died>>
<<set _npcKey = _fightAlly.key.split(':')>>
<<setNpcStats `_npcKey[0]` `_npcKey[1]` 'happy' -15>>
<<setNpcStats `_npcKey[0]` `_npcKey[1]` 'sub' -5>>
<<setNpcStats `_npcKey[0]` `_npcKey[1]` 'relationship' -10>>
<<set _raped = true>>
<<video 'misc/fight_lost1'>>
<br /><br />
Your heart dropped when you saw her — <<=setup.displayName(_fightAlly)>> pinned to the ground by one of them, a man snarling as he tried to force himself on her. He has already pulled down her panties as she screams.
Moment later he manages to pull down her panties while you still can't get up from lost fight.
<br />
You notice him getting his dick out as you try to get up but without success.
<br /><br />
<<video 'misc/fight_lost2'>>
<br /><br />
His butt tensed up before she with big thrust shoved his dick in <<=setup.displayName(_fightAlly)>>. She let out load scream and begged him to stop but with no use.
As her head was pinned down to the ground the only thing she did was cry. Nothing else she could do at that moment anymore.
<br />
Few more minutes and he released her as he stood up while she still was on the ground crying her eyes out.
<br />
<<for _fightAllyI, _fightAlly range $fight.defeatedAllies>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(10) && !_fightAlly.died>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName(_fightAlly)>> was taken by enemies</strong>
<<companionRemove _fightAlly.key>>
<br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<fightEnd false>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT</h1>
<br /><br />
You managed to run away<br /><br />
As you run away you dropped few things.
<br /><br />
<<set _foodMissing = ($backpack.count('food') - 5 > 0 ? 5 : $backpack.count('food'))>>
<<set _capsMissing = ($player.money - 20 > 0 ? 20 : $player.money)>>
<<if _capsMissing > 0>>
<strong>You dropped <<=_capsMissing>> caps</strong><br />
<<if _foodMissing > 0>>
<strong>You dropped <<=_foodMissing>> food</strong><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<fightEnd false>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT</h1>
<br /><br />
You <strong><<=($fight.hp < 20 ? 'barely' : 'easily')>></strong> won the fight and manage to drop them all on the ground.
<br /><br />
<<set $fight.enemiesAlive = false>>
<<set $fight.enemiesCaptured = 0>>
<<set _enemiesWithAction = 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.defeatedEnemies.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if !setup.fightIsKilled($fight.defeatedEnemies[_i])>>
<<set $fight.enemiesAlive = true>>
<<set $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed = true>>
<<if $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured>>
<<set $fight.enemiesCaptured++>>
<<if $fight.killAll && !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured>>
<<set $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed = true>>
<<if $fight.captureAll && !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed>>
<<set $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured = true>>
<<if !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed && !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured>>
<<set _enemiesWithAction++>>
<<run delete $fight.killAll>>
<<if !$fight.reward>>
<<if $player.strength < 100>>
<<set $player.strength++>>
<strong>Your strength increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $fight.allies.length > 0>>
<<for _fightAllyI, _fightAlly range $fight.allies>>
<<set _guestKey = _fightAlly.key.split(':')[1]>>
<<if $guests[_guestKey].strength < 100>>
<<set $guests[_guestKey].strength++>>
<strong><<=$guests[_guestKey].name>> strength increased by 1</strong><br />
<br />
<<set $fight.gotCaps = randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $player.money += $fight.gotCaps>>
You got <strong><<=$fight.gotCaps>></strong> caps.
<br /><br />
<<set $fight.reward = true>>
<<for _i, _enemy range $fight.defeatedEnemies>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if Object.keys(_enemy.inventory ?? {}).length>>
<<for _enemyInventory, _enemyInventoryCount range _enemy.inventory>>
<<pickup $backpack _enemyInventory _enemyInventoryCount>>
You picked up <strong><<=Item.get(_enemyInventory).name>></strong> from <strong><<=_enemy.name>></strong>
<<run delete _enemy.inventory>>
<br /><br />
<<if $fight.public>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<strong>Someone saw your fight. Your reputation increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $fight.arrowsOnGround>>
<strong>You picked up <<=$fight.arrowsOnGround>> arrow<<=($fight.arrowsOnGround > 1 ? 's' : '')>> from the ground</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if !$fight.enemiesAlive>>
<strong>You look at them and noone of them is breathing. All of them are dead.</strong>
<strong>You look down at <<=($fight.defeatedEnemies.length > 1 ? 'their' : ($fight.defeatedEnemies[0].gender ? 'his' : 'her'))>> <<=($fight.defeatedEnemies.length > 1 ? 'bodies' : 'body')>>,
lying on the floor and you're deciding...</strong>
<<if _enemiesWithAction > 1>>
<br />
<span class="no-style">
<<link 'Kill them all'>>
<<set $fight.killAll = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= (_enemiesWithAction * 2)>>
<<goto 'Fight - won'>>
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && ($slaves.length + _enemiesWithAction) <= $basementLimit)>>
<span class="no-style">
<<link 'Capture them all'>>
<<set $fight.captureAll = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= _enemiesWithAction>>
<<goto 'Fight - won'>>
<table id="fight-table">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.defeatedEnemies.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<td @style="'color:' + (!$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].gender ? 'pink' : 'blue') + ''">
<<if $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed>>
<span style="color: red">dead</span>
<<if !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured && !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].cantKill>>
<<link 'kill'>>
<<set $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<goto 'Fight - won'>>
<<if !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed>>
<<if $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured>>
<span style="color: green">captured</span>
<<if ($game.location.basement?? false) && ($slaves.length + $fight.enemiesCaptured) < $basementLimit && ($fight.canCapture ?? true)>>
<<link 'capture'>>
<<set $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured = true>>
<<goto 'Fight - won'>>
<<set _ageReal = setup.getAge($fight.defeatedEnemies[_i])>>
<<set _age = setup.agePeriod(_ageReal)>>
Age: <<= _age>>
<<if [0, 2].includes($fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].gender)>>
Beauty: <<=$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].beauty>>
<<include 'Fight - after companions'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<fightEnd true>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT</h1>
<div id="fight-enemies">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.enemies.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _enemyAvatar = [0, 2].includes($fight.enemies[_i].gender) ? 0 : 1>>
<div class="enemy-div">
<div class="girl_info_picture">
<<set _girlVisual = $fight.enemies[_i]>>
<<include 'NPC visual'>>
<div class="enemy-hp">
<div class="enemy-hp-border">
<div class="enemy-hp-bar" @style="'width:' + $fight.enemies[_i].hp + '%'"></div>
<div class="enemy-hp-count"><<=$fight.enemies[_i].hp>></div>
<div class="enemy-weapons">
<<for _enemyWeapon, _enemyWeaponCount range ($fight.enemies[_i].inventory ?? {})>>
<div class="fight-weapon-icon">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/game/inventory/' + _enemyWeapon + '.png']]
<div class="enemy-actions">
<<link 'Hit'>>
<<fightAction _i>>
<<if $backpack.has('knife')>>
<<link 'Knife'>>
<<fightAction _i 'knife'>>
<<if $backpack.has('revolver') && $backpack.has('bullet_revolver')>>
<<link 'Revolver'>>
<<fightAction _i 'revolver'>>
<<if $backpack.has('crossbow') && $backpack.has('arrow')>>
<<link 'Crossbow'>>
<<fightAction _i 'crossbow'>>
<<if $fight.allies.length > 0>>
<h2 style="margin-top: 30px;">Allies</h2>
<div id="fight-allies">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.allies.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<div class="enemy-div">
<div class="girl_info_picture">
<<set _girlVisual = $fight.allies[_i]>>
<<include 'NPC visual'>>
<div class="enemy-hp">
<div class="enemy-hp-border">
<div class="enemy-hp-bar" @style="'width:' + $fight.allies[_i].hp + '%'"></div>
<div class="enemy-hp-count"><<=$fight.allies[_i].hp>></div>
<div class="enemy-weapons">
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.allies[_i], 'knife')>>
<div class="fight-weapon-icon">
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.allies[_i], 'crossbow') && setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.allies[_i], 'arrow')>>
<div class="fight-weapon-icon">
<<if $fight.messages.length > 0>>
<br /><br />
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.messages.length; _i++>>
<<print $fight.messages[_i]>>
<br />
<hr />
<<set $fight.messages = []>>
<br /><br />
<div id="fight-your-hp">
<div id="fight-your-hp-label">
Your HP:
<div id="fight-your-hp-border">
<div id="fight-your-hp-bar" @style="'width:' + $fight.hp + '%'"></div>
<div id="fight-your-hp-count"><<=$fight.hp>></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<br /><br />
<<if ($fight.canRunAway ?? true)>>
<<link 'Run away'>>
<<goto 'Fight - run away'>>
#fight-your-hp-label {
float: left;
width: 18%;
#fight-your-hp-count {
position: absolute;
top: -5px;
left: 45%;
#fight-your-hp-border {
border: 1px solid #4CAF50!important;
width: 81%;
position: relative;
#fight-your-hp-bar {
color: #000!important;
background-color: #4CAF50!important;
height: 17px;
.enemy-actions {
margin-top: 30px;
.enemy-hp-border {
border: 1px solid #4CAF50!important;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
.enemy-hp-bar {
color: #000!important;
background-color: #4CAF50!important;
height: 17px;
.enemy-img {
.enemy-img img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
width: auto;
max-height: 121px;
.enemy-hp-count {
position: absolute;
top: -5px;
left: 44%;
.fight-weapon-icon {
border: 1px solid orange;
border-radius: 6px;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
padding: 2px;
.enemy-weapons {
height: 11px;
margin-top: 3px;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
#fight-allies {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
.girl_info_picture.enemy-img {
zoom: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
#fight-your-hp {
margin-top: 20px;
</style><div id="vc-wrapper" class="tabs">
<!--// add > checked="checked" < to top tab for open by default//-->
<!--// Template
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v000" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v000">0.00</label>
<div class="tab-content">
##content goes here##
at css some explanation for icons //-->
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v054" name="rd" checked="checked">
<label class="tab-label" for="v054"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.54 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 5 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 11 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Event [NPC] - pregnancy potion (tmpGirl undefined error and giving trait)</li>
<li>Event [NPC] - nightclub dressing up image missing</li>
<li>Morning dream images not showing decker extended pack images</li>
<li>Fighter club didn't take into account time. Could use 24/7</li>
<li>Blackjack table didn't take into account time. Could use 24/7</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Race stadium] - First race</li>
<li>Event [Bounty hunter] (existing) - Allow to invite mother and daughter to live in settlement</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Transfemales will use different images in massage. (contr decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Garage] - Modification talk</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Mistress party introduction (existing) Changed amount of people needed from 10 to 6.</li>
<li>Event [Guest house] - Males forcing himself on women</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - Return to underground city plan</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - Return to underground city</li>
<li>Event [Isabel] - Storage talk</li>
<li>New location: Underground office (WIP)</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Fun ride (For supporters)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v053" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v053"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.53 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 6 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 20 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Assign to quarry error</li>
<li>Event [Travel] - Underground city - girl ambush error if lost the fight</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Lost child stats fix</li>
<li>Changelog </div> didn't allow to open previous changelogs</li>
<li>Milking images missing</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Nightclub - Dressing up images now moddable (Also added for trans)</li>
<li>Pregnancy speed potion reduced from 100 days to 30 days.</li>
<li>Fast travel - Added cabin location</li>
<li>Hospital - Trans working image</li>
<li>Sex - Pussy fisting option (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Sex - Trans orgasm images (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Dreams - Available to turn on for specific genders (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu - Increase max energy (For supporters)</li>
<li>Vincent breast milk and use girl links have caps added.</li>
<li>Fighting - NPCs with fighter trait will be stronger in random fights (not only cage fight)</li>
<li>Basement people market - Now in buy available males and transfemales</li>
<li>Underground shop - Added option to buy glass.</li>
<li>Journal - Help - Added work schedules</li>
<li>Sex - Female Latina separate default images</li>
<li>NPC Customize - Option to add notes to each NPC (Will show in lists)</li>
<li>Packs - Added decker pack as extended and in base game (With new updates won't need to update actions.js)</li>
<li>Fight - Added option for companions to use crossbow</li>
<li>NPC fight cage - Added images for transfemales too</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Gypsy family (For supporters)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v052" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v052"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.52 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 6 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 13 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>One of Octavia's events triggered only with 60 rel but journal tells 50</li>
<li>Married NPC asking for sex error sometimes (looked like for old NPCs)</li>
<li>Trans model: Penis visible with chastity belt on</li>
<li>Building Rodger's church didn't increase relationship</li>
<li>Dream trans nightclub image error</li>
<li>Cum in pussy with breeder trait didn't trigger orgam</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Octavia] - New plan</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Nightclub visit</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Date to the nightclub (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Investigation</li>
<li>Event [Car] - Fuel dilemma (existing) - Option to capture NPC</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Threesome more actions (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Wanted] - Catched (existing) - If using "Use" option will impact relationship and submission.</li>
<li>Event [Fight cage] - Fighter club introduction</li>
<li>Event [Fight club] - Initial NPC fighting system introduced. Fight for caps or fighters (Waiting suggestions)</li>
<li>New skill: fighter (Has additional strength in NPC cage fights)</li>
<li>Event [Cabin] - Guest threesome MMF event (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Ask to fuck someone. Option to MMF (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Cabin] - Safe haven</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v051" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v051"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.51 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 4 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 19 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Hospital: If bleeding didn't trigger healing event.</li>
<li>On job: Remove sometimes removed random NPC inventory items.</li>
<li>Explore event: The Lost Child (Fixed mother/father birth dates).</li>
<li>Vincent view: Talk about girl button rearranged.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Sex: Additional images if girl has orgasm from pussy penetration/licking (and is not a squirter).</li>
<li>New item: Lube.</li>
<li>Sex [Anal]: Option to use lube if too inexperienced.</li>
<li>Fight: Option to capture all enemies with one button.</li>
<li>Sex: Women with the "Breeder" trait get additional arousal when creampied.</li>
<li>Event [Explore]: Wolves attack. Will also get food from them, not only pelts.</li>
<li>SFW mode: A lot of images (70+ passages) changed to support settings.</li>
<li>New pack: Vina Sky (contr. smokrader).</li>
<li>Set hunters max limit to 8.</li>
<li>Journal: Negan quest added info about (80+ beauty and blonds).</li>
<li>Workbench: Option to craft axe and pickaxe.</li>
<li>New item: Coal (no use yet).</li>
<li>New item: Stone (no use yet).</li>
<li>Job [Quarry]: Work in quarry to get coal and stone.</li>
<li>NPC market: Checkboxes with option to sell all.</li>
<li>New skill: Mechanic - Good with mechanics. Sometimes able to fix cars without needing parts.</li>
<li>Event: Garage. Fuck in the car mechanic.</li>
<li>Increased max beds in bedroom from 25 to 30 and basement from 30 to 35.</li>
<li>Event: Help mechanic (for supporters).</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v050" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v050"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.50 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 9 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 15 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Blair disappear bug in nightclub (Not 100% sure if fixed but found problem)</li>
<li>Shop - event triggered with non-female genders too.</li>
<li>Fast travel was available during sandstorm</li>
<li>NPC throw out of guest house happy error</li>
<li>NPC list. Sometimes husband error</li>
<li>Hospital. Only one doctor was showing</li>
<li>Event: Late dance - NPC didn't lose virginity</li>
<li>Nightclub - after guest accepts to move in, capture option visible.</li>
<li>Male footjob cum - missing images</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Negan] - The Puppet Master</li>
<li>Event [Negan] - The Poisoned Gift</li>
<li>Cheatmenu - Background will be taken from sidebar settings.</li>
<li>Fight - if MC has body armor, bleeding chance gets reduced from 100% to 30%</li>
<li>Event [NPC market] - Option to use VIP room girl if you have sold 40+</li>
<li>Event [Bar] - Girl in danger (repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - The Quarry Discovery</li>
<li>New location: Quarry (WIP. Will add mechanics in next update)</li>
<li>Event [Cabin] - Trespassing (For supporters)</li>
<li>Sex [Threesome] - Option in some cases to have threesomes. (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Guest house] - Catch NPCs having sex (existing). Option to ask to join or replace male.</li>
<li>Event [Eve] - Rodger's surprise</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - NPC pleasuring himself (existing). If you have given dildo, chance that she will use it</li>
<li>Event [Negan] - Lower deck purge</li>
<li>New pack - Dani Jensen (contr. smokrader)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v049" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v049"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.49 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 3 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 16 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Say bubble - If custom portrait wasn't showing correctly.</li>
<li>Nightclub - After sex, if the NPC agrees to live with you, sometimes a clone appeared.</li>
<li>Sex - Sometimes with females, there was an option to give a BJ.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Fight won - Option to kill them all.</li>
<li>Sex [Nightclub] - Added handjob & cum images.</li>
<li>Cheatmenu [Edit NPC] - Option to edit hair color (For supporters).</li>
<li>Sex - Added 69' position (Contributor: decker-666).</li>
<li>Forest will use the same NPC list as the guest house.</li>
<li>New item - Pickaxe (No use yet).</li>
<li>NPC Customize [Color] - More colors and also shown in the list, so guessing is no longer needed.</li>
<li>Packs [WIKI] - Added a WIKI on how to create new custom packs and also updated <code>searchActionsPack.js</code> so it's more automatic (Will add records in <code>packs.js</code> too).</li>
<li>Fight - Enemies will now use avatars instead of static images.</li>
<li>Increased the option to assign up to three people to the hospital, with each assignment decreasing the miscarriage rate by 2%.</li>
<li>Fast travel - Added the option to go outside.</li>
<li>[Mobile] - Shop view optimized for a better experience.</li>
<li>[Settings] - Added another background color (black).</li>
<li>Event [Bathhouse] - Massage reverse proposal (For supporters).</li>
<li>NPC market - Changed the list to be the same as the guest house (Additional info).</li>
<li>Continued work on NPC fight cage system - Still in progress, about 70% done.</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v048" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v048"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.48 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 4 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 16 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Event [Explore] - Twisted family does not exist</li>
<li>Event [Bedroom] - Laura - morning sample (When skipped didn't set delay for next trigger)</li>
<li>Guest on guest. Asking for creampie text adjusted, so everyone knows it's specified for pussy.</li>
<li>If more than one companion was removed sometimes there was error.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Isabel] - The talk</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - Return</li>
<li>Event [Cage fight] - ambush (existing) Now only can be triggered after fights</li>
<li>Event [Vincent] - Talk about girl in cage (existing) Moved outside story so it's not forced</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Reverse bj. (MC giving blowjob) (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>New item: Church blueprint (No use yet)</li>
<li>Event [Rodger] - Rodger's secret</li>
<li>Continued work on NPC fight cage system - Still in progress. About 50% done</li>
<li>Event [Base] - NPC marry NPC (Deny or approve)</li>
<li>Event [NPC wedding] - Wife tax</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Person now might decline sex IF she/he is married to someone else</li>
<li>Event [Barn] - Dry clothes. (Chance to unlock locked analslut trait) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Threesome (MFF option. Male SUB). (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Base] - First settlers</li>
<li>Cheatmenu - added option to add crossbow blueprint</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Car explore event - fuel dilemma (existing). Now will also check if you have fuel in inventory.</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v047" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v047"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.47 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 2 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 15 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Failed childbirth sometimes not showing image</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Streets NPC list - will show stats same as guest house.</li>
<li>Customize [Portrait] - Added more female Asian portraits.</li>
<li>Bounty hunter - Option to bring transfemales and males to basement.</li>
<li>Started work on NPC fight cage system - Still in progress. About 25% done.</li>
<li>Modding - Now option to customize also images specified by breast size (female.breasts-big/small folder name).</li>
<li>Sex [Lick nipples] - New action to lick nipples (Different images for different breast sizes).</li>
<li>Customize [Tattoos] - Two more tattoos added.</li>
<li>Bathroom head image removed and replaced with background image.</li>
<li>With bounty hunter reputation increase, increases speed of finding persons quicker.</li>
<li>Sex [Fingering] - NPCs with squirter trait additional scene.</li>
<li>Relationship - If guest leaves or dies, other NPC friends will take happiness penalty.</li>
<li>New item: Crossbow blueprint (Exploring).</li>
<li>New item: Crossbow + arrows.</li>
<li>Fight - Now you can use crossbow. 60% to pick up arrows after won fight (If using on NPC with low HP, might kill him).</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Wicked family daughter. For supporters additional scene.</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v046" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v046"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.46 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 10 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 15 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Custom packs not showing images</li>
<li>When flaccid dick, horny increasing.</li>
<li>Giving Isabel termination potion, showed she died sometimes.</li>
<li>Garage. Could use car without fuel</li>
<li>Fuck scene showed incorrect arousal increase for fingering and few other scenes.</li>
<li>Pussy lick option showed even with chastity belt</li>
<li>Nightclub gloryhole. NPCs will have higher sub, not forced.</li>
<li>Moving guest to basement decreased 50 relationship instead of 30</li>
<li>Storage didn't show dumbbell additional icons</li>
<li>Sex. When starting sex, arousal will drop to 79 if above it so on first action there is no instant climax.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Fight] - After lost fight, if you have a companion, she might get forced to have sex.</li>
<li>Nursery - added sleeping mechanics</li>
<li>Event [Sleep] - If gay content enabled, will show male sex images instead</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Reverse anal. (If gay content enabled. (Fuck MC)) (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - Surprise relieve</li>
<li>Event [Bedroom] - Invite NPC to your bedroom to sleep.</li>
<li>Event [Bar] - A strange offer</li>
<li>Event [Underground city] - Ambush</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Bite in neck</li>
<li>Inventory - dumbbell renamed to kettlebell and added unique icon.</li>
<li>Event [Isabel] - Date (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Party additional option - orgy.</li>
<li>Event [Tribe camp] (existing) - If Octavia's kidnapped quest is in progress, increased chance to trigger from 15% to 45%.</li>
<li>Fuck - NPCs with the analslut trait will increase arousal, just 80% less.</li>
<li>Fuck - Licking. MC horny level capped at 60</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v045" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v045"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.45 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 10 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 18 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Garage - fuel was consumed without exploring</li>
<li>Garage - death race stadium event triggered all the time</li>
<li>Basement offer people to other people relationships/happy drops below -100</li>
<li>Breeder & Infertile together (worked if breeder was first trait but not if Infertile was)</li>
<li>Event [Lone survivor] - Stole only food from your backpack not cabin</li>
<li>Event [Snake pit] - error (Didn't set sick days)</li>
<li>Event [Lost child] - after fight and capture, mother was virgin</li>
<li>Males showing virgin icon</li>
<li>Bathhouse title error when pressing on guest sometimes</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Customize - name colors will now be shown in guesthouse and basement list</li>
<li>Removed Octavia's SUB/DOM route choosing. (Only DOM (MC) will stay)</li>
<li>New trait: milker. Can produce milk even not being pregnant</li>
<li>Sex - New action: Pussy fingering</li>
<li>Sex - Males kissing</li>
<li>Reworked SFW mod. Still work in progress but with time only NSFW images/videos will be hidden and not all. (contrib. alexiusp)</li>
<li>Customize - Allow to change names for kids</li>
<li>Sex [Gloryhole] - Added pussy option</li>
<li>Customize [NPC edit] - can change eyes color</li>
<li>Event [Wife] - Option to fuck her in wedding dress (contrib. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Guest] - Option to fuck in basement (contrib. decker-666)</li>
<li>New items: dumbbell upgraded versions (Higher strength training but with chance to get injury) (contrib. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Milk barn takes electricity into account. If settlement produces less than consumes, milk machines won’t work</li>
<li>If MC goes to bed horny, his energy will be impacted</li>
<li>Sex [Fingering] - Will also increase MC horny stats a bit</li>
<li>Base management - build walls [decreases chance of stealing events]</li>
<li>Event [Kitchen] - Breakfast (For supporters)</li>
<li>Multiple child births on the same day if hospital is built. (contrib. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v044" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v044"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.44 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 21 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Cage fight] - Introduction</li>
<li>Event [Cage fight] - Milk orders</li>
<li>New location: [Cage fight shop] - Option to sell milk</li>
<li>Event [Cage fight] - Rival fight #1</li>
<li>Event [Cage fight] - Ambush (repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Cage fight] - Rival fight #2</li>
<li>Event [Vincent] - Milk barn introduction (+ Option in base building to build it)</li>
<li>Event [Base building] (existing) - Decreased trigger from 140 days to 100.</li>
<li>New location [Milk barn]</li>
<li>New basement people assign option - milk barn (produces 1 mil per 3 days)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - (existing) If woman found, instead of walking she might be pleasuring herself.</li>
<li>Guesthouse - NPC's will go to sleep (each at different time at late night)</li>
<li>Event [Guest house] - Sleeping guest. (Right now for women only)</li>
<li>Event [Car Explore] - race stadium introduction</li>
<li>New location: Race stadium shop (chance to buy car parts)</li>
<li>Event [Bathhouse] - Relaxing (For supporters)</li>
<li>In npc list view added virgin icon (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Mistress punish] (existing) - Option to take over (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [NPC marry] (existing) - Option for more fun (moves to default sex) (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Finding woman (existing). Chance that she will be pleasuring herself</li>
<li>Added mechanics for extended packs (Will be able to add additional images to default images without updating actions.js each update)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v043" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v043"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.43 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 5 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 20 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Custom pack. If NPC was named as pack, images didn't work</li>
<li>Blair and Laura morning events triggered with flaccid penis.</li>
<li>Gloryhole removed kissing action</li>
<li>Pack - Asa Akira. Fixed cum in pussy image (Need to re-download pack)</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Transfemale mistress (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Eve shower visit. If joined, will end in cabin, not outside</li>
<li>Npc market - when selling, all inventory will be moved to MC backpack.</li>
<li>Settlement shop open time changed from 08:00-16:00 to 08:00-18:00</li>
<li>Coloring for name in basement and guest house lists. (contr. alexiusp)</li>
<li>Guesthouse npc list. Added submission stats</li>
<li>If the hospital is built, there is a 10% chance of giving birth to twins.</li>
<li>Basement. List will use same view as Guesthouse (stats icons)</li>
<li>Blair [Kitchen] - Will use same view as other characters (customizable)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Random npc. Chance to learn npc skills while you talk.</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Added option to give revolver (For supporters)</li>
<li>Streetworkers with masochist or cumslut trait won't take happiness penalty.</li>
<li>Settings [SFW mode] - Hides all images and videos</li>
<li>Childbirth - Now customizable images</li>
<li>More sex images for ebony race</li>
<li>[Pack] - Lana Rhoades</li>
<li>Punish - choke option</li>
<li>Event [Kitchen] - Wet T-Shirt (Only can be trigger on rainy days) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu [NPC edit] - Edit race (For supporters)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu [NPC edit] - When Octavia/Isabel/Blair approached, option to edit their stats too.</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v042" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v042"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.42 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 4 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 17 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Breeder and Infertile traits together</li>
<li>Punish typos</li>
<li>Laura won't be able to give breeder trait if NPC has infertile trait</li>
<li>Negan journal help</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Betrayal</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Blackthorn camp</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Blackthorn camp fun</li>
<li>New perk - Temporary impotence (+ Fuck limitations)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Snake pit (Triggers if with companions)</li>
<li>Receiving MC perk will show also notification about it</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Hospital (existing). Chance to find massage table blueprint</li>
<li>Event [Bathhouse] - Massage + new fuck location (massage table)</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Blackthorn big plans</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Annihilation</li>
<li>Event [Laura] - Exploration</li>
<li>Event [Laura] - First entry</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - Dom's place</li>
<li>Companion list now will show custom portraits (Experimental)</li>
<li>Event [Guest house] - morning view (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Sex] - Option to cum on pussy</li>
<li>Added more images for default sex scene</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v041" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v041"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.41 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 14 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 20 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Event [Explore] - mysterious scream. Duplicate enemy</li>
<li>Childbirth. Name couldn't be changed.</li>
<li>lastInteractionDay npc error. Won't happen for new npcs anymore</li>
<li>Library. Reading book error if no female guest is living with MC.</li>
<li>Nightclub. Going outside. Enemy female wasn't the same you were dancing with.</li>
<li>Family tree in settlement management (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Isabel - pregnancy speed potion didn't work.</li>
<li>Sandstorm & heat wave events will trigger only if have guests.</li>
<li>Blair marry error if no guests.</li>
<li>Event [Blair & Ashley] - Triggered even if you failed to find her.</li>
<li>Male cum on feet images missing</li>
<li>Packs were working strange. Now packs should work as before. (if pack do not have image in that location, it will use default folder from packs folder, not global images)</li>
<li>Nightclub npcs visited bathhouse in their working time</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Marry trans females. Also wedding images are moddable now.</li>
<li>Males NPC info will show if nipples are pierced.</li>
<li>Males and trans now have custom portraits (Old female portraits need to be re-choosen again)</li>
<li>Buttplug rotation can be set by gender (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Fire place] - House party (existing). Males will attend house party too.</li>
<li>Event [Nightclub] - Now while dancing (if settings enabled) you can meet trans too.</li>
<li>Basement person "Release" moved under NPC view.</li>
<li>Cheatmenu [NPC edit] - Option to edit female/trans breasts size. (For supporters)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu [NPC edit] - Option to edit sexualities (What genders likes) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Won't be able to give breeder trait (via Laura) if npc has already it locked.</li>
<li>Event [Childbirth] - Females with breeder chance is less chance to die and +10% for successful birth.</li>
<li>Rewrited guesthouse npc list. Now it uses icons + more info about npc (Experimental). + male beauty is visible too</li>
<li>Base building - Now you can build living homes (for settlers) (No use yet)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Meet girl. Now you will have chance to find also males and trans (if trans settings are enabled)</li>
<li>Milking will use 10 energy (previous was 30 energy)</li>
<li>Customize [Male] - added few customization images</li>
<li>Fight - Chance for enemies and allies to break their knives</li>
<li>Guest submission will slowly decrease if you do not interact with them more than 5 days.</li>
<li>New blueprint: Massage table blueprint (No use yet)</li>
<li>New blueprint: School (No use yet)</li>
<li>[Bedroom] - Sleepover. (+Chance to remove analslut from locked traits + in cheatmenu) (For supporters)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v040" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v040"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.40 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 5 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 18 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Morning messages hooker found dead object.</li>
<li>family.isBloodToMc error</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: set all guest relationship. Moved back to public access</li>
<li>Fixed fight ally attack power (They were too powerful)</li>
<li>Gloryhole random use could overwrite character variables (Creating Blair bug or any other unique character)</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Travel] - Tribe medallion (existing). Higher chance to trigger when Octavia is kidnapped</li>
<li>Event [NPC] - Offer drink (existing). If pregnant, woman might decline the offer.</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Hospital (existing). Added chance to find blueprint of hospital.</li>
<li>New location: [Hospital] (Build in base building view). Sick people will be moved there.</li>
<li>New job - doctor</li>
<li>Event [Hospital] - New sex location with new images (later will add more)</li>
<li>Event [Base attack] - Bigger base attack with a car. Chance to lose more.</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - The Lost Child (existing). Added option to approach parents</li>
<li>Event [Nightclub] - Invite to wc. (existing). Added new option to capture her</li>
<li>Event [Weather] - Heat wave. If heat wave triggers it can last from 4-6 days. In those days greenhouse/garden doesn't produce anything AND people will consume twice as much food)</li>
<li>Event [Weather] - Sand storm. Can't go outside your camp that day. Also, people working in outside camp jobs won't work that day.</li>
<li>Event [Hospital] - Fix bleeding and fun. (Doctor (female) need to have 50+ horny) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Cabin] - Fallen tree. One of your forest workers is crushed by a tree.</li>
<li>Event [Childbirth] (existing) - Will happen automatically if hospital is built AND doctor assigned</li>
<li>NPC relationship between. Made some changes and created match function that will calculate if they like each other. (In next event update will add event where guest asks your permission to marry another person)</li>
<li>Automatization - Sex worker auto rule now has levels not just on|off (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Isabel/Blair] - Dates. If you cum inside, chance that they will get pregnant.</li>
<li>Event [Blair] - Ashley visit (Can trigger on Saturday evenings if you have saved Ashley)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v039" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v039"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.39 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 2 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 20 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Auto item management took away body armor from scavengers.</li>
<li>Shower gave too much energy</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Street job will take into account beauty.</li>
<li>Customize [Portraits] - added custom portraits for black and latina females.</li>
<li>Customize [Portraits] - Reworked that they are not per hair color but only race. So all portraits will be available for that specific race.</li>
<li>Customize [Portraits] - Now you can add link to your own image and use any other portrait you want.</li>
<li>Added chance that giving pregnancy termination potion could give a chance to cause "Infertile" trait.</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Added "Set all guest submission to max" (For supporters)</li>
<li>Only guests not related to MC will trigger "Take virginity" event.</li>
<li>Give day off for nightclub workers (Also in settlement management)</li>
<li>Started to work on base management (In future will be able to build defenses, living homes, energy production/consumption, etc).</li>
<li>Event [Vincent] - Base management introduction</li>
<li>Growth potion. Now you can choose how much years to speed up.</li>
<li>Rewrote enemy generation part. Now with MC higher reputation, there is a bigger chance enemies will be with knives.</li>
<li>Bigger chance to trigger nightclub gloryhole job event. Chance increases with MC reputation.</li>
<li>Multiple packs performance. For some people with a LOT of packs enabled game became slower. Made changes so actions are not loaded on each passage load. Hopefully that should impact that speed.</li>
<li>Finished implementing relationship between NPC's (Right now positive IF they work in the same job, except street workers). In next event update will try to add event where they ask to marry someone if they like each other.</li>
<li>New skill: Teacher (No use yet)</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Punish (existing). Added golden shower option.</li>
<li>Rewrote morning messages. Now they will be grouped by jobs. Also very minimal should increase performance.</li>
<li>Event [Isabel] - Car date. (For supporters)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Add body armor (For supporters)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v038" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v038"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.38 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 2 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 16 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Event [Shopkeeper stealing] (existing). Sometimes had error and not showing npc</li>
<li>Event [Shopkeeper stealing]. One of the videos wasn't working properly</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Nightclub] - Bathroom introduction</li>
<li>New location - Nightclub bathroom</li>
<li>Event [Nightclub] - Use gloryhole (new sex location) (repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Nightclub] - New job opportunity</li>
<li>New job - Nightclub</li>
<li>Event [Guests] - Offer them a drink</li>
<li>NPC info. Added info about drunkenness.</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - Underground city chaos</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Robbers justice</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Fuel dilemma (For supporters additional event)</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Basement all workout together</li>
<li>Event [Scavenging] - If npc has knife/body armor and high enough strength, you can find her while she still fights the enemies.</li>
<li>Changed sex actions logic. Instead of fallback to bedroom (if images are missing), it will prioritize location (so if black girls don't have images from x location, it will show white girl (otherwise it was strange that for example car sex scenes used bedroom images instead))</li>
<li>New trait: Infertile. Can't get pregnant (have children)</li>
<li>New sex action: Kissing (Only females for now)</li>
<li>Started to work on NPC relationship system (They will like/dislike each other). No visible content yet (Later will be used in events (They will ask your permission to marry, etc). Suggestions welcome for simple but effective system for that. Right now main idea is that people who work in the same job (For example gardeners) will have positive relationship increase)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v037" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v037"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.37 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 7 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 20 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Cheatmenu: Fixed hottub blueprint.</li>
<li>Isabel's orientation and submission NaN.</li>
<li>Library reading book gave +20 energy instead of taking away.</li>
<li>Release NPC from basement companion error.</li>
<li>Octavia ultimatum event. Companions will be left behind.</li>
<li>Event: Common capital triggered for with males.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Mistress fuck scenes. Added NPC horny meter.</li>
<li>Scavenging. Added 10% chance that body armor could be one of the items.</li>
<li>Settings will be saved in save file. (Won't need to change them each time you load the game).</li>
<li>Workout with transfemale.</li>
<li>Customize - Change NPC name color.</li>
<li>Scavenging (NPC's). Books limited to 50. (Won't find more if will go over limit).</li>
<li>When in nursery giving growth potion and children reach 18. MC stays in nursery.</li>
<li>Customize [Clothes] - Removed texts and now you can press on images.</li>
<li>Doll - chastity belt visible.</li>
<li>Doll - piercings visible (rather small and not noticeable (If you have an idea how to make them more visible - contact me).</li>
<li>NPC sex stats. (Under more info).</li>
<li>NPC view (when talking). Showing if married or pregnant.</li>
<li>If NPC is naked, there is a 50% chance that her submission might increase (max: 20).</li>
<li>Forest. When collecting wood or food. Companions will help you sometimes.</li>
<li>Unique character "view" (Right now only option to customize). Added for Isabel for testing.</li>
<li>Force chastity belt if submission too low.</li>
<li>Working on the street with a chastity belt won't take away virginity and no chance to get pregnant BUT gained money will be 3x less.</li>
<li>Customize [Tattoos] - Allow to add tattoos. (For now only one).</li>
<li>Event [Falling satellite] (Existing) - Changed guest min from 8 to 6 AND increased chance from 5 to 10%.</li>
<li>Event [Shop] - Stealing shopkeeper (For supporters additional option) (Shopkeeper needs to have less than 50 submission).</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v036" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v036"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.35 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 6 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 16 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Milking error</li>
<li>Eve champagne event. Leaving still showed morning scene.</li>
<li>Youth district not available if only library was built.</li>
<li>Family tree husband newline.</li>
<li>Event [Laura] - Toxic rain. Horny didn't reset.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Dom] - Isabel beg</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - City chaoss</li>
<li>Event [Isabel] - Escape</li>
<li>Event [Isabel] - New home</li>
<li>Event [Isabel] - fuck in guesthouse (repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Teacher (existing). Added option to kill him if strength above 150. (Event won't trigger anymore)</li>
<li>Event [Cabin] - Invited lone survivor misbehave</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Guest asks to fuck npc in basement.</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Guest asks to fuck npc - threesome (For supporters)</li>
<li>Library read book - now need 20 energy.</li>
<li>Underground shop - added back button</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Added options to add library & hottub blueprints</li>
<li>Event [Cabin] - Virgin merchant</li>
<li>Event [Fire place] - Falling satellite</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - Milk guests if pregnant</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v035" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v035"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.35 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 11 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 23 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Event [Interrupt guest sex] - sometimes threw error and didn't find NPCs.</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: edit sometimes was with error because NPC was missing strength stats.</li>
<li>Set NPC relationship limit to 100 (Should be fixed on next encounter).</li>
<li>NPC fuck. Girl horny when fast clicking was not resetted fast enough (decreased /2).</li>
<li>Slave/Guest wash was bugged and beauty slowly increased over the limit.</li>
<li>Won't be able to offer slave who wears chastity belt.</li>
<li>Event: Common capital sometimes NPCs were showing without relationship stats.</li>
<li>Slave party. Was the same NPC for different people.</li>
<li>Missing mistress no anal (not enough stats) image.</li>
<li>While reading book time didn't increase.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>New item: Body armor (Decreases damage from knife).</li>
<li>Workbench: Added body armor.</li>
<li>Customize. Wardrobe. Button to remove all clothes.</li>
<li>Hunting. If intelligence high enough. Button to skip it.</li>
<li>Hunter job. Don't need to give bow manually. If you assign to job it will automatically also give bow.</li>
<li>Slave market VIP room times changed from 15:00-17:00 to 14:00-18:00.</li>
<li>In Octavia's rescue mission changed chance for enemy to have a knife from 100% to 80%.</li>
<li>Added that with anal you can reach NPC 100 corruption too (before that it was only with fisting).</li>
<li>Customize [Custom pack]. Now you don't need to rename NPC anymore. Just set what pack you want to use.</li>
<li>Scavengers can find books.</li>
<li>NPCs can use cosmetics once a day.</li>
<li>If you are married with NPC, it will show a ring icon in list view.</li>
<li>Added NPC last interaction day (For future use. For example, wives will get annoyed if you don't give them any attention, etc).</li>
<li>Give Blair pregnancy speed potion (kitchen -> talk).</li>
<li>Event: guard caught intruder (existing). Changed % from 5 to 3.</li>
<li>In lost fights, MC will lose more caps if we have more than 500.</li>
<li>Scavengers now will have 50% chance that a gas mask is one of the items they can find.</li>
<li>Nursery. Added back button top (Same as in guesthouse/basement).</li>
<li>MC Shop good management. Added option to manage metal and cheap necklace.</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Waterfall (another) (contr. NilsPeterAndersson).</li>
<li>Guide updates (contr. NilsPeterAndersson).</li>
<li>New pack: Asa Akira (contr. smokrader).</li>
<li>Event: Hottub relaxation (For supporters).</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v034" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v034"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.34 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 9 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 22 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Negan quest couldn't progress if Sanctuary was opened through slave market route.</li>
<li>Mistress sex wrong text.</li>
<li>NPC marry error fix.</li>
<li>Not 100% sure BUT false positive in patches shouldn't be there anymore. (Didn't have consistent result before so can't be 100% sure but if not - will continue to work on it).</li>
<li>Base attack. Was incorrect enemy count in text.</li>
<li>Eve champagne event. Captured woman slave didn't lose virginity if used.</li>
<li>Basement events didn't trigger.</li>
<li>Transfemale hooker caps transformed to NaN.</li>
<li>Without starting game, pressing on packs forwarded to game.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Slave market - Sanctuary] - Alternative route to open sanctuary via selling slaves. (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Events [Guest with guest] (existing) - Added option to ask for a creampie (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Custom portraits replaced with transparent background (contr. Thomas Muller 0.0)</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - attack car</li>
<li>Event [Waterfall girl] (existing) - added option to capture enemies.</li>
<li>Added new zone/district under MC settlement and moved there nursery. (Plan is to put there all not often visited places BUT related to learning (school/library, etc))</li>
<li>Event [Workshop] - Build library</li>
<li>Event [Library] - Read book (if you have) + some horny guest might approach (Max int to 100) (Existing event in church max will work till 50 int, exploring teacher to 60)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Option to increase slave/guest corruption to max (For supporters)</li>
<li>Bathhouse image moved to background image</li>
<li>Event [Workshop] - Build hot tub (With a chance guest might approach)</li>
<li>Event [Hottub] - Relax in hottub (% chance to increase max energy to 140 or taking away beaten (body hurts) perk)</li>
<li>Added option to take a shower in bathhouse</li>
<li>Event [Shower] - While taking shower in bathouse, chance that npc will join.</li>
<li>Basement, Forest, Greenhouse replaced pregnancy same as guest house (better mobile view)</li>
<li>Event [Scavenging didn't come home] (existing). Now also males and trans will go missing.</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - slave party introduction</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - slave party (repeatable) + invite slave to bedroom</li>
<li>Event [Settlement] - Help plow field for Rodger (if have horse)</li>
<li>Wrote a script for "update only". From now on, if no major changes will be changed, always there also will be only update files.</li>
<li>Event [Library] - Read book (extended) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Added Anna Belle pack (contr. Klamar)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v033">
<label class="tab-label" for="v033"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.33 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 11 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 35 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Hopefully fixed Octavia overwrite random NPC (Couldn't reproduce without save BUT made changes in code)</li>
<li>With VIP slave market sometimes npc's generated 17yo</li>
<li>Sometimes Blair could overwrite guest. (Couldn't reproduce changed in code few places)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Bathhouse event trigger only available if bathhouse has been built.</li>
<li>Typos (contr. dcosmic1)</li>
<li>Slave added as companion. If you kill slave, companion list error.</li>
<li>Octavia giving medallion. Sometimes showed wrong reputation amount given</li>
<li>When capturing bounty, in guest house were added two npcs. One bounty and one of your last npc/character visited (Might maybe even be the problem why someone had Octavia's/Blair in guesthouse too)</li>
<li>NPC info. Bald hair changed to bald head</li>
<li>MC horny meter not filling to 100%</li>
<li>On base attack, wrong guards/guests were helping.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Deflower, deflower with strapon, milking, no anal moved to actions (Can be modded now)</li>
<li>Increased slave market VIP room request chance from 20 to 30%</li>
<li>Shop location header moved as background image.</li>
<li>Guests and slaves who have miscarriage on street will take happiness and relationship penalty.</li>
<li>In girl tooltip (in events, etc). Added info if she's a virgin</li>
<li>In Laura's morning sample event added skip button.</li>
<li>Assign trans slaves to work as hookers</li>
<li>Street workers chance to die will take into account strength and not endurance</li>
<li>Woman wearing chastity belt do not have fuck options to fuck pussy and lick it.</li>
<li>Fuck scenes. Added NPC horny meter.</li>
<li>Male on male. Added cum in throat images</li>
<li>Blair will always generate with medium breasts size and same traits (Breeder, Cumslut and Deepthroat)</li>
<li>Explore wolves event. Bleeding will happen only if you kill less than 3 of them.</li>
<li>Renamed mods to packs (In future idea is that mods could be actual mods that customizes game without having to modify game files (js injection)) [Now players can create new packs and without modifying .html file add them under packs/packs.js]</li>
<li>Added Veronica Leal pack</li>
<li>Customize. Custom portaits for females (For portrait and say dialogs)</li>
<li>Bounty hunter. Added caught NPC info.</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - Caught trans on trans. (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Workbench. Added current amount of items</li>
<li>Added cloth and towel to managable shop items (Now your shopkeeper can buy/sell them automatically)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Hospital (existing). Added chance to find towels.</li>
<li>Decreased forest hunting target from 10 to 9 to it be successful</li>
<li>Male on male. Cum on feet and cum on back images added</li>
<li>New sex action. Anal fisting. Need analslut trait and 90+ anal (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu [Edit NPC]: Added option to change name and age (For supporters)</li>
<li>Guesthouse for mobile view. (Still experimenting). Changed pregnancy to icon and smaller text and moved throw out inside npc view.</li>
<li>Increased Travel event - tribe camp from 5% to 8% (while traveling to settlement (medallions))</li>
<li>More code cleanup and removing unnecessary global variables. (Should impact game performance)</li>
<li>Added multiple sex action texts (contr. dcosmic1)</li>
<li>Event: [Guesthouse] - Ask a guest to fuck someone. (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Slave market. Now you will be able to buy last slave before market closes.</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Mysterious scream. (For supporters additional scenes) (also added in cheatmenu to trigger)</li>
<li>Explore event The Dying Elderly Survivor (existing). Extended options (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>In fights. If have companions. Less chance that they will hit you.</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v032" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v032"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.32 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 14 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 20 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Typos and text fixes. (contr. KK-Walker/LizJ)</li>
<li>Negan 4 slaves vs fuel. Didn't take all companions away.</li>
<li>Negan car steal event. Npc error/didn't display names</li>
<li>Greenhouse. Added pregnancy info in list</li>
<li>Slave move to guesthouse button was visible without guesthouse available.</li>
<li>Male buttplug info wasn't visible.</li>
<li>Only virgin girls who like guys will ask to take their virginity.</li>
<li>Vincent shop. Max relationship per buy is 5 relationship.</li>
<li>Captured wanted person could use all the time (Now will use only till 2am)</li>
<li>Typo in cum_on_stomach actions folder. (Some locations didn't show correct cum images)</li>
<li>Nightclub dance. Dance together button even if you were alone</li>
<li>Event [Toxic waste] - error if had slave companion</li>
<li>Wanted event [Mother] - Sometimes she was a virgin</li>
<li>Offer guy slave to trans slave - missing videos.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>VIP room. Removed eye color requirement.</li>
<li>Automatization. Added rest/work button for all NPCs working on the street (contr. 3ANilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Garage will use also storage inventory. (contr. 3ANilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Negan] - Slaves for fuel event. (Repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Travel] - Trapper horse cart (Repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Give tribe medallion. (Repeatable)</li>
<li>New item: Chastity belt (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Travel] - Tribe campfire (Repeatable)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Option to give tribe medallion (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Captured</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Saved</li>
<li>Increased performance (decreased max prev button click to 3 and rewrote a lot of global variables to local (Will continue in the future and later add cleanup on save load for existing saves too)</li>
<li>Event [Nightclub] - Drink with trans (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Help page and start guide updates. (contr. 3ANilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Octavia] - Fuck her when you bring wolf pelts (after saving her) (Repeatable)</li>
<li>New item: Library blueprint (Location not implemented yet (Planned in 0.34)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Urban Echoes (find library blueprint)</li>
<li>New item: book (Will be used to increase intelligence in the library)</li>
<li>Event: [Eve] - Unexpected shower visit (Repeatable)</li>
<li>Event: [Explore] - Wicked family (For supporters additional scene)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v031" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v031"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.31 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 5 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 26 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Pregnancy on street. Didn't check if is already pregnant and resetet pregnancy</li>
<li>[Event] Car explore - If nothing was found and companion didn't wanted to have fun - error.</li>
<li>Children stats. Removed "more info", submission, traits stats.</li>
<li>Morning messages from scavengers. Fixed item display name</li>
<li>Fights. Enemy inventory wasn't taken into account (knives)</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Baby merchant. Added kid gender color</li>
<li>In game new section (mods) (Works locally)</li>
<li>Standalone mod [Riley Reid]</li>
<li>New item: condom (Contraception for girls working on streets) (Can buy in underground city)</li>
<li>If offer slave to other slave has nymphomaniac trait, relationship won't decrease.</li>
<li>Slave market - allow to sell also males and trans + gender color.</li>
<li>Storage/NPC inventory transfer - increased font size.</li>
<li>Slaves as companions. (Won't help you in fight and in the future will try to escape while traveling if low submission)</li>
<li>Event [Event: The uninvited couple] - will trigger only after 30 days.</li>
<li>Fireplace - Group workout is not available from 18:00 to 20:30 (added one more hour)</li>
<li>Added +10 caps to slave base value in market</li>
<li>Event [Basement escape] (existing). Rewrote. Instead of checking ALL slaves, will check only slaves with low submission (Higher chance to trigger the event)</li>
<li>In slave npc view added button to move her/him to the guesthouse</li>
<li>Captured enemies after fights have 50% chance to have higher submission.</li>
<li>NPC hair reworked. Better quality and replaced as SVG. That means in the future opens option to also customize hair style (short/mid/long?). (For now all NPC's will have long hair)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Edit NPC (change traits/traitsLocked/skills/beauty/anal/strength/relationship/submission stats) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Morning messages. Removed NPC's types (slave/guest) and job types.</li>
<li>Changed Vincent relationship increase if buying from his shop. (Won't increase +1 but will take into account also quantity) (contr. KK-Walker)</li>
<li>Added some missing sex action texts (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - Guests (female with male) having sex. (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - Guests (male with male) having sex. (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - Guests (male with trans) having sex. (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Added default missing asian and black sex images (contr. decker-666)</li>
<li>Fights. If defeaded ally gets stabbed with knife twice or more he will get % of chance to die.</li>
<li>Settings. Separated lesbian and gay content. (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Newly generated NPC's will use all available clothes from wardrobe.</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v030" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v030"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.30 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 7 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 24 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Punish heOrShe error</li>
<li>Tits bar event. Could fuck her without money</li>
<li>Laura give breeder trait. Removes from locked traits if exist.</li>
<li>Typo corrections and grammar changes (contr. KK-Walker)</li>
<li>Dom event (mother and two daughters). Basement / guesthouse limit check</li>
<li>Event [Dig grave] - intelligence increased without choosing to help</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Dumbbell added to automatization (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Fucking in car] - default sex actions in new location</li>
<li>Event [Vincent] - first car ride</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Nothing found. Suggest having fun (only female images for now)</li>
<li>Girls working on the street can get pregnant from their clients.</li>
<li>Event [Wood cabin] - Girl is pregnant from a client.</li>
<li>NPC customization. Added 4 shoes, 1 top, 2 accessories, 2 panties (contr. Zerorad)</li>
<li>Childbirth. Female child will get her mother's traits + one more</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Girl at the gas station</li>
<li>Event [Car explore] - Injured guy</li>
<li>Event [House party] (existing) - champagne and food will be checked also in storage.</li>
<li>Event [Bedroom] - Maid surprise.</li>
<li>Event [Slave market] - VIP requests introduction</li>
<li>Location: [Slave market VIP room] (Sell girls for VIP clients)</li>
<li>Event [Bathhouse] - Hot tub talk.</li>
<li>New item: Blueprint [Hot tub] (Not available yet) (Probably will add in 0.32 with that location)</li>
<li>Event [Fireplace] - Evening chat</li>
<li>Slave market - higher submission stats for slaves you're buying. (Even more if you have premium slaves)</li>
<li>If a girl asks to cum inside and you do that - additional relationship + happiness</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse] - Take virginity (Also changes NPC orientation to like men) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Option to add fuel and car parts (For supporters)</li>
<li>[Sex] Male/Trans - added footjob (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Males can now be assigned as a mistress too (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>New age based pregnancy chance formula: 18-24 = 24%, 25-39 = 16%, 40-59 = 8%; breeder x2 + fertility potion x2. (contr. decker666)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v029" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v029"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.29 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 4 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 32 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>NPC say bubble. Fixed portrait</li>
<li>Fight won. Check if basement available to capture someone</li>
<li>Fight won. Removed inventory (showed bugged) from enemies.</li>
<li>Male avatar missing</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Groping in garden (added relationship increase limit 50 and text)</li>
<li>Added pregnancy days in NPC info view</li>
<li>Customize. Undress girls fully</li>
<li>Sex. Added throatpie cum action</li>
<li>Reduced groping energy spent from 20 to 5.</li>
<li>NPC info - locked traits. With intelligence 50+ will see (also changed locked count from 3 to 2)</li>
<li>Sex. When you're about to cum, girl might ask to cum inside her.</li>
<li>Companions limit set to 6</li>
<li>Cheat menu: Option to increase all slave submission (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Blair - morning surprise] - Will trigger only if maid as assigned</li>
<li>Mushroom moon text will show only after Vincent has told you about potion (contr. Magnus Castor)</li>
<li>Slave suicide change % calculation will take into account submission stats (Lower chance if submission gets higher) (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Finished standalone mods (Information will follow how to create them) (tl;dr; - instead of downloading mod pack with 2-3gb files, people will be able to download specific things (for example specific girl model packs, gay content, even some scifi (if someone creates it) (Usually single mod (folder) size is 20-30mb max)</li>
<li>Reworked NPC visual breasts. Now all races should have the same color as body + in the future chance to show different sizes.</li>
<li>Childbirth. Daughter will get mother skills + one more AND all children will be straight.</li>
<li>You can go to the underground city until 2 am</li>
<li>Customize. Added option to wear panties.</li>
<li>Customize. 3 new clothes.</li>
<li>Customize. Added belly button (less awkward look)</li>
<li>Garage. Added a background image</li>
<li>Event [Male workout] - Workout together will males</li>
<li>NPC visual. Trans woman undressed will show dick</li>
<li>NPC visual. Woman pussy visible</li>
<li>Customize. Added accessories category (+1 item fishnet stockings)</li>
<li>Mechanics to fix and refill car. (In the next event update will add 1-2 events for car as a minimum)</li>
<li>Shop merchant economics. Each shop merchant will have a limited amount of money which increases/decreases each day.</li>
<li>Sanctuary shop - option to sell gas masks</li>
<li>New item: Dumbbell. Allow NPCs to workout on their own</li>
<li>Added party check for girls living in the guest house</li>
<li>Punish actions time consumed changed from 60 minutes to 15 minutes</li>
<li>Compressed some videos/action images. (Size smaller than 0.28 release)</li>
<li>Event [House party] - Additional foursome (For supporters)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v028" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v028"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.28 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 7 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 25 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Firefox doll size (increased to 150%)</li>
<li>Basement slave offer. If declined - leave button missing</li>
<li>Family tree. If npc father was released - error.</li>
<li>If girls assigned to streets. Will lose virginity</li>
<li>Fighting. If a lot companions - went outside screen and ally overlap.</li>
<li>Squirter when getting orgasm didn't show additional scene.</li>
<li>If childbirth was not successful girl still was pregnant.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Event [Cabin] - Common capital (existing). Added option to split money between girls (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>New fuck mechanics. Some fixes + if girl gets orgasm, her happiness increases (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Events (Existing) - In some random events added option to invite girl (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Negan] - Introduction</li>
<li>Event [Negan] - Done deal</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Hospital (existing) added option to find gas mask</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - Fuel delivery to Isabel (forced sex choice)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Hospital (existing) Option to find gas mask there</li>
<li>Started to work in standalone mods (Would be able to enable only mods you want to (for example more pregnancy images, more gay images, etc)</li>
<li>Settlement management. Street worker happiness stats + option to give girls days off (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Shower] - Taken.</li>
<li>Event [Workout] (existing) - will use new fuck view</li>
<li>Event [Laura] - Morning sample</li>
<li>Event [Vincent] - Note.</li>
<li>Exploring will use only 30 not 60 base energy.</li>
<li>Reworked drinking (drunk) mechanism (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Automatization updates (Streetworker automatic rest, automatic buttplug) (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Female slave escape (alternative)</li>
<li>Cheat menu: Bathhouse threesome event trigger (For supporters)</li>
<li>Settlement info. Added info how much food is produced/consumed. (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Mistress fuck] (existing) reworked (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Event [Nightclub] - Buy a drinks (foursome) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Mistress fuck scenes use new fuck mechanism (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Addition of missing generic sex action text (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Nonfemale fucking will use new mechanics (contr. decker666)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v027" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v027"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.27 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 6 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 33 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Only not virgin slaves who are horny will ask to fuck them (Basement)</li>
<li>Fixed auto bandages if you have a doctor or have bandages in inventory</li>
<li>Character/slave/guest random overwrites while using growth potion</li>
<li>Typos (contr. Seeedaum)</li>
<li>Vincent car steal event. Wrong guests were killed</li>
<li>Male fuck - titfuck was available</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Reworked NPC visual (body and breasts part). In the future opens all kinds of possibilities. Visual tits size, tattoos, scars, etc. Skin color can be custom in the future (Changes allow setting girls' skin tone to any)</li>
<li>5 new clothes (tops) for girls</li>
<li>Customize girl clothes</li>
<li>Can give axe to NPCs to increase bonuses if assigned to the forest</li>
<li>Increased how much your store can buy/sell for most used items (food/rope/plastic, etc)</li>
<li>Moved guesthouse, workbench, nursery head images to the background</li>
<li>Replaced male dolls with corresponding skin tone</li>
<li>Gardener skill gives a bigger bonus</li>
<li>Cheat menu: Option to increase all NPC happiness to max</li>
<li>Settlement stats (bedroom)</li>
<li>Settlement customize (change name/color/flag)</li>
<li>Back button in the top of the guesthouse/basement/greenhouse</li>
<li>Workout reworking to moddable folder (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Sex chance will take into account horny, submission, etc. (Now guys who are not gay but have 100 submission will have a 50% chance to say yes, instead of 0 as before) (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>After won fight additional info about defeated enemies (approx age and beauty)</li>
<li>Added moon phases. When collecting mushrooms, chance to find also food (for you and companions) (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>NPC info. Hide some fields under "More info" link. Not all stats/info about NPC is relevant</li>
<li>NPC girls added creampie count</li>
<li>Reworked happiness. Fewer penalties and more ways to gain it</li>
<li>Reduced travel time inside (x2) Underground city</li>
<li>Bathhouse schedule. Enabled male & trans NPCs. They will also use the shower automatically</li>
<li>While looking for berries, regarding moon phase, option to see wolf and hunt him (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Learnable "cook" skill (When 100 days work in the kitchen)</li>
<li>In NPC, you can see stats how many days they have worked in x job</li>
<li>Learnable cumslut trait (cum 100 times in her mouth)</li>
<li>Reworked default sex scenes with NPCs. (Right now only will be enabled for guests for testing and your reviews) (Thanks to decker666 for ideas)</li>
<li>More learnable traits: cumslut, deepthroat, nymphomaniac (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Sad guests will leave (-50 happiness) (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Offer slave guy to slave trans girl (contr, saman853)</li>
<li>Event: [Explore] (existing. Added a chance to find gas mask in a police car)</li>
<li>Settlement automatization (Gives automatically items for specific jobs, etc). (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event: Lesbian sex (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Event [Cabin]: Late dance (For supporters)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v026" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v026"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.26 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 7 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 25 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Growth potion.</li>
<li>Loop on sleep sometimes if rotten food event was active (decided not to throw food out).</li>
<li>Eye colors adjusted regarding hair/race.</li>
<li>Footjob not increasing horniness.</li>
<li>NPS's were washing even if you didn't had bathhouse.</li>
<li>Morning message hunter messages showing under slaves category.</li>
<li>Dom journal tip days fix (nightclub).</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Cheat menu [Random events trigger] (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Blair] - pregnant talk</li>
<li>Blair can now get pregnant repeatedly. (Works same as usual NPC's)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Toxic cave</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - (Existing) event with mother and two daughters. Option to also enslave them</li>
<li>Event [Base attack] - (Existing). Guards will also help you to fight intruders. (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Offer slave to slave] - (Existing). Allow/Deny cumming inside. YES! Other NPC's can make your girls pregnant! (40% chance)</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Hangman. (Keep your slaves happy)</li>
<li>Event [Shower] - Guest joining while you masturbate</li>
<li>Additional clock on mobile phones so you see it without toggling side menu.</li>
<li>More help hints inside journal (contr. NilsPeterAndersson)</li>
<li>Event [Vincent] - Infiltration of The Sanctuary.</li>
<li>Event [Garage] - Problems</li>
<li>Event [Garage] - Repairing guest (repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Explore] - Beak humans (Existing). Added option to follow them (Additional scene for supporters)</li>
<li>Event [Cabin] - (Existing) Kid stealing food. Option to invite him to live in your nursery.</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Offer male slave to male slave. (contr. saman85)</li>
<li>Event [Basement] - Offer trans slave to male slave (contr. saman85)</li>
<li>Event [Dom] - Help from The Sanctuary.</li>
<li>12 new gifts for NPCs (contr. decker666) (Available in random shops)</li>
<li>NPC's likes/dislikes for gifts (not all NPCS will like same gifts, some might give penalties) (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Event [Laura] Breeding potion</li>
<li>Now you can give your guests/slaves breeding trait.</li>
<li>Guy punish. Checking gaysEnabled checkbox. If disabled, only option will be to beat him.</li>
<li>New location: The Sanctuary (Now only with shop)</li>
<li>Wedding ring to marry Npc's available in sanctuary shop</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v025" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v025"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.25 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 5 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 29 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Some texts</li>
<li>Trans with breeder trait</li>
<li>Blair didn't had orientation</li>
<li>While doing workout she will refuse to fuck if not interested in men.</li>
<li>Octavia events triggered in the wrong order.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Morning messages. Added message if you're bleeding or used automatically bandage</li>
<li>Settings. Option to disable Trans and gay content</li>
<li>Cheat menu: Add energy</li>
<li>Cheat menu: Increase basement cell limit</li>
<li>Bedroom, kitchen, basement room image replaced with background images (If someone was assigned there, uneccesary scrolling)</li>
<li>Clickable childrens from guesthouse and basement</li>
<li>Women after giving birth won't be able to get pregnant for 6-9 months (random period for each npc)</li>
<li>Wake up above morning messages will show only if you have more than 7 messages.</li>
<li>Hunter job. Npcs with skill 'woodcraft' can be assigned. Will bring you food or wolf pelts. (Need to give bow to npc)</li>
<li>Happiness stats for NPC. (Later will use for events, mood, etc). Right now decreases if works on street and increases if using bathhouse.</li>
<li>NPC inventory system. Now you can give her your items (For now only knife nad bow (Knife to increase dmg in fights, bow for hunting)</li>
<li>Background ambient sound (Option to disable it)</li>
<li>New sex action: footjob</li>
<li>Option to disable fast travel via settings</li>
<li>New item: gas mask</li>
<li>Reduced size (some videos compressed and gifs changed to webp). Size smaller than previous version.</li>
<li>If you offer slave to other slave offered slave relationship will decrease. If slave orientation isn't straight that there will be additional penalty (+hapiness decrease)</li>
<li>New item: car part (For car fixing in the future updates)</li>
<li>New item: metal (For base upgrades in future updates)</li>
<li>Prepared things for Sanctuary location (Will be introduced in 0.26)</li>
<li>New item: towel (Craftable in workbench from cloth)</li>
<li>NPC eye color (% based on race and hair color, no game effect). (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>NPC personality trait based on big 5 classification (no game effect). (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>NPC age description adjustments (18-24: young, 40-59: mature, 60+: old). (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>NPC sex actions subfolders renamed to allow more modding (the code will understand folders named : female.asian.young.pregnant, female.pregnant, transfemale.black, male.old) (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Reworked childbirth. Now birth won't be 100% success rate. Chance increases if you have towels and someone with doctor skill.</li>
<li>NPC marry. Right now only happiness is impacted. (For other girls you've already married, happiness will decrease)</li>
<li>Event: [Greenhouse]. Get additional food (Additional event for supporters)</li>
<li>Added relationship for all characters in journal</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v024" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v024"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.24 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 6 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 20 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>In streets when clicking on your working guest it always opened last one.</li>
<li>Slave wash fuck. Virginity wasn't removed.</li>
<li>Workout fuck. Virginity wasn't removed.</li>
<li>House party threesome. Virginity wasn't removed.</li>
<li>Adjusted npc visual on mobile phones (small screens). Not npc doll should be in the same level as stats.</li>
<li>Vincent sanctuary event - only additional scene if both companions are female</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Automatically applying bandage if bleeding and you got doctor in your village (contr Magnus Castor)</li>
<li>Event [Dr.Finch]: Shattered Lab + new location "Lab"</li>
<li>New item: Gas can</li>
<li>Event [Dr.Finch]: New home</li>
<li>Event [Dr.Finch]: Another sample (repeatable) + Growth potion production</li>
<li>Events, multiple [NPC gay content] - Now you can meet males in the nightclub and also wash them. (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>New gender: trans woman (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Moddable wash folder (cont. decker666)</li>
<li>Event [Octavia]: Wolf pelt (repeatable). Bring wolf pelts to her for small reward (For DOM and SUB route). Chance to increase her sub or relationship.</li>
<li>Event [Bathhouse]: Threesome (repeatable)</li>
<li>Event [Dom]: (Isabel) Gas shortage</li>
<li>Event [Rodger]: The testing of the faith.</li>
<li>Event [Octavia]: The rival tribe ultimatum</li>
<li>New item: Tribe medallion</li>
<li>Event [Explore]: Tribe group (Options to get tribe medallions for future Octavia quests)</li>
<li>Event [Guesthouse]: Sleeping beauty (For supporters additional scenes)</li>
<li>Event [Bar]: Closing time. (For supporters)</li>
<li>New item: Cloth</li>
<li>Workbench: Option to craft bandages</li>
<li>Option to grope guests working in garden</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v023" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v023"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.23 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 1 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 35 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>When scavenger went missing and you decided to ignore - companion list error.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Changed F npc demographic % chance. (40% : white, 25% : latina, 20% : black, 15% : asian)</li>
<li>Changed npc random age generation. Now there will be bigger chance that npc are younger.</li>
<li>Changed F npc hair options (new colors + few dyed colors (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Added MC increase endurance</li>
<li>Cheatmenu: Added MC increase reputation</li>
<li>Guest/slave workout. Reworked as action. (Now moddable and later can assign specific race images)</li>
<li>Slave wash. Reworked as action (Now moddable and later can assign specific race images)</li>
<li>In childbirth child name will be generated randomly and prefilled (You can still change it if you want)</li>
<li>Separated traits from skills (traits stay for sex stuff, skills for resources, managing, etc)</li>
<li>New skill: Cook. Decreases rotten food chance by 50%</li>
<li>New skill: Doctor. Decreases chance of miscarriage and sickness days goes x2 faster</li>
<li>Set maximum strength you can gain at your fireplace to 50.</li>
<li>Set maximum strength you can gain in cage exercise to 100 and endurance to 50.</li>
<li>Added "Apply cosmetics" mechanics. (Works till 80 beauty)</li>
<li>New item: Hair dye kit (Customize your girls) (Available in Underground city shop)</li>
<li>After sleep added additional wake up button before morning messages (If you don't want to read/scroll through them)</li>
<li>Guests/slaves additional day without food (Instead of leaving/dying instantly, there will be message that they're starving + colors)</li>
<li>Explore event: Toxic waste (existing) Now supports texts if companion is male</li>
<li>Maid job. New sex scenes with outfit + energy bonus when taking a nap.</li>
<li>Growth potion mechanics (v0.1. Will improve over time)</li>
<li>Reworked guest/companion removal (should get rid of the random companion list error) (contr. Magnus Castor)</li>
<li>Learnable skills. Guest/Slaves now have stats that counts how long they work. If they reach 100 days at specific job, they will learn that specific skill. (gardening, forest, scavenger)</li>
<li>New trait: Nymphomaniac. Never says no and earns double on streets</li>
<li>Bandits who you fight and capture has 5% higher chance to have sadistic trait</li>
<li>Guestroom will show if guest is added as companion (same as any job assigned)</li>
<li>Learnable trait: analslut. If you get 100 anal stats, there is a chance girl with get analslut trait. (Keep in mind that for some girls it will be locked and they will never get it)</li>
<li>Fast travel: bedroom</li>
<li>New sex action: Titjob (only default images for now)</li>
<li>New item: buttplug (customize). Automatically increase anal stats (max to 20)</li>
<li>Mistress fuck actions. (Watch how mistress fuck/treat your slaves). (contr. decker666)</li>
<li>Decreased chance of scavenger not coming home</li>
<li>Event: nightclub (repeatable). (For supporters additional scenes)</li>
<li>Gift cosmetics (+5 rel)</li>
<li>Blair: Date [Scavenging] (For supporters)</li>
<li>Added Sexual orientation for NPC's (Not used anywhere yet) (contr. decker666)</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v022" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v022"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.22 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 8 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 22 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Firefox autoplay video now will work.</li>
<li>Bathhouse related beauty decreased too much</li>
<li>Fixed slave wash with only 10 energy. (It showed that you're out of cum and girl could get infinity beauty)</li>
<li>Fixed random washBeauty error.</li>
<li>If woman gave birth to another child it didn't show in the family tree</li>
<li>Guests not disappear from guesthouse while working on streets</li>
<li>Guests not disappear from guesthouse while working as scavengers</li>
<li>Scavenger didn't come home event not triggering</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Increased garden workers limit from 7 to 8.</li>
<li>Increased guestroom bed limit from 20 to 25.</li>
<li>Event: Dom [Ex worker daughters]</li>
<li>Event: Bar [With high reputation now you can **** bartender]</li>
<li>Event: Guest not in the mood to ****, she might suggest a quick ****</li>
<li>New item: Cosmetics (Will be able to increase girl beauty permanently in future release)</li>
<li>Event [Explore]: Abandoned mall</li>
<li>Event [Cabin]: Uninvited couple (existing). Added option to fight them.</li>
<li>Event [Slave market]: You've been noticed. (If you sell enough slaves, you get access to event + better slaves in market (younger, more beautiful, chance to get more traits)</li>
<li>In NPC info block now you'll see if girl is a virgin.</li>
<li>Event: [Bedroom] Horny guests might visit you in bedroom</li>
<li>Event: [Bedroom] Blair might join for threesome when guest visits (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event: Dom [A missing diplomat]</li>
<li>Event: Kitchen [Girl assigned to kitchen work might sometimes get stuck in the sink]</li>
<li>Event: Shower [Invite guest to your shower]</li>
<li>Event: New Character (Dr. Finch (Laura)) (scientist) [Toxic rain]</li>
<li>Event: Laura [Successful test]</li>
<li>New item: growth potion (in 0.22 release only few test vials. Mechanics will be in 0.23)</li>
<li>Nursery: Gender colors + option to click on children</li>
<li>Event: Laura [Growth vials]</li>
<li>Cheat menu: Set all slave relationship to max (For supporters)</li>
<li>Compressed all videos. (50% size decrease (Hopefully works on ios as videos were only compressed and not converted to other format (Still uses H.264))</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v021" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v021"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.21 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 8 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 33 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Guys scavenging go missing event. Removed event for males (for now)</li>
<li>Scolding guests in party. Fixed submission increase</li>
<li>Guy anal stats too low. Fixed image</li>
<li>Fixed that first guest if was scavenger and went missing. Event didn't trigger</li>
<li>Fixed bug when sometimes after fucking female guest you were thrown back to slave options</li>
<li>After cum in guy face, redirect to girl view</li>
<li>Error after fucking girl in the nightclub</li>
<li>Family tree. Didn't show properly mother and father (only children worked)</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Cheat menu: Skip time (1 week) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Event: "Trespassing girl". If security assigned. (For supporters bonus event option)</li>
<li>Decreased sex scenes time consumption from 15 minutes to 5 minutes</li>
<li>Buy a round in the bar. Increased max reputation from 20 to 50</li>
<li>Decreased Dom's required reputation from 150 to 100 for "Invite" event.</li>
<li>Guest girls can be assigned to work on street</li>
<li>Now you can buy plastic in Underground city shop</li>
<li>Workbench - higher intelligence will decrease amount of energy spent</li>
<li>New job: guard. (Decreases the chance of someone breaking in and stealing, and sometimes might catch intruders. (Intruder event will be added in 0.22 event update)</li>
<li>Decreased chance of event "Food forager" and "Uninvited couple" if guard is assigned</li>
<li>"MC stats" now will show how much reputation you got + description of how well known you are in world.</li>
<li>Event: "Slave to slave". Offer slave girl to one of your slave guys (to increase relationship)</li>
<li>Waterfall event (existing). Now traits will be randomized + warning that int was too low if you get knocked out without fight.</li>
<li>"Group workout" - will consume energy</li>
<li>Morning messages. Now they're grouped. You'll also see "shop" group when you can see what your shopkeeper sold/bought.</li>
<li>New item: piercing (Can buy in Rodger's shop)</li>
<li>Customize girls. Added option to pierce their nipples</li>
<li>Drop items. Option to drop items from your inventory</li>
<li>Basement black girl images in sex scenes</li>
<li>Male punish. (Beat, slap or paddle)</li>
<li>Added NPC birthdate in info view</li>
<li>Shopkeeper can buy/sell hay</li>
<li>Slave girl workout</li>
<li>Changed chance of traits from 30 to 50% + additional 30% to get additional trait</li>
<li>Event (Bikers (existing)). Relationship will increase/decrease of the outcome (if you enslave or invite)</li>
<li>New trait: sadistic. Only girls with sadistic trait can be assigned as mistress</li>
<li>New trait: squirter. Additional image when girl gets orgasm (pussy or anal)</li>
<li>When kids in nursery reach 18. They will be automatically moved to guest house</li>
<li>Anal sex. Added more text, according to npc anal stats (females)</li>
<li>New sex option: Lick her (cunilingus). (Way to give her orgasms without taking her virginity)</li>
<li>New building: Bathhouse (slaves and guests automatically will wash) (Outside their work times)</li>
<li>Option to kill baby cannibal merchant (Will leave you alone for 60 days)</li>
<li>Underground streets - added gender colors</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v020" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v020"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.20 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 4 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 16 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Sidebar Wednesday going outside.</li>
<li>MC stats dialog fixed "Leave" button.</li>
<li>Very rare case when save was corrupted with error "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'traits')."</li>
<li>Fixed explore event: toxic waste (Didn't trigger even with companions).</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Explore event: Waterfall (Chance to get girl with 3 traits + high beauty) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Blair event: date (repeatable) (For supporters)</li>
<li>Added credits screen (You're welcome to send in your small explore/city/settlement events)</li>
<li>Basement event: First visit (First visit after you've captured your slave) (All old slaves will trigger this error too)</li>
<li>Cabin event: Food forager</li>
<li>Octavia event: Burning church</li>
<li>Octavia event: Eve kidnapped</li>
<li>Explore event: Old couple</li>
<li>Explore event: The Dying Elderly Survivor (existing). Added option to shoot him</li>
<li>Greenhouse event: Gardening competition</li>
<li>Blare event: Morning surprise (repeatable)</li>
<li>Cabin event: Uninvited couple</li>
<li>Tech stuff: Update option to more simply add new events while traveling (will add events as you go from one location, to other)</li>
<li>Travel event: Tree ambush</li>
<li>Travel event: City ambush</li>
<li>Explore event: Tits bar</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v019" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v019"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.19 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 9 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 21 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Remove companion. Fixed names duplicating in removal dialog</li>
<li>Male slave assign to garden. Fixed limit. (7 instead of 6)</li>
<li>Male while taking won't tell "She had X orgasms"</li>
<li>Releasing slave - will take into account free beds in the guest house.</li>
<li>When talking to slave male, you were redirected to the female view</li>
<li>Children in the nursery will consume food as in other places (-30pts per day)</li>
<li>Rotten food event. Right food amount. Before that, if you had 1600 food, 1300 were rotten. Now it will be only 20%, around 320ish.</li>
<li>Changelog scrollbar not visible</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3>
<li>Cheat menu - Option to clear companion list</li>
<li>Workbench. When building basement cell, you'll stay in Workbench</li>
<li>Hunting. Now you have a 70% chance to get deer. If you get a wolf and kill him, you get a pelt (already in the game) + 5 food (new)</li>
<li>Increased male NPC base strength</li>
<li>Greenhouse. Females/males now have their own color (same as in the basement)</li>
<li>Changes in searchActions.js so it works for Linux</li>
<li>Added warning on the intro page if a newer version/patch is available</li>
<li>Added MC stats. People captured, people killed, slaves released, girls impregnated, etc.</li>
<li>Release male slaves. Either release them or add them to your guest house</li>
<li>Male guests</li>
<li>Implemented Patreon code (additional events for supporters <3 in the future)</li>
<li>Guest group workout (increase all guest strength at once)</li>
<li>Random event after group workout</li>
<li>Male slave NPC fuck (gay content)</li>
<li>Event: Horse merchant (random event where you can buy a horse if you gave yours away or he died)</li>
<li>While punishing a girl who's a masochist, her horny level will also increase</li>
<li>New trait: Shopkeeper (Only with this trait will it be available to assign an NPC to your village shop and manage your goods automatically)</li>
<li>Vincent event</li>
<li>New location: shop (In your settlement. For macro management. Set item limits and your shopkeeper will sell/buy them automatically)</li>
<li>Option to move your backpack items to storage</li>
<li>If you have your shop available, gathered items by your guests/slaves will be put automatically in storage and not in your backpack</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v018a" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v018a"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.18a <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 4<span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Dom event. After cum, you couldn't leave the scene.</li>
<li>Made changes in journal. Instead of "Keep playing," it will show how many days you need to reach.</li>
<li>Didn't set as "finished." event [Prepare yourself and meet Vincent at the farm], so it was repeating all the time.</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v018" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v018"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.18 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 4 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 17 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Changing male slave name made to appear fuck/punish buttons</li>
<li>Now you'll be able to travel to slave market at 13:30 (30minutes travel time) so you'll be able to be there as soon as it opens)</li>
<li>Slave/guest sickness fix (Had error when sleeping)</li>
<li>Male "visual" doll not showing for non-white race.</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3><ul>
<li>In settings you can change sidebar background color. Yellow (default or gray)</li>
<li>New item: Wedding ring</li>
<li>Rodger event</li>
<li>Blair event (wedding)</li>
<li>Dom event</li>
<li>Better street girl earnings and less taxes. Depending on Dom event.</li>
<li>Random event underground city: ball</li>
<li>Dom quest (champagne)</li>
<li>Dom event + fuck scene</li>
<li>Rotten food event. Added check that next time it might only happen is after 7 days.</li>
<li>Throw a party link will be always available (disabled if requirements not met) with what you need</li>
<li>Pregnant girls with 280+ days will have 100% chance to give birth</li>
<li>Vincent quest</li>
<li>Vincent event</li>
<li>Started to work on content for patreons/subscribers. (Probably two events in each event update starting from the 0.20 (or 0.22)).</li>
<li>Explore event: Lost child</li>
<li>Explore event: The Elderly Refugee</li>
<div class="tab"><input type="radio" id="v017" name="rd">
<label class="tab-label" for="v017"><span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 0.17 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 3 <span class="glyph vc-icon-top"></span> 22 <span class="vc-top-fill"></span></label>
<div class="tab-content">
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FIXES:</h3>
<li>Bounty hunter: Parent event. Fixed images</li>
<li>Explore event: The Enslaved Settlement (you can only enslave or invite girls if you have built basement or guesthouse)</li>
<li>Converted webm to mp4 for (H.256 support (IOS))</li>
<h3><span class="glyph vc-icon-con"></span>FEATURES:</h3><ul>
<li>Food consumption moved to the end of the check. That means slaves/guest first will grow their food before eating something.</li>
<li>Kids will start to consume "food" only when they're 3yo+</li>
<li>Guests working in forest have 10% chance to also find some berries (food)</li>
<li>Travel time while in your cabin (settlement) will be 10 minutes instead of an hour</li>
<li>New race: latina</li>
<li>Horse now consumes hay (1 per day)</li>
<li>Explore event: Pack of wolves (Now there's a 40% chance they'll drag away one of your companions)</li>
<li>Added few more clothes for girls</li>
<li>Companions can't be assigned to jobs</li>
<li>Reworked sidebar UI (Thanks to e801207)</li>
<li>Implemented guy NPC slaves. (Bare minimum. Can assign to work in garden)</li>
<li>Existing explore event: mysterious illness settlement (added proper ending if you give them medicine)</li>
<li>Existing explore event: The Dying Elderly Survivor (added proper ending)</li>
<li>Decreased max fighter ranking from 1000 to 100.</li>
<li>Nightclub event: If you go into trap, depending on your reputation or fighter rank, they might recognize and leave you alone + fuck scene</li>
<li>Family tree. Now when a child is born, you can see the mother's children in her profile. (Later will add MC stats of how many children you have had in total, etc. for achievements, etc.) (For MC to be a father, it will work only for new pregnancies, no existing ones)</li>
<li>Added sickness functionality. For now, only food poisoning. Later will add more lethal stuff. If a guest/slave is sick, they won't work.</li>
<li>Event: Rotten Rations. Instead of static 20 food, it will calculate 20% of your food. Added consequence - if you choose to keep the rotten food, there's a 50% chance some of your girls will get sick.</li>
<li>Added horse icon in the sidebar if you get one.</li>
<li>Option to pet your horse or change his name at the fireplace</li>
<li>Fuck event while petting your horse</li>
<li>Added ingame changelog</li>
</div><div id="ingame-ui-buttons-side" @class="'cheatmenu ' + settings.sidebarBackground + ''">
<<link 'Add 100 caps'>>
<<set $player.money += 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add energy'>>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add slave'>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<link 'Set all guest relationship to max'>>
<<for _cheatGuestI, _cheatGuest range $guests>>
<<set $guests[_cheatGuestI].relationship = 100>>
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Increase max energy'>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy +=10>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Set all guest submission to max'>>
<<for _cheatGuestI, _cheatGuest range $guests>>
<<set $guests[_cheatGuestI].sub = 100>>
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Set all guest corruption to max'>>
<<for _cheatGuestI, _cheatGuest range $guests>>
<<set $guests[_cheatGuestI].corruption = 100>>
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Set all slave relationship to max'>>
<<for _cheatslaveI, _cheatSlave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_cheatslaveI].relationship = 100>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined' && $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Set all slave submission to max'>>
<<for _cheatslaveI, _cheatSlave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_cheatslaveI].sub = 100>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined' && $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Set all slave corruption to max'>>
<<for _cheatslaveI, _cheatSlave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_cheatslaveI].corruption = 100>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined' && $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add growth potion'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'growth_potion' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add fuel'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add car part'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'car_part' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add revolver'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'revolver' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add tribe medallion'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'tribe_medallion' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add body armor'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'body_armor' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add champagne bottle'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'champagne' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add blueprint [Library]'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_library' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add blueprint [Hottub]'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_hot_tub' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Add crossbow blueprint'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_crossbow' 1>>
<<link 'Add antibiotics'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'antibiotics' 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Clear companion list'>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Increase guest house bed limit'>>
<<set $guesthouseLimit++>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Increase basement cell limit'>>
<<set $basementLimit++>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Increase MC strength'>>
<<set $player.strength++>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Increase MC intelligence'>>
<<set $player.int++>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Increase MC endurance'>>
<<set $player.endurance++>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Increase MC reputation'>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Increase happiness to max for all NPCs'>>
<<for _cheatMenuNpcI, _cheatMenuNpc range ($slaves ?? [])>>
<<set $slaves[_cheatMenuNpcI].happy = 100>>
<<for _cheatMenuNpcI, _cheatMenuNpc range ($guests ?? [])>>
<<set $guests[_cheatMenuNpcI].happy = 100>>
<<if $tmpGirl ?? null>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy = 100>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Skip time (1 week)'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if typeof $tmpGirl !== 'undefined' && (typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined' || typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' || typeof $charId !== 'undefined')>>
<<link 'Edit NPC'>>
Dialog.setup("Cheatmenu - edit NPC", "Cheatmenu - edit NPC");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Cheatmenu - edit NPC").processText());
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<set _availableGuests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests ?? [])>>
Trigger event
<<link 'Explore: Toxic cave'>>
<<goto 'Explore event - toxic cave'>>
<<link 'Explore: Waterfall'>>
<<goto 'Explore event: Waterfall'>>
<<link 'Explore: mysterious scream'>>
<<goto 'Explore event - mysterious scream'>>
<<if (_availableGuests[0] ?? []).length >= 2 && ($game.location.bathhouse ?? false)>>
<<link 'Bathhouse: Threesome'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
bathhouseThreesome: [
'guest:' + _availableGuests[0][0],
'guest:' + _availableGuests[0][1]
<<goto 'Bathhouse - threesome'>>
<<if (_availableGuests[0] ?? []).length >= 0>>
<<link 'Bedroom: Sleepover'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _availableGuests[0][0]
<<goto 'Bedroom - sleepover'>>
<<link 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
<<goto 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
<<link 'Event: Heat wave'>>
<<set $weather = {
weather: 'sun',
heatWave: true,
daysLeft: randomInteger(4,6)
<<goto 'Weather - Heat wave'>>
<<link 'Event: Sand storm'>>
<<set $weather = {
weather: 'storm',
sandStorm: true,
daysLeft: 1
<<goto 'Weather - Sand storm'>>
<<link 'Event: Blair and Ashley visit'>>
<<goto 'Blair - Ashley threesome'>>
.cheatmenu .link-internal.macro-link {
padding-left: 20px;
</style><div id="credits">
<h1>Writing contributions by:</h1>
<li>Explore event: Waterfall</li>
<li>First slave visit in basement</li>
<h2>Arkan Ascantii</h2>
<li>Explore event: Abandoned mall</li>
<br /><br />
You died because of <strong><<print $game.death_reason>></strong>
window.GameDays to [
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
window.GameMonths to [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
$gameDate to new Date(2022, 11, 4, 8, 0);
$startDate to new Date(2022, 11, 4, 8, 0);
<<widget "addmins">>
<<run $gameDate.setMinutes($gameDate.getMinutes() + $args[0])>>
<<widget "addhours">>
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0])>>
<<widget "adddays">>
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0] * 24)>>
<<widget "date">>
<<print String.format("{0} {1} {2}, {3}",
<<widget "timeDay">>
<<print String.format("{0}",
<<widget "time12hr">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() eq 0>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gt 12>>
<<print $gameDate.getHours() - 12>>
<<print $gameDate.getHours()>>
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12>>PM<<else>>AM<</if>>
<<widget "timeCycle">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() > 6 && $gameDate.getHours() < 12>>
<<set $timeCycle = 'morning'>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() > 6 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<set $timeCycle = 'afternoon'>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() > 6 && $gameDate.getHours() < 22>>
<<set $timeCycle = 'evening'>>
<<set $timeCycle = 'night'>>
<<widget "time24hr">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getHours()>>:<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>>
<<widget "datetime">><<date>> <<time12hr>> (<<time24hr>>)<</widget>>This game is a combination of a little storytelling and the rest is sandbox.<br/>
Follow the story and do the quests to unlock places in game and important characters etc.<br/>
Most importantly, it's a sexual game. (-; So gather your harem and shag everyone... ;-) Have fun!<br/>
<<linkdesc>>(By the way, story and gameplay is intertwined so mistakes will be made. Also this guide needs reformating, rewording and other re- but most of the information is there.)<</linkdesc>>
<<set _chanceFCpercent = Math.round(($player.strength - 125 + ($player.fighter_rank ?? 100))*100/26)>>
<<set _chanceFCtext = _chanceFCpercent <= 0 ? 'none!' : _chanceFCpercent >=100 ? 'auto!' : _chanceFCpercent + '%'>>
<<set _closed = {
dom: ($characters.dom.quests?.invite && !$characters.dom.quests?.accepted_deal),
<<set _done = {
vincent: $player.car?.explore,
blair: $characters.blair.quests?.basement,
rodger: $characters.rodger.quests?.eve_pregnant,
eve: $characters.rodger.quests?.eve_pregnant,
octavia: $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3,
dom: $characters.isabel.quests?.dom_return || _closed.dom,
isabel: $characters.isabel.quests?.dom_return || _closed.dom,
negan: $characters?.negan?.quests?.quest5 ?? false,
laura: $characters?.laura?.quests?.breeder_trait ?? false,
boris: $characters.boris.quests?.fight2,
<<set _doneSome = _done.vincent || _done.blair || _done.rodger || _done.eve || _done.octavia || _done.dom || _closed.dom || _done.isabel || _done.negan || _done.laura || _done.boris>>
<<set _doneAll = _done.vincent && _done.blair && _done.rodger && _done.eve && _done.octavia && (_done.dom || _closed.dom) && _done.isabel && _done.negan && _done.laura && _done.boris>>
<<set _helpguide = {
/* template
x: {
show: x,
done: x,
category: '',
title: '',
description: '',
max_energy: {
show: $player.maxEnergy < 140 && ($game.location?.underground || $game.location?.hottub),
done: $player.maxEnergy >= 140,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Energy',
description: ($player.maxEnergy < 140
? 'Raise max energy and do more things in a day<ul>' +
'<li>' + (!($game.location.underground ?? false) ? 'Find Underground city → ' : '') +
'Have 30 caps; Visit Underground fight cage; exercise; accept drug deal</li>' +
'<li>' + (!($game.location.hottub ?? false) ? 'Build a hot tub next to your bathhouse → ' : '') +
'Relax in your hot tub for a chance of raising max energy</li>' +
: '<s>Maximium of max energy reached (140)</s>'),
recover_energy: {
show: true,
done: false,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Energy',
description: 'Recover energy and do more things in a day; take a shower, take a nap & take a relaxing bath in the hot tub.<br/>Use the day to the fullest. Low on energy but have time? Go exploring! Have energy but little time? Find tasks to do!',
/* details: bedroom with maid +40, 1 h; bedroom without maid +20, 1 h; hot shower +20, ½ h; cold shower +10 ½ h; hot tub +10, ½ h but infinite use */
strength_endurance : {
show: $player.strength < 100 && $player.endurance < 50 && $game.location?.underground,
done: $player.strength >= 100 || $player.endurance >= 50,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Strength & endurance',
$player.strength >= 100 || $player.endurance >= 50
? '<s>You can\'t train strength or endurance by exercising at the Underground fight cage any more.</s>'
: $player.strength < 100 && $player.endurance < 50
? 'You can train both strength endurance simultaneously by exercising at the Underground fight cage'
: 'Training possible by exercising at Underground fight cage',
strength : {
show: $player.strength < 300,
done: $player.strength >= 300,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Strength',
description: 'You can increase your strength by:<ul>' +
($player.strength < 100 && $game.location?.underground ? '<li>exercising at the Underground fight cage (+2)</li>' : '') +
($player.strength < 100 ? '<li>working out together with one of your settlers</li>' : '<li><s>Workout with settlers</s></li>') +
($player.strength < 100 ? '<li>winning (random) fights</li>' : '<li><s>(random) fights</s></li>') +
($player.strength < 50 ? '<li>training strength by the fireplace at your home</li>' : '<li><s>Fireplace training</s></li>') +
($game.location?.underground ? '<li>fighting at the Underground fight cage. Approximate chance to win: ' + _chanceFCtext +' </li>' : '') +
'<li>and some very few random events - if you are lucky to get them</li>' +
'</ul>' +
( $player.strength >= 300 ? 'You might be one of the strongest <strong>monsters</strong> in this part of the world (With the exception of the travelling teacher of course). One punch equals one enemy down.' :
$player.strength >= 200 ? 'You can stand your ground in a fight. One stab (or two if the enemy has body armor) with the knife downs one enemy.' :
$player.strength >= 150 ? 'You can probably beat Negan in arm wrestling. If you can get him to accept such challenge.' :
$player.strength >= 100 ? 'You are stronger than many enemies you can fight with. A good set of companions might come in handy when there is many of them.' :
$player.strength >= 50 ? 'Try fighting in the fight cage. You might even win!' :
'You are a weakling! Try to avoid strong winds and other dangers like angry girls or quicksand...'),
/* negan 150, octavia 100, beak humans, waterfall 50..100; base attack, randomInteger(40, 70) */
endurance: {
show: $player.endurance < 1000,
done: $player.endurance >= 1000,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Endurance',
description: 'You can increase your endurance by:<ul>' +
(!$game.location?.underground ? ''
: ($player.endurance < 50 ? '<li>exercising at the Underground fight cage</li>' : '<li><s>Fight cage exercise</s></li>')) +
'<li>training endurance by the fireplace at your home</li>' +
intelligence: {
show: $characters.rodger.quests?.book || ($game.location.library ?? false),
done: $player.int > 100,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Intelligence',
'<ul><li>Read a book in your library. ' +
? 'But first you have to go exploring to find a blueprint for it, and then you have to build it. '
: !($game.location.library ?? false) ? 'After you have built it! ' : '') + 'Find books to read.</li>' +
'<li>' + ($player.int < 60
? (!$player?.quests?.teacher_killed
? 'If you find a lone traveller when exploring be nice to him. He might be a teacher full of knowledge!'
: '<s>You have killed the lone travelling teacher</s>')
: '<s>Done with the lone travelling teacher</s>') + '</li>' +
'<li>' + ($player.int < 50
? 'Visit settlement church and read the <strong>Book of Knowledge</strong> and gain a point of intelligence. ' +
(!($characters.rodger.quests?.book ?? false) ? '(Do quests for Rodger first!)' : '')
: '<s>Reading book in settlement church.</s>') + '</li>' +
'<li>Some random explore events can also give you points.</li>' +
reputation: {
show: true,
done: $player.reputation >= 100,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Reputation',
description: 'Gained and lost by doing stuff, too many to list. Mostly gained by winning fights and buying round of beers.',
goodwill: {
show: false,
done: true,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Goodwill',
description: '<span style="color: yellow">Not used (yet)!</span> This is how nice person you appears to be. Gained by doing good deeds, sparing enemys, helping people etc. and lost doing the opposite.',
reputation_bounty: {
show: $game.location?.bar,
done: $player.reputation_bounty_hunter >= 20,
category: 'Hint',
title: 'Bounty hunter reputation',
description: 'Your reputation within the bounty hunter community. Gained by turn-ins and lost if you don\'t follow the the BH code. Your bounty reward increases with this rep.',
find_workbench: {
show: !$game.location?.workbench && $game.location?.farm,
done: $game.location?.workbench,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Home improvement',
description: ($game.location?.workbench ?? false) ? 'You have the <span style="color: green">workbench</span>!' :
'From day 5 you have a chance to find a workbench when exploring. This important item will allow you to improve your base and build items',
randomm_fight: {
show: true,
done: false,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Guide to fine fighting!',
description: 'All the random fights follow the same pattern: First you attack, then your allies and lastly the enemies attack either you or one of your allies. If both sides have people standing repeat until we have a winning side.<br/>Wepons and protection avaiable:<dl>' +
'<dt>Hands</dt><dd></dd>' +
'<dt>Knife</dt><dd>Does more damage than empty hands, Knifes have a chance to break.</dd>' +
'<dt>Body armo</dt><dd>Body armor halves knife damage</dd>' +
'<dt>Crossbow</dt><dd>Does the most damage of alll weapons. Chance of killing the target.</dd>' +
'<dt>Revolver</dt><dd>(Hero only) One hit - one kill!</dd>' +
'<dt>Endurance</dt><dd>(Hero only) Reduces damage from enemies.</dd>' +
buildings_workbench: {
show: $game.location.workbench,
done: $game.location.greenhouse && $game.location.basement && $basementLimit >= 30 && $game.location.guesthouse && $guesthouseLimit >= 25 && $game.location.lab && $game.location.nursery && $game.location.shop && $game.location.bathhouse,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Home buildings',
description: 'Buildings buildable in workbench: ' +
(!$game.location.greenhouse ? 'Greenhouse' : '<span style="color: green">Greenhouse</span> done') + ', ' +
(!$game.location.basement ? 'Basement' : $basementLimit < 30 ? '+' + (30-$basementLimit) + ' <span style="color: yellow">Slave cells</span>' : '<span style="color: green">Basement fully built</span>') + ', ' +
(!$game.location.guesthouse ? 'Guesthouse' : $guesthouseLimit < 25 ? '+' + (25-$guesthouseLimit) + ' <span style="color: yellow">Guest beds</span>' : !$game.location.lab ? 'Laboratory in guesthouse' : '<span style="color: green">Guesthouse & lab fully built</span>') + ', ' +
(!$game.location.nursery ? 'Nursery' : '<span style="color: green">Nursery</span> done' ) + ', ' +
($game.location.shop ? 'Shop' : '<span style="color: green">Shop</span> done') + ', ' +
($game.location.bathhouse ? 'Bathhouse' : '<span style="color: green">Bathhouse</span> done') +
/* gate */
girl_in_cage: {
show: $game.location?.farm,
done: $characters.vincent?.talked_about_girl,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Girl in cage',
description: 'From day 5 you can ask Vincent about the strange girl in the cage. You get a little background history of the world and permission to have fun with her (for a small fee). Her name is Rose by the way!',
find_hot_shower: {
show: $game.location?.farm,
done: $game.hotShower,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Home improvement',
description: ($game.hotShower ?? false) ? 'You have the <span style="color: green">hot shower</span>!' :
$backpack.has('blueprint_hot_shower') ? 'You have the blueprint for <span style="color: yellow">hot shower</span>! Build it with workbench.' +
(($game.location?.workbench ?? false) ? '' : ' (After you found workbench.)') :
'From day 10 you have a chance to find a blueprint for a hot shower when exploring. Hot showers recovers more energy than cold showers',
blueprints: {
show: $game.location?.workbench || $player.quests.base_building,
done: $backpack.hasAll('blueprint_hot_shower','blueprint_hot_tub', 'blueprint_library') && ($game.hotShower ?? false) && ($game.location.hottub ?? false) && ($game.location.library ?? false) && ($game.location.hospital ?? false),
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Blueprints for home & base improvement',
'<dl>' +
? '<dt>Hot shower</dt><dd>From day 10 you have a chance to find the blueprint for a hot shower when exploring. Hot showers recovers more energy than cold showers.</dd>'
: (!($game.hotShower ?? false) ? '<dt>Hot shower</dt><dd>Have blueprint so build at your leisure.</dd>' : '<dt>Built <s>Hot shower</s></dt>' )) +
? '<dt>Hot tub</dt><dd>Visit bathhouse and the guests may suggest a hot tub. </dd>'
: (!($game.location.hottub ?? false) ? 'Have blueprint, build in workbench</dd>' : '<dt><s>Hot tub</s></dt>')) +
? '<dt>Library</dt><dd>Go exploring for a chance to find the blueprint. </dd>'
: (!($game.location.library ?? false) ? '<dt>Library</dt><dd>Have blueprint, build away. </dd>' : '<dt>Built <s>Library</s></dt>')) +
(!$backpack.has('blueprint_hospital') && !($game.location.hospital ?? false)
? '<dt>Hospital</dt><dd>Go exploring for a chance to find the blueprint. </dd>'
: (!($game.location.hospital ?? false) ? '<dt>Hospital</dt><dd>Have blueprint, build it. </dd>' : '<dt>Built <s>Hospital</s></dt>')) +
first_pregnancy: {
show: !$characters.vincent?.quests?.pregnancy_talked && $characters.vincent?.quests?.pregnancy,
done: $characters.vincent?.quests?.pregnancy_talked,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'First pregnancy',
description: 'Plant your seed and make a woman pregnant (slave, guest or important woman). Vincent will tell you how to terminate unwanted pregnancies and provide the means to do it.',
find_book : {
show: !$characters.rodger.quests?.book && $game.location?.settlement_church,
done: $characters.rodger.quests?.book,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Book of Knowledge',
description: 'Visit settlement church; Talk with Rodger; He might ask you to go find the <strong>Book of Knowledge</strong>.',
blair_wedding : {
show: !$characters.vincent?.quests?.wedding_talk && $characters.vincent?.quests?.car_talk,
done: ($characters.vincent?.quests?.wedding_talk_day + 10) <= $game.day || $characters.blair.quests?.married,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Wedding with Blair perhaps?',
description: 'Work on your relation with Blair. Increase relation(90) by talking with her, kissing her, (dating her) and even fucking her. You find her in your kitchen in the mornings, working on her father\'s farm in the days and in your bedroom at nights.<br/>' +
'After spending a long time with her, Vincent wants you to make her an honorable woman. Visit Vincent after day 150 and talk about wedding plans.' +
'If you want you can marry Blair or choose not to. Don\'t worry - you can have as many or few wives as you want. <div class="tooltip">By the way, do you know the similarity between wives and birds?<span class="tooltiptext">Both can be ringed...</span></div>' +
basement_fun: {
show: !$characters.blair.quests?.basement && $game?.cabinName,
done: $characters.blair.quests?.basement,
category: 'Gameplay',
title: 'Basement fun',
(!$characters.blair.quests?.basement ?
($characters.blair.relationship < 80 ? 'Raise relationship with Blaire (80)' : '<s>Blair relations done!</s>') +
'Talk with her in the bedroom for a reward' :
'<s>Have fun with Blair in the basement</s>'),
find_forest: {
show: !$game.location?.forest,
done: $game.location?.forest,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Explore - find forest',
description: 'Explore for the first time and find the forest. There you can find food and wood',
find_vincent: {
show: !$game.location?.farm && $game.location?.forest,
done: $game.location?.farm,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Explore - find neighbour',
description: "Explore for the second time and find Vincent's farm. He is important and involved in many of the quests and putting locations on the map.",
vincent_buy: {
show: !isMetChar('blair') && $game.location?.farm,
done: isMetChar('blair'),
category: 'Story',
title: 'Meet Blair',
description: 'Follow Vincent questline, that is buy from his shop. Meet his daughter Blair',
vincent_delivery: {
show: !$characters.vincent?.delivery && $game.location?.farm,
done: $characters.vincent?.delivery_done,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Doing a milk-run',
description: 'From day 10 Vincent wants you to deliver milk to underground city. Go visit underground and then back to farm.',
blair_wanted: {
show: isMetChar('blair'),
done: $characters.vincent?.wanted_poster,
category: 'Story',
title: 'A girl wanted',
description: 'A few days (3) after meting Blair visit Underground; discover streets; find Blair on wanted poster; tell Vincent back at farm; and Blair will be sleeping at your place',
blair_befriend: {
show: $characters.blair.relationship < 20 && $characters.vincent?.wanted_poster,
done: $characters.blair.relationship >= 20,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Making friends',
description: 'Befriend blair; follow journal - Increase relationship by talking to her in kitchen or bedroom (20)',
blair_save_ashley: {
show: $characters.blair.relationship >= 20 && !$characters.blair.quests?.bj_day,
done: $characters.blair.quests?.bj_day,
category: 'Story',
title: 'A girl in trouble',
'<span style="color: red">Warning: Timed event in this questline!</span> But it is one of only two ways to get a gun in the game' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>In the morning talk to Blair in the kitchen; Goto underground - bar</li>' +
'<li>Talk to the bartender. <span style="color: red">Warning: You have only a few days to find Ashley alive once you talked to the bartender.</span></li>' +
'<li>Between 22:00 and midnight patrol the streets looking for Ashley. Start directly after you have talked to the bartender. Patrol means: visit streets; leave; repeat until Ashley is found</li>' +
'<li>In the morning talk to Blair in the kitchen; Get <strong class="iitem">revolver</strong> if you saved Ashley; Talk to Blair in bedroom at night either way.</li>' +
'<li>It may take a few days but eventually Blair will give you a morning bj.</li>' +
vincent_settlement: {
show: $characters.blair.quests?.bj && $characters.blair.quests?.bj_day,
done: $game.location?.settlement_church,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Church',
'A few days (3) after Blaire\'s morning bj visit the farm and talk to Vincent. For a bonus: Vincent will be impressed if you bring him <strong class="iitem">100 wood</strong> and <strong class="iitem">5 solar panels</strong>. Mind reading?<br/>' +
'Collect the materials wanted in journal and bring to Vincent.<br/>' +
'Settlement discovered and you meet Rodger and Eve. It seems that Vincent want you to build a church and you "volunteered" the material and time.<br/>' +
'Continue visiting the settlement and building the church. Don\'t forget to bring lots of building material. You will need an additional total of <strong class="iitem">100 wood</strong> and <strong class="iitem">5 rope</strong> to complete the church.<br/>' +
'Octavia shows up and interrupts the celebration. You can fight her four guys if you want.',
first_party: {
show: $game.location?.settlement_church,
done: $characters.eve.quests.sex && $characters.blair.quests?.house_party_finished,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Party time with bubbles',
(!$characters.rodger.quests?.champagne ? 'Visit settlement church and talk with Rodger; He might ask you to look for wine in an old tavern in the city. Gets <span class="iitem">champagne</span>' : '<s>First chammpagne-run</s>') + '<br/>' +
( $characters.rodger.quests?.champagne ? 'After you have built the cabin, you can go on anther champagne-run with Eve every few weeks.' : '') + '<br/>' +
(!$characters.blair.quests?.house_party ? 'In the morning, talk to Blair in the kitchen. She has ideas what to do with the bubbles. <br/>' : '<s>Morning talk</s>') + '<br/>' +
(!$characters.blair.quests?.house_party_finished ? 'In the evening, throw a houseparty at the fire place. Invite any guest to your bedroom for after party fun. You will need <span class="iitem">20 food</span> and <span class="ittem">1 champagne</span>.' : '<s>First house party</s>') + '<br/>' +
( $characters.blair.quests?.house_party_finished ? 'You can now hold house partys' : ''),
making_community: {
show: !$characters.blair.quests?.gate && $characters.blair.quests?.house_party_finished,
done: $characters.vincent?.quests?.car_talk,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Making a community',
description: 'After the first house party we quickly move on to the next adventure 8-|.<ul>' +
'<li>It all starts with you having a chat with Blair in the morning. Being a good(?) daughter she wants you to fulfill one of her father\'s old dreaams. A dream he since then abandoned.</li>' +
'<li>Use your workbench to build a <strong>Settlement gate</strong>.' + (!$game.location?.workbench ? 'But first you have to go exploring until you find a workbench!' : '') + '</li>' +
'<li>Visit Vincent at his farm. He has very strong opinions about this project.</li>' +
sanctuary_reconnaissance: {
show: $characters.vincent?.quests?.wedding_talk,
done: $characters.vincent?.quests?.sanctuary_done,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Reconnaissance',
description: 'Ten days after you have discussed the wedding plans, Vincent opens up and want to talk about <strong>The Sancturary</strong>. He is clearly obsessed with that place!<br/>' +
'Prepare your party; You can bring two and only two companions, both with strength at least 40; Follow Vincent and spy on that place (and fail)',
home_shopping: {
show: !$game.location?.shop && !$characters.vincent?.quests?.shop_talk && $characters.vincent?.quests?.sanctuary_done,
done: $game.location?.shop,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Home shopping',
description: 'Vincent suggests that you build a small shop in your place.<br/>' +
'Use your workbench to build the <strong>Shop</strong>.' + ($game.location?.workbench ? '' : 'But first you have to go exploring until you find a workbench!'),
sanctuary_infiltration: {
show: !$characters.vincent?.quests?.sanctuary_car_talk && $characters.vincent?.quests?.shop_talk && $game.location?.shop,
done: $game.location?.garage,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Infiltration',
description: 'Vincent have found a way to get into the sanctuary.' +
'Prepare your party for the Sanctuary visit; You can bring four and only four companions. <span style="color: red">Warning: All companions will die!</span>',
car: {
show: !$player.car?.explore && $game.location?.garage,
done: $player.car?.explore,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Testing car',
description: 'Collect car parts and fuel and repair the wreck in the garage; Vincent will show up for the testrun',
nursery: {
show: !$characters.blair.quests?.nursery && $game?.cabinName,
done: $game.location?.nursery,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Nursery',
(!$characters.blair.quests?.nursery ? 'Talk with Blair in the kitchen. She want you to build a nursery for the children.<br>' : '<s>Talked with Blair!</s> ') + '<br/>' +
(!$game.location?.nursery ? 'Use your workbench and build the nursery' : '<s>Nursery built!</s>'),
settlement_shop: {
show: !$game.location?.settlement_shop && $game?.cabinName,
done: $game.location?.settlement_shop,
category: 'Story',
title: 'A shop for the settlement',
(!$characters.rodger.quests?.shop_talk ? 'Rodger wants you to build a shop in his little settlement<br/>Visit main square and build shop.' : '<s>Talked with Rodger about shop!</s><br/>' +
(!$game.location?.settlement_shop ? 'Visit the settlement\'s main square and build the shop.' : '<s>Built Settlement shop!</s>')),
horse: {
show: !$characters.rodger.quests?.horse && $game.location?.settlement_shop,
done: $player?.horse,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Horse',
(!$characters.rodger.quests?.horse ? 'Rodger tells you that a person called Harper might have a horse to sell. Go find him.<br/>' : '<s>Harper visited!</s><br/>') +
(!$player?.horse ? 'Barnaby, the horse traveling merchant comes by your place now and then if you don\'t get the horse from Harper, give it to Rodger or loose it somehow.' : '<s>My horse, ' + $player?.horse + '!</s>'),
burn_settlement: {
show: isMetChar('octavia') && $game.location?.settlement,
done: $characters.octavia.quests?.burned_settlement,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Settlement on fire',
($game.day < 80 ? 'From day 80 there is a chance you find something burning in the settlement.<br/>' : '') +
(!$characters.octavia.quests.burned_settlement ? 'Octavia is burning the settlement! Resolve the situation.' : '<s>Octavia tried to burn the settlement.</s>' ),
eve_kidnapped: {
show: $characters.octavia.quests?.burned_settlement,
done: $characters.octavia.quests?.canTalk ,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Eve kidnapped',
description: 'A few days (5) after the burning, visit the Settlement and find that Octavia has misbehaved again. This time Eve has ben taken. Resolve the situation.',
octavia_rivals: {
show: $characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped,
done: $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Octavia and her rivals',
description: 'Octavia has set up camp next to the settlement. Visit her!<br>' +
($characters.octavia.relationship < 40 ? 'Octavia wants wolf pelts for her tribe. Give pelts and raise her relations to 40. <span style="color: yellow">Tip!</span> Give her 3 wolf pelts at a time for the most action.' : 'You can continue to give Octavia 3 wolf pelts at a time for fun if you want.') + '<br/>' +
(!$characters.octavia.quests.ultimatum ? 'A messenger from a rival tribe gives Octavia an ultimatum. She asks you for advice!' : '<s>Rival tribe ultimatum</s>') + '<br/>' +
($characters.octavia.relationship < 60 ? 'Octavia wants medallions carried by high-level members of the rival tribe. You can encounter groups from the rival tribe by going exploring' : 'You can continue to give Octavia medallions for fun if you want.') + '<br/>' +
(!$characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found ?
'A mountain tribe has attacked the camp and taken Octavia.<br/>' +
($backpack.count('tribe_medallion') < 3 ? 'Weaken the oppositon - Get more tribe medallions (3)' : '<s>Have weakened the opposition</s>') +
'<span style="color: red">Warning: Hard fight with many enemies (with knives)!</span> Before rescuing her make sure you have trained your strength and endurance really hard. Bring maximium number of fighting companions. The stronger the better' :
'<s>Octavia kidnapped and rescued.</s>'),
faith: {
show: $characters.rodger.quests?.horse && $characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped,
done: $characters.rodger.quests?.faith,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Testing of the Faith',
'Vist the settlement. Some bandits have blocked the water supply. Fix!',
more_octavia: {
show: $characters.octavia.quests?.kidnapped_found,
done: $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3,
category: 'Story',
title: 'More of Octavia',
($characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found && !$characters.octavia.quests.betrayal ?
($characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found_day + 5 >= $game.day?
'Wait ' + ($characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found_day + 5-$game.day+1) + ' more days' :
'Octavia visits your cabin with bad news. Help her investigate the posioning of the water source') : '') +
($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal && !$characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2 ?
($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal_day + 3 >= $game.day?
'Wait ' + ($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal_day + 3-$game.day+1) + ' more days' :
'Octavia visits your cabin. Help her investigate Blackthorn camp') : '') +
($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2 && !$characters.octavia.quests.next_move ?
($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2_day + 3 >= $game.day?
'Wait ' + ($characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2_day + 3-$game.day+1) + ' more days' :
'Octavia visits your cabin. Help her') : '') +
($characters.octavia.quests.next_move && !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan ?
($characters.octavia.quests.next_move_day + 5 >= $game.day?
'Wait ' + ($characters.octavia.quests.next_move_day +5 -$game.day+1) + ' more days' :
'After all bad things that have happened Octavia moves in to your guesthouse. Visit her in her room') : '') +
($characters.octavia.quests.new_plan && !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2 ?
'Prepare for battle. Have maximium allowed fighting companions (6). Equip them as good as pssible. Visit Octavia in her room and join her.' : '') +
($characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2 && !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3 ?
($characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2_day + 0 >= $game.day?
'Visit Octavia tomorrow' :
'Visit Octavia in her room and go with her to investigate the last lead. <strong style="color:yellow">[</strong>To be continued!<strong style="color:yellow">]</strong>') : '') + '' +
($characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3 ?
'<strong style="color:yellow">[</strong>To be continued!<strong style="color:yellow">]</strong>' : '')
happy_eve: {
show: $characters.rodger.quests?.champagne,
done: $characters.rodger.quests?.eve_pregnant,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Eve and <s>Snake in paradise</s> ' + $player.name,
(!$characters.rodger.quests?.champagne ? 'Visit Rodger in his church and go on a champagne-run.<br/>' :
'<span style="color: green"><s>Normal champagne-run done!</s></span><br/>') +
(!$game?.cabinName ? 'Follow Blair\'s quests and build a gate and choose a flag.<br>' :
'<span style="color: green"><s>Have gate!</s></span><br/>') +
(!$characters.eve.quests?.sex ? 'Visit Rodger for another (but a little special) champagne-run.<br/>' :
'<span style="color: green"><s>Special champagne-run done!</s></span><br/>') +
( $characters.eve.corruption < 30 ? 'Corrupt Eve more {' + (30-($characters.eve.corruption ?? 0)) + ' steps} (Misbehave=Masturbate in church {have horny 50+}, champagne-runs or rather sex-runs with Eve)<br/>' :
'<span style="color: green"><s>Innocent Eve corrupted enough!</s></span><br/>') +
( $game.day < 120 ? 'Do other stuff until after game day 120.<br/>' :
'<span style="color: green"><s>Waiting, no more!</s></span><br/>') +
( $characters.eve.quests?.sex && $characters.eve.corruption >= 30 && $game.day >= 120 ?
(!$characters.rodger.quests?.cheat ? 'Rodger sends you and Eve to a ruined library in search of a book with answers about the apocalypse!' :
'<span style="color: green"><s>Found something!</s></span><br/>') :
'<span style="color: yellow">Do all the things above before the ruined library</span><br/>') +
( $characters.rodger.quests?.cheat ?
(!$characters.rodger.quests.eve_pregnant ?
($characters.rodger.quests.cheat_day + 14 >= $game.day ?
'Wait for ' + ($characters.rodger.quests.cheat_day+14-$game.day+1) + ' more days' : 'Visit settlement. Eve have news!' ) :
'<span style="color: green"><s>Mission completed!</s></span>') :
'<span style="color: yellow">...</span><br/>'),
dom_taxes: {
show: $game.location?.streets,
done: $warnedAboutStreetHookers,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Dom and taxes',
'Assign at least one worker to work the streets. Visit the Underground streets. Dom will inform you of the tax rules.' +
'If you don\'t want streetworkers you can remove them after the briefing.',
dom_invite: {
show: $warnedAboutStreetHookers,
done: $characters.dom?.quests?.invite,
category: 'Story',
title: 'An invitation from Dom',
description: 'Dom will invite you to a meeting if you impress him. To do this you have to do:<ul>' +
'<li>' + ($game.day < 100 ? 'Wait untill day 100 (as a trial period)' : '<s>Trial period over.</s>') + '</li>' +
'<li>' + ($player.reputation < 100 ? 'Have 100 reputation to be respected.' : '<s>Being respected in various communities.</s>') + '</li>' +
'<li>' + ((setup.getPersonsForLocation($slaves, 'streets').length + setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'streets').length) < 4 ? 'Have at least four persons working the streets. If you don\' want street workers you can remove them after meeting Dom.' : '<s>4+ streetworkers</s>') + '</li>' +
'<li>' + (!($characters.dom?.quests?.invite ?? false) ?
'Visit the underground streets. Dom want to talk to you and invites you to his place. He suggests a better deal than before. Lower tax and better protection for your streetworkers if you are willing to do some odd jobs for him now and then.<br>' +
'<span style="color: red">Warning! Important choice!</span> <span style="color: yellow">Rejecting the deal ends the Dom & Isabel quest lines.</span> <span style="color: green">Accepting the deal continues them.</span>'
: '<s>Have been invited to Dom\'s place.</s>') + '</li>' +
dom_champagne: {
show: $characters.dom?.quests?.invite,
done: $characters.dom.quests?.quest1_done || _closed.dom,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Bubbles for Dom',
(($characters.dom.quests.day + 10) >= $game.day ? '10 days after accepting the deal Dom have the first quest for you. ' : 'Dom first quest: ') +
(!$characters.dom.quests?.quest1 ? 'Visit Underground streets and meet Dom. ' : '<s>Have met Dom.</s> ') +
(!$characters.dom.quests?.quest1_done ?
($backpack.count('champagne') < 10 ? 'He wants <strong class="iitem">10 bottles of champagne</strong>. ' : '<s>Have champagne!</s> ') +
'Bring the bubbles to him (streets)' : '<s>Brought bubbles</s>'),
dom_employee: {
show: $characters.dom.quests?.quest1_done,
done: $characters.dom.quests?.quest2_done || _closed.dom,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Punishment for emplyee',
($player.strength < 100 ? 'Increase your strength (100+). ' : '<s>Enough strength! </s> ') +
(!$characters.dom.quests?.quest2 ?
('Meet Dom in the streets (as usual). He is angry on an employee and want her "punished". Go visit her. Free choice to follow order to punish or not follow order.<br/>' +
'If you follow order Dom will be pleased and Isabel unhappy but if you don\'t Dom will be very angry with you and Isabel happy.') :
('<s>Have met Dom. ' + ($characters.dom.quests?.quest2_killed ? 'Punished' : 'Didn\'t punish') + ' employee!</s>')),
dom_fuel: {
show: $characters.dom.quests?.quest2_done,
done: $characters.dom.quests?.quest3_done || _closed.dom,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Diplomacy for fuel to the city',
description: 'A week or two after the inccident meet Dom in the streets (as usual).He is in need of you. The underground is near a fuel crisis and the diplomatic envoy from a trading partner hasn\'t showed up as expected. Follow Dom and his entourage to the trading partner.',
isabel_try: {
show: $characters.dom.quests?.quest3_done,
done: $characters.dom.quests?.quest4_done_day|| _closed.dom,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Isabel\'s turn for fuel',
description: 'Ten days after the last attempt to get fuel to city meet up with Isabel in the nightclub. She know someone that runs an old oil and gas refinery. The only transport available is a bike with sidecar so you have to leave your companions behind at your home. Enjoy your solo adventure with Isabel.<br/>' +
'<<linkdesc>>(You have an option to use stealth in this quest. Stealth uses intelligence. For best result have a high stat!)><</linkdesc>>',
isabel_sanctuary: {
show: $characters.dom.quests?.quest4_done_day,
done: $characters.dom.quests?.quest6 || _closed.dom,
category: 'Story',
title: 'The Sanctuary contact',
description: 'After another ten days meet Isabel in the streets. She has made a deal with the Sanctury and want you to go and do the negoiation.<br/>' +
'You can now visit the Sanctuary. Go there and visit Negan. Depending on choices you might need 400 caps.<br/>' +
'The real price is that Negan wants four blonde girls, very beautiful (80+) for fuel.<br/>' +
'<span style="color: red">Warning: You will loose the four blondes.</span> Have the girls among the companions. If you don\'t have enough blondes you can use hair dye kit. Visit Negan\'s office and deliver the girls.<br/>' +
'(You can now repeat trade <strong class="iitem">2 blonde</strong> for <strong class="iitem">5 fuel</strong> by visiting Negan in his office.)<br/>' +
'Go back to the Underground city where Isabel eagerly awaits the fuel.',
isabel_desperation: {
show: $characters.dom.quests?.quest6,
done: $characters.isabel.quests?.temp_home || _closed.dom,
category: 'Story',
title: 'A desperate Isabel',
description: 'The Underground city is in turmoil. The meager deliveries of fuel to the city isn\'t enough. The threat of a fuel crisis and people rioting is immediate!' +
(_closed.dom ? '<br/><span style="color: yellow">These quests is unavailable!</span>' : '<ul>' +
(($characters.dom.quests?.quest6_day + 5) >= $game.day ? '<li>Wait almost a week after giving the 15 fuel to Isabel</li>' : '') +
(!$characters.dom.quests?.isabel_beg ? '<li>Visit the streets. A desperate Isabel begs for 10 fuel for the next time</li>' : '') +
(($characters.dom.quests?.isabel_beg_day + 5) > $game.day ? '<li>Wait another almost a week.</li>' : '') +
(!$characters.dom.quests?.isabel_beg_fuel ? '<li>Have 10 fuel in backpack. Visit the city. Help Isabel. Invite her as a guest.</li>' : '') +
(!$characters.isabel.quests?.temp_home ? '<li>Visit Isabel in your guest house and discuss her temporary new home.' : '') +
'<li>Have fun with Isabel, your new <s>toy</s> guest!</li>' +
dom_return: {
show: $characters.isabel.quests?.temp_home && !_closed.dom,
done: $characters.isabel.quests?.dom_return || _closed.dom,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Isabel back to Dom',
( _closed.dom ? '<br/><span style="color: yellow">Unavailable!</span>' : '') +
(!_closed.dom ?
($characters.isabel.quests?.temp_home_day ?? 0) + 14 >= $game.day ? 'Wait two weeks for Isabel to settle in her new home.' :
!$characters.isabel.quests?.check_city ? 'Visit Isabel who wants you to check the situation in Underground city' :
!$characters.isabel.quests?.pregnant ?
(!$characters.isabel?.pregnancy ? 'Go on dates with Isabel and shag her until pregnancy' :
$characters.isabel?.pregnancy < 10 ? 'Wait for it!' : 'Visit Isabel and talk about her pregnancy' ) :
($characters.isabel.quests?.pregnant_day + 5) >= $game.day ? 'Wait a couple of days' :
!$characters.isabel.quests?.dom_return ? 'Dom shows up outside your place and takes back Isabel to the Underground' : 'To be continued...' : '')
laura_meet: {
show: $game.day >= 150,
done: $characters?.laura?.quests?.lab_workbench ?? false,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Dr. Laura Finch',
'Meet up with Laura:<ul>' +
'<li>' + (!isMetChar('laura') ? ( $game.day < 200 ? 'Wait for day 200; Go exploring.' : 'Go exploring; Encounter toxic rain, find shelter and meet Laura. Give her a sample.' ) : '<s>First meeting with Laura</s>' ) + '</li>' +
'<li>' + ((!$characters?.laura?.quests?.successful_test ?? false) ?
(($characters?.laura?.quests?.metOnDay ?? -1) >= ($game.day - 3) ? 'Three days after the first meeting, ' : '') + 'Laura shows up outside your cabin. Talk with her and give new sample.' : '<s>Second meeting with Laura</s>' ) + '</li>' +
'<li>' + ((!$characters?.laura?.quests?.first_vials ?? false) ?
(($characters?.laura?.quests?.lastTestDay ?? -1) >= ($game.day - 5) ? 'Science takes time. Five days after the last meeting,' : '') + 'Laura shows up outside your cabin. She has good news about her potions.' : '<s>Third meeting with Laura</s>') + '</li>' +
'<li>' + ((!$characters?.laura?.quests?.lab_workbench ?? false) ?
(($characters?.laura?.quests?.lastTestDay ?? -1) >= ($game.day - 7) ? 'All this waiting... A full week after the last meeting,' : '') + 'Laura shows up outside your cabin. Bad news: Raiders have destroyed her lab.' : '<s>Fourth meeting with Laura</s>') + '</li>' +
laura_move: {
show: $characters?.laura?.quests?.lab_workbench ?? false,
done: $characters?.laura?.quests?.breeder_trait ?? false,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Laura moving in',
'Laura settles in at her new lab:<ul>' +
'<li>' + ((!$characters?.laura?.quests?.living ?? false) ?
(!$game.location.workbench ?? false ? 'Explore to find the workbench → ' : '') +
(!$game.location.guest_house ?? false ? 'Build guest house → ' : '') +
(!$game.location.lab ?? false ? 'Build lab → ' : '') + 'Laura shows up outside your cabin, ready to move in.'
: '<s>Laura moved in</s>') + '</li>' +
'<li>' + ((!$characters?.laura?.quests?.breeder_trait ?? false) ?
(($characters?.laura?.quests?.lastTestDay ?? -1) + 20 >= $game.day ? 'Wait for three weeks. ' : '') + 'Meet Laura in the greeenhouse.'
: '<s>Laura invented breeder serum.</s>') + '</li>' +
negan: {
show: $game.location?.slave_market || $characters.dom.quests?.quest4_done_day,
done: $characters?.negan?.quests?.quest2 ?? false,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Negan and the blondes',
description: 'Find the Sanctuary. You can do this by following the Dom questline or by selling 20 slaves at the Underground slave market. Visit Negan in the Sanctuary<br/>' +
'Negan wants to trade blonde girls, very beautiful (80+) for fuel, either <strong class="iitem">4 blonde</strong> for <strong class="iitem">15 fuel</strong> (Dom questline) or <strong class="iitem">2 blonde</strong> for <strong class="iitem">5 fuel</strong> (selling slaves).<br/>' +
'Thereafter you can repeat trade <strong class="iitem">2 blonde</strong> for <strong class="iitem">5 fuel</strong>.',
negan_bad: {
show: ($player.stats?.slaves_sold ?? 0) || $characters?.dom?.quests?.quest5,
done: $characters.negan.quests?.quest5 || (_closed.dom && $characters?.negan?.quests?.fuel_slaves),
category: 'Story',
title: 'Negan - the bad guy that likes blondes',
description: '<ul>' +
($characters?.dom?.quests?.quest5 && !$characters?.negan?.quests?.quest1 ? '<li>Visit Sanctuary!</li>' : '') +
($characters?.negan?.quests?.quest1 && !$characters.negan.quests?.quest2 ? '<li>Trade Negan 4 blondes in his office!</li>' : '') +
($characters?.negan?.quests?.quest2 && !$characters?.negan?.quests?.fuel_slaves ? '<li>Visit Sanctuary!</li>' : '') +
(!$characters?.negan?.quests?.fuel_slaves && !isMetChar('negan') ? '<li>' +
(($player.stats.slaves_sold ?? 0) <= 20 ? 'Slave sell path: Sell ' + 21-(($player.stats.slaves_sold ?? 0)) + 'slaves in the Underground slave market' : 'Visit sanctuary!' ) + '</li>' : '') +
( $characters?.negan?.quests?.fuel_slaves ? '<li><span style="color: yellow">Repetable trade</span>: Fuel deal for slaves - In his office trade a pair of blonde women with high beauty (80+) for 5x fuel</li>' : '') + '<li>' +
($characters?.negan?.quests?.quest2 && !$characters.negan.quests?.quest3 ?
(($characters.negan.quests?.fuel_slaves_count ?? 0) < 2) ?
'Trade ' + (2-($characters.negan.quests?.fuel_slaves_count ?? 0)) + ' pair of blonde women in his office' : 'Visit office.' : '' ) +
($characters?.negan?.quests?.quest3 && !$characters.negan.quests?.quest4 ?
($game.day <= ($characters.negan.quests.quest3_day + 4) ?
'Wait ' + ($characters.negan.quests.quest3_day + 4-$game.day+1) + ' days' : 'Visit Negan\'s office for a gift') : '' ) +
($characters?.negan?.quests?.quest4 && !$characters.negan.quests?.quest5 ?
($game.day <= ($characters.negan.quests.quest4_day + 7) ?
'Wait ' + ($characters.negan.quests.quest4_day + 7-$game.day+1) + ' days' : 'Visit Negan\'s office for a lower deck experience') : '' ) + '</li></ul>'
boris: {
show: $game.location?.underground,
done: $characters.boris.quests?.fight2,
category: 'Story',
title: 'Boris fight cage',
(!$game.location?.underground ? 'Follow Vincents questline to find the location of the underground city and Boris fight cage.<br/>' :
($player.strength <= 30 ? 'Train your strength to more than 30 before Boris talks to you.<br/>' :
(!isMetChar('boris') ? 'Visit Fight cage and meet Boris' :
( $player.fighter_rank > 80 ?
'Fight in the cage and reach rank' + ( $player.fighter_rank > 95 ? 's 95, 90 & 80' : $player.fighter_rank > 90 ? 's 90 & 80' : ' 80') :
'Feel free to continue to fight and train in the fight cage and gain ranks.'
all_future: {
show: _doneSome,
done: _doneAll,
category: 'Story',
title: 'End of questlines',
description: 'This is the end of ' + (_doneAll ? 'all' : _doneSome ? 'some' : 'none') + ' of the characters quests as of version v0.51c. Just be patient and wait for game updates.<br/>' +
'Vincent: ' + (_done.vincent ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!') + '<br/>' +
'Blair: ' + (_done.blair ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!') + '<br/>' +
'Rodger & Eve: ' + (_done.rodger ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!') + '<br/>' +
'Eve: ' + (_done.eve ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!') + '<br/>' +
'Octavia: ' + (_done.octavia ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!') + '<br/>' +
'Dom: ' +
(_closed.dom ? '<span style="color: yellow">Questline aborted!</span>' :
(_done.dom ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>': 'More quests to do!')
) + '<br/>' +
'Isabel: ' +
(_closed.dom ? '<span style="color: yellow">Questline unavailable!</span>' :
(_done.isabel ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!')
) + '<br/>' +
'Negan: ' + (_done.negan ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!') + '<br/>' +
'Laura: ' + (_done.laura ? '<span style="color: green">Done!</span>' : 'More quests to do!'),
internal: {
show: false,
done: false,
category: 'Internal',
title: 'Notes for guide writer + help pages + info and more',
description: '<ul><li>It has been too loong since update of help+info + etc.</li>' +
'<li>A little fix for NPC training with bells</li><li>New limits for number of workers and new asssignments, info pages and help pages</li>' +
'<li>This is a reminder for the writer of this game guide of things to do.<br/>Player<br/>Characters<br/>More hints, gameplay etc. Improving the format<br/>Check f95-forum for suggestions.</li></ul>',
<<set _guide = {
past: {},
present: {},
future: {},
<<for _item range _helpguide>>
<<set _time = _item.done ? 'past' : _item.show ? 'present' : 'future'>>
<<set _guide[_time][_item.category] ??= []>>
<<set _guide[_time][_item.category].push('<span style="color: #ccc">' + _item.title + '</span><br/>' + _item.description)>>
<<set _out = {
past: '',
present: '',
future: '',
<<for _time, _obj range _guide>>
<<for _category, _list range _obj>>
<<set _out[_time] += '<h4>' + _category +'</h4>' + _list.join('<br/><br/>') + '<br/>'>>
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showPast = !(_showPast ?? false)>>
<<if _showPast>>
<<run $('#past').show()>>
<<run $('#past').hide()>>
<div id="past" style="display:none;"><<=_out['past']>><br/><br/></div>
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showPresent = !(_showPresent ?? true)>>
<<if _showPresent>>
<<run $('#present').show()>>
<<run $('#present').hide()>>
<div id="present" style="display:block;"><<=_out['present']>><br/><br/></div>
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showFuture = !(_showFuture ?? false)>>
<<if _showFuture>>
<<run $('#future').show()>>
<<run $('#future').hide()>>
<div id="future" style="display:none;"><<=_out['future']>><br/><br/></div>/* definitions of <<charactars ...>> from StoryInit.tw
<<character 'grandfather' setup.ImagePath+'/people/grandfather/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'you' "$player.name" setup.ImagePath+'/people/you/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'vincent' setup.ImagePath+'/people/vincent/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'boris' setup.ImagePath+'/people/boris/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'blair' setup.ImagePath+'/people/blair/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'dom' setup.ImagePath+'/people/dom/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'eve' setup.ImagePath+'/people/eve/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'rodger' setup.ImagePath+'/people/rodger/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'octavia' setup.ImagePath+'/people/octavia/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'anonguy' 'Guy' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anonguy.png'>> X
<<character 'anongirl' 'Girl' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>> X
<<character 'harper' setup.ImagePath+'/people/harper/avatar.png'>> X
<<character 'isabel' setup.ImagePath+'/people/isabel.png'>> X
<<character 'laura' setup.ImagePath+'/people/laura/avatar.jpg'>> X
<<character 'negan' setup.ImagePath+'/people/negan/avatar.png'>> X
other sourcess
+ slave merchant
+ horse
+ barnaby, horse traveller
I am the hero of this story. Also called MC, that is main character.
I am one of your nearest neighbors just an hour's walk from your place.<br/>
I run a dairy farm and also have a small shop.<br/>
Blair is my daughter. Hurt her and I will hurt you!<br/>
As a good neighbor I will put you and your companions in trouble...
Hello! I might move in with you. And manipulate you to build things.
I am the priest of this nice and friendly settlement.<br/>
May I introduce my wife Eve?
How do you do?<br/>
*whispers* Being a young wife to an old husband might make me interested in adventures...
I am the leader of my tribe, The grounders. We are in need of wolf pelts to keep us warm during the coming winter.
I am Dom, self-appointed mayor of the Underground city! <br/>
You have to pay tax to me if you place street workers on my street. But if you help me with some jobs I might reduce that tax for you.
I am Dom's deputy (or wife).
I run the Fight cage in the Underground city. Come for fighting or exercise.
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
I manage the slave market in the Underground city.
<h3>The sanctuary</h3>
I am the leader of the Sanctuary. I like blondes. both natural and bottle ones.
I might have a horse for you.<br>
I trade it for two beautiful ladies - 4 legs for 4 legs!
I'm an amazing scientist somehow in need of a lab.<br/>
Build me a lab and perhaps I will be your houseguest.
<h3>Minor characters</h3>
We are many. I represent any girl or women you haven't been introduced to, captured or invited by you.
We are also many. We are the male version of "Girl"...
Hello grandson! You will only see a little of me when starting the game.<br/>
But still, I will get credit for small role..
<<say 'Horse' setup.ImagePath+'/game/misc/horse_black.jpg'>>
<<say 'Barnaby' setup.ImagePath+'places/cabin/horse_merchant.jpg'>>
I am a traveling horse merchant. My colorful caravan filled with beautiful horses will come by your cabin now and then.
<<say 'Lone traveller' setup.ImagePath+'places/explore/teacher_walking.webp'>>
I am a lone traveller. Share a meal with me and I will share with my konwledge.
<</say>>/* init simple inventory */
<<run setup.items.simple_inv_fix()>>
<<set _catHelpItems = {}>>
/* _catHelpItems[category] = map _itemID, _helpItem */
/* sugarcube do not like for ... of ..., must be for ... range ... */
<<for _cat range _catOrder>>
<<set _catHelpItems[_cat] = new Map()>>
/* _workbenchItems from <<include 'Workbench items' */
<<include 'Workbench items'>>
<<set _crafting = []>>
<<for _itemID range Object.keys(_workbenchItems)>>
/*<<set _crafting = _crafting.append(Object.keys(_workbenchItems[_itemID].required))>>*/
<<if typeof _workbenchItems[_itemID].required === 'undefined'>>
<<for _craftingID range Object.keys(_workbenchItems[_itemID].required)>>
<<run _crafting.push[_craftingID]>>
/* sold in shops, manual */
/* _shopItems in different shops,
should perhaps be setup.shopitems{shop} ? */
<<set _shops = [
name: 'Farm',
sells: ['food','wood','axe','rope','alcohol','tobacco','glue','soda', 'milk'],
name: 'Settlement',
sells: ['wood','hay','flower','candy','necklace_cheap','plush'],
name: 'Underground',
sells: ['bandage', 'knife', 'solar_panel','fertility_potion','pregnancy_speed_potion','plastic','hair_dye_kit','buttplug','piercing', 'chastity_belt','cosmetics','sextoy','whippit','xanax'],
name: 'Sanctuary',
sells: ['metal','bullet_revolver','piercing', 'wedding_ring'],
<<set _shopSells = {}>>
<<for _shop range _shops>>
<<set _shopname = _shop.name>>
<<for _itemID range _shop.sells>>
<<set _shopSells[_itemID] ??= []>>
<<run _shopSells[_itemID].push(_shopname)>>
<<set _shopSells = {}>>
<<for _shopname, _items range setup.items.shopSells()>>
<<for _itemID range _items>>
<<set _shopSells[_itemID] ??= []>>
<<run _shopSells[_itemID].push(_shopname)>>
<<set _helpItems = new Map()>>
/*<<for _itemID, _item of Item.list.entries()>>*/
<<for _itemID range setup.mapKeys2list(Item.list).sort() >> /* .sort() */
<<set _item = Item.get(_itemID)>>
<<set _helpItem = {
name: _item.name,
desc: _item.description ?? '',
npc: setup.inventoryNpc[_itemID] ?? false,
sources: []
<<run _helpItems.set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _tags = _item.tags>>
<<if !/no\suse/i.test(_helpItem.desc) && _item.hasTag('no_use')>>
<<set _helpItem.desc += '<br />No use for now'>>
/* a little humor */
<<if ['duck_tape'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<set _helpItem.desc += '<br />No ducks implemented in game yet!'>>
/* sources */
<<if (_shopSells[_itemID] ?? []).length>>
<<set _key = 'Shop: ' + _shopSells[_itemID].join(', ')>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push(_key)>>
<<if ['milk'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Milking the ladies')>>
<<if _workbenchItems[_itemID] ?? false>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Workbench')>>
<<if ['food'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Garden/Greenhouse')>>
<<if ['food', 'wood', 'glowing_mushroom', 'pelt_wolf'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Forest')>>
<<if setup.items.scavenging.includes(_itemID) || typeof setup.items.scavenging_chance[_itemID] !== 'undefined'>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Scavenging')>>
<<if ['coal', 'stone'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Quarry')>>
<<if setup.inventoryManageable[_itemID] ?? false>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Shopkeeper')>>
<<if _item.hasTag('start_item')>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Start item')>>
<<if ['breast_pump', 'wedding_ring', 'note3844'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Vincent quests/tasks')>>
<<if ['champagne'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Rodger quests/tasks')>>
<<if ['fuel'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Dom quests/tasks')>>
<<if ['growth_potion'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Laura in lab')>>
<<if ['revolver'].includes(_itemID)>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Special')>>
<<if _helpItem.sources.length == 0 && (['raw_human_meat', 'blueprint_hot_shower', 'blueprint_library', 'fuel', 'tribe_medallion', 'gas_mask', 'car_part', 'metal'].includes(_itemID) || _item.hasTag('explore'))>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('Explore!')>>
<<if _helpItem.sources.length == 0>>
<<run _helpItem.sources.push('<span style="color: yellow">Unavailable in this version!</span>')>>
/* categories */
<<set _catCount = 0>>
crafting: 'Materials for building & crafting in workbench',
potion: 'Pharmacy; materials & finished products',
tool: 'Tools and weapons',
gift: 'Gifts for slaves & guests',
quest: 'Quest items',
no_use: 'No use for now',
que: 'Unsorted or new items',
<<if _item.hasTag('food')>>
<<run _catHelpItems['food'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if /building|crafting/i.test(_helpItem.desc) ||
_item.hasAnyTags('building', 'crafting', 'part') || _crafting.includes(_itemID) >>
<<run _catHelpItems['crafting'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if _item.hasTag('fabric')>>
<<run _catHelpItems['fabric'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if /potion/i.test(_item.name + _helpItem.desc) || _item.hasTag('potion')>>
<<run _catHelpItems['potion'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if _item.hasAnyTags('tool', 'weapon')>>
<<run _catHelpItems['tool'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if (setup.gifts[_itemID] ?? false) || _item.hasTag('gift')>>
<<run _catHelpItems['gift'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if /quest/i.test(_helpItem.desc) || _item.hasTag('quest')>>
<<run _catHelpItems['quest'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if /no\suse/i.test(_helpItem.desc) || _item.hasTag('no_use')>>
<<if !/no\suse/i.test(_helpItem.desc)>>
<<set _helpItem.desc += '<br />No use for now'>>
<<run _catHelpItems['no_use'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set _catCount++>>
<<if _catCount == 0>>
<<run _catHelpItems['que'].set(_itemID, _helpItem)>>
<<set setup.helpitemsByCategory = _catHelpItems>><ul>
<li>Forest: 8:00-18:00</li>
<li>Garden: 8:00-16:00</li>
<li>Kitchen: 8:00-22:00</li>
<li>Mistress: 12:00-22:00</li>
<li>Streets: 14:00-6:00</li>
<li>Scavenging: 12:00-20:00</li>
<li>Nightclub: 20:00-4:00</li>
<li>Hospital: 8:00-22:00</li>
<li>Maid: 10:00-13:00</li>
<li>Garage: 10:00-18:00</li>
</ul><h1>Help or hinder?</h1>
<h2>(<span style="color:red">Warning: spoilers ahead</span>)</h2>
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showGuide = !(_showGuide ?? false)>>
<<if _showGuide>>
<<run $('#guide').show()>>
<<run $('#guide').hide()>>
<</button>>Guide/Hints to playing - or at least a start!</h2>
<div id="guide" style="display:none;">
<<include 'Help - Guide'>>
<br /><hr /><br />
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showItems = !(_showItems ?? false)>>
<<if _showItems>>
<<run $('#items').show()>>
<<run $('#items').hide()>>
<div id="items" style="display:none;">
Note! Many items can be found by going exploring. Not mentioned in table!<br /><br />
Another note! Since the game is a work-in-progress with new versions all the time this help might be a little off.<br /><br />
<<set _catOrder = [
'food','crafting','fabric', 'potion','tool','gift','quest','no_use','que'
<<set _catTitle = {
food: 'Food for eating',
crafting: 'Materials for building & crafting in workbench, garage & base building tab',
fabric: 'Fabric',
potion: 'Pharmacy; materials & finished products',
tool: 'Tools, weapons & equipment',
gift: 'Gifts or stuff for slaves & guests',
quest: 'Quest items',
no_use: 'No use for now',
que: 'Unsorted or new items (If you find stuff here the writer forgot to update the help....)',
/* dynamic help for all items */
<<if typeof setup.helpitemsByCategory === 'undefined'>>
<<include 'Help - items include'>>
<<set _catHelpItems = setup.helpitemsByCategory>>
/* Finally, we are ready to make a (almost dynamic) table of items */
<table border="1">
<th>Used for</th>
<<for _cat range _catOrder>>
<<if !_catHelpItems[_cat].size>>
<tr><td colspan="3"><h3>_catTitle[_cat]</h3></td></tr>
<<for _itemID range setup.mapKeys2list(_catHelpItems[_cat]) >>
<<set _helpItem = _catHelpItems[_cat].get(_itemID)>>
<<if _helpItem.sources.length>>
/*<li><<=_helpItem.sources.join('</li><li>')>></li> */
<br /><hr /><br />
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showSkill = !(_showSkill ?? false)>>
<<if _showSkill>>
<<run $('#skills').show()>>
<<run $('#skills').hide()>>
<</button>>Important skills and traits</h2>
<div id="skills" style="display:none;">
<<set _skills = setup.help.skills()>>
<<for _skillID range Object.keys(_skills).sort()>>
<<set _skill = _skills[_skillID]>>
<<set _name = _skill.name, _desc = _skill.desc>>
<<set _learn =
typeof _skill.learnable === 'undefined' ? '<span style="color: yellow">(Learnable ?)</span>.' :
_skill.learnable ? '<span style="color: green">Learnable</span>.' :
'<span style="color: red">Not learnable</span>.'>>
<<set _xtra = _skill.xtra ?? ''>>
<dt><<=_name>></dt><dd><<=_desc>> <<=_learn>> <<=_xtra>></dd>
<br /><hr /><br />
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showJob = !(_showJob ?? false)>>
<<if _showJob>>
<<run $('#jobs').show()>>
<<run $('#jobs').hide()>>
<</button>>Assigned to & jobs of all kinds</h2>
<div id="jobs" style="display:none;">
You can assign your slaves and guests to different jobs.<br/>
Slaves can only work in the garden/greenhouse, streets and as companions. <br/>
Guests can work in any job.
<dt>Companion</dt><dd>A companion travels with the mc. Help him with fights.<br/>Both guests and slaves can be companions but slave companions will not help you in a fight.</dd>
<dt>Doctor</dt><dd>Outside the hospital the doctor don't need a special assignment. Can work anywhere. Any guest with doctor skill will step in as doctor when needed. A hospital will improve the chances for success.</dd>
<dt>Forest</dt><dd>Works in the forest, producing wood and sometimes a few berries to eat.</dd>
<dt>Garden/Greenhouse</dt><dd>Works in garden/greenhouse producing food.</dd>
<dt>Guard</dt><dd>A guest with good strength might work as a guard, watching over your place. Might sometimes capture cute young women who tries to sneak in.</dd>
<dt>Hospital</dt><dd>A doctor heals people here</dd>
<dt>Hunter</dt><dd>Provides you with food or wolf pelts</dd>
<dt>Kitchen</dt><dd>Any guest can work in the kitchen but with no effect. Only if the guest has the cook skill it will ha an effect.</dd>
<dt>Maid</dt><dd>Any guest can work as a maid. Will give extra energy for the hero taking a nap.</dd>
<dt>Mistress</dt><dd>Any guest with the sadistic trait might work as mistress. Will whip the slaves into shape.</dd>
<dt>Nightclub</dt><dd>After a deal with the glory-hole manager you can put your sex workers to work here</dd>
<dt>Quarry</dt><dd>An old quarry can be found by exploring. </dd>
<dt>Scavenging</dt><dd>A guest assigned to scavenging is sent out to find and collect nice-to-have things. There is a chance of a scavenger not coming home. When that happens the mc have a chance to go out and try to find her.</dd>
<dt>Shop</dt><dd>If you build a shop you will need a guest with shopkeeper skill to handle it. With a shopkeeper you can sell surplus and buy needed materials.<br/>
The shop also contains storage space to keep materials in the house.</dd>
<dt>Streets</dt><dd>Whatever you call the sexworkers, working the streets means coming in contact with the dark underbelly of human society. People don't respect others property. o_O Assaults, abuse and even killing of the workers isn't unheard of. High risk of miscarriage and loosing unborn children.<br/>
Dom, that more or less owns the streets, let your girls work there but you have to pay high taxes and get little or no protection in return.
After getting a better deal with Dom you will get lesser tax and some protection.</dd>
<table border=1>
<td>A good strength & a knife helps in fight</td>
<td>Doctor skill</td>
<td>Good strength, axe & skill woodcraft</td>
<td>(Relationship >= 30)</td>
<td>Upgrade the garden with a greenhouse to produce more food
<br/>Skill gardener</td>
<td>A good strength (Strength >= 30)</td>
<td>A good strength & knife, for the rare base attack</td>
<td>Woodcraft skill & bow</td>
<td>A good strength</td>
<td>Cook skill</td>
<td>Being female</td>
<td>Female|Male with sadistic trait</td>
<td>A paddle?</td>
<td>Having a deal with the management<br/>(Relationship >= 70)</td>
<li>Being female</li>
<li>Being a nymphomaniac and having a high submission</li>
<td>Explore and find the quarry</td>
<td>A good strength gives a little more coal and stone.</td>
<td>A good strength, a knife & the scavenger skills increases chance of survival
<br/>Scavenging skills also gives bonus items</td>
<td>Shopkeeper skill for shop part, none for storage part</td>
<td>(Relationship >= 50)</td>
<li>Being female</li>
<li>Deal with Dom for protection & lower taxes</li>
<li>High strength or a deal with Dom for protection and a knife for survival</li>
<li>Being a nymphomaniac, having a high submission, being beautiful and/or being trained in using body orifices for pleasure pays more.</li>
/*<li>Beauty, submission and other sexual traits pays more</li>*/
<br /><hr /><br />
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showFarm = !(_showFarm ?? false)>>
<<if _showFarm>>
<<run $('#farm').show()>>
<<run $('#farm').hide()>>
<</button>>Improving the farm</h2>
<div id="farm" style="display:none;">
The hero takes possession of a farm with little luxury. There is water but only cold water, a basement with only a few slave cells, a barren garden.
<dd>You start with only a few slave cells in the basement but with room for more. Obedient slaves, that is high relationship, can be released and upgraded to guests in the guesthouse.</dd>
<dd>A little luxury for the persons living in the farm. Improves beauty, at least temporary. </dd>
<dd>A place to rest and sleep and more. Taking a nap will restore energy. Having a house-maid will restore more energy when napping.</dd>
<dt>Cold shower</dt>
<dd>Can be upgraded to hot shower</dd>
<dt>Fire place</dt>
<dd>For training, partying and relaxing.</dd>
<dd>Produces food, upgradable to greenhouse, produces more food/worker</dd>
<dd>You can upgrade your farm to a settlement. For this you need a gate.</dd>
<dd>An upgraden garden, produces more food per worker</dd>
<dt>Guest beds</dt>
<dd>Expands the guesthouse.</dd>
<dt>Guest house</dt>
<dd>You can build a guest house. It starts with only a few beds but with room for more. Released slaves and invited persons live in the guest-house.</dd>
<dd>To heal people</dd>
<dt>Hot tub</dt>
<dd>An expansion to bathhouse. A place to relax and recover energy.</dd>
<dd>For eating and some social talks.</dd>
<dd>An expansion to the guest house. A scientific laboratory.</dd>
<dd>For keeping and reading books. Located in the youth district.</dd>
<dd>A place to store children. Otherwise they will take up valuable space in basement and guesthouse. Located in the youth district.</dd>
<dd>Starts with cold water only. Taking a cold shower will restore a little energy. Can be upgraded to hot shower that restore a little more energy.</dd>
<dd>A shopkeeper can sell surplus and buy needed items from passers-by. Also storage space for the farm.</dd>
<dt>Slave cells</dt>
<dd>Expands the basement</dd>
<dd>For building and crafting "stuff".</dd>
<dt>Youth district</dt>
<dd>A separate part of your home for the young ones. Library and Nursery are located here.</dd>
<br /><hr /><br />
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showAuto = !(_showAuto ?? false)>>
<<if _showAuto>>
<<run $('#auto').show()>>
<<run $('#auto').hide()>>
<</button>>Automation help</h2>
<div id="auto" style="display:none;">
-- WORK --
<br /><hr /><br />
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showCast = !(_showCast ?? false)>>
<<if _showCast>>
<<run $('#cast').show()>>
<<run $('#cast').hide()>>
<</button>>Cast of characters</h2>
<div id="cast" style="display:none;">
<<include 'Help - characters'>>
<br /><hr /><br />
<<button "[0|1]">>
<<set _showSchedule = !(_showSchedule ?? false)>>
<<if _showSchedule>>
<<run $('#schedule').show()>>
<<run $('#caschedulest').hide()>>
<</button>>Work schedules</h2>
<div id="schedule" style="display:none;">
<<include 'Help - Schedule'>>
<br /><hr /><br />
<<item id [name]>>
[use code]
[description code]
<<tags [listOfTags]>>
<<item "laptop" "Laptop">>
An old Windows 95 laptop
<<tags 'start_item' 'no_use'>>
<<item "porn_magazine" "Porn">>
Vintage porn magazine
<<tags 'start_item' 'no_use'>>
<<item "raw_human_meat" "Raw human meat">>
No use for now
<<tags 'no_use'>>
<<item "csgo_knife" "CS-GO knife">>
No use for now
<<tags 'start_item' 'no_use'>>
<<item "wood" "Wood">>
Needed for crafting. You can sell at the farm store.
<<item "axe" "Axe">>
Increases amount of wood you get in the forest.
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "pickaxe" "Pickaxe">>
Allows to get resources from mines and quarry.
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "food" "Food">>
Eat it
<<tags 'food'>>
<<item "rope" "Rope">>
Needed for building things.
<<item "breast_pump" "Breast pump">>
Breast pump for milking slaves.
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "milk" "Milk">>
Needed to craft pregnancy termination potion
<<item "solar_panel" "Solar panel">>
Needed for building things.
<<item "blueprint_hot_shower" "Hot shower blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'explore'>>
Home improvement!
<<item "blueprint_hospital" "Hospital blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'explore'>>
Base building
<<item "blueprint_church" "Church blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'explore'>>
Base building
<<item "blueprint_hot_tub" "Hot tub blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'explore'>>
Home improvement!
<<item "blueprint_library" "Library blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'explore'>>
Home improvement!
<<item "revolver" "Revolver">>
Uses 38 Special bullets
<<tags 'weapon'>>
<<item "blueprint_crossbow" "Crossbow blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'explore'>>
<<item "crossbow" "Crossbow">>
Uses arrows
<<tags 'weapon'>>
<<item "arrow" "Arrow">>
For crossbow
<<tags 'weapon'>>
<<item "knife" "Knife">>
Rusty but in good shape knife
<<tags 'weapon'>>
<<item "glowing_mushroom" "Glowing mushroom">>
The main ingredient in the pregnancy and growth potion.
<<tags 'potion'>>
<<item "pregnancy_potion" "Pregnancy termination potion">>
Terminates pregnancy but may be fatal for the girl.
<<consumable "bandage" "Bandage">>
<<run delete $player.perks['bleeding']>>
Use this if you're bleeding.
<<tags 'fabric' 'potion'>>
<<item "bow" "Bow">>
Used for hunting.
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "towel" "Towel">>
Used for cleaning or childbirth.
<<tags 'fabric'>>
<<item "antibiotics" "Antibiotics">>
Used to cure illness.
<<tags 'potion'>>
<<consumable "fertility_potion" "Fertility potion">>
<<run $.wiki("<<perkAdd 'fertility'>>")>>
Used for increasing the reproductive ability greatly.
<<item "plastic" "Plastic">>
Needed for building things.
<<item "glass" "Glass">>
Needed for building things.
<<item "pregnancy_speed_potion" "Pregnancy speed potion">>
Speed up pregnancy by 100 days
<<item "champagne" "Champagne">>
Use them to throw party.
<<tags 'gift'>>
<<item "paddle" "Paddle">>
Increases submission gain while punishing slave
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "bullet_revolver" "Bullet .38">>
Bullet for revolver
<<tags 'weapon'>>
<<item "duck_tape" "Duck tape">>
Needed for building things.
<<tags 'no_use'>>
<<item "necklace_cheap" "Cheap necklace">>
Can use as a gift (+4 rel)
<<item "flower" "Flower">>
Can use as a gift (+3 rel)
<<item "hay" "Hay">>
Used for feeding farm animals
<<tags 'food'>>
<<item "pelt_wolf" "Wolf pelt">>
Quest item
<<item "wedding_ring" "Wedding ring">>
Ask someone to marry you
<<tags 'gift'>>
<<item "piercing" "Piercing">>
Use to customize your girls
<<tags 'gift'>>
<<item "cosmetics" "Cosmetics">>
Use to increase girl beauty or can use as a gift (+4 rel)
<<item "growth_potion" "Growth potion">>
Accelerated aging. Will age person by 8-9 years.
<<item "hair_dye_kit" "Hair dye kit">>
Change hair color of your girls
<<tags 'gift'>>
<<item "buttplug" "Butt plug">>
Increase girl anal stats automatically (max 20)
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "fuel" "Fuel can">>
For vehicle and story item
<<tags 'food'>>
<<item "tribe_medallion" "Tribe medaillion">>
Quest item
<<item "cloth" "Cloth">>
Can craft bandages and towels
<<tags 'fabric' 'crafting'>>
<<item "gas_mask" "Gas mask">>
Used to get into toxic places
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "car_part" "Car part">>
Used to fix car
<<tags 'part'>>
<<item "metal" "Metal">>
Needed for crafting
<<item "tobacco" "Tobacco">>
Can use as a gift (+3 rel)
<<item "alcohol" "Alcohol">>
Can use as a gift (+3 rel)
<<item "candy" "Candy">>
Can use as a gift (+3 rel)
<<item "soda" "Soda">>
Can use as a gift (+4 rel)
<<item "whippit" "Whippit">>
Can use as a gift (+5 rel)
<<item "xanax" "Xanax">>
Can use as a gift (+5 rel)
<<item "glue" "Glue">>
Can use as a gift (+4 rel)
<<item "plush" "Plush">>
Can use as a gift (+5 rel)
<<item "sextoy" "Sextoy">>
Can use as a gift (+5 rel)
<<item "lube" "Lube">>
Can be used if inexperienced in anal
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "note3844" "Note">>
handwritten code "3844"
<<tags 'no_use' 'quest'>>
<<item "dumbbell" "Dumbbell">>
Let people workout and increase strength (up to 30). Small risk of injury
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "kettlebell" "Kettlebell">>
Let people workout and increase strength (up to 50). Medium risk of injury
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "dumbestbell" "Dumbestbell">>
Let people workout and increase strength (up to 60). High risk of injury
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "condom" "Condom">>
Contraception for girls working on streets
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "chastity_belt" "Chastity belt">>
Use to prevent guest from having sex without permission
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "book" "Book">>
Use to increase intelligence in library
<<tags 'tool'>>
<<item "body_armor" "Body armor">>
Decreases damage taken from knife
<<tags 'weapon'>>
<<item "blueprint_massage_table" "Massage table blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'explore'>>
Base building
<<item "blueprint_school" "School blueprint">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'no_use'>>
Base building
<<item "stone" "Stone">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'no_use'>>
Base building and crafting
<<item "coal" "Coal">>
<<tags 'crafting' 'no_use'>>
To heat homes
<</item>><div id="inventory">
<<for _item, _amount range $backpack.table>>
<<capture _item, _amount>>
<<set _icon = _item>>
<<if _icon.indexOf("blueprint") !== -1>>
<<set _icon = 'blueprint'>>
<<if _icon.indexOf("note") !== -1>>
<<set _icon = 'note'>>
<<if _icon.indexOf("dumb") !== -1>>
<<set _icon = 'dumbbell'>>
<div class='inventory-item tooltip'>
<div class='inventory-img'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _icon + '.png']]
<div class='inventory-title'>
<<= Item.get(_item).name>>
<<if !Item.get(_item).unique>>
<span class='inventory-amount'>x_amount</span>
<<if Item.get(_item).description>>
<span class="tooltiptext"><<=Item.get(_item).description>></span>
<<if Item.get(_item).consumable>>
<<link 'Use'>>
<<run $backpack.use(_item)>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link 'Drop'>>
<<dialog 'Drop'>>
How much do you want to drop <<=Item.get(_item).name>>? <<textbox "_dropAmount" _amount>>
<<link 'OK'>>
<<drop $backpack _item _dropAmount>>
Dialog.setup("Inventory", "Inventory");
#inventory {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
grid-column-gap: 10px;
grid-row-gap: 10px;
.inventory-item {
flex: 0 0 33.3333%;
</style><div id="journal">
<div id="journal_more_help">
<<link 'More help'>>
Dialog.setup("Help", "Help");
You're on your own. Explore, survive, etc.<br />
Journal is only for unique characters.
<br /><br />
<<if Object.keys($characters.vincent).length > 0>>
<div>Relationship: <<=$characters.vincent.relationship>></div>
<<if !isMetChar('blair')>>
Increase relationship with Vincent (buy from his shop)
<<elseif ($characters.blair.quests ?? false) && !$characters.vincent.quests.new_settlement>>
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.bj>>
Progress with Blair
Go to farm after few days
<<elseif $characters.vincent.quests.new_settlement && !($game.location.settlement ?? false)>>
Collect <strong class="iitem">100 wood</strong> and <strong class="iitem">5 solar panels</strong>
<<elseif !$characters.vincent.quests.car_talk && $game.cabinName>>
Talk with Vincent
<<elseif !$characters.vincent.quests.wedding_talk>>
<<if $game.day < 150 || $characters.blair.relationship < 90>>
Reach 150 days and increase the Blair relationship to 90
Meet Vincent in farm
<<elseif !$characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_talk>>
<<if $game.day < 160 || ($characters.vincent.quests.wedding_talk_day + 10) > $game.day>>
Wait a few days
Meet Vincent in farm
<<elseif $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_talk && !$characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_done>>
Prepare yourself and meet Vincent at farm (two companions with strength 40+)
<<elseif !($game.location.shop ?? false) && $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_done && !$characters.vincent.quests.shop_talk>>
Talk with Vincent in the farm
<<elseif ($game.location.shop ?? false) && $characters.vincent.quests.shop_talk && !$characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_car_talk>>
Talk with Vincent in the farm
<<elseif $characters.vincent.quests.sanctuary_car_talk && !($game.location.garage ?? false)>>
Go with your companions to Vincent farm (Need 4 guests with strength 40+)
<<elseif ($game.location.garage ?? false) && !$characters.vincent.quests.military_base>>
Wait few days
That's all for now
<<if ($characters.blair.quests ?? false)>>
<div>Relationship: <<=$characters.blair.relationship>></div>
<<if !($game.location.streets ?? false)>>
After few days try to go to Underground city<br />
<<elseif ($game.location.streets ?? false) && !$characters.vincent.wanted_poster>>
Talk with Vicent about wanted poster<br />
<<elseif $characters.blair.relationship < 15>>
Increase relationship by talking with her in kitchen or bedroom (15)<br />
<<elseif $characters.blair.relationship < 20 && !($game.location.bar ?? false)>>
Increase relationship by talking with her in kitchen or bedroom (20)<br />
<<elseif !($game.location.bar ?? false)>>
Talk with her in the kitchen<br />
<<elseif !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_talked>>
Go to the bar and talk with bartender
<br />
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_talked && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found>>
Try to find her friend Ashley (On streets in underground city)
<br />
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished>>
Talk to Blair in the morning about Ashley
<br />
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished_thanked>>
Talk to Blair in the evening
<br />
<<elseif !$characters.blair.quests.bj>>
Wait till she makes a move on you
<br />
<<elseif !($characters.rodger.quests.champagne ?? false)>>
Progress with Rodger
<<elseif ($characters.rodger.quests.champagne ?? false) && !$characters.blair.quests.house_party>>
Talk with her in the morning
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.house_party && !$characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished>>
Make a house party at fire place at 20:00 and invite any guest to your bedroom
<<elseif !$game.gate && !$characters.blair.quests.gate>>
Talk with Blair in the kitchen
<<elseif !$game.cabinName>>
Build gate for your settlement
<<elseif !$characters.blair.quests.nursery>>
Talk with Blair in the kitchen
<<elseif ($game.cabinName ?? false) && !$characters.blair.quests.basement>>
<<if $characters.blair.relationship >= 80>>
Talk with her in the bedroom
Increase relationship
That's all for now
<br /><br />
<<if ($game.location.settlement ?? false) && isMetChar('rodger')>>
<div>Relationship: <<=$characters.rodger.relationship ?? 0>></div>
<<if !($game.location.settlement_church ?? false)>>
Help him finish the church
<<elseif !$characters.rodger.quests.book>>
Talk with him in the church
<<elseif !$characters.rodger.quests.champagne>>
Talk with him in the church
<<elseif $characters.rodger.quests.champagne && !$characters.eve.quests.sex>>
<<if $game.cabinName>>
Talk with him in the church
Progress with Blair
<<elseif !($game.location.settlement_shop ?? false)>>
<<if !$characters.rodger.quests.shop_talk>>
Talk with him in the church
Help him build shop
<<elseif ($game.location.settlement_shop ?? false) && !$characters.rodger.quests.horse>>
Talk with him in the church
<<elseif $characters.rodger.quests.horse && !$characters.rodger.quests.faith>>
<<if $game.day < 80>>
Continue living for a while (reach 80 days)
Go to the Rodger's settlement
<<elseif !$characters.rodger.quests.cheat>>
Increase Eve corruption to 30 and visit talk to Rodger after 120 days
<<elseif !$characters.rodger.quests.eve_pregnant>>
Wait two weeks and then visit Settlement.
That's all for now
<br /><br />
<<if isMetChar('dom') && !$characters.dom.quests.invite>>
<<if $game.day < 100 || $player.reputation < 100 || (setup.getPersonsForLocation($slaves, 'streets').length + setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'streets').length) < 4>>
Keep living your life. Increase reputation (150) and need more girls working on the street (4) and reach 100 days
Got to the underground streets
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal>>
<<if !$characters.dom.quests.quest1>>
Wait for a few days until some of Dom's men find you. (Visit underground city streets)
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.quest1 && !$characters.dom.quests.quest1_done>>
Get 10 bottles of champagne for Dom
<<elseif !$characters.dom.quests.quest2>>
<<if $player.strength < 100>>
Increase your strength (100+)
Meet Dom in streets
<<elseif !$characters.dom.quests.quest3>>
<<if $characters.dom.quests.quest3_start_day >= $game.day>>
Wait few days
Meet Dom in streets
<<elseif !$characters.dom.quests.quest4>>
<<if ($characters.dom.quests.quest3_done_day + 10) >= $game.day>>
Wait few days
Go to the nightclub
<<elseif !$characters.dom.quests.quest5>>
<<if ($characters.dom.quests.quest4_done_day + 10) >= $game.day>>
Wait few days
Go to the streets
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.quest5 && !isMetChar('negan')>>
Go to The Sanctuary and meet with Negan
<<elseif !$characters.negan.quests.quest2>>
Progress Negan story
<<elseif $characters.negan.quests.quest2 && !$characters.dom.quests.quest6>>
Go to underground city and bring fuel to Isabel
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.quest6 && !$characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg>>
Go to underground city to the streets
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg && !$characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg_fuel>>
<<if ($characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg_day + 5) > $game.day>>
Wait few days
Bring 10 fuel cans to Isabel (Streets)
<<elseif $characters.isabel.quests.temp_home & !$characters.isabel.quests.check_city>>
Wait two weeks and visit Isabel in her room
<<elseif $characters.isabel.quests.check_city && !$characters.isabel.quests.pregnant>>
<<if typeof $characters.isabel.pregnancy === 'undefined' || $characters.isabel.pregnancy < 10>>
Get Isabel pregnant
Go to Isabel's room
<<elseif $characters.isabel.quests.pregnant && !$characters.isabel.quests.dom_return>>
Wait few days
<<elseif $characters.isabel.quests.dom_return && !$characters.dom.quests.return_city1>>
Wait few days (15) and then visit underground city
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.return_city1 && !$characters.dom.quests.return_city_done>>
Prepare for fight and visit underground city
That's all for now
That's all for now
<<if ($game.location.settlement ?? false) && isMetChar('rodger') && isMetChar('octavia')>>
<div>Relationship: <<=$characters.octavia.relationship ?? 0>></div>
<<if !$characters.octavia.quests.burned_settlement>>
<<if $game.day < 80>>
Reach 80 ingame days
Visit Rodger's settlement
<<elseif $characters.octavia.quests.burned_settlement && !$characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped>>
After few days travel to Rodger's settlement
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.ultimatum>>
<<if $characters.octavia.relationship < 40>>
Increase relationship.
Go to her camp.
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped>>
<<if $characters.octavia.relationship < 50>>
Increase relationship.
Go to her camp.
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found>>
<<if $backpack.count('tribe_medallion') < 3>>
Get more tribe medallions (3)
Go to her camp. Need at least 6 companions.
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.betrayal>>
Wait when Octavia will visit you.
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2>>
Wait when Octavia will visit you.
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.next_move>>
Wait when Octavia will visit you.
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan>>
Wait few days and visit Octavia in her room
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2>>
Talk with her in her room
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3>> $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3
Talk with her in her room next day
That's all for now
<br /><br />
<h2>Laura (Dr. Finch)</h2>
<div>Relationship: <<= isMetChar('laura') ? $characters.laura.relationship : 0>></div>
<<if isMetChar('laura')>>
<<if !$characters.laura.quests.successful_test>>
Wait few days
<<elseif !$characters.laura.quests.first_vials>>
Wait few days
<<elseif !$characters.laura.quests.lab_workbench>>
Wait few days
<<elseif !($game.location.lab ?? false)>>
Build lab for her from workbench
<<elseif ($game.location.lab ?? false) && !$characters.laura.quests.breeder_trait>>
<<if ($characters.laura.quests.lastTestDay + 20) < $game.day>>
Meet her at greenhouse
Wait some days
That's all for now
Get to day 200
<<if isMetChar('negan') >>
<<if !$characters.negan.quests.quest1 && $characters?.dom?.quests?.quest5>>
Bring four slaves to him. (Blondes and 80+ beauty)
<<elseif !$characters.negan.quests.quest2 && $characters?.dom?.quests?.quest5>>
Bring four girls (80+ beauty and blonds) to Negan. (As companions)
<<elseif $characters.negan.quests.quest2 && !$characters.negan.quests.quest3>>
Bring Negan twice 2 slaves and then visit his office. (80+ beauty and blonds)
<<elseif $characters.negan.quests.quest3 && !$characters.negan.quests.quest4>>
Wait few days and visit his office
<<elseif $characters.negan.quests.quest4 && !$characters.negan.quests.quest5>>
Wait few days and visit his office
That's all for now
Progress with Dom story.
<<if isMetChar('boris')>>
<<if !$characters.boris.quests.shop>>
Increase your fighter rank (95)
<<elseif !$characters.boris.quests.fight1>>
Increase your fighter rank and win your next rival
<<elseif !$characters.boris.quests.fight2>>
Increase your fighter rank and win your next rival
That's all for now
Train yourself in underground city (Reach 30 strength)
</div><h2>Your stats</h2>
<h4>Reputation (<<=$player.reputation>>)</h4>
<<if $player.reputation < 10>>
Nobody knows you. When you go around, everyone will try to take advantage of you.
<<elseif $player.reputation < 20>>
Your name is whispered occasionally, though not with much significance.
<<elseif $player.reputation < 30>>
Your deeds have started to catch the attention of the local communities.
<<elseif $player.reputation < 50>>
You're gaining a following of supporters who admire your achievements.
<<elseif $player.reputation < 100>>
You're a well-known figure in multiple regions, often recognized on your travels.
Your actions have earned you respect and recognition from various communities. People speak of your achievements with admiration and respect.
<h4>Bounty hunter reputation (<<=$player.reputation_bounty_hunter>>)</h4>
<<if $player.reputation_bounty_hunter < 1>>
You are nobody.
<<elseif $player.reputation_bounty_hunter < 10>>
Few people have seen you but they still laugh at you
<<elseif $player.reputation_bounty_hunter < 20>>
Your deeds have started to catch the attention of the bounty hunter community.
People are starting to avoid you and be scared of you.
<br /><br />
<table class="mc-stats-table">
<tr><td>People captured:</td><td><<=$player.stats.people_captured ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td>People killed:</td><td><<=$player.stats.people_killed ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Girls impregnated:</td><td><<=$player.stats.girls_impregnated ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Slaves sold:</td><td><<=$player.stats.slaves_sold ?? 0>></td></tr>
<<if $player.quests.slave_market_vip_room>>
<tr><td>Slaves sold (VIP):</td><td><<=$player.stats.slaves_sold_vip ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Slaves killed:</td><td><<=$player.stats.slaves_killed ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Slaves released:</td><td><<=$player.stats.slaves_released ?? 0>></td></tr>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
.mc-stats-table td {
padding: 10px;
#mc-stats {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.mc-stats-container {
width: 400px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">PACKS</h1>
<div id="info">
<a href="https://apocalyptic-world.com/wiki_packs_custom.html" target="_blank">WIKI</a> how to create new packs.
<<set $packs ??= {}>>
<<for _packKey, _pack range setup.packs>>
<<capture _packKey, _pack>>
<<set $packs[_packKey] ??= false>>
<<checkbox '$packs[_packKey]' false true autocheck>>
<<= _pack.name>>
<<= _pack.download>>
<div class="pack-description">
<<= _pack.description>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if $game.introFinished>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<goto 'Welcome intro'>>
.pack-description {
font-size: 10px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">PATREON CODE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode) is true >>
<div class="patreon-box">
Patreon code activated! Thank you!
<div class="patreon-box">
Enter patreon code below to open more unique events.
<br /><br />
<<textbox "_testcode" "">>
<br /><br />
<div class="link-button passage">
<<link 'Check'>>
<<if _testcode == setup.decrypt($mcCache)>>
<<run memorize($suppCode, true)>>
<<notify 6s>>Patreon code activated!<</notify>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<notify 6s>>Wrong!<</notify>>
.patreon-box {
border-radius: 20px;
padding: 20px;
color: #000;
</style><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$shooter.title ?? 'Hunting'>></h1>
<div id="shooter-game">
<div id="shooter-game-time-left">
<h3>Time left <span id="time">00:00</span></h3>
<div class="board" id="board">
<div class="screen" id="start-screen">
<a href="#" class="start passage link-internal" id="start">Start</a>
<div id="shooter-start-info">Tip: Just press on the targets</div>
<div class="screen" id="shooter-game-finished">
<div id="shooter-game-finished-score"></div>
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto `$shooter.passageWon`>>
<<if $player.int > 50>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Skip'>>
<<set $shooter = {
score: randomInteger(8,9),
target: either('deer', 'wolf')
<<goto 'Forest - hunt'>>
$(document).one(':passagedisplay', function (eventObject) {
var startBtn = document.querySelector("#start"),
timeEl = document.querySelector("#time"),
board = document.querySelector("#board"),
time = 10,
score = 0,
decreaseTimeInterval = false,
finished = false;
board.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + setup.ImagePath + "places/shooter/" + variables().shooter.place + ".jpg')";
startBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
board.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if (e.target.classList.contains("target")) {
if (!finished) {
function startGame() {
decreaseTimeInterval = setInterval(decreaseTime, 1000);
document.querySelector('#shooter-game-time-left').style.visibility = "visible";
document.querySelector('#start-screen').style.display = "none";
function finishGame() {
finished = true;
document.querySelector("#shooter-game-finished").style.display = "block";
document.querySelector("#shooter-game-finished-score").innerHTML = "<h1>Your Score: <span class = 'primary'>" + score + "</span></h1>";
variables().shooter.score = score;
function decreaseTime() {
if (time === 0) {
} else {
let current = --time;
if (current < 10) {
current = `0${current}`;
function createTarget() {
var target = document.createElement("div"),
size = randomInteger(40, 100),
{ width, height } = board.getBoundingClientRect(),
x = randomInteger(0, width - size),
y = randomInteger(0, height - size);
target.style.width = `${size}px`;
target.style.height = `${size}px`;
target.style.top = `${y}px`;
target.style.left = `${x}px`;
target.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + setup.ImagePath + "places/shooter/" + variables().shooter.target + ".png')";
target.style.backgroundSize = "contain";
target.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
function setTime(value) {
timeEl.innerHTML = `00:${value}`;
#shooter-game {
cursor: crosshair;
#shooter-game-finished {
display: none;
a.link-external:after {
content: '' !important;
#start-screen {
background: #666;
opacity: 0.9;
border-radius: 20px;
width: 220px;
text-align: center;
padding: 15px;
padding-right: 25px;
padding-top: 20px;
.board {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background: linear-gradient(118.38deg, #29323c -4.6%, #485563 200.44%);
box-shadow: -8px -8px 20px #2a333d, 10px 7px 20px #475462;
border-radius: 30px;
overflow: hidden;
background-size: contain;
.target {
position: absolute;
cursor: crosshair;
#shooter-game .screen {
padding: 20px;
background: #666;
opacity: 0.9;
border-radius: 20px;
#shooter-game-time-left {
text-align: center;
visibility: hidden;
.support-div {
height: 300px;
border: 2px solid #f1c40f;
.support-outer {
width: 250px;
.support-text {
padding: 15px;
.support-logo {
display: block;
background: white;
.pe-img img {
width: 100%;
<br /><br />
<div id="support-page" style="display:flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content:space-evenly">
<div class="support-outer">
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div class="support-div">
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/apocalyptic-world" target="_blank" class="support-logo">
<div class="support-text">
If you like this game and want to see it grow, please consider supporting the development. <br /><br />
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div class="support-outer">
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div class="support-div">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/apocalyptic_world" target="_blank" class="support-logo">
<div class="support-text">
If you like this game and want to see it grow, please consider supporting the development. <br /><br />
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div class="support-outer">
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div class="support-div">
<a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/apocalyptic-world-v0-07-ttyrke.137594" target="_blank" class="support-logo">
<div class="support-text">
Forum thread where update is released, discussed and bugs reported.
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div class="support-outer">
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div class="support-div">
<a href="https://discord.gg/x6CjzjChgu" target="_blank" class="support-logo">
<div class="support-text">
Discord server to report bugs, give suggestions or just talk about the game.
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<br /><br /><br />
<<include 'Patreon code'>>
<br /><br />
<div style="text-align: center;">
<<link 'Credits'>>
<<script>>Dialog.setup("Credits", "Credits"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Credits").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>>
#support-page img {
width: 100%;
#ss_logo img, #f95_logo img, #patreon_logo img {
width: 300px;
#ss_logo img {
width: 50%;
.support-outer {
margin: 20px;
max-width: 168px;
</style><div id="welcome">
<h1>Version 0.54</h1>
<div id="versionCheck" style="display:none">
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div id="versionCheckInner"></div>
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<br />
A few things from the developer before you start. You can skip them if you want by clicking below.
<br /><br />
This project is and will be absolutely free. For now, if you want to support my work, just leave a comment in F95zone. My ears are all yours.<br />
I need suggestions, criticism and your true opinion<br />
This is my first game ever.
<br /><br />
Game idea is that it will be a fully open world, rpg game where you can be who ever you want. You want to be a farmer, slave merchant, just a random good/evil guy, bounty hunter, cage figher, <strong>Cannibal</strong>? You can be whatever you want!
<br /><br />
<h2>Reputation system</h2>
There will be reputation system like in RDR2 where you can decide how people will look at you.<br />
If you help strangers and other people, you get it; if you kill innocent people/slave - you lose it.<br />
<br />
You can capture girls and make them your slaves.<br />
When you have good relationship with them you can assign them to work for you (Right now only garden)
<br /><br />
There will be some story elements but it will be optional and I'll try to leave as minimal as possible. The main goal is this game to be a not-story driven. <br /><br />
<br /><br />
[[Continue (I am 18+)|Intro]]
function showVersion(mainVersion, subVersion)
return mainVersion.toFixed(2) + subVersion;
$.get("https://apocalyptic-world.com/version.php", function(data, status){
if (!data) {
var currentVersion = $('#version').text().replace('v','');
const pattern = /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
const matches = currentVersion.match(pattern);
if (matches) {
const currentMainVersion = parseFloat(matches[1]);
const currentSubVersion = matches[3];
var data = data.replace('v','');
const liveMatches = data.match(pattern);
if (liveMatches) {
const liveMainVersion = parseFloat(liveMatches[1]);
const liveSubVersion = liveMatches[3];
if (liveMainVersion > currentMainVersion || (liveMainVersion === currentMainVersion && liveSubVersion > currentSubVersion)) {
$('#versionCheckInner').html('You are playing older version (' + showVersion(currentMainVersion, currentSubVersion) + '). Newer version is available (' + showVersion(liveMainVersion, liveSubVersion) + ') <br />Play it on <a href="http://apocalyptic-world.com" target="_blank">http://apocalyptic-world.com</a> or join discord and download it there.');
<</done>><<set _workbenchItems = {
axe: {
show: true,
title: "Axe",
description: "Helps to gather more wood",
required: {
wood: 2,
metal: 5
energy: 30,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('axe', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
pickaxe: {
show: true,
title: "Pickaxe",
description: "Required to work in quarry/mines",
required: {
wood: 2,
metal: 10,
energy: 40,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('pickaxe', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
greenhouse: {
show: !($game.location.greenhouse ?? false),
title: 'Greenhouse',
description: 'Increase food productivity by assigning slaves here.',
required: {
'solar_panel': 2,
'wood': 30,
energy: 60,
after: function() {
variables().game.location.greenhouse = true;
goto: 'Greenhouse'
hot_shower: {
show: $backpack.has('blueprint_hot_shower') && !$game.hotShower,
title: 'Hot shower',
description: 'Adds additional energy gain.',
required: {
'solar_panel': 2,
energy: 60,
goto: 'Shower-room',
after: function() {
variables().game.hotShower = true;
library: {
show: $backpack.has('blueprint_library') && !$game.location.library,
title: 'Library',
description: 'Increase intelligence by reading found books',
required: {
'wood': 50,
'rope': 10,
'solar_panel': 1,
'metal': 5,
'glass': 10
energy: 60,
goto: 'Library built',
after: function() {}
hot_tub: {
show: $backpack.has('blueprint_hot_tub') && !$game.location.hottub,
title: 'Hot tub',
description: 'Relax in hot tub',
required: {
'wood': 40,
'rope': 10,
'metal': 5,
energy: 60,
goto: 'Hottub built',
after: function() {}
basement_cell: {
show: $basementLimit < 35,
title: 'Basement cell',
description: 'Build an additional cell in the basement.',
required: {
wood: 40,
rope: 2,
energy: 60,
after: function() {
variables().basementLimit = variables().basementLimit +=1;
goto: 'Workbench'
pregnancy_potion: {
show: $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy_talked,
title: "Pregnancy termination potion",
description: 'Craft pregnancy termination potion to terminate pregnancy',
required: {
glowing_mushroom: 1,
milk: 1
energy: 40,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('pregnancy_potion', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
guest_house: {
show: !($game.location.guesthouse ?? false),
title: "Guest house",
description: "Build a guest house for released slaves or new guests.",
required: {
wood: 200,
rope: 30,
solar_panel: 2
energy: 100,
after: function() {
variables().game.location.guesthouse = true;
goto: "Guest house"
bow: {
show: true,
title: "Bow",
description: "Used for hunting",
required: {
wood: 3,
rope: 3
energy: 60,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('bow', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
crossbow: {
show: $backpack.has('blueprint_crossbow'),
title: "Crossbow",
description: "Can be used as weapon",
required: {
wood: 10,
metal: 10,
rope: 10
energy: 60,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('crossbow', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
arrow: {
show: true,
title: "Arrow",
description: "Can be used with crossbow",
required: {
wood: 1,
metal: 1
energy: 10,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('arrow', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
guesthouse_cell: {
show: ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && ($guesthouseLimit ?? 3) < 30,
title: 'Guest house bed',
description: 'Build additional bed in guest house',
required: {
wood: 50,
rope: 5,
energy: 60,
after: function() {
if (!Number.isInteger(variables().guesthouseLimit)) {
variables().guesthouseLimit = 3;
variables().guesthouseLimit = variables().guesthouseLimit +=1;
goto: "Workbench"
solar_panel: {
show: true,
title: "Solar panel",
description: "Used for crafting",
required: {
plastic: 5,
glass: 5
energy: 60,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('solar_panel', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
paddle: {
show: !$backpack.has('paddle'),
title: "Paddle",
description: "Increases submission gain while punishing slave",
required: {
wood: 2,
rope: 1
energy: 30,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('paddle', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
bandage: {
show: true,
title: 'Bandage',
description: 'Stops bleeding',
required: {
cloth: 1
energy: 30,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('bandage', 1);
goto: "Workbench"
gate: {
show: isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.gate && !$game.cabinName,
title: "Settlement gate",
description: "Gates for the entrance to your village",
required: {
wood: 150,
rope: 10,
goto: "Blair - gate done",
energy: 100,
after: function() {}
nursery: {
show: isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.nursery && !($game.location.nursery ?? false),
title: "Nursery",
description: "Shelter were all babies/kids will live.",
required: {
wood: 50,
plastic: 10,
rope: 10
goto: "Nursery - built",
energy: 100,
after: function() {}
shop: {
show: isMetChar('vincent') && $characters.vincent.quests.shop_talk && (!$game.location.shop ?? false),
title: "Shop",
description: "Let someone else manage your storage. Sell/Buy items from random travelers.",
required: {
wood: 200,
plastic: 30,
rope: 30
goto: "Workbench",
energy: 100,
after: function() {
variables().game.location.shop = true;
bathhouse: {
show: !($game.location.bathhouse ?? false) && $player.quests.bathhouse_talk,
title: 'Bathhouse',
description: "Your guests will have place where to wash them self and mistress will be able to wash slaves too.",
required: {
wood: 200,
plastic: 20,
rope: 20,
solar_panel: 1
goto: "Workbench",
energy: 100,
after: function() {
variables().game.location.bathhouse = true;
massage_table: {
show: ($game.location.bathhouse ?? false) && $backpack.has('blueprint_massage_table') && !($game.location.massage_table ?? false),
title: 'Massage table',
description: "Your guests will have a place in bathhouse where to receive a massage.",
required: {
wood: 20,
cloth: 10,
rope: 5,
goto: "Workbench",
energy: 30,
after: function() {
variables().game.location.massage_table = true;
lab: {
show: (isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.lab_workbench && !$game.location.lab),
title: 'Lab',
description: 'Lab. An extension to guest house',
required: {
glass: 20,
wood: 100,
rope: 10,
solar_panel: 5
goto: 'Workbench',
energy: 100,
after: function() {
variables().game.location.lab = true;
towel: {
show: true,
title: 'Towel',
description: 'Used for childbirth to increase chance of survival',
required: {
cloth: 2
goto: 'Workbench',
energy: 30,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('towel', 1);
dumbbell: {
show: true,
title: "Dumbbell",
description: "Lets people workout on their own and increase strength",
required: {
wood: 5,
metal: 2,
rope: 1
goto: 'Workbench',
energy: 30,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('dumbbell', 1);
kettlebell: {
show: true,
title: "Kettlebell",
description: "Lets people workout on their own and increase strength",
required: {
wood: 6,
metal: 3,
rope: 2
goto: 'Workbench',
energy: 36,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('kettlebell', 1);
dumbestbell: {
show: true,
title: "Dumbestbell",
description: "Lets people workout on their own and increase strength",
required: {
wood: 7,
metal: 4,
rope: 3
goto: 'Workbench',
energy: 42,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('dumbestbell', 1);
body_armor: {
show: true,
title: "Body armor",
description: "Decreases damage taken from knife",
required: {
metal: 2,
plastic: 10
goto: 'Workbench',
energy: 30,
after: function() {
variables().backpack.pickup('body_armor', 1);
}>><<set _training = false>>
<<set _percentInjury = 0>>
<<set _sickdays = 0>>
<<if _npc.sick || _isHeatWave>>
/* no workout when sick or too hot */
<<elseif setup.npcInventoryHas(_npc, 'dumbbell') && _npc.strength < 30>>
<<set _training = true>>
<<set _percentInjury = 0>> /* -7*_npc.strength/10 + 21 */
<<set _sickdays = 2>>
<<set _item = 'dumbbell'>>
<<elseif setup.npcInventoryHas(_npc, 'kettlebell') && _npc.strength < 50>>
<<set _training = true>>
<<set _percentInjury = -(7*_npc.strength^2)/1000 - (49*_npc.strength)/100 + 42>>
<<set _sickdays = 3>>
<<set _item = 'kettlebell'>>
<<elseif setup.npcInventoryHas(_npc, 'dumbestbell') && _npc.strength < 60>>
<<set _training = true>>
<<set _percentInjury = -(7*_npc.strength^3)/10000 + (63*_npc.strength^2)/1000 - (133*_npc.strength)/50 + 84>>
<<set _sickdays = 4>>
<<set _item = 'dumbestbell'>>
<<if _training>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_percentInjury)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(42)>>
<<set _reasons = [
'got training soreness',
'accidentally drops weight on toes',
'trips and has a bad fall landing on ' + either('left', 'right') + ' arm',
((_npc.pregnancy ?? 0) > 180 ? 'falls backwards surprised when her unborn baby kicks' : 'got back-pain'),
<<set _message = 'While working out with ' + _item +', ' + _npc.name + ' ' + either(_reasons) + '. Takes a sickday'>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add(_message, 'main', '')>>
<<set _npc.sick = {
days: _sickdays,
desc: 'injured when working out',
id: 'workout'
<<set _npc.strength++>>
<</if>><<set _shopKeeperId = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'shop')>>
<<if _shopKeeperId.length>>
<<set _shopKeeper = $guests[_shopKeeperId[0]]>>
<<for _manageGoodsName, _manageGoods range ($player.manageGoods ?? {})>>
<<set _chance = setup.inventoryManageable[_manageGoodsName].chance>>
<<set _count = $storage.count(_manageGoodsName)>>
<<set _price = setup.inventoryManageable[_manageGoodsName].price>>
<<if _manageGoods.min && _count < _manageGoods.min>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chance)>>
<<set _amount = Math.min(randomInteger(setup.inventoryManageable[_manageGoodsName].range[0], setup.inventoryManageable[_manageGoodsName].range[1]), Math.floor($player.money/_price))>>
<<set _totalPrice = _price * _amount>>
<<if $player.money >= _totalPrice>>
<<pickup $storage _manageGoodsName _amount>>
<<set $player.money -= _totalPrice>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addShop(setup.displayName(_shopKeeper) + ' managed to buy ' + _amount + ' ' + Item.get(_manageGoodsName).name + ' for $' + _totalPrice)>>
<<if _manageGoods.max && _count > _manageGoods.max>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chance)>>
<<set _amount = Math.min(randomInteger(setup.inventoryManageable[_manageGoodsName].range[0], setup.inventoryManageable[_manageGoodsName].range[1]), _count)>>
<<set _totalPrice = _price * _amount>>
<<drop $storage _manageGoodsName _amount>>
<<set $player.money += _totalPrice>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addShop(setup.displayName(_shopKeeper) + ' managed to sell ' + _amount + ' ' + Item.get(_manageGoodsName).name + ' for $' + _totalPrice)>>
<</if>><<for _playerPerk, _playerPerkDay range ($player.perks ?? {})>>
<<capture _playerPerkDay, _playerPerk>>
<<if _playerPerk === 'bleeding'>>
<<set _item = 'bandage'>>
<<set _totals[_item] ??= 0>>
<<if _hasDoctor>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain(either(setup.getDoctors()).name + ' stops your bleeding and saves your bacon.')>>
<<run delete $player.perks[_playerPerk]>>
<<elseif $storage.has(_item, 1)>>
<<set _totals[_item]-->>
<<drop $storage _item 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('A bandage in the nick of time has stopped you for bleeding out.')>>
<<run delete $player.perks[_playerPerk]>>
<<elseif $backpack.has(_item, 1)>>
<<set _totals[_item]-->>
<<drop $backpack _item 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('A bandage in the nick of time has stopped you for bleeding out.')>>
<<run delete $player.perks[_playerPerk]>>
<<if _playerPerkDay < $game.day>>
<<if _playerPerk === 'bleeding'>>
<<set _sleepDead = 'bleed out'>>
<<run delete $player.perks[_playerPerk]>>
<<if _playerPerk === 'bleeding'>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="starving">You are bleeding!</span>')>>
<<if _playerPerk === 'beaten'>>
<<set $player.energy -= 50>>
<<updatemeter '$energyBar' `$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy`>>
<</for>><<if $game.foodRotten>>
<<set _foodRottenGuests = setup.getRandomPersonIds($guests, randomInteger(1,3))>>
<<for _rottenFoodKey, _rottenFoodId range _foodRottenGuests>>
<<set $guests[_rottenFoodId].sick = {
days: 2,
desc: 'Food poisoning',
id: 'food_poisoning'
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain($guests[_rottenFoodId].name + ' got sick with food poisoning.')>>
<<set _foodRottenSlaves = setup.getRandomPersonIds($slaves, randomInteger(1,3))>>
<<for _rottenFoodKey, _rottenFoodId range _foodRottenSlaves>>
<<set $slaves[_rottenFoodId].sick = {
days: 2,
desc: 'Food poisoning',
id: 'food_poisoning'
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain($slaves[_rottenFoodId].name + ' got sick with food poisoning.')>>
<<run delete $game.foodRotten>>
<</if>><<set _output = []>>
<<for _itemID, _count range _totals>>
<<if _count != 0>>
<<set _name = Item.has(_itemID) ? Item.get(_itemID)?.name : _itemID>>
<<set _out = (_count > 0 ? '<span style="color: green">+' : '<span style="color: red">') + _count + '</span> ' + _name>>
<<set _output.push(_out)>>
<<if _output.length>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add(_output.join(', '), 'Net change, produced(+) and consumed(-) excluding shop ')>>
<</if>>You're an 18-year-old gamer who pretty much spends all day in his room playing video games, blah-blah-blah... You live with your grandfather who's ex-military and even owns his own nuclear bunker as a hobby.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You've always thought that he was some sort of madman. An ex-military with a bunker, yet without a single weapon in there...
<br /><br />
Anyway, days go by and the situation in Europe keeps escalating. Each day there are more and more threats of nuclear war. You, as always, think that it's just bullshit and will never happen.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
What is your name? <<textbox "$player.name" "Tony">>
<br /><br />
<center>[[Continue|Intro2]]</center>Days go by and talks about nuclear war calm down. But one day, without any warning, you hear a loud nuclear alarm siren. You hop off your pc and over to the window to look outside. Your eyes are wide with amazement from seeing the red colors in the sky.
You didn't even get a warning on TV!
<br />
<br /><br />
Continuing to look outside through your window you see the street in front of your bunker is in total chaos. Cars are crashing and being abandoned on the roads and people are running in all directions.
<br /><br />
After a few seconds, your grandfather slams open your bedroom door and loudly screams at you.
<br /><br />
<<grandfather>><b><<print $player.name>> RUN! GET TO THE BUNKER!</b><</grandfather>>
<br /><br />
You feel adrenaline rushing through you and while turning toward the door you take one last look around your room. You notice a few things laying on your bed and decide to take the first item that comes to mind.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Pick up the cs-go knife'>>
<<<<pickup $backpack "csgo_knife" 1>>
<<goto [[Intro3]]>>
<<link 'Pick up the porn magazine'>>
<<pickup $backpack "porn_magazine" 1>>
<<goto [[Intro3]]>>
<<link 'Pick up the laptop'>>
<<pickup $backpack "laptop" 1>>
<<goto [[Intro3]]>>
</center>You rush downstairs and outside, straining your eyes as as you see that a nuclear bomb has been dropped on the city next to yours.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You run as fast as you can, following your grandfather to the bunker.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
</center>After <strong>15 years</strong> living together in the bunker you and your grandfather both slowly started to hate each other. Food rations were getting low and in the last few days neither of you have eaten anything. You feel your stomach pressing against your spine.
After a few more days you wake up and see that your grandfather has died peacefully in his sleep.
<br /><br />
You're left alone without food and barely standing. You imagine a cooked steak while looking at your grandfather but decide to shake it off.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You take another look at him and some thoughts are going through your head as you try to cover his dead body...<br />
You know you won't be able to survive much longer here.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Eat your grandfather'>>
<<set $player.cannibal to 1>>
<<goto 'Intro5'>>
[[Go back to sleep|Intro5]]You wake up <<if $player.cannibal>><strong>with full stomach</strong><<else>><strong>more hungrier</strong> than day before<</if>>
<br /><br />
You decide that you can't stay here anymore and need to get out or you'll go mad. Without hesitation you open the hatch and run outside as bright light shines into your eyes. For a moment you go blind.
<br /><br />
<<image 'intro/door_open.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You walk toward main street and look around. Nothing is left and the whole city is just rubble.
<br /><br />
<<image 'intro/empty_city.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You fully understand that it's not safe here and that a nearby forest would be more suitable for survival. At least you can try...
<br /><br />
[[Go outside the city to nearest forest|Intro6]]
</center>You walk through the city without seeing a single soul. Soon you reach the forest and decide to go in and look for food. You find an overgrown path and decide to follow it. For hours you keep going without finding anything. You continue walking till the sun goes down and, as soon as you're ready to accept your fate and give up, you notice an old wood cabin grown back into the trees.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
[[Check cabin|Intro8]]You go inside and without thinking about any stealth just start digging
through each drawer and cabinet to find something edible. You get lucky
and find 4 cans of food. You instantly eat 2 of them and just lie down on the floor falling asleep.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 2>>
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<<set $game.introFinished to true>>
</center><h1 class="ptitle">ISABEL</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.check_city = true>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.check_city_day = $game.day>>
You entered Isabel's room, Isabel lies on her bed, eyes distant and filled with worry.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She starts saying softly, her voice barely more than a whisper.
<br /><br />
I should go back. We need to know what we're up against. Especially the routes to Dom's apartment.
<br />
You nod, understanding the gravity of her words. The underground city is perilous, but it holds the key to your survival.
<br /><br />
I'll go check it out
<br />
Isabel gives a faint smile, gratitude and determination in her eyes.
<br /><br />
Thank you. Be careful.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Go to the underground city'>>
<<addhours 2>>
You leave her room, the weight of the task ahead pressing down on you.
Gathering your gear, you check your weapons and supplies, mentally mapping out the possible routes through the underground city.
<br /><br />
When you arrive at the underground city, it's as usual—dimly lit and filled with the remnants of chaos.
The once-bustling underground streets are now quieter, but tension still hangs in the air.
As you make your way through the familiar alleys, you notice a group of goons harassing some of Dom's ex-girlfriends near a dilapidated storefront.
<br /><br />
Other group of goons has already put other girl in place and fucks her mouth while his friends join him.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you continue your journey through the underground city, the unsettling quiet is broken by the sound of muffled cries.
Turning a corner, you come upon another horrifying scene: a group of goons harassing a young woman. Her bottom clothes have been stripped off, and she is being fucked in the ass.
<br /><br />
<br />
Then you reach Dom's place.
<br /><br />
<br />
The doors are broken, hanging off their hinges, a stark reminder of the recent chaos. Stepping inside, you're met with a scene of utter devastation. The apartment, once a safe haven and a hub of planning, is now a mess of shattered furniture, broken glass, and scattered papers. Everything of value seems to have been stolen or destroyed.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You navigate through the wreckage carefully, your footsteps crunching on debris. The destruction is thorough, suggesting that whoever did this was looking for something specific—or they wanted to ensure nothing usable remained.
<br /><br />
As you move further inside, you keep your eyes peeled for anything that might have been overlooked. You know Dom had secrets and hidden compartments. There might still be something left that can help you.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, a shadow appears from the corner of the room. Your hand instinctively moves to your weapon, but then you see it's a woman. Her face is partially obscured by the dim light, but there's an air of familiarity about her.
<br /><br />
<br />
Who are you?
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
There's no time for introductions. Dom is alive, and he's getting better. He'll find you when the time is right, but you need to leave now
<br />
Dom is alive? Where is he?
<br />
She gives a brief, tense smile.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Stay safe. And be ready. The fight is far from over.
<br />
With that, she slips back into the shadows, disappearing as quickly as she appeared. It’s time to get out of here and return to Isabel and the other.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Return to Isabel'>>
When you arrive, Isabel is where you left her, resting on her bed. Her eyes light up with curiosity as you enter, but there's an underlying tension that hasn't left her since you returned.
<br /><br />
<br />
I have news. Dom is alive. He's getting better and will find us when the time is right.
<br />
Instead of the relief or joy you expected, Isabel's expression hardens. She looks away, her jaw tightening.
"Dom is alive," she repeats, but there's no happiness in her voice, only a strange mix of apprehension and resignation.
<br /><br />
If he's coming back, it means more danger, more fighting. I'm not sure I can handle that, especially not now.
<br />
Her words hang in the air, the weight of the truth settling between you...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<<addhours 4>>
<<energy -50>>
<<set $player.car.fuel -= 20>>
Ready for an adventure?
<br />
Absolutely. Let's go.
<br />
You drove through the ruins of the old city, the crumbling buildings and overgrown streets a stark reminder of the world that once was.
But as you ventured further, you found pockets of beauty amidst the devastation. Nature had begun to reclaim the land, and patches of wildflowers dotted the cracked asphalt.
<br /><br />
Look at that! I didn't think anything this beautiful could survive out here.
<br />
I pulled the car over and Isabel got out of the car and started to admire the view. Then she noticed some flowers on the ground.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/date1_2'>>
<br /><br />
Isabel picked a flower and tucked it behind her ear, her face glowing with a rare sense of peace.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/date1_3'>>
<br /><br />
She got back into the car, and you continued your journey.
<br />
Isabel's smile grew as she looked around, taking in the sights.
<br /><br />
Dom would never let me do this. This is beautiful...
<br />
As you drove along the lone road, Isabel did something unexpected. She spread her legs and lifted her top revealing her bra. Her bare skin glowing softly in the daylight.
<br /><br />
This view makes me horny..
<br />
You tried to keep your focus on the road, but the sight of her was irresistible. Isabel's hands moved to your belt, deftly unbuckling it and sliding her warm hand inside your pants. The sensation was electric, and you struggled to maintain control of the car as she grabbed your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/date1_4'>>
<br /><br />
She stroke it few times and then pulled it out and put your hard dick in her mouth.
The warmth and wetness enveloped you completely, and you gasped at the sensation. She moved with a slow, deliberate rhythm, her lips and tongue working together in perfect harmony.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/date1_5'>>
<br /><br />
She used her tongue expertly, swirling it around the tip before sliding her lips down the length of you.
Her mouth was hot and inviting, creating a delicious friction that sent waves of pleasure coursing through you body.
You could feel every movement, every flick of her tongue, every gentle suction, and it drove you wild with desire.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Stop the car'>>
As you started to slow down the car, Isabel began to remove her clothes fully, each piece discarded with deliberate sensuality.
The bright daylight streamed through the windows, highlighting every curve and contour of her body. Her skin glowed in the sunlight, each movement graceful and enticing.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/date1_6'>>
<br /><br />
Her eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that took my breath away as she helped you remove your clothes and instantly got onto you.
<br />
Isabel slid her hand between us, grabbing your dick firmly and guiding it toward her her pussy.
The sensation was electrifying, and you gasped as she slowly lowered herself onto your dick while kissign you, taking you in inch by inch.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/date1_7'>>
<br /><br />
She moved slowly at first, savoring each thrust, but the intensity of the moment soon overwhelmed you.
You took the initiative, gripping her hips firmly and increasing the speed. Your thrusts became harder, more insistent, driving deep into her with each motion.
<br /><br />
Oh Yes... Just like that.
<br />
You continued to thrust hard and deep, fucking her wet pussy. With each thrust she hold you stronger and stronger.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_turn">
<<linkreplace 'Turn her around'>>
<<if $characters.isabel.sub < 90>>
<<set $characters.isabel.sub += 10>>
<strong>Isabel submission increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.isabel.relationship < 90>>
<<set $characters.isabel.relationship += 10>>
<<set _turnedAround = true>>
<<video 'isabel/date1_8'>>
<br /><br />
Carefully, you turned Isabel around without taking your dick out of her pussy.
She spread her legs and leaned back. The new angle was perfect, and you thrusted hard and deep into her. You instantly picked up the same phase as in last position.
<br /><br />
Just like that.. Keep.. Ooohh my..
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Put her on the backseat'>>
<<if !_turnedAround>>
<<run $('#option_turn').hide()>>
With a sudden burst of desire, you lifted Isabel off you, our bodies separating briefly, before you guided her down onto her stomach on the backseat.
Her legs spread apart invitingly, and you wasted no time in positioning yourself behind her. Just grabbed your dick and instantly shoved it back into her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/date1_9'>>
<br /><br />
You gripped her hips firmly, holding her in place as you thrust into her with increasing force.
Isabel's moans filled the car, her body responding eagerly to your touch. Her back arched, her movements becoming more frantic as she pushed back against you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
<<image 'game/misc/creampie_prone.webp'>>
<br />
With one final, powerful thrust, you both reached your climax, your cries of ecstasy filling the car.
The cumming was intense, a wave of pleasure that left us trembling and gasping for breath. As your dick slipped out of her, your cum followed.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($characters.isabel)>>
<<set $characters.isabel.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $characters.isabel.pregnancy = 0>>
Wow. We should repeat this some other time. That was something.
<br />
<<link 'Go back home'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
The sun was warm, the air just cool enough to make the walk comfortable.
As you left the settlement behind, the tension that had built up over the past week started to ease,
replaced by the quiet sounds of nature and the soft crunch of your boots on the dirt path.
<br /><br />
Isabel walked beside you, close enough that your arms brushed occasionally.
The world outside the settlement felt strangely calm. It wasn’t long before you caught sight of the shimmering water through the trees, the lake appearing as a peaceful oasis amidst the chaos that the world had become.
<br /><br />
Not bad for an apocalyptic date, huh?
<br />
<<image 'people/isabel/lake.jpg'>>
<br />
You found a quiet spot by the shore, a rocky outcrop where you put up your tent and could sit and watch the water.
It was peaceful, the kind of peace that had been hard to find lately. And as you sat there, side by side, the weight of everything seemed to lift just a little.
<br /><br />
As the conversation flowed from random thoughts to shared memories, you noticed her adjusting her shirt, and your eyes drifted for a moment. Her shirt was stretched tightly across her chest, and her breasts, full and pressing against the fabric, seemed to defy the casual nature of the day. For a second, you caught yourself staring.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/isabel/cleavage.webp'>>
<br />
Enjoying the view?
<br />
She pulled her shirt up just enough to reveal the soft fabric of her bra, her breasts pushing against it, barely contained.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/lake1'>>
<br /><br />
The delicate lace traced along the curve of her skin, and for a brief second, you couldn’t look away. Her movements were slow, deliberate, as if she knew exactly how much she was teasing you.
Then suddenly she dropped on her knees and grabbed your bulge.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/lake2'>>
<br /><br />
She instantly wrapped her soft lips around your cock and started to suck it. Her eyes were locked with yours as while licking the tip of your dick, she pulled your pants lower and lower till they were off.
<br />
After that, with your dick fully in her mouth, she stopped for a second before she started to slide down her bra laces.
<br />
After that she grabbed your hand and you moved to tent.
<br /><br />
Just relax. Let me take the lead for once.
<br />
As you settled onto your back, Isabel straddled you, her knees pressing down on either side of your hips.
Her hands rested on your chest for a moment, her fingers lightly exploring as she looked down at you with a mixture of confidence and affection.
The warmth of her body was palpable, a contrast to the cool evening air outside.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/lake3'>>
<br /><br />
As she hold your dick in her hand, she slowly slide onto you. With each next thrust her movement speed increased.
<br /><br />
Yes.. Just like that..
<br />
Slowly, she moved her knees off the ground, her body adjusting gracefully as she leaned back, her hands supporting her weight on the mattress.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/lake4'>>
<br /><br />
Her back arched slightly as she settled into a new position, giving you a tantalizing view of her. She maintained eye contact, her expression a blend of satisfaction and anticipation.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/lake5'>>
<br /><br />
The change in position brought a new dynamic to the encounter, heightening the sense of closeness and mutual desire.
The tent’s gentle glow cast soft shadows, enhancing the intimacy of the space as you both continued to explore the connection between you.
<br /><br />
In the intimate glow of the lantern, Isabel shifted again, laying down on her back on the mattress. The movement was smooth and deliberate, her eyes never leaving yours as she adjusted her position
<br /><br />
I still want to be in control here. Trust me?
<br />
<<video 'isabel/lake6'>>
<br /><br />
Isabel’s gaze was focused, her touch deliberate. You just hold still as she moved her hips letting herself slide on and of your dick.
<br /><br />
Yes! Yes! Just like that!
<br />
<div id="option_inside">
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her pussy'>>
<<run $('#option_breasts').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<image 'game/misc/cum_in_pussy2.webp'>>
<br />
Without warning you thrust your dick deep into Isabel's pussy and release your cum. Her legs shakes for a moment as you slowly pull out and let some of your cum drip on the floor.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_breasts">
<<linkreplace 'Cum on breasts'>>
<<video 'isabel/lake7'>>
<br />
<<run $('#option_inside').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<br />
Without warning you pull out and while holding your dick in your hand get closer to her breasts.
She grabs your dick.
You feel that you're close and with each jerk you're almost ready to cum.
She bites her lips while eyes are locked with yours and soon enough you cum all over her big breasts.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
Uh, wow. That's a lot, hehe.
<br />
We should probably get back home.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 4>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">ISABEL'S ROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
What you have in mind?
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<if $player?.car?.fuel >= 20 && $player?.car?.health > 0>>
<<link 'Car ride'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Isabel - date [car ride]'>>
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Car ride
Car in driving condition
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Car ride
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00', '16:00')>>
<<link 'Lake visit'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Isabel - date [lake]'>>
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Lake visit
Time between 08:00-16:00
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Lake visit
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Isabel room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">ISABEL</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.temp_home = true>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.temp_home_day = $game.day>>
In the soft light of morning, you entered Isabel's room to find her already awake, her eyes carrying a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.
She sat up on the edge of the bed as you approached, a silent invitation for you to join her.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/isabel/bed.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Taking a seat beside her, you exchanged a brief nod of acknowledgment before Isabel spoke, her voice tinged with concern.
<br /><br />
Do you have a plan for what comes next? I don't want to go back to Dom, but I know he'll come looking for me as soon as he wakes up.
<br />
You considered her words carefully, understanding the gravity of the situation.
Dom's awakening would undoubtedly bring further turmoil to the already precarious balance, and Isabel's safety remained a priority.
<br /><br />
We'll figure something out. For now, the important thing is that you're safe here.
<br />
Isabel's gaze met yours, a silent expression of gratitude and trust passing between you. The weight of unspoken emotions hung in the air, mingling with the shared understanding of the challenges ahead.
<br /><br />
Thank you for everything you've done. I don't know how to repay you.
<br />
You offered her a reassuring smile, your hand reaching out to gently brush against hers.
<br /><br />
You don't need to repay me. Helping you is the right thing to do.
<br />
Yes, I do.
<br />
<<image 'people/isabel/drop_blanket.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As your eyes locked, a subtle shift in the air signaled a moment of unspoken connection.
With a gentle movement, Isabel reached and pulled down her blanket, revealing her naked body.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/bedroom_bj'>>
<br /><br />
In that moment, as Isabel knelt before you with unwavering devotion, a sense of peace settled over the room as she pulled down your pants, revealing your dick. Without hesitation she put it in her mouth
and slowly started to suck it slowly but firmly.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/bedroom_bj2'>>
<br /><br />
As she stroked your dick, you noticed that there is a soft smile playing on her lips. She studied it... A moment later she moved lower and started to lick your balls.
She enjoyed them very much. Then she took a look behind her shoulder, stand up and slowly moved backwards, while still holding your dick in her hand.
<br />
Then she lay down on her back in bed and put your dick on her clit.
<br /><br />
Please slowly...
<br />
<<video 'isabel/bedroom_insert'>>
<br /><br />
Your grabbed your dick and put it against her moist pussy. She looked at you with anticipation as you slowly started to slide your dick her pussy.
She let out small moan as you were fully inside her.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<video 'isabel/bedroom_fuck1'>>
<br /><br />
She released her breasts as you picked up the pace. She fully embraced you and just laid there as you gently fucked her.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<video 'isabel/bedroom_fuck2'>>
<br /><br />
As you thrusted your dick deep inside her and increased speed she let out another moan and just fell on the bed on her back. Her breasts were bouncing with each thrust you made.
<br /><br />
Oh, don't stop.. Faster... Fuck me harder!
<br />
Lying on her back, she nestled into the bed sheets.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/bedroom_fuck3'>>
<br /><br />
Holly shit.. Don't, don't stop...
<br />
She wrapped her legs around you and hold you close to her as you fucked her wet and dripping pussy. She was clearly enjoying it as with each thrust she let out another moan. Louder and louder.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'game/misc/cum_in_pussy.webp'>>
<br />
As you started to cum she pulled her away from you but not far enough. Your cum reached her pussy. Instead of freaking out she just smears it all over her pussy, looking happy and satisfied.
<br /><br />
Thank you again! I will clean up now.
<br />
<<addmins 60>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.isabel.corruption += 25>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">ISABEL</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.pregnant = true>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.pregnant_day = $game.day>>
You entered her room but didn't see her so you went outside.
The wind was cool that evening as you stood at the edge of the settlement, overlooking the barren wasteland beyond the walls.
The tension between you and Isabel had been growing in recent days—ever since Dom’s coma and the escalating unrest in his underground city.
<br /><br />
As you waited, the gates creaked open behind you.
Isabel stepped through, her face pale and drawn, her dark hair tousled by the wind.
There was something different about her tonight—a nervous energy, as though she were carrying a burden she could no longer bear.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/isabel/pregnant.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
She stood before you, arms wrapped tightly around herself, avoiding your gaze.
For a moment, the only sound between you was the distant howl of the wind across the wasteland. Then she took a deep breath and met your eyes.
<br /><br />
I didn’t know how to tell you...
<br />
I didn’t even know what to do with it myself, but... I can’t keep it hidden any longer.
<br />
A sense of unease crept over you, but you kept your expression calm, urging her to continue.
<br /><br />
Isabel, whatever it is, you can tell me.
<br />
She closed her eyes for a brief moment, gathering her strength, then took a step closer.
<br /><br />
I'm pregnant...
<br />
You stared at her, stunned, the weight of her revelation crashing down on you. Pregnant. The word echoed in your mind, but it took a moment for the full meaning to sink in. Your gaze instinctively dropped to her stomach, then back to her face, searching for confirmation in her eyes.
<br /><br />
You stood there, your thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
There was joy, somewhere deep down, at the idea of creating something in a world so broken.
But there was also fear—fear of what this would mean for you, for her, for everything that had come before. And then, of course, there was Dom.
<br /><br />
He was still out there, somewhere, fighting to reclaim his city, to restore order to the underground. He didn’t know. He couldn’t know. The child wasn’t his—it was yours.
<br /><br />
What are we going to do?
<br />
The reality of her words hit you like a punch to the gut. Dom wouldn’t question the child’s parentage. He would claim it as his, just as he would claim Isabel. And if he found out the truth—that the child was yours—there would be hell to pay.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_abort">
<<linkreplace 'You need to get rid of it'>>
<<set $characters.isabel.relationship -= 50>>
<<run $('#option_keep').hide()>>
You need to get rid of it.
Isabel blinked, the words clearly hitting her harder than you expected. Her expression froze, shock spreading across her face. She opened her mouth to respond, but for a moment, nothing came out.
She was struggling to process what you had just said, to understand that you, of all people, were telling her this.
<br /><br />
What did you just say?
<br />
She stared at you, tears welling in her eyes, her body trembling.
<br />
She placed a hand on her stomach, as if trying to shield the unborn child from your words.
<br /><br />
You're scared. That’s all this is. You're scared of Dom, and I get it. I am too. But you can't ask me to do this. I won't do this.
<br />
Her words echoed with finality. You could see the resolve in her eyes, and for the first time, you realized that there was no turning back. This wasn’t just about logic, about survival. For her, this was a matter of heart and soul.
The child meant more to her than you had realized, and in trying to protect her, you had only hurt her more.
<br /><br />
She took a sharp breath, turned on her heel, and stormed away without another word.
<br /><br />
You stood there, frozen, watching as she disappeared into the shadows of the settlement. The sound of her boots crunching against the dirt faded quickly, but the tension in the air remained. The words you had exchanged hung like a noose around your neck, tightening with each passing second.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_keep">
<<linkreplace 'Keep it'>>
<<run $('#option_abort').hide()>>
Keep it.
<br />
Isabel's eyes widened in surprise. She had been bracing herself for something else entirely, the fear and uncertainty clear in her expression.
But now, those words hung between you, changing everything. You could see the confusion in her face slowly give way to something else—hope.
<br /><br />
You… you really mean that?
<br />
You nodded, stepping closer, your gaze locking with hers.
<br /><br />
She let out a shaky breath, a few tears escaping despite her best efforts to hold them back.
She looked away for a moment, as if trying to gather herself, before turning back to you with a small, trembling smile.
<br /><br />
Dom will think… he will think the child is his. He has no reason to believe otherwise. And for as long as we can keep it that way, we might be safe.
<br />
But if he ever finds out the truth—that you're the father—he won't just come after me.
He'll come after both of us. He'll come after you, and the baby. He'll kill us all.
<br />
As Isabel turned to leave, her hand still resting on her stomach, she looked back at you one last time, her eyes filled with quiet determination.
<br /><br />
With that, she walked back toward her room, leaving you standing there, the promise you had just made hanging heavy in the air. You watched her go, the realization of what you were both risking settling deep into your bones.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">ISABEL</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.isabel.quests.temp_home>>
<<goto 'Isabel - new home'>>
<<elseif (($characters.isabel.quests.temp_home_day ?? 0) + 14) < $game.day && !$characters.isabel.quests.check_city>>
<<goto 'Isabel - Check underground city'>>
<<elseif $characters.isabel.quests.check_city && !$characters.isabel.quests.pregnant && $characters.isabel.pregnancy >= 10>>
<<goto 'Isabel - pregnant'>>
Hey! How it's going?
<br /><br />
<<link 'Approach her'>>
<<set $charId = 'isabel'>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.isabel>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Isabel room'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - character'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - character'>>
<<link 'Date'>>
<<goto 'Isabel - date'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">LAB</h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.laura.quests.explore1 = true>>
You step into Laura's room and find her packing her bag hastily, her face set with determination.
<br /><br />
<br />
Laura, what are you doing?
<br />
Laura doesn't look up as she stuffs a worn notebook into her bag.
<br /><br />
Oh, hey. I'm just packing a few things. I need to head out and explore a bit.
<br />
Explore? Now? It's dangerous out there.
<br />
I know, but I have to. I've been thinking about a few experiments that could really help our settlement. We can't keep surviving like this—we need to start thriving.
<br />
Laura stops packing and looks at you earnestly.
<br /><br />
I've been studying the plants around here. If I can find a way to cultivate larger, more nutritious vegetables, it could make a huge difference. Better food means stronger people, fewer illnesses. It's worth the risk.
<br />
Those are great ideas, Laura, but it's risky out there. You can't do this alone
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Go with Laura'>>
You both leave the settlement, armed and ready for the journey ahead.
The city outside is a desolate wasteland, remnants of a world long gone. As you navigate through the ruins, the air is thick with tension.
<br /><br />
<<addhours 4>>
<br />
Hours pass as you trek through the desolate landscape. Laura stops occasionally to collect samples of soil and plants, meticulously noting her observations.
<br /><br />
As you walk through a narrow alley, the quiet is shattered by the sudden appearance of a ragged man with a knife.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Give me everything you've got, or I'll kill you both!
<br />
Laura stumbles but manages to pull out her own knife in the chaos.
The man lunges at you, and in the scuffle, Laura swings her knife defensively.
The blade catches the man's neck, and he cries out in pain, dropping his knife.
<br /><br />
<br />
Stop! Please, stop!
<br />
Laura shouts, rushing to the man's side as he clutches his bleeding neck.
<br /><br />
Laura, what are you doing? He's dangerous!
<br />
He's hurt. We can't just leave him like this
<br />
She insists, tearing a strip from her shirt to bandage his wound.
<br /><br />
Why are you helping him?
<br />
She replies firmly, trying to staunch the flow of blood with her hands.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
He's hurt. We can't just leave him like this. We all have to survive out here, but we don't have to become monsters
<br />
You hear noise in the distance—footsteps and yelling, the unmistakable sounds of approaching danger.
<br /><br />
Laura, we need to go! I hear more coming. Probably his associates!
<br />
Realizing there's no time to argue, you need to make a split-second decision.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_wait">
<<linkreplace 'Wait Laura'>>
<<run $('#option_kill').hide()>>
Suddenly, a group of five to ten men appear at the end of the alley. They see their wounded comrade and shout, rushing toward you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
There they are! Get them!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 4>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'bleeding out'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Laura - Explore #2', 'Dead'>>
<div id="option_kill">
<<linkreplace 'Kill man on the ground'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<set $characters.laura.relationship -= 30>>
<<run $('#option_wait').hide()>>
<br />
You grab the man's weapon from the ground and finish him off. Laura gasps in shock and pulls back, her hands covered in blood.
<br /><br />
You didn't have to do that!!!
<br />
We had no choice. Come on, we need to move. Now.
<br />
You both run, the sounds of the approaching men growing louder behind you.
Your hearts pound in your chests as you navigate through the ruins, finally finding a way to get out of their sight.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Run home'>>
<<goto 'Laura - Explore #2'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">LAB</h1>
<br />
When you finally reach the safety of the settlement, you head to Laura's room. She places all the samples she collected on the table, her hands shaking slightly.
<br />
<br />
Here, let's see what we got
<br />
You watch her for a moment, then start to leave the room to give her some space. Just as you reach the door, Laura's voice stops you.
<br /><br />
<<addhours 2>>
Wait! Stay with me.
<br />
You turn back, surprised by the tone in her voice.
Laura takes a deep breath and reaches into her bag, pulling out a condom. She looks at you, her eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination.
<br /><br />
After everything we've been through... I need this. We both do.
<br />
Laura's fingers tremble slightly as she unbuttons your shirt, her touch both tentative and eager.
You help her, shrugging off the fabric and dropping it to the floor. Her eyes meet yours, and she smiles, her expression softening.
<br /><br />
Once undressed, Laura bends down and removes your pants. As she does that she exposes your half hard cock, she instantly grabs it and strokes few times before pulling it in her mouth.
<br />
Her eyes never leaving yours as she sucks your half hard cock. The warmth and softness of her mouth surround you, and you feel yourself growing harder with each gentle movement.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/condom1'>>
<br /><br />
Laura's rhythm is slow and deliberate, her eyes occasionally fluttering closed as she focuses on the task at hand. You place a hand on her head, your fingers tangling in her hair, guiding her gently.
She responds with a hum of approval, the vibration adding an extra layer of sensation.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/condom2'>>
<br /><br />
She spits on your dick and also starts to stroke with while still sucking it. She looks determined to put that condom on very hard dick.
<br /><br />
Standing up, Laura takes the condom from the table and opens the packet with her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<image 'game/misc/condom_on.webp'>>
<br />
She rolls it onto your dick with tender care, her touch both steady and intimate. The connection between you deepens as she gets onto you, her body pressing against yours.
<br /><br />
With a look of determination, she lowers herself onto you hard dick, her eyes never leaving yours.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/condom3'>>
<br /><br />
Laura's breath catches, and she leans forward, her hands resting on your chest for balance.
<br /><br />
You can increase the speed if you would like that.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Increase speed'>>
<<video 'laura/condom4'>>
<br /><br />
Oh my... That's the spot. Do not change anything.
<br />
Your movements are steady and controlled, each thrust bringing a new wave of sensation. Laura's breaths come in soft pants, her hands gripping the sheets for support.
<br /><br />
After few intense minutes to pull out and position yourself behind her, placing your hands on her hips.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/condom5'>>
<br /><br />
With a hard thrust you push your dick back into Laura's pussy, the sensation intensified by the new angle. Laura gasps softly, her body tensing momentarily before relaxing into the rhythm.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/condom6'>>
<br /><br />
Turn me around!
<br />
You grab her by her leg and as you lift it up, she rolls over on her back. You keep holding her leg as she with all your strength thrust into her and increase the speed.
<br /><br />
Her eyes never leaving yours while she gasps for air.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/condom7'>>
<br /><br />
Sensing your approaching climax, Laura pulls herself off you, turning to face you.
She wraps her hand around you, stroking your dick with the condom still on. The sensation is electrifying, her movements both firm and gentle, driving you to the brink.
<br /><br />
Give that sample to me, hehe.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
As you begin to cum, Laura wraps both hands firmly around you, maintaining her speed.
The intensity builds with each stroke, her touch guiding you through the peak of your pleasure. The condom catches all your cum, filling with your release.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/condom8'>>
<br /><br />
Your breaths come in ragged gasps, the world narrowing to the sensation of Laura's hands and the incredible relief of release. She doesn't slow down, her movements deliberate and unyielding until you've given everything.
When you're finally spent, she slows her movements, allowing you to come down from the high.
<br /><br />
Ah, I probably can find use for these samples too.
<br /><br />
Laura gently removes the condom, tying it off with practiced care. She places it aside, perhaps with thoughts of future experiments, her scientific curiosity always present even in moments of intimacy.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">LAB</h1>
<br /><br />
You need to decide which of the girls will be given the serum.
<br />
<div id="breeder-girls">
<table id="slaves">
<<for _labGuestI, _labGuest range $guests>>
<<capture _labGuestI, _labGuest>>
<<if _labGuest.gender || (_labGuest.traits ?? []).includes('breeder') || setup.getAge(_labGuest) < 18 || (_labGuest.traits ?? []).includes('infertile')>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_labGuest)>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _labGuest.name>>
<<run $('#breeder-girls').hide()>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples-->>
<<if ($guests[_labGuestI].traitsLocked ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set _breederTraitLockedKey = setup.getKeyByValue($guests[_labGuestI].traitsLocked, 'breeder')>>
<<run $guests[_labGuestI].traitsLocked.splice(_breederTraitLockedKey, 1)>>
<<run $guests[_labGuestI].traits.push('breeder')>>
<<run $('#breeder-girls-give').show()>>
<<replace ".breeder-girl-name">><<=setup.displayName(_labGuest)>><</replace>>
<<for _labSlaveI, _labSlave range $slaves>>
<<capture _labSlaveI, _labSlave>>
<<if _labSlave.gender || (_labSlave.traits ?? []).includes('breeder') || setup.getAge(_labSlave) < 18 || (_labSlave.traits ?? []).includes('infertile')>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_labSlave)>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _labSlave.name>>
<<run $('#breeder-girls').hide()>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples-->>
<<if ($slaves[_labSlaveI].traitsLocked ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set _breederTraitLockedKey = setup.getKeyByValue($slaves[_labSlaveI].traitsLocked, 'breeder')>>
<<run $slaves[_labSlaveI].traitsLocked.splice(_breederTraitLockedKey, 1)>>
<<run $slaves[_labSlaveI].traits.push('breeder')>>
<<run $('#breeder-girls-give').show()>>
<<replace ".breeder-girl-name">><<=setup.displayName(_labSlave)>><</replace>>
<div id="breeder-girls-give" style="display: none">
<br />
You call <span class="breeder-girl-name"></span> inside the lab and Laura gives her serum of the fertility serum.
<br /><br />
<strong><span class="breeder-girl-name"></span> got breeder trait.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Laura - lab talk'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GREENHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
Oh, <<=$player.name>>! I was looking for you. Lets take a walk.
<br />
Inside, the air is warm and humid, a stark contrast to the harsh reality outside. The vibrant green of the plants is a stark reminder of the power of nature to endure, even in the face of adversity.
<br /><br />
I've been working tirelessly on a new project, and I think it's time to share my findings with you.
<br />
<<image 'people/laura/breeder_trait.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br />
You nod, curious and eager to hear what she has to say. As you walk through the rows of plants, the conversation flows, filled with technical jargon and scientific terminology.
Laura explains the intricacies of her research, detailing how she believes she can create a permanent solution to the fertility crisis that has plagued the world for so long.
<br /><br />
I believe we have the knowledge and the resources to give women the gift of fertility, to restore the natural cycle of life.
And not only that, but with careful genetic engineering, we can even introduce a breeder trait that would enhance their reproductive capabilities.
<br />
The implications of her words hang in the air, a beacon of hope in a world that has known so much loss and despair.
You can feel the weight of responsibility settling on your shoulders, knowing that this breakthrough could change the course of humanity's future.
<br /><br />
You know what that mmeans? Humanity won't have problems to get a child. Right now percentage is very low among others, even with fertility potions, but with this - it's almost guaranteed.
<br />
<<image 'people/laura/new_home2.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br />
With a sense of purpose, you follow Laura to her lab, a place where countless experiments and discoveries have been made.
The sterile scent of chemicals mingles with the faint earthiness of the plants, creating a unique olfactory tapestry.
<br /><br />
I will need additional sample from you. And solution won't be as potion but serum so you'll need to come to me to inject it to girls. Just be sure I have enough samples.
<br /><br />
When you sit down, she starts unbuttoning her blouse, because she already knows the procedure you like. It seems like she wants to get to your example as quickly as possible.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample3_1'>>
<br /><br />
Well hello, my golden source
<br />
She smiles and before she starts to jerk you off she greets your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample3_2'>>
<br /><br />
This time something is different. It seems like she enjoys the process more and the pattern is not in the first place
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'people/laura/sample_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As usual just right before you cum she grabs a vial and you cum inside it. While still holding your dick she puts vial on the table and stares at your dick for a second.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/sample3_3'>>
<br /><br />
Then something unexpected happens. While she holds your dick in her hand, she leans towards it and gently kisses your dickhead.
<br /><br />
Thank you! The serum will be ready soon, so you can safely come back after 30 minutes.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">LAB</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<image 'places/cabin/lab_head.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Hey! Is there anything you wanted?
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.laura.quests.sampleToday>>
<<link 'Give her new sample'>>
<<goto 'Laura - new sample'>>
<<if $characters.laura.quests.breeder_trait && $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples>>
<<link 'Give girl breeder trait'>>
<<goto 'Laura - breeder trait give'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Lab'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.laura.quests.morningSampleDay = $game.day>>
The room is enveloped in the soft glow of dawn as you peacefully slumber.
The warmth of your blanket provides a comforting cocoon, shielding you from the chill of the early morning. Unbeknownst to you, the tranquility is about to be disrupted.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, you feel a gentle tug at your sheets, followed by the inexplicable sensation of someone attempting to relieve you of your pants.
In your half-asleep daze, confusion clouds your thoughts as you stir but remain blissfully unaware of the intruder.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Open eyes'>>
<<run $('#option_skip').hide()>>
As your eyelids flutter open, you catch a glimpse of a figure hovering over you.
<br />
It takes a moment for your groggy mind to register that it's <<=setup.displayName($characters.laura)>>, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she fumbles with your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/morning1'>>
<br /><br />
When Laura finally meets your gaze, she smirks, a playful twinkle in her eye as she teases, offering a half-hearted shrug.
<br /><br />
Caught in the act, huh? Sorry, but you haven't been given me a sample so I decided to grab one myself.
<br />
She takes you by surprise and leans towards your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/morning2'>>
<br /><br />
She sensually starts to suck your hard dick while she tries to fix her hair that falls in her face.
<br /><br />
I think you have earned some reward as I woke you up, heh.
<br />
<<video 'laura/morning3'>>
<br /><br />
As she sucks your hard dick while she's naked she decides to help herself by grabing your dick and stroking it simultaneously.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'people/laura/sample_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As usually you warn her that you're about to cum and she grabs prepared sample cup and puts it in front of your dick. You cum into it and she gives another kiss to your dick before getting up.
<br /><br />
Thank you! This could be made into a regular event.
<br />
<<if $characters.laura.relationship < 60>>
<strong>Reputation with Laura increased by 1</strong>
<<set $characters.laura.relationship++>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples++>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_skip">
<<link 'Skip'>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples++>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.morningSampleDay = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
Alright! You know the drill. Get on the bed.
<br /><br />
<<set _videoOptions = [
<<set _video = 'laura/' + _videoOptions[Math.floor(Math.random()*_videoOptions.length)]>>
<<video _video>>
<br /><br />
As usual, she approaches this matter very professionally. She takes your dick and gently starts to stroke it. Slowly she picks up the pace it up and down. She looks in your direction quite often, sometimes with a flirtatious smile.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<image 'people/laura/sample_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
Before you cum she puts another sample cup in front of your dick and collects all cum you shoot out.
<br /><br />
Thanks! Be safe out there.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.laura.relationship < 40>>
<strong>Reputation with Laura increased by 1</strong>
<<set $characters.laura.relationship++>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples++>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.sampleToday = true>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.living = true>>
<br /><br />
The early morning sun painted the horizon with a delicate wash of pink and gold. As you approached the gates, you saw Laura standing there, a determined glint in her eyes.
She held two large bags slung over her shoulders and a jar filled with a mysterious liquid cradled in her arms.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/laura/new_home.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
She returned the smile, though there was a spark of excitement in her eyes.
<br /><br />
I couldn't wait any longer. I managed to grab all my stuff in one go. I've heard you got something to show me.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go to her lab'>>
You unlocked the gate, allowing her to enter.
Together, you walked through the village, heading towards the newly constructed lab. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, a feeling that something important was about to unfold.
<br /><br />
I hope you didn't exaggerate. I really don't need anything big
<br /><br />
As you stepped into the lab, Laura's eyes widened in awe. It was more than just a workspace; it was a sanctuary, a place where her dreams and aspirations could take shape.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/laura/new_home2.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Oh, it's perfect! Thank you!
<br /><br />
We've added a bed, too, for those nights when you need to rest but don't want to leave your work.
<br /><br />
Laura's gaze moved to the bed, a mixture of gratitude and surprise crossing her face.
<br /><br />
Thank you. That's incredibly thoughtful
<br /><br />
She carefully set the bags down on a nearby table, revealing an assortment of tools and equipment, meticulously organized. The jar she placed with utmost care, a label with her precise handwriting indicating its contents.
<br /><br />
I've brought some of my most valuable samples," she explained, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "These are the foundation of my research. With this lab, I can finally continue where I left off.
<br /><br />
As the morning sun bathed the lab in a warm, golden glow, you knew that this moment marked the beginning of something extraordinary. Together, you and Laura stood at the threshold of new discoveries, ready to face the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world with determination and hope.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
Not so fast! I really appreciate what you're doing.
<br /><br />
She pulls rubber gloves out of her bag, places her hand on your chest, and gently guides you onto the bed, continuing what she had started with a soft chuckle.
<br /><br />
But I won't let you leave this room without new samples for me to continue my work. It's very important. Just relax and I'll take care of everything.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Lay down and relax'>>
<<video 'laura/new_home1'>>
<br /><br />
She slowly takes off her coat, underneath which a blue silk robe is hidden.
It looks like she's put it on for the first time, as it looks new. Perhaps for special occasions.
<br />
She grabs your dick and slowly starts to jerk you off.
<br /><br />
I know what will help me get the samples faster.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/new_home2'>>
<br /><br />
She releases your dick for a second and opens her robe. She nudges it aside so that her breasts are in your line of sight. Then she grabs your dick again and continues to sensually jerk it.
<br /><br />
Are you close? I can't wait to start creating my first growth potion in my new laboratory.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_not">
<<linkreplace 'Not really'>>
She sighs and gets onto you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/new_home3'>>
<br /><br />
Without letting go of your dick, she swings her leg over you, giving you a view - she has nothing on underneath either, and her shaved pussy is just a couple of inches from your dick.
<br /><br />
And now? Ah, screw it...
<br /><br />
Without taking hand off your dick she gets off you...
<br /><br />
<<video 'laura/new_home4'>>
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Yes. I am cumming'>>
<<run $('#option_not').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="ending" style="display:none;">
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<image 'people/laura/sample_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
Before you cum she puts another sample cup in front of your dick and collects all cum you shoot out.
<br /><br />
I'll need at least three samples from you and 5 days to make one potion so be sure to check me if I need to restock.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples = 1>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionDaysPerPotion = 5>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionLastDay = $game.day>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.sampleToday = true>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
The morning sun cast feeble rays across the village, painting a bleak landscape with its pale light. As you stepped outside, the sight that greeted you sent a shiver down your spine.
There stood Laura, her once vibrant spirit now eclipsed by shadows of pain and weariness. Bruises painted her skin, and her coat, once a symbol of her resilience, hung tattered and torn.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Raiders... They came for the lab. There's nothing left. My other research.. My lab... It's all gone..
<br /><br />
Your heart sank. The lab, the culmination of years of research, now reduced to ashes and rubble. It was a devastating blow, not just for Laura, but for the hope it held for your village's future.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_comfort">
<<linkreplace 'Comfort her'>>
<<set _comfort = true>>
I'm so sorry, Laura
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you extended your arms in an attempt to comfort Laura, she didn't hesitate. With a sudden, desperate motion, she leapt into your embrace, her body trembling with a mixture of exhaustion, relief, and lingering fear. Her arms wrapped tightly around you, seeking solace in the warmth of your presence.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.laura.relationship += 5>>
<strong>Relationship increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask her how you can help'>>
<<if !_comfort>>
<<run $('#option_comfort').hide()>>
I need to go back, salvage what I can. But... I can do it alone but I need a new space, a place to continue my work.
<br />
I need a place to work, a space where I can focus without interruption. I was wondering if it would be possible to build a lab, an extension to your guest house, perhaps. It would mean the world to me.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her you will do it'>>
<<notify 6s>>
Lab available in workbench!
<<set $characters.laura.quests.lab_workbench = true>>
<br /><br />
As you agreed to build the lab for Laura, a surge of gratitude and relief washed over her. Without a word, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around you in a tight embrace. Her body pressed against yours, the warmth of her presence a tangible reassurance.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</linkreplace>><<if $backpack.has('growth_potion')>>
<<link 'Give growth potion'>>
<<dialog 'Give growth potion'>>
How much years <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> should grow?
<br />
<<textbox '$yearsGrow' 1>>
<<link 'Give' 'Give growth potion'>>
<<link 'Customize'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $childId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $nursery[$childId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'Nursery'>>
<</link>><<addmins 15>>
<<drop $backpack 'pregnancy_potion' 1>>
<<image 'places/basement/drink_pregnancy_potion.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> drinks the pregnancy termination potion and lays down to wait and see what will happen...
<br /><br />
<<set $pregnancyDied = (randomInteger(0, 5) === 0) && !$charId>>
<<if $pregnancyDied>>
<<image 'places/basement/pregnancy_potion_died.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
She instantly feels a sharp pain in her stomach as she yells out that it hurts..
<br />
Pain continues for some time and then she suddenly dies.
<br /><br />
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> died</strong>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'none'>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves.splice($slaveId, 1)>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<guestRemove $guestId>>
She feels pain in her stomach but after a few minutes it goes away and she feels fine.
<br /><br />
<strong>Pregnancy terminated</strong>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.pregnancy>>
s <<if setup.percentageChance(20) && !($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('infertile') && !($tmpGirl.traitsLocked ?? []).includes('infertile')>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.splice($tmpGirl.traits.indexOf('breeder'), 1)>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('infertile')>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> received infertile trait!</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<if $pregnancyDied>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto [[NPC view]]>>
<</link>><<addmins 15>>
<<drop $backpack 'pregnancy_speed_potion' 1>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pregnancy += 30>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> drinks pregnancy speed potion.
<br /><br />
<strong>Pregnancy period decreased by 30 days</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<if $pregnancyPotionBackLink>>
<<goto $pregnancyPotionBackLink>>
<<unset $pregnancyPotionBackLink>>
<<elseif $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto [[NPC view]]>>
<</link>>/* An 'invite her'-button
Random event - meet girl #3 → NPC view
Explore event: Abandoned mall
things to consider
- current events
- personal status: relationship, happpiness, sub ....
- have she heard (rumours) of the hero? Good or bad?
- do she know any of the companions?
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && ($tmpGirlInvite ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit>>
<<set _linkName = 'Invite ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl) + ' as guest'>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite = false>>
<<set _strongNpc = $player.strength <= $tmpGirl.strength>>
<<set _relation = $tmpGirl.relationship ?? 0>>
<<set _countComp = $player.companions.length ?? 0>>
<<set _reputation = $player.reputation ?? 0>>
<<set _yes = setup.percentageChance(_relation) || setup.percentageChance(_countComp*(_countComp+1)/2) || setup.percentageChance(_reputation/4)>>
<<set _no = !_yes || ($wasRaped ?? false) || (_relation <= 0)>>
<<unset $wasRaped>>
<<if _no>>
<<if _strongNpc>>
<<set $escapeReason = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true) + ' considers your invite for a few moments, says no and leaves.'>>
<<goto 'NPC found escape'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
No, I don't want to come to live with you. Please let me go!
<<set $tmpGirl.capture = false>>
<<set $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</if>><<energy -10>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $tmpGirl.milked = true>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'milking'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.location == 'basement'>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> moans as you milk her.
You attach breast pump to <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s nipples and start to milk her.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship < 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 3, 100)>>
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> relationship increased by 3</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if randomInteger(0, 3) === 0>>
<<pickup $backpack 'milk' 1>>
<strong>You managed to get one bottle of milk.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<</link>><<set _ageStart = setup.getAge($tmpGirl)>>
<<if _ageStart < 4>>
<<set _startImg = 'baby'>>
<<elseif _ageStart < 18>>
<<set _startImg = 'kid'>>
<<set _startImg = ($tmpGirl.gender === 1 ? 'guy' : 'girl')>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/cabin/growth_potion_' + _startImg + '.jpg']]
<br /><br />
The moment the liquid touched <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s lips, a shiver ran through <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>. <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl).toUpperCase()>> eyes widened,
and <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> looked up at you in astonishment. For a heartbeat, the room held its breath.
<br /><br />
Then, it began.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s body seemed to pulse with newfound energy. <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl).toUpperCase()>> limbs stretched, <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>>
clothing strained against the sudden growth. You watched in awe as <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> transformed before your eyes. In a matter of moments, the room seemed to shrink around the figure now standing taller and stronger.
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGrowthYears = $yearsGrow ?? 8>>
<<run $tmpGirl.birthDate.setFullYear($tmpGirl.birthDate.getFullYear() - _randomGrowthYears)>>
<<set _ageEnd = setup.getAge($tmpGirl)>>
<<if _ageEnd < 18>>
<<set _endImg = 'kid'>>
<<set _endImg = ($tmpGirl.gender === 1 ? 'guy' : 'girl')>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/cabin/growth_potion_' + _endImg + '.jpg']]
<br /><br />
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> grew <<=_randomGrowthYears>> year<<=_randomGrowthYears > 1 ? 's' : ''>>.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if _ageStart < 18 && _ageEnd >= 18>>
<<set _isAdult = true>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is now adult and moved into the guest house.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $yearsGrow>>
<<if _isAdult>>
<<if typeof $childId !== 'undefined'>>
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<run $nursery.splice($childId, 1)>>
<<goto 'Nursery'>>
<<elseif typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<goto 'Child view'>>
<<drop $backpack 'growth_potion' 1>>
<<addmins 30>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<image 'places/guesthouse/move_to_basement.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You tell <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> that you will move <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> to a basement cell, <br />
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> starts to resist and scream and tries to escape your grab and fails as you go there.
<br /><br />
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<image 'places/guesthouse/move_to_basement2.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
As you leave the cell, you can hear <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> crying out of resignation.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship -= 30>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy -= 50>>
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> relationship decreased by 30</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<moveGuestToSlave $tmpGirl $guestId>>
<<unset $guestId>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>>Where do you want to assign <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>?
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship >= 30 && setup.assignedToCount('garden') < $workersLimitGarden>>
<<link 'Assign to garden'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'garden'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.gardenDay = 0>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Provides you with food)
<<if !setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'kitchen').length && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo>>
<<link 'Assign to kitchen'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'kitchen'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && !setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid').length && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo>>
<<link 'Assign as maid'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'maid'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Gives additional energy while taking a nap)
<<if setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'hospital').length < ($workersLimitHospital ?? 3) && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo && $game?.location?.hospital && ($tmpGirl.skills ?? []).includes('doctor')>>
<<link 'Assign to hospital'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'hospital'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Decreases people sickness days and automatically heals MC if bleeding)
<<if !setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'shop').length && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo && ($game.location.shop ?? false) && ($tmpGirl.skills ?? []).includes('shopkeeper')>>
<<link 'Assign to shop'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'shop'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Will work in shop and sell/buy items for you automatically)
<<if [0,1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && !setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress').length && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo && ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic')>>
<<link 'Assign as mistress'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'mistress'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Keeps slaves in order. Increases submission for them)
<<link 'Assign to forest'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'forest'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Provides you with wood)
<<set $automatization ??= {}>>
<<set _itemcount = setup.automatization.job_tools.mc.includes('bow') ? 2 : 1>> /* save one for the MC */
<<set _autoHunterOk = ($automatization.hunter ?? false) && setup.cabinInventory.has('bow', _itemcount)>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.skills ?? []).includes('woodcraft') && (setup.npcInventoryHas($tmpGirl, 'bow') || _autoHunterOk) && setup.assignedToCount('hunter') < ($workersLimitHunter ?? 8)>>
<<link 'Assign as hunter'>>
<<if !setup.npcInventoryHas($tmpGirl, 'bow')>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc($tmpGirl, 'bow', 1)>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'hunter'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Provides you with food or wolf pelts)
Assign as hunter [Need woodcraft skill and bow] (Provides you with food or wolf pelts)
<<if ($game.location.quarry ?? false)>>
<<set $automatization ??= {}>>
<<set _item = 'pickaxe'>>
<<set _itemcount = setup.automatization.job_tools.mc.includes(_item) ? 2 : 1>> /* save one for the MC */
<<set _autoMiningOk = ($automatization.job ?? false) && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, _itemcount)>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($tmpGirl, _item) || _autoMiningOk>>
<<link 'Assign to quarry'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'quarry'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Provides you with coal and stone)
Assign to quarry [Need pickaxe] (Provides you with coal and stone)
<<if ($game.location.garage ?? false) && setup.assignedToCount('garage') < 1>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.skills ?? []).includes('mechanic')>>
<<link 'Assign to garage'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'garage'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Helps to maintain and fix car)
Assign to garage (Helps to maintain and fix car)
<<link 'Assign to scavenging'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'scavenging'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Provides you with plastic, glass, rope, etc)
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship >= 50 && [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo>>
<<link 'Assign to streets'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'streets'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Earns you money as hooker)
<<if $player?.quests?.gloryholeJob && $tmpGirl.relationship >= 70 && [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo>>
<<link 'Assign to nightclub'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'nightclub'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Earns you money with gloryholes)
<<if $tmpGirl.strength >= 30>>
<<link 'Assign as guard'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'guard'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<</link>> (Decreases the chance of someone breaking in and stealing, and sometimes might catch intruders)
<</if>><<widget happyIcon>>
<<set _happyClass = 'happy-icon ' + setup.getNpcHappyLevel($args[0])>>
<span @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/misc/happy.png\')'" @class="'' + _happyClass + ''"></span>
<</widget>><<set _isMasochist = ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('masochist')>>
<<set _relStats = 1>>
<<set _subStats = 1>>
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement-mistress.' + setup.genderPath($guests[_girlGuest[0]])>>
<<set _punishView = 'mistress_punish'>>
<<if $punishType === 'paddle'>>
_relStats = 2,
_subStats = 2,
_punishView = _punishView + '_paddle'
<<set _relChanged = true, _subChanged = true>>
<<if _isMasochist>>
_relStats = 0,
_relChanged = false
<<actionImage $tmpGirl _punishView>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship -= _relStats>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship < -100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = -100>>
<<set _relChanged = false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub += _subStats>>
<<if $tmpGirl.sub > 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = 100>>
<<set _subChanged = false>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<energy -5>>
<br /><br />
<<if _isMasochist>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> moans in enjoyment while looking over <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> shoulder straight in your eyes.
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = Math.min($tmpGirl.horny + 10, 100)>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> yells in pain as the mistress punishes <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> by whipping.
<br /><br />
<<if _relChanged>>
<strong><<print $tmpGirl.name>></strong> relationship decreased by <<=_relStats>><br />
<<if _subChanged>>
<strong><<print $tmpGirl.name>></strong> submission increased by <<=_subStats>><br />
<br /><br />
<<if $player.energy >= 5 && hasTime(1)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Mistress punishes ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<run delete $punishType>>
<<goto 'Mistress - Npc punish'>>
<<set _linkName = _linkName +' with paddle'>>
<<if $backpack.has('paddle')>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $punishType = 'paddle'>>
<<goto 'Mistress - Npc punish'>>
<<link 'Take over'>>
<<unset $punishType>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<goto 'NPC punish'>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<unset $punishType>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<<set $oldTmpGirlLocation = $tmpGirl.location>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'workout'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl workout>>
<br /><br />
You start with some light stretches to warm up your muscles and prevent injury. You chat and catch up as you do some arm circles, shoulder rolls, and leg stretches.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.strength < 100>>
<<set $player.strength++>>
<strong>Your strength increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your strength with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.strength++>>
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> strength increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _pronSheHe = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _pronSheHeCap = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>>
<<set _pronHerHis = setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _pronHerHim = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Pull down ' + _pronHerHis + ' shorts'>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'pull_pants'>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<=_pronSheHe>> giggles and smiles at you as you pull down <<=_pronHerHis>> shorts.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 3, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.strength++>>
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> relationship increased by 3</strong>
<br /><br />
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> strength increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<=_pronSheHeCap>> looks at you with widened eyes and an angry face. Then <<=_pronSheHe>> reminds you that <<=_pronSheHe>>'s not interested in men.
<<=_pronSheHeCap>> flinches and asks you to stop.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Force ' + _pronHerHim>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $sexForced = true>>
<<link 'Finish'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<unset $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<</link>><<if !$charId>>
<<link 'Change name'>>
<<dialog 'Change name'>>
What you will call your guest? <<textbox "_tmpGirlName" $tmpGirl.name>>
<<link 'OK'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.name = _tmpGirlName>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) >= 18>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.piercedBoobs && $backpack.has('piercing')>>
<<link 'Pierce nipples'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - pierce boob'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.piercedBoobs>>
<<link 'Remove piercings from nipples'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - pierce boob remove'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.buttplug && $backpack.has('buttplug')>>
<<link 'Insert buttplug'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - buttplug insert'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.buttplug>>
<<link 'Remove buttplug'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - buttplug remove'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt && $backpack.has('chastity_belt')>>
<<link 'Put on chastity belt'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - chastity belt'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.chastityBelt>>
<<link 'Remove chastity belt'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - chastity belt remove'>>
<<if $backpack.has('cosmetics') && !$tmpGirl.cosmetics>>
<<link 'Apply cosmetics'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - cosmetics'>>
<<if $backpack.has('hair_dye_kit') && $tmpGirl.hair !== 'bald'>>
<<link 'Use hair dye kit'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize - hair dye'>>
<<link 'Portrait'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC customize - portrait", "NPC customize - portrait");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC customize - portrait").processText());
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<link 'Clothes'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC Wardrobe", "NPC Wardrobe");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC Wardrobe").processText());
<<link 'Tattoos'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC customize - tattoos", "NPC customize - tattoos");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC customize - tattoos").processText());
<<link 'Change name color'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC customize - name color", "NPC customize - name color");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC customize - name color").processText());
<<link 'Notes'>>
<<dialog 'Notes'>>
Notes:<<textbox "_notes" `$tmpGirl.notes ?? ''`>>
<<link 'OK'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.notes = _notes>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<<link 'Custom pack'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC customize - custom pack", "NPC customize - custom pack");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC customize - custom pack").processText());
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if !$tmpGirlViewBack && setup.getAge($tmpGirl) < 18>>
<<goto 'Child view'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<br /><br />
<<if $escapeReason ?? false>>
You don't have enough strength and <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> managed to escape.
<<unset $escapeReason>>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Outside]]<div id="inventory">
<<for _item, _amount range $backpack.table>>
<<if typeof setup.gifts[_item] === 'undefined'>>
<<capture _item>>
<<set _icon = _item>>
<div class='inventory-item tooltip'>
<div class='inventory-img'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _icon + '.png']]
<div class='inventory-title'>
<<= Item.get(_item).name>>
<<if !Item.get(_item).unique>>
<span class='inventory-amount'>x_amount</span>
<<if Item.get(_item).description>>
<span class="tooltiptext"><<=Item.get(_item).description>></span>
<<link 'Gift'>>
<<set _giftMultiplier = 1>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.likes ?? []).includes(_item)>>
<<set _giftMultiplier = 2>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += 2>>
<<elseif ($tmpGirl.dislikes ?? []).includes(_item)>>
<<set _giftMultiplier = -1>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy -= 1>>
<<if _giftMultiplier >= 1 >>
<<drop $backpack _item 1>>
<<run setup.npcInventoryAdd($tmpGirl, _item)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.gift = true>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min(100, $tmpGirl.relationship + _giftMultiplier*setup.gifts[_item].rel)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>
#inventory {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
grid-column-gap: 10px;
grid-row-gap: 10px;
.inventory-item {
flex: 0 0 33.3333%;
</style><<set _unknown = (typeof $guestId === 'undefined' && typeof $charId === 'undefined' && typeof $slaveId === 'undefined')>>
<<if _forceKnown>>
<<set _unknown = false>>
<<set _ageReal = setup.getAge($tmpGirl)>>
<<if $tmpGirlCapture && !$guestId && !$charId>>
<<set _age = setup.agePeriod(_ageReal)>>
<<set _age = _ageReal>>
<<set _isLegalAge = _ageReal >= 18>>
<div id="girl_info_stats">
<div id="girl_info_left" style="float: left; width: 60%">
<div id="girl_description">
<<if !_unknown>>
<<happyIcon $tmpGirl>>
<strong class="iitem"><<= $tmpGirl.race>> <<=setup.getNpcAgeDescription($tmpGirl)>></strong> with <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.hair>></strong>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && setup.getAge($tmpGirl) >= 18>>
<<=$tmpGirl.hair === 'bald' ? 'head' : 'hair'>> and <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.breasts>></strong>
<<if $tmpGirl.piercedBoobs>>
<<if [0,3].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && $tmpGirl.virgin && !_unknown>>
<strong class="iitem" style="font-weight: normal;">She's a virgin.</strong>
<<=$tmpGirl.hair === 'bald' ? 'head' : 'hair'>>.
<<if $tmpGirl.buttplug>>
<strong class="iitem" style="font-weight: normal;">With buttplug.</strong>
<<if $tmpGirl.piercedBoobs && $tmpGirl.gender == 1>>
<strong class="iitem" style="font-weight: normal;">With pierced nipples.</strong>
<<if $tmpGirl.chastityBelt>>
<strong class="iitem" style="font-weight: normal;">With chastity belt.</strong>
<<if !_unknown>>
<<= setup.npcListInfo($tmpGirl)>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.drunk ?? 0) > 0>>
<strong><<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> is <<=setup.drunkDescription($tmpGirl)>>.</strong>
<<if !_unknown>>
<div id="npc-inventory">
<<link "[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/misc/inventory.png']]">><<script>>Dialog.setup("NPC inventory", "NPC inventory"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC inventory").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>><</link>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.inventory ?? {})>>
<<for _npcInventoryItem, _npcInventoryCount range ($tmpGirl.inventory ?? {})>>
<<if typeof setup.gifts[_npcInventoryItem] !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _icon = _npcInventoryItem.indexOf("blueprint") !== -1 ? 'blueprint' :
_npcInventoryItem.indexOf("note") !== -1 ? 'note' :
_npcInventoryItem.indexOf("dumb") !== -1 ? 'dumbbell' : _npcInventoryItem>>
<div class='npc-inventory-item'>
<div class='npc-inventory-img'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _icon + '.png']]
<div id="npc_stats">
<span>Name: <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>></span>
<span>Age: <<=_age>></span>
<<if _isLegalAge>>
<span>Beauty score: <<=$tmpGirl.beauty>></span>
<<if !$tmpGirlCapture>>
<span>Relationship: <<print $tmpGirl.relationship ?? 0>></span>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined' || typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' || typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<span>Strength: <<=$tmpGirl.strength ?? 0>></span>
<<if _isLegalAge>>
<div>Submission: <<= $tmpGirl.sub ?? 0>></div>
<<if !_unknown || $player.int > 30 || _isSlaveMarket>>
<<if _isLegalAge>>
<div id="npc-traits">
<<if Object.keys($tmpGirl.traits ?? {}).length > 0>>
<<for _trait range ($tmpGirl.traits ?? [])>>
<div class="trait tooltip">
<span class="tooltiptext"><<=setup.traits[_trait].description>></span>
<div id="npc-skills">
<<if ($tmpGirl.skills ?? []).length > 0>>
<<for _skill range ($tmpGirl.skills ?? [])>>
<<if typeof setup.skills[_skill] !== 'undefined'>>
<div class="trait tooltip">
<span class="tooltiptext"><<=setup.skills[_skill].description>></span>
<<if _isLegalAge && !_unknown>>
<<linkreplace 'More info'>>
<div id="additional-npc-info">
<div id="additional-npc-info-single">
<<if _isLegalAge>>
<div>Corruption: <<= $tmpGirl.corruption ?? 0>></div>
<div>Drunkenness: <<=setup.drunkDescription($tmpGirl)>></div>
<div>Horny: <<= $tmpGirl.horny ?? 0>></div>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
Orgasms: <<=$tmpGirl.orgasms>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
Creampies: <<=$tmpGirl?.sexStats?.creampies ?? 0;>>
Gender: <<=setup.genderDescription($tmpGirl)>>
Orientation: <<=setup.displayOrientation($tmpGirl)>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender || $tmpGirl.anal > 0>>
<div>Anal: <<=$tmpGirl.anal>></div>
<<if !_unknown && !$charId && $tmpGirl.relationship >= 50>>
Likes: <<=$tmpGirl.likes>>
Dislikes: <<=$tmpGirl.dislikes>>
Personality: <<=$tmpGirl.personality>>
Eyes: <<=$tmpGirl.eyes>>
Birthday: <<=$tmpGirl.birthDate.getDate()>> <<=window.GameMonths[$tmpGirl.birthDate.getMonth()]>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.pregnancy >= 8>>
Pregnancy: <<=$tmpGirl.pregnancy>> days
<<if !_unknown && $player.int >= 50>>
Unavailable traits:
<<for _trait range ($tmpGirl.traitsLocked ?? [])>>
<div class="trait tooltip">
<span class="tooltiptext"><<=setup.traits[_trait].description>></span>
<<if ($tmpGirl.notes ?? '') !== ''>>
<div id="npc-notes">
<h4 style="display:block; margin-bottom: 0px;">Notes</h4>
<div id="npc_stats">
<<if ($tmpGirl.stats ?? false)>>
<div id="npc-work-stats">
<h4 style="display:block; margin-bottom: 0px;">Work stats</h4>
<table style="margin-top: 0px;">
<<for _npcWorkStatsLocation, _npcWorkStatsDays range $tmpGirl.stats>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.statsSex ?? false)>>
<div id="npc-sex-stats">
<h4 style="display:block; margin-bottom: 0px;">Sex stats</h4>
<table style="margin-top: 0px;">
Gave blowjobs:
<<=$tmpGirl.statsSex.bj ?? 0>>
<<=$tmpGirl.statsSex.dp ?? 0>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
Fucked in pussy:
<<=$tmpGirl.statsSex.pussy ?? 0>>
Fucked in ass:
<<=$tmpGirl.statsSex.anal ?? 0>>
<div id="npc_info_right" @data-id="$tmpGirl.id" @class="'girl_info_picture gender-' + $tmpGirl.gender" style="float: right;">
<<if typeof $tmpGirl.family !== 'undefined'>>
<div id="family-tree">
<span class="glyph">䷤</span>
<div id="family-tree-expanded">
<<showFamilyTree $tmpGirl.family>>
<<set _girlVisual = $tmpGirl>>
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) >= 18>>
<<include 'NPC visual'>>
<div style="clear: both; margin-bottom: 5px;"></div>
<<if false>>
<<set $objectKeys = Object.keys($tmpGirl)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $objectKeys.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<print $objectKeys[_i]>>:
<strong><<print $tmpGirl[$objectKeys[_i]]>></strong>
<br />
<hr />
#girl_description::first-letter {
</style><<set $automatization ??= {}>>
<div id="storage-transfer">
<div id="storage-transfer-left">
<<for _inventoryNpcMcKey, _inventoryNpcMcItem range setup.inventoryNpc>>
<<capture _inventoryNpcMcItem>>
<<if !$backpack.has(_inventoryNpcMcItem)>>
<<set _icon = _inventoryNpcMcItem.indexOf("blueprint") !== -1 ? 'blueprint' :
_inventoryNpcMcItem.indexOf("note") !== -1 ? 'note' :
_inventoryNpcMcItem.indexOf("dumb") !== -1 ? 'dumbbell' : _inventoryNpcMcItem>>
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-container">
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-icon">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _icon + '.png']]
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-name">
(<<=$backpack.count(_inventoryNpcMcItem)>>x) <<=Item.get(_inventoryNpcMcItem).name>>
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-link">
<<if ($automatization.dup ?? false) && setup.npcInventoryHas($tmpGirl, _inventoryNpcMcItem) && !setup.npcInventoryMultipleItems.includes(_inventoryNpcMcItem)>>
<<link '>>'>>
<<drop $backpack _inventoryNpcMcItem 1>>
<<=setup.npcInventoryAdd($tmpGirl, _inventoryNpcMcItem)>>
Dialog.setup("NPC inventory", "NPC inventory");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC inventory").processText());
<<goto `passage()`>>
<div id="storage-transfer-right">
<<for _inventoryNpcMcKey, _inventoryNpcMcItem range setup.inventoryNpc>>
<<capture _inventoryNpcMcItem>>
<<if !setup.npcInventoryHas($tmpGirl, _inventoryNpcMcItem)>>
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-container">
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-link">
<<link '<<'>>
<<pickup $backpack _inventoryNpcMcItem 1>>
<<=setup.npcInventoryRemove($tmpGirl, _inventoryNpcMcItem)>>
Dialog.setup("NPC inventory", "NPC inventory");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC inventory").processText());
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<set _icon = _inventoryNpcMcItem.indexOf("blueprint") !== -1 ? 'blueprint' :
_inventoryNpcMcItem.indexOf("note") !== -1 ? 'note' :
_inventoryNpcMcItem.indexOf("dumb") !== -1 ? 'dumbbell' : _inventoryNpcMcItem>>
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-name">
(<<=setup.npcInventoryCount($tmpGirl, _inventoryNpcMcItem)>>x) <<=Item.get(_inventoryNpcMcItem).name>>
<div class="npc-inventory-transfer-icon">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _icon + '.png']]
</div><<drop $backpack 'wedding_ring' 1>>
<<set $tmpGirl.married = true>>
<<set $tmpGirl.family ??= {}>>
<<set $tmpGirl.family.husband ??= 'mc'>>
<<set $player.family ??= {}>>
<<set $player.family.wives ??= []>>
<<set $player.family.wives.push($tmpGirl.id)>>
<br /><br />
You dropped to one knee, holding out the makeshift ring.
<br /><br />
<<=$tmpGirl.name>>, will you marry me?
<br />
Tears welled up in <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s eyes as she looked down at you, overwhelmed with emotions.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Yes, <<=$player.name>>, a thousand times yes!
<br />
You embraced tightly, the weight of your journey and this newfound commitment washing over you. After a moment, <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> pulled back, her eyes sparkling with determination.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Should we have a big celebration, <<=$player.name>>? Or keep it simple, just the two of us?
<br />
<div id="option_two">
<<linkreplace 'Just the two of us'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'wedding'>>
<<run $('#option_others').hide()>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $guestId 'happy' 50>>
<<for _marryGuestI, _marryGuest range $guests>>
<<if !_marryGuest.married>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _marryGuestI 'happy' -10>>
<br /><br />
You pull her closer to you and slowly slide the ring onto her finger.
There is a wide smile on her face. For a moment, she admires the ring and then tells you to go to your bedroom, running out of the room herself.
<br />
After a while, she comes to your bedroom with a borrowed wedding dress that the village girls share among themselves.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'undress' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
In front of you she takes of her clothes and asks you to help her put on wedding dress.
<br />
As she's done, she pushes you onto your bed.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I've always wanted to do it in a wedding dress
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
She unbuttons your pants and slides her hand in to grab your dick. She strokes it few times while looking right into your eyes before pulling it out and sliding it into her mouth.
<br />
She catches her breath for a moment and you decide to take the lead.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Deepthroat her'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'dp' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
She deepthroats your dick with determination to get it all inside her tight mouth and still - without taking eyes off you. She really enjoys this moment.
<br /><br />
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<<linkreplace 'Eat her pussy'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'pussy_lick' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
You decide to reward your lovely wife by eating her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.virgin>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck her virgin pussy'>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck her pussy'>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<if $tmpGirl.virgin>>
<<set $tmpGirl.virgin = false>>
<<set _virginityLost = true>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
You enter her warm pussy and start ramming her while she moans louder and louder, as she glances at her ring every now and then.
<br /><br />
<<if _virginityLost>>
<strong>She lost her virginity!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.anal < 20>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck her tight ass'>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck her ass'>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'anal' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.anal < 20>>
You enter her tight ass and start ramming her while she tries to control her pain, glancing at her ring for comfort.
You enter her warm ass and start ramming her while she moans louder and louder, as she glances at her ring every now and then.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set _cum = !$tmpGirl.gender ? 'cum_on_pussy' : 'cum'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl _cum 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
You throw her on her back and cum all over her pussy.
You pull out your dick and you both lay on your back. You stroke your dick as she massages your balls. You both cum together.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck some more'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<div id="option_others">
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
The <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s gaze flickers to the bottle as you approach, curiosity sparking in her eyes.
Without a word, you offer her a glass, the bubbles dancing in the dim light of a flickering street lamp.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<if $tmpGirl.pregnancy > 10 && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I will have to decline as I am pregnant. I really don't want to hurt the baby.
<br />
Her initial surprise gives way to a cautious smile as she accepts the glass, the effervescence of the champagne a stark contrast to the harsh realities of their world. She raises bottle of champagne.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
A taste of luxury in the midst of chaos
<br />
<br /><br />
Sitting together on the bench, surrounded by the sounds of the settlement's inhabitants going about their daily routines, you share stories of survival and moments of fleeting joy.
The champagne serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there are still moments worth savoring, connections worth forging.
<br /><br />
As the time deepens and the stars twinkle faintly through the haze of pollution, the <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> continues to drink, indulging in the rare luxury.
Her speech becomes slurred, and laughter spills out uncontrollably. It's evident she's become quite drunk, her guard lowered as she shares tales of her past with increasing openness and sentimentality.
<br /><br />
Eventually, as the champagne runs dry, she leans heavily on your shoulder, her words now a jumble of gratitude and nostalgia for a world long lost.
<br /><br />
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('champagne', 1)>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Wow! I am really drunk... Thank god the bottle is empty as I couldn't stop..
<br />
<strong>You both are drunk!</strong>
<<perkAdd 'drunk'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.drunk = 89>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _heOrShe = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _heOrSheU = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>>
<<set _hisOrHer = setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _himOrHer = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _isMasochist = ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('masochist')>>
<<set _relStats = 1>>
<<set _subStats = 1>>
<<set _punishView = 'punish'>>
<<if !settings.gaysEnabled && $tmpGirl.gender == 1 >>
<<set _punishView = _punishView + '_hit'>>
<<set _punishSettings = {
paddle: { show: true, relStats: 2, subStats: 2, viewSuffix: '_paddle' },
beat: { show: true, relStats: 1, subStats: 1, viewSuffix: '_hit' },
piss: { show:true, relStats: 2, subStats: 2, viewSuffix: '_piss' },
choke: { show: !$tmpGirl.gender, relStats: 0, subStats: 3, viewSuffix: '_choke'}
<<set _punishTypeSettings = _punishSettings[$punishType] ?? { relStats: 1, subStats: 1, viewSuffix: '' }>>
<<set _relStats = _punishTypeSettings.relStats>>
<<set _subStats = _punishTypeSettings.subStats>>
<<set _punishView += _punishTypeSettings.viewSuffix>>
<<set _relChanged = true>>
<<set _subChanged = true>>
<<if _isMasochist && $punishType !== 'beat'>>
<<set _relStats = 0>>
<<set _relChanged = false>>
<<if $punishType !== $prevPunish>>
<<set $punishCount = 0>>
<<set $punishCount++>>
<<set _dead = false>>
<<if $punishType === 'choke' && $punishCount >= 3>>
<<set _dead = true>>
<<set _punishView = 'punish_dead'>>
<<if typeof $punishType === 'undefined'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.gender == 1>>
<br /><br />
You enter <<=_hisOrHer>> basement cell, and <<=_heOrShe>> is already waiting for you. Fear is visible in <<=_hisOrHer>> eyes, while <<=_hisOrHer>> hands are tied behind <<=_hisOrHer>> back.
<<actionImage $tmpGirl _punishView>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship -= _relStats>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship < -100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = -100>>
<<set _relChanged = false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub += _subStats>>
<<if $tmpGirl.sub > 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = 100>>
<<set _subChanged = false>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<energy -10>>
<<if _dead>>
You take a step back and look at her. You overdid and she's laying on the ground dead.
<<elseif $punishType == 'piss'>>
You start to piss all over <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> face, <<=_heOrShe>> can't do anything because <<=_heOrShe>>'s tied up. <<=_heOrSheU>> tries to turn away and close <<=_hisOrHer>> eyes.
<<elseif $punishType == 'beat'>>
You've properly swung a few times and punched <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> right in the face, <<=_heOrShe>> can't do anything because <<=_heOrShe>>'s tied to a chair, but after a few punches, it seems like <<=_heOrShe>>'s slowly starting to give in.
<<elseif $punishType === 'choke'>>
<<if $punishCount < 1>>
You put your hands around <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> neck and choke her.
<<elseif $punishCount < 3>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> eyes gets sleepy as she looks straight at you and tries to tell something.
<<elseif _isMasochist>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>></strong> moans in enjoyment while looking over <<=_hisOrHer>> shoulder straight in your eyes.
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = Math.min($tmpGirl.horny + 10, 100)>>
<strong><<print $tmpGirl.name>></strong> yells in pain as you punish <<=_himOrHer>>.
<<if _relChanged || _subChanged>>
<br /><br />
<<if _relChanged>>
<strong><<print $tmpGirl.name>></strong> relationship decreased by <<=_relStats>><br />
<<if _subChanged>>
<strong><<print $tmpGirl.name>></strong> submission increased by <<=_subStats>><br />
<br /><br />
<<set $prevPunish = $punishType>>
<<if !_dead>>
<<if $player.energy >= 10 && hasTime(1)>>
<<if $tmpGirl.gender == 1>>
<<link 'Hit him'>>
<<set $punishType = 'beat'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if settings.gaysEnabled || !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<<link 'Punish (slap)'>>
<<set $punishType = 'slap'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $backpack.has('paddle')>>
<<link 'Punish (paddle)'>>
<<set $punishType = 'paddle'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<set _linkName = 'Piss on ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $punishType = 'piss'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Choke ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $punishType = 'choke'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<slaveRemove $slaveId>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<unset $punishType, $prevPunish, $punishCount>>
<<if _dead>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<set _bathSchedule = {
garden: {
from: '16:00',
to: '20:00',
p: 10
forest: {
from: '16:00',
to: '08:00',
p: 20
kitchen: {
from: '12:00',
to: '20:00',
p: 10
scavenging: {
from: '20:00',
to: '23:00',
p: 30
mistress: {
from: '23:00',
to: '24:00',
p: 70
streets: {
from: '10:00',
to: '12:00',
p: 20
nightclub: {
from: '19:00',
to: '02:00',
p: 60
<<for _scheduleGuestI, _scheduleGuest range $guests>>
<<capture _scheduleGuestI, _scheduleGuest>>
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].location = ''>>
<<if setup.getAge(_scheduleGuest) < 18>>
<<if (($game.location.bathhouse ?? false) && !_scheduleGuest.washedBathhouse &&
(((!_scheduleGuest.assignedTo || typeof _bathSchedule[_scheduleGuest.assignedTo] === 'undefined') && setup.percentageChance(5)) ||
(typeof _bathSchedule[_scheduleGuest.assignedTo] !== 'undefined' && (timeBetween(_bathSchedule[_scheduleGuest.assignedTo].from, _bathSchedule[_scheduleGuest.assignedTo].to) && setup.percentageChance(_bathSchedule[_scheduleGuest.assignedTo].p))))
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].washedBathhouse = true>>
<<set _beautyInc = randomInteger(1, 2)>>
<<if !($guests[_scheduleGuestI].washDays ?? false)>>
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].washBeauty = _beautyInc>>
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].beauty = Math.min($guests[_scheduleGuestI].beauty + (_beautyInc * 2), 100)>>
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].beauty -= $guests[_scheduleGuestI].washBeauty * $guests[_scheduleGuestI].washDays>>
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].beauty = Math.min($guests[_scheduleGuestI].beauty + ($guests[_scheduleGuestI].washBeauty * 2), 100)>>
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].washDays = 2>>
<<set $guests[_scheduleGuestI].location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _scheduleGuestI 'happy' 3>>
<<for _scheduleSlaveI, _scheduleSlave range $slaves>>
<<capture _scheduleSlaveI, _scheduleSlave>>
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].location = ''>>
<<if setup.getAge(_scheduleSlave) < 18>>
<<if (($game.location.bathhouse ?? false) && !_scheduleSlave.washedBathhouse &&
(((!_scheduleSlave.assignedTo || typeof _bathSchedule[_scheduleSlave.assignedTo] === 'undefined') && setup.percentageChance(5)) ||
(typeof _bathSchedule[_scheduleSlave.assignedTo] !== 'undefined' && (timeBetween(_bathSchedule[_scheduleSlave.assignedTo].from, _bathSchedule[_scheduleSlave.assignedTo].to) && setup.percentageChance(_bathSchedule[_scheduleSlave.assignedTo].p))))
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].washedBathhouse = true>>
<<set _beautyInc = randomInteger(1, 2)>>
<<if !($slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].washDays ?? false)>>
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].washBeauty = _beautyInc>>
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].beauty = Math.min($slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].beauty + (_beautyInc * 2), 100)>>
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].beauty -= $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].washBeauty * $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].washDays>>
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].beauty = Math.min($slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].beauty + ($slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].washBeauty * 2), 100)>>
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].washDays = 2>>
<<set $slaves[_scheduleSlaveI].location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' _scheduleSlaveI 'happy' 3>>
<</for>><<set _talkDialogs = [
"In this world, kindness is rare. But every act of compassion matters. We have to hold on to our humanity.",
"Amidst the remnants of civilization, I stumbled upon a group of survivors. Their tired eyes reflected resilience, as they whispered tales of lost loved ones and hopes of finding a sanctuary in this merciless world.",
"I've seen things you wouldn't believe. But I still believe in the goodness that can exist in humanity. We can't lose hope.",
"You've got that fire in your eyes, one I haven't seen in a long time. Just remember, trust no one and keep your guard up.",
"I lost everything in the chaos, but I won't let it define me. We can rebuild, stronger than before.",
"The wasteland is unforgiving, but we still find beauty in the smallest moments. Like that sunset over the ruins.",
"Every step we take in this unforgiving wasteland is a reminder of the world that once was, but we must adapt and find a way to survive.",
"Scavenging for supplies has become a daily struggle, but we persevere, knowing that each find brings us closer to another day of existence.",
"Have you heard the rumors of a group rising against the chaos, fighting for a chance at rebuilding society? I wonder if it's true.",
"Do you remember what life was like before? Sometimes, I catch myself longing for the comforts we once took for granted.",
"Despite the hardships, I believe that hope can still be found. We must cling to it, for without hope, we are truly lost."
<<set _talkDialogsChild = [
<<set _talkDialog = _talkDialogs[Math.floor(Math.random()*_talkDialogs.length)]>>
<<set _chanceShowSkill = 20>>
<<if $player.int > 30>>
<<set _chanceShowSkill += 20>>
<<if $player.int > 60>>
<<set _chanceShowSkill += 20>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chanceShowSkill) && !$slaveId && !$guestId && !$charId>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.skills ?? []).length>>
<strong>You learned that <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> has <<=setup.skills[setup.getRandomElement($tmpGirl.skills)].title>> skill!</strong>
<strong>You learned that <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> don't have any skills!</strong>
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
<<if $slaveId !== undefined && $tmpGirl.relationship > 30 && !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<br /><br />
She had <strong><<=$tmpGirl.orgasms>></strong> orgasms
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.quests ??= {}>>
<<set $tmpGirl.quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto [[NPC view]]>>
<</link>><<set _heOrShe = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _hisOrHer = setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _himOrHer = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<if $tmpGirl.canTalk && !$tmpGirl.talked>>
<<link 'Talk'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 3, 100)>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship > 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.talked = true>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto 'NPC talk'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.canFuck && $player.energy > 30 && $tmpGirl.location !== 'garden'>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - character'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - no'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.pregnancy && $tmpGirl.pregnancy >= 7>>
<<if $backpack.has('pregnancy_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy termination potion'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy potion'>>
<<if $backpack.has('pregnancy_speed_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<set $pregnancyPotionBackLink = 'NPC view - character'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.canMarry && !$tmpGirl.gender && $game.canMarry && !$tmpGirl.married && $backpack.has('wedding_ring') && $tmpGirl.relationship >= 80>>
<<set _linkName = 'Marry ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<goto 'NPC marry'>>
<<link 'Customize'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<<link 'Go back'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $charId>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><<set _heOrShe = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _hisOrHer = setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _himOrHer = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.talked>>
<<link 'Talk'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 3, 100)>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship > 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl.talked = true>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto 'NPC talk'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && timeBetween('22:00', '03:00')>>
<<link 'Invite to spend night in your bedroom'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom - invite to sleep in bedroom'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.location === 'garden' && $player.energy >= 20>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<if $player.energy > 30 && $tmpGirl.location !== 'garden'>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - no'>>
<<if $player.energy > 30 && $tmpGirl.location !== 'garden' && typeof $tmpGirl.family !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl.family.husband !== 'undefined' && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<if $tmpGirl.family.husband === 'mc'>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + _himOrHer + ' in ' + _hisOrHer + ' wedding dress'>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $oldTmpGirlLocation = $tmpGirl.location>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'wedding'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - no'>>
<<if $player.energy > 30 && $tmpGirl.location !== 'garden' && ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('masochist') && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + _himOrHer + ' in the basement'>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $oldTmpGirlLocation = $tmpGirl.location>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - no'>>
<<if $player.energy > 30 && $tmpGirl.location !== 'garden' && $tmpGirl.location !== 'gloryhole' && !$tmpGirl.gender && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + _himOrHer + ' in a threesome'>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
Dialog.setup("Guesthouse - Ask for threesome", "Guesthouse - Ask for threesome");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Guesthouse - Ask for threesome choose").processText());
<<if setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Ask '+ _himOrHer +' to fuck someone'>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
Dialog.setup("Guesthouse - Ask to fuck", "Guesthouse - Ask to fuck");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Guesthouse - Ask to fuck someone choose").processText());
<<if !($player.companions['guest:' + $guestId] ?? false) && Object.keys($player.companions ?? {}).length < $companionsLimit>>
<<link 'Add as companion'>>
<<companionAdd 'guest' $guestId>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'companion'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.assignedTo && !($player.companions['guest:' + $guestId] ?? false)>>
<<link 'Assign to'>>
<<dialog 'Assign to'>>
<<include 'Guest view assign to'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.assignedTo>>
<<link "Remove assigned job ($tmpGirl.assignedTo)">>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'none'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<include 'Button - rest or work'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && !$tmpGirl.milked && $player.energy >= 10 && $backpack.has('breast_pump') && ($tmpGirl.pregnancy > 60 || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('milker')) && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<link 'Milk her'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto 'Girl milk'>>
<<if ($game.hotShower ?? false) && $player.energy >= 10 && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<link 'Invite to your shower'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto 'Event: Guest invite shower'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.workout && $player.energy >= 10 && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<link 'Workout together'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.workout = true>>
<<energy -10>>
<<goto 'NPC - workout together'>>
<<include 'NPC view - massage table invite'>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('champagne') && !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<<link 'Offer her a drink'>>
<<goto 'NPC offer drink'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.pregnancy && $tmpGirl.pregnancy >= 7>>
<<if $backpack.has('pregnancy_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy termination potion'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy potion'>>
<<if $backpack.has('pregnancy_speed_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<if [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && $game.canMarry && !$tmpGirl.married && $backpack.has('wedding_ring') && $tmpGirl.relationship >= 80 && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Marry ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $oldTmpGirlLocation = $tmpGirl.location>>
<<goto 'NPC marry'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gift>>
<<link 'Give gift'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC gift", "NPC gift");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC gift").processText());
<<link 'Customize'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<<if $slaves.length < $basementLimit && setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Move ' + _himOrHer + ' to the basement cell'>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'none'>>
<<goto 'Guest move to basement'>>
<<if setup.NpcInHome($tmpGirl)>>
<<link 'Throw out'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to throw <<=($tmpGirl.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>> out?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Guest house'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'none'>>
<<guestLeft $guestId>>
<<set $player.reputation-->>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<link 'Go back'>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $charId>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br />
She looked at you for a moment, her lips curling into a mischievous smile as she let out a quiet chuckle. She leaned forward a bit, the light catching in her eyes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You offering to take care of me, or just fishing for an excuse to touch my shoulders?
<br />
You felt your face warm slightly, but before you could think of a clever comeback, she stepped closer. Her expression shifted, the humor in her eyes softening into something more tender. She paused, her hand resting gently on your arm.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
How about this.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You've been out there busting your back too—how about I give you one instead?
<br /><br />
Her offer lingered in the air, and for a second, you couldn’t help but feel an unexpected nervousness. There was something in her gaze, a warmth that felt more intimate than anything you’d felt in a long time. You took a deep breath and nodded, your heart picking up as you gave in to her offer.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_agree">
<<linkreplace 'Agree'>>
<<run $('#option_deny').hide()>>
You laid down on the table, the cushion beneath you strangely comforting.
Soon, you felt her hands settle on your shoulders, and she began working gently, kneading the knots and tension out of your muscles.
Her touch was careful, tracing every line and curve with a lingering softness.
It was as though, in that quiet moment, she was trying to reach beyond the scars and survival that defined so much of your lives now.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/massage_mc1_1'>>
<br /><br />
Her hands moved slowly, working down your spine, kneading away the aches you’d pushed through without thinking.
Her touch was firm, steady, and surprisingly tender, each movement tracing the lines of your shoulders and back, easing the weight of exhaustion from your bones.
In her hands, the tension faded, replaced by a warmth that made you close your eyes and just breathe, if only for a moment.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.perkHas('beaten')>>
<<run delete $player.perks.beaten>>
And then, as you soak, something remarkable happens.
You feel a sense of relief wash over you as the aches and pains in your body begin to dissipate, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
<br /><br />
<strong>Your body doesn't hurt anymore!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/massage_cleavage.webp'>>
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Grab her top'>>
With a soft smile, you brushed your fingers over her shoulder, gently tracing the edge of her worn shirt.
Meeting her gaze for silent permission, you slowly eased the fabric down her shoulders, revealing the skin beneath as she watched you, her expression open and unguarded.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/massage_mc1_2'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> let out a quiet moan, her eyes warm and playful. She teased reaching over to tug at the towel you were covered.
In a swift, mischievous move, she pulled it down, exposing your dick to the cool air, her grin widening at your surprised expression as she grabbed it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/massage_mc1_3'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> slides her hand across your dick, slowly grabbing it again and now stroking it.
She leans as close as can towards you so her nipple almost touches your lips, teasing you that way.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Lick her nipples'>>
As you almost reach her nipple, she pulls herself away from you and removes her top. Then she focuses on your dick again.
<br /><br />
She gently grabs it with both hands and playfully rubs it against her nipples and juicy breasts. Her hands playfully touches just the tip of your dick as your dick is ready to explode.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/massage_mc1_4'>>
<br /><br />
Moments later she has already removed her bottom clothes and slowly gets on the table, right on you without releasing your dick from her one hand.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/massage_mc1_handjob.webp'>>
<br />
She grabs it with both hands again, now more firmly and with some force. She starts slow, but with each stroke increases speed and pressure on it.
Then she leans lower and starts to kiss you neck as she slowly crawls towards you till her pussy rubbing right against your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/massage_mc1_5'>>
<br /><br />
She presses her tights against your legs as she slides one hand between hers, grabs your dick and slowly adjusts it so it slowly slides inside her wet pussy.
<br /><br />
Your dick almost explodes as you enter her, but you calm down and let the fun continue. With each movement she slowly picks up the pace.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/massage_grind_pussy.webp'>>
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Turn her on side'>>
You rolled onto your side, pulling her closer, and she straddled you, her legs parting to reveal the soft, inviting flesh of her pussy.
You started thrusting, feeling her pussy clench around your dick as you moved deeper.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/massage_mc1_6'>>
<br /><br />
Her hand clutched the edge of the massage table, her fingers curling around it as if to steady herself, holding tight as your movements drew you both into a rhythm, shared and grounding
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/massage_mc1_7'>>
<br /><br />
The table creaked softly under your weight, but neither of you noticed, lost in the rhythm of your lovemaking.
Her hands were on your chest, her nails digging gently into your skin as she rode you, her eyes locked on yours with a deep, unspoken connection.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Cum inside me!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
As the climax approached, your movements became more urgent, your bodies straining together until the release came.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/massage_cum_pussy.webp'>>
<br />
You felt yourself cumming, the wave of pleasure washing over you both. She moaned softly as she reached her own orgasm, her body shuddering against yours.
Soon enough you pulled out dick, letting your cum drip on the massage table right under you two.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> grabbed her clothes and with smile on her face left to take a shower.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<div id="option_deny">
<<linkreplace 'Insist that you do the massage'>>
<<run $('#option_agree').hide()>>
She looked at you, her gaze softening, a mixture of surprise and gratitude glimmering in her eyes. After a beat, she sighed and tilted her head toward the massage table with a wry smile.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Alright, you win. But don't blame me if I fall asleep halfway through.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Massage'>>
</div><<if [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && $tmpGirl.location == 'bathhouse' && ($game.location.massage_table ?? false)>>
<<link 'Suggest a massage'>>
<<if recall($suppCode) && !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.likesGuys && $tmpGirl.horny > 50 && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<goto 'NPC view - Massage proposal'>>
<<goto 'Massage'>>
<</if>><<set _heOrShe = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _hisOrHer = setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _himOrHer = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.talked>>
<<link 'Talk'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 3, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.talked = true>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto 'NPC talk'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 30 && $tmpGirl.location !== 'garden'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.rape>>
<<link 'Try to rape her'>>
<<if $player.strength < $tmpGirl.strength>>
<<goto 'NPC found escape'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<set $sexForced = true>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $wasRaped = true>>
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.rape>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<include 'Girl invite - include'>>
<<if $game.location.basement && $tmpGirlCapture && $slaves.length < $basementLimit && $player.energy >= 30>>
<<set _linkName = 'Try to capture ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<if $player.strength > $tmpGirl.strength>>
<<set $tmpGirl.capture = false>>
<<set $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<energy -30>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<goto 'NPC found escape'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.location === 'garden'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 20>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<if $slaveId !== undefined && !($player.companions['slave:' + $slaveId] ?? false) && Object.keys($player.companions ?? {}).length < $companionsLimit>>
<<link 'Add as companion'>>
<<companionAdd 'slave' $slaveId>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'companion_slave'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship >= 30 && $slaveId !== undefined && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo && setup.assignedToCount('garden') < $workersLimitGarden>>
<<link 'Assign to garden'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'garden'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.gardenDay = 0>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<set $slaveId to null>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && $tmpGirl.relationship >= 50 && $slaveId !== undefined && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo>>
<<link 'Assign to streets'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'streets'>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<set $slaveId to null>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<if [0].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && $slaveId !== undefined && !$tmpGirl.assignedTo && $game?.location?.milk_barn && ($tmpGirl.pregnancy >= 7 || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('milker'))>>
<<link 'Assign to milk barn'>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'milk_barn'>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<set $slaveId to null>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<set _availableGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if $slaveId !== undefined && $tmpGirl.gender == 1 && (_availableGirlSlaves[0] ?? []).length && !$tmpGirl.offerSlave>>
<<link 'Offer him one of your slave girls'>>
Dialog.setup("Basement - Offer slave", "Basement - Offer slave");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Basement - Offer slave girl to slave guy: choose").processText());
<<set _availableGuySlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if $slaveId !== undefined && settings.gaysEnabled && $tmpGirl.gender == 1 && (_availableGuySlaves[1] ?? []).length > 1 && !$tmpGirl.offerSlave>>
<<link 'Offer him one of your slave guys'>>
Dialog.setup("Basement - Offer slave", "Basement - Offer slave");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Basement - Offer slave guy to slave guy: choose").processText());
<<set _availableTGirlsSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if $slaveId !== undefined && settings.transEnabled && $tmpGirl.gender == 1 && (_availableTGirlsSlaves[2] ?? []).length && !$tmpGirl.offerSlave>>
<<link 'Offer him one of your slave trans girls'>>
Dialog.setup("Basement - Offer slave", "Basement - Offer slave");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Basement - Offer slave trans girls to slave guy: choose").processText());
<<set _availableGuySlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if $slaveId !== undefined && settings.gaysEnabled && $tmpGirl.gender == 2 && (_availableGuySlaves[1] ?? []).length > 0 && !$tmpGirl.offerSlave>>
<<link 'Offer her one of your slave guys'>>
Dialog.setup("Basement - Offer slave", "Basement - Offer slave");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Basement - Offer slave guy to slave trans girl: choose").processText());
<<if $tmpGirl.location === 'basement'>>
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && !$tmpGirl.milked && $player.energy >= 10 && $backpack.has('breast_pump') && ($tmpGirl.pregnancy >= 60 || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('milker'))>>
<<link 'Milk her'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto 'Girl milk'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 10 && hasTime(1)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Punish ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<goto 'NPC punish'>>
<<if _girlGuest.length > 0 && timeBetween('12:00', '22:00') && typeof _girlGuest.sick === 'undefined'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 5 && hasTime(1)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Mistress punishes ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<if $backpack.has('paddle')>>
<<set $punishType = 'paddle'>>
<<goto 'Mistress - Npc punish'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 15 && hasTime(1)>>
<<set _linkName = 'Mistress fucks ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<mistress $tmpGirl>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.assignedTo>>
<<link "Remove assigned job ($tmpGirl.assignedTo)">>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'none'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<include 'Button - rest or work'>>
<<if ($game.hotShower ?? false) && !$tmpGirl.washed && $player.energy >= 10>>
<<set _linkName = 'Wash ' + _himOrHer>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<energy -10>>
<<goto 'Slave - wash'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.workout && $player.energy >= 10>>
<<link 'Workout together'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.workout = true>>
<<set $tmpGirl.quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<energy -10>>
<<goto 'NPC - workout together'>>
<<include 'NPC view - massage table invite'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.pregnancy && $tmpGirl.pregnancy >= 7>>
<<if $backpack.has('pregnancy_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy termination potion'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy potion'>>
<<if $backpack.has('pregnancy_speed_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gift>>
<<link 'Give gift'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC gift", "NPC gift");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC gift").processText());
<<link 'Customize'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit>>
<<set _linkName = 'Move ' + _himOrHer + ' to the guest house'>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<moveSlaveToGuest $tmpGirl $slaveId>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<link 'Release'>>
<<goto 'Basement - release slave'>>
<<link 'Go back'>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $charId>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><<if _girlVisual.portrait && !_ignoreCustomPortrait>>
<div class="npc_custom_visual">
<<if _girlVisual.portrait.includes('http')>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'custom_portraits/' + _girlVisual.portrait]]
<<set _visualType = ''>>
<<set _bodyImage = null>>
<<if _girlVisual.visual === 'trooper'>>
<<set _bodyImage = 'trooper.png'>>
<<elseif [1,3].includes(_girlVisual.gender)>>
<<set _bodyImage = 'body_' + _girlVisual.race + '_male.gif'>>
<<elseif [0,2].includes(_girlVisual.gender)>>
<div id="npc_visual_body" @class="'' + _girlVisual.race + ''">
<<include 'NPC visual body'>>
<div id="girl_face">
<<include 'NPC visual face'>>
<div id="girl_breasts" @class="'size-' + _girlVisual.breasts + ' race-' + _girlVisual.race + ''">
<<if _girlVisual.breasts == 'big'>>
<<include 'NPC visual breasts'>> <!-- <<include 'NPC visual breasts'>> -->
<<include 'NPC visual breasts'>>
<div id="girl_hair" @class="'size-long color-' + _girlVisual.hair + ''">
<<include 'NPC visual hair-long'>>
<div id="girl_hair" @class="'girl_body_hair_' + _girlVisual.hair + ''" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/hair_' + _girlVisual.hair + '.gif\')'"></div>
<<if _girlVisual?.clothes?.top>>
<div id="girl_top" @class="'top' + _girlVisual.clothes.top + ''" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/top/' + _girlVisual.clothes.top + '.png\')'"></div>
<<elseif _girlVisual.piercedBoobs>>
<div id="npc_visual_piercing" class="left" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/piercing.png\')'"></div>
<div id="npc_visual_piercing" class="right" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/piercing.png\')'"></div>
<<if _girlVisual.chastityBelt>>
<div id="girl_panties" @class="" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/chastity_belt.png\')'"></div>
<<elseif _girlVisual?.clothes?.panties>>
<div id="girl_panties" @class="'panties' + _girlVisual.clothes.panties + ''" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/panties/' + _girlVisual.clothes.panties + '.png\')'"></div>
<<if _girlVisual?.clothes?.bot>>
<div id="girl_bot" @class="'bot' + _girlVisual.clothes.bot + ''" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/bot/' + _girlVisual.clothes.bot + '.png\')'"></div>
<<if _girlVisual?.clothes?.accessories>>
<div id="girl_accessories" @class="'accessories' + _girlVisual.clothes.accessories + ''" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/accessories/' + _girlVisual.clothes.accessories + '.png\')'"></div>
<<if _girlVisual?.clothes?.shoes>>
<div id="girl_shoes" @class="'shoes' + _girlVisual.clothes.shoes + ''" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/shoes/' + _girlVisual.clothes.shoes + '.png\')'"></div>
<<if _girlVisual?.tattoos?.right_leg>>
<div @class="'girl_tattoo right_leg' + _girlVisual.tattoos.right_leg + ''" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/tattoos/right_leg_' + _girlVisual.tattoos.right_leg + '.png\')'"></div>
<<if _girlVisual.gender == 2 && !_girlVisual?.clothes?.panties && !_girlVisual.chastityBelt>>
<div id="girl_penis" @class="'race-' + _girlVisual.race + ''">
<<include 'NPC visual penis'>>
<<if _bodyImage>>
<div id="girl_body" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/doll/' + _bodyImage + '\'); width: 88px;'"></div>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BUTTPLUG</h1>
<br />
<<if $guestId !== null && $tmpGirl.sub < 20>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> doesn't want to do that.
<br /><br />
<strong>Submission too low</strong>
<<set $tmpGirl.buttplug = true>>
<<drop $backpack 'buttplug' 1>>
<br /><br />
<<if [0, 3].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> lays down and spreads <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> legs, <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> holds still as you slowly insert the buttplug inside <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> asshole. That feels uncomfortable but is generally tolerable.
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BUTTPLUG</h1>
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl.buttplug = false>>
<<pickup $backpack 'buttplug' 1>>
<br /><br />
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> gets down in doggy and spread <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> ass. You slowly grab the buttplug and slowly pull it out of <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 10>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHASTITY BELT</h1>
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl.chastityBelt = false>>
<<pickup $backpack 'chastity_belt' 1>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> stands still while you remove the chastity belt from <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 10>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHASTITY BELT</h1>
<br />
<<set _himOrHer = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<if $guestId !== null && $tmpGirl.sub < 50>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> doesn't want to do that.
<br /><br />
<strong>Submission too low</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Force ' + _himOrHer>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<set $tmpGirl.chastityBelt = true>>
<<drop $backpack 'chastity_belt' 1>>
<br /><br />
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> resists a bit while you fasten a chastity belt on <<=_himOrHer>>.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship -= 40>>
<strong>Relationship decreased by 40</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.chastityBelt = true>>
<<drop $backpack 'chastity_belt' 1>>
<br /><br />
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> stands still while you fasten a chastity belt on <<=_himOrHer>>.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">COSMETICS</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<br /><br />
<<set _baseBeauty = $tmpGirl.beauty - ($tmpGirl.washDay ?? 0) * ($tmpGirl.washBeauty ?? 0)>>
<<drop $backpack 'cosmetics' 1>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> opens the jar of cream and applies a small layer to <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> face, carefully spreading it all over.
<br /><br />
After a few minutes, <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> rinses off the cream.
<br /><br />
<<if _baseBeauty < 80>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> beauty increased by 1</strong>
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty++>>
<strong>Can't increase <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> beauty with cosmetics any more.</strong>
<<set $tmpGirl.cosmetics = true>>
<<addmins 15>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CUSTOM PACK</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _customPack = $tmpGirl.pack ?? 'none'>>
<table id="custom_pack">
<<radiobutton "_customPack" "none" autocheck>>
<<for _packKey, _pack range setup.packs>>
<<capture _packKey, _pack>>
<<if _pack.extended>>
<<radiobutton "_customPack" _packKey autocheck>>
<<= _pack.name>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Save'>>
<<if _customPack === 'none'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.pack>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pack = _customPack>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
#custom_pack td {
padding: 5px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">HAIR DYE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _colorOptions = [
<div id="options">
Choose color:
<<for _hairColor range _colorOptions>>
<<capture _hairColor>>
<<link _hairColor>>
<<drop $backpack 'hair_dye_kit' 1>>
<<run $('#options').hide()>>
<<run $('#done').show()>>
<<set $tmpGirl.hair = _hairColor>>
<div id="done" style="display:none">
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> puts on gloves and mixes up the colorant and applies it according to the instructions, making sure not to miss a spot.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><<set _colors = [
<<set _customColor = $tmpGirl.color ?? 'none'>>
<table id="custom_name_colors">
<<radiobutton "_customColor" "none" autocheck>>
<<for _colorKey, _colorName range _colors>>
<<capture _colorKey, _colorName>>
<<radiobutton "_customColor" _colorName autocheck>>
<<set _class = 'npc-color color-' + _colorName>>
<span @class="''+_class+''"><a><<= _colorName>></a></span>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Save'>>
<<if _customColor === 'none'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.color>>
<<set $tmpGirl.color = _customColor>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
#custom_name_colors td {
padding: 5px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">NIPPLES PIERCING</h1>
<br /><br />
You remove the piercings from <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s nipples, <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> feels strange without them, but heals in no time.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 60>>
<<pickup $backpack 'piercing' 1>>
<<set $tmpGirl.piercedBoobs = false>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NIPPLES PIERCING</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $guestId !== null && $tmpGirl.sub < 20>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> doesn't want to do that.
<br /><br />
<strong>Submission too low</strong>
<<set $tmpGirl.piercedBoobs = true>>
<<drop $backpack 'piercing' 1>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> feels a brief, sharp sensation as the needle passes through the nipple tissue. That feels uncomfortable but is generally tolerable.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 60>>
After a couple minutes it's done and <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> shows <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> nipples pierced.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<goto 'NPC customize'>>
<</link>><<set _portraits = {
female: {
asian: setup.range(1, 10),
black: setup.range(1, 5),
white: setup.range(1, 20),
latina: setup.range(1, 5)
male: {
asian: setup.range(1, 4),
black: setup.range(1, 4),
white: setup.range(1, 8),
latina: setup.range(2, 4)
transfemale: {
asian: setup.range(1, 5),
black: setup.range(1, 5),
white: setup.range(1, 20),
latina: setup.range(1, 5)
<<set _mapping = [
<<set _availablePortraits = (_portraits[_mapping[$tmpGirl.gender]][$tmpGirl.race] ?? [])>>
<div id="custom_portraits">
<div class="custom_portrait_item">
<div class="custom_portrait_item_img">
<div class="custom_portrait_item_default">
<div style="position:relative">
<<set _girlVisual = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _ignoreCustomPortrait = true>>
<<include 'NPC visual'>>
<div class="custom_portrait_item_link">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.portrait>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<div class="custom_portrait_item">
<div class="custom_portrait_item_img">
Use your custom image.
<br />
Need to add full link to the image, with starting http protocol.
<br />
Ratio: [1:1]
<br /><br />
<<set _customValue = (($tmpGirl.portrait ?? '').includes('http') ? $tmpGirl.portrait : '')>>
<<textbox '_portraitUrl' _customValue>>
<div class="custom_portrait_item_link">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.portrait = _portraitUrl>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<for _key = 1; _key <= _availablePortraits.length; _key++>>
<<capture _key, _portraitUrl>>
<div class="custom_portrait_item">
<div class="custom_portrait_item_img">
<<set _portraitUrl = _mapping[$tmpGirl.gender] + '/' + $tmpGirl.race + "/" + _key + ".png">>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'custom_portraits/' +_portraitUrl]]
<div class="custom_portrait_item_link">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.portrait = _portraitUrl>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br />
#custom_portraits {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
flex-wrap: wrap
.custom_portrait_item {
width: 200px;
padding: 10px;
.custom_portrait_item img {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
.custom_portrait_item_img {
position: relative;
height: 200px;
.custom_portrait_item_default {
margin-left: 42px;
.custom_portrait_item_img input {
width: 100%;
min-width: auto;
</style><<set _tattoos = {
right_leg: {
list: setup.range(1, 3),
name: 'Right leg'
<<link 'Remove all tattoos'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC customize - tattoos", "NPC customize - tattoos");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC customize - tattoos").processText());
<<for _category, _tattoo range $tmpGirl.tattoos ?? {}>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.tattoos[_category]>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<for _tattooCategory, _tattooCategoryItems range _tattoos>>
<<capture _tattooCategory>>
<div class="npc-wardrobe-items">
<<if $tmpGirl?.tattoos && typeof $tmpGirl.tattoos[_tattooCategory] !== 'undefined'>>
<div class="npc-wardrobe-item remove">
<<link '<div>[img[setup.ImagePath+"game/doll/none.png"]]</div>'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.tattoos[_tattooCategory]>>
Dialog.setup("NPC customize - tattoos", "NPC customize - tattoos");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC customize - tattoos").processText());
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<for _tattooItem range _tattooCategoryItems.list>>
<<capture _tattooItem>>
<div class="npc-wardrobe-item">
<<link '<div>[img[setup.ImagePath+"game/doll/tattoos/"+_tattooCategory+"_"+_tattooItem+".png"]]</div>'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.tattoos ??= {}>>
<<set $tmpGirl.tattoos[_tattooCategory] = _tattooItem>>
Dialog.setup("NPC customize - tattoos", "NPC customize - tattoos");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC customize - tattoos").processText());
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</for>><<if $sexAction === 'anal' && _allowLube>>
<<if $backpack.has('lube')>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Use lube'>>
<<drop $backpack 'lube' 1>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'anal_lube'>>
<<if !$fuck>>
<<set $fuck = {}>>
<<set $fuck.lubed = true>>
You grabbed lube and squeezed out on <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> ass, slowly sliding your dick in. As more and more lube was used you managed to get deeper and deeper into <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> ass.
<<set $tmpGirl.anal += 10>>
<br /><br />
<</if>><<set _canFuck = !setup.perkHas('temp_impotence')>>
<<set _sexActions = {
kissing: {
title: 'Kissing',
minAction: 0,
horny: 1,
maxCorruption: 10,
show: $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole',
positive: $tmpGirl.relationship > 15,
hornyGive: 2,
maxMcHorny: 20
handjob: {
title: 'Handjob',
minAction: 5,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 20
footjob: {
title: 'Footjob',
minAction: 20,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 30,
show: $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && _canFuck
titjob: {
title: 'Titjob',
minAction: 25,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 40,
show: [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && ['medium', 'big'].includes($tmpGirl.breasts ?? '') && $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && _canFuck
nipple_lick: {
title: 'Lick nipples',
minAction: 5,
horny: 1,
maxCorruption: 20,
show: [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender),
positive: true,
hornyGive: 5,
maxMcHorny: 30
bj: {
title: 'Blowjob',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 50,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
stats: 'bj'
dp: {
title: 'Deepthroat',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: _canFuck,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat') && $tmpGirl.horny <= 79),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat'),
stats: 'dp'
pussy_lick: {
title: 'Lick pussy',
minAction: 30,
horny: 3,
maxCorruption: 40,
show: !$tmpGirl.gender && !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt && $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole',
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
maxMcHorny: 60
sn: {
title: 'Sixty-nine',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 50,
show: !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt && $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && _canFuck,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
stats: 'bj'
pussy_fingering: {
title: 'Finger pussy',
minAction: 5,
horny: 5,
maxCorruption: 25,
show: !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 10 : 2),
maxMcHorny: 60
pussy: {
title: 'Fuck pussy',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: !$tmpGirl.gender && !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt && _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_fisting: {
title: 'Fist pussy',
minAction: 80,
horny: 10,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: !$tmpGirl.gender && $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt,
positive: $tmpGirl.pussy >= 60,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
maxMcHorny: 70,
stats: 'pussy'
anal_fingering: {
title: 'Finger ass',
minAction: 60,
horny: 2,
maxCorruption: 70,
show: $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole',
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 10,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 10 : 2),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
maxMcHorny: 60,
stats: 'anal'
anal: {
title: 'Fuck ass',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
stats: 'anal'
anal_fisting: {
title: 'Fist asshole',
minAction: 90,
horny: 2,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole',
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90,
maxMcHorny: 60,
stats: 'anal'
bj_reverse: {
title: 'Give a blowjob',
minAction: 10,
horny: 3,
maxCorruption: 20,
show: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic') || [1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)) && !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt && $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && !($sexForced ?? false) && (settings.gaysEnabled || settings.transEnabled),
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic') || [1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)),
hornyGive: ([1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) ? 20 : 2),
maxMcHorny: 60
anal_reverse: {
title: 'Get fucked in the ass',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic') || [1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)) && !$tmpGirl.chastityBelt && $tmpGirl.location != 'gloryhole' && !($sexForced ?? false) && (settings.gaysEnabled || settings.transEnabled),
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic') || [1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)),
hornyGive: ([1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) ? 20 : 5)
cum_on_face: {
show: false,
minAction: 35
cum_in_mouth: {
show: false,
minAction: 45,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') && $tmpGirl.horny <= 79)
cum_throat: {
show: false,
minAction: 50,
positive: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat')
}>><<if $tmpGirl.anal < 20 && !$fuck?.lubed>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'no_anal'>>
<br />
You tried to fuck <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> in the ass but your dick is too big for <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> and <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> can't relax.
<br />
<<if !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('masochist')>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> can't take it in <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> ass and begs you to stop.<strong> (Submission + 1, Happy / Relationship - 1)</strong>
<br />
$tmpGirl.sub = Math.min($tmpGirl.sub + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.max($tmpGirl.relationship - 1, -100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.max($tmpGirl.happy - 1, -100)
<<set _showSex = false>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> seems to enjoy the pain you are causing her.<strong> (Submission / Happy / Relationship + 1)</strong>
<br />
$tmpGirl.sub = Math.min($tmpGirl.sub + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 1, 100)
<br />
<<set _allowLube = true>>
<</if>><<if !$sexForced && $sexAction === 'pussy' && typeof $tmpGirl.pregnancy === 'undefined' && $tmpGirl.relationship >= 70 && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
'Oh yes! Cum inside me!',
"Don't pull out! I want you inside me!",
"Fill me up! I want your baby!"
<br />
<<set _askedToCumInside = true>>
<</if>><<if ($sexForced ?? false) || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<set _actionMax = 100>>
<<elseif $tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.max($tmpGirl.relationship, $tmpGirl.horny)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.min(_actionMax, $tmpGirl.corruption)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.max(_actionMax, $tmpGirl.sub, $tmpGirl.drunk ?? 0)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.floor(Math.max($tmpGirl.sub, $tmpGirl.drunk ?? 0)/2)>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100 && typeof $sexAction !== 'undefined'>>
<<energy +5>>
<<set $player.sexp++>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<<include 'asks to cum inside'>>
<<if $sexAction == 'handjob'>>
<<link 'Handjob cum'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'handjob_cum'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'footjob'>>
<<link 'Footjob cum'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'footjob_cum'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'titjob'>>
<<link 'Cum on tits'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_tits'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'pussy'>>
<<link 'Cum in pussy'>>
<<if _askedToCumInside>>
<<set _relIncrease = randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + _relIncrease, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_in_pussy'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $tmpGirl.location !== 'gloryhole'>>
<<link 'Cum on pussy'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_pussy'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on stomach'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_stomach'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'anal'>>
<<link 'Cum in ass'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_in_ass'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on back'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_back'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction === 'dp'>>
<<link 'Cum in throat'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_throat'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction === 'anal_reverse'>>
<<link 'Cum while being fucked'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'anal_reverse_cum'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on face'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_face'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum in mouth'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_in_mouth'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.energy >= 5>>
<div id="action-buttons">
<<set _sexOptionHidden = false>>
<<for _sexActionKey, _sexAction range _sexActions>>
<<capture _sexActionKey, _sexAction>>
<<if (_sexAction.show ?? true) && (_actionMax >= _sexAction.minAction || _sexAction.orConditionTrue)>>
<<set _linkName = '<span data-balloon-length="medium" data-balloon-pos="up-left" aria-label="' + _sexAction.title + '">[img[setup.ImagePath+"game/misc/actions/"+_sexActionKey+".png"]]</span>'>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $sexAction = _sexActionKey>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif (_sexAction.show ?? true)>>
<<set _sexOptionHidden = true>>
<br />
<<if !($sexForced ?? false) && _actionMax < 70 && _sexOptionHidden && ($sexCanForce ?? true)>>
<<link 'Force more'>>
<<set $sexForced = true>>
<<unset $sexAction>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'End'>>
<<unset $sexAction, $sexForced>>
<<if $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<unset $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack && !tags($tmpGirlViewBack).includes('girlview')>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $slaveId>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $guestId>>
<<elseif typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $charId>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</if>><<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($tmpGirl, setup.perkHas('fertility')))>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pregnancy = 0>>
<<statsAdd 'girls_impregnated'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sexStats ??= {}>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sexStats.creampies ??= 0>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sexStats.creampies++>><center>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'flaccid'>>
<br />
<<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> tries to wake up your dick but without any success. You just can't get it up. <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> looks a bit disappointed.
<br />
<<set _showSex = false>><center>
<<if [1,3].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<if $tmpGirl.married && $tmpGirl.family && $tmpGirl.family.husband !== 'mc'>>
You know that I am married to someone else. I don't want to do it.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> tells you that <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>'s not in the mood right now and just wants to be alone.
<br /><br />
<strong>Not enough relationship or <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>'s not in the mood</strong>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> tells you that you are not <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> type and hopes you understand.
<br /><br />
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is not attracted to men</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> notices your boner and suggestions that maybe you want a quick blowjob to calm it down.
<br /><br />
<<if [1,3].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _anon = '/people/anonguy.png'>>
<<set _anon = '/people/anongirl.png'>>
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+_anon>>
I am really not in the mood right now but how about I just give you a quick head?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Accept blowjob'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<if [1,3].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
Without taking of <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> clothes, <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> drops on <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> knees, unzips your pants and pulls out your already hard dick. As <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> wants to end it fast, <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> immediately starts sucking and jerking together. After few minutes you cum and <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> gets up and continues to do whatever <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> did before that.
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<set _linkName = 'Force ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $sexForced = true>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $wasRaped = true>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<unset $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto [[NPC view]]>>
<</link>><<if $tiredNoTime>>
You feel too tired to continue, it has been a long day.
You have run out of stamina and need a little rest.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if typeof $guestId2 !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl2 !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId2] = $tmpGirl2>>
<<unset $guestId2, $tmpGirl2>>
<<unset $sexAction, $sexForced>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<if $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<unset $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<if $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<include 'Mc fuck actions'>>
<div id="action-scene">
<<if typeof $sexAction !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.quests ??= {}>>
<<set $tmpGirl.quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<energy -5>>
<<if setup.perkHas('drunk')>>
<<energy -5>>
<<set _hornyGained = (_sexActions[$sexAction]?.horny ?? 0)>>
<<if !_canFuck>>
<<set _hornyGained = 0>>
<<set _maxMcHorny = (_sexActions[$sexAction]?.maxMcHorny ?? null)>>
<<if (_maxMcHorny === null || $player.horny < _maxMcHorny)>>
<<horny _hornyGained>>
<<set _showSex = true>>
<<if $sexAction === 'anal'>>
<<include 'Mc fuck anal'>>
<<if !_canFuck && ['bj','handjob'].includes($sexAction)>>
<<include 'MC fuck flaccid'>>
<<if $sexAction === 'cum_in_pussy' && $tmpGirl.traits.includes('breeder')>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = Math.min(($tmpGirl.horny += 30), 100)>>
<<if _showSex>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl $sexAction>>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive>>
<<set _npcHornyGained = (_sexActions[$sexAction].hornyGive ?? 20)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = Math.min($tmpGirl.horny + _npcHornyGained, 100)>>
<<set _npcHorny = clone($tmpGirl.horny)>>
<<showmeter '$npcHornyBar' '_npcHorny / 100'>>
<<updatemeter '$npcHornyBar' `_npcHorny / 100`>>
<br />
<<if $sexForced && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('masochist')>>
$tmpGirl.sub = Math.min($tmpGirl.sub + 2, 100),
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.max($tmpGirl.relationship - 5, -100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.max($tmpGirl.happy - 5, -100)
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> asks you to leave <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> alone!<strong> (Submission + 2, Happy / Relationship - 5)</strong>
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 1, 100)
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> welcomes the attention.<strong> (Happy / Relationship + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && $tmpGirl.corruption < _sexActions[$sexAction].maxCorruption>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = Math.min($tmpGirl.corruption + 1, 100)>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> is getting more corrupted.<strong> (Corruption + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl, true)>> body reacts positively to you. <strong>(Horny + <<=_npcHornyGained>>)</strong>
<br />
<<if $tmpGirl.horny >= 100>>
<<include 'Mc fuck orgasm'>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> has an orgasm!<strong> (Happy / Relationship + 5)</strong>
<br />
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 5, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.orgasms ??= 0>>
<<set $tmpGirl.orgasms++>>
<<if _sexActions[$sexAction]?.stats>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(70)>>
<<set $tmpGirl[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats]++>>
<<if typeof $sexStats[$sexAction] === 'undefined'>>
$tmpGirl.statsSex ??= {},
$tmpGirl.statsSex[$sexAction] ??= 0,
$sexStats[$sexAction] = true
<<if $sexAction === 'pussy' || $sexAction === 'pussy_fisting'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.virgin = false>>
<<include 'Mc fuck traits'>>
<<if $sexAction == 'cum_in_pussy'>>
<<include 'Mc fuck cum in pussy'>>
<<include 'Mc fuck - use lube'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.horny >= 100>>
setTimeout(function () {
variables().tmpGirl.horny = 0;
}, 400);
<br />
<<include 'Mc fuck buttons'>>
</div><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.gender == 0>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<if $sexAction == 'pussy'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'squirt'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'anal'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'squirt_anal'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'anal_fingering'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'squirt_anal_fingering'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'pussy_lick'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'squirt_lick'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'pussy_fingering'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'squirt_fingering'>>
<<if $sexAction == 'pussy'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'orgasm_pussy'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'pussy_lick'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'orgasm_pussy_lick'>>
<<elseif $tmpGirl.gender == 1>>
<<if $sexAction == 'anal'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'anal_reverse_cum' 'no-text'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'anal_reverse'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'cum_in_ass' 'no-text'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'bj_reverse'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'cum_on_face' 'no-text'>>
<<elseif $tmpGirl.gender == 2>>
<<if $sexAction == 'anal'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'orgasm_anal'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'anal_reverse'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'orgasm_anal_reverse'>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'bj_reverse'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'orgasm_bj_reverse'>>
<br /><<if typeof $tmpGirl.traitsLocked === 'undefined'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.traitsLocked = setup.getRandomTraits(2, $tmpGirl.traits ?? [])>>
<<if $sexAction == 'anal' && $tmpGirl.anal >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('analslut') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('analslut')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('analslut')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got anal slut trait!</strong>
<br />
<<elseif $sexAction == 'bj' && $tmpGirl.bj >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('cumslut') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('cumslut')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('cumslut')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got cum slut trait!</strong>
<br />
<<elseif $sexAction == 'dp' && $tmpGirl.dp >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('deepthroat') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('deepthroat')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('deepthroat')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got deepthroat trait!</strong>
<br />
<<elseif $sexAction == 'pussy' && $tmpGirl.pussy >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('nymphomaniac') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('nymphomaniac')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got nymphomaniac trait!</strong>
<br />
<</if>><<set _canFuck = !setup.perkHas('temp_impotence')>>
<<if $tmpGirl.gender === 0 && $tmpGirl2.gender === 0>>
<<set _prefix = 'threesome_f_'>>
<<set _sexActions = {
kissing: {
title: 'Kissing',
minAction: 0,
horny: 1,
maxCorruption: 10,
positive: $tmpGirl.relationship > 15,
hornyGive: 2,
positive2: $tmpGirl2.relationship > 15,
hornyGive2: 2,
maxMcHorny: 20
handjob: {
title: 'Handjob',
minAction: 5,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 20
footjob: {
title: 'Footjob',
minAction: 20,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 30,
show: _canFuck
titjob: {
title: 'Titjob',
minAction: 25,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 40,
show: _canFuck && ['medium', 'big'].includes($tmpGirl.breasts ?? '')
nipple_lick: {
title: 'Lick nipples',
minAction: 5,
horny: 1,
maxCorruption: 20,
positive: true,
hornyGive: 5,
maxMcHorny: 30
bj: {
title: 'Blowjob',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 50,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
stats: 'bj'
dp: {
title: 'Deepthroat',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: _canFuck,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat') && $tmpGirl.horny <= 79),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat'),
stats: 'dp'
pussy_lick: {
title: 'Lick pussy',
minAction: 30,
horny: 3,
maxCorruption: 40,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
maxMcHorny: 60
sn: {
title: 'Sixty-nine',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 50,
show: _canFuck,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: (!($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
stats2: 'bj'
pussy_fingering: {
title: 'Finger pussy',
minAction: 5,
horny: 5,
maxCorruption: 25,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: (!($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
maxMcHorny: 60
pussy: {
title: 'Fuck pussy',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'pussy'
anal_fingering: {
title: 'Finger ass',
minAction: 60,
horny: 2,
maxCorruption: 70,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 10,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 10 : 2),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
maxMcHorny: 60,
stats: 'anal'
anal: {
title: 'Fuck ass',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
stats: 'anal'
anal_fisting: {
title: 'Fist asshole',
minAction: 90,
horny: 2,
maxCorruption: 100,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90,
maxMcHorny: 60,
stats: 'anal'
bj_b_pussy: {
title: 'Blowjob + girl pussy fucked',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
stats: 'pussy'
bj_b_anal: {
title: 'Blowjob + girl ass fucked',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
stats: 'anal'
pussy_pussy_lick: {
title: 'Fuck pussy & lick pussy',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: (!($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_a_pussy_lick: {
title: 'Fuck pussy + girl licks pussy',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: (!($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_a_sn: {
title: 'Fuck pussy + girls sixty-nine',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: (!($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_a_pussy: {
title: 'Fuck pussy + girl fucks pussy',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: !$tmpGirl2.virgin,
hornyGive2: (!($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'pussy',
stats2: 'pussy'
pussy_b_anal: {
title: 'Fuck pussy + girl ass fucked',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck && $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin && $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
stats: 'pussy'
anal_b_pussy: {
title: 'Fuck ass + girl pussy fucked',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin && $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
stats: 'pussy'
anal_a_pussy_lick: {
title: 'Fuck ass + girl licks pussy',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: (!($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'anal'
anal_b_bj: {
title: 'Fuck ass + girl blows strapon',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
stats: 'anal'
handjob_anal_reverse: {
title: 'Handjob & get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive2: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive2: 5
nipple_lick_anal_reverse: {
title: 'Lick tits & get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) && ((($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic') || [1,2].includes($tmpGirl2.gender))) && (settings.gaysEnabled || settings.transEnabled),
positive: true,
hornyGive: 5,
positive2: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive2: 5
bj_anal_reverse: {
title: 'Blowjob & get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive2: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive2: 5,
stats: 'bj'
pussy_lick_anal_reverse: {
title: 'Lick pussy & get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive2: 5
sn_anal_reverse: {
title: 'Blowjob, lick pussy & get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive2: 5,
stats: 'bj'
pussy_anal_reverse: {
title: 'Fuck pussy & get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
positive2: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive2: 5,
stats: 'pussy'
bj_reverse: {
title: 'Give a blowjob',
minAction: 10,
horny: 3,
maxCorruption: 20,
show: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive: 2,
maxMcHorny: 60
anal_reverse: {
title: 'Get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive: ([1,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender) ? 20 : 5)
bj_reverse_anal_reverse: {
title: 'Give a blowjob & get ass fucked',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic') && ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
positive: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive: 2,
positive2: ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
hornyGive2: 5
cum_on_face: {
show: false,
minAction: 35
cum_in_mouth: {
show: false,
minAction: 45,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') && $tmpGirl.horny <= 79)
cum_throat: {
show: false,
minAction: 50,
positive: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat')
<<elseif $tmpGirl.gender === 0 && $tmpGirl2.gender === 1>>
<<set _prefix = 'threesome_m_'>>
<<set _sexActions = {
kissing: {
title: 'Kissing',
minAction: 0,
horny: 1,
maxCorruption: 10,
positive: $tmpGirl.relationship > 15,
hornyGive: 2,
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 2,
maxMcHorny: 20
handjob: {
title: 'Handjob',
minAction: 5,
horny: 20,
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
maxCorruption: 20
titjob: {
title: 'Titjob',
minAction: 25,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 40,
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
show: _canFuck && ['medium', 'big'].includes($tmpGirl.breasts ?? '')
nipple_lick: {
title: 'Lick nipples',
minAction: 5,
horny: 1,
maxCorruption: 20,
positive: true,
hornyGive: 5,
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 1,
maxMcHorny: 30
bj: {
title: 'Blowjob',
minAction: 30,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 50,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'bj'
bj_b_pussy_lick: {
title: 'Blowjob + girl pussy licked',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_lick: {
title: 'Lick pussy',
minAction: 30,
horny: 3,
maxCorruption: 40,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
maxMcHorny: 60
pussy_fingering: {
title: 'Finger pussy',
minAction: 5,
horny: 5,
maxCorruption: 25,
positive: true,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
maxMcHorny: 60
pussy: {
title: 'Fuck pussy',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
hornyGive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_b_handjob: {
title: 'Fuck pussy + girl gives handjob',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_b_bj: {
title: 'Fuck pussy + girl gives blowjob',
minAction: 40,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 60,
show: _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_b_anal: {
title: 'Fuck pussy + girl ass fucked',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck && $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin && $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'pussy'
pussy_b_pussy: {
title: 'Double pussy fucked',
minAction: 80,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.pussy >= 60,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'pussy'
anal_fingering: {
title: 'Finger ass',
minAction: 60,
horny: 2,
maxCorruption: 70,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 10,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 10 : 2),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
maxMcHorny: 60,
stats: 'anal'
anal: {
title: 'Fuck ass',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
stats: 'anal'
anal_b_handjob: {
title: 'Fuck ass + girl gives handjob',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'anal'
anal_b_bj: {
title: 'Fuck ass + girl gives blowjob',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
hornyGive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') ? 20 : 5),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'anal'
anal_b_pussy: {
title: 'Fuck ass + girl pussy fucked',
minAction: 70,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: !$tmpGirl.virgin && $tmpGirl.anal >= 20,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'pussy'
anal_b_anal: {
title: 'Double ass fucked',
minAction: 90,
horny: 20,
maxCorruption: 100,
show: _canFuck,
positive: $tmpGirl.anal >= 90,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
positive2: true,
hornyGive2: 20,
stats: 'pussy'
anal_fisting: {
title: 'Fist asshole',
minAction: 90,
horny: 2,
maxCorruption: 100,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90),
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90,
maxMcHorny: 60,
stats: 'anal'
cum_on_face: {
show: false,
minAction: 35
cum_in_mouth: {
show: false,
minAction: 45,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') && $tmpGirl.horny <= 79)
cum_throat: {
show: false,
minAction: 50,
positive: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat')
<</if>><<set $sexForced == false >>
<<if ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac') >>
<<set _actionMax = 100>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.max($tmpGirl.relationship, $tmpGirl.horny)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.min(_actionMax, $tmpGirl.corruption)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.max(_actionMax, $tmpGirl.sub, $tmpGirl.drunk ?? 0)>>
<<if ($tmpGirl2.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac') >>
<<set _actionMax2 = 100>>
<<set _actionMax2 = Math.max($tmpGirl2.relationship, $tmpGirl2.horny)>>
<<set _actionMax2 = Math.min(_actionMax2, $tmpGirl2.corruption)>>
<<set _actionMax2 = Math.max(_actionMax2, $tmpGirl2.sub, $tmpGirl2.drunk ?? 0)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.min(_actionMax, _actionMax2)>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100 && typeof $sexAction !== 'undefined'>>
<<energy +5>>
<<set $player.sexp++>>
<<if ['handjob','handjob_anal_reverse'].includes($sexAction)>>
<<link 'Handjob cum'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'handjob_cum'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'footjob'>>
<<link 'Footjob cum'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'footjob_cum'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'titjob'>>
<<link 'Cum on tits'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_tits'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $sexAction === 'dp'>>
<<link 'Cum in throat'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_throat'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif ['pussy','pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_a_pussy_lick','pussy_a_sn','pussy_a_pussy','pussy_b_anal','pussy_b_bj','pussy_b_handjob','pussy_b_pussy','pussy_anal_reverse'].includes($sexAction)>>
<<link 'Cum in pussy'>>
<<if _askedToCumInside>>
<<set _relIncrease = randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + _relIncrease, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_in_pussy'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on pussy'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_pussy'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on stomach'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_stomach'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif ['anal','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_b_bj','anal_b_handjob','anal_b_pussy', 'anal_b_anal'].includes($sexAction)>>
<<link 'Cum in ass'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_in_ass'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on ass'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_ass'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on back'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_back'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if ['pussy_b_anal'].includes($sexAction) && $tmpGirl2.gender === 1>>
<<link 'Double cum'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'double_cum'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $sexAction.includes('anal_reverse') >>
<<link 'Cum while being fucked'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'anal_reverse_cum'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum on face'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_on_face'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cum in mouth'>>
<<set $sexAction = 'cum_in_mouth'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.energy >= 5>>
<div id="action-buttons">
<<set _sexOptionHidden = false>>
<<for _sexActionKey, _sexAction range _sexActions>>
<<capture _sexActionKey, _sexAction>>
<<if (_sexAction.show ?? true) && (_actionMax >= _sexAction.minAction || _sexAction.orConditionTrue)>>
<<set _linkName = '<span data-balloon-length="medium" data-balloon-pos="up-left" aria-label="' + _sexAction.title + '">[img[setup.ImagePath+"game/misc/actions/"+_sexActionKey+".png"]]</span>'>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $sexAction = _sexActionKey>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif (_sexAction.show ?? true)>>
<<set _sexOptionHidden = true>>
<br />
<<if $tmpGirl.gender === $tmpGirl2.gender>>
<<set _linkName = 'Focus on ' + $tmpGirl2.name>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<if typeof $guestId2 !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl2 !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId2] = $tmpGirl2>>
<<set _guestId0 = $guestId,
$guestId = $guestId2,
$guestId2 = _guestId0,
_tmpGirl0 = $tmpGirl,
$tmpGirl = $tmpGirl2,
$tmpGirl2 = _tmpGirl0
<<unset $sexAction>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'End'>>
<<unset $sexAction>>
<<if typeof $guestId2 !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl2 !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId2] = $tmpGirl2>>
<<unset $guestId2, $tmpGirl2>>
<<if $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<unset $oldTmpGirlLocation>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack && !tags($tmpGirlViewBack).includes('girlview')>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $slaveId>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $guestId>>
<<elseif typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<unset $charId>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</if>><<include 'Mc threesome actions'>>
<div id="action-scene">
<<if typeof $sexAction !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.quests ??= {}>>
<<set $tmpGirl.quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<energy -5>>
<<if setup.perkHas('drunk')>>
<<energy -5>>
<<set _hornyGained = (_sexActions[$sexAction]?.horny ?? 0)>>
<<if !_canFuck>>
<<set _hornyGained = 0>>
<<set _maxMcHorny = (_sexActions[$sexAction]?.maxMcHorny ?? null)>>
<<if (_maxMcHorny === null || $player.horny < _maxMcHorny)>>
<<horny _hornyGained>>
<<set _showSex = true>>
<<if ['anal','anal_b_pussy','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_b_bj'].includes($sexAction) >>
<<include 'Mc fuck anal'>>
<<if !_canFuck && ['bj','handjob'].includes($sexAction)>>
<<include 'MC fuck flaccid'>>
<<if ['cum_in_pussy', 'double_cum'].includes($sexAction) && $tmpGirl.traits.includes('breeder')>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny += 30>>
<<if _showSex>>
<<set _sexActionLong = _prefix + $sexAction>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl _sexActionLong>>
<<if $tmpGirl.virgin && _sexActions[$sexAction]?.stats=='pussy'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.virgin = false>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> seems tense, a bit of <strong>blood</strong> trickles out of her newly <strong>deflowered</strong> pussy.
<br />
<<if $tmpGirl2.virgin && _sexActions[$sexAction]?.stats2=='pussy'>>
<<set $tmpGirl2.virgin = false>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl2, true)>> seems tense, a bit of <strong>blood</strong> trickles out of her newly <strong>deflowered</strong> pussy.
<br />
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive>>
<<set _npcHornyGained = (_sexActions[$sexAction].hornyGive ?? 20)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = Math.min($tmpGirl.horny + _npcHornyGained, 100)>>
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive2>>
<<set _npcHornyGained2 = (_sexActions[$sexAction].hornyGive2 ?? 20)>>
<<set $tmpGirl2.horny = Math.min($tmpGirl2.horny + _npcHornyGained2, 100)>>
<<set _npcHorny = clone($tmpGirl.horny)>>
<<showmeter '$npcHornyBar' '_npcHorny / 100'>>
<<updatemeter '$npcHornyBar' `_npcHorny / 100`>>
<br />
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl2.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl2.relationship + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl2.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl2.happy + 1, 100)
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl2, true)>> are enjoying themselves.<strong> (Happy / Relationship + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && $tmpGirl.corruption < _sexActions[$sexAction].maxCorruption && $tmpGirl2.corruption < _sexActions[$sexAction].maxCorruption>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = Math.min($tmpGirl.corruption + 1, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl2.corruption = Math.min($tmpGirl2.corruption + 1, 100)>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl2, true)>> are getting more corrupted.<strong> (Corruption + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<elseif (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && $tmpGirl.corruption < _sexActions[$sexAction].maxCorruption>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = Math.min($tmpGirl.corruption + 1, 100)>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> is getting more corrupted.<strong> (Corruption + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<elseif (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && $tmpGirl2.corruption < _sexActions[$sexAction].maxCorruption>>
<<set $tmpGirl2.corruption = Math.min($tmpGirl2.corruption + 1, 100)>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl2, true)>> is getting more corrupted.<strong> (Corruption + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive2 && $tmpGirl.horny < 100 && $tmpGirl2.horny < 100>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl2, true)>> are getting hornier and hornier. <strong>(Horny +<<=_npcHornyGained>> / +<<=_npcHornyGained2>>)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive>>
<<if $tmpGirl.horny >= 100>>
<<include 'Mc fuck orgasm'>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> has an orgasm!<strong> (Happy / Relationship + 5)</strong>
<br />
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 5, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.orgasms ??= 0>>
<<set $tmpGirl.orgasms++>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>>'s body reacts positively to you. <strong>(Horny + <<=_npcHornyGained>>)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive2>>
<<if $tmpGirl2.horny >= 100>>
<<set $tmpGirl2.horny -= 20>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl2, true)>> is getting impatient. <strong>(Horny - 20)</strong>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl2, true)>> is getting hornier and hornier. <strong>(Horny + <<=_npcHornyGained2>>)</strong>
<br />
<<if _sexActions[$sexAction]?.stats>>
<<set $tmpGirl[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats]++>>
<<if typeof $sexStats[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats] === 'undefined'>>
$tmpGirl.statsSex ??= {},
$tmpGirl.statsSex[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats] ??= 0,
$sexStats[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats] = true
<<if _sexActions[$sexAction]?.stats2>>
<<set $tmpGirl2[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats2]++>>
<<if typeof $sexStats[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats2] === 'undefined'>>
$tmpGirl2.statsSex ??= {},
$tmpGirl2.statsSex[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats2] ??= 0,
$sexStats[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats2] = true
<<include 'Mc fuck traits'>>
<<if ['cum_in_pussy', 'double_cum'].includes($sexAction)>>
<<include 'Mc fuck cum in pussy'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.horny >= 100>>
setTimeout(function () {
variables().tmpGirl.horny = 0;
}, 400);
<br />
<<include 'Mc threesome buttons'>>
</div><<if $tmpGirl.anal < 20>>
<<set $sexAction = 'mistress_no_anal'>>
The mistress tried to fuck <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> in the ass but <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> anus won't relax.
<br />
<<if !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('masochist')>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> can't take it in <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> ass and begs for mercy.<strong> (Submission + 1, Happy / Relationship - 1)</strong>
<br />
$tmpGirl.sub = Math.min($tmpGirl.sub + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.max($tmpGirl.relationship - 1, -100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.max($tmpGirl.happy - 1, -100)
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> seems to enjoy the pain caused.<strong> (Submission / Happy / Relationship + 1)</strong>
<br />
$tmpGirl.sub = Math.min($tmpGirl.sub + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 1, 100)
<</if>><<if ($sexForced ?? false) || ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<set _actionMax = 100>>
<<elseif setup.likesGender($tmpGirl, $guests[_girlGuest[0]].gender)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.max($tmpGirl.relationship, $tmpGirl.horny)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.min(_actionMax, $tmpGirl.corruption)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.max(_actionMax, $tmpGirl.sub, $tmpGirl.drunk ?? 0)>>
<<set _actionMax = Math.floor(Math.max($tmpGirl.sub, $tmpGirl.drunk ?? 0)/2)>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<br />
<div id="choices">
<<link "Cum">>
<<replace "#choices">>
<br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<unset $sexAction>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link "Cum with help from mistress">>
<<replace "#choices">>
<<actionImage $guests[_girlGuest[0]] handjob_cum>>
<br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<unset $sexAction>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<set $player.sexp++>>
<<if $player.energy >= 3>>
<div id="action-buttons">
<<for _sexActionKey, _sexAction range _sexActions>>
<<capture _sexActionKey, _sexAction>>
<<if (_sexAction.show ?? true)>>
<<set _linkName = '<span data-balloon-length="medium" data-balloon-pos="up-left" aria-label="' + _sexAction.title + '">[img[setup.ImagePath+"game/misc/actions/"+_sexActionKey.replace("mistress_", "")+".png"]]</span>'>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<if !($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<set $sexForced = true>>
<<set $sexAction = _sexActionKey>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br />
<<link 'Take over'>>
<<unset $sexAction, $sexForced>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'End'>>
<<unset $sexAction, $sexForced>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<set $guests[_girlGuest[0]].location = 'mistress'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement-mistress.' + setup.genderPath($guests[_girlGuest[0]])>>
<<set _sexActions = {
mistress_handjob: {
title: 'Handjob',
minAction: 10,
show: [1,2].includes($guests[_girlGuest[0]].gender),
maxCorruption: 20
mistress_footjob: {
title: 'Footjob',
minAction: 20,
show: [1,2].includes($guests[_girlGuest[0]].gender),
maxCorruption: 30
mistress_titjob: {
title: 'Titjob',
minAction: 30,
show: [1,2].includes($guests[_girlGuest[0]].gender) && ['medium', 'big'].includes($tmpGirl.breasts ?? ''),
maxCorruption: 40
mistress_face_strapon: {
title: 'Face strapon',
minAction: 30,
show: $guests[_girlGuest[0]].gender == 0 && $tmpGirl.gender == 1,
maxCorruption: 40
mistress_pussy_lick: {
title: 'Lick pussy',
minAction: 30,
show: !$tmpGirl.gender,
maxCorruption: 40,
positive: true
mistress_licked: {
title: 'Sit on face',
minAction: 40,
show: $guests[_girlGuest[0]].gender == 0,
maxCorruption: 50
mistress_bj: {
title: 'Blowjob',
minAction: 40,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut'),
maxCorruption: 50,
stats: 'bj'
mistress_rimjob: {
title: 'Rimjob',
minAction: 40,
maxCorruption: 50
mistress_dp: {
title: 'Deepthroat',
minAction: 50,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat'),
maxCorruption: 60,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('deepthroat') && $tmpGirl.horny <= 79),
stats: 'dp'
mistress_pussy: {
title: 'Fuck pussy',
minAction: 50,
show: typeof $tmpGirl.pussy !== 'undefined',
maxCorruption: 60,
positive: (!($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && !$tmpGirl.virgin),
stats: 'pussy'
mistress_anal_fingering: {
title: 'Finger ass',
minAction: 60,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
maxCorruption: 70,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 10),
stats: 'anal'
mistress_anal: {
title: 'Fuck ass',
minAction: 70,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut'),
maxCorruption: 90,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 20),
stats: 'anal'
mistress_anal_fisting: {
title: 'Fist asshole',
minAction: 90,
orConditionTrue: ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90,
maxCorruption: 100,
positive: (($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('analslut') && $tmpGirl.anal >= 90),
stats: 'anal'
<<if typeof $sexAction !== 'undefined'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<energy -3>>
<<set _hornyGained = 10>>
<<horny _hornyGained>>
<<set _showSex = true>>
<<if $sexAction === 'mistress_anal'>>
<<include 'Mistress fuck anal'>>
<br />
<<if _showSex>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl $sexAction>>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = Math.min($tmpGirl.horny + 20, 100)>>
<<set _npcHorny = clone($tmpGirl.horny)>>
<<showmeter '$npcHornyBar' '_npcHorny / 100'>>
<<updatemeter '$npcHornyBar' `_npcHorny / 100`>>
<br />
<<if $sexForced && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('masochist') && $tmpGirl.sub !== 100>>
$tmpGirl.sub = Math.min($tmpGirl.sub + 2, 100),
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.max($tmpGirl.relationship - 5, -100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.max($tmpGirl.happy - 5, -100)
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> asks for mercy!<strong> (Submission + 2, Happy / Relationship - 5)</strong>
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 1, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 1, 100)
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> welcomes the attention.<strong> (Happy / Relationship + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && $tmpGirl.corruption < (_sexActions[$sexAction].maxCorruption2 ?? 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = Math.min($tmpGirl.corruption + 1, 100)>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> is getting more corrupted.<strong> (Corruption + 1)</strong>
<br />
<<if (_sexActions[$sexAction] ?? false) && _sexActions[$sexAction].positive>>
<<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl, true)>> body reacts positively. <strong>(Horny + 20)</strong>
<br />
<<if $tmpGirl.horny >= 100>>
<<include 'Mistress fuck squirt'>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl, true)>> has an orgasm!<strong> (Happy / Relationship + 5)</strong>
<br />
$tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100),
$tmpGirl.happy = Math.min($tmpGirl.happy + 5, 100)>>
<<if typeof $tmpGirl.orgasms !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.orgasms++>>
<<if _sexActions[$sexAction]?.stats>>
<<set $tmpGirl[_sexActions[$sexAction].stats]++>>
<<if $sexAction === 'mistress_pussy'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.virgin = false>>
<<include 'Mistress fuck traits'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.horny >= 100>>
setTimeout(function () {
variables().tmpGirl.horny = 0;
}, 400);
<br />
<<include 'Mistress fuck buttons'>><<if ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<br />
<<if $sexAction == 'mistress_pussy'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl mistress_squirt>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'mistress_anal'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl mistress_squirt_anal>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'mistress_anal_fingering'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl mistress_squirt_anal_fingering>>
<<elseif $sexAction == 'mistress_pussy_lick'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl mistress_squirt_lick>>
<br />
<</if>><<if typeof $tmpGirl.traitsLocked === 'undefined'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.traitsLocked = setup.getRandomTraits(3, $tmpGirl.traits ?? [])>>
<<if $sexAction == 'mistress_anal' && $tmpGirl.anal >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('analslut') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('analslut')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('analslut')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got anal slut trait!</strong>
<br />
<<elseif $sexAction == 'mistress_bj' && $tmpGirl.bj >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('cumslut') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('cumslut')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('cumslut')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got cum slut trait!</strong>
<br />
<<elseif $sexAction == 'mistress_dp' && $tmpGirl.dp >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('deepthroat') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('deepthroat')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('deepthroat')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got deepthroat trait!</strong>
<br />
<<elseif $sexAction == 'mistress_pussy' && $tmpGirl.pussy >= 100 && !$tmpGirl.traits.includes('nymphomaniac') && setup.percentageChance(5) && !$tmpGirl.traitsLocked.includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push('nymphomaniac')>>
<strong><<= setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> got nymphomaniac trait!</strong>
<br />
<</if>>/* using $tmpgirl */
<<if ['streets', 'nightclub', 'milk_barn'].includes($tmpGirl.assignedTo)>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $tmpGirl.rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<if _isRest>>
<<set _restDisplay='block', _workDisplay='none'>>
<<set _restDisplay='none', _workDisplay='block'>>
<div id="optrest" @style="'display:' + _restDisplay">
<<link 'Enough rest! - Back to work'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.rest>>
<<run $('#optrest').hide()>>
<<run $('#optwork').show()>>
<div id="optwork" @style="'display:' + _workDisplay">
<<link 'Hard work? - Take a day off'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rest = {
days: setup.getNpcHappyLevel($tmpGirl) === 'very_sad' ? 3 : 2,
desc: 'Day off resting',
id: 'resting'
<<run $('#optrest').show()>>
<<run $('#optwork').hide()>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set _npc1 = setup.getNpcById($tmpEventWedding.id1)>>
<<set _npc2 = setup.getNpcById($tmpEventWedding.id2)>>
<<set _npc1.location = 'wedding'>>
<<set _npc2.location = 'wedding'>>
As you step into the main square of the settlement, the sun dips low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the familiar faces going about their business.
You nod to a few settlers you recognize as they haggle over scavenged goods, patch up old tools, and swap hushed rumors of distant lands.
Just as you reach the old, weather-worn notice board, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> approaches you.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage _npc1 approach>>
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Hey! I was hoping to get a moment with you.
<br />
You nod, and <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> looks down for a second, gathering his thoughts. When he looks back up, there’s a raw vulnerability in his eyes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
It's about <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>>. She and I... we’ve been close for a while now. We just... get each other, you know? We've been through the worst of it together, thick and thin.
<br />
He shifts from one foot to the other, his hands fidgeting as he continues.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
I think it’s time. I want to take it to the next step. I want to marry her.
<br />
The statement hangs in the air between you, his voice barely above a whisper, yet full of conviction.
He takes a deep breath, locking eyes with you, a mix of nerves and excitement flickering in his expression.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
I know you’re the one who keeps this place together. You’re the one people trust. So… can I have your blessing to marry <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>>?
<br />
The square feels quieter as you consider his request, the weight of his words blending with the muted sounds of settlement life around you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_accept">
<<linkreplace 'Accept his proposal'>>
<<set _npc1.married = true>>
<<set _npc2.married = true>>
<<set _npc1.family ??= {}>>
<<set _npc1.family.wives ??= []>>
<<set _npc1.family.wives.push(_npc2.id)>>
<<set _npc2.family ??= {}>>
<<set _npc2.family.husband = _npc1.id>>
<<run $('#option_decline').hide()>>
You have my blessing, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>. Go marry her.
<br />
The tension in his face melts away, replaced with sheer joy. His eyes widen, and he laughs in disbelief, stepping back for a moment as if to process the reality. Then, unable to contain himself, he clasps your hand, shaking it vigorously.
<br /><br />
In a blur of motion, word spreads across the settlement like wildfire, and within minutes, a small crowd gathers around a makeshift altar set up under an old tattered awning in the square. A few of the townsfolk bring scavenged candles and an assortment of wildflowers, doing their best to give the moment a touch of beauty amidst the rugged surroundings. Someone hands you a glass bottle of homemade spirits, and you lift it, taking a sip as you watch <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> stand side by side, faces glowing with a rare light in these dark times.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage _npc1 wedding>>
The ceremony is simple but heartfelt.
A few people murmur blessings for the new couple, and someone strums a melody on an old guitar.
As <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> exchange their vows, the crowd lets out quiet cheers and claps, honoring a rare moment of love and unity in a world that has otherwise forgotten such warmth. They share a kiss, and the gathered settlers break out into applause, some whooping and whistling.
<br /><br />
After the ceremony, the square transforms into an impromptu celebration. People pass around bits of bread and a precious few sips of wine, some sharing old songs and tales of happier days. A couple of settlers start a lively dance, pulling others in and laughing together under the dim glow of lanterns. It’s a night of rare joy, a momentary escape from the constant grind of survival.
<br /><br />
As the crowd starts to thin, you catch sight of <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> slipping away, hand in hand, disappearing behind one of the doors leading to a small room they had decorated with whatever scraps they could find.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Knock on the door'>>
<<actionImage _npc1 room>>
There’s a brief shuffling sound from inside, and then <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> opens the door, looking a little flustered.
His shirt is already halfway unbuttoned, and traces of <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>>'s lipstick are smeared across the fabric.
He glances at you, a bit embarrassed but beamin.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Can I, uh… help you with something?
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Enter room'>>
<<actionImage _npc2 room_waiting>>
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Is… everything alright?
<br />
<<linkreplace 'In this settlement, the leader goes first'>>
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Please… this night… it’s supposed to be ours. You gave us your blessing.
<br />
You pause, letting the weight of your words settle uncomfortably. Finally, a small smile breaks the tension, and you shake your head, softening your gaze.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Turn ' + _npc2.name + ' around'>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<video 'cabin/npc_wedding1'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly turn <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> around and grab her ass squeezing it while Don sits down on the chair next to you two.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Please don't!
<<set _npc1.happy -= 20>>
<<set _npc2.happy -= 10>>
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Lift her dress'>>
<<video 'cabin/npc_wedding2'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly pull up her dress, revealing her white panties. Soon enough you grab them and pull them down revealing her clean shaved pussy.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
It will be okay! It's fine.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set _npc1.happy -= 20>>
<<set _npc2.happy -= 10>>
<<video 'cabin/npc_wedding3'>>
<br /><br />
As she bends over the couch, you pull out your hard dick and place it on her ass. As you rub it between her asscheeks, she grabs <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>'s hand and holds it.
<br /><br />
You slowly place your dick against her pussy and grab her ass ready to adjust her position.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/npc_wedding4'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly slide your dick into <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>>'s pussy. She clearly holds and tries to resist not to let out a moan as he clinches into her new husband's hand.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
I can't...
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her harder'>>
<<video 'cabin/npc_wedding5'>>
<br /><br />
With each thrust you increase the speed and you manage to force her to let out moan as she looks over shoulder right into your eyes.
<br /><br />
As you kept pounding her pussy her moans started to get louder and louder when in the end she let out loaded moan that filled all the quiet room.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/npc_wedding6'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> grabbed <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>'s shoulder and hold him down firmly as by the look she enjoyed moment more and more.
<br />
Meanwhile <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> couldn't look at you two at all.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> locked her eyes with yours once again.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/npc_wedding7'>>
<br /><br />
Her pussy was so wet that your dick almost slipped out as you slowed down a bit. In that moment you overhear <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> whisper to himself something.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
<<set _npc1.happy -= 40>>
<<actionImage _npc2 room_cum_pussy>>
<br />
With last final thrust you shove your dick deep into her and cum..
<br />
You will fully will up her pussy and some of your sperm drips out on the ground right next to <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>'s shoe.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
What was that?! Whas it necessary?
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> meanwhile is already off you laying in the bed as she tries to push out as much cum out of her as she can while you slowly look at the doors.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $tmpEventWedding>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_decline">
<<linkreplace 'Deny his request'>>
<<set _npc1.happy -= 90>>
<<set _npc2.happy -= 90>>
<<run $('#option_accept').hide()>>
You look at <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>, his hopeful expression slowly fading as he senses the weight of your hesitation.
For a moment, the sounds of the bustling square fade into the background, and you feel the responsibility settling heavily between you.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> swallows hard, looking away for a moment before nodding slowly.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
I get it.. I… I get it. It’s just—
<br />
He stops himself, forcing a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Thanks for being honest. I'll… I'll talk to <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>>. We'll figure it out.
<br />
Without another word, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> turns and walks away, his steps heavy, shoulders hunched slightly as he disappears into the heart of the settlement.
You watch him go, feeling the weight of the decision settle into you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<unset $tmpEventWedding>>
</div><<set _wardrobe = {
top: {
list: setup.npcClothes.top
bot: {
list: setup.npcClothes.bot
panties: {
list: setup.npcClothes.panties
accessories: {
list: setup.npcClothes.accessories
shoes: {
list: setup.npcClothes.shoes
<<if typeof $tmpGirl.clothes === 'undefined'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.clothes = {}>>
<<link 'Remove all clothes'>>
Dialog.setup("NPC Wardrobe", "NPC Wardrobe");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC Wardrobe").processText());
<<for _category, _cloth range $tmpGirl.clothes>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.clothes[_category]>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<for _wardrobeCategory, _wardrobeCategoryItems range _wardrobe>>
<<capture _wardrobeCategory>>
<div class="npc-wardrobe-items">
<<if typeof $tmpGirl.clothes[_wardrobeCategory] !== 'undefined'>>
<div class="npc-wardrobe-item remove">
<<link '<div>[img[setup.ImagePath+"game/doll/none.png"]]</div>'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.clothes[_wardrobeCategory]>>
Dialog.setup("NPC Wardrobe", "NPC Wardrobe");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC Wardrobe").processText());
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<for _wardrobeItem range _wardrobeCategoryItems.list>>
<<capture _wardrobeItem>>
<div class="npc-wardrobe-item">
<<link '<div>[img[setup.ImagePath+"game/doll/"+_wardrobeCategory+"/"+_wardrobeItem+".png"]]</div>'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.clothes[_wardrobeCategory] = _wardrobeItem>>
Dialog.setup("NPC Wardrobe", "NPC Wardrobe");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("NPC Wardrobe").processText());
<<goto `passage()`>>
viewBox="0 0 272 612"
inkscape:version="1.3 (0e150ed6c4, 2023-07-21)"
id="feGaussianBlur72" /></filter></defs><sodipodi:namedview
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id="path28" /><path
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id="path29" /><path
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id="path30" /><path
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id="path35" /><path
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0,8.31735 -0.19482,0.38965 -0.81849,0.50151 -0.92415,0.92415 -0.36868,1.47473 0.91062,6.02728 0,7.3932 -0.38208,0.57313 -1.46621,0.35101 -1.8483,0.92415 -0.85437,1.28156 0.30207,3.11041 0,4.62075 -0.65107,3.25539 -2.50714,6.71666 -2.77245,10.16565 -0.25989,3.37857 1.25848,7.01946 0,10.16565 -0.4125,1.03125 -1.4358,1.7412 -1.8483,2.77245 -0.57203,1.43008 0.30207,3.11041 0,4.62075 -0.13508,0.67544 -0.6161,1.2322 -0.92415,1.8483 -0.30805,1.2322 -0.74452,2.43924 -0.92415,3.6966 -0.49842,3.48895 -0.41347,23.00654 -0.92414,24.0279 -0.38966,0.77931 -1.365,1.12333 -1.8483,1.8483 -0.70985,1.06476 0.57638,3.46798 0,4.62075 -0.13777,0.27552 -0.70633,-0.21783 -0.92415,0 -0.88119,0.88118 0,5.36699 0,6.46904 0,7.20851 0.29224,-1.75345 -0.92415,5.5449 -0.89762,5.38569 1.07037,11.28283 0,16.6347 -0.0854,0.42719 -0.83872,0.49697 -0.92415,0.92415 -0.4457,2.22846 0.87438,6.13139 0,8.31735 -0.51165,1.27911 -1.41266,2.38966 -1.8483,3.6966 -0.6819,2.0457 0,4.3127 0,6.46905 0,4.66167 1.21173,16.40851 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inkscape:label="penis" />
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0.66033,-0.49008 0.0247,-0.0487 -0.0458,-0.13315 0,-0.16335 0.48054,-0.31701 0.93424,-0.34285 1.32066,-0.98014 0.14968,-0.24686 -0.0371,-0.47174 0.33016,-0.65344 0.0492,-0.0243 0.11007,0 0.16509,0 0,-0.0544 -0.0492,-0.139 0,-0.16335 0.0984,-0.0487 0.24212,0.0653 0.33017,0 0.9881,0.14064 0.15615,-0.48123 0.33016,-0.65343 0.0389,-0.0385 0.12618,0.0385 0.16508,0 0.28058,-0.27765 0.521,-0.61248 0.66033,-0.98014 0.0985,-0.25998 0.0546,-0.56159 0.16508,-0.81679 0.16367,-0.3779 0.51131,-0.3426 0.66034,-0.49006 0.19455,-0.19252 0.3007,-0.46091 0.49525,-0.65343 0.0825,-0.0817 0.24762,-0.0817 0.33017,-0.16336 0.2201,-0.21781 -0.3502,-0.15675 0.16507,-0.32672 0.10441,-0.0344 0.25235,0.077 0.33017,0 0.88983,-0.88052 -0.0586,-0.21073 0.16508,-0.65342 0.34352,-0.67985 -0.0114,0.17464 0.33017,-0.16336 0.14029,-0.13883 0.18987,-0.35124 0.33016,-0.49006 0.0389,-0.0385 0.12617,0.0385 0.16509,0 0.0459,-0.0453 0.0933,-0.71018 0.16508,-0.81679 0.0305,-0.0453 0.16509,0.0545 0.16509,0 0,-0.0545 -0.11113,0.0107 -0.16509,0 -0.99432,-0.19678 -0.51034,-0.23443 -1.81591,-0.32672 -2.38308,-0.16843 -4.88642,0 -7.26364,0 -1.11869,0 -2.1855,0.22631 -3.30165,0.32672 -0.90756,0.0816 -2.28564,-0.24059 -3.13658,0 -0.23662,0.0669 -0.41902,0.27895 -0.66033,0.32671 -1.09464,0.21664 -2.5377,-0.057 -3.63182,0 -1.59468,0.0831 -3.20897,0.15317 -4.7874,0.32672 -0.65198,0.0717 -1.32709,-0.0539 -1.981,0 -1.04336,0.086 -2.09535,0.0549 -3.13657,0.16336 -1.13923,0.11866 -2.34424,0.46829 -3.46673,0.65342 -0.48852,0.0806 -0.9916,-0.0326 -1.48575,0 -3.45914,0.22819 -6.92869,0.16336 -10.40021,0.16336 -7.69885,0 -15.41664,0.1813 -23.1116,0 -2.20322,-0.0519 -4.40022,-0.26935 -6.60331,-0.32672 -0.99015,-0.0258 -1.98423,0.0792 -2.97148,0 -1.05502,-0.0847 -2.08392,-0.38042 -3.13658,-0.49006 -0.34661,-0.0361 -6.18548,-0.30588 -6.43823,-0.32672 -2.42357,-0.19986 -4.82823,-0.54865 -7.26364,-0.65343 -0.54975,-0.0237 -1.10055,0 -1.65083,0 -0.66033,-0.0545 -1.31905,-0.13359 -1.981,-0.16336 -0.54969,-0.0247 -1.10327,0.0542 -1.65082,0 -0.55839,-0.0553 -1.09219,-0.27407 -1.65083,-0.32671 -0.60258,-0.0568 -1.21113,0.0249 -1.81591,0 -0.71684,-0.0296 -1.42909,-0.13708 -2.14608,-0.16336 -1.42973,-0.0524 -2.86278,0.0615 -4.29215,0 -0.60722,-0.0261 -1.20856,-0.14024 -1.81591,-0.16335 -4.16131,-0.15838 -0.80307,0.22776 -5.28264,-0.16336 -3.13195,-0.27346 -6.26679,-0.65309 -9.40973,-0.81678 -0.4396,-0.0229 -0.88429,0.0576 -1.32065,0 -0.3971,-0.0524 -0.75849,-0.27432 -1.15559,-0.32672 -0.43636,-0.0576 -0.88129,0.0272 -1.32065,0 -2.63767,-0.16313 -5.27874,-0.22603 -7.92398,-0.32672 -5.9913,-0.22802 1.55405,0.0212 -4.12707,-0.65342 -0.71027,-0.0843 -1.4314,0.0308 -2.14608,0 -1.7054,-0.0734 -3.41088,-0.25916 -5.11756,-0.32671 -2.18954,-0.0867 -4.41186,0 -6.60331,0 -1.04552,0 -2.10156,0.14631 -3.13657,0 -0.29336,-0.0415 -0.53387,-0.27426 -0.82542,-0.32672 -1.22729,-0.22081 -2.72383,0.0371 -3.96199,0 -1.92586,-0.0577 -3.85281,-0.084 -5.7779,-0.16336 -3.62214,-0.14934 -0.31748,-0.19207 -4.12706,-0.32671 -0.82489,-0.0291 -1.65186,0.0408 -2.47624,0 -2.19664,-0.10869 -4.53357,-0.49683 -6.7684,-0.32671 -0.93142,0.0709 -1.87046,0.26497 -2.80641,0.32671 -0.49415,0.0326 -0.99134,-0.0288 -1.48574,0 -3.62594,0.21106 0.60563,0.0862 -2.31116,0.32671 -0.32902,0.0271 -0.66365,-0.0462 -0.99049,0 -0.44922,0.0635 -0.87088,0.26738 -1.32067,0.32672 -0.38181,0.0504 -0.77124,-0.0254 -1.15558,0 -1.8285,0.12062 -3.61022,0.16336 -5.44773,0.16336 -0.27899,0 -1.56373,0.0862 -1.65083,0 -0.0778,-0.077 0.0492,-0.22931 0,-0.32672 -0.0492,-0.0974 -0.22339,0.0264 -0.33016,0 -0.48764,-0.12064 -0.87099,-0.26759 -1.32066,-0.49007"
inkscape:label="dickhead" />
</svg><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
You and Octavia make a swift exit from the camp, the sound of the battle having alerted more Blackthorn soldiers.
You stick to the shadows, moving quickly and silently to avoid detection. The adrenaline from the fight keeps you both on high alert as you navigate back through the forest.
<br /><br />
We need to get this information back to my tribe and warn them.
<br />
<br />
As you finally reach a safe distance from the camp, you take a moment to assess your surroundings. The journey back will be dangerous, but the information you have is vital.
<br /><br />
The journey back to Octavia's tribe is filled with a sense of urgency and dread.
The forest seems darker, the air heavier as you and Octavia move swiftly yet cautiously.
Every snap of a twig, every rustle of leaves puts you on edge, the adrenaline from your narrow escape still coursing through your veins.
As you approach the outskirts of the camp, an eerie silence hangs over the area.
<br /><br />
Something's wrong.
<br />
Octavia suddenly looks up, her eyes filled with a new kind of dread.
<br /><br />
One of my border guards should have welcomed us by now. She's always on alert, always the first to greet me. But she's not here.
<br />
Her words send a chill down your spine. You quicken your pace, and as you crest a small hill that overlooks the camp.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go to her camp'>>
The sight before you is horrifying.
The once bustling and lively camp now lies in ruins.
Bodies of her tribe members lie scattered, many of them hung from the trees,
their lifeless forms swaying gently in the breeze. The camp is in ruins, the air thick with the smell of death and decay.
<br /><br />
<br />
No... no, no, no!
<br />
You follow her, your heart heavy with shock. The scene is a massacre, the brutality evident in every corner of the camp.
Some of the huts are burned down, smoldering remains of what was once a place of refuge.
The ground is stained with blood, and the silence is deafening, broken only by the sound of the wind through the trees and the occasional creak of the hanging bodies.
<br /><br />
Octavia kneels beside one of the bodies, tears streaming down her face. It's the body of a young woman, barely out of her teens, her face frozen in an expression of terror.
<br /><br />
<br />
Octavia's hands tremble as she reaches out to close the girl's eyes, her touch gentle and reverent.
<br /><br />
Why...? Why did this happen?
<br />
You place a hand on her shoulder, your own emotions raw. The weight of the loss is palpable, the anger and sorrow intertwining within you. You scan the camp, looking for any sign of survivors, but there is nothing but devastation.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Her words deepen the sense of foreboding. You both rise and move through the camp, searching for any signs of life.
The silence grows more oppressive with each step, the destruction around you a stark reminder of the brutality of the Blackthorn.
Every corner you turn, every hut you pass, your heart sinks further.
<br /><br />
They must have known we were coming. This was a warning, a message from the Blackthorn.
<br />
Suddenly, you hear a faint, gurgling sound nearby.
Someone is choking on their own blood.
You and Octavia rush towards the sound, finding a woman propped against a tree, blood streaming from her mouth.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Octavia kneels beside her, her eyes wide with horror and desperation
<br />
Her eyes flicker open, pain and fear etched into her features. She struggles to speak, each word a battle.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Not... Blackthorn... White... pe...
<br />
Her voice fades, and with a final, shuddering breath, she goes still.
<br /><br />
Octavia's face twists with a mix of confusion and rage
<br /><br />
White... pe? What does that mean?
<br />
You place a hand on her shoulder, your own resolve hardening.
<br /><br />
We need to go. Now!
<br />
Go? GO? GO WHERE? I have nowhere to go. This was my family...
<br />
Octavia looks around the camp, her expression crumbling into despair.
Tears stream down her face as she surveys the loss of her tribe, her family. She collapses to her knees, her sobs wrenching and raw.
<br /><br />
You kneel beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, offering what little comfort you can.
<br /><br />
Come with me. Stay at my place for a while. We'll figure this out together.
<br />
Octavia takes a deep breath, her sobs subsiding slightly. She leans into your embrace, drawing strength from your presence.
<br /><br />
With one last look at the devastated camp, you help Octavia to her feet.
Together, you begin the journey back to your cabin, the weight of the day's events heavy on your hearts, but a newfound determination guiding your steps.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go back to your cabin'>>
You push open the gate to your settlement. A stark contrast to the cold emptiness of the forest. Octavia steps inside, looking around with a mixture of curiosity and sadness.
<br /><br />
The guesthouse is simple but well-built, a testament to the care you've put into making your home a secure and welcoming place.
<br /><br />
Octavia steps inside, looking around with a sense of cautious appreciation. She runs her fingers over the smooth wood of the dresser, her expression softening slightly.
<br /><br />
s you step back outside, giving her some space to settle in, you can't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. The journey ahead will be challenging, but with Octavia by your side, you're ready to face whatever comes next in the harsh world of the wasteland.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave her alone and go to bed'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.corruption = 100>>
<<set $characters.octavia.sub = 60>>
<<set $characters.octavia.livingLocation = 'guesthouse'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship = 100>>
$characters.octavia.likesGuys = true,
$characters.octavia.likesTGirls = false,
$characters.octavia.likesTGuys = true,
$characters.octavia.likesGirls = true,
$characters.octavia.canFuck = true
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.next_move = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.next_move_day = $game.day>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
As you step out of your wood cabin one morning, you see Octavia approaching with a determined look on her face.
<br /><br />
<br />
She takes a deep breath, clearly troubled by something.
<br /><br />
I've found out that the Blackthorn have another camp nearby. It's close to my tribe's territory, and there are rumors they're planning something big. We need to check it out.
<br />
Alright. We'll go in stealth mode. Just the two of us.
<br />
Octavia nods in agreement.
<br /><br />
It's the best way to avoid detection. We need to be quick and quiet.
<br />
<br />
You and Octavia gear up and set out towards the rumored Blackthorn camp. The journey is tense, the threat of discovery always present.
As you approach the camp, you take cover and observe the area, noting the patrols and the layout.
<br /><br />
We need to find a way in without being seen.
<br />
You spot a gap in their patrols and motion for Octavia to follow.
Moving silently, you slip into the camp, sticking to the shadows. The camp is bustling with activity, Blackthorn soldiers moving about, unaware of your presence.
<br /><br />
You and Octavia move quickly and quietly, avoiding detection as you navigate through the camp. You find a large tent that seems to be the command center and slip inside, finding a table covered with maps and drawings.
<br /><br />
<br />
Octavia quickly sifts through the papers.
<br /><br />
These drawings... they look like plans for defense, not attack. Why would they be so focused on defending?
<br />
We need to get this information back to Emberclaw and warn your tribe.
<br />
As you continue to examine the table, something unusual catches your eye.
Beneath the defensive plans, there's a strange drawing. It looks oddly familiar yet completely out of place. You pull it out and hold it up to the light.
<br /><br />
<br />
What is it?
<br />
<div id="option_idk">
<<linkreplace "I don't know">>
<<run $('#option_stormtrooper').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
I have no idea.
<br />
<div id="option_stormtrooper">
<<linkreplace "It looks like a stormtrooper">>
<<run $('#option_idk').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
It looks like a stormtrooper from the Star Wars movies. But how would anyone here know what that looks like?
<br />
Octavia looks puzzled.
<br /><br />
Star Wars? That was from before everything fell apart, right? Why would they have a drawing of something like that?
<br />
<div id="continue" style="display:none">
Suddenly, you hear footsteps approaching. There's no time to hide, and a group of Blackthorn soldiers bursts into the tent, weapons drawn.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
<br />
You and Octavia draw your weapons, the fight breaking out immediately. The confined space of the tent adds to the intensity of the battle, with little room to maneuver. You dodge a swing from a Blackthorn soldier.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<addhours 6>>
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'stabbed wounds'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Octavia - Annihilation #2' 'Dead'>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA</h1>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.octavia>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'nightclub'>>
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
The neon lights of the underground nightclub flickered wildly, casting shifting shadows across the crowded dance floor. The music was deafening, its bassline reverberating through your chest as you stepped inside with Octavia. Her hand brushed against yours, her confidence radiating as she scanned the room, a sly smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/nc_area.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
This place is packed.
<br />
She grabbed your hand, pulling you into the throng of dancers.
You followed her through the shifting bodies until she stopped suddenly and turned to face you.
Her dark eyes glinted under the flashing lights as she took your hands, pulling you closer.
<br /><br />
Let's dance
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl dance>>
<br />
After a while, she leaned in, her lips brushing against your ear and sending a shiver down your spine.
<br /><br />
Why don’t you grab us a spot in one of the VIP rooms? I’ll join you in a minute.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Find VIP room'>>
Reluctantly, you left the dance floor and made your way toward the quieter VIP section.
The area was dimly lit, with plush seating and a view that overlooked the chaos of the club below.
You found a private room with a glass partition that offered some privacy while still letting the club’s energy seep in.
Settling into the soft couch, you let the adrenaline ebb away as you waited.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/date1_1'>>
<br /><br />
She had changed into an outfit that left little to the imagination—a glittering ensemble meant for a dancer, clinging to her curves and shimmering under the low light.
It was bold, provocative, and utterly captivating. Her smirk widened at your reaction as she walked to the dance pole in the center of the room.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/date1_2'>>
<br /><br />
Without a word, she began to move. The music’s beat seemed to slow, syncing perfectly with her graceful movements. She spun around the pole, her strength and agility evident in every fluid motion. Her teasing glances and playful smirks made it clear this performance was for your eyes only.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/date1_3'>>
<br /><br />
When the song ended, she didn’t step away. Instead, she approached you, her hips swaying with every step. Sliding onto the couch, she straddled you, her hands resting on your shoulders as her dark eyes locked onto yours.
<br /><br />
Well. Did you enjoy the show?
<br />
She leaned in, her lips brushing against yours in a featherlight kiss. It started slow, teasing, but quickly deepened as she took out your dick and jerked it while looking in your eyes.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_bj">
<<linkreplace 'Push her mouth on your dick'>>
<<set _bj = true>>
<<video 'octavia/date1_4'>>
<br /><br />
Her smile never wavered, a look of enjoyment on her face as she took your dick into her mouth.
She started with gentle suction, her lips wrapping tightly around you as she moved up and down.
Her tongue danced across your skin, adding an extra layer of sensation to the experience.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/date1_5'>>
<br /><br />
As she continued, her pace quickened, the suction growing stronger. She was fully immersed in the moment, lost in the act of pleasing you. The sensation was intense, your pleasure building with each passing second.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask her to undress'>>
<<if !_bj>>
<<run $('#option_bj').hide()>>
<<video 'octavia/date1_6'>>
<br /><br />
Her fingers trailed along the edges of her clothing, lingering on the buttons and zippers before finally giving in to your request.
The sound of fabric sliding against skin filled the room, heightening your senses. With each new revelation, your desire grew.
<br />
Then you pushed her on her back on the couch.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/date1_7'>>
<br /><br />
The motion was smooth at first, a gentle rocking back and forth that gradually built in intensity.
With each thrust, you felt yourself becoming more fully immersed in the experience, the pleasure growing until it became almost unbearable.
Octavia's responses were just as fervent, her body reacting passionately to your touch.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/date1_8'>>
<br /><br />
As the fucking continued, Octavia's arousal reached a peak. She began to squirt, her body releasing a flood of liquid as she came.
The sensation was intense for both of you, the feeling of her orgasm wrapping around your cock like a warm glove.
<br /><br />
Oh fuck, take it out, take it out!! Wait...
<br />
As you sat down, Octavia positioned herself over you, assuming the reverse cowgirl pose. She lowered herself onto your cock, and you felt her warmth envelop you once again. With her back to you, she began to move up and down, her body undulating in a sensual rhythm.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/date1_9'>>
<br /><br />
Then, in a burst of energy and excitement, she started to jump as high as she could, her body lifting off yours before coming back down. Each time she landed, your cock was deeply embedded within her, the impact sending shockwaves of pleasure through both of you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'game/misc/creampie_reverse_cowgirl.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As you were ready to cum right in that moment she jumped a bit too high and your dick cumming slipped out of her.
<br /><br />
Not tonight. I don't want to get back to home while you are dripping out of me on the way.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA</h1>
<br /><br />
Where do you wanna go?
<br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Nightclub'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Octavia - date [nightclub]'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA</h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3 = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3_day = $game.day>>
Inside, Octavia was standing near a small wooden dresser, slipping into a pair of her signature tight leather pants. Her bare back was to you, her toned muscles flexing slightly as she adjusted the waistband. Her dark hair tumbled over her shoulders, and she glanced over her shoulder with a smirk when she noticed you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/room.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
You always just walk into people’s rooms?
<br />
She chuckled, pulling a plain tank top over her head and turning to face you, her expression shifting to something more serious.
<br /><br />
That guy mentioned a spot near the river. It’s not far from here, and I think I know the place. There used to be a biker camp there—real scumbags.
<br />
They liked to kill and sell people, but I haven’t been out that way in years.
<br />
Do you think they’re still there?
<br />
She shook her head, grabbing a small pack and slinging it over her shoulder.
<br /><br />
No idea. But it’s worth checking out. If they’re connected to this... whatever it is, we need to know.
<br />
With that, the two of you set out, following winding trails that eventually led to the river. The journey was quiet except for the occasional exchange of observations or memories of past encounters. When you finally arrived at the spot Octavia remembered, the sight surprised you both.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/investigate1.jpg'>>
<br />
There was nothing. No remnants of tents, no fire pits, not even a trace of tracks in the dirt. It was as though the camp had never existed.
<br /><br />
This doesn’t feel right.
<br />
Octavia said, scanning the area. She crouched to examine the ground, her fingers brushing over the undisturbed earth
<br /><br />
It’s like they vanished without a trace.
<br />
The eerie stillness of the place set you both on edge. After searching for a while and finding nothing, you suggested taking a break at a small lake nearby to regroup.
<br /><br />
The lake’s cool waters were a welcome relief from the heat and tension. After splashing your face and washing the grime off your hands, you sat on a rock near the shore, watching Octavia as she tied her hair back.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/investigate2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
As you both stood to leave, you noticed movement out of the corner of your eye. Turning, you saw them—two figures standing at the edge of the clearing
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/investigate3.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
They were dressed in white, their suits gleaming unnaturally in the sunlight. Their weapons, sleek and futuristic, glinted ominously.
<br /><br />
<br />
She followed your gaze, and her eyes widened slightly.
<br /><br />
No way... It’s like the drawing.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Attack them'>>
top: 200,
left: 0,
behavior: 'smooth'
Before either of you could act, one of the figures raised their weapon. A sharp, blinding light engulfed you, and everything went black...
<br /><br /><br /><br />
The haze of unconsciousness faded as you stirred awake, the uncomfortable bite of rough rope digging into your wrists.
Opening your eyes, you realized you were tied to a tree, your arms pinned behind your back.
Octavia, similarly restrained, was tied to a nearby trunk, her face dark with barely contained fury.
The scene around you was eerily quiet, the forest alive with the faint rustle of leaves but devoid of any other sound.
<br /><br />
<<if Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
<<set $missingNpcs ??= []>>
<<for _companionI, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_companionI)>>
<<run $missingNpcs.push({
event: 'octavia_investigation',
day: $game.day,
npc: _npc
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<replace "#companions-list">><</replace>>
<strong>All of your companions where missing. Only you and Octavia were there.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/investigate4.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGuy.visual = 'trooper'>>
<<set _npc1 = $tmpGuy>>
<<set $tmpGuy.visual = 'trooper'>>
<<set _npc2 = $tmpGuy>>
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Who are you? What are you doing here?
<br />
Octavia glared at them, defiance blazing in her eyes.
<br /><br />
You think tying us up is going to get answers? Go to hell.
<br />
The shorter figure tilted their head slightly, as if studying her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
The bikers are gone. They broke the law. That’s what happens when you step out of line. And if you don’t want to meet the same end, you’ll leave us alone.
<br />
You frowned, your mind racing.
<br /><br />
What law? Who are you?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
You’re wandering into things you don’t understand. There’s a cleansing on the way, and the world will be better for it.
But interference from people like you will only complicate things—and bring about consequences.
<br />
The taller figure continued, their modulated voice unwavering.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Settlements like the one near here, hidden away from the world, are risks we cannot afford. Chaos breeds there. Chaos leads to collapse.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
If places like that step out of line, we will erase them—every person, every building, every trace that they ever existed.
<br />
Your stomach churned at their words. They didn’t know it was your settlement they were talking about, but the threat was clear. Octavia’s jaw tightened, her knuckles white as she gripped the ropes binding her.
<br /><br />
You think you can just decide who lives and who dies?
<br />
The shorter figure’s tone turned almost casual, chilling in its detachment.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Call it what you want. But we’re the only thing standing between humanity and its extinction.
<br />
Octavia leaned forward as much as her restraints allowed, her voice a venomous growl.
<br /><br />
You think you’re saving the world? You’re just another group of killers pretending to be gods.
<br />
The two figures exchanged a glance, silent for a moment. Then they slowly walked towards you and injected something in your neck and everything went black again...
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/investigate5.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
When you awoke, the ropes were gone, and the two figures were nowhere to be seen. The forest was quiet, save for the distant sound of the river. Octavia sat up, rubbing her wrists where the bindings had left red marks.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><br />
<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br />
The alley is eerily quiet now, save for the ragged breathing of the defeated. Bodies of the thugs lay scattered around, groaning in pain or unconscious. The wiry man, the leader of the group, is pinned beneath Octavia’s boot. Blood drips from a gash on his temple, and his cocky grin is long gone, replaced with a mask of fear and defiance.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/nc_fight.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Octavia kneels, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his head against the damp pavement. He groans, coughing up blood, as her blade hovers dangerously close to his throat.
<br /><br />
You’re going to tell me everything. Start talking, or I’ll make sure you never get up again.
<br />
After what feels like an eternity, the man finally breaks. He gasps for air, blood dripping from his split lips and broken nose. His voice is barely a whisper as he chokes out the words.
<br /><br />
He points at his jacket's pocket. Octavia slides her hand inside it and takes out some folded paper. She reads it carefully and then by releasing the guy lets him fall back on the ground.
<br /><br />
We got it. Thank you. Come to my room tomorrow.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA</h1>
<br />
<<image 'people/octavia/dressing2.jpg'>>
<br />
Are you ready?
<br />
<<if Object.keys($player.companions ?? {}).length < 6>>
I see that you are not. Come back when you have 6 companions.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Octavia room'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2 = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2_day = $game.day>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.canDate = true>>
The journey to the underground city is uneventful, the eerie silence of the wasteland your only companion until you arrive.
The nightclub is exactly as you imagined—an amalgamation of neon lights and shadows.
The thrum of bass vibrates through the air, mingling with the low murmur of voices and occasional laughter.
The place reeks of alcohol, sweat, and desperation, a chaotic contrast to the tension building in your chest.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/nc_couch.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Octavia scans the room, her sharp gaze cutting through the haze.
It doesn’t take long for her to spot the man you’re looking for.
A group sits in a shadowed corner, their laughter and boisterous chatter setting them apart from the rest of the crowd.
One of them—a wiry man with a cocky grin—is gesturing animatedly as the others hang on his every word.
<br /><br />
That’s him. Stay here. I’ll handle this.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/nc1'>>
<br /><br />
You watch as she strides confidently toward the group, her presence commanding immediate attention.
The wiry man’s grin falters for a moment as she approaches, but he recovers quickly, leaning back in his seat with an air of smug defiance.
Octavia leans in, speaking low and fast, her body language alternating between calm authority and quiet menace.
<br /><br />
After a tense few minutes, she turns and heads back to you, her expression unreadable. She stops close, her voice low enough to be drowned out by the music around you.
<br /><br />
They’ll talk. But there’s a catch. They want me to join them for some fun first. It’s...their price for the information.
<br />
Her lips curl in distaste, and she glances at you for a moment before continuing.
<br /><br />
o, what’s the call? I’ll do it if I have to, but...I don’t trust them. If you’d rather, we can lure them outside and handle this another way. Your choice.
<br />
<<notify 5s>>
Option to date Octavia in nightclub opened
<div id="option_fun">
<<linkreplace 'Go have fun with them'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.sub -= 50>>
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship -= 50>>
<<addhours 8>>
<<run $('#option_outside').hide()>>
Octavia’s jaw tightens, a flicker of unease crossing her face before she nods.
<br /><br />
ine. Let’s get this over with.
<br />
She turns and walks back toward the group in the corner, her steps steady but her posture betraying her tension. The wiry man notices her return and grins widely, leaning back in his chair as if he’s already won. His companions exchange glances, their laughter dying down as Octavia steps closer.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/nc2'>>
<br /><br />
She leans forward and starts to kiss him as other biker girls start to make out with other men too. No one cares as one of the girls pulls out one of the biker's dick and starts to suck it. Soon enough Octavia does the same.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/nc3'>>
<br /><br />
As she puts his dick deep into her mouth, other girl is already undressed and on biker. He slides his dick inside her while Octavia is still sucking main guy dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/nc4'>>
<br /><br />
Octavia keeps sucking his dick hard and furiously. He stars to face fuck her while other girl jumps on another guy and third girl on the couch gets up and starts to undress Octavia while her mouth is stuffed with guy's dick.
<br />
Then girl who was just fucking other guy gets off him, smirks at Octavia and leads her onto him. Main guy with grin on his face looks at the guy's face as he follows her. Look like they will fuck both of her holes. Ass and mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/nc5'>>
<br /><br />
As dick slides into her asshole, main guy slides his in her pussy. They start to fuck her hard and loud but look like everyone has already used to that there as noone even looks at.. Or maybe they are too scared.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/nc6'>>
<br /><br />
Octavia's holes get stretched for some time before she gets put in the doggy and main guy fucks her for few more minutes before cumming deep inside her.
<br /><br />
The man nods slowly, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a folded piece of paper. He slides it across the table to Octavia, who picks it up without breaking eye contact.
She says something else—sharp and cutting—and the man flinches slightly before nodding again. With that, Octavia stands and walks back toward you, the paper clenched tightly in her hand.
<br /><br />
It's done. I don't know why even came here with you...
<br />
I will need to clean up so come to my room some other day
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<div id="option_outside">
<<linkreplace 'Lure them outside'>>
<<run $('#option_fun').hide()>>
You shake your head, your voice firm but steady.
<br /><br />
No. Bring them outside. We’re not playing their game.
<br />
She adjusts her stance, exuding confidence as she turns back toward the group.
Without hesitation, she strides over to them, her movements deliberate and commanding.
You watch from the shadows, your hand instinctively resting on your weapon as the tension builds
<br /><br />
The man hesitates, glancing at his friends for support, but Octavia says something that makes him stiffen.
He mutters something to his companions, and they all rise reluctantly, following her lead as she heads toward the exit.
<br /><br />
Your heart pounds as you slip out ahead of them, finding a shadowed spot near the alleyway where the nightclub spills out into the desolate underground city streets. The neon lights from the club cast eerie reflections on the wet pavement, and the muffled bass fades as the door creaks open behind you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Attack them'>>
<<generateEnemies 4 3 4>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'crushed skull'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Octavia - new plan #2 fight' 'Dead'>>
<<set $fight.canRunAway = false>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan = true>>
The soft creak of the guesthouse door announces your presence as you step inside.
The warm morning light filters through the small window, casting long shadows across the room.
Octavia is standing with her back to you, partially dressed, pulling up her tight leather pants.
Her muscular frame is visible in the soft glow, and her body moves with the grace of someone accustomed to battle.
Her bare torso is marked with scars, each one a story of survival in the harsh world she calls home.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/dressing.gif'>>
<br /><br />
Hearing the door, she glances over her shoulder, her eyes meeting yours for a brief moment before she looks away, quickly pulling up her outfit's top part to cover herself.
Despite her apparent embarrassment, there’s an edge of defiance in her posture.
<br /><br />
Don’t you knock?
<br />
She finishing pulling on her pants and fastening the belt with a decisive tug.
The tension in her movements is palpable, and you notice the weapons she has laid out on the small table nearby: a pair of knives. It’s clear she’s preparing for something.
<br /><br />
You’re gearing up. What’s going on, Octavia?
<br />
She sighs heavily, turning to face you fully now. Her expression is a mix of resolve and vulnerability, the fire in her eyes clashing with the shadows of grief still lingering there.
<br /><br />
I’ve been sitting here for days, thinking, mourning, feeling sorry for myself.
<br />
But I can’t stay like this. My tribe is gone, and I can’t bring them back. But I can damn well make sure whoever did this pays.
<br />
So, what’s the plan? You’re going to storm in alone? Because that’s a fast way to get yourself killed.
<br />
She glares at you, the fire in her eyes flaring.
<br /><br />
I’ve survived worse.
<br />
But... I wasn’t planning on going alone. I was hoping you’d come with me.
<br />
Her admission catches you off guard. She’s fiercely independent, rarely asking for help, and the vulnerability in her voice is rare. You nod, stepping closer until you’re standing directly in front of her.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/octavia/dressing2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
You glance at the table again, the weapons a stark reminder of the world you live in.
<br /><br/>
She pulls on her shirt, completing her outfit, and starts gathering her weapons, sliding them into holsters and straps with practiced ease.
The sight of her preparing for what lies ahead is both inspiring and sobering.
<br /><br />
You should gather at least 6 companions. Give them everything you can. Even <strong>gas masks</strong> if you can.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Rip her top open'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship -= 10>>
What are you.. Now?!?
<br />
<<image 'people/octavia/undress.gif'>>
<br />
As she sits down on the bed you rip open her top, revealing her tattooed breasts.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.octavia>>
<<set $charId = 'octavia'>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.octavia>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Wood cabin'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $sexAction = 'handjob'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA</h1>
<br /><br />
Hey! How it's going?
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.octavia.quests.next_move && !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan && ($characters.octavia.quests.next_move_day +5) < $game.day>>
<<goto 'Octavia - new plan'>>
<<elseif $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan && !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2>>
<<link 'About next plan'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - new plan #2'>>
<<elseif $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2 && !$characters.octavia.quests.new_plan3 && $characters.octavia.quests.new_plan2_day < $game.day>>
<<link 'Investigate new information'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - investigation'>>
<<link 'Approach her'>>
<<set $charId = 'octavia'>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.octavia>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Octavia room'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - character'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - character'>>
<<if $characters.octavia.quests.canDate>>
<<link 'Date'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - date'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA'S CAMP</h1>
<br /><br />
As you approach Octavia's camp, the air is thick with tension.
The once bustling center of activity now resembles a makeshift hospital, with wounded warriors groaning in agony and makeshift bandages hastily applied to staunch bleeding wounds.
The earth beneath your feet is stained crimson, evidence of the recent battle that has ravaged the camp.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<set _npc1 = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _npc2 = $tmpGirl>>
You spot a group of Octavia's trusted lieutenants huddled together, their faces drawn with worry. As you approach, they turn towards you, their expressions a mixture of relief and desperation.
One of the girls, with her armor splattered with blood, steps forward to address you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Thank the gods you're here. We need your help more than ever. Octavia... she's been taken.
<br />
Your heart sinks at the news, a cold dread settling in the pit of your stomach. Octavia, the fearless leader of her tribe, captured by her enemies. The implications are dire.
<br /><br />
Taken? By whom? And where is she now?
<br />
Another warrior steps forward, her face etched with worry as she explains the situation.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
We were ambushed by a rival tribe, their numbers overwhelming us. They managed to breach our defenses and snatch Octavia before we could mount a proper defense. We fought back as best we could, but they were too many.
They've taken her to their stronghold in the mountains.
<br />
Your mind races with the gravity of the situation. Octavia's capture leaves a void in the tribe's leadership, and without her guidance, chaos threatens to consume her and your people.
<br /><br />
Then we have no time to waste. We must mount a rescue mission immediately.
<br />
First girl nods in agreement, her gaze steely with determination.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
We'll gather what warriors we have left. But our forces are depleted, and many are gravely injured. We'll need your help if we're to stand a chance.
<br />
<br />
You glance around at the wounded warriors scattered around the camp, their injuries ranging from shallow cuts to deep gashes and broken limbs.
The sight fills you with a sense of urgency, knowing that every moment wasted puts Octavia in greater peril.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
But before we can go rescue her, you will need to take out a few of their leaders and acquire their tribe's medallions. We need to weaken them before we can attack.
<br />
With a resolute nod, your mind already racing with plans of rescue and revenge. The fate of the tribe hangs in the balance, and you will stop at nothing to ensure its survival.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><br /><br />
After the intense battle subsided, you took a moment to survey the aftermath.
The ground was littered with fallen warriors from both sides, a somber testament to the ferocity of the conflict. Among the fallen, you noticed with a heavy heart that none of Octavia's warriors had survived the ordeal.
Their lifeless forms lay motionless, surrounded by the fallen enemy tribe members, all succumbed to the brutal exchange of blows.
<br /><br />
<br />
Determined to fulfill your mission, you pushed aside the sorrow weighing on your heart and focused on the task at hand.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Search Octavia'>>
You began your search for Octavia, a sense of urgency propelling you forward. As you circled the house, your eyes scanned the surroundings, seeking any sign of her whereabouts. And then, amidst the wreckage, you spotted her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/rescue1'>>
<br /><br />
Octavia was outside, tied to the porch post, her naked form a shocking sight against the backdrop of destruction.
Your heart clenched with a mixture of anger and concern as you hastened to her side, your mind racing with questions about what she had endured.
<br /><br />
With determined yet gentle hands, you swiftly removed gag from her mouth, careful not to cause her any further discomfort.
Octavia slumped forward, her body trembling with exhaustion and shock.
<br /><br />
You? How? Where are my people. Untie me so we can get out of here.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fuck">
<<linkreplace 'Put dick into her mouth'>>
<<set _fuck = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_fucked = true>>
Don't dare to do that! Put it away!
<br />
<<video 'octavia/rescue2'>>
<br /><br />
As you moved closer to Octavia, a you started to slide your fingers through her hair. A moment later you grabbed them with force, pulled her head back and shove your hard dick in her mouth.
<br /><br />
You fucking.... bast... Oghhhh, ard....
<br /><br />
<div id="option_more">
<<linkreplace 'Deepthroat her'>>
<<set _more = true>>
<<video 'octavia/rescue3'>>
<br /><br />
As you still hold hair with forceful movements you start to fuck your dick with her mouth as pocket pussy. She tries to resist for a second but soon gives up as she knows you're the only way she can get away.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on her face'>>
<<if !_more>>
<<run $('#option_more').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You release her hair and start to cum all over her face as she's still on her knees and tied down to the porch post. Her face is covered in your cum as she tries to slowly open her eyes.
<br /><br />
Got your reward? Can we go now.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_release">
<<linkreplace 'Untie her'>>
<<if !_fuck>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
With deliberate motion, you reached for the ropes that bound Octavia, untying them strand by strand.
As each restraint fell away, a sense of liberation washed over her, the weight of captivity lifting from her shoulders.
<br /><br />
I will get back on my own. Thank you... I guess...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go home'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship += 10>>
<<addhours 4>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA'S CAMP</h1>
<br /><br />
As time passed, you returned to the camp after completing the necessary preparations for the rescue mission.
As you approached, you could sense the tension in the air, mingled with a palpable sense of determination.
The members of your group were gathered around a makeshift map, discussing strategies and finalizing plans for the rescue.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Good! You're here. Good job with those medallions. Get your warriors and lets move out.
<br />
Each member of your group had a specific role to play, from scouts to strategists to fighters. You double-checked your equipment, ensuring everything was in place for the journey.
The atmosphere was tense yet focused, as you knew the risks involved in the mission but remained steadfast in your determination to rescue her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
She's held outside this area. In the desert zone.
<br />
As the sun was casting a golden hue over the landscape, you set out on your journey.
The forest echoed with the sound of your footsteps as you moved swiftly and silently towards your destination.
With each step, your resolve grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that you were on a mission of utmost importance – to rescue her.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Upon reaching the outskirts of the enemy territory, your and Octavia's warrior group paused to assess the situation. The plan was clear: stealth and precision were paramount to success.
With practiced ease, you navigated through the dense foliage, relying on your training to evade detection.
<br /><br />
As you drew closer to the enemy encampment, adrenaline surged through your veins.
Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs seemed magnified in the stillness. Yet, you pressed on, your determination unwavering.
<br /><br />
Finally, you reached the inner sanctum of the enemy's lair, where she was held captive. However, before you could approach her, a sudden noise alerted the enemy to your presence.
In a flurry of movement, chaos erupted as the enemy forces swarmed in, catching you off guard.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i <= 6; _i++>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(80)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'stabbed wounds'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Octavia [Event] - Rescue #2' 'Dead'>>
<<set $fight.canCapture = false>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA'S CAMP</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You find Octavia deep in thought, standing at the edge of her encampment. The messenger from the rival tribe's camp stands nearby, impatience etched on his face. The tension is palpable.
<br /><br />
Octavia turning to her warriors.
<br /><br />
We're facing a grave threat. They demand we surrender our territory or face war. What do you think
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Everyone around looks at each other and slowly starts to laugh. Octavia joins them just before she pulls out her sword and with a swift motion slashes the messenger's belly.
<br /><br />
Those stupid fools. We should prepare for a war!
<br /><br />
At that very moment, she notices that you're also here and decides to address you
<br /><br />
They demand we surrender our territory or face war. What do you think?
<br /><br />
<div id="option_negotiation">
<<linkreplace 'Advocate for negotiation'>>
<<set _negotation = true>>
<<run $('#option_war').hide()>>
<strong>Octavia's submission decreased by 10</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.octavia.sub -= 10>>
Octavia, let's consider negotiation. It might be a chance to find common ground.
<br /><br />
She starts to laugh bitterly while looking at others.
<br /><br />
Negotiation? They would never agree to such a thing. They've made their stance clear and so are we.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_war">
<<linkreplace 'Prepare for war'>>
<<set _war = true>>
<strong>Octavia's submission increased by 10</strong>
<<set $characters.octavia.sub += 10>>
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_negotiation').hide()>>
Octavia, sometimes strength is the only language they understand. We should fortify you defenses, gather your best fighters, and show them we're not to be trifled with.
<br /><br />
We're not going to win this in a clear fight. They outnumber us and have better resources. We need something else, something that gives us an edge.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_sabotage">
<<linkreplace 'Suggest sabotage'>>
<<if !_war>>
<<run $('#option_war').hide()>>
<<if !_negotation>>
<<run $('#option_negotiation').hide()>>
There might be another way. Let me gather a small, elite team. We'll infiltrate their camp, sabotage their supplies, and sow discord among their ranks.
<br /><br />
Octavia studies your face, assessing the resolve in your eyes. After a tense moment, she nods.
<br /><br />
But you won't take your or my team. We both will go alone. Now!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go with her'>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
Under the cover of cloudy day, you and Octavia move like shadows towards the rival tribe's camp. The sun flickers through the barren trees, casting long, eerie shadows.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you approach the outskirts of the camp, you spot a storage hangar, guarded by two drowsy sentinels.
<br /><br />
Take out the guards quietly. We can't afford an alarm.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Take out guards'>>
Your and Octavia moves in unison, dispatching the guards swiftly and silently. You slip inside the hangar, finding barrels of supplies, crates of weapons, and stacks of provisions.
<br /><br />
Someone's coming!
<br />
She grabs your hand and pulls you into the darkest corner of the hangar.
<br /><br />
In silence, without making a sound, you stand in the corner and hear as three individuals enter the hangar and talk amongst themselves. They linger for a moment, and Octavia begins to consider whether it's best to attack them outright.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.octavia.isSub>>
<div id="option_grab">
<<linkreplace 'Grab her quietly from behind'>>
<br /><br />
Unexpectedly, you quietly grab her and begin to squeeze her breasts from behind.
It was so unexpected that she accidentally lets out a quiet gasp.
<br />
But that's enough for the people in the hangar to hear you, and they start lunging towards you.
<<run $('before_fight').show()>>
<br /><br />
<<run $('before_fight').show()>>
Octavia stands in front of you and covers your entire field of vision. While you wait for them to leave, she starts tracing her finger along the ice cream.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_quetly">
<<linkreplace 'Keep it together'>>
<<run $('#before_fight').show()>>
<<run $('#option_grab').hide()>>
<div id="before_fight" style="display: none">
Suddenly, one of the three individuals emerges from the corner and, with a shout, signals the others to charge towards you. To your surprise, four more people rush in through the back exit, and Octavia lunges at them.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'a knife in your heart.'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Octavia [Event] The rival tribe ultimatum #2', 'Death'>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">RIVAL TRIBE'S CAMP</h1>
<br /><br />
<br />
You both slip away, leaving the hangar behind.
<br /><br />
You catch your breath, knowing that discretion is paramount in this situation. Octavia gestures for you to follow her to a secluded area.
<br /><br />
No one can know about what happened back there. Our survival depends on it.
<br />
You return to Octavia's camp, the weight of the failed mission still heavy on your shoulders. Octavia waits for you in a secluded tent, her expression a mix of anticipation and concern.
<br />
Octavia nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. She gestures for you to follow her deeper into the tent, away from prying eyes.
<br />
<br />
<br />
She shows a strange medallion she managed to take from one of rival tribe guys. It gleams in the dim light, its symbols unfamiliar and intriguing.
<br /><br />
This belonged to one of their high-ranking members. He won't be needing it anymore.
<br />
What does it signify?
<br />
It's a symbol of their hierarchy. To prove your loyalty, you'll need to bring me more of these. It won't be easy, but it's necessary.
<br />
<<if $characters.octavia.isSub>>
<<linkreplace "How can you be sure I'll stay silent about today?">>
I should just kill you right now!
<br />
But instead of sword, she takes off her shirt and her breasts flashes out. She pushes on her chest, letting you drop on her bed.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/tribe_sub1'>>
<br /><br />
With dislike in her face, she grabs your dick and without any foreplay starts to suck it.
She manages to take it all in her mouth but that doesn't last long as a moment later she just pushes you out of her mouth and she gets dressed.
<br />
She doesn't let you even cum.
<<horny 100>>
<br /><br />
That should be enough. Either this or your death.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIRE PLACE</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<<if $player.energy >= 20 && hasTime(1) && timeBetween('08:00','22:00')>>
<<link 'Train your strength'>>
<<goto 'Fireplace - train strength'>>
<<link 'Train your endurance'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<if typeof $player.endurance === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.endurance = 0>>
<<set $player.endurance +=1>>
<<energy -20>>
<<goto 'Fireplace - train endurance'>>
<<if isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.house_party>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.count('food') >= 20 && setup.cabinInventory.count('champagne') > 0 && timeBetween('19:00', '21:00') && (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []).length>>
<<link 'Throw a party'>>
<<goto 'House party'>>
-20 food, -1 champagne
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Throw a party
20 food, 1 champagne and time between 19:00 - 21:00 and girls living in guest house
<<if (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []).length >= 3>>
<<if timeBetween('18:00','20:30') && $player.energy >= 40>>
<<link 'Group workout with guests'>>
<<energy -40>>
<<addmins 90>>
<<goto 'Group workout - guests'>>
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Group workout with guests
Time between 19:00 - 20:30. Energy 40
<<if ($player.horse ?? false)>>
<<link 'Go to your horse'>>
<<goto 'Horse'>>
<<if !($locationEvents.fireplace ?? false)>>
<<if timeBetween('21:00', '23:59') && (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []).length && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.fireplace = true>>
<<goto 'Fire place event - evening chat'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('21:00', '23:59') && $guests.length >= 6 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $locationEvents.fireplace = true>>
<<goto 'Fire place event - falling satellite'>>
[[Leave|Wood cabin]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
You decide to run through the forest.
<br /><br />
<strong>Your endurance increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
[[Back|Fire place]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
You walk to the open space and start doing some push-ups and sit-ups.
<br />Just enough to keep everything running as it should.
<br /><br />
<<addhours 1>>
<<energy -20>>
<<if $player.strength < 50>>
<<set $player.strength +=1>>
<strong>Your strength increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your strength with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _persons = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'garden')>>
<<if _persons.length > 0>>
<<set _randomPerson = _persons[Math.floor(Math.random()*_persons.length)]>>
<<if $guests[_randomPerson].relationship > 50>>
<br /><br />
While working in the greenhouse <strong><<=$guests[_randomPerson].name>></strong> takes a break and walks near you.
<br /> She stops and checks you out as you do push ups.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Ask if she would like to join'>>
<<set $randomPerson = _randomPerson>>
<<goto 'Train strength event #1'>>
[[Back|Fire place]]<<set _fullmoon = setup.isFullMoon()>>
<<if _fullmoon>>
<<set _bow = $backpack.has('bow')>>
<<if !_bow>>
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<if _companionKey.split(':')[0] !== 'guest'>>
<<set _npcId = _companionKey.split(':')[1]>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_npcId]>>
<<if !setup.npcInventoryHas(_npc, 'bow')>>
<<set _bow = true>>
<<if $player.energy >= 10 && hasTime(5) && _bow>>
You hear a lone wolf howling nearby. Seems like a simple hunt.
<<link 'Hunt that wolf'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<addhours 5>>
<<shooterGame null 'wolf' null 'Forest - hunt' 'Forest - hunt'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $shooter.score >= 9>>
<<if $shooter.target === 'deer'>>
<br /><br />
You managed to kill the deer. You slowly approach it and notice it's taking its last breath.
<br /><br/>
<strong class="iitem">You collected 10 food</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 10>>
<<elseif $shooter.target === 'wolf'>>
<br /><br />
You managed to kill the wolf. You approach it and slowly skin it.
<br /><br/>
<<pickup $backpack 'pelt_wolf' 1>>
<strong class="iitem">You collected 1 wolf pelt</strong>
<br />
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 5>>
<strong class="iitem">You collected 5 food</strong>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/forest/' + $shooter.target + '_runaway.webp']]
<<if $shooter.target === 'deer'>>
<br /><br />
Deer managed to run away as you missed almost all of your arrows.
<<elseif $shooter.target === 'wolf'>>
<br /><br />
Wolf managed to run away as you missed almost all of your arrows.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<<energy -30>>
<<set _newmoon = setup.isNewMoon()>>
<<set _count = randomInteger(0,1) + (_newmoon ? randomInteger(1,2) : 0)>>
<<if _newmoon && setup.percentageChance(80)>>
You find a patch of perishable fruit and berries.
Since they spoil easily (not storable) you decide to have a snack, eating your full.
<<set $player.hunger = 100>>
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_companionKey)>>
<<set _npc.happy += _npc.food < 100 ? 1 : 0>>
<<set _npc.food to 100>>
<br /><br />
<<if _count > 0>>
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'glowing_mushroom' _count>>
<strong>You picked up _count glowing mushroom<<=_count > 1 ? 's' : ''>></strong>.
<br /><br />
You found nothing...
<br /><br />
<<addmins 120>>
<<include 'Forest - full moon include'>>
[[Back|Outside]]<<set _newmoon = setup.isNewMoon()>>
<<if _newmoon>>
<br /><br />
<<set _mushroom to randomInteger(1,2)>>
You also got <strong>_mushroom</strong> mushroom<<=_mushroom > 1 ? 's' : ''>>.
<<pickup $backpack 'glowing_mushroom' _mushroom>>
<<if $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy_talked && $player.energy >= 30>>
It seems like the mushrooms glows extra brightly today so they might be easier to find.<br/>
(You wonder if is it because of the new moon?)
<<link 'Pick up glowing mushrooms'>>
<<goto 'Forest - mushrooms'>>
You have no idea what these strange mushrooms can be used for, but they look special. Maybe you'll find a use for them later.
<</if>><<energy -40>>
<br /><br />
<<set _newmoon = setup.isNewMoon()>>
<<set _food = 2 * (_newmoon ? 3 : 1)>>
You picked up <strong>_food</strong> food.
<<pickup $backpack 'food' _food>>
<br /><br />
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions ?? {}>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _companion = setup.companionGet(_companionKey)>>
<<=setup.displayName(_companion)>> managed to collect berries.
<br />
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<set _companionFood = true>>
<<if _companionFood>>
<br />
<<addmins 120>>
<<include 'Forest - new moon include'>>
<<include 'Forest - full moon include'>>
[[Back|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<<if $backpack.has('axe')>>
<<set _getWood = Math.min(Math.round(6 * ($player.strength / 10), 0), 30)>>
<<set _getWood = Math.max(_getWood, 6)>>
<<energy -40>>
<<pickup $backpack "wood" _getWood>>
<center>[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/forest/chop_wood'+ Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)+'.webp']]</center>
<br /><br />
<strong>You managed to get <<=_getWood>> wood thanks to your axe.</strong>
<<set _getWood = Math.min(Math.round(2 * ($player.strength / 10), 0), 10)>>
<<set _getWood = Math.max(_getWood, 2)>>
<<energy -40>>
<<pickup $backpack "wood" _getWood>>
<br /><br />
<strong>You managed to get <<=_getWood>> wood.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions ?? {}>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _companion = setup.companionGet(_companionKey)>>
<<=setup.displayName(_companion)>> managed to collect 1 wood.
<br />
<<pickup $backpack 'wood' 1>>
<<set _companionWood = true>>
<<if _companionWood>>
<br />
<<addmins 120>>
<<include 'Forest - new moon include'>>
<<include 'Forest - full moon include'>>
[[Back|Outside]]<h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo !== 'forest' || !timeBetween('08:00', '18:00') || typeof _guest.sick !== 'undefined'>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="width: 300px">
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest)>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 17>>
<span class="name-no-click"><<=_guest.name>></span>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'forest'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Forest'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<run delete $slaveId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest' >>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<npcListView _guest _guestI 'guest'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.energy >= 40 && hasTime(2)>>
<<link 'Get wood'>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<goto 'Forest-action-chop-wood'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 40 && hasTime(1)>>
<<link 'Pick up berries'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Forest-action-berries'>>
<<if $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy_talked && $player.energy >= 30 && hasTime(1)>>
<<link 'Search for glowing mushrooms'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Forest - mushrooms'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 20 && hasTime(10) && $backpack.has('bow')>>
<<link 'Go hunt'>>
<<set _fullmoon = setup.isFullMoon()>>
<<if (!_fullmoon && setup.percentageChance(70)) ||
( _fullmoon && setup.percentageChance(30))>>
<<set _huntEnemy = 'deer'>>
<<set _huntEnemy = 'wolf'>>
<<energy -20>>
<<addhours 10>>
<<shooterGame null _huntEnemy null 'Forest - hunt' 'Forest - hunt'>>
</center><h1 class="ptitle">GREENHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _randomPersons = setup.getRandomPersonIds($game.greenhouseCompetition, 2)>>
<<set _npc1 = setup.getNpcByKey($game.greenhouseCompetition[_randomPersons[0]])>>
<<set _npc1SplitKey = $game.greenhouseCompetition[_randomPersons[0]].split(':')>>
<<set _npc2 = setup.getNpcByKey($game.greenhouseCompetition[_randomPersons[1]])>>
<<set _npc2SplitKey = $game.greenhouseCompetition[_randomPersons[1]].split(':')>>
Just as you entered through the door, both <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> call you from the middle of the room. A small discussion has arisen between them, and they believe that each of the vegetables they have grown is more beautiful than the others. They want you to determine the winner. Both giggling, they try to grab your attention so that you choose their vegetables specifically.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Decide'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
You approach closer, and both girls extend their hands with the vegetables they have grown in them. You carefully examine both, one and then the other.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Since you don't respond immediately and seem to be genuinely giving an honest assessment, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> takes advantage of the moment without the <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> noticing. She unbuttons her blouse with a broad smile on her face and winks at you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace _npc1.name>>
<<run $('#option3').hide()>>
<strong>Relationship with <<=_npc1.name>> increased by 5</strong>
<br />
<strong>Relationship with <<=_npc2.name>> decreased by 4</strong>
<<setNpcStats _npc2SplitKey[0] _npc2SplitKey[1] 'relationship' -4>>
<<setNpcStats _npc1SplitKey[0] _npc1SplitKey[1] 'relationship' +5>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> flashes a smile without taking her eyes off you. When <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> turns away a bit disappointed, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> points to a spot behind the tall plants.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow her'>>
<<video 'greenhouse/competition1'>>
<br /><br />
As soon as you both get behind plants, she grabs your hand and pulls you deeper behind and drops on her knees. She unbuttons her top, unzips your pants and takes your cock inside her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
Playfully she opens her mouth wide open and with tongue movements tries to catch each drop of your warm cum...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Greenhouse'>>
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace _npc2.name>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> Starts to jump from happiness and is very pleased with your decision.
<br /><br />
<strong>Relationship with <<=_npc2.name>> increased by 5</strong>
<br />
<strong>Relationship with <<=_npc1.name>> decreased by 4</strong>
<<setNpcStats _npc1SplitKey[0] _npc1SplitKey[1] 'relationship' -4>>
<<setNpcStats _npc2SplitKey[0] _npc2SplitKey[1] 'relationship' +5>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Greenhouse'>>
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Let them sort it out on their own'>>
<<goto 'Greenhouse'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">
<<backButton 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="place-head">
<<set _assignedToGreenhouse = false>>
<<set _girlsCompetition = []>>
<<set _guestGirlsInGreenhouse = []>>
<<set _isHeatWave = $weather?.heatWave ?? false>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo != 'garden' || !timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') || typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined' || _isHeatWave>>
<<if !$slaves[_i].gender>>
<<run _girlsCompetition.push('slave:' + _i)>>
<<set _assignedToGreenhouse = true>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_i])>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_i].name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $slaves[_i]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'garden'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Greenhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<set $slaveId = _i>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<if [0,2].includes($slaves[_i].gender) && setup.getAge($slaves[_i]) >= 17>>
Beauty: <<print $slaves[_i].beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge($slaves[_i])>>
<<for _gardenGuestI, _gardenGuest range ($guests ?? [])>>
<<capture _gardenGuestI, _gardenGuest>>
<<if _gardenGuest.assignedTo != 'garden' || !timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') || typeof _gardenGuest.sick !== 'undefined' || _isHeatWave>>
<<set _assignedToGreenhouse = true>>
<<if !_gardenGuest.gender>>
<<run _girlsCompetition.push('guest:' + _gardenGuestI)>>
<<run _guestGirlsInGreenhouse.push(_gardenGuestI)>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_gardenGuest)>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _gardenGuest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _gardenGuest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'garden'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Greenhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<set $guestId to _gardenGuestI>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<if [0,2].includes(_gardenGuest.gender) && setup.getAge(_gardenGuest) >= 17>>
Beauty: <<print _gardenGuest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_gardenGuest)>>
<<if !_assignedToGreenhouse>>
No one is working here at the moment...
<<if isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.successful_test && ($characters.laura.quests.lastTestDay + 20) < $game.day && !$characters.laura.quests.breeder_trait>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.breeder_trait = true>>
<<goto 'Laura - breeder trait'>>
<<elseif !($locationEvents.greenhouse ?? false)>>
<<if _girlsCompetition.length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.greenhouse = true>>
<<set $game.greenhouseCompetition = _girlsCompetition>>
<<goto 'Greenhouse - competition'>>
<<elseif _guestGirlsInGreenhouse.length && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.greenhouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
guestId: _guestGirlsInGreenhouse[0],
<<goto 'Greenhouse - big pumpkin'>>
<br /><br />
[[Back|Wood cabin]]<<energy -5>>
<<addmins 15>>
<br /><br />
While <<print $tmpGirl.name>> plows the ground, you lower your hands below her waist and squeeze her ass.
<br /><br />
<<if !$tmpGirl.groped>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship < 50>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship++>>
<strong>Relationship increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with <<print $tmpGirl.name>> with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.groped = true>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
<<=either('Oh! I like that...', "What's with you today? Mmm...")>>
<br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/outside/workout_group.jpg' 'sfw'>>
The villagers start to gather, each bringing their unique skills and experiences.
<br /><br />
You stands before the crowd, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.
<br />
You explain the plan for the workout, emphasizing the importance of coming together to strengthen both their bodies and minds. The goal is not only to enhance physical abilities but also to find moments of peace and serenity in the midst of their challenging lives.
<br /><br />
<<for _workoutGuestI, _workoutGuest range $guests>>
<<if setup.getAge(_workoutGuest) < 5>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_workoutGuest)>>
<<set $guests[_workoutGuestI].strength++>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''" style="font-weight:bold">
</span> strength increased by 1
<br />
<br />
As the event draws to a close, the villagers gather around a makeshift bonfire. They share stories and laughter, forming connections that go beyond mere survival. They realize that, in this post-apocalyptic world, their strength lies not only in their physical abilities but also in their collective spirit.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<video 'cabin/workout_group1'>>
<br /><br />
Everyone leaves except you and two other girls. They look at each other with smile on their face and instantly starts to make out in front of you
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/workout_group2'>>
<br /><br />
They giggle as one of the girls decides to get on her knees and other girl helps to open your pants. Look like they're decided to have fun without asking you your permission. One girl gently licks your already hard dick as other girl pushes her onto your dick with force...
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/workout_group3'>>
<br /><br />
Another one of the girls peeks out through the door and notices what's happening. Instead of showing surprise in her eyes or turning away to leave, she also smiles and comes in your direction. After a moment, she has already knelt down to enjoy your dick.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck one of them'>>
<<video 'cabin/workout_group4'>>
<br /><br />
One of the girls bend over and two others get on each of her side and just enjoys the view
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/workout_group5'>>
<br /><br />
They pushes you back against the chair you were sitting before and starts to jerk off as they see you're very close to cum
<br /><br />
<<horny 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'places/cabin/workout_group_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
One of the girls took the initiative and pressed her lips against your dick to catch everything that comes out of you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">
<<backButton 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="characters-in-location">
<<if ($charactersInLocation['guesthouse'] ?? []).includes('isabel')>>
<<link '<div class="char-in-location">[img[setup.ImagePath+"people/isabel.png"]]</div>'>>
<<goto 'Isabel room'>>
<<if ($charactersInLocation['guesthouse'] ?? []).includes('octavia')>>
<<link '<div class="char-in-location">[img[setup.ImagePath+"people/octavia/avatar.png"]]</div>'>>
<<goto 'Octavia room'>>
<<if ($game.location.lab ?? false)>>
<br />
<<link 'Lab'>>
<<goto 'Lab'>>
<<set _guestHouseLimitShow = (($guesthouseLimit ?? 3) - ($guests ?? []).length)>>
<<if _guestHouseLimitShow < 0>>
<<set _guestHouseLimitShow = 0>>
Free beds left: <strong><<=_guestHouseLimitShow>></strong>
<<set _isHeatWave = $weather?.heatWave ?? false>>
<<set _isSandStorm = $weather?.sandStorm ?? false>>
<<set _guests18yoWomen = []>>
<<set _guests18yoMen = []>>
<<set _guests18yoTransWomen = []>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 0>>
<<if timeBetween('22:00', '23:00')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 10>>
<<elseif timeBetween('23:00', '23:59')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 20>>
<<elseif timeBetween('23:59', '01:00')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 40>>
<<elseif timeBetween('01:00', '02:00')>>
<<set _sleepingChance = 60>>
<<if ($guests ?? []).length < 1>>
<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
You have no guests...
<br /><br />
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof _guest.sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof _guest.rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest)>>
<<set _customColorStyle = ''>>
<<if typeof _guest.color !== 'undefined' >>
<<set _customColorStyle = ' npc-color color-' + _guest.color >>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'garden' and timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') && !_isSick && !_isHeatWave>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'forest' and timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') && !_isSick && !_isSandStorm>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'kitchen' and timeBetween('08:00', '22:00') && !_isSick>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'mistress' and timeBetween('12:00', '22:00') && !_isSick>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'streets' and timeBetween('14:00', '06:00') && !_dayOff && !_isSick && !_isSandStorm>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'scavenging' and timeBetween('12:00', '20:00') && !_isSick && !_isSandStorm>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'nightclub' and timeBetween('20:00', '04:00') && !_isSick && !_isSandStorm>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'hospital' and timeBetween('08:00', '22:00')>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'maid' and timeBetween('10:00', '15:00')>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo === 'garage' and timeBetween('10:00', '18:00')>>
<<if ($game.location.hospital ?? false) && _isSick>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_sleepingChance)>>
<<set _guest.sleeping = true>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<span @class="_genderClass + _customColorStyle">
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Guest house'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Child view'>>
<<goto 'Child view'>>
<<if !_guest.gender>>
<<run _guests18yoWomen.push(_guestI)>>
<<elseif _guest.gender == 1>>
<<run _guests18yoMen.push(_guestI)>>
<<elseif _guest.gender == 2>>
<<run _guests18yoTransWomen.push(_guestI)>>
<span @class="_genderClass + _customColorStyle">
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Guest house'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<unset $slaveId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<if _guest.sleeping && !_guest.gender>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse - guest sleeping'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('20:00', '24:00') && !_guest.gender && _guest.horny > 80 && setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse - guest masturbating'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<=setup.npcListInfo(_guest, _isSick, _isRest)>>
<<npcListView _guest _guestI 'guest'>>
<<set _virginList = setup.getAvailablePersons18yoVirgins($guests)>>
<<set _guestsNoChastityBelt = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'chastityBelt', true, '!=')>>
<<set _hornyGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'horny', 25, '>=')>>
<<set _guestsLikesGirls = setup.commonValues([setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'likesGirls'), _guestsNoChastityBelt, _hornyGuests])>>
<<set _guestsLikesGuys = setup.commonValues([setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'likesGuys'), _guestsNoChastityBelt, _hornyGuests])>>
<<set _guestsLikesTGirls = setup.commonValues([setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'likesTGirls'), _guestsNoChastityBelt, _hornyGuests])>>
<<if !($locationEvents.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<<if (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? []).length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(10) && timeBetween('08:00', '09:00') && $weather?.weather == 'sun' && recall($suppCode)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: setup.getRandomElement(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0])
<<goto 'Guest house - morning view'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('23:00', '02:00') && _guests18yoWomen.length && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = setup.getRandomElement(_guests18yoWomen)>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - sleeping beauty'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('21:00', '02:00') && _guests18yoWomen.length && setup.percentageChance(0)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: setup.getRandomElement(_guests18yoWomen)
<<if $guests[$tmpEvent.id].horny > 50>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].horny += 20>>
<<goto 'Guest house - surprise releave'>>
<<elseif settings.lesbiansEnabled && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoWomen]).length > 1 && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen]).length > 0 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoWomen]), setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen])]>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on females'>>
<<elseif setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoWomen]).length > 0 && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen]).length > 1 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoWomen]), setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen])]>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - males on female'>>
<<elseif settings.lesbiansEnabled && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoWomen]).length > 1 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoWomen])>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - female on female'>>
<<elseif setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoWomen]).length > 0 && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen]).length > 0 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoWomen]), setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen])]>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on female'>>
<<elseif settings.transEnabled && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoTransWomen]).length > 0 && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesTGirls, _guests18yoMen]).length > 0 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoTransWomen]), setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesTGirls, _guests18yoMen])]>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on transfemale'>>
<<elseif settings.gaysEnabled && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoMen]).length > 1 && setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guests18yoMen])>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on male'>>
<<elseif settings.transEnabled && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesTGirls, _guests18yoWomen]).length > 0 && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoTransWomen]).length > 0 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesTGirls, _guests18yoWomen]), setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoTransWomen])]>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on female'>>
<<elseif settings.transEnabled && setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesTGirls, _guests18yoTransWomen]).length > 1 && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesTGirls, _guests18yoTransWomen])>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on transfemale'>>
<<elseif recall($suppCode) && (_virginList[0] ?? []).length && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _npcId = setup.getRandomElement(_virginList[0])>>
<<if !($guests[_npcId].quests ?? {}).take_virginity && $guests[_npcId].likesGuys && !setup.family.isBloodToMC($guests[_npcId])>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: setup.getRandomElement(_virginList[0])
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - take virginity'>>
<<elseif setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen]).length > 0 && setup.percentageChance(100)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGuys, _guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoWomen]), setup.commonValues([_guestsLikesGirls, _guests18yoMen])]>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<unset $randEvent>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on female forced'>>
[[Back|Wood cabin]]<h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _horseRideMapping = {
2: 'You instantly pull down her tank top and put her breast right into your mouth.<br />She tries to unbutton your shirt but instead you pull down her pants',
3: 'As her pants are down, you push her onto stack of hay and lick her juicy and wet pussy',
4: 'She struggles with your dick but after you decide to help her a bit she manages to get it all into her mouth',
5: 'You lay her on her back and pull her pants up a little and slowly slide into her.',
6: 'She drops on her knees and is ready to swallow your dick but instead of that you cum all over her face without a chance to warn her',
<<set _videoName = '/cabin/horse_fuck' + ($horseRideAction ?? 2)>>
<<video `_videoName`>>
<<if $horseRideAction !== 6>>
<<horny 20>>
<br /><br />
<<= _horseRideMapping[($horseRideAction ?? 2)]>>
<br /><br />
<<if $horseRideAction !== 6>>
<<link 'Lick her'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 3>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Blowjob'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 4>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 5>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<link 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 6>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $horseRideAction === 6>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $horseRideAction>>
<<goto 'Fire place'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You ensure that the horse is well-groomed by brushing him multiple times.
<br />
As you do so, he lifts his head up and emits a gentle nicker, clearly expressing his enjoyment of the grooming session.
<br /><br />
<<if $guests.length > 0>>
<<set _randomPerson = setup.getRandomPersonIds($guests, 1)>>
<<if !$guests[_randomPerson[0]].gender && setup.getAge($guests[_randomPerson[0]]) >= 18>>
<<set $guestId = _randomPerson[0]>>
<<video '/cabin/horse_fuck1'>>
<br /><br />
While you are grooming the horse and brushing it, <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> approaches you from behind and flirtatiously asks if maybe she could go for a ride with him or you...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Undress her'>>
<<unset $horseRideAction>>
<<goto 'Horse - fuck'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fire place'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Groom him'>>
<<goto 'Horse - pet'>>
<<link 'Change name'>>
<<dialog 'Change name'>>
What you will call your horse? <<textbox "_tmpHorseName" $player.horse>>
<<link 'OK'>>
<<set $player.horse = _tmpHorseName>>
<<goto 'Horse'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA'S CAMP</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _peltCount = $backpack.count('pelt_wolf')>>
<<drop $backpack 'pelt_wolf' _peltCount>>
You take out <strong class="iitem"><<=_peltCount>></strong> wolf pelt<<=(_peltCount > 1 ? 's' : '')>> and throw them on the ground in her tent next to the other pelts.
<br /><br />
<<if _peltCount < 3>>
That's it? I need more! A lot more. Leave and come back when you got some more!
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.octavia.relationship < 40>>
<<set _relationshipBefore = $characters.octavia.relationship>>
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship = Math.min(40, ($characters.octavia.relationship + _peltCount))>>
<strong>Relationship increased by <<=($characters.octavia.relationship - _relationshipBefore)>></strong>
<br /><br />
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Octavia with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
Very good! It seems that you are useful after all. Your friends in the village don't have to worry right now.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.octavia.relationship < 45>>
<<set _relationshipBefore = $characters.octavia.relationship>>
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship = Math.min(45, ($characters.octavia.relationship + _peltCount))>>
<strong>Relationship increased by <<=($characters.octavia.relationship - _relationshipBefore)>></strong>
<br /><br />
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Octavia with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
Already leaving? Stay.
<<addmins 15>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Stay'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
<<if $characters.octavia.isSub>>
She once slowly walks towards you while taking off her black shirt. As she drops it, you notice her unique bra, it's all made from sharp glass.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/pelt_sub1'>>
<br /><br />
She pushes her tits in your face and lets you feel them for a moment before she steps back.
<<horny 10>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.octavia.relationship <= 30>>
<<video 'octavia/pelt_sub2'>>
<br /><br />
She takes off her bra and pushes you on her bed, which is placed right in the middle of her tent. She grabs your hard dick and pulls it out of your panties.
<br />
But instead of sucking, she puts it between her beautiful breasts and rubs them against your dick for few times, teasing you that way.
<br /><br />
That's enough for now. Leave.
<<horny 10>>
Bring me more and I might help you in some other way.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
She once slowly walks around you before standing behind you, grabs your hands and, lifting them up and tying up against tent poles.
After that, she stands in front of you and gently caresses you before undressing you and in the end putting a dirty cloth in your mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/pelt_dom1'>>
<br /><br />
Next time I want more! Do you understand it? More!
<br /><br />
You see anger and pleasure in her eyes in the same time. She repeats herself few times in a raised tone. After a moment she calms down and playfully slides her finger across your flaccid dick.
Slowly it gets erected and she stops to do that and steps back...
<br /><br />
I expected better from you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/pelt_dom2'>>
<br /><br />
With a sharp kick, she strikes you right in the groin. You groan, but the dirty cloth in your mouth muffles almost all sound. She slowly walks around you and pushes you away, telling you to gather yourself and leave
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<linkreplace 'Ignore her and leave'>>
<<if $characters.octavia.sub < 10>>
<<set $characters.octavia.sub++>>
<strong>Octavia's submission increased by 1</strong>
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
The air is still as you step beyond the reinforced gates of the settlement.
The usual rustle of wind through the broken remnants of the old world carries something else—a faint, haunting sound.
You pause, listening. A cry. Thin, wavering, undeniably human.
<br /><br />
At first, you think it might be a trap—bandits often use such tricks to lure the unsuspecting—but something in the sound tugs at your instincts. Blade in hand, you move cautiously toward the source.
As you approach, you see it: a small figure.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/outside/new_haven.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
A child, barely more than a few weeks old, wrapped in a tattered, patchwork blanket.
<br /><br />
You freeze, scanning the area. A parent? A threat? The wasteland teaches you to be careful, and yet, there’s nothing but silence. The child’s cries grow louder, his tiny hands flailing weakly in the cold, unforgiving air.
<br /><br />
You crouch down, your shadow falling over the child. His cries falter for a moment, and his wide, innocent eyes lock onto yours. For a moment, you see your reflection in those eyes—not the hardened survivor the wasteland has made you, but the person you once were, long ago.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _child = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _child = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _dateNow = clone($gameDate)>>
<<set _randomDays = Math.floor(Math.random() * (28 - 7 + 1)) + 7>>
<<run _dateNow.setDate(_dateNow.getDate() - _randomDays)>>
<<set _child.birthDate = _dateNow>>
That's a <<=(!_child.gender ? 'girl' : 'boy')>>.
<br />
The cries grow softer now, almost pleading, as if the child senses the weight of your decision. What will you do?
<br /><br />
<<set _linkNameTake = 'Take ' + setup.pronounceWho(_child) + ' in'>>
<<set _linkNameLeave = 'Leave ' + setup.pronounceWho(_child) + ' for someone else'>>
<div id="option_take">
<<linkreplace _linkNameTake>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
What will be <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_child)>> name: <<textbox "_childName" _child.name>>?
<br /><br />
<<link _linkNameTake>>
<<set _child.name = _childName>>
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<<run $nursery.push(_child)>>
<<goto 'Nursery'>>
<<run $guests.push(_child)>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace _linkNameLeave>>
<<run $('#option_take').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 10>>
The child’s cries grow quieter as you stand there, motionless, the weight of the decision pressing down on you.
You look at the settlement behind you, its gates closed tight, a reminder of the hard life you’ve fought to protect. Inside, resources are stretched thin, and every new mouth to feed is a risk—not just to yourself, but to everyone who calls that place home.
<br /><br />
You glance back at the child, bundled in scraps, her tiny fingers grasping at the air.
Her wide eyes seem to plead with you, searching for comfort, safety, or hope. But out here, hope is a luxury you stopped believing in long ago.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<set _cabinName = $game.cabinName ?? 'Cabin'>>
<<set _cabinImg = $game.cabinName ? 'gate' : 'cabin'>>
<<grid outside `_cabinImg` 'Wood cabin' `_cabinName`>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '20:00') ? 60 : 6)>>
<<grid outside explore Explore Explore 30 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.forest ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '20:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid outside forest Forest Forest 30 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.farm ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '17:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid outside farm Farm Farm 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.underground ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '02:00') ? 30 : 4)>>
<<grid outside underground 'Underground city' 'Underground city' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.settlement ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '18:00') ? 30 : 4)>>
<<grid outside settlement 'Settlement' 'Settlement' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.sanctuary ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '18:00') ? 30 : 4)>>
<<grid outside sanctuary 'Sanctuary' 'Sanctuary' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.quarry ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '18:00') ? 30 : 4)>>
<<grid outside quarry 'Quarry' 'Quarry' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if $game.day > 70 && $game.cabinName && !$player?.quests?.base_building>>
<<goto 'Vincent - base building'>>
<<elseif !$player?.quests?.milk_farm && $game.day > 110 && $game.cabinName && $player?.quests?.base_building>>
<<goto 'Vincent - milk farm'>>
<<elseif !($locationEvents.outside ?? false) && $player?.quests?.base_building && $game.day > 120 && timeBetween('08:00', '10:00') && setup.percentageChance(1)>>
<<set $locationEvents.outside = true>>
<<goto 'Outside - safe haven'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">QUARRY</h1>
<br />
The mine and quarry could become a cornerstone for your settlement’s growth, providing raw materials for construction, crafting, and trade.
<br />
Before you can use them you will need to reinforce the walls.
<br /><br />
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<<if _guest.assignedTo !== 'quarry' || !timeBetween('08:00', '18:00') || typeof _guest.sick !== 'undefined'>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="width: 300px">
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest)>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 17>>
<span class="name-no-click"><<=_guest.name>></span>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'quarry'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Quarry'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<run delete $slaveId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest' >>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<npcListView _guest _guestI 'guest'>>
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NEGAN'S OFFICE</h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest5 = true>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest5_day = $game.day>>
As you enter, Negan is seated casually in his throne-like chair.
His legs are spread, his signature smirk plastered across his face.
He’s casually toying with a strange-looking white helmet.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/negan/office_stormstrooper.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Under the desk, a woman kneels, her face barely visible in the dim light.
She’s silently sucking Negan's dick. He gestures for you to sit across from him without moving her aside.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/negan_blowjob_table.webp'>>
<br /><br />
Good! You are here. Just in time. How good are you with engines?
<br />
He grins, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight as he pushes girl away, puts his dick back inside his pants and gets up.
Together we start to walk to lower deck.
<br /><br />
The lower deck of the tanker is a nightmarish scene. Rusted metal walls ooze with condensation, and the dim lighting barely illuminates the space.
You’re led into a massive open cargo area where six prisoners are shackled to posts in a circle.
Most are visibly malnourished and terrified, their faces illuminated by the flickering light of an overhead lamp.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/negan/purge.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
At the center of the room is a large tank filled with murky water. A few ominous shapes move just below the surface—infected, mutated creatures, or simply large, hungry fish.
<br /><br />
One of Negan's lieutenant is standing next to the tank, a burly man with a sneer that rivals Negan’s. He holds a clipboard and gestures to the prisoners.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Alright, fresh meat. Boss says you’re runnin’ the show tonight. These six? One of ‘em gets to live. The rest? Tank food.
<br />
Among them, you recognize one you have seen in underground city.
<br /><br />
The prisoners are shoved into the water one by one, their protests drowned out by jeers from the guards. Once all six are inside, the lieutenant bangs a metal pipe against the tank's edge.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/negan/purge2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Fight, damn it!
<br />
The initial moments are chaos as the prisoners flail in the water, trying to avoid the looming shadows beneath the surface. Then, one prisoner snaps, lunging at another. The water churns violently as fists, teeth, and nails clash in a desperate, animalistic frenzy.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/negan/purge3.jpg'>>
<br />
One prisoner, the teenager, is quickly overpowered by two others.
His panicked screams echo as he’s held underwater until his body goes limp. His corpse floats to the surface, staining the water with dark streaks of blood.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/drowning1.gif'>>
<br />
The mother scavenger, who initially begged for peace, suddenly turns on the deserter, smashing their head against the tank’s edge. He manages to overpower her and
hit her so hard that she lifeless started to sink, as the deserter gasps for breath, his face a mask of primal desperation.
<br /><br />
The deserter, larger and stronger, launches himself at the traitor, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him against the tank’s steel wall. The traitor gasps for air, clawing at the deserter’s hands. The crowd of guards cheers, shouting cruel encouragement for more violence.
<br /><br />
But the traitor is cunning. As the deserter tightens his grip, the traitor uses the tank’s wall for leverage, kicking off with both feet and flipping them into the center of the tank. The two men go under, their furious struggle churning the water into a frothy chaos.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/drowning2.gif'>>
<br /><br />
The deserter struggles, clawing at the traitor’s arms, but the traitor tightens his grip, shoving the deserter’s head beneath the water. The deserter’s thrashing becomes more violent, then weaker, and finally stops altogether.
<br /><br />
The traitor holds him under for several moments longer, ensuring he’s dead, before letting the body drift away.
He collapses against the tank wall, sobbing and coughing as he stares at the floating corpses of his opponents.
<br /><br />
The sound of slow clapping cuts through the tense silence. Negan strides into the room, his signature smirk firmly in place, Lucille resting casually on his shoulder. He surveys the carnage with a look of twisted admiration.
<br /><br />
Well, goddamn. Look at you! My money was on the big guy, but hey—sometimes the scrawny ones surprise you. Nice work, champ. You earned that win.
<br />
He steps to the edge of the tank, peering down at the lifeless bodies.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/negan/purge4.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
He gestures for the traitor to climb out of the tank.
<br />
The bloodied and battered traitor stumbles out of the tank, shivering and barely standing.
His body trembles as he holds onto a nearby guard for support, his face etched with exhaustion and fear.
He glances around at the guards and you, as if searching for some sign of mercy.
<br /><br />
Negan, still grinning, approaches the survivor with slow, deliberate steps, dragging Lucille along the ground.
His boots splash through the small pools of water leaking from the tank, his presence commanding the room's attention.
<br /><br />
You crawled your way out of the pit, climbed over those poor bastards, and earned yourself a second chance. That’s impressive. Really, it is.
<br />
Negan’s grin twists into something darker as he tilts his head.
<br /><br />
But there’s one teensy-weensy little problem, champ. I have a... rule, see. A rule about traitors. And guess what? I don’t like ‘em.
<br />
<<image 'people/negan/bat_kill.webp'>>
<br /><br />
With a sudden, brutal swing, Lucille arcs through the air and connects with the side of the survivor’s head.
The sickening crunch of bone echoes through the room as blood sprays across the walls and tank.
The survivor’s body crumples instantly, falling backward into the water with a loud splash.
<br /><br />
The room falls silent, save for the faint rippling of the water. The survivor’s corpse drifts among the other bodies, his face mangled beyond recognition. The guards exchange uneasy glances, but none dare to speak.
<br /><br />
He turns to you, wiping a streak of blood off his face with a finger and grinning.
<br /><br />
Show is over. You can go.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Sanctuary'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NEGAN'S OFFICE</h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest4 = true>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest4_day = $game.day>>
You push open the heavy wooden door to Negan’s office, the faint creak of the hinges slicing through the quiet hall.
Inside, the dim light casts long shadows across the room, where Negan sits at his desk.
He’s relaxed, leaning back in his chair, feet propped up on the desk. His bat, Lucille, rests casually across his lap, glinting faintly in the light.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/puppet_master0.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
In the center of the room stands a small table with a box on it.
It’s unassuming at first glance, wrapped in burlap and tied with coarse string. Beside it, a single vial of liquid sits, shimmering faintly in the dim light.
<br /><br />
Well, well. If it isn’t my favorite lackey. C’mon in. Got something real special for ya today.
<br />
You step cautiously into the room, your gaze flickering to the box.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/poison_gift1.jpg'>>
<br />
Negan leans forward, planting his boots back on the floor.
<br /><br />
That, my friend, is the solution to a little… pest problem we’ve got. There’s this village—a nasty little hive of scumbags. They’ve been hoarding supplies, skimming off the top of what they owe me.
<br />
He picks up the vial, holding it up to the light.
<br /><br />
This? This is gonna fix all that. You deliver this box—tell ‘em it’s a gift, a token of my generosity. They’ll drink it, eat it, or whatever the hell they do, and boom—problem solved.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave to the village'>>
The sun beats down as you and a small group of Negan’s men approach the village. It’s nestled beside a serene lake, the water reflecting the bright blue sky. The air smells fresh, untouched by the grim decay of the world beyond.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/poison_gift2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
As you draw closer, the sound of laughter carries on the breeze. You pause, your eyes narrowing. By the lake’s edge, a group of children plays, their laughter light and carefree. A woman nearby washes clothes, chatting with a man who’s mending a fishing net.
<br /><br />
These aren’t hardened criminals or ruthless survivors. They’re families.
<br /><br />
You clutch the box tightly, the weight of the vial inside feeling heavier by the second.
The villagers notice your group now, their smiles faltering.
The children pause in their play, curiosity—and faint fear—replacing their laughter.
<br /><br />
<<set _oldGuy = $tmpGuy>>
A village elder approaches, wiping his hands on a rag. He’s thin, weathered by age and hardship, but there’s a kindness in his eyes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _oldGuy>>
What brings you to our little corner of the world?
<br />
<div id="option_order">
<<linkreplace 'Give poision as gift'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -=5>>
<<run $('#option_defy').hide()>>
<<set $characters.negan.trust++>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest4_option = 'poison'>>
You square your shoulders, forcing a smile.
<br /><br />
We bring a gift from Negan. A peace offering, to show there’s no hard feelings.
<br />
You say, setting the box down in the elder’s hands. he elder hesitates, clearly surprised.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/poison_gift4.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _oldGuy>>
That’s... unexpected. Thank you.
<br />
He motions for others to gather, curiosity spreading through the small crowd.
<br /><br />
As the villagers begin to open the box, you turn away, unable to watch. You lead your men back to the road, the laughter of children still echoing faintly behind you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<div id="option_defy">
<<linkreplace "Warn them">>
You set the box down in the elder’s hands. he elder hesitates, clearly surprised.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/poison_gift4.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_order').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
You step forward, meeting the elder’s gaze.
<br /><br />
I need to be honest. This isn’t a gift—it’s poison. Negan wants you dead.
<br />
You say, lowering your voice.
<br /><br />
The elder’s face pales, his hands trembling as he sets the box down. The villagers behind him exchange frightened whispers.
<br /><br />
You glance over your shoulder, expecting Negan’s men to be watching you like hawks. Instead, you notice their attention has drifted.
A blonde woman from the village, perhaps in her early 20s, has caught their eyes. She stands near the lake, her hair catching the sunlight.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/poison_gift3.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
One of Negan’s men makes a crude comment, and the others chuckle, their focus entirely on her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _oldGuy>>
<br />
Get everyone out of here! Leave the box unopened, and burn it somewhere far from here. Do it quietly, and don’t let them see.
<br />
The elder stares at you, his expression a mixture of disbelief and fear.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _oldGuy>>
Why are you telling us this?
<br />
Because you don’t deserve to die for something you didn’t do. Now go. Quickly.
<br />
The elder nods, his movements deliberate and steady as he takes the box. He bows slightly to you, masking his fear with a forced expression of gratitude.
He murmurs quietly enough that only you can hear.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _oldGuy>>
Thank you.
<br />
Turning to his people, he raises his voice just enough to be heard.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _oldGuy>>
We are honored by this gift. I’ll make sure it’s prepared for a proper celebration.
<br />
The villagers exchange puzzled glances, but no one questions him. He motions for a few others to follow him, carrying the box toward a small storage hut on the far side of the village.
<br /><br />
You exhale softly, your heart pounding in your chest.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">NEGAN'S OFFICE</h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest3 = true>>
The heavy wooden door creaks as you push it open, revealing Negan sitting casually on the edge of a battered desk.
His bat, wrapped in barbed wire, rests across his lap, and his smirk widens as you enter.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/puppet_master0.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Your eyes are immediately drawn to the man tied to a chair in the center of the room.
His face is unrecognizable—swollen, bloody, and smeared with streaks of red that have dripped down onto his shirt.
One of his eyes is swollen shut, and his breathing is labored, each inhale a shallow wheeze.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/puppet_master1.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Ah, there you are. Right on time. Meet my good buddy here.
<br />
Negan drawls, his voice dripping with mock warmth. He gestures to the captive, whose head lolls forward, barely conscious.
<br /><br />
This fine gentleman has been keeping secrets. Real juicy ones, I’m sure. Problem is, he’s playing hard to get. And I hate when people play hard to get.
<br />
Negan stands and slowly circles the chair, dragging the tip of his bat along the floor with an agonizing scrape.
<br /><br />
Here’s the deal: I need to know who he’s been chatting with outside my little kingdom. You? You’re gonna get him to talk.
<br />
He leans in close, inches from the captive’s battered face.
<br /><br />
But if you don’t... well, let’s just say you’ll be the one I’ll have tied up next.
<br />
You glance at Negan, trying to read his mood. His smile is wide but razor-sharp, a warning hidden behind the charm. He raises an eyebrow as if daring you to object.
<br /><br />
Give him your best shot. I’m dying to see how you work.
<br />
<div id="option_beat">
<<linkreplace 'Beat him'>>
<<set _beat = true>>
<<run $('#option_fake').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 10>>
<<set $characters.negan.trust ??= 0>>
<<set $characters.negan.trust++>>
You step forward, fists clenched. The captive tries to speak again, but you cut him off, driving home the fact that you’re not the one to test.
You interrogate him with force, pushing past your discomfort to prove to Negan you’re someone he can trust.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/puppet_master_hit.gif'>>
<br />
Your knuckles connect with the captive’s jaw, sending his head snapping to the side. Blood splatters onto the floor, vivid against the dull concrete. The man groans, spitting out a tooth.
<br /><br />
Stop messing around! You think this is a joke? Dig deeper!
<br />
You grit your teeth, fury rising in your chest. Grabbing him by the collar, you slam him back into the chair. The wood creaks, teetering under the force.
Blood spatters across your arm and drips onto the floor.
<br /><br />
You deliver a brutal blow to his jaw, and his head snaps to the side with a sickening crack. He coughs violently, a spray of crimson staining the floor.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Please... I don’t… I don’t know what you want...
<br />
You cut him off with another strike, this time to his midsection.
He doubles over as much as the bindings allow, gagging. Tears and blood stream down his face, mixing into a grotesque mess.
<br /><br />
Behind you, Negan laughs—a deep, satisfied sound that fills the room.
<br /><br />
Now that’s more like it!
<br />
When the captive doesn’t respond fast enough, you drive your fist into his ribs. There’s a crunch beneath your knuckles, and the man lets out a choked scream.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
The train depot! South of the river! They’ve got weapons, supplies—please… I told you everything!
<br />
Negan lets out a low whistle, standing up and patting you on the shoulder.
<br /><br />
Now that, my friend, is how you get results. You’ve got talent, kid. I like that.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Look at guy in the chair'>>
<<run $('#end').show()>>
<div id="option_fake">
<<linkreplace 'Fake it'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<run $('#option_beat').hide()>>
As you stand before the captive, his bloodied and broken face trembling with exhaustion and fear, an idea forms.
You glance at Negan, who leans casually against the desk, spinning his bat in slow circles like a predator waiting for the right moment to pounce.
<br /><br />
You lean in close to the captive, grabbing his shirt to sell the act.
<br /><br />
You’re gonna talk now. Or things are about to get a lot worse for you.
<br />
The captive shakes his head weakly, his voice barely audible.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I… I can’t…
<br />
You tighten your grip, pulling him up slightly. But instead of hitting him again, you shift your posture just enough to shield his face from Negan’s line of sight.
Speaking in a low whisper, you say.
<br /><br />
Stay quiet. Let me handle this.
<br />
The man’s eyes widen slightly, confusion flickering across his swollen features, but he nods ever so faintly.
<br /><br />
Straightening up, you turn to Negan, trying to hide the slight tremor in your voice.
<br /><br />
He talked. He gave me a name—Frank. Some guy helping the rebels. Says he’s holed up near the old water tower.
<br />
Negan stops spinning the bat. His head tilts slightly, and for a moment, you feel the weight of his gaze pressing down on you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/puppet_master0.jpg'>>
<br />
Frank, huh?
<br />
He says slowly, tapping the bat against the ground. The sharp clink of metal against concrete echoes in the room.
<br /><br />
Well, isn’t that just peachy? Frank. At the water tower.
<br />
Negan walks toward you, his boots thudding ominously on the floor.
<br /><br />
You sure about this? Because if you’re lying to me…
<br />
Negan’s grin widens slightly, though it doesn’t reach his eyes. He glances at the captive, who hangs limp in the chair, too exhausted to even raise his head.
<br /><br />
Well, I’ll be damned. Maybe you’ve got a knack for this after all.
<br /><br />
He claps you on the shoulder, the force nearly knocking you off balance.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Look at guy in the chair'>>
<<run $('#end').show()>>
<div id="end" style="display:none">
The captive slumps in the chair, barely conscious, his face a grotesque mix of bruises and blood.
The room is silent except for his ragged breathing and the faint drip of blood pooling onto the floor.
You step back, wiping your hands on your pants, feeling the weight of what you’ve just done.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/puppet_master1.jpg'>>
<br />
Negan stands from his desk, his bat still resting casually on his shoulder.
He doesn’t say a word as he strides toward the captive. There’s an almost playful bounce in his step, but his face is unreadable.
<br /><br />
I appreciate a good show. You did good—real good. I gotta admit, I’m impressed.
<br /><br />
He stops in front of the captive, crouching slightly to look him in the eye.
<br /><br />
But the thing about guys like you.. is you can’t ever really trust ‘em, can you? Even when they spill their guts, you’re left wondering... did they leave something out? Did they tell me everything?
<br /><br />
The captive’s head lolls weakly, and he manages to stammer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I… I told you… everything…
<br />
Negan sighs, standing up straight.
<br /><br />
Yeah, you probably did. But let’s be honest here—this isn’t about you anymore.
<br />
<<image 'places/sanctuary/puppet_master_bat.gif'>>
<br /><br />
Without warning, Negan swings his bat in a brutal arc. The barbed wire tears into the man’s face with a sickening crunch, the force of the blow knocking the chair backward.
Blood sprays across the floor and walls as the captive collapses onto the ground, lifeless.
<br /><br />
As he walks toward the door, he pauses and looks back, his grin widening.
<br /><br />
Oh, and next time? Maybe try leaving a little more for me to do. I hate being bored.
<br />
With that, he steps out of the room, humming a jaunty tune, leaving you alone with the gruesome aftermath.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest3_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Sanctuary'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">NEGAN'S OFFICE</h1>
<br />
Negan, seated at his makeshift desk, looks up as the newcomers enter.
His keen eyes assess the group, noting their worn-out clothes and exhaustion.
<br />
<br />
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<set _npc1 = setup.companionGet(_girls[0])>>
<<set _npc2 = setup.companionGet(_girls[1])>>
Oh, what we got here.
<br /><br />
Negan rises from his chair. He keenly observes each girl, gauging their demeanor and intentions in this unforgiving world.<br />
After that he goes back to his desk, opens drawer and takes out ropes and rope gags. Goes back to the girls and starts to tie them up.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>>
look at you with eyes full of incomprehension and fear while their hands are being tied.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Please no!
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> tries to run but instantly Negan stops her by grabing her by neck and choking her while pushing her down back on her knees.
<br /><br />
<br />
Don't you fuck dare! You're mine now
<br /><br />
As Negan finishes to tie them, he calls for a guards outside and they come in and takes them away. After that Negan turns to you.
<br /><br />
Had a pleasure working with you.
<br />
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 5>>
<strong>You picked up 5 fuel cans</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.negan.quests.fuel_slaves_count??=0>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.fuel_slaves_count++>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<companionRemove _girls[0]>>
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<companionRemove _girls[0]>>
<<goto 'Sanctuary'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SANCTUARY</h1>
<br />
You enter The Sanctuary main gates, when you spot a figure approaching. It's Negan, leader of a The Sanctuary faction notorious for his ruthless tactics.
<br /><br />
<<if isMetChar('negan')>>
<<set _alreadyMadeDeal = true>>
Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite trading partner. How's life treating you?
<br />
<<if !isMetChar('negan')>>
$tmpGuy.name = 'Negan',
$tmpGuy.orientation = 'straight',
$tmpGuy.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(40),
$tmpGuy.likeGirls = false,
$tmpGuy.strength = 150,
$tmpGuy.hair = 'black',
$tmpGuy.race = 'white',
$tmpGuy.quests = {}
<<set $characters.negan = $tmpGuy>>
Cut the small talk. I'll get straight to the point.
<br />
<<if _alreadyMadeDeal>>
Our last deal? That was something special, don't you think? I've been thinking we could make it a regular thing. Keep the gears greased, so to speak.
I heard that you like to trade slaves. I have a proposition for you.
<br />
Bring me <strong>two slaves, blondes, with 80+ beauty</strong> and in return I will give you <strong>5 fuel cans</strong>.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.fuel_slaves = true>>
<<goto 'Sanctuary'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NEGAN'S OFFICE</h1>
<br />
Negan, seated at his makeshift desk, looks up as the newcomers enter.
His keen eyes assess the group, noting their worn-out clothes and exhaustion.
<br />
<br />
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<set _npc1 = setup.companionGet(_girls[0])>>
<<set _npc2 = setup.companionGet(_girls[1])>>
<<set _npc3 = setup.companionGet(_girls[2])>>
<<set _npc4 = setup.companionGet(_girls[3])>>
Oh, what we got here.
<br /><br />
Negan rises from his chair. He keenly observes each girl, gauging their demeanor and intentions in this unforgiving world.<br />
After that he goes back to his desk, opens drawer and takes out ropes and rope gags. Goes back to the girls and starts to tie them up.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>, <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>>, <<=setup.displayName(_npc3)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc4)>>
look at you with eyes full of incomprehension and fear while their hands are being tied.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
What's happening here?
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc3)>> tries to run but instantly Negan stops her by grabing her by neck and choking her while pushing her down back on her knees.
<br /><br />
<br />
Don't you fuck dare! You're mine now
<br /><br />
As Negan finishes to tie them, he calls for a guards outside and they come in and takes them away. After that Negan turns to you.
<br /><br />
It looks like this could be the beginning of a nice friendship.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'What about fuel?'>>
Don't worry. It's waiting you outside. Was pleasure to deal with you.
<br />
<br />
Guards lead you outside, and you see wooden carts with 15 fuel cans stacked on them. They're all yours.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 15>>
<strong>You picked up 15 fuel cans</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<companionRemove _girls[0]>>
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<companionRemove _girls[0]>>
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<companionRemove _girls[0]>>
<<set _girls = setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls()>>
<<companionRemove _girls[0]>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest2 = true>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">THE SANCTUARY</h1>
<br />
<br />
The air is thick with dust as you approach the entrance to the Sanctuary, a makeshift fortress built from salvaged materials in the midst of the post-apocalyptic wasteland.
<br />Armed guards stand watch at the entrance, eyeing you suspiciously as you approach. The heavy side door lowers, revealing a bustling community within the walls.
<br />
<br />
<<set _guard1 = $tmpGuy>>
<<sayNpc _guard1>>
Hold it right there. What's your business in the Sanctuary?
<br />
<div id="option_isabel">
<<linkreplace 'Isabel sent me'>>
<<run $('#option_dom').hide()>>
<<run $('#negan_introduction').show()>>
<<replace ".senderName">>Isabel<</replace>>
<div id="option_dom">
<<linkreplace 'Dom sent me'>>
<<run $('#option_isabel').hide()>>
<<run $('#negan_introduction').show()>>
<<replace ".senderName">>Dom<</replace>>
<div id="negan_introduction" style="display:none">
<<sayNpc _guard1>>
<span class="senderName"></span>, huh? Wait here. I'll see if Negan's in the mood to talk.
<br />
After a tense few minutes, the guard returns and motions for you to follow him inside the side of the ship.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Inside is filled with people going about their business, trading goods and repairing makeshift structures.
Eventually, you find yourself in front of a brown metal door with text "Negan" on them.
<br />
Guard knocks on the doors and from the inside you hear "Come in".
<br /><br />
Guard opens the doors and lets you in. First you notice a boss, Negan sitting in comfortable green chair. As you get closer you notice a girl under his table sucking him off. He doesn't care about you and lets her continue.
<br /><br />
<br />
Well, well, well. Look who we have here. <span class="senderName"></span>'s little messenger. What's your name, sweetheart?
<br />
<div id="option1">
<<set _linkName = $player.name + ". And I'm not here to play games.">>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<run $('#option2, #option3').hide()>>
<<run $('#negan_continue').show()>>
<div id="option2">
<<set _linkName = "You can call me " + $player.name + ". Let's get straight to business.">>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<run $('#option1, #option3').hide()>>
<<run $('#negan_continue').show()>>
<div id="option3">
<<set _linkName = "Just call me " + $player.name + ". I'm here for the fuel, nothing else.">>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<run $('#option1, #option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#negan_continue').show()>>
<div id="negan_continue" style="display:none">
I like a person who gets straight to the point. So, <span class="senderName"></span>'s running on empty, huh? Tough break. But nothing comes for free, darlin'. What's in it for us?
<br />
<<if $player.money >= 400>>
<div id="option_money">
<<linkreplace 'Offer money'>>
I have money!
<br />
You put 400 caps on his table. He takes them and puts them in drawer.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_slaves, #option_money_desc').hide()>>
<<run $('#negan_quest').show()>>
<<set $player.money -= 400>>
That'a start. But I will need more.
<<linkdesc 'option_money_desc'>>
-400 caps.
<div id="option_slaves">
<<linkreplace 'Offer slaves'>>
Slaves. Girls, Guys. Anything you like.
<br />
<<run $('#option_money, #option_money_desc').hide()>>
<<run $('#negan_quest').show()>>
I hope you have something good as I am not easy to pleasure.
<div id="negan_quest" style="display:none">
<br />
My request will be very specific. Four girls. All blonds and very beautiful (80+). Either that or we have no deal.
<br />
You nod with your head and leave his office without saying a word.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if !isMetChar('negan')>>
$tmpGuy.name = 'Negan',
$tmpGuy.orientation = 'straight',
$tmpGuy.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(40),
$tmpGuy.likeGirls = false,
$tmpGuy.strength = 150,
$tmpGuy.hair = 'black',
$tmpGuy.race = 'white',
$tmpGuy.quests = {}
<<set $characters.negan = $tmpGuy>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest1 = true>>
<<set $characters.negan.quests.quest1_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Sanctuary'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">NEGAN'S OFFICE</h1>
<br />
<<=either('What do you want?', 'Do have something for me?')>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<br />
<br />
One of his girls are under table and sucking his dick.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters?.negan?.quests.quest1 && !$characters?.negan?.quests.quest2 && setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls().length >= 4>>
<<link 'Bring him slaves'>>
<<goto 'Negan - fuel slaves'>>
<<if isMetChar('negan') && $characters?.negan?.quests.fuel_slaves && setup.neganQuest2HaveGirls().length >= 2>>
<<link 'Fuel deal for slaves'>>
<<goto 'Negan - fuel slaves repeatable give'>>
<<if $characters?.negan?.quests.quest2 && !$characters?.negan?.quests.quest3 && ($characters?.negan?.quests.fuel_slaves_count >=2)>>
<<goto 'Negan - The Puppet Master'>>
<<elseif $characters?.negan?.quests.quest3 && !$characters?.negan?.quests.quest4 && $game.day > ($characters?.negan?.quests.quest3_day + 4)>>
<<goto 'Negan - The Poisoned Gift'>>
<<elseif $characters?.negan?.quests.quest4 && !$characters?.negan?.quests.quest5 && $game.day > ($characters?.negan?.quests.quest4_day + 7)>>
<<goto 'Negan - Lower deck purge'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Sanctuary'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SHOP</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _shopItems = [
{name:'wedding_ring', price:10},
{name:'gas_mask', price: 50, buy:false},
{name:'fuel', price: 40, sell:false}
<<set _shopItems = clone(setup.items.shop.sanctuary)>>
<<shop 'sanctuary' _shopItems 'Sanctuary shop'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Sanctuary'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">THE SANCTUARY</h1>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '20:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid sanctuary shop 'Sanctuary shop' 'Shop' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '20:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid sanctuary negan_office 'Negan office' "Negan's office" 0 _isDisabled>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<if $characters.dom.quests.quest5 && !$characters?.negan?.quests.quest1>>
<<goto 'Negan introduction'>>
(isMetChar('negan') && $characters.negan.quests.quest2) ||
(!isMetChar('negan') && ($player.stats.slaves_sold ?? 0) > 20)
) && !$characters?.negan?.quests?.fuel_slaves
<<goto 'Negan - fuel slaves repeatable'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
<<horny 10>>
<<image 'places/settlement/church_mast.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You stroke your hard cock and thing about fucking some tight pussy. You almost got caught as you didn't hear someone enter.
As you almost pull your hard dick back in your pants, Eve enters the room but acts like she didn't saw anything.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/church_mast_caught.webp'>>
<br />
<<if $player.int < 50>>
<<set $player.int++>>
<br /><br />
<strong>Your intelligence increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase intelligence with this action anymore</strong>
<br /><br />
<<eve>>H, Hey... <<=$player.name>>! Sorry, didn't knew you were here<</eve>>
<br /><br />
<<if typeof $characters.eve.corruption === 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters.eve.corruption = 0>>
<<if typeof $characters.eve.corruption == 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters.eve.corruption = 0>>
<<if $characters.eve.corruption < 30>>
<<set $characters.eve.corruption++>>
<strong>Eve corruption increased by 1</strong>
<strong>Can't increase Eve's corruption with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.eve.quests.sex>>
You can continue if you like
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<video '/settlement/book_eve_1'>>
<br /><br />
You pull out your hard cock and continue to stroke it while Eve tries not to look.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/book_eve_2'>>
<br /><br />
You notice she's peeking but she's to shy to jump in so you device to grab her hand and move it towards your cock. She grabs it and slowly increases the speed.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/book_eve_3'>>
<br /><br />
You cum all over your shirt but she doesn't stop! With big smile on her face she still continues to stroke your dick as fast as she possible can but after some time just releases it and runs out of the church.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.eve.corruption < 30>>
<<set $characters.eve.corruption++>>
<strong>Eve corruption increased by 1</strong>
<strong>Can't increase Eve's corruption with this action anymore</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Church'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
'The path to enlightenment is not an easy one, for it requires us to confront our own limitations and transcend them. But for those who are willing to take up the challenge, the rewards are boundless, and the possibilities infinite',
'Those who seek power for its own sake will ultimately find only emptiness and despair. True strength lies in the ability to serve others, to uplift the weak and the oppressed, and to embody the virtues of humility and compassion.',
'The key to unlocking the secrets of the universe lies not in the accumulation of knowledge, but in the letting go of preconceptions and the embracing of the unknown.',
'Beyond the boundaries of our mortal realm lies a world of untold wonders and terrors. Those who seek to uncover its secrets must be prepared to face the darkness within their own souls, for the journey to enlightenment is not without peril.'
<<if $player.int < 50>>
<<set $player.int++>>
<br /><br />
<strong>Your intelligence increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase intelligence with this action anymore</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 50>>
You're all alone and you feel a horny as you see some sexual drawings in the book.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Masturbate'>>
<<goto 'Church - read book masturbate'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Church'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<<if $charactersInLocation['church'].includes('rodger') && !$characters.rodger.talked>>
<<link 'Talk with Rodger'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.talked = true>>
<<goto 'Rodger - church talk'>>
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.book && timeBetween('08:00', '16:00')>>
<<link 'Read book'>>
<<goto 'Church - read book'>>
[[Leave|Settlement]]<h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.eve_pregnant = true>>
<br />
The ruins of the post-apocalyptic world surrounded you, but Rodger’s small sanctuary stood firm—an unsettling mix of devotion and decay.
You weren’t sure what to expect when you arrived, but the news you received sent a chill through you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/square_head.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Rodger greeted you with open arms, his energy almost manic, a glimmer of something fanatical in his eyes.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/rodger/greeting.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
My friend! God has sent us a miracle. Eve is with child!
<br />
The announcement hit you like a blow. For a moment, you could only stare at him, trying to process the words.
Eve, pregnant? Your eyes flicked to her, standing a few steps behind him.
Her expression was harder to read—stoic, but her gaze betrayed something else. Guilt. Nervousness. Awareness.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/eve/looking.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Rodger was beaming, his fervor growing as he spoke.
<br /><br />
It’s a sign! A sign from God that we are meant to endure, to rebuild. This child will be the foundation of something greater, the future of our faith, of humanity itself!
<br />
His words came out in a flood, his hands gesturing wildly as if the heavens themselves were backing him up.
<br /><br />
But as he spoke, your focus remained on Eve. Her eyes met yours, and in that moment, something unspoken passed between you. A quiet acknowledgment. The truth she couldn't say aloud, not in front of Rodger. You knew. And she knew you knew.
<br /><br />
The timing made it impossible to ignore. Rodger and Eve hadn’t been intimate in who knows how long—Eve herself had confided that much during your journey. The way she looked at you now, a mixture of fear and defiance, made it clear: the child she carried wasn’t Rodger’s. It was yours.
<br /><br />
Eve is proof that God hasn’t abandoned us, that He is watching over us even now, in these dark times.
<br />
This child will be blessed. And I will make sure of it.
<br />
When Rodger finally stepped away to attend to something, leaving you and Eve momentarily alone, you turned to her. She was already watching you, her expression conflicted.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/eve/looking.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
You’re sure?
<br />
Eve nodded, her voice barely above a whisper.
<br /><br />
It’s yours. It can’t be his. But he can’t know—not now.
<br />
Eve glanced toward the door where Rodger had disappeared.
<br /><br />
We go along with it. For now. This settlement, this place—it’s stable. It’s safe. As long as he believes the child is his, he’ll protect it. He’ll protect me.
<br />
You nodded reluctantly, understanding the logic even as it unsettled you. For now, the truth would remain a secret, a fragile thread woven into the fabric of a world already on the brink.
But as you looked at Eve, and then at the walls of Rodger’s settlement, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this thread was bound to unravel—and when it did, it would take everything with it.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 4>>
<<image 'places/settlement/rodger_bottles_tavern.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
After a few hours of walking, you reached Roger's friend's pub. The door is broken down and the building looks partially burnt from the outside.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/rodger_bottles_basement.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Downstairs was dark and damp. Mold was everywhere and you had trouble seeing where you were even walking. You already knew the place where bottles were so you went straight for them.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'champagne' 10>>
<strong>You picked up <span class="iitem">10 champagne</span> bottles</strong>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/rodger_bottles_basement_storage.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You collected the bottles.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Suggest that you could spend the night here'>>
<<goto 'Eve champagne #3'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpEventWentHome = true>>
<<goto 'Eve champagne home'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/eve_bottles_undress.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You undress and turn around, but in front of you, Eve has already taken off her clothes, leaving only a top. You help her get rid of that too.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve_repeatable1'>>
<br /><br />
Both of you crawl under the covers, but instead of lying down next to you, she settles on top of you.
<br />
She grabs your dick and puts it between her breasts.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve_repeatable2'>>
<br /><br />
After sloppy titfuck and some giggles a wide smile appears on her face. <br />
She leans lower and puts your dick in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve_repeatable3'>>
<br /><br />
Her blowjob isn't the best you had but I guess she's trying. Her pussy from the other hand is something else.
<br />
She's almost as tight as Blair..
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve_repeatable4'>>
<br /><br />
She quietly moans as you tell her that you will cum soon.
<br />
She grabs your dick and pulls it out, letting you cum all over pussy but not inside.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to sleep'>>
<<sleep 'Eve champagne home'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if !$tmpEventWentHome>>
<<image 'places/settlement/rodger_bottles_dressup.webp'>>
<br /><br />
The next morning, as you wake up, you see that Eve is getting dressed.<br />
She looks at you with a smile on her face.
<br /><br />
Good morning. We should get back
<br /><br />
The journey back goes without any problems. After a couple of hours, you have already arrived back in the village, and Roger is waiting for you with open arms.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/intro_tents.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
My heroes! I don't know what I would do without both of you. Thank you once again.
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.eve.corruption < 40>>
<<set $characters.eve.corruption +=5>>
<strong>Corruption with Eve increased by 5</strong>
<strong>Can't increase Eve's corruption with this action anymore.</strong>
<br />
<<if $characters.eve.relationship < 35>>
<<set $characters.eve.relationship++>>
<strong>Relationship with Eve increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Eve with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $tmpEventWentHome>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_day = $game.day>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
Hey we're low on wine and champagne. Could you please take another journey with Eve?
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to the city with Eve'>>
<<goto 'Eve champagne #2'>>
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Rodger - church talk'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">MAIN SQUARE</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<<if !($game.location.settlement_church ?? false)>>
<<link 'Help to build church'>>
<<goto 'Settlement - build church'>>
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.shop_talk && !($game.location.settlement_shop ?? false)>>
<<link 'Help to build shop'>>
<<goto 'Settlement - build shop'>>
<<if ($player.horse ?? false)>>
<<link 'Horse ride with a girl'>>
<<run delete $horseRideAction>>
<<goto 'Event: Settlement - horse ride'>>
[[Leave|Settlement]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
You quickly gather your essential gear and head to the meeting point. Octavia is already there, her eyes scanning the horizon.
The two of you exchange a brief nod before setting off into the wasteland, the settlement disappearing behind you.
<br /><br />
<br />
The journey is tense and silent.
The forest stretches out before you, a desolate place dotted with the ruins of the past.
You and Octavia move swiftly, each step bringing you closer to the factory and the danger it holds.
<br /><br />
After hours of travel, you crest a ridge and the factory comes into view.
It's a sprawling, decrepit structure, with makeshift barricades and guards patrolling the perimeter. You hunker down, observing the movements and planning your approach.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
There it is.
<br />
Octavia whispers, pointing to the factory.
<br /><br />
They have guards posted at every entrance. The main force will be inside.
<br />
You study the factory, noting the patterns of the guards' patrols.
<br /><br />
We'll need to be careful. Let's find a way in that avoids the main entrances.
<br />
Octavia nods, her eyes scanning the area.
<br /><br />
There's an old drainage pipe that leads into the basement. It's risky, but it might be our best bet.
<br />
You and Octavia move quietly towards the drainage pipe, avoiding the guards' patrols. The pipe is rusted and narrow, but it's big enough for you to crawl through. Octavia goes first, squeezing into the dark, claustrophobic space.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you crawl through the tight space, you can’t help but notice Octavia's proximity. Her leather-clad figure is right in front of you, her movements constrained by the narrow pipe. The situation is both awkward and tense, your senses heightened by the closeness and the danger around you.
<br /><br />
<br />
Suddenly, you hear noises from ahead, faint but distinct. Voices, footsteps, the clinking of metal. You both freeze, listening intently.
<br /><br />
Let's wait and see what's happening
<br />asdasd
You inch forward, trying to get a better view through the grate. Just then, you see a group of Blackthorn fighters burst into the basement, their faces masks of fear. Without a second glance, they sprint towards the exits, disappearing into the wasteland.
<br /><br />
They're running... Something's scared them off.
<br />
You and Octavia emerge from the pipe into the now deserted basement.
The factory is eerily silent, the only sound the distant echo of the fleeing Blackthorn. You make your way cautiously through the building, every sense on high alert.
<br /><br />
The central room where leader had been directing his men is empty, the chaos of their departure evident in the scattered supplies and overturned furniture. You and Octavia exchange glances, both of you puzzled by the sudden turn of events.
<br /><br />
This doesn't make sense. What could have scared them off so quickly?
<br />
With the factory now empty and no immediate threats in sight, you gather as much information as you can.
The mystery of the Blackthorn's sudden retreat hangs over you, a new puzzle to solve in the harsh world of the wasteland.
<br /><br />
So what now? We should probably leave.
<br />
In her shift, she accidentally presses her ass against your crotch, the unexpected contact sending a jolt through you. She doesn't seem to notice immediately and grinds slightly as she adjusts her position, causing your breath to hitch for a moment.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Rip off her top'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - Blackthorn camp fuck'>>
<<link 'We should go back and regroup'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
<<video 'octavia/factory1'>>
<br /><br />
With a quick, decisive movement, you rip her top off, the fabric tearing easily.
She's surprised, her eyes widening, but she doesn't resist. Instead, she lets out a soft, breathless laugh, her hands coming up to touch your chest.
<br />
After that you pull her pants down, revealing the toned, smooth skin beneath.
As you do, she reaches for your pants, her fingers deftly unbuttoning them. The urgency of the moment makes your movements hurried and clumsy, but neither of you care as she grabs your dick inside your pants and squeezes it while starting to jerk it off.
<br />
Your pants fall on the ground. In that moment she turns around.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/factory3'>>
<br /><br />
She sits down on the nearest sturdy item, a large crate.
She looks up at you with a mix of desire and determination. Without breaking eye contact, she starts to suck your dick passionately, her movements skilled and eager.
<br /><br />
I like your choosen places, haha.
<br />
<<video 'octavia/factory4'>>
<br /><br />
She tries to continue her sentence but instead you shove your dick deep into her throat and don't let her finish. She gags few times buts keeps it fully inside her mouth.
<br /><br />
Without a word, you guide her to stand and then bend her over the nearest sturdy item, her ass up and perfectly positioned.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/factory6'>>
<br /><br />
She braces herself, anticipation clear in her body language. You line yourself up behind her, and with a firm, hard thrust, you drive deep inside her. The sensation is electrifying, both of you letting out a simultaneous gasp of pleasure.
<br /><br />
<br />
Your movements are powerful and urgent, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through both of you. Octavia pushes back against you, matching your rhythm and urging you on. The sound of your bodies coming together echoes in the empty factory, a primal, raw symphony.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_harder">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her harder'>>
<<set _harder = true>>
<<video 'octavia/factory2'>>
<br /><br />
You grip her hips tighter, pulling her closer. Without hesitation, you lift her leg up.
You increase the pace and force of your thrusts, driving into her with maximum intensity.
Octavia's loud moans fill the factory, the sound raw and uninhibited, echoing off the walls.
<br /><br />
Oh yes, fuck me, oooh....
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if !_harder>>
<<run $('#option_harder').hide()>>
<<video 'octavia/factory7'>>
<br /><br />
You push her off your dick and grab her tight by her hair and push her down on her knees.
<br />
You see that it hurts for her a bit but you see happiness in her eyes. She looks straight at your dick and waits your cum.
<br /><br />
Give it me. Give it all!
<br />
<<video 'octavia/factory8'>>
<br /><br />
With her mouth wide open you cum all over her face. As cum you pull her hair harder and she rolls her eyeballs a bit. All of your cum ends on her face, lips and tongue...
<br /><br />
Finally, Octavia turns her head to look at you, a satisfied but questioning smile on her lips.
<br /><br />
Well, that was... intense
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2 = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.betrayal2_day = $game.day>>
The sun is just finished to rise, casting a soft orange glow over the wasteland.
You step out of your wooden cabin, the air crisp and cool. As you stretch and take in the morning, you see Octavia approaching, her expression determined.
<br /><br />
<br />
I've been thinking about the Blackthorn camp. It's time we take a look at that factory Zia told us about. We can't wait any longer.
<br />
Agreed. We need to know what we're up against. Are you ready to move out?
<br />
We should go alone. The fewer people we take, the less chance of being detected
<br />
<<link "Let's do it">>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Octavia - Blackthorn camp #1'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA'S CAMP</h1>
<br />
You and Octavia approach the central area of the camp where the water supply is located. A group of women are gathered, their faces lined with worry.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
We need to ask you some questions about the recent events.
<br />
A tall, athletic woman steps forward, her expression wary.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
We haven't done anything wrong. We're just trying to figure this out like everyone else.
<br />
But someone poisoned your water supply. If you know anything, anything at all, it could help us find the culprit and prevent more people from getting hurt.
<br />
The woman exchanges glances with the others before speaking.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
There's been a lot of tension recently.
Some disagreements about how we handle resources, but nothing that would lead to this. But there's one woman...
Zia. She's been acting strange lately. Keeps to herself, doesn't talk much. She was in charge of the water supply rotation this week.
<br />
Where is she now?
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
She's in her tent, over there. But be careful. There's something off about her.
<br />
You and Octavia make your way to Zia's tent. As you approach, you see a woman with wild eyes and a nervous demeanor. She looks up sharply as you arrive.
<br /><br />
<br />
Zia? We need to talk
<br />
She backs away, her hands trembling.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.name = 'Zia'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.strength = 95>>
<<set _zia = $tmpGirl>>
<<sayNpc _zia>>
I didn't mean for it to go this far...
<br />
What do you mean?
<br />
Octavia demands, stepping closer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _zia>>
I was approached by someone from outside the tribe.
<br />
Zia confesses, her voice breaking.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _zia>>
They promised me supplies, medicine for my sick sister... if I did what they asked. I poisoned the water. I'm so sorry.
<br />
Who approached you?
<br />
<<sayNpc _zia>>
A man from the Blackthorn faction. He said if I didn't do it, they'd attack us and take everything by force.
<br />
Octavia looks at you, her expression grim as she pulls out her big knife and points it at Zia.
<br /><br />
The Blackthorn... They were wiped out years ago.
<br />
<<sayNpc _zia>>
Apparently not, I am not lying. They are camped in some old factory not so far away.
<br />
<br />
Octavia's face hardens with a mix of fury and betrayal. Without a word, she steps forward, drawing her knife back to strike.
You barely have time to react before she slashes Zia.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_stop">
<<linkreplace 'Stop her'>>
<<set _stop = true>>
<<run $('#option_nothing').hide()>>
Octavia, no!
<br />
Before she can strike, you grab her arm, stopping her.
<br /><br />
She betrayed us. She poisoned my people. She has to pay.
<br />
You take a deep breath, trying to process...
<br /><br />
Octavia trembles with rage, her eyes locked on Zia, who cowers in fear. Her voice quivering with barely controlled anger.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_letgo">
<<linkreplace 'Let her hand go'>>
<<run $('#option_enslave').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending_killed').show()>>
<<if $slaves.length < $basementLimit>>
<div id="option_enslave">
<<linkreplace 'Tell that you will enslave Zia'>>
<<run $('#option_letgo').hide()>>
I'm taking Zia with me. I will punish her on my own terms.
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship -= 30>>
<br />
Octavia's eyes narrow, and for a moment, it looks like she might turn her fury on you. But then she takes a deep breath, her grip on the knife loosening.
<br /><br />
Fine. Take her. But if she tries anything, anything at all, I'll kill her myself
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<run $slaves.push(_zia)>>
<<addhours 4>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<div id="option_nothing">
<<linkreplace 'Do nothing'>>
<<run $('#option_stop').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending_killed').show()>>
<div id="ending_killed" style="display:none">
With a primal scream, Octavia lunges at Zia.
The knife flashes in the dim light as she slashes wildly. Blood sprays across the tent, and Zia's screams fill the air.
<br /><br />
Octavia's rage is a brutal, unstoppable force. She continues to stab long after Zia has stopped moving, reducing her to a bloody mess on the floor
<br /><br />
<br />
Finally, Octavia steps back, breathing heavily, her hands and face spattered with blood. She turns to you, her eyes still filled with fury but also a deep, aching sorrow.
<br /><br />
It's done. She can't hurt us anymore.
<br />
You nod, feeling a mix of emotions—relief, regret, and a cold determination to end the threat of the Blackthorn once and for all. As you leave the tent, the grim reality of your world settles heavily on your shoulders. In the wasteland, justice is often brutal, and survival demands hard choices.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 4>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.betrayal_day = $game.day>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.betrayal = true>><br />
<h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
You sit by the campfire, the crackling flames casting flickering shadows on the barren landscape. The day starts eerily quiet.
Suddenly, Octavia emerges from the trees, her face a mask of worry.
<br /><br />
<br />
She sits down next to you, her gaze fixed on the fire.
<br /><br />
We need to talk.
<br />
What's wrong, Octavia?
<br />
My tribe... They're in grave danger. It's not the Blackthorn this time, but something far worse. Our water supply has been poisoned, and people are falling ill. We don't know how much time we have left.
<br />
You feel a chill run down your spine.
<br /><br />
Who could have done this?
<br />
We suspect it might be someone from inside our tribe but I was sure that anyone from my tribe would give her life for me.
<br />
It all started about the time you saved me and ever since, strange things have been happening. Supplies going missing, sabotage... and now this.
<br />
We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise
<br />
Octavia nods, grateful for your support.
<br /><br />
Thank you. We should start by talking to some of my warriors. Maybe one of them saw or heard something.
<br />
You both get up and head towards the Octavia's camp.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Follow Octavia'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - The Investigation Begins'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA'S CAMP</h1>
<br /><br />
<<drop $backpack 'tribe_medallion' 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<br />
You extended the tribe medallion towards her, its weight a tangible reminder of the trials endured and the lives lost in the pursuit of victory.
Octavia's eyes narrowed momentarily, assessing the offering before her.
With a nod of acknowledgment, she accepted the medallion, deftly turning it over in her hands to examine its intricate design.
<br /><br />
Your words ring true, and your actions speak volumes. I thank you for this gesture, and for the hope it brings.
<br />
<<if $characters.octavia.relationship < 60>>
<<set _relationshipBefore = $characters.octavia.relationship>>
<<set $characters.octavia.relationship = Math.min(60, ($characters.octavia.relationship + 5))>>
<strong>Relationship increased by <<=($characters.octavia.relationship - _relationshipBefore)>></strong>
<br /><br />
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Octavia with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
Stay! I know that you're not doing that only because of that priest girl.
<br /><br />
<<video 'octavia/flash_boobs'>>
<br /><br />
She rips off her bra and lets it fall to the ground as she sensually stands in front of you, gently sliding her hand across your shoulder.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Suck her tits'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<video 'octavia/tribe_sub1'>>
<br /><br />
Instead of allowing you to suck her nipples, she forcefully pushes you down onto her bed and positions herself between your legs, she spreads them and without hesitation grabs your dick and starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
You want this, right?
<br />
<<video 'octavia/hj1'>>
<br /><br />
After continuing for some time, she decides to deepthroat and finish with an aggressive and fast handjob as she looks straight at your dick.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found>>
Fuck me!
Cum for me!
<br />
<div id="option_fuck">
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $charId = 'octavia'>>
<<unset $guestId, $slaveId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.octavia>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $sexCanForce = false>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Settlement - Octavia'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Settlement - Octavia'>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
<br />
Your load is so big that, with a wave of shock, she drops onto her backside, catching herself with her hands. She remains still as you cum all over her face, leaving no clean place untouched.
<br /><br />
Holly shit!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement - Octavia'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Settlement - Octavia'>>
<</linkreplace>><<set $game.death_reason = 'a stone crushing your skull.'>>
<<goto 'Dead'>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The girl, upon seeing that you have dealt with her one of the biggest guys, shouts at the others to back off, but she herself runs into the other side of the forest. She casts a quick glance at you and disappears so far that she is no longer noticeable.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow her'>>
Suddenly, after a moment, quite close by, you hear a loud scream. It sounded like a woman. Coming precisely from the same direction where Octavia ran off a moment ago.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Run towards that place'>>
<br /><br />
You run about 100 meters at most, and in front of you, you witness a horrifying sight. Octavia, her face filled with pain, is struggling to crawl away slowly, but she can't... Her leg is trapped between the bear's jaws, and everything around her is covered in her blood.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Help her'>>
With all your strength, you manage to pry the bear's jaws apart, and Octavia, whimpering, manages to escape to the nearest tree. Leaning against the tree trunk, she doesn't divert her gaze from you. In her eyes, you see anger.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
What you're doing?! KILL ME YOU COWARD!
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Take out your dick'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<set $characters.octavia.isSub = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.sub += 5>>
<br /><br />
You stand right in front of her and pull out your dick. She tries to back away from you, but she realizes there's a tree behind her, and she's unable to resist on her own. You put your dick on her face and rub it while she grimaces and tries to avoid it.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her mouth'>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="ending" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
At that moment, another loud shout echoes from behind. You glance in that direction and see at least 20 grounders, one of whom has already aimed a bow at you and is ready to shoot. You have no choice but to flee.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Flee'>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.burned_settlement = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.burn_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
Your path is peaceful, paying no attention to anything along the roadside, you count the bees you see undisturbed. Already quite close, you lift your head to look at how far yet, and ahead you spot something terrifying - white smoke where the village of Rodger's is located...
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Rush to the settlement'>>
<br /><br />
When you have gotten very close, you notice that the grass around the church is on fire and the flames are very close. Chaos reigns all around, and people are rushing in all directions. Some are fleeing, while others are trying to get water to extinguish the flames that are increasingly nearing the church.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Help them put out fire'>>
As soon as you're ready to grab the bucket and run after water, you hear loud scream behind you and turn around to see who was that
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
I had a feeling that we will met again.. KILL HIM!
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
At that very moment, 3 grounders with loud shouts rush towards you. There is no retreat. You have to fight against them.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<fight $enemies 'Octavia - burn settlement - won' 'Octavia - burn settlement - lost' true>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST NEAR SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _walkImage = 'eve_kidnapped_' + ($characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped_rodger ? 'rodger' : 'alone')>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/settlement/' + _walkImage + '.jpg']]
<br /><br />
You started walking in the direction indicated by Rodger. Along the edge of the path, there were visible traces of blood, but they didn't look fresh.
<br />
Perhaps they were from other times when grounders went away, trying to destroy Roger's settlement.
<br />
Suddenly, in the middle of the forest, a river began, and the sounds of people could be heard nearby. It was decided to head in that direction.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go along the river'>>
<<video 'settlement/eve_kidnapped1'>>
<br /><br />
The sounds become louder, and then, at one moment, on the other side of the river, you notice Grounders. It's suspicious that there are only women and they all are half-naked.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Quietly investigate them'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<video 'settlement/eve_kidnapped2'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped_rodger>>
There she is! My Eve!
<br />
Rodger tries to yell so she can hear him but you manage to stop him in time.
<br /><br />
You see that they are carrying <strong>Eve</strong> closer to the rest of the group, while she's trying to resist and break free from them. You decide to get closer to check what they will do next
<br /><br />
<<video 'settlement/eve_kidnapped4'>>
<br /><br />
To your surprise, they tie Eve to a tree and rip her upper garment. It appears they are attempting to humiliate her or are very intrigued by Eve. They smear her with mud, but at the same time, one of them decides to lick her breasts
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Get closer'>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Go straight to them'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="ending" style="display:none">
<<video 'settlement/eve_kidnapped5'>>
<br /><br />
One of the girls notices you and grabs you by the arm. She leads you towards Eve and places you right in front of her. Suddenly, a shout is heard from the side. You look behind, and it's Octavia.
<br /><br />
Leave him alone! He's mine! Bring them all to my tent.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Follow her into a tent'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - eve kidnapped #3'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST NEAR SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You enter the wine tent and sit down at the table opposite her. In the tent, it's just the two of you, and the others are left behind the door. The tent is full of holes, and through each of these holes, sunlight shines into the tent.
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.octavia.isSub>>
<<video '/settlement/eve_kidnapped_sub'>>
<br /><br />
Suddenly she commands you to strip down and lay on the ground. You follow her commands as that's the only way she will let all of you go.
<br />
When you're undressed, she pushes you to the ground and kicks you in the stomach.
<br /><br />
Now listen carefully! I have such a large army that I could destroy that village in one day if I wanted to. But I am willing to let them be, with one condition..
<br />
Rumors are circulating that a merciless cold is approaching, and as you can see for yourself, some of us are not really prepared for it. Our men are the best when it comes to battles, but they have other weaknesses. I want you to provide us with wolf pelts.
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.canTalk = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.wolf_pelts_day = $game.day>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Nod with your head'>>
You nod with your head, and she calls one of her girls. She orders for all of you to be released and set free. As you walk away, you feel that she thoroughly examined you before you left the tent.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped = true>>
<br /><br />
As you reached the outskirts of Rodger's settlement, I see Roger rushing toward you, his eyes wide with panic. His voice was raw as he shouted...
<br /><br />
They took her! They took Eve!
<br /><br />
Your heart sank as his words hit you like a punch to the gut.
<br /><br />
Who? Who took her?
<br /><br />
You demanded, fear and anger intertwining in your voice.
<br /><br />
The grounders! Octavia and her gang. They dragged her into the forest.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell me what exactly happened'>>
Everything happened so suddenly. They just appeared by those trees and that was it. This time, however, there weren't as many of them, and they also didn't try to harm us. It seemed more like they were interested in you. They simply took her as a guarantee for you to comply. Octavia specifically said that Eve would stay with them until you arrived.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go alone'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - eve kidnapped #2'>>
<<link 'Ask Rodger to join you'>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped_rodger = true>>
<<goto 'Octavia - eve kidnapped #2'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<<addhours 6>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You started your journey together with Eve. She suggested that you walk along the railway track. You kept walking for few hours before you reached destroyed train station.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask her about her before she met Rodger'>>
Why you're so interested in my past?<br />
I lived in a place called <strong class="iitem">The Sanctuary</strong>. At that time I was young and I thought that's what I wanted. Later it changed when I escaped and met Rodger. He helped me a lot. Life is much simplier with him, maybe even too much.
<br /><br />
She understood she said too much and turned away and kept walking.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - book #3'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<<addhours 3>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
After few more hour of walk you finally reached an old house. You went in and Even instantly went upstairs as she would know where was it.
<br />
You follow her and without a surprise - she found it very quickly.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You picked up the book and read the title "<strong>Book of Knowledge</strong>"
<br /><br />
What is in it? What it is about?
<br />
Oh I don't really know. Rodger just really wanted it for the church. You can come and read it anytime you want. It will always be there.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.eve.relationship++>>
<strong>Relationship with Eve increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go back to the settlement'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
Glad you're here <<=$player.name>>! I need your help.<br />
Could you, please, go and try to find an old book in my friends old house?<br />
I could use it in the church. Eve will go with you and guide you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Oh I will gladly go with you, <<=$player.name>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - book #2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_eve>>
Together you went to the ruined city.
<<setPlayerStats endurance 1>>
<strong>Your endurance increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
You went alone to the city.
The city looks dead. Even after such a long time, human bones can still be found scattered in the middle of the road.
You remember this place from your childhood, when you came here with your grandfather to eat ice cream.
You feel like someone is watching you, but when you look around, you see no one.
Nowhere in the city do you see any green plants. Everything is dead.
The cars on the side of the road are either destroyed or burned afterwards.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_eve>>
Have you seen a car? I have seen one before from the distance. These exhausting walks are becoming more and more difficult.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<addhours 4>>
After a few hours of walking, you reached Roger's friend's pub. The door is broken down and the building looks partially burnt from the outside.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go inside'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne #3'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
You cautiously enter and slowly begin to look around.
<br />
<br />
<<addhours 2>>
Roger mentioned some secret doors to the basement, but you couldn't find them. As you continued to wander around the first floor, your foot sank into the floor. As a precaution, you tapped your foot on the floor a few more times, and the hole became even bigger. It was big enough for a person to climb through. Nearby, you found some old metal stairs, which you placed in the hole leading down to the basement.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Downstairs was dark and damp. Mold was everywhere and you had trouble seeing where you were even walking. After a moment, you heard the sound of a glass bottle breaking. Looking down next to you, you noticed many champagne bottles and two wine bottles.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'champagne' 10>>
<strong>You picked up <span class="iitem">10 champagne</span> bottles</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
A moment after collecting the bottles, suddenly you hear the sound of many people upstairs. They are making a lot of noise and causing a commotion, and one of them shouts, "I saw someone come in here!
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_eve>>
<br /><br />
Eve also hears something upstairs. And just as she tries to tell you, you forcefully put your hand over her mouth and press her against the wall.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The sound of people from upstairs continues for a while, and after some time, when they give up their search, it can be heard that they have decided to stay overnight on the first floor.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Carefully check how many of them there are'>>
Cautiously and quietly climbing up the stairs, you see at least 2 men and 1 woman.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Ambush them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<for _fightRange = 0; _fightRange < 3; _fightRange++>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(10)>>
$tmpGuy.inventory = {
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<for _fightRange = 0; _fightRange < 1; _fightRange++>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Rodger - champagne #5' 'Rodger - champagne #5'>>
<<link 'Sleep in the basement overnight'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - tavern - sleep'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<<addhours 3>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.eve_slept_overnight>>
In the next morning at sunrise, you returned back. Everyone was still asleep except for Roger, who was already waiting for you at the church.
<br /><br />
Where were you? Is everything okay with you? I'm worried that something bad happened to you.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_eve>>
Everything is fine. We were spotted by a couple of thugs, so we decided to hide and spent the night in hiding in a tavern.
Nothing to worry about. Found what you were looking for.
It was already dusk outside when you arrived. At that moment, Roger was helping someone in the church, and he was surprised to see you because he didn't expect you to come back so soon.
<br /><br />
Already back? That was fast.
<br /><br />
Roger took the wine bottles from you, and Eva accompanied you with a look and a smile on her face.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
After a few hours of walking, you reached Roger's friend's pub. The door is broken down and the building looks partially burnt from the outside.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Downstairs was dark and damp. Mold was everywhere and you had trouble seeing where you were even walking. You already knew the place where bottles were so you went straight for them.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'champagne' 10>>
<strong>You picked up <span class="iitem">10 champagne</span> bottles</strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
A moment after collecting the bottles, suddenly you hear the sound of many people upstairs. They are making a lot of noise and causing a commotion, and one of them shouts, "I saw someone come in here again!"
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Your reaction is the same as the first time. You force yourself towards Eve and press her mouth shut. However, this time you have decided to always deal with them on top.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Carefully check how many of them there are'>>
<strong>There's only one guy and one girl</strong>
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Call them out and fight them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Rodger - champagne sex #3' 'Rodger - champagne sex #3'>>
<<if $player.int >= 20>>
<<linkreplace 'Ambush guy from behind and knock him out'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You slowly approach the men from behind, and while he is not looking, you hit him on the head and he immediately falls to the ground. The woman sees you and rushes towards you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight the girl'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Rodger - champagne sex #3' 'Rodger - champagne sex #3'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _isGirlAlive = true>>
<<set _isGirlCaptured = false>>
<<for _killedEnemyI, _killedEnemy range $prevFight.killedEnemies>>
<<if !_killedEnemy.gender>>
<<set _isGirlAlive = false>>
<<for _defeatedEnemyI, _defeatedEnemy range $prevFight.defeatedEnemies>>
<<if !_defeatedEnemy.gender && _defeatedEnemy.captured>>
<<set _isGirlCaptured = true>>
<<if !$prevFight.enemiesAlive>>
Both of the enemies are laying on the ground dead.
<<elseif _isGirlAlive>>
The man lies on the ground while the girl in the corner begs for forgiveness and says that she will never be a problem to you again.
Both of the enemies are laying on the ground.
<br />
<br />
<<if _isGirlAlive>>
<<linkreplace 'Fuck girl'>>
You slowly approach the girl who is asking for forgiveness on the ground. You lift her up and take off her clothes.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She starts screaming for you to leave her alone and tries to break free from your grasp, but falls to the ground. You take advantage of the moment to take off her underwear.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She tries to crawl away from you while shouting loudly for you to stop, but you push her down, spread her legs, and enter her with all your strength.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She gasps for breath but continues to resist even after you mercilessly continue to fuck her pussy for 5 minutes.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You unexpectedly look around and see that Eve is watching you with a blush on her cheeks, but it seems like she hasn't noticed you. You decide to stop.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.eve.corruption +=5>>
Eve corruption increased by 5
<br /><br />
<<if _isGirlCaptured>>
<<set $slaves[$slaves.length -1].virgin = false>>
<<link 'Go back to Eve'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne sex #4'>>
.passage img {
min-height: 400px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
Everything okay? What was that noise from upstairs?
<<linkreplace 'Everything is fine'>>
<br /><br />
You both lie down under the blanket you found in the basement, and Eve snuggles up very close to you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She presses her ass against your bulge and possibly unintentionally grinds against your for a moment.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve1'>>
<br /><br />
Eve lets out a deep sigh and presses herself even tighter against you, grabbing your bulge. She plays with your bulge until accidentally your dick slips out and she instantly takes her hand away.
<br />
You use the moment and decide to rub it agains her panties.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve2'>>
<br /><br />
She continues to remain silent but keeps pressing her hips against you. Slowly, you can no longer resist and gently pull down her panties and gently push your dick inside her moist pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve3'>>
<br /><br />
To your surprise, she doesn't just lie there but takes the initiative upon herself and starts grinding your dick. You just lay there still as she does all the job. Feels like she has been waiting it for some time and
she definitely knows what she's doing.
<br /><br />
<<video '/settlement/champagne_eve4'>>
<<horny 100>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
Without a warning you cum inside her warm pussy and you feel how your cum drips out of it.
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
She pushes herself slightly away from you and without saying a word, goes to sleep.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to sleep'>>
<<sleep 'Rodger - champagne sex finish'>>
.passage img {
min-height: 400px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
The next morning, as you wake up, you see that Eve has already packed her bag and is ready to hit the road.
<br /><br />
We should go back...
<br /><br />
The journey back is silent, and she doesn't say a word. After a couple of hours, you have already arrived back in the village, and Roger is waiting for you with open arms.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
My heroes! I don't know what I would do without both of you. Thank you once again.
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_day = $game.day>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
I heard that you've transformed your little place into a small village and even built yourself gates with a real flag.
<br />
We're very happy for you! By the way, you'll definitely want to celebrate all of this.
<br />
Are you willing to go with Eve to a friend's bar for champagne again?
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to the city with Eve'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne sex #2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
Glad you're here <<=$player.name>>! Listen, as we finished the church and our group anual celebration is coming I wanted to ask if you could help me.<br />
I know a place to an old tavern in the city. Maybe you could go there and check if there's some wine left?
<br /><br />
Our community would really appreciate it.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Go to the city alone'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne #2'>>
<<linkreplace 'Ask if Eve will come too'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<br /><br />
I don't know if I should. I need to do some chores around here.<br />
But if you think it would be better I can go.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to the city with Eve'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_eve = true>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne #2'>>
<<link 'Go to the city without Eve'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne #2'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.cheat = true>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.cheat_day = $game.day>>
The scent of wax and incense lingers in the air, mixing with the smell of decay.
Rodger stands near the altar, his robes tattered but still holding a semblance of dignity.
His hands clasp a rosary, though his gaze is heavy with exhaustion.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/rodger/cheat.jpg'>>
<br />
Two young nuns, both dressed in worn habits, move silently through the church, lighting the few remaining candles that sit upon the altar.
The soft flickering light casts eerie shadows along the stone walls.
One of the nuns, a thin girl with dark hair, smirks at you, her expression unsettling, as though she knows something you don't. The other remains stoic, her face a mask of calm.
<br /><br />
You've come at a dangerous time, but perhaps it was meant to be. here is something you need to find—something we need. A book, one we believe holds answers to... the collapse, to the chaos that surrounds us now.
<br />
His eyes narrow, and he nods toward the back of the church, where a figure stands in the shadows. Eve. A woman in her mid-thirties, with a hardened look to her, her face lined with survival rather than age. She's a survivor, just like you. She steps forward slowly, her gaze sharp and assessing.
<br /><br />
She knows the location. I cannot tell you much more, but if anyone can lead you to it, it's Eve. You'll need to move quickly. Time is short.
<br />
The nun with the smirk meets your gaze again, her expression twisting into something almost mocking, as though she's toying with you. Her eyes gleam in the candlelight, and a strange tension fills the air.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go with Eve'>>
What was that about?
<br />
I don't know but ignore that. All he does is tells that everything is dangerous and books can save us...
<br />
The wind howls softly between the ruins as you walk on, the path becoming more treacherous as broken glass and debris scatter across the ground. The silence between you stretches until Eve speaks again, her voice softer this time.
<br /><br />
Rodger... and I, we haven't been right for a while. I'm not a good wife. Things I have done with you... We should stop...
<br />
She says it plainly, without dramatics, but there's a rawness to her confession, a wound not yet healed.
<br /><br />
But it's not just that. There's more to it. We're missing... something. Intimacy, trust, whatever it is that holds two people together.
<br />
Her words hang in the air like a confession, the weight of them palpable. She’s not apologizing, not exactly. More like she’s laying it out for you, the truth of the world she lives in now, where loyalty and love have become as scarce as the resources to survive.
<br /><br />
He doesn’t know. Or maybe he does and just chooses to ignore it. He’s too focused on saving what's left of the world, or so he thinks. But... we’re broken. Him and me.
<br />
Eve presses on, keeping her focus on the path ahead, though her steps seem slightly heavier now, as if weighed down by the truths she’s just shared.
<br /><br />
You feel the tension rise, the complicated layers of survival and emotion intertwining with the mission at hand. The world has fallen apart around you, but the fractures within people run just as deep.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
We're here.
<br />
her voice flat, but there's a tinge of doubt in her eyes. She scans the ruins as if looking for something familiar, but the landscape has long since swallowed most landmarks.
<br /><br />
The book should be inside.
<br />
You both make your way into what remains of the library, the faint smell of mildew and decay mixing with the stale air. The interior is dim, the only light coming from the fading glow of the evening sky filtering through cracks in the walls. Shelves lie in ruins, their contents scattered across the floor, pages torn and yellowed with age.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/eve/cleavage.webp'>>
<br />
You search for what seems like hours, moving through the wreckage, picking up fragments of old books, but none of them seem to match what you're looking for. Eve grows more frustrated by the minute, muttering under her breath.
<br /><br />
It's not here. Rodger was wrong.
<br />
But as she speaks, something catches your eye—a strange, rolled-up scroll tucked away in the corner, half-buried beneath a fallen wooden beam. It's not like the other books and papers strewn about. This scroll is old, too, but it looks... different. More deliberate. Preserved, almost as if someone had hidden it there on purpose.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/explore/scroll.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
You pull it free and slowly unroll it. The parchment crackles in your hands as you spread it open on a nearby slab of stone. Eve steps closer, peering over your shoulder.
<br /><br />
What is that?
<br />
The scroll isn’t what you expected. It's not a book, not even close. It's a blueprint—a detailed diagram of a structure. And not just any structure. As you study the intricate lines and symbols, it becomes clear. It's a blueprint for a church.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pick it up'>>
<<addmins 60>>
<strong>You picked up church blueprint!</strong>
<<notify 5s>>
You picked up church blueprint!
<br /><br />
We should go back.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Go back'>>
<<addmins 120>>
The journey back to the church is quicker than you expected. The path seems familiar now, your steps guided more by instinct than caution.
The wind has died down, leaving an eerie calm in the air, and the faint glow of the church's remaining candles becomes visible on the horizon as you and Eve approach.
<br /><br />
He won’t be expecting us this soon.
<br />
The two of you reach the church, the heavy wooden doors looming before you.
There's no sign of Rodger waiting for you, no anxious figure at the altar like when you first left. The church feels different now—quieter, too quiet.
<br /><br />
He should’ve been waiting for us.
<br />
As you step inside, the familiar smell of wax and incense greets you, but the atmosphere feels off. Something is wrong. The candles are lit, but there’s no sign of Rodger in the main hall. The soft flicker of candlelight casts shadows along the walls, twisting the familiar space into something more sinister.
<br /><br />
We should check the back rooms.
<br />
As you move deeper into the church, toward the private chambers where Rodger spends most of his time, you hear something—muffled voices, soft laughter. Eve freezes, her eyes narrowing as she gestures for you to stay quiet. The two of you creep forward until the sounds become clearer.
<br /><br />
What you see makes your heart drop.
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/cheat1'>>
<br /><br />
Rodger, the man who had seemed so weary, so devoted to saving the world through faith and knowledge, is not hunched over a book or praying. He’s locked in a passionate embrace with two of the nuns, the very same ones you saw earlier. Their robes are askew, their are on their knees as Rodger's dick slides into their mouths.
The once-pious man is lost in the moment, his hands roaming freely.
<br /><br />
Eve’s face is unreadable at first, but then the cold, hard truth sinks in. The man she thought had lost all sense of intimacy with her, who had been distant and obsessed with his mission to save the world, was perfectly capable of being intimate—just not with her
<br /><br />
He’s been cheating on me this whole time... Not distant... just choosing them over me.
<br />
<<video 'eve/cheat2'>>
<br /><br />
Her words are like a blade cutting through the tension.
Then one of the nuns grabs her robe and slides it sideways, revealing her naked body under. She slowly walks towards the Rodger and presses her ass against his crouch.
<br />
You watch as the betrayal hits her full force, but instead of breaking down, she straightens, her eyes burning with cold fury.
This is not the Eve who confided in you about her failing relationship earlier. This is a woman who's just had her world shattered.
<br /><br />
Eve steps back, shaking her head in disbelief as she loudly says to you
<br /><br />
Fuck me! NOW!
<br />
Without you even having chance to reply, she has already removed her clothes and with fast movements dropped your pants, grabbing your dick and jerking it till it's hard as rock.
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/cheat8'>>
<br /><br />
There was no hesitation in her actions, no vulnerability—only raw emotion driving her.
<br /><br />
That pathetic bastard...
<br />
Without looking back she furiusly jerked you off and soon enough leaned closer to get your dick into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/cheat7'>>
<br /><br />
As you and Eve took another look at Rodger and the nuns, you saw that they have already progressed. Rodger's dick was already deep into youngest nun's pussy as she bounced on and off his dick while kissing other nun.
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/cheat3'>>
<br /><br />
I will show him... I will make his life misserable..
<br />
She looked at you once again before getting up from the floor, turning around and bending over.
<br /><br />
Fuck me as hard as you can!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<video 'eve/cheat5'>>
<br /><br />
You adjusted yourself against her bare body as Rodger was still fucking same nun in the next room and slowly pushed yourself deep into Eve.
She let out moan, not loud but loud enough to someone hear..
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/cheat6'>>
<br /><br />
Her moans were getting loader and loader with each your thrust. She didn't care. She was ready that Rodger finds out.
Meanwhile nun got off from the Rodger and they both got on their knees again. Eve saw it all while you fucked her wet pussy harder and harder.
<br /><br />
Don't dare to pull out! Cum deep inside me!
<br />
In that moment Rodger was already finished. Both nuns opened their arms and Rodger cummed inside them as his cum was something sacred.
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/cheat4'>>
<br /><br />
Cum! Now!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'game/misc/creampie_prone.webp'>>
<<if typeof $characters.eve.pregnancy === 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters.eve.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $characters.eve.pregnancy = 0>>
<br />
You let out your semen deep inside Eve. She strained her pussy so hard so nothing gets out.
Fortunately after a moment she relaxed and let your dick fall out with some of your cum dripping on the ground.
<br /><br />
Now lets wait.
<br />
Without saying a word she picked up her clothes and left. You were left alone there. One of the nuns also got up and you decides to leave too so she doesn't notice you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<<if !$characters.rodger.quests.book && randomInteger(0,2) == 2>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.book = true>>
<<goto 'Rodger - book'>>
<<elseif !$characters.rodger.quests.champagne && setup.percentageChance(60)>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.champagne = true>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne'>>
<<elseif $characters.rodger.quests.champagne && !$characters.eve.quests.sex && $game.cabinName>>
<<set $characters.eve.quests.sex = true>>
<<goto 'Rodger - champagne sex'>>
<<elseif $characters.eve.quests.sex && $game.day > $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_day + randomInteger(15, 25)>>
<<goto 'Eve champagne'>>
<<elseif ($game.cabinName ?? false) && !$characters.rodger.quests.shop_talk>>
<<goto 'Rodger - shop'>>
<<elseif ($game.location.settlement_shop ?? false) && !$characters.rodger.quests.horse>>
<<goto 'Rodger - horse #1'>>
<<elseif $characters.eve.quests.sex && $characters.eve.corruption >= 30 && !$characters.rodger.quests.cheat && $game.day >= 120>>
<<goto 'Rodger - cheat'>>
<<set _rodgerText = either([
'One time we stayed with the group, sharing our faith and helping them to find hope in the midst of their despair. As they listened to my words, they began to believe that there was a better future waiting for them.',
"I don't usually talk about her, but my wife before she met me worked at some place called <strong class='iitem'>The Sanctuary</strong>. Nasty place, she barely made out. I am not sure what she did there as she doesn't want to talk about that, maybe you could pursuit her?",
'Somtimes me and others survivors encountered other groups of people, some of whom were hostile, others desperate for help. I still continue to share my faith with all those I meet, offering them hope and compassion in a world where both are in short supply.'
<<if $characters.rodger.relationship <= 20>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship++>>
<br /><br />
<strong>Relationship with Rodger increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Rodger with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horse>>
<<link 'Help to plow field'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - plow field'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Church'>>
<</link>><<set $characters.rodger.quests.horse = true>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
Word had spread of a solitary wanderer named Harper, renowned for navigating the treacherous wilderness on horseback. Tales of Harper's bond with a majestic horse echoed through the barren lands. We were hoping that maybe he would agree to sell it to us so maybe you can find him. I hope this will be enough.
<br />
<strong class="iitem">You received 100 caps</strong>
<<set $player.money += 100>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Start your journey'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - horse #2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">WORLD</h1>
<br /><br />
As you trudged through the desolate wasteland on foot, exhaustion weighing heavy on your weary legs, you noticed an abandoned house in the distance. A lone horse stood outside, a silent sentinel in this ravaged world. Intrigued and desperate for shelter, I cautiously approached the house, hoping that would be Harper who mentioned Rodger.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go closer'>>
As you approach the horse old guy jumps out of the abandoned house and aims at you with his gun
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Looking for trouble kid? You can find them here..
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell him about Rodger and his horse'>>
Just as you finished telling about Roger and his offer about horse, you take out a small sac from your pocket with the 100 caps, given by Roger and reach out your hand towards Harper's direction.
<br /><br />
<strong>Harper laughs while looking at the small sac you're holding in your hand.</strong>
<br /><br />
I don't know how much you got there but that won't be enough... I want 300 for it!
<br /><br />
<<if Object.keys($player.companions).length >= 2>>
He looks at your companions with an creepy smile..
<br /><br />
Actually I might even trade him for these two beauties...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Trade for your companions'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get = 'companions'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - horse get'>>
<<if $player.money >= 300>>
<<link 'Pay him 300 caps'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get = 'pay'>>
<<set $player.money -= 300>>
<<goto 'Rodger - horse get'>>
<<link 'Try to attack him'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get = 'no_fight'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - horse lost'>>
<<link 'No deal'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get = 'no_deal'>>
<<goto 'Rodger - horse lost'>>
<</linkreplace>><<if $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get === 'companions'>>
<<set _eventCompanions = setup.objectSortReverse(clone($player.companions ?? []))>>
<<for _eventCompanionI, _eventCompanion range _eventCompanions>>
<<set _eventCompanionId = _eventCompanionI.split(':')>>
<<guestRemove _eventCompanionId[1] >>
<<addhours 4>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WORLD</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
At a fast pace, you ride on horseback through the forest and soon reach Roger's settlement. How comfortable it is to have a horse...
<br /><br />
<<= $player.name>>! You got it! I never doubted you.
<br /><br />
You slowly dismount from the horse and tell him thanks.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You tell Roger that Harper wanted more than you gave him, and Rodger will remain indebted to you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Give horse to Rodger'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
You are worth your weight in gold! God truly watches over us. He will help us a lot.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship += 10>>
<strong class="iitem">Relationship with Rodger increased by 10</strong>
<<set $player.goodwill += 5>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Keep the horse'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.horse_kept = true>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
What? Why? Well, we can't blame you... Everything happens as it must. Eve and the settlers will be somewhat disappointed to hear this.
<br /><br />
Roger turns around and slowly walks away while you turn towards the horse and look at him with a smile on your face. In that moment, you realize that you don't even know his name and decide to come up with a name for him yourself.
<br /><br />
What you will call your horse? <<textbox "_tmpHorseName" 'Bullet'>>
<br /><br />
While you're patting a horse a settlement girl comes to you from behind and taps on your shoulder.
<br /><br />
Oh my god! A horse! Please, please take me for a ride.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Accept'>>
<<set $player.horse = _tmpHorseName>>
<<goto 'Event: Settlement - horse ride'>>
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<set $player.horse = _tmpHorseName>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">WORLD</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get === 'no_fight'>>
<strong>Harper points at your leg and shoots!</strong>
<<perkAdd 'bleeding'>>
<br /><br />
<strong class="iitem">You started to bleed</strong>
<br /><br />
Well, your loss.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get === 'no_fight'>>
He slowly mounts his horse while your leg is seriously bleeding, and swiftly rides away.
He slowly mounts his horse and swiftly rides away.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.horse_get === 'no_fight'>>
<<addhours 8>>
Limping and slowly, you return to Rodger's camp where he is already waiting for you with wide-open eyes and shock.
<br /><br />
Oh my God! What happened? Are you alright?
<br /><br />
<<addhours 6>>
You quickly return to Rodger's camp, where he is already waiting for you.
<br /><br />
Seeing that you have returned without the horse, you have bad news, it seems...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Tell him that he was too stubborn'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">FIELD</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 4>>
The solitude of the task allows for deep contemplation as you navigate the rugged terrain, your horse trotting steadily beside you.
The landscape bears witness to the scars of the catastrophe that reshaped the world, yet amidst the desolation, you find pockets of fertile soil awaiting cultivation.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you toil under the open sky, thoughts drift to the challenges of survival in this harsh new reality.
Resources are scarce, and every harvest is a triumph against the odds.
Yet, there is a sense of freedom in the simplicity of your existence, a connection to the land and its timeless cycles that transcends the chaos of the world around you.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
As you finish last field, a girl approaches you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you so much! Maybe you could give me a ride?
<br />
<div id="option_offer">
<<link 'Accept her offer'>>
<<run delete $horseRideAction>>
<<goto 'Event: Settlement - horse ride'>>
<<set _money = randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<set $player.money += _money>>
<<linkreplace 'Finish'>>
<<run $('#option_offer').hide()>>
Thank you so much! It's not much but here - for your hard work.
<br />
<<set _money = randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<set $player.money += _money>>
<strong>You received <<=_money>> caps.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
Can we ask for your help once again? Currently, we are mostly elderly people and women here, and our strength is limited. Therefore, it's difficult for us to obtain a few things. Perhaps you could help us to get <strong class="iitem">20</strong> wood and <strong class="iitem">5</strong> ropes? We would be very grateful.<br />
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You both continued talking and walked up to the straw field, where a girl in the middle of the field was doing something.
<br />
As you approached her you noticed that she's making hand made jewelry.
<br /><br />
Since occasional travelers pass by us, the girls have come up with the idea that we could open our own small shop where we could sell straw, handmade jewelry, and other small items.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.shop_talk = true>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You find yourself in an old, dirty basement and lie down in the corner on an old, sagging sofa. However, shouting and the sound of bottles can be heard from above. It seems like they're having a drinking party up there.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.rodger.quests.champagne_eve>>
<br /><br />
You cover yourselves with a blanket and snuggle very close to each other, as the mattress is very small. She strokes your hand while you slowly and passionately run your hand over her stomach. It seems like she doesn't object, or at least she doesn't say anything.
<br /><br />
<<if typeof $characters.eve.corruption == 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters.eve.corruption = 0>>
<<set $characters.eve.relationship++>>
<<set $characters.eve.corruption++>>
Eve relationship increased by 1<br />
Eve corruption increased by 1
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.eve_slept_overnight = true>>
<<sleep 'Rodger - champagne #5'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OCTAVIA'S CAMP</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped || $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found>>
Did you bring something for me?
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('pelt_wolf')>>
<<link 'Give her wolf pelt'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - wolf pelt'>>
<<if $backpack.has('tribe_medallion')>>
<<link 'Give her tribe medallion'>>
<<goto 'Octavia - tribe medallion give'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<<if $characters.octavia.relationship >= 40 && !$characters.octavia.quests.ultimatum>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.ultimatum = true>>
<<goto 'Octavia [Event] - The rival tribe ultimatum'>>
<<elseif !$characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped && $characters.octavia.relationship >= 50>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped = true>>
<<goto 'Octavia [Event] - Kidnapped'>>
<<elseif $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped && !$characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found && $backpack.count('tribe_medallion') >= 3 && Object.keys($player.companions).length >= 6>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found = true>>
<<set $characters.octavia.quests.kidnapped_found_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Octavia [Event] - Rescue'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $faithLeave || ($prevFight && !$prevFight.won)>>
<<if ($prevFight && !$prevFight.won)>>
You managed to escape when they almost got you. Together with Rodger you run away.
<br /><br />
With a heavy heart, you and the priest turned away from the camp, leaving the blocked stream behind. The journey back to the settlement was a somber one, the silence punctuated only by the crunch of gravel underfoot.
<br /><br />
When you arrived, the news was met with a mixture of disappointment and understanding.
Eve, though visibly disheartened, offered a supportive smile.
<br /><br />
You did what you thought was best. We'll find another way.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.water = true>>
<<if $faightMoney>>
<<set $player.money += 500>>
Exhausted but triumphant, you and the Rodger returned to the settlement, the sound of the flowing stream echoing in your ears. The village was still and quiet, the anticipation palpable.
When you arrived, Eve rushed to greet you, her eyes shining with gratitude.
<br /><br />
Oh, thank you, thank you!
<br />
Rodger smiled, relief washing over him.
<br /><br />
It was a hard-fought battle, but we did it. Our people will have water once more.
<br />
As you all waited for the water to reach the settlement, the priest's wife turned to you, her face lit up with a newfound hope.
<br /><br />
You know. it's been so long since I've had a real shower. Do you have one?
<br />
Surprised but understanding her longing for a simple luxury, you nodded.
<br /><br />
I'll stay. Just to make sure everything's alright.
<br />
Thank you, my love. I'll be back soon.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Go to your settlement'>>
<<unset $faithLeave, $faithMoney, $faithFight>>
<<addhours 3>>
As you entered your shelter, a modest refuge in this harsh world, the Eve looked around with a mixture of curiosity and appreciation.
The dim light filtered through a small, dusty window, casting a gentle glow on the weathered walls.
<br />
You went inside wood cabin and you showed her where shower is.
<br />
She smiled warmly, gratitude gleaming in her eyes.
<br /><br />
It's more than I could have hoped for. Thank you, truly.
<br /><br />
With a final nod, you left her to her privacy, retreating to a small adjoining room to give her space. The minutes stretched on, the only sound in the room being the steady flow of water.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_join">
<<linkreplace 'Help her'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
Would you mind if I joined you? It's been so long since any of us had a chance for a proper shower.
<br /><br />
There was a pause, and then a soft chuckle.
<br /><br />
Of course, you're welcome to join. It's a small space, but we'll make it work.
<br /><br />
With a feeling of both gratitude and anticipation, you pulled back the curtain and stepped into the shower area.
<br /><br />
<<video 'settlement/eve_shower1'>>
<br /><br />
You grabbed a sponge and started to wash her back as warm water enveloped you both, washing away the grime and weariness of the world outside.
<br />
As you did that your dick rubbed againt her ass and it slowly got hard - she noticed it and tried to press her ass as if unintentionally against it few more times.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<video 'settlement/eve_shower2'>>
<br /><br />
Inch a bit closer and gently urge her to lean forward more. Then you grab your hard dick and slide it slowly into her pussy. She instantly moans as Rodger hasn't given her pleasure a very long time.
<br />
She adjusts her position and slowly speeds up, letting you just enjoy warm shower and her tight pussy.
<br /><br />
Harder... Harder!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her harder'>>
<<video 'settlement/eve_shower3'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her waist and hold to it as you thrust your hard dick stronger and deeper inside her pussy. She instantly lets out big moan and even helps with her movements, not letting the phase change or stop.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
As she holds her hands agains the wall you cum inside her pussy..
<br />
With a deep breath, you press your forehead against the wall, savoring a relaxing chuckle, enjoying the moment for a while.
<br /><br />
I should probably get back.
<br /><br />
<strong>Eve's submission increased by 5</strong>
<<set $characters.eve.sub += 5>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Escort to the gate'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'Leave her alone'>>
<<run $('#option_join').hide()>>
<br /><br />
The curtain rustled gently as Eve emerged from the shower, her hair slightly damp and a serene glow on her face.
<br />
She offered a grateful smile, a silent thank you for the small but meaningful reprieve as her towel slipped and her breast flashed.
<br /><br />
<strong>Relationship with Eve increased by 5</strong>
<<set $characters.eve.relationship += 5>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Escort to the gate'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $prevFight = null>>
Approaching the village, you notice that a large portion of its inhabitants are gathered by the church, with Roger standing among them. It seems that a rather loud argument has erupted in their midst. You decide to get closer and find out what exactly has transpired.
<br /><br />
We find ourselves at a crossroads. The arrival of these newcomers challenges us, tests our faith. But remember, it is through compassion and trust that we've built this settlement.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Rodger speaks true. We cannot abandon the very principles that brought us together in the first place. We must help them.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Pastor, with all due respect, we've been lucky so far. But how long can we rely on luck alone? We need to be practical, to protect what we've built.
<br /><br />
While people argue among themselves, and it seems that a large part is against Roger, you notice that Eve isn't even standing next to him, but rather,
she positions herself between the church doors, watching what's happening with a slight squint in one eye. Your gazes meet, and she closes the doors from the inside.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_inside">
<<linkreplace 'Go inside church'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _inside = true>>
<<run $('#option_listen').hide()>>
You walk past the crowd, and it seems like no one notices you. Slowly, you open the door and see Eve sitting there with book in her hands.
She appears slightly bewildered, but still greets you. She continues to sit in the corner on the bench.
<br /><br />
What's happening out there?
<br /><br />
Ah... We managed to find a dried-up riverbed that runs right past our village, so we decided to see what really happened with it. We went up the stream and spotted some sort of bandit camp there, they've just barricaded it shut.
<br /><br />
Rodger tried to talk to them, but he barely made it out of there alive... Now the others are trying to convince him that we should still do something about it for the greater good.
<br /><br />
And what do you think about that?
<br /><br />
A tomb-like silence ensues. She doesn't answer for a moment, but simply looks at the wooden cross on the wall of the church.
<br /><br />
No matter how much I love him and am grateful to him... I'm tired of all this. We can't even properly wash ourselves, and all Rodgers can say about it is that we have to have faith...
<br /><br />
She puts her hand between your legs and massages your bulge right before she pulls your dick out.
<br /><br />
I just want the opportunity to properly wash up once. That water would really help us
<br /><br />
<<video 'settlement/faith1'>>
<br /><br />
Unexpectedly, she leans over you and puts your dick in her mouth and passionately starts to suck it. Every now and then she helps her mouth with her hand by jerking you off a bit...
<br /><br />
Then a loud creak is heard, and the door opens. Rodger comes and but doesn't notice Eve between your legs. She stays there as he asks you to come with him.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go with Rodger'>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<div id="option_listen">
<<linkreplace 'Keep listening'>>
<<run $('#option_inside').hide()>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
There are dangers, yes. But faith without action can be as empty as action without faith. Perhaps we can take precautions and trust that the higher power will guide our efforts.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
It's a gamble, no doubt. But if we succeed, the rewards could be immense. More resources, better chances of survival.
<br /><br />
Sorry, but we can't do that.
<br /><br />
Finally, Roger notices that you are here and calls out to you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Step ahead'>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<div id="option_continue" style="display:none;">
What do you think about that? What should I do?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell that you will go and talk with them'>>
I'm sorry, but I know your talking. It's better if you leave it to me.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Insist'>>
Ah.. Alright. But I'll go with you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go to the camp'>>
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long, ominous shadows across the desolate landscape. You and the priest, clad in tattered robes,
cautiously approached the blocked water stream, your hearts heavy with the burden of your mission.
This water source was crucial for Rodger's settlement's survival, and you couldn't afford to fail.
<br />
As you drew nearer, the sharp crackle of a campfire echoed through the barren wasteland.
Hidden behind the remnants of a shattered trees, you beheld a bandit camp, a motley assortment of makeshift tents and scavenged weaponry.
<br />
The leader, a burly figure with a cruel glint in his eye, stepped forward, his lips curling into a sneer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, well, what have we here? Holy men, come to beg for a sip of water?
<br /><br />
Rodger, a man of weathered faith, held his ground, his voice steady.
<br /><br />
We seek only what is rightfully ours, friend. The stream you've blocked is meant to flow freely for all who need it.
<br />
A harsh, mocking laugh rang out from the bandit leader.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Rights? There's no such thing in this world, padre. It's what you can take that matters.
<br /><br />
Undeterred, Rodger continued.
<br /><br />
I implore you, let us pass. Our settlement is in dire need. We can find another way to resolve this.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Resolve, eh? I've got a resolution for you. Leave, now, before my patience runs out.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 500>>
<div id="option_money">
<<linkreplace 'Offer them 500 caps'>>
<<set $faithMoney = true>>
<<set $player.money -= 500>>
The bandits' leader, a gruff and weathered figure, took the caps from your outstretched hand with a sly grin.
<br />
As he pocketed the caps, the bandits started to disperse, chatting and laughing among themselves, paying you no heed.
Confused and growing frustrated, you cleared your throat, trying to regain their attention.
<br /><br />
So, about unblocking the stream... We gave you the caps, now fulfill your end of the deal.
<br />
The bandit exchanged a knowing glance with his comrades before bursting into laughter.
<br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
What caps? We haven't seen any caps, have we?
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fight">
<<linkreplace 'Fight them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set $faithFight = true>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Settlement - [Event] The Testing of Faith #2' 'Settlement - [Event] The Testing of Faith #2'>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $faithLeave = true>>
<<goto 'Settlement - [Event] The Testing of Faith #2'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You don't waste your time as you jump in helping others.
<br />
They see that you've got some experience with construction so they let you lead.
<br /><br />
It's hot outside and as you continue working you feel your back getting wet from the sweat so you decide to take off your shirt.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you do, you notice Eve who takes a quick glance at you and then turns away.. But after that you see that she takes a few glances.
<br /><br />
<<video 'settlement/eve_watch'>>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.eve.relationship++>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship++>>
<strong>Relationship with Eve and Rodger increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Finish'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/settlement/build_church' + randomInteger(3,4) + '.webp']]
Eve couldn't help but watch as you worked. You're very muscular compared to her husband and you have a rugged charm that she found irresistible. Every time you looked up and caught her gaze, she blushed and turned away.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.eve.relationship++>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship++>>
<strong>Relationship with Eve and Rodger increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Finish'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<<if typeof $locationData === 'undefined'>>
<<set $locationData = {
settlement: {
church_level: 0
<br /><br />
Church done: (<<=$locationData.settlement.church_level * 20>>%)
<br /><br />
<<if $locationData.settlement.church_level === 0>>
You need <strong class="iitem">50 wood</strong> to help with the building<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('wood') >= 50 && $player.energy >= 80>>
<<link 'Help build church'>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship += 5>>
<<drop $backpack 'wood' 50>>
<<set $locationData.settlement.church_level++>>
<<addhours 8>>
<<energy -80>>
<<goto 'Settlement - build church #1'>>
<<elseif $locationData.settlement.church_level === 1>>
You need <strong class="iitem">50 wood</strong> to help with the building<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('wood') >= 50 && $player.energy >= 80>>
<<link 'Help build church'>>
<<drop $backpack 'wood' 50>>
<<addhours 8>>
<<energy -80>>
<<set $locationData.settlement.church_level++>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship += 5>>
<<goto 'Settlement - build church #2'>>
<<elseif $locationData.settlement.church_level === 2 || $locationData.settlement.church_level === 3>>
<<if $player.energy >= 80>>
<<link 'Help build church'>>
<<addhours 8>>
<<energy -80>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship += 5>>
<<set $locationData.settlement.church_level++>>
<<goto 'Settlement - build church #2'>>
You need <strong class="iitem">5 ropes</strong> to help finish the building<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('rope') >= 5 && $player.energy >= 80>>
<<link 'Finish church'>>
<<drop $backpack 'rope' 5>>
<<addhours 8>>
<<energy -80>>
<<set $game.location.settlement_church = true>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship += 5>>
<<goto 'Settlement - church finished'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Main square'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SHOP</h1>
<br />
<br />
You need <strong class="iitem">5 ropes</strong> and <strong class="iitem">20 wood</strong> to build the shop
<br />
<br />
<<if $backpack.count('rope') >= 5 && $player.energy >= 80>>
<<link 'Build shop'>>
<<drop $backpack 'rope' 5>>
<<drop $backpack 'wood' 20>>
<<addhours 8>>
<<energy -80>>
<<set $game.location.settlement_shop = true>>
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship += 5>>
<<goto 'Settlement - shop'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Main square'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">MAIN SQUARE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You look behind Rodger and notice at least 5 people, all geared up with leather jackets, with their faces covered with dirt or blood and they're coming closer and closer
<br /><br />
Rodger repeats himself that everyone should stay calm and not resist as he's trying to hide Eve behind a few other people.
<br /><br />
Who we got here? Who are you? Answer!
<br />
Please! We mean no harm! We're just small group of people who're trying to live quietly and we won't disturb you
<br /><br />
Your group slowly steps back, but not one of the biggest guys from the settlement. He stands his ground
<br /><br />
This is our land! And we've come to take what's ours!
<br /><br />
Suddenly the big guy who stood on the ground yells at her that she can go fuck herself and this place is theirs
<br /><br />
Without hesitation she acts...
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She slices big guy guts open and he drops down and bleeds in seconds as she stands up and looks at Rodger
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Now listen carefully everyone. Noone has to die; we just need a few things from you as you use your land. And don't worry, we'll come each week to collect.
<br /><br />
You look behind you and see noone willing to fight back with you...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them anyway'>>
<<generateEnemies 4>>
<<fight $enemies 'Settlement - church finished - won' 'Settlement - church finished - lost' true>>
<<link 'Keep quiet'>>
<<goto 'Settlement - church finished - done'>>
$tmpGirl.hair = 'black',
$tmpGirl.strength = 100,
$tmpGirl.name = 'Octavia',
$tmpGirl.beauty = 95,
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(19),
$tmpGirl.race = 'white',
$tmpGirl.quests = {},
$tmpGirl.virgin = false
<<set $characters.octavia = $tmpGirl>><h1 class="ptitle">MAIN SQUARE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
They take bags with vegetables, flour, and other stuff. <br />
While they're doing that, girl comes toward you and checks your pocket, grabbing her crouch for a second before finding some caps in your pocket.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She smiles and rejoins the group as they walk away from the settlement.
<br /><br />
<<set _moneyTaken = Math.min($player.money, 50)>>
<<set $player.money -= _moneyTaken>>
You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_moneyTaken>></strong> caps.
<br /><br />
Thank you for not doing anything stupid!
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.rodger.relationship += 5>>
<strong>Rodger relationship increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">MAIN SQUARE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<perkAdd 'beaten'>>
<<perkAdd 'bleeding'>>
<br /><br />
As you open your eyes girl is looking straight at you with smile on her face
<br /><br />
You're one stupid mother fucker, I give you that. I'll let you live, for now. Maybe one day you will decide to join us.
<<set _moneyTaken = Math.min($player.money, 100)>>
<<set $player.money -= _moneyTaken>>
<br /><br />
She checks your pockets and manages to finds <strong class="iitem"><<=_moneyTaken>></strong> caps.
<br /><br />
You keep laying on the ground as you see them leaving the settlement.
<br /><br />
Are you okay <<=$player.name>>? Thank you for trying!
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.eve.relationship += 5>>
<strong>Eve relationship increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
That was stupid! Please go home <<=$player.name>>. Please!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">MAIN SQUARE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<perkAdd 'beaten'>>
<br /><br />
You look at the girl and see fear in her eyes as she stares at you and her people lying on the ground.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.octavia.sub += 10>>
<strong>Octavia's submission increased by 10</strong>
<br /><br />
I will remember you. You're dead!
<br /><br />
You look at her as they flee the settlement.
<br /><br />
Are you okay <<=$player.name>>? That was something. You're bravest man I know.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.eve.relationship += 5>>
<strong>Eve relationship increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
That was stupid! Please go home <<=$player.name>>. Please!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<br /><br />
A smile slowly appears on everyone's faces as you all slowly put last touches to finish the church. A few additional nails in a few places, a few brushes of paint and place was almost finished.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Everyone cheers, and as Eve passes you she smiles and gently puts a hand on your shoulder.
<br /><br />
<<eve>>We should celebrate. We wouldn't have done it without you<</eve>>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.eve.relationship += 5>>
<strong>Relationship with Eve increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
You return a smile to Eve, but your eye contact interrupts Roger, who's running toward the church.
<br /><br />
HIDE! They've found us! Just do what the say and do not resist, please!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Settlement - church finished #2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FARM</h1>
<br /><br />
You're ready? Good! Lets hit the road.
Morning <<=$player.name>>!
<br />
Dad, where are we going? Why the secrecy?
<br /><br />
You pack your bags and go straight toward the underground city maybe to do some business. The thought crosses your mind that going to the city seems a bit strange as Blair is going with you, and is wanted there. Can't be right...
<br /><br />
Suddenly you take a sharp turn into the forest. No roads, only thick forest.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You keep walking for a while when finally Blair can't take it anymore and asks again.
<br /><br />
Dad! Where are we going?
<br />
Shhhh! Keep it quiet! We're going to help some of my old friends. We're close so just wait.
<br /><br />
The sun has already started to shine brightly when suddenly, as you go through the thickest branches, there appear some big white tents in the middle of nowhere.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You turn to Vincent and ask him curiously...
<br /><br />
Where are we? Who are they? and Are they hostile?
<br /><br />
Haha, no, not really. Just follow me, you'll see with your own eyes.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $game.location.settlement = true>>
You slowly walk toward the camp and see some friendly looking people.
<br />
As you are following Vincent you look around and notice a few more people. By the looks of it they moved here recently and are hoping to be settled so are preparing this place to be their new home.
<br />
A girl notices you but immediately looks away and continues chopping wood.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You continue to walk toward the first white tent unsure if someone is waiting for Vincent.
<br />
Blair grabs your hand and walks as close to you as she can. You keep looking around and notice a cow that a young girl is milking.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Finally you reach the tent and a couple comes out greeting you all..
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Greet them'>>
Thank you so much, Vincent! Who are you friends? You can just leave those items by the tent.
Welcome, old friend! I Haven't seen you in what, Vincent, 5 years? Feels like an eternity. I really appreciate that you could get these things for us and help us with the building. God is watching.
<br /><br />
They talk for a while before Vincent remembers to introduce you to them.
Oh, sorry! This is <<=$player.name>>. He's actually the one who got all that you need and he's willing to help out.
<br />
Oh thank you! We don't even know how to say thank you!<br />
You're really a blessing.
<br /><br />
As Eve wraps her arms around you and hugs you firmly Vincent turns around and tells you about his friend.
<<=$player.name>>, This is Rodger. He's a priest as long as I remember him. The thing they're building here is a closed society because they couldn't take any more of the underground city. The murders, kidnappings, and violence.
<br /><br />
Thank you, Vincent! See, <<=$player.name>> the Lord told me that this would be the right place where we could settle down and build our own village. <br />
The first thing that we want to build is a church. After that - God will tell us. Anyway, the sun is already up so we should get to work.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Help them'>>
All day you chopped wood, sawed wood, and dug big holes for the church foundation.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Sunset was coming and the three of you decided to pack your things and go back home.
<br /><br />
Thank you all very much! We'll intercede for you to God. If by any chance you have some spare time and want to help us more - our doors will always be open to you!
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGuy = {
relationship: 5,
quests: {},
birthDate: setup.getBirthDate(52),
name: 'Rodger',
id: 'rodger',
family: { wives:['eve']}
<<set $characters.rodger = $tmpGuy>>
$tmpGirl.name = 'Eve',
$tmpGirl.corruption = 0,
$tmpGirl.hair = 'black',
$tmpGirl.race = 'white',
$tmpGirl.quests = {},
$tmpGirl.relationship = 5,
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(32),
$tmpGirl.id = 'eve',
$tmpGirl.family = { husband: 'rodger'}
<<set $characters.eve = $tmpGirl>>
<<drop $backpack 'wood' 100>>
<<drop $backpack 'solar_panel' 5>>
<<link 'Go home'>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(22)>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/random_event1_girl.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Some girl you've seen around comes over to you.
<br />
"Excuse me? Could you help me with the cow. She doesn't want to get up and I need to move her to another stockyard."
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Offer your help'>>
<<replace "#settlement-event1-no">><</replace>>
<<image 'places/settlement/random_event1.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
As she approaches the cow laying on the ground to show you what she has tried, the cow suddenly kicks her and knocks her out.
<br />
You look around but nobody saw it or is around to help.
<br /><br />
You decide to carry her over to the closest pile of straw.
<br /><br />
<div id="settlement-event1-help">
<<linkreplace 'Look for help'>>
<<replace "#settlement-event1-use">><</replace>>
<<image 'places/settlement/random_event1_help.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You yell for help and Eve hears you and comes running.
<br /><br />
Thank you so much <<=$player.name>>. We will take care of her.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.eve.relationship < 20>>
<<set $characters.eve.relationship++>>
<strong>Relationship with Eve increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Eve with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<div id="settlement-event1-use">
<<linkreplace 'Use her'>>
<<replace "#settlement-event1-help">><</replace>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<image 'places/settlement/random_event1_fucked0.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You pull her behind the pile of straw and take off her clothes.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/random_event1_fucked1.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As she lays unconscious you shove your dick inside her pussy and fuck her as hard has you can while keeping your head up to see if someone is coming.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/settlement/random_event1_fucked2.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You pull your throbbing dick out and cum all over her face. While your cum is still shooting out of your dick she slowly starts to wake up.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Run'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<div id="settlement-event1-no">
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT SHOP</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _shopItems = [
<<set _shopItems = clone(setup.items.shop.settlement)>>
<<shop 'settlement' _shopItems 'Settlement - shop'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid settlement square 'Main square' 'Main square' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.settlement_church ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid settlement church 'Church' 'Church' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.settlement_shop ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '18:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid settlement settlement_shop 'Settlement - shop' 'Shop' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if isMetChar('octavia') && $characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped && !$characters.octavia.quests.next_move>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') ? 30 : 1)>>
<<grid settlement octavia 'Settlement - Octavia' 'Octavia' 0 _isDisabled>>
<br /><br />
<<if isMetChar('octavia') && ($game.location.settlement_church ?? false) && !$characters.octavia.quests.burned_settlement && $game.day >= 80 && setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<<goto 'Octavia - burn settlement'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('octavia') && ($game.location.settlement_church ?? false) && $characters.octavia.quests.burned_settlement && !$characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped && ($characters.octavia.quests.burn_day + 5) < $game.day>>
<<goto 'Octavia - eve kidnapped'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('octavia') && ($game.location.settlement_church ?? false) && $characters.octavia.quests.eve_kidnapped && $characters.rodger.quests.horse && !$characters.rodger.quests.faith>>
<<set $characters.rodger.quests.faith = true>>
<<goto 'Settlement - [Event] The Testing of Faith'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('rodger') && $characters.rodger.quests.cheat && !$characters.rodger.quests.eve_pregnant && (!$characters.rodger.quests.cheat_day || ($characters.rodger.quests.cheat_day + 14) < $game.day)>>
<<goto 'Eve - pregnant talk'>>
<<if !$locationEvents.settlement>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 100) <= 5>>
<<set $locationEvents.settlement = true>>
<<goto 'Settlement - random event #1'>>
<</if>><h1>House rules for settlers</h1>
<br/>You are the boss of this place. You set the rules and the settlers obey (probably)
<br/>Things in storage only collects dust so it's better to distribute to settlers that need them. Like bows for hunters, axes to woodcutter & knives to nearly everyone.
<<set $automatization ??= {}>>
<<set $auto_help ??= false>>
<table class="mc-stats-table">
<<for _dummy, _autoId range Object.keys(setup.automatization.rule)>>
<<capture _autoId, _auto>>
<<set _auto = setup.automatization.rule[_autoId] >>
<<if !['buttplug','streetworker'].includes(_autoId)>>
<<set $automatization[_autoId] ??= false>>
<td><label><<checkbox '$automatization[_autoId]' false true autocheck>>_auto.name</label></td>
<<elseif ['buttplug'].includes(_autoId)>>
<<set $automatization.buttplug = ($automatization.buttplug ?? false) || ($automatization.buttplugGender ?? []).includes(true)>>
<<set _start = $automatization.buttplug>>
<<set $automatization.buttplugGender ??= [_start, _start, _start, _start, _start]>>
<td valign="top"> _auto.name
<<button "All buttplug rotation OFF">>
<<set $automatization.buttplug = false>>
<<for _i, _val range $automatization.buttplugGender>>
<<set $automatization.buttplugGender[_i] = false>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<<button "All buttplug rotation ON">>
<<set $automatization.buttplug = true>>
<<for _i, _val range $automatization.buttplugGender>>
<<set $automatization.buttplugGender[_i] = true>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<td>Or buttplug rotation by gender:
<div id="bp_gender" style="display: block">
<<for _i = 0; _i < setup.automatization.buttplugGender.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<label><<checkbox '$automatization.buttplugGender[_i]' false true autocheck>><<=setup.automatization.buttplugGender[_i]>></label><br/>
<<elseif ['streetworker'].includes(_autoId)>>
/* convert old false/true to a number */
<<set $automatization.streetworker ??= 0>>
<<set $automatization.streetworker = $automatization.streetworker > 1 ? $automatization.streetworker : $automatization.streetworker ? 1 : 0>>
<td valign="top"> _auto.name</td>
<<for _key, _text range setup.automatization.sexworkerDayOffText>>
<<if _key === 'off'>>
<<set _level = 0>>
<<set _level++>>
<<radiobutton "$automatization.streetworker" _level autocheck>>
<<for _happy range setup.automatization.sexworker_levels[_key] >>
<<happyIcon _happy>>
<<if $auto_help>>
<<set _text = $auto_help ? 'Less info' : 'More info'>>
<<link _text >>
<<set $auto_help = !$auto_help>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<</link>><div class="cabin-name" style="margin-bottom: 20px">
<<textbox "$game.cabinName" $game.cabinName>>
<div id="flag_choose" style="display: flex; justify-content: center">
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'red'>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'blue'>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'green'>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<div id="icon_choose" style="display: flex; justify-content: center">
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 1>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 2>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 3>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
</div><<set _companionGuests = new Map(), _companionSlaves = new Map()>>
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<set _index = _companionKey.split(':')[1]>>
<<if _companionKey.split(':')[0] === 'guest'>>
<<set _guest = $guests[_index]>>
<<set _npcId = _guest.id>>
<<set _companionGuests.set(_npcId, true)>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[_index]>>
<<set _npcId = _slave.id>>
<<set _companionSlaves.set(_npcId, true)>>
<<set _giveFood = (($game.location.greenhouse ?? false) ? 2 : 1)>>
<<set _garden = ($game.location.greenhouse ?? false) ? 'greenhouse' : 'garden' >>
<<set _percentTaxStreet = !$characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal ? 80 : 40>>
<<set _percentTaxNightclub = 50>>
<<set _settlementStatsData = {
work: {},
settlers: 0,
happy: 0,
happylvl: {
very_sad: 0, sad: 0, normal:0, happy: 0, very_happy: 0
food: {produce: 0, consume: 0, none: 0},
hunt: {food: 0, wolf: 0},
milk: 0,
mining: 0,
scav: 0,
streets: 0, streets_die: 0, nightclub: 0,
wood: 0,
birthday: [],
pregnant: 0
<<for _statsNpcI, _statsNpc range ($guests ?? []).concat($slaves ?? []).concat($nursery ?? [])>>
<<if _statsNpc.assignedTo>>
<<set _job = _statsNpc.assignedTo>>
<<elseif _companionGuests.has(_statsNpc.id)>>
<<set _job = 'companionGuest'>>
<<elseif _companionSlaves.has(_statsNpc.id)>>
<<set _job = 'companionSlave'>>
<<elseif setup.getAge(_statsNpc) < 18>>
<<set _job = 'child'>>
<<set _job = 'none'>>
<<set _settlementStatsData['work'][_job] ??= 0>>
<<set _settlementStatsData['work'][_job]++>>
<<set _settlementStatsData['happy'] += _statsNpc.happy>>
<<set _settlementStatsData['settlers']++>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.happylvl[setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_statsNpc)]++>>
<<set _settlementStatsData['pregnant'] += (typeof _statsNpc.pregnancy !== 'undefined') ? 1 : 0>>
<<if _job === 'garden'>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.food.produce += _giveFood + ((_statsNpc.skills ?? []).includes('gardener') ? 2 : 0)>>
<<elseif _job === 'forest'>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.wood += (_statsNpc.strength > 30 ? 2 : 1) +
((_statsNpc.skills ?? []).includes('woodcraft') ? 1 : 0) + setup.npcInventoryHas(_statsNpc, 'axe')>>
<<elseif _job === 'milk_barn'>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.milk += _statsNpc.pregnancy >= 7 || (_statsNpc.traits ?? []).includes('milker') ? 1/3 : 0>>
<<elseif _job === 'hunter'>>
<<set _percentage = 10 + (_statsNpc.strength > 50 ? 25 : _statsNpc.strength > 10 ? 10 : 0)>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.hunt.wolf += _percentage * 0.2 * 1.5/100,
_settlementStatsData.hunt.food += _percentage * 0.8 * 3.5/100>>
<<elseif _job === 'scavenging'>>
/* should consider: chance of not coming home == lower average */
<<set _settlementStatsData.scav += (_statsNpc.skills ?? []).includes('scavenger') ? 1.5 : 1>>
<<elseif _job === 'streets'>>
<<set _chanceDeath = ($characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal ? 1 :
(_statsNpc.strength ?? 0) > 20 ? 3 :
(_statsNpc.strength ?? 0) > 10 ? 4 : 5) -
(setup.npcInventoryHas(_statsNpc, 'knife') ? 1 : 0)>>
<<set _chanceDeath *= !$characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal ? 1 : 0.5>>
<<set _chanceLife = 100 - _chanceDeath>>
<<set _chanceMoney = 0.5 * _chanceLife>>
<<set _money = (_statsNpc.gender == 0 ? 6 : _statsNpc.gender == 2 ? 4 : 2)>>
<<set _money *= (_statsNpc.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac') ? 2 : 1>>
<<set _money +=
Math.round((_statsNpc.sub ?? 0)/25) +
Math.round((_statsNpc.beauty ?? 0)/25) +
Math.round((_statsNpc.pussy ?? 0)/25) +
Math.round((_statsNpc.anal ?? 0)/25)>>
<<if _statsNpc.chastityBelt>>
<<set _money = Math.max(1, _money / 3)>>
<<set _money = parseInt(_money)>>
<<set _money = Math.round(_money*(100-_percentTaxStreet)/100)>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.streets += _money * _chanceMoney/100>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.streets_die += _chanceDeath>>
<<elseif _job === 'nightclub'>>
<<set _money = (_statsNpc.gender == 0 ? 7 : _statsNpc.gender == 2 ? 5 : 3)>>
<<set _money *= (_statsNpc.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac') ? 2 : 1>>
<<set _chanceMoney = 100>>
<<set _money += Math.round((_statsNpc.sub ?? 0)/25)>>
<<set _money = parseInt(_money)>>
<<set _money = Math.round(_money*(100-_percentTaxNightclub)/100)>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.nightclub += _money>>
<<elseif _job === 'quarry'>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.mining += 1 + (_statsNpc.strength >= 50 ? 0.25 : 0)>>
<<if setup.getAge(_statsNpc) > 3>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.food.consume++>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.food.none++>>
<<if _statsNpc.birthDate.getDate() == $gameDate.getDate() && _statsNpc.birthDate.getMonth() == $gameDate.getMonth()>>
<<set _settlementStatsData.birthday.push(_statsNpc.name)>>
<<set _happiness = {
happy: Math.round(_settlementStatsData.happy / _settlementStatsData.settlers, 0)
<<set _basementLimit = (($basementLimit ?? 3) - ($slaves ?? []).length)>>
<<set _basementBuild = (30 - ($basementLimit ?? 3))>>
<<set _basementText = '(' + (_basementLimit > 0 ? _basementLimit : 'No') + ' free cells; ' +
(_basementBuild > 0 ? 'Can build ' + _basementBuild + ' more' : 'Fully built') + ')'>>
<<set _guesthouseLimit = (($guesthouseLimit ?? 3) - ($guests ?? []).length)>>
<<set _guesthouseBuild = (25 - ($guesthouseLimit ?? 3))>>
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<<set _guesthouseText = '(' + (_guesthouseLimit > 0 ? _guesthouseLimit : 'No') + ' free beds; ' +
(_guesthouseBuild > 0 ? 'Can build ' + _guesthouseBuild + ' more' : 'Fully built') + ')'>>
<<set _guesthouseText = '(Build guest house first with room for up to 25 guests)'>>
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<<set _nurseryText = '(No limits, always room for more kids. This is a Hilbert nursery .... with ∞ space)'>>
<<set _nurseryText = '(Build nursery first with room for up to ∞ kids)'>>
<<set _avgFoodProduce = _settlementStatsData.food.produce/3>>
<<set _avgFoodConsume = 1 + _settlementStatsData.food.consume/3>>
<<set _forestFood = (_settlementStatsData.work.forest ?? 0)/10>>
<<set _forestText = _forestFood > 0 ? ' + forest ' + setup.ppFraction(_forestFood) : ''>>
<<set _huntFood = _settlementStatsData.hunt.food>>
<<set _huntText = _huntFood > 0 ? ' + hunters ' + setup.ppFraction(_huntFood) : ''>>
<<set _avgFoodNet = _avgFoodProduce + _forestFood + _huntFood - _avgFoodConsume>>
<<set _pre = '', _post = ''>>
<<if _avgFoodNet < -1/6>>
<<set _pre = '<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold">', _post = '</span>'>>
<<elseif _avgFoodNet > 1/6>>
<<set _pre = '<span style="color: green; font-weight: bold">+', _post = '</span>'>>
<<set _pre = '<span style="color: yellow; font-weight: bold">±', _post = '</span>'>>
<<set _avgFoodText = '(Average food/day: + ' + _garden + ' makes ' + setup.ppFraction(_avgFoodProduce) + _forestText + _huntText +
' - people eats ' + setup.ppFraction(_avgFoodConsume) +
' = net result ' + _pre + setup.ppFraction(_avgFoodNet) + _post +')'>>
<<set _wood = _settlementStatsData.wood>>
<<set _avgWood = _wood > 0 ? 'Average production wood/day: ' + _wood : ''>>
<<set _wolf = _settlementStatsData.hunt.wolf.toFixed(1)>>
<<set _avgWolf = _wolf > 0 ? 'Average production wolf pelts/day: ' + _wolf : ''>>
<<set _scav = _settlementStatsData.scav.toFixed(1)>>
<<set _avgScav = _scav > 0 ? 'Average findings of "stuff"/day: ' + _scav : ''>>
<<set _streets = _settlementStatsData.streets.toFixed(1)>>
<<set _streets_die = _settlementStatsData.streets_die>>
<<set _streets_die_fraction = setup.ppFraction(_streets_die, 2)>>
<<set _streetsText = (_streets > 0 ? 'Average earnings/day: ' + _streets : '') + (_streets_die > 0 ? '; Average deaths/day: ' + _streets_die_fraction + ' %': '')>>
<<set _nightclub = _settlementStatsData.nightclub.toFixed(1)>>
<<set _nightclubText = (!$player?.quests?.gloryholeJob ? '(Make a deal with the glory hole manager first)' : '') + (_nightclub > 0 ? 'Average earnings/day: ' + _nightclub : '')>>
<table class="mc-stats-table">
<tr><th colspan="3">Living</th></tr>
<tr><td>Slaves:</td><td><<=($slaves ?? []).length>></td><td><<=_basementText>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Guests:</td><td><<=($guests ?? []).length>></td><td><<=_guesthouseText>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Nursery:</td><td><<=($nursery ?? []).length>></td><td><<=_nurseryText>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Total (people ≥ 3 years)</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.food.consume>></td><td><<=_avgFoodText>></td></tr>
<tr><td>(kids < 3 years)</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.food.none>></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="3">Working</th></tr>
<tr><td>Working in <<=_garden>>:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.garden ?? 0>></td><td>(Max <<=($workersLimitGarden ?? 8)>>)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Working in scavenging:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.scavenging ?? 0>></td><td><<=_avgScav>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Working on streets:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.streets ?? 0>></td><td><<=_streetsText>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Working in nightclub:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.nightclub ?? 0>></td><td><<=_nightclubText>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Working in forest:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.forest ?? 0>></td><td><<=_avgWood>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Working as hunter:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.hunter ?? 0>></td><td>(Max <<=($workersLimitHunter ?? 8)>>) <<=_avgWolf>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Working as guard:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.guard ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Working as companion (guests+slaves):</td>
<td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.companionGuest ?? 0>>+<<=_settlementStatsData.work.companionSlave ?? 0>></td>
<td>(Max 6)</td>
<tr><td>Working in kitchen:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.kitchen ?? 0>></td><td>(Max 1)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Working as maid:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.maid ?? 0>></td><td>(Max 1)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Working as mistress:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.mistress ?? 0>></td><td>(Max 1)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Working in shop:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.shop ?? 0>></td><td>(Max 1)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Working as teacher:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.teacher ?? 0>></td><td>(Max 0)(No use yet) <span style="color: yellow">[Not in game yet!]</span></td></tr>
<tr><td>Mechanic in garage:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.garage ?? 0>></td><td>(Max 1)(No use yet)</td></tr>
<<set _text = !$backpack.has('blueprint_library') ? '(Explore to find blueprint → build)' :
!$game.location.library ? '(Build the library)' : '(Max 0)(No use yet)<span style="color: yellow">[Not in game yet!]</span>' >>
<tr><td>Working in library:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.library ?? 0>></td><td><<=_text>></td></tr>
<<set _text = !$game.location.quarry ? '(Explore to find quarry)' : 'Average mining/day <<=_settlementStatsData.mining>> coal/stone'>>
<tr><td>Working in quarry:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.quarry ?? 0>></td><td><<=_text>></td></tr>
<<if !$player.quests?.base_building>>
<tr><td>Base management</td><td></td><td><span style="color: blue">[Will appear later in your game!]</span> (Place reserved for hospital & milk barn & more...)</td></tr>
<<if $player.quests.base_building>>
<<set _text = !$player.quests.found_hospital_blueprint ? '(Explore to find blueprint → build → assign doctors)' :
!$game.location.hospital ? '(Build the hospital → assign a doctor)' : '(Max ' + ($workersLimitHospital ?? 3) + ')' >>
<tr><td>Doctors in hospital:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.hospital ?? 0>></td><td><<=_text>></td></tr>
<<set _text = !$player.quests?.milk_farm ? '(Vincent have an idea → build milk barn → assign dairy cattle)' : !$game.location?.milk_barn ? '(Build milk barn → assign dairy cattle)' : !_settlementStatsData.work?.milk_barn ? '(Assign dairy cattle)' : '(Average milk/day: ' + setup.ppFraction(_settlementStatsData.milk) + ')'>>
<tr><td>Dairy cattle in milk barn:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.milk_barn ?? 0>></td><td><<=_text>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Unassigned:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.none ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Being a child:</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.work.child ?? 0>></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="3">Interesting?</th></tr>
<tr><td># pregnant women</td><td><<=_settlementStatsData.pregnant ?? 0>></td>
<<if _settlementStatsData.pregnant>>
<<set _towelsHave = setup.cabinInventory.count('towel')>>
<<set _towelsNeed = 5*_settlementStatsData.pregnant>>
<<set _towelsNet = _towelsHave - _towelsNeed>>
<<if setup.hasWorkingHospital()>>
(You have hospital with doctor! The best chances for a successful birth.)
<<elseif _towelsNet >= 0>>
(Without a hospital doctors and towels makes births safer; You have enough towels for all births!)
(Without a hospital doctors and towels makes births safer; You don't have enough towels for all births:
+ Have <<=_towelsHave>> - need <<=_towelsNeed>> = deficit <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold"><<=_towelsNet>></span>)
/* <span style="color: yellow">[writer todo - check how 'hospital' infects these texts!]</span> */
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Average happiness:</td><td><<happyIcon _happiness>></td>
<<for _happyLevel, _count range _settlementStatsData.happylvl>>
<<happyIcon _happyLevel>> <<=_count>>,
<<if _settlementStatsData.birthday.length>>
<td>Today's birthdays:</td>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
base management ->
<<if ($player.horse ?? false)>>
<tr><th colspan="3">Horsing</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">Your horse <<=$player.horse>> </td><td>have enough hay for <<=setup.cabinInventory.count('hay')>> days</td></tr>
</table><h1 class="ptitle">
<<set _electricityTotal = setup.baseManagement.electricity.total()>>
<<set _electricityTotalOutput = _electricityTotal>>
<<if _electricityTotal > 0>>
<<set _electicityClass = 'green'>>
<<set _electricityTotalOutput = '+' + _electricityTotal>>
<<elseif _electricityTotal < 0>>
<<set _electicityClass = 'red'>>
<<set _electricityTotalOutput = _electricityTotal>>
<div id="base-management">
<div class="base-management-item">
<h3>Energy [<span @class="''+ _electicityClass +''"><<=_electricityTotalOutput>></span>]</h3>
<td class="green"><<=setup.baseManagement.electricity.production()>></td>
<td class="red"><<=setup.baseManagement.electricity.consumption()>></td>
<div class="base-management-item">
<div class="base-management-item">
<td>Living houses:</td>
<<include 'Settlement management buildings'>>
<<for _baseBuildingName, _baseBuilding range _managementBuildings>>
<<set _required to Object.keys(_baseBuilding.required)>>
<<set _workEnergy = _baseBuilding.energy>>
<<capture _baseBuildingName, _baseBuilding, _required, _workEnergy>>
<<if !_baseBuilding.show>>
<<set _itemHasResources = true>>
<div class="base-management-building-item">
<td class="base-building-img">
<td style="width: 57%">
<br />
<<if _baseBuilding.currentCount >>
<<if _baseBuilding.currentTitle>>
Current count:
<<=$player?.baseManagement?.buildings[_baseBuildingName] ?? 0>><<if _baseBuilding.percentage>>%<</if>>
<td style="width: 20%">
<div class="base-management-building-required">
Required:<br />
<<for _r to 0; _r lt _required.length; _r++>>
<<set _reqKey = _required[_r]>>
<<set _reqCount = _baseBuilding.required[_reqKey]>>
<<set _hasCount = setup.cabinInventory.count(_reqKey)>>
<<set _needtxt = ''>>
<<if _hasCount < _reqCount>>
<<set _itemHasResources = false>>
<<set _needtxt = '(missing ' + (_reqCount - _hasCount) + ')'>>
<span><<=_reqCount>> <<=Item.get(_reqKey).name>> _needtxt</span><br />
<span><<=_baseBuilding.energy>> energy</span>
<<if $player.energy < _baseBuilding.energy>>
<<set _itemHasResources = false>>
<td style="width: 10%">
<<if _itemHasResources && timeBetween('08:00', '23:59')>>
<<link 'Build'>>
<<energy `-_workEnergy`>>
<<for _r to 0; _r lt _required.length; _r++>>
<<capture _r>>
<<set _reqKey = _required[_r]>>
<<set _reqCount = _baseBuilding.required[_reqKey]>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop(_reqKey, _reqCount)>>
<<if _baseBuilding.minutes>>
<<addmins _baseBuilding.minutes>>
<<run _baseBuilding.after()>>
<<goto _baseBuilding.goto>>
<div class="workbench-not-enough">
Not enough resources
#base-management {
display: flex;
#base-management > div {
background-color: #5b5b5b;
margin: 10px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #000;
padding: 10px;
max-width: 200px;
#base-management .green {
color: green;
#base-management .red {
color: red;
.base-building-img img {
width: 100px;
.base-management-building-item {
background: #5b5b5b;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #000;
padding: 5px;
font-size: 11px;
.base-management-building-item td {
padding: 5px;
</style><<set _managementBuildings = {
solar_panel: {
show: true,
title: "Solar panel",
description: "Connect solar panel to grid. Generates electricity",
required: {
solar_panel: 1
energy: 20,
after: function() {
$player.baseManagement ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings.solar_panel ??= 0;
goto: "Settlement management",
currentCount: true
house: {
show: true,
title: "Small house",
description: "Small living house for few poeple",
required: {
wood: 20,
metal: 3,
glass: 5,
rope: 5
energy: 90,
after: function() {
$player.baseManagement ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings.house ??= 0;
goto: "Settlement management",
currentCount: true,
hospital: {
show: !($game.location.hospital ?? false),
title: "Hospital",
description: "Helps to treat sick people, helps with child birth.",
required: {
blueprint_hospital: 1,
wood: 30,
glass: 30,
cloth: 20
energy: 90,
after: function() {
$player.baseManagement ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings.hospital = 1;
$game.location.hospital = true;
$game.location.youth_district = true;
goto: "Settlement management",
milk_barn: {
show: !($game.location.milk_barn ?? false) && $player?.quests?.milk_farm,
title: "Milk barn",
description: "Automatically milks assigned pregnant women.",
required: {
wood: 50,
glass: 10,
cloth: 20,
rope: 30,
energy: 90,
after: function() {
$player.baseManagement ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings.milk_barn = 1;
$game.location.milk_barn = true;
$game.location.youth_district = true;
goto: "Settlement management",
wood_wall: {
show: ($player?.baseManagement?.buildings?.wood_wall ?? 0) < 100,
title: "Wood wall",
description: "Wood wall will protect settlement from intruders and thieves",
required: {
wood: 20,
rope: 1
energy: 10,
after: function() {
$player.baseManagement ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings ??= {};
$player.baseManagement.buildings.wood_wall ??= 0;
goto: "Settlement management",
currentCount: true,
percentage: true,
currentTitle: 'Around settlement',
minutes: 60
}>><h1 class="ptitle">
<<set _tabs = [
name: 'info',
title: 'Info'
name: 'customize',
title: 'Customize'
name: 'automatization',
title: 'Automatization'
name: 'street_workers',
title: 'Day off for workers in unhappy jobs'
name: 'Test',
title: 'Family tree'
<<set _defaultTab = 'info'>>
<<if $player.quests.base_building>>
<<run _tabs.unshift({
name: 'Base management',
title: 'Base'
<<set _defaultTab = 'Base management'>>
<<set _currentTab = $game.managementTab ?? _defaultTab>>
<ul class="tab">
<<for _tabKey, _tab range _tabs>>
<<capture _tab>>
<<set _tabClass = _tab.name === _currentTab ? 'active' : ''>>
<li @class="''+ _tabClass +''">
<<link _tab.title>>
<<set $game.managementTab = _tab.name>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<div class="tabcontent">
<<set _viewName = 'Settlement management - ' + _currentTab>>
<<include _viewName>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<</link>><h1>People with unhappy jobs</h1>
<<set _workersByHappyLvl = {
very_sad: {slaves: [], guests: []},
sad: {slaves: [], guests: []},
normal: {slaves: [], guests: []},
happy: {slaves: [], guests: []},
very_happy: {slaves: [], guests: []}
<<set _unhappy_jobs = ['milk_barn', 'nightclub', 'quarry', 'streets']>>
<<set _workers = {
slaves: setup.getNpcsForLocations($slaves, _unhappy_jobs),
guests: setup.getNpcsForLocations($guests, _unhappy_jobs),
<<set _sick = []>>
<<set _count = _workers.slaves.length + _workers.guests.length>>
<<for _persons, _npcs range _workers>>
<<for _npc range _npcs>>
<<set _happyLevel = setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc)>>
<<set _workersByHappyLvl[_happyLevel][_persons].push(_npc)>>
<<if _npc.sick>>
<<set _sick.push(_npc)>>
<<set _happyLvlHuman = {
very_sad: 'Very sad',
sad: 'Sad',
normal: 'Normal',
happy: 'Happy',
very_happy: 'Very happy'
<<if _count>><table class="mc-stats-table">
/* should sand storm affect milk barn? -- don't care for now -- sand storm is rare */
<<set _badWeather = /*$weather?.heatWave || */ $weather?.sandStorm>>
<<if _badWeather>>
<<set _text =
$weather?.heatWave ? "Heat wave in progress! Your workers can't work in this heat'":
$weather?.sandStorm ? "Sandstorm in progress! Your workers can't go outside" :
"<span style=\"color: red\">Undefined bad weather in progress! -- This shouldn't happen</span>">>
<td colspan="3">Note: _text<br/>anyway so why not count this day as a day off?</td>
<td align="right">
<<button 'Rest for all!'>>
<<for _persons, _npcs range _workers>>
<<for _npc range _npcs>>
<<set _npc.rest = {
days: setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc) === 'very_sad' ? 3 : 2,
desc: 'Day off resting',
id: 'resting'
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<<if _sick.length>>
<td colspan="3">Note: Some unhappy workers are sick! As the sick don't work so why not count this day as a day off?</td>
<td align="right">
<<button 'Rest for sick!'>>
<<for _npc range _sick>>
<<set _npc.rest = {
days: setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc) === 'very_sad' ? 3 : 2,
desc: 'Day off resting',
id: 'resting'
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<<for _happyLevel, _object range _workersByHappyLvl>>
<<for _persons, _npcs range _object>>
<<if _npcs.length>>
<<capture _npcs>>
<td><<happyIcon _happyLevel>></td>
<td colspan="2">_happyLvlHuman[_happyLevel] _persons</td>
<td align="right">
<<button 'Work!'>>
<<for _npc range _npcs>>
<<run delete _npc.rest>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
</td><td> || </td><td>
<<button 'Rest!'>>
<<for _npc range _npcs>>
<<set _npc.rest = {
days: setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc) === 'very_sad' ? 3 : 2,
desc: 'Day off resting',
id: 'resting'
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
<<for $tmpGirl range _npcs>>
<<capture $tmpGirl, _restId, _workId, _statusId>>
<<set _showSick = $tmpGirl.sick ? ' [sick]' : ''>>
<<set _statusId = 'status_' + $tmpGirl.id>>
<div @id="_statusId">
<<if def $tmpGirl.rest>>
... has a day off (<<=$tmpGirl.assignedTo>>)
... is working (<<=$tmpGirl.assignedTo>>)
<td align="right">
<<set _restId = 'rest_' + $tmpGirl.id>>
<<set _workId = 'work_' + $tmpGirl.id>>
<<if def $tmpGirl.rest>>
<<set _r2w = 'block', _w2r = 'none'>>
<<set _r2w = 'none', _w2r = 'block'>>
<div @id="_restId" @style="'display:' + _r2w">
<<link 'Enough rest! - Back to work'>>
<<run delete $tmpGirl.rest>>
<<run $('#' + _restId).hide()>>
<<run $('#' + _workId).show()>>
<<replace `'#' + _statusId`>>... is working<</replace>>
<div @id="_workId" @style="'display:' + _w2r">
<<link 'Hard work? - Take a day off'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rest = {
days: setup.getNpcHappyLevel($tmpGirl) === 'very_sad' ? 2 : 1,
desc: 'Day off resting',
id: 'resting'
<<run $('#' + _restId).show()>>
<<run $('#' + _workId).hide()>>
<<replace `'#' + _statusId`>>... has a day off<</replace>>
You don't have workers with unhappy jobs!
<</if>>/* TODO -- perhaps coordinate this with family.js
<h1>Family and relations</h1>
<h2><<=setup.player.npcNameColor($player)>>'s family tree</h2> /* $player.name */
<<set _replace = setup.player.charactersCheck()>>
<<run setup.player.updateFamily(true)>>
<<set _number = setup.npc.checkDuplicateName()>>
<<set _shown = { mc: true}>>
<<set _shownPreg = {}>>
<table class="mc-stats-table">
<<set _wivesTexts = []>>
<<for _wifeId range $player.family?.wives ?? []>>
<<set _shown[_wifeId] = true>>
<<set _wifeText = setup.player.npcRelationText(_wifeId) + (_number.get(_wifeid) ?? '')>>
<<if _wifeText>>
<<set _wivesTexts.push(_wifeText)>>
<<if _wivesTexts.length>>
<tr><td colspan ="2">Wives you married</td></tr>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_wivesTexts.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<set _childmothersTexts = []>>
<<for _childmotherId range $player.family?.childmothers ?? []>>
<<set _shown[_childmotherId] = true>>
<<set _childmotherText = setup.player.npcRelationText(_childmotherId) + (_number.get(_childmotherid) ?? '')>>
<<if _childmotherText>>
<<set _childmothersTexts.push(_childmotherText)>>
<<if _childmothersTexts.length>>
<tr><td colspan ="2">Mothers to your children</td></tr>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_childmothersTexts.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<set _kidsTexts = []>>
<<for _kidId range $player.family?.kids ?? []>>
<<set _shown[_kidId] = true>>
<<set _kidText = setup.player.npcRelationText(_kidId) + (_number.get(_kidid) ?? '')>>
<<if _kidText>>
<<set _kidsTexts.push(_kidText)>>
<<if _kidsTexts.length>>
<tr><td colspan ="2">Children you fathered</td></tr>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_kidsTexts.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
/* <tr>
<td>From your view</td>
<td colspan ="2"><<=setup.player.npcRelationText('mc', false, true) + (_number.get('mc') ?? '')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<set _pregTexts = []>>
<<set _characters = []>>
<<for _npcId, _npc range $characters>>
<<if (typeof _npc.pregnancy !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _fatherId = _npc.pregnancy_father ?? 'unknown'>>
<<if _fatherId === 'unnkown' && typeof _npc.pregnancy_event !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _fatherId = '(' + _npc.pregnancy_event + ')'>>
<<if _fatherId === 'mc'>>
<<set _shown[_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _pregTexts.push(setup.player.npcRelationText(_npc.id, false)) + (_number.get(_npc.id) ?? '')>>
<<for _npcIndex, _npc range ($guests ?? []).concat($slaves ?? []).concat($nursery ?? [])>>
<<if (typeof _npc.pregnancy !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _fatherId = _npc.pregnancy_father ?? 'unknown'>>
<<if _fatherId === 'unknown' && typeof _npc.pregnancy_event !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _fatherId = '(' + _npc.pregnancy_event + ')'>>
<<if _fatherId === 'mc'>>
<<set _shown[_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _pregTexts.push(setup.player.npcRelationText(_npc.id, false)) + (_number.get(_npc.id) ?? '')>>
<<if _pregTexts.length>>
<tr><td colspan ="2">Pregnant carrying your child</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<h2>Other's family trees (Test)</h2>
/* <<warning 'Might show up in coming version of the game. Maybe!'>> */
<<set _npcs = new Map>>
<<set _rels = {
child: {}, /* {parent}{kid} */
father: {}, /* {father}{kid} */
orphan: {}, /* {kid} */
marriage: {}, /* husband}{wife} */
mother: {}, /* {mother}{kid} */
parent: {}, /* {father}{mother} */
pregnancy: {}, /* {spermdonor}{pregnant} */
single: {} /* {person} */
<<set _outs = {
child: {},
father: {},
females: [],
orphan: [],
males: [],
marriage: {},
mother: {},
parent: {},
pregnancy: {},
single: []
<<for _npcID, _npc range $characters>>
<<set _npc.id ??= _npcID>>
<<for _npcIndex, _npc range ($guests ?? []).concat($slaves ?? []).concat($nursery ?? []).concat(Object.values($characters ?? {}))>>
<<if typeof _npc.id === 'undefined'>>
DBG undefined id <<=_npc.name>>?<br/>
<<elseif typeof _npc.name === 'undefined'>>
/* rose ends here -- DBG undefined name <<=_npc.id>>?<br/> */
<<elseif _npc.id === 'negan' || (_replace.has(_npc.id) && _replace.get(_npc.id) === 'negan' )>>
/*DBG Negan? <<=_npc.id>> <<=_npc.name>>?<br/> */
<<set _npcs.set(_npc.id, _npc)>>
<<if (typeof _npc.pregnancy !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _fatherId = _npc.pregnancy_father ?? 'unknown'>>
<<if _fatherId === 'unknown' && (_npc?.pregnancy_event ?? '')>>
<<set _fatherId = '(' + _npc.pregnancy_event + ')'>>
<<set _rels.pregnancy[_fatherId] ??= {}>>
<<set _rels.pregnancy[_fatherId][_npc.id] = true>>
<<if _fatherId !== 'mc'>>
<<set _outs.pregnancy[_fatherId] ??= []>>
<<set _outs.pregnancy[_fatherId].push(setup.player.npcRelationText2(_npc, true, true)) + (_number.get(_npc.id) ?? '')>>
<<set _shownPreg[_npc.id] = true>>
<<if !_npc.hasOwnProperty('family')>>
<<if !_npc.hasOwnProperty('birthDate')>>
<<if _npc.id !== 'horse'>>
DBG missing birthday for <<=_npc.name>><br/>
<<set _rels.single[_npc.id] = true>>
<<elseif setup.getAge(_npc) < 18>>
<<set _rels.orphan[_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _rels.single[_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _fatherID = null>>
<<set _motherID = null>>
<<set _family = _npc.family>>
<<for _reltype, _data range _family>>
<<if _reltype === 'husband'>>
<<set _husbandID = _data>>
<<set _rels.marriage[_husbandID] ??= {}>>
<<set _rels.marriage[_husbandID][_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _shown[_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _wifeID = _npc.id>>
<<set _husband = setup.getNpcById(_husbandID)>>
<<if _husband>>
<<set _husband.family ??= {}>>
<<set _husband.family.wives ??= []>>
<<if (!_husband.family.wives.includes(_wifeID))>>
<<run _husband.family.wives.push(_wifeID)>>
<<elseif _reltype === 'wives'>>
<<set _wives = _data>>
<<set _rels.marriage[_npc.id] ??= {}>>
<<for _wifeID range _wives>>
<<set _rels.marriage[_npc.id][_wifeID] = true>>
<<set _shown[_wifeID] = true>>
<<set _husbandID = _npc.id>>
<<set _wife = setup.getNpcById(_wifeID)>>
<<if _wife>>
<<set _wife.family ??= {}>>
<<set _wife.family.husband ??= _husbandID>>
<<elseif _reltype === 'father'>>
<<set _fatherID = _data ?? 'unknown'>>
<<if _fatherID !== 'unknown'>>
<<set _kidID = _npc.id>>
<<if _replace.has(_kidID)>>
<<set _kidID = _replace.get(_kidID)>>
<<set _rels.father[_fatherID] ??= {}>>
<<set _rels.father[_fatherID][_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _shown[_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _father = setup.getNpcById(_fatherID)>>
<<if _father>>
<<set _father.family ??= {}>>
<<set _father.family.kids ??= []>>
<<if (!_father.family.kids.includes(_kidID))>>
<<run _father.family.kids.push(_kidID)>>
<<set _fatherID = null>>
<<elseif _reltype === 'mother'>>
<<set _motherID = _data>>
<<if _motherID ?? 'unknown' !== 'unknown'>>
<<set _kidID = _npc.id>>
<<if _replace.has(_kidID)>>
<<set _kidID = _replace.get(_kidID)>>
<<set _rels.mother[_motherID] ??= {}>>
<<set _rels.mother[_motherID][_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _shown[_npc.id] = true>>
<<set _mother = setup.getNpcById(_motherID)>>
<<if _mother>>
<<set _mother.family ??= {}>>
<<set _mother.family.kids ??= []>>
<<if (!_mother.family.kids.includes(_kidID))>>
<<run _mother.family.kids.push(_kidID)>>
<<set _motherID = null>>
<<elseif _reltype === 'kids'>>
<<set _kids = _data>>
<<set _rels.child[_npc.id] ??= {}>>
<<for _i, _kidID range _kids>>
<<if _replace.has(_kidID)>>
<<set _new = _replace.get(_kidID)>>
<<if _kids.includes(_new)>>
<<run _kids.splice(_i, 1)>>
<<set _i-->>
<<set _kidID = _new>>
<<set _rels.child[_npc.id][_kidID] = true>>
<<set _shown[_kidID] = true>>
<<set _parentID = _npc.id>>
<<set _kid = setup.getNpcById(_kidID)>>
<<if _kid>>
<<set _kid.family ??= {}>>
<<if ['girl'].includes(setup.player.npcGenderClass(_npc))>>
<<set _kid.family.mother ??= _parentID>>
<<set _kid.family.father ??= _parentID>>
DBG Strange relation: <<=_reltype>><br/><br/>
<<if _fatherID && _motherID>>
<<set _rels.parent[_fatherID] ??= {}>>
<<set _rels.parent[_fatherID][_motherID] = true>>
<<set _shown[_motherID] = true>>
/* male relations go first */
<<for _reltype range ['father', 'marriage', 'parent', 'pregnancy']>>
<<for _maleID, _others range _rels[_reltype]>>
<<if _maleID !== 'mc'>>
<<if _npcs.has(_maleID) && !_shown[_maleID] >>
<<set _outs.males.push(setup.player.npcRelationText2(_npcs.get(_maleID), true, true)) + (_number.get(_maleid) ?? '')>>
<<set _shown[_maleID] = true>>
<<for _npcID, _dummy range _others>>
<<if _replace.has(_npcID)>>
<<set _npcID = _replace.get(_npcID)>>
<<if _npcs.has(_npcID)>>
<<set _outs[_reltype][_maleID] ??= []>>
<<set _outs[_reltype][_maleID].push(setup.player.npcRelationText2(_npcs.get(_npcID), true, true)) + (_number.get(_npcID) ?? '')>>
<<set _shown[_npcID] = true>>
/*<<for _reltype range ['mother', 'parent']>> */
<<for _reltype range ['mother']>>
<<for _parentID, _children range _rels[_reltype]>>
<<if _npcs.has(_parentID) && !_shown[_parentID]>>
<<set _outs.females.push(setup.player.npcRelationText2(_npcs.get(_parentID), true, true)) + (_number.get(_parentid) ?? '')>>
<<set _shown[_parentID] = true>>
<<for _childID, _dummy range _children>>
<<if _npcs.has(_childID)>>
<<set _outs[_reltype][_parentID] ??= []>>
<<set _outs[_reltype][_parentID].push(setup.player.npcRelationText2(_npcs.get(_childID), true, true)) + (_number.get(_childID) ?? '')>>
<<set _shown[_childID] = true>>
<<set _horse = ''>>
<<for _reltype range ['orphan', 'single']>>
<<for _npcID, _dummy range _rels[_reltype]>>
<<if _npcs.has(_npcID) && !_shown[_npcID] && !_shownPreg[_npcID]>>
<<set _outs[_reltype].push(setup.player.npcRelationText2(_npcs.get(_npcID), true, true) + (_npcID === 'horse' ? ' <strong style="color:yellow">[</strong>Yeah! Yeah! It\'s a horse, but it counts anyway...<strong style="color:yellow">]</strong>' :'') + ' ' + (_number.get(_npcID) ?? ''))>>
<<set _shown[_npcID] = true>>
<<if _npcID === 'horse'>>
<<set _horse = setup.player.npcNameColor(_npcs.get(_npcID)) + ' <strong style="color:yellow">[</strong>Yeah! Yeah! It\'s a horse, but it counts anyway...<strong style="color:yellow">]</strong> ' + (_number.get(_npcID) ?? '')>>
<<set _outs[_reltype].push(setup.player.npcNameColor(_npcs.get(_npcID)) + (_npcID === 'horse' ? ' <strong style="color:yellow">[</strong>Yeah! Yeah! It\'s a horse, but it counts anyway...<strong style="color:yellow">]</strong>' :'') + ' ' + (_number.get(_npcID) ?? ''))>>
<<set _shown[_npcID] = true>>
<table class="mc-stats-table">
<<if (_outs.males ?? []).length>>
<tr><td colspan="2">Males with families</td></tr>
<tr><td></td> <td colspan ="2"><<=_outs.males.sort().join('<br/>')>></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<if Object.keys(_outs.marriage).length>>
<tr><td>Husband</td> <td>Wives</td></tr>
<<for _id, _text range _outs.marriage>>
<<set _name = setup.getNpcById(_id)?.name ?? _id>>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_text.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<if Object.keys(_outs.parent).length>>
<tr><td>Father</td> <td>Mother</td></tr>
<<for _id, _text range _outs.parent>>
<<set _name = setup.getNpcById(_id)?.name ?? _id>>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_text.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<if Object.keys(_outs.father).length>>
<tr><td>Father</td> <td>Children</td></tr>
<<for _id, _text range _outs.father>>
<<set _name = setup.getNpcById(_id)?.name ?? _id>>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_text.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<if (_outs.females ?? []).length>>
<tr><td colspan="2">Unconnected females with families</td></tr>
<tr><td></td> <td colspan ="2"><<=_outs.females.sort().join('<br/>')>></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<if Object.keys(_outs.mother).length>>
<tr><td>Single mother</td> <td>Children</td></tr>
<<for _id, _text range _outs.mother>>
<<set _name = setup.getNpcById(_id)?.name ?? _id>>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_text.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<if Object.keys(_outs.child).length>>
<tr><td>Parent<br/>(this shouldn't happen)</td> <td>Children</td></tr>
<<for _id, _text range _outs.child>>
<<set _name = setup.getNpcById(_id)?.name ?? _id>>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_text.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<<if Object.keys( _outs.pregnancy).length>>
<tr><td>"Spermdonor"</td> <td>Pregnant</td></tr>
<<for _id, _text range _outs.pregnancy>>
<<set _name = setup.getNpcById(_id)?.name ?? _id>>
<td colspan ="2"><<=_text.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
/* <<if (_outs.single ?? []).length>>
<tr><td colspan="2">All other singles without family</td></tr>
<tr><td></td> <td><<=_outs.single.sort().join('<br/>')>></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
/* <<if (_outs.orphan ?? []).length>>
<tr><td colspan="2">Orphan children without family</td></tr>
<tr><td></td> <td><<=_outs.orphan.sort().join('<br/>')>></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr>
/* +---------+---------+---------+
| singles | orphans |
| ½ list | ½ list | |
+---------+---------+ list +
| horse - 2 columns | |
<<set _singlesCount = (_outs.single ?? []).length>>
<<set _orphansCount = (_outs.orphan ?? []).length>>
<<if _singlesCount || _horse !== '' || _orphansCount>>
<td colspan="2">
<<=(_singlesCount || _horse !== '') ? 'Singles without family' : ''>>
<<=(_orphansCount) ? 'Orphans without family' : ''>>
<<if _singlesCount>>
<<set _half = (_singlesCount + (_singlesCount %2 ? 1 : 0))/2>>
<<set _outs.single = _outs.single.sort()>>
_col1 = _outs.single.toSpliced(_half, _half),
_col2 = _outs.single.slice(_half)>>
<td valign="top"> <<=_col1.join('<br/>')>> </td>
<td valign="top"> <<=_col2.join('<br/>')>> </td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2" valign="top"><<=_outs.orphan.sort().join('<br/>')>></td>
<tr><td colspan="2"><<=_horse>></td></tr>
</table><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br />
You sit at a dimly lit, makeshift bar, nursing a drink—something rough, likely homemade. The world outside is unforgiving, filled with broken cities, hostile factions, and scarce resources. Inside the bar, it’s marginally safer, but the tension never fully leaves. The hum of a broken radio plays in the background.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bar/strange_offer.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
As you take another sip, you feel eyes on you. You glance up, and a couple approaches—a man and woman, both ragged, their faces marked by the hardships of this ruined world. They look desperate, weary, yet determined.
<br /><br />
The man clears his throat awkwardly.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
We’ve heard about you. People talk. Say you’ve survived... seen things... done things.
<br />
The woman looks at you, her eyes dark but hopeful.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
We don’t know how to say this, but... things have been tough, and we... we want to bring new life into this world.
<br />
You raise an eyebrow, your hand still on your drink, unsure where this is going.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
We’ve been trying to have a child, you see. We want to build something, some kind of future. But it hasn’t worked. She can’t get pregnant, and we’ve tried everything.
<br />
The woman speaks softly now, pleading in her tone.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
They say you have... abilities. Something different about you, maybe something from the old world or whatever makes you survive out there. You’re strong. We need someone strong.
<br />
The man hesitates for a moment, then speaks again, voice strained.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
What we’re asking—it’s not something we do lightly. We want you to... be with her. Just once. Help us have a child. We’ll give you whatever we can in return
<br />
<div id="option_agree">
<<linkreplace 'Agree'>>
<<run $('#option_decline').hide()>>
You nod once, following them toward a creaky staircase that leads up to the second floor of the bar. The stairs groan underfoot as the three of you ascend, the dim light flickering from a broken bulb overhead. The sound of the bar below fades, replaced by the sound of your own footsteps, the thumping of your heartbeat.
Man and woman sits down on the couch.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/offer1'>>
<br /><br />
You stand there for a moment, unsure of what to do, but the silence is broken as she reaches out, her hands trembling ever so slightly as she begins unbuttoning your pants.
Her movements are mechanical, detached, as though she's trying to separate herself from the reality of the situation.
There's no intimacy in her actions—just a quiet desperation and a desire to get this over with.
<br />
As she pulls out your dick, you notice a grim smile on her lips as she looks at it and even looks up and locks eyes with yours.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You don’t... you don’t have to do this babe. We can -
<br />
He doesn't get to finish his sentence as your dick is already in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/offer2'>>
<br /><br />
The man shifts uncomfortably but doesn’t move. His silence feels like a surrender, a painful acknowledgment of his own powerlessness in this moment as his woman sucks dick of another man.
<br />
You look at her down as she carefully makes your dick harder and harder as her man hides his face in his hands just next to you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I think I am ready.
<br />
<<video 'bar/offer3'>>
<br /><br />
She pushes you away and with legs spread, slowly pulls off her panties.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Just be gentle. It looks big.
<br />
Her hand reaches for your arm, holding onto you as you lean over her. Her grip is tight, her nails pressing into your skin, as if she's bracing herself for something far worse than just physical pain.
She doesn’t say anything, but the tension in her body says enough.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/offer4'>>
<br /><br />
At first, her body is stiffas you enter her, rigid, but with each thrust, you notice her starting to adjust herself, her back arching slightly as she gets more comfortable.
Her breath, once shallow and uneasy, becomes deeper, and there’s a subtle change in her expression.
<br /><br />
She bites her lip, eyes closed, and her hands, once gripping the fabric of the couch with tension, begin to relax.
With each movement, her body starts to respond more, and you can feel the tension between you transform.
The awkwardness, the sense of detachment, is slowly giving way to something else.
<br /><br />
Suddenly she gets off you and stands up, letting you sit down as she moves in front of you.
<br />
She leans closer and whispers in your ear.
<br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Fuck me.
<br />
She moves her hand behind her, grabs your dick and slowly slides onto it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/offer5'>>
<br /><br />
Each thrust becomes more deliberate, more intense, as the raw, physical pleasure takes over. The sound of her breathing, the subtle moans that escape her lips, fill the room now, making the air feel thick and charged. You can feel her body tighten around you, responding to every movement, and you know she’s fully present in this moment now, her earlier reluctance completely gone.
<br />
Her man gets up and sits down on the chair in the corner of the room. She doesn't care and almost feels like doesn't see him at all.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Babe? Maybe we should stop?
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
No! Don't worry! It will be fast. We need that baby.
<br />
She again without warning gets off you and gets on her couch in doggy waiting for you to enter her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Fill me up!
<br />
You grip her hips firmly, and she lets out a soft moan in response, pushing back against you as you thrust deeper.
Her breathing grows heavier, more ragged, as the rhythm between you intensifies.
The air in the room feels thick with heat, each motion pushing you both closer to the edge.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/offer6'>>
<br /><br />
Her moans grow louder, echoing off the walls of the small, dim room, filling the space around you as her body reacts to each thrust.
You can feel her trembling slightly, her body tightening beneath your hands, and her breath coming in shallow gasps.
She’s completely lost in the moment now, her earlier discomfort and detachment forgotten, replaced with raw, undeniable pleasure
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
At that moment, with her body shaking and her breath coming in ragged gasps, she turns her head slightly and whispers again, her voice hoarse but insistent.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Now… fill me up. I need this. Give me everything.
<br />
Her words push you to the brink, and with one final thrust, you feel the tension release.
You bury yourself inside her as you cum, your body shaking with the force of it.
She moans softly, her head dropping down, her body relaxing beneath you as she feels you filling her.
<br /><br />
<<image 'game/misc/creampie.webp'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($tmpGirl, setup.perkHas('fertility')))>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.pregnancy = 0>>
<<statsAdd 'girls_impregnated'>>
<br /><br />
She stands slowly, pulling her dress back over her shoulders, and without looking at either of you, she walks toward the door.
The man watches her leave, his shoulders slumping slightly as he takes a step toward her, but he stops himself before saying anything.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<div id="option_decline">
<<linkreplace 'Decline'>>
<<run $('#option_agree').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
I’m not your solution. I can’t do this
<br />
The man looks at her, his face softening just a fraction. He lets out a long, shaky breath and pulls away from the bar, his shoulders slumping as if the fight in him has evaporated.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You think you're better than us? Too good to help? Or maybe you just don't care. Maybe all that talk about you was wrong. Fine...
<br />
The couple turns to leave, the woman giving you one last glance over her shoulder—an unreadable mix of sorrow and something close to understanding. Then, they’re gone, disappearing into the wasteland outside.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<<video '/bar/bartender_missing_friend'>>
<br /><br />
She tells that you're getting popular here and you should decide if it's good or bad as she smiles at you.
<br /><br />
She playfully looks around before proposing that she could show you her tits for a few caps...
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 5>>
<div id="bar-event-boobs-button">
<<link 'Give her 5 caps'>>
<<run $('#bar-event-boobs-button').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#bar-event-boobs').slideToggle()>>
<<set $player.money -=5>>
<div id="bar-event-boobs" style="display:none">
<<video '/bar/bartender_boobs'>>
<br /><br />
Her: "<strong>You know what? Give me few more caps and I'll show you my ass</strong>"
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 5>>
<div id="bar-event-ass-button">
<<link 'Give her 5 more caps'>>
<<run $('#bar-event-ass-button').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#bar-event-ass').slideToggle()>>
<<set $player.money -=5>>
<div id="bar-event-ass" style="display:none">
<<video '/bar/bartender_ass'>>
<br /><br />
She unbuttons her pants and pulls them down as she wiggles her ass a bit.<br />She checks surroundings before pulling her panties down to get you more interested.<br /><br />
She giggles while looking at you staring at her ass.<br /><br />
She grabs your hand and pulls you behind the counter as she drops on her knees and unzips your pants.<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/bartender_bj'>>
<br /><br />
She smiles as she sees your dick size and without hessitation puts it in her mouth and starts to suck it while checking if noone is seeing you both.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.reputation < 100>>
She sucks it for a brief moment before stopping <strong>"That's enough for now, maybe if you get more popular around here" winks.</strong>
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Fuck me! Right now!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<video '/bar/bartender_fuck1'>>
<br /><br />
She pulls you slightly around the corner, minimizing the chance of being noticed, and turns her back to you. Sexually, she slides her hand down your abdomen before lifting a leg and pulling her panties to the side. You slowly insert your dick inside her pussy and slowly speed up as she moans and looks at you in pleasure.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
I said fuck me! Harder!
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/bartender_fuck2'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Oh fuck... Yes. Don't stop! Use me!
<br /><br />
It seems like she's really enjoying this. While you're fucking her hard, she takes out a key from her pocket and unlocks the door that's right next to you. She pushes you away with her butt and leads you into a dark room, where she soon turns on the light and lays down on the table.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/bartender_fuck3'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Just don't cum inside me. My man would kill me. Just say when you're ready
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace "Tell her you're ready">>
<<addmins 20>>
<<video '/bar/bartender_fuck4'>>
<br /><br />
She quickly jumps off the table to get on her knees, but before she can do that, You already start to cum and hit into her hair, which makes her blush.
<br /><br />
<<link 'End'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<</link>><<addmins 15>>
<<set $player = setup.drink($player)>>
<<if $player.drunk > 75>>
<<perkAdd 'drunk'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br /><br />
You order a beer at the bar and start drinking it.
<br /><br />
<<if $game.day > 150 && $player.reputation > 150 && !($locationEvents.bar ?? false) && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<goto 'Bar - A strange offer'>>
<<set $locationEvents.bar = true>>
<<elseif !($locationEvents.bar ?? false) && setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set $locationEvents.bar = true>>
<<goto 'Bar - girl in danger'>>
<<elseif randomInteger(1,5) === 1>>
<<goto 'Bar - random event #1'>>
[[Continue|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br /><br />
You open the rusty metal doors and walk inside the building.
You manage to get inside a bar and instantly feel that everyone is looking at you and judging you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You try to ignore them and move forward through the crowd as you notice a wall, full of people's faces on it. By the look of it, missing, or wanted persons.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You continue to walk deeper and you notice some guys playing blackjack in the corner of the room. They seem to ignore you as you go pass them.
<br /><br />
<<set $bar_first_time = true>><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br />
You turn your attention to the girl. She’s still pressed against the wall, her breathing uneven as she tries to steady herself.
Her wide eyes meet yours, and for a moment, there’s only silence between you, the rest of the bar fading into the background.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you.
<br />
She says softly, her voice shaking but sincere. She straightens up, brushing off her clothes and looking at you with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bar/girl_in_danger3.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t stepped in.
<br />
You nod, the tension from the confrontation still lingering in your chest.
This is the kind of world where nothing comes for free, and now that she’s safe, you realize you have a choice.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask for reward'>>
You wouldn’t want to leave without showing your appreciation, would you?
<br />
She looks up at you, uncertainty flickering in her eyes.
For a long moment, she doesn’t speak, her gaze shifting to the door of the restroom nearby.
She seems to weigh her options, clearly uncomfortable but caught between what’s expected and what she feels is right.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = 60>>
She looks down for a moment, clearly hesitating, but then nods.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Alright. Just... quick, okay? Follow me to the wc.
<br />
<<link 'Follow her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = randomInteger(50, 70)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = 60>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId, $guestId>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'nightclub'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bar'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Bar'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
Her face hardens, and she pulls back.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
No! I’m not that kind of girl.
<br />
In a sudden rush, she turns and bolts, disappearing into the crowd of the bar, leaving you with nothing but the sound of her footsteps fading into the distance.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br />
<<image 'places/bar/drinking_event.gif'>>
<br /><br />
You're nursing a drink at the corner of the bar, the chipped glass cool against your fingers, when your attention is drawn to a commotion in the shadows.
<br /><br />
A man, broad-shouldered and rough-looking, has a young woman pinned against the wall near a broken-down arcade machine.
She twists her arm in a futile attempt to break free, her voice low but strained as she pleads.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Stop it, let go.
<br />
The man leans in closer, his grip tightening. His voice is a growl, laced with menace.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bar/girl_in_danger.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Don’t make a scene.
<br />
Her eyes dart around the room, wide with panic, silently begging for help.
<br /><br />
You glance around. The other patrons, drifters, scavengers, and misfits, either don’t notice or deliberately avert their eyes. A group at a nearby table laughs too loudly, their voices forcing normalcy into the uneasy atmosphere.
Even the bartender, a wiry man who looks like he's seen too much, pretends to be engrossed in his work.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace 'Help her'>>
You take a deep breath and set your drink down, the chipped glass clinking softly on the table. The weight of the moment presses down on you, but something inside refuses to let you stay seated.
Your chair scrapes against the floor as you stand, the sound cutting through the low hum of the bar like a knife.
<br /><br />
The man's head snaps toward you, his grip on the woman faltering just slightly. His bloodshot eyes narrow as he sizes you up, his lips curling into a sneer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
What do you want?
<br />
The girl glances at you, hope flickering in her eyes but quickly replaced by fear—fear for what might happen next.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bar/girl_in_danger2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell him to leave her alone'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
Let her go. Now.
<br />
<<if !setup.player.isRecognized()>>
He chuckles, low and mean, releasing the girl just enough to push her behind him like a shield.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
And who the hell are you to tell me what to do?
<br />
His hand drifts to his belt, where a knife or worse might be waiting. After few seconds he pulls out knife and rushes towards you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<set $enemies = [$tmpGuy]>>
<<fight $enemies 'Bar - girl in danger won' 'Underground city'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
He sneers, his bravado kicking in. He spits, his hand drifting toward his belt. The unmistakable glint of a blade flashes there.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You don’t tell me what to do.
<br />
But then he freezes. His eyes narrow as recognition dawns, and his sneer falters.
He looks you over again, taking in the details—the scars, the worn weapon at your side, the subtle but unmistakable weight of your presence and your reputation around here.
You're not just some drunk looking for trouble.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You’re… that guy...
<br />
His hand inches away from his belt, and he raises it slightly, palms out.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I don’t want any trouble, alright?
<br />
The girl stumbles away from him, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she clings to the wall. The tension in the room shifts as the man takes a step back, still keeping his eyes on you like a cornered animal.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Approach girl'>>
<<goto 'Bar - girl in danger won'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bar - drink'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<goto 'Bar - drink'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<<video '/bar/bartender_missing_friend'>>
<br /><br />
You approach the cute bartender as you discreetly ask if she has seen Blair's friend.<br />
You tell that her name is Ashley. She has long, red hair and she's in her 40s.
<br /><br />
The bartender giggles as soon as she hears her description. <strong>"Get lost! You shouldn't try to find her. Knowing with who she liked to drink together, she's probably sold as a slave somewhere or is laying dead in some dark alley"</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if typeof $characters.blair.quests !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_talked = true>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_talked_day = $game.day>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br /><br />
The city drunk, stumbles by, bumping into you. He doesn't even say sorry or even notice you as he continues to drink and dance alone.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 15>>
<div id="bar-event-drunk-button">
<<link 'Demand an apology'>>
<<run $('#bar-event-drunk-button').slideToggle()>>
<<if randomInteger(1,3) === 1>>
<<run $('#bar-event-drunk-fight').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#bar-event-drunk-no-fight').slideToggle()>>
<div id="bar-event-drunk-fight" style="display:none;">
He looks at you and yells <strong>"What the fuck you're looking at! Want to get your head smashed?"</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight him'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Bar' 'Bar' true>>
<div id="bar-event-drunk-no-fight" style="display:none;">
He looks at you, while barely being able to stand on his feet as he yells "sorry" and continues to dance.
<br /><br />
<div id="bar-event-drunk-button-ignore">
<<link 'Ignore him'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<<if typeof $wanted === 'undefined'>>
<<set $wanted to []>>
<br /><br />
<<set $currentWanted = $wanted.length>>
<<set $player.quests = $player.quests ?? {}>>
<<set $player.quests.wanted = $player.quests.wanted ?? {}>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt (3 - $currentWanted); _i++>>
<<set _additionalAward = 0>>
<<if $player.reputation_bounty_hunter >= 10 && typeof $player.quests.wanted.u1 === 'undefined'>>
$tmpGuy.unique = true,
$tmpGuy.uniqueKey = 1,
$tmpGuy.cantKill = true
<<set $player.quests.wanted.u1 = true>>
<<set _additionalAward = 200>>
<<set _wantedPerson = $tmpGuy>>
<<elseif random(0,2) == 2>>
<<set _wantedPerson = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _wantedPerson = $tmpGuy>>
<<set _wantedPerson.wanted = {
value: randomInteger(20, 70) + ($player.hunterRating ?? 0) + _additionalAward,
progress: 0
<<set _wantedPerson.strength += 50>>
<<run $wanted.push(_wantedPerson)>>
<div id="wanted-list">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $wanted.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<div class="wanted-div">
<<if $wanted[_i].unique>>
<div class="wanted-unique" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/misc/star.png\')'"></div>
<div class="wanted-bg">
<div class="wanted-type">
<<if $wanted[_i].unique>>
<div class="wanted-img">
<<if !$wanted[_i].gender>>
<div class="wanted-name">
<div class="wanted-value">
<<=$wanted[_i].wanted.value>> $$
<div class="wanted-link">
<<link 'Look around'>>
<<set $wantedId = _i>>
<<addhours 3>>
<<goto 'Wanted - look around'>>
<br /><br />
Your bounty hunter reputation: <<=$player.reputation_bounty_hunter>>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Hey! My shift ends soon and I wanted to make sure everything is alright.
<br />
I was wondering if you're interested in helping me taking off my work clothes?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
She leads you into one of the employee rooms, where it's cozy, strange, and encourages you to sit and wait.
About 20 minutes pass until you hear someone jiggling the door handles and she enters. Under her breath,
she mumbles something about clients, but when she sees you, a smile spreads across her face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/closing1'>>
<br /><br />
She quickly takes off her shoes and immediately heads towards you. Without hesitation, she kneels down and pulls out your dick.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
I was thinking about him all day.
<br />
She smiles and gives them a kiss before putting it in her mouth and deepthroating your dick. While sucking you off, she manages to take off her clothes. After she finishes removing her dress, she spits on your dick and gets on you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/closing2'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Oh yes... Just like that..
<br />
She slides on your dick and slowly increases the pace and takes full control of the entire process. You, meanwhile, calmly lie on the sofa.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bar/closing3'>>
<br /><br />
She makes circular movements, moving her hips, then flips both legs in the opposite direction, turns around and continues the process. She doesn't let you get up from the couch at all.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Uh.. Just let me do the job. Relax.
<br />
She continues to fuck you a while longer until she kneels on the couch. She grabs your legs and pulls you closer to her back.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Bartender' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Fuck my pussy, please.
<br />
<<video 'bar/closing4'>>
<br /><br />
She grabs your dick and tries to aim for her pussy, but you hurry a bit and it slides inside her ass.
She winces a little in pain but lets you continue to fuck her ass. She gets more relaxed with each thrust.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
You fill up her luscious asshole. After you pull out, you spread her ass cheeks and see your cum dripping on the couch.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<addmins 30>>
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
</div><<if !($bar_first_time ?? false)>>
<<goto 'Bar - first time'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<strong>Blackjack games start between 18:00 until 23:00</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.quests && !($characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_talked ?? false)>>
<<link 'Talk with bartender about Blair friend'>>
<<goto 'Bar - quest missing friend'>>
<<if $characters.blair.quests && $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished && $player.reputation > 20>>
<<link 'Talk to bartender'>>
<<goto 'Bar - bartender talk'>>
<<if $player.money >= 5>>
<<link 'Get a drink (5 caps)'>>
<<set $player.money -=5>>
<<goto 'Bar - drink'>>
<<if $player.money >= 100>>
<<link 'Buy a round for everyone (100 caps)'>>
<<set $player.money -= 100>>
<<goto 'Buy a round for everyone'>>
<<if timeBetween('18:00', '23:00')>>
<<link 'Play blackjack'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<goto 'Blackjack'>>
<<if timeBetween('12:00', '00:00')>>
<<link 'Check wanted posters'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<goto 'Bar - wanted posters'>>
<<if timeBetween('23:59', '03:00') && recall($suppCode) && setup.percentageChance(10) && $player.reputation > 50>>
<<goto 'Bar [Event] closing time'>>
[[Leave|Underground city]]<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You push the girl off your dick before you get up and leave without saying a word.<br />
You look back at her and your pre-cum is all over her lips.
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Some random girl smiles at you as you sit down.<br />
She approaches you and asks if you want to get sucked while you play cards for <strong>5 caps</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 5>>
<<link 'Yes'>>
<<set $blackjack.bj = true>>
<<set $player.money -= 5>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - play'>>
<<link 'No'>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - play'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
<<if $blackjack.first>>
<<run blackjackGiveCard($blackjack.house)>>
<<run blackjackGiveCard($blackjack.house)>>
<<run blackjackGiveCard($blackjack.you)>>
<<run blackjackGiveCard($blackjack.you)>>
<<set $blackjack.first = false>>
<<if $blackjack.stand>>
<<if blackjackCountCards($blackjack.house) < 17>>
<<run blackjackGiveCard($blackjack.house)>>
<<set $blackjack.finished = true>>
<<if (blackjackCountCards($blackjack.you) > blackjackCountCards($blackjack.house) || blackjackCountCards($blackjack.house) > 21) && blackjackCountCards($blackjack.you) <= 21>>
<<set $blackjack.won = true>>
<<if blackjackCountCards($blackjack.you) > 21>>
<<set $blackjack.finished = true>>
<strong>You have <<=blackjackCountCards($blackjack.you)>></strong>
<<if !$blackjack.finished>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Hit'>>
<<run blackjackGiveCard($blackjack.you)>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - play'>>
<<link 'Stand'>>
<<set $blackjack.stand = true>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - play'>>
<br />
<strong>House has <<=blackjackCountCards($blackjack.house)>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $blackjack.won>>
<strong>You WON! You won <<=$blackjack.bet>> caps</strong>
<<set $player.money += ($blackjack.bet * 2)>>
<strong>You LOST!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Play again'>>
<<goto 'Blackjack'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if $blackjack.bj>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - bj end'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<<run delete $blackjack>>
<<if ($blackjack.bj)>>
<<include 'Blackjack bj'>>
<</if>><br /><br />
<div id="blackjack-bj">
<<if $player.horny === 100>>
<br />
<br />
Without hesitation you cum in her mouth without any warning, but she takes it like a champ.<br />
Not a single drop of cum fell on the floor.
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
You push her away from yourself.
<<set $blackjack.bj = false>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/bar/blackjack_bj' + randomInteger(1,3) + '.webp']]
<br />
A random girl sucks your dick under the table.
<<horny 5>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<br /><br />
Underground city has its own rules. House always goes last. If you don't like that - you know where the door is.
<br /><br />
<<set $blackjack to {
bet: 0,
deck: {},
first: true,
you: [],
house: [],
won: false,
stand: false,
bj: (typeof $blackjack !== 'undefined' ? $blackjack.bj : false)
<<if timeBetween('17:00', '02:00')>>
Bet: <<textbox "$blackjack.bet" 1>>
<div id="blackjack-error" style="color:red"></div>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Bet'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<if typeof $player.gambler === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.gambler = 0>>
<<set $player.gambler++>>
<<set $blackjack.bet = parseInt($blackjack.bet)>>
<<if !Number.isInteger($blackjack.bet) || $blackjack.bet < 1>>
<<replace "#blackjack-error">>Invalid value<</replace>>
<<elseif $player.money < $blackjack.bet>>
<<replace "#blackjack-error">>You don't have enough caps<</replace>>
<<elseif $blackjack.bet > 100>>
<<replace "#blackjack-error">>Bet is too big. Max: 100<</replace>>
<<set $blackjack.deck = blackjackDeck()>>
<<set $player.money -= $blackjack.bet>>
<<if (randomInteger(1, 2) === 1) && !$blackjack.bj>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - bj'>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - play'>>
Blackjack is done for today.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if $blackjack.bj>>
<<goto 'Blackjack - bj end'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<<run delete $blackjack>>
<<if ($blackjack.bj)>>
<<include 'Blackjack bj'>>
<br /><br />
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br /><br />
<<you>>Next round is on me!!!<</you>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Everyone cheers and nods at you as you increased their mood drasticly.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<if $player.reputation < 50>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<strong>Your reputation increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your reputation with this action anymore.</strong>
<<addmins 60>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 1) === 0>>
<br /><br />
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/bar/buy_round_girl' + randomInteger(1,2) + '.webp']]
<br /><br />
Some girl winks at you as she drinks the beer you bought her and comes to you.<br />
<strong>"Thanks for the drink. How about I repay you for it?"</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to the bathroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption = randomInteger(50, 70)>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId, $guestId>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'nightclub'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bar'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Bar'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'No thanks'>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">DOM'S HOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _actionsMapping = {
1: 'Without saying a word she undresses fully and stands shyly in front of you',
2: 'Shyly and quietly she drops on her knees and pulls your dick out. You can see in her eyes that she is amazed by it. She starts to suck it cold but after a moment warms up and smiles at you',
3: 'She climbs on top of you and jerks you off while you suck her hard nipples inside your mouth',
4: 'You lay her on her back and pull her pants up a little and slowly slide into her.',
5: 'She spreads her legs wide open as you fuck her wet pussy. You feel that she is enjoying it but tries to be quiet. Probably because of the others in the next room.',
6: 'Without warning her you cum right inside her. She tries to break free but you hold her down as your cum starts dripping out of her pussy'
<<set _videoName = '/streets/dom_quest1_award' + ($game.domSexAction ?? 1)>>
<<video `_videoName`>>
<<if $game.domSexAction !== 6 && $game.domSexAction !== 3>>
<<horny 20>>
<br /><br />
<<= _actionsMapping[($game.domSexAction ?? 1)]>>
<br /><br />
<<if $game.domSexAction !== 6>>
<<link 'Lick her breasts'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $game.domSexAction = 3>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Blowjob'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $game.domSexAction = 2>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Cowgirl'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $game.domSexAction = 4>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Reverse cowgirl'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $game.domSexAction = 5>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<link 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $game.domSexAction = 6>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $game.domSexAction === 6>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<run delete $game.domSexAction>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You never cease to surprise me. What if we came to my place and enjoyed a bottle together?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Accept'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<set $characters.dom.relationship += 5>>
You go to Dom's place, and while you settle into his elegant and comfortable couch, he opens one of the bottles you brought.
<br /><br />
Dom takes the first sip of the glass and ecstatically starts playing the piano, filling the room with joyful melodies. Full of excitement, he calls his wife into the room as well.
<br /><br />
Darling! Come here! You have to taste this. It's just as I remember it. Perfect!
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/dom_champagne1'>>
<br /><br />
Dom's wife, dressed in a sexy dress, gracefully walks over to you and greets you while taking a sip from Dom's glass of champagne. After a moment, Dom waves to one of his guard, who brings another woman into the room.
<br/><br />
<<video '/streets/dom_champagne2'>>
<br /><br />
You've earned her. Not a scratch can be on her after she finishes with you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Have fun with her'>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #1 award'>>
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Refuse'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
Really? Your loss. You should probably leave now
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Refuse'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest1_done = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.relationship += 5>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You turn around the corner where your girls are standing and you see that Dom and some of his people are already waiting for you.
<br /><br />
Let's go
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow him'>>
You already know the way you are going. You are heading towards Dom's residence. Surely, once again, he will come up with excuses about many different ears around and all of this being a secret... Sure...
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You walk up the stairs, and they leave you alone for a moment while they go to another room.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Sit down'>>
Just as you sit down on the couch, you notice that Dom's wife is standing in the doorway and has been watching you for a while.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You acted foolishly by accepting his offer. Either you will die following his instructions, or if by some miracle you manage to survive, you will despise yourself.
<br /><br />
She barely managed to finish her sentence as Dom returned to the room and sat down opposite you.
<br /><br />
Don't worry. Your first task will be to easy one. Rumors are circulating about a priest who has set up a camp somewhere outside the city. I have no idea of his whereabouts, but I've heard that he occasionally throws small gatherings and has managed to find some champagne. And it's not just a one-time occurrence, so he must have some sort of hideout or something. I want you to bring me <strong class="iitem">10 bottles of champagne</strong>, by any means necessary.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.count('champagne') >= 10>>
<<link 'Tell him you already got the champagne'>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #1 done'>>
<<link 'Tell him you will do it'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You turn around the corner where your girls are standing and you see that Dom and some of his people are already waiting for you.
<br /><br />
Get ready. I need one more thing you to do. Follow me
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow him'>>
Just like before, all of you went to his place of residence together. This time, however, there was one bodyguard less, which means that it is very likely that he is slowly starting to trust you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You walk up the stairs, and they leave you alone for a moment while they go to another room.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Sit down'>>
Just as you were attempting to sit down, quickly footsteps approached you from behind — Dom's wife, Isabel, came up behind you. In a slightly anxious and quiet voice, she tries to tell you something.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Please don't. I know what he will want you to do and I beg you, don't! She's my old friend, I would never forgive you or him. I hope there is still good in you...
<br /><br />
She barely managed to finish her sentence as Dom returned to the room and sat down opposite you.
<br /><br />
You have proven that you can accomplish things that my men have been trying for some time now, but the result has not been forthcoming. This task won't be difficult. More or less, I want to determine where you stand and where your loyalty lies.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Listen carefully'>>
I have one ungrateful employee who suddenly decided she no longer wants to work for me. And that's not the worst part; it turns out she has two daughters whom she has been hiding from me all these years.
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest2_1'>>
<br /><br />
While Dom patiently tells his story, you notice that Isabel is nervously eavesdropping on your conversation from the stairs. It seems that she is genuinely concerned about this person.
<br /><br />
I even know where she is located - after all, I did say that the task wouldn't be difficult.
<br /><br />
The task is simple - I want you to kill her. And the daughters... I want you to bring them back to me. One important thing... I want them to witness it all!
<br />
So that they receive a lesson and know that nothing like this should happen again in the future.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to her location'>>
<<goto 'Dom quest #2 2'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
After you have dealt with the people who attacked you, you look around. Almost everyone lies on the floor, except for two who are fighting Dom. All your other allies have been killed. Dom successfully deals with the last two, and with a face covered in blood, looks at you.
<br /><br />
Good job! We should look for that diplomat..
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Help him search'>>
<strong>Suddenly, one of the opponents rises from the ground and heads towards Dom. You notice that he has a knife in his hands.</strong>
<br /><br />
<div id="options">
<<link 'Warn him'>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<<run $('#options').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set $player.reputation += 10>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest3_warned = true>>
<<link 'Do not warn him'>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<run $('#options').hide()>>
<div id="ending" style="display:none">
<br /><br />
In the last moment, Dom manages to spin around and sees the opponent coming at him with a knife, but it's already too late. The opponent grabs Dom by the neck and, with a determined force, thrusts the knife towards him.
<br />
Before you can do anything, a few more of Dom's people burst through the door, but in the meantime, the opponent has inflicted a few more stabs, and Dom simply slumps against the wall.
<br /><br />
Dom's men shouts that we need to get him back to the city
<br /><br />
<<link 'Help them get him to Underground city'>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #3 3'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
You hastily return to the underground city. When you arrive there, Dom is barely alive. Doctors were called in early, and they might be able to help him. They take him into a special room and close the door in front of you. An hour passes, then two...
<br /><br />
The doors open, and a couple of people come out, announcing that the situation is extremely critical, and Dom has fallen into a coma. It's unknown when he might wake up.
<br /><br />
Isabel comes out of the room and shouts at everyone.
<br /><br />
EVERYONE OUT! NOW! Except those who were with him the whole time.
<br /><br />
You are the only one left in the room because everyone else who was with you has died.
<br />
She asks you to sit down, and she sits down next to you on the couch.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Sit down'>>
What happened there? Why are you the only one left alive?
<br /><br />
You take a deep breath and begin to recount what exactly happened. She doesn't seem to be deeply concerned about Dom's health, but more interested in why and how he survived. As you finish telling the whole story, there's a moment of silence. Then, she calls out to someone from the next room, a girl wrapped like a gift, who enters the room.
<br /><br />
At the moment, Dom is in a coma, and it's unclear how long it will last or if he will recover at all. You are our only hope right now, especially with this fuel crisis in the city. With these shortages, we will soon run out of electricity... That's why I want to take care of you. Dom would definitely want that too.
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest3_award1'>>
<br /><br />
You can do with her mouth whatever you want.
<br />
When the girl approaches you, to your surprise, she is not the one who helps you get your dick out, but it's Isabel as she giggles.
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest3_award2'>>
<br /><br />
Don't get your hopes up
<br />
She opens your zipper and slides her warm hand inside your pants and grabs your hard dick. She jerks it for a moment as other girl is already on her knees in front of you and is waiting...
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest3_award3'>>
<br /><br />
She pulls out your cock and nods at the girl waiting on her knees. Girl starts to suck you off but instead of Isabel stepping away, she continues to jerk you off. As you try to kiss her lips, she turns her cheek and doesn't allow you to do that.
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest3_award4'>>
<br /><br />
Isabel steps back and allows you to express yourself. You grab girls hair and push your dick all the way in her mouth. She looks playful and doesn't mind to give you some pleasure
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'streets/dom_quest3_award5'>>
<br /><br />
Your warn the girl that you'll cum and Isabel overhearing that decides to step back in. She grabs your dick and strokes it, while other girl opens her mouth widely and waits for your cum.<br />
As you finish and girls mouth is full, Isabel leans towards her mouth and playfully gives her a kiss with mouth full of your cum.<br />
You continue to press your hard dick against girl lips as Isabel kisses her and she barely touched your dick with her lips.
<br /><br />
You should go now. I hope you'll help us in this difficult time.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest3_done = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest3_done_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Streets'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You turn around the corner where your girls are standing and you see that Dom and some of his people are already waiting for you.
<br /><br />
Very good that you're here! Quickly! We don't have much time! Let's hit the road. I'll explain everything on the way.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow him'>>
Instead of going to his place as usual, you turn in the other direction. It seems like you're heading overseas. On the way there, a few more people join Dom. As you walk briskly, Dom starts telling what really happened.
<br /><br />
There's a problem. Underground city might soon face issues with fuel generators because we're running out of fuel. It was arranged for a diplomat from another city to come, and we would discuss the deal details, but he was supposed to be here the day before yesterday... This morning, another person from the same city arrived and said that the diplomat was supposed to be here.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
While he's talking, more people have joined you, and you all emerge above ground. Dom points to the west, and you all start heading in that direction at a brisk pace.
<br /><br />
You continue on the road for several hours when suddenly, out of nowhere, a sandstorm appears. It's evident that panic sets in among the people, and those who were moving slowly suddenly collapse on the ground, and the rest don't even attempt to gather them. They are left to fate's mercy. After a while, however, in the distance, you spot something - it looks like an abandoned hotel by the side of the road.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Let's go there. Need to wait till storm calms down.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go inside'>>
The sandstorm is so fierce that you can barely manage to open the doors. After a moment, you are inside, and the wind forcefully slams the doors shut behind you. All around, you can hear murmurs and whispers, but you don't see anyone...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tear the curtains from the window'>>
<br /><br />
Tearing the curtains from the windows lets in light, illuminating the room ever so slightly. Suddenly, from behind, you hear a shout, and as you turn around, you see that many people have emerged from the previously dark corners of the room, now bathed in light. They all rush towards you all, and a fight ensues. Some of them have knives, while others wield metal pipes. A couple of them decide to attack you as well.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'stab wounds.'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Dom - quest #3 2' 'Dead'>>
$fight.canRunAway = false,
$fight.skipEnding = true
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br /><br />
Guided by the vague directions provided by Dom, you embarked on a journey fraught with danger and uncertainty. As wilderness seemed to stretch on endlessly, you clung to the hope that the meeting with Adelaide would be a turning point.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you approach the edge of the forest, you notice faint wisps of smoke rising from within the woods. It seems that it's quite close to the road, and you decide to turn and walk through this area, so as not to give away your position and to remain unnoticed by anyone.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You slowly and quietly approach the source of the smoke and notice that they are already there. They sit quietly by the tent, discussing something in hushed voices.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach them'>>
<br /><br />
Suddenly, one of them turns around and spots you. They all rush into the tent and unexpectedly start screaming loudly in your direction. After a moment, it seems they understand what's happening. The eldest, who appears to be their mother, rushes out of the tent half-crying and positions herself in front of you, blocking the way, kissing your feet, just so you wouldn't reach her daughters.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<say 'Mother' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
NO, NO!! I BEG YOU! Enough! Tell him that I will go back to him, just leave her alone. They will disappear and you will never see them. I beg you so much. Our life is already pitiful as it is. They are everything I have left...
<br /><br />
She asks you to wait and wants to tell you her life story. You have a feeling that she's simply stalling, trying to figure out a way to escape.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace "Listen">>
<<set _listen = true>>
Tears welled in her eyes as she described the pain she had endured, the compromises she had made, and the sacrifices that had been exacted from her. Through her narrative, you came to understand the harsh reality that mother had faced, the brutality she had been subjected to in order to protect them.<br />
She tells you that dom didn't gave her any respect. She was used on the streets, the basement, slums...
<br /><br />
Her husband, the father of the girls...
<br />
He was a beacon of hope in those dark times.
A man who believed in a better world, who fought to bring light to the shadows but he was taken away from us before the girls had the chance to really know him.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Mother' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Please, forget that you saw us, and we will leave immediately and never show up here again. I beg you earnestly
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cant">
<<linkreplace "Tell her that you can't do that">>
<<set _optionCant = true>>
In her desperation, she simply falls face-first to the ground and clutches onto your leg. For a moment, there is a tomb-like silence. The only thing that can be heard is the mother's sobbing...
<br /><br />
<<say 'Daughter' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Mister... Please... We're very good at gardening...
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<div id="option4">
<<linkreplace 'Keep quiet'>>
Silence once again fills the surroundings, as they await your response or reaction, but you remain silent, not producing a sound. Signs of disappointment appear on their faces, and the daughters make eye contact, reassuringly gesturing to each other. After a moment, they call for their mother, and for a few seconds, a quiet argument ensues among them. The mother seems dissatisfied with something, but ultimately sighs, and with tear-filled eyes, she walks away from the tent, taking twenty steps away.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Daughter' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Both girls, with slightly trembling hands, start to open their shirts while the mother has walked a few more steps ahead. After few seconds one of them is done and you see two beautiful small breasts"
<br /><br />
<<say 'Daughter' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Perhaps we can convince you somehow?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Join them'>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'streets/dom_quest2_tent1'>>
<br /><br />
As soon as you enter the tent, one of the girls approaches you and slowly begins to undress you. The other one seems more shy, hesitating on the side for a moment, while the first one has already reached down your bulge and slides hand across it. After a moment second girl decides to join too.
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest2_tent2'>>
<br /><br />
She firmly grabs your hard dick in her hand and slowly starts to stroke it while you force her to lick her sisters natural breasts. She obeys...
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest2_tent3'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Daughter' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Forgive my sister. She isn't used to this.
<br /><br />
She barely finishes her sentence when she has already dropped to her knees, took away her sisters hand from your dick and puts it inside her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest2_tent4'>>
<br /><br />
Second sister still is hesitating but look like she's enjoying the view as she massages her pussy while looking at your dick sliding in and out of her sisters mouth. She gathers courage but instead of blowing you, she decides to get on your dick. She starts slow but slowly picks up the phase.
<br /><br />
<<video 'streets/dom_quest2_tent5'>>
<br /><br />
You decide to fuck first daughter as you throw her on her back and shove dick inside her. You maintain a steady pace as she makes very load scream of pleasure. Look like you hit the right spot as she tries to put her legs together and get off you for a moment to enjoy it.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
She manages to get you out of her pussy but by surprise other daugther's mouth is already there and she catches almost every cum droplet as you cum.
<br /><br />
<<if (($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && ($guests.length + 3) <= $guesthouseLimit)>>
<div id="option_invite">
<<linkreplace 'Invite them to live with you'>>
<<run $('#option2, #option5, #option_capture').hide()>>
<<domQuest2Invite 'guests'>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<run $('#option4').hide()>>
<br /><br />
Their faces light up and a smile appears on them. They look at each other, and hope is visible in their eyes.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Daughter' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Really? Thank you!
<br /><br />
<<set $player.goodwill += 10>>
<<say 'Mother' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
I'll be forever in your debt. Thank you!
<br /><br />
You tell them as accurately as possible, the way for them to get from here to your camp.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go back to Dom'>>
<<goto 'Dom quest #2 3'>>
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && ($slaves.length + 3) <= $basementLimit)>>
<div id="option_capture">
<<linkreplace 'Capture them all'>>
<<run $('#option2, #option5, #option_invite').hide()>>
<<domQuest2Invite 'slaves'>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<run $('#option4').hide()>>
<br /><br />
Fear shows on their faces. They look at each other, and they're trying to run away but you manage to hold them all.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Daughter' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Please no! We can't go back!
<br /><br />
<<set $player.goodwill += 10>>
<<say 'Mother' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Sir! Please! Enough is enough! They won't make it!
<br /><br />
You grab all of them and bring them back to your camp where you put each of them in different cell.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go back to Dom'>>
<<goto 'Dom quest #2 3'>>
<div id="option5">
<<linkreplace 'Tell them to go away as far as they can'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<run $('#option4').hide()>>
<<if !_listen>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<br /><br />
Their faces light up and a smile appears on them. They look at each other, and hope is visible in their eyes.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Daughter' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Really? Thank you!
<br /><br />
<<set $player.goodwill += 10>>
<<say 'Mother' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
I'll be forever in your debt. Thank you!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go back to Dom'>>
<<goto 'Dom quest #2 3'>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Kill her'>>
<<if !_listen>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<if !_optionCant>>
<<run $('#option_cant').hide()>>
<<run $('#option5').hide()>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest2_killed = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 20>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<run $('#option3').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You find a metal object nearby and forcefully strike mother on the head. Instantly, she collapses to the ground, her skull cracks open, and blood begins to pour out in torrents. One of the daughters freezes in shock, motionless, while the other one starts screaming hysterically at you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Bring girls back to Dom'>>
<<goto 'Dom quest #2 3'>>
<<widget domQuest2Invite>>
<<set _mother = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _mother.race = 'white'>>
<<set _mother.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(41)>>
<<set _mother.traits = ['analslut']>>
<<set _mother.skills = ['gardener', 'shopkeeper']>>
<<set _mother.sub = 90>>
<<set _mother.relationship = 100>>
<<set _mother.virgin = false>>
<<set _daughter1 = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _daughter1.race = 'white'>>
<<set _daughter1.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(19)>>
<<set _daughter1.skills = ['gardener']>>
<<set _daughter1.family = {
mother: _mother.id
<<set _daughter1.virgin = false>>
<<set _daughter1.relationship = 80>>
<<set _daughter2 = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _daughter2.race = 'white'>>
<<set _daughter2.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(20)>>
<<set _daughter2.skills = ['gardener']>>
<<set _daughter2.family = {
mother: _mother.id
<<set _daughter2.virgin = false>>
<<set _daughter2.relationship = 80>>
<<set _mother.family = {
kids: [
<<if $args[0] == 'guests'>>
<<run $guests.push(_mother, _daughter1, _daughter2)>>
<<run $slaves.push(_mother, _daughter1, _daughter2)>>
<</widget>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
So how did it go?
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest2_done = true>>
<<if $characters.dom.quests.quest2_killed>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest3_start_day = ($game.day + 7)>>
Dom notices that you have returned with both daughters and they are covered in blood. He immediately understands that you have successfully and decisively completed your task and nods at you approvingly.
<br /><br />
I knew I could rely on you. Congratulations. I will contact you in the near future.
<br /><br />
He orders one of his subordinates to undress the daughters and place collars around them. That she does as well, and afterward, they leave the room.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
In the corner of the room, you see Isabel. It's evident that her eyes are wet, and a tear runs down her cheek, although she tries to hide it. She definitely looks disappointed.
<br />
As you walk past her to the exit, she quietly whispers to you..
<br /><br />
You bastard...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
Wait.. Where are they?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell him that they managed to run away'>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest3_start_day = ($game.day + 15)>>
That's bullshit! I know that! I don't know why expected that much from you.. Get lost! I will need to think what to do with you
<br /><br />
In anger, Dom takes one of his whiskey glasses, which stands right in front of him on the table, and throws it against the wall.
<br />
You look at Isabel is she's trying to hide her smile.<br />
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She is definitely surprised by your response, and a small shock is visible on her face. She smiles flirtatiously and after a moment, leaves the room.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
Hey! What do you want?
<br />
<<if $characters.boris.quests.shop>>
<<link 'Sell milk'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - shop'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
Near the entrance to the showers, you catch a glimpse of a girl—a random face among the many that fill this place.
She’s moving quickly, her steps hurried as she heads toward the showers, her figure barely illuminated in the dim light. Just before she turns the corner, she glances back at you, her eyes narrowing.
<br /><br />
<<set _text = either(
'You think you’re tough, huh? My boyfriend could easily beat you up! You’ve got nothing here, nothing to do with us.',
'What you are looking at?',
'You want your ass beaten? I have friends'
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
<br />
She doesn’t wait for a response, quickly disappearing around the corner and into the showers, leaving her words hanging in the air. You stand there for a moment, the echo of her voice lingering in the quiet that follows. It’s a reminder that in this place, every victory comes with its own set of challenges, every rise in status met with someone ready to knock you back down.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow her inside'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
You follow her, your steps almost silent on the wet floor.
The girl is already at one of the far showers, turning on the water with a harsh twist of the rusty knob.
The pipes groan as the water sputters to life, a steady stream cascading down over her.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Ambush her'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 3>>
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush1'>>
<br /><br />
In one swift motion, you wrap the towel around her mouth and pull her backward.
The sudden contact and the unexpectedness of it make her gasp, a scream escaping her lips.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Stop! Don't!
<br />
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush2'>>
<br /><br />
You fall together on the ground as she still tries to resist and get herself free. She tries to push you away, but her resistance is more for show than anything else.
You wrap your arms around her, holding her close in the cold, damp air of the shower room.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Get off me you bastard! You're dead! Dead!
<br /><br />
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush3'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I am so sorry! Please, let me go!
<br />
<div id="option_release">
<<linkreplace 'Release her'>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
You loosen your grip around her, allowing her to sit up.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush4'>>
<br /><br />
Without a word, she scrambles to her feet, slipping slightly on the wet tiles before finding her balance. She barely takes the time to gather herself as she sprints out of the shower room, her wet footsteps echoing loudly as she rushes away. The fear etched into her expression is undeniable, and it sends a cold shiver down your spine.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<div id="option_fuck">
<<linkreplace 'Face fuck her'>>
<<run $('#option_release').hide()>>
While loosening your grib, you manage to hold her down with one hand as you unzip your pants and pull out already hard dick. With a slap on her face you remind her what will happen if she tries something funny.
Then you shove it deep into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush5'>>
<br /><br />
It goes almost fully in before her gag kicks in and she tries to break free again. You quickly grab her by hair and force the movements onto your dick. There is almost no time for her to even take a breath.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush6'>>
<br /><br />
For a brief moment you pull your dick out and let her take that very needed air into her mouth.
As soon as it's done, she relaxes a bit more before you slide your dick back into her mouth.
This time a bit more gentle but still as deep as you can.
<br /><br />
Tears are coming out of her eyes as she not with fully force but still tries to push you away. In one of the moments you slip out and she manages to push you away.
In the same moment she falls backwards on her back and you fall right between her legs.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please, please! I won't do that again. Don't do it...
<br />
But you don't stop. As soon as you get a better grip around her neck, you slap her legs wide open and shove your dick into her dry pussy.
She resists, but soon it gets moist and you slide it inside her and slowly pick up the speed.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush7'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
<br />
With hands wrapper around her waist you turn you both around and you land on your back. Then with force and movement upper you shove it as deep as you can with maximum speed. She lets out big moan mixed with scream.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cage_fight/ambush8'>>
<br /><br />
You feel that she gets more relaxed and pushes her chest against yours to get additional support. Her ass is lifted high up as you keep bounding her pussy while her breasts are fully pressed against your chest.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br />
You cum deep inside her pussy. She seems not to notice it but in the end not you but she's the one who's moving up and down your dick.
<br /><br />
Without a word, she scrambles to her feet, slipping slightly on the wet tiles before finding her balance.
She barely takes the time to gather herself as she sprints out of the shower room, her wet footsteps echoing loudly as she rushes away.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<link 'Ignore her'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br /><br />
Some dirty guy who's scratching his neck all the time comes to you, while nervously looking around.
<br /><br />
<strong>"You want some drugs? They give you energy! Trust me!</strong>
<br /><br />
You look at one of the drugs in his hand. All of them look shady as fuck, but one of them in particular looks like vitamin C.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 30>>
<<linkreplace 'Buy for 30 caps'>>
<<set $player.money -= 30>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy += 10>>
<strong>Your max energy increased to <<=$player.maxEnergy>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<<addmins 30>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br /><br />
You're sparring with some random dude. You throw a few unexpected punches and the other guy goes down a couple times. You follow up with a few strong kicks too.<br />
Afterwards you shake hands before getting out of the cage.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.strength < 100>>
<strong>Your strength increased by 2</strong>
<<set $player.strength +=2>>
<strong>You can't increase your strength with this action anymore.</strong>
<br />
<<if $player.endurance < 50>>
<strong>Your endurance increased by 1</strong>
<<set $player.endurance++>>
<strong>You can't increase your endurance with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if $player.maxEnergy <= 130 && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - drug dealer'>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(5) && !$locationEvents.fight_cage>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - ambush'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<<energy -20>>
<<addmins 60>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
As you enter the fight cage area again, the air thick with the usual mix of sweat, blood, and adrenaline, you spot Boris moving toward you. He’s got that familiar smirk on his face, but there’s something different in his eyes this time—something amused, like he’s been waiting to tell you something.
<br /><br />
<br />
Hey! Looks like you’ve caught someone’s attention.
<br />
Been watching you fight. Says he’s curious about you. Can’t figure out how someone like you—so, uh, let’s say ‘unimpressive’—can keep winning matches.
<br />
You can tell Boris is enjoying this, probably relishing the idea of someone underestimating you. He leans in slightly, his voice lowering as if sharing a secret.
<br /><br />
He wants to fight you. Says he’s seen you move and can’t wrap his head around it. Thinks you’re too weak to be winning the way you are. He’s curious, wants to test you himself.
<br />
There’s a spark of challenge in Boris’s eyes now, as if he’s eager to see how you’ll respond.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fight">
<<linkreplace "Let's fight">>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
Word travels fast in the underground city, and by the time you’re ready to step into the cage, a crowd has already gathered. They’ve heard the whispers, the speculation about the fighter who’s been challenging the odds. Now, they’re here to see if you can really back it up.
<br /><br />
The cage is a brutal, rusted structure, surrounded by eager faces and lit by harsh, flickering lights that cast jagged shadows across the arena. The crowd’s energy is palpable, buzzing with anticipation as you step inside. Across from you, your opponent waits—bigger, stronger, with a confident sneer that says he’s already counting on an easy victory.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/fight1_1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
The crowd roars as the fight begins. Your opponent charges at you immediately, aiming to overwhelm you with his size and power. He swings hard, a wide arc of a punch meant to take your head off in one blow. He manages to give you full hits but you’re faster—ducking low, feeling the rush of air as his fist misses you by inches. You keep moving, circling him, forcing him to adjust to your speed.
<br /><br />
<<perkAdd 'beaten'>>
He comes at you again, more frustrated now, throwing a flurry of punches. But his attacks are wild, fueled by anger and overconfidence. You dodge, weaving between his strikes, watching for openings. It’s like dancing with a bull—letting him wear himself out, expending his energy in fruitless attacks.
<br /><br />
Then, you see your chance. He’s overextended, leaving his side exposed. You step in close, quick as a flash, and deliver a sharp elbow to his ribs. He grunts, the air rushing out of him in a hiss, but you don’t give him time to recover. You follow up with a series of rapid punches—one to the gut, then another to his jaw, making him stagger back, surprised by the force behind your strikes.
<br /><br />
The crowd erupts, their cheers blending into a single roar as they realize you’re not just surviving—you’re winning.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.reputation += 5>>
And then you see it—an opening. He’s thrown himself off balance, overextending with his last swing. You don’t hesitate. In one fluid motion, you pivot on your foot, plant your weight, and drive your fist straight into his face.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/fight1_2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
The impact is brutal, a solid connection that reverberates through your arm. You feel his nose crunch beneath your knuckles, and his head snaps back with the force of the blow. Blood sprays into the air, and his eyes go wide with shock and pain.
<br /><br />
For a split second, the entire cage seems to freeze. The crowd falls silent, everyone watching as your opponent teeters on his feet, stunned by the sheer power of your punch. Then, like a tree felled by a single, decisive strike, he collapses. His massive body hits the ground with a heavy thud, out cold before he even lands.
<br /><br />
As the gate opens and you step out, Boris is there, his smirk wider than ever, his eyes gleaming with newfound respect. The crowd parts for you as you walk through, every face turned toward you, a mix of awe and recognition in their eyes. You’ve done more than just win a fight—you’ve made a statement.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.boris.quests.fight1 = true>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - ambush'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'Not now'>>
<<run $('#option_fight').hide()>>
You take a moment to consider Boris’s words, feeling the weight of the challenge he’s presenting.
The underground city is a place where reputation means everything, and you’ve already started to carve out a place for yourself here.
But something about this situation feels off—like the timing isn’t right, or maybe the challenge isn’t worth it just yet.
<br /><br />
Not yet. I’ll fight him later.
<br />
As Boris turns and walks away, you can feel the eyes of others in the area watching you, wondering why you didn’t take the challenge right away. But you know your reasons—sometimes the right move is to wait, to strike when the moment is perfect, and to ensure that when you do, there’s no question about your strength.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
You’re scanning the crowd when Boris emerges from the shadows, his large frame cutting through the throng of onlookers.
His ever-present smirk is in place, but today it’s accompanied by a glint of something that could be excitement—or perhaps a challenge.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/milk_orders.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
He strides up to you, his voice carrying over the ambient noise of the crowd.
<br /><br />
Are you ready to fight your next opponent?
<br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/fight2_1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
You follow his gaze to see a figure standing near the entrance of the cage, a rival fighter who’s clearly itching for a chance to prove himself.
He is a solid, intimidating presence, exuding confidence and readiness.
It’s clear he has been watching you, studying your previous fights, and now is eager to test his own mettle against yours.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fight">
<<linkreplace "Let's fight">>
<<set $characters.boris.quests.fight2 = true>>
<<set $characters.boris.quests.fight2_day = $game.day>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
As you step into the cage, the familiar roar of the crowd surrounds you, the tension in the air almost palpable.
Your rival stands opposite you, a confident smirk on his face that doesn’t waver as the gate clangs shut behind you.
The cage is bathed in harsh light, casting sharp shadows and making every movement feel more intense.
<br /><br />
Your opponent is built like a tank, muscles bulging and eyes locked on you with a steely determination.
He’s eager, ready to show that he’s the better fighter
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/fight2_2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
He lunges at you with a powerful right hook, aiming to end things quickly.
You duck just in time, feeling the rush of air as his fist narrowly misses your head.
Instinctively, you sidestep, keeping your movements fluid and unpredictable.
He’s aggressive, throwing a series of heavy, swinging punches meant to overpower you.
Each strike is forceful, but you’ve faced this kind of raw power before and know how to handle it.
<br /><br />
<<perkAdd 'beaten'>>
With a quick, practiced motion, you drive an elbow into his ribs, feeling the impact as he grunts in pain.
He stumbles back, momentarily winded, and you follow up with a swift, controlled kick to his midsection.
He doubles over, clearly affected by the combination of blows.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.reputation += 5>>
The force of the punch is immense, and you watch as his head snaps back, his body following suit.
He crumples to the ground, the energy draining from him in an instant. The crowd’s roar swells as they watch the impact, their excitement reaching a crescendo as he collapses.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/fight2_3.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
He’s out cold, sprawled on the cage floor, his limbs splayed awkwardly.
The referee moves in, checking his condition with practiced efficiency.
You stand over him, breathing heavily but standing tall, the adrenaline from the fight still coursing through you.
<br /><br />
You look up on the crowd and notice a girl that tries to get your attention. As soon as your eyes lock she grabs her shirt.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/flash_tits.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As the gate opens and you step out, Boris is there, his smirk wider than ever, his eyes gleaming with newfound respect. The crowd parts for you as you walk through, every face turned toward you, a mix of awe and recognition in their eyes. You’ve done more than just win a fight—you’ve made a statement.
<br /><br />
he winks at you before pulling her top back down, her expression a mix of challenge and playfulness.
<br />
With a final nod in her direction, you turn away, ready to continue navigating the aftermath of your victory, the crowd’s cheers still ringing in your ears.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'Not now'>>
<<run $('#option_fight').hide()>>
Not yet. I’ll fight him later.
<br />
As Boris turns and walks away, you can feel the eyes of others in the area watching you, wondering why you didn’t take the challenge right away. But you know your reasons—sometimes the right move is to wait, to strike when the moment is perfect, and to ensure that when you do, there’s no question about your strength.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<<energy -40>>
<<set $player.fight_today = true>>
<<if typeof $player.fighter_rank === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.fighter_rank to 100>>
<<set _randomEnemy = {
strength: 100 - $player.fighter_rank + random(25, 50)
<<if $player.strength > _randomEnemy.strength>>
<<image 'places/underground/fight_win.webp' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<set $player.strength++>>
<<set $player.money += 5>>
<<set $player.fighter_rank-->>
<<if !$player.fighter_rank>>
<<set $player.fighter_rank = 1>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
You <strong>WON</strong> the fight.
<<image 'places/underground/fight_lost.webp' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<set $player.money -= 5>>
<<set $player.fighter_rank++>>
You <strong>LOST</strong> the fight.
<br /><br />
Your current fight rank is: #<strong><<print $player.fighter_rank>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 60>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if $player.fighter_rank <= 95 && !$characters.boris.quests.shop>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - milk orders'>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(20) && !$locationEvents.fight_cage>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - ambush'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<<set $game.location.fight_club = true>>
<br />
The air in the underground city reeks of sweat and iron as you step into the dimly lit corridor near the fight cage. The crowd’s roars and the sound of fists meeting flesh echo off the reinforced concrete walls. You feel the weight of every gaze—fighters sizing you up, gamblers calculating odds, and the curious wondering what business you have here.
<br /><br />
Then, you spot Boris. His massive frame looms near the cage, his leather jacket scuffed and stained from years of running the fight club.
His shrewd eyes lock onto you immediately, and you can feel the weight of his scrutiny. He strides toward you, each step deliberate, as the chaos around him seems to dim.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/workout.gif'>>
Behind him, his woman is working out with a precision that makes her strength impossible to ignore. Her toned muscles flex as she smirks at you, her eyes glinting with something between amusement and challenge. As Boris gets closer, she says something loud enough for you to hear over the din.
<br /><br />
Guess you’ve proven you can do something.
<br />
Boris glances over his shoulder at her but doesn’t rebuke her.
Instead, his lips curl into a knowing grin as he stops in front of you. His voice is low and gravelly, the kind that demands respect without needing to shout.
<br /><br />
Alright. You’re in the fighter’s club now. That means you get to pick your champions—slaves, mercs, whoever’s willing to fight for your coin.
<br />
He leans in slightly, his voice lowering.
<br /><br />
You’ll decide the stakes. Money, favors, whatever you want to gamble. But remember, this ain’t a charity. You lose, you pay.
<br />
The woman behind him lets out a short laugh, her amusement obvious as she grabs a towel to wipe the sweat from her brow.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/workout2.gif'>>
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Better pick someone good, or you’ll be out on your ass faster than you got in.
<br />
Boris straightens up, giving you one last scrutinizing look.
<br /><br />
Welcome to the club. Don’t screw it up.
<br />
He turns and walks away, leaving you standing there, the roar of the crowd washing over you. For the first time, you’re not just a spectator. Now, you’re part of the game.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<notify 6s>>
Fight club is now available!
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
<<if timeBetween('08:00', '20:00')>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
So what you want to fight for?
<br />
<<link 'Fighters'>>
<<set $fightClubPrize = 'fighters'>>
<<goto 'NPC fight cage - choose fighters'>>
<<link '50 caps'>>
<<set $fightClubPrize = 'caps'>>
<<goto 'NPC fight cage - choose fighters'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
It's late already. Come back tomorrow.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
You make your way to the side of the cage, dropping your bag to the cracked concrete floor.
The weight of the world on your shoulders feels a little lighter as you begin your workout routine.
The repetition of lifting weights and practicing strikes brings a sense of comfort, a ritual that allows you to block out the chaos around you, at least for a little while.
But you can feel eyes on you, a familiar sensation in a world where survival often depends on sizing up every stranger.
<br /><br />
<br />
It doesn’t take long for you to spot them. A girl and a guy, both lean and hardened by the harsh realities of this world, stand a few feet away, watching you with intense, scrutinizing eyes. The girl’s gaze is cold, calculating, like she’s already figuring out how to use you to her advantage.
The guy, though, has a different look—curiosity mixed with something more dangerous.
<br /><br />
The guy takes a step closer, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
<br /><br />
Haven’t seen you around here before. You new?
$tmpGuy.id = 'boris',
$tmpGirl.name = 'Boris',
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(27),
$tmpGirl.hair = 'black',
$tmpGirl.eyes = 'brown',
$tmpGirl.race = 'white',
$tmpGirl.beauty = 94,
$tmpGirl.anal = 0,
$tmpGirl.traits = [];
$tmpGirl.quests = {},
$tmpGirl.virgin = false,
$tmpGuy.relationship = 0
<br />
You set down the weights, wiping the sweat from your brow as you turn to face him fully.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_calm">
<<linkreplace 'Yeah, just got in. Trying to get a feel for the place'>>
<<run $('#option_agressive').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
Yeah, just got in. Trying to get a feel for the place.
<br />
He nods, glancing at the fight cage where two brawlers go at it with a ferocity that speaks of desperation.
<br /><br />
You came to the right spot. This is where the real action happens. We got the fights going all night. You can make some good caps if you know how to handle yourself.
<br />
<div id="option_agressive">
<<linkreplace 'Looking for trouble?'>>
<<run $('#option_calm').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
Looking for trouble?
<br />
The guy’s grin widens, a glint of something predatory in his eyes.
<br /><br />
Is that so? Well, we could always use more fighters. If you’re half as good as you look, you might make a name for yourself down here
<br />
<div id="continue" style="display:none">
<br />
The girl, who has remained silent until now, steps forward, her eyes scanning you with a mixture of interest and suspicion.
She says nothing, but her presence is palpable, a reminder that nothing in this place is as simple as it seems.
<br /><br />
You are the guy who delivered special milk some time ago, right?
<br />
Whenever you're ready, just step inside fight cage.
<br />
The guy leans in slightly, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret.
<br /><br />
Tell you what… You keep winning, climb the ranks, and maybe—just maybe—I’ll let you fight with some of my best men. Or even I will let you fight my slaves. Maybe yours against mine?
<br />
You feel the gravity of his offer, the darkness it carries. The choice is yours—step into the cage and fight for caps, climb the ranks, and eventually, perhaps, command your own slaves in the arena. Or you could walk away, refuse to be a part of the twisted game that turns human lives into currency and entertainment.
<br /><br />
Now you can fight in cage for caps!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.boris = $tmpGuy>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
After your most recent fight, as you’re catching your breath and wiping off the blood and sweat, you notice Boris approaching.
You’ve seen him around, talking to various people, always with that same predatory smile.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/milk_orders.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
He glances around, making sure no one’s too close, then leans in a bit.
<br /><br />
Hey, remember that milk delivery you brought me from Vincent a while back? I’ve been thinking… that last batch didn’t taste quite right. Something off about it.
<br />
I'm wondering if you’ve got your own source, or know of a better one. Maybe something fresher. You seem like someone who can get things done.
<br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/milk_orders2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
As Boris talks, his girl—who's been standing beside him, silent as usual—starts to watch you more closely. There’s something in her eyes, a flicker of curiosity that wasn’t there before. While Boris discusses the milk, you can feel her gaze on you, assessing, calculating, as if she’s trying to figure out what kind of person you are and how far you’re willing to go in this grim world.
<br /><br />
If I manage to get some, I will bring it to you.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.boris.quests.shop = true>>
<<set $locationEvents.fight_cage = true>>
<<notify 5s>>
Fight cage shop is available to sell milk!
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $shopMerchants.cage_fight = {
money: 50
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _shopItems = clone(setup.items.shop.cage_fight)>>
<<shop 'cage_fight' _shopItems 'Fight cage - shop' '<<if $characters.boris.relationship < 30>><<set $characters.boris.relationship += Math.min(5, _shopItems[_i].qty)>><</if>>'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<<if isMetChar('boris')>>
<div id="characters-in-location">
<<link '<div class="char-in-location">[img[setup.ImagePath+"people/boris/avatar.png"]]</div>'>>
<<goto 'Boris room'>>
<br />
<<if $player.energy >= 40 && $player.money >= 5 && timeBetween('08:00', '23:00') && isMetChar('boris')>>
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - fight'>>
<<linkdesc 'fight'>>
5 caps.
<<if $player.energy >= 20>>
<<link 'Exercise'>>
<<if $player.strength > 30 && !isMetChar('boris')>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - introduction'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - exercise'>>
<<if $game.location.fight_club && timeBetween('08:00', '20:00')>>
<<link 'Fight club'>>
<<goto 'Fight - fighter club'>>
<<if isMetChar('boris') && !($locationEvents.fight_cage ?? false)>>
<<if $player.fighter_rank <= 90 && !$characters.boris.quests.fight1>>
<<set $locationEvents.fight_cage = true>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - fight #1'>>
<<elseif $player.fighter_rank <= 80 && !$characters.boris.quests.fight2>>
<<set $locationEvents.fight_cage = true>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - fight #2'>>
<<elseif $characters.boris.quests.fight2 && !$game.location.fight_club>>
<<set $locationEvents.fight_cage = true>>
<<goto 'Fight cage - fighter club introduction'>>
[[Leave|Underground city]]<h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
<<set $fightCage = {
fightersNeeded: ($fightCage?.fightersNeeded ?? randomInteger(1, 3))
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Choose <strong><<=$fightCage.fightersNeeded>></strong> of your fighters!
<br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/npc_fight_3.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _props = {
assignedTo: false,
beauty: false,
orientation: false
<<set _fighters = {}>>
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions ?? {}>>
<<set _companionKeySplit = _companionKey.split(':')>>
<<set _companionNpc = setup.companionGet(_companionKey)>>
<<capture _companionNpc, _companionKeySplit>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="width: 5%">
<<checkbox "_fighters[_companionKeySplit]" false true>>
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<<npcListView _companionNpc _companionKeySplit[1] _companionKeySplit[0] _props>>
<div id="error"></div>
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set _readyFighters = []>>
<<for _fighter, _enabled range _fighters>>
<<if _enabled>>
<<set _npc = setup.companionGet(_fighter.split(',').join(':'))>>
<<set _npc.key = _fighter>>
<<run _readyFighters.push(_npc)>>
<<if _readyFighters.length !== $fightCage.fightersNeeded>>
<<replace "#error">>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Not correct amount of fighters choosen. You need to choose <strong><<=$fightCage.fightersNeeded>></strong>
<<set $fightCage.fighters = _readyFighters>>
<<set _enemiesMales = Math.floor(Math.random() * ($fightCage.fightersNeeded + 1))>>
<<set _enemiesFemales = $fightCage.fightersNeeded - _enemiesMales>>
<<generateEnemies _enemiesMales _enemiesFemales>>
<<set _enemiesStrenghCoef = ($player.quests.cageFightsWon ?? 0)>>
<<strongerEnemies _enemiesStrenghCoef>>
<<set $fightCage.enemies = $enemies>>
<<goto 'NPC fight cage - fight'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
<<set _win = Object.keys($fightCage.fighters).length > 0>>
As the defeated fighter is dragged off, the opposing leader approaches.
He’s a wiry, snake-like man with a perpetual sneer, dressed in a patchwork of scavenged armor.
His sharp eyes flick over you, studying you as if trying to find the cracks in your armor.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/npc_fight_finish1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br/>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, a deal’s a deal.
<br />
He says, his voice carrying the oily slickness of someone used to making bargains in dark alleys.
<br /><br />
<<if _win>>
<<set $player.quests.cageFightsWon = ($player.quests.cageFightsWon ?? 0)+1>>
<<if $fightClubPrize === 'caps'>>
<<set $player.money += 50>>
He reaches into a pouch slung at his side, pulling out a heavy handful of coins—metallic caps.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Your cut.
<br />
<<image 'places/cage_fight/npc_fight_caps.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<strong>You received 50 caps</strong>
<br /><br />
He shoves the money into your hand, his fingers lingering for just a moment too long, a subtle warning in his touch.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Spend it wisely. Luck doesn’t last forever.
<br />
The adrenaline still thrums in your veins as you pocket the money, the weight of it a reminder of what you’ve won—and what’s at stake.
The fight is over, but you know this is just the beginning. Every victory here earns you enemies as well as rewards. If you want to survive, you’ll have to keep winning.
<br /><br />
<<elseif $fightClubPrize === 'fighters'>>
He gestures toward the cag, where his fighters are laying on the ground, resting.
Each one is distinct, their demeanor radiating strength and danger. The leader steps closer, lowering his voice.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Choose one.
<br />
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _fighterI, _enemyFighter range $fightCage.enemiesLost>>
<<capture _enemyFighter, _fighterI>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_enemyFighter)>>
<tr class="item">
<label><<radiobutton "_enemyFighterChoose" _fighterI>> <<=setup.displayName(_enemyFighter)>></label>
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<<npcListView _enemyFighter>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, well. Looks like your luck ran out.
<br />
<<if $fightClubPrize === 'caps'>>
<<image 'places/cage_fight/npc_fight_caps.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
Reluctantly, you reach into your pouch, pulling out the caps—the metallic coins clinking together as you count them out. Each one feels like a piece of your pride being chipped away. You shove the pile into his waiting hand, your jaw tight as his grin widens.
<br /><br />
<strong>You lost 50 caps</strong>
<br /><br />
Behind him, his victorious fighter wipes the blood from their knuckles, shooting you a cocky smirk before disappearing into the crowd.
<br /><br />
<<elseif $fightClubPrize === 'fighters'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You bet your fighter, and now they’re mine.
<br />
Your stomach twists as his words sink in. You glance toward the cage, where your fighter is being dragged off by medics.
Their battered body looks fragile under the harsh light, a cruel contrast to the strength they displayed just minutes ago.
<br /><br />
You watch, helpless, as the men march past you and toward your injured fighter. They hoist your champion up like a sack of grain, dragging them toward the exit. Your fighter doesn’t struggle—they’re too weak to resist.
<br /><br />
<<set _fighter = setup.getRandomElement($fightCage.fightersLost)>>
<strong>He decides to pick <<=setup.displayName(_fighter)>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _splitNpcKey = _fighter.key.split(',')>>
<<if _splitNpcKey[0] === 'guest'>>
<<guestRemove _splitNpcKey[1]>>
<<slaveRemove _splitNpcKey[1]>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if typeof _enemyFighterChoose !== "undefined">>
<<run $slaves.push($fightCage.enemiesLost[_enemyFighterChoose])>>
<<if $player.reputation < 300>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Fight cage'>>
<<unset $fightClubPrize, $fightCage>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">FIGHT CAGE</h1>
<br />
<<set _remainingFighters = []>>
<<set _remainingEnemies = []>>
<<for _fighterI, _fighter range $fightCage.fighters>>
<<if typeof $fightCage.enemies[_fighterI] === 'undefined'>>
<<set _fightResult = setup.fight.simulateFight(_fighter, $fightCage.enemies[_fighterI])>>
<<set _img = 'places/cage_fight/npc_' + _fightResult.imageType + '.jpg'>>
<div class="npc-fight-result">
<<image _img sfw>>
<br />
<<if _fightResult.win>>
<<set $fightCage.enemiesLost ??= []>>
<<set _fighter.fightCage ??= {}>>
<<set _fighter.fightCage.fightsWon++>>
<<set _remainingFighters.push(_fighter)>>
<<run $fightCage.enemiesLost.push($fightCage.enemies[_fighterI])>>
<<set $fightCage.fightersLost ??= []>>
<<set $fightCage.fighters[_fighterI].fightCage ??= {}>>
<<set $fightCage.fighters[_fighterI].fightCage.fightsLost++>>
<<run $fightCage.fightersLost.push(_fighter)>>
<<set _remainingEnemies.push($fightCage.enemies[_fighterI])>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<set $fightCage.enemies = _remainingEnemies>>
<<set $fightCage.fighters = _remainingFighters>>
<<if _remainingFighters.length && _remainingEnemies.length>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<goto 'NPC fight cage - fight finished'>>
.npc-fight-result {
margin-bottom: 20px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND OFFICE</h1>
<br />
What do you want?
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET</h1>
<br /><br />
The slave merchant is haggling with a customer about a trio of slaves - all of them beautiful blondes. A handshake and the slaves fate seems to be sealed. Is it fear and despair you see in the slaves faces?
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave buyer' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
These are perfect for Negan in the Sanctuary. He seems to collect blondes!
<br />
<<say "Buyer's bodyguard" setup.ImagePath+'/people/anonguy.png'>>
*mumbles* He plays hard and breaks his toys all the time. But he can afford new ones.
<br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
Thank you for the trade. Have a nice journey!
<br />
The buyer pays then leaves the market together with her bodyguard and slaves.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
The merchant turns to you.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
You have sold many slaves to us. Thanks!<br/>
I will give you a hint since you are a good customer. If you are willing to travel you can make a good trade in the Sancuary. There your blondes can be traded for fuel.
<br />
You asks where it is and she gives you directions to the place. [Congratulations! You have found the Sanctuary...]
[[Leave|Slave market]]
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET</h1>
<br /><br />
Suddenly, a woman emerges from the adjacent room, all dressed in black with a large scar on her face. She is dressed too elegantly for such a place. Well, she points at you and says...
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
Could you follow me?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow her'>>
You decide to follow her into the adjacent room. Behind the first set of doors, a dark corridor follows that you walk through. She doesn't speak to you, but simply leads you deeper. After a moment, you notice a set of large wooden doors that are already partially open, and light from that room shines faintly through the gap.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Go inside'>>
Upon entering through the doors, a large room unfolds in front of you with at least 4 meters high ceilings. A small stage has been set up by one of the walls, and quite a few people are sitting around it. It looks like some sort of auction, but not for the regular audience. After a while, you notice that a couple of girls are being brought in from the adjacent room, in chains.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip1'>>
<br /><br />
The girls are brought to the stage and undressed in front of everyone. A person who loudly shouts over everyone is calling out prices for which the girls can be bought. It's mentioned that all the girls are innocent and none of them have ever been beaten with whips.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip2'>>
<br /><br />
Suddenly, another girl is brought in from the adjacent room. She looks a bit different from the others and seems to be new to this. She's placed in the middle of the floor, and she gets branded with a hot metal onto her back.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip3'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
Interested in her? I wanted to talk about something else. We have noticed you. The slaves you have provided to us have been very valuable, so we wanted to thank you in our own way.
<br /><br />
The girl who was just branded looks at you with tearful eyes, and at some point, your gazes meet.
<br /><br />
$tmpGirl.traits = setup.getRandomTraits(3),
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(19),
$tmpGirl.race = 'white',
$tmpGirl.beauty = 90,
$tmpGirl.hair = 'blonde',
$tmpGirl.breasts = 'big',
$tmpGirl.virgin = true,
$tmpGirl.orgasms = 0
<<set _forceKnown = true>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
As a thank you, we would like to offer you some slightly more exceptional girls. This means that in the future, the girls we provide will be somewhat more beautiful and intelligent than the others in the market. We hope you will appreciate this.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask about girl who was just branded'>>
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
Are you sure? We know nothing about her yet. But if you desire her so much, you can have her for 300 caps.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 300>>
<<if $slaves.length < $basementLimit>>
<<linkreplace 'Buy her'>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _bought = true>>
<<run $('#option_buy').hide()>>
<<set $player.money -= 300>>
<<image 'places/slave_market/vip_bought.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She collects your money and meanwhile one of her colleagues puts a collar around the girl you just bought
<br /><br />
<<linkdesc 'option_buy'>>
-300 caps
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _bought>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<goto 'Slave market'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET (VIP)</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _npc.name = 'Elena'>>
<<set _npc.clothes = {}>>
<<set _npc.hair = 'blonde'>>
As you unzip your pants and take your dick out Elena instantly tries to push herself closer to it.
Her eyes are full of passion as she tries to kiss and lick your dick but her gag gets in the way so you decide to remove it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip5'>>
<br /><br />
Before you even remove her gag fully she's already put your cock into her mouth and has taken full control of it. She looks up, smirks and again fully focuses on your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip6'>>
<br /><br />
You watch with an intense arousal as she sensually wraps her lips around your cock. Her plump lips stretch tightly around your shaft as she sensually sucks and licks in an hypnotizing rhythm.
<br /><br />
Her big dark eyes lock with yours, pupils blown wide with lustful submission. She works your cock with her tight warm mouth, slurping and popping as she bobs her head.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her mouth'>>
You grip her hair tightly and shove your cock back in her mouth, fucking her face as she pathetically tries to breathe and take in air through her nose.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip7'>>
<br /><br />
Spit drips from her quivering lips as you maintain a hard, punishing rhythm, fucking her mouth with your thick cock. She tries to resist and squirms against your grip but you hold her head firmly.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Turn her around'>>
You grab her hips and throw her down on the bed and position her in doggy position with her hands tied behind her back.
<br /><br />
You slide your dick into her pussy without hesitation as she tries to grab you with her tied down hands.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip10'>>
<br /><br />
Her pussy grasps and squeezes you as you fuck her. Your hips slap against her round ass. She moans as you pound her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Mm, mm, yes...!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Tie her to the bed'>>
<<video 'slave_market/vip8'>>
<br /><br />
You flip her roughly onto the bed and tie her down, slamming her thighs around your waist as you enter her.
With each thrust you put more and more force into the movements.
Sweat drips down your bodies as you fuck her with wild abandon.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Yes, fuck me harder!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Rub her clit'>>
You slip your hand between her legs and furiously rub her clit.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip9'>>
<br /><br />
Her body tenses and you can tell she's about to cum by how she clenches around your fingers.
<br />
Her back arches and you can hear the wet sounds as you fuck her pussy. She cums and cums again as you rub her clit.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I'm your whore!
<br />
Then you slide your dick back into her and pick up the previous pace.
With each thrust you feel you are closer and closer to cumming.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip8'>>
<br /><br />
Her big dark eyes lock with yours as you keep fucking her overwhelming wet pussy. You fuck her so wild that she grabs headboard while letting out load moans.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
<<image 'game/misc/creampie_on_back.webp'>>
<br /><br />
With a final thrust, you explode inside her, filling her with your cum.
You collapse onto the bed next to her, spent and panting. She curls back, away from you shivering and satisfied as she catch a breath.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Finish'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Slave market - VIP room'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET</h1>
<br />
Suddenly, again a woman emerges from the adjacent room, all dressed in black with a large scar on her face.
<br />
Last time she asked you to follow her...
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
Please follow me.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow her'>>
You decide to follow her again into the same adjacent room. Behind the first set of doors, a dark corridor follows that you walk through.
When you reach large wooden doors she turns to you.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
This time will be different. There is something we need to talk about.
<br />
Upon entering through the doors, a large room unfolds in front of you with at least 4 meters high ceilings.
<br /><br />
This time stage is empty and woman leads you to some small doors in the corner. She opens them..
<br /><br />
The air in the small room is thick with tension and uncertainty. Dim light flickers from a single, weathered bulb hanging from the ceiling.
The walls are adorned with remnants of old wallpaper, peeling off due to the passage of time.
The table, placed in the center of the room, bears the scars of past struggles. On one side, there are two chairs, and on the other, a distressed woman gagged and tied to the stairs.
<br /><br />
Slave merchant gestures towards the chairs.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
This time will be different. There is someone you need to talk.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Sit down'>>
As you take a seat, slave woman maintains a watchful gaze. as Slave merchant starts to talk.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip4'>>
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
I'm Nyssa, and you're here because we need your help. We've been surviving on our own, but things are getting tougher out there
<br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
In this chaos, some people are willing to pay a high price for very specific... merchandise
<br />
<div id="option_look">
<<linkreplace 'Look at tied slave'>>
<<set _lookedAtSlave = true>>
<<video 'slave_market/vip4'>>
<br /><br />
Despite the gag muffling her voice, you can sense a subtle smile on her lips, as if she sees a glimmer of hope in your presence.
The dim light in the room accentuates the shadows on her face, revealing both the physical toll of her captivity and the strength that still lingers within her spirit.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
Seems like you've caught her attention. Elena's been through a lot, and it's not often she finds someone who might actually like her.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue to listen'>>
<<if !_lookedAtSlave>>
<<run $('#option_look').hide()>>
Slave merchant provides additional details about the clients, their demands, and the potential requests.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
You would have very unique task. Provide us with girls with specific parameters, and I mean really specific. Beauty, skin color, breast size, etc.
<br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
We will give you access to this room for limited time a day so you can see what clients are searching for. They will pay very good money.
<br />
<<if _lookedAtSlave>>
Elena, though still bound, attempts to convey gratitude and tries to move a bit closer toward you. Slave merchant notices that your and Elena's eyes meet few more times before she spits out.
<br />
<br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
Sorry. She haven't seen males for a while. You can use her mouth just this once if we have a deal.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Get your dick out'>>
<<video 'slave_market/vip5'>>
<br /><br />
As you unzip your pants and take your dick out Elena instantly tries to push herself closer to it.
Her eyes are full of passion as she tries to kiss and lick your dick but her gag gets in the way so you decide to remove it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'slave_market/vip6'>>
<br /><br />
Before you even remove her gag fully she's already sucked your cock into her mouth and has taken full control of it. She looks up, smirks and again fully focuses on your dick.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
That's enough. If you manage to provide us with that my clients need. You might get more.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Slave market'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET (VIP)</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 20>>
<<if typeof $player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest === 'undefined' && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set $player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest = {
gender: $tmpGirl.gender,
beauty: randomInteger(80, 90),
maxAge: randomInteger(25, 35),
hair: $tmpGirl.hair,
eyes: $tmpGirl.eyes,
breasts: either('medium', 'big'),
race: $tmpGirl.race
<<video 'slave_market/vip4'>>
<br /><br />
As you enter the room you notice Elena sitting in her usual place. She notices you and greets you with smile through her gag.
<br /><br />
<<if !$player.quests.slave_market_vip_room_girl && $player.stats.slaves_sold >= 40>>
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
As our main slave provider you can use Elena anyway you like.
<<set $player.quests.slave_market_vip_room_girl = true>>
<br />
<<if $player.quests.slave_market_vip_room_girl>>
<<link 'Fuck Elene'>>
<<goto 'Slave market - VIP room fuck Elena'>>
<br /><br />
<<if typeof $player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest === 'undefined'>>
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
My clients do not have new requests. Come back later.
<<say 'Slave merchant' setup.ImagePath+'/people/slave_merchant.jpg'>>
<table style="margin-top:0px">
One of my clients are looking for a girl with <strong>max age <<= $player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest.maxAge>></strong>.
<strong><<=$player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest.breasts>></strong> breasts and beauty above <strong><<=$player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest.beauty>></strong>.
With <strong><<=$player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest.hair>></strong> hair.
Race need to be <strong><<=$player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest.race>></strong>.
<br />
<<if typeof $player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _request = $player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest>>
<<for _marketSlaveI, _marketSlave range $slaves>>
<<capture _marketSlaveI, _marketSlave>>
_marketSlave.gender != _request.gender ||
_marketSlave.hair !== _request.hair ||
_marketSlave.breasts !== _request.breasts ||
_marketSlave.beauty < _request.beauty ||
_marketSlave.race !== _request.race ||
setup.getAge(_marketSlave) > _request.maxAge
<td style="width: 300px">
Beauty score: <<=_marketSlave.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_marketSlave)>>
Value: <strong>300</strong>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Sell'>>
Are you sure you want to sell her?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Slave market - VIP room'>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill-=5>>
<<set $player.money += 300>>
<<run $slaves.splice(_marketSlaveI, 1)>>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_sold_vip'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<run delete $player.quests.slaveMarketVipRequest>>
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Slave market'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET</h1>
<br /><br />
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set _genders = [
<<if settings.transEnabled>>
<<run _genders.push('transfemale')>>
<<set _npcGender = setup.getRandomElement(_genders)>>
<<if _npcGender === 'female'>>
<<set _npc = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif _npcGender === 'male'>>
<<set _npc = $tmpGuy>>
<<set _npc = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _npc.sub += randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<if ($player.quests.slave_market_vip ?? false)>>
<<set _npc.sub += randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<set _npc.beauty = Math.min(_npc.beauty + randomInteger(10, 15), 100)>>
<<set _npc.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(18, 30))>>
<<if setup.getAge(_npc) < 18>>
<<run _npc.birthDate.setFullYear(_npc.birthDate.getFullYear() - 1)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _npc.traits = setup.getRandomTraits(2)>>
<<slaveValue _npc 2>>
<<set _isSlaveMarket = true>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<<if _npc.virgin>>
<strong><<=setup.pronounceWhat(_npc)>>'s a virgin!</strong>
Slave cost <strong><<=_npc.value>></strong> caps.
<br /><br />
<<if timeBetween('14:00', '19:00')>>
<<if $slaves.length < $basementLimit && $player.money >= _npc.value>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Buy'>>
<<set _npc.capture = false>>
<<set $slaves.push(_npc)>>
<<set $player.money -= _npc.value>>
<<goto 'Slave market - buy'>>
<<if $slaves.length >= $basementLimit>>
<strong>You don't have free room in the basement!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if timeBetween('14:00', '18:40')>>
[[Watch another slave|Slave market - buy]]
[[Leave|Slave market]]
<<addmins 20>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<image 'places/underground/slave_market_head.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $slaves.length > 0>>
Choose a slave you want to sell.
You don't have any slaves.
<<set _sellSlaves = {}>>
<br />
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<slaveValue $slaves[_i]>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="width: 3%">
<span class="sell-npc-checkbox">
<<checkbox "_sellSlaves[_i]" false true>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<<=setup.displayName($slaves[_i])>> <<=setup.npcListInfo($slaves[_i])>>
<<npcListView $slaves[_i] _i 'slave'>>
Value: <strong><<=$slaves[_i].value>></strong>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Release'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=setup.pronounceWho($slaves[_i])>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Slave market - sell'>>
<<slaveSell _i>>
<<addmins 30>>
<div id="sell-all-link" style="display:none">
<span class="no-style">
<<link 'Sell all'>>
<<set _sellIds = []>>
<<for _sellSlaveI, _sellSlave range _sellSlaves>>
<<if _sellSlave>>
<<run _sellIds.push(_sellSlaveI)>>
<<for _sellKey, _sellId range _sellIds.reverse()>>
<<capture _sellKey, _sellId>>
<<slaveSell _sellId>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Slave market]]
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.sell-npc-checkbox input[type="checkbox"]').on('click', function() {
if($('.sell-npc-checkbox input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length > 0) {
<</script>><h1 class="ptitle">SLAVE MARKET</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<image 'places/underground/slave_market_head.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Works from 14:00 till 19:00<br /><br />
You can buy new slaves or sell your old ones.
<br />
Easy way to get some extra caps, but at what cost?
<br /><br />
<<if timeBetween('14:00', '19:00')>>
<<link 'Buy'>>
<<goto 'Slave market - buy'>>
<<if $slaves.length > 0>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<goto 'Slave market - sell'>>
<<if ($player.stats.slaves_sold ?? 0) >= 20 && !$game.location.sanctuary>>
<<set $game.location.sanctuary = true>>
<<goto 'Slave market - Sanctuary'>>
<<elseif ($player.stats.slaves_sold ?? 0) >= 30 && !$player.quests.slave_market_vip>>
<<set $player.quests.slave_market_vip = true>>
<<goto 'Slave market - VIP introduction'>>
<<elseif ($player.stats.slaves_sold ?? 0) >= 40 && !$player.quests.slave_market_vip_room>>
<<set $player.quests.slave_market_vip_room = true>>
<<goto 'Slave market - VIP room introduction'>>
<<if $player.quests.slave_market_vip_room>>
<<if timeBetween('14:00', '18:00')>>
<<link 'Enter VIP room'>>
<<goto 'Slave market - VIP room'>>
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Enter VIP room
Time between 15:00-17:00
[[Leave|Underground city]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
As you walk down the street you hear some noises and decide to investigate. It's not far from the place where the bartender told you she was usually seen.<br />
You notice a rusty unlocked door and you slowly open it to check what's inside.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/lost_friend1'>>
<br /><br />
You manage to find a light switch and turned it on...<br />
There's a red headed girl locked in a cage.<br />
You carefully move forward while checking your surroundings.<br />
<br />
You slowly open the cage but get no response from her. The first thought that comes to mind is that she's already dead, but you decide to drag her out of the cage to check closer.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/lost_friend2'>>
<br /><br />
<<you>>Ashley? ASHLEY! WAKE UP!<</you>>
<br /><br />
No response.. You give her a squeeze and then slap her while expecting her to get her shit together. You even splash water on her - still nothing.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/lost_friend3'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="lost-friend-buttons">
<<link 'Fuck her mouth'>>
<<run $('#lost-friend-buttons').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#lost-friend-use').slideToggle()>>
<<if typeof $characters.blair.quests !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.lost_friend_used = true>>
<<run setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000)>>
<<link 'Try to help her'>>
You grab her by the hair and pull her towards your hard dick. She seems lost and confused but you decide to continue.
<<run $('#lost-friend-fight').slideToggle()>>
<div id="lost-friend-use" style="display: none;">
You grab her by the hair and instantly pull her up towards your hard dick. She seems lost and doesn't understand what's even happening. You decide to continue.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/lost_friend4'>>
<div id="lost-friend-fight" style="display:none">
<br /><br />
Suddenly you hear a noise behind you and as you turn around, you notice a guy running towards you. He is screaming his lungs out.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
$enemies = [],
$tmpGuy.strength = 30
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Streets - Blair quest missing friend home' 'Streets'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
In the distance you see something laying in the street.
<br />
You decide to get a closer look. As you get within a few meters you notice her red hair and instantly the worst thing that comes to mind as you move closer.
<br /><br />
<strong>That's Ashley...</strong>
<br />
Upon closer inspection you notice that her head is really messed up. Probably done with a metal baseball bat.
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
Her shirt has been ripped off and it looks like she was used many times before being killed. You look at her breasts and notice some strange dark substance all over her chest.
<br /><br />
You should probably tell Blair about her...or maybe you shouldn't?
<br /><br />
[[Continue|Streets]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You pick up Ashley and carry her outside the building.<br />
You have no idea where to take her, so the only place you can imagine that will be safe is Vincent's.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You have reached the barn and put her down behind it. You tell Vincent. After that, you walk back to your place and give Blair the news..
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found = true>>
<<addhours 2>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you turn around the corner where your girls are standing, you see that three big guys are harassing one of your girls.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Attack them'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
When you are ready to jump on them, suddenly from behind, you hear someone shouting.
<br /><br />
<br />
We need to talk.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach him'>>
You slowly begin to approach him. Meanwhile, he orders his men who harrased the girl to leave her alone. They step back and scornfully glare at you.
<br /><br />
Everything is clear with you. And I thought you were just worthless trash like everyone else who comes here. It's evident that your girls work properly, and people in the city cringe at the mention of your name.
Your current deal is not the best, so I am ready to offer you a new one.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Listen to him'>>
Not here. There are enough ears around, so for safety reasons, it's better if we go to my place.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow him'>>
You slowly follow him, and his henchmen walk alongside. At some point, you turn into a small side path that you had never noticed before, and you continue your way in darkness for a while. After a moment, light starts to appear in the distance again, and you see thick metal doors where two of his henchmen stay behind while you, Dom, and one other person continue upstairs, climbing the stairs.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you climb up and open the doors, an incredible sight unfolds before you - the place looks as if a war had never taken place. The living area resembles something out of a movie, with vintage furniture and paintings on the walls. Continuing further, you notice a woman sitting in a chair.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/dom_wife1'>>
<br /><br />
Bored? Please leave the room darling.
<br /><br />
She gets up and slowly walks outside the room while taking a good look at you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
And now listen carefully. I am ready to offer you 60% profit instead of 20%. Additionally, I will pay more attention to the protection of your girls. How does that sound?
I have heard about your reputation and know that I can rely on you. Occasionally, one of my men will approach you, and you will need to accompany him without any objections or questions to get something done.
What do you say?
<br /><br />
<div id="option_accept_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Accept his deal'>>
<<run $('#option_accept_no').hide()>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.day = $game.day>>
I knew I could rely on you. You can trust that your girls will be safe. As safe as they can be in this cursed city, at least.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<div id="option_accept_no">
<<linkreplace 'Say no'>>
<<run $('#option_accept_yes').hide()>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal = false>>
What? Do you even understand what you missed? Well, fine. I'm sure our paths will cross again. Escort him away, guys.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<div id="option1">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
You give her the caps and are instantly pulled into some dark, abandoned building. Your hand reaches her mouth as you to cover it her with one hand while grabbing her firm breast and squeeze it before pulling her top up.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/hooker1_1'>>
<br /><br />
With force, you push her down on her knees and you pull down your shorts and you start shoving your dick inside her mouth as deep as you can, even gagging her a bit.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/hooker1_2'>>
<br /><br />
Without any words, you grab her by the hair and you pull her up as you forcefully turn her around and press her against the door, while grabbing her ass before putting your dick inside her moist pussy. She clearly wants it.
<br /><br />
<<video '/streets/hooker1_3'>>
<br /><br />
You feel the urge to put your warm cum right on her face or inside her mouth so you just pull out and try to cum on her face, but by surprise she opens her mouth and catches each drop with her tongue.
<<video '/streets/hooker1_4'>>
<br /><br />
<<set $player.sexp++>>
<<addmins 30>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You get back to your consciousness and hear some voices.<br />
You slowly open your eyes and you see an old guy smoking a cigarette as he sits right in front of you with anger in his eyes.
<br />
He exhales smoke and throws away a cigarette while getting up.
<br /><br />
Who the fuck do you think you are?! We've got some rules here. You can't just put your cheap whores on the street and decide that's fine.
<br /><br />
Guy next to him shouts <strong>"Let me kill him, boss!"</strong>
<br /><br />
<<dom>>Maybe we should. That would be easier...<</dom>>
<br /><br />
The guy next to him pulls out a knife with a grin on his face as he slowly starts walking towards you. You try to get up but your hands and legs are tied up.
<br /><br />
STOP! You know what - I'll let you work in these streets, BUT <strong>80%</strong> of your girl income goes to me. There won't be any negotiations.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Accept the offer'>>
<<goto 'Streets'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
As you turn the corner into the street, you see your slaves working and you hear running steps coming from behind you! Before you manage to turn around your vision just goes black.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Streets - warning tax 2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
You see some hookers standing against the wall..
<br /><br />
<h3>Your hookers</h3>
<<set _assignedToStreets = false>>
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $slaves[_i].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo != 'streets' || !timeBetween('12:00', '06:00') || _dayOff>>
<<set _assignedToStreets = true>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_i])>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_i].name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $slaves[_i]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'streets'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Streets'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $slaveId = _i>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<npcListView $slaves[_i] _i 'save'>>
<<for _streetGuestI, _streetGuest range ($guests ?? [])>>
<<capture _streetGuestI, _streetGuest>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $guests[_streetGuestI].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $guests[_streetGuestI].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<if _streetGuest.assignedTo != 'streets' || !timeBetween('12:00', '06:00') || _dayOff>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_streetGuest)>>
<<set _assignedToStreets = true>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _streetGuest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _streetGuest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'streets'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Streets'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _streetGuestI>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<npcListView _streetGuest _streetGuestI 'guest'>>
<<if !_assignedToStreets>>
No girl is working right now.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 10 && $player.energy >= 20>>
<<link 'Find hooker for 10 caps'>>
<<set $player.money -= 10>>
<<energy -20>>
<<goto 'Streets - fuck hooker'>>
<<if $characters.dom.quests.quest1 && !$characters.dom.quests.quest1_done && $backpack.count('champagne') >= 10>>
<<link 'Bring champagne to Dom'>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #1 done'>>
[[Leave|Underground city]]
<<if _assignedToStreets && !$warnedAboutStreetHookers>>
<<set $warnedAboutStreetHookers = true>>
<<goto 'Streets - warning tax'>>
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_talked && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found>>
<<if ($characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_talked_day + 2) < $game.day>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found = true>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_dead = true>>
<<goto 'Streets - Blair quest missing friend - dead'>>
<<if timeBetween('22:00', '00:00') && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_basement>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_basement = true>>
<<goto 'Streets - Blair quest missing friend - alive'>>
<<elseif $warnedAboutStreetHookers && !$characters.dom.quests.invite && $game.day >= 100 && $player.reputation >= 100 && (setup.getPersonsForLocation($slaves, 'streets').length + setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'streets').length) >= 4>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.invite = true>>
<<goto 'Streets - Dom invite'>>
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal && !$characters.dom.quests.quest1 && ($characters.dom.quests.day + 10) < $game.day>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest1 = true>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #1'>>
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal && $characters.dom.quests.quest1_done && !$characters.dom.quests.quest2 && $player.strength >= 100>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest2 = true>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #2'>>
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.quest2_done && !$characters.dom.quests.quest3 && $characters.dom.quests.quest3_start_day < $game.day>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest3 = true>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #3'>>
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.quest4_done_day && !$characters.dom.quests.quest5 && ($characters.dom.quests.quest4_done_day + 10) < $game.day>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest5 = true>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #5 The Sanctuary'>>
<<elseif $characters.dom.quests.quest6 && !$characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg && ($characters.dom.quests.quest6_day + 5) < $game.day>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #6 Desperate Isabel'>>
<</if>>As you walk through an alleyway with a market set up within, you swiftly look to your left. Some girl is sucking off an old guy in the dark alley next to you. People just walk past them and no one seems bothered.
<br /><br/>
<br /><br />
You continue to walk into the city, and soon enough you hear the sounds of fists meeting flesh and people yelling rambunctiously. You get closer and see that there's a cage where fights are happening.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
A lot of fighters are gathering around, but you instantly notice the guy who's in charge. This must be Boris - the person you need to deliver Vincent's package to. You go ahead and approach him.
<br /><br />
What do you want? Want to fight?
No! I came here to deliver a package for you from Vincent
<<boris>>Grrr. Alright, fine. If by any chance you decide you want to try your luck in the cage - do it. We could use some new punching bags.
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Underground city]]
<<addmins 60>><<energy -70>>
You precisely follow Vincent's instructions and carefully roam through the ruined city streets. As soon as you manage to get to a metro station, you know that you're in the right place.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You slowly walk down an escalator, and with each step you hear the voices of more and more people echoing off the underground walls.
You keep moving forward, with Vincent's package discreetly hidden beneath your jacket.
Eventually the stairs end, and you go around a corner...
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Immediately upon being greeted by a subterranean city, the people closest to you stop talking and just stare at you in oppressive silence. You feel like they're peering at you like predators, trying to see if there's anything valuable on you worth going for. A few seconds pass, and they turn away from you and continue their talks as you walk past them.
<br /><br />
You keep walking at a steady pace, scouting for danger as you go.
Something catches your nose. You smell something nice, meat, probably chicken. You deeply inhale, uncertain as to when was the last time you smelt something so nice - or if there even will be a next time.
You walk towards the source of the smell, but are shocked at what you see - a cooked rat.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Some old lady asks if you want to buy one for <strong>2</strong> caps. Do you?
<br /><br />
<<link 'Buy and eat rat'>>
<<set $player.hunger to 100>>
<<set $player.money -= 2>>
<<updatemeter '$hungerBar' `$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger`>>
<<goto 'Underground city - first time #2'>>
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Underground city - first time #2'>>
<<addmins 60>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/underground/ambush_won.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
With the scavengers dealt with, you turn your attention to the woman.
She’s bruised, her clothes torn, but still conscious and defiant. She stands up, brushing herself off, though clearly shaken.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you! I would've been finished if you hadn’t come along.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Are you okay?'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I’ve been through worse. But this... I won’t forget this.
<br /><br />
<<if (($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit)>>
<div id="option_invite">
<<linkreplace 'Offer your place to live in'>>
<<set _invited = true>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
Scared she looks at the men laying on the ground...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thanks, but I will pass.
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<run $('#option_slave').hide()>>
You're a life savior. I recently started to look for a new place<br /> I'll go live with you!
<br /><br />
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> moved in as guest</strong>
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
Sorry but no. You look like a nice guy but I've got my family and I won't leave them.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_slave">
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit)>>
<<set _pronounceWho = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _pronounceWhat = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _captureLink = 'Capture ' + _pronounceWho>>
<<linkreplace _captureLink>>
<<set _captured = true>>
<<if !_invited>>
<<run $('#option_invite').hide()>>
You grab <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> from the back. <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> tries to resist but the men before you already weakened her.
<br /><br />
As soon as you take <<=_pronounceWho>> out you quietly leave the Underground city.
<br /><br />
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
As you descend into the heart of the underground city, the dim, flickering lights barely cut through the shadows of the decaying tunnels.
The air smells of rust and dampness, and the sound of dripping water echoes down the alleyways.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/underground/ambush.jpg'>>
<br />
Suddenly, you notice a commotion in a narrow side street. Three men, rough-looking scavengers with jagged knives in their hands, are cornering a lone woman. Her stance is defensive, and while she appears capable, it's clear she’s outnumbered. They circle her like predators, grinning, muttering threats about stealing her supplies and dragging her to their hideout.
<br /><br />
You remain unnoticed, hidden in the darkness just outside the scene
<br /><br />
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace 'Help the Woman'>>
<<generateEnemies 3 0 1>>
<<set _help = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
The moment you move into view, the laughter stops. The three men turn to face you, their faces twisted in surprise and annoyance.
One of them, the largest of the group, snarls at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $enemies[0]>>
This ain’t your business. Walk away, or we’ll gut you like a dog.
<br />
<div id="option_fight">
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Underground city - girl ambush won' 'Underground city'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<linkreplace 'Ignore'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 3>>
<<if !_help>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_fight').hide()>>
Just a few steps further, and you hear it—the sharp sound of a body hitting the ground.
Her resistance is broken. You pause for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt, but shake it off.
You decide to take a look.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'streets'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'rip_clothes'>>
<br /><br />
Her fabric tearing and one of the men laughing darkly. You can almost see them in your mind's eye what happens next: her pinned to the dirty ground, her clothes ripped away, as they begin to use her for their own sick pleasure.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Walking through the dark city, suddenly around the corner you hear a strange but familiar sound. You decide to see what it is, and you see that little children are playing with a ball in a partially lit square.
<br /><br />
One of the children runs up to you and asks if you have anything to eat and if you could give them something to snack on.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('food')>>
<<link 'Give him food'>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
-1 food
<<link 'Say no and leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/underground/old_lady.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
A woman screams at the top of her lungs. It is a terrible scream that echoes throughout the city.<br />
It came from an old woman who was evicted from her home due to unpaid rent. She's an annoying old crone and she has been living in the streets ever since.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 10 || ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-buttons">
<<link 'Go closer'>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-buttons').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help').slideToggle()>>
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-help" style="display:none;">
You approach her and ask what happened. She tells you her story with teary eyes.
<br /><br />
"<strong>Can you help me somehow?</strong>"
<br /><br />
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-help-buttons">
<<link 'Offer her help'>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-buttons').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-options').slideToggle()>>
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-help-options" style="display:none;">
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-help-options-buttons">
<<if $player.money >= 10>>
<<link 'Give her 10 caps'>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-options-buttons').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-reward').slideToggle()>>
<<set $player.money -=10>>
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && (($guesthouseLimit ?? 3) - ($guests ?? []).length) > 0>>
<<link 'Offer her place in your guest house'>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-options-buttons').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-reward').slideToggle()>>
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(setup.getAge($tmpGirl) + 42),
$tmpGirl.relationship = 30,
$tmpGirl.virgin = false
<<set $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-help-reward" style="display:none;">
"<strong>Thank you so much! I don't know how to even begin to thank you!
<br /><br />
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-help-reward-buttons">
<<link 'Tell her to get on her knees'>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-reward-buttons').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#ug-event-old-lady-help-reward-yes').slideToggle()>>
<div id="ug-event-old-lady-help-reward-yes" style="display:none;">
<<image 'places/underground/old_lady_bj.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She looks disappointed and angry at the same time but does what you tell her. . <br />
She gets down and with a disgusted look on her face grabs your dick and puts it in her mouth. <br />This feels different... You feel like she's missing most of her teeth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave' 'Underground city'>><</link>>You decided to take a detour and explore underground city a bit.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
It's a slum as soon as you turn away from the main street. Half dead Junkies lying on the ground, sluts fucking in each corner for a little bit of caps; even a few guys are beating up someone in the alley.<br />
You continue until something causes you stop in the dark streets - a wanted poster. And shockingly, something about it seems familiar...<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>You know her!</strong><br /><br />
Just a few days back you saw her back at the farm. That's Vincent's daughter. So this is what he meant by 'people snooping around'.
<br />
You keep reading...<br />
<strong>400 caps!</strong>
<br />
Wow, you could definitely use that kind of a money. But that's Vincent...he's an alright guy and a fair merchant, even if he seems to have an annoying habit of holding you at gunpoint.<br />
Though to be fair, in the apocalyptic world that might as well be the new hello. He almost certainly knows about a bounty existing, but does he know just how big it is? Maybe you should warn him...
<br /><br />
[[Continue|Streets]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You notice two girls who wink at you and call you over.<br />
When you approached them, they tell you that they'll suck you off for <strong>5 caps</strong>.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Pay them'>>
<br /><br />
While one girl puts away the money, the second girl drops to her knees in the middle of the alley and starts to suck your hard dick.
<br />
After putting the money away, the first one then joins in.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.money -=5>>
[[Leave|Underground city]]<h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '18:00') ? 30 : 0.5)>>
<<grid underground cage 'Fight cage' 'Fight cage' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '04:00') ? 30 : 0.5)>>
<<grid underground nightclub 'Nightclub' 'Nightclub' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.streets ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '04:00') ? 30 : 0.5)>>
<<grid underground streets 'Streets' 'Streets' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if ($game.location.bar ?? false)>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '02:00') ? 30 : 0.5)>>
<<grid underground bar 'Bar' 'Bar' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if (($game.location.slave_market ?? false))>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('13:30', '19:00') ? 30 : 0.5)>>
<<grid underground slave_market 'Slave market' 'Slave market' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<set _isDisabled = (!timeBetween('08:00', '20:00') ? 30 : 0.5)>>
<<grid underground shop 'Underground shop' 'Shop' 0 _isDisabled>>
<<if (($game.location.underground_office ?? false))>>
<<grid underground underground_office 'Underground city office' 'Office' 0 1>>
<br /><br />
<<if !($game.location.streets ?? false) && isMetChar('blair') && ($characters.blair.quests.metOnDay + 3) < $game.day>>
<<set $game.location.streets = true>>
<<goto 'Underground city - wanted poster'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('negan') && $characters.dom.quests.quest5 && $characters.negan.quests.quest2 && !$characters.dom.quests.quest6 && $backpack.count('fuel') >= 15>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest6>>
<<goto 'Dom - quest #6 isabel fuel'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('dom') && $characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg && ($characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg_day + 5) <= $game.day && !$characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg_fuel && $backpack.count('fuel') >= 10>>
<<goto 'Dom - isabel riot'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('isabel') && $characters.isabel.quests.saved && !$characters.isabel.quests.chaos>>
<<goto 'Dom - Underground city chaos'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('dom') && $characters.isabel?.quests?.dom_return && !$characters.dom?.quests?.return_city1 && ($characters.isabel.quests.dom_return_day + 15) < $game.day>>
<<goto 'Dom - Return to underground city plan'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('dom') && $characters.dom?.quests?.return_city1 && !$characters.dom?.quests?.return_city_done && $characters.dom?.quests?.return_city1_day < $game.day>>
<<goto 'Dom - Return to underground city execute'>>
<<if !$locationEvents.underground>>
<<set $randomNumber = randomInteger(0, 100)>>
<<if $randomNumber <= 5>>
<<set $locationEvents.underground = true>>
<<goto 'Underground city - random event #2'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 15>>
<<set $locationEvents.underground = true>>
<<goto 'Underground city event - 2 girls bj'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber <= 18>>
<<set $locationEvents.underground = true>>
<<goto 'Underground city - kids ball #3'>>
<<elseif $game.day > 100 && setup.percentageChance(1)>>
<<goto 'Underground city - girl ambush'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">
<<backButton 'Underground city'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _shopItems = [
{name:'knife',price:50, ratio:2},
{name:'solar_panel',price:25, buyprice:30},
{name:'fertility_potion', price: 15},
{name:'pregnancy_speed_potion', price: 30},
{name:'plastic', price: 10, sell: false},
{name:'hair_dye_kit', price: 10},
{name:'buttplug', price: 30},
{name:'cloth', price: 5},
<<set _shopItems = clone(setup.items.shop.underground)>>
<<shop 'underground' _shopItems 'Underground shop'>>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Underground city]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<<set _wantedPron = setup.pronounceWho($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<set _wantedGender = ($wanted[$wantedId].gender ? 'guy' : 'girl')>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/bar/catch_' + _wantedGender + '.webp']]
<br /><br />
<<if !$wanted[$wantedId].gender>>
You put cuffs around her and push her against the wall.
You beat his ass and cuff him as he lies on the ground.
<br /><br />
<<set _girlVisual = $wanted[$wantedId]>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $wanted[$wantedId]>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<br />
<<set _wantedLink = 'Bring ' + _wantedPron + ' in'>>
<<link `_wantedLink`>>
<<goto 'Wanted - collect reward'>>
<<if $slaves.length < $basementLimit>>
<<set _linkName = 'Capture ' + setup.pronounceWho($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].capture = false>>
<<set $slaves.push($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<if !$wanted[$wantedId].gender>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00', '02:00')>>
<<link 'Use her'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set _wantedPsg = 'Wanted - fuck ' + random(1,2)>>
<<set $wasRaped = true>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].relationship -= 40>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].submission += 30>>
<<goto `_wantedPsg`>>
<<slaveValue $wanted[$wantedId]>>
<<if $wanted[$wantedId].value > $wanted[$wantedId].wanted.value && timeBetween('14:00', '19:00')>>
You think she is worth more on the slave market than the bounty. She's your property now since you caught her.<br/>
<<link 'Sell her on the slave market'>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].capture = false>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill-=5>>
<<set $player.reputation_bounty_hunter-->>
<<set $player.money += $wanted[$wantedId].value>>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_sold'>>
<<goto 'Slave market'>>
<<set _rel = ($slaves.length < $basementLimit) ? 15 : 30>>
<<if ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit>>
<<linkreplace 'Invite her home as a guest'>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].relationship += _rel>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite = false>>
<<set _strongGirl = false>>
<<set _relation = $wanted[$wantedId].relationship ?? 0>>
<<set _countComp = $player.companions.length ?? 0>>
<<set _reputation = $player.reputation ?? 0>>
<<set _yes = setup.percentageChance(_relation) || setup.percentageChance(_countComp*(_countComp+1)/2) || setup.percentageChance(_reputation/4)>>
<<set _no = !_yes || ($wasRaped ?? false) || (_relation <= 0)>>
<<unset $wasRaped>>
<<if _no>>
<br />
<<sayNpc $wanted[$wantedId]>>
No, I don't want to come to live with you. Please let me go!
<<set $guests.push($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].capture = false>>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<set $player.reputation_bounty_hunter-->>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<<set _wantedPron2 = ($wanted[$wantedId].gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>
<br />
<br /><br />
You kick the door open and bring <<=_wantedPron2>> in. As you walk to the reward collection corner, you see a crowd nodding and giving a small applause as you drop <<=_wantedPron2>> off.
<br /><br />
<strong>Your bounty hunter reputation increased by 1</strong><br />
<strong>You collected <<=$wanted[$wantedId].wanted.value>> caps</strong>
<<set $player.reputation_bounty_hunter++>>
<<set $player.money += $wanted[$wantedId].wanted.value>>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<addmins 60>>
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<<set _wantedGender = ($wanted[$wantedId].gender ? 'guy' : 'girl')>>
<<set _wantedPron = ($wanted[$wantedId].gender ? 'he' : 'she')>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/bar/escape_' + _wantedGender + '.webp']]
<br /><br />
You fail to catch the <<=_wantedGender>> and <<=_wantedPron>> manages to run away.
<br /><br />
<strong>Your strength failed</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].wanted.progress -= 40>>
[[Leave|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<<set _wantedPron2 = setup.pronounceWho($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<set _wantedPron = setup.pronounceWhat($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Chasing after <<=_wantedPron2>>, <<=_wantedPron2>> runs around the corner into a dark alley.
<br />
Following closely behind and catching up to <<=_wantedPron2>>, to your surprise, you are met by a gang consisting of <strong>4 people</strong>, all ready to defend <<=_wantedPron2>>.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 4>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wanted - catched' 'Streets'>>
<<set _linkName = 'Leave ' + _wantedPron2 + ' alone'>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $player.reputation_bounty_hunter-->>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<<set _wantedGender = ($wanted[$wantedId].gender ? 'guy' : 'girl')>>
<<set _wantedPron = ($wanted[$wantedId].gender ? 'he' : 'she')>>
<<set _wantedPron2 = ($wanted[$wantedId].gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>
<br /><br />
After gathering all the information, you knew exactly where to find <<=_wantedPron2>>.
<br />
You waited for some time and it paid off. <strong>You see <<=_wantedPron2>>!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _wantedPsg = 'Catch ' + _wantedPron2>>
<<link `_wantedPsg`>>
<<if $wanted[$wantedId].strength < $player.strength>>
<<if $wanted[$wantedId].unique>>
<<set _gotoLink = 'Wanted - unique #' + $wanted[$wantedId].uniqueKey>>
<<goto `_gotoLink`>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<goto 'Wanted - fight'>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(30) && !$wanted[$wantedId].gender>>
<<goto 'Wanted - parent'>>
<<goto 'Wanted - catched'>>
<<goto 'Wanted - escaped'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
You put handcuffs on her wrists and put her down near the tree as you forcefully pull down her shorts and panties and slide your dick inside her pussy.
<br /><br />
She begs you not to, as you continue to thrust inside her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/hunter_1_1'>>
<br /><br />
As you press against her back you hear a quiet moan from her and instantly notice she's getting more relaxed. She even enjoys the fucking.
After some seconds, she whispers something that you ask her to repeat. In answer she yells out with moan <strong>uncuff me!!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/hunter_1_2'>>
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/hunter_1_3'>>
As soon as you uncuff her, she pushes you back on your back and jumps on your hard dick and slides it in all the way.<br />
You barely hold it in as you hear her ass clapping against your legs and a moment later you cum inside her without any warning...
<br /><br />
<<set $player.sexp++>>
[[Back|Wanted - catched]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
You find a rope near you and tied her down as you start to cuff her leather shorts as she tries to scream with some old, dirty cloth in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/hunter_2_1'>>
<br /><br />
You take out your hard cock and hold it in your hand while grabbing her by the hair and holding her steady as you shove your dick in her mouth and fuck it.<br />
The girls tries to resist and yell for help but it is pointless as you don't even take your dick out to let her breathe.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/hunter_2_2'>>
<br /><br />
You untie her and throw her on some old chair next to you, while wrapping rope around her legs. You instantly go for her wet pussy.<br />
You decide to rub her clitoris with your hand and by surprise, she squirts a bit.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/hunter_2_3'>>
<br /><br />
You slide your hard dick back inside her wet pussy and a moment later you cum inside her without any warning.
<<set $player.sexp++>>
<br /><br />
[[Back|Wanted - catched]]<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<br /><br />
As you sip a drink at the bar, you overhear an conversation about the
<<if $wanted[$wantedId].gender>>
<</if>> you're looking for.
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
You take a walk outside and you show the wanted poster to the people you see, hoping someone can give you some information.
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Bar]]<h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
You notice the friend of
<<if $wanted[$wantedId].gender>>
you're looking for, so you decided to stay behind the corner and listen to the conversation.
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Bar]]<<set _progress = randomInteger(25, 30)>>
<<set _additionalProgress = Math.min(Math.floor($player.reputation_bounty_hunter / 10) * 10, 30)>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].wanted.progress += (_progress + _additionalProgress)>>
<<if $wanted[$wantedId].wanted.progress >= 100>>
<<set _wantedPsg = 'Wanted - found'>>
<<set _wantedPsg = 'Wanted - look around ' + randomInteger(1,3)>>
<<goto `_wantedPsg`>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _wantedPron2 = setup.pronounceWho($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<set _wantedPron = setup.pronounceWhat($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(19,25))>>
Chasing after <<=_wantedPron2>>, <<=_wantedPron>> runs into a tent district.
<br />
Following closely behind and catching up to <<=_wantedPron2>>, to your surprise, you see that she has run to her mother and hugged her deeply as she cries her eyes out.
<br /><br />
<strong>"They found me mother! I am scared! Please no!!"</strong>
<br /><br />
The mother notices you and pushes the girl behind her, falling to her knees with tear-filled eyes, begging you to leave her daughter alone, as the only thing she did wrong was stealing a couple of food so her younger brother could eat.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Please leave her alone! Take me instead! Just leave her out of it. Forget that you even saw her. I BEG YOU!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her that they both need to suck you off'>>
<<video '/bar/wanted_parent1'>>
<br /><br />
The mother immediately drops to her knees and understands what she needs to do. The daughter is still in shock, but after a moment, she realizes what her mother is doing and asks her to stop because she can no longer watch and takes over the control.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bar/wanted_parent2'>>
<br /><br />
Both of their faces show disgust and dislike, but they continue to do it.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Push her away from the daughter'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<goto 'Wanted - catched'>>
<<if $game.location.basement && $slaves.length < $basementLimit && $player.energy >= 30>>
<<link 'Take mother as slave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(38, 44))>>
<<set $tmpGirl.race = $wanted[$wantedId].race ?? 'white'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.virgin = false>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<set $player.reputation_bounty_hunter-->>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<<if setup.baseManagement.population.hasFreeHouse()>>
<<link 'Invite them as settlers to your settlement'>>
<<set $settlers = [
<<set $player.reputation_bounty_hunter-->>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill += 2>>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<goto 'New settlers'>>
<<link 'Forget about them'>>
<<set $player.reputation_bounty_hunter-->>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set $wanted.splice($wantedId, 1)>>
<<goto 'Bar'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
You go and investigate what's on the table in the corner of the room.
<br /><br />
<<if $backpack.has('revolver')>>
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'revolver' 1>>
<br /><br />
You picked up <strong class="iitem">revolver</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wanted - collect reward'>>
<</link>><<set $wanted[$wantedId].wanted.progress -= 50>>
<<goto 'Streets'>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
Under the cover of ruins, you make your way to the warehouse, your senses heightened and your equipment ready. The dilapidated building stands as a haunting testament to its former purpose. The creaking doors and broken windows are reminders of its neglected state.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you cautiously enter the warehouse, the only source of light emanates from the weak light filtering through the cracks. The sound of your footsteps echoes ominously in the empty space, adding to the tension that fills the air. You stay alert, every sense attuned to the surroundings.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, you detect a faint sound coming from a nearby room. Following the noise, you inch closer, your pulse quickening with anticipation. Peering through a partially open door, you catch a glimpse of The Ghost, meticulously examining an item on a table.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<if $player.int > 10>>
<<link 'Attack him from behind in stealth mode'>>
<<goto 'Wanted - unique #1 end'>>
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set $wanted[$wantedId].strength = randomInteger(30, 50)>>
<<run $enemies.push($wanted[$wantedId])>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wanted - unique #1 end' 'Wanted - unique #1 lost'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br />
The dust settled, and the echoes of gunfire faded, replaced by the groans of the wounded and the heavy breathing of those still standing.
The defenders of the underground city lay scattered—some dead, some surrendering, others retreating deeper into the tunnels.
Dom’s men wasted no time finishing off the wounded enemy fighters, their boots crunching over the blood-soaked stone.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_exe3.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
Dom wiped a streak of blood from his face, a triumphant grin spreading across his features.
<br /><br />
We push forward. No stopping now.
<br />
The remaining fighters regrouped, reloading their weapons, tending to minor wounds.
You scanned the chamber, searching for Isabel. She was near the back, gripping a knife, her face pale but determined.
She had survived the first wave, but something about her posture told you she wasn’t just here for the fight
<br /><br />
Dom was already moving, leading his men up the narrow stairwell to the next level of the city.
You followed, your gun raised, senses sharp. The next floor was larger, more open—once a market square, now a war zone.
Barricades were set up, debris scattered, makeshift defenses turned into death traps.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_exe4.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
The moment Dom’s men stepped onto the next floor, the real bloodshed began. No more gunfire raining from above — this was close, brutal, and personal.
The underground city’s defenders met them head-on with blades, pipes, and anything sharp enough to gut a man.
<br /><br />
You barely had time to react before a figure lunged at you from the shadows—a wiry man with a jagged piece of scrap metal fashioned into a shiv. He swung fast, aiming for your ribs. You barely sidestepped in time, feeling the rush of air as the blade missed you by inches.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<generateEnemies 8>>
<<strongerEnemies $enemies>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'crushed skull'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Dom - Return to underground city execute #3' 'Dead'>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br />
The final battle had been the bloodiest, the most brutal. No more ambushes, no more retreating—just two forces colliding in the depths of the ruins, where the only way out was through.
<br /><br />
The tunnels ran slick with blood, the stone walls painted in crimson as men tore into each other with whatever weapons they had left. Blades shattered ribs, rusted pipes caved in skulls, and bare hands strangled the last gasps out of dying throats. The air was thick with the iron scent of blood, the cries of the wounded mixing with the crackling of dying fire pits.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_exe6.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
You had fought like an animal, dodging wild swings, driving your knife deep into exposed flesh, feeling the shudder of bodies as the life drained from them. Every breath had been a fight. Every inch gained had come at the cost of another broken body left on the cold ground.
<br /><br />
And now, it was over.
<br /><br />
<strong>The underground city belonged to Dom now once again.</strong>
<br /><br />
The last defender had been dragged screaming into the dirt, Dom’s men cutting him apart with a savage efficiency. The tunnels were silent, save for the labored breaths of the victors.
<br /><br />
Dom stood at the center of it all, chest heaving, a bloodstained knife still clenched in his fist. He was grinning, his face alight with something dark and triumphant.
<br /><br />
He turned to you, slamming a hand on your shoulder. His grip was firm, his touch warm from the heat of battle.
<br /><br />
You did good. Didn’t expect you to be this useful, but damn if you didn’t prove me wrong.
<br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_exe5.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Come to my office. We’ll talk. We’ve got a city to rebuild.
<br /><br />
His men had already begun to move, dragging bodies away, claiming abandoned weapons, securing what was left of the underground stronghold.
But Dom’s grin faltered as he looked around. His expression darkened.
<br /><br />
Where’s Isabel?
<br />
Haven’t seen her since the fight.
<br />
Go find her. She should be here for this
<br />
You nodded, forcing yourself to move, to walk away from the blood-soaked battlefield and deeper into the tunnels. But you already knew where she was.
<br /><br />
Two levels down.
<br /><br />
The storage rooms were damp, lit only by flickering overhead bulbs barely clinging to life. The air smelled of old metal and dust, a contrast to the raw stench of blood that still clung to you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_exe7.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
And then—you found her.
<br /><br />
Isabel sat on a crate, her hands gripping the edge like she had been waiting for something. When she saw you, her whole body seemed to relax. Relief, maybe something more, flooded her face.
<br /><br />
It’s done.
<br />
She leaned back just enough to look at you, and your lips met. The kiss was slow, deep, like a moment stolen in the aftermath of chaos. For a few seconds, the world outside didn’t matter. The blood on your hands, the bodies left behind, Dom’s victory—it all faded into the background.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/storage2'>>
<br /><br />
Then she pulled away, just enough to look you in the eyes.
And what she said next sent a chill down your spine.
<br /><br />
I need you to get rid of Dom.
<br />
He can’t be in charge of this city. You know what he is. You saw what he did. What he will do.
<br />
You had. You had seen Dom revel in the fight, not just for survival, but because he enjoyed it.
The way he had cut through his enemies with something more than necessity. The way he had grabbed Isabel before, rough, possessive, thinking she was his.
<br /><br />
He thinks the child is his. But it’s yours.
<br />
She stepped closer, gripping your hand.
<br /><br />
If he finds out… we’re both dead. And if he stays in power, this place will be worse than before.
<br />
You and I—we can change that. But first, Dom has to go.
<br />
Above, Dom was waiting.
<br /><br />
Thinking this was his victory.
<br /><br />
Thinking he had secured his city, his rule, his future.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_agree">
<<linkreplace 'Agree with her'>>
<<run $('#option_think').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
Then, without another word, she dropped to her knees in front of you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/storage3'>>
<br /><br />
The air was thick with tension as she finally succeeded in pulling out your erect dick, her hands wrapping around it with a gentle yet firm touch.
The warmth of her breath danced across your shaft, sending shivers down your spine before she finally took your cock into her mouth.
The sensation was overwhelming, a rush of pleasure that threatened to consume you whole as her tongue licked and teased your balls.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/storage4'>>
<br /><br />
But it was her eyes that held you captive. They never left yours, sparkling with each movement, each flick of her tongue sending jolts of electricity through your body as she sucked your dick deep into her throat.
It was as if she dared you to look away, to break the connection that had been forged between you in this moment.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/storage5'>>
<br /><br />
As you pulled Isabel's mouth off your dick, she let out a muffled sound of surprise, her eyes flashing with a mix of anticipation and arousal.
You swiftly turned her around, pressing her against the nearest wooden crate, the rough texture of the wood scraping against her skin.
She arched her back, pushing her ass out towards you, an invitation you couldn't resist.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/storage6'>>
<br /><br />
The crate creaked under your combined weight and movement, the only soundtrack to your frenzied coupling.
Isabel's hands were splayed across the wood, holding herself up as you pounded into her from behind.
Her breasts swayed with each thrust, bouncing against the crate as she took your cock deeper and deeper.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/storage7'>>
<br /><br />
You could feel your balls slapping against her ass with each stroke, adding to the cacophony of sounds that filled the room.
Her pussy was wet and ready for you, gripping your cock like a vice as you moved in perfect syncopation.
The sensation was almost too much to bear - the tightness of her cunt combined with the visual of watching yourself fuck her from behind was driving you
closer and closer to climax.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<image 'game/misc/creampie_prone.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You hold her down by her hips as you cum deep into her pussy. Soon enough when your dick gets more relaxed it slips out together with some of your cum.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_think">
<<linkreplace "I need to think about that">>
I need to think about it.
<br />
The moment the words left your lips, you saw the change in her. The spark in her eyes flickered, dimmed.
She stared at you for a long second, her lips slightly parted as if she was about to say something, but no words came.
<br /><br />
Then, her expression hardened. She exhaled sharply through her nose and stood up.
<br />
She didn’t yell. Didn’t plead.
<br /><br />
The only thing she said before turning away was..
<br /><br />
Then you probably won’t see me again.
<br />
And then she walked out of the storage room, her footsteps echoing down the empty tunnel.
<br /><br />
You stood there, still feeling the warmth where she had held your hand, the ghost of her lips on yours.
<br /><br />
And for the first time since the fighting started, you weren’t sure what to do next.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<run $('#option_agree').hide()>>
<<set $characters.isabel.relationship -= 30>>
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 6>>
<<set $player.reputation += 20>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<<set $game.location.underground_office = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.return_city_done = true>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br />
The tunnels were just as dark, just as cold as before, but this time, something felt different.
A weight in the air. A tension that hadn’t been there the last time.
As you entered the underground city, the same man was waiting for you in the shadows.
His face was unreadable, but his nod was curt, urgent. Without a word, he turned and led you deeper into the tunnels.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_plan1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
You moved through the winding passages, deeper and deeper, until you reached the open chamber.
The room was alive with movement—Dom’s men loading magazines, sharpening blades, checking armor. The tension was thick, the air electric with anticipation.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_exe1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
Dom stood at the center, his hands spread over a map on a rusted table, outlining the final steps of his plan. As you approached, he looked up, grinning.
<br /><br />
There you are. It’s time.
<br />
His men turned, waiting for orders. You could feel the shift—this wasn’t a discussion anymore. This was war.
<br /><br />
Your eyes scanned the chamber, searching for her.
<br /><br />
Then you saw Isabel.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_exe2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
She was standing near the back, tense, arms crossed, her gaze flicking between the men preparing for battle. When she finally looked at you, there was something in her eyes—worry, uncertainty, maybe even fear.
<br /><br />
But before you could say anything—before you could even think of a way to reach her—Dom slammed his fist against the table.
<br /><br />
Move out!
<br />
The room erupted in motion. Boots pounded against the stone as his men rushed toward the tunnels leading deeper underground. You had no choice but to move with them.
<br /><br />
As you descended further into the depths of the city, the air grew colder. The tunnels widened, opening into the lower sectors—the place Dom planned to take back tonight.
<br /><br />
Then, it happened.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The first shot rang out, and before you could even react, the battle had begun.
<br /><br />
Bullets ricocheted off the walls, sparks flying in the dim light. Dom’s men shouted orders, ducking behind cover, returning fire. You drew your weapon, pressing yourself against the stone as chaos erupted around you.
<br /><br />
The defenders of the underground city were well-prepared. They knew Dom was coming. Traps were set—hidden explosives detonated in the distance, collapsing parts of the tunnels, cutting off escape routes.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<generateEnemies 8>>
<<strongerEnemies $enemies>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'crushed skull'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Dom - Return to underground city execute #2' 'Dead'>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br />
The air was thick with dust and the distant hum of machinery, the tunnels twisting and turning as you walked deeper into his domain. As you entered, a shadow in the corner caught your attention. One of Dom’s men. His face was barely visible in the dim light, but his stance was unmistakable—he had been waiting for you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_plan1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
He gave you a nod, then gestured for you to follow. You hesitated for only a second before stepping forward, your boots echoing against the stone floor. The deeper you went, the more uneasy you felt. The tunnels grew narrower, then suddenly opened into a vast chamber—an open space carved into the underground, dimly lit by hanging lights and the flickering glow of fires.
<br /><br />
And there he was—Dom.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_plan2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
He stood in the center, his presence dominating the room. Around him, men were gearing up for battle, sharpening blades, loading magazines, checking their weapons. The air smelled of sweat, metal, and something more primal—anticipation. They were preparing for war.
And beside him stood Isabel.
<br /><br />
She looked different—tired, worn down.
Her hands were clasped in front of her stomach, protectively, and though she had no visible wounds, something in her posture, in her eyes, told you she was suffering.
She looked up as you entered, her expression unreadable, but you could see it—the silent recognition, the hint of desperation buried deep inside.
<br /><br />
Dom turned as you approached, his face lighting up with a grin.
<br /><br />
There he is. My old friend.
<br />
His tone was welcoming, but you knew better than to trust it. You had played this game with Dom before.
<br /><br />
He clapped a hand on your shoulder, his grip firm.
<br /><br />
We’re almost ready. The city was stolen from me, but I’m going to take it back. And you’re going to help me do it.
<br />
His eyes narrowed slightly, his expression growing more serious.
<br /><br />
I need you to bring as many fighters as you can. Supplies, weapons—whatever you have. Next time you come back, we take the city. No more waiting.
<br /><br />
You nodded, playing along. You needed time, needed to figure out how to handle this, how to keep Isabel safe.
<br /><br />
I’ll see what I can do.
<br />
Dom studied you for a moment, then seemed satisfied. He turned away, focusing on Isabel now.
<br />
That’s when everything shifted.
<br /><br />
At first, it was subtle. His voice was lower, but there was something off in the way he spoke to her.
You saw the way her body tensed, the way she flinched slightly when he stepped closer. Then, without warning, Dom’s voice rose.
<br /><br />
What the hell is wrong with you?
<br />
The entire room seemed to pause.
The tension, already thick, became suffocating. His men, scattered around the chamber, stole quick glances but said nothing, as if they had seen this before.
<br /><br />
Walking around like some ghost, barely saying a word. You think you can just hide from me?
<br />
Isabel barely got a word out before it happened.
<br /><br />
Dom shoved her. Hard.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_plan3.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
She stumbled back, slamming against the rough stone wall with a sharp gasp.
A quiet, pained sound escaped her lips, and for a second, she just stood there, stunned, her hand instinctively moving to her stomach.
<br /><br />
Your fists clenched. Every fiber of your being screamed at you to do something.
But you couldn’t. Not now. Not here. Dom's men were everywhere, watching, waiting. If you made a move, you'd be dead before you could even reach her.
<br /><br />
Isabel lifted her head, her eyes locking onto yours for the briefest moment. She wasn’t asking for help. She knew you couldn’t give it—not yet. But there was something in that glance, something pleading, something desperate.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return_plan4.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
Dom exhaled sharply, rubbing his face, like he was trying to calm himself.
<br /><br />
We’re done here. Go get some rest.
<br />
Isabel hesitated, then slowly pushed herself off the wall, nodding stiffly before turning and walking away, disappearing into one of the tunnels.
<br /><br />
Dom sighed, shaking his head before looking back at you. He forced a smirk, as if nothing had happened.
<br /><br />
<br />
He said with a chuckle, like it was some joke.
<br /><br />
You said nothing.
<br /><br />
Get me those fighters. Next time, we take back my city.
<br />
You nodded once more, your mind already racing with thoughts of what to do next.
<br /><br />
As you turned to leave, only one thing was clear—this wasn’t just about Dom’s war anymore.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.return_city1 = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.return_city1_day = $game.day>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.chaos = true>>
As you descended into the dimly lit depths of the underground city, the familiar sounds of bustling life were replaced with an eerie silence.
Your footsteps echoed through empty corridors, devoid of the usual chatter and laughter. As you reached the main square, your heart sank at the scene before you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Chaos reigned supreme.
<br /><br />
Groups of people clashed in vicious brawls, their faces contorted with rage and fear. The air was thick with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid stench of burning materials.
<br /><br />
You scanned the area, searching for any familiar faces or signs of what had transpired.
The central podium, where Dom, the city's fearsome leader, would address the community, stood abandoned and vandalized.
<br /><br />
Factions had emerged, each vying for control, their motives ranging from survival to domination.
Some wielded makeshift weapons, others relied on cunning and manipulation. The once tight-knit community had splintered into rival camps, each distrustful of the other.
<br /><br />
You hesitated, torn between intervening in the violence or retreating to safety. But as you watched a group of scavengers ransack a nearby storage area, their greed unchecked by conscience, you knew you couldn't stand idle.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fight">
<<link 'Fight 4 guys with knives'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < 4; _i++>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Underground city' 'Underground city'>>
<<linkreplace 'Try to leave'>>
<<run $('#option_fight').hide()>>
For a moment, the combatants paused, their attention drawn to your presence.
They noticed that you're trying to get away and one of them started to run towards you and shouting.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Get him! He have caps on him!
<br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < 4; _i++>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Underground city' 'Underground city'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As the chaos unfolded, your skills and resolve prevailed, and soon, the men lay defeated at your feet. Isabel with face a mix of relief and gratitude, wasted no time in expressing her thanks.
She rushed into your arms, wrapping her trembling figure around your neck in a tight embrace.
<br /><br />
Thank you! Thank you so much! I thought I was going to die in there.
<br />
You held her close, offering reassurance and comfort in the aftermath of the harrowing ordeal. As the adrenaline began to subside, Isabel's words of urgency brought you back to the present reality.
<br /><br />
We can't stay here. It's not safe. We need to get away from this place.
<br />
Come with me. I have a place nearby where we'll be safe.
<br />
Isabel hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. However, the trust forged between you during this intense moment of crisis outweighed her reservations.
<br /><br >
<br /><br />
With Isabel by your side, you navigated the treacherous paths of the underground city, avoiding any lingering threats and dangers.
The journey to your place was tense yet uneventful, each step bringing you closer to safety and a moment of respite from the chaos that had engulfed Dom's coma.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you reached the relative sanctuary of your dwelling, Isabel exhaled a sigh of relief, her posture relaxing slightly.
She turned to you, gratitude and newfound trust shining in her eyes.
<br /><br />
Thank you for saving me. I don't know what I would have done without you.
<br />
With a sense of relief washing over the both of you, you reassured Isabel that she would find safety and comfort in your guest house.
Leading her to a room, you promised to provide her with fresh clothes and a peaceful place to rest
<br /><br />
You can change in here. Take your time and get some rest. We'll talk more tomorrow.
<br />
Isabel nodded gratefully, a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude evident in her eyes. She whispered, clutching the clothes tightly.
<br /><br />
Thank you!
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
$tmpGirl.id = 'isabel',
$tmpGirl.name = 'Isabel',
$tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(30),
$tmpGirl.hair = 'black',
$tmpGirl.eyes = 'brown',
$tmpGirl.race = 'latina',
$tmpGirl.beauty = 94,
$tmpGirl.anal = 60,
$tmpGirl.traits = ['cumslut'],
$tmpGirl.quests = {},
$tmpGirl.virgin = false
<<set $characters.isabel = Object.assign($tmpGirl, ($characters.isabel ?? {}))>>
<<set $characters.isabel.corruption = 70>>
<<set $characters.isabel.sub = 60>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.saved = true>>
<<set $characters.isabel.livingLocation = 'guesthouse'>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.riotDay = $game.day>>
<<set $characters.isabel.relationship = Math.min($characters.isabel.relationship + 60, 100)>>
$characters.isabel.likesGuys = true,
$characters.isabel.likesTGirls = false,
$characters.isabel.likesTGuys = true,
$characters.isabel.likesGirls = true
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg_fuel = true>>
<br />
As you descended into the underground city, a sense of unease settled over you.
The usual bustle and activity had been replaced by chaos and fear.
Dom's goons were on a rampage, chasing down unsuspecting residents and meting out brutal punishment.
People scrambled to hide, seeking refuge in the shadows as the violence unfolded.
<br /><br />
Drawing closer to Dom's stronghold, the tension in the air grew thicker. Suddenly, from a darkened corner, a group of Dom's hired old hookers emerged,
one of them you knocked down on the ground.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you struggled to regain your bearings, the chaos of the situation intensified. The sounds of screams and shouts echoed through the corridors, a cacophony of fear and desperation.
The hooker glanced back as she ran, her eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of urgency and fear.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Isabel's in trouble! She needs help!
<br />
The words cut through the chaos, igniting a sense of determination within you. Pushing yourself up from the ground, you set off in the direction the hookers had come from, towards Isabel's location.
<br /><br />
As you navigated the labyrinthine corridors, dodging Dom's enforcers and weaving through the panicked crowds, your mind raced with thoughts of Isabel's safety.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow the scream sound'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < 4; _i++>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength += randomInteger(10,15)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<video 'dom/isabel_riot1'>>
<br /><br />
As you cautiously stepped into the room, your senses heightened by the distant sound of a scream, a chilling scene unfolded before your eyes.
Four men surrounded a cage, where a woman with a bag over her head struggled and cried out in distress.
It didn't take long for you to recognize the voice—it was Isabel's, and she was in grave danger.
<br /><br />
The men's actions were predatory, their hands groping and taunting the defenseless woman inside the cage. Isabel's muffled screams and pleas for help pierced through the air, filling you with a sense of urgency and determination.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_riot2'>>
<br /><br />
After what seemed like an eternity of torment, the men finally opened the cage door. With callous disregard for her well-being, they grabbed Isabel by her hair and dragged her out of the cage, pulling her into the center of the room.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Dom won't help you this time, bitch. Stay calm!
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Keep watching'>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.riot_watched = true>>
One of man with a thick beard and calloused hands, reached out, his fingers tracing the curve of her cheek. His touch was rough, but there was a strange gentleness in his eyes. He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered soothing words, his hands deftly undoing the buttons of her shirt.
<br /><br />
As two guys hold her down, fourth man with a cruel smirk, stood in front of her, his fingers tracing the curve of her jaw, his thumb brushing against her lips. His touch was rough, his fingers forcing her mouth open as he pressed his cock against her lips. His other hand tangled in her hair, his grip tight as he forced her to take him in.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_riot3'>>
<br /><br />
Suddenly a guy standing behind her, pulls down his pants and with force thrusts his dick inside Isabel's pussy. She begs them to stop but they continue with cruel smile on their faces.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_riot4'>>
<br /><br />
Dom will kill you! STOP!
<br />
As two guys hold her down as she's getting fucked, one of them looks at the door and notices you. Instantly you shouts others to get you and they half naked run towards you to attack you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
<br />
<<link 'Attack them'>>
<<addhours 6>>
<<set $game.death_reason = 'internal bleeding'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Dom - isabel riot #2' 'Dead'>>
<<set $fight.canRunAway = false>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
As you approached the streets of the underground city, the howling winds masked your footsteps, creating an eerie silence.
<br />
Suddenly, a group of Dom's goons emerged from the shadows, their faces hidden beneath masks, their eyes sharp with suspicion.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
You're expected.
<br />
One of them grunted, their voice carrying a note of warning.
<br />
They gestured for you to follow, and you fell in line, the tension in the air palpable.
<br /><br />
You finally arrived at a Dom's place, guarded by two burly figures.
With a nod, they allowed you entry.
Inside, the atmosphere was starkly different.
<br />
Isabel, Dom's wife, stood in the center of the room.
Her eyes were filled with a mixture of worry and determination. She dismissed the goons with a stern nod, leaving just the two of you in the room.
<br /><br />
How it's going with the fuel? I haven't heard from you. They start to suspect something.
<br />
<div id="option_time">
<<linkreplace 'Give me more time'>>
<<set _moreTime = true>>
I don't have time! If Dom won't wake up soon I and him are done!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'I was busy'>>
<<if !_moreTime>>
<<run $('#option_time').hide()>>
Busy? Busy?! My fucking life is on the line.
<br />
Her frustration boils over, and she raises her voice, her words cutting through the tense air.
<br />
You can see the fear and worry etched into the lines of her face.
<br /><br />
Isabel's voice holds a mixture of relief and apprehension as she shares the news.
<br /><br />
I've managed to strike a deal in the Sanctuary. They have the fuel we need, but they're... ruthless. They won't negotiate with a group. You have to go alone.
<br />
The weight of her words settles on you, and you understand the gravity of the situation.
<br />
The Sanctuary is notorious for its uncompromising nature, but it's also our only hope for survival. You meet Isabel's gaze, determination burning in your eyes.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_reward">
<<linkreplace "Ask for a reward">>
<<set $characters.isabel.sub += 10>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<set _award = true>>
I can't give you any caps as I don't know where Dom hides it all...
<br />
She looks at you and takes a deep breath. Then, making sure no one is around, she reaches for you and pulls you close by grabbing your pants. Then she slowly unbuttons your pants and takes out your soft dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'isabel/dick_out'>>
<br /><br />
Suddenly, from the other corner, the sound of a door slam appears and Dom's men burst into the room. She barely manages to put your dick back.
<br />
They inform her that a riot has broken out in one of the districts of the underground city, and she needs to come with them.
<br /><br />
The Sanctuary - Just get it done and you will get your reward!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Streets'>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'I will do that'>>
<<if !_award>>
<<run $('#option_reward').hide()>>
Suddenly, from the other corner, the sound of a door slam appears and Dom's men burst into the room.
<br />
They inform her that a riot has broken out in one of the districts of the underground city, and she needs to come with them.
<br /><br />
Thank you so much! Dom and I will be in your debt!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Streets'>>
<<set $game.location.sanctuary = true>><h1 class="ptitle">STREETS</h1>
<br /><br />
As you approached the streets of the underground city, the howling winds masked your footsteps, creating an eerie silence.
<br />
As you navigated the maze-like corridors of underground city, a group of Dom's men intercepted you. The tension in the air was palpable as the men delivered an urgent message.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Isabel requests your presence. She needs your help.
<br />
Curiosity mingled with caution as you followed the men to Dom's makeshift office. Inside, Isabel sat with a weariness that spoke of countless sleepless nights and mounting pressure.
<br /><br />
Thank you for coming. I apologize for the urgency, but we're running out of options.
<br />
<br /><br />
You studied Isabel, seeing beyond the facade of authority to the woman burdened with responsibilities she never asked for.
<br /><br />
What do you need?
<br />
Isabel's gaze met yours, desperation flickering in her eyes. There was no demand in her voice, only a plea born of necessity.
<br /><br />
Fuel. A lot of it. We need fuel to keep the generators running, to keep our people warm and fed.
<br />
Isabel hesitated, glancing around to ensure no one was around pulled you behind small wall. Then she walked closer, spread your legs and dropped on her knees.
<br /><br />
I am ready to give you what you want. You just need to help me one last time.
<br />
She slides her hold hand inside your pants and grabs your soft dick. Desperation etched in her eyes as she strokes your dick.
Then she unbuttons your pants and pulls your dick out. Look like she really mean it this time.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_beg1'>>
<br /><br />
When she pulled out your dick, a glimmer of excitement lit up her eyes, and a genuine smile graced her lips.
It was a rare sight amidst the grim realities of her world, a brief respite from the hardships and struggles she faced daily with Dom in coma.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_beg2'>>
<br /><br />
Without a word, she reached for your dick with her lips, her movements deliberate yet tinged with a hint of hesitation.
Her fingers traced the contours of your dick. As soon as she started to suck your dick, Isabel's gaze met yours.
<br /><br />
Bring me the fuel and I will let you fuck me, once!
<br />
However, the tranquility of the moment was shattered when the door to Dom's office swung open, breaking the kiss abruptly. A Dom goon stood in the doorway.
<br />
Isabel's expression flickered with a myriad of emotions—surprise, apprehension, and a hint of defiance. She glanced at you, her eyes silently conveying a complex message.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
There's been talk of a small riot brewing somewhere in the city. We need to squash before it gets out of hand.
<br />
With a final nod, Isabel exited the room, leaving you alone in an awkward silence. Before she left she quetly whispered to you.
<br /><br />
We need 10 cans of fuel! Or we're screwed for real this time. Get it done... Please...
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.isabel_beg_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Streets'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">UNDERGROUND CITY</h1>
<br />
You reached Underground city secret entry Isabel showed you.
<br />
You pushed aside a rusted door.
Dim, flickering lights illuminated the labyrinthine tunnels as you navigated your way toward the central hub where Isabel was said to be waiting.
<br /><br />
<br />
Isabel's voice trembled with a mix of hope and anxiety as she spoke.
<br /><br />
You made it! I didn't think… I didn't dare hope you'd return.
<br />
You nodded, fatigue etched into every line of your face.
<br /><br />
It wasn't easy out there, but I got what you need. This should keep the generators running for a while.
<br />
You handed her the fuel canister cart, and she cradled it like a precious jewel. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered.
<br /><br />
<<drop $backpack 'fuel' 15>>
<strong>You dropped <strong class="iitem">15 fuel cans</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
This… this means everything. You have no idea how long we've been on the brink. Let's go. I need to call someone for help to get them up.
<br /><br />
As Isabel leads you through the underground city basement, navigating the dark tunnels, you notice a small dimmed chamber room off to the side.
<br /><br />
Dom will be very happy when he wakes up...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull her aside into the chamber'>>
In a moment of curiosity, you grasp her arm and pull her into the chamber, the dim light casting shadows across the walls.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Kiss her'>>
Your lips meet in a tender, lingering kiss, a silent exchange of appreciation for the hardships you've both faced and the connection forged through shared challenges.
As she didn't say anything you also decided to grab her ass.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_basement1'>>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>> NO! We can't... I can't! I appreciate the gesture tho but I belong to Dom.
<br />
<div id="option_force">
<<linkreplace 'Force her and fuck her ass'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<set _force = true>>
What are you doing?! Stop right now! Please!
<br /><br />
You pull out hard dick and hold her still as you spread her legs. Doesn't seem that she puts too much strength to fight you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_basement2'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly slide your dick inside her ass as she lets out big scream mixed with moan. She gets a bit relaxed but still begs you to stop as you slowly increase speed and slide your dick deeper in her ass.
<br /><br />
I will tell Dom! Stop it now! Please, don't continue.. Ahhh.
<br />
She lets out another moan as you keep pounding her ass. A moment later you notice an old chest of drawers with some old rag over it and put her on her stomach over it as you stick your dick back inside her ass.
<br /><br />
<<video 'dom/isabel_basement3'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'dom/isabel_basement5'>>
<br /><br />
You pull out and cum all over her asshole. She feels your cum on her and she instantly gets up and pushes you away.
<br /><br />
What's wrong with you?! I will tell Dom everything! Everything!
<br />
She sobs a tear and runs out of the chamber as you're left there alone.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest6 = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest6_day = $game.day>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest6_isabel_forced = true>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<linkreplace 'Let her go'>>
<<run $('#option_force').hide()>>
<<=$player.name>> NO! We can't... I can't! I appreciate the gesture tho but I belong to Dom.
<br />
You take a step back and let her go as she says softly, her voice carrying a mix of gratitude and regret.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest6 = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest6_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if $gasShortageFight>>
<<if !$prevFight.won>>
<<perkAdd 'bleeding'>>
<<perkAdd 'beaten'>>
Only thanks to luck, at the moment when you were already lying on the ground and they wanted to hang you next to the owner, the metal piece to which the owner was hanging broke.
It was purely by chance that he fell directly on them, giving you the opportunity to escape with two gas cans, where Isabela was already waiting for you by the fence.
<br /><br />
Oh, thank god! I panicked! Lets get out of here before anyone else arrives.
After you successfully managed to fight them off, Isabela appeared out of nowhere. Just as they noticed you running, she had abandoned you, leaving you alone.
<br /><br />
Oh, thank god! I panicked! Lets get out of here before anyone else arrives.
<br /><br />
Instead of leaving immediately, you decided to fill up the third canister with fuel first. Only then did you follow Isabela along the same path you entered.
<br /><br />
<<set $gasShortageCans++>>
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 1>>
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">1 fuel canister</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You get out of the camp, load the cans you start the drive back to the city with Isabel.
<br />
As you reach the Underground City, the hidden side entrance you used to leave in the bike, you drive in and stop. There's one guard but as soon as you get off the bike Isabel tells him to get lost.
<br /><br />
I am very grateful that you decided to help me after all. When Doms wakes up, he will surely find out about this, and he will reward you generously.
<br /><br />
<<set _relIncrease = $gasShortageCans * 5>>
<<set $characters.isabel.relationship += _relIncrease>>
<strong>Relationship with Isabel increased by <<=_relIncrease>></strong>
<<drop $backpack 'fuel' $gasShortageCans>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_keep">
<<linkreplace 'Keep one gas can'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 1>>
<<run $('#option_reward, #option_quiet').hide()>>
What? No way! I can't let you do that. We need it!
<br />
And what else can I do? I risked my life, and if you want this collaboration to continue, I'll be collecting my share.
<br />
<<set $characters.isabel.relationship -= 5>>
<strong>Relationship with Isabel decreased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_hand">
<<linkreplace 'Put hand on her leg'>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<<run $('#option_nothing').hide()>>
<<video 'dom/gas_shortage'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly put your hand on her thigh and start to slide it across her leg.
She doesn't resist but she's not really enjoying it so you move your hand up and grab her breast and squeeze it few times before she steps back and says that's enough.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.isabel.sub +=5>>
<strong>Isabel's submission increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_nothing">
<<linkreplace 'Do nothing'>>
<<run $('#option_hand').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_reward">
<<linkreplace 'What about a reward?'>>
<<drop $backpack 'fuel' $gasShortageCans>>
<<run $('#option_keep, #option_quiet').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
Not this time. You'll get your reward. I promise.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_quiet">
<<linkreplace 'Keep quiet'>>
<<drop $backpack 'fuel' $gasShortageCans>>
<<run $('#option_keep, #option_reward').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="ending" style="display: none">
She accompanies you to the exit of the underground parking lot, where you emerge into the underground city. She turns in one direction and heads off with the bodyguards who are already waiting for her at the exit.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $gasShortageCans, $gasShortageFight, $gasShortageStealth>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest4_done_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<br /><br />
You see a number of people you know and many you do not, and while enjoying a drink you see Isabel walking towards you, her bodyguards pushing people away from her roughly.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You need to come with me right now. We have business to discuss…come along.
<br /><br />
It is obvious this is not a request, and her bodyguards reinforce that, helping you from your chair.
You are taken with Isabel, not into the usual room where Dom handled business, but to their private residence part.
<br /><br />
It is a very nice place, out of place in this ruined place you live in, seemingly untouched by war and filth. You are brought the an office inside of their residence, where Isabel offers you a seat.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take a seat'>>
You start to ask a question, Isabel raises a hand to stop you and then wastes no time.
<br /><br />
You are coming with me on a job. I am making an important transaction, one needed to maintain order in our city.
I can only bring one person to the deal, and I don't trust any of Dom's goons.
<br /><br />
We are running low on fuel, critically low. But you know that already.
<br /><br />
Isabel says, pouring herself some tea. There are two cups, but she doesn’t offer you any, in fact she barely makes any eye contact at all.
<br /><br />
We use gasoline in generators that keep the crucial systems running at night. Without them, our security would be compromised, we might have riots…the city Dom and I built might fall.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Accept her mission'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<run $('#companions-list').hide()>>
<<generateEnemies 3 1>>
After you accept you are escorted with Isabel to a part of Underground City you have never been to, where a sidecar is lined up with few other junks.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Isabel climbs into one-wheeled device attached to the side of the motorcycle, and one of the bodyguards points at 3 gas canisters next to it.
<br /><br />
We need to get these filled. We have a guy who runs an old oil and gas refinery, and he has in the past been willing to do business.
<br /><br />
Isabel says, settling in and trying to get comfortable.
<br /><br />
I have caps, alcohol and drugs, it should be enough.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_should">
<<linkreplace 'Should be?'>>
How the fuck would I know? Dom has always handled this, and he is in a fucking coma!
<br /><br />
She nearly shouts at you.
<br /><br />
This is what Dom took when he went to get our fuel, for all I know he did the drugs himself, I have no idea. I just know we need the fuel
<br /><br/>
<<linkreplace 'Start the engine'>>
<<run $('#option_should').hide()>>
You fire up the engine and head out, with men closing a large set of doors behind you as you drive quickly off into the distance.
<br /><br />
You follow Isabel’s instructions and drive until the sun is setting, at which time you pull up near the refinery.
It is still lit up well as it would have been before the war, but Isabel leans over and turns the lights off as you come to a stop, pulling out some binoculars to take a look.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Fuck... This isn’t good. That is a raider flag, and that looks like the man who used to do business with us strung up on the gas tank.
<br /><br />
She hands you the binoculars and you see what she was talking about, a dead man is hanging by his feet from the flagpole, and a raider flag is flying above him
<br />
Isabel seems very stressed.
<br /><br />
We have to have this fuel, but these raiders will be just as likely to have you up next to that previous owner, and me on my knees serving them sexually...
That isn’t going to happen. But if we come back without this fuel, Dom might lose his power in the city and riots will start…
<br />
We go in quietly when it gets dark, and if we need to we knock them out as many as we can quietly.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Wait for night'>>
<<addhours 3>>
You wait a few hours until it gets pitch black dark.
<br />
The two of you move in under cover of night, scouting around till you find what looks like a storage tank for newly refined gasoline. The raiders hit the jackpot with this place, gasoline and diesel that aren’t fouled is much harder to come by.
<br /><br />
You move in close with your gas cans, cutting a hole in a fence and making your way as close to the storage tank as you think you can get, trying not to make a sound.
<br />
As you move closer you notice <strong>3 guys and one girl</strong> sitting around firepit, very close to the fuel tank.
<br /><br />
<div id="option-stealth">
<<linkreplace 'Go in stealth'>>
<<set $gasShortageStealth = true>>
<<if $player.int > 100>>
<<run $('#option-fight').hide()>>
You both moved with the precision of a well-oiled machine, choreographing your steps to the rhythm of your heartbeats. Isabel slipped behind a rusting shipping container, her movements graceful and soundless. Meanwhile, you edged towards the main tank, the weight of the canisters in your grip a constant reminder of your mission's urgency.
<br /><br />
As you reached the tank, the night seemed to hold its breath. With practiced hands, you worked the valves, the muted creaking of metal masked by the distant crackle of the fire. The fuel began to flow, a steady stream of liquid gold into the first canister.
<br /><br />
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">3 fuel canisters</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $gasShortageCans = 3>>
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 3>>
<<goto 'Isabel - gas shortage #2'>>
The night air hung heavy with tension as you and Isabel crept towards the fuel refinery, shadows weaving around you like silent sentinels.
<br />
As you reached the tank, the night seemed to hold its breath. With practiced hands, you worked the valves, the muted creaking of metal masked by the distant crackle of the fire. The fuel began to flow, a steady stream of liquid gold into the first two canisters.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'fuel' 2>>
<<set $gasShortageCans = 2>>
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">2 fuel canisters</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
But this time, luck was not on your side. A loose piece of debris shifted underfoot, emitting a sharp, echoing sound that seemed to pierce the stillness.
<br />
The guards around the fire pit jolted, their heads snapping in the direction of the noise. Panic surged through your veins as their eyes met yours, their faces a twisted mixture of surprise and alarm. There was no turning back now; stealth had betrayed you, and your only option was to fight.
<br /><br />
<div id="option-fight">
<<linkreplace 'Fight them'>>
<<set $gasShortageFight = true>>
<<set $gasShortageCans = 0>>
<<fight $enemies 'Isabel - gas shortage #2' 'Isabel - gas shortage #2'>>
<<set $fight.skipEnding = true>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<set $game.location.gloryhole = true>>
Before you can even take in the surroundings, a figure materializes from the crowd, a girl with wild, <<=$tmpGirl.hair>>-colored hair and a mischievous glint in her eye.
She moves with a fluid grace, her movements almost hypnotic as she approaches you. Without a word, she reaches out and grabs your bulge, her touch surprisingly firm.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/grab_bulge.webp'>>
<br /><br />
Leaning in close, she whispers in your ear amidst the chaos of the club, her voice barely audible over the music.
<<set $tmpGirl.race = 'white'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Friends say you are someone... I saw something in the bathroom. Follow me and I'll show you.
<br />
Without waiting for your response, she grabs your hand and leads you through the pulsating crowd towards the bathroom. The thumping music fades as you enter the dimly lit hallway leading to the restrooms, the girl's grip on your hand never wavering.
<br /><br />
Once inside the bathroom, she pushes you inside one of the cabins but doesn't follow you. Then you notice something...
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/gloryhole.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
A hole in the wall. You can hear here on the other side of the wall...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Stick dick through the hole'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'gloryhole'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'handjob' 'no-text'>>
<br />
As soon as you stick your dick through wall you feel that she grabs it and starts to stroke it while giggling.
<br />
After brief moment you feel that she kisses your dickhead and the takes it all in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
She sucks your dick with passion as she wants to prove something to you. For a moment feels like she doesn't even take a breath just suck it again and again.
<br/><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'cum_in_mouth' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
Without warning you cum in her mouth but she's ready already. She takes it all like a champ.
As some of your cum starts to drip on her cheek she playfully with the help of finger, slides it back in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<br />
As you stand near the bar, taking in the sights and sounds of the underground city nightclub, a sudden presence at your side makes you turn.
The man in the golden suit is there, almost as if he materialized out of thin air. His approach is smooth and calculated, his steps deliberate as he closes the distance between you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/owner.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
With a charming smile, he extends a hand towards you, palm up as if offering a gift.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
My apologies for the abrupt introduction. I couldn't help but notice you. Word travels fast in these parts, especially when someone of your... reputation is involved.
<br />
The man in the golden suit gestures for you to follow him through the bustling underground city nightclub.
The neon lights flicker and cast an otherworldly glow over the scene as you weave through the crowd.
The air is thick with the scent of sweat, alcohol, and a hint of something metallic.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/girl_dancing.webp' sfw>>
<br /><br />
As you enter a quieter section of the club, the man turns to you with a confident smile, his suit shimmering under the dim lights.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I've heard about you. You have a way to get what you want, don't you?
<br />
You nod cautiously, unsure of where this conversation is heading.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, I have an offer for you. I have a luxurious bathroom in my establishment, one that would befit your girls. I could use some extra hands to attend to my guests.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Gloryholes.. I have few of them and my own girls are outdated so we could use fresh meat. So what are you saying?
<br />
His offer hangs in the air, and you can sense the weight of the decision. On one hand, it's a chance for your girls to work in a more upscale environment, potentially earning more
and gaining a foothold in a different clientele. On the other hand, dealing with someone like this man could come with its own set of risks and complications.
<br /><br />
<<set $player.quests.gloryholeJobAsked = true>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace "Agree">>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<set _agree = true>>
<<set $player.quests.gloryholeJob = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 25>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Excellent! I will be waiting for your girls.
<br />
You leave the nightclub with a sense of optimism, knowing that your girls might have a chance at a more upscale and lucrative opportunity.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace "Do not agree">>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<set $player.goodwill += 10>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I respect your decision. Should you ever reconsider or need assistance of any kind, don't hesitate to reach out.
<br />
You thank him for his understanding and excuse yourself, choosing to focus on your current operations rather than diving into a potentially risky partnership.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB WC</h1>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _streetGuestI, _streetGuest range ($guests ?? [])>>
<<set _hasWorkers = true>>
<<capture _streetGuestI, _streetGuest>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $guests[_streetGuestI].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $guests[_streetGuestI].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<if _streetGuest.assignedTo != 'nightclub' || !timeBetween('20:00', '04:00') || _dayOff>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_streetGuest)>>
<<set _assignedToStreets = true>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _streetGuest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _streetGuest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'gloryhole'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Nightclub - bathroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _streetGuestI>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<if [0,2].includes(_streetGuest.gender) && setup.getAge(_streetGuest) >= 17>>
Beauty score: <<print _streetGuest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_streetGuest)>>
<<if _hasWorkers>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Use gloryhole'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/gloryhole.jpg'>>
<br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(100)>>
<<set $player.money -= 5>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Hey! Is someone there?
<br />
You hear noise behind the wall. After few seconds, hand reaches through the hole and takes 5 caps from you. Then she grabs your dick.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Enjoy'>>
<<unset $charId, $slaveId, $guestId>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'gloryhole'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Nightclub - bathroom'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub += 40>>
<<set $sexCanForce = false>>
You waited for few minutes but no one showed up...
<br /><br />
<<linkdesc 'gloryhole-desc'>>
5 caps
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<br /><br />
As you sipped the smoky mixture, the atmosphere around you grew increasingly lively.
A group of four tipsy women stumbled into the dimly lit area, their laughter cutting through the ambient noise.
They wore tattered clothing, remnants of a world long gone, and their eyes sparkled with a mixture of defiance and a desire for escapism.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/buy_drink_girls.jpg'>>
<br />
The trio spotted you at the bar and exchanged mischievous glances before confidently making their way over.
Their laughter echoed as they claimed the stools next to yours, and the air became charged with a mix of curiosity and unpredictability.
<br /><br />
<<set _npc1 = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _npc2 = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _npc3 = $tmpGirl>>
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Hey there, stranger. Haven't seen you around these parts before. What's your story?
<<addmins 30>>
As the night progressed, the three women, now noticeably tipsy, leaned in closer, their playful banter taking on a flirtatious edge.
Amidst the laughter and clinking glasses, they looked at you with eyes that hinted at a shared secret.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
How about you make this night unforgettable for us? Buy us the most expensive drinks in this joint, and we'll show you a good time you won't soon forget
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc3>>
<<=_npc2.name>> you go girl!
<br />
<<if $player.money >= 100>>
<div id="option_buy">
<<linkreplace 'Buy them all drinks'>>
<<run $('#option_buy_desc, #option_no').hide()>>
<<set $player.money -= 100>>
After taking a sip, one of the alluring girl locked eyes with you. A smirk played on her lips, and she detached herself from the group, gracefully moving through the pulsating crowd. With each step, the ambiance shifted, as if the very air recognized her presence.
<br /><br />
She approached you with a slow, deliberate pace, her gaze unwavering. Leaning in, she grabbed your bulge and started to unzip your pants. Her words barely audible over the thumping bass as she slides hand inside your pants and grabs your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'nightclub/buy_drinks1'>>
<br /><br />
She drops on her knees and other girls starts to giggle and follow her lead. As one of them cheers her, another girl pulls out her breasts and pushes them into your face.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
You go girl!
<br />
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Leave something for us too!
<br />
<<video 'nightclub/buy_drinks2'>>
<br /><br />
Another girl of the group gets on her knees and almost with force takes your dick out of first girls mouth and sensually starts to lick it before sucking your off. She takes it slower and tries to intimidate you with her glance a bit.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc3>>
You girls are such a whores!
<br />
She barely manages to finish her sentence as one of the girls pulls her towards your dick and pushes her down.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Your turn!
<br />
<<video 'nightclub/buy_drinks3'>>
<br /><br />
As girl gets pushed down on her knees, she continues to giggle while girls almost with force push her mouth onto your dick. She continues to giggle as she sucks you off while one of the other girls is removing her panties.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
My turn! My turn!
<br />
She has already taken off her panties and pulled out her dress.
<br /><br />
<<video 'nightclub/buy_drinks4'>>
<br /><br />
You lie on your back on the nearest table as girl with panties gets on you and one of the other girls grabs your dick and helps you to slide it inside her wet pussy.
Girls continue to laught and giggle while slapping girlfriends ass as she rides you slowly.
<br /><br />
Another girl starts to undress as she lies down next to you two...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc3>>
Oh, I need to try this.
<br />
As she giggles she spreads her legs and waits for you to fuck her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'nightclub/buy_drinks5'>>
<br /><br />
Her giggles stops as soon as you slide your hard dick inside her. You can see that she bites in her lower lip and fully enjoys your dick inside her.
She lets out loud moan but it's barely audible over the thumping bass
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Who wants a shower?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
No, no, no, no...
<br />
<<video 'nightclub/buy_drinks6'>>
<br /><br />
As she tries to resist her friends they hold her down on her knees and lets you cum all over her face.
<br /><br />
The four women, their laughter echoing through the dimly lit corners of the post-apocalyptic nightclub, exchanged satisfied glances.
The leader of the group, still maintaining her air of charm, gave you a playful wink.
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Thanks for the drinks, stranger. You sure know how to make a night interesting.
<br />
As they gathered their composure and began to disperse into the crowd, the atmosphere shifted.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
<<linkdesc 'option_buy_desc'>>
-100 caps.
<div id="option_no">
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<horny 10>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'nightclub'>>
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl dance>>
<br />
You dance closer aswell and make eye contact with <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>.<br />
You present yourself... <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> name is <strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>></strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 5>>
<<link 'Offer a drink (5 caps)'>>
<<set $player = setup.drink($player)>>
<<if $player.drunk > 75>>
<<perkAdd 'drunk'>>
<<set $player.money -=5>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 10, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl = setup.drink($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - drink together'>>
[[Leave|Nightclub - inside]]
<<addmins 15>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<set $tmpGirl = null, $slaveId = null>>
<<if (setup.percentageChance(70))>>
<<if (setup.percentageChance(75))>>
<<set _orientation = 'straight'>>
<<set _orientation = 'bisexual'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = setup.setSexuality($tmpGirl, _orientation)>>
<<elseif settings.transEnabled && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<elseif settings.gaysEnabled>>
<<if (setup.percentageChance(80))>>
<<set _orientation = 'bisexual'>>
<<set _orientation = 'gay'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = setup.setSexuality($tmpGuy, _orientation)>>
<<if $tmpGirl>>
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty = Math.min($tmpGirl.beauty + 20, 100)>>
<<set _age = setup.getAge($tmpGirl)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'nightclub'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = setup.drink($tmpGirl, either(0, 1, 2))>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl dance>>
<br />
After an hour on the dancefloor, a <strong class="iitem"><<=setup.getNpcAgeDescription($tmpGirl)>></strong> in <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> <strong class="iitem"><<=setup.agePeriod(_age)>></strong> starts dancing close to you,<br /><<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> is <strong class="iitem"><<=setup.beautyDescription($tmpGirl.beauty)>></strong>, <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.race>></strong> with <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.hair>></strong> hair
<<if [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
and <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.breasts>></strong> breasts
<<if ($tmpGirl.drunk ?? 0) > 0>>
- <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> is <<=setup.drunkDescription($tmpGirl)>>.
<<if $tmpGirl.gender === 2>>
<br />
<strong>She is clearly packing something under that dress.</strong>
<br /><br />
You're dancing alone and no one joins you.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 15>>
<<if $tmpGirl>>
[[Dance together|Nightclub - dance together]]
<<if $player.energy >= 10>>
<<link 'Dance alone'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<energy -10>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - dance'>>
[[Leave the dancefloor|Nightclub - inside]]<h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<if [0, 2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/club-drink-together.webp'>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/club-drink-together_guy.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> and you go to the bar, where you purchase two drinks and sit down together drinking them.
<<if $tmpGirl.drunk > 75>>
<br /><br />
<strong>The <<=setup.getNpcAgeDescription($tmpGirl)>> is <<=setup.drunkDescription($tmpGirl)>> and barely stays on <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> feet...</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.drunk <= 75 && $player.money >= 5>>
<<link 'Offer another drink (5 caps)'>>
<<set $player = setup.drink($player)>>
<<if $player.drunk > 75>>
<<perkAdd 'drunk'>>
<<set $player.money -=5>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 10, 100)>>
<<set $tmpGirl = setup.drink($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - drink together'>>
[[Leave|Nightclub - inside]]
<<addmins 15>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<set $tmpGirl = null, $slaveId = null>>
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty = Math.min($tmpGirl.beauty + 20, 100)>>
She is a <strong class="iitem"><<=setup.getNpcAgeDescription($tmpGirl)>></strong> in her <strong class="iitem"><<=setup.agePeriod(_age)>></strong>, she is <strong class="iitem"><<=setup.beautyDescription($tmpGirl.beauty)>></strong>, <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.race>></strong> with <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.hair>></strong> hair and <strong class="iitem"><<=$tmpGirl.breasts>></strong> breasts.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/girl2.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >=3 && $player.energy >= 10>>
<<linkreplace 'Offer her a drink (3 caps)'>>
<<set $player.money -=3>>
<<energy -10>>
<<addmins 30>>
She presents herself as <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, then tells you she is a <strong class="iitem">trans</strong> woman and is looking for a welcoming place to live.
<br />
<<if (($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit)>>
<<linkreplace 'Invite as guest'>>
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> moved in your guesthouse</strong>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 30, 100)>>
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<br /><br />
You leave after explaining you have no spare room at your house.
<br />
[[Leave|Nightclub - inside]]<h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<image 'places/nightclub/club-drink.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You order a beer at the bar and start drinking it.
<br />
<<set $player.money -=3>>
<<set $player = setup.drink($player)>>
<<if $player.drunk > 75>>
<<perkAdd 'drunk'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if settings.transEnabled && !$player.metTransGirl>>
You see an <strong class="iitem">odd</strong> looking girl sitting alone at the bar.
<br />
<<set $player.metTransGirl = true>>
<<linkreplace 'Go sit next to her'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance($player.reputation)>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - drink with trans girl'>>
You present yourself, but she doesn't seem interested, up close you realize she is a <strong class="iitem">trans</strong> woman.
<br />
Maybe once you have a high reputation she will be more trustfull.
<br />
<<if $player.reputation > 70 && setup.percentageChance(40)>>
You lift the glass that the bartender has just placed in front of you when someone taps you on the back. You turn around and in front of you, you see a girl dressed all in pink. She asks if you'd like to dance in a quieter corner.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/girl1.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Accept her offer'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - girl 1'>>
<<elseif $player.reputation > 100 && setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - buy drinks for girls'>>
<<if $player.money >=3 && $player.energy >= 10>>
<<link 'Have another drink (3 caps)'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
[[Leave|Nightclub - inside]]<h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<br /><br />
You follow her to a quiet corner of the nightclub. There aren't many people here, the corner is darker than the rest of the place, and it looks like there might even be a dance floor she could use.
<br /><br />
<<video '/nightclub/girl1_1'>>
<br /><br />
She gently presses her hand against your chest, and you sink into the plush, torn armchair. She comes close to you as much as possible and starts to dance, her eyes filtering through you.
<br /><br />
<<horny 10>>
<<video '/nightclub/girl1_2'>>
<br /><br />
After a while, she has already stepped back from you and has grabbed onto the dance pole. She continues to keep her eyes fixed on you as she starts to spin around it. She extends her leg and makes two circles around the dance pole.
<br /><br />
<<video '/nightclub/girl1_3'>>
<br /><br />
After a few more spins, she slows down and gracefully steps away from the dance pole, moving towards you.
<br /><br />
<<say 'Girl'setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Hope you liked it! I know that you're important person around so I just wanted to make sure you feel welcomed here.
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Pull out dick'>>
<<video '/nightclub/girl1_4'>>
<br /><br />
You pull out your already hard dick and she drops on her knees without hesitation. She instantly wraps her lips around it and starts to suck you off with smile on her face.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to turn around'>>
<<video '/nightclub/girl1_5'>>
<br /><br />
She gets up, turns around and lays on her side on the nearest table. You grab her ass and open them as you shove your dick inside her tight pussy. You're not the first one for her but it still feels good.
<br /><br />
Her eyes roll and she bites her lower lip as you slam your dick inside her, she holds back a moan by grabbing tablecloth.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'places/cabin/workout_cum_outside.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You keep holding her ass cheecks as you're ready to cum inside her but in the moment you're ready to she manages to push you out of her and you cum outside...
<br /><br />
<<addmins 15>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Pull out dick
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/club-drink-together.webp' sfw>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/club-drink-together_guy.webp' sfw>>
<br /><br />
The <<=setup.getNpcAgeDescription($tmpGirl)>> declines the offer and goes back to <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> friends...
<br /><br />
[[Leave|Nightclub - inside]]
<<addmins 5>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<image 'places/underground/nightclub_head.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >=3 && $player.energy >= 10>>
<<link 'Drink at the bar (3 caps)'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - drink'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 10>>
<<link 'Dance'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<energy -10>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - dance'>>
<<if ($game.location.gloryhole ?? false)>>
<<link 'Go to bathroom'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<energy -10>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - bathroom'>>
<<if isMetChar('dom') && $characters.dom.quests.quest3_done_day && ($characters.dom.quests.quest3_done_day + 10) < $game.day && !$characters.dom.quests.quest4>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest4 = true>>
<<set $characters.dom.quests.quest4_done_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Isabel - gas shortage'>>
[[Leave|Underground city]]
<<set _gloryHoleJobTriggerChance = 10>>
<<if $player.reputation > 100>>
<<set _gloryHoleJobTriggerChance = 40>>
<<elseif $player.reputation > 150>>
<<set _gloryHoleJobTriggerChance = 90>>
<<if $player.reputation > 150 && !($game.location.gloryhole ?? false)>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - bathroom introduction'>>
<<elseif $player.reputation > 170 && ($game.location.gloryhole ?? false) && !$player?.quests?.gloryholeJobAsked && setup.percentageChance(_gloryHoleJobTriggerChance)>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - bathroom job'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'dress_up'>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<br /><br />
After having fun in the restrooms <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> picks up <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> clothes and dresses while making a small talk with you.
<br /><br />
<<if (($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && $guests.length < $guesthouseLimit)>>
<div id="option_invite">
<<linkreplace 'Ask to move in with you'>>
<<set _invited = true>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && $orgasmsBefore === $tmpGirl.orgasms>>
She giggles while looking at you with grin on her...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Why would I...
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<run $('#option_slave').hide()>>
You're a life savior. I recently started to look for a new place<br /> I'll go live with you!
<br /><br />
<strong><<=$tmpGirl.name>> moved in as guest</strong>
<<run $guests.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<run $('#option_capture').hide()>>
Sorry but no. You look like a nice guy but I've got my family and I won't leave them for you.
<br /><br />
<<if (($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit)>>
<div id="option_capture">
<<set _pronounceWho = setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _pronounceWhat = setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>>
<<set _captureLink = 'Capture ' + _pronounceWho>>
<<linkreplace _captureLink>>
<<set _captured = true>>
<<if !_invited>>
<<run $('#option_invite').hide()>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/wc_enslave.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You grab <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> from the back. <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl, true)>> tries to resist but in the process you tear <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> clothes.
<br /><br />
As soon as you take <<=_pronounceWhat>> out you quietly go outside the nightclub back door.
<br /><br />
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $orgasmsBefore>>
<<unset $tmpGirl>>
<<if _captured>>'
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/attack_ask.webp' sfw>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/attack_ask_guy.webp' sfw>>
<br />
You suggest that you both could go the bathroom.<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> smiles flirtatiously but offers you to follow <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> outside.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Follow <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> outside'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - outside fight'>>
[[Leave|Nightclub - inside]]<h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/nightclub_ambush_recognize.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
They are ready to attack you, but just before that, one of them tells the others to stop. He has heard and seen you. They decide not to harm you after all and apologize to you.
<br /><br />
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender;>>
<<linkreplace 'Grab girl by hand'>>
<<image 'places/nightclub/nightclub_ambush_recognize_grab_hand.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
The other men glance at what you are doing but decide to ignore it and quickly walk away, leaving the girl alone with you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Use her'>>
<<video '/nightclub/ambush1'>>
<br /><br />
You pull her around the corner and instantly yank off her shirt, simultaneously slapping her as well.
<br /><br />
Please... Stop! That won't happen again! PLEASE!
<br /><br />
<<video '/nightclub/ambush3'>>
<br /><br />
You completely ignore both her and the person observing you from a distance. You stand behind her and thrust your hard dick inside her pussy as she's bent over.
<br /><br />
She resists for a few more minutes but after that gets relaxed and starts to enjoy it. Another few minutes later she asks you to get on your back so she can ride you.
<br /><br />
<<video '/nightclub/ambush4'>>
<br /><br />
After a few intense minutes of mind-numbing pleasure, you finally feel that you are close and without saying anything, you finish inside her.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/nightclub_ambush_recognize_creampie.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $game.location.basement && $slaves.length < $basementLimit && $player.energy >= 30>>
<<link 'Capture her'>>
<<energy 30>>
<<run $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Nightclub'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/nightclub/attack_outside.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br />
As soon as you step outside the nightclub and turn around the corner, <strong>2</strong> big guys surround you and ask you to give them some caps. You look around - there's nowhere to run.
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money > 10>>
<<link 'Give them 10 caps'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $player.money -= 10>>
<<goto 'Underground city'>>
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<if setup.player.isRecognized()>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - outside fight recognize'>>
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Underground city' 'Underground city' true>>
<<link 'Try to run away'>>
<<set $fight = {
defeatedEnemies: [],
passageLost: 'Underground city'
<<goto 'Fight - run away'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">NIGHTCLUB</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<image 'places/underground/nightclub_head_outside.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
Works from 20:00 - 04:00<br />
<strong>You need 5 caps to get inside</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 5 && timeBetween('20:00', '04:00')>>
<<link 'Go inside (5 caps)'>>
<<set $player.money -=5>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - inside'>>
<<link 'Wait an hour'>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
[[Leave|Underground city]]<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
With the skirmish in the tunnel behind you, the car's engine roared to life once more as you and Vincent left the echoes of the scuffle fading in the confined space.
The headlights illuminated the path ahead, guiding you out of the tunnel's oppressive darkness.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/garage/desert.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
The headlights cut through the darkness, revealing a seemingly endless desert stretching out before you. Intrigued and slightly apprehensive, you turned to Vincent.
<br /><br />
<br />
Only the smart part, my friend. But it's also the craziest shit happening here, so never stop. Keep your eyes on the road and stay vigilant. The desert doesn't forgive mistakes.
<br />
His words hung in the air, a stark reminder that survival in this unforgiving world demanded constant attention and adaptability. The car's tires hummed on the sandy terrain as you pressed on, the vastness of the desert unfolding in every direction.
<br /><br />
After what felt like hours, the desert slowly began to give way to a more familiar landscape. The sandy dunes yielded to rocky terrain, and patches of vegetation started to dot the horizon.
The air felt different, carrying the scent of approaching change.
<br /><br />
We're almost there. Turn left.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Turn left'>>
You turned the car, anticipation mingling with a sense of caution. In the daylight, the full extent of the devastation became painfully clear. The settlement, once a potential refuge, lay in ruins.
The skeletal remains of buildings stood as charred silhouettes against the bright sky, their twisted frames reaching for a heaven that seemed to have abandoned this forsaken place.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/garage/burnt_village.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
No, no, no! What happened here? This can't be happening
<br />
A heavy silence settled within the car as the sunlight revealed a haunting tableau of destruction. The air carried the lingering scent of burnt wood and despair.
Strewn across the ashen ground were the remnants of lives interrupted – skeletal structures that once housed families, now reduced to shadows of their former selves.
<br /><br />
Bringing the car to a halt, you watched as Vincent stepped out, his movements deliberate. He approached the charred remains of the house and, without hesitation, began to clear away the debris with a focused intensity.
The sun beat down on the scorched earth, casting a harsh light on the scene.
<br /><br />
With a grunt and the scrape of rubble being shifted, Vincent uncovered a hidden compartment beneath the ruins. A small storage space, carefully concealed beneath what remained of the house, was revealed. The air held a moment of anticipation as Vincent pried open the makeshift door.
<br /><br />
Vincent called out, and you joined him in carefully stowing the newfound treasures
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'metal' 10>>
<<pickup $backpack 'rope' 10>>
<<pickup $backpack 'gas_mask' 1>>
<<pickup $backpack 'glass' 10>>
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">10 metal</strong></strong>
<br />
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">10 ropes</strong></strong>
<br />
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">1 gas mask</strong></strong>
<br />
<strong>You collected <strong class="iitem">10 glass</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
Vincent broke the silence, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and determination.
<br /><br />
We can't stay here. Whatever happened, it's best not to linger. There might be others who caused this, and they could still be nearby. You should drive back.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Drive back home'>>
<<goto 'Garage'>>
<<carFuel 20>>
<<set $player.car.explore = true>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<br />
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the broken landscape, a solitary figure approached the outskirts of the village.
His silhouette emerged from the dusty haze, and as he drew closer, you recognized Vincent, a seasoned survivor known for traversing the harsh lands in search of stories and connections in early days.
<br /><br />
Isn't she a beauty? How about we take this ride together.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Start the engine'>>
Vincent stood by, his eyes reflecting the same anticipation that coursed through your veins.
The car's door groaned as you swung it open, revealing a worn but functional interior. You settled into the driver's seat, the cracked leather upholstery creaking beneath you.
Your hands gripped the steering wheel, the tactile connection to the machine grounding you in a reality that seemed almost forgotten.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/garage/key_ignition.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
It's a game-changer. Where are we headed first?
<br />
You grinned, a mix of excitement and relief coursing through you.
<br /><br />
Vincent leaned back, his eyes scanning the darkened horizon.
<br /><br />
There's a settlement on the outskirts. Word is, they've got supplies we could use. Figured the car could get us there faster than our usual trek. Haven't heard from them in a while tho.
<br />
As you left the village behind, the car carried you into the unknown, the wheels turning not only on asphalt but also on the promise of new possibilities in a world that had seemingly forgotten hope.
The dialogue between you and Vincent wove through the journey, punctuating the rhythmic hum of the engine with tales of survival, hope, and the shared determination to navigate the uncertainties that lay ahead.
<br /><br />
Turn left here. We need to drive through that tunnel to get there.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Drive inside tunnel'>>
The car's headlights sliced through the encroaching darkness as you and Vincent navigated the winding road leading to the settlement. The air inside the tunnel felt heavy, and the distant echoes of your engine reverberated ominously.
The subdued hum of conversation between you and Vincent filled the cabin, a stark contrast to the quiet tension that permeated the air.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/garage/tunnel.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
As the car approached the middle of the tunnel, the shadows seemed to deepen, casting an eerie veil over the road. Suddenly, the vehicle's headlights illuminated a makeshift barricade ahead.
Piled-up debris and scrap metal blocked the path, and silhouettes emerged from the shadows — <strong>three scavengers</strong>, their faces obscured by makeshift masks, stood defiantly in your way.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/garage/tunnel_blocked.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
The leader of the scavengers, a tall figure clad in tattered clothing and adorned with scavenged trinkets, stepped forward. His voice, harsh and demanding, cut through the stillness of the tunnel.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, well, what do we have here? A fancy ride, fresh off the apocalypse showroom, huh?
<br />
We're not looking for trouble. We're headed to a settlement for supplies. If you let us through peacefully, we won't have any reason to make this difficult.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Passing through, huh? You must have something worth sharing. Supplies, weapons, or maybe some good old caps?
<br />
The scavengers, undeterred, surrounded the car, their intentions growing more apparent. They demanded answers about the car's origin, its previous owner, and the source of your supplies.
Their questions became more insistent, bordering on aggression, as they eyed your possessions with hungry eyes.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_pay">
<<if $player.money >= 300>>
<<linkreplace 'Offer them 300 caps'>>
<<run $('#option_fight').hide()>>
<<set $player.money -= 300>>
Here, take it. Just let us pass peacefully
<br />
<strong>You gave them 300 caps</strong>
<br /><br />
The scavenger leader caught the pouch, his greedy gaze fixated on the spoils.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, look at you, playing it smart. You two can go on your way.
<br />
A sly grin crept across his face as he counted the caps. He conceded, his comrades reluctantly stepping aside.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Vincent quest - Car finished. First explore #2'>>
<div id="option_fight">
<<linkreplace 'Fight them'>>
<<run $('#option_pay').hide()>>
As the scavenger leader continued to eye the pouch of caps with avarice, you exchanged a determined glance with Vincent.
A silent understanding passed between you, and without a word, he nodded in agreement. It was time to change the course of this encounter.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/garage/tunnel_vincent_shotgun.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
Vincent's hand disappeared beneath his jacket, revealing the gleam of a sawed-off shotgun.
The element of surprise worked in your favor as he swiftly brought the weapon into view, its menacing presence unsettling the scavengers.
With a quick, practiced motion, Vincent fired a single, deafening shot that echoed through the tunnel. The leader crumpled to the ground, a look of shock frozen on his face.
<br /><br />
<<generateEnemies 2>>
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
fight: true
<<set $game.death_reason = 'bleeding'>>
<<fight $enemies 'Vincent quest - Car finished. First explore #2' 'Dead'>>
<<set $fight.canCapture = false>>
<<addhours 3>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
You awaken to an eerie red glow seeping through the cracks in the wooden walls of your cabin.
The usual gray of the morning sky has been replaced by a vivid, unsettling crimson.
A sense of foreboding fills you as you rise from your bed and move to the door. As soon as you open it, a blast of oppressive heat slams into your face, nearly knocking you back.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/heat_wave.jpg' sfw>>
<<set _randomGuestIds = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<set _randomGuestId = setup.getRandomPersons(_randomGuestIds[0] ?? _randomGuestIds[1], 1)>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_randomGuestId[0]]>>
<br />
Squinting against the harsh light, you step outside and see <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>, one of your settlers, rushing toward you.
Sweat drips down their forehead, and their face is flushed with the intense heat.
<br /><br />
<<if !$player.quests.heatWave>>
<<set $player.quests.heatWave = true>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Heat wave... Again... I don't know if some of us will get through it this time...
<<sayNpc _npc>>
It's a heat wave. I've never seen anything like it. The sky turned red just before dawn.
<br />
A heat wave? How long is it supposed to last?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
From what the old folks are saying, it could be a few days. Maybe more. This isn’t like the usual heat, though. It happens every few months.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
The crops in the garden are already starting to wilt.
<br />
The next few days will be a grueling test of endurance and resourcefulness. The heat is relentless, and the air shimmers with an oppressive intensity.
<br /><br />
<strong class="iitem">
Your crops won't grow for the period of the heat wave and produce any food.
<br /><br />
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<set _guest.happy -= randomInteger(40, 60)>>
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set _slave.happy -= randomInteger(40, 60)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
You awaken to the sound of a loud, howling wind outside. The wooden walls of your cabin creak and groan under the pressure, and dust seeps through the cracks, filling the air with a fine, gritty powder. You sit up, rubbing your eyes, and move towards the door, the sense of foreboding growing with each step.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/sand_storm.jpg' sfw>>
<br />
As you open the cabin doors, a gust of wind pushes back, making it difficult to keep your balance. Outside, a massive sandstorm engulfs the landscape, turning the sky into a swirling, opaque mass of sand and debris. The trees in the forest surrounding your settlement bend and sway, their dense canopy providing some protection, but the storm is relentless.
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGuestIds = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<set _randomGuestId = setup.getRandomPersons(_randomGuestIds[0] ?? _randomGuestIds[1], 1)>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_randomGuestId[0]]>>
Stepping back inside, you see <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> running towards you, their face partially covered with a makeshift scarf to keep the sand at bay.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
It's sand storm. It's a bad one. We won't be able to get outside the camp today.
<br />
<strong class="iitem">
Today, no one who works outside the camp will be able to work.
<br /><br />
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<set _guest.happy -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set _slave.happy -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><<widget assignedTo>>
Use this widget instead of set|unset npc.assignedTo
*Syntax:* `<<assignedTo npc job>>`
Use 'companion' as job for companionAdd
Use 'companion_slave' for slave companion, different toolbox from guest companion
Use 'none' as job when removing
<<set _npc = _args[0]>> /* or $tmpGirl */
<<set _job = _args[1] ?? 'none'>>
<<if /companion|none/.test(_job)>>
<<run delete _npc.assignedTo>>
<<set _npc.assignedTo = _job>>
<<set $automatization ??= {}>>
<<if ($automatization.job ?? false) || (($automatization.hunter ?? false) && _job == 'hunter')>>
<<for _item range setup.inventoryNpc>>
<<if ['condom', 'dumbbell', 'kettlebell', 'dumbestbell'].includes(_item)>>
<<set _count = setup.npcInventoryCount(_npc, _item)>>
<<if _count < 0>>
<<set _count = 0>>
<<if (setup.automatization.job_tools[_job] ?? []).includes(_item)>>
<<set _itemcount = setup.automatization.job_tools.mc.includes(_item) ? 2 : 1>> /* save one for the MC */
<<if _count == 0 && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, _itemcount)>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<elseif _count > 1>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _count-1)>>
<</widget>><<widget carFuel>>
<<set $player.car.fuel -= $args[0]>>
<</widget>><<widget fight>>
<<set $fightStart = true>>
<<set $fight = {
enemies: [],
allies: [],
defeatedEnemies: [],
defeatedAllies: [],
defeatedEnemies: [],
hp: 100,
messages: [],
reward: false,
passageWon: $args[1] ?? null,
passageLost: $args[2] ?? null,
public: ($args[3] ?? false),
xtraAllies: $args[4] ?? []
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $args[0].length; _i++>>
<<set $args[0][_i].hp = 100>>
<<run $fight.enemies.push($args[0][_i])>>
<<for _ally, _allyId range $player.companions>>
<<set _tmpAlly = setup.companionGet(_ally)>>
<<set _allyKey = _ally.split(':')>>
<<if _allyKey[0] !== 'guest'>>
<<set _tmpAlly.key = _ally>>
<<set _tmpAlly.hp = 100>>
<<run $fight.allies.push(_tmpAlly)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.xtraAllies.length; _i++>>
<<set _allyKey = 'guest:' + $fight.xtraAllies[_i]>>
<<set _tmpAlly = $guests[$fight.xtraAllies[_i]]>>
<<set _tmpAlly.key = _allyKey>>
<<set _tmpAlly.hp = 100>>
<<set _tmpAlly.extra = true>>
<<run $fight.allies.push(_tmpAlly)>>
<<goto 'Fight'>>
<<widget fightAction>>
<<if (typeof $args[1] === 'undefined')>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].hp -= Math.round($player.strength / 3, 0)>>
<<if typeof $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks === 'undefined'>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks = []>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks.push('hit')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push('You punched ' + $fight.enemies[$args[0]].name + ' in the face (-' + Math.round($player.strength / 3, 0) + ')')>>
<<elseif $args[1] === 'knife'>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].hp -= Math.round($player.strength / 2, 0)>>
<<if typeof $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks === 'undefined'>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks = []>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks.push('knife')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push('You stabbed ' + $fight.enemies[$args[0]].name + ' in the chest (-' + Math.round($player.strength / 2, 0) + ')')>>
<<elseif $args[1] === 'revolver'>>
<<drop $backpack 'bullet_revolver' 1>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].hp = 0>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].killed = true>>
<<if typeof $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks === 'undefined'>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks = []>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks.push('revolver')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push('You shot ' + $fight.enemies[$args[0]].name + ' in the ' + either('chest', 'face'))>>
<<elseif $args[1] === 'crossbow'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(60)>>
<<set $fight.arrowsOnGround ??= 0>>
<<set $fight.arrowsOnGround++>>
<<drop $backpack 'arrow' 1>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].hp -= Math.round($player.strength / 1.5, 0)>>
<<if $fight.enemies[$args[0]].hp < 0 && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].killed = true>>
<<if typeof $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks === 'undefined'>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks = []>>
<<set $fight.enemies[$args[0]].attacks.push('crossbow')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push('You shot ' + $fight.enemies[$args[0]].name + ' in the ' + either('chest', 'leg', 'arm') + ' (-' + Math.round($player.strength / 1.5, 0) + ')')>>
<<if $fight.enemies[$args[0]].hp <= 0>>
<<if (typeof $args[1] === 'undefined')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push($fight.enemies[$args[0]].name + ' falls to the ground and is knocked out')>>
<<run $fight.defeatedEnemies.push($fight.enemies[$args[0]])>>
<<run $fight.enemies.splice(_i, 1)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.allies.length; _i++>>
<<if !$fight.enemies.length>>
<<set _allyHasKnife = setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.allies[_i], 'knife')>>
<<set _allyHasCrossbow = setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.allies[_i], 'crossbow') && setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.allies[_i], 'arrow')>>
<<set _randomEnemyKey = Math.floor(Math.random() * $fight.enemies.length)>>
<<set _allyStrength = Math.round(($fight.allies[_i].strength ?? 5) / 3, 0)>>
<<if typeof $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].attacks === 'undefined'>>
<<set $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].attacks = []>>
/* since knife can break high-strength npcs punches instead of using knives. Can npc know enemy health? npc.strength > 300 or npc.strength > enemy.hp */
<<set _usePunch = false, _useKnife = false>>
<<set _isFighter = ($fight.allies[_i].skills ?? []).includes('fighter')>>
<<set _punchStrength = _allyStrength + (_isFighter? _allyStrength / 2 : 0)>>
<<set _enemyHP = $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].hp ?? 0>>
<<if _punchStrength >=100 || ((_isFighter || setup.percentageChance(21)) && _punchStrength >= _enemyHP)>>
<<set _usePunch = true>>
<<elseif _allyHasKnife && (_punchStrength+2 >=100 || ((_isFighter || setup.percentageChance(21)) && _punchStrength+2 >= _enemyHP))>>
<<set _useKnife = true>>
<<if _allyHasCrossbow && !_usePunch && !_useKnife>>
<<set _allyStrength += randomInteger(20, 30)>>
<<elseif _allyHasKnife && !_usePunch>>
<<set _allyStrength += randomInteger(2, 5)>>
<<if ($fight.allies[_i].skills ?? []).includes('fighter') && !_allyHasCrossbow>>
<<set _allyStrength += (_allyStrength / 2)>>
<<if $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].hp === null>>
<<set $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].hp = 0>>
<<set $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].hp -= _allyStrength>>
<<if _allyHasCrossbow && !_usePunch && !_useKnife>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(60)>>
<<set $fight.arrowsOnGround ??= 0>>
<<set $fight.arrowsOnGround++>>
<<run setup.npcInventoryRemove($fight.allies[_i], 'arrow', 1)>>
<<if $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].hp < 0 && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].killed = true>>
<<set $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].attacks.push('crossbow')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push($fight.allies[_i].name + ' shot ' + $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].name + ' in the ' + either('chest', 'leg', 'arm') + ' (-' + _allyStrength + ')')>>
<<elseif _allyHasKnife && !_usePunch>>
<<set $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].attacks.push('knife')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push($fight.allies[_i].name + ' stabbed ' + $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].name + ' in the chest (-' + _allyStrength + ')')>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _knifeBroke = true>>
<<run setup.npcInventoryRemove($fight.allies[_i], 'knife')>>
<<run $fight.messages.push($fight.allies[_i].name + ' knife broke')>>
<<set $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].attacks.push('hit')>>
<<set $fight.messages.push($fight.allies[_i].name + ' punched ' + $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].name + ' in the face (-' + _allyStrength + ')')>>
<<if $fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey].hp <= 0>>
<<run $fight.defeatedEnemies.push($fight.enemies[_randomEnemyKey])>>
<<run $fight.enemies.splice(_randomEnemyKey, 1)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.enemies.length; _i++>>
<<set _randomEnemyTargetArray = Object.keys($fight.allies)>>
<<if (_randomEnemyTargetArray.length > 0 && setup.percentageChance(40)) || !_randomEnemyTargetArray.length>>
<<run _randomEnemyTargetArray.push('you')>>
<<set _randomEnemyTarget = _randomEnemyTargetArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * _randomEnemyTargetArray.length)]>>
<<set _isPlayerTarget = (_randomEnemyTarget === 'you')>>
<<set _targetName = (_isPlayerTarget ? 'you' : $fight.allies[_randomEnemyTarget].name)>>
<<set _enemyHasKnife = setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.enemies[_i], 'knife')>>
<<set _enemyStrength = $fight.enemies[_i].strength ?? 0>>
<<if ($fight.enemies[_i].skills ?? []).includes('fighter')>>
<<set _enemyStrength += (_allyStrength / 2)>>
<<if _enemyHasKnife>>
<<set _enemyStrength += 20>>
<<if _isPlayerTarget>>
<<if $player.endurance > 0>>
<<set _enemyStrength = Math.max(_enemyStrength - (Math.round($player.endurance / 10, 0)), 1)>>
<<set _bleedingChance = 100>>
<<if $backpack.has('body_armor')>>
<<set _bleedingChance -= 70>>
<<set _enemyStrength = Math.round(_enemyStrength / 2, 0)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_bleedingChance)>>
<<perkAdd 'bleeding'>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($fight.allies[_randomEnemyTarget], 'body_armor')>>
<<set _enemyStrength = Math.round(_enemyStrength / 2, 0)>>
<<set $fight.allies[_randomEnemyTarget].attacks ??= []>>
<<set $fight.allies[_randomEnemyTarget].attacks.push('knife')>>
<<run $fight.messages.push($fight.enemies[_i].name + ' stabbed ' + _targetName + ' (-' + _enemyStrength + ')')>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<run setup.npcInventoryRemove($fight.enemies[_i], 'knife')>>
<<run $fight.messages.push($fight.enemies[_i].name + ' knife broke')>>
<<set _enemyStrength = Math.round(_enemyStrength / 3, 0) + randomInteger(0, 10)>>
<<if _isPlayerTarget>>
<<if $player.endurance > 0>>
<<set _enemyStrength = Math.max(_enemyStrength - (Math.round($player.endurance / 10, 0)), 1)>>
<<run $fight.messages.push($fight.enemies[_i].name + ' ' + either(
'punched ' + _targetName + ' in the head',
'kicked ' + _targetName + ' in the stomach',
'hit ' + _targetName + ' with an elbow'
) + ' (- ' + _enemyStrength + ')')>>
<<if _isPlayerTarget>>
<<set $fight.hp -= _enemyStrength>>
<<set $fight.allies[_randomEnemyTarget].hp -= _enemyStrength>>
<<if !_isPlayerTarget>>
<<if $fight.allies[_randomEnemyTarget].hp <= 0>>
<<run $fight.defeatedAllies.push($fight.allies[_randomEnemyTarget])>>
<<run $fight.allies.splice(_randomEnemyTarget, 1)>>
<<unset _enemyStrength>>
<<if !$fight.enemies.length>>
<<if $fight.skipEnding>>
<<goto $fight.passageWon>>
<<goto 'Fight - won'>>
<<elseif $fight.hp <= 0>>
<<if $fight.skipEnding || $fight.skipEndingLost>>
<<goto $fight.passageLost>>
<<goto 'Fight - lost'>>
<<goto 'Fight'>>
<<widget fightEnd>>
<<if typeof $fight === 'undefined'>>
<<set $fight = {
defeatedEnemies: [],
defeatedAllies: [],
killedEnemies: []
<<set $fight.killedEnemies = $fight.killedEnemies ?? []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $fight.defeatedEnemies.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed>>
<<statsAdd 'people_killed'>>
<<run $fight.killedEnemies.push($fight.defeatedEnemies[_i])>>
<<if $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured>>
<<run delete $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured>>
<<run delete $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].hp>>
<<set $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].relationship = -100>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(5) && !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].traits.includes('sadistic')>>
<<run $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].traits.push('sadistic')>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set $fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].sub += randomInteger(30, 50)>>
<<run $slaves.push($fight.defeatedEnemies[_i])>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<<if !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].captured && !$fight.defeatedEnemies[_i].killed>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set $fight.won = ($args[0] ?? false)>>
<<set $prevFight = $fight>>
<<if (!$fight.won)>>
<<perkAdd 'beaten'>>
<<goto $fight.passageLost>>
<<goto $fight.passageWon>>
<<unset $fight, $fightStart>>
<<widget generateEnemies>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set _knivesLeft = $args[2] ?? 0>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set _knivesLeft++>>
<<if $player.reputation > 50 && setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set _knivesLeft++>>
<<if $player.reputation > 100 && setup.percentageChance(70)>>
<<set _knivesLeft++>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $args[0]; _i++>>
<<if _knivesLeft>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<set _knivesLeft-->>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $args[1]; _i++>>
<<if _knivesLeft>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<set _knivesLeft-->>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<widget strongerEnemies>>
<<set _minadd = $args[0] ?? 0>>
<<set _maxadd = Math.PI * _minadd>>
<<if _minadd>>
<<for _enemy range $enemies>>
<<set _enemy.strenth += randomInteger(_minadd, _maxadd)>>
<</widget>><<widget fuck>>
<<if $tmpGirl.horny > 79>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 79>>
<<set $sexCanForce = true>>
<<set $sexStats = {}>>
<<set $fuck = {}>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck'>>
<</widget>><<widget grid>>
<<set _eventHorseCart = {
enabled: timeBetween('08:00', '16:00'),
passage: 'Travel event - Trapper horse cart',
percentage: 5
<<set _randomEvents = {
Settlement: [{
enabled: true,
passage: 'Travel event: tree ambush',
percentage: 5
enabled: true,
passage: 'Travel event - tribe camp',
percentage: ($characters?.octavia?.quests?.kidnapped && !$characters?.octavia?.quests?.kidnapped_found ? 45 : 8)
"Underground city": [{
enabled: true,
passage: 'Travel event: city ambush',
percentage: 5
'Wood cabin': [{
enabled: recall($suppCode) && timeBetween('08:00', '16:00'),
passage: 'Cabin - Trespassing',
percentage: 3
'Car - Explore': [
enabled: recall($suppCode) && !$locationEvents?.explore_car && (setup.companions.getHorny(50)[0] ?? 0).length > 0,
passage: 'Car - explore run ride',
percentage: 20
<<set _props = _args[7] ?? {}>>
<div class="menu-col">
<<if (_props.disabled ?? false) || (($args[4] && $args[4] > 0 && $player.energy < $args[4]) || (typeof $args[5] !== 'undefined' && !hasTime($args[5]))) && (typeof $args[6] === 'undefined' && $args[5] > 24)>>
<<set _gridName = _disabledDescription ? _disabledDescription : $args[3]>>
<<if _disabledDescription>>
<<unset _disabledDescription>>
<div class="menucont no-energy">
<span class="o-text"><<=_gridName>></span>
<<set _charsHtml = '';>>
<<if typeof $charactersInLocation[$args[1]] !== 'undefined'>>
<div class="grid-chars">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $charactersInLocation[$args[1]].length; _i++>>
[img[setup.ImagePath + $game.avatars[$charactersInLocation[$args[1]][_i]]]]
<<link '<div class="menucont">[img[setup.ImagePath+"places/"+$args[0]+"/"+$args[1]+".jpg"]]<span class="o-text">$args[3]</span></div>'>>
<<if $args[5]>>
<<if ($player.horse ?? false) && $args[0] !== 'cabin'>>
<<set $args[5] = $args[5] / 2>>
<<if $args[0] === 'cabin'>>
<<set $args[5] = $args[5] / 6>>
<<if $args[5] < 1>>
<<set _travelMins = ($args[5] * 60)>>
<<addmins `_travelMins`>>
<<addhours $args[5]>>
<<run console.log($args[2])>>
<<if typeof _randomEvents[$args[2]] !== 'undefined'>>
<<for _randomEventI, _randomEvent range _randomEvents[$args[2]]>>
<<set _travelEventName = 'travel' + _randomEventI>>
<<if _randomEvent.enabled && setup.percentageChance(_randomEvent.percentage) && !($locationEvents[_travelEventName] ?? false)>>
<<set $locationEvents[_travelEventName] = true>>
<<set $travelPassage = $args[2]>>
<<set _randomTravelEvent = _randomEvent.passage>>
<<if _props.fuel ?? 0>>
<<carFuel _props.fuel>>
<<if _randomTravelEvent>>
<<goto `_randomTravelEvent`>>
<<goto $args[2]>>
<</widget>><<widget image>>
<<if settings.SFWmode && (!_args[1] || _args[1] !== 'sfw')>>
<div class="safe-placeholder">SAFE MODE ON</div>
<<set _url = _args[0]>>
<<if !_args[2]>>
<<set _url = setup.ImagePath + _url>>
<</widget>><<widget mistress>>
<<goto 'Mistress fuck'>>
<</widget>><<widget nightclub_suggest_bathroom_link>>
<<link 'Suggest to go to the bathroom together'>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $charId>>
<<if random(0, 3) === 0>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - outside ask'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<unset $guestId, $slaveId, $charId>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Nightclub - invite'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = $tmpGirlBack>>
<<set $orgasmsBefore = $tmpGirl.orgasms>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Nightclub - girl decline'>>
<</widget>><<widget npcRelationshipRun>>
<</widget>><<widget energy>>
<<set $player.energy += $args[0]>>
<<if $player.energy > $player.maxEnergy >>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
<<if variables().player.energy < 0>>
<<set $player.energy = 0>>
<<updatemeter '$energyBar' `$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy`>>
<<widget money>>
<<set $player.money += $args[0]>>
<<if $player.money < 0 >>
<<set $player.money = 0>>
<<widget horny>>
<<set _addHorny = $args[0]>>
<<if setup.perkHas('drunk')>>
<<set _addHorny = Math.round(_addHorny / 2, 0)>>
<<set $player.horny += _addHorny>>
<<if $player.horny > 100>>
<<set $player.horny = 100>>
<<timed 0.1s>>
<<updatemeter '$hornyBar' `$player.horny / 100`>>
<<widget horny_reset>>
<<set $player.horny = 0>>
<<updatemeter '$hornyBar' `$player.horny / 100`>>
<<widget addPerk>>
<<if typeof $player.perks === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.perks = {}>>
<<if $args[0] === 'drunk'>>
<<set $player.perks['drunk'] = true>>
<<elseif $args[0] === 'bleeding'>>
<<set $player.perks['bleeding'] = {
day: $game.day
<<widget perkAdd>>
<<if typeof $player.perks === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.perks = {}>>
<<if typeof $player.perks[$args[0]] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.perks[$args[0]] = $game.day + setup.perkList[$args[0]].days>>
<<notify 3s>>
<<widget perkList>>
<<if Object.keys(($player.perks ?? {})).length > 0>>
<br /><br />
<<for _perkItem, _perkI range ($player.perks ?? {})>>
<<capture _perkItem>>
<div class="perk-item tooltip">
<div class='perk-img'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/perks/' + _perkItem + '.png']]
<span class="tooltiptext"><<=setup.perkList[_perkItem].title>></span>
<<widget companionAdd>>
<<if typeof $player.companions === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<set $player.companions[$args[0] + ':' + $args[1]] = true>>
<<widget companionRemoveItem>>
/* args[0] = list name:index in that array */
<<if (typeof $player.companions[$args[0]] !== "undefined" ) >>
<<run delete $player.companions[$args[0]]>>
<<widget companionList>>
<<for _comp, _compI range $player.companions>>
<<set _compKey = _comp.split(':')>>
<<capture _comp, _compKey>>
<<set _girlVisual = setup.companionGet(_comp)>>
<<if !_girlVisual>>
<<run delete $player.companions[_comp]>>
<<capture _girlVisual>>
<div class="companion tooltip" @data-id="_girlVisual.id" @title="'' + _girlVisual.name + ''">
<div class="girl_info_picture">
<<include 'NPC visual'>>
<<link 'x'>>
<<dialog 'Remove companion'>>
Remove <<=_girlVisual.name>> from companions?
<br />
<<link 'Yes'>>
<<companionRemoveItem _comp>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<widget companionRearange>>
<<set _newCompanions = {}>>
<<set _splitOldNpcKey = $args[0].split(':')>>
<<for _compR, _compIR range $player.companions>>
<<set _compKeyR = _compR.split(':')>>
<<if _compKeyR[0] !== _splitOldNpcKey[0]>>
<<set _newCompanions[_compR] = true>>
<<if parseInt(_compKeyR[1]) > parseInt(_splitOldNpcKey[1])>>
<<set _compKeyR[1]-->>
<<set _newCompanions[_compKeyR.join(':')] = true>>
<<set _newCompanions[_compKeyR.join(':')] = true>>
<<set $player.companions = _newCompanions>>
<<widget sellSlavesRearange>>
<<set _newSellSlaves = {}>>
<<for _slaveSell, _slaveSellI range $sellSlaves>>
<<if _args[0] !== _splitOldNpcKey[0]>>
<<set _newCompanions[_compR] = true>>
<<if parseInt(_compKeyR[1]) > parseInt(_splitOldNpcKey[1])>>
<<set _compKeyR[1]-->>
<<set _newCompanions[_compKeyR.join(':')] = true>>
<<set _newCompanions[_compKeyR.join(':')] = true>>
<<set $player.companions = _newCompanions>>
<<widget guestRemove>>
/* does guests.splice and companion rearrange, must use at every guest.splice
args[0] = index in guests list */
<<set _guestI = $args[0]>>
<<set _compI = 'guest:' + _guestI>>
/* I wanted to do "companionRemove 'guest:' + _guestI" but it semms that
widgets can't call widgets - they share the same variables args[0]
<<if (typeof $player.companions[_compI] !== "undefined" ) >>
<<run delete $player.companions[_compI]>>
/* but companionRearange _guestI works because the arg[0] is the same */
<<companionRearange _compI>>
<<run $guests.splice(_guestI, 1)>>
<<widget guestLeft>>
<<for _npcId, _npcLike range $guests[_args[0]].relationshipBetween?.stats ?? {}>>
<<set _npc = setup.getNpcById(_npcId)>>
<<if !_npc>>
<<if _npcLike > 50>>
<<set _npc.happy -= 80>>
<<set _npc.happy -= 50>>
<<guestRemove _args[0]>>
<<widget slaveRemove>>
/* does slaves.splice and companion rearrange, must use at every slave.splice
args[0] = index in slaves list */
<<set _slaveI = $args[0]>>
<<set _compI = 'slave:' + _slaveI>>
/* I wanted to do "companionRemove 'slave:' + _slaveI" but it semms that
widgets can't call widgets - they share the same variables args[0]
<<if (typeof $player.companions[_compI] !== "undefined" ) >>
<<run delete $player.companions[_compI]>>
/* but companionRearange _guestI works because the arg[0] is the same */
<<companionRearange _compI>>
<<run $slaves.splice(_slaveI, 1)>>
<<widget slaveSell>>
<<for _inventory, _inventoryCount range ($slaves[_args[0]].inventory ?? {})>>
<<run setup.npcInventoryRemove($slaves[_args[0]], _inventory, _inventoryCount)>>
<<pickup $backpack _inventory _inventoryCount>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill-=5>>
<<set $player.money += $slaves[_args[0]].value>>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_sold'>>
<<slaveRemove _args[0]>>
<<widget companionRemove>>
<<set _splitKey = $args[0].split(':')>>
<<if _splitKey[0] === 'guest'>>
<<guestRemove _splitKey[1]>>
<<slaveRemove _splitKey[1]>>
<<widget setPlayerStats>>
<<if typeof $player[$args[0]] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player[$args[0]] = 0>>
<<set $player[$args[0]] += $args[1]>>
<<widget linkdesc container>>
<<set _linkDescId = ($args[0] ?? '')>>
<div @id="'' + _linkDescId + ''" class="link-desc">
<<widget setNpcStats>>
<<set _minMaxRange = {
relationship: [-100, 100],
happy: [-100, 100],
sub: [-100, 100],
corruption: [-100, 100]
<<if $args[0] === 'guest'>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<set $guests[$args[1]][$args[2]] = Math.min(100, $guests[$args[1]][$args[2]] + $args[3])>>
<<set _maxMin = _minMaxRange[$args[2]][0] ?? 0>>
<<set $guests[$args[1]][$args[2]] = Math.max(_maxMin, ($guests[$args[1]][$args[2]] - Math.abs($args[3])))>>
<<elseif $args[0] === 'slave'>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<set $slaves[$args[1]][$args[2]] = Math.min(100, $slaves[$args[1]][$args[2]] + $args[3])>>
<<set _maxMin = _minMaxRange[$args[2]][0] ?? 0>>
<<set $slaves[$args[1]][$args[2]] = Math.max(_maxMin, ($slaves[$args[1]][$args[2]] - Math.abs($args[3])))>>
<<widget flag>>
<div class="flag-bg" @style="'background-image: url(\'' + setup.ImagePath+'game/misc/flag/bg_' + $game.flagBg + '.png\')'">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/misc/flag/icon_' + $game.flagIcon + '.png']]
<<widget cabinName>>
<<=$game.cabinName ?? 'Cabin'>>
<<widget gameDay>>
<<set _start = clone(variables().startDate)>>
<<set _end = clone(variables().gameDate)>>
<<run _start.setHours(0,0,0,0)>>
<<set _diff = _start.getTimezoneOffset() - _end.getTimezoneOffset()>>
<<if _diff>>
<<run _end.setMinutes(_end.getMinutes() + _diff)>>
<<set _days = setup.calculateDaysBetween(_start, _end)>>
<<= _days>>
<<widget showFamilyTree>>
<<if $args[0].mother>>
<<set _motherNpc = setup.getNpcById($args[0].mother)>>
Mother: <<=(_motherNpc ? _motherNpc.name : '????')>>
<br />
<<if $args[0].father>>
<<if $args[0].father === 'mc'>>
Father: You
Father: <<=setup.getNpcById($args[0].father)?.name ?? '????'>>
<br />
<<if $args[0].husband>>
<<if $args[0].husband === 'mc'>>
<<=setup.getNpcById($args[0].husband)?.name ?? '????'>>
<br />
<<if $args[0].wives>>
Wives: <br />
<<for _familyTreeWifeI, _familyTreeWife range $args[0].wives>>
<<set _familyMember = setup.getNpcById(_familyTreeWife)>>
<<if _familyMember>>
<<if $args[0].kids>>
Children: <br />
<<for _familyTreeChildI, _familyTreeChild range $args[0].kids>>
<<set _familyMember = setup.getNpcById(_familyTreeChild)>>
<<if _familyMember>>
<<=_familyMember.name>> (<<=setup.getAge(_familyMember)>>)
<<widget statsAdd>>
<<if typeof $player.stats[$args[0]] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $player.stats[$args[0]] = 0>>
<<set $player.stats[$args[0]]++>>
<<widget notPatreon>>
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div id="patreon-content">
Patreon content! To get access to this even you need to be <<link 'supporter'>>
Dialog.setup("Support", "Support");
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<<widget notPatreonIcon>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="small" aria-label="Patreon content" data-balloon-pos="up-left">
<<widget warning>>
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div id="patreon-content">
<div class="caut-bar"></div>
<<widget backButton>>
<<set _backLink = ($args[0] ?? '')>>
<div id="back-button">
<<link '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g data-name="86.Arrow Left"><path d="M12 24a12 12 0 1 1 12-12 12.013 12.013 0 0 1-12 12zm0-22a10 10 0 1 0 10 10A10.011 10.011 0 0 0 12 2z"/><path d="M10.293 14.707 5.586 10l4.707-4.707 1.414 1.414L8.414 10l3.293 3.293-1.414 1.414z"/><path d="M16 18h-2v-5a1.882 1.882 0 0 0-2-2H7V9h5a3.888 3.888 0 0 1 4 4z"/></g></svg>'>>
<<goto `_backLink`>>
<</widget>><<widget shooterGame>>
<<set $shooterFight = true>>
<<set $shooter = {
enemies: $args[0],
target: $args[1] ?? 'enemy_1',
place: $args[2] ?? 'forest',
passageWon: $args[3] ?? null,
passageLost: $args[4] ?? null,
title: $args[5] ?? 'Hunting'
<<goto 'Shooter game'>>
<</widget>><<widget shop>>
<<if (typeof $shopMerchants === 'undefined')>>
<<set $shopMerchants??={}>>
<table id="farm-shop" class="shop-table">
<<for _i, _shopItem range $args[1]>>
<<capture _i, _shopItem, _buyprice>>
<td class="shop-img">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/inventory/' + _shopItem.name + '.png']]
<<print Item.get(_shopItem.name).name>>
<<numberbox "_shopItems[_i].qty" 1>>
<td style="text-align: center;">
<<if (_shopItem.sell ?? true)>>
$<<print _shopItem.price>>
<<if $backpack.has(_shopItem.name) && (_shopItem.sell ?? true)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<set _totalMoney = _shopItem.price * _shopItems[_i].qty>>
<<if $backpack.count(_shopItem.name) < _shopItems[_i].qty>>
<<replace `'#shop-error-'+_i`>>You don't have enough items.<</replace>>
<<elseif _shopItems[_i].qty < 1>>
<<replace `'#shop-error-'+_i`>>Quantity needs to be greater than or equal to 1.<</replace>>
<<elseif ($shopMerchants[$args[0]]?.money ?? 0) < _totalMoney>>
<<replace `'#shop-error-'+_i`>>Merchant doesn't have enough money.<</replace>>
<<set $player.money += _totalMoney>>
<<drop $backpack _shopItem.name _shopItem.qty>>
<<set $shopMerchants??={}>>
<<set $shopMerchants[$args[0]]??={
money: 0
<<set $shopMerchants[$args[0]].money -= _totalMoney>>
<<goto $args[2]>>
<<set _shop = $args[0]>>
<<set _maxcount = Math.floor(($shopMerchants[_shop]?.money ?? 0)/_shopItem.price)>>
<<set _maxcount = Math.min( _maxcount, $backpack.count(_shopItem.name))>>
(max <<=_maxcount>>)
<<elseif (_shopItem.sell ?? true)>>
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
<td style="text-align: center;">
<<if (_shopItem.buy ?? true)>>
<<set _buyprice = (_shopItem.buyprice ??_shopItem.price) * (_shopItem.ratio ?? 1) >>
<<if (_shopItem.buy ?? true)>>
<<link 'Buy'>>
<<set _totalPrice = _buyprice * _shopItems[_i].qty>>
<<if $player.money < _totalPrice>>
<<replace `'#shop-error-'+_i`>>You don't have enough caps.<</replace>>
<<elseif _shopItems[_i].qty < 1>>
<<replace `'#shop-error-'+_i`>>Quantity needs to be greater than or equal to 1.<</replace>>
<<if $args[3]>>
<<run $.wiki($args[3])>>
<<set $player.money -= _totalPrice>>
<<pickup $backpack _shopItem.name _shopItem.qty>>
<<set $shopMerchants??={}>>
<<set $shopMerchants[$args[0]]??={
money: 0
<<set $shopMerchants[$args[0]].money += _totalPrice>>
<<goto $args[2]>>
<<set _maxcount = Math.floor($player.money/_buyprice)>>
(max <<=_maxcount>>)
<div @id="'shop-error-' +_i + ''" style="color: red; font-weight: bold"></div>
.shop-table td {
padding: 10px;
<<widget shopMerchantUpdate>>
<<set _shops = {
farm: {
increase: randomInteger(10, 20),
start: 50,
max: 200
underground: {
increase: randomInteger(20, 30),
decrease: randomInteger(6, 10),
start: 80,
max: 300
settlement: {
increase: randomInteger(14, 24),
decrease: randomInteger(5, 10),
start: 40,
max: 240
sanctuary: {
increase: randomInteger(40, 80),
decrease: randomInteger(10, 20),
start: 200,
max: 600
cage_fight: {
increase: randomInteger(40, 80),
decrease: randomInteger(10, 20),
start: 200,
max: 600
<<set $shopMerchants??={}>>
<<for _shop, _shopData range _shops>>
<<set $shopMerchants[_shop]??={
money: _shopData.start,
<<set $shopMerchants[_shop].money = Math.min($shopMerchants[_shop].money + (_shopData.increase - (_shopData.decrease ?? 0)), _shopData.max)>>
<<set $shopMerchants[_shop].money = Math.max($shopMerchants[_shop].money, 0)>>
<</widget>><<widget sleep>>
<<set _t0 = performance.now()>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.init()>>
<<include 'Bedrom - auto_morning'>>
<<if _outputAutoList>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.messages.rules = [_outputAutoList]>>
<<set $game.sickPeople = []>>
<<run delete $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<run delete $tmpGirlBack>>
<<unset $pregnancyHappening, $pregnancyStreetsHappening, $scavengingDidntReturn>>
<<set $pregnancysHappeningHospital = []>>
<<set _energyPenalty = 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() < 8>>
<<set _addDay = 0>>
<<set _energyPenalty = 8 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
<<set _addDay = 1>>
<<set _totals = {caps: 0, food: 0, hay: 0, wood: 0}>>
$gameDate.setDate($gameDate.getDate() + _addDay);
<<if typeof $storage === 'undefined'>>
<<newinv $storage>>
<<set _isStorageAvailable = ($game.location.shop ?? false)>>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
<<run delete $player?.quests.hottub>>
<<set _totals.food -= setup.cabinInventory.has('food') ? 1 : 0>>
<<unset $tmpEventWedding>>
<<if $storage.has('food')>>
<<drop $storage 'food' 1>>
<<set $player.hunger = 100>>
<<elseif $backpack.has('food')>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<set $player.hunger = 100>>
<<set $player.hunger -= 30>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="starving">You are starving!</span>')>>
<<set $player.mast to false>>
<<set $player.showered to false>>
<<set $player.fight_today to false>>
<<set $player.drunk = 0>>
<<set $player.nap = false>>
<<set $player.metTransGirl = false>>
<<horny 5>>
<<set $game.day += 1>>
<<for _locationEventI, _locationEvent range ($locationEvents ?? {})>>
<<set $locationEvents[_locationEventI] = false>>
<<set _giveFood = (($game.location.greenhouse ?? false) ? 2 : 1)>>
<<set _isHeatWave = $weather?.heatWave ?? false>>
<<set _isSandStorm = $weather?.sandStorm ?? false>>
<<set _hasWorkingHospital = setup.hasWorkingHospital()>>
<<set _doctorCount = setup.getDoctors()>>
<<set _miscarrieageChanceBase = 12>>
<<set _miscarrieageChance = _miscarrieageChanceBase - (_doctorCount * 2)>>
<<set _hasElectricity = setup.baseManagement.electricity.hasElectricity()>>
// Horse
<<if ($player.horse ?? false)>>
<<if typeof $characters.horse === 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters.horse = {
name: $player.horse,
food: 100
<<set $characters.horse.food -= 40>>
<<set _totals.hay -= setup.cabinInventory.has('hay') ? 1 : 0>>
<<if $storage.has('hay')>>
<<drop $storage 'hay' 1>>
<<set $characters.horse.food = 100>>
<<elseif $backpack.has('hay')>>
<<drop $backpack 'hay' 1>>
<<set $characters.horse.food = 100>>
<<elseif $characters.horse.food >0>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="starving">Your horse is starving!</span>')>>
<<if $characters.horse.food <= 0>>
<<run delete $player.horse>>
<<run delete $characters.horse>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="dead">Your horse died of starvation!</span>')>>
<<set _totals['horse'] = -1>>
<<set _randomScavengingItems = clone(setup.items.scavenging)>>
<<for _scavengingItemKey, _scaveningItemChance range setup.items.scavenging_chance>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_scaveningItemChance)>>
<<run _randomScavengingItems.push(_scavengingItemKey)>>
<<for _scavengingItemKey, _scavengingItem range _randomScavengingItems>>
<<if typeof setup.items.scavenging_max[_scavengingItem] !== 'undefined' && setup.items.scavenging_max[_scavengingItem] < setup.cabinInventory.count(_scavengingItem)>>
<<run _randomScavengingItems.splice(_scavengingItemKey, 1)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _npc = $slaves[_i]>>
<<set $slaves[_i].talked to false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].milked to false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].groped to false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].washed = false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].workout to false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].gift = false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].cosmetics = false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].offerSlave = false>>
<<set $slaves[_i].drunk = 0>>
<<if $slaves[_i].horny < 80>>
<<set $slaves[_i].horny++>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].stats === 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].stats = {}>>
// buttplug
<<if $slaves[_i].buttplug && $slaves[_i].anal < 20>>
<<set $slaves[_i].anal++>>
// dumbbell
<<include 'sleepDumbbell'>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($slaves[_i], 'dumbbell') && $slaves[_i].strength < 30>>
<<set $slaves[_i].strength++>>
// Wash beauty
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].washDays !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].washDays-->>
<<set $slaves[_i].beauty -= $slaves[_i].washBeauty>>
<<if $slaves[_i].washDays <= 0>>
<<run delete $slaves[_i].washDays>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].noPregnancyDays !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].noPregnancyDays-->>
<<if $slaves[_i].noPregnancyDays <= 0>>
<<run delete $slaves[_i].noPregnancyDays>>
<<if _npc.sub < 20 && !Object.keys(_npc.clothes ?? {}).length && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _npc.sub++>>
// Assigned jobs
<<set _isSick = (typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $slaves[_i].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'garden' && _isHeatWave>>
<<set $slaves[_i].gardenDay = 0>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'garden' && !_isDayOff && !_isHeatWave>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].stats['garden'] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].stats['garden'] = 0>>
<<set $slaves[_i].stats['garden']++>>
// Learn skill
<<if $slaves[_i].stats['garden'] > 100 && !($slaves[_i].skills ?? []).includes('gardener')>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].skills === 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].skills = []>>
<<run $slaves[_i].skills.push('gardener')>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob('<span class="skill">' + $slaves[_i].name + ' learned the gardener skill</span>', 'garden')>>
<<set $slaves[_i].gardenDay++>>
<<set _foodGive = _giveFood>>
<<if ($slaves[_i].skills ?? []).includes('gardener')>>
<<set _foodGive += 2>>
<<if $slaves[_i].gardenDay == 3>>
<<set $slaves[_i].gardenDay = 0>>
<<set _totals.food += _foodGive>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<pickup $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<<pickup $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob($slaves[_i].name + ' managed to grow <strong>' + _foodGive + '</strong> food in the garden', 'garden')>>
<<if _npc.assignedTo == 'milk_barn' && !_dayOff>>
<<if typeof _npc.milkingDay === 'undefined'>>
<<set _npc.milkingDay = 0>>
<<if _npc.pregnancy < 7 && !(_npc.traits ?? []).includes('milker')>>
<<run delete _npc.assignedTo>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob($slaves[_i].name + ' has dried out and produces no extra milk (for now). Unassigned from barn!', 'milk_barn')>>
<<if _hasElectricity>>
<<set _npc.milkingDay++>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' _i 'happy' -5>>
<<if _npc.milkingDay >= 3>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.pickup('milk', 1)>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob($slaves[_i].name + ' filled a pack of milk', 'milk_barn')>>
<<set _npc.milkingDay = 0>>
<<set _totals.milk ??= 0>>
<<set _totals.milk++>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob($slaves[_i].name + ' could not work as there was no electricity in the barn', 'milk_barn')>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'streets' && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 5>>
<<if ($slaves[_i].strength ?? 0) > 20>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 3>>
<<elseif ($slaves[_i].strength ?? 0) > 10>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 4>>
<<if $characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 1>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($slaves[_i], 'knife')>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie -=1>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_girlChanceToDie) && (!$characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal || setup.percentageChance(50))>>
<<set _totals['streetworker'] = (_totals['streetworker'] ?? 0) - 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' <strong class="iitem">was found dead</strong> in the streets...', 'streets')>>
<<set $slaves.splice(_i, 1)>>
<<set _i-->>
<<if !(_npc.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') && !(_npc.traits ?? []).includes('masochist')>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' _i 'happy' -5>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 1) === 0>>
<<if !_npc.chastityBelt>>
<<set $slaves[_i].virgin = false>>
<<set _moneyEarned = setup.jobs.getStreetsEarned(_npc)>>
<<set $player.money += _moneyEarned>>
<<set _totals.caps = (_totals.caps ?? 0) + _moneyEarned>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' had a client in the streets, ' + setup.pronounceWhat($slaves[_i]) + ' got you <strong>' + _moneyEarned + '</strong> caps', 'streets')>>
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($slaves[_i]) && !setup.npcInventoryHas($slaves[_i], 'condom') && !_npc.chastityBelt>>
<<set $slaves[_i].pregnancy = 0>>
<<set $slaves[_i].pregnancy_father = 'unknown'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].pregnancy_event = 'streets'>>
// Starvation
<<if _isHeatWave>>
<<set $slaves[_i].food = -10>>
<<if $slaves[_i].food <= 10>>
<<set _totals.food -= setup.cabinInventory.has('food') ? 1 : 0>>
<<if $storage.has('food')>>
<<drop $storage 'food' 1>>
<<set $slaves[_i].food to 100>>
<<set $slaves[_i].happy++>>
<<elseif $backpack.has('food')>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<set $slaves[_i].food to 100>>
<<set $slaves[_i].happy++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].food <= -20>>
<<set _totals['slave'] = (_totals['slave'] ?? 0) - 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="dead">' + _npc.name + ' died of hunger. You dont have enough food!</span>')>>
<<set $slaves.splice(_i, 1)>>
<<set _i-->>
<<elseif $slaves[_i].food <= 10>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="starving">' + _npc.name + ' is starving</span>')>>
<<if setup.getAge($slaves[_i]) > 3>>
<<set $slaves[_i].food -= 30>>
// Pregnancy
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].pregnancy !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].pregnancy++>>
<<if ($slaves[_i].traits ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set $slaves[_i].pregnancy++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].pregnancy == 8>>
<<set _pregnantMsg = $slaves[_i].name + ' told you that <strong>she is pregnant</strong>.'>>
<<if $slaves[_i].pregnancy_father !== 'mc'>>
<<set _pregnantMsg = _pregnantMsg + ' <strong>You ARE NOT the father!</strong>'>>
<<if !$pregnancyStreetsHappening && $slaves[_i].pregnancy_event === 'streets'>>
<<set $pregnancyStreetsHappening = {
type: 'slave',
id: _i
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain(_pregnantMsg)>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy = true>>
<<set _streetWork = $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'streets' && !_dayOff>>
<<if $slaves[_i].pregnancy > 30 && _streetWork && setup.percentageChance(_miscarrieageChance)>>
<<set _totals['pregnancy'] = (_totals['pregnancy'] ?? 0) - 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain($slaves[_i].name + ' woke up with her blood all over her. <strong class="iitem">She had a miscarriage.</strong>')>>
<<set $slaves[_i].happy -= 20>>
<<set $slaves[_i].relationship -= 10>>
<<run delete $slaves[_i].pregnancy>>
<<if !$pregnancyHappening && $slaves[_i].pregnancy > 260 && ($slaves[_i].pregnancy > 280 || randomInteger(1,3) === 3)>>
<<if _hasWorkingHospital>>
<<run $pregnancysHappeningHospital.push(
type: 'slave',
id: _i
<<set $pregnancyHappening = {
type: 'slave',
id: _i
// Sick
<<if _isSick>>
<<set $slaves[_i].sick.days-->>
<<if _hasWorkingHospital || (_hasDoctor && setup.percentageChance(42))>>
<<set $slaves[_i].sick.days-->>
<<if $slaves[_i].sick.days <= 0>>
<<run delete $slaves[_i].sick>>
// Resting
<<if _isRest>>
<<set _unhappy_jobs = ['milk_barn', 'nightclub', 'quarry', 'streets']>>
<<if _unhappy_jobs.includes($slaves[_i].assignedTo)>>
<<setNpcStats slave _i happy +5>>
<<setNpcStats slave _i happy +2>>
<<set $slaves[_i].rest.days-->>
<<if $slaves[_i].rest.days <= 0>>
<<run delete $slaves[_i].rest>>
<<run $slaves.filter(n=>n)>>
<<set $scavengingDidntReturn = null>>
<<for _guestI to 0; _guestI lt ($guests ?? []).length; _guestI++>>
<<capture _guestI>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_guestI]>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].talked to false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].milked to false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].groped to false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].workout to false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].washed = false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].gift = false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].cosmetics = false>>
<<set _npc.sleeping = false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].washedBathhouse = false>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].drunk = 0>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].horny <= 90>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].horny += window.randomInteger(1, 9)>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].horny = 0>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].stats === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats = {}>>
// buttplug
<<if $guests[_guestI].buttplug && $guests[_guestI].anal < 20>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].anal++>>
// dumbbell
<<include 'sleepDumbbell'>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($guests[_guestI], 'dumbbell') && $guests[_guestI].strength < 30>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].strength++>>
// Wash beauty
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].washDays !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].washDays-->>
<<set $guests[_guestI].beauty -= $guests[_guestI].washBeauty>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].washDays <= 0>>
<<run delete $guests[_guestI].washDays>>
<<if _npc.sub < 20 && !Object.keys(_npc.clothes ?? {}).length && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _npc.sub++>>
<<if (_npc?.quests?.lastInteractionDay + 5) < $game.day>>
<<set _npc.sub = Math.max(0, (_npc.sub - 1))>>
// Leave
<<if $guests[_guestI].relationship < 0 || $guests[_guestI].happy < -70>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain(_npc.name + ' was missing in the morning, ' + setup.pronounceWhat(_npc) + ' probably decided to leave this place.')>>
<<guestLeft _guestI >>
<<set _guestI-->>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].noPregnancyDays !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].noPregnancyDays-->>
<<if $guests[_guestI].noPregnancyDays <= 0>>
<<run delete $guests[_guestI].noPregnancyDays>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $guests[_guestI].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $guests[_guestI].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
// Assigned jobs
<<if _npc.assignedTo === 'garden' && _isHeatWave>>
<<set _npc.gardenDay = 0>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'garden' && !_dayOff && !_isHeatWave>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].stats['garden'] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['garden'] = 0>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['garden']++>>
// Learn skill
<<if $guests[_guestI].stats['garden'] > 100 && !($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('gardener')>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].skills === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].skills = []>>
<<run $guests[_guestI].skills.push('gardener')>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob('<span class="skill">' + $guests[_guestI].name + ' learned the gardening skill</span>', 'garden')>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].gardenDay++>>
<<set _foodGive = _giveFood>>
<<if ($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('gardener')>>
<<set _foodGive += 2>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].gardenDay == 3>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].gardenDay = 0>>
<<set _totals.food += _foodGive>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<pickup $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<<pickup $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob($guests[_guestI].name + ' managed to grow <strong>' + _foodGive + '</strong> food in the garden.', 'garden')>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'streets' && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 5>>
<<if ($guests[_guestI].strength ?? 0) > 20>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 3>>
<<elseif ($guests[_guestI].strength ?? 0) > 10>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 4>>
<<if $characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie = 1>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($guests[_guestI], 'knife')>>
<<set _girlChanceToDie -=1>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_girlChanceToDie) && (!$characters.dom.quests.accepted_deal || setup.percentageChance(50))>>
<<set _totals['streetworker'] = (_totals['streetworker'] ?? 0) - 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' <strong class="iitem">was found dead</strong> in the streets!', 'streets')>>
<<guestLeft _guestI >>
<<set _guestI-->>
<<if !(_npc.traits ?? []).includes('cumslut') && !(_npc.traits ?? []).includes('masochist')>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'happy' -5>>
<<if randomInteger(0, 1) === 0>>
<<if !_npc.chastityBelt>>
<<set _npc.virgin = false>>
<<set _moneyEarned = setup.jobs.getStreetsEarned(_npc)>>
<<set $player.money += _moneyEarned>>
<<set _totals.caps = (_totals.caps ?? 0) + _moneyEarned>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' had a client in the streets. She got you <strong>' + _moneyEarned + '</strong> caps', 'streets')>>
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($guests[_guestI]) && !setup.npcInventoryHas($guests[_guestI], 'condom') && !_npc.chastityBelt>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].pregnancy = 0>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].pregnancy_father = 'unknown'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].pregnancy_event = 'streets'>>
<<set _hunter_no_bow = ( $automatization.hunter ?? false) &&
$guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'hunter' && !setup.npcInventoryHas($guests[_guestI], 'bow') >>
<<if (_hunter_no_bow || $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'forest') && !_isSick && !_isSandStorm>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].stats['forest'] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['forest'] = 0>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['forest']++>>
// Learn skill
<<if $guests[_guestI].stats['forest'] > 100 && !($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('woodcraft')>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].skills === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].skills = []>>
<<run $guests[_guestI].skills.push('woodcraft')>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob('<span class="skill">' + $guests[_guestI].name + ' learned the woodcraft skill</span>', 'forest')>>
<<set _giveWood = ($guests[_guestI].strength > 30 ? 2 : 1)>>
<<if ($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('woodcraft')>>
<<set _giveWood++>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($guests[_guestI], 'axe')>>
<<set _giveWood++>>
<<set _totals.wood += _giveWood>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<pickup $storage 'wood' _giveWood>>
<<pickup $backpack 'wood' _giveWood>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' managed to collect <strong>' + _giveWood + '</strong> wood in the forest', 'forest')>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _totals.food++>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<pickup $storage 'food' 1>>
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' managed to find some berries while working in the forest. <strong class="iitem">+1 food</strong>', 'forest')>>
<<unset _hunter_no_bow>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'kitchen' && !_isSick>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['kitchen'] ??= 0>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['kitchen']++>>
// Learn skill
<<if $guests[_guestI].stats['kitchen'] > 100 && !($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('cook')>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].skills === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].skills = []>>
<<run $guests[_guestI].skills.push('cook')>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob('<span class="skill">Guest ' + _npc.name + ' learned the cook skill</span>', 'kitchen')>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'scavenging' && !_isSick && !_isSandStorm>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].stats['scavenging'] === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['scavenging'] = 0>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].stats['scavenging']++>>
// Learn skill
<<if $guests[_guestI].stats['scavenging'] > 100 && !($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('scavenger')>>
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].skills === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].skills = []>>
<<run $guests[_guestI].skills.push('scavenger')>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob('<span class="skill">' + _npc.name + ' learned the scavenger skill</span>', 'scavenging')>>
<<set _chanceOfNotComingHome = 10>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].strength >= 30>>
<<set _changeOfNotComingHome -=4>>
<<if ($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('scavenger')>>
<<set _chanceOfNotComingHome -=4>>
<<if setup.npcInventoryHas($guests[_guestI], 'knife')>>
<<set _chanceOfNotComingHome -=1>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chanceOfNotComingHome) && $scavengingDidntReturn === null && !$pregnancyHappening && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set $scavengingDidntReturn = _guestI>>
<<set _randomItem = either(_randomScavengingItems)>>
<<set _giveCount = 1>>
<<if ($guests[_guestI].skills ?? []).includes('scavenger') && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _giveCount++>>
<<set _totals[_randomItem] = (_totals[_randomItem] ?? 0) + _giveCount>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<pickup $storage _randomItem _giveCount>>
<<pickup $backpack _randomItem _giveCount>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' managed to collect <strong>' + _giveCount + ' ' + Item.get(_randomItem).name + '</strong> while scavenging.', 'scavenging')>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'mistress' && !_isSick>>
<<for _mistressSlaveI, _mistressSlave range $slaves>>
<<if setup.getAge(_mistressSlave) < 18>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30) && _mistressSlave.sub < 100>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' increased ' + setup.displayName(_mistressSlave) + '\'s submission')>>
<<set $slaves[_mistressSlaveI].sub = Math.min(100, ($slaves[_mistressSlaveI].sub + 1))>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'hunter' && !_isSick && setup.npcInventoryHas($guests[_guestI], 'bow') && !_isSandStorm>>
<<set _percentageHunter = 10>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].strength > 50>>
<<set _percentageHunter += 25>>
<<elseif $guests[_guestI].strength > 20>>
<<set _percentageHunter += 10>>
<<set _hunterItem = 'food'>>
<<set _giveCount = randomInteger(2,5)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set _hunterItem = 'pelt_wolf'>>
<<set _giveCount = randomInteger(1,2)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_percentageHunter)>>
<<set _totals[_hunterItem] = (_totals[_hunterItem] ?? 0) + _giveCount>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<pickup $storage _hunterItem _giveCount>>
<<pickup $backpack _hunterItem _giveCount>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' managed to get ' + _giveCount + ' ' + Item.get(_hunterItem).name + ' while hunting.', 'hunting')>>
<<if _npc.assignedTo === 'nightclub' && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'happy' -5>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].gender == 0>>
<<set _moneyEarned = randomInteger(5, 9)>>
<<elseif $guests[_guestI].gender == 2>>
<<set _moneyEarned = randomInteger(3, 7)>>
<<set _moneyEarned = randomInteger(1, 5)>>
<<if (_npc.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<set _moneyEarned = _moneyEarned * 2>>
<<set _moneyEarnedTax = 50>>
<<set _moneyEarned += Math.round(_npc.sub / 25, 0)>>
<<set _moneyEarned = parseInt(_moneyEarned)>>
<<set _moneyEarned = _moneyEarned - Math.round((_moneyEarnedTax / 100) * _moneyEarned, 0)>>
<<set $player.money += _moneyEarned>>
<<set _totals.caps = (_totals.caps ?? 0) + _moneyEarned>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' had a client in the nightclub. She got you <strong>' + _moneyEarned + '</strong> caps', 'nightclub')>>
<<if _npc.assignedTo === 'quarry' && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<include 'sleepQuarry'>>
<<if _npc.assignedTo === 'garage' && !_dayOff>>
<<include 'sleepGarage'>>
// Pregnancy
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].pregnancy !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].pregnancy++>>
<<if ($guests[_guestI].traits ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].pregnancy++>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].pregnancy == 8>>
<<set _pregnantMsg = $guests[_guestI].name + ' told you that <strong>she is pregnant</strong>.'>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].pregnancy_father !== 'mc'>>
<<set _pregnantMsg = _pregnantMsg + ' <strong>You ARE NOT the father!</strong>'>>
<<if !$pregnancyStreetsHappening && $guests[_guestI].pregnancy_event === 'streets'>>
<<set $pregnancyStreetsHappening = {
type: 'guest',
id: _guestI
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain(_pregnantMsg)>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy = true>>
<<set _streetWork = $guests[_guestI].assignedTo === 'streets' && !_dayOff>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].pregnancy > 30 && _streetwork && setup.percentageChance(_miscarrieageChance)>>
<<set _totals['pregnancy'] = (_totals['pregnancy'] ?? 0) - 1>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain($guests[_guestI].name + ' woke up with her blood all over her. <strong class="iitem">She had a miscarriage</strong>')>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].happy -= 20>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].relationship -= 10>>
<<run delete $guests[_guestI].pregnancy>>
<<if !$pregnancyHappening && $guests[_guestI].pregnancy > 260 && ($guests[_guestI].pregnancy > 280 || randomInteger(1,3) === 3)>>
<<if _hasWorkingHospital>>
<<run $pregnancysHappeningHospital.push(
type: 'guest',
id: _guestI
<<set $pregnancyHappening = {
type: 'guest',
id: _guestI
// Starvation
<<if _isHeatWave>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].food = -10>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].food <= 10>>
<<set _totals.food -= setup.cabinInventory.has('food') ? 1 : 0>>
<<if $storage.has('food')>>
<<drop $storage 'food' 1>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].food to 100>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].happy++>>
<<elseif $backpack.has('food')>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].food to 100>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].happy++>>
<<if $guests[_guestI].food <= -20>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="left">' + _npc.name + ' left because you don\'t not enough food!</span>')>>
<<guestLeft _guestI>>
<<set _guestI-->>
<<elseif $guests[_guestI].food <= 10>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].happy -= 50>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('<span class="starving">' + _npc.name + ' is starving!</span>')>>
<<if setup.getAge($guests[_guestI]) > 3>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].food -= 30>>
// Sick
<<if _isSick>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].sick.days-->>
<<if _hasWorkingHospital || (_hasDoctor && setup.percentageChance(42))>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].sick.days-->>
<<if $guests[_guestI].sick.days <= 0>>
<<run delete $guests[_guestI].sick>>
// Resting
<<if _isRest>>
<<set _unhappy_jobs = ['milk_barn', 'nightclub', 'quarry', 'streets']>>
<<if _unhappy_jobs.includes($guests[_guestI].assignedTo)>>
<<setNpcStats guest _guestI happy +5>>
<<setNpcStats guest _guestI happy +2>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].rest.days-->>
<<if $guests[_guestI].rest.days <= 0>>
<<run delete $guests[_guestI].rest>>
<<for _nurseryI to 0; _nurseryI lt ($nursery ?? []).length; _nurseryI++>>
<<capture _nurseryI>>
<<set _npc = $nursery[_nurseryI]>>
<<set _npc.sleeping = false>>
// Starvation
<<if $nursery[_nurseryI].food <= 10>>
<<set _totals.food -= setup.cabinInventory.has('food') ? 1 : 0>>
<<if $storage.has('food')>>
<<drop $storage 'food' 1>>
<<set $nursery[_nurseryI].food to 100>>
<<elseif $backpack.has('food')>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' 1>>
<<set $nursery[_nurseryI].food to 100>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add('<span class="dead">Kid ' + $nursery[_nurseryI].name + ' died because you don\'t have enough food!</span>', 'nursery')>>
<<set $nursery.splice(_nurseryI, 1)>>
<<set _nurseryI-->>
<<if setup.getAge($nursery[_nurseryI]) > 3>>
<<set $nursery[_nurseryI].food -= 30>>
<<if setup.getAge($nursery[_nurseryI]) >= 18>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add('Kid ' + $nursery[_nurseryI].name + ' has grown up and moved to the guest house.', 'nursery')>>
<<run $guests.push($nursery[_nurseryI])>>
<<set $nursery.splice(_nurseryI, 1)>>
<<set _nurseryI-->>
<<for _charI, _char range $characters>>
<<if typeof $characters[_charI].quests !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[_charI].talked = false>>
// Pregnancy
<<if typeof $characters[_charI].pregnancy !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[_charI].pregnancy++>>
<<if ($characters[_charI].traits ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set $characters[_charI].pregnancy++>>
<<if $characters[_charI].pregnancy == 8>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain($characters[_charI].name + ' told you that <strong>she is pregnant</strong>.')>>
<<set $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy = true>>
<<if _charI === 'blair'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.pregnancy = true>>
<<if !$pregnancyHappening && $characters[_charI].pregnancy > 260 && ($characters[_charI].pregnancy > 280 || randomInteger(1,3) === 3)>>
<<if _hasWorkingHospital>>
<<run $pregnancysHappeningHospital.push(
type: 'character',
id: _charI
<<set $pregnancyHappening = {
type: 'character',
id: _charI
<<if isMetChar('laura')>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.sampleToday = false>>
<<if $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples >= 3 && $characters.laura.quests.living && $characters.laura.quests.productionLastDay < ($game.day - $characters.laura.quests.productionDaysPerPotion)>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionSamples -= 3>>
<<set _totals['growth_potion'] = (_totals['growth_potion'] ?? 0) + 1>>
<<pickup $backpack 'growth_potion' 1>>
<<set $characters.laura.quests.productionLastDay = $game.day>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addMain('Laura crafted a new <strong class="iitem">growth potion</strong>')>>
<<set _sleepDead = null>>
<<include 'sleepPerks'>>
<<include 'sleepRottenFood'>>
<<include 'sleepShowTotals'>>
<<include 'sleepManageGoods'>>
<<include 'sleepRelationship'>>
<<unset $tmpGirlCapture>>
// moon
<<if setup.isNewMoon()>>
<<if $characters.vincent.quests.pregnancy_talked>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add('This time of the month, around the new moon, the glowing mushrooms seem to be more abundant. Visit the forest!', 'weather')>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add('This time of the month, around the new moon, strange things occur in the forest...', 'weather')>>
<<elseif setup.isFullMoon()>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add('This time of the month, around the full moon, you may have luck with the wolves. Visit the forest!', 'weather')>>
<<if $player.hunger <= 0 && !_sleepDead>>
<<set _sleepDead = 'hunger'>>
<<if !_sleepDead>>
<<set $player.showered to false>>
<<if $player.horny > 70>>
<<set $player.energy -= 30>>
<<updatemeter '$energyBar' `$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy`>>
<<updatemeter '$hungerBar' `$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger`>>
<<if $args[0]>>
<<goto $args[0]>>
<<if $sleepOver && setup.percentageChance(100)>>
<<goto 'Bedroom - invite to sleep in bedroom morning'>>
<<goto "Bedroom-sleep">>
<<unset $sleepOver>>
<<set $game.death_reason = _sleepDead>>
<<goto "Dead">>
<<if _hasWorkingHospital>>
<<if $args[0]>>
<<set $morningMessages = []>>
<<set $morningMessages = setup.sleepMessages.get()>>
<</widget>><<widget threesome>>
<<if $tmpGirl.horny > 79>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 79>>
<<if $tmpGirl2.horny > 79>>
<<set $tmpGirl2.horny = 79>>
<<set $sexStats = {}>>
<<goto 'Mc threesome fuck'>>
<</widget>><<widget video>>
<<if !settings.SFWmode>>
<<set _extension = ($args[1] ?? 'mp4')>>
<<set _videoType = 'video/' + _extension>>
<<set _url to setup.videoPath+'/'+$args[0]+'.' + _extension>>
<video controls autoplay loop onloadstart="this.volume=0.0">
<source @src="_url">
<div class="safe-placeholder">SFW MODE ON</div>
<</widget>><<widget actionText>>
<<print $args[1]>>
<<widget actionImage>>
<<set _imageImageFound = false>>
<<if typeof setup.actions === 'undefined'>>
<<set _actionsFallback = recall('actions')>>
<<if _actionsFallback>>
<<set setup.actions = _actionsFallback>>
<<if $args[0].pack>>
<<set _imageIsPack = (($packs ?? {})[_args[0].pack] ?? false) && typeof setup.actions[_args[0].pack] !== 'undefined'>>
<<if !_imageIsPack>>
<<set _imageIsPack = (($packs ?? {})[$args[0].name] ?? false) && typeof setup.actions[$args[0].name] !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _defaultActionsPath = 'actions'>>
<<set _actionsPath = _imageIsPack ? 'packs' : _defaultActionsPath>>
<<set _subActionsPath = ''>>
<<if _imageIsPack>>
<<set _subActionsPath = '/actions/'>>
<div class="action-image">
<<set _originalLocation = $args[0].location >>
<<if $args[0].location === 'basement-mistress.male' >>
<<set $args[0].location = 'basement' >>
<<set $args[1] = $args[1].replace('mistress_', '') >>
<<if $args[0].virgin && $args[1] === 'mistress_pussy' && $args[0].location === 'basement-mistress.female'>>
<<set $args[1] = 'deflower_strapon'>>
<<elseif $args[0].virgin && ('pussy').includes($args[1])>>
<<set $args[1] = 'deflower'>>
<<set _genderDesc = setup.genderPath($args[0])>>
<<set _race = '.' + $args[0].race>>
<<set _hair = '.' + $args[0].hair + 'hair'>>
<<set _breasts = '.breasts-' + $args[0].breasts>>
<<if ($args[0].pregnancy ?? 0) > 100 >>
<<set _pregnancyDesc = '.pregnant'>>
<<set _pregnancyDesc = '.notpregnant'>>
<<if setup.getAge($args[0]) <= 24 >>
<<set _ageDesc = '.young'>>
<<elseif setup.getAge($args[0]) <= 39 >>
<<set _ageDesc = ''>>
<<elseif setup.getAge($args[0]) <= 59 >>
<<set _ageDesc = '.mature'>>
<<set _ageDesc = '.old'>>
<<set _morphs = [
$args[0].name + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _race + _hair + _ageDesc + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _race + _ageDesc + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _race + _hair + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _race + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _race + _hair + _ageDesc,
_genderDesc + _race + _ageDesc,
_genderDesc + _race + _hair,
_genderDesc + _race + _breasts,
_genderDesc + _race,
_genderDesc + _hair + _ageDesc + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _ageDesc + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _hair + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _pregnancyDesc,
_genderDesc + _hair + _ageDesc,
_genderDesc + _ageDesc,
_genderDesc + _hair,
_genderDesc + _breasts,
<<set _actions = clone(setup.actions)>>
<<set _location = $args[0].location>>
<<if $args[0].pack>>
<<run _morphs.unshift($args[0].pack + _pregnancyDesc, $args[0].pack)>>
<<if typeof _actions[$args[0].pack] !== 'undefined' && typeof _actions[$args[0].pack][$args[0].location] === 'undefined' && typeof _actions[$args[0].pack]['default'][$args[1]] !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _actions[$args[0].pack][$args[0].location] = _actions[$args[0].pack]['default']>>
<<set _location = 'default'>>
<<for _imageI to 0; _imageI < _morphs.length; _imageI++>>
typeof _actions[_morphs[_imageI]] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof _actions[_morphs[_imageI]][$args[0].location] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof _actions[_morphs[_imageI]][$args[0].location][$args[1]] !== 'undefined'>>
<<if _imageIsPack && ![$args[0].pack, $args[0].name].includes(_morphs[_imageI])>>
<<set _actionsPath = _defaultActionsPath>>
<<set _subActionsPath = ''>>
<<set _imageIsPack = false>>
<<set _image = either(_actions[_morphs[_imageI]][_location][$args[1]])>>
<<if _image.includes('/')>>
<<actionImageOutput `'packs/' + _image` true>>
<<actionImageOutput ` _actionsPath + '/' + _morphs[_imageI] + '/' + _subActionsPath + _location + '/'+ $args[1] + '/' + _image` _imageIsPack>>
<<set _imageImageFound = true>>
<<if !_imageImageFound>>
<<for _imageI to 0; _imageI < _morphs.length; _imageI++>>
typeof setup.actions[_morphs[_imageI]] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof setup.actions[_morphs[_imageI]]['default'] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof setup.actions[_morphs[_imageI]]['default'][$args[1]] !== 'undefined'>>
<<if _imageIsPack && ![$args[0].pack, $args[0].name].includes(_morphs[_imageI])>>
<<set _actionsPath = _defaultActionsPath>>
<<set _subActionsPath = ''>>
<<set _imageIsPack = false>>
<<set _image = either(setup.actions[_morphs[_imageI]]['default'][$args[1]])>>
<<if _image.includes('/')>>
<<actionImageOutput `'packs/' + _image` true>>
<<actionImageOutput `_actionsPath + '/' + _morphs[_imageI] + _subActionsPath + '/default/'+ $args[1] + '/' + _image` _imageIsPack>>
<<if ($args[2] ?? 'with-text') != 'no-text'>>
<br />
<div class="action-text">
<<if _originalLocation === 'basement-mistress.male' >>
<<set $args[0].location = _originalLocation >>
<<set $args[1] = 'mistress_' + $args[1] >>
<<set _StatsMapping = {
mistress_anal: 'anal',
threesome_f_anal: 'anal',
threesome_f_bj: 'bj',
threesome_f_dp: 'dp',
threesome_f_pussy: 'pussy'
<<set _npcStat = _StatsMapping[$args[1]] ?? $args[1]>>
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<<if $args[0].virgin && typeof _actionText[$args[1]] !== 'undefined' && typeof _actionText[$args[1]]['v'] !== 'undefined'>>
<<print _actionText[$args[1]]['v'].replace('%name%', $args[0].name)>>
<<if $args[0].gender || $args[1].includes('threesome')>>
<<if _actionText[setup.genderPath($args[0])][$args[1]] !== undefined>>
<<set _name2 = ''>>
<<if typeof $tmpGirl2 !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _name2 = $tmpGirl2.name>>
<<print _actionText[setup.genderPath($args[0])][$args[1]][0].replace(/%name%/g, $args[0].name).replace('%name2%', _name2)>>
<<if _actionText[$args[1]] !== undefined>>
<<set _locationLocalizedTexts = _actionText[$args[1]]?.location?.[$args[0].location]?.texts>>
<<if _locationLocalizedTexts>>
<<set _textFound = true>>
<<= _locationLocalizedTexts[Math.floor(Math.random()*_locationLocalizedTexts.length)].replace(/%name%/g, setup.displayName($args[0]))>>
<<if !_textFound>>
<<if (_actionText[$args[1]] ?? false) && (_actionText[$args[1]]['stats'] ?? false)>>
<<for _sortedTextsStat, _sortedTextsData range _actionText[$args[1]]['stats']>>
<<if typeof $tmpGirl[_npcStat] !== 'undefined' && $tmpGirl[_npcStat] >= _sortedTextsData.s>>
<<set _randomSortedText = _sortedTextsData.texts[Math.floor(Math.random()*_sortedTextsData.texts.length)]>>
<<print _randomSortedText.replace('%name%', setup.displayName($args[0]))>>
<<= _actionText[$args[1]].texts[Math.floor(Math.random()*_actionText[$args[1]].texts.length)].replace(/%name%/g, setup.displayName($args[0]))>>
<<widget actionDream>>
<<set _actions = ['anal', 'bj']>>
<<set _places = ['basement', 'default', 'forest', 'shower']>>
<<set _dreamText = 'You went to bed horny and dreamt about fucking someone.'>>
<<set _genders = []>>
<<if settings.gaysDreamsEnabled>>
<<set _genders.push('male')>>
<<if settings.transDreamsEnabled>>
<<set _genders.push('transfemale')>>
<<if settings.lesbiansDreamsEnabled>>
<<set _genders.push('female_on_female-2')>>
<<set _genders.push('female_on_female-3')>>
<<if settings.lesbiansDreamsEnabled && settings.transDreamsEnabled>>
<<set _genders.push('transfemale_on_female')>>
<<set _genders.push('transfemale_on_transfemale')>>
<<if settings.straightDreamsEnabled || _genders.length === 0>>
<<set _genders.push('female')>>
<<set _gender = either(_genders)>>
<<if _gender === 'female'>>
<<set _actions.push('pussy')>>
<<set _places.push('kitchen', 'maid', 'bathhouse')>>
<<elseif _gender === 'female_on_female-2' || _gender === 'female_on_female-3'>>
<<set _actions = ['sn_pussy', 'scissoring', 'masturbating']>>
<<set _places = ['default']>>
<<set _dreamText = 'You went to bed horny and dreamt about hot lesbians fucking.'>>
<<elseif _gender === 'transfemale_on_female' || _gender === 'transfemale_on_transfemale'>>
<<set _places = ['default']>>
<<set _dreamText = 'You went to bed horny and dreamt about hot transfemales fucking.'>>
<<set _sleepAction = {
place: either(_places),
type: either(_actions)
<<if typeof setup.actions !== 'undefined'>>
<<set _image = either(setup.actions[_gender][_sleepAction.place][_sleepAction.type])>>
<<set _dreamImg = 'actions/' + _gender + '/' + _sleepAction.place + '/' + _sleepAction.type + '/' + _image>>
<<if _image.includes('/')>>
<<set _dreamImg = 'packs/' + _image>>
<<set _image = either(setup.actions[_gender].default[_sleepAction.type])>>
<<set _dreamImg = 'actions/' + _gender +'/default/' + _sleepAction.type + '/' + _image>>
<<if _image.includes('/')>>
<<set _dreamImg = 'packs/' + _image>>
<<actionImageOutput _dreamImg _image.includes('/')>>
<br />
<<print _dreamText>>
<<widget actionImageOutput>>
<<set _extension = $args[0].split('.').pop()>>
<<if ['mp4', 'webm'].includes(_extension)>>
<<set _videoType = 'video/' + _extension>>
<<set _url to $args[0]>>
<<if !_args[1]>>
<<set _url = setup.ImagePath + _url>>
<video controls autoplay loop>
<source @src="_url" @type="_videoType">
<<image _args[0] 'nsfw' _args[1]>>
<</widget>><<widget slaveValue>>
<<set _age = setup.getAge($args[0])>>
<<set _slaveValue =
($args[0].beauty ?? 0 / 2) +
($args[0].sub ?? 0 / 5) +
((100 - _age) / 5)
<<if $args[0].virgin>>
<<set _slaveValue = _slaveValue * 2>>
<<if $args[1]>>
<<set _slaveValue = _slaveValue * $args[1]>>
<<set _slaveValue = Math.round(_slaveValue / 2, 0)>>
<<if $args[0].gender>>
<<set _slaveValue = Math.round(_slaveValue / 2, 0)>>
<<set $args[0].value = (_slaveValue + 10)>>
<<widget slaveInfo>>
<strong><<=$args[0].name>> - <<=setup.getAge($args[0])>></strong> year old,
<<=setup.getNpcAgeDescription($args[0])>> with <strong><<=$args[0].hair>></strong> hair.
<br />
Beauty score: <<=$args[0].beauty>>
<br />
<<if $args[0].virgin>>
She is <strong>virgin</strong>!
<</widget>><<if !tags().includes('sex')>>
<<if tags().includes('bg-underground')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/underground_city.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-farm')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/farm.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-settlement')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/settlement.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-bedroom')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/bedroom.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-kitchen')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/kitchen.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-basement')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/basement.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-guesthouse')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/guesthouse.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-workbench')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/workbench.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-nursery')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/nursery.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-garage')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/garage.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-shop')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/shop.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-bathhouse')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/bathhouse.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-bathroom')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/bathroom.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-hospital')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/hospital.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-fight-cage')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/fight_cage.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-milk-barn')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/milk_barn.jpg")');
<<elseif tags().includes('bg-race-stadium')>>
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/race_stadium.jpg")');
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/bg.jpg")');
if ($('html').css('background-image') === 'none') {
$('html').css('background-image', 'url("' + setup.ImagePath + '/game/misc/bg/bg.jpg")');
<</if>><<widget newchild>>
<<set _mother = $args[1]>>
<<set _childGender = $args[0]>>
<<if _childGender === 0>>
<<set _child = $tmpGirl>>
<<set _child = $tmpGuy>>
<<if !_childGender>>
<<include 'Girl names'>>
<<include 'Guy names'>>
<<set _randomName = either(_names)>>
_child.birthDate = $gameDate,
_child.anal = 0,
_child.bj = 0,
_child.food = 100,
_child.pussy = 0,
_child.relationship = 0,
_child.virgin = true,
_child.strength = 0,
_child.orgasms = 0,
_child.name = _randomName,
_child.beauty = _mother.beauty,
_child.race = _mother.race,
_child.breasts = _mother.breasts,
_child.hair = _mother.hair,
_child.strength = Math.round(_mother.strength / 2, 0),
_child.virgin = true,
_child.traits = [],
_child.skills = []
<<set _child = setup.setSexuality(_child, 'straight')>>
<<if !_child.gender>>
<<set _child.traits = _mother.traits ?? []>>
<<set _additionalTrait = setup.getRandomTraits(1, _child.traits)>>
<<if _additionalTrait>>
<<set _child.traits = _child.traits.concat(_additionalTrait)>>
<<set _child.family = {}>>
<<set _child.family.mother = _mother.id>>
<<if _mother.pregnancy_father>>
<<set _child.family.father = _mother.pregnancy_father>>
<<if _child.family.father === 'unnkown' && typeof _mother.pregnancy_event !== 'undefined'>>
<<set child.family.father = '(' + _mother..pregnancy_event + ')'>>
<<set _father = setup.getNpcById(_child.family.father)>>
<<if _father>>
<<set _father.family ??= {kids: []}>>
<<set _father.family.kids ??= []>>
<<run _father.family.kids.push(_child.id)>>
<<if typeof _mother.family === 'undefined'>>
<<set _mother.family = {
kids: []
<<if typeof _mother.family.kids === 'undefined'>>
<<set _mother.family.kids = []>>
<<run _mother.family.kids.push(_child.id)>>
<<run delete _mother.pregnancy>>
<<set $newChild = _child>>
<</widget>><<widget npcListView>>
<<set _npc = _args[0]>>
<<set _npcId = _args[1]>>
<<set _npcType = _args[2]>>
<<set _props = _args[3] ?? {}>>
<<if (_props.beauty ?? true)>>
<div class="item-beauty">
💄 <<=_npc.beauty>>
<div class="item-age">
📅 <<=setup.getAge(_npc)>>
<div class="item-happy">
<<happyIcon _npc>>
<<if (_props.orientation ?? true)>>
<div class="item-orientation">
<div class="item-strength">
💪 <<=_npc.strength>>
<<if (_props.relationship ?? true)>>
<div class="item-relationship">
👬 <<=_npc.relationship>>
<div class="item-submission">
<span>ܭ</span> <span><<= _npc.sub>></span>
<<if (_props.assignedTo ?? true)>>
<div class="item-assignedTo">
<<if _npc.assignedTo>>
<<elseif typeof $player.companions[_npcType + ':' + _npcId] !== 'undefined'>>
<</widget>>/* widgets calling widgets overwrites $args-variable,$args[0]...?
use _args[] instead that works as intended? */
<<widget moveSlaveToGuest>>
<<set _args[0].happy += 50>>
<<set _args[0].relationship += 20>>
<<if typeof $guests === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests = []>>
<<set _companionKey = 'slave:' + _args[1]>>
<<if ($player.companions ?? {})[_companionKey]>>
<<companionRemoveItem _companionKey>>
<<companionAdd 'guest' $guests.length>>
<<assignedTo _args[0] 'companion'>>
<<companionRearange _companionKey>>
<<run $slaves.splice(_args[1], 1)>>
<<run $guests.push(_args[0])>>
<<widget moveGuestToSlave>>
<<set _companionKey = 'guest:' + _args[1]>>
<<if ($player.companions ?? {})[_companionKey]>>
<<companionRemoveItem _companionKey>>
<<companionAdd 'slave' $slaves.length>>
<<assignedTo _args[0] 'companion_slave'>>
/* slaves can only have some jobs */
<<if !['none', 'garden', 'streets'].includes(_args[0].assignedTo ?? 'none')>>
<<assignedTo _args[0] 'none'>>
<<companionRearange _companionKey>>
<<run $guests.splice(_args[1], 1)>>
<<run $slaves.push(_args[0])>>
<</widget>><<set _names =[
]>><<set _names = [
]>><<widget newgirl>>
<<include 'Girl names'>>
<<set _gender = 0>>
<<include 'newnpc'>>
_npc.breasts = either('small', 'medium', 'big'),
_npc.virgin = false,
_npc.orgasms = 0,
_npc.clothes = setup.getRandomNpcClothes(_npc)
<<if (setup.getAge(_npc) <= 20 && setup.percentageChance(50))>>
<<set _npc = setup.setToVirgin(_npc)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _npcTraits = 1>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _npcTraits = 2>>
<<set _npc.traits = setup.getRandomTraits(_npcTraits)>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<</widget>><<widget newguy>>
<<include 'Guy names'>>
<<set _gender = 1>>
<<include 'newnpc'>>
_npc.dick = either('small', 'medium', 'big'),
_npc.strength = random(20, 40),
_npc.sub = random(5, 13)
<<if (setup.getAge(_npc) <= 20 && setup.percentageChance(50))>>
<<set _npc = setup.setToVirgin(_npc)>>
<<if (_npc.likesGuys || _npc.likesTGirls) && setup.percentageChance(25)>>
<<set _npc.traits = [either('analslut', 'cumslut', 'deepthroat')]>>
<<set _npc.hair = _npc.naturalHair>>
<<set $tmpGuy = _npc>>
<</widget>><<set _age = setup.ageRoll()>>
<<set _race = setup.raceRoll()>>
<<set _naturalHair = setup.hairRoll(_race, _age, _gender)>>
<<set _eyes = setup.eyesRoll(_race, _naturalHair)>>
<<set _orientation = setup.orientationRoll(_gender)>>
<<set _hair = setup.dyeRoll(_naturalHair)>>
<<set _npc = {
gender: _gender,
name: either(_names),
beauty: random(20, 70),
birthDate: setup.getBirthDate(_age),
relationship: 0,
corruption: random(0, 50),
strength: random(5, 15),
sub: random(0, 30),
happy: random(40, 60),
naturalHair: _naturalHair,
hair: _hair,
eyes: _eyes,
race: _race,
location: null,
talked: false,
food: random(10, 90),
assignedTo: null,
horny: random(0, 30),
traits: [],
skills: [],
likes: [],
dislikes: [],
personality: setup.personalityTraits(either(1, 2, 2)),
endurance: 0,
quests: {}
<<set _npc.id = setup.generateUniqueKey(_npc)>>
<<if setup.getAge(_npc) < 18>>
<<run _npc.birthDate.setFullYear(_npc.birthDate.getFullYear() - 1)>>
<<if setup.getAge(_npc) < 18>>
<<run _npc.birthDate.setFullYear(_npc.birthDate.getFullYear() - 1)>>
<<if setup.getAge(_npc) <= 30>>
<<set _npc.beauty = Math.min(_npc.beauty + 10, 100)>>
<<if setup.getAge(_npc) >= 50>>
<<set _npc.beauty = Math.max(_npc.beauty - 10, 0)>>
<<set _npc = setup.setSexuality(_npc, _orientation)>>
<<set _npc.likes = setup.getRandomGifts(either(1, 2))>>
<<set _npc.dislikes = setup.getRandomGifts(either(1, 2), _npc.likes)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _npc.skills = setup.getRandomSkills()>>
<</if>><<widget newtransgirl>>
<<include 'Girl names'>>
<<set _gender = 2>>
<<include 'newnpc'>>
_npc.dick = either('small', 'medium', 'big'),
_npc.breasts = either('small', 'medium', 'big'),
_npc.clothes = setup.getRandomNpcClothes(_npc)
<<if (setup.getAge(_npc) <= 20 && setup.percentageChance(50))>>
<<set _npc = setup.setToVirgin(_npc)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _npcTraits = 1>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _npcTraits = 2>>
<<set _npc.traits = setup.getRandomTraits(_npcTraits, ['breeder', 'squirter'])>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<</widget>><<widget newtransguy>>
<<include 'Guy names'>>
<<set _gender = 3>>
<<include 'newnpc'>>
_npc.virgin = false,
_npc.orgasms = 0
<<if (setup.getAge(_npc) <= 20 && setup.percentageChance(50))>>
<<set _npc = setup.setToVirgin(_npc)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _npcTraits = 1>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(30)>>
<<set _npcTraits = 2>>
<<set _npc.traits = setup.getRandomTraits(_npcTraits)>>
<<set $tmpGuy = _npc>>
<</widget>><<widget sayNpc container>>
<div class="say npcsay">
<div class="npc-say-visual" @data-id="$args[0].id">
<div class="girl_info_picture">
<<set _girlVisual = $args[0]>>
<<if _girlVisual.portrait>>
<div class="say_custom_portrait">
<<include 'NPC visual'>>
<<include 'NPC visual'>>
<div class="npc-say-container">
<div class="npc-say-name">
<<if $args[0].visual !== 'trooper'>>
<div class="npc-say-text">
<</widget>><<if setup.cabinInventory.has('fuel') && $player.car.fuel < 100>>
<<set $player.car.fuel = Math.min($player.car.fuel + 20, 100)>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('fuel', 1)>>
<<if $player.car.health < 100>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('car_part')>>
<<set $player.car.health = Math.min($player.car.health + 20, 100)>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('car_part', 1)>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(50) && $player.car.health < 20>>
<<set $player.car.health++>>
<</if>><<widget sleepHospital>>
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'hospital')>>
<<set _doctor = $guests[_girlGuest[0]]>>
<<for _pregnancyHappening range $pregnancysHappeningHospital>>
<<if _pregnancyHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set _mother = $slaves[_pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<elseif _pregnancyHappening.type === 'character'>>
<<set _mother = $characters[_pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<set _mother = $guests[_pregnancyHappening.id]>>
/* without hospital max chance of success = 95% so hospital should also reach that, see childbirth.tw */
<<set _chanceOfFail = 10>>
<<if (_mother.traits ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set _chanceOfFail -= 5>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chanceOfFail)>>
<<run delete _mother.pregnancy>>
<<set _mother.happy -= 80>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add(setup.displayName(_mother) + ' went into labor. Unfortunately they were not successful and baby died.')>>
<<set _childsCount = 1>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _childsCount++>>
<<set _childNames = []>>
<<for _childI = 0; _childI < _childsCount; _childI++>>
<<set _childGender = randomInteger(0,1)>>
<<newchild _childGender _mother>>
<<set _child = $newChild>>
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<<run $nursery.push(_child)>>
<<elseif ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<<run $guests.push(_child)>>
<<run $slaves.push(_child)>>
<<run _childNames.push(setup.displayName(_child))>>
<<set _textDesc = _childNames.length > 1 ? '<strong>twins</strong>. ' : ''>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.add(setup.displayName(_mother) + ' went into labor. She went to the hospital and gave birth to ' + _textDesc + _childNames.join(', ') + '.', 'hospital')>>
<<unset $pregnancyHappening, $pregnancysHappeningHospital>>
<</widget>>/* check for pickaxe */
<<if typeof _npc.stats['quarry'] === 'undefined'>>
<<set _npc.stats['quarry'] = 0>>
<<set _npc.stats['quarry']++>>
<<set _randomItem = either('coal', 'stone')>>
<<set _itemCount = 1>>
<<if _npc.strength >= 50 && setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _itemCount++>>
<<set _totals[_randomItem] ??= 0>>
<<set _totals[_randomItem] += _itemCount>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<pickup $storage _randomItem _itemCount>>
<<pickup $backpack _randomItem _itemCount>>
<<run setup.sleepMessages.addJob(_npc.name + ' managed to collect <strong>' + _itemCount + '</strong> ' + _randomItem + ' in the quarry', 'quarry')>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'happy' -10>><<run setup.relationshipBetween.run()>>
<<set _matchesBetween = setup.relationshipBetween.getMatches(true)>>
<<if _matchesBetween.length && setup.percentageChance(100)>>
<<set $tmpEventWedding = {
id1: _matchesBetween[0][0],
id2: _matchesBetween[0][1],